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TCW Presents: A Paradigm Shift

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"Rinse and repeat."


I had been muttering that to myself a lot lately, and not just from the hair coloring kit I was using.


It was wrestling, the same old story over and over again. Guy breaks his back to become a legend then doesn't know when to leave, in return the legacy he has is tarnished, or so he thinks.


Then, because of that, he sticks around even longer. He tries to give back to the business that made him a star, but even doing that can make you a joke. But then comes the time you settle your affairs, make peace with what you have taken and given, and you close the door.


But that is a lie. There is always someone like Tommy Cornell out there to put their foot in the doorway. Always one more offer, one more plea. You tell him no, and go to shut the door one last time and Cornell kicks it down anyway.


"Its your son," he said, sounding all grim and dark.


"He is hated backstage, and he won't listen to me. Without someone to guide him..."


I stare in the mirror and grimace. Still a few gray streaks showing. That is what has me angry, not the memory.


That is the lie I tell myself.


Still, I got what I wanted out of the deal, more money, a chance to repay a favor, and I get to help some kids make it in this cut throat business, including my own.


I decide the gray streaks make me look dignified, and I stop fussing with the hair dye. I have a plane to catch in the morning, and between now and then I have to figure out how I want to book the second largest wrestling promotion in the world.

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Part 1: Triage


TCW Presents: Total Wrestling

Live from the Illinois State Park (Great Lakes Region)

Attendance: 13,491



Pre Show Segment One:http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/KoshiroIno_zpsdb6cd3d4.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/DannyFonzarelli_zpsaa33ea1f.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/AaronAndrews_zpsb13f9bcd.jpg

Koshiro Ino, Danny Fonzarelli, and Aaron Andrews cut a promo hyping themselves.


Grade: C+



Pre Show Segment Two:http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/SammyBach_zpsd49cb5a6.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/_BlankBackgroundvs_zps967a236c.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/GhenghisRahn_zpsad498631.jpg

Sammy Bach defeats Genghis Rahn via pinfall.


Grade: C



Main Show

Segment One:http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/JoshuaTaylor_zpsbfa0c255.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/_BlankBackgroundvs_zps967a236c.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/JeremieCourtney_zps3905053e.jpg


Joshua Taylor defeats Jeremy Courtney in a short match via pinfall.


Grade: C


Segment Two:http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/EddiePeak_zpsd6f7b247.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/_BlankBackgroundvs_zps967a236c.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/TanaTheMighty_zps32b90833.jpg

Eddie Peak defeats Giant Tana via pinfall after Killer Shark http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/KillerShark_zps64f74bd3.jpg interferes in the match. Giant Tana is left bloody.


Grade: C



Segment Three:http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/KillerShark_zps64f74bd3.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/_BlankBackgroundwith.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/FloydGoldworthy_zps4dc0bfc3.jpg

Floyd Goldworthy then approaches the ringside area where a very menacing Killer Shark stands beside him. Goldworthy announces that Killer Shark is his newest charge and also the newest member of the Hellfire Club.


Grade: C


Segment Four: http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/FlyingJimmyFoxx_zps5304e11f.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/Belts/tcwaacv.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/_BlankBackgroundvs_zps967a236c.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/JayChord_zps7decc550.jpg

Flying Jimmy Foxx successfully defends his All Action championship against Jay Chord.


Grade: C


Segment Five:http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/AmericanBuffalo_zps59ac10c0.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/TexasPete_alt1_zps38889240.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/Belts/tcwttcv.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/_BlankBackgroundvs_zps967a236c.jpg




Texas Buffalo successfully defends the Tag Team titles against The New Wave, The Machines, and the Canadian Animals in a four way tag team match when American Buffalo pins Freddy Huggins.

As they leave the ring, Laura Huggins can be heard shouting at her brother, Freddy.

"Wait until Daddy hears that you've lost another title shot!"


Grade: C+



Segment Six:

Tommy Cornell http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/TommyCornell_zps313beccd.jpg and Wolf Hawkins http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/WolfHawkins_zps65680b54.jpg enter the ring. Tommy announces that the TCW Board of Directors have claimed that Cornell's issues with other talent has endangered his role as owner of TCW. To wit, the board has mandated the hiring of a Chief of Operations to oversee the day to day running of the company. Cornell then says that he was at least allowed to pick this person, who he then invites out to the ring. http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/RipChord.jpg Rip Chord then walks down.


Chord thanks Cornell and Hawkins for welcoming him to TCW and pledges to be fair to everyone in the locker room.

"My door will always be open," he says with complete sincerity. Rocky Golden http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/RockyGolden_zps94ae64bf.jpg then comes down to the ring. He immediately gets in Rip Chord's face.

"Prove to me that you arent just Tommy Cornell's puppet. Give the people what they want to see and put me in the ring with Wolf tonight for the World title!"


Hawkins claims that his leg is injured and he can't wrestle tonight, then he asks Rocky Golden about the surprise partner Golden had hinted at in prior weeks. Cornell adds that while Wolf can't wrestle, he is willing to face this surprise himself in the main event. He adds that if Golden can not produce this supposed person, then Rocky should forfeit his title shot for lying to the fans. Chord agrees.


Golden smiles as the music hits and Sean McFly http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/SeanMcFly.jpg walks down to the ring. A visibly disturbed Cornell and Hawkins quickly exit and make their way back up the ramp as Rocky has a few parting words.

"All this time you have carried on like you are the best, but now you are looking at the best standing right here. It might not be tonight, but soon, real soon, you will see why the gold belongs to Golden!"


Grade: B-



Segment Seven:http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/TroyTornado_zpscc4591e2.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/_BlankBackgroundvs_zps967a236c.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/ElmoBenson_zpsf3eb5303.jpg

Troy Tornado defeats Benny Benson via pinfall after using the ropes for added leverage.


Grade: C+



Segment Eight:

Jason Azaria http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/JasonAzaria_zps81ddb7d1.jpg alerts viewers that a disturbance has been reported in the back. The camera then cuts to the backstage where an irate Ricky Dale Johnson http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/RickyDaleJohnson_zps7acd47b6.jpg and Joey Minnesota http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/JoeyMinnesota_zps72954c7a.jpg have Rip Chord http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/RipChord.jpg hemmed up in a hallway.

"Thats right, I want a number one contender's match with Vessey, tonight, and Joey wants to get his hands on the slimeball Rick Law! Now, I heard you talk a big game, but what are you going to do about it?"

A clearly agitated Rip Chord holds up his hands in a placating manner.

"Cornell already has a match scheduled against Sean McFly. There just isn't enough time to-"

Johnson grabs Chord by the lapels.

"Okay, fine. A tag team match the Freedom Fighters versus Vessey and Law. It is the best I can do on short notice."

Johnson still appears to be angry but Joey Minnesota whispers something to him that calms the veteran down. He then takes his hands off of Rip Chord.

"Fine, we'll take the match now, because Joey has to put that rent-a-cop in his place for what he did. But you better have my match with Vessey ready for next week. I want the world to see me take him down."

Chord nodded furiously and watched as Johnson and Minnesota departed. Once the pair were out of earshot he muttered to himself, "like you'll even be alive next week." He then turned and noticed the camera behind him.

"Are you still filming?!?! Get that camera out of here!"


Grade: C+



Segment Nine:http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/RickyDaleJohnson_zps7acd47b6.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/JoeyMinnesota_zps72954c7a.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/_BlankBackgroundvs_zps967a236c.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/BryanVessey_zps99fe1a8d.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/RickLaw_alt_zps859e0afa.jpg

The referee ruled the match between Ricky Dale Johnson and Joey Minnesota versus Bryan Vessey and Rick Law a no contest after Joey Minnesota repeatedly struck Johnson in the head with a steel chair. Backstage staff had to help a bloody and nearly unconscious Ricky Dale Johnson from the ring. Joey Minnesota then motioned for a microphone.


(Note, Joey Minnesota's heel turn was a complete success.)

Grade: B-



Segment Ten:http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/JoeyMinnesota_zps72954c7a.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/BryanVessey_zps99fe1a8d.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/RickLaw_alt_zps859e0afa.jpg

"Get that trash out of here," Joey shouted as Johnson was carried up the ramp. Joey Minnesota then turned to the crowd.

"I'm tired. Thats right, boo me. Go ahead, I am going to say what I want to say. I'm tired of waiting on you morons to cheer. I'm tired of sitting in that has been's shadow," he pointed towards Ricky Dale Johnson.

"Most of all I am tired of signing up, week after week, to fight a war, a war our general Tommy Cornell declared all on his own, while the suck ups and retreads hog the spot light. Look at us. The hottest young prospect in wrestling, the best technician to ever lace up his boots, and the best brawler in the company, all fighting for scraps so guys like Ricky, or Rocky are the chosen ones. And talk about chosen, your world champion is Cornell's fair haired boy, if you know what I mean."

Minnesota paused as the boo's rained down.

"See, in a war like this, we three were just meant to be the casualties, but we reject that. In war you have us, Triage, where you pick who lives and who dies. Instead of waiting around until we catch a bullet we are gonna own this show. You idiots can boo us or cheer us, we don't care, because from here on out, we will run this war, and you can damn well bet that when its all over, we will be the ones still standing!"


Grade: B-




Segment Eleven:http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/SeanMcFly.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/_BlankBackgroundvs_zps967a236c.jpghttp://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/TommyCornell_zps313beccd.jpg

An agitated Tommy Cornell defeats Sean McFly via a flash pinfall after a seemingly healthy Wolf Hawkins http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af61/GateControlTheory/WolfHawkins_zps65680b54.jpg runs down to the ring and distracts McFly.


Grade: B



Final Rating: B

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Just a note, the format is a work in progress, though I kind of like how it is, I may add pictures later.


And for anyone wondering,


lists the definition of triage as




a: the sorting of and allocation of treatment to patients and especially battle and disaster victims according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors


personally I always thought it would make a cool name for a three man group. :D

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I assume Triage is Minnesota, Vessey and Law?


Yes. I had in my mind when Hogan joined Hall and Nash, he mentioned the NWO once or twice in the promo but it was the shows after that with the announcers building up the name of the group.


That is what I am working towards.

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Chord Tabs


Each and every week wrestling legend and all around nice guy Rip Chord will answer questions submitted to him by YOU, the fans of Total Championship Wrestling. Just type any and all questions in the bottom window along with your email and hit submit, it is as easy as that.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Total Championship Wrestling or any of its subsidiaries.)





Why didn't TCW sign Nemesis instead of you? I like Nemseis!

- DAVE4life@jmail.com



Because you are the only one.




Joey Minisoda hit my RDJ with a chair BAN MINISODA

- TylerPerry@CrownHeightselementary.com



Why ban mini soda's, they are very tasty. Especially Dr. Pepper.







Capslock..>>> ARGG NOW I AM DOING IT1111




I was surprised to see Ricky Dale Johnson put his hands on you, and all you did was whimper. Whats wrong Rip, have you gone yellow?

- smartfan69@arar.net



The simple truth is that I had just been hired as TCW's Chief of Operations. If I resorted to violence, even justified for self defense, my job would have been in jeopardy. However, I can assure you that from now on, any wrestler will think twice about trying something when they see my new head of security next week. :-)




That is all for this week! Be sure to tune in to TCW Presents: Total Wrestling next Tuesday on GNN. The scheduled card is as follows:

Giant Tana vs Killer Shark

L.A. Connection vs Texas Buffalo (TCW World Tag Team Title)

Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach

Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak

The Machines vs The New Wave

Rocky Golden and Sean McFly vs The Syndicate



(Note card subject to change.)

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WHAT?!?!?! No Joey Minisoda match this week? ;)


Giant Tana vs Killer Shark

L.A. Connection vs Texas Buffalo (TCW World Tag Team Title) - DQ win, so Texas Buffalo retains the belt

Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach

Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak

The Machines vs The New Wave

Rocky Golden and Sean McFly vs The Syndicate

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling

Isaak Road Arena (Mid Atlantic Region)

Attendance: 12,301



Pre-Show Segment One:

Joel Bryant defeated Harry Allen and Jeremie Courtney in a Triangle Match when he pinned Jeremie Courtney.


Grade: C-



Main Show


Segment One:

A flustered Jasmine Saunders is shown backstage chasing after a determined looking Ricky Dale Johnson. She stops in front of him to ask him a question, when a young, good looking blonde woman with a microphone steps in front of her.

"Mr. Johnson, Hailey Booke here, any comment on what happened with Joey Minnesota and the formation of this group called Triage?"

Jasmine Saunders angrily stares at the newcomer as Ricky Dale Johnson answers.

"They are all gonna pay for what they did, I promise you that."

"Is that so?" The two women turn and see Joey Minnesota standing across from RDJ. On each side of Minnesota stands Bryan Vessey and Rick Law.

Both women try to move out of the way as Triage begins to approach when, yet again, another comment is heard coming from off camera.

"Yeah, thats about right."

The camera pans around and shows Koshiro Ino and Benny Benson walking up to stand beside Ricky Dale Johnson.

"Looks like I got friends too. What do you say Joey? Why wait for contracts and all that crap. Lets do this, right now!"

Minnesota waves him off. "I heard you don't even have clearance to wrestle now. Something about getting a concussion last week when I split your head open with that chair."

RDJ growls.

"Why don't you go talk to Rip Chord and get his permission before seeing me. We wouldn't want to risk ending your stellar career or anything, now would we?"

Triage walks off, and soon Johnson, Ino, and Benson do the same.

Hailey Booke looks at Jasmine Saunders.

"Wow, like that was way intense."

Jasmine Saunders simply rolls her eyes and walks off.


Grade: B+



Segment Two:

Giant Tana defeats Killer Shark via count out after Genghis Rahn distracts the referee on Shark's behalf but Kid Toma arrives to run Shark's head repeatedly in to the guard rail.

After a bloodied Killer Shark is pulled to the back by Goldworthy, Tana and Toma celebrate with a high five.


Grade: D+



Segment Three:

A beautiful woman in tie dye stands at the top of the ramp.

"Hi folks. That's H-I- Hi, not that other high," she giggles.

"My name's Dharma, and I'm all about peace, love, harmony, and winning championship gold, a perfect combination according to Buddha. Anyway, I'm here because I have plenty of the first three, but I need the last part to attain spiritual enlightenment and it would probably make for a good buzz. So, I'd like to introduce the man who will be bringing me championship gold in the near future, Josh Taylor, come on out here and say H-I-... not the other kind."

Taylor appears and waves to the crowd. Dharma soon has an arm around his waist and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"So Wolf Hawkins, Texas Buffalo, and everyone else, you've been put on notice. My main man is gunning for ya, and the gold will be his real soon."


Grade: D+



Segment Four:

Texas Buffalo defeats the L.A. Connection via pinfall and retains the TCW World Tag Team Championship when Texas Pete pins Chance Fortune. As soon as the L.A. Connection exit the ring, The Canadian Animals and their respective managers approach down the ramp.





Segment Five:

"I have a proposition for you," Laura Huggins says as soon as she's in the ring.

Floyd Goldworthy laughs as American Buffalo hands him a mic.

"Thats strange, usually its men propositioning you, not the other way around."

"Hey, you shut your damn mouth!" Freddy Huggins steps forward and finds the massive American Buffalo blocking his path to Goldworthy.

"On second thought, say what you want, its a free country." Freddy sheepishly turns around and sulks behind Laura.

"Look, Floyd, I know you are jealous, and you've always been jealous since the days of the dinosaurs, when male managers like you got replaced by smart, beautiful women like myself. I can't help that you feel threatened, but you denying the Canadian Animals a title shot will just make your team look scared. So just sign the contract already."

Floyd seems to think it over, then smiles.

"No, I don't think so, there is nothing in it for us. How bout this instead. A non title match. Your team wins, then they get a title shot at Malice in Wonderland. They lose and, well, you and Vita have to be our maids."

American Buffalo leans over to speak. "And they gotta wear those little french maid outfits too."

He then grins salaciously at Laura and Vita.

"Now wait just a damn minute!" Freddy Huggins and Edd Stone now both walk forward and are met by Buffalo and Texas Pete. Both smaller men quickly turn and hide behind their managers.

"Maid outfits don't sound so bad." "I agree," is all both men could seem to say.

Laura and Vita regain their composure. Laura replies, "its a deal. Now you neanderthals go and shine those belts until they are nice and pretty. We will be taking them at Malice in Wonderland!"

The team of Texas Buffalo and their manager laugh and exit the ring. Once gone, Laura quickly turns and kicks her brother in the shins.

"Some help you are, you ruined everything" she is heard saying, "looks like now I am gonna have to call daddy!"




Segment Six:

Sammy Bach defeats Jay Chord via pinfall.





Segment Seven:

Danny Fonzarelli stands backstage, microphone in hand.

"Ya know, plenty of guys have reason to be jealous of Doctor Love. Whether its my brains, my killer physique, or all the little nurses that line up to get their temperature checked cause they all got the fever, I can see why most men would want to hurt this fine face of mine. But Eddie Peak, you psycho, you like hurting people just because you can. Well, you aint the only big guy in TCW. In fact, go ask your girl friend, she'll tell ya no one's bigger than Danny Fonzarelli if you know what I mean. So don't feel too bad when you feel thunder," he flexes one arm, "and lightening" flexes the other arm, "and go down for the count tonight!"




Segment Eight:

Eddie Peak defeats Danny Fonzarelli by pinfall after pulling the tights in a match that got the crowd going.





Segment Nine:

Troy Tornado is shown walking backstage, dragging the camera man with him.

"Try to keep up, moron, this is important." Troy opens a locker room door without knocking.

"There you are." He walks inside and is shown sticking his hand out for Bryan Vessey to shake. Vessey ignores him as he looks through a canvas bag, he pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and tries them on.

"Umm, anyway, Bryan. This Triage thing, after last week, you guys are the hottest thing in the company and I noticed that my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail or something, because none of you asked the greatest wrestler of the modern era to join and-"

"No." Vessey cut him off.

"What do you mean no?!?!" All that talk last week about being held down, and who in TCW has been held down more than me? Hell, I only had the International title once despite-"

"That's your problem, now, isn't it." Vessey had replaced the brass knucks with a lead pipe. "Triage isn't a charity like the Syndicate or the Freedom Fighters, with the true talent propping up a has been, or in your case, a never was."

Tornado eyes the lead pipe very carefully. He turns and walks out the door, stopping only to tell Vessey, "This aint over, not by a long shot."





Segment Ten:

The New Wave defeats The Machines via pinfall in an all out match when Scout pins Brent Hill after Hill lands awkwardly on his shoulder. After the match a disgusted looking John Anderson walks out of the ring, alone, while Brent must be helped to the back.





Segment Eleven:

Jason Azaria alerts viewers that there is a disturbance backstage. A camera arrives to show the Syndicate arguring with Rocky Golden and Sean McFly in Rip Chord's office.

"We have it on tape! Wolf Hawkins ran down to the ring to interfere in Sean's match. He isn't hurt at all. I want the title match right now!"

"That footage was clearly doctored. Like I would ever need help to defeat a wrestler of limited skill like Sean McFly! You have my word that Wolf is still injured, and I have an important meeting to attend to so if you will forgive me." Cornell and Hawkins turn to leave when Rip Chord stops them in their tracks.

"Do I look stupid to you, Tommy? Wolf isn't injured. You lied to me, and right now, I am of half a mind to make him defend the belt tonight. Only thing stopping me is the fact that a match that big should be saved for the pay per view. Instead, how about you two versus Rocky and Sean tonight. That should make the fans happy."

Tommy focuses solely on Chord. "The fans? You suddenly care about what they think? Maybe you've drug yourself out of a bottle long enough to remember the fans, but you've forgotten who got you this job. Two weeks and you are already scheming. What was that comment you made behind Johnson's back last week-"

"I was wondering the same thing." Everyone turns to see Ricky Dale Johnson enter the room.

"Something about me being lucky to be alive, like you knew ahead of time. Yeah, so about all that. You need to go ahead and book me and Minnesota tonight or I am pulling you across that desk and-"

"And what," Rip nods his head and Buddy Garner steps in to the frame, arms folded, a dangerously uninterested look on his face. "Let me be perfectly clear, no one is ever putting their hands on me again, or you will answer to him. Now, as for matches, the Syndicate will wrestle Golden and McFly tonight, and nothing else need be said about that. As for you and Minnesota, you need a doctor to sign a medical waiver to compete to protect TCW from potential litigation following your concussion last week. Until I see that, I cannot let you wrestle. As for my comment last week, I meant only that I, personally, was angry at you for putting your hands on me. Now, you gentlemen can all leave my office in an orderly fashion or I will have security escort you out."





Segment Twelve:

The Syndicate defeats Golden and McFly by disqualification in a long match after Triage enter the ring and attack Cornell and Hawkins with weapons. After that, Golden and McFly try to intervene but soon they too are attacked. Eventually Ricky Dale Johnson, Benny Benson, and Koshiro Ino approach the ring.


Grade: A


Segment Thirteen:

All hell breaks loose as RDJ, Ino, and Benson attack Minnesota, Law, and Vessey. Eventually Cornell and Hawkins recover, but they concentrate on attacking Golden and go after his leg. McFly battles them back, and soon the action spills outside of the ring and up the ramp while Minnesota is chased through the crowd by an irate Ricky Dale Johnson. Total Wrestling ends with a scene of chaos and carnage!





Final Show Grade: B+

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Chord Tabs




Each and every week wrestling legend and all around nice guy Rip Chord will answer questions submitted to him by YOU, the fans of Total Championship Wrestling. Just type any and all questions in the bottom window along with your email and hit submit, it is as easy as that.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Total Championship Wrestling or any of its subsidiaries.)



If RDJ isn't cleared to wrestle, why did he jump Joey Minnesota in the ring at Total Wrestling?





Apparently Mr. Johnson did not understand that his current condition precludes him from entering a TCW ring. That is what the lawyers say. It is a situation I intend to remedy the next time I see Mr. Johnson




Sean McFly, Dharma Greg, Buddy Garner... god mod much?





Hello Tubby. Real life is not some gaming simulation where you spend untold hours building up some untalented hack for the enjoyment of three people. Real life is more like a diary, where you spend untold hours booking storylines for the enjoyment of five people. So there!




Who is Laura and Freddy's dad?





I have no idea, though I suspect we will be seeing him sooner rather than later. :-)



What do I get for having the highest number of correct predictions in a week?





Hmm you get the ask a question here. And looks like you used up yours for this week.



Until next time friends!



That is all for this week! Be sure to tune in to TCW Presents: Total Wrestling next Tuesday on GNN. The scheduled card is as follows:

Pre Show:

Jay Chord and Buddy Garner vs Mighty Mo and Fro Sure

Main Show:

Eddie peak, Genghis Rahn, and Killer Shark vs Benny Benson, Josh Taylor, and Danny Fonzarelli

Texas Buffalo vs The Canadian Animals (Non Title Match)

Aaron Andrews vs Brent Hill (International Title)

The New Wave vs The Keith Brothers

Sammy Bach vs John Anderson

Tommy Cornell vs Joey Minnesota vs Koshiro Ino

Sean McFly vs Bryan Vessey



(Note card subject to change.)

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Pre Show:

Jay Chord and Buddy Garner vs Mighty Mo and Fro Sure

Main Show:

Eddie peak, Genghis Rahn, and Killer Shark vs Benny Benson, Josh Taylor, and Danny Fonzarelli

Texas Buffalo vs The Canadian Animals (Non Title Match)

Aaron Andrews vs Brent Hill (International Title)

The New Wave vs The Keith Brothers

Sammy Bach vs John Anderson

Tommy Cornell vs Joey Minnesota vs Koshiro Ino

Sean McFly vs Bryan Vessey

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Pre Show:

Jay Chord and Buddy Garner vs Mighty Mo and Fro Sure

Main Show:

Eddie peak, Genghis Rahn, and Killer Shark vs Benny Benson, Josh Taylor, and Danny Fonzarelli

Texas Buffalo vs The Canadian Animals (Non Title Match)

Aaron Andrews vs Brent Hill (International Title)

The New Wave vs The Keith Brothers

Sammy Bach vs John Anderson

Tommy Cornell vs Joey Minnesota vs Koshiro Ino

Sean McFly vs Bryan Vessey


I'll better actually get my question this time! :p


That said, I doubt I'll win again this week...

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling

Live from Clover Fields (Mid-South Region)

Attendance 13,792



Pre Show:


Segment One:

Jay Chord and Buddy Garner defeat the No Good Mo Fro's via pinfall when Jay Chord pins Fro Sure.





Main Show:


Segment One:

Benny Benson, Danny Fonzarelli, and Joshua Taylor defeated The Hellfire Club (Eddie Peak, Genghis Rahn, and Killer Shark) via pinfall when Giant Tana and Kid Toma came down to the ring and distracted Killer Shark.





Segment Two:

The Canadian Animals defeated Texas Buffalo in a non title match via pinfall when Big Daddy Huggins (Pistol Pete Hall) snuck in to the ring and hit Texas Pete with the Big Daddy Bounce.





Segment Three:

Hailey Booke is standing backstage with Troy Tornado when she begins her interview.

"Troy, what do you have to say about your incident last week with Bryan Vessey?"

Troy begins to speak when Jasmine Saunders suddenly appears, holding a large beer cup.

"What a stupid question. Troy, tell me this, Are you joining Triage or not?" Jasmine then burped.

"Of course I am. They know they can't have a super group without the greatest wrestler of all time. I just need to ask the right person, not that broken down clown Vessey!"

Jasmine seems to stagger on her feet and Troy leans in to ask her, "Need some company later there doll?"

Jasmine Saunders giggles.

Hailey rolls her eyes this time and presses between them.

"You mean to ask Joey Minnesota or Rick Law instead," Hailey asks.

Jasmine then goes to push Hailey out of the way when the blonde shouts at her. "Keep your hands off me you lush!"

Jasmine looks down in her cup and hurls beer all over Hailey's face. The younger girls sputters and then notices that the liquid also covered the front of her white blouse, making the material semi transparent. Hailey yelps and runs off as Troy puts his arm around Jasmine and begins to walk off with her. He winks at the camera as he whispers, "so, what hotel you staying at sweet thing?"




Segment Four:

Aaron Andrews defeats Brent Hill via pinfall and retains the International Title.





Segment Five:

Stunned at his loss, Brent goes to leave the ring when John Anderson approaches. The two men meet in the ring.

"Brent, you know I think of you as being my older brother, but its been almost five years since we held the belts together. Now, I know things didn't work out like either of us wanted. You got hurt, the Syndicate became a Tommy Cornell fan club, and I had a different partner for a while. But when you came back, and you had flashes of your old greatness I figured we were on our way-"

Brent angrily grabs the microphone.

"Lets just skip to your point. You think I am too old and too broke down to compete, don't you?"

"No, not really, just I've realized I am tired of fighting the New Wave and the L.A. Connection all the time. We are still good, but we are not the best anymore. I think I want to try to go it on my own now. Thats why I asked Rip Chord in private to book us in single matches tonight."

Brent again grabs the mic. "So why come out here and air this in public? You trying to humiliate me?"

"You know I'm not. I respect you too much for that. I just want the world to know that the best damn tag team in history will finish out its obligations and then we will go our own seperate ways. I think that is best for both of us."

John Anderson then sticks out his hand. Brent Hill just stares at it before snatching the mic back.

"Screw that. You want to walk away you are gonna have to beat me first!"

Angry now, John Anderson gets in Brent's face. Brent can be heard telling his partner, "go ahead, hit me now, you want to."

Eventually John shakes his head, turns and walks away.





Segment Six:

The New Wave defeats Bloodline (Matthew Keith and Greg Keith) via pinfall when Scout pins Greg Keith.





Segment Seven:

Rick Law stands backstage, about to cut a promo.

"Ya know, people keep asking me, 'Mr. Law, are you really going to wage war against Ricky Dale Johnson, his friends, and the Syndicate?' At which point I slap em and tell them damn straight."

Law stares in to the camera.

"Maybe you folks didn't get the memo the first time, but me and my friends arent about following some damn pecking order. We've paid our dues, and we're tired of waiting for our turn. So we are gonna take what we want, and if RDJ and the Syndicate have to pay for that with their blood, so be it!"





Segment Eight:

John Anderson defeated Sammy Bach via pinfall in a match that got the crowd going.





Segment Nine:

Rip Chord enters the ring followed by Buddy Garner and half a dozen police officers. Chord has a microphone.

"Last week something happened in this ring that can't be allowed to happen again. I will not permit this company to fall in to chaos as part of anyone's-"

Tommy Cornell makes his way down to the ring. He gets in Rip Chord's face and is about to speak when suddenly Rocky Golden also comes down. Before he even reaches the ring Ricky Dale Johnson comes walking through the crowd.

Rip Chord stares at all of them.

"Glad you are all here, it will make this easier. Last week Triage started a brawl here that-"

"That's right," Cornell interrupts Chord, "and what are you going to do about it?

"You will let me finish. All of you will let me finish, or you can be escorted out of the building. Now, it had become clear that this Triage group has become a problem none of us can ignore-"

"Thats right, we won't be ignored anymore." Joey Minnesota appears on the big screen above the ramp.

"I want a title shot at Malice in Wonderland, and if I don't get it, I'll hold this show hostage from now until Richard Eisen buys it from Cornell's ex wife!"

Cornell looks disgusted, but it is RDJ who is frothing at the mouth.

"Come down to this ring you punk. You may have forgotten about me, but I havent forgotten you. I am going to put you in the hospital."

Rocky Golden then speaks.

"No way is he getting my title shot. The contract has been signed. If he wants it so bad, he can try beating me first!"

"Will you all just shut up!" Rip Chord shakes his head. "First, Ricky Dale Johnson, until you are cleared to wrestle again you are hereby banned from entering this ring. However, as you demonstrated last week, you are not without friends, one of them, lets say, Koshiro Ino, will wrestle Joey Minnesota tonight." He stops and looks at Cornell. "No, Joey Minnesota will wrestle Ino and Cornell tonight."

"Why would I do that," Minnesota asks.

"Because if you win you get your title shot, if you don't, you will be fired. In fact, I am also booking Bryan Vessey vs Sean McFly tonight, and if Vessey doesn't win that, you two will both be fired. There, now thats the best I can do and-"

Rocky Golden jumps in Rip's face. Rocky looks from Rip, to Tommy, to Joey.

"There is something fishy about all this. You three can't be trusted."

RDJ walks over to Rocky and whispers to him. They talk briefly.

Rocky turns back to Chord. He puts his finger on his chest for emphasis.

"Fine, but if you try to swerve me, you will pay for it."

Rip stares at his chest. "Rocky, like I told everyone last week, no one is putting their hands on me ever again." He nods to Buddy Garner who quickly tackles Rocky. Ricky Dale Johnson goes to make the save but is swarmed by police officers.

Rip Chord quickly exits the ring while Tommy smirks at the scene playing out. He then faces the image of a very worried Joey Minnesota and with his forefinger and thumb shoots at the screen.





Segment Ten:

Joey Minnesota defeats Koshiro Ino and Tommy Cornell in a Triangle match after Joey Minnesota pins Ino. Minnesota won, despite being double teamed for most of the match after Bryan Vessey distracted Tommy Cornell allowing Minnesota to roll up Ino and make the pin with his feet on the ropes for leverage.





Segment Eleven:

Bryan Vessey defeats Sean McFly in a long, hard fought bout via pinfall after Rick law hands Vessey a pair of Brass Knuckles to knock out McFly.




Final Grade:B+

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just a quick note, I havent given up on this, just that I learned after I began that Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series was ending with the release of Memory of Light a couple of weeks ago, so Ive been doing some catching up and plan to finish it soon before I start back on this diary. Wont be too much longer now.
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