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SWF: Supremely Booked...I Hope?

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[The month of December is ending and things are on the upswing for the Supreme Wrestling Federation. My name is Peter Michaels. I am the Head Booker for SWF and this is my story.]


[it is New Year's Eve and instead of spending the evening at home I am spending it within the office of my reclusive boss Richard Eisen. Richard is dressed in a very nice, expensive suit as he always is. I am dressed in a polo shirt and a pair of blue jeans. We are definitely two contrasting styles but they seem to work. We are able to make things happen together. My eyes lift and meet the Boss's eyes as he begins to speak.]


Richard Eisen

"Peter, the new year is coming and this means a new beginning for Supreme. In this new year, I want us to crush our competition, especially Danny, Sam and that United States Pro Wrestling. This means defeating them at their own game. Beginning on new year's day, I want you to create a women's division for SWF. Money is no object on this. I want every single decent female wrestler out there."


[i was definitely taken by surprise at this move by Richard Eisen. He had never spoken about wanting a women's division before. In fact, he had been against it. But I just slowly nodded. I know better than to argue with Richard Eisen.]


Peter Michaels

"I will see who I can get. I will send Barry out to scout some of the female wrestling shows. Maybe Eric or Jerry would like to go as well."


[i knew that Barry aka Runaway Train wouldn't mind going to see a few womens shows. He had been a proponent of bringing a women's division here a few years ago but the idea had been shot down by the same man who is bringing it up now. I had my marching orders from Richard Eisen and this is how the SWF Women's Division got it's start.]


Richard Eisen

"Just make sure that Eric doesn't get into any trouble down there. If he does, I hold you responsible, Peter."


[Yeah, Eric is an egotistical jerk who thinks that every single woman should be bowing down to him and kissing his feet. Maybe I shouldn't have spoken about inviting him. Well, that's my fault. Foot meet mouth.]


Richard Eisen

"Is there anything else, Peter?"


Peter Michaels

No, sir. Thank you, sir."


[i stood and shook hands with Richard Eisen before I turned to exit the office in his house. He always had an interesting way of ending conversations. But I do feel lucky in that I am one of only a few that have been allowed to be in his house. Some wrestlers claim that they have been but, of course, wrestlers like to talk big. As I walked to the foyer and the front door, I can't help but smile. Women's wrestling in SWF. Who would have thought?]

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SWF Supreme TV

Tuesday Week 1 January 2013

Mayor Street Arena (New England)


Rich Money vs. Robbie Retro



Marc DuBois vs. Lobster Warrior



Quadruple B vs. Hero Squad



James Prudence vs. Valiant



Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce



Remo and Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley and Christian Faith



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Rich Money vs. Robbie Retro

Comment: I don't see Mr. Retro beating Money, not by a long shot.


Marc DuBois vs. Lobster Warrior

Comment: I'm sorry Marc...but I can't get behind you anymore. You drug-addled screw up :(


Quadruple B vs. Hero Squad

Comment: Hero. Squad. Suck.


James Prudence vs. Valiant

Comment: Although I'm sure James will put up a valiant effort, gotta give this to Valiant.


Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce

Comment: It's Jack f***ing Bruce.


Remo and Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley and Christian Faith

Comment: Bit of a toss-up, but I see Steve and Christian winning.

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Rich Money vs. Robbie Retro

Comment: For fairly obvious reasons...


Marc DuBois vs. Lobster Warrior

Comment: Okay, not likely, but I'm a Marc DuBois guy.


Quadruple B vs. Hero Squad

Comment: Quadruple B just aren't over enough to beat a midcard team.


James Prudence vs. Valiant

Comment: James Prudence... meh. Besides, Valiant is in the upper midcard...


Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce

Comment: For fairly obvious reasons...


Remo and Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley and Christian Faith

Comment: With Remo pinning Steve Freshley.

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Rich Money vs. Robbie Retro

Comment: Money will win but I'm big on Retro. In my SWF game he's the only Next Big Thing on the roster. So although I know money will win I hopep its not a squash.


Marc DuBois vs. Lobster Warrior

Comment: DuBois is a cancer, dumping him on day one is the best thing I did in my SWF game, along with Everest, Laramee and Scott. Its been four months and no one else will touch him either. I hope Warrior crushes him.


Quadruple B vs. Hero Squad

Comment: Even a heel turn and name change can't change the fortunes of the aging biggins boys. The heroes will take the win here.


James Prudence vs. Valiant

Comment: Assuming you're sticking with the starting stories Valiant has something to do and James does not.


Paul Huntington vs. Jack Bruce

Comment: Huntington is the weak link of The Chase Agency and eats the pin here to gie Valiant and Jack side some momentum going toward Valiant's eventual match with Rogue or the tag team match of Rogue and James vs Bruce and Valiant


Remo and Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley and Christian Faith

Comment: Draw. This is a good match up but you don't want to kill the momentum of these four workers presumably going into a four way dance at the next PPV. So a schmozz finish here with a big brawl at the end of the match up.

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Rich Money vs. Robbie Retro

Comment: Done in three minutes. The Moneyman squashes the Disco Stud.


Marc DuBois vs. Lobster Warrior

Comment: Lobby busts the Druggie with the Lobster Trap.


Quadruple B vs. Hero Squad

Comment: Squash. The only benefit having the Biggins' around is that they're brothers.


James Prudence vs. Valiant

Comment: All-American patriotism wins one over flamboyant narcissism.


Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce

Comment: Easy win for Bruce against the weakest link in the Agency.


Remo and Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley and Christian Faith

Comment: If tonight's going to have an SE-style finish, this would likely be it.

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Rich Money vs. Robbie Retro



Marc DuBois vs. Lobster Warrior



Quadruple B vs. Hero Squad



James Prudence vs. Valiant



Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce



Remo and Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley and Christian Faith - Draw/No Contest


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[As we close in on the very first SWF Supreme TV of 2013, I have to make sure that everything is completely set. It is my job to make sure that the right performers are in the building. One performer, of course, that will not be there is Marat Khoklov. When we signed him, we had to put in a clause that states he will only be used on pay-per-view. Of course that makes it difficult to build a match with him but we have our ways.]


[i did receive, that Monday, information that Barry and Eric would be attending the AAA show on Tuesday night. That means that Eric Eisen would not be available to be on the SWF Supreme TV show as I had planned to further the angle between him and Angry Gilmore. I spoke with Richard and then it was time to speak with someone else. A few numbers dialed into the phone and...]


Peter Michaels

"Good evening. Is this Jessica?"




Jessica Gilmore

"Yes, Peter? What can I do for you?"


Peter Michaels

"I know we haven't had much to do for you since we cut you from the Biggins boys but what do you think about coming back to tv? Maybe for a storyline with your husband...?"

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OOC NOTE: I would like to add an ooc note here to say thank you to all of the artists/renderers/re-renderers for the TEW series. You will see a lot of re-renders within this diary as I made the decision to pick and choose which one I thought best went with the character. This is not to say that there are any bad renders out there. I simply make the choice based on which one I thought fit my vision best for that particular wrestler/manager/announcer/etc. So, I say, again, thank you to all of the artists.
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Tuesday Week 1 January 2013

Location: Mayor Street Arena (New England)

Attendance: 13,825

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 12.61




[sWF Supreme TV kicks off with a bang as the man who won the #1 contender battle royal last week, Rich Money, steps out to a loud chorus of boos. Rich smirks at the audience, pausing and holding up a one hundred dollar bill as he is about halfway down the ramp. He offers the money to a fan and then snatches it away, shaking his head. He continues down the ramp and steps up the steel steps, entering the ring with a microphone in hand.]


Rich Money

"You people out in this audience are NOT worthy of MY money. Maybe if you worked smart and not hard you could actually know what a one hundred dollar bill looks like. Or maybe even a fifty dollar bill. It's not the stuff that you throw down the liquor bottles as you drink yourself into a stupor to forget your miserable lives. But I have given you enough attention. Tonight I have come out here to offer a man some of my money. Or, rather, to re-offer that money. Steve Frehley, SWF World champion, in a little over a week you are scheduled to face me on pay-per-view. We both know that you don't want to do that. So I have decided to make things easy for you. One million dollars can be yours if you hand me the SWF World title and drop out of the match. Everyone has a price, after all. Now, let's bring out my opponent tonight so I can get out of this waste of a town."


[Rich throws the microphone away and removes his million dollar vest, stretching on the ropes and looking toward the aisle.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/RichMoney_jt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/RobbieRetro_JS.jpg

Rich Money vs. Robbie Retro


[Robbie Retro dances his way down to the ring, drawing in cheers from the crowd. But Rich Money doesn't seem to be in a dancing mood as he attacks Robbie before the bell, throwing punches and bringing Robbie down to the mat with a twisting body slam. Robbie gets in a few blows here and there during the match but the match is mostly dominated by the #1 contender Rich Money. Rich sends Robbie out of the ring and follows him out, ramming the disco dancer into the steel steps and then into the guardrail. He brings Robbie back in where he gets a two count following a fist drop. He plays to the crowd, drawing in more boos to the #1 contender. He lifts Robbie up and ducks Robbie's head down -- stiff uppercut aka the Money Shaker! Robbie goes down and Rich climbs to the top turnbuckle -- flying splash aka the Dollars From Heaven! Rich hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Rich Money (Via Pinfall @ 7:15)

Match Rating: B-






[Coming back from commercial, we are welcomed with the presence of Dawn The Cheerleader coming down to the ring. Dawn hands out small pom poms to the crowd and then climbs the steps, bending over and shaking her ass as she enters the ring through the top and middle ropes. She climbs to the second turnbuckle and draws in even more cheers before she is handed a microphone to speak.]


Dawn The Cheerleader

"Like, hello everyone in the SWF Galaxy! This is your favorite cheerleader, the extremely popular Dawn The Cheerleader! Okay, so, like, I have some major announcements to make from the SWF Board Of Directors. I know! Exciting, huh? But first I have to call someone out here to the ring. She's not quite as popular as I am. In fact, she's a dastardly woman. I know! Like, gag me with a spoon! But I have to call out Emma Chase!"




[The crowd boos when the leader of the Chase Agency walks out by herself. Emma Chase has that air of confidence surrounding her as she is dressed in her usual conservative business suit and glasses. She enters the ring and looks across toward Dawn The Cheerleader. Emma raises a microphone to her lips.]


Emma Chase

"Alright, Dawn, you have me out here. Do I get to find out why?"


Dawn The Cheerleader

"Alright, so, like, Emma."


Emma Chase

"Ms. Chase to you, Dawn."


Dawn The Cheerleader

"WHATEVER! So, like, I spoke with the SWF Board Of Directors and they have made the decision to make a match at When Hell Freezes Over."


Emma Chase

"Who is Brandon facing? Or maybe Rogue vs Valiant? Or Paul facing someone?"


Dawn The Cheerleader

"Actually, like, the match involves you, MS. Chase! It involves you and it involves me. At When Hell Freezes Over, you and I will be going one on one in a bra and panties match!"


[The crowd cheers loudly! They are definitely ready for a match like that! Emma's eyes go wide.]


Emma Chase

"No! No! NO! NO! NO! I am not a wrestler! I refuse to participate in a match!"


Dawn The Cheerleader

"But I'm so totally not done yet, EMMA! The SWF Board Of Directors has also informed me and given me the ability to announce that on the Supreme TV following When Hell Freezes Over they will be sending a representative of the Board who has, like, been given the day-to-day powers of the Board. So SWF Supreme TV will, like, totally have a new General Manager! Thank you everyone!"


[Dawn does a curtsey three times in the ring with an angry Emma Chase staring daggers at her. This one does not come to blows as Emma exits the ring and heads to the back, seemingly thinking about how to get out of this. Dawn gets more cheers by playing to the crowd before she exits as well.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/MarcDuBois.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/LobsterWarrior_kamchatka.jpg

Marc DuBois vs. Lobster Warrior


[Our second match of the night is a more even match between the two competitors. The crowd definitely knows who they are cheering for. There even some 'PED' chants in the crowd directed at Marc DuBois. Marc scores a near fall on Lobster following a legdrop. He heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps with a flying splash but Lobster Warrior rolls out of the way! Lobster catches Marc with a Shell Fish Shock, a twisting version of the hot shot. He keeps the pressure on Marc and then motions to the crowd that it's over. He picks up Marc DuBois and hooks him fisherman's suplex style -- Lobster Trap! The bridge is complete as the referee counts: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Lobster Warrior (Via Pinfall @ 8:11)

Match Rating: C+






[We head to the backstage area where our very own Ana Garcia is standing by with the SWF World Heavyweight champion Steve Frehley! Steve looks as intense as he always does as he stands beside Ana, dwarfing her in the process. He bounces on either foot as he seems ready to dart off at any moment.]


Ana Garcia

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm here with SWF World Heavyweight champion Steve Frehley! Steve, earlier tonight, Rich Money reiterated his offer to buy the SWF World title from you. The fans want your comments. The fans want to know if you are going to sell the belt to Rich Money."


Steve Frehley

"SELL THE BELT?!?! Sell the belt. Ana, you're going to have to wait and find out just like everyone else."


[steve smirks and pushes Ana out of the way, walking off. Ana looks toward him, frowning at his attitude. But there's nothing left to say except to head back to the ring for our next match.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/bartbiggs_ewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/brettbiggz_ewanite.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/CaptainAtomic_EW.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JungleJack_EW.jpg

Quadruple B vs. Hero Squad


[Our third match has some good action and it is another very close matchup between two evenly matched teams. Captain Atomic and Jungle Lord have the power in this matchup, while Bart and Brett Biggins have the speed and the willingness to use underhanded tactics, including sending Jungle Lord into the ring post outside the ring. Bart catches Jungle Lord with an apron springboard dropkick, nearly able to draw the countout. Jungle Lord fights back once inside the ring and makes the tag out to Captain Atomic. Atomic brings both members of Quadruple B down with clotheslines! He catches Bart with the Radiation Blast - vertical lift spinebuster. Bart rolls out of the ring and Brett comes running toward Captain Atomic -- big boot! He lifts Brett to his feet -- Mushroom Cloud! The inverted Russian Legsweep has Brett laid out on the mat. Atomic makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Hero Squad (Via Pinfall @ 6:19)

Match Rating: B






[We are taken quickly to the backstage area where the first things shown are the backs of EMT workers. The crowd wonders what's going on and they are shown the back of a man lying on the ground. Duane Fry recognizes this man as Lobster Warrior! The crowd boos this obvious sneak attack. The mask of Lobster Warrior is shown lying on the ground to the side of the man himself. Spraypainted on the ground underneath the mask are the Russian Hammer and Sickle image. We all know who that means, right? Marat Khoklov has picked his opponent for When Hell Freezes Over! But will Lobster Warrior make it to the pay-per-view?]






[We are taken to a different backstage area. This one is the catering table. The presence of Jessie has the crowd cheering but then the cheers turn to boos when Joe Sexy shows up, tapping Jessie on the shoulder and then rubbing her shoulder for a moment before she can turn around to face him.]


Joe Sexy

"Helllllo lady. My name is Joe Sexy and I am going to do you a favor. I am going to allow you to take me out on the town tonight. If you play your cards right then I am going to allow you to come back to my hotel room to do what all these people in the audience here tonight can only dream of."



"No thanks."


Joe Sexy

"No thanks? Come on, baby. I don't bite. Unless you want me to."



"I'm married."


Joe Sexy

"That doesn't matter to me. I just want you for the night. Sexy is for one night only. I am sure that's all someone like you could handle."





[Joe grabs her by the shirt and and pushes her against the catering table.]


Joe Sexy

"Don't tell me no again."


[Jessie's eyes go wide and she has that whole 'deer-in-headlights' look. After a moment, Joe releases her and smirks. He grabs the shirt again and pulls it up, revealing her flat stomach. She tries to cover up quickly as the shirt goes higher. Joe laughs and releases before walking away. Jessie runs off in the other direction, visibly upset.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JamesPrudence_jt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1_EW.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Valiant_JSilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/HannahPotter.jpg

James Prudence vs. Valiant


[James Prudence has been mostly seen in tag team action since his arrival in SWF. His partner, Frederique Antonio Garcia, stands in his corner for this singles bout with the fan favorite Valiant. Valiant starts strong, even scoring a near fall following an enzuigiri kick. He sends James outside the ring and catches him with the plancha dive outside the ring! Back in the ring, Frederique Antonio Garcia distracts Valiant and this allows James Prudence to get back into the match. James uses a lot of under-handed tactics to keep the advantage but interference from Frederique backfires when he accidentally strikes James from outside the ring. Valiant starts his comeback with Hannah cheering him on from outside the ring. Valiant shows some power, lifting James Prudence high and dropping him with an electric chair drop! Valiant scores with a superplex for a two count. He lifts James Prudence and sets him up -- V-Split! The swinging Uranage plants James Prudence on the mat in the center of the ring. Valiant makes a cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Valiant (Via Pinfall @ 9:30)

Match Rating: B-




[Valiant celebrates his victory, climbing to the second turnbuckle as Hannah enters the ring. She stands beside her man even as Emma Chase leads the man who is in a blood-feud with Valiant, Rogue, down to the ring. Rogue enters the ring and the brawl is on between the two men! Valiant brings Rogue down with a double-leg takedown and throws punches but Emma gets his attention when she grabs Hannah and holds her by the hair. Valiant gets to his feet and suffers a low blow by Rogue! The crowd boos as Rogue gets to his feet. He brings Valiant in -- kneeling jaw breaker aka the Crashing On! Valiant is laid out! Rogue exits the ring and grabs a chair before sliding back in. He looks down at Valiant and brings the chair down on him time and time again! The chairshots break open the forehead of Valiant! Blood pours down the face of Valiant. Rogue simply smiles and takes some of that blood, wiping it on his face. Emma releases Hannah, who immediately drops down and covers Valiant, trying to protect him. Emma and Rogue exit the ring, satisfied with what has happened. Hannah yells for doctors, someone, anyone!]






[We cut to the backstage interview area where Jack Bruce is standing by. Jack draws in a lot of cheers from the crowd as he paces for a moment before looking up toward the camera with a smile.]


Jack Bruce

"Welcome to Supreme Attitude Starring Jack Bruce! First of all, am I the only one here looking forward to seeing Emma Chase in her bra and panties? No, I didn't think so. Maybe she'll give us a little preview tonight after I beat her boy Paul Huntingdon? Or maybe she'll give me a little preview in my hotel room later on this evening. Everyone knows that underneath that business suit she is nothing but a stinky, skanky, no-good hoe bag slut! And tonight she gets to watch as I begin dismantling her creation when I take out Paul Huntingdon and he never EVER wants to face me again."


[Jack smiles and blows a kiss into the camera before he walks out, obviously heading to the ring. His match with Paul Huntingdon is next!]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Aristocrat_ship.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/EmmaChase_jtlant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JackBruce_alt15.jpg

Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce


[This match is, perhaps, better and closer than a lot of wrestling fans thought it would be. Jack opens with the advantage, sending Paul outside the ring several times to talk with Emma Chase. Jack scores an early Welcome To NYC (elbow drop, leg drop and big splash in quick succession) for a two count on Paul. But then he gets distracted, playing to Emma Chase for too long. This allows Paul Huntingdon to recover and strike him in the back with several sharp forearm shots. Paul sends Jack to the ropes and scores with a high knee, playing to the crowd and drawing in boos. The match continues with Paul maintaining control, including him choking Jack on the ropes. The referee pulls him back and Emma slaps Jack hard across the face! Paul tosses Jack to the ringside area and someone walks out from the back.]




[it's Big Money! Brandon James moves down to stand beside Emma Chase at ringside as Jack Bruce makes his way back into the ring. Paul catches Jack with an avalanche in the corner and continues his momentum within the next minute but he makes a mistake when he goes for the flying elbow drop off the top turnbuckle. Jack rolls out of the way and Paul connects with nothing but mat. Jack gets the crowd fired up as he pushes his way to his feet. Jack and Paul exchange punches in the center of the ring. Jack ducks a punch and fires off with two right hands, a little dance for the crowd, then a big left hook that sends the former Aristocrat to the mat. Jack picks up Paul and hooks him for a vertical suplex -- connects! He twists around and goes for a second suplex -- connects! The third completes the Long Island Trio! Jack pops up and signals that it's over. He turns -- Big Money Move from Brandon James! The referee immediately calls for the bell!]


Winner: Jack Bruce (Via Disqualification @ 9:54)

Match Rating: B-


[The man known as Big Money stands after bringing Jack Bruce down with that vicious spear. He looks down on Jack Bruce and then lifts him up high into the air -- power bomb! He doesn't release, though! Instead, he shows that absolute power bringing Jack Bruce down with a second power bomb in the center of the ring. He looks toward Emma Chase for a moment and then exits the ring. He looks underneath the ring until he finds what he wants -- a table! He slides the table into the ring and follows it in, putting a few boots to the skull of Jack Bruce. He laughs as he looks down at the fallen former World champion. The table is set up and he picks up Jack Bruce -- standing spinebuster through the table! Jack Bruce's body is mangled, lost in the shattered remnants of the table. Emma Chase moves to the arm of Brandon James, leaning against him as she looks down at Jack Bruce. Emma's lips curve into a devilish smirk before she exits the ring with Brandon James. This is definitely not over, though!]






[We move from the ring to the backstage area where Christian Faith is shown sitting on a bench in the locker room. He has a bag of ice taped to each knee. It has been well-documented that the Iron Man's career is slowing down. Simply one of the effects of the aging process. Christian rolls his shoulders back, grimmacing for a moment and then looking prepared to fight when he looks to his right. The camera zooms out so that Rich Money can be seen standing there in the doorway with his hands raised.]


Rich Money

"Don't worry, Christian. I didn't come here to fight you. If I had, then you never would have seen it coming, old man. I actually came here to make you an offer. I know that your career is winding down. I think that everyone knows that. So how would you like some financial security to go along with that ending of your career? All you have to do is help me out with a little problem that I've been having."


Christian Faith

"Why in the world would I help you out?"


Rich Money

"When it comes to money, that is one area where I can be trusted. Now, let's have a little bit of privacy, shall we?"


[Rich turns and pushes the cameraman out of the locker room, closing the door. They only have a few minutes to talk, though, because our main event is next!]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Remo_alt1_JT.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Vengeance.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/SteveFrehley_alt2_JT.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/ChristianFaith.jpg

Remo and Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley and Christian Faith


[What a way to end the show here on Supreme TV with four of our top stars in action. There was some definite early miscommunication on the part of Steve Frehley and Christian Faith as Steve wanted to know what was going on with Christian and Rich Money. Christian tells Steve not to worry about it. This miscommunication leads to an advantage for the team of Remo and Vengeance. Steve Frehley becomes the face-in-peril for the match as Remo and Vengeance take turns landing blows on the SWF World champion. Remo strikes with a european uppercut and then a thrust kick to bring the strong World champion to the mat. Both these men know each other really well and it shows as Remo focuses in on the back of Steve Frehley. Remo hooks Steve in a double underhook position and then drops him with the high-release double underhook backbreaker known as the Lumbar Puncture! Remo makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Somehow Steve Frehley kicks out! There are several times that Steve tries to make it to the corner and tag out but either the referee doesn't see the tag or Christian is baited to come in without a tag, leading Remo and Vengeance to bring Steve back into their corner. As Steve Frehley manages to make a comeback with the Launch Pad Suplex (Overhead Belly-To-Belly Suplex) someone comes down to ringside.]




[With both Steve Frehley and Vengeance down in the ring, Rich Money comes out and begins yelling at Christian Faith! Christian drops off the apron to yell back at Rich Money. The two men exchange shoves as Steve Frehley makes it to the corner but there is no Christian Faith! Steve looks around for where his partner is and in comes Remo! Remo charges but Steve ducks a clothesline -- Frehley Suplex Throw! The crowd is on their feet! Rich Money shoves Christian Faith down outside the ring and then enters the ring behind Steve Frehley -- clothesline to the back of the head! The referee calls for the bell.]


Winners: Steve Frehley and Christian Faith (Via Disqualification @ 10:34)

Match Rating: B


[The bell sounding doesn't stop the combined attack of Remo, Vengeance and Rich Money on Steve Frehley! Multiple stomps to the head keep the SWF World champion from standing. Rich leans in and throws some vicious forearm blows to the skull. He motions to Vengeance, who picks up Steve -- Skull Krusher! The inverted piledriver leaves Steve Frehley laid out on the mat. Christian Faith slides into the ring and charges at Remo but Remo sidesteps him and sends the veteran over the top rope to the floor on the opposite side. Remo lays in a few more boots to Steve Frehley and then the three men standing in the ring raise their arms in victory. Rich is given a microphone.]


Rich Money

"Take the money, Steve. It's the only way you'll survive. Survival does have a price."


[Rich laughs and tosses the microphone down, standing with his 'friends' in the middle of the ring. Christian Faith is shown down outside the ring and then the camera zooms in on the fallen visage of our SWF World champion on the mat inside the ring as we fade to black.]

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Welcome to the SWF Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Thank you to everyone who predicted in the first show. It is truly appreciated.


We only had one perfect score this week. Congratulations to Midnightnick!


1. Midnightnick=1 Win

2. codeydbw=0 Wins

Infinity King=0 Wins

apupunchau@optonline=0 Wins

3rdStringPG=0 Wins

Emark=0 Wins

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SWF Supreme TV

Tuesday Week 2 January 2013

Iowa State Fayre (Mid West)


Remo vs. Marshall Dillon



SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Frehley defends vs. Marc DuBois



SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The All-Americans defend vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quadruple B



John Greed vs. Lobster Warrior



Brandon James and Rogue vs. Jack Bruce and Valiant



Rich Money vs. Christian Faith



Fun Fan Signs:


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Remo vs. Marshall Dillon

Comment: Mmmm...squash.


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Frehley defends vs. Marc DuBois

Comment: To quote The Miz...really? Really?


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The All-Americans defend vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quadruple B

Comment: I love to split the All-Americans up early on. I sense some sort of a DQ finish here, followed by American Machine and Des Davids bickering after the match. Still, I'd expect the All-Americans to drop the belts at a PPV.


John Greed vs. Lobster Warrior

Comment: I like Greed, but Lobby's too over at this point to do the job.


Brandon James and Rogue vs. Jack Bruce and Valiant

Comment: DQ following Ms. Chase/Chase Agency interference.


Rich Money vs. Christian Faith

Comment: I would assume Rich Money paid Christian Faith off to lose this one?


Fun Fan Signs: (for Marc DuBois) "HEY MARKY, TAKE ME TO UR DEALER"

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Remo vs. Marshall Dillon

Comment: Feeding time...


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Frehley defends vs. Marc DuBois

Comment: The title won't change hands on a TV show...especially against a drugged out midcarder like DuBois


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The All-Americans defend vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quadruple B

Comment: The All-Americans looks utterly BA, while BBBB take the fall.


John Greed vs. Lobster Warrior

Comment: Greed needs more momentum/popularity before he wins this match.


Brandon James and Rogue vs. Jack Bruce and Valiant

Comment: A DQ finish here


Rich Money vs. Christian Faith

Comment: Faith refuses to do the job, despite Money paying him to...this leads to a match down the line.


Fun Fan Signs:


'I can't wait to see more of Emma Chase'


'Who needs Money when you have Faith?'

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I won? I never win!


I'm so excited!


Remo vs. Marshall Dillon



SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Frehley defends vs. Marc DuBois



SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The All-Americans defend vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quadruple B



John Greed vs. Lobster Warrior



Brandon James and Rogue vs. Jack Bruce and Valiant



Rich Money vs. Christian Faith


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Remo vs. Marshall Dillon



SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Frehley defends vs. Marc DuBois



SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The All-Americans defend vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quadruple B



John Greed vs. Lobster Warrior



Brandon James and Rogue vs. Jack Bruce and Valiant



Rich Money vs. Christian Faith



Fun Fan Signs:

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I'm happy that you found a product that more closely matches your own personal style. While USPW was certainly your 1st love, sometimes we find something in a love that isn't actually true. In a sense, maybe you were booking the USPW with a style that more closely fit the SWF; however, you never really knew it.


It was one of the trappings I had when I booked the USPW. It was fun, booking Americana through wrestling, but after awhile I felt I wanted a little more flexibility to tell the stories I was looking to tell (not being held to the overt 'babyface' feel of the USPW).


With that said, best of luck going forward, my friend!


vs. Marshall Dillon

Comment: Marshall is better set for an up and coming tag team or as a bodyguard-kind of character. Meanwhile, Remo can easily be booked as the top heel without much needing to go into it.


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Frehley defends
vs. Marc DuBois

Comment: It seems a little weird to have the World Heavyweight Match show up this early on the card; however, there's most likely a reason. That said, I just don't see Dubois walking out whatsoever. I mean, it'd be one HELL of a shock if you pulled this one out & had Marc come away with the belt. People would most likely challenge the choice in EVERY which direction but it'd be something that NO ONE would expect. After all of that though, Frehley punks DuBois and keeps the belt. Possibly by DQ? Money run in?


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The All-Americans defend
vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quadruple B

Comment: The All-Americans are a GREAT tag team & it'd be sad to have them drop the belts this early in the dynasty.


John Greed vs.
Lobster Warrior

Comment: John Greed is a personal favorite but, from a booker's perspective, Lobbie should be able to beat the "8th Deadly Sin". Lobbie is one of those guys who beats the undercard but loses to the ME's.


Brandon James and Rogue
Jack Bruce and Valiant

I'm calling double count-out or something as the two teams brawl.


Rich Money vs.
Christian Faith

Comment: As others have said, Money tries to pay-off Faith but Christian won't do it. I don't really see the win being a straight-forward one though. DQ possibly? Money gets mad when Faith doesn't 'do the job' and clocks the SWF LIVING LEGEND with a chair? We'll see.
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Remo vs. Marshall Dillon

Comment:For obvious reasons


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Frehley defends vs. Marc DuBois

Comment: DuBois? Win the SWF World Heavyweight Championship? Yeah, no.


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The All-Americans defend vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quadruple B

Comment: While the Bumfholes might win, I've never been a fan of title changes on television


John Greed vs. Lobster Warrior



Brandon James and Rogue vs. Jack Bruce and Valiant

Comment: With Jack Bruce kept strong and Valiant taking the pin


Rich Money vs. Christian Faith

Comment: Give him some nice momentum going into When Hell Freezes Over

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SWF Supreme TV

Tuesday Week 2 January 2013

Iowa State Fayre (Mid West)


Remo vs. Marshall Dillon

Comment: *cough* Squash *cough*


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Frehley defends vs. Marc DuBois

Comment: Oh pour DuBois as you bring this match down with your drug use and bad attitude, I hope you get fired soon.


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The All-Americans defend vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quadruple B

Comment: That's jusr wishfu thinking, The All-Americans will probably retain for now but I hate American Machine something awful.


John Greed vs. Lobster Warrior

Comment: I've got a soft spot for Greed now with my Sinners Stable going strong. But Warrior is the better man here but Greed should help make this a good match.


Brandon James and Rogue vs. Jack Bruce and Valiant

Comment: Bruce although in a side story is still your most over worker and having him lose here is bad idea. I usually have Valiant win whenever they team and then lose solo matches.


Rich Money vs. Christian Faith

Comment: Money is challenging for the title while Faith is not.


Fun Fan Signs: *bleeped for lewd remark about Emma Chase*

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Nice first show! :D


The "PED" chants, though, would be better for Big Smack Scott, IMHO. I'd suggest the crowd chanting "4-2-0" in mockery of DuBois...sort of like Rey Mysterio's "6-1-9" chant, but this time in reference to DuBois' soft drug habit...


Am glad that you enjoyed the first show! You're probably right about the PED chants. But I wanted to show the vocal fan base of SWF. Who knows what the next chant might be. ;)


I won? I never win!


I'm so excited!


A good big first win for you Midnightnick! Congratulations!


I'm happy that you found a product that more closely matches your own personal style. While USPW was certainly your 1st love, sometimes we find something in a love that isn't actually true. In a sense, maybe you were booking the USPW with a style that more closely fit the SWF; however, you never really knew it.


It was one of the trappings I had when I booked the USPW. It was fun, booking Americana through wrestling, but after awhile I felt I wanted a little more flexibility to tell the stories I was looking to tell (not being held to the overt 'babyface' feel of the USPW).


With that said, best of luck going forward, my friend!


Hey E-V! It's great to see you here. I definitely agree that USPW was my first love but also agree that I was booking more with a style that fit SWF. Thanks for the wish of luck. Can only hope that my version of SWF is at least half as good as yours. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been 13 days since I last posted in this thread and 14 days since I put up the last card. I feel I owe everyone an explanation of where I have been. The easy answer is simply that I have been focusing on school this semester so I have not had as much free time to work on both booking and especially on writing this creation. The more complex answer is that I have also gotten hooked on NCAA Football 13 and Hitman: Absolution for the Playstation 3. It requires a lot less focus and is only for me so it is easier to simply sit down and play the game than it is for me to focus on booking and writing out the cards. As anyone who has written a detailed diary can attest, it is difficult work but is also enjoyable.


But I am here to say that this is NOT dead. I repeat, NOT dead.


I have been working on the latest writeup here and there and I am hoping to have it done within the week to be posted on here. And I have actually booked ahead so a lot of it is making sure I have the chance to write. I thank you for your patience and, whether you choose to stick with me here or not, I thank you for reading.

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SWF Supreme TV

Tuesday Week 2 January 2013

Iowa State Fayre (Mid West)


Remo vs. Marshall Dillon

Comment: squash


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Frehley defends vs. Marc DuBois

Comment: routine defense


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The All-Americans defend vs. The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Quadruple B

Comment: not likely to drop on tv


John Greed vs. Lobster Warrior

Comment: higher on pecking order


Brandon James and Rogue vs. Jack Bruce and Valiant

Comment: draw


Rich Money vs. Christian Faith

Comment: Faith is still a big name, but he should be transitioning to putting other big names over

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Tuesday Week 2 January 2013

Location: Iowa State Fayre (Mid West)

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 12.57





The crowd rises on their feet, allowing the boos to echo around the Iowa State Fayre as out from the back comes Rich Money. The #1 contender looks as confident as he always does as he walks toward the ring, ignoring the fans who try to reach out and touch him. Rich walks up the stairs and enters the ring, looking around, soaking in the boos. He is given a microphone, dusting it off before raising it to his lips.]


Rich Money

"All you ignorant, poor peasants need to shut your mouths so you can hear exactly what I came out here to say. If you're not quiet, I'll crush each and every single one of you with my wallet. Last week, I gave two people, two ignorant fools a chance to walk away with the deal of a lifetime. I gave them both a chance to have security for their families. But what happened? What happened is what always happens when you try to elevate someone from the outhouse to the penthouse. They don't know how to handle things. They don't know how to react. It's sad, really. Christian, though, you did do a good job of..."


["You Gotta Have Faith!"]




[The crowd roars their approval as 'Faith' begins to play in the arena and out from the back comes the SWF legend, the Icon Christian Faith on his motorcycle. He rides down to the ring and circles before stopping at the bottom of the ramp. He climbs off and slides into the ring coming face to face with Rich Money.]


Christian Faith

"Rich, Rich, Rich. Do you really think that at the end of the day that money is what matters to me? I am the Iron Man. I am the Icon here in the land of the Supreme. But you still think you can buy me off. That doesn't work with me, Rich. You see, after what happened last week, I went to the SWF Board of Directors. And tonight you and I go one on one and I'm gonna beat some respect in you right here in my yard."


Rich Money

"Christian, you're nothing but a fool. Did you really think I'd come out here without my backup?"




[Exiting from around the arena come both Remo and Vengeance. The two large men climb on the apron as Christian curls his fingers in a fist. Remo and Vengeance enter the ring and stand on either side of Rich Money. Rich slowly smiles as he looks toward Christian.]


Rich Money

"Everybody's got a price."


[before Rich can say anymore, he gets decked by a punch from Christian! Remo and Vengeance step in and within moments the numbers game gets to Christian Faith. Vengeance motions to Remo to stand back and then he throws in some stomps to the body of Christian Faith. He picks up Christian and raises him over his head. He lowers him down slightly -- Skull Krusher! The inverted piledriver drives Christian head-first into the mat. Vengeance slowly rises up and looks down at the body of Christian Faith. But before he can do any more, Rich motions to him to exit the ring. Christian is helped to the back by a couple of officials as Remo remains in the ring for the opening bout.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Remo_alt1_JT.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/MarshallDillon.jpg

Remo vs. Marshall Dillon


[Marshall Dillon comes down to the ring to meet Remo in this opening bout and the match is simply a slaughter. Around five minutes of domination from the Alpha Male. Remo uses moves like a neckbreaker and even strikes Dillon with the Remo Buster -- lifting him up in a bear hug and then running forward, dropping him with a spinebuster. But the finish comes when Remo strikes with the high-release Double Underhook Backbreaker known as the Lumbar Puncture. A cover and three count later has Remo celebrating a victory.]


Winner: Remo (Via Pinfall @ 4:54)

Match Rating: C




[We head from the ring to the backstage area where we spy Angry Gilmore stomping down a hallway. He looks, well, as his name says, ANGRY. He seems to be almost vibrating as he walks, checking in several doors along the way. A rather skinny, small backstage staff member stands within his path. Gilmore grabs the staff member by the shirt and lifts him up, slamming him against the wall.]


Angry Gilmore

"Where is Joe Sexy?"


[The staff member gives a 'gulp' and slowly raises a shaking hand, pointing in the direction that Gilmore had been going. Gilmore drops the staff member and turns, stomping off in the direction that the staff member pointed. Within moments, he opens another door and he finds Joe Sexy talking with Eric Eisen. The SWF North American champion flies into a vicious rage, attacking Joe with fists, knocking him back against a wall. Joe tries to cover up but Gilmore is relentless. That is, until Eric Eisen joins the fray. Eric pulls Gilmore back but Gilmore kicks him in the gut and smashes him face-first against the wall! Joe gives Gilmore a low blow and Gilmore drops down to his knees. Joe smashes Gilmore with a knee lift, bringing him down to the floor. Joe checks on Eric, helping him away.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/SteveFrehley_alt2_JT.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/MarcDuBois.jpg

SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Steve Frehley defends vs. Marc DuBois


[Our second match of the evening is a surprising SWF World Heavyweight title defense. Marc DuBois goes one on one with the powerful Steve Frehley. As Marc comes down to the ring, he pauses by a sign in the crowd reading: 'HEY MARKY, TAKE ME TO UR DEALER!' He shakes his head and grabs the sign, ripping it apart before he enters the ring for this encounter with the World champion. The man who is known as 'The Can't Miss Prospect' is strong in just about every category and it shows in this match as he looks to capture his first SWF World title. Steve Frehley, though, is not one looking to surrender so easily. After a short burst of momentum by Marc DuBois, Steve Frehley takes over. At around the six minute mark, Steve takes control for good, using his power to his advantage. Steve lifts Marc in the air in a suplex position and completes the Frehley Suplex Throw, sending Marc DuBois flying through the air. He picks up Marc and sets him up -- Tornado Face Slam known as The Frehley's Comet! Steve makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Steve Frehley (Via Pinfall @ 6:49; Steve Frehley retains the SWF World Heavyweight title)

Match Rating: B




[The fans within the arena rise up in boos when instead of Steve Frehley's music playing, it's Rich Money's! Rich walks from the back and moves toward the ring, stepping up the stairs. Steve Frehley has been handed the SWF World title belt. He places it over his shoulder, looking across toward Rich Money. Rich has a microphone and he hands one to Steve Frehley. In Rich's other hand is a steel briefcase.]


Rich Money

"Steve, now that you've had some time to think about my offer, I am sure that you've come to the right conclusion. I am sure that you have decided to take my money and walk away from here a very rich man while handing me that world heavyweight title belt from over your shoulder. I brought the money out here to make things easier. Why don't we just get things settled right now?"


[steve pauses for a moment and then paces. The crowd is yelling at him not to take the money. He slides the title belt off his shoulder and looks down at it, obviously able to see his reflection in the gold. Steve raises the belt back up after a few moments, placing it back over his shoulder. He raises the microphone to his lips.]


Steve Frehley

"Rich, on behalf of myself and on behalf of all the fans here in Iowa, my answer to you is...HELL NO!"


[The crowd pops at the response by Steve Frehley. Rich does NOT look so happy as he stands there shocked for a moment. Then he raises the steel briefcase and swings it toward Steve -- ducked! Rich staggers toward the ropes after the miss and Steve catches him with a clothesline, sending him up and over the top rope to the floor. The crowd roars their approval as Steve raises the title belt up high. The Dark Destroyer does not have a price, it would seem.]




[With the crowd stirring at the denial of Steve Frehley to Rich Money's offer, we head to the backstage area where we see the masked man known as Lobster Warrior standing within an interview area. The SWF logo is bright and neon behind him as he looks toward the camera.]


Lobster Warrior

"Last week, everyone's favorite Lobster was attacked from behind by a man that many people call a Soviet Science Experiment. Many people call him a monster. But Marat I am still standing. I am here this week on my feet with mask on my face. It will be the same following When Hell Freezes Over. I am coming for revenge. I am coming for all the little lobsters in the SWF Galaxy. You better be ready. You better be ready!"


[Lobster raises the pinchers and pinches them a few times before we fade back to the ring.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/AmericanMachine_JS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW5/DesDavids_jhd1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/BJONeill_EW.jpg





SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

The All-Americans

defend vs.

The Amazing Bumfholes


Quadruple B


[A three team contest to determine who will defend the titles against The Pain Alliance at When Hell Freezes Over. When Quadruple B and The Amazing Bumfholes are in the ring, the pace of the match definitely picks up. Bart Biggins shows that when he catches both Bumfholes with a running plancha dive outside the ring. Back in the ring, he catches a near-fall on Zimmy Bumfhole with a moonsault but it is broken up by American Machine. Des Davids gets tagged in late in the match and all six men get involved. Des catches Bart with a neckbreaker as the brawls continue all around him. Des waits for Bart to get to his feet -- Quarterback Sack! Des gets the crowd excited as American Machine empties out the ring of everyone but Des and Bart Biggins. Des picks up Bart -- high angle belly-to-belly suplex also known as the Touch Down! Des makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The All-Americans (Via Pinfall @ 8:18; The All-Americans retain the SWF World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C




[The All-Americans pick up the victory, retaining the SWF World Tag Team titles but they don't have time to celebrate. Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee hit the ring quickly and each take down Des Davids and American Machine. Big Smack Scott drops Des Davids with the Overhead Flip Slam known as the Ego Trip. He sends Des out of the ring and the two men focus their attention on American Machine. Kurt Laramee sends Machine to the ropes -- Switchblade Powerslam! That powerslam had AUTHORITY! The Pain Alliance throws a few stomps to the body of American Machine and then celebrate to boos from the crowd.]




[As the crowd boos the attack by The Pain Alliance, we move to the backstage area. This time the camera is inside a locker room where Emma Chase is standing by with two members of the Chase Agency: Brandon James and Rogue. Brandon throws a couple of punches into a locker as he seems to be getting psyched up for the match later on tonight. Emma has her usually cold look as she regards both Brandon and Rogue.]


Emma Chase

"Last week, the SWF Board Of Directors backed the Chase Agency into a corner. Not only do I have to focus on your matches but I also have to focus on a match of my own. So tonight we need to make a statement. We need to make a Chase Agency statement. Tonight your tag team match is not going to be about wins and losses. Tonight is going to be about destruction. We all know that you are both capable of destroying your opponents. Prove it. Prove it and one of you just might get a treat from Ms. Chase."


[both men look over toward their manager, snapping to attention at that. Brandon punches the locker again and growls. Rogue just cracks a smirk as he sits there on a bench. He runs his fingers back through his hair and we cut back to the ring.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JohnGreed_alt1_Bull.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/LobsterWarrior_kamchatka.jpg

John Greed vs. Lobster Warrior


[The crowd is definitely behind the Lobster Warrior in his match with John Greed this evening. Lobster Warrior begins quickly against John Greed, knocking him back in a corner and then climbinb up. He begins throwing the ten count punches but only gets to six before John Greed steps forward and drops him with an inverted atomic drop. The match goes back and forth until Lobster Warrior catches John with the Shell Fish Shock. The crowd gets on their feet as Lobster does the pinches with his fingers. He picks up John Greed and hooks him -- Lobster Trap! Lobster holds the bridge off the fisherman's suplex: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Lobster Warrior (Via Pinfall @ 9:28)

Match Rating: C+




[The crowd is definitely happy with a Lobster Warrior win. We move back to the backstage interview area. The SWF neon logo shines brightly and as the camera pans back, we reveal Jack Bruce, Valiant and Valiant's manager Hannah. Jack cracks a smile toward the camera.]


Jack Bruce

"Welcome to Supreme Attitude starring Jack Bruce and now his tag team partner tonight Valiant! Valiant, tonight, you and I go up against Emma Chase's team of Brandon James and Rogue. What are your thoughts? Hold on to those for a moment. I am sure that each and every person here in the SWF Galaxy is wondering just what happens underneath that business suit of Emma Chase. I can't say that I know but I think we can both agree that we are going to find out this Thursday on pay-per-view when Dawn The Cheerleader strips her right in the middle of the ring. But back to tonight we are going to face Brandon, the former Big Cat and Rogue, your former partner. Your thoughts? Oh, wait, we're out of time. Let's head down to the ring."


[Jack pushes Valiant in the chest, getting in his face. Valiant just cracks a smile and then follows Jack Bruce out of the interview area. Hannah looks a little worried as she follows the group.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/BigCatBrandon_alt3_JS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JackGiedroyc_JSilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/EmmaChase_jtlant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JackBruce_alt15.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Valiant_JSilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/HannahPotter.jpg

Brandon James and Rogue vs. Jack Bruce and Valiant


[Our semi main event contest and a solid tag team encounter with great action and a good crowd. Jack and Valiant frustrate Brandon and Rogue time and time again in the early going. They eventually send both Brandon and Rogue outside the ring and Jack points to a sign that reads: 'I can't wait to see more of Emma Chase!' But after some words of encouragement from Emma Chase they get back in and take the advantage. Big Money catches Valiant with a short-arm clothesline and then rubs Valiant's face into the mat. Brandon tags out to Rogue and the former Jack Giedroyc sends his former partner into a corner and strikes with multiple european uppercuts. Quick tags in and out keep a fresh man in on the Chase Agency side. They draw in some near falls as Hannah looks on concerned at ringside. Brandon goes for the sit out power bomb on Valiant but Valiant battles out. A double clothesline sends both men to the mat. Both men crawl toward their corners and tags are made on both sides. Jack comes running in and clotheslines both Rogue and Brandon James! Jack picks up Rogue and hits with three kneelifts before setting him up for a vertical suplex. He connects! Brandon James slides out of the ring and reaches beneath the ring -- steel chair found! Brandon slides inside and Valiant comes running to intercept -- chairshot! Valiant goes down! Jack goes for a third vertical suplex on Rogue -- chairshot! That stops that! But also has the referee calling for the bell.]


Winners: Jack Bruce and Valiant (Via Disqualification @ 8:56)

Match Rating: C+


[The crowd boos, unhappy about this chair shot assault by Brandon James! Emma Chase smiles as she enters the ring. Hannah slides in to check on Valiant and Emma turns her attention to Hannah! Emma removes two pairs of handcuffs from her jacket, handing one pair to Brandon and the second to Rogue. Valiant and Jack Bruce are handcuffed to the ropes as Emma Chase brings Hannah down with a clothesline. Emma looks down at Hannah for a moment, turning up her nose. Then she bends over and begins to strip Hannah! The crowd has a mixed reaction as Emma removes the top of Hannah, tossing it to ringside. Then she strips off the pants, leaving Hannah covering herself up as she lies on the mat in her bra and panties. Emma celebrates alongside Rogue and Brandon James as Valiant and Jack Bruce try to fight free of the handcuffs. As Emma Chase celebrates in the ring, a sign is shown in the background: '*bleeped for lewd remark about Emma Chase*']


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/RichMoney_jt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Remo_alt1_JT.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Vengeance.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/ChristianFaith.jpg

Rich Money vs. Christian Faith


[Our main event contest. This one features great acton and great heat from the crowd as Rich Money has Remo and Vengeance in his corner. Christian Faith comes out alone. Christian comes out firing, though. He assaults Rich Money early in the match, looking for a quick win here in the main event but the momentum turns when he goes for a high knee in the corner and Rich moves out of the way. Christian's knee strikes the corner and Rich takes him down, focusing in on the right knee. He brings the knee against the ring post, slamming it hard and wrapping it around the ring post as Christian cringes in pain. Rich tosses Christian out of the ring and gets the attention of the referee. Vengeance picks up Christian and runs him back-first against the ring post and then literally tosses him over the announce table! Rich releases the referee and Christian barely crawls back into the ring before the count of ten. Rich reaches into his trunks and removes a hundred dollar bill. He holds it up and then stuffs it into the mouth of Christian Faith, making a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up!]


[The fans here in Iowa begin a 'We Have Faith' chant, trying to get Christian to fire back in this match. Rich scores several more quick near falls and begins looking frustrated as Christian will NOT stay down. Rich chokes Christian on the ropes and then bounces off, charging and leaping -- Christian moves to the mat and Rich lands outside the ring, tweaking his own knee. He grabs the announce table, adjusting his knee pads. Christian exits the ring, limping to Rich Money. The two men brawl outside the ring, resulting in Rich eating the ring post. The match moves back in the ring and Christian climbs the turnbuckles -- flying elbowdrop to the heart of Rich Money! Rich is down! Christian makes a cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! A sign is shown in the background: 'Who needs Money when you have Faith?']


[This match has definitely been anyone's to win. Christian gets the crowd fired up. The veteran sets Rich Money on the top turnbuckle and climbs up slowly. His knee gives out, though and he falls backward from the turnbuckles, landing on the mat! Rich sees the opportunity and climbs up -- Dollars From Heaven! The flying splash connects and Rich makes the cover, hooking a leg: 1 -- 2 -- Foot On The Ropes! Rich hooked the wrong leg! Rich stands up and argues with the referee. The argument gives Christian a chance to recover and Christian raises up, going for a clothesline but Rich ducks and the referee goes down! Christian's eyes go wide and as soon as the referee is down, both Vengeance and Remo enter the ring. It's a three on one assault that begins with Vengeance and Remo both taking clotheslines from Christian Faith! A shoulder to the knee brings down Christian. Remo picks up Christian -- Lumbar Puncture! Rich motions his two allies out of the ring as he works to awaken the referee. Rich picks up Christian, sliding his arms around his waist -- Bank Roll! A side belly-to-belly suplex with a nice snap brings Christian down to the mat. Rich makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Rich Money (Via Pinfall @ 11:23)

Match Rating: B


[The crowd boos heavily as Rich Money scores the victory this evening. Remo and Vengeance enter the ring with Remo tossing the referee over the top rope to the floor. Rich moves to the leg of Christian Faith -- figure 4 leglock! The crowd boos as Vengeance and Remo hold the arms of Christian, stretching him out as the figure 4 is held tightly. Christian cries out in pain. Then the crowd suddenly cheers as a man comes running in from the back.]




[it's the SWF World champion! Steve Frehley charges to the ring and throws clotheslines and punches to both Remo and Vengeance, who meet him as soon as he enters the ring. Steve sends Remo over the top rope with a clothesline. Vengeance goes after him but Steve side-steps a spear attempt, sending Vengeance out of the ring with his own momentum! Rich releases the figure 4 and comes face-to-face with the SWF World champion. Rich steps back and drops down, exiting the ring. Rich motions to his head, showing that he is smart enough to wait until Thursday. Steve and Rich stare each other down as the show comes to a close. The pay-per-view is this Thursday night! We'll see you there!]

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