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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution-13 (Thunderverse)

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That cat man does look familiar, I just can't put my finger on it. :p


Excellent show TK, Mio Mio being on commentary might take some getting used to though.


Well you should know, seeing as you did the alt for him :p


Thanks again by the way. :)


Surprised a certain someone, hasn't been round with their usual recap of the show yet. I like to think of their show recaps as a part of a diary!

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The Chronicles of Takayuki- Circumstances


A man of few words- but everyone's talking about him!


Now you’re probably all wondering why the top championship in DIASPORA is now round the waist of someone who not so long ago was being held in custody for curb-stomping some big mouth reporter into spending a couple of nights in a Tokyo hospital, and you’re probably also wondering how the hell did Sairento get off in the first place.


Ok let’s answer the first question- and no in case you’re asking I did not put the title on Sairento- because I was afraid of meeting the same fate as that reporter- honestly, nothing to do with that!


I just felt the time was right to shake things up a little and right now I think Sairento as the title holder- throws up the most interesting set of match-ups. You have Dragon-san who will be looking to win the title back, Yamato and Hideki have guaranteed title shots and Nori will be looking for revenge. More intriguing is the fact that Sairento’s own stable mates Dark Wolf II and Tian Long are also guaranteed to challenge for the title- so it would be interesting to see what happens there.


I ran it by the boss, and he seemed fine with dropping the title back to Sairento and actually agreed that having the title change hands at a Bunkyo Hall show- rather than a PPV would offer up something of a surprise without feeling too much like a ‘stunt’. It conditions the fans to sometimes expect the un-expected and also reminds them that the Bunkyo Hall show’s are very important.


As for how Sairento-san managed to get out of the predicament of being in custody- well that’s a simple one- no one could actually prove that the man who attacked this reporter was actually Sairento- due to the fact that he was wearing a mask.


Though I was intrigued as to why the authorities, did not look into forensic evidence. Dragon –san informed me that they did look into it, but there were no traces left. I’m actually starting to wonder if Sairento is actually human and not some android sent from the future to curb-stomp mankind into extinction!

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Yay, DIASPORA's back for real!

Hiroto Nori: In fact I will keep my head shaved as a constant reminder, of just how much I despise you Sairento....


This also means there is no need for a series of pics showing his hair gradually growing out. Mio's probably going to have a talk with him later though.;)


Mio Mio: Where the hell do you get off, calling ME high maintenance

Everyone knows Sairento is the real high maintenance person.


All of a sudden the eerie tones of...


I *so* see Sairento using something like

, but it doesn't fit the anime theme of the show.


Result: Ebi Kavidar [w] & Paul Crowley bt Blood Spider Jr [L] & Soh Terajima in 8:17 via pinfall (Sheik From Above)


Eh. I'm curious to see how well Crowley and Kavidar (who I keep thinking of as Kadavir) will develop in DIASPORA. Hopefully they can grow into a tag title threat. Right now they are just one step above the midcard jobbers for KURO.


Yes it turn's out that the name of their stable is the rather nonsensical Tuturu! Something that leaves most of the fans in attendance utterly perplexed.....


Now if it was Totoro I'd be perfectly happy.;)


Commentator Tadashi Saga commented that he knew the face from somewhere, but wasn't quite sure who exactly.....


Yay catboys! This was about as good as you can expect. Have to agree, they get the personality push but they are not really big names yet. Just entertaining midcard and lower guys.


Result: Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 10:55 via submission (Date With Pain)


This feels like a slow build to get Ebisawa over enough to make him popular enough for a title shot. I wonder how his overness is coming along, is he midcard yet?

' My first challenger will be......'


'Taheji Ebisawa!'


I'm guessing Ebisawa is lower mid at this point, it's a good way for Minamoto to play the cocky heel and duck challengers.


Result: Zodiac [w] bt Horiuchi Inokuma [L] in 10:51 via submission (Flame Haze)


Yeah, no doubt who was winning this one.


Meanwhile Takashi headed up top but as all this was happening the Salty Delinquents (Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima) turned up and their prescence was enough to distract referee Sugimura- and due to that rather convenient timing GUSHIKEN was able to then roll into the ring and nail Arato in the back with a chair shot.

That Sugimura, so easily distracted. He may not be the best referee in Japan but he is the richest.;)


Result: GUSHIKEN [w] & Chojiro Ono bt Koto Arato & Go Takashi [L] in 14:08 via pinfall (Udon Noodle Death Drop)


Wow, the midcard is really dragging this time around. I'm a big fan of Team Ganbatte so hopefully their pop is rising fast.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w], Shintaro Hideki & Kotei Yamato bt Dark Wolf II, Incognito & Tian Long [L] in 16:08 via pinfall (Flying Bonito)


It's all going to be on the main event to save the show rating. Good win for Nori though, he needs some building up as he gets ready for a title shot.


Somehow referee Sugimura, managed to miss this intervention from the mysterious newcomer- making out that he had something caught in his eye......


Sugimura is in fine form tonight. Interesting to see another new face showing up. KURO is getting some frehs blood!


I can kinda see the motivation behind giving Sairento the belt, though it seems like the time to do it was on the last big card, not one card later. But there was a long gap between shows so it's probably not a big deal. Still seems sudden, though.

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The opening show of DIASPORA's Blazing Eye Tour at the Bunkyo Hall in Tokyo was an eventful one- that saw Sairento reclaim the Super Junior Championship from Prime Dragon- with help from a shocking debut. Eikichi Minamoto launch the Karen Ichijou Lottery (with Taheji Ebisawa named his first challenger for the Heavyweight Championship) and the official birth of the Tuturu! stable.


The Blazing Eye Tour continues as DIASPORA head north to the Sendai City Gym in the Tohoku Region on Thursday 3rd May. The main event sees The Guardians of DIASPORA and Kuro-Nadeshiko go to war in a Makoto Style Elimination match. For those unfamiliar with the Makoto Style Match- the rules are that one person from each team starts out in the ring, then there stable mates join in at timed entrances....only when everyone is in the ring can eliminations occur by pinfall, submission or over the top rope elimination.


Prime Dragon will be looking to avenge his loss to Sairento, as he lines up alongside the Junior Tag Team champions Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) and the Heavyweight Champion Eikichi Minamoto. It's a team packed with winners but question is can Dragon fully trust that the increasingly self centred Minamoto will do what's best for the Guardians? Opposing the Guardians line up is a Kuro-Nadeshiko unit led by the newly crowned two time Super Junior Champion Sairento, the talented but arrogant high flyer Incognito, one half of the current All Asia Tag champions GUSHIKEN and RIKU- the man whose interventon during the Super Junior Championship match at Bunkyo Hall, effectively cost Prime Dragon the title in the eyes of many fans.


Taheji Ebisawa was the one whose name was chosen to be Eikichi Minamoto's first challenger for the Heavyweight Championship and he will get that opportunity next week- before that however Ebisawa once again teams up with the man that Minamoto dethroned for that title Hyotaru Ichigawa- at the Bunkyo Hall show they came up short against the team many see as the benchmark for the Heavyweight tag division the Tokyo Wrecking Crew. There opponents on this occasion are one half of the TWC in Oda Yamawaki and the S.H.I.P leader Hiroto Nori.


Meanwhile Yamawaki's tag partner Hiro Date takes on the brash youngster Horiuchi Inokuma in a singles challenge match- whilst S.H.I.P will be in six man tag action with Kotei Yamato lining up alongside Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi) against the Kuro-Nadeshiko trio of Chojiro Ono and the Salty Delinquents (Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima)


The undercard see's heavy involvement from the Tuturu! faction. HUSTLE Umiro is part of a Junior Divison three way, with S.H.I.P's Shintaro Hideki and the always unpredictable Xtinction, Junichi Matsuo is in singles action against Kohei Hidaka and Meido Machine and Fuku Machine face off against The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) in tag team action.


Rounding out the main show card will be another Junior Division singles contest with Dark Wolf II taking on Hideaki Kasuse, whilst the bonus pre-show match see's Tian long up against Aki Shimizudani.




Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 2 of the Blazing Eye Tour



Blazing Eye Tour - Show #2


Sendai City Gym, Sendai, Tohoku

Wednesday 3rd May 2012.


~ Trust Vengeance~

Final (No Limit): Makoto Style Elimination

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Prime Dragon,

Heavyweight Champion- Eikichi Minamoto,

Junior Tag Champions- Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman)


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Super Junior Champion- Sairento,


All Asia Tag Champion- GUSHIKEN &



Semi Final (30 Min Limit): Test of Quality- Tag Challenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki


Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


6th Match (20 Min Limit): Heavyweight Singles Challenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiro Date


Horiuchi Inokuma


5th Match (20 Min Limit): Six Man Battle

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

All Asia Tag Champion-Chojiro Ono &

The Salty Delinquents (Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terahjima)


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Kotei Yamato &

Team Ganbatte! (Go Takashi & Koto Arato)


4th Match (15 Min Limit): Junior Heavyweight Singles Challenge

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Dark Wolf II


'Representing The Forgotten'

Hideaki Kasuse


3rd Match (15 Min Limit): Tag Team Challenge Match

'Representing Tuturu!'

Meido Machine & Fuku Machine


The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)



2nd Match (15 Min Limit): Junior Heavyweight Singles Challenge

'Representing Tuturu!

Junichi Matsuo


'Representing The Forgotten'

Kohei Hidaka


1st Match (15 Min Limit): Junior Divison 3 Way Dance

'Representing Tuturu!



'Representing S.H.I.P'

Shintaro Hideki




Match 0 (10 Min Limit)- Openweight Challenge:

Aki Shimizudani vs Tian Liong




Predictions Form


Makoto Style Elimination: Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto, Zodiac & Talisman) vs Sairento, Incognito, GUSHIKEN & RIKU


Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Hiro Date vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Kotei Yamato, Koto Arato & Go Takashi vs Chojiro Ono, Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse


Meido Machine & Fuku Machine vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


Junichi Matsuo vs Kohei Hidaka


HUSTLE Umiro vs Shintaro Hideki vs Xtinction


Aki Shimizudani vs Tian Long


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Makoto Style Elimination: Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto, Zodiac & Talisman) vs Sairento, Incognito, GUSHIKEN & RIKU


Hiroto Noru & Odaw Yamawaki vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Hiro Date vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Kotei Yamato, Koto Arato & Go Takashi vs Chojiro Ono, Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse


Meido Machine & Fuku Machine vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


Junichi Matsuo vs Kohei Hidaka


HUSTLE Umiro vs Shintaro Hideki vs Xtinction


Aki Shimizudani vs Tian Long


Also, in your prediction box, you didn't post the entire Kuro team. In fact, you didn't even finish Sariento's name. Someone's getting sloppy. I kid I kid Meant to give feedback about the last show so I'll just say it here. LOVED the title switch to Sariento because it was unexpected and but mainly, it made a lot of sense. I do agree that him as champ opens up a lot of new possibilities.

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Heh, I knew you would find someway to include School Rumble on Minamoto´s announcement. Good play there. Oh and I definitely approve the lottery name since Ichijou is one of my favorite School Rumble characters. :)


Makoto Style Elimination: Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto, Zodiac & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito, GUSHIKEN & RIKU

With the way Minamoto is acting, heels actually look like better unit right now. Still with Sairanto getting a big win over Dragon in last show I assume that Dragon gets one back here.


Hiroto Noru & Odaw Yamawaki vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa

I don´t know who tihs Hirotu Noru guy is :p but I assume Ebisawa gets some momentum here for his title shot no matter how unearned it was.


Hiro Date vs Horiuchi Inokuma

Another competitive loss for Inokuma


Kotei Yamato, Koto Arato & Go Takashi vs Chojiro Ono, Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima

Arato is the main guy here and I don´t see him losing to Kuro´s B-team... actually is that even B-team?


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse

Wolf gets a win in order to build momentum. As a side note it´s really interesting to see how things go with Sairento, Long nad Wolf now that the ladder two have title shots for Sairento´s belt.


Meido Machine & Fuku Machine vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)

Real team over random pairing.


Junichi Matsuo vs Kohei Hidaka

Matsuo has finally got past his losing streak so time to give him wins against jobbers.


HUSTLE Umiro vs Shintaro Hideki vs Xtinction

Ok, like Tigerkinney guessed I mixed Hideki with Hidaka... still I keep my pick as it was though I´m likely wrong here.


Aki Shimizudani vs Tian Long

Long might beold but he´s still better than Shimizudani will ever be.

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Fixed the prediction's form......


Must have been half asleep when I typed that up- I'll use the excuse that it was about half twelve at night.


Karen Ichijou was the obvious choice for the lottery- seeing as she is on the wrestling team in School Rumble. Well Lara Gonzalez is also on the wrestling team but she sucks as a character.

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HUSTLE Umiro vs Shintaro Hideki vs Xtinction

Umiro over pair of jobbers.


That's a bit harsh on Hideki- who is a former Junior Tag champion and did feature in the main event of the last ppv, and thus being one of the one's to survive the Mascara Contra Caballera Cage escape match- is guaranteed a Super Junior title shot on this tour.


Perhaps you're getting him mixed up with Kohei Hidaka?

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That's a bit harsh on Hideki- who is a former Junior Tag champion and did feature in the main event of the last ppv, and thus being one of the one's to survive the Mascara Contra Caballera Cage escape match- is guaranteed a Super Junior title shot on this tour.


Perhaps you're getting him mixed up with Kohei Hidaka?


Yes, I did mix them up, I just never seem to remember japanese names for whatever reason. :o

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Makoto Style Elimination: Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto, Zodiac & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito, GUSHIKEN & RIKU


Tough pick. I'm going with Prime and friends because I don't think Minamoto wants to screw around and cost his team this match. But he'll still cause trouble.


Hiroto Noru & Odaw Yamawaki vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Nori-chan and Ichigawa are on similar levels. Yamawaki is higher than Ebisawa until Tiger proves otherwise. Ebisawa doesn't deserve the title shot so I don't much care if he has momentum,:)


Hiro Date vs Horiuchi Inokuma




Kotei Yamato, Koto Arato & Go Takashi vs Chojiro Ono, Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima


Team Ganbatte over Team SD.

Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse


Wolf continues to be a bully to those over than him.


Meido Machine & Fuku Machine vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


But how high can the Ambassadors Club go?


Junichi Matsuo vs Kohei Hidaka


Finally a win!


HUSTLE Umiro vs Shintaro Hideki vs Xtinction


Hustle has the storyline but Hideki is just better and he needs a win or he'll be forgotten.:)


Aki Shimizudani vs Tian Long


Old guy over pointless guy. And Tian can still work.

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Predictions Form


Makoto Style Elimination: Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto, Zodiac & Talisman) vs Sairento, Incognito, GUSHIKEN & RIKU


Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Hiro Date vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Kotei Yamato, Koto Arato & Go Takashi vs Chojiro Ono, Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse


Meido Machine & Fuku Machine vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


Junichi Matsuo vs Kohei Hidaka


HUSTLE Umiro vs Shintaro Hideki vs Xtinction


Aki Shimizudani vs Tian Long

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Makoto Style Elimination: Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto, Zodiac & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito, GUSHIKEN & RIKU


Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Hiro Date vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Kotei Yamato, Koto Arato & Go Takashi vs Chojiro Ono, Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima


Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse


Meido Machine & Fuku Machine vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


Junichi Matsuo vs Kohei Hidaka


HUSTLE Umiro vs Shintaro Hideki vs Xtinction


Aki Shimizudani vs Tian Long

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Apologies to my avid readership, for how long it is taking for the next show to get posted up....


Firstly as I have already mentioned, real life comes first at the moment- as I am in the process of moving home. I should be moved into my new place (which I was renting out, but have now decided to move in myself) by the first week of March at the latest.


Secondly I have been feeling a bit under the weather of late- not enough to keep me off work but enough to leave me feeling demotivated to work on writing up the show.


I'm going to try and get the next show up as soon as possible, whether that be this weekend or middle of next week. After the next show- I'm going to put the diary on a brief hiatus- as I will be without internet for a bit (at least on the computer that has all my diary files).

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Blazing Eye Tour -Show 2


Thursday 3rd May 2012,

Sendai City Gym, Sendai, Tohoku (1'911- No Vacancy)


Match 0: Aki Shimizudani vs Tian Long


Shimizudani overpowered Long for the first few minutes, and got a two count with a Urange Backbreaker- but the 'Imperial One' seized control with an eye-rake and after wearing down Shimizudani with some kicks and Dragon Screw Leg Whips, slapped on the Dynasty Lock (Inverted STF) to win the match.


Result: Tian Long [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] in 5:31 via submission (Dynasty Lock)


Rating: 35


Takayuki Balls: I think most of the fans were at the merch stall when this match was on- to be honest I wouldn't blame them, because I think this match could be labelled as the official cure for insomnia. Shimizudani is arguably the most boring wrestler on the planet and Tian Long though still capable of being involved in good matches, simply isn't dynamic enough these days to drag a decent contest out of a sack of rice.



Main Show



'Super Driver' plays and outcomes The Guardians of DIAPSORA- Minamoto and Whispered proudly have their belts with them, but Prime Dragon having lost the Super Junior Championship to Sairento at Bunkyo Hall is now the odd one out.


Dragon cutting a dejected looking figure begins to speak....


'Sadly as you can....'


Minamoto though has a microphone of his own and cuts him off.....


'You don't have to speak- as a proud champion I should do the talking'


'Look I'm the leader....' responded Dragon- though his words lack conviction and it's clear he is emotionally 'wounded' over losing the Super Junior title to Sairento.


'Oh come on, not coming out here without a belt, must be really traumatic for you- I'll take the burden on here'.....


'OK thanks Minamoto-san'- somehow Minamoto has managed to pull the wool over Dragon's eyes with his 'concerned act' but it's clear to everyone else that the Heavyweight champ is mocking the fact that the Guardians leader lost his title.


'Dragon-san may have his lost that belt of his, and some may question if he has the right to call himself a leader'


'Hold on here Minamoto-san, you seriously aren't questioning Dragon-san's leadership are you?' chimed in Zodiac


'Of course not ! But it's a viewpoint some others might have'


'Like who exactly?' retorted Zodiac, unconvinced of Minamoto's explanation


'I don't know who exactly, but don't you think it looks a bit odd- that the one guy not holding a title amongst us is the leader?'


'So you are questioning his leadership, just come out and say it- stop beating round the bush'


'Look I think Dragon-san is a great leader, some others just might not think so- But together we can help him prove just how strong he is, when we Guardians stand u- ni.....'



Minamoto is cut off mid-sentance, as Kuro-Nadeshiko's theme 'What's Up People' blares over the speakers of the Sendai City gym and out emerge the Kuro team that will be facing the Guardians in the main event, Super Junior Champion Sairento, All Asia Tag champion GUSHIKEN, Incognito and new comer RIKU.


GUSHIKEN takes the microphone-as Sairento despite being the leader isn't much one for talking- ever!


'Stand United.....haha, you may be able to pull the wool over the eyes of that loser....but you don't fool anyone else Minamoto-san, I would wager that deep down inside, you really wan't to be one of us- you wan't to join a winning side!'


' Why would I wan't to do, that why in the hell would I want to play second fiddle to an automaton?!....... And besides I'm already part of a winning side.....did you forget that the Junior Tag champions are also in this match with me!'


'You're fooling no one, admit you wan't to join with us and save yourself the humiliation of losing later tonight'


'As I would- I'm a proud Guardian and I'm proud to fight alongside three of the very best here in DIASPORA, in Dragon-san, Zodiac-san and Talisman-san'.....


Suddenly showing some back-bone, Prime Dragon remembers he is the Guardians leader and not Minamoto


'I'm the leader, not you Minamoto-san! I really don't know if I can trust you or not anymore....prove to me tonight that you are with us...and that you're not just out for yourself or tempted to turn to the dark side- because your attitude lately has seen my patience run bone dry!


Minamoto looks far from happy about being questioned over his Guardians loyalty


'So you don't trust me , after all we've been through together!'


Minamoto then stormed out of the ring and up the entrance ramp, as the remaining Guardians engaged in an in-ring stare-down with the Kuro-Nadeshiko quartet. Sairento rose the Super Junior title he took away from Prime Dragon in an eerily robotic fashion above his head- before making his customary throat-slash gesture.


Rating: 78


Takayuki Balls: Despite being alot of 'gassing' the crowd were into this segment, as it had some of our top names out-there and it helped to build more tension and drama for the main event.



Match 1: HUSTLE Umiro vs Shintaro Hideki vs Xtinction






This opening three way was worked at a hectic pace from beginning to end, with plenty of near-falls packed into the approx seven minutes that the match ran for. Though HUSTLE Umiro did manage to find time to display some of his unique charisma- doing a spinneroonie after consecutive Money! Suplexes (Snap Suplexes) on both of his opponents.


At varying points in the match, all three thought they had the match won only for the third man to make an (un) timely intervention. An Out-Hustled (Backslide Pin) from HUSTLE on Hideki,, a Northern Lights Suplex from Hideki on Xtinction and a Spot X (Standing Corkscrew Shooting Star Press) from Xtinction on HUSTLE all brought very close two counts.


Eventually timing had to be on someone's side and the finish saw Xtinction spike HUSTLE Umiro with the X.L.E (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT) only to eat a Superkick from Shintaro Hideki- and that proved enough for the New Solution man to pick up the win.


Result: Shintaro Hideki [w] bt HUSTLE Umiro + Xtinction [L] in 7:03 via pinfall (Superkick)


Rating: 54


Mio Mio's Mochi: Why is the dude in the gold mask, spinning on his back? It's a pretty dumb move in my opinion......Oh so you agree with me, you see I'm not just a pretty face am I!


Takayuki Balls: A balls to the wall spot-fest that featured next to no psychology but the fans were pretty into this, and it did it's job as an opening contest. Shockingly Xtinction managed to not actually botch anything tonight!



Match 2: Junichi Matsuo vs Kohei Hidaka



The J-Pop dancing girls were back with Matsuo, and they proceeded to treat the fans to a dance routine.....



Hidaka wasn't impressed though and cheap shotted Matsuo before the bell had rung. The 'Red Dog' managed to control the early going and got a couple of two count's with a Running Bull Dog and Belly to Back Suplex.


However Matsuo was able to side-step a Flying Cross Body and then stunned Hidaka with a Tornado Kick. That provided a turning point and 'Sexy Zone' came close to securing victory with a Beetle Suplex.


Hidaka bailed to the floor but was then taken out with a Corkscrew Plancha from Matsuo. 'Sexy Zone' then pitched Hidaka back into the ring and following a Brainbuster, nailed the 'Red Dog' with a Corner to Corner Missile Drop-Kick. Matsuo then headed up top and then came crashing down upon Hidaka with the Heavy Rotation (450 Senton) to pick up the victory.


Result: Junichi Matsuo [w] bt Kohei Hidaka [L] in 6:09 via pinfall (Heavy Rotation)


Rating: 56


Mio Mio's Mochi: Those girls, this Matsuo poser came out with, don't measure up to me.....Oh it doesn't bother me, I've only got eyes for one man and that's my Nori-Chan.


Takayuki Balls: A short but decent match- Matsuo and Hidaka seemed to click pretty well as opponents.




Match 3: The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) vs Fuku Machine & Meido Machine





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HunterWolfe_alt1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MeidoMachine.jpg


Meido and Crowley started things off , but did not engage in battle right away. Instead Crowley asked the maid-man if he could have some 'tea'....Meido steps outside and comes back with a cup of Japanese Green Tea.


'No, no- bit of Earl Grey Please' Crowley said to Meido but then as the 'MOE! MONEY!' man turned round to exchange the tea's he was attacked from being by Crowley. The Ambassdors Club, then controlled the match with their teamwork- getting a close two count with the Snap Suplex/Moonsault combo.



However when Kavidar headed up top again to set up for the Sheik From Above- Meido threw up the heart symbol causing the Moe Time Freeze. Meido drop-kicked Crowley off the apron- and with Kavidar stranded on the top turnbuckle managed to dive across to get the tag into Fuku Machine. Except that's what Meido thought was going to happen, but Fuku seemed to have reverted back to 'Hunter Wolfe' and instead of tagging in he decked Meido with a hard right hand.....


Kavidar then quickly rolled up Meido for the pin, only for it to be waved off- as referee Ochida, still Fuku/Wolfe's decking of Meido as a 'tag'. Wolfe was then forced into the ring but running on competitive instinct took control, levelling Kavidar with a clothesline and then dumping the 'High Sheik' with a High Angle Belly to Back Suplex.


Crowley made the save, but then got dumped with an X-Ploder Suplex but then a recovered Kavidar nailed Fuku Wolfe with an Enziguri.....


The Ambassador's Club then took control with the Irish Whip/Knee Lift combo- before the combining on the By Royal Appointment (Assisted Corkscrew Moonsault) to secure the victory.


Result: Ebi Kavidar [w] & Paul Crowley bt Meido Machine & Fuku Machine [L] in 7:48 via pinfall (By Royal Appointment)


Rating: 54


Mio Mio's Mochi: Did these four get released from the daycare centre or something?- They definitely can't be right in the head. When the guys who think that they're 'royalty' appear to be the 'sane' one's something is surely amiss right?


Takayuki Balls: A short but fun match, with the Ambassadors Club teamwork helping to take it up a notch. It's also obvious that Fuku/Wolfe is still suffering with an identity crisis and isn't fully on board yet with the rest of Tuturu!


Intriguingly after that trio of Tuturu! matches no appearance form the mysterious cat-man from the first show- so was his sighting just a random one off?



Match 4: Dark Wolf II vs Hideaki Kasuse



Neither are exactly fan favourites, but it was clear who the 'de-facto face' was going to be, when Wolf cheap shotted Kasuse before the bell had even rung. The 'Howling Menace' controlled the match with clotheslines and stomps, and got two count's with a Samoan Drop and a release German Suplex.


Wolf then planted Kasuse with a Running Powerbomb, but then got cocky when he decided not to go for the pin after that, and instead decided to jaw with the crowd, before heading up top- that gave Kasuse time to recover and bring Wolf crashing back in with the Grace's Fate (Top rope hurracanrana rolled through into a Rana Pin).....


The 'Howling Menace' just about managed to kick out at two, and then decided to bail to the floor for a powder, only for Kasuse to keep the momentum on his side with a Flying Double Axe Handle. 'Bitter Pill' then pitched Wolf back into the ring and then decided to head up top....


However Wolf managed to move out of the way of the All About Yen (Diving Leg Drop) and then nailed Kasuse with the Wolf's Call (Sliding Lariat Pin) to pick up the victory.


Result: Dark Wolf II [w] bt Hideaki Kasuse [L] in 9:15 via pinfall (Wolf's Call)


Rating: 45


Mio Mio's Mochi: Bring back the weirdos! This Kasuse guy kinda has me nodding off.


Takayuki Balls: The fan's had little interest in this match, as they just couldn't care enough about Kasuse in the de-facto face role. In all fairness this match should have been shorter and worked at a faster pace- as the Dark Wolf II 'control' section went on for far too long. It probably didn't help either that Mio Mio called out Kasuse on being 'bland' at the announce table.



Match 5: Chojiro Ono, Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima vs

Kotei Yamato, Koto Arato & Go Takashi






The S.H.I.P trio started the brighter with, Takashi nearly forcing a tap out from Terajima with the Dollars (Inverted Cloverleaf) and Yamato getting a two count on Blood Spider Jr with a German Suplex, following a Step Up Knee Strike into the corner. However Terajima managed to get a cheap shot in, when Yamato looked to then head up top.


That put the Kuro-Nadeshiko in control, with Yamato enduring a great deal of punishment and desperately looking to tag out to either Arato or Takashi. A few times opportunities presented themselves such as when Yamato moved out of the way of a Corner Splash from Ono- but everytime it looked like 'Pin Point' would be able to make it across, he would get cut off.


Eventually Yamato did manage to make it happen, taking down Blood Spider Jr with a spinning headscissors, before nailing Ono with a drop-kick- Pin Point then cut off Terajima with a boot to the mid-section before drilling the 'Cloaked Assassin' with a Sheer Drop Brainbuster.


Ono however manages to shake off the drop-kick and managed to cut Yamato off and then set up for a Press Slam.... 'Pin Point' however manages to slip off and nail Ono with an Enziguri before finally getting the tag into Arato......


'Strong Dreamer' then sent toppled Ono with consecutive Arato-Lariat's , before Blood Spider Jr made the desperation save. Spider however was then taken out with a Release Belly to Belly Suplex......


Referee Sugimura was then distracted by a Black Box wielding Terajima, allowing for a recovered Ono to level Arato with a clothesline from behind. Ono then held Arato in place, as Blood Spider Jr then spurted some Poison Mist, only for Arato to duck at the last split second. Yamato then nailed Ono with a missile drop-kick.


From that point on the S.H.I.P trio were in control and in the end it was Soh Terajima who found himself being pinned for the three count, as Team Ganbatte! combined on the Death By Honor (Powerbomb/Flying Neckbreaker combo) with Takashi being the one to make the pin.


Result: Kotei Yamato, Koto Arato & Go Takashi [w] bt Chojiro Ono, Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima [L] in 9:48 via pinfall (Death By Honor)


Rating: 55


Mio Mio's Mochi: I swear two of the guys in this match would be better off competing in a sumo-ring.


Takayuki Balls: About what is expected from a match featuring the dregs of Kuro-Nadeshiko. I'd think even the very best talent in DIASPORA would struggle to drag a great match out of them.



Match 6: Hiro Date vs Horiuchi Inokuma



Inokuma tried to go toe to toe in a strike battle with Date at the start of the match, but found himself reeling from the stiff fore arm shots and knee strikes of the 'Stampeding Bull'. Date was then able to get Inokuma in his clutches to fling 'Future's Present' overhead with a release belly to belly suplex.


Inokuma then managed to roll outside to take a powder, but Date was keen to keep up the pressure- however Inokuma managed to side-step a spear from Date- and the 'Stampeding Bull' ended up colliding with the ring-steps.


Inokuma then pitched Date, back into the ring and went for a quick cover, but the 'Stampeding Bull' was able to power out at two. Inokuma stayed in control though, planting Date with a Swinging Neckbreaker for another two count.


'Future's Present' then methodically worked over Date's neck with an Inverted DDT bringing another two count, before Inokuma then locked in the Python Vyse (Anaconda Vise).....


Date however is a determined and resilient competitor and managed to battle his way to the ropes to force the rope-break. Inokuma retained control, and set Date up for a vertical suplex, only for the 'Stampeding Bull' to fight off the attempt and counter into an Exploder Suplex. Date then levelled Inokuma with a spear for a two count, before heading up to the second turnbuckle to then come crashing down with Diving Knee Drop....


Inokuma however was able to move out of the way at the last split second and then looked to steal victory with a schoolboy roll-up. Date managed to kick out but was then planted with a Russian Leg-sweep from Inokuma.


Inokuma then set up for the Kamikochi Suplex (Northern Lights Suplex) but Date was able to block the attempt and then tried for a Brainbuster only for Inokuma to block that. They would exchange fore-arm shots to try and seize control and eventually it was Date who won out, hooking Inokuma's right leg- before drilling 'Future's Present' with the Rejection (Fisherman's Brainbuster).....


Inokuma somehow managed to kick out before three, but Date was in complete control and immediately followed up with the Rejection II (Backdrop Suplex) to secure the victory.


Result: Hiro Date [w] bt Horiuchi Inokuma [L] in 12:27 via pinfall (Rejection II)


Rating: 66


Mio Mio's Mochi: The short guy seems to be pretty intense- where does he find the power to fling the other dude across the ring like that?


Takayuki Balls: Decent and competitive, but at this stage of his career Inokuma has the stench of 'young lion' and the fans aren't going to be buying him going over and experienced upper midcarder like Date.



Match 7: Hiroto Nori & Oda Yamawaki vs

Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa






We get a handshake between both sides before the start of the match, to hammer home the point that this will be a fairly contested fight.


The superior agility and speed of Nori and Yamawaki gives them the upper hand in the early going but Nori goes to the springboard drop-kick well once too often and gets turned inside out, in mid-air by a Dozer (Spear) from Ebisawa. The S.H.I.P leader manages to kick out at two but it puts the former Guardians pair fully in control.


Ichigawa and Ebisawa, slow things down and target Nori's back, with Ebisawa locking on the Okinawan Crab (Reverse Boston Crab) after applying a Fireman's Carry Backbreaker. Nori manages to dig down and battle his way to the ropes to force a rope-break. Ebisawa then flung Nori across the ring with the Belly 2 Helly (Release Belly to Belly Suplex) but 'Battle' managed to land on his feet and stun Ebisawa with a drop-kick, before following up with a Tornado DDT.


'Forceful Dagger' managed to get the tag out to Ichigawa first, but Nori was able to avoid a Decapitator (Running Bicyle Kick) before stunning the former heavyweight champion with a springboard missile drop-kick.


Nori got the tag into Yamawak, who got a close two count with a Flying Cross Body. 'Fearless' continued to build momentum with a single handed bull-dog and then Samoan Drop for a two count before heading up top. Yamawaki then soared off the top with a Frog Splash but Ichigawa was able to get his knees up and then suddenly lock on the Crucifix Arm-Bar.


Yamawaki looked to be about to tap out but Nori was able to make the desperation save. Ichigawa then set up for the Chugoku Spike (Cradle Piledriver) but Yamawaki was able to block the attempt and then countered into the Sumida Bridge (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)....


But 'Fearless' was unable to maintain the bridge and Ichigawa was able to kick out at two. Yamawaki and Ichigawa then exchanged strikes, before both tried to build momentum off the ropes- resulting in a mid ring collision. Both weary combatants then looked to tag back out to their respective partners......


Nori got caught and then planted with a Uranage from Ebisawa, before being planted again with the Ebisawa Complex (Swinging Side Slam Backbreaker).....


That looked to have earned Ebisawa a huge upset victory, but Yamawaki was able to make the desperation save......


'Forceful Dagger' remained undettered and tried for another Ebisawa complex but this time Nori was able to block the attempt and the S.H.I.P leader was able to counter with the Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO)....


It was Ichigawa's turn to make the desperation save, but the former heavyweight champion was soon clotheslined out of the ring by Yamawaki, who then followed up with a slingshot cross body.


Back in the ring Nori retained control over Ebisawa with the Endless Nori (Kick Flurry) before heading up top- to then secure victory with the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press)


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] & Oda Yamawaki bt Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 12:50 via pinfall (Flying Bonito)


Rating: 65


Mio Mio's Mochi: There's only going to be one winner in this match and that's my Nori-chan!


Takayuki Balls: Solid competitive action, but the match failed to 'spark' the crowd into a reaction. Maybe they were saving themselves for the main even but it definitely takes something away from a match, when the crowd aren't fully into it.



~Trust Vengeance~

Match 8: Makoto Style Elimination:

Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto Zodiac & Talisman vs

Sairento, Incognito, GUSHIKEN & RIKU.








comes over the speakers and Incognito arrogantly struts down to the ring.....


A few moments later 'God Knows' plays and Talisman comes charging down the entrance ramp......


The two masked high flyers engage in some slick chain wrestling.....Talisman seemed to be gaining the upper hand.....


Only for

to hit the ring and give Kuro-Nadeshiko the two on one advantage. The Kuro pair take control, with GUSHIKEN planting Talisman with a Scoop Powerslam and Incognito following up with a Slingshot Corkscrew Senton Splash....


Before they can do too much damage though, Zodiac comes out to come to his fellow Junior Tag champions aid. Zodiac plants GUSHIKEN with a spinning headscissors facebuster and then nails Incognito with a backflip kick. A recovered Talisman, then combined with a spinning heel kick poetry in motion on GUSHIKEN. Whispered then looked to take further control but


Then the

came over the speakers 'The Virus' hit the ring and levelled both of the Junior Tag champs with consecutive Yakuza kicks.


That put Kuro-Nadeshiko, back in control- with the trio working over Whispered with stomps and chokes, much to the chagrin of the crowd in attendance. That man advantage wouldn't last long though as Prime Dragon raced down to the ring


The Guardians leader, nailed RIKU with a Rolling Wheel-Kick, and then stopped Incognito with a Palm Strike. Whispered then managed to shake off some cob-webs and were able to join Dragon in taking the fight back to their Kuro-Nadeshiko adversaries. Despite the general size advantage that Kuro had, the Guardians through will and skill seemed to be holding their own....


That was until the

of the newly crowned Super Junior Champion hit the ring......


With the 'Silent Reaper' now orchestrating the chaos..... Talisman got GUSHIKEN Bombed and Zodiac was flung into the corner with a biel throw from RIKU. Incognito then followed in with a Spinning Heel Kick. Meanwhile in the centre of the ring, Sairento levelled Prime Dragon with a Yakuza Kick and then subjected the Guardians leader to a Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curbstomp).....


The School Rumble Theme

then came over the speakers but instead of rushing to his teams aid, Minamoto slowly strutted down the ramp, even taking long pauses to arrogantly pose in front of the fans.


Finally after Kuro have had even more opportunity to dish out a beating to Prime Dragon and Whispered, Minamoto saunters into the ring and referee Ochida signals that eliminations can now take place....


The match continues to be a chaotic melee with Kuro on top, though the Guardians cause is hardly helped a disinterested Minamoto. Talisman almost gets tossed out by GUSHIKEN, but is able to skin the cat and then nails GUSHIKEN with a springboard leg lariat....only to then be nailed with the RIKU Rush (One Handed Bulldog followed by a knee strike off the ropes). Minamoto however suddenly gets motivated stunning RIKU with a Decapitator (Running Bicyle Kick).....a triple drop-kick from Dragon & Whispered sends RIKU toppling out of the ring and given how much Kuro-Nadeshiko were dominating the Guardians surprisingly have the man advantage.


Elimination #1: RIKU in 10:47 via Top Rope Elimination ( Triple Team drop-kick)


Guardians 4- Kuro Nadeshiko 3


Despite having the man advantage, Minamoto continues to contribute next to nothing, and thus the Guardians are unable to truly seize control of the match.


Incognito nails Prime Dragon with a Bala De Dios (Flying Spinning Heel Kick) and then follows up with a Standing Moonsault for a two count. Minamoto nonchantly makes the save, before Zodiac plants Incognito with a Beetle Suplex, only for Sairento to nail 'Innovations God' with a Yakuza Kick.


Talisman tries to come to the rescue but gets levelled with a clothesline and then planted with a Uranage from GUSHIKEN. Dragon then gets booted in the mid-section from Sairento and drilled with a Brainbuster. Incognito then comes crashing down upon Dragon with a split legged moonsault for a two count.


Zodiac is tossed overhead into the corner with a release Belly to Belly Suplex from GUSHIKEN. Incognito and Sairento then delivered stereo face-washes to Prime Dragon and Talisman. Sairento goes up top and comes crashing down upon the 'Second Coming' with diving double stomp.


Meanwhile Minamoto had decided to take an even less active role in the match- rolling out of the ring and sitting himself down, at the commentary table.....


Announcer Shun'En Kogara questioned why Minamoto was taking no part in the match


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShunenKogara.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EikichiMinamoto.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadashiSaga.jpg


'Shouldn't you be in there right now helping your fellow Guardians........Jumping High Kick!'


'People are accusing you of being out for yourself, and only yourself' chimed in Tadashi Saga.


Minamoto tried to explain his actions, brushing off the accusations of being selfish.


'That's a trio of champions in there, they should be able to take care of business......but if they NEED me to show them how it's done....I'll gladly oblige'


As he was not pinned, submitted or thrown over the top-rope....the heavyweight champion has not been eliminated from the match, but with the beating his fellow Guardians are taking- he may as well be.


The 'Silent Reaper' then planted Talisman with a double underhook powerbomb. Prime Dragon makes the save but is then nailed by GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash), whilst Zodiac is planted with the Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep from Incognito...... Sairento then drilled Talisman with the Death Note (Spike Brainbuster)- that get's a three count and once again the teams are evened up.....


Elimination #2: Talisman in 15:23 via pinfall (Death Note- Sairento).


Guardians 3- Kuro Nadeshiko 3


With Minamoto still at the commentary table- the Guardians really find themselves at a three on two disadvantage. Zodiac gets levelled with a clothesline from GUSHIKEN and then planted with a the GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver). Prime Dragon makes the save, but then gets tossed into the corner by the All Asia Tag champion. The Grand Pillar then endures a facewash from Sairento and before Incognito goes up top and then comes crashing down upon Dragon with the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton)....


Kuro-Nadeshiko thought they were getting the man advantage once again, but Minamoto decided to show interest in the match, diving back into the ring to make the save, before subjecting Incognito to the Gurugu Mawaru (Airplane Spin Samoan Drop)....a giddy Incognito then staggered into a Zodiac Sniper '98 ( Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb), as a fresh Minamoto and a recovered Prime Dragon kept GUSHIKEN and Sairento at bay.


Elimination #3: Incognito in 18:09 via pinfall (Zodiac Sniper'98- Zodiac)


Guardians 3- Kuro Nadeshiko 2


Zodiac gets nailed with a Yakuza Kick from Sairento, and then drilled with a Brainbuster but then Prime Dragon nails Sairento with a Rolling Wheel Kick and then drills the Super Junior Champion with a Brainbuster of his own.......GUSHIKEN makes the save but then eats a Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) from Minamoto. GUSHIKEN shakes it off though, and goes for a lariat, but Minamoto ducks and then bails from the ring.


Prime Dragon then remonstrates with Minamoto to get back in the ring, but is then nailed from behind with GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash)...which sends the former Super Junior Champion toppling over the top-rope and thus being eliminated from the match!


Elimination #4: Prime Dragon in 20:13 via Over the Top Rope Elimination (GUSHIKEN Smash- GUSHIKEN).


Guardiand 2- Kuro Nadeshiko 2


Zodiac is faced with a two on one situation, with Minamoto in no hurry to get back into the ring. Incredibly though Zodiac manages to fend the Kuro pair off with a Tilt-A-Whirl Head-scissors, Tornado DDT combo. 'Innovations God' continued to build offensive momentum with a springboard Enziguri on GUSHIKEN, before planting Sairento with a Blue Thunder Driver.


GUSHIKEN however shook off the Enziguri, and clobbered Zodiac from behind....but then the Junior Tag champion, countered a vertical suplex into a stunner!


Eikichi Minamoto then decided to saunter back into the ring and make the cover.....








Even though Zodiac had done all the hard work Minamoto had decided to take the glory for himself!


Elimination #5: GUSHIKEN in 22:44 via pinfall (Minamoto pin after, Zodiac Stunner counter to vertical suplex)


Guardians 2- Kuro Nadeshiko 1


The Guardians have the man advantage once again, but with the way Minamoto has been acting in the match, will they be on the same page to take care of against the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader?


The answer to that is a rather quick NO! as Zodiac fed up of Minamoto's attitude, nails the heavyweight champion with a drop-kick- sending 'Rumble Heart' over the top-rope and out of the match!


Elimination #6: Eikichi Minamoto in 23:28 via Over The Top Rope Elimination (Dropkick-Zodiac)


Guardians 1- Kuro-Nadeshiko 1


Sairento nailed Zodiac from behind and then planted 'Innovations God' with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. The 'Silent Reaper' then planted Zodiac with a double underhook powerbomb for a two count- before subjecting Zodiac to the Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curbstomp)....


Sairento then whipped Zodiac into the corner and followed in with a Yakuza Kick, before going for a face-wash but the Junior Tag champ managed to move out of the way and then stun Sairento with a springboard Enziguri. Zodiac then planted Sairento with an Asai DDT for a two count, before heading up top......


But Sairento managed to rise back to his feet and then cut Zodiac off from taking flight....the Super Junior Champion then attempted to bring Zodiac crashing back in with an avalanche Death Valley Driver but Zodiac managed to fend off the attempt and shove Sairento back down to the mat, before spiking the 'Silent Reaper' with a Tornado DDT. Zodiac then snapped off a Tilt-A-Whirl headscissors before applying the Flame Haze (Crucifix Arm Bar).....


Sairento managed to fight through the pain however, and lift Zodiac before powerbombing the Junior Tag champion against the turnbuckle.....'Innovations God' staggered out and then ate the Absolute Terror (Front Knee Strike To The Face).....








Final Elimination: Zodiac in 27:42 via pinfall (Absolute Terror-Sairento)


Kuro-Nadeshiko and Sairento were the one's to triumph on thi occasion but would things have been different if the Guardians worked as a cohesive unit. It is clear for everyone to see that Minamoto is only out for himself- and his attitude during this match could well have been the tipping point for the rest of the Guardians that have thus far stood by him.


Result: Kuro-Nadeshiko (Sairento, Incognito, GUSHIKEN & RIKU) bt Guardians of DIASPORA (Eikichi Minamoto, Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman) in a Makoto Style Elimination match by 1 survivor in 27:42.


Rating: 81


Mio Mio's Mochi:


Eikichi Minamoto: Suou-chan those knockers of yours looking fantastic as always


Mio Mio: I don't know who the hell you are taking to, but shouldn't you be in the ring, instead of gassing to us!'


Eikichi Minamoto: Why I'm taking to you of course.....


Mio Mio: I don't know who the hell this Suou-chan is you speak of...but whilst I'm flattered you are impressed by my sizeable assets, I only have eyes for one-man


Eikichi Minamoto: Oh I'm positive that you're Mikoto Suoh


Mio Mio: I'm Mio Hirsasawa- you bumbling idiot!




Not Mio Mio- But who Minamoto though she was?!


Takayuki Balls: Minamoto's dicking about during the match- added tension and drama but did take away from this match being as good as it could have been from an in-ring perspective. Then again these sort of matches are more about the story than people bringing their 'work-rate A Game'



Overall: 75


Takayuki's Final Verdict: The undercard 'underwhelmed' again unfortunately, but thankfully the crowd were really into the main event.

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Well that went by un-noticed, but well it did take me ages to put that last show up- so what should I expect? Really I can't complain though, I will admit I've become lax lately follow diaries myself.


Anyway as from this coming week- I won't have regular access to the internet until March 12th (which is when my I'm getting broadband installed into my new place).


So what that means, is that this thing will be hold for the next couple of weeks- I might even leave it on hold until the end of the month and come back to both my own diary and also following other people's diaries with a renewed vigour.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well that went by un-noticed,.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4B0082;"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">Evidently yes. I never saw it pop up on my subscriptions. Maybe it rolled off since I barely check on Fridays.</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> I'll have comments later. Best of luck surviving without internet!</span></span></p>
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Result: Tian Long [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] in 5:31 via submission (Dynasty Lock)


I think most of the fans were at the merch stall when this match was on

I know I was. Why do you think I'm so late commenting on this? Hiding From Mio after spending too much time getting a personalized autograhpy from Nori-chan.

'So you don't trust me , after all we've been through together!'


Am I the only one who says acts out the dialogue parts out loud? Yes? Now I feel silly.


Result: Shintaro Hideki [w] bt HUSTLE Umiro + Xtinction [L] in 7:03 via pinfall (Superkick)


Surprisingly good rating, especially with Xtinction involved.

Result: Junichi Matsuo [w] bt Kohei Hidaka [L] in 6:09 via pinfall (Heavy Rotation)

Love the dancing at the start. But I'm all for pushing him as a Magnum Tokyo/BxB Hulk type.

Result: Ebi Kavidar [w] & Paul Crowley bt Meido Machine & Fuku Machine [L] in 7:48 via pinfall (By Royal Appointment)


Pretty predictable since the AC are obviously going to get a bit of a push and we know Fuku Machine is enhancement talent. So this match is all about the personalties.


Mio Mio's Mochi: Bring back the weirdos! This Kasuse guy kinda has me nodding off.

Dark Wolf plays midcard bully again, nothing new there but it's probably building his pop, ever so slowly. It's not like there was anything better to do with Kasuse.


Result: Kotei Yamato, Koto Arato & Go Takashi [w] bt Chojiro Ono, Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima [L] in 9:48 via pinfall (Death By Honor)

Pretty much as expected but it's nice to see Go get another win. He's being slowly built up to the level where they can win the championship.


Result: Hiro Date [w] bt Horiuchi Inokuma [L] in 12:27 via pinfall (Rejection II)

Pretty predictable. Date is a bull and really just ran over Inokuma but it was competitive at least.

Result: Hiroto Nori [w] & Oda Yamawaki bt Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 12:50 via pinfall (Flying Bonito)


Respect for Ichigawa but he's seemingly out of the picture against Minamoto with him losing while teaming with Ebisawa. I would agree with the solid, competitive line. But Ebisawa has to get some meaningful wins before we're going to quit treating him like a young lion destined to lose. Right now that's all he is.


Result: Kuro-Nadeshiko (Sairento, Incognito, GUSHIKEN & RIKU) bt Guardians of DIASPORA (Eikichi Minamoto, Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman) in a Makoto Style Elimination match by 1 survivor in 27:42.



In a lot of ways this was typical Minamoto. I always get this delusional egotist Jericho vibe from Minamoto and him bailing out to chat with the commentators fits that perfectly. It's interesting the workrate suffered for story, since DIASPORA feels like such a work rate promotion. Stories work better in diaries, though. And Sendai is a small market. A very small market. Still excellent action and that match made the night, nothing else was even close to as good.


The Minamoto-Mio chat was weird. Minamoto as the School Rumble obsessed douche works fine but Mio talking about her own 'assets' in those terms was weird. Must be a gravure model thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am up and running once again with internet!!


It will be a little while yet before I get the next show up, but in the meantime to celebrate my resurrection...the next post will feature arguably the most 'random' Chronicles of Takayuki entry yet. I say arguably, because lets face it most of them are pretty 'random' :p

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I couldn’t for the life of me make out what he was saying , but from what I could hear from the mouth of Paul Crowley, as he spoke to his tag partner Ebi Kavidar in the locker-room it sounded like he was having a right old moan. Then again Kavidar who can speak ‘English’ was having problems understanding Crowley himself.


‘Things r’right ropey round ‘ere. It’s like y’know that Meido gobshite, reckon...he’s got to be a bit Wigan Pier like. A bloke in a dress, nowt right ‘bout that.


Y’know what else I’m brassed off with....the food. Can’t find anywhere that does a good chip butty. Back home, every day me and r’kid right would go down boozer, get a chip butty for supper, put on some Roses or better still some Northside, get kegged on Bodders and play a round of arrers.... anyway see y’later Ebz, I’m bursting for a jimmy.’


Kavidar just nodded along , feigning an understanding of what was coming out of Crowley’s mouth but it was clear to me that Crowley’s immigrant American tag partner, was just as confused by what he heard , as I was. I mean this wasn’t like the English I got taught in school.


Later on I saw Crowley exit the men’s washroom, whilst humming a tune that sounded something like this....



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I couldn’t for the life of me make out what he was saying , but from what I could hear from the mouth of Paul Crowley, as he spoke to his tag partner Ebi Kavidar in the locker-room it sounded like he was having a right old moan. Then again Kavidar who can speak ‘English’ was having problems understanding Crowley himself.


‘Things r’right ropey round ‘ere. It’s like y’know that Meido gobshite, reckon...he’s got to be a bit Wigan Pier like. A bloke in a dress, nowt right ‘bout that.


Y’know what else I’m brassed off with....the food. Can’t find anywhere that does a good chip butty. Back home, every day me and r’kid right would go down boozer, get a chip butty for supper, put on some Roses or better still some Northside, get kegged on Bodders and play a round of arrers.... anyway see y’later Ebz, I’m bursting for a jimmy.’


Kavidar just nodded along , feigning an understanding of what was coming out of Crowley’s mouth but it was clear to me that Crowley’s immigrant American tag partner, was just as confused by what he heard , as I was. I mean this wasn’t like the English I got taught in school.


Later on I saw Crowley exit the men’s washroom, whilst humming a tune that sounded something like this....




Love it. Crowley talks exactly like how I would imagine him to talk when he's not busy being a Victorian gentleman. :p

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