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[singles Match]



Big Cat Brandon vs. "THE KING OF THE STREETS" Kurt Laramee

[singles Match]


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[Handicap Match]


Jack Bruce vs. Valiant

[singles Match]

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[singles Match]

Question: What will happen when high intensity meets gritty brutality?



Big Cat Brandon vs. "THE KING OF THE STREETS" Kurt Laramee

[singles Match]

Question: Who will prevail as an age-old DaVE feud resurfaces on Supreme TV?



The Amazing Bumfholes vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[Handicap Match]

Question: Returning from injury, can the Amazing Bumfholes gain a sense of revenge upon the “Alpha Dog” who originally hurt them?



Jack Bruce vs. Valiant

[singles Match]

Question: In an obvious culture-clash, which fan-favorite will YOU place your support behind; the crass degenerate or the honorable warrior?

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[singles Match]

Question: What will happen when high intensity meets gritty brutality?



Big Cat Brandon vs. "THE KING OF THE STREETS" Kurt Laramee

[singles Match]

Question: Who will prevail as an age-old DaVE feud resurfaces on Supreme TV?



The Amazing Bumfholes vs. "THE ALPHA DOG" Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[Handicap Match]

Question: Returning from injury, can the Amazing Bumfholes gain a sense of revenge upon the “Alpha Dog” who originally hurt them?



Jack Bruce vs. Valiant

[singles Match]

Question: In an obvious culture-clash, which fan-favorite will YOU place your support behind; the crass degenerate or the honorable warrior?

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Tuesday, 4th Week of February 2013

Plum Park || Tri-State








Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen

Peter Michaels:
[Pyro is heard going off in the background]
That’s right, folks. The GREATEST, most IN-YOUR-FACE, wrestling action only comes from one show and you’re watching it! I’m Peter Michaels and alongside me are my partners in crime, Duane Fry & Jerry Eisen.
Boy, do we have a show for you!

Duane Fry:
That's right, Peter. We're in our second week under the ownership of Rich Money and he's vowed to make an impact here tonight. What will it be? No one really knows right now. That said, it's expected that, whatever plans he has, it'll be at the expense of the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley!

Jerry Eisen:
Also, Will Christian Faith make his return and FINALLY shut my Brother up? Will the "Iron Man" prove to us all, without a doubt, that HE is the TRUE "Mr. SWF" and not Eric? God, I hope so...

Peter Michaels:
That's all very pressing but we cannot forget the intense main event we've got set here tonight! For the first time in Supreme TV main event history, we'll have Jack Bruce against Valiant; one-on-one! I don't know about you two but this is a 'dream match' if there ever was oen and it's happening LIVE on TV!

Duane Fry:
I've received word that the World Heavyweight Champion has entered the building... Can we go backstage to pick up that feed?





Steve Frehley©, ???? and ????

“Where is he going?"


[supreme TV opens with the sight of the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley, stomping his way through the loading dock area of Plum Park’s entertainment complex. Instantly, the fans are heard in response to his arrival; cheering wildly for the equally wild champion.]


[As the loose-cannon fighter shuffles his way into the complex, his championship belt resting comfortably over his right shoulder, the ominous sight of an apparent power-outage backstage takes place. The lights dim and return to optimal brightness a number of times before a nearby light explodes with extreme pressure; shooting sparks every which way.]


Duane Fry:
You know what this means…


Jerry Eisen:
Vengeance is on his way…


Peter Michaels:
With the light exploding, the power of his presence seems REALLY close… He could be there already…


[Weirdly enough, while such a scenario would leave many unsettled, Frehley looks nothing of the sort. He’s still smirking in a devilish fashion as he slowly comes to a halt.]


[The reasoning for his halt? As the camera man pans around to a new perspective, we see that the World Heavyweight Champion stands before “The Demon” Vengeance. As expected, the crowd boos like crazy as they see Vengeance for the first time tonight.]



Frehley stands before "The Demon"


Jerry Eisen:
We’ve got a firestorm on our hands, folks. You KNOW Frehley isn’t going to back down; even with Vengeance in front of him!


[Frehley stops, smirking the entire time, as he looks like he’s about to speak when he abruptly throws a vicious right haymaker across the steel jaw of Vengeance. As expected, the strike doesn’t even force “The Demon” to adjust in the slightest.]


[Despite this, Frehley continues to throw everything he has as Vengeance. At one point, he even attempts to strike “The Demon” with his own championship belt. Sadly, none of his advances would prove to be all that successful. For, as Frehley swings with the World Heavyweight Championship, Vengeance is shown reaching out and grabbing the loose-cannon by the throat with one hand.]


[Clasping his throat with the other hand as well, Vengeance lifts Frehley off is feet. It’s obvious to see that he’s losing oxygen to his brain. That said, while he looks uncomfortable, the smirk upon Steve’s face never drops.]


[Frehley, himself, WOULD be dropped however…]


[With a vicious throw, Vengeance flings the World Heavyweight Champion straight through a nearby wall; crashing pieces of said wall around Frehley in the process.]


Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:
He just THROUGH Steve Frehley… Through a WALL!


Peter Michaels:
The sheer POWER that would take… Wow…


[There’s an uncomfortable silence that follows as a number of medical professionals speed onto the scene; hoping that Frehley is okay. That said, none of them get an opportunity to check the champ as, once they arrive, Vengeance is shown annihilating every one of them with an array of single, yet extremely powerful, strikes.]


[Vengeance slowly walks over to the whole in the wall, reaching in and pulling a lifeless Steve Frehley from the wreckage. Dragging Frehley behind him with one hand grasping his arm, “The Demon” ultimately throws the “Dark Destroyer” Into the trunk of a nearby black Mercedes.]


Jerry Eisen:
Why did Vengeance just throw Frehley in the trunk of that Mercedes?


Duane Fry:
I can’t imagine Vengeance is going to get behind the wheel of a car…


[After slamming the trunk shut, Vengeance ultimately stands in silence behind the car; snarling like the ominous “Demon” that he is.]


[As the car engine starts, the camera man quickly pans around to the side of the car in which to see who’s doing so. The person in the driver’s seat is none other than SWF Owner, Rich Money.]



What is he doing behind the wheel?


Peter Michaels:
Well, I’ll be damned…


Duane Fry:
It was a TRAP all along!


Jerry Eisen:
What is Rich Money planning to DO with Frehley in the trunk?


[With a devious grin upon his face, the newfound Supreme Owner speeds off into the night with Steve Frehley passed out in the trunk. Meanwhile, to close the segment, the lights in the loading dock area go completely black for a number of seconds following Money’s departure. When they come back up, Vengeance has too disappeared.]



Duane Fry:
Where is Rich Money taking Frehley? What the HELL is going on here?

Jerry Eisen:
Don’t do anything stupid, Rich. Believe me, I HATE the fact that you’ve manipulated your way into being the SWF Owner but this? Don’t do something STUPID and tarnish the company that much further!

Peter Michaels:
There’s a good chance we may never see Steve Frehley again, folks. Who KNOWS where Money is taking him or what he plans to do once he gets there. The World Heavyweight Champion could ALREADY be in serious pain after being THROWN through a wall by “The Demon”!

Duane Fry:
This HAS to be one of the craziest ways Supreme TV has EVER opened…

Peter Michaels:
I think you’re right about that one…




Captain Atomic vs.

"Evil makes the difference…"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Rogue


  • Rogue initially shows signs of having trouble with Captain Atomic’s high-intensity. This places him on his heels early on.

  • Eventually, Atomic’s own intensity negatively affects him; missing a corner shoulder-drive that sends him straight into the metal pole behind. This scenario gives Rogue the room to attack ferociously.

  • As we’ve seen before, Rogue viciously attacks EVERY inch of his opponent; stomping fingers, wrenching faces, and injuring any & all appendages.

  • Even depleted though, showing signs of potential injury in every direction, Captain Atomic is shown to gain his trademark super-human 2nd wind; flexing, shaking, and roaring through it all.

  • In the end, it looks like Captain Atomic’s 2nd wind will take him right into victory; steamrolling Rogue at this point.


    A message from "The Demon"



  • That is until the lights begin to flicker. From there, a collection of lightning bolts from on high form before seemingly shooting straight toward the Money-Tron. For a second, the video feed drops into ‘snow’. From there, a short video is shown depicting Demonic imagery. When it comes to a close, the final wording on the Money-Tron reads “Be careful what you wish for…” written slowly in bloody cursive.

  • As expected, Atomic has turned his attention toward the video as he grabs a nearby rope and practically shakes it out of it’s corner. In doing so though, he opens up an attack from Rogue.

  • Before you know it, Rogue has attacked Atomic from behind as the lights slowly come back up. Seconds later, he’s forced directly into his signature “Crashing On”. As expected, the impact forces the ever-intense Captain Atomic to lay limp. There’s no kicking out from there.


<hr color="black">
Rogue via pinfall

“Crashing On” (Flatliner) following distraction from Vengeance




Duane Fry:
It seems as though Vengeance is haunting Captain Atomic at every turn…

Jerry Eisen:
Every week, “The Demon” grows closer-and-closer… It’s only a matter of time before he strikes! When he does, I wonder if Captain Atomic will be able to survive his wrath? We’ve seen a number of Supreme Superstars come up drastically short when matched with someone… or something… like Vengeance.

Peter Michaels:
If Faith couldn’t topple “The Demon”… I don’t think Captain Atomic, as great as he is, has what it’s take to put him away…

Duane Fry:
I guess we’ll see. It’s only a matter of time before they come face-to-face…

Jerry Eisen:
Maybe Captain Atomic SHOULD be careful what he wishes for… As you said Peter, Faith wanted “The Demon” and we see where that got him! He hasn’t been on Supreme TV SINCE “Nothing to Lose”!




Captain Atomic & Rogue

“Insult to injury"


[The match comes to a close as Rogue looks to leave the ring & suddenly stops halfway through the ropes. Turning back slowly, he displays a gritty snarl as he stares upon Captain Atomic slowly pushing himself off the canvas in a depleted push-up manner. Re-entering the ring, Rogue quickly speeds toward the fallen Atomic in which to land a stiff-stomp to the side of his former opponent’s head. With one strike, Captain Atomic collapses to the canvas. Then, slowly, Rogue steps away from his victim with the very same gritty snarl upon his face. Meanwhile, Captain Atomic lays motionless, face-down, on the canvas.]



Duane Fry:
How despicable… Rogue is a malicious, cold-hearted, bastard if there ever was one!

Jerry Eisen:
We’ve seen some roughnecks in our days, that’s for sure, but Rogue ranks up there with the roughest of ‘em all.

Peter Michaels:
I have a feeling Captain Atomic won’t let this stand as is… The “Radioactive Wrecking Machine” will come for Rogue no doubt. When he does, there’s going to be one HELL of a fight there…

Duane Fry:
Well, tonight, whether it was Vengeance’s message or not that brought him the loss, it was Rogue that put down Atomic. As much as I can’t stand the guy, he’s on top right now.

Jerry Eisen:
“Be Careful what you wish for”… Looks like Vengeance wants Atomic to stay away?

Peter Michaels:
I highly doubt it. It’s all mind-games; something “The Demon” is a master at. Before you know it, Captain Atomic will be searching high-and-low for Vengeance.

Duane Fry:
It may have to wait until Atomic has his revenge on Rogue though…

Peter Michaels:
Possibly… “The Demon” doesn’t wait for anyone though…





The Truth (John Greed & Squeeky McClean) and The All-Americans©

“The Truth is... You won't make history..."


[The combination of John Greed and Squeeky McClean (“The Truth”) are shown slowly stepping through the “Supreme Gate” as the crowd boos in response. Collectively, the two share the very same smug grin upon their face; confident in their message. None the less, the two continue to jaw-jack with nearby fans as they walk toward, and enter, the squared circle.]


[John Greed]:
The truth will set you free…
[The crowd boos]
You can’t outrun it; it’s ALWAYS there.
… and the truth of the matter is… The All-Americans are a STAIN on the SWF.
[Crowd boos; Greed pauses]
Next week marks the YEAR anniversary of their Tag Team Championship win. What that means is, for almost a FULL year, these two talentless, brain-dead, ignorant punks have FOOLED their way into your homes.
You shower them with love and respect, thinking that they’re the best in the world… that they’re respectable ‘Americans’… and that couldn’t be FARTHER from the truth.
The All-Americans are NOT the best in the world… Why? Because they’ve NEVER faced US!
WE… Are the best in the world… WE are the greatest tag team you’ve EVER seen… and, tonight, we’re going to prove exactly that!
[Crowd boos]
All-Americans… We’re going to see to it that WE take those belts from you RIGHT before your little anniversary.
And when we do, there’ll be NO denying… THE TRUTH…


[John pauses for a second; however, before he can speak once again, the triumphant sound of the All-Americans© theme music is heard blaring. Within seconds, the towering Tag Team Champions are shown slowly shuffling through the “Supreme Gate” with their belts proudly displayed upon their shoulders.]


Duane Fry:
The All-Americans are here and ready for a fight!


Jerry Eisen:
They ALWAYS are! I can’t wait to see this one!


[in a matter of seconds, the SWF Tag Team Champions are shown climbing into the ring. Meanwhile, John Greed & Squeeky McClean still stand with the very same smug grin’s upon their face from earlier. That said, as John goes to speak, arrogantly cutting them down no doubt, no such scenario comes to pass. Why? As he lifts the microphone up, the All-Americans accept the challenge as they always do… Starting a brutish brawl; a fact that has John Greed dropping the microphone following a major punch from Des Davids.]



Duane Fry:
Here we go!!!

Jerry Eisen:
We’ve got ourselves an impromptu Tag Team Championship Match!!

Peter Michaels:
They may beat the livin’ HELL out of one another before the bell can even be rung!!

Duane Fry:
Well, you wanted this, Greed & McClean. Let’s see if you can hold up YOUR end of the Truth!






The All-Americans© vs. The Truth

"Cheaters may not prosper but they sure as hell frustrate…"


Standard Tag Team Match; First Pinfall/Submission

SWF World Tag Team Championships


Darren Smith

B.J. O’Neil w/ American Machine


  • The Truth quickly tries to divert the power-game of the All-Americans by utilizing a carefully crafted sneakiness to their approach. Using continuous rope-holds to change bad outcomes, ducking out of the ring when a charging opponent is speeding toward them and continually slipping behind Darren Smith for disrespectful protection is often seen.

  • This approach proves really well for The Truth. It’s not respectable by any means but it’s showing signs of working. For the first time in a while, the All-Americans appear to be perplexed in how to overcome the underhanded approach. There are actual signs of frustration brewing for the World Tag Team Champions.

  • At one point, Des Davids almost spears Darren Smith as Squeeky McClean quickly dives behind him; exiting the ring in the process. Luckily, this doesn’t come to pass though. That said, Des looks pissed & starts to show signs of severe frustration.

  • At one point, John Greed is shown sneaking into the ring, behind Darren Smith’s back, and helping his partner drop American Machine with a double side-belly-to-back suplex. This only generates a 2 count for Squeeky McClean though.

  • With time, the sneaky nature ultimately unravels as their arrogance pushes them to be less careful with said approach. They begin to show more brashness and this proves to hurt them. One instance is John Greed attempting a power-play of throwing Des Davids into the steel steps with an Irish Whip. The throw is instantly reversed & Greed slams shoulder-first into said steps in the process.

  • With the tides shifting, the All-Americans begin to overtake the control of the match with their trademark power-game.

  • Before you know it, they’ve muscled a depleted John Greed into their signature “All-American Drop”. Meanwhile, as Squeeky McClean tries to break Des Davids pinfall attempt, American Machine is shown KO’ing the shifty veteran with a jarring running back-elbow to the jaw. Iin the end, there’s no Kickout & the Tag Team Champions put another one away.


<hr color="black">
All-Americans via pinfall

“All-American Drop” (Side belly-to-back suplex/neckbreaker combo)


This marks the All-American’s 12th successful title defense of the SWF Tag Team Championships (reign started on the 1st week of March 2012)



Jerry Eisen:
The All-Americans may have won here tonight but, for the first time in a LONG while, they looked like they had some REAL competition out there. I mean, did the Truth put forth a respectful form of competition? Good GOD no. That said, it was effective and sometimes effective is more important in our industry.

Duane Fry:
Something tells me this isn’t the last time we’ll see these two teams in the ring against one another…

Jerry Eisen:
With how loud the Truth is, there’s no doubt that the All-Americans will be called out again-and-again until they have what they want: the Tag Team Championships.

Peter Michaels:
John Greed? Stay quiet? There’ no way. He alone could be the thorn in their side for years to come… Then you throw Squeeky in there as well. We ALL know he’s not one to stop jaw-jackin’ either.





Jack Bruce & Valiant w/ Hannah

“You WILL respect me"


[We transition backstage in which to see the rebellious rocker himself, Jack Bruce, autographing a number of memorabilia brought forth by a smattering of adoring fans. The greater number being female fans; or “Jackies”. With a gritty smirk upon his face, the scruffy rocker looks to be eating this very scenario up; knowing that he’s a GOD amongst many.]


[Just as he gets to the final person in the line of fans, he stops, slowly pushes his aviator sunglasses to the end of his nose, and displays his trademark smirk.]


[Jack Bruce]:
You’re far too beautiful to be here alone, baby…


[The girl blushes slightly. She’s scantily-clad, and well-endowed up-top, as it seems like she was looking to gain Bruce’s attention.]


[Jack Bruce]:
It’s cold out in the city…
I can change that… keep you warm…


[The girl practically falls over herself as she nods; smirking while playing with the buttons on his shirt. Bruce leans in, kisses her on the cheek slowly, and relays one last message with the very same smirk upon his face.]


[Jack Bruce]:
Run along now… Find me after the show…


[she begins to walk away as Jack slaps his hand across her butt. She laughs playfully and sensually walks off-screen.]


[The camera man now gains a tight shot of Jack Bruce’s upper-body; however, it’s the lazy smirk upon his face that tells the whole story.]


[Jack Bruce]:
It’s good to be Jack Bruce…


[He smirks, lazily leaning his back up against the cement wall behind him, as he appears to be in ‘heaven’. Meanwhile, the crowd is cheering rather loudly as they watch this on the Money-Tron.]


[seconds later though, his ‘moment in euphoria’ is challenged…]


[Jack Bruce]:
What do YOU want, Val?


[Valiant walks onto the scene with Hannah walking sheepishly close behind. It’s not that she’s controlled, or being oppressed by the honorable Valiant, but rather a sign that she’s severely shy. Meanwhile, Valiant proudly walks ahead; within a few feet from the lazily relaxed Bruce.]


Your respect…


[bruce laughs to himself; closing his eyes in the process.]


[Jack Bruce]:
I don’t dish that out very much, Val. You know that.


[bruce appears to be in his own world still; smirking as he lazily leans against the wall.]


I’m not here to force you into it, Jack. I’m just here to tell you that, by the end of tonight, you’re going to respect me.
I’ve put in my work, I’ve paid my dues and I’m not turning back. Tonight, I’m going to come down to that ring & push you to the brink. Never give up… Never let down.
This may be another main event to you but this IS… THE… Main event to me.
I plan on making it a night to remember…


[bruce slowly steps away from the wall, runs his right hand across his scruffy jaw-line, all the while still smirking. Then, turning his head to the side, he lazily lays eyes on Valiant from over the top of his sunglasses. His demeanor just tells of someone living in his OWN world.]


[Jack Bruce]:
Bring what you’ve got, Val…
It won’t be enough. I can tell you that right now. There have been many before, many after you no doubt, that THINK they’ve got what it takes to hang with me in the ring.
They all don’t…
Even as GOOD as they say you are, you don’t…


[A stare-down takes place as neither man really budges.]


We’ll see about that…


[Jack Bruce]:
Yea… We WILL see bout that…


[Jack, smirking the whole way, walks right past Valiant; however, not before winking at Hannah; a fact that only drives her to be MORE shy. Meanwhile, Valiant turns to watch him walk past; focusing his gaze directly on the back of Bruce’s hair-swaying head.]



Duane Fry:
There couldn’t be two more POLAR opposites in Valiant & Jack Bruce. I wonder how that’s going to show itself in the ring tonight…

Peter Michaels:
I’m the one who originally scouted Valiant. He’s got ALL the tools for success. He’s got the drive, the determination and the focus all wrapped into that physique of his. He’s GOING far; there’s no doubt about that. I’m positive he’ll push Bruce hard tonight… Maybe that will give him the respect he’s searching for…

Jerry Eisen:
I don’t know if he’ll get that from Bruce. At least not this early. Even if he wins tonight, Jack is one to spin things in his direction typically. He’s on top; who can blame him? He’s been there, done that, and will CONTINUE to do that… He wants to see something GREAT out of you before he accepts it. He’s earned that.

Duane Fry:
But he had to start somewhere… Tonight, that could be Valiant’s starting point!

Jerry Eisen:
I hope so! We’ll see!




Big Cat Brandon vs.
Kurt Laramee

"Danger and Violence Supreme"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • The action explodes right away as Kurt Laramee attacks Big Cat from behind as he stomps through the “Supreme Gate”. That said, it doesn’t remain a one-sided attack for very long as Brandon quickly holds his own. With this in mind, the two brawl down the steel ramp-way toward the ring as Darren Smith calls for the bell.

  • As Darren starts his 10-count, Big Cat is shown throwing Kurt Laramee viciously toward the nearby steel guardrail. In doing so, Laramee topples over said guardrail and almost takes out the first row in the process.

  • Moments later, just shortly before Darren is a little past halfway of his count, Big Cat is shown attempting a piledriver upon Laramee outside of the ring. That said, the “King of the Streets” is able to break it with a back-body drop; a fact that drives Brandon square upon his back.

  • With time, the action pours into the ring; however, there’s this feeling that it could unravel at any point.

  • In the ring, the action takes on more of a ‘controlled Supreme Way’ (versus the recklessness of the ‘DaVE Way’). Big Cat continues to utilize his power-game; a fact that proves to be quite beneficial for him.

  • Matching his power though, Laramee brings a brand of harsh toughness that challenges Brandon to overcome.

  • At one point, Laramee looks to be close to victory following a stiff DDT out of the corner. That said, Big Cat is able to kick out at 2 ½ and what a kick-out it was; practically throwing Laramee in the air with primal aggression.

  • Just as it opened, the end of the match comes about in the same explosive manner as Big Cat Brandon overpowers his opponent, off-the-ropes, in hitting his newfound signature “The Pounce” shortly thereafter. Kurt looks to be somewhat coherent as his limbs move about while lying on his back; however, it’s not enough for him to really break the 3-count.


<hr color="black">
Big Cat Brandon via pinfall

“The Pounce” (Spinning Sidewalk Slam)




Peter Michaels:
The Big Cat is one hell of a specimen, isn’t he? Almost a polar opposite to his “Big Money” days…

Duane Fry:
“Big Money” was about exactly that. It made him lazy though as, as long as he’s getting paid, he’s happy. The Big Cat appears to be that internal anger that Brandon has ALWAYS had but oppressed when he came to the SWF. It was there, brewing underneath, dormant if you will, and it just took a little poking to bring it back out to the forefront.

Jerry Eisen:
One of those guys who did the poking just ended up KO’ed in the ring tonight. Laramee thought James had gone ‘soft’, for the sake of censorship, and pretty much told him exactly that. I guess you should ask Kurt if Brandon is STILL soft after what we saw in the ring!

Duane Fry:
One thing that defined Brandon in DaVE though was his unpredictability. You couldn’t cage him down; he would, and could, lash out at any moment… toward anyone. You have to wonder, will that translate well to the SWF? It worked in DaVE but this isn’t some back alley pool-hall in the Tri-State area… This is the BIG time…

Peter Michaels:
The bright lights may drive the animal to react more than ever...




Big Cat Brandon & Ms. Chase

“How dare you..."


[As Big Cat Brandon pulls his hand away from the referee, huffing-and-puffing like a rabid animal, the crowd is heard showering the resurgent extremist with a strong pop. That said, only seconds later, this would turn on a dime as Ms. Chase is shown walking through the “Supreme Gate”.]


[Atop the steel stage, looking down upon the squared circle, Ms. Chase’s presence forces Brandon’s music to come to a close. Meanwhile, the Big Cat stands looking toward Ms. Chase, still in the ring, as he clenches the ring ropes in a strong fashion.]


[Ms. Chase]:
After ALL I’ve done for you…
THIS is how you repay me?
I pulled you from the slums, cleaned you off, gave you ALL the money & fame you were looking for and yet… You turn your back on ME?
[Pauses; shakes her head slowly in a stern fashion]
Don’t you remember where you were 6 years ago? You were that ‘hardcore guy’ that no one wanted to take a chance on. They called you toxic… uncontrollable… a walking… talking… problem.
If it wasn’t for me, you’d be wrestling in Japan right now; making next to nothing as you broke your back for just the same.
Whatever this is, a mental breakdown, a so called-resurgence, I want nothing to do with it… I want nothing to do… with you…
You ARE toxic… you’re the kind of client that would get us both fired before the end of the year.
I can’t have that… and I won’t.
I wish you luck… because you’re going to need it…
The SWF is a scary place when you walk it alone, Brandon…
Especially when you have a pack of wolves on your heels…


[With that, Ms. Chase slowly steps back through the “Supreme Gate” without much fanfare. Her dress, her mannerisms, her everything, project someone so business oriented that she’s practically lifeless; devoid of emotion. Meanwhile, as he watches her walk away, Big Cat is shown huffing-and-puffing in the ring once again; snarling in a manner that could also be perceived as a vile smirk.]



Jerry Eisen:
Did Ms. Chase just threaten the Big Cat?

Duane Fry:
“Especially when you have a pack of wolves on your heels…”, how could you take that any other way? Jack Bruce may be her #1 target but Big Cat Brandon has quickly become #2.

Peter Michaels:
With the likes of Remo, Rogue, and Paul Huntingdon still under contract with the “Chase Agency”, these two have quite a difficult road before them. Bruce HAS shown the ability to stave them off thus far but I don’t think Ms. Chase has an ‘end-point’ in the plans. Her end-point, really, will be when Bruce CAN’T fight any longer & is seriously injured. Now, you can add the Big Cat to that very same list no doubt…

Jerry Eisen:
The Big Cat & Bruce makes for one ICONIC alliance though…

Duane Fry:
We certainly have a war on the horizon; that’s obvious.




Eric Eisen© & Angry Gilmore

“Touch me & the deal is off..."


[Plum Park is filled with a heavy chorus of boos as the SWF North American Champion, Eric Eisen, slowly shuffles through the “Supreme Gate”. With a level of sheer confidence radiating from his every pour, the egotistical champion looks to deflect every negative response thrown his way. More or less, he seems to live in a constant state of defiance; never allowing much of anything to rattle him.]


[Too bad his physical body is unable to coincide with his deflecting nature. His right arm, most likely injured at the hand of Angry Gilmore’s arm-bar last week, is firmly stuck within a cast.]


[Once in the ring, Eisen holds the microphone in his free hand (left) as the North American Championship, around his waist, gleams in the bright lights above.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
Another week… Another Supreme TV… Another day that Christian Faith is NOWHERE to be seen.
[Pauses; crowd boos]
If you didn’t believe it already, now’s the time to jump on the bandwagon before it’s too late. The NEWEST, and TRUEST, “Mr. SWF” is the man standing right before you… the man who NEVER takes a day off… the man who CANNOT be stopped… YOUR SWF North American Champion… Eric Eisen.
[The crowd boos; Eisen smirks as he pauses]
I know it sucks… I know you’re all wallowing in your own depression… Crying day-and-night because your ‘beloved’ Christian Faith is no longer the super-hero you once thought he was.
[Pauses; smirks as the crowd boos]
He’s not even a HERO anymore… and that HAS to sting…
A HERO would have walked into “When Hell Freezes Over” or “Nothing to Lose” and done EXACTLY what he said he was going to do… BEAT… Vengeance. But did he? No…
He’s a failure… and YOU’RE a failure for believing in him!
[The crowd boos]
I’m the NEW… “Mr. SWF” and there’s no one that even comes close.
Not you… or you…
[Pointing to the fans]
and no man in the back has what…


[Halfway through Eisen’s one-sided rant, he’s ultimately interrupted by the jarring sound of Angry Gilmore’s screamo theme music.]


Jerry EIsen:
The Angry One is on his way!!


Peter Michaels:
Eisen has his hands full here…


[Aggressively stomping through the “Supreme Gate”, Gilmore wastes no time in equally stomping toward the ring. His eyes are focused on Eisen, his mannerisms telling of a man possessed with rage, as it’s almost as though he doesn’t even realize that the fans are there. In his mind, while they cheer him on, he’s more fixated on his own rage than anything or anyone else.]


[Once in the ring, Gilmore grabs a microphone and instantly steps to Eisen in a threatening manner. Despite this though, Eisen doesn’t budge.]


[Angry stomps directly in front of Eric, slamming his nose right up against Eisen as he’s barely able to raise the microphone up to his mouth; holding it to the side.]


[Angry Gilmore]:


[Neither budges. Nose-to-nose.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
I won’t respond while being threatened, Gilmore… Step back if you want your answer…


[At first, Angry doesn’t budge. That said, he aggressively stomps backward in which to give Eisen some room. In doing so, Eric adjusts his black SWF-created T-shirt; appearing annoyed.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
That’s more like it…


[Angry Gilmore]:


[Eric Eisen©]:
Did I get Khoklov for you? Let me see. Did I take my precious time to contact his handlers in Russia? Precious time that I’ll NEVER get back… Let me see…


[Gilmore steps aggressively toward him again. In doing so, Eisen puts his hand up to stop him.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
If you come any closer, I’ll call it ALL off…


[Gilmore stops in his tracks; angered. Meanwhile, Eisen continues to smirk. He appears comfortable knowing that he has Gilmore where he wants him.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
Furthermore… If you so as lay a fingernail on me… I’ll call it off… All of it… You’ll NEVER get your hands on Khoklov again! Do you understand me?


[Gilmore waits for a second, angrily staring down Eisen, before finally nodding his head in a forceful fashion.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
Yes, I called Khoklov’s handlers… and yes… He’ll be at “Awesome Impact”. If I’m ANYTHING, it’s a man of his word…
[Eisen smirks knowing damn well that’s not true]
I even spoke with Rich Money and he’s schedule to compete in the battle royal… So, if you want your hands on him, you’ll have to enter the “Awesome Impact” match yourself…


[Angry Gilmore]:


[Crowd pops.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
Who’s to say there will be anything LEFT of you by then?


[Eric laughs.]


[Angry Gilmore]:


[Out of nowhere, Eisen lunges forward and clubs Gilmore in the head with his cast. The strike is so vicious that the thud coming from it’s impact resonates through Plum Park.]


Duane Fry:


Peter Michaels:
Eric just cold-clocked Gilmore with his cast!


[As the crowd boos like crazy, Eisen is shown leaping down atop Gilmore and hitting him a few more times, square in the head, with his cast. As you can expect, Angry is simply unable to defend himself at this point; he’s entirely unconscious from the original blow.]


Jerry Eisen:
That’s ENOUGH, Eric!


Duane Fry:
Gilmore’s bleeding from the forehead but that may not be the worst of all of this. It was only a few weeks ago that he was released from a Manhattan hospital for neurological problems. This may have put him RIGHT back into all of that…


[stepping up from his fallen victim, Eisen lands one last stomp across Gilmore’s chest shortly before getting back on the microphone.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
I didn’t mean what Khoklov would do to you… But what I would do…
[Pauses; smirks]
The rule stands, Gilmore… You lay a finger on me and it’s ALL over with; Khoklov will STAY in Russia and you’ll NEVER have that chance again.
I… OWN… you for the next few weeks… If you stand out of line, you can kiss your little act of revenge goodbye…
I’m an Eisen… I’m MR. SWF… That means… I’m better… than you!!!


[With that, Eric throws his microphone down upon Gilmore’s chest. That said, upon impact, Angry doesn’t even more. He’s still unconscious from the cast clubbing he just received.]


[in the end, the SWF North American Champion is shown posing over the fallen Gilmore with his arms extended out in a ‘I’m great’ kind of fashion. Again, defying the chorus of boos before him, Eisen looks as confident as ever.]



Duane Fry:
That was just down-right sickening. Seriously, how LOW can one man go? Week after week, He does these things. He HAS to be one of the dirtiest competitors we’ve EVER seen in this industry.

Jerry Eisen:
Dirty doesn’t quite explain him entirely. He has NO morals… no code to live by… He’s always been that way. He looks out for himself, at all points, and will do ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING, to get his way. What he did here tonight, it’s the same kind of bull I’ve seen from him ALL of his life. Don’t have a date to a dance? Steal someone else’s. Didn’t pass a class? Use your name to threaten teachers into giving you an A. It’s ridiculous…

Peter Michaels:
The world revolves around Eric… That’s obvious…

Duane Fry:
It’s getting REALLY old…

Jerry Eisen:
That’s an understatement, Duane…




Randy Bumfhole vs.

"You’re on your own…"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Remo


  • While it was booked as a handicap match, Zimmy Bumfhole is shown almost instantly walking away from the ring. He looks a little off as he walks to the ring; however, it’s once they get there that it all boils over. Without alerting Randy, he simply turns around and walks away from the ring; never looking back.


    It's not a handi-cap match; Zimmy walks out on Randy



  • Spinning around to see what his brother is doing, Randy opens himself up to attack. Remo climbs out of the ring and collides with the back-side of his opponent; landing a stiff closeline to the back of his head. As expected, this sends Randy crashing to the unforgiving floor immediately.

  • While Remo is the obvious ‘Alpha’ in this match, those of you who are expecting a basic squash will be greatly shocked. With his back up against the wall, Randy pulls out a shocking onslaught predicated on high-speed, risk-taking, aerial spots in which to formulate the ultimate “X-Factor” in his favor. As said, this shockingly goes over rather well & matches Remo on an equals perspective.

  • Going back-and-forth, these two go ‘All Out’ as they rely on their shared athleticism, and natural gifts, to overcome the other; Remo = Athleticism & Power. Randy = Athleticism & Aerial acrobatics.

  • Just when it seems like Remo could permanently gain control, Randy somehow finds a way to speed his way out of trouble; often landing a high-impact maneuver to send his opponent reeling.

  • The notion of David vs. Goliath is often touched upon by the commentary team in which to set the stage of the action. That said, in this case, it’s ultimately Goliath that turns the tides.

  • Despite putting forth an amazing effort, Randy ultimately falls victim to Remo’s overpowering ways. Catching Randy standing atop the turnbuckle, facing toward the fans in hopes of executing a Moonsault upon his fallen opponent, Remo ultimately pulls him down halfway through the process of his signature “The Destroyer” (Holding him upon his back on Remo’s shoulder).

  • Seconds later, it was all over as the “Alpha Dog” steps out of the corner and throws his opponent down mercilessly with his signature “Destroyer”. There’s no chance of kicking out as Remo’s thick frame rests atop the motionless, much scrawnier, body of Randy Bumfhole.


<hr color="black">
Remo via pinfall

“The Destroyer” (Dominator)


B -


Duane Fry:
I can’t believe Zimmy just walked out on his brother… No reasoning… No nothing…

Jerry Eisen:
It’s pretty uncharacteristic; that’s for sure.

Duane Fry:
Either way, Randy really put up one hell of a fight against Remo. He was preparing for a handi-cap match & somehow pulled out one hell of a singles competition. If we learned anything from tonight it’s that Randy is one hell of an athlete.

Peter Michaels:
Remo bulrushed his way to the win here tonight; an impressive feat. As you said, I never thought I’d see Zimmy walk out on Randy but… their family. Brothers fight; they bicker. Jerry, you should know that. But at the end of the day, they’re still family. I’m sure they’ll talk about it and, eventually, get to the bottom of the issue.

Jerry Eisen:
Sometimes family can burn you enough that you’re not interested in ‘talking it through’ though…

Peter Michaels:
True. This is the first time we’ve seen a tift between the two publically though. I hope we can get to the bottom of it soon…




Rich Money, Steve Frehley© and ????

“Stay Down! You don't belong!"


[The black Mercedes driven by Rich Money speeds onto a deserted, run-down, city street for which signs of life are certainly scarce. Snow pacts each and every corner; however, it’s not the beautiful fluffy stuff. In reality, it’s the grey & black version that often comes after lengthy dirty & pollution overtake it’s natural state.]


[The Mercedes comes to a screeching halt halfway down the street, next to an under-performing lamp post, as the SWF Owner, Rich Money, is shown stepping from behind the wheel without cutting the engine. As his exhaust billows upward, noticeable in the freezing cold temperatures of this urban landscape, Money ultimately pops the trunk open.]


[Pulling Frehley from the trunk of the car, Money ultimately throws him to the cracking pavement below as he turns back and shuts said trunk again.]


[Frehley looks to be a little more conscious by now as he tries to get back up. However, as he does, Money takes note & ultimately floors the SWF World Heavyweight Champion with a vicious right hand. This strike is so harsh that it not only forces Steve back to the ground below but also sends the World Heavyweight Championship flying behind him.]


[standing over him, grabbing at Frehley’s shirt, Money lands a few more right-hands upon his head. Seconds later, he pulls his body closer to speak.]


[Rich Money]:
THIS… is where you belong, Stephen…
[barking this]
You’re a gutter-rat and no championship belt will change that!
Stay down… Don’t come back… Do us ALL a favor and open your ears, Stephen…
[Pauses; pulls him in closer]
You never have and never WILL belong to MY SWF…


[With that, Rich goes to throw another punch; however, Frehley is able to somehow land one of his own before the SWF Owner makes impact. This strike forces Money to roll off of the World Heavyweight Champion as Frehley staggers to his feet. There’s no smirk on his face. No loose-cannon demeanor. There’s just absolute anger.]


[steve lands a heavy kick to Money’s stomach as he recoups momentarily on all fours. Again, this impact forces Money to flip over onto his back; coughing aggressively as it certainly knocked the wind out of him.]


[After another round of stomps from Frehley, the World Heavyweight Champion glances over at the idling car; smirking for the first time in the process.]


[steve climbs into the running car, and looks like HE’s the one who’s going to leave Money behind on the cracking pavement, but as he starts to drive, the car comes to a complete halt. The lights shut-off, the engine dies, and yet the radio grows louder-and-louder as it transitions past a number of stations at insane speeds.]


[The camera man, facing the Mercedes, sees half of a towering body standing before the car; his hand placed strongly upon the vehicle’s hood.]


[Frehley quickly exits the car and instantly moves toward the towering figure; however, as he engages him in a brawl, it’s shown to be none other than Vengeance.]



Pure Evil


[brawling for the 2nd time in one night, Frehley gives everything he has. At one point, one of his punches is so power-packed that the World Heavyweight Champion almost falls over after landing it. Sadly though, the strike does nothing but force “The Demon” to take a slight stagger backward. Seconds later, Frehley is floored by an explosive punch by “The Demon” himself.]


[After a Chokeslam upon the hood of Money’s Mercedes, Vengeance ultimately returns to his victim to add further damage. That said, at that point, Money is shown staggering back toward the action. He pushes Vengeance aside as he looks furiously focused on Steve.]


[With his hair no longer in perfect place and a fresh cut running across the side of his head, Money looks a lot worse than he did earlier. That said, after throwing Steve from the hood of the car back onto the cracking pavement, Money grabs him by the collar of his shirt once again to send a final message.]


[Rich Money]:
Stay down… Stay where you belong and NEVER come back!
[Obviously angry; spit forming from his mouth]
There’s NO room for you in MY SWF… Not now… Not ever!!
Goodbye, Stephen!


[With that, Money lands a hard-right elbow across the face of the champ. It’s impact is so aggressive, greater than we’ve ever seen from Money before, that it puts Frehley out instantly.]


[Money then steps away from the carnage with an aggressive smirk upon his face. He’s breathing rather heavily as well. He looks as though he’s about to exit the scene one again; however, notices something just past the car.]


[slowly walking past the car door, Money grabs the SWF World Heavyweight Championship which still lays on the cracking pavement. Walking back to the car, Money slides back in & revs the engine back up once again. It appears as though Vengeance is no longer stopping the car from working.]


[With that, Money speeds off into the night with Steve Frehley lying motionless in the center of the snow-filled crackling pavement of an equally lifeless urban street. Meanwhile, “The Demon” is nowhere to be seen anywhere; vanished into thin air once again.]



Duane Fry:
I can’t believe what I just saw there… what I just heard from Rich Money…
[in shock]
That was down-right deplorable…

Jerry Eisen:
The message he sent was something that the SWF has NEVER stood for. Steve Frehley has risen above the difficulties of his past to become THE top champion in our company. That is to be celebrated; not ostracized. This is… wow… on so many levels… so very bad…

Peter Michaels:
I don’t know if there’s room for ME in Rich Money’s SWF after that…

Duane Fry:
Same here…

Jerry Eisen:
Yea… I agree…

Duane Fry:
Not only did he just leave him there but he also took the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. He outright STOLE from Frehley when he was barely gripping onto consciousness. That was a mugging if there ever was one… A damn mugging…

Jerry Eisen:
Coming from someone who says he’s all about class… One has to see the obvious hypocrisy here…

Peter Michaels:
‘Congrats Money’, you got what you want. You stole the World Heavyweight Championship and made Steve Frehley look weak in the process. ‘Bravo’… You’re an a$$hole…





"A Valiant effort… but NO Bruce…"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Hannah w/ Valiant


  • The live rock-show that is Jack Bruce riles the crowd up to no end. In contrast, Valiant can seem rather bland and boring in comparison. He’s more of the proud, chest puffed, honorable warrior-type.

  • The two meet in the center of the ring as a show of respect. Valiant doesn’t say a word, strongly staring in the eyes of his opponent, as Jack smirks in an overtly arrogant fashion; smacking his lips as he chews away at his gum.

  • Eventually the two would back-away and lock-up for the first time. In this lock-up, Jack Bruce takes the lead in taking his opponent to the ground with an Irish Whip/Running closeline combo. The crowd loves it.

  • Whenever Jack puts Valiant down, hitting a high-impact move or whatnot, the rebellious rocker is shown flinging his hair around in a pure rock-n-roll fashion while displaying the appropriate hand-gesture for such. Again, the crowd is eating this up.

  • In contrast, the crowd seems supportive of Valiant when he’s successful; however, it doesn’t seem as ‘alive’. In a way, his more strong mannerisms are cheerable but rather, again, bland when paired with the explosive nature that is Jack Bruce.

  • Through it all, Valiant proves himself to be a very strong competitor through-and-through. Bruce, at first, looks to take him rather lightly; arrogantly bouncing around the ring as if he ‘had it in the bag’ (hotshotting if you will). With time though, that begins to fade as the honorable Valiant puts Bruce on his heels considerably.

  • At one point, it all seems to turn rather tense between the two as Valiant shocks Bruce with a basic drop-kick as Bruce descends from the top-rope. The strike, while standard, puts Jack down for a 1 ½ count and ultimately forces him to gain a little aggression to his approach.

  • This aggression pushes Bruce to act even more tweener-like, especially when matched with someone as respectable as Valiant, as he begins to partake in moments that could directly cause harm above-and-beyond the typical match; ie: throwing him, in one swoop, over the top rope & to the floor.

  • It feels as though the match itself takes a while to really heat up but when it does, it certainly does.

  • With Bruce somewhat frustrated, the arrogant rocker pushes Valiant to the brink; however, Valiant equally returns the favor.

  • Toward the end of the match, the two depleted fighters turn back toward a brawling approach as it’s obvious BOTH are looking to KO the other in hopes of coming away with the abrupt win.

  • In the end, despite putting forth one hell of a honorable effort, looking as though he COULD beat Bruce at given points, it’s Jack Bruce who is able to ultimately swoop in and execute his signature “New York Minute” as his opponent staggers out of a turnbuckle corner (recently thrown there sternum-first).

  • After the impact, the crowd pops as Bruce head-bangs with every count from Darren Smith; his hair flying every which way in the process.


<hr color="black">
Jack Bruce via pinfall

“New York Minute” (Diamond Cutter)




Jerry Eisen:
Put another one down for ole’ Jack Bruce!

Duane Fry:
He’s been on one HELL of a roll since the open of 2013. What is that now, 7-0? This is quickly becoming the YEAR of Bruce!

Jerry Eisen:
Isn’t it ALWAYS the year of Bruce?
He’s come to personify success here in the SWF! We’ve called him an ICON for years but I feel as though he’s past that by now. He’s in the same category as Christian Faith; LIVING LEGENDS.

Peter Michaels:
It’s hard to argue with you there and leading into “Awesome Impact” he HAS to be one of the front-runners as a possible battle royal winner.

Duane Fry:
Valiant has to be up there as well. He really brought his “A” game here tonight & proved that he belongs in the upper-echelon here in the SWF. I wouldn’t be surprised if these were the last two men standing in the ring during “Awesome Impact”…

Jerry Eisen:
I’d love to see this one again SO I hope you’re right!




Jack Bruce, Remo and Big Cat Brandon

“Big Cat trumps all..."


[An obviously depleted Jack Bruce uses a nearby ring rope to hold himself up, throwing his hair back in the process, as Darren Smith holds his hand up as the victor. Sadly though, this happy image wouldn’t last very long.]


[stomping toward the ring, “The Alpha Dog” Remo moves at a quicker pace than his typical. Jack Bruce notices his arrival; however, is simply unable to muster up the energy to stop his attack. Before you know it, Remo has entered the ring & floored the rebellious rocker with an array of power-house strikes.]


[When Bruce looked doomed, he’s ultimately saved by the ferocious feline himself…]


[The resurgent Big Cat Brandon storms out of the back & quickly steps over the top rope to enter the ring. Remo speeds in his direction as the two brawl mercilessly; both throwing boxer-like haymakers but neither really taking as little as a step back upon impact. As expected, this inspires the crowd to cheer rather loudly.]


[There’s no clear cut victor in their fight until the numbers-game takes effect…]


[Rebounding from his previous beating, Jack Bruce now joins Big Cat Brandon in a 2-on-1 attack upon Remo. At first “The Alpha Dog” holds his own against both; however, with time, it becomes obvious that this is a severely daunting task. In the end, after a big boot from Big Cat, one that sends Remo staggering, but not forcing him to fall to the canvas, Jack Bruce is shown swooping in for his signature “New York Minute” (Diamond Cutter). The crowd erupts at the sight of this!]


[big Cat ultimately kicks Remo out of the ring using a nearby ring rope as leverage.]


[Then, as a still depleted Bruce throws his arm up in the air in extended victory, sweating profusely as he flings his hair back once again, his moment in the sun is once again burned to the core.]


[Grabbing Bruce from behind his head, Big Cat Brandon instantly throws Bruce over-the-top rope; forcing him to crash violently upon the light padding outside of the ring. The crowd reacts in a mixed fashion.]


[in the end, Supreme TV goes off the air with the sight of Big Cat Brandon flexing like a rabid individual in the ring. The only man left standing…]



Duane Fry:
I didn’t see THAT coming! Big Cat saves Jack Bruce from Remo, or so we thought, only to have the big-man throw Bruce from the ring in one powerful instance! Bruce could have broken an arm or something landing like that! What’s going through the mind of the Big Cat right now?

Peter Michaels:
Nothing… That’s the scary thing. He was a reactionary warrior in DaVE and I expect nothin’ but the same here, Duane. Bruce may have awoken a sleeping giant with Big Cat here. As we saw tonight, it may not prove to be all that beneficial for him…

Jerry Eisen:
It’s true! He unleashed the beast but, with that, it’s hard to control ‘a rabid beast’. He may end up getting in the cross-hairs of his own doing…

Duane Fry:
Through it all… Big Cat Brandon is the LAST man standing in the ring. COULD this be a sign of what’s to come at “Awesome Impact”? Will Big Cat go onto challenge for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at Supreme Challenge??

Peter Michaels:
We’re getting closer to the BIG day, folks. Till then, tune into Supreme TV NEXT WEEK as I’m sure there’ll be one HELL of a fallout from what we just saw here. Not to mention, WILL Steve Frehley return to reclaim HIS Championship that was stolen by Rich Money?

Duane Fry:
You KNOW he is… and I can’t wait!

Peter Michaels:
There’s no doubt he’ll be lookin’ for a fight!
See you next Tuesday for THE most SUPREME action in ALL of Pro Wrestling!! Supreme TV!! Good night!!







<hr color="black">



10,000 (out of 15,000)

13.29 (- 0.06)



10,000 (out of 10,000)

6.78 (- 0.28)


SWF – 8 vs. TCW – 0


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I doubt that the Tag Team titles were on the line in the match of Big Cat Brandon vs. Kurt Laramee (;


Well, that was a show that really relied on its great angles, but boy, those were really great. Rich Money is one hell of an asshole and I'm sure that, if Frehley comes back (and he certainly will), he won't let any power stop him, not even Vengeance, as he'll be desperately seeking for revenge.


I'm happy that you took the spoilers from your segments - it's a lot more unpredictable now, and that's a good thing, so keep it like that, if you please (:

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I doubt that the Tag Team titles were on the line in the match of Big Cat Brandon vs. Kurt Laramee (;




I try to stay on my editing as I write; however, I've been really busy as of late & let that one slip. Thanks for the find!


Well, that was a show that really relied on its great angles, but boy, those were really great. Rich Money is one hell of an asshole and I'm sure that, if Frehley comes back (and he certainly will), he won't let any power stop him, not even Vengeance, as he'll be desperately seeking for revenge.


Rich Money IS an asshole, isn't he?


I'm having A LOT of fun writing this perspective of Money. He's easily one of my favorites (which is great because he continues to produce great grades both in the ring and in angles). As you said though, Frehley (if he comes back) has his eyes set directly on the SWF Owner &, if we've learned one thing about Steve thus far, he's not afraid to put up a fight with anyone or anything.


It's going to be an interesting feud leading into "Awesome Impact"!


I'm happy that you took the spoilers from your segments - it's a lot more unpredictable now, and that's a good thing, so keep it like that, if you please (:


I thought you'd like that.


In the end, It seems like there's a greater amount of readers around right now; so, there's less reason to spell things out (as it gives too much away). That could change over time but, for right now, I'm going to move ahead with the "you'll have to read to find out" approach.




<hr color="black">

COMING UP NEXT A doozy of a backstage argument changes everything & important company information going forward.

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Reports indicate that the SWF is now perceived as an international brand





Industry analysts have recently confirmed that the Supreme Wrestling Federation is the first international wrestling brand in history.


In a 12-page document published by an independent analysis firm, data points toward the SWF being known by wrestling fans on an international level. The report cites great popularity in North America (US, Canada and Mexico), TV visibility throughout the North American region, along with pay-per-view visibility in North America, the British Isles and Japan for the reasoning behind their findings.


Hoping to capitalize upon their recent success, SWF officials are reportedly searching for new wrestling talent world-wide in which to add further depth to the notion of being an international wrestling brand. Currently, they are rumored to be looking heavily into the Mexican market with the hopes of strengthening their viewership to the point of housing an event in the region in the near future.


More information to come…


SWF – Richard Eisen


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Results from Supreme TV Episode #8 can be found a few posts above!

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BREAKING NEWS: Everest Fired After Heated Argument with Richard Eisen





An SWF insider has reported that Everest is no longer part of the company following a heated argument with the company’s owner, Richard Eisen.


While the initial details are still rather hazy, it’s being reported that the veteran had a few choice words with Richard Eisen about his usage in the company. After a back-and-forth, it’s said that Everest even went as far as to threaten Eisen; a fact that turned the backstage upside down for a matter of a few moments.


Rumor is that headbooker, Duane Fry, was having a meeting with Richard Eisen when the altercation broke out. Shortly after Everest supposedly threatened Eisen, security officials were brought in to escort the polarizing veteran off the premises. In doing so, it’s said that he was fired on the spot.


The fallout from this event appears to have brought Fry & Eisen closer as of late. Several reports state that, upon sticking up for Eisen, Duane has become part of his “inner circle”. With that in mind, from what we’ve seen in the past, Eisen is very selective about said circle of confidants & often shows loyalty to them for their service. If the rumors are true, this could bode very well for Fry and his longevity in the headbooker position.


Furthermore, it’s being said that the SWF locker room area is at a greater sense of ease these days now that Everest & Marc DuBois are no longer with the company. Wrestler morale has gone up considerably and, in keeping with the tone, company officials have looked deeper into who may be dismissed in hopes of keeping said tone strong.


More information to come…


SWF – Richard Eisen – Everest – Duane Fry


<hr color="black">

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BREAKING NEWS: Everest Fired After Heated Argument with Richard Eisen





An SWF insider has reported that Everest is no longer part of the company following a heated argument with the company’s owner, Richard Eisen.


While the initial details are still rather hazy, it’s being reported that the veteran had a few choice words with Richard Eisen about his usage in the company. After a back-and-forth, it’s said that Everest even went as far as to threaten Eisen; a fact that turned the backstage upside down for a matter of a few moments.


Rumor is that headbooker, Duane Fry, was having a meeting with Richard Eisen when the altercation broke out. Shortly after Everest supposedly threatened Eisen, security officials were brought in to escort the polarizing veteran off the premises. In doing so, it’s said that he was fired on the spot.


The fallout from this event appears to have brought Fry & Eisen closer as of late. Several reports state that, upon sticking up for Eisen, Duane has become part of his “inner circle”. With that in mind, from what we’ve seen in the past, Eisen is very selective about said circle of confidants & often shows loyalty to them for their service. If the rumors are true, this could bode very well for Fry and his longevity in the headbooker position.


Furthermore, it’s being said that the SWF locker room area is at a greater sense of ease these days now that Everest & Marc DuBois are no longer with the company. Wrestler morale has gone up considerably and, in keeping with the tone, company officials have looked deeper into who may be dismissed in hopes of keeping said tone strong.


More information to come…


SWF – Richard Eisen – Everest – Duane Fry


<hr color="black">

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Well, having an argument with the guy who owns the freakin' company probably is a good way to get fired. Everest, being a generally useless sack of crap, should know better.

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Well, having an argument with the guy who owns the freakin' company probably is a good way to get fired. Everest, being a generally useless sack of crap, should know better.


The funny thing is, he only had 2 weeks left on his contract at the time of the fight.


I was going to keep him through the end of his contract, possibly job him out once on "Underground" (B-Show coming up) and then ultimately let him go. That said, he decided against that I guess.


Good thing is though, Richard Eisen has formed 'loyalty' with me (Duane Fry) now! So, I've gained from all of this!

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RUMOR: Jack Bruce to preform new song on Supreme TV this week





An SWF insider has claimed that Jack Bruce will be performing a new song LIVE on Supreme TV this week. It was almost a year ago now since the last time we've seen such occurrence; however, reports indicate that SWF Headbooker, Duane Fry, is hoping to utilize this segment to further Bruce's ongoing feud with Emma Chase.


The song he'll be performing is said to be titled: "Easy E"; a play off of the nickname Bruce has given Emma in recent weeks. With this in mind, many are expecting the segment to carry the same risque tone that has been seen in their feud as of late.


While it hasn't been officially announced as of yet, we can verify that the band hired out for Bruce's performances has removed the date off of their availability calendar. This could be for other reasons; however, it certainly points to a great possibility that the angle will take place on the next episode of Supreme TV.


There are further rumors that the song could be free to download on YouTunes after the broadcast.


More information to come...


SWF – Jack Bruce – Emma Chase – Duane Fry


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Where is Christian Faith?


This may be the most pressing question in the Supreme Wrestling Federation today.


The last vision we had of our unstoppable hero was the jarring image of him being… well… stopped. He was chokeslammed from the steel stage, through a number of waiting tables, by Vengeance at “Nothing to Lose”; a decent that ultimately forced medical professionals to transport Faith to a nearby hospital due to his injuries. Typically, such a fall would push anyone to be removed from action as rehabbing would be deemed as more important at that time. In this case though, Christian Faith was released from the hospital more than a week ago & ultimately cleared for action shortly thereafter by SWF doctors.


With all of that said, to pose the question again, where is Christian Faith?


A man who’s built a legacy out of being “The Iron Man has not only broken his streak of consecutive days on the job, almost a decade before February’s PPV, but has seemingly demolished this perspective with a self-imposed hiatus of sorts.


SWF officials have claimed that Christian Faith is simply unreachable at this point. Several attempts have been made to open dialogue with the SWF LIVING LEGEND but every one of said attempts has fallen flat. More or less, it seems as though Faith has become MIA.


No one would blame him for taking time off; however, it’s the circumstances around the self-imposed hiatus that seems questionable. To completely go ‘off the grid’ is something that we’ve never seen from Faith but I guess there’s a time for everything. Why does he feel the need to remove himself in this manner? What is to gain? We simply don’t know.


Meanwhile, the SWF North American Champion, Eric Eisen, continues to defame Christian’s name on national television; claiming he’s ‘lost the ability to get it done’. In doing so, Eisen has personally declared himself the NEW “Mr. SWF”; a title that Faith has carried for close to 2-decades now. Certainly he won’t let this stand?


Or will he…


From everything we’ve seen, he IS letting this stand.


Have we really seen the END of Christian Faith? Will he EVER return to the SWF? More importantly though, where IS he at this time? We simply do not know.


That said, Eric Eisen appears to be benefiting from his departure.


All hail… the NEW… “Mr. SWF”, Eric Eisen?


God, I hope not…




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Faith is gonna bring Richard Eisen and Steve Frehley back just for an epic battle between him and Frehley vs. Money and Vengeance after which Money will finally lose his ownership of the SWF again.


Or something like that.


However, I'm sure you'll make it a huge, huge storyline.

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The SWF has seen some of the greatest tag teams to ever grace this industry. Whether it was the Lords of WAR, Demons of Rage, The Biggz (now Biggins) Brothers, The Amazing Bumfholes or the current SWF Tag Team Champions, The All-Americans©, there stands a profound fraternity that spans several decades of professional wrestling. Through it all though, there is one team listed above that has seemingly become most synonymous with the division itself and that’s the Amazing Bumfholes.


Shockingly enough though, their highly decorated tenure may be fizzling before our very eyes…


Victims of a violent beatdown by then “Big Money” Brandon James & “The Alpha Dog” Remo, the Bumfholes were ultimately pulled from action a few weeks ago in which to heal from their injuries. Days passed, a week was counted, but somehow one of them, Zimmy, was able to return to action.


And boy did he return to action…


For the first-time, without his brother at his side, Zimmy put forth a marvelous showing; defeating Joe Sexy and shocking the SWF Nation in the process. The commentary team of Michaels, Fry and Eisen even heralded the tag-team standout as showing potential as a singles competitor. That said, such a notion must have gone to his head or something…


When we fast-forward a week to this previous Supreme TV episode, we saw the triumphant return of Randy Bumfhole as well. The brothers were once again reunited and ultimately given the opportunity to avenge their previous beatdown with a 2-on-1 handicap match against “The Alpha Dog”. That said, the match would never take place as originally advertised…


Shortly before the bell is rung, Zimmy simply walked away; leaving his brother all alone in his efforts to seek revenge upon Remo. In the end, Randy put forth an equally impressive showing; however, in his case, was simply unable to put-down the “Alpha Dog”.


One has to wonder if the outcome would have been different if Zimmy would have stayed and fought with his brother. Sadly, we may never know.


Instead, we are left with different questions: Why would Ziimmy walk out on Randy? What was his motive? Is this a sign that the highly decorated Amazing Bumfholes are on their way toward a break-up? If so, what will this mean for the SWF Tag Team Division?


So many questions…


When will we have answers?


No one really knows for sure…




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SWF Signs New International Wrestlers To Long-Term Contracts





The Supreme Wrestling Federation has come to contractual terms with several international wrestlers as of late. Gino Montero (Mexico), Swoop McCarthy (Australia) and Melanie Florence (British Isles) have all been officially signed as of today & are expected to make their debuts in the next coming weeks.


With the news that the SWF has become the first-ever international brand in pro wrestling history, many SWF insiders feel this recent hiring spree is a sign that Richard Eisen & Duane Fry are looking to capitalize upon recent success. When coupled with the knowledge that the SWF’s B-Show, “Underground”, is only a week away from it’s first broadcast, there appears to be no better time to introduce the new influx of talent. With this in mind, many expect these few to spend considerable time on “Underground” as they become acquainted with the American fans & ultimately learn the infamous “Supreme Way”.


When we reached out to Jerry Eisen, head of Marketing & Public Relations for the Supreme Wrestling Federation, he furthered the ‘right time’ perspective put forth by our insiders.


“We’ve expanded the SWF brand internationally and are more interested than EVER to include those who personify the new markets we’ve entered into. Gino [Montero] and Swoop [McCarthy] are two great examples. We’ve had a lot of success in Mexico over the years; however, have really failed to produce a wrestler that could rise up with his country’s eyes fixated directly upon him. We believe Gino has the right pedigree, skill-set and popularity to do exactly that; carry his homeland on his back. Meanwhile, we’ve had very little interaction with the Australian region and, for that, as we slowly work our way into said region, we knew we needed someone like Swoop to garner interest. He’s insanely charismatic & should certainly turn some heads in his direction as we embark upon a new visibility in his home country. We’re all very excited about what we’ve accomplished this week.”


While initial details are somewhat hazy right now, our SWF insiders have claimed that both Gino & Swoop will most likely fall on the ‘babyface’ side of things; as the new cast of wrestling talent is quite heel heavy (Spencer Spade, Lenny Brown, Hammer, etc.).


Additionally, our insiders have also stated that the new influx of talent is not expected to see the bright lights of Supreme TV for quite some time; if things go as they should. The culture of "Underground" will prove to be rather beneficial for the younger acts & will keep Supreme TV's focus directly upon the upper-echelon talent of the Supreme Wrestling Federation.


Finally, it should be noted that, while each contract is said to be of a long-term variety, supposedly, Gino Montero's contract allows him an 'escape clause' that can be utilized if he's unhappy with his status at anytime. While it certainly does place a small thorn upon the rose, many feel as though Gino's push in the SWF will most likely keep him happy enough to remain in America long-term.


More information as it comes…


SWF – Richard Eisen – Duane Fry – Swoop McCarthy – Gino Montero – Underground


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Episode #:

90 minutes

Shown on:
Tuesday Night, LIVE on C.A.N.N.

Isaak Road Arena (Mid-Atlantic)

Main Event:


Rich Money certainly has made a deal with the devil. In doing so, he’s been awarded sheer power that entirely transcends that of Supreme ownership. He’s acquired the power of a supernatural hitman in the Vengeance “Demon”.


Last week, the controversial SWF Owner not only placed a hit on the World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley, but also kidnapped, mugged, and eventually left him motionless on a frozen city street deep in the shadows of New York City. With Money stealing the World Heavyweight Championship following said attack, many wonder if Frehley will return to Supreme TV this week to reclaim what is rightfully his? If not, did Rich Money’s message of Frehley ‘not belonging in HIS SWF’ actually get to the “Dark Destroyer” & ultimately push him away?


Equally, the SWF Nation wonders if this will be the week that “The Iron Man” Christian Faith returns to Supreme TV in which to challenge Eric Eisen’s claim as the new “Mr. SWF”? The North American Champion has recently declared himself as such, a perspective that certainly stands in controversy; however, until now, there’s been no word of defiance from the SWF LIVING LEGEND. Could this be the week for such?


This and SO much more as the Supreme Wrestling Federation brings Supreme TV to Isaak Road Arena!


Angry Gilmore vs. Robbie Retro
w/ Melanie

[singles Match]

Can Gilmore continue to defeat the big-men of the SWF on his way to Marat Khoklov at "Awesome Impact"?



American Machine
w/ B.J. O'Neil and Des Davids
John Greed
w/ Squeeky McClean

[singles Match]

After losing last week, unable to stop the All-Americans from getting to their year anniversary as champions (which is this week), can John Greed score a win for "The Truth"?



James Prudence
w/ Frederique Antonio Garcia
vs. Valiant
w/ Hannah

[singles Match]

After coming up short against Jack Bruce last week, can Valiant get back to a winning path against "Mr. Wonderful"?



Big Cat Brandon vs.
w/ Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

Will Ms. Chase have her revenge upon Big Cat Brandon through the vile hand of her 'dirty rotten scoundrel'?

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Angry Gilmore vs. Robbie Retro w/ Melanie

[singles Match]

Question: Can Gilmore continue to defeat the big-men of the SWF on his way to Marat Khoklov at "Awesome Impact"?

Gilmore is bigger name to beging with plus he´s teh one who has storyline going.


American Machine w/ B.J. O'Neil and Des Davids vs. "THE EIGHT DEADLY SIN" John Greed w/ Squeeky McClean

[singles Match]

Question: After losing last week, unable to stop the All-Americans from getting to their year anniversary as champions (which is this week), can John Greed score a win for "The Truth"?

I´m giving Truth this round in order to even things up a bit.


"MR.WONDERFUL" James Prudence w/ Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Valiant w/ Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: After coming up short against Jack Bruce last week, can Valiant get back to a winning path against "Mr. Wonderful"?

Pretty much the same situation than in Golmore´s match, Valiant is higher on pecking order and has storyline going.


Big Cat Brandon vs. "THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL" Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

Question: Will Ms. Chase have her revenge upon Big Cat Brandon through the vile hand of her 'dirty rotten scoundrel'?

Now this is a tough one. Brandon and Rogue are about on the same level even if Brandon was ahead when they were team mates and Chase Agency could use the win slighly more... Actually I go with draw here to keep both semi strong.

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Angry Gilmore vs. Robbie Retro w/ Melanie

[singles Match]

Question: Can Gilmore continue to defeat the big-men of the SWF on his way to Marat Khoklov at "Awesome Impact"?

Gilmore is way over Robbie's level. This won't be good for Robbie at all.


American Machine w/ B.J. O'Neil and Des Davids vs. "THE EIGHT DEADLY SIN" John Greed w/ Squeeky McClean

[singles Match]

Question: After losing last week, unable to stop the All-Americans from getting to their year anniversary as champions (which is this week), can John Greed score a win for "The Truth"?

Greed and the Truth need a win or they'll just start looking like a joke.



"MR.WONDERFUL" James Prudence w/ Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Valiant w/ Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: After coming up short against Jack Bruce last week, can Valiant get back to a winning path against "Mr. Wonderful"?

Valiant gets the win here, even with Garcia interfering with Hannah. I miss the Prat.



Big Cat Brandon vs. "THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL" Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

Question: Will Ms. Chase have her revenge upon Big Cat Brandon through the vile hand of her 'dirty rotten scoundrel'?

This will be a count out or DQ. Looking at a DQ.

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Angry Gilmore vs. Robbie Retro w/ Melanie

[singles Match]

Question: Can Gilmore continue to defeat the big-men of the SWF on his way to Marat Khoklov at "Awesome Impact"?

When did Robbie Retro become a 'big man' in the SWF? And aren't Retro and Gilmore both Face? Regardless, Gilmore's got this.


American Machine w/ B.J. O'Neil and Des Davids vs. "THE EIGHT(H) DEADLY SIN" John Greed w/ Squeeky McClean

[singles Match]

Question: After losing last week, unable to stop the All-Americans from getting to their year anniversary as champions (which is this week), can John Greed score a win for "The Truth"?

Time to get a win back to set up the rematch on PPV, possibly tainted.


"MR.WONDERFUL" James Prudence w/ Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Valiant w/ Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: After coming up short against Jack Bruce last week, can Valiant get back to a winning path against "Mr. Wonderful"?

I like Prudence, but Valiant is clearly more important to you at the moment.


Big Cat Brandon vs. "THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL" Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

Question: Will Ms. Chase have her revenge upon Big Cat Brandon through the vile hand of her 'dirty rotten scoundrel'?

I'm guessing this one will get thrown out. Big Cat vs The Chase Agency should go on for a while yet, can't have Big Cat run over them this early in the piece.

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Angry Gilmore vs. Robbie Retro w/ Melanie

[singles Match]

Question: Can Gilmore continue to defeat the big-men of the SWF on his way to Marat Khoklov at "Awesome Impact"?


American Machine w/ B.J. O'Neil and Des Davids vs. "THE EIGHT DEADLY SIN" John Greed w/ Squeeky McClean

[singles Match]

Question: After losing last week, unable to stop the All-Americans from getting to their year anniversary as champions (which is this week), can John Greed score a win for "The Truth"?



"MR.WONDERFUL" James Prudence w/ Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Valiant w/ Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: After coming up short against Jack Bruce last week, can Valiant get back to a winning path against "Mr. Wonderful"?



Big Cat Brandon vs. "THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL" Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

Question: Will Ms. Chase have her revenge upon Big Cat Brandon through the vile hand of her 'dirty rotten scoundrel'?

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Angry Gilmore vs. Robbie Retro w/ Melanie

[singles Match]

Question: Can Gilmore continue to defeat the big-men of the SWF on his way to Marat Khoklov at "Awesome Impact"?



American Machine w/ B.J. O'Neil and Des Davids vs. "THE EIGHT DEADLY SIN" John Greed w/ Squeeky McClean

[singles Match]

Question: After losing last week, unable to stop the All-Americans from getting to their year anniversary as champions (which is this week), can John Greed score a win for "The Truth"?



"MR.WONDERFUL" James Prudence w/ Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Valiant w/ Hannah

[singles Match]

Question: After coming up short against Jack Bruce last week, can Valiant get back to a winning path against "Mr. Wonderful"?



Big Cat Brandon vs. "THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL" Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

Question: Will Ms. Chase have her revenge upon Big Cat Brandon through the vile hand of her 'dirty rotten scoundrel'?

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Angry Gilmore vs. Robbie Retro w/ Melanie

When did Robbie Retro become a 'big man' in the SWF? And aren't Retro and Gilmore both Face? Regardless, Gilmore's got this.


I think E-V's referring to Retro's size, rather than standing within the company.


Jhd1 is spot on. Robbie Retro, from a push perspective, is still pretty low on the roster; however, his sheer size places him as a 'big-man' (physically). The storyline is, as Gilmore moves closer to "Awesome Impact"/Marat Khoklov, he's squaring off against a number of 'big-men' (physically) to, in a sense, prepare for his battle with the BIG-BAD Russian.


As for babyface vs. babyface, I don't really see a problem with it. Yea, most of my matches & storylines will be Babyface vs. Heel; however, I don't believe that you can't have a good babyface combination. It may hurt the grade from time to time but that won't keep me away from the story there! As it is, Valiant and Jack Bruce may rub elbows in a few ways over the next few months but both are babyfaces.

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