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Eight Faces of Eiden

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FOR REFERENCE: The owners/bookers of every company that I wanted to note:

  1. SWF: Richard Eisen/Peter Michaels
  2. TCW: Tommy Cornell/Joel Bryant
  3. USPW: Sam Strong/Shane Sneer
  4. SOTBPW: Jorge Ibanez/Pablo Rodriguez
  5. MPWF: Domino/Domino
  6. OLLIE: Joaquin Soler/Phoenix I
  7. NOTBPW: Jeremy Stone/Victoria Stone-McFly
  8. CGC: Alex DeColt/Phil Vibert
  9. ZEN: Art of Wrestling: Halloween Knight/Cyanide
  10. RAW: Tristram Day/Mark Misery
  11. 21CW: Jeff Nova/Pit Bull Brown
  12. UEW: Ali Bloxsome/Joey Beauchamp
  13. EWA: Byron/Byron
  14. WEXXV: Ryu Kajahara/Ryu Kajahara
  15. WLW: Koji Kojima/Koki Ishibashi
  16. GCG: Hanshiro Furusawa/Haruki Kudo



Hey, Ryland, btw:


This is the personality \ character that a worker uses when wrestling.


You want a slash, not a backslash.




Oh, right. I'm supposed to set this up (obviously out-of-character)...




This is my diary to which I alluded in...whatever other topics in the TEW2010 diary threads. I will be taking over as owner of eight companies (more details as they come) in various regions (likely larger and non-Japanese) of the world. I will be playing with and against myself, trading or firing or whatever-ing as I choose.


I will be writing in-character for each of these owners, using "emails" and "press conferences" to pass "public" and "private" information to each other. There will be scandals. There will be a ton of confusion as I really ought to use eight topics (or nine, with this one being a table of contents). As I have yet to start the game, I suppose I could still do that, (and win Diary of the Month against myself /lol) but the backlash of anger at my flooding the forums would be terrible.


Thus, I plan to keep something of a show table of contents in this first post, with emails etc. being...lost to the ages, I guess. Dunno on that.


Anyway, more soon once I'm done with the help file. Because DAMMIT READ THE HELP FILE.


With events, you can hold as many as you like. However, it is highly recommended that you don’t do more than two events a month (except if you are running a single weekly event); fans get tired of having numerous shows shoved down their throats, and attendances and popularity will suffer.


Now where was that 2010 topic...


On the note of User Talents, 6 better have a mechanical difference over 5 this time around.


will be without Marat Khoklov (who is only contracted to work pay-per-views)



WAIT ****


it’s always best to book the main event first and then work backward.


Yes, I'm just mocking things at this point.


We already know the match must be 60 minutes, so fill that in.

I see that making it auto to the minimum match time wasn't able to be implemented (and I kinda understand why/how).


and we’ll have the work an All Out Match – they’re the main event and so they may as well try and steal the show.

IT'S A ****ING IRONMAN MATCH AND BRUCE HAS 78 STAMINA! What the **** is wrong with you?


In most cases, the overall rating’s ratio will be approximately 70% main event, 20% semi final, and 10% undercard

I assume the angle change thing I heard about will come up later.


By the way, anyone else annoyed that the "top" of the show is on the bottom of the card? And "from the top" means to start from the beginning. I'd say they get top billing, but...well, yes, it's the "top" in the sense of the "apex" of the show, but...bleh.


but ultimately a popular worker is more useful than a good worker in almost all cases.

*is in the camp that preferred workers to get over lolololNOTBPW*


; learning match ups and complimentary match ups.

complementary, I believe. They complement each other.


Every backslash should be a forward slash.


I liked 2010's help file more; had gimmick information and such. Granted, I assume that stuff is in the in-game clickies now, but...


Default Avatars have sucky psychology /crai


Why the hell can't I sort based on owners/head bookers of a company. Seriously, that pisses me off. I am off the piss right now.


Oh, we only get 34 points (thus 900 shows matter) ever? Well that...probably won't matter, but by principal that sucks.


Can I choose Richard Eisen and Peter Michaels as two avatars? I assume not, but I'm not going to try it and have to redo this mess.


I will test this, but I assume you can choose them, but you can't choose the same company.









  • No Fog.
  • Grades.
  • No Perfect Show Theory.
  • Dirt Sheet unhidden.
  • No user characters.


PLAYER ONE: Richard Eisen, SWF

Negotiating: 8

Motivating: 6

Creativity: 5

Leadership: 6

Diplomacy: 0


PLAYER TWO: Tommy Cornell, TCW

Negotiating: 3

Motivating: 6

Creativity: 4

Leadership: 8

Diplomacy: 4



Negotiating: 5

Motivating: 6

Creativity: 0

Leadership: 8

Diplomacy: 6



Negotiating: 2

Motivating: 10

Creativity: 3

Leadership: 5

Diplomacy: 5



Negotiating: 5

Motivating: 5

Creativity: 3

Leadership: 6

Diplomacy: 6



Negotiating: 3

Motivating: 8

Creativity: 10

Leadership: 1

Diplomacy: 3



Negotiating: 7

Motivating: 6

Creativity: 7

Leadership: 4

Diplomacy: 1



Negotiating: 8

Motivating: 7

Creativity: 5

Leadership: 5

Diplomacy: 0




Note: I will be using a shortened description during TV of stuff, saving actually talky-talky for the PPVs. Because I'M WRITING FOR EIGHT COMPANIES AT A TIME I WANT THIS DIARY TO ACTUALLY MOVE!

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Richard Eisen's personal notes:

  • Who in the hell is Champagne Lover? First he's the introduction to the new year, then he's apparenty the highest-paid wrestler in the world? I ****ing got Marat Kholov on the biggest deal, and now some stupid Mexican luchadore is suddenly on top of everything? Dammit, I'm not sure if I should hire him by buying out South of the Border or bury him.
  • Rahmel Goode is on a fitness magazine. He's 34, which is a little old, but...hell, I need a replacement Runaway Train.
  • THE **** I'M NATIONAL WHAT THE ****!
  • Grace Harper is allegedly an "American Babe." Might as well jump on the train of search activity.
  • No drugs, no smoking, show up three hours early. People can have their drinks and leave once they're done (though they'll stay if they're smart).
  • 62% backstage atmosphere. Apparently that is a bad thing.
  • Who the hell booked Angry Gilmore to win the North American Title? I'm not saying Eric should win it from him, but maybe I can get one of his buddies into the title picture. Not Texas Pete-why the **** is he on the roster? Oh, he's not. These notes are terrible. I'm going to fire someone...
  • Faith, Bruce, Money, Remo, Vengeance. Remo's a good enough cover for Vengeance, but then all the babies are old. I need Frehley to pick up the pace and actually deliver. Him and Remo are a money feud for a decade, easy. Just have to pick up the slack.
  • We need better TV coverage.


Press Release:

Supreme Wrestling Federation has recalled Kristen Pearce to the Main Roster from RIPW development.


Supreme Wrestling Federation has re-activated the Shooting Star Title!

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G'day mates! It's ole Jeffrey MacDougal up here in the rumour mill, tearin' ye up another one of me old truths!


The rumour has it, if you be listenin' to tha' type o' music, what that Supreme Wrasslin's head coach, Richard of Eisenbury has recently been tackling some of them "new prospects" and "hirings."


It's been said he's lookin' fer some talent in the ring and outside, a bevy of developmentals, and perhaps more!


Now listen up, kids, as we move along to another day of WRESTLIIIIIING UNITEEEEEEEED!

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From the desk of Tommy Cornell:

  • So Champagne Lover finally made it to the top. I'd say it was South of the Border's lack of Richard's influence, but the fact that he's sunk that big of a contract...begs to differ.
  • Grace Harper...hm. Were I to introduce a women's division, I could use her eye candy fame to actual showcase some real talent. Not sure what Jen would say, but...well, I have money for flowers.
  • Now is the time to hit Eisen hard.
  • If Golden gets back the title, then I suppose...Vessey faces him? Not a bad match. Neither would Hawkins and Johnson, though...
  • No drugs, no alcohol Pete, no smoking backstage. No real point for the company to foot any bills, as backstage is still going to be a mess.
  • Myself, Rocky, Wolf, Ricky, and Joey form our top competitors. Good; with Ricky being the only "old" member, we have stability for quite some years. Jay Chord appears to have quite some promise; if I could only wring out his father's young attitude, I could make him Hawkins version 2. Vessey has a touch of time decline to him; unsurprising.


Press Release:

TCW has introduced a Women's Division!

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Yes, me laddies, TCW has indeed been expanding its horizons. I be hearing that they introduced a women's division just so Tommithy could have a little action on the side, but you didn't hear it from no birdy, no sir.


And furthermost, I hear they reached out a few contacts out in the lonesome, looking for agreements what to take on Supreme like no one has ever done. Look to the future, my friends. To the future.

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From the...where are my glasses...:

  • Why can't I look up the guys who don't know how to talk to get them a manager?
  • No drugs, no smoking, but I'll spring for catering, a masseuse, and a chiropractor. I want these guys healthy and relaxed.
  • Wait, I have a request from...
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From the...where are my glasses...:

  • Why can't I look up the guys who don't know how to talk to get them a manager?
  • No drugs, no smoking, but I'll spring for catering, a masseuse, and a chiropractor. I want these guys healthy and relaxed.
  • Wait, I have a request from...


Um...I think it's either GCG or USPW.

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Tommy: Hello Sam.


Sam: Tommy. I see you...want a Working Agreement?


Tommy: Yes. See, I know you aren't fond of Richard-


Sam: Mr. Eisen. Come now, Tommy, at least give him that respect.


Tommy: Right. Mister Eisen, then. I know you and he are at war.


Sam: War, yes. What good has that done? I hardly see myself suffering; do you?


Tommy: That actually leads to my present question: would you like to ally against him?


Sam: I understand why you wouldn't make this an official "Alliance," I guess, because...


Tommy: Because having an alliance of every company against Richard Eisen would be fairly obvious.


Sam: Ah. That.


Tommy: So...


Sam: What?


Tommy: So do you accept?


Sam: Accept what?


Tommy: ...


Sam: Oh, the agreement? Sure! There are a few of your roster I would like to use, but so long as you are open to trades, I see no problem in this.


Tommy: Thank you.





New alliance formed!


It appears that a brief phone call from Tommy Cornell to one Sam Strong led to conversation of some sort of "working agreement". No word yet as to any roster exchanges, but we will keep you updated as the story unfolds!




Tommy: Hello? Who is this?


Richard: You mother****ing b******. *click*


Tommy: :D

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Jeremy Stone:

  • Ha...so Champagne Lover knows how to make money, eh? Good for him. Actually, I'll see if South of the Border are up for an alliance. An official one, at that. Edd would-ah. Yes...
  • Steve, Dan, Sean, Johnny, Duane. We are set for greatness.
  • We need a bit of a buffer set of workers in case anyone happens to retire. A lot of the roster is on limited appearances as well, and I think we could expand the women's division a bit.


Press Release:

Alliance Failure!


In a recent press release, Jorge Ibanez, the owner of South of the Border Pro Wrestling, stated that he "did not want alliances of any kind" with respect to a proposal by Jeremy Stone of North of the Border Pro Wrestling to join an alliance. Some in the industry think Jeremy is insane.



Press Release:

North of the Border Professional Wrestling reactivates Unlimited Action Title!



Press Release:

North of the Border Professional Wrestling looking for workers!

In a press release, Jeremy Stone said, "I'm looking to expand the Women's Division of North of the Border. If we really want to showcase their talents, it should be against the best the world has to offer." Stone is not one to mince words, thus rumors that he is looking for the mother of his seed are currently unfounded.

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Notes to self: You are Alex. Not Ricky. If something in here says to hire Venus Angeletti, THAT WAS RICKY.


  • Y'know what? Why don't I give Jeremy a call; I got a big enough roster, so I don't really need to pad anything. I think...actually, I'll be a bit nicer to him. Just a sec...
  • Self-note: well, this is my self notes, so...point, yes: when I say "Just a sec," I don't mean it.
  • Champagne Lover? Hell, I might wanna migrate South...
  • Hit British Columbia.
  • No drugs, alcohol, nor smoking. I'll hit up for catering, though, and...I'll organise the travel and accomodations. They gotta pay up, but I figure I can afford to be nice.
  • I'll do a little scouting around, but we're big enough at the moment. Just get some replacements for the future, right?
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Shory-****ing-uken Mother****ers.

  • 80% match ratio because BAHAHAHAA I AM A GENIOUS!
  • Cult and Hardcore and Daredevil. Because I WANT TO HEAR THEM SCREAM!
  • We have no events scheduled. That is...troublesome.
  • Kimitada Ohishi is coming back, friends. IT'S TIME TO REUNITE THE DEVILS!
  • Wait wait wait. Having no backstage rules is a bad thing?
  • No drug tests. If you want to stab yourself with a needle then DO IT IN THE RING FOR THE GLORY!
  • So we don't tour, and yet we are popular everywhere in Japan? I HAVE GENIOUS IN THE BLOOD!
  • Why do I keep spelling genius genious?
  • What if I can get on Pay-Per-View? BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD KILL KILL KILL!
  • Must ally with TCW to get THE PEAK!
  • And a few little bunnies to screw to the wood, yes. Massive size is MASSIVE PUNISHMENT!
  • Avoid the second Wednesday.


Press Release:

Kimitada Ohishi back with Wrestling Engine?


In a quote with our news correspondents, Ryu Kajahara said, "Kimitada Ohishi is coming back, friends. IT'S TIME TO REUNITE THE DEVILS!" It is unknown if this means that a negotiation has been initialized or that Ohishi has already signed. Or that Kajahara is ****ing insane. Wait, we can't print ****ing?



Press Release:

WEXXV and TCW in agreement?


Word has spread that Ryu Kajahara, demon barber of the streets of Japan, has sent a severed horse head to the headquarters of TCW. Whether this is a clear act of war or, as he claims, "Really ****ing funny because, ha ha, it's a head delivered to the headquarters! AND DRAWING AND QUARTERING USES HORSES! IT'S ****ING BRILLIANT!" has yet to be seen.

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Director's Notes:


  • Rahmel Goode is in fitness magazines. Excellent. In fact, put him in the commentator's chair for Television.
  • Scrounge up everyone at least tentatively valuable from APW and, especially, DIW.
  • Hire all the menacing and entertaining folk there are.
  • Wrap people up on written contracts.
  • No drugs, no alcohol, no smoking, show up early, leave late, and we will provide you with all the creature comforts you desire.
  • I have a few days before the show; think of the next episode.
  • Excellent DVD releases; I want them hooked!
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Another Day in the Life of Jeff Nova:


  • Northern England or Ireland?
  • I'm hiring Laura McKenna.
  • Now to hire a few fellow Scotsmen, maybe some others in the Isles...
  • Let us see if I can expand into Europe with V-Corp.
  • Catering, masseuse, and a chiropractor. If I want them, have to let the others have them too. No drugs, but alcohol and smoking are okay; if I cut the alcohol, we'd riot. Smoking...eh, come on!
  • I have a ton of championships I could re-activate...I'll wait until I get another television show...


Press Release:

21CW Hiring!


'allo all, it is Jeff Nova. Are you a wrestler in The British Isles? Manager? Anything? Prove your worth and I will give you at the very least a tryout! Consider this: where else are you going to work?



To: British Samurai

Subject: Your old pal Nova


Dear Mr. Brown,


Remember when you couldn't handle the rigour of running a company? I do. And I also remember when you had a protege. What was her name? No matter; as I own the British Isles-and funny that its Samurai is now a...ronin, is it?-I can hire every woman in the country until I find her.


Will I use her? Not in the ring. But in the bedroom? Well...


Oh come on, pish posh and all that old chap. I wouldn't have sex with your protege just to spite you.


She's a bit old and not nearly attractive enough for me, anyway.


Wait, I have some emails?


SWF has made a contract offer to Joss Thompson.




And it's being seriously considered?






To: Richard Eisen

Subject: Your infringing on my company


Dear Mr. Eisen,


Get your fecking hands off my roster. I didn't work for years to monopolize The British Isles for some fecking Yank or whatever bloody ass ye call yerself to come along and ruin it.


I'm not declarin' war, Eisen, but BACK THE **** OFF.


-Jeff Nova


P.S. I will take a plane and snap your back.

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Word has spread that Ryu Kajahara, demon barber of the streets of Japan, has sent a severed horse head to the headquarters of TCW. Whether this is a clear act of war or, as he claims, "Really ****ing funny because, ha ha, it's a head delivered to the headquarters! AND DRAWING AND QUARTERING USES HORSES! IT'S ****ING BRILLIANT!" has yet to be seen.


Damn, Ryu be crazy...

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Richard Eisen, SWF


Well, I see my War declaration went through. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about that. Yet. As for TCW and USPW, I could hire Captain USA-and by "could" I mean "just did."


CZCW have made a rival bid for American Elemental. Aside from the fact that I offered him guaranteed money, yeah, go for it. Although I'm receiving conflicting information as to which offer he is "seriously considering"...


Now how to teach Cliff Anderson a lesson...


Mikey James won't work for me, but Air Attack Weasel will. And Fox Mask. And Frankie Perez. And Masked Cougar.



To: Cliff Anderson

Subject: American Elemental


Dear Mr. Anderson,


You should think about expanding your roster.



Oh, and Remmy Skye. Almost accidentally hired Remmy Honeyman; who the **** is he?


Now then, I believe it's time to book the show...

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Eidenhoek playing multiplayer by himself because he is so awesome, he doesn't need any friends damnit.


He is also the best Ryu in this entire forum. Turn up the Onita/Inoki inside you Eiden! I want to see Ryu hiring bears and buying islands.

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Tommy Cornell, TCW


Who. The F***. Put a bloody HORSE on the front steps to the door? You know what? No, I'm not dealing with that right now. I'll figure it out after work.




Why the...okay Richard, do whatever the hell makes you happy I guess. It's not going to help you hit International any faster, and if they beat you...you deserve it.


Now what's this about emails?


Ah. FCW has rejected my request to be their parent company. I'll try...why not MAW? Keith was always a good friend, and it would be a bit of an excuse to hire his sons.




Tommy: Sam?


Strong: Ah, Tommy Cornell, yes. I was wondering when you'd be interested in my trade.


Tommy: You want American Buffalo?


Strong: Your office limited me to five appearances, though I wanted ten.


Tommy: You're trading me people worth almost...almost a quarter his value.


Strong: Well?


Tommy: ...


Strong: Come on, cat got your tongue? Jump on the horse and run with it!


Tommy: The **** did you say?


Strong: Hey! I may be old-fashioned, boy, but in my country we don't use that language!


Tommy: Did you put the horse head outside my office?


Strong: What?


Tommy: Okay. Coincidence, then. Look, Sam, I'm fine with giving you American Buffalo-


Strong: Excellent! I'll send Valentine and Redwood right over.


Tommy: -whoa, boy, no. Just...Let me think a second, okay? I'll call you back. In fact, "officially" I'm rejecting the deal, but I'll make you an offer I think works a little better, okay?


Strong: Wait. If you don't like it, why don't you discuss what you want now, rather than wait around. Don't you have a show today?


Tommy: Correct. Tell you what; I'll call you back.




Peter Valentine and Giant Redwood?


Wait, the horse was from-




Strong: Hey, Tommy?


Tommy: What? No wait...Sam?


Strong: Yes, Tommy, this is Sam Strong. What's wrong?


Tommy: Nothing, nothing. Right, so, I'll give you American Buffalo for either James Justice, Enygma, or Caulfield. Or Nicky Champion, but I'm not going to ask for your champion.


Strong: Caulfield? Look, that's some high-class talent, kid.


Tommy: I know; I'll give you Buffalo, Rahn, and...oh, maybe Jay Chord?


Strong: Are you insane? Jay Chord in Sam Strong's yard?


Tommy: Okay okay, fine...I was actually interested in Bryden.


Strong: Thought you were married.


Tommy: We made ourselves a women's division; Belle Bryden or your daughter would be phenomenal here.


Strong: ...she going to be your champion?


Tommy: Good as they both are, hell, I'll throw Buffalo, Rahn, and Benny Benson.


Strong: I don't know...


Tommy: It's a three-for-one! I'm not giving you money to try to take down Eisen, Sam!


Strong: Right, sorry. That will be fine.


Tommy: Alright.








Tommy: Hello, is this-




Tommy: Ah, so I-




Tommy: ...


Kajahara: You have reached the office of Ryu Kajahara, god among men. If you want to speak to a live representative, press one.


Tommy: I want to speak to Kajahara.


Kajahara: If you want to speak to a live representative, press one.


Tommy: But that was the previous option...


Kajahara: If you would like to speak to Eri Sato, press three.




Kajahara: What?


Tommy: Wait what?!


Kajahara: Hello Mr. Cornell. I see you received my...gift.


Tommy: What the **** is wrong with you you bloody wanker!


Kajahara: And what better way to wank than with bloody, Cornell? I believe you would know something about that, what with blood being your...Nemesis?


Tommy: ...


Kajahara: IT'S A PUN, TOMMY! IT'S A PUN!!!!!


Tommy: I understand wordplay.




Tommy: I'm hanging up now.


Kajahara: You know what happens to a horse when it overtakes its opponent?


Tommy: Goodbye, Ryu.




Tommy: *click*




No. Even...I guess he wanted Eddie Peak, and trading brother for brother would be interesting, but...no. Just...no. I need to book my show now. I need to book a better show than Richard.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


TCW All Action Title

Flying Jimmy Foxx© vs. Sammy Bach vs. Edd Stone: Overhead Wires


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Joel Bryant


The Machines vs. The New Wave


Rocky Golden/Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tommy Cornell/Bryan Vessey




The Syndicate makes Open Challenge!

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Sam Strong, USPW


Well, Richard's gone and made himself another enemy. Wait, who's on the phone?




I don't like to take advantage of Tommy like that, but he's a bit of a poor negotiator. Jay....Jay's trouble, and as much as I love Peter-and Redwood's with Jillefski, another good friend-Jay would just be too much of a perfect storm.


Now what's this...SWF have made a play for Captain USA?


He's our worst road agent; if Eisen wants to give him a job, no point in trying to stop it. Not like I could, anyway; he's got the bigger bankroll.


Now then, I figure I might as well start a developmental territory. I'll give QAW and CILL a nod first, though.




Sam: Tommy?


Tommy: What? Is something wrong?


Sam: You traded for one appearance only.


Tommy: Ah. Yes. Well...hm. Small oversight on the ledger, I imagine.


Sam: "Small oversight". Okay. It happens.


Tommy: Sorry about that.


Sam: Think you can fit Alicia on tonight's show?


Tommy: I might, but why not wait until the Pay-Per-View?


Sam: But she'd have to lose the title shot.


Tommy: Yes, but...well, she is contracted to you, Sam. I can't have her go over immediately. Let her have her Pay-Per-View debut, and we can re-work a longer-term trade to build the story.


Sam: Alright. But don't expect Buffalo to come back holding gold.


Tommy: Agreed.




Maybe he's a bit smarter than I thought. Then again, I'm the one that misplaced my reading glasses earlier...

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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


What's this?


Hey, Jeremy, it's Alex. DeColt to Stone, right? So don't hang up, or rather, don't delete the message. Might be a bit long, but trust me, you want to hear this.


So your and my dad go a way back, right? And when dad split to make CGC, it wasn't because he didn't like North of the Border; it's just that with all of you and all of us...not a lot of room at the top, eh? So you guys stick with hard-nosed in-ring acumen, and we make this product that is nearly-and, occasionally, more than-halfways a bunch of angles. You're wrestling, we're entertainment. You have ironman matches, we have stories. Neither better, unless we really want to nitpick, and I "suppose"-that's with air-quotes, by the way. Guess you can't see them...I "suppose"-dammit did it again-you guys are "better"-didn't that time, good-as you're currently ahead.


But my point-yeah, I said this was long-point is that you and I aren't competitors. You're wrestling, we're entertainment. We're both in Canada, sure, but a lot of our fans and a lot of your fans aren't the same at all. But that said, in the public eye, we still have this broiling feud of families. And I want to capitalise on that.


Way I see it, if Ricky and Jack "happened"-god **** it-to show up at, say, some sort of Memorial show, ratings might pop a little, right? The hell are they doing there, right? And let's just..."say" that Duane or Dan or someone does a little...maybe a WrestleFestival? Something like that? I guaran-****-tee that'll be hot as hell. And maybe along the way you throw me Maverick, I give you someone like Deeley, something like that.


In short, I want to work together. No point in competing when we aren't, and if either of us expands globally, I don't want National Battles, to screw over either of us.


So if you say yes, sign the papers I'm sending over. And if not, just send them back blank. And I suppose you could send back a war declaration, but really, Jeremy? I don't think you retired to go to war.






Press release:

An alliances for the ages in the frigid North!


We have just received word that CGC and NOTBPW have signed a working agreement.







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