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JD Morgan in the 21st Century

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<p>Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their comments and their predictions thus far; your support so early on in this project goes a long way in pushing me to want to create something that everyone can enjoy.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm hoping to have the show written tonight, slightly ahead of what I originally thought, that should give me some time off over Christmas to start on the second show.</p><p> </p><p>

Booking of the show went reasonably well, but I think I need to "learn" how to play 21CW instead of just learning how to write it. I don't want the shows to be Nova heavy, so I hope that I can find other ways of boosting segment grades.</p><p> </p><p>

Thanks again guys, much appreciated.</p>

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<p>Keep it up 21C.</p><p> </p><p>

The key for their product is really just take advantage of good workers without knocking anyone down (except for on PPVs).</p><p> </p><p>

Think how the WWE keep TV shows going. Often there's 4 random main eventers thrown together in a tag match that ends with a DQ, interference or just fizzles out with some poses for the camera. So long as the fans are seeing their favourite stars they go home happy anyway.</p><p> </p><p>

You've got about 8-10 really solid guys who can put on a good top 2 matches and anything under that doesnt matter. Nightmare against Kelly Martin is fine as a bookmark for 5 minutes between a Joss angle and Kev Jones beating up a random jobber.</p><p> </p><p>

Dark Angel and Joss are really good in-ring and people like Matravers, DBF, Pitbull, Faust etc are all perfectly acceptable too. </p><p> </p><p>

Liking this so far. I wrote a 21CW diary on and off for 18 months and only got to October so all the best. Looking forward to Steel Cage Challenge.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="the21stcentury" data-cite="the21stcentury" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35063" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Booking of the show went reasonably well, but I think I need to "learn" how to play 21CW instead of just learning how to write it. I don't want the shows to be Nova heavy, so I hope that I can find other ways of boosting segment grades.</p><p> </p><p> Thanks again guys, much appreciated.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is entirely true. I found the same issue with SWF; however, once you book true to an SE approach, it's easier to pull stronger grades. Nova-heavy is probably the best option for you (and in reality, I would see him as someone like Hogan who can't HELP but be on TV all the time). I'm not sure his overall popularity in the region off the top of my head but I'm sure he could help build some popularity in other main eventers as well. Good luck!</p>
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<p>Just a quick update ladies and gents; the show should be up tomorrow, Christmas Eve, which is a bonus. Had a little more time than I thought I would; I'm working tomorrow but we finish early due to the holidays so it should be up within the next 24 hours.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm really excited; the show came out well (not AS well with ratings but I'm sure they'll improve as I go along).</p><p> </p><p>

Thanks again for everyone's support, it's been invaluable.</p>

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[Center][FONT="Tahoma"] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/21cwheading_zpsee3ab9fa.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Presents_zpsbd8c3151.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/BOBW_zpsf59e923c.png[/IMG] [B][I]Live[/I][/B] Thursday, Week 1, January, 2013 from [U][B]The Euston Road Arena, London[/B][/U] Attendence – 8,985
[FONT="Tahoma"]“And so it begins; the dawning of a new 21st Century. The start of something new, something different, something that British Professional Wrestling has never seen before. The Centurions that step forth are ready for the battle, willing and able to put everything on the line. Whether a Conscience of Society or a Dark Angel, whether a Total Package or a British Lion. All shall stand, all shall fight but some must fall. Tonight, and every night in this companies future will bring each and every one of our fans… The Best of British Wrestling.”[/FONT]
[b]Announce Team[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/SteveSmith_zpsc29a3aa5.png[/IMG] [i]Steve Smith[/i][/center] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] Welcome everybody to the new and improved 21st Century Wrestling! Despite our new look and an apparent new attitude, it’s great to see that some things don’t change! Let’s head to the ring where my broadcast colleague “The Strongman” Jeff Nova is standing by![/LEFT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][b]The Strongman Stands By…[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/JeffNova_zps601caebf.png[/IMG] [i]”The Strongman” Jeff Nova[/i] [/CENTER] [LEFT]The crowd pops BIG for 21st Century Wrestling’s owner and most recognisable face to date, “The Strongman” Jeff Nova! Known for his big, enthusiastic openings to the show, Nova stands chest heaving, microphone in hand eyes wide and with a beeming grin on his face. He opens his mouth wide, but is immediately cut off by the opening chords of Champion by Chipmunk Hit.[/LEFT] [CENTER][b]Most Valuable Party Crasher…[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/KevinJones_zpsd231172b.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/KathleenLee_zps9df9d232.png[/IMG] [i]”The MVP” Kevin Jones w/ Kathleen Lee[/i] [/CENTER] [LEFT]“The MVP” and his Rock Star squeeze, Kathleen Lee, make their way to the ring. As they do, Jones takes his time to sneer at the fans at ringside. They climb into the ring, and Kathleen holds open the ropes. He takes the microphone from the ring announcer and stares down his boss. [b]Jones:[/b] I’d say I’m sorry to interrupt you Jeffery, but to be honest I couldn’t care less that I’ve interrupted you. The same way that you couldn’t care less that you’ve put the biggest star on the roster in some crap Tag Team match, teaming with some joke who thinks he’s in my league against a DJ and an animal. Can you not see how ridiculous this sounds? I’m sure you can; which is why I’m sure that considering you’ve been approached by your biggest star, you’ll rethink this pathetic excuse for a match? Nova lifts the microphone to his lips, but once again, before he can speak he’s cut off by Supermassive Black Hole by Muse.[/LEFT] [CENTER][b]The Coop Man Commeth…[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/PhillipCooper_zpsc91a3d57.png[/IMG] [i]”The Coop Man” Philip Cooper[/i][/CENTER] [LEFT]“The Coop Man” makes his way out onto the ramp, this time however, he doesn’t wait until he gets to the ring to speak; he has the mic in his hand ready, clearly unable to withhold his enthusiasm. [b]Cooper:[/b] Hold up, hold up kid. I was standing backstage, trying to decide which epic hat I was going to wear tonight and I just so happened to hear you complaining about our Tag Team match; to be fair, I couldn’t blame you. I had no reason to want to team with you either. In fact, I’d rather have my face removed with a knife that had been soaked in lemons, but then I heard you call me a joke. A joke? I made a hasty decision about which hat to pick… Points up to his current hat… [b]Cooper:[/b] Epic luck, then I decided to come out here and ask you a question; a simple question, a question that even a man who restricts his nickname to three letters in case he forgets how to spell it can answer. Where do you get off calling The Coop Man a joke? I’d beat Pit Bull and Reason on my own with both hands tied behind my back if I didn’t think I could trick your dumb arse into doing all the work for me. The only joke here is this match, and the fact that you’re in it. For a third time, Nova lifts the microphone to his mouth and for the third time, he’s interrupted! This time, by The One and Only by Chesney Hawkes.[/LEFT] [CENTER][b]Business is About to Pick Up…[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/EdwardCornell_zps42c48b1b.png[/IMG] [i]”The Business” Edward Cornell[/i][/CENTER] [LEFT]Much like Philip Cooper, Cornell already has a mic in hand; his face is twisted into a grimace. [b]Cornell: [/b] What in the hell do any of you have to worry about? You’re getting a chance tonight to prove yourself, a chance to show that big pleb stood in the ring that you’re worthy of a chance to get a World Title shot. What do I get? The opening match against Dark Angel Lite, against Diet Dark Angel… Against Angel Delight! How impressive is it going to be for me to wipe the floor with some punk that’s known for nothing else than being related to a famous wrestler? How exactly am I supposed to ensure that the name Cornell is forever synonymous with professional wrestling when I’m opening shows against no-bodies? Explain that to me?! Cornell stands outside of the ring at the bottom of the ramp, his eyes focused primarily on Jeff Nova. Once again, Jeff Nova lifts the microphone, but the look on his face could tell you the same thing the opening rifts could; you guessed it, interrupted, again.[/LEFT] [CENTER][b]A Package is Delivered…[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/JossThompson_zps85b909fe.png[/IMG] [i]”The Total Package” Joss Thompson[/i][/CENTER] [LEFT]This time Earthquake by Labrinth hits as “The Total Package” makes his presence felt. He too has a microphone, seemingly the sound equipment budget has also been upgraded. [b]Thompson:[/b] I ain’t got a scooby do what any of you are talkin’ about. I’m backstage, gettin’ ready for the Main Event tonight, and all you lot are out here screamin’ at each other like a bunch of fishwives. Tonight, I get revenge that I’ve been waitin’ for, for eleven months since that face paint wearin’ clown stole my World Heavyweight Championship. Tonight I get to take him on again and when I beat him, I’ll be named number one contender. At the Steel Cage Challenge, I’ll walk in the Total Package and I’ll walk out the Total Champion, and there ain’t noffin’ none of you can do about it. Ain’t that right Jeffrey? Still stood atop the ramp, Thompson addresses Nova directly. The Strongman looks around, as if confused as to who is being addressed. He points to himself and mouths “who me?” before raising his mic once more. He pauses, as if waiting for interruption, before finally speaking. [b]Nova:[/b] Well would you look at that? My microphone does work… He pauses allowing the fans a moments laughter. [b]Nova:[/b] You know what the problem with the world is today boys? It’s two things; firstly, everyone seems to feel they should be handed success with a nice big bow tied around it. They seem to think they can sit back, and let the spoils just land in their laps. Well I’ve got news for you young laddies, nothing in this life comes easily. Not these braw biceps… Not these grand pecs… And not becoming owner of 21CW. My life has been one hard slog to the next, one bonnie fight to the next to garner the success I’ve had. You know what the second thing that’s wrong with the world, fella’s? No-one listens; because had you stood backstage and listened to me tonight instead of interrupting me you would have heard me say that all of you have been offered different tests tonight. Overcoming loyal followers, overcoming fierce partners and overcoming your strongest enemy. Not one of you has a match of more importance than the other, but the outcomes of those matches will go some way into showing me just who should be the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. I’ll be watching you tonight guys, and I wont be the only one. Nova’s eyes raise to the rafters as a searchlight begins to strobe throughout.[/LEFT] [CENTER][b]An Angel’s eye view…[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/DarkAngel_zpsc217e641.png[/IMG] [i]”The Oncoming Storm” Dark Angel[/i][/CENTER] [LEFT]The spotlight finds Dark Angel, stood above, watching the ring. They joyful mood of Joss Thompson seems to fade, and the anger in the others seems to subside. Angel looks on, his eyes fixed on an unknown target, ready and waiting for tonight’s Main Event.[/LEFT][/FONT]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] What a start to the show! Four men showing their intention, the boss showing it how it’s done, and the Champion watching from above! I’m proud to introduce to you, taking his rightful place by my side, 21CW owner and former World’s Strongest Man, Jeff Nova! It’s good to see you boss! [b]Nova:[/b] Like-wise Stevie; was that an interesting start to the evening or what? [b]Smith:[/b] Exactly what I was saying Jeff, four men hell bent on success, four men not happy with their lot tonight. [b]Nova:[/b] Psh, boys like that need to know their place, hopefully I’ve just put them in it. If not their opponents will. [b]Smith:[/b] Let’s head to the ring, for our first contest![/LEFT] [CENTER]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Matches/RSMcopy_zps642214d0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/EdwardCornell_zps42c48b1b.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Vs_zps1f582f6d.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/HarryWilson_zps88e4cab7.png[/IMG] [FONT="Tahoma"][B]Edward Cornell[/B] Vs [B]Harry Wilson[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][LIST][*][FONT="Tahoma"]Edward Cornell comes into this match angry that he has to open the show, despite what could come from it.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Harry Wilson is looking to prove himself in the eyes of not only the fans, but his older brother.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]He didn’t get the opportunity as the match was almost totally dominated by his angrier opponent; the aggressive nature of Cornell seeming to stem from his feelings that he should be higher up the card.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Wilson attempted valiantly to fight back, but each attempt was thwarted by Cornell’s less experienced, yet more fervourous attack.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Despite his best efforts, it wasn’t too long before Cornell was able to hit the [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6WftwhE4-8"]Black Lightning[/URL] (Running Spear) for the victory.[/FONT][/LIST] [b]Winner of the match by pinfall following the Black Lightning – “The Business” Edward Cornell[/b][/LEFT][/FONT]
[/Center] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] Edward Cornell looking strong tonight, Jeff. The question is, did he impress you? [b]Nova[/b] Too bloody right he did, Stevie, he put on one hell of a show. I don’t care what he says about Harry Wilson, but the guy was trained by our World Champion, he has Champion’s blood in his veins and that counts for big things. [b]Smith:[/b] Whoa, hold on a second Jeff, it looks like The Business is coming this way.[/LEFT] [CENTER]
[FONT="Tahoma"] [CENTER][B]We have Business to Handle[/B] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/EdwardCornell_zps42c48b1b.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/JeffNova_zps601caebf.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/HarryWilson_zps88e4cab7.png[/IMG] [I]Edward Cornell, Jeff Nova & Harry Wilson[/I][/CENTER] [LEFT]During their summary of the match, Edward Cornell’s eyes were burning deep into Nova. The owner may not have noticed, but as Cornell rolled out of the ring his eyes were still focused on The Strongman. As he reached the announce position, he began to talk to Nova without a mic, but his words slowly came audible. [b]Cornell:[/b] … enough Strongman? Have I made myself a valid competitor in your eyes? Is there more that I need to do Nova? Do I need to bend down and kiss your shoes? Maybe I need to carry Dark Angel’s bags for a while… Yes sir, no sir… You wanted me to make an impact. [b]Nova:[/b] Aye lad, I did, I did… A smile started to cross Cornell’s lips, he nodded slightly before speaking again. [b]Cornell:[/b] I’ll show you a real impact. Turning his back on Nova, he begins to walk away. [b]Smith:[/b] I’d started to worry he was going to get physical Jeff. Wait… What’s he doing? Cornell had picked up a steel chair, before sliding back into the ring. Harry Wilson was just starting to stir following that huge knock out blow he’d taken before the pinfall. Cornell backed up, urging Wilson to get to his feet, the crowd could sense what was coming next, the Back to Business spear using the steel chair. The crowd were not alone in sensing this, as suddenly the sound of a clattering headset could be heard and the form of Jeff Nova slid into the ring and stood in between. Wilson and Cornell. Although again, no microphone was in his hand, the words were clear. [b]Nova:[/b] Stop, Ed, stop. You don’t need to do this. You made your point during the match and nothing you can do here will improve nor detract from your performance. This does not need to happen. Cornell’s earlier snarl seemed to fade, the chair dropping down to his side. Seemingly understanding what Nova was trying to say, he looked to head out of the ring, Nova turned to check on Wilson who had slowly gotten to his feet. After receiving confirmation that he was Ok, Nova turned again. The former Strongman was quick enough to move out of the way, but Wilson was not. Caught, accidentally it seems, with a spear that was intended for the owner, Wilson hit the mat again. Nova looked on, clearly angry as Cornell rolled out of the way. The chorus of boos began to ring out, as he dropped the chair with which he’d been assisted to the ground and walked backwards up the ramp. We head to an ad break, with Nova and the trainers checking on Harry’s injuries.[/LEFT][/font]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] Ladies and gentlemen, before our commercial break we saw Harry Wilson take a second Black Lightning from Edward Cornell, the second of which involved a Steal Chair. Back with us now is Jeff Nova, Jeff can you update us on Harry Wilson? [b]Nova:[/b] Aye the lad’s a tough one, I can tell ya. He’ll be fine, a little banged up but he’ll be back and ready for action next week. [b]Smith:[/b] That’s great news! Shall we head to the ring for our next match? [b]Nova:[/b] That we shall, Stevie, let’s just hope the ending is less controversial.[/LEFT] [CENTER]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Matches/RTTMcopy_zps633971e8.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/KellyMartin_zpse1ea8c57.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/LanceMartin_zpsd4cb1636.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Vs_zps1f582f6d.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/LeighBurton_zpsc5da4c52.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/LeoPrice_zpsff1970eb.png[/IMG] [B]Absolutely Flawless[/B] Vs [B]The Pride[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][List][*][FONT="Tahoma"]Absolutely Flawless come into this match on the back of straight victories over both Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu and The Underdogs to earn their place in this Number One contenders match.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]The Pride earned a Flash Pinfall victory over the Tag Team Champions last week to earn their place in the match.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Flawless showed how well they know each other with fast tags in and out, great double team action. They controlled early parts of the contest.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]The Pride fought back into the match with sheer determination and guile, almost using the same Flash pinfall tactics to the same effect as last week.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]The match came to a surprising end as without the referee seeing, both Kelly Martin and Leigh Burton were dragged from their spots on the apron. A second later, Igor and Ivan Ivanoff were in the ring. Lance Martin felt the force of a [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NK1_qBhSt8"]Soviet Missile[/URL] (Punch to the jaw with brass knuckles) and Leo Price was struck with a [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rUXiA1rcmE"]Red Curtain[/URL] (Loaded Big Boot). The referee had no choice but to call for the bell as the Tag Team Champions left ringside looking pleased.[/FONT][/list] [b]Match deemed to be a draw via double disqualification following interference by The Ivanoff Brothers[/b][/FONT][/LEFT]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] The Ivanoff’s seem to think that if they stop someone winning, there will BE no contenders. [b]Nova:[/b] I think you might be right Stevie; but they couldn’t be more wrong. We’ll have this match again next week, but in honour of our upcoming Pay Per view; it will be inside a Steel Cage! Let’s see the Ivanoff’s cause that match to be a tie. [b]Smith:[/b] Got to say, I love that idea boss… A great idea. But that’s next week, and for now let’s head backstage where our broadcast colleague Melanie Florence is standing by.[/LEFT] [CENTER]
[FONT="Tahoma"][center][b]The Conscience Speaks[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/MelanieFlorence_zps01ab6898.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/JonathanFaust_zpsd767cfb9.png[/IMG] [i]Melanie "The Scoop" Florence & "The Conscience of Society" Jonathan Faust[/i][/center] [LEFT][b]Florence:[/b] Thank you Jeff; at this time I would like to introduce, “The Conscience of Society” Jonathan Faust. Faust walks into view and the crowd immediately show their displeasure. [b]Florence:[/b] Jonathan, you and Adam Matravers have rarely crossed paths during your time in 21CW, the fans and I have got to ask, what is exactly that’s brought you together? And why is it following the loss of yourself and Stevie Stoat last week did you talk to Rolling Johnny Stones about Adam stealing his spotlight? A slow, drawn smile crosses Faust’s lips; he takes his time before speaking to lower his hood. [b]Faust:[/b] Last weeks defeat proved nothing; nothing more than the fact that I can’t rely on anyone but myself. Stevie Stoat let me down, and those frustrations are his own. My issues with Adam Matravers go much deeper than a simple win or loss. These people [i]love[/i] Adam Matravers; they follow him around like puppy dogs, with big, wide eyes, much like his wench Phoebe Plumridge. What not a single person understands, is just how much of a fraud he is. Take me; I’m as honest as the day as long, I tell the truth, and no-one likes it. Now he calls me a liar, because I dare to besmirch his good name; a name built on lies and falsehoods. The fans air their displeasure at the poisonous words of the man who calls himself their conscience. [b]Faust:[/b] Adam Matravers is no hero, and deep down you people know it, it’s been over four years since he held the World Heavyweight Championship yet he has the gall to walk out in front of you and call himself the best. He won his championship off the back of my injury, my physical inability to defend my championship and he called himself the best. Then when I returned, he refused to grant me an opportunity to retake the belt. It took me three years to regain what was mine, three years; whilst Adam Matravers and his streetwalker girlfriend do nothing of any notability yet you place him on a pedestal like some kind of idol. The sneer that has grown on Faust’s face turns into a smile, a pained but very real smile. [b]Faust:[/b] And as for Johnny Stones; well. A man’s strong opinion can’t be changed, but a man who suspects an alternative truth can be convinced. I did little more than tell Johnny the truth; Adam Matravers was a man of neither strength nor substance, yet still he stood in the way of true greatness. Tonight, Johnny will prove this; I’m confident that Adam Matravers will once again fall short. And as for Phoebe? Well; should she wish to make right the sins of her past, she need only ask. I will be more than willing to help her repentance. Conscience is good, conscience is right, and in the end Faust will be the man left standing. Without another word, Faust returns his hood over his head covering much of his face, before turning and leaving. [b]Florence:[/b] I honestly have no idea what he just said, but I’m sure it meant something to someone. Back to Steve at ringside. [/font][/LEFT]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith: [/b] Well if Melanie didn’t get the meaning, I surely did. Is this really about Matravers being a fraud or is it just Faust’s jealousy? [b]Nova:[/b] I’m not one to back Jonathan Faust, but he said it himself. What is there to be jealous of? Adam Matravers has been under achieving for a long, long time. I can’t see The Conscience looking for the fans acceptance can you? [b]Smith: [/b] I suppose you’re right; well ladies and gentlemen after the break we have another great match lined up so stay tuned![/LEFT] [CENTER]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Matches/RSMcopy_zps642214d0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/StevieStoat_zps0b77b11e.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Vs_zps1f582f6d.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/DanielFrancis_zps291fd182.png[/IMG] [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] Vs [B]Daniel Black Francis[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][LIST][*][FONT="Tahoma"]Following tag team defeat last week at the hands of D.B.F. Stevie Stoat looked to seek revenge but found himself left all alone as a form of punishment by Jonathan Faust.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]The Romford Rasta’s use of the Dread Lock to defeat The Smasher was the first time in over two years that the brawler has tapped out.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]The contest started as most would have expected with Stoat releasing all of his anger and frustration about his defeat in furious style; his heavy strikes seeming to take their toll on Romford’s own.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]But the furiousness of the attack became Stoat’s undoing. Taking to many risks in anger allowed D.B.F. to get back into it, if only momentarily.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Stoat regained control, however, as his furious rage seemed just too much; his attempt to hit the [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFS238iaHmo"]Smasher Kick[/URL] (Super Kick) was ducked and suddenly was locked into the [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aki3qPf-dYY"]Dreadlock Drop/Rasta Lock[/URL] combo (Drop Toe Hold into STF). [/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Stoat managed to get to the ropes, and was even first to his feet, but a wild swing was ducked into a Ranhei cradle pin and Stoat just couldn’t get out.[/FONT][/List] [b]Winner of the match by Flash Pinfall following Ranhei Cradle – Daniel Black Francis[/b][/LEFT][/FONT]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] Francis Black did it! He’s beaten Stoat twice in two weeks! Oh my, that’s just unbelievable Jeff! [b]Nova:[/b] D.B.F. is one hell of a talent, and knows so many ways to win a match! The Smasher just didn’t seem to have what it took to win. [b]Smith:[/b] Well after last week, D.B.F. is out of the ring and back up the ramp before Stoat can get his hands on him, but Smasher is coming over to us.[/LEFT] [CENTER]
[FONT="Tahoma"] [center][b]Smasher Smashes[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/StevieStoat_zps0b77b11e.png[/IMG] [i]"Smasher" Stevie Stoat[/i][/center] [LEFT]Following yet another disappointing defeat, Stevie Stoat looks dejected at ringside. For a moment he appears to be doing no more than pacing, hands on hips back and forward in front of the announce table. He crouches down, knees bent, hands clenched and pressed into his eye sockets. This seems to go on forever, but then a moment later he lets out a howl of rage before springing to his feet. He grips the announce table and pulls the covering of the monitors clear away. Dropping onto the ground, he begins dropping elbow, after elbow onto the inanimate object. He then turns back to the announce table and staring at Nova and Smith. [b]Smith:[/b] Now hold on; I don’t want any trouble here Jeff… Something needs to be done. Nova is seen to be making some kind of sign with his hands as Stoat grabs a steel chair. He lifts it high above his head and begins bringing it down over and over again with howls of rage on the announce table, clearly doing some damage to the monitors. His eyes are wide and maniacal, and as security floods the ringside area he jumps to the apron with steel chair in hand. He backs up, his eyes still focused on the wood. [b]Nova:[/b] Will someone grab him for god sake, before he does anymore damage to ringside, or himself for that matter. The security seem reluctant to push on, and a moment later it’s clear they were right. Stoat runs and dives through the air, Steel Chair in arm and crashes down on the announce table flattening it. Nova and Smith clear the area just in time, and Stoat jumps back to his feet clearly not feeling the pain that should be coursing through his veins. He advances quickly on Steve Smith who backs into the corner, clearly fearful. He grabs Smith’s headset and screams with all of his might. [b]Stoat:[/b] STEVIE SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!! He lets go of the headset which springs back at Smith who looks relieved. Nova looks on, seemingly shocked at what’s just happened as Stoat leaves ringside of his own accord, security looking on equally confused.[/LEFT] [/font]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Nova:[/b] Anybody want to fill me in on what just happened here? [b]Smith:[/b] I wish I could boss man; Stevie Stoat has seemingly snapped. What does this mean for his future? [b]Nova:[/b] No idea but I know what it means for his wages as this damage will be taken out. [b]Smith:[/b] I honestly don’t think he’d care; ladies and gentlemen, let’s head back to the ring for the second of our World Title Contender proving ground matches tonight as Kevin Jones teams with Philip Cooper.[/LEFT] [CENTER]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Matches/RTTMcopy_zps633971e8.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/small/KathleenLee_zps9053829b.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/KevinJones_zpsd231172b.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/PhillipCooper_zpsc91a3d57.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Vs_zps1f582f6d.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/DJReason_zps2101bb7f.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/PitBullBrown_zpsf222122b.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/small/blanksmall_zpsf1b6fd32.png[/IMG] [B]Kevin Jones[/B] w/ Kathleen Lee & [B]Philip Cooper[/B] Vs [B]The Defence Force[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][LIST][*][FONT="Tahoma"]The team of Kevin Jones & Philip Cooper were anything but unified as was clear earlier in the night; immediately, tensions between the two were running high. Concurrently, the fluidity of Pit Bull Brown & DJ Reason seemed to be improving with every match; their unified goal to gain revenge on Hot Stuff was clearly paying dividends.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]The period of the match in which Jones and Cooper did have control was spent with each trying to outdo the other. Jones’ power with Cooper’s agility made them a good bet, but neither was interested in team work.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Pitt Bull and Reason seemed only too happy to let the two quarrel amongst themselves, and each time momentum swung away from them they regained it due to opposition miscommunication.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Kevin Jones looked to have control when Philip Cooper tagged himself in. Jones looked unhappy, almost mad, but left the ring as would be expected.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]DJ Reason regained some semblance of control, but Cooper fought back; he managed to get some space and lunged for the tag… Only to find Jones not there. The MVP had dropped off the apron and retreated up the ramp; Cooper was spun on the spot and kicked in the gut before being hoisted into the air and dropped to the mat with the [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJkbNx1t4r0"]Edge of Reason[/URL] (Crucifix Powerbomb) before DJ made the cover.[/FONT][/LIST] [b]Winners of the match by pinfall following Kevin Jones walking out on Philip Cooper and the Edge of Reason – The Defence Force[/b][/LEFT][/FONT]
[/CENTER] [b]Smith: [/b] I can’t see Cooper being too happy about that, Jeff. [b]Nova:[/b] Cowards way out Steve; Cowards way out! [b]Smith:[/b] Wait a second; what’s this?! [CENTER]
[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][b]Things are heating up…[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/BuffMartinez_zps2f18ea81.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/JayB_zpsd23ee921.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/DJReason_zps2101bb7f.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/PitBullBrown_zpsf222122b.png[/IMG] [i]Hot Stuff & The Defence Force[/i] [LEFT]As The Defence Force are celebrating their collective victories, the team of Buff Martinez and Jay B come through the crowd and slide into the ring. They turn around just in time for Pit Bull to be nailed with [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muXHmFoLcfw"]B Bopper[/URL] and Reason to be hit with [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=971FS43Hrtc"]El KO[/URL] (Step Up Enzaguiri). [b]Smith:[/b] Dear lord! Why can’t they just settle this like men in the ring! Sneak attacks and double teaming! Heading to the outside, Hot Stuff pull a ladder from underneath the ring. They set the ladder up between their downed opponents and ascend each side. Back to back near the top of the ladder, they leap. Simultaneously landing two huge splashes on their fallen foe. [b]Nova:[/b] Complete destruction of their opponents here; although I think I may have been given an interesting idea for the Steel Cage Challenge; I’ll have to think about it for next week. Hot Stuff leave the ring and back up the ramp, high fiving following their swift yet devastating attack as Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz begins to play.[/LEFT][/FONT][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] Whether I agree with it or not, I have to say that Hot Stuff are definitely effective. [b]Nova:[/b] Years of teaming together has honed them as a unit; they each know what the other is thinking almost; at times it’s frightening. [b]Smith:[/b] Ladies and gents, we’ll be back after this break with our next match! [/LEFT] [CENTER]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Matches/UKTM_zpse45dee39.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/LukeCool_zpsf3e86af6.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/UKVs_zpsd2fce61b.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/WadeOrson_zps860be737.png[/IMG] [B]Luke Cool[/B] Vs [B]Wade Orson©[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][LIST][*] [FONT="Tahoma"]The Iron Fisted Champion is a big, strong brawler with huge levels of ability for a two year pro, and tonight met another young competitor with a similar penchant for fist throwing in Luke Cool.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Cool’s experience took control of the match first, as Orson’s opponents usually do. His youthful zeal getting the better of him; cool used his wrestling ability to ground the champ.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Not for long however as Orson came back to life with a typically passionate flurry, overwhelming his opponent and retaking charge for a long period.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Cool is no fool, however, and before long he had an opportunity to win, even managing to hit the [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF8nmsIzxE4"]Temperature Check[/URL] (Side Effect) and make the pin! Not enough though, as Orson was just too close to the ropes and managed to get his foot up.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]This seemed to revive the champ and the challenger was apparently unable to answer the return to power. Moments later, Iron Fist used his iron foot to hit the [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en-GB&gl=GB&v=dGaoKz6i_Ms"]Bounce Back[/URL] (Ace Crusher) and get the pinfall victory.[/FONT] [/LIST] [b]Winner of the match by pinfall following The Bounce Bank and still 21CW United Kingdom Champion – Wade Orson[/b][/LEFT][/FONT]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] Another impressive defence by the young Champion. [b]Nova:[/b] He’s got one hell of a future ahead of him; wouldn’t be surprised if he became a World Champion one day. [b]Smith:[/b] Not sure who would have what it takes to take him down. [b]Nova:[/b] Think you may have spoken to soon lad…[/LEFT] [CENTER]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER] [b]Iron Fists Tortured[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/WadeOrson_zps860be737.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/DannyPatterson_zps0ad69322.png[/IMG] [i]”Iron Fists” Wade Orson & “The Insurance Policy” Danny Patterson[/i] [LEFT]As Orson celebrates, Londoner by Chip hits and the crowd’s mood instantly lowers. Orson turns to face the ramp and readies himself as Danny Patterson makes his way out onto the ramp. Flexing his knuckles and rotating his neck, he strides down to the ring and methodically pulls himself up to the apron. Climbing inside, Orson and Patterson stare a hole through one another, neither moving for what seems like an age. [b]Smith:[/b] AND HERE THEY GO! As if sensing one another’s movement, each man launches forward, Orson showing no fear in the face of this mastodon opponent standing in his path. They trade blows back and forth, huge haymakers that would knock down lesser men. Patterson begins to take control having not just fought a match against a tough opponent. [b]Nova:[/b] This could be bad news for the Champion Patterson swings Orson into the ropes and swings a giant arm for a clothesline; Orson ducks and manages to turn almost on the spot. Patterson turns around and feels a boot to the gut, as Orson goes for the second Bounce Back of the night, but as he turns, Patterson immediately swings his arms up and locks in [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2p6aSdlNYc"]The Torture Chamber.[/URL] [b]Smith:[/b] Oh my word! As of yet no-one has ever broken the Torture Chamber once it’s locked in! The more Orson fights, the more life drains from him; Orson struggles as he can, but being locke in the middle of the ring, he has no-where to go. Sooner rather than later, he succumbs, slowly but surely losing consciousness until Patterson drops his limp, lifeless body to the mat. The Insurance Policy leans forward and picks up the United Kingdom Championship and lifts it into the air as Londoner hits one more time.[/LEFT] [/FONT] [/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] What an amazing show of strength! I think Patterson has signalled his intention to try and take Orson’s title. [b]Nova:[/b] This could be the champions biggest challenge to date; if he survives this I would consider him a real contender. [b]Smith:[/b] If he doesn’t it’s no shame; Danny Patterson is a commanding figure. [b]Nova:[/b] Aye, he is that; more menacing than a night out in Govan pub. [b]Smith:[/b] And after the intriguing trip into Jeff Nova’s past, we’re heading back to the ring for our penultimate match of the evening.[/LEFT] [CENTER]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Matches/RSMcopy_zps642214d0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/small/blanksmall_zpsf1b6fd32.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/JohnnyStones_zpsece0b4aa.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Vs_zps1f582f6d.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/AdamMatravers_zpsa69fd857.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/small/PhoebePlumridge_zpse2606357.png[/IMG] [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] Vs [B]Adam Matravers[/B] w/ Phoebe Plumridge[/CENTER] [LEFT][LIST][*] [FONT="Tahoma"]”Mile High” Matravers came into this match already watching his back; knowing the threat from Faust from earlier, and knowing what The Conscience was capable of, it was wise to be weary. Tonight he faced Johnny Stones; a man who until recently had began to sort the counsel of Matravers, which many saw as a sign of a big change in the arrogant rocker, but Faust put a stop to that.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Matravers was clearly distracted, the potential for a Faust appearance clearly on his mind. Not only did he lose concentration when in control but he continually snapped at Plumridge who was telling him to focus on the match.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]The distraction was too much as Stones took control, relishing the chance to prove Faust right, that he was better than Adam Matravers, that he should be the one being loved and adored.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]He was almost right, getting a number of near fall pins on the fan favourite, including a roll up holding the ropes that was only broken as Plumridge got the referee’s attention. [/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]The end of the match came swiftly as Stones hooked and lifted Matravers up into the [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV8eBu-Q37Y"]Rockstar Buster[/URL], but Matravers used the momentum to carry over and turn in mid-air hitting a great Back double knee back breaker. He quickly ascended the ropes to the top and flew like an bird hitting the[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ndr2Q4Hbryg"]Mile High Moonsault[/URL]. The referee slapped the mat thrice, and that was all she wrote.[/FONT] [/LIST] [b]Winner of the match by pinfall following the Mile High Moonsault – Adam Matravers[/b][/LEFT][/FONT]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] Another good performance by Adam Matravers, but he was concerned about outside influence.. [b]Nova:[/b] Wouldn’t you be? Faust is like a weasel; he’s everywhere and no-where at the same time. [b]Smith:[/b] Matravers was lucky tonight, despite his display. If he lets Faust get in his head he’s going to fall apart. [b]Nova:[/b] Looks like we’re going to hear from Mr. Matravers right now.[/LEFT] [CENTER]
[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][b]Jealousy is a sin too…[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/AdamMatravers_zpsa69fd857.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/PhoebePlumridge_zpsdb6eb985.png[/IMG] [i]”Mile High” Adam Matravers & "Double P" Phoebe Plumridge[/i] [/CENTER] [LEFT]Back in the ring, covered in sweat, a less than happy Phoebe Plumridge by his side, Mile High takes the mic. [b]Matravers:[/b] Faust, you’ve spent years wandering around the halls of 21CW spreading your rumours, playing men off against each other, ruining friendships and destroying lives all in the name of being a saviour for our society. Do you know what you are? You’re no more than a common conman; picking your mark and using their insecurities and their problems to fuel your own ends. You’re the worst of society; praying on the weak in order to be successful. You preyed on Johnny Stones tonight, but you wont prey on me. The crowd pop for Matravers’ defiant stance. [b]Matravers:[/b] Tonight, I made the mistake of worrying about you; but I should have realised. Snakes like you don’t face your opponents head on, you hide behind others and let them fall for you. But soon enough, Faust, there will be no-one left standing between us. It will be you and I; and when we do nothing and no-one will be able to stop me proving how far away from a fraud I truly am. Do not, and I mean, do not try and drive a wedge between myself and those most important to me. Phoebe will not be turned; you will not manipulate her. If you try again, I swear it will be the last thing you ever do. Stood by his side, Plumridge looks taken aback, as if the very thought that she would turn her back on had crossed his mind is offensive in the extreme. He moves to leave the ring as Elevation by U2 hits once more, but Double P doesn’t seem to want to leave. She mouths words to him that we can neither read nor hear. He reciprocates, and after a few moments she relents, following him backstage.[/LEFT][/FONT]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith:[/b] Strong words there from Adam Matravers. [b]Nova:[/b] Faust is in his head though; and that’s the last think you want. Faust is dangerous in his own mind, never mind in yours. [b]Smith:[/b] Phoebe didn’t look all that impressed with her other half here tonight either. [b]Nova:[/b] He could well be fighting a battle on all fronts. But right now; whoa ho, we have an amazing Main Event! [b]Smith:[/b] And we’ll be back with it after our final break of the evening![/LEFT] [CENTER]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Matches/RSMcopy_zps642214d0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/JossThompson_zps85b909fe.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Vs_zps1f582f6d.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/DarkAngel_zpsc217e641.png[/IMG] [B]Joss Thompson[/B] Vs [B]Dark Angel©[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][LIST][*] [FONT="Tahoma"]Our Main Event! The Complete Package was looking to prove to himself, the world but most importantly Jeff Nova that he should be the man who would take on Dark Angel at The Steel Cage Challenge, conversely, Dark Angel was looking to prove his challenger was anything but worthy.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]The Champion proved early on why he was the champion with a number of impressive holds and counter holds baring the hall mark of his Canadian past.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]Thompson looked to use his size advantage to overwhelm the champion, but Angel is too experienced to let something like that beat him. Grinding down opponents is what the Champion does best.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]In the end it was good old fashioned cheating, and lots of it that gained Thompson control. A thumb to the eye, a low blow and an attempt to use the exposed turnbuckle wore down the champion.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Tahoma"]This final attempt though, use of the exposed buckle, ultimately proved to be Thompson’s downfall. For the second time, with the referee still trying to replace the pad, Thompson looked to whip Angel into that very corner. Angel, however, this time reversed the whip and Thompson was sent back first into the exposed steel. As he staggered out towards the centre of the ring, Angel’s tilted head gave him the appearance of a rabid dog about to strike… A kick to the gut and the [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE608JvuCQQ"]Descent to Hell[/URL] was complete. He made the cover and was, once again, successful.[/FONT] [/LIST] [b] Winner of the match by pinfall following the Descent into Hell – Dark Angel[/b][/LEFT][/FONT]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][b]Smith: [/b] The champion did it! The champion did it! He beat Thompson! [b]Nova:[/b] Aye! An impressive display by both men! Oh no, what the hell is this![/LEFT] [CENTER]
[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][b]The post match beat down[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/DarkAngel_zpsc217e641.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/EdwardCornell_zps42c48b1b.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/JossThompson_zps85b909fe.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/KevinJones_zpsd231172b.png[/IMG] [i]”The Oncoming Storm” Dark Angel, “The Business” Edward Cornell, “The Complete Package” Joss Thompson & “The MVP” Kevin Jones[/i] [LEFT]As Angel slowly climbed to his feet, he suddenly found himself swamped! Kevin Jones and Edward Cornell had hit the ring, seemingly interested in just one thing; proving themselves. Jones and Cornell dropped knees and boots on the fallen Champion, and then it was worse as Thompson was back on his feet and entered the fray. The three men began to wear down the Champion, again whipping him into the exposed buckle. As he staggered out, Cornell looked again to hit [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6WftwhE4-8"]Black Lightning[/URL] but the crowds boos turned to cheers.[/LEFT] [center][b]Oh Brother where art thou…[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/HarryWilson_zps88e4cab7.png[/IMG] [i]Harry Wilson[/i][/center] [LEFT]Harry Wilson slides into the ring and intercepts Cornell, taking him down with a double leg trip. Thompson quickly comes to Cornell’s aide and within seconds the numbers game is catching up. [b]Nova:[/b] Come one! Get someone out! This is ridiculous! Both Wilson and Angel are down now, with Cornell heading outside for the same chair with which he attacked Wilson earlier in the night. [b]Nova:[/b] I can’t sit here and watch this, I’ve got to do something… For the second time in the night, the sound of a clattering headset can he heard, but before he can become involved things seemingly go from bad to worse as the opening chords of Supermassive Black Hole by Muse hit.[/LEFT] [center][b]More ammunition for the Champion’s destruction…[/b] [IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Workers/large/PhillipCooper_zpsc91a3d57.png[/IMG] [i]”The Coopman” Philip Cooper[/i][/center] [LEFT]The Coop Man sprints to the ring and slides in, and suddenly the crowd explode as he starts shelling rights into the face of Kevin Jones! He backs up, and hits a huge clothesline sending the MVP over the top rope to the outside! He wasn’t finished either as he turned and began laying into Joss Thompson too, as Harry Wilson came back at Edward Cornell! Simultaneously, Wilson and Cooper send Thompson and Cornell over the top rope too! The crowd are going insane as Cooper calls for the mic. [b]Cooper:[/b] Mr. Nova; I’d like to officially ask to be removed from consideration to be the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship for now… Nova seems confused as to why Cooper would do such a thing after the display tonight. [b]Cooper:[/b] Because I want to fight that d*ckhead, Kevin Jones at Steel Cage Challenge. That’s how it goes, right? You can challenge anyone who’s not a champion to a match? Well, Jones, I’m letting you know now. The Coop, is p*ssed and wants your blood. At Steel Cage Challenge I’ll prove to everyone that MVP stands for nothing more Most Valuable P*ssy! The crowd pop for Jones who drops the mic, and immediately checks on Dark Angel who is getting to his feet. The crowd are hot, as we head back to Smith at the announce desk.[/LEFT][/FONT][/CENTER]
[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Smith:[/B] My GOD what a night! Unbelievable Jeff! [B]Nova:[/B] Can't say I disagree lad, I can't wait for Steel Cage Challane! [B]Smith:[/B] Join us next week ladies and gentlemen, for another entertainment filled episode of 21st Century Wrestling! Thank you for watching! Good night![/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/21CW_zps2b8af548.png[/IMG][/font]
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<p>Great show, 21-cent! I really like the addition of videos that depict the moves you're talking about. It adds another dimension and allows the reader to better visualize what's happening.</p><p> </p><p>

Your usage of the Strongman was pretty good as well. He was never truly the focal point; however, was on screen to help elevate other feuds/storylines. Good call with this one. That said, I'm sure we'll see him become physical with someone at sometime. Possibly a Strongman vs. Cornell match in the future?</p><p> </p><p>

Faust was one of my favorite characters to start with.</p><p> </p><p>

Great work!</p>

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Thank you both for your feedback; all positive which is a good thing!


I will admit, quite happily, to lifting your idea of bullet pointing matches. It's strange as you seem to get across all of the points you would have in a full match write up without the waffle that comes in between. Normally the matches are what I loathe writing, especially in a Sports Entertainment company, but this format even makes the matches feel like fun, so thank YOU for that.


I'm sticking with 5 bullet points per match on TV extended to maybe 7 or 8 when we reach PPV.


But thanks again for your feedback guys.

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Great first show ! We got the feeling that feuds are already going on while we join this first 2013 show as added bonus. Angle writing was pretty good and I like the short match recaps. There's a lot of interesting characters in 21CW and I think you nailed it.
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Thank you both for your feedback; all positive which is a good thing!


I will admit, quite happily, to lifting your idea of bullet pointing matches. It's strange as you seem to get across all of the points you would have in a full match write up without the waffle that comes in between. Normally the matches are what I loathe writing, especially in a Sports Entertainment company, but this format even makes the matches feel like fun, so thank YOU for that.


I'm sticking with 5 bullet points per match on TV extended to maybe 7 or 8 when we reach PPV.


But thanks again for your feedback guys.


Glad it can help you as well!


I've found it to be very freeing for me as a writer. I'm still able to tell the stories that I want; setting the tone, specific moves when they are of note, and can still designate a picture of the guy interfering. It may not be a full-on write-up (ala TigerKinney) but I'm pretty happy with it. In the end, especially in an SE company, it's more about the story that's being told in the ring than specific moves.


Is it more interesting to know that Steve Frehley used a DDT at the 4:03 mark or that Frehley came into the match with great intensity & used a limited move-set in which to rely heavily on his brawling abilities.


For me, with an SE company, I like the latter.


All in all, glad the layout is helping you!

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Well that was an experience…


I decided to take a few days before jumping headfirst into writing to you fine men and women that follow my little venture into the world of the online. It’s been said, so I’ve heard, that you don’t think it’s really me posting these little blogs on the interweb, but I can assure it is. I Can’t really think of a way of proving it so I suppose I’m just asking you all to trust me. If you can’t then screw it; not much I can do about it anyway. As always, for those who believe no proof is necessary, for those who do not no proof is enough; although that is about religion and I am NOT getting into that type of discussion here; I saw what almost happened to Faust.


Back to the point in hand; my first show as Head Booker of 21CW. It was strange; a completely different feeling to preparing for a show when you’re on the card. Physically, it was way easier; I didn’t have to worry about what I was eating, I didn’t have to worry about what I was drinking, hey I’m talking Coke instead of water that’s all, so that side of things was bliss. With Steamroller… We’ll get to that later, suffice to say, I was running things alone. Thankfully, we didn’t have house shows yet so I spent the week in the lead up to the show writing, and writing and writing. I sat back and talked it through with Jeff, but he seemed to be of the mindset that whatever I thought was best was best. He’d taken that approach with Pit Bull and it had worked.


I’d heard about Brown’s reputation as a prick, but I have to give him credit he was helpful. I had to admit, I think he’d felt a weight lifted since handing the book over to me. We went through his match with Reason against Jones and Cooper, I talked to Coop about his turn and where I wanted his character to go and suddenly I realised I’d used an hour of my four hours and I’d discussed one match and two angles. To say the rest of the night was whirlwind is an understatement. Thankfully, by show time I’d managed to sort things out and even better than that, Angel had agreed to be the Agent for his match, the match between Flawless and The Pride and the Stoat/Francis contest.


I had brief discussions with everyone before hand and then called them to the Gorilla position before their match and had a final run through. They all had the freedom to book out their own match; all the knew from me was how it was going to end and who would need to look strong. Generally, I’ve always felt that no-one knows their own strengths like the person themselves. On the whole it came across pretty good; I never expected a British crowd to pop like they did for The Coopman when he went for Kev Jones. From what I gathered, it wasn’t a new idea to turn Phil; his character was cocky and arrogant, but in a way that fans found interesting. He was getting more cheers than the good guys, except Matravers and Angel. They were desperate to cheer for him and now he’s riding a wave of momentum.


Edward Cornell looked good; his character is basically to ignore the existence of his cousin and forge on to make his own name and in turn the name of Cornell. It’s supposed to be tongue in cheek, but gives him both a comedy edge, and a dangerous streak as shown the other night. I don’t really want Harry Wilson to be treated as Dark Angel’s brother forever, but for now he needs to elevate his success. Until then, he can get a good rub off his big brother.


Though Faust and Matravers has only just started; I love their interaction. Faust gets in people’s heads, he gets in the fans heads. I would wager every single one of you at some point had Faust almost making you believe it. The skill he has, is that he has you in the palm of his hands just long enough before dropping you on your arse so you remember he’s the bad guy. I love that about him. Adam is the consummate professional; he was happy with how the match went, he actually pointed out that he could lose on the basis of worrying about Faust, but I wanted to keep him strong.


The general feeling backstage was good; our initial ratings were pretty strong too; all in all I can’t help but feel this path is a good one to follow. As you’ve seen I’m not going to talk about every single person every week, but I am going to talk about a selected few. The last section of the blog is going to be about who, for me, stood out most on the show. This isn’t going to necessarily be the person who got the highest rated segment or had the best speech. This is going to be the person that walked out there and did exactly what I intended them to do. This week; it goes to two people for a definitively underrated segment. Danny Patterson and Wade Orson; I asked Danny to go out there and look dangerous, and I asked Orson to go out and look like nothing scares him. Both came out of that segment looking exactly how I wanted them to.


Thanks for reading ladies and gents, and tune in next week!


P.S. My attempt to make Joss Thompson use cockney rhyming slang in his promo was a bad one; one that I wish I’d never let happen on live television. I can assure each and every one of you it will not happen again, and if it does, I’ll let every single member of this roster beat me up live on TV for it.



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Just a quick update to say that now that the holidays are over with, I can push on with this project now which I can't wait to do.


Thanks for the encouragement E-V, as I said in your thread it means a lot.


Thanks you MrOnu; knowing that people are enjoying my version of these characters is really cool; so that's much appreciated.

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<hr>Breaking News: 21CW Create British Wrestling Acadamy, Dunton Hall involved

by Robert Westford on Monday,14th January 2013

<hr>In the job for just a couple of weeks, JD Morgan already appears to be ringing the changes, although this one has been in the mind of Jeff Nova for many months. The first major change is the creation, in joint partnership with British Entrepreneur Dunton Hall, of the British Wrestling Acadamy, a promotion that has been set up to help train the British stars of tomorrow. Part of the deal is that 21CW will bring Dunton Hall into the promotion in some kind of on screen roll and he will, in turn act as financial support and run the business of both 21CW and BWA.


The Steamroller has been appointed Head Trainer down at BWA, leaving Road Agent duties almost completely in the hands of Morgan himself, although it is thought that Cliff “Dark Angel” Wilson will also take over some of these duties as well as taking over duties of training new students at the British School of Wrestling, allowing Adam Matravers to focus on his in ring career.


It has been made clear by the press office of 21CW that this is in no way a takeover, Jeff Nova is very much still in charge and Dunton Hall is purely financial support in these turbulent financial times. It has been rumoured that Hall had been looking at moving into wrestling for many years but had not seen an opportunity that would afford him what he was looking for, on screen notariaty, and no need to start from scratch.


More on this when we have it.


Click to see Emma Chase underwear shoot -></td></tr></table>


OOC Note - I started a Development promotion and Dunton Hall took over as the owner; go figure! I had already approached him to hire him when he did, so all in all this seemed to be a story that wrote itself!
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I just found out who Dunton Hall is and couldn't be more excited to have him within the fold. Such a great character/bio. Hopefully, he does well for you & gets some great young talent ready for the main roster.


I just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to the next show. I hope it's coming together as you want it to!

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The new age dawned and all was change; a new look, a new attitude and several new beginnings. The path to World Heavyweight Championship glory was shortened as actions had consequences and those consequences, for two at least, would lead to crossing swords. The challenge of metal and courage is on the horizon; men will enter a structure they must fight to leave, one way or another. Who will be victorious? Who will be defeated? By the end of the Steel Cage Challenge we will be begin a journey that will change multiple lives forever. The question, as always, is who and why?







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Live Thursday, Week 2, January, 2013

from The Dundee Arena, Dundee




Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride


Last weeks number one contenders match between these two ended in a draw following the interference of The Ivanoff Brothers who clearly feel the best way to keep their championship gold is to eliminate all challangers before they become a threat. Jeff Nova, however, was not keen to allow such a plan to come to fruition as he quickly booked these two teams once again inside a Steel Cage in honour of our Pay Per View. Will the Ivanoffs find a way to involve themselves in such a match or will we finally have some real contenders?




Rolling Johnny Stones Vs K’Lee Hawkins


Last week, Rolling Johnny Stones found himself not only manipulated by Jonathan Faust, but also dealt a significant blow in his attempts to prove that Adam Matravers was the fraud that Faust says he is; this week he has a chance to prove that last week’s loss was no more than a blip when he takes on the submission expert, K’Lee Hawkins. The Ripper’s fortunes have been somewhat mixed since joining 21CW, having not had much success nor momentum. Could a victory against a 21CW mainstay push his career further or will Stones manage to pull himself back from the brink?




Jay B Vs Pit Bull Brown


Despite victory over two men looking for World Championship Gold last week, The Defence Force were left down and out at the hands of Hot Stuff. Sneak attacks and double teaming have become somewhat of a forte for Jay and his partner Buff, and as such, Jeff Nova has decided in the interest of fairness that both Martinez and DJ Reason would be banned from ringside. This bitter feud has managed to, thus far, perform two purposes. To enhance the credentials of Hot Stuff as Tag Team royalty, and to forge a solid basis of mutual respect between two very polar opposites in Brown and Reason. Who will gain the momentum in this battle, Jay B or Pit Bull Brown?




Danny Patterson Vs Nate Manchester


Last week, Danny Patterson signalled his intentions to challenge for the United Kingdom championship in violent fashion; although Orson had no intentions of backing down. His challenger tonight is the somewhat ambiguously named “Manc Menace” Nate Manchester; this young Geordie Lad is known for his ability to frustrate his opponents, without really having won many matches. The question this is whether or not his menacing skills can keep him safe, or will the Insurance policy pay out in pain?




Jonathan Faust Vs Daniel Francis Black


Last week, D.B.F. was victorious over Stevie Stoat, sending the Smasher into a spiral of self-destruction, his well won battle has pushed him forth into this match with The Conscience in an attempt to further push himself into the limelight. Faust, however, has plans of his own having last week revealed his reasons for targeting Adam Matravers. His declarations of Matravers fraud caused stirs with the 21st Centurions, many wanting D.B.F. to deliver some justice on Mile High’s behalf.




Tonights sees the first ever Mystery Main Event, only to be announced live on the show. Every now and again, one of these Main Events will pop up and a number of clues will be provided as to who will be partaking. The clues this week are as follows; the match will contain MORE than two participants, the match will be team related, the match will contain a multiple former World Heavyweight Champions.





<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width="1000"><tr><td>Quick Picks

Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Rolling Johnny Stones Vs K’Lee Hawkins

Jay B Vs Pit Bull Brown

Danny Patterson Vs Nate Manchester

Jonathan Faust Vs Daniel Black Francis

??? Vs ???


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Enjoying this one, great stuff - I really like the bullet points match write-ups as well.


Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Rolling Johnny Stones Vs K’Lee Hawkins

Jay B Vs Pit Bull Brown

Danny Patterson Vs Nate Manchester

Jonathan Faust Vs Daniel Black Francis

??? Vs ???

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Whats the predictions prize then?


Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

faces need to take the Ivanoffs on


Rolling Johnny Stones Vs K’Lee Hawkins

K'Lee is strictly a midcard guardian unless something weird happens. He got over as a binman for me...


Jay B Vs Pit Bull Brown

No reason to hand a win out here. Keep the intrigue going


Danny Patterson Vs Nate Manchester

SQUASH over the geogrsphically confused Nate


Jonathan Faust Vs Daniel Black Francis

DBF is a great talent but you dont have anyone to squeeze out of the ME for him yet so keep him knocking on the door


??? Vs ???

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Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride


I'll go with Boltinho's reasoning on this one, that the face team really should be facing the Ivanoffs for the belts.


Rolling Johnny Stones Vs K’Lee Hawkins


Upper midcarder over midcarder- don't see that changing anytime soon.


Jay B Vs Pit Bull Brown


Brown wins, but only via DQ


Danny Patterson Vs Nate Manchester




Jonathan Faust Vs Daniel Black Francis


DBF is a decent talent, but right now it's more important to keep Faust looking strong.


I'll take a guess at the main event here....I'm going for a six man tag.....


Dark Angel, Harry Wilson & Adam Matravers Vs Joss Thompson, Kevin Jones & Edward Cornell


The heels win, with Thompson pinning Matravers, after Matravers is distracted by Faust.

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Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride


The champions are heels, so I'll take the faces here


Rolling Johnny Stones Vs K’Lee Hawkins


K'Lee is a solid midcarder, but I don't see him ever amounting to more than that.


Jay B Vs Pit Bull Brown


DQ win maybe?


Danny Patterson Vs Nate Manchester




Jonathan Faust Vs Daniel Black Francis


I see Stoat costing DBF this one.


Harry Wilson, Dark Angel, and Philip Cooper Vs Eddie Cornell, Joss Thompson, and Kevin Jones


I see Harry Wilson being a slight weak link here.

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Awesome first show the21stcentury, very well written and just how i like matches to be written (i hate reading walls of texts for match descriptions).

Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Need faces to face the Ivanoffs so why not Pride.

Rolling Johnny Stones Vs K’Lee Hawkins

RJS screams star power .. Plus the teenage girls scream when he comes out so ... Give em something to cheer.

Jay B Vs Pit Bull Brown

This is a tough one to pick ... So i'm playing favorites.

Danny Patterson Vs Nate Manchester

Well Nate thanks for coming ... Where do you want your get well soon cards sent!?

Jonathan Faust Vs Daniel Black Francis

2 of my 21CW faves face off sooo soon!? Not cool 21c, not cool.

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Big thank you to all that have predicted thus far for this weeks show. Boltinho asked what would the prize be for predicting, and to be honest I haven't thought that far ahead as of yet, I'm not sure whether it would be preferable to have small prizes for each individual week, or a larger prize for a full month of shows (4 TV tapings and a PPV) or even a mixture of both.


What I think I may do is poll it out as part of the next prediction contest to get feedback from you guys, the guys who predict, as to what you feel you would be motivation for all of you.


Finally, the show will be posted within the next 24 hours or so. This show flowed so well, I got most of it written up in a couple of hours. I have templates to work from in terms of formatting which has made writing up the shows much easier so that should help with the speed of posting.


Thanks again guys; your support means a lot.

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Live Thursday, Week 1, January, 2013

from The Euston Road Arena, London

Attendence – 8,985


<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width="1000"><tr><td>“Our illustrious warriors come together once more, and this time the potential to sore or fall is greater than it has been before. The strength needed to be our Centurions most favourite or most feared is great and as each walk into battle they have to search deep within to find just what it is they need to find to be the very best. Tonight, it would seem, is no different. These wars are far from over, tonight is just another battle, and after tonight we should know in what state these wars will lie.”</td></tr></table>


Announce Team


Steve Smith & Jeff Nova


Smith: Good evening everyone, my name is Steve Smith and, uncharacteristically I am joined at ringside from the offing by the 21CW Owner and my broadcast colleague, Jeff Nova!

Nova: Aye; looks like my opening spot has been taken tonight by the guys in the ring, let’s see what they have to say.


<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width="1000"><tr><td>

We Stand United…


”The Business” Edward Cornell, “The Total Package” Joss Thompson & “The MVP” Kevin Jones w/ Kathleen Lee


We head to the ring where, before the show had even begun, a strange grouping of individuals in Cornell, Thompson and Jones, accompanied by Kathleen Lee. Standing side by side, each of the men seem to have something on their mind which seems to have brought them together tonight. The first man to lift the mic is The Business.


Cornell: Last week, myself and my colleagues here, were viciously, heinously and indiscriminately attacked by your “so-called” champion, Dark Angel, his little brother and by Philip Cooper. Upon further investigation, by the three of us we found that not a single punishment has been handed down to any of the three. Last week; we all proved our worth as contenders for the Championship, yet still we’re being refused our opportunity. Do you know who we are? You may not know my name yet, but I will keep repeating it until it sticks, until it becomes the most famous name in professional wrestling; my name is Edward Cornell, the one and only. I deserve better than how I was treated last week.


Cornell lowers the mic to the chorus of boos from the fans in attendance before handing the microphone over to Kevin Jones.


Jones: It’s even worse than that, Edward, because last week through no fault of my own, I was unceremoniously removed from having an opportunity at the World Heavyweight Championship. Why? Because some hat wearing freak decided he wanted to challenge me to a cage match at the Cage Match Challenge? What exactly is in this for me? The MVP does nothing without any gain, but after speaking to my solicitor it turns out that I have no option. Instead of challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship, as is my right, I now find myself having to fight Philip Cooper, a man whose only skill in life is matching hats with his tights.


Once again, Jones drops the mic, turning to Joss Thompson he nods and the Total Package takes his turn.


Thompson: I’m starting to get real fed up with this crap; sneak attacks, back stabbing, getting jumped from behind. Can you people not see what’s going on here? Your “Champion” spends his time hanging out in the rafters, and you’re surprised when he creates an atmosphere where those he fights think they’re gunna get cheated. No wonder I was defeated last week; Dark Angel is not better than me, and inside a Steel Cage where his posse of followers can’t interfere and cost me. You look over your shoulder, you forget what’s in front of you, it’s as simple as that. One on one, in a straight fight, Dark Angel cannot beat me.


He drops the microphone to his side one more time and the three in the ring trade silent pleasantries about their agenda when Clubbed to Death by Rob D begins to play.


And So Are We…


”The Oncoming Storm” Dark Angel, Harry Wilson & “The Charismatic Chameleon” The Coop


The crowd pop and the spotlight finds rafters. Dark Angel is stood above watching down on the group below, whilst on the stage Harry Wilson and The Coop make their way out. Only Coop has a mic, which me immediately lifts to his lips.


Coop: You know, I went home last week and I was fully intending on coming back here this week and carrying on like I was before, in it for myself, no interest in anything but what I want but I watched last week, I watched when I sprinted to the ring, I watched as I slid in and I watched as I slapped the colour out of Kevin Jones cheeks; you know what I realised? Hearing the crowd cheer my name got under my skin, got into my blood… I realised that this? This is what I should have been doing all along. Jones, you may think my only skill may well be picking out tremendous hats, but I think you’ll find my skill last week was kicking your arse all over that ring!


The crowd pop for The Coop once again.


Coop: That won’t stop when it comes to the Steel Cage Challenge my friend; but I’m happy for you to choose whatever type of match you like. Cage, Cell, any other stipulations you want to make you feel comfortable, to make sure you’ve got no excuses lad, because when I beat you at the Challenge, you’ll have no choice but to accept I am the better man.


Immediately, Coop extends his hand to the right and hands off the mic to Harry Wilson.


Wilson: Eddie; last week you tried to hurt me, beating me wasn’t enough. You wanted to send a message to my brother, and you did just that. The problem is, you’ve assumed that I will let my brother fight my battles for me, but that is so not the case. I’m going to ruin your plans, Eddie, because I take this opportunity to challenge you to fight me one more time at the Steel Cage Challenge, no Dark Angel, no Jeff Nova, just you and me inside that cage. This time I’ll be ready, and I’ll help you make a name for yourself, you’ll make a name for yourself when you fly from the top of that cage to the floor below. This match isn’t about me winning, this match will be about me hurting you.


Cornell’s face is a picture, as he understand just what this means… No World Heavyweight Championship opportunity. The Business almost froths at the mouth as he approaches the ropes and leans over, his eyes burning into Harry Wilson. On the other hand, Joss Thompson looks like it’s Christmas and his Birthday all rolled into one.


Nova: Looks like we may as well roll this up nicely…


The clattering of a headset is heard as Nova stands from his seat at ringside.


The Strongman Speaketh…


”The Strongman” Jeff Nova


Nova: Well this makes things nice and easy I suppose; looks like at the Steel Cage Challenge, Dark Angel will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against… “The Total Package” Joss Thompson.


Thompson almost leaps out of his boots with delight. Until…


Nova: Inside the Steel Cell!


Thompson’s eyes widen as he realises his title shot is inside one of the most dangerous structures in professional wrestling.


Nova: And seeing as you’re all out here, I’ll announce our Main Event! Dark Angel will team with his brother Harry Wilson and The Coop, to take on Edward Cornell, Kevin Jones and Joss Thompson! Gentlemen, enjoy your night!


Nova retakes his seat at ringside, as five of the nights Main Eventers exchange displeasantries while the World Heavyweight Champion looks down his eyes burning a hole in his challenger.</td></tr></table>


Smith: What a fantastic Main Event Jeff!

Nova: I thought so, but I think the Steel Cage Challenge is shaping up quite nicely in and of itself.

Smith: Definitely, our upcoming Pay-Per-View could well be UNBELIEVABLE Jeff…

Nova: Shall we head up to the ring for our opening contest?

Smith: Of course! I can’t wait! A Steel Cage Tag Team match for the Tag Team Title number One Contendership! Absolutely Flawless taking on The Pride.


<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width="1000"><tr><td>http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Matches/SCMcopy_zpsaf26fb33.png


Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride


  • Both of these teams looked to take the victory in a match that would guarantee them a shot at The Ivanoff Brothers after a double disqualification the previous week.
  • The match became somewhat confusing when the Martin brothers looked to take control with good double team cohesion.
  • The Pride’s dogged determination couldn’t be put to sleep, however, as they fought back against their more experienced opponents.
  • Lance Martin and Leo Price escaped by climbing over the cage, before the Martin’s attempted to cheat their way to victory. Lance managed to handcuff Leo, and the brothers attempted to lock both Leo and Leigh together; moments later it become clear that the wrong arms had been locked and Leo and Lance were locked together, stood on the outside of the cage. Neither able to effect the outcome of the match.
  • Much to the distaste of the fans, this came once again at the hands of the Tag Team Champions, the Ivanoff Brothers. The big Russians entered the cage, pushing the referee aside and began to dominate both Leigh Burton and Kelly Martin in the ring. The attack was cruel and punishing, with both men busted open, before finally being pushed through the door at the same time, causing the match to end with yet another draw.

Match ended as a draw due to double escape – No number one contenders decided.



Smith: AGAIN the Ivanoff’s prevent a clear winner Jeff!

Nova: Ach, I’m no havin’ this! At Steel Cage Challenge, The Ivanoffs will defend their Tag Team Championships against BOTH Absolutely Flawless and The Pride in a Triple Threat, no escape, pinfall or submission only title match!

Smith: Can’t see the champions being happy with THAT one! I’d hate to be the one who had to tell them.

Nova: Couldn’t give a crap, laddie, they need to learn.

Smith: Indeed they do Jeff, while this cage is being dissembled, let’s head backstage where Melanie “The Scoop” Florence is standing by.


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Mile High Ambition


Melanie “The Scoop” Florence & “Mile High” Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge


We head backstage where Melanie Florence is stood by, a wide smile across her face, mic in hand.


Florence: Lads and ladettes, at this time I am joined by “Mile High” Adam Matravers!


The crowd pop for the introduction of Adam Matravers and his manager/girlfriend Phoebe Plumridge.


Florence: Adam, last week you were victorious, you came out and spoke your mind about Jonathan Faust, now this week you’re the one who gets to watch from the back. My question is this, will you try and get inside Jonathan Faust’s head much like he got into yours last week when he almost cost you your match without even being there?


Matravers: In my head or not, I won; despite his attempts to poison the minds of fans and the rest of the roster against me. I’ve had a lot of time to think over the last week about just what I was going to do about Jonathan Faust and I realised that trying to outtalk him, trying to outsmart him, trying to play his stupid games plays directly into his hands. What I need to do is play to my own strengths, and my strengths are in that ring. I know Faust likes to try and avoid fighting when he can, trying to hide behind others, trying to make them do his fighting; this Pay Per View, however is different. We’ve seen already what this pay-per-view is about. You can challenge anyone, to any kind of cage match you like…


A somewhat sick, twisted smile starts to cross the lips of the former World Heavyweight Champion.


Matravers: See, I know you think I’m a fraud, Faust, I know you think it’s your roll to prove to the world what I am. But what I am, is high impact, high octane, high velocity. Now, now I’ve thought of a way to really gain an advantage where it counts. So here it is; Jonathan Faust, I challenge you to face me, Adam Matravers inside the Scramble Cage; can you imagine it Jonathan? Lying prone on the mat, staring up at the rafters when you suddenly realise what’s coming? A Mile High Moonsault from the top of the cage? No? Well I can, I play it over and over in my mind every night because that will be my vindication. Defeating you, Jonathan Faust, will be moment where all of your claims fall apart.


Phoebe moves her head towards the mic to speak but Matravers cuts her off before she has a chance to speak.


Matravers: And it will be a pleasure to see you fall, Faust, you live by the sword, you die by the sword; Remember that.


Smiling again, he turns on his heel and leaves, a somewhat stunned Double P staring after him before slowly following in his wake.


Florence: Well Steve, Jeff, it looks like we have another match set for the Steel Cage Challenge, and what a Pay Per View this is shaping up to be! Back to you!</td></tr></table>


Smith: Another week, another gauntlet thrown down! The Steel Cage Challenge is looking to be one of the most personal pay per views to date; but as always, the road to World War is fraught with obstacles.

Nova: Aye it is that, but if we keep going like we are, I wont have any matches left to make! Hahaha!

Smith: Ladies and gents, stay where you are! We have another fantastic contest up next after this break!


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Rolling Johnny Stones Vs K’Lee Hawkins


  • Following defeat last week, Rolling Johnny Stones sought to relieve some of his frustration tonight in a match against the Geordie Grappler, K’Lee Hawkins who has of late been in a rut and unable to shake it, perhaps tonight is his night.
  • The story of the match early on was that of Hawkins looking to lock in his lethal Cross face Chicken Wing , with varying degrees of success, from outright escape to modifying the hold into Rolling German Suplexes.
  • Stones did what he could to resist and his reversals were often creative and devastating. When not fighting off the hold, he was in control of the match and but for a determined Hawkins he could have had the match won on a number of occasions.
  • The crowd popped for Hawkins as he appeared to have the hold locked in, but again it was avoided and soon it became apparent his unwillingness to deviate from this plan would be his downfall.
  • Once more, Hawkins went for the Chicken Wing, but this time the spin out was countered into the Rock Star Buster (Brain Buster) before making the cover for the win.

Winner of the match by pinfall following the Rock Star Brainbuster – Rolling Johnny Stones



Smith: Great performance by both men there Jeff, a match I’d love to see all over again!

Nova: Aye, but I don’t think K’Lee Hawkins will be too impressed with how he performed.

Smith: And I don’t think Johnny Stones is finished…


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The Rocker gets Ripped


”The Rock Star” Rolling Johnny Stones & “The Ripper” K’Lee Hawkins


Having watched Johnny Stones roll from the ring, one would be forgiven for thinking that he was done with this match; we would be wrong in our assumption. Looking on at the prone Hawkins, the Rock Star saw an opportunity to further turn the screw on a good performance. Slowly slithering back into the ring, Stones stalks, waiting for Hawkins to wake. This, it would seem, takes only a few moments as The Ripper begins to stir… He climbs to his knees, and then his feet, still rocking from the impact of the Rock Star Buster. Stones climbs to his feet, telegraphing the move.


Smith: Come on! We don’t need to see this again! You’ve won the match Johnny! That’s enough.


Hawkins turns around, catches a boot to the gut before being hoisted up into the air. Stones takes a moment to show boat on his strength, holding his slightly smaller opponent up in the air for a moment. A moment, however, is all it takes as Hawkins shifts his momentum and drops behind Stones, finally locking in the Cross face Chicken Wing! The crowd go wild as he locks in the move and drops to his back, pulling Stones with him. He holds it for around about thirty seconds as Stones flails his arm around, as the referee tries to break the hold before finally relinquishing. He climbs to his feet and looks down on the fallen Rock Star, cradling his shoulder and rolling around on the mat as Rip and Tear by L.A. Guns plays throughout the arena, mixed with the crowds muted cheers. </td></tr></table>


Smith: That’s it K’Lee! That’s how to fight off The Rock Star!

Nova: Spirited showing there by The Ripper, and he’s just proven he deserves the nickname too!

Smith: I get the feeling Stones will be feeling that for a few days.

Nova: Bang on Smitty; and speaking of feeling things for a few days, Pit Bull Brown felt his attack at the hands of Jay B last week, and up next he has his chance for redemption.


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Jay B Vs Pit Bull Brown


  • After weeks of turbulent back and forth between the two teams, this is actually the first time either have met in the ring in an official match. Pit Bull Brown still smarting after last weeks attack, and Jay B still feeling the momentum of said incident. Each man arrived alone as their partners were banned from ringside.
  • The tone of this match was set early on with The Mauler looking to use his power whilst Jay B looked to use his speed. Neither seemed to be able to cancel the other out as they moved back and forth.
  • Brown grounded his quicker opponent as often as he could, trying to use his weight to force him pins, trying to grind down Jay B coming close on a number of occasions but not quite going all the way.
  • Jay B gained control following a reversal of an attempted powerslam into a crucifix pin which gained a two, before a number of springboard and high flying moves took down the bigger man.
  • The end of the match came in surprising fashion as Pit Bull had control; as so many times in the past, Jay B saw an opportunity to cheat his way to a win, with a perfect chance for a low blow/roll up that Hot Stuff were well known for, but he hesitated, almost not wanting to take a cheap way out. Before he could decide, The Mauler had struck and hit the Doghouse Piledriver (Leaping Pile Driver) for the win. As Song 2 by Blur played to mark his victory, Pit Bull watched the replay of what had happened, and left the ringside area looking somewhat baffled.

Winner of the match by pinfall following the Doghouse Piledriver – Pit Bull Brown



Smith: Did we just see a member of Hot Stuff have an attack of integrity?

Nova: Maybe he’s a little fed up of cheating to win; that’s got to get old at some point.

Smith: I think after being on the wrong side of a loss he could well regret not taking the opportunity, not that I condone such a thing.

Nova: Ohhh no, we wouldn’t want you to do a thing like that Stevie lad.


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An Indecent Proposal


”The Conscience of Society” Jonathan Faust & “Double P” Phoebe Plumridge


Almost immediately, we’re taken backstage to find the image of Phoebe Plumridge at the refreshments table pouring herself a cup of what looks like J2O from a bottle; not that we’d know as this is a nationally televised show and we would have needed to put that little “P” at the beginning if we had product placement… What? We did? Oh then yeah, it was definitely a J2O. Anyway, as she pours the aforementioned drink, she is approached by a hooded figure. She turns around, taken aback but not quite afraid, as he removes his hood to reveal himself to be non-other than Jonathan Faust.


Plumridge: What the hell do you want? Adam is going to be here any minute and he’ll go crazy if he thinks you’re trying to hurt me.


Faust: What makes you think I’m going to hurt you? And forget about Adam; this isn’t about Adam, this is about you. About what he’s forcing you to go through, about how he’s treating you. If I am to save you from this fraud, I have to be willing to pay the price for my actions. The price may well be my health, but I’m willing to forgo that to ensure that you see and hear the truth. Adam Matravers is a fraud, and it’s bad enough that he’s managed to draw these people in with his lies and his falsehoods, but to have drawn you in too? That is just too much; to take you to bed on the basis of a lie? Well that’s by far the worst type of fraud.


Plumridge’s lip curls, clearly in anger at the words coming forth from Faust.


Faust: I don’t expect you to believe me, Miss Plumridge. The righteous path is never that easy; but I want you to think about this tonight when you lie next to your hero. When you feel him press against you, when you feel his hands on your skin and when you feel his lips on yours. I want you to think about one single idea; what if Jonathan Faust is right? What if the basis of everything you believe about Adam Matravers is a lie? What if he’s not the hero that everyone thinks he is, what if he’s nothing more than a failure? What if the man who is so very deep inside of you… In your very heart and soul is using you for the one thing he can’t provide for himself?


Still she looks on in abject dislike.


Faust: At the very least; ask yourself why he wouldn’t let you speak tonight? Because he’s afraid of what you may accidentally reveal, or because he sees you as just another rat, following along behind his pied piper tune. I have nothing to gain from rescuing you, Miss Plumridge, yet I’m doing it anyway. Think about that.


And as quickly as he appeared, he’d gone. Leaving her alone; yet that look of dislike and anger had changed to a somewhat worried, a somewhat thoughtful look as she looked to the direction in which Adam Matravers was clearly waiting. </td></tr></table>


Smith: Jonathan Faust will do anything to win, even drive a wedge between this wonderful young couple.

Nova: The question is, is it working? And if it is, will Adam Matravers let this be a factor in the match he’s challenged Faust to at the Steel Cage Challenge?

Smith: I hope not; there’s so much hate in this world that we need more love.

Nova: You old romantic you! Let’s head back to the ring, for our next contest.


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Danny Patterson Vs Nate Manchester


  • Last week, Danny Patterson made his return to 21CW in an emphatic fashion, stating his claim as to his interest in the United Kingdom title held by Wade Orson. Tonight, he faces Nate Manchester in his first match since returning.
  • In truth, there was little to this match whatsoever, with Danny Patterson merely playing with his food for the vast majority. The Manc Menace put up little to no meaningful offence and was tossed around the ring like a unwanted toy.
  • In the end it was left academic as the referee stopped the bout due to Manchester passing out while being gripped like a vice in the Torture Chamber (Full Nelson)

Winner of the match by Stoppage following Nate Manchester passing out in the Torture Chamber – Danny Patterson



Smith: Patterson was terrifyingly dominant in that match tonight Jeff; can Wade Orson stop this huge challenger?

Nova: Well he’s not a challenger yet, but if there’s anyone out there with the skills to fight the big man, I’d give Wade Orson my nod.

Smith: Oh my lord, we may well be about to find out!


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Now It’s My Turn…


“The Insurance Policy” Danny Patterson & ”Iron Fists” Wade Orson


In a mirror image of last week, Fool’s Gold by The Stone Roses begins to play and the crowd goes wild as, dressed in Jeans and a T-shirt, United Kingdom title in hand, Wade Orson steps out onto the ramp. He takes a moment to stare down his large opponent before letting out a huge roar.


Smith: HERE WE GO!


Unlike last week, Orson sprints to the ring and slides inside! He jumps to his feet and drops the belt as he is immediately met by two or three huge right hands from Patterson. The forth is swung and Orson ducks, turning on the spot he begins to blast Patterson back with right hands of his own! He backs up allowing Patterson to stagger forward before swinging another huge fist in the Insurance Policy’s direction. Patterson this time, dodges the blow and uses Orson’s own momentum to switch behind and move to lock in the Torture Chamber one more time!


Nova: If he locks this in, it’s curtains for the Champion!


Orson struggles and struggles to prevent the hold from being locked in, all the while Patterson’s hands slowly moving closer to the locked position. Finally, Orson takes a chance and jumps into the air, bending his knees and using the momentum to roll forward forcing Patterson to roll over too and out of the hold. The challenger jumps to his feet again, back to the ramp to find himself caught with a huge boot from the

! Patterson staggers backwards and falls out of the ring through the middle and top rope and lands on his feet.


Smith: Get in! The youngster fought off the big man!


Patterson backs up the ramp, thinking better of trying again on this night, his jaw clenched, but still giving off the impression that he was never really felled, just staggered. Orson, grabs his United Kingdom title and lifts it high into the air as Fool’s Gold begins to play one more time, before he points to himself, then at Patterson and finally at the Championship to being the segment to it’s close. </td></tr></table>


Smith: That was amazing! The youngster, never having faced someone like this big man before, took the fight to him!

Nova: Can’t say Patterson would be worried; he was rocked, but knew he’s best to live and fight another day. One on one, in a straight up match? Not sure who would win.

Smith: Well, we’re about to find out who would win between Jonathan Faust and Daniel Black Francis, so let’s head back to the ring.


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Jonathan Faust Vs Daniel Francis Black


  • Just two weeks ago, these men crossed paths in Tag Team Action that saw Jonathan Faust and his Tag Team Partner, Stevie Stoat, fail in an attempt to defeat Adam Matravers and Daniel Black Francis. The Romford Rasta held his own, but did not meet Faust all that much in the ring.
  • Another contrasting set of styles as Faust tried to wear out his opponent with wrestling, whilst Francis tried to outfight the Conscience. For the vast majority of the opening portion of the contest, wrestling won over.
  • One of Faust’s failings over the years has been a difficulty in turning domination to victory, and his inability to keep Francis down proved to be a problem again as Francis turned the tide of the match and took control.
  • In fact, he came close to victory on a number of occasions using the same Ranhei Cradle in an attempt to get a pinfall, but unlike Stoat last week, Faust was able to escape.
  • Speak of the devil, however, as when the Romford Rasta was set up for the Dreadlock Drop/Rasta Lock Combo (Drop Toe Hold/STF Combo), his eye was taken off the ball by the opening beats of Right Here, Right Now by Fatboy Slim. His attention was taken to the stage where Stevie Stoat appeared, his eyes focused on the ring maniacally. Back in the ring, Faust took the opportunity to spin Francis around, kick him in the gut and hit the
    (Angel’s Wings) for the cover and the win.

Winner of the match by pinfall following a distraction by Stevie Stoat and The Devil’s Drop – Jonathan Faust</td></tr></table>


Smith: Stevie Stoat just cost D.B.F. the match!

Nova: I’m not sure he’s in the right mind to have planned this, I think he’s just stormed the ring and gotten lucky!

Smith: Not so lucky for the Romford Rasta! And by the looks of it, neither will this!


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The Self Destructive Smasher


”The Romford Rasta” Daniel Black Francis & “Smasher” Steve Stoat


As Jonathan Faust vacates the ring and heads backstage, he nods curtly to Stoat whose eyes widen; immediately he slides into the ring and jumps to his feet, spinning around on the spot. When he stops, however, Francis is already back to his feet and looking furious. Stoat, strangely, seems unconcerned by this and immediately begins to laugh in the Romford Rasta’s face! Black lunges forward and slams several fists into the jaw of Stoat who backs up against the ropes, Black backs up and then takes himself and Stoat over the top rope with a clothesline! Stoat hits the ground hard, but Francis lands on his feet.


Smith: Payback for D.B.F! Go on my son!


Stoat quickly gets to his feet and begins to retreat up the ramp, but D.B.F. is not finished. As Stoat reaches the top of the ramp he is spun around and nailed with three or four more right hands that back him up, all the way to the edge of the ramp. Francis clearly has bad intentions, as he signals to the crowd that he’s going to finish it when a thumb to the eye stops him in his tracks.


Nova: Thank god! My insurance premiums would be through the roof if one of those guys went off that stage.


Stoat takes a minute before running at Francis who regains his vision just in time to leap frog over his charging enemy. Francis turns around, but not quite as quickly as Stoat who hits the

(Super Kick) square on the jaw, the crowd seem to intake breath all at once as Francis hangs, lingering on the edge of the stage, but thankfully does not fall. This, however, seems to be only a momentary reprieve as suddenly, just as last week, Stoat’s eyes expand as wide as the could possibly go before he screams.




An audible scream lingers in the air from some on looking fans as Stoat sprints at Francis and hits him hard, both men falling from the stage and crashing down through some tables set out below. Like last week, Stoat has put his body on the line, but this time with Francis having fallen too. Paramedic’s come out to the ringside area and begin attending to both men. </td></tr></table>


Smith: What in gods name did we just see? Did Faust set that up? Or was that just Stoat again?

Nova: I’ve got no idea, laddie, but if he keeps going the way he is he’s going to end up doing himself as much damage as his opponents.

Smith: Well as the Paramedics look to help our fallen warriors we have to move our attention to our Main… Hold on, I’m getting word that something is happening backstage!


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Weather Faust-Cast


”The Conscience of Society” Jonathan Faust & “Mile High” Adam Matravers


We head backstage where we find a cameraman bouncing into view of a man, straddled over the upper body of another, legs kicking wildly. Jonathan Faust is doubled over the prone body of Adam Matravers who is on his back, Faust’s white Cane being pressed hard into his throat. The pressure is so much that Matravers is foaming at the corners of his mouth as spit is forced upwards out of his mouth.


Faust: You want to play Adam? Is that it? You want to challenge me to matches you think that I can’t win?! Well I’m sorry to disappoint you, fraud, but I have your number no matter what match you pick for me. Do you think I’m an idiot? Do you think I wouldn’t know you’d challenge me? Did you think I wouldn’t have a plan? This? This is just a happy accident, Adam, our paths just happened to cross and I’m dominating you like I will in that ring at The Steel Cage Challenge. What in gods name do you think will happen to you when I’ve had time to plan for you Adam? Your safest bet is to walk away… Give up and forfeit, otherwise I will strip away your façade and I will take away everything you hold dear. You and I at Steel Cage Challenge? It will be a pleasure.


As if sensing Matravers about to pass out, Faust suddenly releases the cane from his throat. Matravers begins to cough and splutter as officials flood around him to check his well being, and much like earlier Jonathan Faust disappears almost into thin air, with Phoebe Plumridge conspicuous by her absence. </td></tr></table>


Smith: What the hell is going on tonight Jeff? Adam Matravers could have been seriously hurt.

Nova: If Faust wanted to seriously hurt Adam, he would have done it. That was no more than a message Steve, a message to show that he has Mile High’s number, and I can’t help but think he’s right.

Smith: Maybe so, but for now lets focus on the Main Event! Six man Tag Team action!


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Edward Cornell, Joss Thompson & Kevin Jones w/ Kathleen Lee Vs Dark Angel, Harry Wilson & The Coop


  • With each of these six men paired off with a Steel Cage Challenge match against another, this would be a good chance for all to test themselves against their respective opponents.
  • Harry Wilson, keen to prove himself, forced himself to start the match and, in truth, started off really well. He took the fight to the former Champion, Kevin Jones before fighting off both Joss Thompson and Edward Cornell individually to prevent their interference. The numbers game caught up with him though as Cornell took control after a tag.
  • For the next, and longest portion of the match, the bud guys cut the ring in half, stopping Wilson from getting the tag. They beat him down long and hard, making quick tags to keep fresh. All seemed hopeless, when finally The Coop got the hot tag! He cleaned house finally getting his hands on Kevin Jones who quickly vacated the ring.
  • The Coop’s offence lasted until he finally brought in Dark Angel who showed his quality taking on all comers, with The Coop by his side. They fought off 3 on 2 odds as Wilson recovered at ringside. The Coop kept Jones at bay, allowing Coop to hit Thompson, the legal man, with the
    (Five Star Frog Splash) and Dark Angel to hit Edward Cornell with
    (Swinging Fisherman’s Suplex).
  • Angel looks to make the pin but stops as he notices his brother begging for a tag; he looks to the crowd who urge him on to tag Wilson in! The tag is made and the crowd pop as Wilson drags Cornell to his feet and hits the
    (Skull Crushing Finale). He makes the cover, but the referee doesn’t count! As this is happening, The Coop is taken off the apron by Kevin Jones and The Dark Angel is knocked from the apron by Joss Thompson. Harry Wilson gets to his feet and turns round only to be met with the Clean Cutter (RKO). Thompson quickly scrambles into the pin and the referee slaps the mat thrice.

Winners of the match by pinfall following the Clean Cutter by Joss Thompson – Edward Cornell, Joss Thompson & Kevin Jones.</td></tr></table>


Smith: Not like that! No! Harry Wilson was screwed there!

Nova: To be fair? Thompson was the legal man, Harry Wilson should have checked that before he tagged in.

Smith: That’s not the point and you know it! And Jeff, this battle isn’t over!


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The Brawl to End it All


”The Oncoming Storm” Dark Angel & “The Complete Package” Joss Thompson, Harry Wilson & “The Business” Edward Cornell & “The Charismatic Chameleon” The Coop & “The MVP” Kevin Jones


Back in the ring, Dark Angel has returned! He and the Number One contender are trading blows in the ring, whilst The Coop and Kevin Jones continue to take it to one another on one side of the ring and Edward Cornell has dragged Harry Wilson to the outside and begins slamming fists into his Steel Cage Challenge opponent! All hell has broken lose as there are fights all over the ringside area with no-one really getting any kind of advantage as blows are traded back and forth.


Nova: We need to stop this madness! Security! Get Security down here now!


As the fights continue to flow, security flows from backstage trying to come between the warriors, but to little effect as each of the pairings simply split for long enough to take their frustrations out on the security before returning to one another! The crowd are loving the action, unable to pick just one fight to focus on, as the security regains it’s stance and tries again! Once more, each pairing fights off the security before again returning to their own battles. The show reaches its end with Steve Smith trying to surmise the show over the images of fighting and anarchy all around him. </td></tr></table>


Smith: Things have gotten way out of hand here tonight! Yet we still have one more stop on our road to the Steel Cage Challenge!

Nova: How in gods name can you describe tonight?!

Smith: I can only think of one way… Unbelievable Jeff! Good night everyone! Thank you for watching!




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