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Mid South Lucha Libre (C-Verse 2015 RTG)

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(Huge thanks to Metal Gear Yoshi for the awesome logo and banner!)





(OOC: This is a Road To Glory game starting in January 2015 - I simmed the first 2 years and set MSLL to open now. I messed up slightly when adding El Principe, my user character for the game, so he's been active for 2 years and had a handful of matches on the indy circuit, which have boosted his stats a bit. That may make it RTG Lite, I guess...)




Monday, January Week 2, 2015


“Name?” The old man snaps at me as I sit down.


“I am El Principe,” I respond.


“Your real name,” he snorts.


“I have told you. El Principe.”


“Not your wrestling name, the real, honest-to-God name you go by in everyday life. And take that darn mask off so I can look you in the eye when I’m talking to you.”


I rise, and turn away from him. “I am sorry. I see now, that this position is not suited to me. I am El Principe. In the wrestling ring, in the office, in the bedroom, in any location. If that is a problem, we cannot do business.”


“Wait there.” He reaches out and grabs my sleeve, and I turn around again. I’m surprised to see a smile crack his famously miserable features. “You passed the test, kid. You know what’s wrong with the business today?”


I shake my head.


“Well, there’s too many things wrong with the business today to tell you about them all before I have to take some more of my pills, but the number one thing is, too many darn fools breaking character every time they blow their nose. You have a mask, you ARE that mask. When I was the Masked Fury, if I was out in public, I’d eat with the mask on. If I stayed in a hotel, I’d sleep with the mask on. If I went to the toilet…”


“So, Mr Westberry,” I interrupt hastily. “I believe you have a vacancy for a booker.”


He nods. “That’s right. Mid South Lucha Libre is officially open for business, kid, and if you want the job, it’s yours.”


“Mine? Shouldn’t there be an interview, or something? Why are you just offering it to me like this when you don’t even know me?” I’m stunned.


“Kid, I know nearly everyone in wrestling. You know what they all have in common? They’re a bunch of jackasses. You may be a jackass. Hell, you probably are a jackass. But you’re a jackass who knows when to wear his mask, which puts you two steps ahead of most of them.”


I’m not sure what to say, so I don’t respond. It seems to be the right thing to do.


“And besides,” he laughs. “With what I’ve got, a trained monkey could make money. The sponsors are crying out to get involved. We’re going to be taking home five figures a month just from them. I’ll need it, of course, since I’ve spent my life savings on this already.”


“Sponsors? You have not even got any wrestlers yet – how have you got sponsors, Mr Westberry?” Something dawns on me. “And anyway, how have you spent your life savings without getting any wrestlers in.”


“Behind that door over there, I’ve got something better than wrestlers, kid. But before I show you, I need you to sign this.”


He hands me a piece of paper, and I scan it. It’s a contract, to wrestle and book for MSLL. A federation which is run by one of wrestling’s most famously obnoxious personalities, someone who back in 2012 was described as the most toxic person in a TCW locker room which was full of people who would have seen that description as a badge of honour. A federation which, as far as I can tell, has nearly zero money, no wrestlers, and only a vague promise of sponsors because of something behind a mysterious door.


The only sensible thing to do here is to walk out. It’s what my mother, God rest her soul, would tell me to do. It’s what my elder brother, looking down on me from heaven, would say is the right thing to do. Even my deadbeat father wouldn’t be stupid enough to sign that contract.


There’s just one thing. I’m curious. I’m so, so curious. I really want to know what’s behind that door…


So I pick up a pen, and I sign the contract. Mr Westberry smiles, and leads me over, then opens the door.




“We’ve got MASKS, kid!”


I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry.




El Principe starting stats: (as of January 2013)




MSLL Product:



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Own Masks:





MSLL-Owned Masks:





No Masks:


Road Agent:





Secretary of the MSLL Board of Directors:













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"Glad you could make it, guys." I shook all three's hands. I've known the Paratroopers for a couple of years now. Like me, they've struggled to break into any established federation - despite being trained at the Coastal Academy - so can often be found filling up the mid-card of independent shows. We tend to get little more than petrol money, while the ageing stars who creak their way around the ring in the main event, like the Nation of Filth and the Painful Procedure members who didn't get to stay around the big time with Jack Bruce and Troy Tornado, get decent pay-days. Still, experience is all good, and there have been some good nights out after the shows. The trio may not be the biggest draws or the best wrestlers, but they sure know how to party.


"So what's up, El Principe?" Ash Barnaby, better known as Paradox, and perhaps the unofficial leader of the three, asks me.


"Arnold Westberry is opening up a lucha-inspired federation here."


Adrian 'Paradigm' Noelson splutters. "Westberry? That insane old guy who they say got kicked out of TCW for being a bad influence? I mean, how CAN you be a bad influence on guys like Texas Pete? Who'd be crazy enough to work for him?"

I take a deep breath. "Well, you are in conversation with his head booker."


Andy 'Paranoia' de Bottom actually laughs out loud. "Working for Westberry? Damn, man, what happened - did you lose a bet?"


"It is a long story, my friend. Curiosity can do terrible things to a man. But that is not something we need to discuss."


"So, what do we need to discuss?" Ash asks me. "Not that it's not good to catch up, bud. But from your phone call you sounded like you had more in mind than just a few drinks."


"It is true. We have our first event in just two weeks. We need to start putting a roster together. Mr Westberry and myself are both keen to feature stables strongly. Most of the stables will take a while to come together, but we want to start with one trio to main event for the first few cards, at least."


"A trio?" Andy's eyes light up. "You mean...?"


"That is right, my friends." I nod. "Are you in?"


They huddle for a moment, whispering, before Ash holds out his hand to shake mine again. "As long as the pay's okay, we're in."


I smile. "I am sure we can arrange something to your satisfaction."


Adrian has a wide smile on his face. "The Paratroopers, headlining. We get to see our name in lights - or at least on posters. This is awesome."


"Ah." I cough. "Yes, boys, that's the one thing I wanted to mention. It won't actually be your name."


"Not our names?"


"Mr Westberry is very keen on the idea that we should be using masked wrestlers. You know from our drinking sessions that this is something close to my heart." There's a murmur of assent - I think I'm the only guy they've ever seen manage to do a keg stand while wearing a mask.


"So, rather than the Paratroopers, you will be..."

I take out three identical masks and hand one to each of them.


"Los Numeros!"


"Los Numeros?" Andy splutters. "Dude, no offense, but that kind of... sucks."


A delicate cough comes from behind him, and the three turn around to see a young lady walk into the room.


"You think so?" says Venus. "That's a shame, because I was looking forward to working with you all. Still, if you really don't like the idea..."


"Shut up!" Adrian and Ash both simultaneously hiss at Andy. "It's a great idea, El P!"


I glare at them. Somehow, people can always tell when I'm glaring at them, despite the mask.


"I mean El Principe. Sorry, boss."


"Just remember in future, guys. Now, I'd like you to meet your new manager, Venus. Or as she will be known from now on, Infinito."


There are three broad grins, as the Troopers - I mean Los Numeros - practically fall over themselves to shake Venus by the hand.


3 down, 17 or so more to go. (Arnold's keen on having a big roster to use a decent number of his prized masks from the get go.)


I pick up a phone and dial a number Arnold gave to me. "Hello? I would like to speak to Johnny Heizenger, please."


The Paratroopers ARE:



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"Johnny, thanks for coming down. I am El Principe." I offer him my hand to shake, and he takes it, but instead of shaking it, pulls me towards him and lifts me over his head. I scream in surprise, and he puts me down on my feet, shaking his head.


"Too light. No meat on ya, boy. Not worth slammin'. Where's the big boys?"


"I am sorry..." I stutter, shocked.


He looks over at Mr Westberry's office door. "Who's in there? He a big guy?"


"No!" The thought of my famously crotchety boss being lifted off his feet by this maniac might be a funny one, but I don't think it would help my career prospects if he realised I'd let him in.


"Back in a minute, then." He darts outside, and my jaw drops. He's gone for long enough for me to think that he's not coming back, but as I'm about to give up on him, he returns, closing the door behind him and shaking his head in disgust. "They say America has a goddamn obesity problem, boy, but ya can still never find a fat man when you're looking for one. Up in Canada, I can walk outta the ACPW dressing room pretty much any time I feel like it, and there'll be someone worth slammin' right there waiting for me."


"Ummm... do you slam random strangers often?"


He nods. "With strength like this, you would, boy. They're honoured. Ask any ACPW fan, any ELITE fan, anyone with any taste in wrestling. Being slammed by Ant-Man is a tale you can tell your grandchildren."


I think my face may be white by this point.


"If ya can have grandchildren, that is. I sure feel sorry for that poor guy, don't know why anyone would put that there, but I been a lot more careful about where I slam people since that day."


"I am sorry there's no-one around for you to slam, Mr Heinzenger..." I'm actively trying to make myself look smaller here. "But if I could just discuss your terms of employment with you for a minute."


"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Gimme a contract, I'll sign it, then I can go and slam someone. I'm getting antsy here."


A smile appears on his face.


"Antsy! I crack myself up!"


"I will get you the contract now. There is also the small matter of a mask... perhaps this one?"


Smiling with pride, I hand him the black and gold El Insecto mask. He barely looks at it as he takes it.


"Yeah, yeah, boy, whatever. If I can slam people, I don't care if ya want me to wrestle naked. Just gimme some giants to slam, okay?"


"Ah. That is the other thing... we may not have that many giants."


"No giants?"


"One giant! Or maybe two!"


He nods. "I can work with two. They can take it in turns to get slammed, I guess."


"Actually, Mr Heizenger, we may hold off on the giant-slamming for a while... just to build up to it properly."


Shaking his head, he turns to walk away. "No giant-slamming, no Ant-Man. Sorry, boy."


As he reaches the door, he looks back over his shoulder. "How about just in dark matches? Or even in the dressing room?"


God help me, I like the guy. What can I say? "Mr Heizenger... we will sort something out, I am sure."


"Good to be on board!" He offers me his hand, which I take for the briefest of milliseconds before giving him a contract and retreating out of slamming distance.


Ant-Man IS:


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"Mr Reid? Good to meet you."


Buzz Reid grabs my hand and shakes it vigorously, nearly crushing it, then apologising when he sees me wince.


"Sorry, man! I mean boss. Sorry, boss! Where are they? Can I see them? Can I?"




"Oh God, is that them, over there? They said there was a roomful. Nigel and Remmy both said it was awesome. It's that room, isn't it?"


He trots over to the room and opens it, and nearly licks his lips at the sight of all of the masks.


"Nigel said that they both got to choose. Can I choose? Oh my god..." He picks up a black and red mask. "I want this one!" His eyes dart left, and he picks up a blue mask with an elaborate horned design on it. "No, this one."


Putting them both down, he turns his attentions to a multi-coloured one which looks like a rainbow exploded. "Or this one... oh, I don't know! You decide, boss! Isn't it exciting? I've always wanted a mask!"


Great. The eighth guy I've signed is the most enthusiastic by far. Which makes what I'm about to say to him really difficult.


"Ummm... actually, Buzz... the plan is... for you to..."


I take a deep breath.


"NOT have a mask."


"Not have a mask?" His face falls immediately.


"Yes, not have a mask. Because of the ideas we have for your character, we feel it would be easier to get you over if you are the only one in the company without a mask."


"The only one?" He looks like I've just kicked his puppy.


"We do want to feature you in a big storyline, though. And instead of having a mask, we are going to give you a manager. Buzz, meet Roxy Kitten."


Roxy Kitten, of BSC 'fame', walks in on cue, and heads over to the big man immediately. Tiptoeing to reach his cheeks, she gives them both a quick kiss of introduction, then rubs her hands over his chest.


"Pleased to meet you, stud. What do you think? Take a good look, now..."


She twirls seductively, showing off her beautiful body, clad in just a pair of hotpants and a loose top.


"Better than a mask?"


Buzz smiles weakly. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Kitten."


He looks over her head at me and mouths something. I can't quite tell what it is, but I think it's something like "So can I maybe have a mask in a few months?"


Buzz Reid IS:




(Still, unfortunately for him.)

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Putting them both down, he turns his attentions to a multi-coloured one which looks like a rainbow exploded. "Or this one... oh, I don't know! You decide, boss! Isn't it exciting? I've always wanted a mask!"


Great. The eighth guy I've signed is the most enthusiastic by far. Which makes what I'm about to say to him really difficult.


"Ummm... actually, Buzz... the plan is... for you to..."


I take a deep breath.


"NOT have a mask."


"Not have a mask?" His face falls immediately.




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(This is probably going to be the only time the Servant of the Snake talks. It's very skippable, if the hissing irritates you, promise.)


On opening the door, I nearly jump out of my skin as a snake draped around the neck of the man who will hopefully be my new signing, William 'Cobra' Jetterson, hisses at me.


"Hey, bossss! Can I call you bossss?" Jetterson shakes my hand, and I try to ease away from the snake as I'm doing so.


"Ssorry... I sshould introduce you. He getss nervouss. Ssid, thiss is El Prinssipe. Bossss, thiss iss Hissssing Ssid."


"Good to meet you, Mr Jetterson. And you, Sid." I dive back behind my desk, using the excuse of trying to get a contract for him. Passing it over to him, he nods briefly, then pauses. The snake moves its head towards his ear, and Jetterson goes silent, as if listening to Sid.


"Ssid thinkss I sshould ssign it. That'ss good enough for me."


Wordlessly, I pass over a pen, and he signs on the dotted line.


"Sso, you ssaid you had a gimmick for me?"


"Yeah..." I say. "Check out this mask." I hand over a black and green mask which will be the main part of the new costume for him."


"Cool massk. What'ss the gimmick?"


"Sservant of the Ssnake." Oh God, this idiot's got me doing it. "I mean, Servant of the Snake." I'm nearly overcome by laughter as I try and explain it to him. "The idea is that you are going to be hypnotised by a snake, and carry out its bidding."


"Sso you want to ssign Ssid too?" he asks.


I nod. "I guess so."


"That'ss good. I wouldn't want to work with another ssnake. He might get jealouss."


Pausing, he looks slightly worried for a second.


"But bossss, the idea of a guy jusst blindly following a ssnake's commandss... do you think the markss will buy that? Issn't it a bit weird?"


I shrug my shoulders helplessly. "I guessss we'll jusst have to wait and ssee."


Cobra IS:



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(This is the last 'introduction' post - line-up for the first card should be up tomorrow at some point. Thanks to everyone who's given feedback so far!)




"Coosh! Good to see you, my friend."


I welcome Mercutio Sleep into the gym we're using as a makeshift headquarters for MSLL. He gives me a quick, but seriously complicated, handshake which I manage to get confused halfway through, leading to him bursting out laughing. "Man, you still suck at that."


I laugh in turn.


"Hey, this is Zak."


I nod at Sleep's buddy, the Canadian Zak Attack. I haven't really seen much of his work, but when Coosh asked me to give him a try, I trusted his judgment enough to invite him down along with my old friend. Mercutio Sleep is the man responsible for the best match of my career - not saying much, to be fair. I don't think that it's set the tape trading community alight in the 9 months since we faced off, at an independent show in South Carolina, but he took the time to plan it out with me beforehand and we put together a 12-minute match that's easily better than anything else so far in my couple of years in the ring.


Attack is nodding at me, but his attention seems distracted... I notice that he has headphones in, and seems to be singing along to himself under his breath.


"Don't mind Zak," Coosh says to me. "He gets caught up in his music. Or rather, his dad's music." As Coosh laughs, Zak looks injured.


"Hey! Just because there's been nothing in the last 30 years as great as the disco era, you don't have to be rude about my taste, Coosh."


"Hard to be rude about something that doesn't exist, man. You should ditch ABBA and co from your iPod and fill it up with my men The Killers."


"The Killers? Man, I listened to them once and they darn near killed my interest in music."


"Guys..." I get the feeling this is an argument that could run and run. "Can I show you the masks?"


"Masks? Now we're talking..." Sleep says, as I throw open the door to the store room and both men walk in, smiling approvingly.


"Some sweet stuff the old man got here for his money," Zak says to me. From behind him, Westberry, who's just walked into the room, coughs.


"Glad you think so, Mr whoever-the-BLEEP you are. Oh, wait. I don't actually give a BLEEP."


"Hi, Mr Westberry," Sleep interjects himself between the pair as Zak blushes, and offers his hand to our boss, who looks at it as if it may be poisonous.


"I don't shake hands with hoodlums, young man. You could take some advice from your friend here. He knows more about this stuff than most men twice his age."


"El Principe knows stuff about wrestling?" Sleep laughs. "He's been hiding that from me for a while."


"Not wrestling, you imbecile. The important stuff. THIS stuff." Westberry gestures around him. "Masks!"


"Of course, sir," Zak says. "Speaking of which, could I perhaps get your advice on a mask to choose, Mr Westberry? I know you're an expert... I remember seeing you as the Masked Fury. Of course, I didn't know it was you then."


"You saw me wrestle?" Westberry smiles slightly. "Where was that, son?"


"North Dakota, sir. Against Runaway Train - before he was Train, I mean - back in 1997, when I was just a kid."


"Runaway Train," Westberry says. "There was a big guy. He could've gone far, you know. Not in that soap-opera world of Eisen's. He could've been a major star in TCW. You know why Tommy didn't hire him?"


We all shake our heads.


"No mask! The right mask, and Train would've been the biggest star since Sam Strong. Make sure you don't make the same mistake, you boys. Pick these masks carefully."


No-one points out that Cornell hardly seems to have been doing his hiring over the last decade or so based on people's masks, given the lack of them in TCW. Instead, we all smile dutifully.


"How about this one?" Sleep holds up a furry black and red mask, with 2 white fangs dropping over his mouth.


Westberry nods approvingly. "Name?"


"Mercutio Sleep, sir."


"Mercutio Sleep?" The old man scowls. "You a halfwit, boy? What kind of fool looks at a good-looking mask like that and comes up with a darn-tooting stupid name like Mercutio Sleep? You got brains in that head, or popcorn?"


Sleep blushes, as the pair of us try - and fail - to contain our amusement. "Actually, sir, Mercutio Sleep is my name. I thought that's what you meant. For the mask... I don't know, maybe Black Lion?"


"Now that's not half bad, youngster." Westberry turns to me. "I can see him main eventing soon. Okay?"


I nod. "If that's what you say, sir. You're the boss."


"How about you?" Westberry turns to Attack, who's holding a white mask, with star shaped holes over the eyes, and singing Alicia Bridges' I Love The Night-Life under his breath. "Nice song, my boy. Not enough people today who listen to the old classics."


Attack's eyes light up. "You're a disco fan?"


"Am I a disco fan? Son, you're looking at someone whose best friend's dad owned Studio 54! We were regulars there - I hung out with Liza Minelli one night."


"How does this sound for a gimmick, sir? Z-Boy... the masked man who loves to dance to disco tunes."


Westberry's eyes light up and he turns to me.


"Who's in the main event of our first show?"


"Los Numeros against El Insecto, Blue and The Machine was the plan, Mr Westberry."


He shakes his head. "Find something else for The Machine and Blue to do. I think we just got ourselves a couple of new main-eventers!"


"Yes, Sir...


Mercutio Sleep is... --AND-- Zak Attack is...


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<p>(Note - for who's who, check out the roster post <a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1855185&postcount=2" rel="external nofollow">here</a>.)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1322.photobucket.com/albums/u566/Jaded2013/MSLLPoster2_zpsa16dbc68.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MSLL Mid-South Monday: Monday Week 3 February 2013</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Our first ever match will be a traditional lucha 3 vs 3 match! To win, you need to score two falls, or beat your opponent's captain. Team captain <strong>La Bestia Americana</strong>, a vicious monster who is by far the oldest active wrestler in the federation, will hook up with heavy metal fan <strong>The Bullet </strong>and the mysterious (and quite frankly weird) <strong>Servant Of The Snake</strong>. They'll go up against luchador <strong>El Principe</strong>, the Mexican sensation <strong>Amazing Fire Fly</strong>, and team captain, <strong>BLAZE</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

Next up will be three-way tag team action. <strong>Hijo Del Aguila Americana</strong>, the second-generation lucha superstar, will make an odd couple with the self-professed enforcer of MSLL, <strong>Powerful Man</strong>. They'll fight not only <strong>The Machine</strong>, who claims to know 732 submission holds, and his sidekick <strong>Blue</strong>, but also a pairing who radiate evil, the malign <strong>Phobia </strong>and the ninja who calls himself <strong>The Danger</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

Our semi-main event will see MSLL's only unmasked man, biker <strong>Buzz Reid</strong>, take on <strong>The Shadow</strong>. Roxy Kitten claims that Reid is the only man in the federation handsome enough not to need to cover his face - but will The Shadow, who says that he can hit harder than anyone else his size, rearrange his features?</p><p> </p><p>

And in the main event, another traditional lucha 3 vs 3 match, Infinito's team of <strong>Numeros Uno, Dos</strong> and <strong>Tres </strong>(with Uno as captain, of course) take on the cocky <strong>Black Lion</strong>, the 70s-obsessed <strong>Z-Boy</strong>, and team captain<strong><strong> El Insecto</strong></strong>. Can Infinito's trio take one step towards completing their mission - whatever that is?</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Quick picks:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

La Bestia Americana, Servant of the Snake and The Bullet vs BLAZE, El Principe and Amazing Fire Fly</strong></p><p><strong>

Powerful Man and Hijo Del Aguila Americana vs Blue and The Machine vs Phobia and The Danger</strong></p><p><strong>

Buzz Reid vs The Shadow</strong></p><p><strong>

Main event:</strong></p><p><strong>

Numero Uno, Numero Dos and Numero Tres vs Black Lion, El Insecto and Z-Boy</strong></p></div><p></p>

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First predictions are hard becasue these are all so low overness guys so no one to pick out as the obviously over worker but here we go.


La Bestia Americana, Servant of the Snake and The Bullet vs BLAZE, El Principe and Amazing Fire Fly

You could push yourself but I really like Servant of the Snake,


Powerful Man and Hijo Del Aguila Americana vs Blue and The Machine vs Phobia and The Danger


Buzz Reid vs The Shadow


Main event:

Numero Uno, Numero Dos and Numero Tres vs Black Lion, El Insecto and Z-Boy

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<p>This is going to be great</p><p> </p><p>

La Bestia Americana, Servant of the Snake and The Bullet vs <strong>BLAZE, El Principe and Amazing Fire Fly</strong></p><p>

<strong>Powerful Man and Hijo Del Aguila Americana</strong> vs Blue and The Machine vs Phobia and The Danger</p><p>

<strong>Buzz Reid</strong> vs The Shadow</p><p>

Main event:</p><p>

<strong>Numero Uno, Numero Dos and Numero Tres</strong> vs Black Lion, El Insecto and Z-Boy</p>

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<p><strong>La Bestia Americana, Servant of the Snake and The Bullet</strong> vs BLAZE, El Principe and Amazing Fire Fly</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Powerful Man and Hijo Del Aguila Americana</strong> vs Blue and The Machine vs Phobia and The Danger</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buzz Reid</strong> vs The Shadow</p><p>

First step towards earning that mask!</p><p> </p><p>

Main event:</p><p>

Numero Uno, Numero Dos and Numero Tres vs <strong>Black Lion, El Insecto and Z-Boy</strong></p>

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<p><strong>La Bestia Americana, Servant of the Snake and The Bullet</strong> vs BLAZE, El Principe and Amazing Fire Fly</p><p>

<strong>Powerful Man and Hijo Del Aguila Americana</strong> vs Blue and The Machine vs Phobia and The Danger</p><p>

<strong>Buzz Reid</strong> vs The Shadow</p><p>

Main event:</p><p>

Numero Uno, Numero Dos and Numero Tres vs <strong>Black Lion, El Insecto and Z-Boy</strong></p>

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