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Eight Faces of Eiden

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In the office of Tommy Cornell


With the brief addition of Phoenix I to the roster, we had another man in time decline (since he was 36; unfortunate). However, I knew our other wrestler quite well, having both experienced his work firsthand and seen it as I was a rookie in the business, back when he was the "Wrestler of the Year."


Of course, the fact that he was a steroid user has been well speculated and documented numerous times. I had hoped he had quit...


Tommy: Come in.


...And yet, here we were.


Tommy: You know why you're here; I suggest you sit. We need to talk.


How to handle Bryan Vessey? My previous actions imply that I am loyal, or inspire loyalty, yet I have more of an "Iron Fist." Would that mean I should keep him, for loyalty? Should I fire him, for my unwillingness to bend? Or, more accurately, how should I handle this situation, irrespective of what I have done before?


Tommy: Why?


Vessey: Why what?


Tommy: This is not the first time I have caught you with steroids.


Vessey: I don't see any on me.


I took a pink slip out of my desk.


Tommy: True. Then again, perhaps I don't see this notice in my hands. Perhaps it is in yours.


Vessey: You won't do it.


We locked eyes for a moment.


Tommy: You think I won't?


Vessey: I know it. Not because you're a coward, because you haven't done it before. Didn't stop you a year ago, five years, however many other times in the past, I'm still here. And you need me.


Tommy: I need you?


Vessey: Who the hell do you replace me with, Tommy?


I stood up quickly, and I yelled in his face.


Tommy: I'm Tommy mother****ing Cornell! You think I, I, need you? You, some roided out freak? I can AND I HAVE wrestled circles around you. I play to the crowd, against the crowd, I actually talk. Who the **** needs you?


I threw the pink slip, unsigned and crumpled, into his lap. Glaring, I caught my breath as he tossed the notice into a nearby bin.


Vessey: Okay, point made, boss.


Anger led me to turn away and lean against the far wall.


Tommy: I fire you, I do lose out on someone useful.


Vessey: Y'think?


Tommy: Not irreplaceable. Difficult, true, but you and I are both heels. I take over where you left off; fans love me and Ricky going at it. No big deal. And I don't care if you go to Richard-he already let go Marc, and you think he was roids?


I turned back to Bryan, and sat back in the chair I had nearly upturned earlier. He shrugged.


Vessey: Steroids, pissed off the boss, killed a guy. Not my business.


Tommy: This is, Bryan.


Vessey: Really?


Tommy: Sure as hell I'm not sliding this under the door. You're getting punished.


Vessey: Under the door? Don't you mean sweep under the rug?


Tommy: Shut up you clod.


Vessey: Make me.


For a second, I almost did. Had a letter opener nearby, had some trophy type object to my left-in the moment, I knew not what it was-but I continued talking.


Tommy: Not going to fire you, but I have to do something. Tell me: are you going to do this again?


Vessey: What, carry Rick and Ricky to something decent?


Tommy: So that's off with the riot act, really, because you know the routine.


Vessey: So what, then? You going to fine me? Suspend me?


Tommy: No. Ricky has to go over you at Malice.


Vessey: So that's the plan?


Tommy: Sure as **** is now, y'think?


****ing wanker.


Tommy: How much would it take for you to stop?


Vessey: You trying to bribe me?


Tommy: No. I'm saying how much do I have to take from your check to make you fess up and act like a man.


That at least provoked a thought. For a moment.


Vessey: Tommy, be serious: I got seven years in-and-out of the ring on you. How about you be the man, slap my wrist or whatever the **** you're doing, and let me get on with my life?


Tommy: Fine. Consider this your last chance: Nothing you do is stopping Malice happening, so that's carte blanche if you want to take it. But you pull any ****-and I'm talking until your contract is up, not just the next two weeks-and you're out. Before Malice, I fire you the day after. Yes, sure, keep the rest of the money because that's how legal handles it. But you **** up and I get the chance to release you? It's done.


Vessey: Yeah, yeah, last chance.


I stopped him standing to leave.


Tommy: Look at me: you don't get to be a role-model for these guys. Not as a person, because **** looking up to your superiors for that. As a wrestler. Juicing up don't fly here. That gets you killed. Ends your career. And I get some washed-up has-been like you wants to keep going as long as you can. Newsflash: if your career is over, get the **** out of the way. You pull this again, it's not me firing you; it's the roster. It's the future of this business. It's Cameron.


I almost lost an eye there.


Vessey: YOU ****ING-


Tommy: Last. Chance.



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Sam Strong, USPW


Got nothing to say about Richard but this: the backlash he has received recently is the reason why I've never stooped to that level in this business. The fact that he has gotten even more volatile over the past...week even, is scary. But that is him, and I have better things about which to worry (there, you happy, Alicia?)




Press Release:



UK-1 and V-Corp both have signed-or will sign-PPV contracts with USPW. UK-1 was the first to reply, and due to network laws, (or stupid ****, whatever) V-Corp has to wait at least a day to JOIN IN ON THE PARTY IT'S SAM STRONG'S MONEY **** YEAH!


btw it's 6 months and 80%, we here. 80% VODKA **** YEAH I BE SIPPIN' IT OFF DA LADEEZ'S ASSES YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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USPW American Wrestling


Alicia Strong vs. DEVIL Karube


Jumbo Jackson/Peter Valentine vs. Chris Caulfield/Freddie Datsun


James Justice/Enygma vs. Mick Muscles/Danny Rushmore


Nicky Champion/The Force vs. Tyson Baine/T-Rex




Video Tribute to Captain USA!


Champion and Baine End Up in Wild Brawl!


6-Woman "Celebration"/handwave for entertainment-based angle

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Goddammit I can't catch a break; NOTBPW is next and of course they have a show ._.


Oh, and I laughed at when that post got in, Sam. Tommy mocks Richard-great show! old chap >_>


Considering I have to visit with my "regular" physician to get pills tomorrow, I'ma sleep now (it's 15 past mid). I get to check out two PPV bids for the same region, though, so that's cool. And I need to comment on that.



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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


What is unfortunate for those that wish to read my notes is that I do not write everything that I think. Granted, I do not know if there is anyone that will read my notes-aside from myself, obviously-but I feel, regardless, somewhat...


That I am presenting incomplete information.


There was a tangent on irony that has nothing to do with my company-it has to do with Richard Eisen. Wait, no. Sorry. I have notice that two American Pay-Per-View companies are both ready to enter into negotiations (I only get to choose one). I also see that Richard is declaring war on pretty much everyone, notably 3 companies in the United States.


The irony, then, is that today I officially move into the USA market, and yet today I also have evidence that doing that is a terrible idea. Situational irony.


Somehow that topic led my mind into a deserted island, technical wrestling, and Alanis Morissette. Yes, she is from Canada. I still despise her.


No reason to write that, though; aside from the obvious "Steve DeColt as North of the Border champion is rather ironic," there was not much content to my thoughts.


As if that point was content.


And, now, in retrospect, I seem to have diverted from any sort of point. Irony. As, y'know, I said I wouldn't do that. And I did just that while claiming I was not wanting to do that.


I hate my life sometimes.




We have Davis Wayne Newton, Aguila Azul Celeste, and Luchadora Original. Sadly, I cannot get Luchador Original and Lucha Ref, but...sadly I cannot.


Wait. Aguila...she is a blue, light blue, eagle? O...kay...




I sent Aguila and about five or six other women to development. Including Lauren Easter, who already was quite talented (and Celeste herself).


And I need to bring someone back to keep our roster minimums ._.




Sally and Lauren are back with us; preliminary data suggests they do not have room for dramatic improvement (next would be Remmy Honeyman, who has very little).


Press Release:

My Select USA selects NOTBPW!


Actually, it was the other way around; a bidding war ensued, and 6 months for 80% advertising (to My Select) was enough to convince Jeremy to not sign with American Option!

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


NOTBPW Womens Championship:

Tamara McFly© vs. Luchadora Original


NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship:

Jared Johnson vs. KC Glenn vs. Erik Strong vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Julian Watson vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


NOTBPW Television Championship:

Tim Westybrook© vs. John Maverick


Duane Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone




McFly Attacks Steve DeColt!


and potentially more. Suprise!

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NOTBPW Womens Championship:

Tamara McFly© vs. Luchadora Original


McFly is like NOTBPW's poster girl, now that Victoria has retired. She also probably the most talented female on you roster.


NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship:

Jared Johnson vs. KC Glenn vs. Erik Strong vs. Davis Wayne Newton


KC and DWN still need work, and I see Johnson remaining in tag matches for now.


Julian Watson vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


Surely Deeley wouldn't be too happy to lose to Watson, who is under him.


NOTBPW Television Championship:

Tim Westybrook© vs. John Maverick


Westybrook and Cavanagh are a great team, but with Tim wrestling in two divisions, the team is often overlooked. Plus, Maverick would be a GREAT TV champion, quality wise!


Duane Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone


I ummed and ahhed about this one, but in the end gave it to Jeremy Stone 2.0




McFly Attacks Steve DeColt!


and potentially more. Suprise!

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USPW American Wrestling


Alicia Strong vs. DEVIL Karube


Jumbo Jackson/Peter Valentine vs. Chris Caulfield/Freddie Datsun


James Justice/Enygma vs. Mick Muscles/Danny Rushmore


Nicky Champion/The Force vs. Tyson Baine/T-Rex




Video Tribute to Captain USA!


Champion and Baine End Up in Wild Brawl!


6-Woman "Celebration"/handwave for entertainment-based angle




NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


NOTBPW Womens Championship:

Tamara McFly© vs. Luchadora Original


NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship:

Jared Johnson vs. KC Glenn vs. Erik Strong vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Julian Watson vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


NOTBPW Television Championship:

Tim Westybrook© vs. John Maverick


Duane Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone




McFly Attacks Steve DeColt!


and potentially more. Suprise!

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NOTBPW Womens Championship:

Tamara McFly© vs. Luchadora Original


NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship:

Jared Johnson vs. KC Glenn vs. Erik Strong vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Julian Watson vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


NOTBPW Television Championship:

Tim Westybrook© vs. John Maverick


Duane Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone




McFly Attacks Steve DeColt!


and potentially more. Suprise! TAKA Michinoku appears!

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Alex DeColt, CGC


Clearly our big news is the acquisition of Pistol Pete Hall. It is possible that modern fans will not find him appealing, but that does not matter; he has the best psychology of anyone on the roster.


Including road agents.


And he is not failing in the ring.


So if his popularity is falling, if his decent skills entertaining fall...he is still absurdly useful to train others. Like, perhaps, Shooter Sean Deeley, our star "young lion," so to speak. I think I just offended the Japanese people...




Oh. My data was wrong. Pistol Pete Hall is 12 years past his prime. Meaning...hell, going full-strength until 39 is pretty good. Well, looks like he's an overpaid gatekeeper-y midcarder. /shrug




CGC Elimination is coming up. Good...hrm...




And there are a few matches booked. Good.

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Ryu Kajahara


Nothing needs to be said about anything to anyone that has not already been said.


Aside from the fact that I am ordained by god to lead this company to kill Richard Eisen. Proof? Aside from this company still being afloat and Eisen finding it particularly difficult to slander my company, I have no proof.

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Tristram Day, RAW


Now is the time when many larger companies find their rosters expanding rapidly. As we poach all forms of talent from free agents and smaller companies, a week typically must pass before we can have exclusive ownership of their contract.


For example...7 people have just joined us, and a little over a dozen will join tomorrow. Excellent.


Press Release:

RAW Signings!


Lanny Williams for $6,630 written.

Harry Simonson for $6,800 written.


I ought to consider giving certain people a week off to improve their morale.

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Jeff Nova, 21CW


I haf 53 fekkin wrasslers on this rosser? How the 'ell I do that? And who the **** is this Emma Evans? She'sa Sexatary pro quo, knowimean? Because...well ****, I know the gimmik ya, but...I mean **** how she do dat?


How she do dat? Sersly?


To: Richard Eisen

Subject: Howshee dooo da?


Dear Mrs. Eisen,


Sersiouly, how she do tha? I mean, you got da boobs an such, but when...wait, ****, I'ma leave a massage.

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Jeff Nova, 21CW


I have no idea why I drank earlier. Or what, particularly. All I know is...let's see...wasn't this a movie?


  1. There is no Scotch. Wait, no, there's a keg.
  2. When the **** did I get a keg?
  3. Or from where? The local pub doesn't sell ****ing kegs!
  4. I gotta get this roster split 'fore tomorrow. Turns out Samurai's daughter-whatever, ****-is gonna be tha spokesmodel for the ROF division. Brand. Whatever. **** did I have her tattoo her tits?
  5. I don't see British Samurai levying death threats against me, so...probably not.
  6. No messages, so...
  7. Wait, what's this on my head?

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USPW American Wrestling


Alicia Strong vs. DEVIL Karube


I officially dropped Nicky Champion as a minor character in the Peter/Alicia/myself/[him] storyline, replacing him with Karube as a major role.


That seems to have worked well; for a storyline intended to prop up my daughter-who sadly is a woman-the ratings it seems we are receiving are fairly good. Alicia actually has a poor gimmick and cannot deal with going full-guns in the ring. I knew that, and I forgot. Oh well. Good enough.

-Nothing to say, except Karube will probably do pretty well during her timie with us.


Natural storm and Savage Fury vs. Randall Hopkirk, Giant Redwood, and The Cold Warriors


Plenty of tag teams here, as Hopkirk and Karloff already had ont back a few years ago.


Not particularly good, though Redwood and Java have some nice managers, I was intending to help Redwood, Novak, and Savage Fury. They were kept strong, even though a Head Hunter Special dropped Randall. Who has a good gimmick, by the way.

-Redwood, Randall, Krusher, Warrior, and Java are aging.



A hit! A palpable hit!


James Justice and Nicky Champion both clearly enjoyed having the freedom to go off-script and they both performed well.


-Decent improvising, a good gimmick for Champion, and high momentum for Justice.



Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine vs. Chris Caulfield and Freddie Datsun


I figure I would have fun and make a story around Chris and Freddie, seeing as how Chris is the only top talent without one about him. Conveniently, him and Datsun have excellent chemistry. Unfortunately, I wanted to keep Jumbo strong due to his ridiculous momentum currently. And protect my friend. So the match wasn't that good.


-I made the storyline after a test run saw the chemistry.

-Pete is getting old.

-Jackson needs a new gimmick.



James Justice and Enygma vs. The Towers of Power


Contrast this match with the previous; much better wrestlers, the heels have spent quite a long time teaming, and the quality shows.


I decided to have T-Rex interrupt a fast-paced, shorter match, which was a good move. Advancing the storyline with this good of a match (could be better, I suppose) is a good idea.


Enygma got the win via DQ, false, but **** what actually happened making the fans not quite happy.



-Danny's old.

-Danny and Enygma have poor gimmicks.

-James can't go all-out. Pressure-wise.



And then Baine beat down Nicky. Again. Still excellent work, though, and a good story build.


-Someone is playing Tyson's gimmick better than him? Who?



Champion Force vs. The Titans


I wanted it to be open, I was sure to script it for T-Rex and The Force, and T-Rex still got visibly tired. Not even all-out on the short match!


Point is, who's going to win? No one, of course. I'm smart and old-school like that. Double stoppage as Nicky won't back off Tyson. Leave them wanting more, friends.


-T-Rex needs a better gimmick.

-The Force needs the world title. Or the tag titles. Or both at once...



After the match, Nicky and Tyson didn't let off, leading to James Justice and Jumbo Jackson (new team?) pulling them off of each other. A bit worse of an angle than I anticipated, but still quite good.



Alicia Strong, Cherry Bomb, Raven Robinson, Emily McQueen, Belle Bryden, and Melody got to go out after the show and talk.


-My daughter and Melody did well; everyone else can't go off-script. Today, anyway.

-J-Ro isn't active yet. Oops.

-Alicia, Emily, Belle, and Melody need new gimmicks. Raven actually has a good one. Cherry Bomb is, obviously, neutral.


And we say goodbye to Captain USA.



-Soon that type of reaction will be excellent; if we do that on PPV, with our coverage? Oh, you will see.

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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW. Backstage.


I found out that apparently Lord James King let rip with "the world's stinkiest fart." Given that it is easy to go into another room to "pass gas," that one need not make the backstage area impassable, I was quite harsh.


Jeremy: You might think this is funny, cute, or maybe just an accident. That something like this, I shouldn't come down on you for. Problem with that is that I've been in this business for decades. My last name's Stone. So no, I know how it works. And when you do something like this-yes, a "natural" thing-when you mess up everyone else's rhythm, you get punished.


Jeremy: Now then, I can't over-react. This is unacceptable, but there are far worse ways to ruin someone's day or hurt the backstage atmosphere. So as your boss, don't do this. As a Stone, a man who has continued the lineage of this company, don't do this. You'll embarrass yourself, if you haven't already.


He left with no words, but annoyed.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling




There was none. I did not want to over-book the show before the Pay-Per-View. Granted, quite a few people might be a bit unhappy, but I am sure I can offer them a week off or a solid win to keep their spirits.



NOTBPW Women's Title:

Luchadora Original vs. Tamara McFly


I wonder if Tamara was the favorite due to her brother...


Luchadora and her do not have excellent stamina, yet, but with their skill and solid work, they will. This match was poor by our standards, but I care more about the development of the division than any current "failures."


Tamara does win with a McFly Roll after 12 minutes of fast action.


-Luchadora sans-gimmick is fine.

-Again, stamina issues. And Tamara has a poor gimmick.



NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title:

Jared Johnson vs. KC Glenn vs. Erik Strong vs. Davis Wayne Newton


I wanted an open, all-out match. 12 minutes just to prove their talent.


The winner? Jared Johnson, actually.


-KC Glenn and DWN both debut with poor gimmicks, Glenn especially so.

-Newton is inconsistent. Hm...

-Glenn and Erik just need different gimmicks. And Jared.



Julian Watson vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


Huh. Bad match. Numerous problems, which I'll get to later. An open, slow match, I hadn't decided on a winner (like the previous match), but I expected Deeley to have more current talent, and thus that he would take it. Watson...he's a project of mine.


Sean does take it with the Front Choke Sleeper.


-Fans seemed to think the match was too long.

-Also, the two do not click at all.

-Just a...a mis-click.



NOTBPW Television Title:

Tim Westybrook© vs. John Maverick


This is what the previous match should have been. John's...John's quite capable, the fans just don't care much about him. Paring him with-against?-Tim Westybrook, the almost-top-star, is a great idea. Let both of them get a bit more energy in them, let the crowd accept them in the ring, as wrestlers, as stars, and this is a solid co-main.


As it stands, Westybrook makes another defense, and I hope that in a few months he breaks into the true main event.


-Tim, curiously, got a bonus from his psychology. Over John? Oh, and a bad gimmick, whereas John's is good.



Steve DeColt improvised a good promo, before we cut the lights. And then, as we repaired the feed, Sean McFly beat him down.


Odd, I know, but this is their feud. Keep them apart, but get the crowd going. Worked quite well.





Duane Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone


One of the hottest stars vs. the hottest star, if their momentum is what determines that.


Duane's probably...I think he's the best peformer we have, a strong contingent of the Stone faces (given that I'm out and Dan's PPV-only). Johnny isn't the best performer, true, but we have plenty of excellence to go against him.


Honestly, I just had them do the best they could. Pop it higher on the Pay-Per-View, and this is awesome.


To build toward what I hope will be a special main event in a few days, I actually had Duane lose. A gamble, but you'll see. I hope.


-Johnny has a poor gimmick, and Lionel Greenwood can't handle these matches.





Sean McFly found that someone stole his title. PLOT DEVELOPMENT?



-Maybe USA expansion is a good idea...

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Is Stone punishing King or himself...


King, m'bad.


OH CRAP IT'S SWF'S PPV ***************** wait. If I'm not spelling that, it makes no sense. Oh well.


Point is, I really, really wanna youtube this show. As in, music and stuffs. As in, terrible and stuff. But...eh.

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Richard Eisen, SWF


Hell's freezing over, right? Nobuharu Yokokawa pissed off Kazu Yoshizawa or something in an interview. Incidentally, BCG is also looking for some new faces. I would laugh at the conincidence-or not-but I don't care at all.




Lot of new faces. Few more tomorrow; too bad they miss the big payday.


Think I'll finalize the schedule a bit later than usual...


Press Release:

SWF Signings!


Blonde Bombshell for $5,260 written

Kip Keenan for $1,520 developmental

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