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WWE:Rebuilding an Empire

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The New Year celebrations for 2013 continue tonight on Monday Night Raw as "The People's Champion" The Rock returns to the WWE. With Rock scheduled to compete at the Royal Rumble for the WWE Championship, he will no doubt have his eyes firmly glued on Mondays Main Event, as CM Punk, WWE Champion for 414 days, will defend his title against the monsterous Ryback in a TLC Match.


Also on the show, Dolph Ziggler will be looking to send a message to John Cena when he takes on "Long Island Iced Z" Zack Ryder. And the United States Champion Antonio Cesaro looks to continue his dominant reign when he competes in non title competition against Tyson Kidd.


Plus, The Shield have promised to make their presence felt on the first Raw of the new year, but who will be their target as they look to rid the WWE of "injustice". With all this and much more, be sure to tune in to Monday Night Raw, LIVE on USA.


Quick Picks


TLC Match for the WWE Championship:

CM Punk © vs. Ryback


Dolph Ziggler vs. Zach Ryder


Non Title Match:

Antonio Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd


Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan


Non Title Match:

Eve vs. Natalya

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheEffect" data-cite="TheEffect" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35366" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I love this style of writing but on the image in the first post who is the guy on the far right?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley. He's a member of the Shield.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35366" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Firing Trent Baretta is wrong <img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Much like any wrestling website, I wouldn't believe everything you read. Anything that is posted in the website sections of this dynasty should be taken with a pinch of salt.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheEffect" data-cite="TheEffect" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35366" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I love this style of writing but on the image in the first post who is the guy on the far right?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Glad you enjoy this style of writing, hopefully you enjoy what I have planned leading up to Wrestlemania. And Jaysin is correct, that would be Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose of The Shield.</p>
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<p>TLC Match for the WWE Championship:</p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> © vs. Ryback</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dolph Ziggler</strong> vs. Zach Ryder</p><p> </p><p>

Non Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Antonio Cesaro</strong> vs. Tyson Kidd</p><p> </p><p>

Cody Rhodes vs. <strong>Daniel Bryan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Non Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Eve</strong> vs. Natalya</p>

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TLC Match for the WWE Championship:

CM Punk © vs. Ryback


Dolph Ziggler vs. Zach Ryder


Non Title Match:

Antonio Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd- Not sure why, but I'm expecting a flash pinfall.


Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan


Non Title Match:

Eve vs. Natalya

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OOC Notes: I will not be giving long write ups for matches and promos for TV Tapings unless I feel they are important enough to warrant it. The longer write ups will be saved for Pay Per Views. Hope you enjoy.







Santino Marella defeated Trent Baretta in quick fashion with the Cobra (C-)


Drew McIntyre picked up a surprise victory over R-Truth, drilling him with the Future Shock DDT (C+)




The opening video for Monday Night Raw plays us in, before the pyro explodes inside the TD Garden as Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcome us to the very first Monday Night Raw of 2013. They hype tonight’s events, including the TLC Match for the WWE Championship between champion CM Punk and his opponent Ryback. Lawler also hypes the fact that THE ROCK will be in attendance tonight. But first we kick things off with one on one action. (B+)





Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan


An excellent way to kick off 2013, these two have so much chemistry together, and it showed. Rhodes had the early advantage, keeping Bryan on the mat, preventing him for using his speed as well as his technical expertise. But soon enough Bryan was back to his feet and took control. The end came after Damien Sandow attempted to interfere on his partners’ behalf. This brought out the monster Kane, who began to lay waste to “The Intellectual Saviour of the Masses”. Cody was distracted by this just long enough for Bryan to lock in the No Lock, giving Rhodes no choice but to tap out.


Winner: Daniel Bryan (B+)




As Bryan celebrates in the ring, the cameras pan backstage, where we see a limo arriving into the arena. The door swings open, and out steps WWE Champion CM Punk, closely followed by his associate Paul Heyman. As the two make their way into the building, they are stopped by Matt Striker, who asks Punk about his TLC match later tonight, as well as The Rock’s arrival later on in the evening. As Punk was about to answer, Paul Heyman interjected and stated that tonight will be a night that Ryback, The Rock and every wrestling fan across the globe will NEVER forget. Punk smiled smugly as the two made their way into the arena. (B+)




Non Title Match:


Antonio Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd


The Miz was present at the announce desk for this one, clearly scouting his Royal Rumble opponent. But Cesaro had his hands full inside the ring with the fired up Kidd, who took it to the United States Champion from the outset. Unfortunately for Kidd Cesaro’s size and strength were just too much for him to handle. And so after a BRUTAL Uppercut, Cesaro finished him off with The Neutralizer for the hard earned victory.


Winner: Antonio Cesaro (C-)



Following the match, Cesaro stood in the centre of the ring, holding his United States Championship high in the air, staring a hole through The Miz. Miz had to admit on commentary that he was impressed, but come the Royal Rumble he WILL walk out as Champion. (B)




Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler announce that this Friday Night on Smackdown, The Big Show will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against Alberto Del Rio. (B+)




We head backstage, where we see the Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan and Kane in a heated argument, with Bryan stating he didn’t need Kane to stick his nose in his match. Kane explained that if it wasn’t for him, Bryan would have been looking up at the lights. As the two were screaming YES and NO, they were attacked by Rhodes Scholars, with Rhodes and Sandow putting the boots to the champs before pulling one of the lockers down on top of them, trapping them underneath. Rhodes and Sandow smiled with pride, stating “You’re welcome” before leaving the scene as we go to commercial. (B-)




We return from commercial, where Kofi Kingston is talking to R-Truth backstage when Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett interrupts them. Truth leaves Kingston alone as Barrett mocks Kofi, telling him he must feel almost naked without the Intercontinental Championship around his waist. Kingston lets Barrett know that he wants his rematch tonight. Barrett simply laughs and says he has other plans for the evening. Kofi then states that he always thought the British had a little more heart than that, and that his countrymen must feel sick to be represented by somebody like that. Kofi walked away, leaving Barrett seething. That is until Vicki Guerrero walked up to Barrett and said that she had an idea. Barrett looked slightly puzzled as Guerrero to him to her office, leaving Cole and Lawler to discuss exactly what was going on between the two. (B)





Dolph Ziggler vs. Zack Ryder


Another fantastic bout between two men with tons of chemistry between them. However the outcome was never really in any doubt as Dolph looked set to prove a point to John Cena. After several minutes of back and forth action, Ziggler levelled Ryder with the Zig Zag. However Dolph wanted to really send the message home, locking in the Sleeper on Ryder, wrenching it in and causing “The Long Island Iced Z” to pass out.


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (B-)



Ziggler had his arm raised in victory, but Mr Money in the Bank wasn’t through, as he called AJ and Big E. Langston into the ring. Ziggler then began directing traffic, telling Langston to put the boots to Ryder, which he did with pleasure. As Ziggler and Langston delivered the beat down on Ryder, John Cena’s music hit, and out ran the leader of the Cenation to a huge (although mixed) reaction. Cena levelled Ziggler, knocking him down, however he was stopped dead by a Running Body Block by the brute Big E Langston. Langston lifted Cena onto his shoulder and dropped him face first with an Over the Shoulder Cutter that he calls the Big Ending, knocking Cena out. The jeers rang out loud as Langston, Ziggler and AJ stood tall above the Cenation leader, AJ and Ziggler making out over the prone body of Cena. (B-)




We head backstage, where we see Sheamus and his long time friend William Regal watching a monitor, shaking their heads in disbelief at what just occurred in the ring. As Regal and Sheamus were making small talk, they were approached by Randy Orton, who seemed in a worse mood than usual. Before Sheamus could utter a word, Orton made clear that he didn’t need or want Sheamus’ help in taking out The Shield on Smackdown. Orton says he is sick and tired of being told how Sheamus had his back. He states he doesn’t need ANYONE to have his back, especially Sheamus. Sheamus stated that he didn’t do it for Orton; he had his own issues with Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose. Sheamus told Orton he isn’t all that special and he shouldn’t think so highly of himself. Orton got right in Sheamus’ face, and claimed that he will see just how special he is when he throws his pale Irish ass over the top rope at the Royal Rumble. This prompted William Regal to step between the two, trying to diffuse the situation. But Regal wasn’t prepared for Orton to level him with a right hand. Sheamus immediately saw red, and both Orton and Sheamus were going at it, trashing the locker room as they beat the hell out of each other. Eventually officials rushed in to split the two apart, pinning Sheamus down to prevent him from doing any further damage. (B)




Non Title Match:


Eve vs. Natalya


A pretty decent outing between these two Divas. Natalya once again proved why she is considered one of the best women wrestlers in the world. However she may have underestimated the Divas Champion slightly and Eve picked up the much deserved victory after delivering the Heart Breaker (Snap Spinning Neckbreaker).


Winner: Eve (D+)




Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler hyped the fact that next week would mark the 20th Anniversary of Monday Night Raw. They stated that not only would The Rock be in attendance, but new WWE Chairman Triple H would be there to address the WWE Universe. (B+)




TLC Match for the WWE Championship:


CM Punk © vs. Ryback


A brutal bout to say the least. From the opening bell, Punk did all he could to stay away from Ryback’s grasp; throwing chairs, running into the crowd, climbing a ladder on the outsider. But there was no escape, and Ryback gave the WWE Champion the beating of a lifetime, throwing him from pillar to post, Punk feeling the effects of every manoeuvre. Punk did put up one hell of a fight though, proving why he is the best in the world. Punk was able to outsmart the monster on several occasions, at one point tying his ankles together with the camera cables before scaling the ladders. But Ryback’s brute strength enabled him to break free and climb the ladder with Punk. Punks’ eyes grew wide as Ryback hoisted Punk up, and in a moment that will surely be replayed for years to come, hit the Shell Shocked off the ladder and through a table below. The crowd came unglued, and after several seconds Ryback got to his feet. It seemed that the time had finally come, and after 414 days CM Punk’s title reign was finally coming to an end. But it wasn’t to be. As Ryback climbed the ladder and reached up to grab the gold, he was stopped as Seth Rollins jumped the rail, entered the ring and climber the ladder. However Ryback was able to swat him away. Now it was the turn of Dean Ambrose, but he too was taken down. Ryback wasn’t so lucky with the powerful Roman Reigns, who lifted Ryback from the ladder in a Powerbomb position, and in another amazing visual feat, threw Ryback to the outside and through ANOTHER table. The crowd were completely unglued at what they just witnessed. Inside the ring Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins surrounded Punk, much like they had so many others. Punk looked genuinely fearful for his safety as he realised the danger he was in. That is until a huge smile broke out on his face. Suddenly, all three members of The Shield began to laugh with him as Punk, rung by rung, climbed the ladder and retrieved his WWE Championship. The fix was in from the very start; CM Punk and The Shield were clearly in cahoots all along.


Winner and STILL WWE Champion: CM Punk ©


The crowd were finally coming around to the realisation that CM Punk and The Shield had been working side by side the entire time, and as Ryback was being tended to by EMT’s, Paul Heyman entered the ring with a microphone, which he handed to CM Punk. The crowd were buzzing as Punk raised the microphone to his lips and dropped one of his infamous Pipe Bombs;


“So now you know the truth. Now you know the truth about myself and The Shield. Do you feel better for it? Is this what you wanted? See that’s the problem with you people; you say you want something, you say you want a change, yet when it’s put right in front of your face, you can’t help but bitch and moan and complain about it. All I ever heard these last few years was how STALE you thought things were getting, how you were sick of the same thing over and over being forced down your throats. How you wanted some new blood to be injected into this company. Well here they are, in the flesh, and all of a sudden you people don’t like it. And why? Because they destroyed your heroes. Ryback, John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, the list goes on. You hate them because they stand up against everything that is wrong in this company. They fight injustice, the same way I have been fighting injustice since I stepped foot in this company 7 years ago. From day one I have stood up against the backstabbing and the bull**** that occurs week in and week out behind that curtain. Do you want to know why people like John Cena and Randy Orton and Sheamus get opportunity after opportunity after opportunity in this company, yet guys like Tyson Kidd, Trent Baretta and Curt Hawkins get the scraps? It’s because the so called “management” in this company are stuck in the 80’s. They feel that a certain type of wrestler should represent their company. And I have to look every one of them in the eye every single day, and I can see it on their face, I can see it in their eyes, they can’t stand the fact that for 414 days I HAVE BEEN THE MAN AROUND HERE. For 414 days I have been the face of this company. And it makes them sick to their stomach. They tried to throw every obstacle in my way. They put Chris Jericho in my way. I beat him. They sent John Cena after me. I put him down. They threw Ryback in my path, and tonight I vanquished the monster. You see when the odds are stacked against you week after week, when the powers that be ABUSE that power to try to take this belt away from me, I was left with no choice. I had to find someone to watch my back. Enter The Shield. I saw three men who were busting their ass down in nXt, three men who were ready for the main stage, yet three men who for some reason were shunned by management because they didn’t feel they fit THEIR mould. Dean Ambrose; one of the most unique, unpredictable PRO WRESTLERS to walk into this business in years. Seth Rollins; a man I have seen grow from a young kid with a dream, into one of the most exciting performers to step foot in this ring. Roman Reigns; quite possibly the best big man in the business. I would trust these men with my life. I would fight a war with these men. They are everything that is RIGHT with this business. They are ready to fight the injustice that surrounds this company, to wipe this company clean. It started tonight with Ryback. And at the Royal Rumble, it continues with you, DWAYNE. The Rock rides in here, barges his way into the title scene and thinks he has the RIGHT to wear this belt around his waist. Nobody has the right to wear this. I walked into the Steel Domain Wrestling School in Chicago, Illinois in 1999, and I busted my ass every single day from that day to this. I EARNED my spot, I proved to everyone that “Best in the World” isn’t just some catchphrase you can put on a T-Shirt and make a couple of dollars. It’s a cold hard FACT. Rock, I know you’re watching, and I want you to look deep into my eyes when I tell you that you will NOT walk out of the Royal Rumble as WWE Champion. You will NOT take away what I have worked almost 14 years to achieve. You WILL NOT BEAT C.M PUNK! YOU WILL NOT BEAT THE BEST IN THE WORLD! YOU WILL... (A*)


As Punk was in the middle of his tirade, the familiar “IF YA SMELLLLLL”, hit, and the crowd came unglued as “The People’s Champion” The Rock made his way down to the ring. The Rocky chants were deafening as The Rock climbed into the ring, microphone in hand. It took a while for the chants to die down before Rock raised the microphone to his lips and declared that “Finally, The Rock...”. However, that’s as far as he would get, as the massive boot of Roman Reigns landed squarely on Rock’s jaw, knocking him out cold. Like a pack of wolves Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns began putting the boots to The Great One, Rock writhing in pain. CM Punk and his associate Paul Heyman looked on from the corner, enjoying the savage beating they were witnessing. The Shield lifted Rock to his feet as Punk got right in his face. “Welcome Back, Dwayne”, he uttered into the microphone before lifting him to his shoulders and delivering a GTS. The crowd were hot, incensed at what they just witnessed. The show faded to black with The Shield, CM Punk and Paul Heyman standing tall over The Rock, Punk’s WWE Championship raised high above his head. (A)





Pre Show:

Santino Marella over Trent Baretta (C-)

Drew McIntyre over R-Truth(C+)


Main Show:

Daniel Bryan over Cody Rhodes (B)

Antonio Cesaro over Tyson Kidd (C-)

Dolph Ziggler over Zack Ryder (B-)

Eve over Natalya (D+)

CM Punk over Ryback to retain WWE Championship ©



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Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara defeat Primo & Epico (B-)


Antonio Cesaro successfully defended the United States Championship against Alex Riley ©


Following the bout, Cesaro began to put the boots to Riley, sending a message to Riley's former mentor The Miz, who stormed the ring and sent Cesaro packing, saving Riley from serious injury (B-)


Kofi Kingston defeated Heath Slater(B-)


After the bout, Kofi celebrated for the fans. But as he turned around, he was levelled with the Bull Hammer by the Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett, knocking Kingston out cold (B)



Also on the show...



* The announcers recapped what happened in Monday's Main Event between Ryback and CM Punk, as well as the revealing of Punk's alliance with The Shield and their attack on The Rock.


* They also recapped what transpired between Sheamus and Randy Orton, with the two brawling after Orton levelled Regal with a right hand.


* There was more hype for Smackdown's Main Event pitting Alberto Del Rio against The Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship.


* The camera's get a shot of Curt Hawkins and Trent Baretta, both in street clothes. standing in the crowd holding signs. Hawkins sign read "CM Punk is a Curt Hawkins Guy" alluding to Punk's promo from Raw, whereas Baretta's sign simply read "Book Me(@trentylocks)".


Show Rating: B-

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Will Del Rio fulfil his "destiny" this Friday night?


Friday Night Smackdown will surely be one you will not want to miss. In what can be considered a rarity, the World Heavyweight Championship will be defended on Friday Night Smackdown when The Big Show will defend against Alberto Del Rio. With things getting extremely heated between these two men in recent weeks, expect this one to be explosive. Will Del Rio finally get his hands on the gold, or will it be "lights out" courtesy of the Knockout Punch?


Also this Friday Night, after his meeting with Vickie Guerrero behind closed doors on Monday Night Raw, Wade Barrett announced on his Twitter page that he will grant Kofi Kingston his rematch for the Intercontinental Championship. However, there will be a stipulation added, although Barrett has remained tight lipped as to what that stipulation will be.


Plus, Team Hell No take on Primo & Epico in non title action, Natalya has requested a rematch from Monday Nights bout against Eve, and The Prime Time Players will square off with Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel, now known to the WWE Universe as Reckless Youth. With all this and so much more, you would be a fool to miss this weeks edition of Friday Night Smackdown.


Quick Picks:


World Heavyweight Championship Match:

The Big Show © vs. Alberto Del Rio


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Wade Barrett © vs. Kofi Kingston


Non Title Match:

Primo & Epico vs. Team Hell No


Non Title Match:

Eve vs. Natalya


Prime Time Players vs. Reckless Youth

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World Heavyweight Championship Match:

The Big Show © vs. Alberto Del Rio


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Wade Barrett © vs. Kofi Kingston


Non Title Match:

Primo & Epico vs. Team Hell No


Non Title Match:

Eve vs. Natalya


Prime Time Players vs. Reckless Youth

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World Heavyweight Championship Match:

The Big Show © vs. Alberto Del Rio


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Wade Barrett (c) vs. Kofi Kingston


Non Title Match:

Primo & Epico vs. Team Hell No


Non Title Match:

Eve vs. Natalya


Prime Time Players vs. Reckless Youth

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Quick Picks:


World Heavyweight Championship Match:

The Big Show © vs. Alberto Del Rio

ADR as a face has a lot of potential.


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Wade Barrett © vs. Kofi Kingston

Barrrett is closer to being a main eventer than Kofi.


Non Title Match:

Primo & Epico vs. Team Hell No

The Puerto Rican Nightmares are jobbers.


Non Title Match:

Eve vs. Natalya

Natalya is probably your best Divas depending on Paige's stats in this mod.


Prime Time Players vs. Reckless Youth

The Champs are heel and the PTP are favorites of mine.

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