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1994 Triangle Match: ECW

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Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Cairo - Strong debut for RVD to prepare for the big time.


Stevie Richards vs A-Train - Stevie Richards deserves to be pushed to the moon and back, and it's a damn shame he never made it IRL.


Too Cold Scorpio vs Jason Knight - Eh, I'm going with Scorpio just because i like him.

The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer vs The Harris Brothers - Probably going to have Dreamer pick up the win here, and why not?


Mike Awesome vs Hack Myers - Just because he's.... Awesome. Nyuk.


Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka vs Johnny Grunge - change of pace. Superfly is way old and should probably be putting over younger guys.


Sabu & The Tazmaniac vs The Pitbulls - Pitbulls pick up the win, leading to more tension between Sabu and Taz.

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Signing Awesome is a good move. Huge fan of his.



One of the great "coulda beens" in wrestling....he was so talented and a legit 280 - 290pds...could fly, wrestler, brawl or go hardcore....in WCW's infinite wisdom they dubbed him "That 70's Guy" then the "Fat Chick Thrilla", wonder why he never made it to the top :rolleyes:...tragic ending too

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Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Cairo

never bet against the debuting talent


Stevie Richards vs A-Train

As long as hes A-Train i dont see him being effective.


Too Cold Scorpio vs Jason Knight

Come on really Jason has no chance.


The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer vs The Harris Brothers

Harris Bros for the win here dont see Sandman and Tommy being a tag team for long at all


Mike Awesome vs Hack Myers

See RVD MAtch


Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka vs Johnny Grunge

Johnny is tag team talent


Sabu & The Tazmaniac vs The Pitbulls

This match truly has me torn and i could see it going both ways but I gotta go with the Pittbulls here.

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Loved the first show! Good job.


Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Cairo

RVD reached the top of ECW once - I'm hoping to see him do it again.


Stevie Richards vs A-Train

Love Stevie, but, you know... A-Train


Too Cold Scorpio vs Jason Knight

Too Cold Scorpio was an amazing talent, and while Jason Knight was okay... Scorpio was better.


The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer vs The Harris Brothers

Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman teaming up together? This can't end well...


Mike Awesome vs Hack Myers


Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka vs Johnny Grunge

Jimmy Snuka doesn't fit into the era of extreme... So he will be toppled by the new generation of workers...


Sabu & The Tazmaniac vs The Pitbulls

Let's hope Sabu shows up, and Taz doesn't break his neck.

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Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Cairo

Big debuts tonight.


Stevie Richards vs A-Train

A-Train will come in more handy one day if he has a few step-brothers show up...


Too Cold Scorpio vs Jason Knight

HE GON' STEP all over Jason


The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer vs The Harris Brothers

I know it's not 2000 and they aren't the superteam that their names together imply, but I can't see them dropping this one.


Mike Awesome vs Hack Myers

Again, big debut. Though I'm thinking Awesome may become a big deal sooner than RVD might.


Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka vs Johnny Grunge

Superfly will be a welcome name in the NWA tournament.


Sabu & The Tazmaniac vs The Pitbulls

I go with the Pitbulls just because I went with the "non-named team" earlier.

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Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Cairo


Stevie Richards vs A-Train


Too Cold Scorpio vs Jason Knight


The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer vs The Harris Brothers

- Some kind of draw makes sense here. Harris' and Woman deserve a strong debut. Even in ECW, you can make a draw work. :p


Mike Awesome vs Hack Myers


Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka vs Johnny Grunge

- Hate Snuka.


Sabu & The Tazmaniac vs The Pitbulls

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ECW Hardcore TV


Eastern Championship Wrestling presents:


ECW Hardcore TV



Tuesday Week 2, July 1994

From the ECW Arena in South Philly

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out!)




Live Event:


Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Cairo (w/Peaches)


The action at the ECW Arena kicks off with the debut of Rob Van Dam. Van Dam says little, glaring at the fans who throw insults at "the new kid". RVD shuts up the naysayers with a fantastic display of wrestling and martial arts skill. He and Cairo show great chemistry in the match. Early on Cairo has his moments, but in the end Van Dam is too much. After laying out Cairo with a spinning wheel kick, RVD ends it with a second rope Springboard Moonsault, a move he picked up in Japan.


Winner at 7:21 via Springboard Moonsault...

Rob Van Dam

Grade: C+



Tommy Cairo talks about his match with Rob Van Dam:




In between matches, Paul Heyman calls Terry and Dory Funk to the ring for an interview. Terry and Dory want to talk about the upcoming NWA Title Tournament, but Heyman keeps bringing up the miplaced chairshot by Terry last week that cost them the ECW Tag Team Titles. As much as Heyman tries the Funk Brothers refuse to allow him to cause tension between them during this 5 minute interview.


Grade: B-




Stevie Richards vs A-Train


Another debut tonight as the unknown Devon Hughes...aka A-Train...gets his first taste of ECW. The big man puts up a valiant effort but is no match for the more experienced Stevie Richards. A-train wins over some fans with a variety of power moves, and getting back up after a vicious chairshot, but in the end Stevie Richards stuns A-Train with a Steve-DT. Richards uses the bottom rope for leverage to hold him down for the pin.


Winner at 8:43 via Steve-DT...

Stevie Richards

Grade: C




Too Cold Scorpio vs "The Sexiest Man on Earth" Jason Knight


Jason looks good in his introduction...and that's about it. The talented Too Cold Scorpio is Too much for Knight, dominating most of the match. Knight manages a few shreds of offense, but Scorpio wins easy after a sick 450 Splash aka The Scorpio Splash.


Winner at 5:56 via The Scorpio Splash...

Too Cold Scorpio

Grade: C+


After the match, Paul Heyman interviews Scorpio in the ring. Too Cold tells everyone how great it is to be here in ECW, and that he plans on taking home the NWA World Title. Heyman tells us another "big name" will be here later tonight and he is coming back to win the NWA title also. Heyman then let's us know the TV tapings are about to begin...and ECW merchandise is available in the lobby!


Grade: C-




TV Tapings:






This week's Hardcore TV kicks off not in the ring, but backstage and from the looks of it possibly the loading bay area. We see Sandman, he has his back to the camera and is drinking a beer. A few feet away his manager Peaches is standing and filing her nails. From off camera Joey Styles walks into frame...


Styles: "Sandman what are you doing? Sandman...you have a match in just a few minutes...."

Sandman (back still to the camera): "The names not Sandman."

Styles: "Not Sandman? What are you talking about? I've known you for----"


Sandman turns around. He has an annoyed look on his face...very annoyed. He's wearing an oversized blonde "Horseshoe Mustache"...the kind popularized by....


Sandman: "The names Hak Hogan."


Sandman takes a chug of his Budwieser...


Styles: "Hak Hogan?"

Sandman: "That's right...BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP...Brutha."


Sandman looks ready to walk off in disgust as Styles tries his best not to laugh. Suddenly ECW Heavyweight Champion Shane Douglas eagerly bounds into the scene. He has a bandage on his forehead from last week's sneak attack and he's wearing a comically oversized bleach blonde wig, kinda resembling...


Douglas: "WOOOOO! And I'm D*ck Flair....WOOOOOOO...and this weekend on Pay Per View...WOOOOOOOOOO...me and Hak over here will be facing off in a Depends on a pole title match over in WCW. WCW as in Who Cares Wrestling..WOOOOOOOOO!"

Styles: "Well...uhm...Hakster...what do you have to say about that?"


Sandman finishes off his beer, tosses the can over his shoulder and lights up a smoke...


Sandman: "...BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP...whatcha gonna do?"

Douglas: "WOOOOO...that's right cause...."


Douglas pauses and the camera pans back. Wrestling legend Jimmy Snuka has wandered in and is not amused at the barbs being thrown at other older wrestlers. Douglas gets deadly serious and takes off the wig...


Douglas: "What are you looking at?"


Snuka says nothing, just stares. Douglas gets right in his face...


Douglas: "What do you want old man?"


Snuka points at the ECW Heavyweight title belt.


Snuka: "A shot at that."

Douglas: "You think you deserve a shot at this? Really? Maybe ten years ago...maybe...you might have been able to get in a ring with me. But now? Ha...I don't think Tod Gordon's insurance would cover all your medical bills if you got in the ring with me. Come to think about it, I never got a good look at who attacked me in the parking lot...but he had greasy long hair...just like you."

Snuka: "I didn't---"

Douglass: "And just like you he smelled like cheap liquor and cheaper women...."


Douglas shoots Sandman and Peaches a look before turning back to Snuka...


Douglas: "Well go run along, ask Paul Heyman nicely for a title shot...cause it will be my pleasure to kick your *ss!"


Grade: C+




After the TV introduction it's to the ring. Joey Styles has made it to the Eagle's Nest and he has the call for the opening match...


Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman (w/Peaches)


The Harris Brothers (Don & Ron Harris w/Woman)


Tommy Dreamer is starting to win over the fans here at the ECW Arena, but Sandman is one of the most popular, and he recieves maybe the loudest pop of the night. The Harris Brothers make a suprise announcement before the match begins...they will now be managed by Woman! Once the bell rings referee John Finnegan is little more than a bystander. The match quickly devovles into a two on two street fight with all four battling it out the entire time. Steel chairs, kendo sticks, tables and even a cheese grater are used at various times throughout the match. Finally, Sandman and Don Harris have battled thru the crowd and almost to the entrance area, leaving Tommy and Ron Harris one on one. Dreamer lays out Ron with a suplex thru a wooden table, but in doing so he dislocates his shoulder! Dreamer is writhing in pain and Finnegan has no choice, he's stopping the match as Dreamer can't continue...the Harris Brothers win!


Winners at 8:48 via stoppage when Tommy Dreamer is injured and can't continue...

The Harris Brothers

Grade: C-



The Harris Brothers on the way to the ring:




In between matches ECW officials check on the injured Dreamer as the Harris Brothers and Woman celebrate at ringside. Cameras catch a frustrated Sandman telling his partner to "sack up...drink a beer and don't be a p*ss."



Mike Awesome vs Hack Myers


Hack Myers doesn't stand a chance against the returning Mike Awesome. No hint was given that Awesome was returning to ECW from Japan, and the crowd erupts when he makes his way to the ring. Awesome has no trouble with Myers, dispatching him with an Awesome Bomb in a one-sided match.


Winner at 5:07 via Awesome Bomb...

Mike Awesome

Grade: D-



In between matches Mike Awesome grabs a microphone. He thanks Paul Heyman and Tod Gordon for bringing him back and tells the fans he's here for one reason...to win the NWA World Championship!



Awesome, Scorpio, Douglas, Funk...everyone wants a shot at the NWA World Title:




Jimmy Snuka vs Johnny Grunge


Just a few minutes into this competetive match, Paul Heyman interupts. He says he witnessed Snuka's run in with Shane Douglas earlier tonight and he doesn't think Snuka is washed up, he thinks he can earn a title shot...so he declares the winner of this match will get a title shot against Shane Douglas on Hardcore TV next week! With the added bit of motivation, Snuka takes over. He seems well on his way to a victory when Grunge's tag team partner Rocco Rock interferes. After several minutes of a two on one beatdown, Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck rush the ring and chase Rocco Rock to the back. Snuka seizes the momentum with a karate thrust to the throat and a Superfly Splash to get the pinfall...and the title shot.


Winner at 7:53 via Superfly Splash...

Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka

Grade: C




Backstage Cactus Jack has a microphone. He talks about being a kid and seeing Snuka leaping from the top of the steel cage against Don Muraco and how that inspired him to be a wrestler. He ran in on Snuka's match to even the odds and give Superfly a shot at winning the title. Cactus Jack then talks about his dedication to his hardcore style and getting older in the wrestling business...



Grade: B


Time for the main event...


Sabu & The Tazmaniac vs The Pitbulls


Whatever tension may have been there last week between Sabu and the Tazmaniac doesn't show up here. They work well together as a team, tagging in and out frequently and even pulling off a few two on one moves. The Pitbulls do their best to turn this into a brawl, taking the match outside and introducing steel chairs into the match. Sabu is happy to "go hardcore", but Tazmaniac continuely brings the match back into the ring. In spite of his wild man look, Taz is actually a world class grappler and it shows. After ten minutes of action, the match breaks down. Referee Jim Molineaux loses control as all four men wind going at it at the same time. Tazmaniac and Pitbull #1 wind up outside the ring as Sabu and #2 go at it in the ring. Sabu is layed out with a Powerbomb, but as #2 goes for the pin the Tazmaniac slips into the ring and breaks the pin. Tazmaniac then locks Pitbull #2 into the Tazmission for the win.


Winners at 12:05 via Tazmission...

Sabu and the Tazmaniac

Grade: C+


After the match, Tazmaniac helps Sabu to his feet. Once Sabu realizes Taz won the match for his team, Sabu storms off in disgust!




After the ring clears, Shane Douglas makes his way out. From the center of the ring he grabs a microphone and calls out Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. Snuka obliges and gets a nice ovation as he makes his way out. The two wind up nose to nose in the center of the ring. But before any punches are thrown...




Paul Heyman has a microphone and is on his way to the ring...


Heyman: "Hold on now. Let's not give away a match for free that the people will pay to see next week. Besides, I said Jimmy Snuka would get a title shot on next week's Hardcore TV...but he's not the only man who will. You see we are going to have ourselves what I call a Three Way Dance next week. Three men in one ring...the first to score a pinfall wins the match...and the ECW title. So next week it will be Shane Douglas vs Jimmy Superfly Snuka vs ---"


Heyman doesn't get to finish as the lights cut out at the ECW Arena. There is some kind of commotion going on. Cameras flashbulbs are going off. We can't see much, but someone else has entered the ring. After a few minutes the lights come back on. Heyman is standing at ringside looking shocked. Shane Douglas and Jimmy Snuka are out cold in the ring. The mystery assailant is nowhere to be found but in between Snuka and Douglas, in the center of the ring...is a 10' long coiled Python!


Grade: C+





Show Grade: C+





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ECW Hardcore TV News and a Hardcore TV Preview


Paul Heyman appeared on a local Philadelphia radio program this weekend. In a bombshell, he announced that next Saturday night, at Heatwave '94, Sabu will recieve a shot at the ECW World Title. Who will be his opponent is unknown, as Shane Douglas is scheduled to defend the title at this week's TV tapings, but one thing is for sure...Sabu was allowed to pick the stipulation for his title match at Heatwave and he chose...


A Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match!


On to the Hardcore TV preview...


It's the last show before Heatwave 1994...Paul Heyman's mystery signing (and Shane Douglas' mystery attacker?) will be revealed and you won't want to miss it...trust me...Plus rookie Rob Van Dam is interviewed by Paul Heyman himself



ECW Hardcore TV


Confirmed Matches:


Mikey Whipwreck, Ian Rotten & Too Cold Scorpio vs Rocco Rock & The Pitbulls


The Harris Brothers vs Damien Stone & JT Smith


Cactus Jack vs Bruno Sassi


The Tazmaniac vs Tony Stetson


ECW Heavyweight Title:

Shane Douglas© vs Jimmy Snuka vs ???




Predictions, comments and the like welcome...next show will be up by Saturday

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Mikey Whipwreck, Ian Rotten & Too Cold Scorpio vs Rocco Rock & The Pitbulls

- Really went back-and-forth on this one. Love Whipwreck and Scorpio, but Rotten is terrible in every way imaginable.


The Harris Brothers vs Damien Stone & JT Smith


Cactus Jack vs Bruno Sassi


The Tazmaniac vs Tony Stetson


ECW Heavyweight Title:

Shane Douglas© vs Jimmy Snuka vs ???

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- Really went back-and-forth on this one. Love Whipwreck and Scorpio, but Rotten is terrible in every way imaginable.


Hardest match to pick for sure, but it's your typical "Go home" show before a big event...lots of squashes...the big 6-man tag...and there's no way Douglas would lose the title less than a week before Heatwave...right?



right? :cool:

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Mikey Whipwreck, Ian Rotten & Too Cold Scorpio vs Rocco Rock & The Pitbulls


The Harris Brothers vs Damien Stone & JT Smith


Cactus Jack vs Bruno Sassi


The Tazmaniac vs Tony Stetson


ECW Heavyweight Title:

Shane Douglas© vs Jimmy Snuka vs ??? (shane wins barely so as to carry into Heatwave strong though you could do the surprise switch to the afformentioned ??? but I see this way working better)

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Mikey Whipwreck, Ian Rotten & Too Cold Scorpio vs Rocco Rock & The Pitbulls

Going with the Pitbulls JUST because the others are way more singles wrestlers than what the tag teamers team is.


The Harris Brothers vs Damien Stone & JT Smith

Cactus Jack vs Bruno Sassi

The Tazmaniac vs Tony Stetson

They're having a lot of squash for dinner over at the Arena.


ECW Heavyweight Title:

Shane Douglas© vs Jimmy Snuka vs ???

I know it's ECW and you can expect anything, but I don't see the belt just switching on a random HCTV.

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