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1994 Triangle Match: ECW

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Mikey Whipwreck, Ian Rotten & Too Cold Scorpio vs Rocco Rock & The Pitbulls


The Harris Brothers vs Damien Stone & JT Smith


Cactus Jack vs Bruno Sassi


The Tazmaniac vs Tony Stetson


ECW Heavyweight Title:

Shane Douglas© vs Jimmy Snuka vs ???

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Mikey Whipwreck, Ian Rotten & Too Cold Scorpio vs Rocco Rock & The Pitbulls

I can see this match going either way, but...


The Harris Brothers vs Damien Stone & JT Smith


Cactus Jack vs Bruno Sassi


The Tazmaniac vs Tony Stetson


ECW Heavyweight Title:

Shane Douglas© vs Jimmy Snuka vs ???

Shane Douglas was the life blood of ECW at the time, so... Yeah.

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Mikey Whipwreck, Ian Rotten & Too Cold Scorpio vs Rocco Rock & The Pitbulls - Probably wrong here, but i like Whipwrck and Scorpio, and you should push Axl to the damn moon, so why not have ian on the winning side here? (because that makes no sense, of course. :p)


The Harris Brothersvs Damien Stone & JT Smith - Keep them looking dominant.


Cactus Jack vs Bruno Sassi - Bruno going over Jack would be the upset of the millennium.


The Tazmaniac vs Tony Stetson - Taz is going to be a star soon enough.


ECW Heavyweight Title:

Shane Douglas© vs Jimmy Snuka vs ??? - Shane Douglas is ECW.

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Mikey Whipwreck, Ian Rotten & Too Cold Scorpio vs Rocco Rock & The Pitbulls


The Harris Brothers vs Damien Stone & JT Smith


Cactus Jack vs Bruno Sassi


The Tazmaniac vs Tony Stetson


ECW Heavyweight Title:

Shane Douglas© vs Jimmy Snuka vs ???

Going with Douglas, zero chance of Snuka winning.

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ECW Hardcore TV


Eastern Championship Wrestling presents:


ECW Hardcore TV



Tuesday Week 3, July 1994

From the ECW Arena in South Philly

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out!)


ECW holds a weekly live show on Tuesday nights. The show runs for approx. 1 1/2 to 2 hours, with the last hour filmed for the weekly ECW Hardcore TV program which currently runs on the Sunshine Network in Florida (Fridays Graveyard) and The Sports Channel in Philadelphia (Tuesday Late Nights). The show, as always, is hosted by Joey Styles...




Live Event:


Mikey Whipwreck, Ian Rotten & Too Cold Scorpio


Rocco Rock & The Pitbulls


This week's show kicks off with a hard hitting and chaotic affair. All six men stretch the definition of "tag team match", running in often. Scorpio gets the crowd pumped by hitting his 450 Splash on Rocco Rock, but the Pitbulls break up the pin attempt. In the end, Ian Rotten loses track of who the legal man is during a three on three melee and gets rolled up from behind by Rocco Rock. Rock grabs a handful of trunks (jeans actually) to get the win.


Winners at 10:25 via Roll-Up...

Rocco Rock & the Pitbulls

Grade: C+



In between matches, Paul Heyman and Jimmy Snuka meet with fans:




The Harris Brothers (w/Woman)


JT Smith & Damien Stone


The Harris Brothers are building momentum here in ECW, signing Woman as manager and picking up an easy win here tonight. The spunky, under-sized underdog team of Smith and Stone get in a few licks of offense, but spunky doesn't get you wins in ECW. Don Harris gets the pinfall after an H-Bomb (Powerbomb) on Damien Stone.


Winners at 4:46 via H-Bomb...

The Harris Brothers (w/Woman)

Grade: D



JT Smith's tag partner, Damien Stone:




Before the TV tapings begin, Paul Heyman brings the recently debuted Rob van Dam to the ring for a one on one interview. During the 5 minute interview, RVD is low key, layed back but not humble. He tells Heyman he's here in ECW for one reason..."To win championship gold"...He doesn't "care about labels" like is he a heel or babyface, he just wants to win...Heyman then wraps up the interview letting the crowd know the TV tapings are about to begin...and ECW merchandise is available in the lobby!


Grade: C







TV Tapings:


Hardcore TV kicks off this week with Paul Heyman already in the ring. The fans are already raucous and ready, chanting "EC-DUB...EC-DUB...EC-DUB". Paul Heyman can barely be heard over the noise...


Heyman: "...well let's get right to it...my most recent signing...the third man in the ring for tonight's main event and a legend known across the globe..."


The chants of "EC-DUB...EC-DUB...EC-DUB" quickly change to "DDT...DDT...DDT...". After a few moments, to the suprise of no one, Jake "The Snake" Roberts makes his official debut in ECW. Roberts makes his way to the ring, Damian slung over his shoulders in a burlap sac. Once in the ring he approaches Paul Heyman.


Evil Genius meets Evil Genius.


Heyman starts to talk but Roberts grabs the microphone from him...


Roberts: "Spare me the pleasantries Paulie. You paid me...alot...to come here, and these people didn't come here to listen to you. So it's like this...not only do each and everyone of you fans get to witness Jake Roberts historic debut in ECW...but you will get to watch me win the ECW title tonight too...trust me."


Grade: C



Jake "The Snake" Roberts makes his debut in ECW:





Cactus Jack vs Bruno Sassi


The opening television match features the ever popular Catuc Jack. Jack has little trouble with one half of Phi Delta Slam, thoroughly dominating the match. After several minutes Stevie Richards rushes the ring in an attempt to cost Jack the match. Instead he gets in the way of an accidental clothesline from Big Bruno. With Richards KOed, Cactus lands the Double Arm DDT for the win.


Winner at 5:23 via Double Arm DDT after botched interference from Stevie Richards...

Cactus Jack

Grade: D+




The Tazmaniac (w/Sabu) vs Tony Stetson


Sabu accompanies his tag team partner Taz to the ring. Tazmaniac shows off his impressive mat skills, methodically breaking down the overmatched Stetson with an array of suplexes, slams and wear down holds. Finally, clearly annoyed at ringside, Sabu slides into the ring and nails Stetson with a Piledriver. Tazmaniac seems confused by Sabu's actions but has no choice...Stetson's out cold and Taz covers him for the pin.


Winner at 4:59 after interference from Sabu...

The Tazmaniac

Grade: D




Before we get to the main event, we cut to the locker room backstage at the ECW Arena. We see the Sandman and Tommy Dreamer. Sandman looks lived, berating Dreamer as manager Peaches tries in vain to calm him down. Sandman seems irate that Dreamer, in his words, "quit" on them during last week's match with the Harris Brothers...


Dreamer: "...it's not like that man, I couldn't----"

Sandman: "Couldn't? Or wouldn't?"

Dreamer: "What are you talking about my----"

Sandman: "What I'm talking about is you better decide right now if you got the heart to be here in ECW, 'cause from what I've seen...I don't think you do!"

Sandman storms out of the locker room as we head to the ring for the main event.


Grade: C




ECW Heavyweight Championship


Shane Douglas © vs Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts


From the outset there is a passionate mixed response from the fans. Shane Douglas is a cocky and arrogant, but his loyalty to the promotion and run as champion has elevated the status of ECW. Snuka is an aging veteran who is a sentimental favorite among many. Jake Roberts' motive aren't clear, but many fans are cheering for him just because he's the newest "big name" to come through the doors here at the Arena. It's an all out war from the begining. Roberts and Snuka double team Douglas for several minutes, ending with a Spike Piledriver that lays out the champ. Roberts goes for the pin but Snuka drags him off. The two vets begin to argue then brawl with one another. This gives Douglas the chance to recover, eventually taking Roberts and Snuka out with a double clothesline. From there the match is fairly even, with all three men controlling the match for stretches but none able to score a pin. After nearly 20 minutes of action, Roberts nails Douglass with a DDT. He goes for the pin...but Douglas kicks out at 2.9! Roberts can't believe it. As he climbs to his feet, Roberts is hit by Snuka with a dropkick that sends him stumbling over the top rope. Snuka climbs to the top turnbuckle...steadies himself...then prepares for the "Superfly Splash", sending the crowd into an uproar. Meanwhile, Roberts grabs a chair from ringside and slithers back into the ring. Snuka leaps off the turnbuckle at Douglas, but is nailed mid-flight by Roberts with a steel chair to the head. Snuka crumples to the mat next to Douglas, nearly unconscious and bleeding from the forehead. Douglas is still down and dazed from the DDT. Roberts grabs Douglas...and drags him over to Snuka, placing him on top of "Superfly" in a pinning position...


Joey Styles: "OH MY GAWD...has Roberts been working with Douglas all along?!?"


Referee Jim Molyneiux has no choice, he counts to three...Shane Douglas retains the ECW Heavyweight Championship.


Winner at 21:52 via pinfall and STILL ECW Heavyweight Champion...

Shane Douglas

Grade: C+



Snuka takes flight, but his title dreams are thwarted by Roberts and Douglas:





After the match, the crowd boos as Roberts helps Douglas to his feet. They celebrate together and start to leave the ring. But then they stop, Roberts says something to Douglas. Douglas leaves the ring and grabs the wooden time keeper's table. He slides it back into the ring and sets it up...


Joey Styles: "Oh come on! 51 year old Jimmy Snuka is already in serious need of medical attention...I can't believe these two snakes would do this."


Paul Heyman rushes down to ringside, but he's too late. Douglas hoists the already bloodied Jimmy Snuka onto his shoulders and then power bombs him through the table! The rest of the ECW locker room comes rushing out and chases Roberts and Douglas from the ring. Before exiting the arena, Jake and Shane address the crowd from near the exit doors...


Jake: "You see it's like this Pauly...you hired me to be a head hunter...a mercenary...the man to come in and take the belt off of Shane Douglas so you can pass it on to one of your flunkies...well...the Snake doesn't approve of that..."

Douglas: "Beside Heyman...I pay better!"

Jake: "That's right...and now thanks to Shane...I got some cold beer and hot women waiting for me at the hotel!"


Grade: C




Show Grade: C





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ECW HeatWave 1994 Preview




We are less than a week away from ECW Heatwave 94...


- Cactus Jack will speak out on Shane Douglas and Jake Roberts heinous assault of Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka


- Tommy Dreamer is still injured, so he and the Sandman are out of contention, but Paul Heyman has promised a #1 contender's match for the ECW Tag Team Titles


- Another new face makes his debut in ECW


- The ring will be surrounded by a 15' high steel cage...the ropes will be wrapped in barbed wire...Shane Douglas will be locked in the cage with the homicidal, genocidal, suicidal Sabu...and it's for the ECW Heavyweight Championship!


Confirmed Matches:


Mike Awesome vs Rob Van Dam


Too Cold Scorpio vs Stevie Richards


The Public Enemy vs ??????


Sabu vs Shane Douglas



Bonus: Who will face The Public Enemy for the ECW Tag Titles? (hint, it's a team we haven't seen yet in my diary, but a team that did compete in ECW)




Predictions and Comments welcome, show will be posted by Sunday

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Mike Awesome vs Rob Van Dam

I gotta believe Awesome is just a bit more popular than RVD and probably better all-around at this point.


Too Cold Scorpio vs Stevie Richards

Toughest one to call, but I think Richards can be booked as more than just a comedy act.


The Public Enemy vs ??????

I'm going to go with The Gangstas


Sabu vs Shane Douglas

Gotta believe Jake The Snake plays a role in this one.

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ECW Heatwave 1994


Eastern Championship Wrestling presents:



ECW Heatwave '94



Saturday Week 3, July 1994

From the ECW Arena is South Philadlphia

Attendance: 2,000 Rabid ECW Fanatics (Sell Out)





Paul Heyman, while welcoming the fans to Heatwave '94...


"Since no pay per view provider in America has the b***s to show ECW's brand of hard hitting, in your face action...Heatwave will be for the faithful here live tonight and recorded for release on VHS."




Heatwave kicks off with Paul Heyman in the ring thanking the fans for their support. Tod Gordon spared no expense tonight, he's rented a DJ with a real pro PA system...which we are introduced to as Guns and Roses' "Welcome to the Jungle" interupts Heyman. That can only mean one thing...Cactus Jack is on his way to the ring...and he's got something to say to Paul Heyman...


Jack: "You know Paulie---"

Heyman: "Would it kill you guys to refer to me as Mr. Heyman once in a while?"

Jack: "Probably not...you know Paulie, our time in Atlanta over lapped and everyone down there said that you were nothing but a low down, bigoted, loud-mouth, pompous, back stabbing, cheap skate a**hole. But I always defended you...I said...Paulie's not a cheap skate. But bringing in Jake Roberts as a mercenary...well that's low, even for you and I hold you personally responsible for what happened to Jimmy Snuka."

Heyman: "Are you finished?"

Jack: "No but I'm sure your going to cut me off so---"

Heyman: "Well, if you have such a problem with what Jake Roberts did to Snuka, tell him yourself...Tuesday night...when you face him one on one on Hardcore TV! Now get the h*** out of my ring!"


Grade: B-




As the crowd salivates over Cactus Jack vs Jake Roberts at the next TV tapings, we prepare for tonight's opening match, as always called by the incomparable Joey Styles...


Mike Awesome vs Rob Van Dam


RVD is still relatively unknown to the ECW fans while Awesome has always had a love/hate relationship with the fans, leaving the crowd a bit unsure who to root for in the opening bout. After a few minutes of action, they are cheering loudly for both men. Awesome controls early, using his strength to overpower RVD. Van Dam turns the tables by back dropping Awesome over the top rope. Then in an eye popping move, does a running springboard over the ropes into hurrancanrana on Awesome at ring side...


Styles: "OH MY GAWD!"

Crowd: "EC-DUB...EC-DUB...EC-DUB..."


RVD takes advantage and controls the match for sometime, culminating in what he calls the "VanDaminator". Getting Mike Awesome in the "Tree of Woe", RVD then leaps all the way across the ring with a kick to the face!


Styles: "OH MY GAWD!"

Crowd: "EC-DUB...EC-DUB...EC-DUB..."


Despite the flashy moves, Awesome manages to power out of the pin attempt. A few minutes later, Awesome catches Van Dam as RVD tries for another Hurrancanrana. He turns it into a devastating Awesome Bomb and a three count for the win in the opening contest.


Winner at 9:23 via Awesome Bomb...

Mike Awesome

Grade: C-



Rob Van Dam discusses the finer points of his wrestling style with a heckler at ringside:




In a clip filmed for the VHS release of Heatwave 94 (and for Japanese distribution - BetaMax) Joey Styles interviews Shane Douglas about his match tonight with Sabu...


Douglas: "...Barbed Wire Steel cage, electrified light tubes, pirhanna tanks...doesn't matter...there is no way that greasy, dirty, Iranian Sab---"

Styles: "I don't Sabu is from Iran he's fro---"

Douglas: "Iran, Saudia Arabia, India, Indiana...Michigan...doesn't matter...all that matters is tonight Shane Douglas WILL retain the ECW Heavyweight Championship!"


Grade: C




Back in the ring, Cactus Jack is back. He wants Jake Roberts in the ring and he wants him now! Roberts isn't in the building tonight however. Jack is rudely interupted by...




It's the Public Enemy!


And the Pitbulls!


And the Harris Brothers!


Johnny Grunge is still angry about Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck interfering in his match against Jimmy Snuka a few weeks ago...


Grunge: "If you want a fight so bad, how 'bout you take on us?"


All six men are about to jump Cactus Jack when Paul Heyman makes his way back out to the ring...


Heyman: "Hold on here...Cactus Jack will be in a match alright, but since it worked so well last week, it will be a Three Way Tag Team Dance...Cactus Jack and a partner vs the Pitbulls vs The Harris Brothers...and the winners will face the Public Enemy later tonight...for the ECW Tag Team Championship!"

Grunge: "If anyone is brave...or stupid...enough to be his partner that is."


From the back comes the recently debuted A-Train. The crowd doesn't know what to make of it, but he makes his way to the ring and declares he will be Cactus Jack's tag team partner. Before Jack can answer, the crowd erupts...Mikey Whipwreck comes running from the back...he too volunteers to be Cactus Jack's partner...


Jack: "Sorry, A-Train...I respect you for volunteering, but Mikey and me go way back so I have to choose him."


A dejected A-Train starts to leave the ring when...


Heyman: "You want in this match kid? Fine...go get a partner...you got three minutes!"


A-Train hesitates, then grabs the microphone out of Heyman's hand...points to the crowd...


A-Train: "Which one of you crazy sumb*tches wants to be an ECW wrestler tonight?!?!"


The crowd goes absolutely nuts. A-Train leaves the ring and begins surveying the volunteers all through out the crowd. Finally he stops and points. Standing in the front row is a monster of a man, 6'4" and easily 350 pds. He's got a flat top hair do, black horn rimmed glasses, dirty cut off jeans and a "Terminator 2" t-shirt.


A-Train: "What's your name?"

The unknown man begins to stutter...m...m...m...my...my na...

A-Train: "What?"

...my name is...is...my name is...ma..ma...

A-Train: "Man I ain't got time for this."


Looking him over and pointing at his t-shirt...


A-Train: "F*** it, your the Terminator...let's go!"


The Terminator jumps the rails and it's on...a four way match to determine The Public Enemy's opponents for latter tonight!


Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck vs A-Train & The Terminator vs The Pitbulls vs The Harris Brothers (w/Woman)


Calling this a wrestling match is like calling an episode of Cop Rock fine opera. Unmitigated, uncrontrolled violence from begining to end. Chairs, tables, stop signs and more make their appearance. Despite being completely unknown, A-Train and Terminator show an amazing amount of chemistry, at one point about five minutes in completely clearing the ring drawing a huge ovation from the crowd. The war rages on with each team coming within a split second of winning the match at various times. Pitbull #1 takes a chokeslam from the Terminator through a table and is eventually carried out of the match. A-Train climbs the top rope for a Frog Splash on one of the Harris Brothers but instead is dropkicked to the concrete floor by Whipwreck. Finally, after over twenty minutes of total war, with everyone bloodied except Woman at ringside, Cactus Jack lands the Double Arm DDT onto a steel chair on Ron Harris to get the win for his team.


Winners at 22:50 via Double Arm DDT...

Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck

Grade: B- (another B- involving Cactus Jack...think there's a pattern here?)



Ma...Ma...M...The Terminator makes his ECW debut:




As a weary and bloodied Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck celebrate, they are attacked from behind by the Public Enemy. A-Train and the Terminator rush to their aid. Which brings The Harris Brothers and the surviving Pitbull into the match. By the time it's all said and done, nearly the entire ECW roster - Tommy Dreamer, Tazmaniac, Sandman, Awesome, Stevie Richards and more - empties out of the back into a massive brawl that rages all over the Arena, taking nearly 10 minutes to break up!


Grade: C




Too Cold Scorpio vs Stevie Richards


After the four way tag team war, and ensuing brawl, it's almost not fair to force these two to follow. But they do their best to steal the show. An excellent back and forth match. Scorpio tries to keep the pace at a break neck speed with high impact hurrancanranas, dropkicks, springboards and the like. Richards does his best to slow things down with weardowns, as well as a little cheating. In the end, despite another great showing from Richards, Scorpio is TOO much, winning with a 450 Splash aka a Diss That Don't Miss.


Winner at 12:45 via a Diss That Don't Miss...

Too Cold Scorpio

Grade: C+




After the match, Scorpio salutes Richards' effort and offers a handshake. Richards responds by spitting at Scorpio and leaving the ring. Scorpio shrugs it off and celebrates with the fans, but as he turns his back Richards slides back in the ring behind him...


Joey Styles: "Oh no...Stevie Richards has got a handful of barbed wire...what's gotten in to him lately?"


Richards nails Scorpio with a forearm to the back that sends him to the floor. Stevie then rakes the ball of barbed wire across Scorpio's head, leaving him down and bloody as Richards heads to the back.


Grade: C+




As Joey Styles is letting us know that Tod Gordon has made the next match, for the ECW Tag Team Titles, a ladder match, we head to the backstage area. Tommy Dreamer and Sandman are again in the middle of a heated arguement. Sandman tells Dreamer if he weren't still crying about his shoulder, they would be competing for the ECW Tag Team Titles. Dreamer starts to reply, but Sandman flings his beer can at him and storms off.


Grade: C




Ladder Match


ECW Tag Team Title Match


The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) ©


Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck


Both Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck are bandaged up from their match earlier. They seem to be showing the effects as the Public Enemy control the match early on. They toss Jack over the top rope and double team Whipwreck for several minutes. To cap off the assault, Grunge lifts Whipwreck on his shoulders and Rock leaps of the top ropes smashing a chair into Mikey's face...an ECW version of the Doomsday Device! This leaves Whipwreck out cold and Cactus Jack to try and fight off both members of the Public Enemy. Jack puts up a valiant effort, but eventually he winds up taking a double suplex on the concrete. The Public Enemy climb back in the ring and set up the ladder. Rather than climbing quickly up the ladder and grabbing the belts, they decide to taunt the fans by dancing around the ring. They don't realize that Whipwreck has recovered. As Rocco Rock finally starts to climb the ladder, Whipwreck hits Grunge from behind with a dropkick, sending him over the top rope. Whipwreck then chases Rocco up the ladder. They reach the top at the same time and begin trading punches. Cactus Jack slides back in the ring and topples the ladder. Rocco goes flying to the mat...but Whipwreck reaches up and grabs the title belts! The rope holding the belts snaps and Whipwreck, with the belts in his hands, crashes to the ground...we have new Tag Team Champions!


Winners at 13:21 when Mikey Whipwreck retrieved the title belts...




Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck

Grade: C+




As Whipwreck and Jack head backstage Johnny and Rocco are still in the ring irate about losing the belts. Johnny tells Rocco to grab a couple of steel chairs...


"We're going backstage and kicking somebody's a** over this!"


Rocco, still dazed from the match looks around for a moment...then a fan tosses his chair into the ring!

...then another fan tosses his...

...and another...

...and another...

...and another...

...and finally...




With the ECW road crew clearing the ring of chairs and setting up the steel cage for the main event, Joey Styles catches up with the new ECW Tag Team Champions backstage for an interview. Mikey calls their win a "dream come true", and tells Styles he feels "like Stallone in Rocky!" Cactus Jack and Whipwreck walk off set laughing and shouting "YO ADRIAN! YO ADRIAN!"


Grade: C+




Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match


ECW Heavyweight Championship Match


Shane Douglas © vs Sabu


The match starts cautiously, with both men trying to toss the other into the barbed wire covered ropes. For several minutes both avoid being tossed into the skin ripping menagarie. Finally, Douglas unloads a series of punches on Sabu, staggering him. He then goes for an Irish Whip...but Sabu reverses! Douglas goes back first into the barbed wire, raising a huge cheer from the crowd. Sabu goes on the offensive, battering the champion for several minutes. Douglas eventually reverses a suplex attempt and captures the momentum. He takes over with a series of power moves culminating with his finisher the Pittsburgh Plunge, a modified Fisherman's Buster. But Sabu recovers in time and prevents Douglas from escaping the cage. After a few more minutes Sabu seemingly has the match won. He lays Douglas out cold with a piledriver in the center of the ring. He makes his way to one corner and begins to climb out of the ring. But Sabu stops and positions himself on the top turnbuckle...


Styles: "This could be bad...instead of escaping the cage, Sabu wants to inflict more punishment on the champ!"


Styles is right. Sabu leaps off the turnbuckle for a flying elbow drop, but Douglas rolls out of the way. Both men slowly make their way to their feet. Douglas recovers a split second quicker and grabs Sabu hitting a second Pittsburgh Plunge. This time it keeps Sabu on the mat long enough for Douglas to escape the cage...and escape with his championship.


Winner at 22:18 by escaping the cage...


and STIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLL ECW Heavyweight Champion...


Shane Douglas

Grade: C+



Sabu on his way to the ring:





After the match a bloody and dejected Sabu exits through the cage door, only to be jumped by Shane Douglas. Douglas has a steel chair and begins to beat down Sabu as the crowd roars it's disapproval. Finally the Tazmaniac rushes out for the save, chasing Shane Douglas to the back. Sabu once again is frustrated and storms off alone as Heatwave '94 comes to a close.


Grade: C





Show Grade: C+





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<p>Man, so many people posted in diary threads today that your show got buried down the page quick! Didn't realize it was up. </p><p> </p><p>

Nicely done. Is ECW really unable to get ppv deals? </p><p> </p><p>

Will The Terminator and Atrain be working under those names?</p><p> </p><p>

Surprised to see Awesome and RVD matchup here, but glad you went with the Awesome win! I'm a big Awesome mark.</p><p> </p><p>

Your write ups are really good Jack. Easy to follow. I hope my ppv is as smooth to follow.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="justtxyank" data-cite="justtxyank" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35496" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Man, so many people posted in diary threads today that your show got buried down the page quick! Didn't realize it was up. <p> </p><p> Nicely done. Is ECW really unable to get ppv deals? </p><p> </p><p> Will The Terminator and Atrain be working under those names?</p><p> </p><p> Surprised to see Awesome and RVD matchup here, but glad you went with the Awesome win! I'm a big Awesome mark.</p><p> </p><p> Your write ups are really good Jack. Easy to follow. I hope my ppv is as smooth to follow.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the compliments...no PPV company will bite...I'm still a lower end regional, so it may be a while before I can get a PPV deal (my product doesn't help)</p><p> </p><p> What other name would Terminator and A-Train use? <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Now that you mention it, I don't remember Awesome vs RVD, and a quick Google/YouTube search turns up nothing...who knew, I always assumed they must've wrestled before...I too am an Awesome fan...such a waste of talent...such a tragic ending <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="petecrimson00" data-cite="petecrimson00" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35496" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>so whe I saw the title I thought for sure this was about just after the famous Sabu, Franchise, and Terry Funk match</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Our three-way multi-player "dance" starts July 1st 1994, 5 months after...</p><p> </p><p> "The Night the Line Was Crossed" - Feb 5th 1994 from the ECW Arena (att-1,000)</p><p> </p><p> Main Event: ECW Heavyweight Championship - Terry Funk © vs Shane Douglas vs Sabu - 60 minute time limit draw</p><p> </p><p> For ECW, the most significant event is the NWA World Title Championship about to get underway...starting at the very next Hardcore TV!!! (cheap plug <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="JackKnifed72" data-cite="JackKnifed72" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35496" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks for the compliments...no PPV company will bite...I'm still a lower end regional, so it may be a while before I can get a PPV deal (my product doesn't help)<p> </p><p> What other name would Terminator and A-Train use? <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Now that you mention it, I don't remember Awesome vs RVD, and a quick Google/YouTube search turns up nothing...who knew, I always assumed they must've wrestled before...I too am an Awesome fan...such a waste of talent...such a tragic ending <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, they never met. When Awesome won the title, the big money match Heyman was building to was RVD vs Awesome for the strap. Awesome bolted for WCW before it got the chance to come to fruition.</p>
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ECW News and Hardcore TV preview...


ECW has announced the release of the following wrestlers: Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, Dory Funk Jr. & Ian Rotten. Both Snuka and Funk (who also wrestlers for WCW) were believed to be cost cutting measures, while the rarely used Rotten and booker Paul Heyman reportedly do not get along.


On the upcoming episode of ECW Hardcore TV... The NWA title tournament gets under way with 3 first round matches: Sabu vs Ron Harris, Too Cold Scorpio vs RVD & Cactus Jack vs Jake Roberts!



Confirmed matches:


The Public Enemy vs A-Train & Terminator


Stevie Richards vs JT Smith


Ron Harris (w/Woman) vs Sabu


Rob Van Dam vs Too Cold Scorpio


Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Cactus Jack





(Predictions and comments welcome, show to be posted by Thursday night)

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The Public Enemy vs A-Train & Terminator

The n-n-non Dudleys aren't quite there yet.


Stevie Richards vs JT Smith

Smith is a jobber. Richards is not.


Ron Harris (w/Woman) vs Sabu

This might be an upset, as I could see Taz getting involved, but I'm gonna go against my gut here.


Rob Van Dam vs Too Cold Scorpio

I'm not sure what RVD looks like in this game, but I gotta believe he's not totally at Scorpio's level yet.


Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Cactus Jack

Don't do drugs, kids!

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The Public Enemy vs A-Train & Terminator - Because hell yes.


Stevie Richards vs JT Smith - No question. Stevie Richards is a god.


Ron Harris (w/Woman) vs Sabu - Sabu vs. Taz on the horizon?


Rob Van Dam vs Too Cold Scorpio - Gotta go with scorpio here, because he rules.


Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Cactus Jack - Cactus needs to go down for this one, so h can put on patches that rival Shane Douglas' NWA title match.

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