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The Journey of Spencer Spade

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<p>Lobster Warrior vs <strong>Brandon James</strong></p><p>

<strong>The All Americans ©</strong> vs The Platinum Blondes for the World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

Adam Smash vs <strong>Rich Money</strong></p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce & Valiant</strong> vs Rogue & Paul Huntingdon</p><p>

SPECIAL ATTRACTION: <strong>Marat Khoklov</strong> Open Challenge featuring standard "I Quit" rules</p><p>

<strong>Angry Gilmore ©</strong> vs Eric Eisen in a stretcher match for the North American Championship</p><p>

<strong>Steve Frehley ©</strong> vs Christian Faith vs Remo vs Vengeance for the World Heavyweight Championship</p>

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<p>Lobster Warrior vs <strong>Brandon James</strong></p><p>

The All Americans © vs <strong>The Platinum Blondes</strong> for the World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

Adam Smash vs <strong>Rich Money</strong></p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce & Valiant</strong> vs Rogue & Paul Huntingdon</p><p>

SPECIAL ATTRACTION: <strong>Marat Khoklov</strong> Open Challenge featuring standard "I Quit" rules</p><p>

<strong>Angry Gilmore ©</strong> vs Eric Eisen in a stretcher match for the North American Championship</p><p>

<strong>Steve Frehley ©</strong> vs Christian Faith vs Remo vs Vengeance for the World Heavyweight Championship</p>

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Thursday Week 2, January 2013

In front of 30,000 fans at The Gardens of North Dakota




Peter Michaels—Duane Fry—Ana Garcia


Welcome, everyone, to SWF When Hell Freezes Over!


We’re in front of a capacity crowd here in North Dakota…


…And live in your living room, on pay per view!


As a thanks for purchasing tickets to this show, we’ve got an incredible night of action set for you here. From Jack Bruce and Valiant taking on Rogue and Paul Huntingdon to Steve Frehley putting his World Championship on the line against not one, not two, but three opponents, this is sure to be a night full of Supreme© action!


And it starts right now, with Big Money himself, Brandon James taking on the walking punchline Lobster Warrior!







James snapped the minute the bell rang, forcing Lobby to cover up. He was soon cornered in the turnbuckle, where James unleashed a flurry of punches that only ended because the ref pried him off of his opposition. When he came back for more, Lobby countered with a low dropkick, buckling the big man’s knee. Lobby then proceeded to stomp, twist, and pressure James’s knee until Big Money finally got to his feet and regained the offensive advantage.


That ended up being the story of the match. James would beat on Lobby until Lobby could counter the monster an attempt to submit him. This cycle went on for some time, and Lobby looked like he might have finally won it when James’s knee gave out as he tried to lift Warrior up for a BBD (Sitout Powerbomb), but Lobby found himself cracked with a massive Big Money Move (Flying shoulder tackle) when he tried charging the massive man. After Lobby went flying, James covered him for an easy 1-2-3.


James wins, 80





Bam! Out of nowhere!


The Big Money Move has become one of the most feared moves in the SWF over the past few years, and James has reminded us all why tonight.


And here I thought Lobster Warrior was about to pull it off.


Ha! I told you that joke could never pull off the big win.






Backstage, Remo was hard at work, already warming up for his title match, despite it being near two hours away. But with a reputation as one of the top physical specimens in all of the SWF, it’s hard to imagine Remo tiring out before his match. He was doing deadlifts, with massive plates on each side of the bar, though he made it look like the lightest of weights. At the apex of his lift, Rich Money entered the room and Remo let the weight drop to the floor with a thunderous crash.




Remo. It’s good to see cracking the main event hasn’t hampered your work ethic at all.


I don’t ever stop working.


Oh, I know. It’s why I keep coming back to you whenever I need a little back up. We’re good friends in that way. You like to fight, and I like to take advantage of that.


Ain’t you got a match to be getting ready for?


Money tapped his forehead.


I’ve been ready for weeks. We each play to our strengths. Your’s is your body, and mine is my mind. It’s another reason we complement one another so well.


That all you came here to say?


No. What I came here to say is good luck tonight.


Remo started to open his mouth but Money cut him off.


I know, “Remo don’t need no luck.” And you don’t. The truth is that I think you’ve got this one in the bag. Just don’t screw it up by trying to kill Frehley like you always end up doing. There’s going to be two other men in that ring, and they’ve both held the title before.


Remo grunted.


Belts don’t matter to Remo. All I want is to fight.


Yes, that me be, but if you have that belt then you’ll get the toughest fights you could ask for. Maybe even, dare I say it, myself?


Remo smiled, uncharacteristically.


Like I said, it don’t matter to Remo.


: Well, I guess we’ll just cross that bridge when we come to it.






Did I sense a little tension between Remo and Money there?


They’ve always been a formidable pairing, but I can’t recall if they’ve ever actually wrestled one another.


That’s because they haven’t. But it sounds to me like Money’s putting it out there that he’ll take on anyone to get that belt back.


But at the same time, this is Remo he’s talking to, and Remo, well, he don’t care.







for the Tag Team Championship


The champs worked an impressive power game early on, keeping Freddy Garcia largely separated from James Prudence. American Machine made a mistake, though, when he allowed Freddy Garcia to lure him into the corner, where he took a raking of the eyes as a punishment. Garcia followed up with his trademark double leg trip and headbutt to the groin before tagging out to Prudence.


Prudence immediately went on a tear, doing everything he possibly could to put Machine away. Machine proved resilient, though, and after Prudence threw a wild clothesline that Machine ducked, Machine responded with a shoulder tackle that downed Prudence long enough to tag out to Des Davids. Davids came in on fire, hitting Prudence with a Three Point Stance immediately. When he tried to score the pin, Garcia broke it up, resulting in Machine storming the ring and clotheslining Garcia right over the ropes and to the floor, where he followed him.


The referee, too distracted by Machine and Garcia’s antics, didn’t see what transpired next between Davids and Prudence. All he saw was Prudence covering a clearly incapacitated Davids, and counted the three count, awarding the match and the World Tag Team Championship to The Platinum Blondes!


When the replay was shown, it would be revealed that Prudence hit Davids with a low blow, and, as Des writhed in pain on the ground, a second kick to his ground. But, as we all know, there’s no reversal of decisions in the SWF, and it’s only cheating if you get caught.


The Platinum Blondes win the belts, 63





Oh, come on!


I can’t believe the ref was so blind as to miss that call!


After all these years calling matches, you two are still surprised by the fact that referees are ALL incompetent? Please.






In a dark room backstage, Vengeance sat on his knees with his back to the camera. Around him three chalices held flames. In front of one lay a cross, the second, a fight glove, and the third, a makeshift belt of leather and gold coins. One by one, he extinguished the flames as he chanted some sort of incantation. Finally, when the third flame was robbed of life, the room plunged into darkness and the chanting slowly faded away to nothing.






Do me a favor, guys, and make sure I never do anything to upset that man.


Man? Vengeance is a demon, Ana.


That man is pure evil. It’s easy to see how he’s a former World Champ here. He’s not afraid to do anything to win.







Elsewhere, in Eric Eisen’s luxurious locker room, Eisen paced in front of Enforcer Roberts and his two newest lackeys, Spencer Spade and Lenny Brown.


You all know what to do, right?


Of course, boss.


Good. I think it goes without saying that I can NOT lose this match. Not that I could. Gilmore’s no match for an Eisen.


Eisen stopped pacing and looked from Spade to Brown.


If I get in any, and I mean any, trouble out there, you do what has to be done. Gilmore will be returning to the hospital after tonight.






Oh, come on! Eisen is openly saying that he’s going to have his lackeys cheat for him!


This is a no DQ match, Duane. It’s not cheating if there’s nothing that says you can’t do it.


Still, do you think Tom Gilmore is asking his wife to help beat up Eric?


If Jessie can do it, then I don’t see why he shouldn’t.







Strength collided with finesse as Smash attempted to put away the former World Heavyweight Champion Rich Money. Smash seemed to have Money retreating from the beginning, but Money seemed to be almost toying with the youngster. That proved to be true when Money countered a clothesline attempt by wrapping Smash around and drilling him with a hammerlock DDT and then going on the offensive.


Money proceeded to hammer Smash, showing exactly why he’s reached the heights in the business that he has. Finally, he peppered Smash with his Movers and Shakers combination punches, dropping Smash with a right hook before signaling for the Dollars From Heaven Splash. Money climbed to the top, but Smash was right behind, and Money found himself flying forward to the mat when Smash finally got a hold of him. Smash followed up with two clotheslines and a powerslam before he grabbed the top rope and let out a roar as he shook them violently. Money got to his feet, but Smash grabbed a hold of him, setting him up for the Fall Out Suplex (Leg Hook Back Suplex), but Money was well enough to carry through and flip out backwards, landing on his feet.


Now directly behind Smash, Money grabbed him around the waist and delivered a thunderous Bank Roll (High Angle German Suplex) that put Smash down for the 1-2-3.


Money wins, 78





Money wins, just like I always knew he would.


But Smash did put up a fight.


A futile one. He should have laid down on the mat as soon as the bell rang and made it easy on himself.






Backstage, The Platinum Blondes, now with shiny gold belts to compliment their boas, blonde hair, and sunglasses, were parading through the halls with several women at their sides. They were taking big swigs out of bottles of champagne as they went along, laughing and having a generally good time until finally they arrived at their locker room. They went inside, and just before the door shut, the red bikini top one of the women was wearing flew out of the room and giddy laughter rose out into the hall.






They couldn’t wait until they left the arena to get into trouble?


Trouble? They just won the titles! Let them celebrate!


You think they’ll still be there after the main event, Pete? I might drop by…


You wouldn’t get two feet in the door before they laughed you out, kid.







Before their match, Emma Chase led Rogue and Paul Huntingdon down to the ring, where the Chase Agency matriarch grabbed a microphone.


First of all, I’d like to thank all you idiot fans for giving The Chase Agency the lion’s share of tonight’s ticket earnings. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to afford the private jet I’ll be using to fly to Florida after the show. Thanks you.


Behind her, Huntingdon smirked and clapped, but Rogue maintained a brutish snarl.


Secondly, I’d like to point out the absurdity of this match, a match that shouldn’t even be taking place. If not already occupied with this placeholder of a match, then my client, Paul Huntingdon, could have competed in a third match for the Chase Agency tonight. But no, Valiant has decided to prolong his rivalry, caused by petty jealousy, with Rogue by including Jack Bruce in his affairs, causing me to pull Paul Huntingdon away from his own pursuits to serve as backup. Do you hear me, Jack Bruce? Valiant? You are taking money right out of an innocent man’s pocket tonight, and for that, you should be ash—


Chase had no time to finish her spiel, as, “It’s Showtime!” thundered out of the speakers, and the crowd leapt to their feet as Jack Bruce, followed by Valiant, burst out onto the stage. Bruce, in his leather pants and open shirt, had his usual, almost absent look on his face, and as he sauntered to the ring, he grabbed a girl in the front row and planted a kiss right on her lips. Valiant ignored the two people making out as he stomped to the ring, his eyes locked on Rogue. Rogue beckoned him into the ring, and Valiant obliged, sliding into the ring and kicking off the match!






This match devolved into a brawl as soon as the bell rang. Rogue and Valiant tore into one another, and Bruce hammered on Huntingdon on the outside. Eventually, Rogue gained the upper hand over Valiant and that was the status quo as soon as the ref regained control over the situation.


Using quick tags and brutally straightforward brawling, Rogue and Huntingdon went to town on Valiant until finally, Bruce had enough. Leaving his corner, Bruce ran around the ring, jerked Huntingdon down from the apron, and rammed him face first into the ring post. Valiant then managed get Rogue off of him with a big back body drop and turned to his corner, finding no one there. Shrugging, he turned his attention once more to his nemesis, and the two were once more at each other’s throats, throwing vicious shots at one another with reckless abandon.


Bruce eventually got back on the apron, calling for the tag, which Valiant begrudgingly obliged. Bruce came in on fire, taking Rogue down with a big clothesline followed up by his trademark Long Island Trio (Triple Suplexes). At this point, Huntingdon threatened to enter the ring, prompting Valiant to enter as well. The referee only saw Valiant come in, and turned his attention to reprimanding him. Huntingdon used this chance to clap his hands and simulate a tag, entering the match himself.


Huntingdon never got a chance to make use of his advantage, though, as Jack Bruce immediately recognized the threat he presented. Bruce quickly popped up, surprising Huntingdon with a New York Minute (Fameasser), stealing the win for his team!


Valiant and Bruce win, 78.







Bruce wins! Valiant wins!


Emma Chase cannot be happy with this. Look, she’s already getting in the ring to berate Huntingdon.






A heavy guitar blaring out of the arena’s speakers signaled the arrival of the Russian Giant, Marat Khoklov, and the giant soon appeared on the stage, throwing the curtains aside and ducking his head under the entrance.


Khoklov stomped down the ramp toward the ring with a cold look in his eyes. He never gazed out into the crowd, and when he finally stepped up onto the apron and over the ring ropes, he only had eyes for the stage, where his opponent would reveal himself. Marat would put his unbeaten streak on the line, as usual, in an I Quit match.


Finally, Duane Fry stood up from the announce desk, a microphone.


Ladies and gentleman, this month’s challenger to Marat Khoklov’s impressive streak of one hundred and fifteen matches won is none other than the lord of the jungle himself, Jungle…er, Lord.


Fry took his seat as Lord’s music began playing and the wildman burst out onto the stage and sprinted down to the ring.





On commentary, Peter, Duane, and Ana wondered whether or not Jungle Lord was actually able to verbally submit, but those thoughts were quickly silenced when he charged Marat and received a brutal headbutt for his troubles.


Khoklov would then go on to brutalize a man particularly well known for his ability to dish out punishment, capping it off with a brutal Moscow Lariat that turned Lord inside out. He then plucked him up off the ground and latched on a Russian Bearhug, but it was not enough to force the stubborn Jungle Lord to quit. It was enough, however, to force him to pass out due to lack of oxygen, and the referee, fearing for Lord’s safety, ended the match then and there, awarding it Khoklov due to Lord’s inability to verbally submit.


Khoklov extends his streak to 116, 76.





Khoklov has not suffered a defeat since Christian Faith took him down Nothing to Lose way back in 2010. That's impressive.


What really impressed me was Jungle Lord’s drive. The man refused to give up.


Refused? He didn’t know how! And because of that, the EMTs are now scraping him off of the mat. Good job, Jungle Lad.






While the EMTs tended to the fallen Jungle Lord, the camera shifted focus to the Crippler position, where North American Champion Tom Gilmore was readying himself for his upcoming match. His wife, Jessie, looked on with a confident look on her face. With time to burn, Zimmy Bumfhole approached Gilmore with Dawn in tow.




Gilmore ceased his routine and turned to Zimmy, a look of calm confidence on his face.


Zimmy? What’s up?


Well, I guess this is going to sound kind of dumb, but…


Dawn placed a hand on Zimmy’s shoulder.


…Beat Eisen. For Randy. I know you’ve got your own reasons to put him down, but if you could just think of Randy while you do it. I couldn’t beat Eisen. You can.


Gilmore didn’t respond at first, giving Jessie a chance to interject herself into the conversation.


We’ll have Randy in our hearts.


She smiled, and a warmth spread.


Won’t we, Tom?


Gilmore looked at his wife and shook his head.


How could I say no?





Garcia: What a nice gesture.


Gilmore has to actually beat Eisen, though, or it doesn’t mean a thing. Personally, my money’s on Eric.







in a Stretcher Match for the North American Championship


Before the match began, the referee took the time to go over the rules one last time. In order to win, one must place his opponent on a stretch waiting outside the ring and push him all of the way up the ramp. The stretcher had no straps, so if the opponent managed to get off of it, the referee would push it back down the ramp, resetting it.


With the rules ran over, the match began. Gilmore started off setting a furious pace that Eisen, with his hobbled knee, struggled to keep up with. Eisen had to rely on luring Gilmore into traps in order to get his offense, a strategy that proved fruitful. The early goings saw Eisen and Gilmore remaining fairly close, though neither were able to really get any distance up the ramp with the stretcher.


And then Gilmore started to pull away. His technical excellence began to prove to be too much for Eisen to handle, and The American Crippler began to slowly slip away.




That was when Enforcer Roberts, Spencer Spade, and Lenny Brown showed up. Jessie yelled to Gilmore, alerting him of their presence, and Gilmore reacted quickly, diving over the ropes and crashing into Spade and Brown. Roberts managed to slip out of the way, though, and the tenured bodyguard of the SWF went to work, beating on Gilmore until Eisen called for him to get in the ring.


Spade and Brown recovered and helped Roberts force Gilmore into the ring, where they grabbed his arms and held him up. Eisen, grinning wildly, slapped Gilmore twice in the face, taunting him. After a moment of gloating, Eisen turned, ran the ropes, heading straight for Gilmore…only to receive a boot to the gut in return. As Eisen doubled over, Gilmore whipped his head back, nailing Roberts in the nose, and slipped out of the grasp of the surprised Brown and Spade.


Gilmore, now seething, charged Brown, clotheslining him right over the ropes to the floor, and nailed Roberts with an Anger Management (Forward Russian Legsweep). Eisen kept his distance, but Spade was unlucky enough to receive the dreaded maneuver Gilmore learned during his stay in Japan, the Earth Breaker (Tiger Driver).


Now, alone with Eisen, Gilmore charged, and Eric bailed from the ring. Eisen tried to sprint up the ramp, but Gilmore was too quick, leaping over the ropes once more to take down his nemesis. Grabbing him roughly by the hair, Gilmore dragged Eisen to his feet, where he delivered another Earth Breaker, this time on the ramp! From that point, it was easy for Gilmore to get Eisen’s prone form up onto the stretcher and push him up the ramp.


Gilmore didn’t stop when the bell rang, though. Eisen was banged up, but he wasn’t going to the hospital tonight, and that was something Gilmore couldn’t stand. With Eisen unconscious on the stretcher, Gilmore turned, rage writ across his face, and began to scale the stage set. Finally, when he had reached a height of twenty or so feet, Gilmore leapt off of the set, driving his body through Eisen’s with a Sky High Elbow, crumpling the stretcher in the process.


Jessie, who had been begging Gilmore to stop, cried out and dropped to her knees as the paramedics flooded out from the back. Eisen was surely making a hospital tonight, but at what cost?


Gilmore retains, 77.





God damn!


Did you see that jump!? Both of these men may be going to the hospital tonight!






The next camera shot saw a return to the Crippler position, this time focusing on World Heavyweight Champion Steve Frehley and “The Iron Man,” Christian Faith. Paramedics rushed by behind them as Faith approached Frehley. The two shared a handshake when they met.


Good luck, Steve.


You too, Christian.


Faith chuckled. It was a deep laugh, and honest.


Thanks. I’m going to need every bit of that luck if I’m going to beat you tonight.


Frehley sat down on his trademark chopper and kick started it.


You know, if anyone beats me tonight, I hope it’s you.


Christian laughed again.


You say that now…


Now Frehley laughed.


I said “if,” man! I know no one can beat me.


Frehly inched his bike forward before stopping and shaking hands with Faith.


See you out there.


pulled forward, parting the curtains and exposing himself to the crowd and a raucous reception.





Here we go! This is going to be a barnstormer!


Four of the biggest men in the sport, both in personality and sheer size? How could it not be!








© vs
for the World Heavyweight Championship


Faith and Frehley’s opening strategy was to charge Vengeance immediately, and it worked until Remo spoiled things by ripping Frehley away. Separated, the match became all about Frehley vs Remo and Faith vs Vengeance in the early going. With no real double teams occurring, no one man really pulled ahead. Until, that is, Vengeance disposed of Faith with a big clothesline that took him out of the ring.


Together with Remo, Vengeance took it to Frehley, hitting a big, big double superplex that might very well have put Frehley away. Fortunately for the champ, Remo hated sharing the beating with Vengeance so much that he immediately turned on him, hitting a Destroyer (Dominator) that would have won the match for him until Faith broke up the pin.


Faith took control now, whipping Remo around until he finally cornered him. When nhe attempted to land a Land of Faith, however, Remo slipped out of the way, and Fatih crashed into the turnbuckle. Luckily for him, Remo couldn’t capitalize, as Frehley nailed him with a Dark Destroyer (Spear) that turned him very nearly inside out.


It was now down to Frehley and Faith, and the two larger than the life heavyweights went fist for fist and kick for kick. When Vengeance tried to interject, he found himself the victim of a timely Faith Hammer (Bionic Elbow) followed up by a Dark Destroyer for punctuation. Faith and Frehley then returned to their battle, and it went on for some time until Remo finally recovered, taking a note out of the book of Brandon James and nailing Frehley with a flying shoulder tackle, blindsiding him and sending him flying from the ring.


Now, the tables had turned, and it was down to just Faith and Remo. Faith tried to hold out, and even threatened to hit another Leap of Faith, but Remo slipped away once again. This time, Faith caught himself, but when he turned around, Remo booted him in the gut and hoisted him the air, nailing him with a Destroyer! Remo fell on Faith, covering him for the 1-2-3, and winning his second World Heavyweight Championship!


Remo wins the belt, 85.

Total: 81

Buy Rate: 3.35


This has been a presentation of…


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Great show man, keep up the good work


Thanks bud!


Just an update, it'll be around another week before the next...update. Lots and lots of work this week means I won't get much writing time. Good stuff is coming, though!

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  • 4 weeks later...

...And you all thought it was dead. Shame on you. Shame!



Robbie Retro vs Paul Huntingdon

The Awesomeness vs The Platinum Blondes © for the Tag Team Championship

Adam Smash & Lobster Warrior vs Spencer Spade & Lenny Brown

Zimmy Bumfhole vs Everest

Valiant vs Vengeance

Faith & Frehley vs Remo & Money

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Glad it's not dead! I'm all about "Low Down" Lenny Brown and "Mr. Supremacy" Spencer Spade!


Robbie Retro vs Paul Huntingdon

The Awesomeness vs The Platinum Blondes © for the Tag Team Championship

Adam Smash & Lobster Warrior vs Spencer Spade & Lenny Brown

Zimmy Bumfhole vs Everest

Valiant vs Vengeance

Faith & Frehley vs Remo & Money

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Robbie Retro vs Paul Huntingdon

The Awesomeness vs The Platinum Blondes © for the Tag Team Championship

Adam Smash & Lobster Warrior vs Spencer Spade & Lenny Brown

Zimmy Bumfhole vs Everest

Valiant vs Vengeance

Faith & Frehley vs Remo & Money

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I'm sad that you gave Faith appropriate main event music ._.






Although following song links got me to Seven Nation Army, so I'm happy.




Is Faith in decline? Not putting the title on him is questionable otherwise; Remo's not a main event player, wrestling-wise.

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Tuesday Week 3, January 2013


In front of 14,456 fans in Isaak Road Arena (Mid Atlantic)










Peter Michaels—Duane Fry—Ana Garcia



Welcome to Supreme...T...V!



We're just five days removed crowning a new World Champion at When Hell Freezes Over, and we've got a barnstormer of a main event planned for you!



That's right, Duane. In a rematch from just a couple of weeks ago, Steve Frehley's teaming up with Christian Faith to take on the man who took the World Championship from him, Remo, and his tag partner, Rich Money.



That's later, on, obviously, but right now, our new champ's already coming down to the ring!










The Baddest Man Alive began to blare through the sound system, and Remo began his march to down to the ring. He held the title belt at the end of one strap with one hand, letting the other end almost drag the ground, almost as if it were an after thought. Remo stepped into the ring, dropped the belt heavily to the mat, and grabbed a microphone.



I didn't just beat Steve Frehley Thursday. I beat his ass, Christian Faith's ass, and Vengeance's ass. I proved that ain't nobody badder than Remo. But some people don't learn very well. So Frehley, you still wanna go, you step across this line--



Remo pointed down the world title.



--and we'll go. You know Remo ain't afraid to fight.






Almost as if he was waiting to get called out, Frehley stormed out of the back, got in the ring, and stepped directly over the belt before going nose to nose with Remo. Remo, pissed off at the invasion of his personal space, pushed Frehley back. Frehley, in turn, snatched the microphone out of his hand.



Normally, I'd let it go. I'd say I lost, and I'd move on. But to you? Hell no. I can't sit back and watch you ruin the legacy of that belt. You don't respect it, and you damn sure don't deserve it. When I beat you tonight, it's just going to be the start of my comeback. Cause you know what's going to happen three weeks from now? I'm going to put your ass in the dirt, and I'm going to take that belt back.



Frehley dropped the mic, picked up the title belt and roughly tossed it at Remo. Remo caught it, scowling at Frehley as he stomped up the ramp.









It wasn't too difficult making a main event for Nothing to Lose, I guess.



And I can't wait for it, personally. Every time these two lock up, it's a barnstormer!


You know, you say that so much it's starting to lose meaning.










Robbie Retro vs Paul Huntingdon w/ Emma Chase



Huntingdon, coming off of a loss to the team of Jack Bruce and Valiant, looked to right his ship with this match, but Retro gave him a tough go of it. Still, Huntingdon looked solidly in control, utilizing his speed advantage over the much larger Retro to the maximum extent possible.



Retro finally got back in it with a huge spinebuster followed up with a wicked whip into the corner. Huntingdon slumped to the ground, and Retro looked to charge in with his trademark butt smash, and that's when Emma Chase made her presence known.



The scantily clad business manager, in her short skirt, hopped up on the apron, capturing the eye of Retro. Chase turned her back to Retro and began dancing, inching her skirt higher and higher up her body.



Retro, entranced, failed to see that Huntingdon had recovered, and the blue-blooded star spun Retro around before blasting him with a High Society (Fireman Carry Spinebuster) to score the win!



Huntingdon wins, 69.



Chase adjusted her skirt and stepped into the ring immediately after the bell rang. She ordered Huntingdon to take out the trash, which he did, tossing Retro unceremoniously to the floor. Grabbing a microphone, she addressed the crowd.



I present to you your next North American Champion, Paul Huntingdon!



Chase clapped as Huntingdon posed.



After a showing like this, it will be easy to persuade the board to give Paul the next shot at the paper champion, Tom Gilmore. And in doing so, I'll further prove to everyone that if you come under my wing, nothing awaits you but championship gold.






Chase smiled, but that soon turned to a grimace when The Red began to play and Tom and Jessie Gilmore stepped out onto the stage. Gilmore wore a heavy wrap on his right elbow, the very one that he drove through Eric Eisen's chest just five days prior.



I think you're more than just a bit confused, Emma. Around here, you have to earn a title shot. And from what I just saw, and I'm sure the board agrees with me, Paul here didn't earn anything with that performance. Now, you've got an eye for talent, no one's doubting that, and Paul's definitely got what it takes to be a champion—eventually—but that time hasn't come just yet. Maybe if he can pull off a repeat performance next week—without your help—the board might reconsider. If not, don't get your hopes up.



Now you wait just a min--



Tom Gilmore's music interrupted Chase, drowning out her shrill voice, and Gilmore smiled as he placed his good arm around his wife's shoulders and left Chase and Huntingdon alone in the ring.








Who is Gilmore to say Huntingdon doesn't deserve a shot? The champ should take on all comers!



He's not saying that, he's saying the BOARD is saying that.



It's the same thing, Duane.











The Awesomeness vs The Platinum Blondes © for the Tag Team Championship



The Awesomeness made the most of this championship opportunity, trying to end the match as fast and often as they could. Quick tags and double teams from both teams marked the early portions of this match, a trend that had the Blondes backpedaling more often than not.



The double teams eventually backfired on The Awesomeness, however, as the ref finally did his job and forced Huey out of the ring after he and Jefferson tried to attempt a double suplex on Prudence. While the referee was distracted, Prudence measured Stardust up and punted him precisely where the sun refuses to shine and tagged out to Garcia, who planted him with Romeo Is Bleeding (seated face plant) for the easy 1-2-3.



The Platinum Blondes retain, 60.









The Blondes are successful in their first defense, but there was more than a little underhandness that went into that win.



It isn't cheating if you don't get caught.



While that's not true, Garcia and Prudence are REALLY good at not getting caught.










Dawn walked along backstage, smiling at and greeting a few members of the production crew. The camera followed her for a short distance until she finally pulled to a stop at the catering table, where Zimmy Bumfhole was piling a massive salad onto a flimsy paper plate.



Hey, Zimmy.



She tapped him on the shoulder, and Zimmy turned to face her, a mass of lettuce and carrots filling his mouth.



Oh, 'ey 'Awn.



Zimmy swallowed, forcing the salad down his throat.


What's up?



Nothing, really. I just wanted to talk. See how Randy's doing and everything.



Oh. Well, Randy's fine. Should be back soon.



That's good.



Dawn stared down at her feet for a moment.


Well, I guess I should go. You seem...busy.






Dawn started to walk off, but before she could get too far, Zimmy called her back.



Hey, Dawn?



Dawn turned back to Zimmy.





Do you maybe wanna come to the ring with me for my match next week? If you don't want to, tha's cool, but--



I'd love to.



The two flashed a pair of toothy grins at one another.


Great! I'll see you next week, then?


You will.










Well that's just too sweet.



Sweet? This is a workplace, Ana, not a nightclub. That's just not professional behavior. It's like if I were to hit on you every night at work. At least I wait until the show's over.



Yeah, about that...












Marc DuBois sat alone backstage, the lights in his locker room dimmed. His arms were crossed and his eyes were aimed at his feet.



Another week goes by without even a hint of a match in sight.



John Greed stepped into the shot, a half grin spread across his face. DuBois ignored him.



It seems to me that these the “Can't Miss Prospect” misses the mark more often than not. It's been several months since your last victory, hasn't it?



DuBois didn't answer, and Greed continued.



Don't look so down. That's why I'm here. To help. I can bring you back to where you once were, and I can make you scale heights higher than you've ever reached before. You just have to listen and--



Greed's voice dropped, and he looked sinister under the dim lighting.



--Trust me.









I don't like the sound of that at all.



I actually agree. DuBois's too good of a kid to get mixed up with a slimeball like Greed.



DuBois? A good kid? Do you even watch the show you commentate on?










Adam Smash & Lobster Warrior vs The Supreme Team



Smash and Warrior, despite never teaming together before, seemed to gel fairly well, and never gave the young pairing of Spade and Brown chance to really gain any sort of momentum. All in all, it was a fairly unsuccessful debut for The Supreme Team. Spade and Brown's offensive efforts were minimal, but they did show some promise with a couple of nice displays of athleticism, most notably a pop up rana on Brown's part. Still, the match seemed to be decided from the beginning, and Warrior managed to put Spade away with a Lobster Trap (Fisherman Suplex).



Smash & Lobby win, 64.



Am I supposed to be impressed?






Eric Eisen, flanked by Enforcer Roberts, came out onto the stage, mockingly applauding the victors.



Because, and I'm being honest here, I'm not. You beat a couple of untested rookies, who cares? And what's more, you actually let them get a little offense in. Pathetic. If you were in the ring with a grizzled veteran such as myself, you wouldn't stand a chance. I'd teach you a little lesson and get in the ring right now, but---



Eisen rubbed his ribs. Under his dress shirt, they were wrapped tight after the monstrous elbow drop Angry Gilmore delivered to him.



--my doctor's given me a strict no contact order. As I'm the most valuable asset in this company, I feel it's wise to follow his orders. Next week, though, I should be operating at around seventy-five percent, and that should be more than enough to defeat either of you. So don't have some big debate over who to send at me, you'll both lose anyway.









Even after being beaten and hospitalized by a man that fought off his entire gang, Eisen's still as egotistical as ever.



Gang? I'm sorry, Ana, but The Supremacy is an ORGANIZATION of like-minded wrestlers, nothing more.



Even so, Gilmore beat them all at once, and Eisen's still acting like it never happened.










Brandon James sat quietly in The Chase Agency's locker room sipping a glass of scotch and flipping through the Wall Street Journal when Jack Bruce flung the door open and strolled in. James barely looked over the paper at him.









Bruce made a beeline to the scotch and filled a glass before he began to gulp it down.


Oh please, help yourself. That only cost a few hundred dollars. It's not a problem.






After a third gulp, Bruce stopped drinking and looked around the room.

Where is she?



Cashing a check, I assume.



James folded the paper up and set it down.



What do you want with her, anyway? You already beat Paul and Rogue. You've won.



Bruce finished off the last of the scotch and dropped the glass on the ground.



It's not over until Rogue backs off of Valiant. He lost. Tell Chase to call him off.



James laughed.



Do you really think I have anything to do with that business? What's more, I can't tell her what to do with another client. Listening to me would be a bad decision, and Emma Chase does not make bad decision.



Whatever you have to do, do it.



Bruce walked to the door, and turned back to James.



...If you don't, I'll come back.









How did that spaced out drunk ever become champion?



By beating everyone that got in his way. James should remember that.










Zimmy Bumfhole vs Everest



Next week, Dawn will at Zimmy's side, but tonight he had to face the challenger of facing Mount Everest all alone.



Everest's pure mass proved a difficult obstacle that Zimmy struggled to overcome, but he eventually was able to fell the monster with a missile dropkick. Zimmy tried to continue to pour on the punishment, but Everest found his feet and shoved Zimmy away. Zimmy responded by rebounding off of the ropes and launching a second dropkick, this time at Everest's knee, buckling it and cutting the mosnter down to size.



He followed that up with a lightning quick roundhouse kick to the head before scaling the turnbuckles once more. Once up, Zimmy played to the crowd before leaping off and crashing down on Everest with a Bumfhole in One (Frog Splash) for the 1-2-3.



Zimmy wins, 61.












Zimmy wins!



How did that twerp beat Everest?



Size isn't everything, Pete.



Isn't it, Ana?



And you said you waited until after the shows to hit on me.










Valiant vs Vengeance



Neither Valiant nor Vengeance is known for any sort of sophistication in their offense, so it was no surprise that they opened the match throwing wild blows at one another and never let up.



Vengeance seemed intent on making up for his performance from Thursday night, but Valiant was making a hard time of it, giving the big man back just as much as he gave out.






Unfortunately for Vengeance, his chance for victory was swiped right out from under him. As he battled with Valiant at ringside, Rogue appeared, steel chair once again in hand. Rogue made a beeline for Valiant, blasting him with the steel, dropping him instantly.



Valiant wins by DQ, 81



Vengeance screamed out in rage before he shot out a single arm and wrapped his fingers around Rogue's throat. But before he could lift Rogue's body in the air, the throttled wrestler raised his chair high and slammed it down over Vengeance's head. Vengeance dropped like a rock, and Rogue, rubbing his sore throat, turned his attention back to his rival, who was now stirring on the ground.






Before he could make any further action, though, Jack Bruce appeared, sprinting down to the ring and eliciting wild cheers from the crowd. Bruce held his own chair in his hand, and quickly stepped over Valiant, placing himself squarely between the he and Rogue.



Rogue weighed his options for a moment, then slowly sidestepped around Bruce, never taking his eyes off of him and never lowering the chair. When he finally had the stage to his back, Rogue backpedaled up the ramp, and Bruce went to check on his recovering friend.










You would think Rogue would be fine with someone else beating on Valiant for once.



I'm not so sure about that. I think Rogue wants to be the one to finally put Valiant away. He's his enemy, not anyone else's sort of thing, you know?



Jealous that Vengeance got to wrestle Valiant? That's odd.


He did hit Valiant first, giving him the win. That could have been a calculated move.
















Faith & Frehley vs The Almighty Dollar



Only Faith and Money seemed to have any intent on actually wrestling in the main event. Remo and Frehley, on the flip side, wanted only to dish out punishment to one another. Frehley felt wronged, and Remo, well, Remo's Remo. When someone steps up to fight him, Remo steps right back.



So it came as no surprise to anyone that late in the match, when Faith and Money were trading in the ring, Remo and Frehley abandoned their posts and charged one another on the outside. Eventually, they found their way into the ring, where they joined their tag partners. Money and Faith, unsure of what to make of the two, wisely kept a wide berth.



The same couldn't be said for the referee.



Darren Smith made the mistake of trying to force apart the warring behemoths, and found himself shoved roughly to the ground for his efforts. Immediately, he called for the time keeper to ring the bell, ordering the match over and disqualifying both teams!



It's a no contest, 81.



Frehley and Remo paid no mind to the ring bell and continued to brawl in the ring. Faith and Money, not wanting to see their respective friends get hurt, quickly intervened and tried to force themselves between them. That did little, and Remo and Frehley continued to battle as security poured out from the back. The SWF logo soon showed up in the corner of the screen, and the broadcast ended as the black shirts flooded the ring to pull the two heavyweights apart.





Total: 81


Rating: 12.69




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Frehley dropped the mic, picked up the title belt and roughly tossed it at Remo. Remo caught it,




scowling at Frehley as he stomped up the ramp.




I can make you scale heights higher than you've ever reached before.





btw, I see the non-canon "It don't matter to Remo" has struck again in another diary. I shake my fist at thee, PS. "Baine is Pain!" is a phrase (NoNeck) that (sadly) has not become common vernacular.

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Adam Smash vs Eric Eisen

The All-Americans vs Quadruple B

Zimmy Bumfhole vs Paul Huntingdon

Valiant vs Squeeky McClean

Steve Frehley vs Rich Money

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