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TCW: The Locker-Room of Doom [8RoW]

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Nigel Svensson vs. Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh (non-title)


Eddie Peak vs. ??? (Open Challenge)


Troy Tornado vs. Aaron Andrews (non-title)


Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo vs. The Canadian Animals w/Vita & Laura Huggins


Sorry for Party Rockin' (Danny Fonazrelli & Giant Tana) vs. The Machines


Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach


Rocky Golden vs. Bryan Vessey


Which member of the women's division (an announced signing) makes her debut on this show? Katherine Goodlooks


Who's making trouble backstage this time? Vessey

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Nigel Svensson vs. Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh (non-title)


Eddie Peak vs. ??? (Open Challenge)


Troy Tornado vs. Aaron Andrews (non-title)


Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo vs. The Canadian Animals w/Vita & Laura Huggins


Sorry for Party Rockin' (Danny Fonazrelli & Giant Tana) vs. The Machines


Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach


Rocky Golden vs. Bryan Vessey






Which member of the women's division (an announced signing) makes her debut on this show? Tracy Brendan


Who's making trouble backstage this time? Bryan Vessey

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TCW Presents...


Total Wrestling


Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England)

Attendance: 10,000

Broadcast Live on G.N.N Total Sports (6.91)




Jason Azaria - Kyle Rhodes - Shawn Doakes




Nigel Svensson vs. Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh (non-title)

Well. This one wakes the crowd up in a hurry. You'd expect to be all Hawkins, and it isn't; while it's not perfectly even, the crowd pops big for the few spots Svensson gets, including a beautiful release german that leaves Wolf laying until Brooke pulls him out of the ring. Hawkins stalls out until an eight-count, and upon getting back into the ring, nails the Full Moon Rising for a match exceptionally received for what it was.


Wolf Hawkins def. Nigel Svensson

Grade: B!?






Eddie Peak is in the ring. Alone. Oh dear.


"It's been so very, very long since the last time Peak got to feast... So many cowards afraid of stepping into the ring with him, cowering and snivelling of the thought of Peak draining them dry again...


But Peak hears - yes, yes he hears. He hears of new blood, he hears of newcomers, full of courage, bravery... full of life, yet to be tapped out.


Yes... one of those will do.


So come out. Come out and play with Peak. New, old, it doesn't matter to Peak, doesn't matter at all...


Only the feast."


Peak, at this point, is sat cross-legged in the middle of the ring, rocking back and forth... but then straightens slightly as an unfamiliar guitar riff strikes up.






Shawn Doakes, who has assumed the role of resident 'indy guy' of late, makes the call; "That's - I believe that's Jamie Hernandez, who's quite well known for his work over in Puerto Rico."


Rhodes: "That's an awfully long way to come for a beating."


For his part, Peak rises to his feet and spreads his arms wide. Beckoning. Waiting.





Eddie Peak vs. Jamie Hernandez

The moment Hernandez enters the ring, Peak bull-rushes him. Hernandez smart side-steps into a dropkick that takes Peak at the knees and sends him hard into the ropes. Peak whiplashes back... and then slowly gets to his feet, licking his lips. He swings, Hernandez ducks, steps inside and hooks up for the STO- Peak headbutts him and the newcomer drops like a stone. It's indicative of the entire match; Hernandez is fast, and he demonstrates readily that he's not your typical cruiser, which takes Peak off guard. Peak, on the other hand... is Peak, and each clubbing blow looks like it hurts like hell. In time, attrition is what takes it, and a flagging Hernandez is caught and hauled into the Peak of Perfection.


Eddie Peak def. Jamie Hernandez

Grade: B-





Troy Tornado vs. Aaron Andrews (non-title)

Given how well these two 'click' together, it's a little surprising that this match is... well, a little lukewarm, really. Perhaps it's just that the two contests preceding it are tough acts to follow, but altogether it's a somewhat weak offering. Both men get their licks in, and maybe surprisingly, it's Andrews who looks the more likely to make something happen, Andrews who gets a long two with the flying body press...




And Andrews who falters at the sight of Jay Chord at ringside, arms folded... enough for Tornado to spring to life and blast the International champion with a Star Maker to put him down for the three.


Troy Tornado def. Aaron Andrews

Grade: C






The New Wave, accompanied by an unidentified woman attired in similar fashion to them, are lurking outside Texas Buffalo's locker room, all three of them wearing what look to be night vision goggles. Scout is hunched over something, not visible with his back to the camera. Guide glances back, the woman nods... and Guide knocks on the door.




Pete opens it, and Guide is already winding back to punch Pete so hard in the face it knocks the big man two steps back. That gives Scout enough space to straighten and then hurl a cylindrical object into the room. Moments later, white smoke starts to billow everywhere, obscuring the locker room from sight. The New Wave charge as one into the fray, and for a few moments, there's the sounds of brawling and yelling. Then... silence, and the trio emerge, dusting off their hands, the smoke slowly dissipating to show Texas Buffalo both laid out on the floor.





Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo vs. The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Vita

Jimmy Foxx is a champion, and always dangerous - Mighty Mo has shown in his time in TCW to date that he's a capable competitor, if a little green. The Canadian Animals... are themselves. For a sequence, Foxx and Stone are just cartwheeling around each other, up until Huggins kicks a hand out from underneath Jimmy. It's fast paced, liberally dirty, and when a wayward superkick leads to Foxx getting snagged with a Party's Over... Vita and Laura are taking an ankle each to pull Mo from the apron to splat on the floor and ensure the three count.


The Canadian Animals def. Flying Jimmy Foxx & Mighty Mo

Grade: C-





Sorry for Party Rockin' vs. The Machines

Another week, another team that has the Machines thrown by an almost impeccable understanding. Fonzarelli and Tana play off one another's spots to near perfection - Tana getting the crowd going for the classic 'armbar into short-arm clothesline', Fonzarelli leaping into the air as Tana smashes into Hill with a big fat avalanche. The Machines are sorely pressed, and it takes a double team effort from the pair of them to get Tana off his feet, and a truly supreme effort for Anderson to hoist him for the Ammo Dump. Even so, Hill has to sacrifice himself to a Fonzarelli lariat to make safe the pinfall and the Machines victory.


The Machines def. Sorry for Party Rockin'

Grade: B-






Ricky Dale Johnson is backstage, getting a big pop pretty much just for appearing onscreen. As normal, Jasmine Saunders stands by for the interview. Naturally the topic at hand is RDJ's ongoing rivalry and upcoming number one contender's match with Bryan Vessey. RDJ says that Vessey is never a man to underestimate, one of the most dangerous competitors in the business and in this company. He says that he doesn't intend to take Vessey lightly... but that tonight, Golden will take the veteran to the limit - take the measure of what a man needs to be a champion in this company, and if Vessey can't beat Golden... just think what that means for the championship.


A cutaway shows Vessey watching, his face like stone - the announce team wonder if RDJ has got into his opponent's head.





Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach

Not a man known for playing nice with others, Bach nevertheless seems to have an accord with Taylor here, allowing him in the ring first - with Cornell more than willing to give Law the honours on the opposite end. Squaring off with one another, an interesting dichotomy is evident; Law is looking leaner, rangier, whilst Taylor is carrying more bulk than normal. Rick's still taller... but they actually look to be of comparable weight, and oddly enough, both of them seem somewhat enhanced for it. In any case, it's a straightforward uppercard TCW tag team match, and a typical Tommy Cornell 'I'm goin' to use cheapshots whenever I can, and try an' avoid the heavy liftin' '. As such there's a huge pop when Bach sends Law careening into Cornell and - ruled a tag, launches a massive hurricanrana. Cornell duly makes to tag straight back out, only to...




Find his partner being hurled into the ringsteps. Cornell blanches, steps back... turns...






Sam Sparrow throws it out for the disqualification - which Bach and Taylor are less than happy about, but there's nothing that can be done.


Tommy Cornell & Rick Law def. Joshua Taylor & Sammy Bach (via DQ)

Grade: B-






The prospect of actually stopping for the DQ seems to be a rather quaint one for Minnesota and Ino, who exercise the opportunity for a little 'rough justice' of their own. Meanwhile, Taylor and Bach exit, though not before Bach stares daggers at both interferers. Cornell and Law eat several boots each, and are both clearly hurting, Minnesota more ferociously fervent than Ino, who seems to be backing off a little bit...




Wolf Hawkins comes charging out from backstage with a chair, Brooke in tow, similarly armed. Wolf's shirt is unbuttoned and his tie hangs loose around his neck, whilst Brooke's hair is rather mussed. The delay in their arrival is... conspicuous. Minnesota and Ino both see the cavalry coming and back off - though not before Minnesota kicks Law in the ribs one last time.


Azaria: "I suppose in this case, turnabout is fair play."





Rocky Golden vs. Bryan Vessey

A strong match between a TCW staple; a hard-hitting brawler and a smaller man of superlative wrestling ability. Golden plays off the crowd perfectly, making them wince in sympathy each time Vessey hits a hard puro inspired chop or suplex, making them cheer each time he mounts a gutsy comeback. He's always had the fans in the palm of his hand and tonight is really no exception. For his part, this seems to get under Vessey's skin - and moreso the more big moves Golden kicks out of.


And a mad Vessey is a reckless Vessey. The puro ace hits Golden harder and harder, but the big man is nothing if not resilient, and the more of a beating he takes, the more he absorbs... the more Golden's focus seems to sharpen, and as Vessey winds up for a fifth consecutive forearm smash Vessey Line... a serene look comes onto Golden's face. He catches the arm, wrenches Vessey around, spinning backward... Vessey's hoisted, Argentine clutch... THE RACK! IT'S THE RACK! Vessey's back is contorted at a horrible angle, and Golden drops to one knee, the impact wrenching him even further... Vessey's signalling to the referee! He's submitting! Golden releases the hold and raises both fists in the air, celebrating a huge victory with the fans!


Rocky Golden def. Bryan Vessey

Grade: B



Show Rating: B

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((So as to not leave it ALL hanging - it probably won't be until a ways through tomorrow until I get up the summary and the backstage piece won't be until after that...


The new member of the New Wave is Agent, AKA Katherine Goodlooks))


Damn...from goofy comedy wrestler to hot valet! Talk about much-improved... :D

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Prediction Standings


Self: 11/13 (+7)
d_w_w: 11/13 (+6, +1 bonus)
Shadowsong: 11/13 (+7)
Jingo: 10/13 (+7)
Midnightnick: 9/13 (+6)
Apupunchau: 8/13 (+7)
MichiganHero: 8/7 (+7, +1 bonus)
smwilliams: 7/7 (+7)
Truth: 5/6
Jaded: 5/6
3rdStringPG: 4/6
PhantomStranger: 4/6



Probably a little bit of a gimme card overall. Only a couple of matches that had a very great chance of going the other way, but they can't all be ultra-competitive and I'm satisfied with what I got.


Still mystified how a 6 minute glorified squash beat everything on the card sans the main event, and I'm... kind've disappointed with a C from Tornado/Andrews, particularly with great chemistry bolstering them. They're capable of better, or should be.


And Apu - Fonzy and Tana as a team... cause if I was going to put Rhino with anyone at this point it'd be grabbing Samoan Machine after all. They're not a natural fit together, Fonzy is... and chemistry to boot.


At some point I'm going to list the amount of chemistry I've discovered. It's mental.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Joel had grown to hate the chirpy little trill his cellphone made whenever it received a message from Rick. Only a few people in Joel's contacts had the honour of their own tone, and Rick's was the one he heard more than anyone else's. It wasn't a negative reflection on Rick, exactly. It was just, well...


If he was receiving a message from Rick then something was happening. Something that would be Joel's job to sort out. Wonderful.


"Jeremy. Franklin. Coffee."


Rick always used people's real - full - names. He was the only person Joel knew that had been able to get away with calling Charlie Thatcher 'Charles', and Danny Fonzarelli 'Daniel' even back when he'd been Jay Darkness. In this case... Joel put two and two together very quickly.


For the love of GOD, Scout...


Joel could already hear the muffled shouting coming from the main locker room, and opening it... the scene was much as he was expecting.






Thom 'Guide' Barrowman and Jeremy 'Scout' Finch were still in full regalia, which was a little odd considering they'd only been working in the dark and had had a good hour and a half to get cleaned up. Scout had a slightly smug expression on his face as he looked across the room at his evident 'victim', a fuming Freddy Huggins, being somewhat but not really restrained by tag-team partner and buddy Edd Stone.


The obvious peacemaker was in the middle of the bunch.






Rick gave Joel a slightly desperate look as he entered. It was fairly easy to see why, considering Freddy was practically frothing at the mouth and from Joel could tell, Scout was continuing to needle him.


"It's like coffee, just ... drunkier!"


Great. Nice work Edd.


Things quietened down as Joel entered. He looked from the New Wave, to the Animals... to Rick. Yeah. Definitely Rick if he didn't want to be bombarded with excuses and indignation.


"What happened here?"


Rick glanced around, a little sheepishly. "Uhm. So far as I know, Jeremy replaced Franklin's coffee with absinthe."


...Joel had to hand it to him, that was some lengths to go for a prank.


"He poured out the coffee! T-the, the... THE PHILISTINE!"


Helpful contribution from Freddy. In fairness though... Scout should have known better. Freddy was... particular about his coffee. Very very particular. If he didn't get a fix after his matches... well, this happened. And it had to be the RIGHT coffee too. Joel had once made the mistake of offering him decaf and had received a weapons-grade death glare.


Yeah, it was clear who was in the wrong here.


Joel looked over at the culprit and folded his arms. "Jeremy... do us all a favour and stop messing with people's stuff, all right? It was funny the first time. Now it's getting old. Find another way to occupy yourself. We clear?"


Scout frowned slightly, but then nodded, chastened. "Okay Joel you've made your point... understood."




Wow. No protest? No thinly veiled potshot? No sarcasm?


Joel felt he might have to pinch himself.

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John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


??? vs. Joey Minnesota


Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Honeyman


Jay Chord & Mark Fearn vs. The L.A. Connection


Eddie Peak, ??? & ??? vs. Jamie Hernandez & Kings' Cross (Eddie Cornell & Kevin Christopher)


??? vs. Rick Law


Bryan Vessey & The Syndicate vs. Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Koshiro Ino






Who's Troy Tornado trying to impress with his dulcet tones?

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John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


??? vs. Joey Minnesota


Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Honeyman


Jay Chord & Mark Fearn vs. The L.A. Connection

Eddie Peak, ??? & ??? vs. Jamie Hernandez & Kings' Cross (Eddie Cornell & Kevin Christopher)


??? vs. Rick Law


Bryan Vessey & The Syndicate vs. Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Koshiro Ino






Who's Troy Tornado trying to impress with his dulcet tones?

my sister

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John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


??? vs. Joey Minnesota


Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Honeyman


Jay Chord & Mark Fearn vs. The L.A. Connection


Eddie Peak, ??? & ??? vs. Jamie Hernandez & Kings' Cross (Eddie Cornell & Kevin Christopher)


??? vs. Rick Law

Bryan Vessey & The Syndicate vs. Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Koshiro Ino






Who's Troy Tornado trying to impress with his dulcet tones?


Uhhh, Brooke Tyler.

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John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


??? vs. Joey Minnesota


Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Honeyman


Jay Chord & Mark Fearn vs. The L.A. Connection


Eddie Peak, ??? & ??? vs. Jamie Hernandez & Kings' Cross (Eddie Cornell & Kevin Christopher)


??? vs. Rick Law


Bryan Vessey & The Syndicate vs. Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Koshiro Ino






Who's Troy Tornado trying to impress with his dulcet tones?


Catherine Huggins

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John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


??? vs. Joey Minnesota


Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Honeyman


Jay Chord & Mark Fearn vs. The L.A. Connection


Eddie Peak, ??? & ??? vs. Jamie Hernandez & Kings' Cross (Eddie Cornell & Kevin Christopher)


??? vs. Rick Law


Bryan Vessey & The Syndicate vs. Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Koshiro Ino






Who's Troy Tornado trying to impress with his dulcet tones? Killer Shark. Nah, just kidding. Vita, perhaps?

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John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


??? vs. Joey Minnesota


Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Honeyman


Jay Chord & Mark Fearn vs. The L.A. Connection


Eddie Peak, ??? & ??? vs. Jamie Hernandez & Kings' Cross (Eddie Cornell & Kevin Christopher)


??? vs. Rick Law


Bryan Vessey & The Syndicate vs. Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Koshiro Ino

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John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


John Anderson is one of the better workers on the roster and Harry Allen is a jobber.


??? vs. Joey Minnesota


Another wrestler making their debut by losing I'm assuming.

Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Honeyman


Remmy Honeyman is a jobber.


Jay Chord & Mark Fearn vs. The L.A. Connection


Hmm, this is a tough one to call. Fearn has only just joined the roster and needs time before he can move up the card but he is teaming with a guy that's on the rise. On the other hand, The L.A Connection are an established team so I'm going to go with them.


Eddie Peak, ??? & ??? vs. Jamie Hernandez & Kings' Cross (Eddie Cornell & Kevin Christopher)


Peak is one of the top workers in TCW, while his opponents are all new to the roster and need time to establish themselves.


??? vs. Rick Law


Same situation as the Joey Minnesota match.


Bryan Vessey & The Syndicate vs. Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Koshiro Ino


This could go either way, but I'm gonna go with Rocky Golden's team as this will allow him to continue to build momentum going into his title match with Wolf Hawkins.




Who's Troy Tornado trying to impress with his dulcet tones? Brooke Marsh

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TCW Presents...


Total Wrestling


Minnesota Coliseum (Mid West)

Attendance: 10,000

Broadcast Live on G.N.N Total Sports (7.51)




Jason Azaria - Kyle Rhodes - Shawn Doakes






Jasmine flashes her trademark professional smile to the camera as she stands by with two of TCW's newer acquisitions.


"Ladies and gentlemen, pleased give a very warm welcome to my guests at this time; new TCW team Kevin Christopher and Edward Cornell - Kings' Cross."


There are the obligatory smiles and nodding from the pair.


"Now you two have-"


"Interview's rescheduled, darlin'. You two. Scarper."






The new tag team look uncertain as Tommy Cornell appears, Wolf Hawkins swaggering along behind him, Brooke on his arm and title firmly around his waist. Christopher backs away - the younger Cornell hesitates, and then.


"Tommy, this ain't-"


"I said clear out! Are you bloody deaf?"


Edward flinches and then, shepherded somewhat by Christopher, exits the area. Tommy scowls and runs a hand through his hair, grumbling under his breath.


The camera picks up something like "Who even hired him?"


There's an uncomfortable silence, and Saunders proceeds to raise the microphone to her mouth- and get it snatched away by Cornell.


To follow; a typical Syndicate promo from the two men, running down all three of their opponents tonight. Hakwins and Cornell assert that they've beaten each and every one of these guys before, and that tonight isn't going to be any different.


"And after I beat you tonight, Rocky? At Malice, I crush your dreams."




John Anderson vs. Harry Allen

Anderson looks almost a little naked without Brent Hill in his corner, the fellow Machine as much a part of him as an arm or a leg. However, we're quickly reminded that pre-TCW, Anderson was an excellent singles wrestler in his own right. He rapidly demonstrates that here, with poor Harry Allen finding himself comprehensively outgrappled. Still, Allen has more in his locker, and with speed on his side, he slowly begins to turn things around... before getting snared in midair with a painful exploder suplex, then dropped facefirst with the Ammo Dump.


John Anderson defeated Harry Allen

Grade: C-




Nelson Callum vs. Joey Minnesota

Doakes: You wouldn't know at first glance, but that is a man who cut his teeth the home of violence: PSW!

Rhodes: Minnesota's ex-DaVE... he might have an objection to that tag.


And object Minnesota certainly does; another man might have seen Callum's looks and taken him for a pretty boy. Not so Minnesota. The brakes aren't off for a moment, and to the surprise of those in attendance, it's quite necessary - Callum hits a LOT harder than it looks like he should, and it's in places designed to maximise the impact blow he lands. Often, he's just short of breaking the rules, but after one particularly brutal kidney punch... Minnesota grins and hits Callum with a hook so hard it sits him straight down. Minnesota taps into those old DaVE instincts, combines them with the hard earned skill and experience he's gained in TCW, and that's what gets Callum in trouble. He loses his precision, loses his nerve, and courtesy of the Empire Spiral, loses the match.


Joey Minnesota defeated Nelson Callum

Grade: B-






Obtaining a microphone from ringside, Minnesota is quick to cut to the chase.


"Law. Get the hell out here."






He emerges, leaning laconically against the TCW set.


"Hope you're not planning on wasting police time, Joey."


"Save it! You're no cop. You and me at Malice, Law. Blood for blood."


Law looks at Minnesota over the top of his sunglasses, and then grins. "Not often a man asks for police brutality. You want me? You got me.


Just remember, that when you fight the Law-"


"Minnesota wins!"


Joey sprints for the ropes and actually slides underneath the bottom one en route to absolutely charging up the ramp. Law's eyes widen and he bolts backstage, Minnesota in hot pursuit.




Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Honeyman

Honeyman offers Bach a handshake. The rocker's expression can be at best described as 'unimpressed'. Remmyman opts to execute his plan anyway and hurls a looping punch at Bach's jaw. Dodged, dropkick, down. That, to be frank, is the story of the entire match. Bach at times hardly seems to be moving, yet somehow, again and again, remains in front of Honeyman. Seven minutes in, a blur of motion - and Bach's leaping into the air - over Honeyman's head, snagging it - Adrenaline Shot! It's all over.


Sammy Bach defeated Remmy Honeyman

Grade: C-




Jay Chord & Mark Fearn vs. The LA Connection

Of late, the TCW announcers have taken to emphasising the promotion's 'many great tag teams' as something you 'won't see anywhere else'. Whilst perhaps this is an exaggeration, it's matches like this that remind the viewers just how many of TCW's teams have either a wealth of experience or just a perfect grasp of their partner's abilities. The LA Connection have been well-suited to one another since the team was first formed - a cynic may remark that this probably did more for Chance Fortune's career than it did that of Aaron Andrews'. Although recently they've been focusing on more solo endeavours, the Connection sync up just as well, and that's what keeps them a step ahead of their opponents. Chord's good - Chord's great, and Fearn is showing glimmers of excellence already, but the Connection's whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


Andrews lands a high velocity Flying Body Press on Fearn - and it gets rolled through before 'Ace' reverses it himself and squeezes out the pin, Chord juuuuust a fraction late in to break it up.


The L.A. Connection defeated Jay Chord & Mark Fearn

Grade: C+




"All right, so Freddy, what we gotta do is get like... psychological."


"Get him on a couch, ask him questions about his mother?"


"No, but dude, we are so keeping that one for later."


Behind the Canadian Animals, Laura and Vita exchange long-suffering glances.


"What's the plan?"


"Well we need to like, get in his head - so if someone liked riddles, we'd need to give them a riddle where the answer was 'title shot', y'see?"


"Got it! So he likes ... small furry animals?"


"And dancing?"


Edd and Freddy look at each other before simultaneously exclaiming.




"Are you two... uh... done?"






"The enemy!"


There's an explosion of motion, Edd strikes crane pose, Freddy drops into drunk-boxing stance. Foxx stares.


"I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to say that if you agree to stop bugging me, I'll give you a title shot," Foxx smiles slightly. "To one of you. Have fun deciding."


The Animals pause, Edd reluctantly dropping his pose, and there's a moment of whispered conversation, before the two of them break off and back away.


"Okay, on three?"




Edd's hands go to either side of his head, one finger on each extended, Freddy crosses his arms across his shoulders, making the 'rock on' symbol. A pause, and then Freddy drops the hands, exclaiming.




Edd dances a little jig. "Whoo! Bull beats rapper! The crowd goes wild - can you hear them? What a day for the young Canadian!"


Foxx shakes his head and slowly backs away.


"So..." Freddy looks to Edd. "Is the secret weapon ready yet?"


Edd nods enthusiastically. "With him around, victory is not just assured, it's guaranteed!"




Freddy frowns. "Laura your voice isn't normally that d- ... eep."






Laura and Vita are paralysed as Peak looms over them, his grin slowly seguing from that pair to the Canadian Animals.


"Peak... finds himself in the need of assistance," the big man rumbles.


Freddy tips his head to one side. "I have the number of an anonymous helpline for-"


"Quiet. Peak needs to feed. The annoyances can either be the meal, or help Peak obtain it. Their choice."


He grins.


Edd and Freddy look at one another. Then..


"We'll help! We'll help!"


"Peak will see you in the ring," he purrs, beginning to walk off. The Animals look immensely relieved, before Peak whirls around. "BOO!"


They run screaming, chased by Peak's deranged laughter.







Eddie Peak & The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Vita vs. Jamie Hernandez & King's Cross

As the Animals emerge from backstage, still running like the devil himself is on their tail (and Peak isn't perhaps too far from that), Rhodes passes comment that it's odd Peak would enlist help from the Animals, considering his ties to the Hellfire Club.


Any answer isn't forthcoming though - and as the announcers come to an immediate accord that they're firmly referring to the three 'Ed's in this match by their surnames (even Cornell), a good contest ensues. Even Peak's own partners apparently want nothing to do with him, Stone and Huggins spending a goodly period of the match tagging out exclusively between one another, something which Peak appears to find more amusing than anything else.


However, it's not too long before Peak tags himself in blind, grinning that deranged smile at both Animals and going to town. His opponents... do their best, but as enthused by Doakes - there are monsters in this business, and then there is Peak! Still, Kings' Cross combine for a high-low that gets Peak off his feet and Hernandez launches a springboard kick square into the big man's face that drops him hard as soon as he rises. Peak's forced to tag out, and the Animals are confronted with a team that has almost the same level of understanding they do, minus a couple years' of experience. Still, there's a stalemate between the two, and it seems Hernandez might be the difference maker... until a recovered Peak tags back in, snatches Hernandez clean out of the air with a Peak of Perfection, and takes out BOTH members of Kings' Cross with a double clothesline, before claiming the pin.


Eddie Peak and The Canadian Animals defeated Jamie Hernandez and Kings' Cross

Grade: C+




Backstage, and Troy Tornado is sitting on a large box backstage, playing his guitar for a woman that we haven't seen before. Troy's singing Jack Johnson, and in actuality he's doing it quite well. The woman seems appreciative and approves, smiling when Troy looks up to check she's still watching.


Troy grins back, and starts up into something more complicated... only to miss his note so hard a string snaps. Troy scowls.


"Who the heck are you two!?"


The camera pans around.






"Moi? The name's Roger. This is my butler, Winston. Say hello Winston."


The man in the mask says nothing. Tornado puts his guitar down, fuming.


"If you two bozos hadn't noticed, I had an audience right there."


"And now, it is two larger. How wonderful, correct?"


Tornado's mouth hangs open for a second. "I'm a rocker!" he says at last. "And a star - show some respect and buzz off."


"Odd, I would've thought a musician could withstand the pressure of spectators."


"I've sold out arenas you little punk! Who the hell do you think you are!?"


"I think, Roger, as I mentioned. I suppose I could always be incorrect though."


"Why you-"


Troy starts for Cage. 'Winston' immediately steps into the way. There's a stare down - insomuch as a man in a mask like that one can stare, and Tornado falls back a step. Roger checks his watch.


"As it is, I'm afraid Winston here has a prior engagement, so we shall have to be going. Ta ta!"


"You think I'm just going to let you walk away after talking to me like that?"


"I'm afraid it would be a poor showing if I wasn't in Winston's corner. He's rather nervous about his debut, you see."


"Fine, in that case - you and me in the ring at Malice, where your little boyfriend won't be there to help you!"


A small smile plays across Cage's face. "Very well, I can keep the evening free. But please; he is my butler, we're in no way romantically inclined."


Tornado is left fuming, although his smile returns when the woman he was attempting to woo takes him by the hand, and the two of them walk off together.



http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/TCW/Winston.jpg w/http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/TCW/RogerCage_alt.jpghttp://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Events/vs7.jpghttp://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/TCW/RickLaw_alt3.jpg

Winston w/Roger Cage vs. Rick Law

Two things rapidly become clear in this match. Firstly; Cage is perfectly at home managing, to the point he almost looks like he's been doing it his entire career. Secondly; whoever this Winston is, he is a very, very good wrestler. Law is visibly shaken from his close call with Minnesota earlier, and whilst that maybe gives his opponent a few more openings than normal, the masked man takes every single one presented to him like a pro - bolstered by the rapid-fire calls of support coming from ringside.


It's a tough contest, and the old Law - who hadn't cut that weight, may have had some serious trouble keeping up. Winston isn't as tall as the corrupt cop, but his frame holds obvious power, meaning Law can't resort to his favoured game and just overwhelm him with strength. Atypically, Law goes to speed, and juuuuust about keeping ahead of Winston on a run to the ropes, he ducks an attempted high knee, whirls - LONG ARM OF THE LAW! The masked man is folded in half! Law dives into the pin and squeaks out the victory.


Rick Law defeated Winston

Grade: C+






Bryan Vessey & The Syndicate w/Brooke Marsh vs. Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Koshiro Ino

This one ain't pretty. Setting aside current grudges, RDJ has plenty of reason to dislike every one of his opponents, and Vessey has run foul of Golden and Ino enough that he's not pulling any punches - trying to earn back his loss from last week.


It's a rough, nasty brawl, and soon enough even those that aren't the most happy with that are dragged into it. EVERYONE takes a hell of a licking - and Wolf in particular sells it (appropriately) like a champ, spending a lot of the time being knocked to the ground by one of his bigger and stronger opponents, but allowed to shine in his own right too.


The ending is one of an absolute break down. RDJ sends Cornell flying back into Vessey, and incensed, Vessey launches himself into the ring. RDJ, in the process of tagging out, gets blindsided, and the pair spill out of the ring and begin brawling outside. Moments later, Hawkins decides that it's fair game and enters the ring at the same time Ino gets the selfsame idea. Ino's caught high with the Full Moon Rising, then Hawkins is hit with a hard clothesline to the back of the head and dropped. Golden swings - BLADE CHOP! Cornell hoists - ROUGH RI- Golden slips out of it, glance around - the referee's unsighted!


Golden grins, and the camera catches all of it as Rocky swings around - FOREARM BLOW SQUARE TO THE FAMILY JEWELS! ROCKY ROAD! Cornell crumples with a whimper, and with a ring suddenly bare of anyone but the legal men, Sam Sparrow looks around - spots the pin... and counts out! Golden takes this one!


Rocky Golden, Koshiro Ino and Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Bryan Vessey and The Syndicate

Grade: B




There isn't even a semblance of peace as the bell rings. Hawkins is straight back into the ring and he doesn't even wait before starting to throw lefts and rights, going toe-to-toe with his challengers. Vessey and RDJ are still fighting in the aisle, and one hand clutching his crotch, Cornell's putting in a game effort against Ino. There's no end to the chaos in sight, and as we go off the air, Azaria is shouting


"And with vicious rivalries like these, Malice in Wonderland has perhaps never been more appropriate a name!"



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I loved your portrayal of the Animals. I love The Master Of EddFu, but I always thought of Freddy as the straight man of the team. Having him as a true partner in crime is actually far funnier, like he's the only person in the world who can translate half of what Edd is actually saying or doing.


Loving this so far.

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Awesome show. Wonder who Winston is, though...loved the angle where he and Roger Cage interrupted Troy Tornado.


Thanks! I really enjoyed writing that. Oddly enough Winston only came about as an entity as I was booking the show. He was always going to be associated with Cage but it didn't quite 'click' until I was putting the angle together.


I also almost spoiled it by forgetting to change the names of the pictures so the URL was 'workernamewinston' as opposed to what it is now. I don't anticipate it being a huge mystery in the long term though.


I loved your portrayal of the Animals. I love The Master Of EddFu, but I always thought of Freddy as the straight man of the team. Having him as a true partner in crime is actually far funnier, like he's the only person in the world who can translate half of what Edd is actually saying or doing.


Loving this so far.


Admittedly I borrowed heavily from my old NOTBPW diary in this portrayal. If the Animals didn't have preset valets I might've made Freddy the straight man, but it clicks quite well for me to have Vita and Laura being constantly exasperated by their 'clients' goofing off. Glad to hear you enjoyed!




Prediction Standings

Shadowsong: 18/20 (+7) (congratulations for being inside my head!)
Midnightnick: 14/20 (+5)
Apupunchau: 14/20 (+7)
smwilliams: 13/14 (+6)
Self: 11/13
d_w_w: 11/13
3rdStringPG: 10/13 (+6)
Jingo: 10/13
MichiganHero: 8/7 
Timber: 6/7
Truth: 5/6
Jaded: 5/6
PhantomStranger: 4/6



No bonuses gained this time, but to be fair a somewhat tough question without clues. Card wasn't particularly difficult to call - I don't, people will be starting to realise, go in for big upsets very often. Need to get out of this 'debut with a loss' habit though. :p


Roll on Malice in Wonderland! The show's already in the books in-game and it should be a good one. Look forward to more Joel facepalms in the near future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

((Slow paced diary is slow paced!))






"Joel, yo."






Joel glanced up from his notes, raising an eyebrow. Eddie was... occasionally difficult to deal with. Chiefly, he was a prankster, but not of the blunt and occasionally tasteless Jeremy Finch variety. No Eddie... well, he could best be described as an evil mastermind. His pranks were elaborate, sometimes were seemingly set up months in advance. You almost had to admire the persistence, if it wasn't for the fact that they almost invariably ticked someone off.


Systematically diluting Aaron Andrews' fake tan little by little until it started making him look like his skin was melting was a work of pure sadistic genius, though.


"Hey Eddie... what can I do for you?"


Eddie leaned on the wall next to Joel, forcing the older man to crane his neck. Damn, sometimes he forgot how big the guy was. He didn't move like a man his size should - and whilst that was normally an announcer's cliché... with Eddie it was actually true.


"Just had a couple questions 'bout storylines."


Joel hesitated. He wasn't a big fan of letting the talent know what was coming up in the future. Too easy for someone to quit on bad terms and then spill the beans. Eddie knew some of what he personally was going to be involved in going forward, but that was just because Joel believed that if you had the wrestlers thinking about their own storylines, they'd put more effort in. Also if they were coming up with ideas, they weren't fighting each other.


"Can't promise I'll have answers."


Eddie nodded. "Anything lined up for Yancy?"






...Killer Shark's name was Yancy?


...Killer Shark had a name?


Joel was thrown for a moment, but then shuffled his notes on the pretence of looking, but actually just regaining his composure. "Uhh... being honest not really, Eddie. He's a good kid and he's got the look, which would be great... just we have about five big scary dudes right now, faces and heels."


Eddie frowned, arms folded, seeming to be thinking. "How 'bout working him into this thing I got going with lil' Edd?"


That one, he could answer. "He doesn't fit, Eddie. There's you, there's the Animals, and there's the Hellfire link. Shark's not involved in any of those, unless we attach him to Hellfire which... rolls him into another feud entirely."


"I see. Anything likely to come up?"


"Being honest... not for a while. If I had the option, Shark's like... number two on the list of guys I'd be sending to development-"


"You saying he's a bad worker?"


Eddie sounded... a little indignant. Joel was beginning to see where the big man was coming from. "No, or we wouldn't have signed him. I'm saying he's green and could use some more experience."




Joel rose, reached up, put a hand on Eddie's shoulder. "For what it's worth, if uh, Yancy is learning from you, he'll definitely have a much better shot of making it."


Eddie barked a laugh. "Thanks Joel. See you later... gotta talk with Minnesota 'bout our match. Wish me luck..."


As Peak left, Joel almost felt like apologising...

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Coming to you live on PPV from the Nevada State Armoury, we have the wrestling event of January - TCW's Malice in Wonderland, and it's sure to be a stacked event.


The Canadian Animals have been getting into the hair of All Action champion Flying Jimmy Foxx all month, to the point where the hard-partying, hard-fighting champion finally could take no more, and challenged the Animals to a match. However, with the Animals already holding a tag team victory over the champion, and his challenge not creating the division between the partners he expected, could this be a bridge too far for the champ?


Joey Minnesota and Rick Law have been at odds for a couple of months now, and whilst TCW's self-proclaimed justice has had the initial edge outside of the ring, it seems Minnesota might be starting to turn that around. Can Minnesota get revenge for two months of attacks and costly interference?


Next up - the New Wave have had an excellent month by anyone's standards, but the team that some have called one of the best in modern wrestling are now looking to push themselves further and claim the tag team titles once again. Against them, the brutish force of Texas Buffalo, who have had a dominating run, and have set their sights firmly on battering the Wave outside of matches - though against the cunning strategies of the Wave they certainly haven't had it all their own way. Can the Wave overcome these overpowering monsters to put themselves in the same bracket as teams such as the Demons of Rage and Vessey Brothers?


It seemed like a minor disagreement, but these days the ego of Troy Tornado is nothing if not easily prickled. Roger Cage, the enigmatic Winston in his corner, makes his PPV debut against the 'rock star' Tornado in which is sure to be a baptism of fire for this unusual new competitor.


Jay Chord has been on a mission this month; a mission to prove himself worthy of the International title. Systematically targeting Aaron Andrews, the second generation upstart has definitely picked up a few tricks from his father, the great Rip Chord. However, 'Ace' Andrews has the name for a reason, and he's not about to give up his hard earned title without a fight. The stage is set for an intriguing clash!


The number one contendership is at stake; Ricky Dale Johnson and Bryan Vessey, two of the hardest hitting competitors in TCW history, two of the most storied careers in TCW history, both vying for a chance at one of the biggest prizes in wrestling. It's going to be brutal, and it's not going to be one to miss!


Koshiro Ino's stock has risen lately, having backed up Rocky Golden in his struggle against the Syndicate. However, some have questioned whether the Japanese star has bitten off more than he can chew - is Ino out of his depth? Well, we're sure to learn a lot more about the Kobra when he faces down the ultimate test of TCW; the one and only Tommy Cornell.


And last, by no means least... the World Championship is on the line. Wolf Hawkins has done everything he can to wriggle his way out of straight competition with Rocky Golden, but now, there's nowhere left for the champ to go. Rocky Golden is searching for his redemption, looking to regain the title he unjustly lost. Wolf Hawkins is trying everything he can to hold onto the title he unjustly gained. Rocky has what it takes... does Hawkins have what it takes to hold on?





Flying Jimmy Fox © vs. Edd Stone w/Vita (and co)


Joey Minnesota vs. Rick Law



Texas Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy © vs. The New Wave w/Agent


Roger Cage w/Winston vs. Troy Tornado



Aaron Andrews © vs. Jay Chord


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Bryan Vessey


Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell



Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh © vs. Rocky Golden

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Flying Jimmy Fox © vs. Edd Stone w/Vita (and co)


Joey Minnesota vs. Rick Law



Texas Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy © vs. The New Wave w/Agent


Roger Cage w/Winston vs. Troy Tornado



Aaron Andrews © vs. Jay Chord


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Bryan Vessey


Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell



Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh © vs. Rocky Golden

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Flying Jimmy Fox © vs. Edd Stone w/Vita (and co)


Joey Minnesota vs. Rick Law



Texas Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy © vs. The New Wave w/Agent


Roger Cage w/Winston vs. Troy Tornado



Aaron Andrews © vs. Jay Chord


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Bryan Vessey

Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell



Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh © vs. Rocky Golden

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Flying Jimmy Fox © vs. Edd Stone w/Vita (and co)


Joey Minnesota vs. Rick Law


There will be shenanigans...and a rematch.



Texas Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy © vs. The New Wave w/Agent


Roger Cage w/Winston vs. Troy Tornado



Aaron Andrews © vs. Jay Chord


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Bryan Vessey


Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell



Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh © vs. Rocky Golden

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Flying Jimmy Fox © vs. Edd Stone w/Vita (and co)


Joey Minnesota vs. Rick Law



Texas Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy © vs. The New Wave w/Agent


Roger Cage w/Winston vs. Troy Tornado



Aaron Andrews © vs. Jay Chord


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Bryan Vessey


Koshiro Ino vs. Tommy Cornell



Wolf Hawkins w/Brooke Marsh © vs. Rocky Golden

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