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WCW/nWo: At The Apex

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The only one me and Lloyd disagree on is Psychosis/La Parka.... I love me some Psi, but as a fairly throwaway ppv I figure The Chairman could go ahead and take this one so that another face gets a win.


Throwaway PPV:eek: I'll have you know this is almost as important as a WCW Worldwide taping! Okay it's probably not even as important as that but we're making double the PPV revenue in a month by having one night only's so for now they will probably be sticking around

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The only one me and Lloyd disagree on is Psychosis/La Parka.... I love me some Psi, but as a fairly throwaway ppv I figure The Chairman could go ahead and take this one so that another face gets a win.


I'd dock him some points for that comment, very disrespectful... :) :) :)

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Going to need to get full scores on both just to be within a chance of winning, hoping to pull this out the bag..


Benoit & Malenko vs Konnan & Kevin Nash

Psychosis vs LA Parka

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Abismo Negro vs The Warrior

Eddie Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon (WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Bret Hart vs Dr Wagner Jr

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Can i predict? Or only the contest participants can?


Well it is not my diary but I am sure NWAvsWWF would welcome anyone to predict in his diary.


Benoit & Malenko vs Konnan & Kevin Nash


Yeah I'm not going to ever pick Benoit to win anything.


Psychosis vs LA Parka


Psychosis will probably win but I was a huge fan of LA Parka back then.


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr


Abismo Negro vs The Warrior


Eddie Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon (WCW Cruiserweight Title)


Bret Hart vs Dr Wagner Jr

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Don't know how I managed to miss so many shows! Well the next prediction contest is mine!


Benoit & Malenko vs Konnan & Kevin Nash

Psychosis vs LA Parka

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Abismo Negro vs The Warrior

Eddie Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon (WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Bret Hart vs Dr Wagner Jr

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Can i predict? Or only the contest participants can?


Well it is not my diary but I am sure NWAvsWWF would welcome anyone to predict in his diary.


Like BHK said anyone's welcome to predict Smasher


Don't know how I managed to miss so many shows! Well the next prediction contest is mine!


Yeah since there hasn't been a second show for this month we managed to get through it fairly quick, hopefully I can get a good deal and I'll have two shows again next month so things won't be quite as fast, good to have you reading again

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Saturday Wk 3 February 1998

Arena Mexico, Mexico City

16,500 (Sold Out)




WCW Announce Team

Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, Bobby Heenan


Tony Schiavone:
Hola, Hello this is World Championship Wrestling, tonight we kick off 'PPV weekend', we have been in Mexico for the past few days preparing for this one night only tour as WCW proudly brings some of the greatest Mexican stars back to Mexico.

Mike Tenay:
You have gotta love Mexico, the superstars certainly are and like always do we have the show for you, two of the biggest stars in Mexican wrestling history, Eddie Guerrero and Konnan return to the country that kick started their wrestling careers.

Bobby Heenan:
It's hard for any show to come close to WCW but with the mix of WCW's best talent and some of the best in Mexico, tonight will be epic.


Mike Tenay, who is able to speak Spanish was able to communicate with the Mexican fans to thank and welcome them to tonight's WCW Pay Per View. Shortly after he was cut off by Konnan who came out with Kevin Nash to nWo music, Konnan got a wild reception, he grabbed Tenay's microphone and declared the fans aren't here to see WCW or even Mexican wrestlers..there here to see the 'nWo!' as the crowd shouted along.


Match Type:
Standard Tag Team Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:
Curt Hennig (nWo)

  • Nash starts the match off driving Malenko into the corner and punishing him with elbows to the face.

  • Nash attempts a corner boot but Malenko moves and Nash gets caught up in a painful position, Malenko capitalizes, delivering a neckbreaker to the big man.

  • Benoit gets tagged in and immediately heads up top to land a diving head butt...1...2 Nash kicks out.

  • Benoit try's to lock in the crippler crossface but Nash powers him away and connects with a big boot before tagging in Konnan to the delight of the crowd.

  • Konnan comes in on fire, taking on both Malenko and Benoit. Following a DDT on Malenko, Konnan uses Benoit's own move against him, landing a triple german suplex.

  • Konnan signals for the tequila sunrise and shortly after applying the hold Benoit is forced to submit.


Konnan via Submission

Match Finish:
Tequila Sunrise on Benoit

Match Length:

Benoit & Malenko vs The nWo (Konnan & Nash)


Mike Tenay:
What a great moment for Konnan returning to his home country and putting on a great performance for all his fans.

Bobby Heenan:
Finally Konnan is proving he's worthy of the nWo Mike, tonight wasn't for his 'fans' it was for the godfather Hollywood Hogan and proving that Konnan can in fact cut the mustard.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • The Mexican crowd rose to their feet as two big stars in Mexico made their way to the ring to lock horns. The match was typically explosive with a fast pace offense from both wrestlers.

  • Psychosis attacked Parka upon entering the ring and began unloading attacks in the corner, following a corner drop kick he utilized a bronco buster in the corner.

  • Parka reversed an axe handle from the top rope by Psychosis and caught him clean with a spinning heel kick in mid air.

  • Parka allowed Psychosis to his feet before connecting with an enzuigiri and then pulling off a spectacular corkscrew crossbody.

  • Parka went up top again for a moonsault but was met by the knees of Psychosis upon landing.

  • Psychosis took advantage of Parka being in significant pain from the knees and finished him off with the guillotine leg drop.



Match Finish:
Guillotine leg drop on LA Parka

Match Length:

LA Parka vs Psychosis


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • Both men got a great ovation on the way to the ring, both have family legacies which have a rich history in the Mexico Arena.

  • With early lock ups it came apparent neither man would out do each other with Chavo being stronger but Rey making up for it with speed. It took a well timed kick to Mysterio's face while he was coming from the top rope for Chavo to finally get the upper hand in the match.

  • Chavo took Rey to the corner and after shoulder tackling him many times he began open palm slapping the chest of Mysterio to a chorus of boo's from the crowd..

  • Rey escaped from the corner and caught Chavo in the temple with a round house kick, quickly followed up by a springboard crossbody..1..2. Chavo kicks out at two.

  • Rey tried to put some offense together but strayed right into a perfect drop kick from Chavo. Chavo took the time to decimate Mysterio, first a tilt-a-whirl back breaker followed up by a tribute to his father with three snap suplex's.

  • Chavo went up top for a frogsplash but Rey moved out the way seconds before contact would have been made...Rey quickly rolls Chavo into a small package..1...2....3


Rey Mysterio Jr

Match Finish:
Small Package on Chavo Following a Missed Frogsplash

Match Length:

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr


Bobby Heenan:
Noo god damn it, Rey Mysterio has embarrassed Chavo in front of his family and friends, whatta cheat!

Mike Tenay:
Give me a break Bobby, Rey pinned him fair and square and Chavo shouldn't be embarrassed he's just lost to the number one contender for the Cruiserweight title.

Bobby Heenan:
I tell ya what we can only hope he doesn't win tomorrow night, it'll be a dark day in WCW when that punk Rey Mysterio Jr is our Cruiserweight champion.


Abismo Negro, quite possibly one of the top heels in Mexico right now came out before his match with the Warrior. He slated WCW calling them a money driven, joke of a wrestling company before moving onto mocking the home town of Mexico City...he was soon cut off by the entrance of The Warrior who came running down to the ring.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • Negro looked to be in awe, of just how big and powerful Warrior is but that didn't stop him going straight after him and giving him a series of stiff kicks to the upper body.

  • Warrior caught one of the kicks and began shaking his head, he launched Negro by his foot across the ring and then flattened him with two running clotheslines.

  • The crowd new Warrior was going to make quick work of Negro and following a gorilla press slam he landed the running splash and got the three count for the win.



Match Finish:
Running Splash on Abismo Negro

Match Length:

Abismo Negro vs Warrior


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Charles Robinson

At Ringside:

  • Two of the most well known and well respected athletes in the cruiserweight division collided with the title at stake.

  • Guerrero tried to out wrestle Dragon early on but the Dragon was able to make some room and shock Guerrero with a tiger feint kick, Dragon then took Guerrero, who was out on his feet and positioned him in the corner and unloaded a series of kicks targeting all parts of his body.

  • Dragon kept the pressure on Guerrero with some knife edged chops in the corner but a dramatic roll from Guerrero broke him free, Guerrero then managed to use Dragon's momentum against him and exploded into a belly to belly suplex.

  • The tide turned as both competitors felt the effects of the match and the paces slowed right down until Guerrero pulled off a slingshot DDT out of nowhere and despite struggling he continued the attacks next landing a brainbuster on Dragon.

  • Following the brainbuster Dragon was as good as done and Guerrero was able to pick up the win after landing a frog splash.


Eddie Guerrero

Match Finish:
Frog Splash on Ultimo Dragon

Match Length:

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon


After the match Eddie Guerrero does laps around the ring, over celebrating his victory to the point in which some of the Mexican fans begin to boo him... Rey Mysterio Jr, the man who will face Guerrero tomorrow night at SuperBrawl, runs to the ring and attacks him from behind, Rey sends him between the ropes and catches him with a 619!


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Nick Patrick

At Ringside:

  • A very slow, technical beginning to the match as one of the top babyfaces in American wrestling and one of the top heels in Mexican wrestling had an early 'feeling out' period.

  • Bret rifled Wagner with body shots in the corner and but missed a corner clothesline and wound up taking a snap scoop slam from Wagner.

  • Wagner slowly worked on the body of Hart, playing to his name of 'the evil doctor', he constantly made covers to wear out Hart as they forced him to continually kick out.

  • Several Lariats then led to an elevated cutter, smashing Bret's head off the canvas all the way from the top rope. 1...2.. Bret kicked out at two. Bret managed to shift momentum with a bridging suplex into a pin..1...2. kick out!

  • Bret worked his usual offence as the fans got behind him, a snap suplex led to an elbow drop from the second rope and finally he managed to lock in the sharpshooter....Wagner held on as he attempted to make it to the ropes but when Hart dragged him back to the center of the ring it was game over and Wagner tapped out.


Bret Hart

Match Finish:
Sharpshooter on Dr Wagner Jr

Match Length:

Bret Hart vs Dr Wagner Jr


Mike Tenay, Larry Zbyszko and JJ Dillon lead out many of the WCW locker room that made the tour and came into the ring to a standing ovation as they thanked the fans for welcoming WCW.


Tony Schiavone:
Well what a night in Mexico, we head back to America now and back to WCW SuperBrawl tomorrow, thankyou for tuning in tonight and don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the best action in wrestling.

Bobby Heenan:
Tonight was truly a great night that will go down in WCW history, tomorrow will be the same, don't miss two of the biggest clashes in WCW history, Hollywood Hogan vs Warrior and Bret Hart vs Ric Flair, thank you and goodnight fans.
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Final show of the prediction contest, SuperBrawl VIII, card will be posted tomorrow night. Seems the one night only was very predictable but I think SuperBrawl will surprise some of you, since several more predicted for the one night only PPV, there will be a prediction prize for the winner of the overall prediction contest and if there is one winner of the PPV weekend contest they will also receive a prize so everyone has a fair shot.


Predictions scores so far on PPV weekend:

christmas_ape: 6/6

Tooney: 6/6

The Final Countdown: 6/6

TheLloyd: 6/6

Beejus: 5/6

BHK1978: 5/6

RKOwnege: 5/6


Predictions contest after 5 show(s):


Beejus: 24/28

TheLloyd 23/29

Tooney: 20/24

christmas_ape: 9/11

RKOwnege: 8/11

The Final Countdown: 6/6

BHK1978: 5/6

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Credit my graphics man Ray




SuperBrawl VIII

PPV Preview


Two of the top cruiserweight clash for the title both coming off big victories last night at One Night Only.


Raven has been looking to get his hands on the WCW Television title since the day Saturn lost it, he has even expanded the Flock and took out Goldberg to get to this point, can he now retrieve the gold.


Since Scott Steiner turned on his brother and cost them the tag titles many weeks ago there has been a bitter rivalry with many brawls and fights, Ted Dibiase originally attempted to patch things up with the brothers but after realising he couldn't he has decided he will align with the winner of the match.


Bagwell and Norton have done a good job holding onto the tag gold and proving they are a big part of the nWo, there latest challengers are the recently debuted Dudley Boys who are currently 2-0 in WCW matches.


Roddy Piper turned on WCW and Lex Luger specifically a while back, unleashing the loose cannon in him again, at Souled Out he beat Lex Luger with the help of Raven who attempted to get him to join the Flock to which he declined, the rematch is now set for SuperBrawl but will Raven have any part to play in it?


Ever since that one horrid night in Toronto, Hollywood Hogan has been attempting to keep the Warrior out of his life but that all went to waste when the Warrior debuted at Souled Out. Warrior has been on top form, even picked up a pinfall win over Hogan and Hall on Nitro since debuting but Hogan has the chance to remove Warrior out of his life by beating him at SuperBrawl and banishing him from WCW.


Who is the best of all time? That question has been discussed by wrestling fans for many years, it will now be answered as the two best in ring competitors of all time face off Bret Hart vs Ric Flair.



Match Card


Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr -
WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Benoit vs Raven -
WCW Television Title

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner -
Winner gets mangerial presence of Ted Dibiase

Bagwell & Norton vs The Dudley Boys -
WCW World Tag Team Championships

Lex Luger vs Roddy Piper

Hollywood Hogan vs Warrior -
If Hollywood Hogan wins, Warrior is banished from WCW while Hogan is in the company

Bret Hart vs Ric Flair
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Did someone say 'Super Card'??? This card literally has everything I could want... Some tough predictions too...


Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Benoit vs Raven - WCW Television Title

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner - Winner gets mangerial presence of Ted Dibiase

Bagwell & Norton vs The Dudley Boys - WCW World Tag Team Championships

Lex Luger vs Roddy Piper

Hollywood Hogan vs Warrior - If Hollywood Hogan wins, Warrior is banished from WCW while Hogan is in the company

Bret Hart vs Ric Flair

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Did someone say 'Super Card'??? This card literally has everything I could want... Some tough predictions too...


I agree with Lloyd. It's rare you see a card that looks so amazing but also realistic.


Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Benoit vs Raven - WCW Television Title

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner - Winner gets mangerial presence of Ted Dibiase

Bagwell & Norton vs The Dudley Boys - WCW World Tag Team Championships

Lex Luger vs Roddy Piper

Hollywood Hogan vs Warrior - If Hollywood Hogan wins, Warrior is banished from WCW while Hogan is in the company

Bret Hart vs Ric Flair


Quite a few times I was 50/50 so just went for who I prefer... except for the Dudley's match, much prefer them but don't think they have paid their dues yet in WCW. Perhaps they don't need to but we'll see!


P.S I'd like to add that after struggling to get into a groove with one diary, like so many including myself have felt, it's good to see you finally focus on one, it's going great.

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Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The only way Eddy should drop the Cruiser title, is if you're moving him upwards to the TV or US straps.

Chris Benoit vs Raven - WCW Television Title

Benoit can carry the TV title around well, I think Raven will be busy with the Piper deal.

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner - Winner gets mangerial presence of Ted Dibiase

Dibiase works best as a heel. Use it. Refresh my memory though, Scott isn't in the nWo is he?

Bagwell & Norton vs The Dudley Boys - WCW World Tag Team Championships

You know what I'm noticing now as I predict? There are no matches for the World or US titles on this card. That's odd to me, especially as Superbrawl always felt like a really big deal PPV for WCW. Oh well, it's your game, not mine!

Dudleys are doing okay, but the nWo need to make a presence for themselves again and them losing titles isn't going to do that.

Lex Luger vs Roddy Piper

You've pretty much painted Lex as a non-factor in every way... a win here wouldn't help or hurt him, he needs more to do.

Hollywood Hogan vs Warrior - If Hollywood Hogan wins, Warrior is banished from WCW while Hogan is in the company

I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't sign Warrior for just a few dates to pop crowd and then drop him. It's kind of a smart thing to do.

Bret Hart vs Ric Flair

Flair could easily take this one, but I think Bret is gonna get the push.

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Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Benoit vs Raven - WCW Television Title

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner - Winner gets mangerial presence of Ted Dibiase

Bagwell & Norton vs The Dudley Boys - WCW World Tag Team Championships

Lex Luger vs Roddy Piper

Hollywood Hogan vs Warrior - If Hollywood Hogan wins, Warrior is banished from WCW while Hogan is in the company

Bret Hart vs Ric Flair

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Dibiase works best as a heel. Use it. Refresh my memory though, Scott isn't in the nWo is he?


No Scott Steiner has went through a gimmick change since leaving his brother and has developed more of a persona as the 'hottest free agent in wrestling' declaring team WCW, the nWo, ECW and WWF all want to sign him although he is yet to join one.


Did someone say 'Super Card'??? This card literally has everything I could want... Some tough predictions too...


I agree with Lloyd. It's rare you see a card that looks so amazing but also realistic.


You know what I'm noticing now as I predict? There are no matches for the World or US titles on this card. That's odd to me, especially as Superbrawl always felt like a really big deal PPV for WCW. Oh well, it's your game, not mine!


One thing I am trying to replicate more is how WCW booked PPV's in this time period, in 97/98 they would only have the world title on the line on about 5-7 PPV's and if they have other big money matches wouldn't have the world champ on the card, e.g. Souled Out 98 where Flair vs Bret headlined, I've went for the same here in SuperBrawl where both Hogan vs Warrior and Bret vs Flair are huge matches so I didn't feel the need to have a world title match, Flair could have put the title on the line against Bret but the match is being build as battling to see who the best of all time is and I thought having it more about the US title (being a secondary title) would have taken away from that. Thanks for commenting on how stacked the card is, another thing I've done is book each main eventer 6-9 PPV's out of the 12 for the year so the cards are still stacked but it isn't a whole card of main eventers and still has some midcarders and cruiserweight etc, DDP, Savage, Hall, Nash, Giant and Sting are all main eventers who aren't used for this card so if I tried to incorporate every main eventer the card would be very unrealistic.


P.S I'd like to add that after struggling to get into a groove with one diary, like so many including myself have felt, it's good to see you finally focus on one, it's going great.


Thanks Christmas Ape glad I started this one back up after a long break and several failed diaries, enjoying playing it at the moment and hoping to keep things going.

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Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Benoit vs Raven - WCW Television Title

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner - Winner gets mangerial presence of Ted Dibiase

Bagwell & Norton vs The Dudley Boys - WCW World Tag Team Championships

Lex Luger vs Roddy Piper

Hollywood Hogan vs Warrior - If Hollywood Hogan wins, Warrior is banished from WCW while Hogan is in the company

Bret Hart vs Ric Flair

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Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Benoit vs Raven - WCW Television Title

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner - Winner gets mangerial presence of Ted Dibiase

Bagwell & Norton vs The Dudley Boys - WCW World Tag Team Championships

Lex Luger vs Roddy Piper

Hollywood Hogan vs Warrior - If Hollywood Hogan wins, Warrior is banished from WCW while Hogan is in the company

Bret Hart vs Ric Flair

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P.S I'd like to add that after struggling to get into a groove with one diary, like so many including myself have felt, it's good to see you finally focus on one, it's going great.


Agreed, glad you've found your niche with this diary, just caught up with the past few weeks and everything's looking good heading into SuperBrawl.


Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Benoit vs Raven - WCW Television Title

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner - Winner gets mangerial presence of Ted Dibiase

Bagwell & Norton vs The Dudley Boys - WCW World Tag Team Championships

Lex Luger vs Roddy Piper

Hollywood Hoganvs Warrior - If Hollywood Hogan wins, Warrior is banished from WCW while Hogan is in the company

Bret Hart vs Ric Flair

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Sunday Wk 3 February 1998

Rupp Arena, Kentucky

30,000 (sold out)




WCW Announce Team

Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, Bobby Heenan


Tony Schiavone:
Ladies and Gentleman this is World Championship Wrestling and if you have order this event tonight you obviously are looking to see a night of not wrestling, but of an all out brawl... a SuperBrawl! We're back here in the Rupp Arena for the first time since Starrcade, what an epic night that was and this promises to be just as good!

Mike Tenay:
It's a big fight feel in the air tonight, a jam packed card with seven big match but three huge main events.

Bobby Heenan:
You got that right, our competition are being generous if you get to see one decent main event at their PPV's, but here in WCW we give you a whole card of main event quality matches.

Mike Tenay:
Couldn't have said it better Bobby, one match I'm particularly excited for is the dream match between Bret Hart and Ric Flair...two of the very best ever to step in the squared circle clash in what promises to be a match of the year candidate.

Tony Schiavone:
Speaking of match of the year.. I encourage any fans that didn't watch it to check out Randy Savage vs Sting several weeks ago on Nitro, truly a fantastic match between two of the very best in the business.

Bobby Heenan:
We are about ready to get going here, let's kick off the action with the cruiserweight title on the line, Eddie Guerrero who was successful last night on WCW One Night Only vs Rey Mysterio Jr who also appeared last night and beat Eddie's nephew Chavo in an excellent match.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • The fans seem to be highly anticipating the match up between the two luchadors as they individually make there entrances.

  • Eddie looks reluctant to hand his title to the official which leads to Rey running at him and delivering strong style kicks which start the match.

  • Rey keeps momentum in his corner with a springboard DDT which sends Guerrero off in a frenzy.

  • Rey delivers a bronco buster in the corner to Eddie as the fans cheer on, Eddie attempts to scramble away but ends up in direct sight for a 619... until he manages to slide out the ring.

  • Eddie explodes back into the ring at the perfect time and takes down Rey with a powerful lariat.

  • Rey try's to regain control of the match but gets sucked into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

  • Guerrero has Rey up in the air for a delayed suplex but Mysterio reverses into an arm drag, sending Guerrero crashing in between the middle and top rope.

  • Rey sets up for the 619 but is halted by Chavo Guerrero who runs into the ring and takes out Mysterio.

  • The referee calls for the bell but that doesn't stop a Chavo and Eddie double team attack on Rey.


Rey Mysterio Jr via DQ

Match Finish:
Attack from Chavo Guerrero on Rey

Match Length:

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr


Tony Schiavone:
God damn it, Rey Mysterio has been screwed out of the WCW Cruiserweight Championship and I bet the Guerrero family are laughing it up.

Bobby Heenan:
Woahh wait a minute, screwed is the wrong word here, it's called revenge, Rey beat Chavo last night at One Night Only in front of his family and friends in Mexico, did you really think Chavo would just let Rey get away with that? I say well done to Eddie he's still the champion and well done to Chavo for getting his revenge.

Mike Tenay:
I wouldn't call that revenge Bobby, if I know Mysterio and I think I do, he'll be coming back for both Guerrero's the first chance he gets.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:
Steve McMichael

  • Raven starts the match strong, countering Benoit's lock up with two vicious head butts.

  • Raven continues to use his brawling style to keep control, stomping on Benoit on the mat and meeting him with elbows when he makes it up.

  • Benoit ducks an elbow and landed an explosive german suplex...Raven gets straight up and walks into a belly to belly seconds later.

  • Benoit tries to lock in the cripple crossface early but Raven breaks out with well placed elbows, Raven turns the move into a russian leg-sweep.

  • Raven thinks he has the match in his favor and slows down the pace with several well placed jabs to the face...he attempts a discus clothesline but Benoit ducks and pulls off a snap suplex.

  • Benoit goes up top and connects with a diving head butt 1...2... Raven manages to kick out before the three.

  • Chris Benoit locks in the cripple crossface on Raven... the leader of the Flock looks to be in trouble with nowhere to go....

  • Steve McMichael runs up onto the side of the ring forcing Benoit to release the hold so he can take out McMichael...Benoit turns his attention back to Raven but is met with a DDT from him.. Raven crawls over to make the cover 1....2...3



Match Finish:
DDT by Raven on Chris Benoit

Match Length:

WCW Television Title

Chris Benoit vs Raven


Mike Tenay:
I don't believe it yet another injustice and we're only two matches into the show!

Bobby Heenan:
Chill out Tenay, it's called taking advantage of an opportunity.. it's Benoit's fault for falling for it, he doesn't deserve to be Television champ if he falls for a simple plan like that.

Mike Tenay:
Pfft I'll tell you now Benoit was a more credible, honest, hard working champion than Raven will ever be.


Ric Flair is backstage with Gene Okerlund, he says when he retires people will remember many of his big matches..Hulk Hogan, Harley Race, Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage but above all of them they will remember SuperBrawl VIII as it is the night Ric Flair cements his legacy as the greatest wrestler to ever step in the ring once he defeats Bret Hart.


Tony Schiavone:
You talk about a man in the zone, Ric Flair is certainly primed and ready for tonight's match, Bret Hart will have to bring his A game just to match Flair, this will be great!


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Charles Robinson

At Ringside:
Ted Dibiase

  • Ted Dibiase came out first knowing the winner of the match would earn his managerial presence.

  • Scott attempts to start the match off slow but is steam rolled by an early rampage from a very pissed off Rick Steiner.

  • Rick continued to unload a fearsome offense on his brother which was a brawl based attack including punches, kicks and headbutts.

  • Rick used some of the standard Steiner's attack on Scott, landing a belly to belly throw.

  • Rick signaled to the fans for the Steiner lariat but got caught by Scott who returned the favor with a belly to belly.

  • Scott landed a rough gutwrench suplex before calling for the end and a frankensteiner....he got Rick in position but was more shocked than anyone when his brother countered the move into a powerbomb from the top.

  • The fans thought Rick had the win and so did Dibiase who began weirdly freaking out at ringside for the first time all match, as Rick moved towards Scott for the pin he got attacked from behind by Dibiase to the shock of the crowd and then made it clear he had aligned with Scott Steiner.

  • Referee Charles Robinson attempted to call for a disqualification for Dibiase getting involved but was scared out the ring by Scott Steiner and the bell keeper threw the match out, Dibiase nor Scott cared as they both began beating down Rick Steiner while the fans boo'd and began throwing trash at them.


Draw, No Contest

Match Finish:
Attack from Ted Dibiase

Match Length:

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner


Tony Schiavone:
Oh my god, that might have been the last thing we all expected heading into this match, it looks as if Scott and Dibiase are on the same page and they certainly got the last laugh tonight.

Bobby Heenan:
Just like you I am shock but if I'm honest I don't blame Dibiase, Scott is shooting for the stars here in WCW and if I'm Dibiase I want to be on board with winners.

Mike Tenay:
Are you implying that Rick Steiner is not as good as Scott, from what I've just seen he had Scott beat until that traitor Dibiase got involved.


Match Type:
Standard Tag Match

Time Limit:

Charles Robinson

At Ringside:
Curt Hennig & Konnan (nWo)

  • The nWo seemed confident heading into the match but they couldn't underestimate The Dudleys who have won their first two matches in WCW in dominate fashion.

  • Their confidence was a downfall early on as Bubba looked strong against Bagwell, delivering an inverted atomic drop followed by a big boot and then a diving headbutt.

  • When Norton came into the match he and D-Von did a series of feats of strength with neither man getting the better of the other.

  • Despite D-Von being in control the match changed in an instance, Bubba got distracted and taken out at ringside by Hennig, D-Von lost concentration and then walked into a samoan drop from Norton.

  • Norton then tagged in Bagwell who went up top and landed the blockbuster which was enough to get the win for the nWo.


The nWo, Bagwell & Norton

Match Finish:
Blockbuster from Bagwell

Match Length:

WCW World Tag Team Championships

Bagwell & Norton vs The Dudley Boys


Tony Schiavone:
Although it pains me to say it, that was good showing by the nWo.

Bobby Heenan:
Your damn right it was, I'm sick of critics saying the nWo isn't as strong or as unified as in the past, that match proves them wrong.

Mike Tenay:
I gotta say though once again impressive performance from the Dudleys, just three matches into their WCW career and they are already a big force in the tag division.


Roddy Piper gets asked by Gene Okerlund whether he accepted the Flock's offer as he seemed to be more interested in joining them than ever before on Nitro. Piper laughs off the accusation and reiterates that he doesn't need a group of nobody's helping him win, especially against Lex Luger.


Bobby Heenan:
Bad decision by Roddy Piper, if I was him I wouldn't want any trouble from the Flock and now it looks like he's going to be getting some.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Charles Robinson

At Ringside:

  • Lex Luger's been chomping at the bit to get his hands on Roddy Piper ever since Piper beat him at Souled Out. When the bell rang Luger came out of his cage scaring Piper out of the ring with his fury.

  • Luger finally got Piper in the ring and took him down many a times with tackles, shoulder blocks and lariats.

  • Piper managed to get some offense starting by using under handed tactics like his trademark eye poke. Piper even pulled off a low blow unbenounced to the referee but couldn't keep Luger down for a three count.

  • Piper attempted many times to lock in the sleeper hold but Luger kept fighting back, Lex soon built some offense and after many takedowns, a back suplex and a running powerslam he called for the rack.

  • Luger got Piper in the torture rack but almost identically to Souled Out, Piper knocked down the referee while being placed in the hold, this led to Raven coming out and again costing Luger the match, planting him with a DDT. The referee crawled over to count the pin with Piper on top of Luger..1..2..3


Roddy Piper

Match Finish:
Pinned after Raven attacks Luger

Match Length:

Lex Luger vs Roddy Piper


Roddy Piper and Raven celebrated in the ring, the Flock or Steve McMichael didn't come out. Piper gabbed a microphone and declared "fooled ya" to everyone in attendance as the boo'd him and Raven out the building. All the sudden familiar music goes off..Goldberg! The fans go crazy at the return of the injured Goldberg who comes running down to the ring, Raven and Piper exit and leave abruptly but send down the Flock and McMichael to deal with Goldberg. They didn't do a good job as they were all on the receiving end of spears from the monster who helped up Luger and looked triumphant upon his return.


Tony Schiavone:
Goldberg is back ladies and gentlemen! The man who quickly racked up an impressive 15 wins in WCW before getting attacked and injured by McMichael and the Flock.

Bobby Heenan:
I'll tell you know Piper should reconsider joining them lot if Goldberg's after them, they don't stand a chance.

Mike Tenay:
What an exciting night so far, and it only gets better we head to the ring now for the most anticipated match in recent memory, Hogan vs Warrior.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Nick Patrick

At Ringside:
Eric Bischoff

  • The atmosphere in the arena was electric as these two iconic wrestlers made their way to the ring, reminiscent of Wrestlemania VI. Hollywood Hogan dodged colliding with Warrior and ran outside the ring to keep away from him...Warrior chased in pursuit but was distracted by Bischoff which allowed Hollywood to deal the first blow.

  • By the time Hogan got Warrior in the ring the energetic powerhouse had already recovered and sent Hogan crashing to the mat with a huge shoulder block.

  • Hogan and Warrior finally locked up, testing each others power as they traded positions and advantages. Warrior eventually overcame Hogan, forced him away and then sent him out the ring with a clothesline.

  • Bischoff once again distracted Warrior as he was dealing with Hogan which led to Hogan throwing Warrior into the ring post shoulder first. Hogan then got Warrior back in the ring and ruthlessly began working on his weakened shoulder, many stomps followed by a collision with the unprotected turnbuckle.

  • Hogan slowed the pace right down, racking the back of Warrior with his bare hands was then followed by a sleeper hold which took the Warrior down to the mat.

  • Warrior almost faded but fans cheered him on which led to him making a comeback, he smashed heads with Hogan to escape the hold and then took him down twice with running lariats.

  • Next came a running powerslam which looked to set up for the running splash but as Warrior rebounded off the ropes Bischoff held onto his tree trunk like legs, once again getting involved in the match. In an attempt to stop Warrior attacking Bischoff, referee Nick Patrick was distracted sending Bischoff to the back..the distraction cost Warrior as Kevin Nash and Scott Hall entered the ring and attacked him...

  • Hall and Nash left following a jackknife powerbomb on Warrior, Hogan crawled over to the cover as Nick Patrick turned back around...1...2..... Warrior barely escapes. Hogan got to his feet, rebounded of the ropes and delivered the Hollywood leg drop...1...2...3


Hollywood Hogan

Match Finish:
Leg Drop after Kevin Nash & Scott Hall attacks Warrior

Match Length:

Hollywood Hogan vs The Warrior


Bobby Heenan:
He's done it! Hollywood Hogan has avenged his demons from the past and beat the Warrior!

Tony Schiavone:
I am speechless, I do not believe it, what does this mean for WCW and for the Warrior.

Bobby Heenan:
I'll tell you what it means Warrior is gone! You know the stipulations, as long as Hogan is in WCW the Warrior is banished, good riddance is say to that over rated, over hyped, fluke.


The nWo seem shocked themselves that they managed to beat Warrior, Hogan jumps to his feet to celebrate with the boys. They pull out a spray paint can and 'brand' Warriors back with the nWo logo, Randy Savage and Sting come running down to fight off the nWo but they leave before the two can get to them.


Mike Tenay:
Say what you want about the Warrior Heenan but the fans love him and it'll be a damn shame he won't be here to destroy the nWo, but that doesn't mean Savage and Sting won't do it for him.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Nick Patrick

At Ringside:

  • A tense feeling was running throughout the arena as fans, personal and the wrestlers knew this was a battle to decide who the best in ring talent of all time is.

  • A lock up is quickly broken by Hart as he slides around the back of Flair and dragon suplex's him, 1..2. Flair shocked by the move but manages to get his shoulder of the mat before the three count.

  • The lock up again but Flair tightly wrenches on Bret's neck to gain control, Flair delivered a snapmare into a running knee drop which caught Bret flush on the top of the skull, Bret quickly rolled out the ring to recover while holding his head.

  • Before the two could lock up again Bret got back in control with a stiff kick to Flair's mid section, Bret then drove Flair into the corner and proceeded to shoulder tackle his mid section up against the turnbuckles.

  • After dealing out more pain in the corner and even mocking Flair by using his own move 'chops' against him, Bret positioned Flair on the top rope and delivered a brutal suplex. Flair managed to kick out at two, a frustrated Hart attempted to get right back on the offense but Flair chop blocked his knee and then delivered a spike DDT.

  • Flair kept control, an elbow drop was followed by a trademark Flair shin breaker but as he looked to deliver a running lariat, Bret ducked him and caught him with a belly to back suplex.

  • The match began to hot up as Bret irish whipped Flair into the turnbuckles, Flair flipped over toe the apron, climbed up onto the top rope and fired back with a cross body...1...2 Bret kicks out.

  • Flair spent the next several minutes seriously injuring the legs of Hart, following much bending and twisting of them he locked in the figure four leg lock, luckily for Bret he was close to the ropes but almost immediately after letting go of the hold Flair dragged Bret over to the ring post and locked it in once again around the post this time.

  • Bret refused to tap out so Flair began trying to beat him down further so he could pin him, Flair attempted a piledriver but got back dropped out of it by Hart who then picked up Naitch and gave him a piledriver...1...2.... Flair escapes!

  • Bret looked to lock in the sharpshooter but Flair squirmed him into a small package..1...2... Bret reverses onto the top...1....2... Flair gets a shoulder up but immediately Bret grabs his legs and turns him over for the sharpshooter! Bret has it in tightly as Flair looks for any way to escape the hold before realising there is no way out and violently tapping out.


Bret Hart

Match Finish:
Sharpshooter on Ric Flair

Match Length:

Bret Hart vs Ric Flair


After the match the two have a lengthy stare down before Bret offers his hand in respect to Flair, after looking and evaluating his options, Flair decides to leave the ring instead of shaking Bret's hand.


Tony Schiavone:
Well what a match! I have a new found respect for both men and it seems Bret now has respect for Flair, offering to shake hands but Flair ignorantly leaves him hanging in the ring.

Bobby Heenan:
Tony this is a competitive sport, losing a match like that can not be easy for a man like Flair especially when he was close to winning several times, asking him to shake hands with Bret now would be like admitting Bret is the better man and Ric Flair will never, ever do that.

Mike Tenay:
Boy what a night, top to bottom an unpredictable night of action and great wrestling, don't miss WCW Monday Nitro tomorrow night, there will be many issues to solve spreading from tonight and as well as that WCW has big news regarding wrestling, be sure to tune in!
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Agreed, glad you've found your niche with this diary, just caught up with the past few weeks and everything's looking good heading into SuperBrawl.


Thanks + Glad your reading again Best in the world


Just started following this. It feels so much like WCW actually felt back then. Great job.


Cheers, my goal has been to make it feel like WCW did in the mid-late 90's but obviously evolve and make new stars as the game goes on like WCW should have in real life

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Alright then that concludes PPV weekend and the second prediction contest, the two winners as you can see are Christmas Ape (PPV Weekend Winner) and Beejus (Overall Winner), I will pm you both about the prize, might be tomorrow as it's kinda late here. Thanks for everyone's predictions, new contests starts with the next Nitro, the match card will be up sometime over the week end.


Predictions scores for PPV weekend:


christmas_ape: 11/13

Tooney: 10/13

The Final Countdown: 10/13

TheLloyd: 9/13

Beejus: 9/13

RKOwnege: 8/13

BHK1978: 5/6

#Bestintheworld: 4/7


Predictions contest after 6 show(s):


Beejus: 28/28

TheLloyd 26/36

Tooney: 24/31

christmas_ape: 14/18

RKOwnege: 11/18

The Final Countdown: 10/13

BHK1978: 5/6

#Bestintheworld: 4/7

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