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Tommy Cornell, TCW


Sam is going to get reamed if he doesn't step it up soon. Too bad, friend.




As for us, a few notices of PPV contract negotiations cancelled due to rivalries between the companies with which we already have Pay-Per-View deals. Understandable. Now to get Greg Black...

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Sam Strong, USPW


A fine, but not good, show from us. North of the Border Professional Wrestling is really showing off, though. An agreement with them?




We got a 3.06 rating, which is better than our last 3.05. I think so long as we stay in the 3 range, we are good.


Steven Parker is considering an offer from FCW. Allegedly. We'll get him, though.


Australia, it seems, will not show us on Pay-Per-View. That is fine.


Press Release:

USPW Signings!


Titan for $2,870 written


Near World-Wide Coverage: USPW and V-Corp


Having signed a 6 month, 80% revenue deal with USPW, V-Corp is the next in a long line of Pay-Per-View carriers eager to do business with the company. It would seem that amidst all the talk of Sam Strong getting his company into the "big boy's yard" with TCW and SWF, he has expanded his company's most important revenue stream farther than any other company in the world.


True, without television to supplement the deal, USPW will barely pull viewership in other countries. But money is money, people are people, and we might have ourselves a dark horse for the first global company.

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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


Hm. Our show did well, yes, but a 1.75 is a large drop from our previous 1.86. Troubling, yet expected. With McFly out of the ring, a lot of our star power was absent from the show.


Yet that said, we did have a better main event, if an overall slightly worse show. The angles were slightly worse, so...maybe that's what the fans want.


Regardless, we continue to build the Womens' Division, with Fuyuko Higa, Zoe Ammis, and Danielle Sweetheart all being quite exceptional young athletes. The latter two would go to developmental, and I am considering sending them there; if their psychology improves, they will have outpaced Higa as the brightest prospect in my eyes. Particularly due to Higa's alleged attitude...


Now to plan the Big City Brawl...


Press Release:

NOTBPW Signings!


Eric Tyler for $15,050 written

Ed Monton for $11,930 written


Oh, and Lord James King will be sent on a 2 week vacation.

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Alex DeColt, CGC


To: Jeremy Stone

Subject: Eric Tyler


Dear Jeremy Stone,


I see you got Eric; can't blame you, though he'd have helped Brooke and Sean on our side for their morale. Not like they need it, though...


I ask that you send himi over occasionally, just to see his old crowd and see if he can work with someone-managing, of course-to help them. Or, hell, just to agent some matches; you already know the guy is candidly good.


Oh, and nice show.


-Alex DeColt


P.S. Ask why he didn't name his daughter "Rose," by the way.

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Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


Willie York is done with WLW; they used him with UK Dragon. A good match, as I believed it would have been.


Nobuharu Yokokawa is unhappy with BCG's booking? Delicious. Might as well bid on Sojuro Sen, too, to get the complete set, yes?


I see a number of companies, great shows, false promises. And I know that tonight Mr. Eisen finds himself threatened on his grandest stage to best us. Lonely, little us, meaningless denizen of the East.


How is Koshiro Ino? Perhaps I could convince Mr. Cornell to spare him? But then I would have to remove his shame for his aggressions against us.


What is more important? The future, or honor? Greed, or pride?




I think I have the tagline for Mr. Jimbo's next event...

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Tristram Day




Hm...if I assign the actors to their roles, then...




Much more manageable. Now to plan the show tomorrow...

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Jeff Nova, 21CW




Scared my dog...




She don't like hula hoops or noises or things. ****ing badgers...


One might notice I am a bit frazzled. Two things:


  1. Our show is tonight and I have yet to run through the roster for our brands.
  2. ****ing Supreme has their Pay-Per-View tonight.


Go on, good girl. It's just a hoop! You can smell it...yeah...


Oh. USPW is the only other company on any British carrier. And I also added about a dozen guys-and Laura, so girls too-to the roster.


****. This bloody well sucks. Good thing I have half a bottle of absinthe over there...mum's the one that like licorice, though...

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Two OOC posts in one day?!?!!


For obvious reasons I shall explicitly enumerate...enumerate means to number. I'm just going to point them out.


For obvious reasons that I will explicitly mention (redundantly, then, as they are allegedly "obvious") in a moment, no predictions for 21CW Presents whatever the **** just yet. Since I have to book, and potentially record, SWF When Hell Freezes Over, I don't care about Jeff Nova right now.


Oh, and this is a Pay-Per-View event. Those get full writeups. None of that mamby-pamby "I'm playing a character hurr durr thoughts." I'm talking hardcore, muscle movement enumeration. THAT'S RIGHT I NUMBER THE MUSCLE MOVEMENTS.




GOD ****ING DAMMIT JERRY EISEN PROBABLY PULLED SOME **** AND ANA GARCIA IS ON THE DESK SO I HAVE TO MAKE A FEMALE VOICEwait. Why is Garcia commentating for Events? Would Peter or Duane and Jerry be better than Mr. Negative Chemistry?






Y'wanna see my work? Find "Eidenhoek" on Youtube. I have a terrible, incomplete Deus Ex Let's Play. (where I am allegedly drunk. I do on occasion drink during the thing, but I'm only ever slightly buzzed) The playlist is out of order. And the size of the window is bad. And really, the only good video is...I think the last one, because I yell like a girl either at the beginning or like 3 minutes in or something. There's a turret or somesuch.


Also I'm not sure if I have my failure video in there or not, so what happened was I quicksaved under water. Bad idea.












Also hai vomit in my mouth. That tasted nice.


Anyway, also hai at not having a previous save sometimes. And then deleting them because I didn't reset CamStudio's shortcuts and guess what? F8 IS BAD. And it's a hotkey in Deus Ex. Bleh.


Also sometimes videos were too big and lolYoutube.








Predictions for SWF blah when I book it. Then wait a bit for the show itself.



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Richard Eisen, SWF. Backstage


Jerry pulled a tasteless prank, apparently. I didn't have the time to care, so I don't know what he did. I told him to leave the office or whatever, daddy's doing adult things right now. Apparently he's cocky now or something. Don't care. I'll give him a month off or something, put Ana on permanent duty in his spot in the meantime.

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SWF When Hell Freezes Over


SWF World Tag Team Championship

Des Davids/American Machine© vs. Kurt Laramee/Big Smack Scott


Jack Bruce/Valiant vs. Brandon James/Rogue


SWF North American Championship

Angry Gilmore© vs. Eric Eisen


SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley© vs. Remo vs. Christian Faith

Power went out in the middle of me typing this last night; obviously I'll have more matches, but these accomodate the major feuds. Woo! Posting from memory!

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Interesting...why haven't you made new videos...


SWF World Tag Team Championship

Des Davids/American Machine(c) vs. Kurt Laramee/Big Smack Scott


Jack Bruce/Valiant vs. Brandon James/Rogue


SWF North American Championship

Angry Gilmore© vs. Eric Eisen


SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley© vs. Remo vs. Christian Faith

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So here's the pre-game test, where I learn that the game's audio (well...whatever) is waaaaaaay too low, or my voice is too loud. Since I don't need any sound...


Oh, link to follow in...~20 minutes.


<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RWhEX3pYpBQ?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Edit: Recorded the show's intro, that is, the blah blah THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING WRESTLEMANIA LBAHSIJADOJAJF stuffs. Which is to say, pretty much a soundtest. But shutup. NO EDITS YEAH!


Edit2: Oh god I suck @ pre-show. This is going to be terrible.


Edit3: I can't stop laughing at how terrible this is. So. Bad.


Edit4: Well...running with a number of voices is proving to be difficult at best and terribly unfunny at worst.


Edit5: Well...almost did a Styles there. Sorta. This show sucks and I hate everyone. A lot. Match writeups are going to be leagues better than this.




Edit6: By far the best video is the third segment on the official show. Can't...so much...and it's...


Edit7: My right nasal passage is blocked by something. I believe it is called pain. And chlorine. Or stomach acid. Either way, y'know?


Edit8: If I wasn't half pastway...why the hell did I type that spoonerism? THIS IS THE COMMENTARY I HATE LIFE.


Edit9: btw, it's, "Gah dangit," not, "God dangit!" Or, "God angit!"


I'm laughing, btw, right now as I'm laughing on the recording that I'm hearing right now. Because shut up I'm listening to things.


Edit10: It might be the fact that it's past 1:30 AM, or the fact that I'm bored, or the fact that I prefer, typically, writing things (unless I'm promoing for a segment or something), but god do I suck. Hard.


Edit11: The post-main-event recording is awesome. Totally awesome.


Edit12: Yay! no save-scumming, and thus no moar recordings! **** I STILL HAVE 21CW AFTER THIS


Edit13: Pre-speech wrapup is pretty good, too. And the speeches are the reason to watch the series, btw, as that's one person in-character.


Edit14: Done; uploading tonight; (check channel for the early view, I guess) will post the show in the morning. It'll be a bunch of links, as that many videos would kill the page loading.

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SWF When Hell Freezes Over: Essay




Jungle Lord vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia/Joe Sexy


Fry's on the side of the Lord from the start, completely buying into the idea that his sheer strength is unsurmountable. While Freddy stays back from the Lord, Duane harps on the fact that Jack has yet to get close to the Heavyweight title, which is befuddling.


Meanwhile, Michaels is betting on the numbers game. It's a solid bet, given that the past has shown own an team with an advantage, either in numbers, skill, injury, or what-have-you, tends to win the match.


Continuing to its quick conclusion, a Jungle Jack-Jammer puts Freddy away, giving Duane a reason to feel a bit smug.


SWF World Tag Team Titles:

The All-Americans vs. The Pain Alliance


Continuing where the last match left off, there's a debate as to whether the champions' advantage is going to be enough to prevent a title change. Everyone agrees that both teams are solid, with Des Davids playing something of the proto-typical power brawler. Three-Point Stance as a strong knockdown, Quarterback Sack to finish; it's clear that he's the most dangerous man in the ring.


As Ana notes, though, The Pain Alliance have fought for quite some time together, both with similar styles and mindsets that make them gel quite well. Both men duck a wild clothesline from Davids, dropkicking him out of the ring at three and six minutes, respectively.


When Machine is tagged in after a failed pinfall from a QB Sack-broken by Big Smack at two-Laramee's able to sock him in the kidney to buy enough time to take in Da Big Smack.


From there? Most of the match Scott's been successful, and after an Ego Trip-and a subsequent Big Boot to Davids from Kurt, "see if dat sum ***** break da pin"-on American Machine, the pin sees the championship change hands.



Rich Money's music ._. hits as he heads to the ring amidst a negative crowd response._.Grabbing a microphone and flipping Ana Garcia a dollar, (risque!) Rich gets into the ring and surveys the crowd, smiling.


Rich: I'm out here, surprise, to speak tonight. No need to yell, I'm not going to wrestle, not going to beat your favorites. No, I want to illuminate your minds. I want to show you what I have planned, what the future holds, so that you can make your own cheap imitations and, hopefully, make a quick buck or two. After all, if I'm rolling in millions, even some of this crowd can beg for a dollar.


Cracking at the audience from his position, the former champion does rile up the crowd a bit.


Rich: Onto the plan, yes? As time is Money, and I am Rich...




Rich: That world title is going to be mine again. I know right now we have far too many people all going after Steve Frehley, but after tonight I expect one or two of them to fall off. With Christain retiring soon-


Not getting that out without some hate, Money has the foresight to pause for a moment, letting the crowd die back down.


Rich: -and Jack Bruce embroiled with that Emma Chase mess, two big contenders are out of the picture. Frehley's going to be worn down, Remo's manipulatable-


The opening chords of "Ironman" ?o? hit, drawing a huge pop as none other than Jack Bruce walks onto the stage. Also I have a strong memory of having already written this segment. wtf. Seriously, Bruce was already in the ring, I had left two lines between the pre-show and this...either something happened, or I have really lucid thoughts. Boring thoughts, I guess, since I remember typing. TYPING.




Jack: So I'm not a contender, Rich? While I'm having fun with Valiant, while I'm helping out a friend, I can't challenge you?


Rich: Won't, Jack. You're too preoccupied...writing another song, to be a bit more familiar.


Jack: We're familiar enough, Rich. I haven't trusted you since 2009; right now, just proving I was right.


Rich: Make your claims all you want; fact is I have enough money to buy my way past anyone who is nothing more than a bother. But you? Beating you would help me a lot on my way to the championship; I beat you, the star of this company, and I'm next in line to Steve. Or...whoever wins tonight.


Jack: Cute that you think I'm just a stepping stone, Rich.


Rich: Not sure I can hear you that well all the way out there; want to come to my face and say that?


Jogging to the ring, Bruce gladly obliges Rich Money, crowd cheering and growing in noise all the way there. Vaulting over the top rope, Jack bounces with the momentum, bringing him close to his foe.


Jack: We need a sound-test, or can you hear me now?




Rich: If I beat you-if, so you're happy-I'm right at the top. You beat me-


Jack: -again?


A pause from Rich. He frowns.


Rich: -you beat me, I'm pretty sure you've just screwed your pal. Deal with me, Valiant gets quadruple-teamed or worse. You want that on your conscience?


Jack: You haven't been in a bad, yeah?


Rich: What?


Jack: I can manage a touring schedule, playing seven nights a week, pretty sure I can handle you and whoever Rogue wants to put against Valiant.


Rich: Like Brandon James, for instance.


Jack: Like Brandon James.


Rich: Get ready, then. After that...might be coming after you.


Jack: Hey, quick little story for you. Did you know I ran the Iditarod?


Rich: You ran the Iditarod?


Jack: Yeah, ran the whole time, start to finish.


Rich: And...


Jack: Well when I was done, I said it's been a hard days' night, and I've been-


Before he can finish, Rich decks Jack in the face, dropping him. Before a brawl can really start rolling, officials flood the ring, tearing the fighters apart. Commentators note we likely have a main event for the next show, be that television or PPV.



Valiant/Jack Bruce vs. Brandon James/Rogue


With Bruce already in the ring, it makes sense that Valiant would be the next to enter. As he does, the team is analyzed by the announcers:


Although the two haven't teamed much, only a few months, the immense talent and popularity of Jack Bruce can hardly be understated. He is essentially the best possible candidate one could have for an ally, and the fact that he offered to join Valiant is proof of his personality.


That said, it's not like Bruce is infallible, as he has been beaten a number of times by top-caliber opponents. While it's tough to call either James or Rogue "top-caliber," with Emma Chase in the mix it's certainly very close.


And, given the fact that Rogue and Valiant are the main antagonists, it's entirely possible Jack-and Brandon, for that matter-won't be involved in the match very much.


To that effect, (as Bruce and Valiant high-five, stretch, wait for the music, etc.) what are the weaknesses of this team? Mixed agreement that Valiant is the weakest of anyone in the match, Bruce really needs to carve some momentum-he's the best at this, but still-to win, and Valiant's possible tunnel-vision.


As Chase leads out her team, the announcers once again go over the story so far, touching more on the turn of Rogue into Emma Chase's open arms (and into dat rack mirite?) and cooperation in her recent schemes. Strengths of the team? James is the strongest in the ring, Rogue has displayed a new level of cunning, Chase is the fifth man-woman, corrects Garcia-in the match. Weaknesses? They don't have Jack Bruce, he said smugly.


Bell rings, and it's Bruce against James. Thoughts all around that Valiant and Rogue are probably not going to see much combat against each other-too easy to mess with half the team, and Rogue's going to take every opportunity to do that.


Noted previously, James has a brawling-and surprisingly good hardcore-moveset, but Bruce has more than enough talent everywhere in the ring to avoid that. Lots of irish whips, half of them leading to a Bruce counter, and the eventual tag to Valiant leaves a slightly winded Brandon laboring away at a fresh opponent.


Knowing that Rogue would rather not be in the match, James works a bit harder than he'd like to wearing down Valiant. A Patriot Missile barely misses James, giving him time to finally tag out and allow Rogue a large advantage on his quarry.


Continuing the match, Rogue has taken apart Valiant on the numerous, brief occasions he's had the pleasure to join him; typically, however, it's Rogue or James against Bruce, with Brandon also playing the part when Valiant comes in. In effect, a handicap match and a 1-vs.-weakened-1 all under the same banner. James eventually hits a Big Cat Pounce on Jack, knocking him to the other side of the ring. Valiant tags in, and James eats a nice Patriot Missile.


Leading, of course, to Rogue tagging himself in, and a brief standoff. The test of strength leads to a Rogue advantage, whip, and CRASHING ON!


Rogue covers Valiant, and Rogue gets the pin!



The video gives a rough discription of what happens to Jack Bruce, actually. Cause when the Bruce caved it and the Kholov came out, they just didn't know what to do.


So Jack pretty much gets murdered.



Squeeky McClean vs. Lobster Warrior


Our second match, another one without a distinct style of wrestling looking at the opponents. Also, one without a particular story in mind.


It's a hard sell for either opponent from the announcing table. Warrior's obviously "supposed" to be the favorite, but he's fallen out of style ever since the Commotion in the Ocean way back when. He once was a man-lobster...thing-leading allies. Now he's alone. Perfect prey for Squeeky McClean.


If, y'know, McClean was aggressive. At all.


Since he isn't-and that's his thing, his glaringly obvious Achilles' Heel-Warrior's able to control the match for the most part, regaining any lost momentum due to, yes, a lack of Squeeky's willingness to capitalize.


The Lobster Trap that hits at about twelve assuredly leads to the pin, and Warrior gets by with a relatively-easy win.



SWF North American Title:

Angry Gilmore© vs. Eric Eisen


As "Smart Dressed Man" announces the challenger entering the ring (why not), a little argument breaks out among Michaels and Fry. The off-handed, "Now the show gets interesting," has Duane questioning why Jack Bruce isn't "interesting." To his credit, Peter meant that the importance of the matches, the titles on the line, the feuds that have been broiling, all focus on the top of the card, all that points to the main foci of the company's present.


After more squabbling, Angry Gilmore enters the stage, belt in tow, to "Mr. Brightside." Because **** this game and my lethargy. Oh, hi fourth wall. I'M BORED!


Tom Gilmore has always been known in the SWF for being rather aggressive, and the past few months, absent the injury, have been particularly...loathsome for him, as pertains to Eric.


In short, oh hell nah.


Eric's plucky, though, and to his credit, he kicks out and doesn't back down. People denigrate him for being crap, terrible wrestler, terrible champion (according to the Internet), but dude's taken a lot of punishment over the years. Win or lose, his matches hurt. He's used to some pain.


So it shouldn't be a surprise when he lasts past fifteen minutes. He's a main event kid in a main event world. Gilmore's the one out of his element.


And for that bit of advice, jump ahead to twenty-two minutes: Eric's hurt, Tom's glazed out of his head, and THE SUPREMACY!


**** you all, Eric just became champ.



As has been unsurprising in recent weeks, the main event title of the world heavyweights has another little bump backstage. Remo on Steve, which leads to the question of how Frehley will fare in the match ahead. Oh, and this was more interrupting-promo than monstrous death, btw.



SWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Steve Frehley© vs. Christian Faith vs. Remo


Barnstormer? Yes.


Three brawlers in the ring, two quite young. Steve and Remo hate each other as much as any two people can. Faith does not back down, even if he's old.


So yeah, a bit messy.


Steve and Remo pretty much don't let up on each other, meaning that Remo tends to be teamed up a bit, as Steve and Faith aren't...prone to attacking each other? Not like it's a handicap, but more of a...1.1v1.1v1 type of deal. Mathematically.




God I need to run GPW...


Oh, right.


No one gets a long two-count for twenty minutes. Quick twos, kick out with the ref's hand in the air, stuff like that. Faith Hammers flying, Dark Destroyer Spearing, Lumbars being Punctured all up in the joint.


**** don't care.


That's not to say this is finisher-spam, just that finishers are hit. And then the term "finisher" becomes a bit of a misnomer. Y'know, due to the match not being finished.


It's clear that to get a pinfall, someone's going to have to get knocked out. And to have somebody not break it up, they're gonna have to be farrr, far away. That don't happen to often.


Turns out that a brawl into the audience is exactly what this game need. Leave Remo tangled up in some chairs, bring it to the ring, hit a Dark Destro-no! Dodged into the corner! LEAP OF FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAITH1!!!!!!111!!!


He won.



And then got murdered by Vengeance. Y'know, the other guy in the feud. The ****ing DEMON. Way to go, champ.



Battle Royal of 25 people:


Still kinda weird that Roberts didn't win. Did well, though. Good job Randy Bumfhole.


Rating: 84


See video for post-show speeches; I think I did well enough that I don't need to re-type it. I think.

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21CW Best of British Wrestling


Bulldog Jack/BW Eddie vs. Kelly Martin, Lance Martin, Viktor Beskov, Yuri Illiakov


Joe Simpson, Keith Adams, Michael X, Nate Manchester, Petey Barnes vs. Bedlam, Brickhouse Balder, Dwayne Dark, Harley Neill, Michael Gregory


MOSC Blood & Beer Title:

First Blood Match

Wade Orson vs. Danny Patterson


Stevie Stoat vs. Joey Beauchamp


ROF #1 Contender Title:

Submission Match

Walter Morgan vs. Billy Robinson


Edward Cornell/Jonathan Faust vs. DJ Reason/Pit Bull Brown


Adam Matravers vs. Joss Thompson




Jeff Nova and Laura McKenna argue about Ring of Fire!


Jeff Nova and Highland Warrior argue about Men of Steel Combat!


Kathleen Lee asks out Jonathan Faust, ???

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Bulldog Jack/BW Eddie vs. [Jeff Nova, Jeff Nova, Jeff Nova, Jeff Nova

Joe Simpson, Keith Adams, Michael X, Nate Manchester, Petey Barnes vs. Jeff Nova, Jeff Nova, Jeff Nova, Jeff Nova, Jeff Nova


MOSC Blood & Beer Title:

First Blood Match

Wade Orson vs. Jeff Nova


Stevie Stoat vs. Jeff Nova


ROF #1 Contender Title:

Submission Match

Walter Morgan vs. Jeff Nova

Jeff Nova/Jeff Novavs. DJ Reason/Pit Bull Brown


Jeff Nova vs. Joss Thompson




Jeff Nova and Laura McKenna argue about Ring of Fire!


Jeff Nova and Highland Warrior argue about Men of Steel Combat!


Kathleen Lee asks out Jonathan Faust, Jeff Nova


It's official, Jeff Nova is the Chuck Norris of wrestling.

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Bulldog Jack/BW Eddie vs. Kelly Martin, Lance Martin, Viktor Beskov, Yuri Illiakov(Jeff Nova)


Joe Simpson, Keith Adams, Michael X, Nate Manchester, Petey Barnes vs. Bedlam, Brickhouse Balder, Dwayne Dark, Harley Neill, Michael Gregory(Jeff Nova)


MOSC Blood & Beer Title:

First Blood Match

Wade Orson(Jeff Nova) vs. Danny Patterson


Stevie Stoat(Jeff Nova) vs. Joey Beauchamp


ROF #1 Contender Title:

Submission Match

Walter Morgan(Jeff Nova) vs. Billy Robinson


Edward Cornell/Jonathan Faust(Jeff Nova) vs. DJ Reason/Pit Bull Brown


Adam Matravers vs. Joss Thompson(Jeff Nova)



Jeff Nova(Jeff Nova) and Laura McKenna argue about Ring of Fire!


Jeff Nova(Jeff Nova) and Highland Warrior argue about Men of Steel Combat!


Kathleen Lee asks out Jonathan Faust, (Jeff Nova)


(Jeff Nova) he wins everything ever.

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First, I want to say that it was unprofessional of me to leave you guys that long. Granted, unprofessional isn't the proper term in this context, but it certainly fits the action.


That said, I beat Revelations. Overall good, with some pretty annoying flaws that bother me. And a completely pointless game mechanic in the beginning. I think completely pointless. Maybe in the expansions...


Oh, right. I got the show booked to my liking; I just want a certain segment to hit above a threshold (not hard) and a certain gimmick to hit 100 (or at least 98; also not too hard, it would seem).


Btw, Phoebe's chemistry with Adam (negative) seems to balance out the fact that she does good at ringside (positive). Net negative, though, due to segment tanking.

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21CW Best of British Wrestling




Bulldog Jack & BW Eddie vs. Absolutely Flawless & The Red Devils


Jack's not the best, as he's got a bit of a habit of drinking. Eddie is absolutely horrid, currently. And then there are two established teams, Devils being a bit more green. We have a pre-show.


Beskov locks the Red Devil Lock on Bulldog Jack to win. Everyone competes, everyone gets paid.


Laura McKenna is a Bitch, and ****, she's a ****ing great Bitch. I flubbed my lines like a right wanker, and she outscored me to hell. I know I mocked Samurai by taking her, but ****, I'm going to send him a keg of whisky tomorrow. He trained her right. She's...****, needs popularity, but she's the face of Ring of Fire, that's for sure.


Joe Simpson, Keith Adams, Michael X, Nate Manchester, and Petey Barnes vs. Bedlam, Brickhouse Balder, Dwayne Dark, Harley Neill, and Michael Gregory


Gregory's the weak link for his side, so no surprise when someone knocks him. It's Adams with Arrested Development, ha ha.


Petey's not really a "Show Stealer," while Dark is legit street thug, yo.


God I need a drink.


Adams actually is far less a class act than I expected; beginning to think the arresting story is apocryphal rather than...well, true, obviously.


Brickhouse, Dwayne, and Michael all have some issues. Again...large roster for large matches.



MOSC Blood & Beer Championship:

Wade Orson vs. Danny Patterson


Told them they had ten, go out there and kill it.


Unfortunately, that pushes Danny a bit more than he probably should. Slow it down, he'll be fine.


What's cool is that they complement each other fairly well; Wade's got some nice charisma, and Danny's got the star quality.


Then again, Danny brings way more negatives in the ring.


So, of course, I had him win. Oops. Double champion?



Stevie Stoat vs. Joey Beauchamp


I remember I was high on Joey sometime earlier. After this match, not so much. He's doing alright, got a load of bonuses, but still can't go all out and doesn't deliver extraordinarily. He's not popular enough. Talent, skill, whatever, I'm going to go drink something.


Oh, yeah, Stoat won with a Super Kick.


And this is where I start resetting a lot...Dang, 96 gimmick. And Laura got an 88. **** it, whatever. I can edit it if I want to be...no I can't. **** IT.

ROF #1 Contender Title:

Walter Morgan vs. Billy Robinson


Old-school up in here!


But not really. Billy's got a great dual-sport thing going on, (and Morgan's a poor machine) but really, they're just talented technicians. That's something of an insult, by the way.


Without a lot of popularity or a lot of good working in the performance, it's bland and doesn't flow. Old school is made for chains, so...yeah. Gangsta thug? I don't know. I think I'm going insane. Dang it, Dwayne...


Billy's got more good and bad than Walter, which is why Morgan won with the Wigan Wrench. I guess.


**** THIS ANGLE BOMBED **** THIS ****!


Okay, gimmick ratings were much lower, Nova didn't bomb with Laura, but **** it.

This is the part of the story when we unite Kathleen Lee as a potential manager for Jonathan Faust. It's less a romance than a power couple; he sees her value, she sees his evil, and...there you go.



Dark Angel and Harry Wilson vs. Kevin Jones and Phillip Cooper


With limited appearances before his popularity tanks, I gotta use Angel the best I can. Giving Lil Gel some work and getting two fo the heels in the story a nod would be just that.


Except the heels are terrible as partners. ****.


It's a draw, by the way; can't let either side lose this one.


P.S. Harry don't call in the ring.



Edward Cornell and Jonathan Faust vs. The Defense Force


I like Pit Bull Brown, I really do, but he's stuck with the aging reason. Gotta think The Defense Force are going down in their feud, and Cornell's Black Lightning Bomb to Brown doesn't help things.


Then again, Jay B and Buff Martinez did attack Brown and Reason, so...there's a bit of a boost.


P.S. Reason don't call it in the ring.



Okay, a bit of a mess, so let me play it out:


1. I'm a ****ing master on the mike.

2. Faust plays well, too.

3. **** you Jones.



So yeah, wanted to set up a tag match, have some talking about feuds, stuff like that. Went over pretty well, though Adam needs to drop the girl, sadly. Kathleen Lee's already with Kevin Jones, as well, and she helped him out. Unfortunately, I had plans for her and Faust, but...eh?



Adam Matravers vs. Joss Thompson


Ran this before a few times in practice, and it solidly did well each time. Great work, guys.


Joss actually has more charisma than Adam. Always forget that. Unfortunately, Matravers has red-hot momentum, so he goes over with that Mile High Moonsault. Still, main event level quality, so great job.





Well ****.


Sure, he's got a drinking habit, but he worked the crowd well and his Staff Member "gimmick" ****ing rocks. The angle sucked, but **** Highland Warrior, way to ****ing pawn my ass.


"Pawn my ass?"


What the **** am I saying?




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