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WCW/nWo: At The Apex

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Whoops--I totally forgot to predict Thunder! :eek:


Haha it's cool plenty of shows left in the prediction contest :)


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Episode Preview


With the build to Uncensored getting bigger and bigger each week we bring you another huge edition of WCW Monday Nitro!


The Giant is still on the search for a partner but is cutting it thin as JJ Dillon only has to the end of Nitro to fill in the contract for the tag title match at Uncensored, also he doesn't have much time to recover from last weeks beat down by Norton & Bagwell as he is in action against Norton tonight.


DDP made his return to action on Thunder and declared his interest in being part of the five man team trying to bring down the nWo at Spring Stampede next month, tonight he gets a taste of the nWo taking on Konnan.


After Ric Flair & Bret Hart put their differences aside in order to fight of the nWo, the fantasy tag team work together against The Outsiders in what promises to be one of the biggest matches in Nitro history. All that an much more only on Nitro!



Match Card


Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Goldberg vs Riggs

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith - WCW Television Title

Scott Norton vs The Giant

DDP vs Konnan

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders
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Whoops, sorry about this hiatus on the predictions, i was focused on my own dynasty, i had issues with it if you don't know...


Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Goldberg vs Riggs

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith - WCW Television Title

Scott Norton vs The Giant

DDP vs Konnan

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders

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Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

-Juvi has been stringing some wins together (and I like it), but I think Lionheart's higher on the totem pole.

Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Goldberg vs Riggs

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith - WCW Television Title

Scott Norton vs The Giant

DDP vs Konnan

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders

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Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

This isn't Our Lord and Savior Creator of Canada Chris Jericho, it's just white meat babyface Jericho. Juvi has been getting wins, he gets another here.


Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Oh man I'd like to see Armstrong pick this one up, but he won't.


Goldberg vs Riggs

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith - WCW Television Title

Scott Norton vs The Giant

DDP vs Konnan

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders


Pretty straightforward show, or it should be. Giant shows he dominates in singles competition, DDP pushes up some momentum against the nWo, Bret and Flair are the kind of superteam that can take down the Outsiders.

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Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

I don't see this having a completely clean finish though.

Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr

I love Brad Armstrong... incredibly underrated. Rey is an easy choice here though. Dang Armstrong curse

Goldberg vs Riggs

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith - WCW Television Title

The Davey Boy mark in me wanted to bold his name. Alas.. won't be his night.

Scott Norton vs The Giant


DDP vs Konnan

Another WCW Win

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders

The first two WCW Wins lets the Outsiders easily pick up a win here and let the NWO get some momentum back

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Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Goldberg vs Riggs

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith - WCW Television Title

Scott Norton vs The Giant

DDP vs Konnan

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders

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Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Don't like him but then again in my mind Brad's a backstage guy so Rey Rey gets the nod :rolleyes:

Goldberg vs Riggs

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith - WCW Television Title

Scott Norton vs The Giant

DDP vs Konnan

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders

This might be the only match in question so I say it goes double DQ

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Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Goldberg vs Riggs

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith - WCW Television Title

Scott Norton vs The Giant

DDP vs Konnan

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders

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Chris Jerichovs Juventud Guerrera

Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Goldberg vs Riggs

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith - WCW Television Title

Scott Norton vs The Giant

DDP lvs Konnan

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders

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Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera

Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Goldberg vs Riggs

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith - WCW Television Title

Scott Norton vs The Giant

DDP vs Konnan

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders

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Monday Wk 2 March 1998

Boardwalk Hall, Jersey






WCW Announce Team

Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, Bobby Heenan


Tony Schiavone:
WCW Monday Nitro is on the air, ladies and gentlemen you are tuned into the leading wrestling program today and tonight we're coming to you from Jersey, 15,000 strong.

Mike Tenay:
We missed you on Thunder Tony but tonight we get back down to business, the three of us are back together and I know we all can't wait to find out if Hollywood Hogan accepts JJ Dillon's challenge.

Bobby Heenan:
Speak for yourself Mike, it was a relief not having Tony bark down my ear for two on hours last Friday. But as you said the huge response coming from the nWo tonight and you guys at home do not want to miss that.

Mike Tenay:
We have much more aswell, The Giant continues his search for a tag team partner, Ric Flair and Bret Hart, bitter rivals now seem to be on the same page heading into tonight's blockbuster main event.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • Jericho sends Guerrera flying across the mat after out muscling him and throwing him down. Jericho positions Guerrera in the corner and plants both feet into his head with a running dropkick. No time wasted by Jericho as he quickly follows up with a delayed vertical suplex on the masked luchador.

  • A very nonchalant cover from Jericho, placing one foot on the chest of Guerrera, gets countered into a knee bar. Guerrera really cranks down hard on the hold, almost taking Jericho to breaking point.

  • More damage is done to the leg by Guerrera as he comes spring boarding off the ropes and plants a knee onto Jericho's leg. With the match in his control Guerrera heads up top and has the time to compose and land a 450 splash.

  • Following the splash Jericho managed to kick out at two which angered Guerrera to the point of him methodically stomping away at the hurt leg of Jericho before rolling him over into a tight cover, while holding the ropes..1...2...3


Juventud Guerrera

Match Finish:
Continued damage to the leg of Jericho + Holding onto the ropes when making the cover

Match Length:

Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera


Tony Schiavone:
We've been talking for the past week now about the aggressive side of Juve and how it has elevated him to a new level, tonight another big win knocking of Chris Jericho.

Mike Tenay:
Tell me about it Tony, you weren't at ringside for Thunder as he dominated a legend like Jim Duggan and now Jericho, this man may be heading to the top in WCW.



Backstage, JJ Dillon told The Giant that he gave him a chance to pick a partner and due to him wasting time with Lex Luger who is clearly a lost cause they don’t have the time anymore as he needs write out the contract for the tag title match at Uncensored tonight. He blamed The Giant for wasting time with Luger but says he now has to go in alone and face Bagwell and Norton 2 on 1 and bring back the titles. The Giant apologised for not finding a partner in time but promises JJ that he is the man to get the belts back in WCW.

Backstage Segment

JJ Dillon, The Giant


Tony Schiavone:
The Giant is WCW through and through but even this challenge might be too much for him, Lex Luger has let him down and now he has to face Bagwell and Norton alone.

Bobby Heenan:
I've been in the business along time and The Giant is only the second 'giant' in this sport, if anyone can take out two men it's him.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • Mysterio springs into action at the start of the match, arm drags are followed by a dropkick and then a head scissors take down shock Armstrong into retreat.

  • The fans are fully behind Mysterio but he makes a mistake, getting caught by Armstrong and dealt a bodyslam. Armstrong follows up with a combination of punches but Mysterio ducks a rolling elbow and dropkicks Armstrong in between the ropes.....619! 1...2...3


Rey Mysterio Jr

Match Finish:
619 on Brad Armstrong

Match Length:

Brad Armstrong vs Rey Mysterio Jr


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • The final member of the former group 'The Flock' stepped up to face the monster Goldberg. To say he was his toughest test out of them isn't saying much but he managed to get the big man off him feet early targeting his legs with low tackles.

  • Riggs made a huge mistake when he attempted another low tackle and got shoulder barged over by the beast. From there it didn't take long for Goldberg to finish him, a spear was followed by a jackhammer fro the win.



Match Finish:
Jackhammer on Riggs

Match Length:

Goldberg vs Riggs


Bobby Heenan:
That man is a monster, quickly polishing off the Flock, they can all go find themselves new jobs as they are out of WCW and I think there glad their gone after being crushed by him.

Mike Tenay:
Dominant is right, next up with have the Television title on the line as Raven under the new guidance of Roddy Piper faces Davey Boy Smith.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Charles Robinson

At Ringside:
Roddy Piper

  • Piper made a big impact at ringside early on, grabbing Davey's legs as he looked for a running lariat, this allowed Raven to clothesline him over the top and to the outside. While on the outside Raven managed to divert the ref's attention so that Piper could launch Davey into the ring post.

  • Raven got a beaten down Davey in the ring but didn't managed to get the three count and was stunned as Davey still fought back... a surprise dropkick caught Raven off guard, Davey then followed up with a diving cross body.

  • After Raven kicked out of the cross body cover, Davey got Raven up for a running powerbomb but dropped him back to the ground quickly as Piper jumped on the ring apron. The referee stopped Davey from attacking Piper but reprimanded Piper and sent him to the back, the momentary distraction of the ref gave Raven time to execute first a low blow and then a DDT...1...2...3



Match Finish:
Low Blow and DDT

Match Length:

WCW Television Title

Raven vs Davey Boy Smith



Mike Tenay:
Oh boy, we've been wondering where he has been since SuperBrawl and it looks like the Canadian Crippler is back!


Chris Benoit comes running down to the ring post match as a shocked Raven and Piper start to plan a two on one counter attack. Benoit throws their plan out the window as he bursts into the ring and tackles Raven to the ground, turns and then unloads stiff punches on Piper, he begins suplexing them around the ring until Piper escapes the ring and leaves Raven to get locked in the crippler crossface.



In Ring Attack

Roddy Piper, Raven, Chris Benoit


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Charles Robinson

At Ringside:

  • The Giant starts of with control, squashing Norton in the corner but when rebounding off the ropes he is met by a football tackle which buckle his knees and take him to the mat.

  • The pure power of Norton was shown off following a body avalanche splash as he Irish whipped Giant into the ropes and caught him with a scoop slam.

  • A silly mistake from Norton as he missed a diving headbutt allowed Giant back into the match, Norton was firmly pressed in the corner and open hand slaps were delivered to his chest.

  • A sidewalk slam followed by The Giant who then finished of Norton with a chokeslam for the victory.


The Giant

Match Finish:
Chokeslam on Scott Norton

Match Length:

Scott Norton vs The Giant



Just like last week after the match a double team takes place as Bagwell and Norton work together to take down The Gaint again however, this week the music of Lex Luger plays and the fans go crazy as he comes running down to the ring and chases off Bagwell & Norton. Luger helps up The Giant before shouting "count me in!" and raising The Giant's hand as the two are back working together.



In Ring Attack

The Giant, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton


Tony Schiavone:
The doubters of Lex Luger have been very loud recently and even we have suggested he turned his back on WCW but tonight he makes up for everything, Lex Luger is WCW for life.

Bobby Heenan:
The team of Luger and The Giant are coming for them tag titles believe me Norton and Bagwell are going to need a miracle to beat them.

Mike Tenay:
Like you said Tony, we all doubted Luger but tonight he came through for WCW and for The Giant. Last week we saw the return to Nitro of DDP following a few weeks on the injury list, he was impressive on Thunder, making his in ring return and also stating he wants to be a part of the five man team for War Games. Tonight he faces a man who will be a part of the nWo's team at War Games Konnan.

Bobby Heenan:
I wouldn't be so sure Mike, Konnan is on thin ice in the nWo, by Spring Stampede he might not even be a part of them, if you ask me a loss tonight to DDP could be the final time we see him in an nWo shirt.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Nick Patrick

At Ringside:

  • Konnan impressed early on shooting a take down before locking in a tight rear naked choke. DDP broke out and the two locked up again only for Konnan to again get the better and pull out a belly to back throw, DDP then managed to escape the ring to re strategize following a bad start.

  • DDP finally won a lock up and took down Konnan into a wrist lock before taking him over with many shoulder tackles. DDP then took over the match first with a swinging neckbreaker and then a discus clothesline.

  • The surprising speed of Konnan led to him countering a running DDP with a drop toe hold and then turning over into a snap power bomb, the impressive series of moves still couldn't put Dallas away.

  • Konnan grabbed Page onto his shoulders and took him into the air for an electric chair, the expertise and flexibility of Page allowed him to slide off his shoulders and then deliver a diamond cutter when Konnan turned around...1...2...3


Diamond Dallas Page

Match Finish:
Diamond Cutter on Konnan

Match Length:

DDP vs Konnan



Konnan was shown walking backstage as the nWo member all stand outside the nWo locker room giving him dirty looks. Konnan is told to go in by Bischoff, he is met in the room by the godfather Hollywood Hogan who attempts to give Konnan a fatherly approach regarding the situation but then gets serious soon after...


"Look brother you’re a joke and an embarrassment to the nWo, I let you in and your rolling alongside the biggest names in this business but you can't even pick up a win against DDP?! You’re lucky Hollywood Hogan's known for being a nice guy and I'm going to give you one more chance to impress me but next time you lose, your ass is outta here, now get out my sight!"


Konnan quickly leaves with a fearful look on his face knowing the next time he loses a match he will be kicked out of the nWo.

Backstage Segment

Hollywood Hogan, Konnan



Gene Okerlund is joined backstage by Ric Flair and Bret Hart who last week agreed to put their differences aside to work together for team WCW. Ric Flair grabs the microphone...


"Meaannnn Gene Baby! Tonight is a historic moment for me, for the fans and for WCW as the 60 minute man who carried this company throughout the 80's and 90's teams with the best professional wrestler on the planet, my brother Bret Hart. That's right we are on the same page and nWo we're coming for you and that is bad news"


Bret Hart gets passed the microphone....


"That's right Ric and tonight we kick off this deal by beating The Outsiders, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, two men who I made a living kicking their ass up north and got my name as 'the best there is, was and ever will be'...."


Ric Flair ends up back in question after Gene brings up his title loss to Scott Hall two weeks ago...


"Ohh yes the big news, thanks for reminding me Gene, Scott Hall that US title that you stole from the nature boy...you better enjoy it while you can 'cause 13 days from now, Uncensored, it's coming home to Ric Flair. You and me one on one, title on the line and the man to my left, Bret Hart in my corner and all I can say Wooooo"

Backstage Interview

Gene Okerlund, Ric Flair, Bret Hart


Tony Schiavone:
Well what about that news! Uncensored we have another huge title match first Sting vs Hogan and now Flair vs Hall this PPV is shaping up to be a classic.

Bobby Heenan:
That was big news but let's go back to what happened before, we all heard it if Konnan loses another match and Hogan isn't impressed with him he is out of the nWo.

Mike Tenay:
That was the godfather laying down the law to Konnan. Its main event time now a huge match, The Outsider's taking on Bret Hart and Ric Flair, two of the best in WCW vs two of the best from nWo and its next.

Tony Schiavone:
We've had a lot of big matches on Nitro but this may be the biggest ever and unlike our competition, if you can even call them that, we are live tonight, let me save you some time, in their 'main event' even though it doesn't sound like much of a main event, DX, the nWo wannabe's beat Vader and Mankind...YAWN, be sure to stick with WCW.


Match Type:
Standard Tag Match

Time Limit:

Nick Patrick

At Ringside:
Curt Hennig, Konnan, Hollywood Hogan, Bagwell & Norton

  • Knowing how big this match is, the nWo surround ringside from the get go. Nash levels Bret early with a clubbing blow to his back before sending him crashing down after a running body check.

  • Nash wears down Bret in the corner with elbow shots and then follows up with a big side walk slam..1...2 Bret gets a shoulder up. Hall enters the match and works away on Bret with rights and lefts, he Irish whips him into the opposite corner but when attempting a corner clothesline is met with the boots of Hart.

  • Bret fires back into the match with an atomic drop and then a running lariat sending Hall down. Bret grabs the legs off Hall, potentially looking to lock in the sharpshooter but Hall scrambles away and removes the threat by driving his head into the mid section of Hart.

  • Bret and Hall slowly make their way to their partners...Nash and Flair both get tagged in! Flair comes out the block with some quick fire chops on Nash but he is whipped into the corner only for him to go over the top of the turnbuckle, round the outside and come flying out of the opposite corner with a crossbody...1....2 Nash powers out.

  • Nash grabs the ropes to make it to his feet but gets put back on his backside following a chop block from Flair. The nWo cause some problems at ringside and Bret Hart begins to fight the off. Flair goes to lock in the figure four but sees Hart getting triple teamed...he darts out the ring to even up the odds and Hogan and co go into retreat.. as Flair makes his way back into the ring he is met with a big boot from Nash who follows up with a jackknife powerbomb...1....2....3


The Outsiders

Match Finish:
JackKnife Powerbomb on Ric Flair

Match Length:

Bret Hart & Ric Flair vs The Outsiders



The nWo celebrate with The Outsider's and some of the secondary members head to the back leaving the main three in the ring. Hollywood grabs a microphone...


"What have we been saying for weeks now, the new world order is stronger than ever, even flexy Lexy admitted it a few weeks ago, we can't be beaten and at Uncensored your hero Hollywood Hogan will get back his championship"


The three continue to celebrate as Nitro comes to a close, before the show goes off the air Sting is shown in the rafters looking down at Nash, Hogan and Hall.



In Ring Segment

Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Sting


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Incredibly tight prediction contest, no one scored full marks for the first time in a while, many were thrown off by Juvi picking up the win over Jericho but like Beejus said at this time Jericho isn't doing the cool whiny conspiracy angle in WCW, all he's been is a standard babyface so it wouldn't have been too big a shock for Juvi to pick up the win, don't worry big plans are in store for Jericho though.


Predictions contest after 4 show(s):


BHK1978: 23/25

Beejus: 22/25

TheLloyd 21/25

RayW: 21/25

smwilliams: 20/25

Tooney: 20/25

Smasher1311: 20/25

#Bestintheworld: 18/25

RKOwnege: 17/20

The Final Countdown: 17/20

christmas_ape: 16/20

flaviooooo: 15/19

michgcs: 15/19

Chuck: 9/12

Mike7429: 4/5

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Episode Preview


WCW Thunder episode #2 only on TBS kicks off with two big cruiserweight contests, one hoping to settle the feud between Mysterio & the Guerrero's.


Goldberg has declared that Steve McMichael is next and after finishing off the Flock once and for all it seems that confrontation is upcoming. Tonight he is tested by veteran VK Wallstreet.


Scott Steiner is in action & Ted Dibiase has promised to address Rick Steiner following Rick's attack on him a couple weeks ago on Nitro.


Curt Hennig meets DDP in the main event as the war between the nWo and WCW spills over to Thunder again, DDP is in good form heading into the match picking up a win over Konnan on Nitro.



Match Card


Alex Wright vs LA Parka

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Goldberg vs VK Wallstreet

Scott Steiner vs The Booty Man

Curt Hennig vs Diamond Dallas Page
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