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1994 Triangle Match: WCW

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WCW Saturday Night Tapings Wk 2


The WCW Saturday Night tapings are right around the corner. Just a week out from Bash at the Beach, WCW is rolling on.


Diamond Dallas Page will issue an open challenge to the WCW roster, claiming no man can beat him!


Lord Steven Regal will defend his Television Championship against The Patriot.


Angry about Dustin Rhodes interference in his match with Arn last Saturday, Brian Knobbs has gotten his brother from another nasty mother to join him and the four men will square off in tag team action! It will serve as a good warmup for Arn and Dustin as they prepare to take on the Stud stable at Bash at the Beach!


Speaking of the Stud Stable, Terry Funk will be in action! In our main event, WCW tag team champion Cactus Jack will go one on one with Terry Funk!


Plus: Pretty Wonderful takes on Harlem Heat to determine the #1 contender for the tag titles at Bash at the Beach! Vader squares off with lucha libre star El Hijo del Santo and "The Guardian Angel" Ray Traylor will take on the young star Jean-Paul Levesque! Bobby Heenan continues to make his case to Sensuous Sherri and Ric Flair AND Ricky Steamboat will make an announcement regarding the stipulation for his US title match with Austin at Bash at the Beach!


Don't miss WCW Saturday Night, this Saturday night! Hosted by Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura!



Quick Picks:

Ray Traylor vs Jean-Paul Levesque

El Hijo del Santo vs Vader

Harlem Heat vs Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma)

????? vs Diamond Dallas Page

Dustin Rhodes & Arn Anderson vs The Nasty Boys

The Patriot vs Lord Steven Regal © for the WCW Television Title

Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk


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Ray Traylor vs Jean-Paul Levesque

El Hijo del Santo vs Vader dq for excessive damage

Harlem Heat vs Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma)

????? vs Diamond Dallas Page

Dustin Rhodes & Arn Anderson vs The Nasty Boys double count out or dq

The Patriot vs Lord Steven Regal © for the WCW Television Title

Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk

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Ray Traylor vs Jean-Paul Levesque

Hunter did lose to Alex Wright. It's not his time yet.


El Hijo del Santo vs Vader

Solid match, but Vader's the one on a full-time contract.


Harlem Heat vs Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma)

Pretty terrible.


????? vs Diamond Dallas Page

It's him, it's him.


Dustin Rhodes & Arn Anderson vs The Nasty Boys

Never pick against Arn Anderson


The Patriot vs Lord Steven Regal © for the WCW Television Title

Absolutely not.


Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk

Good match, but Jack has a future, Funk has a past.

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Ray Traylor vs Jean-Paul Levesque

El Hijo del Santo vs Vader

Harlem Heat vs Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma)

????? vs Diamond Dallas Page

Dustin Rhodes & Arn Anderson vs The Nasty Boys

The Patriot vs Lord Steven Regal © for the WCW Television Title

Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk

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Ray Traylor vs Jean-Paul Levesque - i can't help fan girling it up.

El Hijo del Santo vs Vader - Vader's got it.

Harlem Heat vs Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma) - Tough call, but i'd give Harlem Heat the nod.

????? vs Diamond Dallas Page - D-D-P, D-D-P!

Dustin Rhodes & Arn Anderson vs The Nasty Boys - Rhodes and Anderson are the more talented guys.

The Patriot vs Lord Steven Regal © for the WCW Television Title - Regal is the best.

Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk - Hell of a match, but Jack, ultimately, is going to be the long term prospect.

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Ray Traylor vs Jean-Paul Levesque

Youth over experience here


El Hijo del Santo vs Vader

I think the brute force and strength of Vader gives him the edge here but again great mathup.


Harlem Heat vs Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma)

Its Paul Roma what do expect of him.


????? vs Diamond Dallas Page

ALways bet on the mystery oppenent. In fact i wouldnt be shocked if this is a cruiserweight debut perhaps even Rey Mysterio Jr.


Dustin Rhodes & Arn Anderson vs The Nasty Boys

I see this team getting a couple wins then a big PPV match were Arn doess what Arn does best to the Rhodes family........HEEL TURN!!!!!!1


The Patriot vs Lord Steven Regal © for the WCW Television Title



Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk

Big clusterfluff finish prob DDQ or DCO my bet is on a big rematch down the line on PPV but not BOTB.

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Ray Traylor vs Jean-Paul Levesque

JPL can look good, but I think Traylor will take the W.

El Hijo del Santo vs Vader


Harlem Heat vs Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma)

Cactus & Sullivan against the pretty boys is such a clash of physical and emotional styles that I want to see it happen.

????? vs Diamond Dallas Page

It might be a big debut sure, but personally I'd hold off on the "big debut gets a shocking win" for a few shows, personally. I look for this to be a guy already with the company for Page to win over and feel good about, before getting crushed down the line.

Dustin Rhodes & Arn Anderson vs The Nasty Boys

The Patriot vs Lord Steven Regal © for the WCW Television Title

Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk

The wily old bastard is gonna pull something clever out of his bag. He's in a much bigger match at the Bash and will thus need better momentum for it.

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Ray Traylor vs Jean-Paul Levesque

El Hijo del Santo vs Vader

Harlem Heat vs Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma)

????? vs Diamond Dallas Page

Dustin Rhodes & Arn Anderson vs The Nasty Boys

The Patriot vs Lord Steven Regal © for the WCW Television Title

Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk

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WCW Announces Exciting Changes

WCW is excited to announce the completion of ppv agreements with carriers in both Mexico and Japan. These agreements come at a time of amazing momentum for WCW. With Hulk Hogan set to make his in ring debut at Bash at the Beach 1994, WCW is thrilled to have the event broadcast in more countries than any wrestling pay-per-view in history!


To capitalize on our pay-per-view debut in Mexico, Bash at the Beach will feature the first WCW lucha libre tag team match in pay-per-view history! More details will come shortly.


In other minor news, WCW has decided to revamp the referee situation in the company, letting go of official Mickey Jaye and bringing in Mark Curtis out of SMW. Additionally, WCW has reached a contract with young referee Jeff Jones.


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Taped at the Manley Field House in Syracuse, NY

Attendance: 10,000 (SELL OUT)

Announcers: Tony Schiavone & Jesse Ventura



Tony Schiavone: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to WCW Saturday Night from the sold out…! They are literally hanging from the rafters here Jesse!


Jesse: That’s right Ton, they’ve packed this place to peak capacity, all to see the champions of WCW. Guys like Regal, Austin and who can forget, The Nature Boy Ric Flair.


Tony: Oh I don’t about that Body. I think they are here to see Hulk Hogan FINALLY sign the contract to get in the ring with Ric Flair for the greatest match in the history of this business! Wait a minute folks…I’m getting word that we have just added a match to tonight’s show. The one and only STING makes his return tonight from his knee injury to take on Bobby Eaton!



Match #1

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/Jean-PaulLebrvbaruumlvesque.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/GuardianAngel.jpg

Jean-Paul Levesque vs “The Guardian Angel” Ray Traylor

During the intros, Tony actually takes the time to explain that Terra Ryzing was the street fighting name that Jean Paul used on the French street fighting circuit. (Say what????)

Levesque doesn’t garner much heat from the crowd, but as a true professional he goes through all the motions of his gimmick. He taunts the crowd with his French accent, and at one point gets into a verbal spat with a lady on the front row trying to teach her how to pronounce his name correctly. Ray Traylor makes his way to the ring and Tony makes a point to inform the crowd that they’ve been incorrectly calling him “The Guardian Angel” the last few weeks. That is simply a title conferred upon him by The Guardian Angel group and he wishes to be called by his name.

In a brisk match, Traylor pummels the Frenchman from ring post to ring post for a few minutes before Vader steps out of the red dressing room and stands on the entrance ramp. Traylor points at him and tells him to come to the ring, only to be rolled up from behind! Traylor kicks out at 2, but a relentless Levesque begins stomping him repeatedly while he’s on the mat. While Vader laughs, Levesque whips Traylor into the ropes and goes for a high knee, only to be caught and dropped by Traylor with a Bubba Slam for the 1…2…3.


Winner: “The Guardian Angel” Ray Traylor via pinfall following the Bubba Slam at 6:23

Grade: C


Post Match: A graphic is displayed announcing “The Guardian Angel” Ray Traylor vs Vader for Bash at the Beach!





Backstage Segment


Gene Okerlund is standing backstage with Ricky Steamboat to discuss the stipulation for the upcoming match at Bash at the Beach with Steve Austin. Steamboat talks about honor and integrity, traits that Austin lacks in his mind. He talks about the pure sport of wrestling and just as he prepares to tell the stipulation he stops. He tells Gene that he’s still thinking about it and walks away.


Match #2

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/BookerT.jpghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/StevieRay.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/PaulRoma.jpghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/PaulOrndorff.jpg

Harlem Heat vs Pretty Wonderful

Number 1 Contender’s Match


In a match with some good action, Booker T stood out, putting in the bulk of the work in the match against Paul Orndorff. Mr. Wonderful showed that he still had it, doing a good back and forth with Booker T. The crowd didn’t know who to cheer as both these teams play up the heel tendencies. Roma found himself mismatched badly against Stevie Ray and took quite the beating before getting a crawling tag off to Orndorff. Orndorff charged like he was going for a bull rush of Ray, but slid down and chopped Ray’s knee out. He locked in a boston crab to get the submission while Roma brawled with Booker T!


Winners: …and #1 Contenders for the WCW World Tag Team Championship, Pretty Wonderful via submission by Boston Crab at 12:59

Grade: C-


Backstage Segment


Cameras catch Ray Traylor walking to his bike in the back when Vader appears out of nowhere, leveling Traylor with a clubbed fist to the back of the head. Vader begins assaulting Traylor and as security rushes to the scene, Vader kicks Traylor’s motorcycle over on top of him!



Match #3

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/DDP.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/JimDuggan.jpg

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jim Duggan


Diamond Dallas Page issues his challenge and it is answered by Jim Duggan!


Page seems to be laughing at Duggan and stomps around the ring with his thumb in the air, mocking the patriotic Duggan. Duggan takes exception and tackles DDP! The action is totally one sides for several minutes, much to the delight of the crowd with Duggan walloping Page around the ring. Page finally gets some offense in and puts Duggan in an abdominal stretch. He lets Duggan go and whips him to the ropes, misses a clothesline and gets leveled with a shoulder tackle! Duggan starts a USA USA! chant and screams HOOOOOOOOOOOO! to the crowd’s delight. While he does, Page gets to his feet and then plays possum. Duggan picks him up and DDP drops him with the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere for the 1…2…3!


Winner: Diamond Dallas Page via pinfall following the Diamond Cutter at 9:52

Grade: C-


Post Match: DDP leaves the ring, breathing a sigh of relief as Tony says Page might have almost bitten off more than he could chew that time. Duggan gets the crowd riled up once again with a half hearted hooooooo!


Match #4

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/BrianKnobbs.jpghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/JerrySags.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ArnAnderson.jpghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/DustinRhodes.jpg

The Nasty Boys vs Arn Anderson and Dustin Rhodes


This match was particularly rough and tumble. The Nastys were clearly taking liberties with both Arn and Dustin throughout the match and halfway through it descended into utter chaos with all four men in the ring brawling away. Referee Nick Patrick tried to gain control only to get thrown out of the ring by The Nasty Boys! Referee Randy Anderson slid into the ring to gain control and was thrown out of the ring by Arn and Dustin!

The wild brawl continued with the Nasty Boys bringing a couple of steel chairs into the ring. They swung wildly and missed everything with Arn and Dustin sliding out the ring. Arn and Dustin got chairs of their own and got back into the ring. All four men charged to the middle swinging their chairs and after a massive “CLANK!” all four men were down from the ricochet. As they all began to get to their feet, new referee Mark Curtis slid into the ring. As the Nasty Boys went to throw him out, Arn and Dustin threw Jerry out of the ring and Dustin dropped Knobbs with a bulldog for the 1…2…3!


Winner:Dustin Rhodes & Arn Anderson via pinfall following a bulldog at 9:31.

Grade: C


Post Match



No sooner had the bell rung before Terry Funk and Bunkhouse Buck had slid under the ropes and were attacking Arn and Dustin! Security came out to get the Studs off the duo while Col Parker got the mic and warned the victors that he had a nice surprise for them at Bash at the Beach.





Parker: Be careful who you trust!


Tony: What is he saying?


Jesse: He’s saying Arn’s a Stud!

Grade: C


Match #5

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/StevenRegal.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SirWilliam.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ThePatriot3.jpg



Lord Steven Regal © w/Sir William vs The Patriot


As his challenge to America continues, Regal is met this week by none other than The Patriot himself! USA chants rained down throughout the match as Patriot and Regal exchanged offense throughout. Regal kept taking the match to the mat, applying sleepers, chinlocks, crabs, and every other submission move he could think of, but The Patriot was constantly willed on by the chants of the crowd. After a particularly rousing USA chant, The Patriot managed to get himself to his feet out of a sleeper and after a sequence of events, backdrop Regal to the outside!


The Patriot followed him only to get clocked by his own American Flag! The Patriot was reeling as Regal rolled him back into the ring and put on the Regal Stretch to get the submission win!


Winner: …and still WCW World Television Champion, via submission at 13:06 by way of the Regal Stretch, Lord Steven Regal!

Grade: C


Post Match: Regal gets on the microphone and taunts the audience, saying America has nothing to offer him, not even their best patriots could stand up to him. Where are your champions America?


Backstage Segment


Bobby Heenan is interviewed backstage by Tony Schiavone and Gene Okerlund. He hypes the Flair Hogan contract signing. When asked whether or not he has signed Flair as a client, Heenan flies into a rage at Tony Schiavone and makes fun of everything about him from his hair to his $1 store dress shoes. Schiavone says that sounds like a no and Heenan storms off the set.


Match #6

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/Vader.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ElHijodelSanto.jpg


Vader vs El Hijo del Santo


More familiar with him this time around, El Hijo del Santo gets a nice ovation from the crowd as the match got started. Trying to stay away from the monster, Santo kept sliding away and ducking under the fists from Vader. Each time he would land some offensive move on Vader, more the work of a gnat than a real threat. Vader tries to corner Santo in the corner, but Santo hopped onto the top rope and dropped Vader with a missile drop kick! He got the cover for the 2 before a kickout sent him flying into the ropes where his arm got caught!


Jesse: Oh boy Ton! He’s in trouble now! I hope they serve fajitas through a straw because that’s going to be the only way he’ll be able to eat when this is over!


Vader began firing away with brutal shots on Santo as his arm was caught. The referee continuously attempted to stop the assault to no avail. Like a valiant warrior, Santo fought back as best as he could with one arm the entire time, throwing kicks and chops, but it was no use. Vader finally ran from one corner to the other and delivered a massive clothesline. Santo did a full back flip before landing in front of the turnbuckle. Vader delivered the Vader Bomb and got the pinfall.


Winner: Vader by pinfall following the Vader Bomb at 4:40.

Grade: C


Match #7

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/CactusJack.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/TerryFunk.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RobertFuller.jpg


Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk w/ Col. Robert Parker


Tony: These two gentlemen are very familiar with each other Jesse. They’ve competed with and against each other all over the world. Tonight will be a REAL wrestling match though, wrestled in a professional ring, not some backyard matchbox. SNORT!


Jesse: I’ve seen some of the places Cactus Jack has wrestled. This guy is such a loser he’d wrestle in a flea infested barnyard in Philadelphia!


Tony: SNORT! Wait a minute Jesse, the ring announcer introduced Col. Parker, but I don’t see him at ringside!

Despite the hype of a “real” wrestling match, Funk and Cactus wrestled the match they know best. Before the bell even rang, Funk was assaulting Jack on the outside of the ring as he made his entrance. The two men brawled around the ringside with Jack taking a nasty Irish whip into the steel guard rail. Funk is screaming passionately as the referee begins to count them out. Funk rolls Cactus back into the ring and the “real” match begins.


In a back and forth contest that featured wild brawling and surprising technical work by Funk, the two men were worked over to the point of exhaustion without a clear advantage. Col. Robert Parker made his way to ringside with Meng and distracted the referee. Jack got to his feet and was superkicked by Meng! The referee turned around to see Terry Funk setup Jack and drop him with a piledriver!


Winner: Terry Funk by pinfall following a piledriver at 14:40.

Grade: B-


Match #8

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/Sting.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/BobbyEaton2.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SteveKeirn.jpg


Sting vs Bobby Eaton w/Steve Keirn


Sting gets a big pop from the crowd as he makes his entrance for his first match back after a minor knee injury sidelined him. Bobby Eaton is already in the ring with Steve Keirn in his ear as Sting gets in the ring.


The two men have a quick paced battle with both shining for the duration. Bobby Eaton sells Sting’s offense like a champ and even gets some offense in of his own. At one point Sting is tripped by Steve Keirn, allowing Eaton to take the upper hand. At this point, Diamond Dallas Page joins Tony and Jesse for commentary.


DDP: Take a look at this guy right here. Sting. The Fraaaaaaaaaaanchise. Whatever.


Tony: Now what on EARTH is your problem with the Stinger?


DDP: Look at him. This chump went from being in world title contention to being an afterthought in the main event on Saturday. This chump right here is a joke!


Tony: Now wait just a minute!


DDP: I guarantee you that this chump doesn’t have what it takes to beat me…D…D…P!


At this point Sting manages to regain control of the match with a massive dropkick on a running Eaton. He takes notice of DDP at the table and begins telling him to get out of here. Steve Keirn gets into the ring and tries to interfere, but misses a clothesline and gets dropkicked into the corner. Bobby Eaton charges at Sting and gets hip tossed into the corner! He stands up just as Sting connects with a double Stinger Splash!


Bobby Eaton stumbles forward and falls into the middle of the ring while Sting throws Keirn over the top rope. He puts Eaton in the Scorpion and holds it for about 25 seconds before Eaton taps!


Tony: How about that! Still think the Stinger’s a chump!


DDP: Whatever.


Winner: Sting by submission by Scorpion at 11:20.

Grade: B




Bash at the Beach 1994 Contract Signing: The Clash of the Titans


Gene Okerlund introduces the parties involved: Hulk Hogan with his manager Jimmy Hart and associate Mr. T. WCW commissioner Nick Bockwinkel, Ric Flair and his manager Sensuous Sherri and of course, the owner of WCW, Ted Turner!


As the segment is introduced, Okerlund makes a point to note that Bobby Heenan is NOT involved in the contract signing.


The parties involved haggle over everything from the referee, to the time limit. At one point Flair even suggests his title shouldn’t be on the line! As the conference rages on, Ted Turner brings about silence. He lays down the law: The title WILL be on the line. WCW’s newest referee Mark Curtis will be the official as he has not been in WCW long enough to have a bias either way. Hogan agrees to Flair’s proposed 30 minute time limit stipulation after Flair. Turner points out that he does not want this match to end in a DQ or countout so he and commissioner Bockwinkel agree that this match will not be allowed to end in either of those two fashions! Flair is livid with this decision. Bockwinkel asks Flair if he intended to be intentionally disqualified? Flair shuts his mouth, but it is obvious he is angry about this development.


After it seems that everything is agreed upon, Sensuous Sherri tells Flair to sign the contract so they can get out of the same room as the washed up actor. Mr. T takes exception to the statement and walks around the table. Flair gets between he and Sherri and Hogan calms Mr. T down.


Mr. T: No worries Hulksta. I pity the fool that gets in the ring with Hulk Hogan!


The crowd pops for the “pity the fool” line as the segment ends.


Final Contract:


Time Limit: 30 Minutes

Referee: Mark Curtis

Stipulations: No disqualifications or count outs


Final Show Rating: B


WCW Main Event Taping Results

Paul Orndorff d. Erik Watts (C-)

The Wild Bunch (Billy Black & Joel Deaton) d. The Armstrong Boys (Scott & Steve (D-)

ANGLE: Diamond Dallas Page calls out Sting ©

Armstrong Bros. (Brad and Brian) d. The State Patrol (D)

ANGLE: Ray Traylor hypes his match with Vader ©

Vader d. George Takano (C+)

ANGLE: While looking for Ric Flair, Bobby Heenan accidently hits Sensuous Sherri with a door! (B-)

Brian Pillman d. Bobby Eaton ©


Show Rating: C

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Prediction Results:

Franticloser 2/7

Soxfan93 5/7

NWAvsWWF 5/7

Phoxy 4/7

Rvdjrv2002 3/7

Beejus 7/7

Smwilliams 3/7


Lots of misses this week. This means I either did a good job booking or a terrible job booking. LOL Credit to Beejus for nailing all 7/7. On a small note, I didn't feel right about veering too far off the original BATB 94 card.


Here are the prediction standings thus far, through week 2:

Beejus 12/13

Soxfan93 11/13

NWAvsWWF 10/13

rvdjrv2002 10/13

smwilliams 8/13

franticloser 7/13

Phoxy 4/13


Beejus will win the prediction contest as I need to get the stipulation squared away by next week!

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The Ace Report


An ever changing landscape...


The second week of television tapings has come and gone and WCW turned in yet another solid show as we move toward Bash at the Beach. The contract signing between Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair was the highest rated segment in the history of WCW Saturday Night! There is no doubt that Hulkamania is running wild in World Championship Wrestling!


Vader looks motivated. Expect big things from him as 1994 wears on. He will DEFINITELY not be fading out of the spotlight under my book.


I’ve gotten some bad feedback from a few wrestlers over my lack of vision for their characters. I’m a big fan of Marc Mero’s work but I absolutely loathe Johnny B. Badd. He’ll be at next week’s tapings and then expect him to get a nice vacation while we sort something out.


It’s great to have Sting back from his minor injury. Original creative plans when I got here were for Sting to challenge for the television title at Bash at the Beach. I nixed that idea. I want Sting involved in a good program, which Regal could certainly give him, but I don’t want him tied down to a feud over the television title. Not yet anyway.


I can announce that WCW has released the following workers:

Announcer Chris Cruise and referee Randy Anderson.


Additionally, the following workers have left WCW due to contract expiration:

El Hijo del Santo and Jim Duggan. Santo was only here on an exchange deal and his contract has expired. I’m a big fan of his work and he showed himself well in his debut stateside against two formidable opponents. I honestly think if not for that early snag he had it in him to beat Vader. That’s a man with a HUGE future in this industry.


We wish all four of these men well in their future endeavors.

WCW has signed contract extensions with:

Sensuous Sherri, Kevin Sullivan and Brad Armstrong. All three contracts are exclusive and will keep the respective workers in WCW for the forseeable future. Additionally, we have extended the non-exclusive agreement with Mr. T, keeping him with WCW through at least Fall Brawl.


The roster is expanding! WCW is excited to announce that as part of our expansion into Mexico, we have reached PPA contracts with Lucha Libre Superstars Octagon and Atlantis! Additionally, Lucha Libre stars La Parka, Silver King and El Dandy have joined WCW on written deals. Octagon and Atlantis are set to debut in tag action at Bash at the Beach!


I am also excited to announce additional signings to fill out the WCW roster:

Steve, Scott and Bob Armstrong, Japanese veteran worker George Takano, English veteran Johnny Smith, Norman Smiley, veteran brawler John Nord and rookie referee Jeff Jones. Bob Armstrong will be working as a road agent, a position we were thinly understaffed at.

And lastly, as part of planned changes to our broadcast situation, WCW has reached contract agreements with rookie announcer Mike Tenay and returning former wrestler Michael Hayes. Tenay is expected to be integrated into the announce booth beginning with the Lucha Libre tag match at Bash at the Beach, and the plan for Hayes is to work as a second backstage interviewer while we transition our announce booth.

Of course, the roster will continue to undergo changes over the next few weeks. We have reached out to Kevin Von Erich about a return to the business to work as a backstage road agent and have scoured the indy scene for young wrestlers to work as tag teams for our promotion as well.





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WCW Saturday Night Tapings Wk 3


The WCW Saturday Night tapings are right around the corner. With Bash at the Beach just days away, WCW looks for a good go home show!


WCW tag team division will be on display as Stars & Stripes meet newcomers The Wild Bunch!


In the ultimate clash of styles, Flyin' Brian Pillman will try to conquer Vader!


Ricky Steamboat will get a warmup for Bash at the Beach by taking on Bobby Eaton. Plus! Steamboat is expected to announce the stipulation for his matchup with Austin!


Sting's return to action in WCW continues as he takes on the formidable Ron Simmons. The Franchise is also expected to respond to the challenge issued by Diamond Dallas Page on WCW Main Event last week!


And in our main event, Ric Flair tunes up for the Clash of the Titans in a non-title match against fan favorite Johnny B. Badd!


Don't miss WCW Saturday Night, this Saturday night! Hosted by Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura!



Quick Picks:

The Wild Bunch (Joel Deaton & Billy Black) vs Stars & Stripes

Vader vs Brian Pillman

Bobby Eaton vs Ricky Steamboat

Ron Simmons vs Sting

Ric Flair vs Johnny B. Badd (non-title)

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