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WCW '94: War of the Thrones

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Lex Luger and the Road Warriors vs. The Kings of Wrestling (Hollywood Hogan, Randy Savage, and Roddy Piper)



Dustin Rhodes vs. Owen Hart



The Steiner Brothers vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson



Brian Pillman vs. Eddy Guerrero



Cactus Jack vs. Scott Hall



Marty Jannetty vs. Ultimo Dragon



Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Syxx



WCW Main Event matches

Alex Wright vs. Lord Steven Regal

Diamond Dallas Page vs. BG Armstrong

The Hillbilly Cousins vs. The Heavenly Bodies


Fun Fan Signs: Brian Pillman for President!

I'm dressing up as Arachnaman this Halloween!


Tiebreaker Questions:

1. What will be the highest rated match? Dustin and Owen.

2. Who will win the Legend’s Showdown between Chief Wahoo McDaniel and Masked Superstar? Chief Wahoo McDaniel

3. Will Sting and Johnny B. Badd have another match at Slamboree? No.

4. How many times will an argument break out with some of the new Hall of Famers and current WCW stars? Two.

5. Will there be any turns? Not that I can think of no.

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Top Posters In This Topic

Lex Luger and the Road Warriors vs. The Kings of Wrestling (Hollywood Hogan, Randy Savage, and Roddy Piper)

Comments: I think Luger and The Warriors sneak it


Dustin Rhodes vs. Owen Hart

Comments: He's in my FAVE FIVE of all time! I cried my eyes out when he died... :( Not that I don't like Dustin... I think you've written well for him :D


The Steiner Brothers vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson

Comments: Should be a good night for the Horsemen I think


Brian Pillman vs. Eddy Guerrero

Comments: Except Latino Heat wins this one :D


Cactus Jack vs. Scott Hall



Marty Jannetty vs. Ultimo Dragon



Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Syxx



WCW Main Event matches

Alex Wright vs. Lord Steven Regal

Diamond Dallas Page vs. BG Armstrong

The Hillbilly Cousins vs. The Heavenly Bodies


Fun Fan Signs: CAN Cactus FUNK?


Based on a recent photo from the Commonwealth Games:




Tiebreaker Questions:

1. What will be the highest rated match? Eddie vs Pillman!!! Why not :D

2. Who will win the Legend’s Showdown between Chief Wahoo McDaniel and Masked Superstar? Masked Superstar

3. Will Sting and Johnny B. Badd have another match at Slamboree? NO!

4. How many times will an argument break out with some of the new Hall of Famers and current WCW stars? FOUR

5. Will there be any turns? Terry Funk? Maybe?

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Lex Luger and the Road Warriors vs. The Kings of Wrestling (Hollywood Hogan, Randy Savage, and Roddy Piper)

Comments: Luger and Warriors get a notch on the KoW.


Dustin Rhodes vs. Owen Hart

Comments: Dustin gets the victory to set him up to face Flair and Arn.


The Steiner Brothers vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson



Brian Pillman vs. Eddy Guerrero

Comments: Guerrero should make a good opponent for Wright.


Cactus Jack vs. Scott Hall



Marty Jannetty vs. Ultimo Dragon

Comments: Dragon isn't losing the belt yet.


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Syxx

Comments: To set up the Dragon/Mysterio barn burner


WCW Main Event matches

Alex Wright vs. Lord Steven Regal

Diamond Dallas Page vs. BG Armstrong

The Hillbilly Cousins vs. The Heavenly Bodies


Fun Fan Signs:


Tiebreaker Questions:

1. What will be the highest rated match? Horsemen vs the Steiners

2. Who will win the Legend’s Showdown between Chief Wahoo McDaniel and Masked Superstar? Masked Superstar

3. Will Sting and Johnny B. Badd have another match at Slamboree? Nah

4. How many times will an argument break out with some of the new Hall of Famers and current WCW stars? 3

5. Will there be any turns? Yes

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Fan Scoresheet (Comments not necessary, but always appreciated!)

Lex Luger and the Road Warriors vs. The Kings of Wrestling (Hollywood Hogan, Randy Savage, and Roddy Piper)

Comments: I think the Kings not being on the same page will cost them tonight


Dustin Rhodes vs. Owen Hart

Comments: I'm with The Lloyd. Owen Hart was one of my favorites.


The Steiner Brothers vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson



Brian Pillman vs. Eddy Guerrero



Cactus Jack vs. Scott Hall



Marty Jannetty vs. Ultimo Dragon



Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Syxx



WCW Main Event matches

Alex Wright vs. Lord Steven Regal

Diamond Dallas Page vs. BG Armstrong

The Hillbilly Cousins vs. The Heavenly Bodies


Fun Fan Signs: I'm a Bobby Heenan guy!


Tiebreaker Questions:

1. What will be the highest rated match?The Steiners vs Flair/Anderson

2. Who will win the Legend’s Showdown between Chief Wahoo McDaniel and Masked Superstar?Chief Wahoo

3. Will Sting and Johnny B. Badd have another match at Slamboree?Showdown, yes. Match, no.

4. How many times will an argument break out with some of the new Hall of Famers and current WCW stars?3

5. Will there be any turns?No

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WCW Slamboree 1995 + Main Event pre-show


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WCW Main Event

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Eric Bischoff, and Mike Tenay

Rating: D+


The Heavenly Bodies open up the show, but not how they’d like to as they fall to the Hillbilly Cousins when Marky drills Del Ray with an inverted suplex. (C-)

“Playmaker” Paul Roma isn’t being paid by the hour as he steamrolls The Cuban Assassin. (E+)

The Dungeon of Doom, represented tonight by Rio the Renegade and Biohazard, make short work of Scott and Steve Armstrong, Biohazard using a two-handed chokeslam to pin Scott. Tracy Smothers was on hand to watch the match, shaking his head at his former partner. (D-)

After the match, though, Arkane is seen staggering out of the back, wrapped up in webbing! The Flying Spyder didn’t get involved in the match, but he has struck! (E)

As we see a sign in the crowd saying “BANG! It’s Double D-P-V-S-T-H-E-D-O-Double-G!”, Diamond Dallas Page tried to gain retribution on the Stud Stable in his match against BG Armstrong. But all he ended up was bruised as the entire Stable came out and attacked him, causing a disqualification. (C+)

Gene Okerlund talks to Lord Regal and his Ruthless Roundtable, and Regal says that “that little German parlor boy” doesn’t deserve to hold the title that Regal defended with such valor in the past, and that if Bobby Eaton gets involved like on Saturday Night, “The Executioner” Finlay would deal with him! (D)

“Das Wunderkind” dances his way to victory as Lord Regal seems too on edge watching for Bobby Eaton. Alex just squeaks out the win with a quick rollup, flustering the noblemen around ringside. ©

Mike Tenay talks to Harley Race about the Hall of Fame tonight, and Race says that he cannot wait to be there to induct the next crop of legends. Be there for WCW Slamboree! (D+)



WCW Slamboree 1995

2nd Week of August 1995

Held at: Kimborough Memorial Stadium in Canyon, Texas (Mid South)

Attendance: 30,000 (sell out!)

PPV Buyrate: 4.63

Show Runtime: Three Hours

Rating: B – This show increased our popularity in 20 regions, lost popularity in 1 region.

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Following a short opening video to hype the upcoming pay-per-view, we head to Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura at the broadcast booth. Tony is in a very nice three piece suit for “The Legend’s Reunion” while Ventura is wearing a feather boa over his tanktop/suit jacket combination. After welcoming everyone live to Slamboree in Canyon, Texas, they talk about the main event tonight, saying that there could be some cracks formed in the Kings of Wrestling – however after the attack by The Giant on WCW Saturday Night, the Road Warriors may have some cracked ribs. Eric Bischoff joins the duo briefly in talking about tonight, but he does not hold in his disdain for “Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman getting a chance to go for the TV title tonight. Tony says be that what it may, we have a lot of action coming up, and we’re going to get to it right now!

Rating: C

Notes: Tony didn’t do very well here, the magnitude of the event getting to him. Jesse did a superb job in keeping the segment grounded, however.



Owen Hart w/Bobby Heenan vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes w/Magnum TA

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Nick Patrick

The tensions are running high already at Slamboree as Dustin Rhodes continues his ongoing feud with the Four Horsemen. Tony mentions that Dustin gained a victory last month over Eddy Guerrero, and this month he goes after Owen Hart. Rhodes puts on an early showing, hitting a slew of hard punches that rock the Canadian youngster, sending him sprawling from the ring and to “The Brain” for advice. Heenan’s initial strategy is to get “The Natural” into a wrestling contest – where Owen would naturally (pun unintended) have an advantage. Hart takes this to the hilt, applying a high armbar that was Dustin on the defense, but whereas the Rhodes name may be synonymous with crazy brawls, Dustin is not his father, and he comes back with mat wrestling of his own that surprises both Owen and Bobby! Soon-to-be Hall of Fame inductee Magnum TA cheers on from the outside, but keeps an eye on Heenan in order to keep him from doing any more than just give helpful tips. Dustin keeps the crowd involved and continues his rally, but a duck under a clothesline lets Owen attack with a spinning heel kick that finally gets the advantage in his corner. Owen doesn’t make the same mistake of underestimating Dustin as what Eddy did last month and even as he did himself earlier in the matchup, and he leans on Rhodes with both submission and high impact maneuvers. Hart works over the legs of Rhodes, Jesse saying that Owen’s own training in the legendary Hart Dungeon is definitely being expanded by being under the tutelage of “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. As Owen applies a leglock, Tony wonders if he’s trying to build up to that Indian Deathlock maneuver that he used to help put out Ricky Steamboat. Owen digs his elbow into the left knee of “The Son of the Son of the Plumber” as the smile comes to Bobby Heenan’s face on the outside. Bobby even briefly takes his attention away from the match in order to converse with a fan in the front row who’s sign reads “I’m a Bobby Heenan guy!” Dustin keeps trying to fight back, but Owen continually reapplies the pressure and keeps the lanky Texan on the mat. Magnum on the outside starts pounding on the ring apron, getting the crowd involved in clapping and stomping, cheering on “Dus-tin! Dus-tin!” to bring his young charge back out of this predicament… and with three clubbing forearm blows he breaks free from the hold! Dustin regains his composure with a few hard punches from his knees into the midsection of Hart, but Owen sends Rhodes off into the ropes. But he comes back with a big clothesline! Dustin hits another running clothesline, before coming in with a jumping clothesline that draws a close two count! Owen regains some advantage when the momentum starts to wane, but a blind charge into the corner gives Dustin the chance to pop up onto the second rope and leap off with the bulldog! He rolls Owen over, and the crowd count along – 1! 2! 3! Dustin picks up the victory in a very hard fought match, and on his way out of the ring he holds up four fingers – then lowers two of them. The message is clear: two down, two to go!

Winner in 15:04: Dustin Rhodes

Rating: B+



We head backstage after that amazing matchup, to see Hollywood Hogan pacing around in the KoW locker room. The Queen walks into the room, and Hogan immediately jumps her about being late to the show. She shrugs it off, but he doesn’t, asking where she was at when she should’ve been here strategizing about the main event. She tells him not to worry about it, saying she is here now, and now they can get to the planning. Hollywood still isn’t happy about it, but the camera goes back to the arena on that note, with Tony questioning what that was all about.

Rating: C+



Syxx vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Randy “Pee Wee” Anderson

Tony relays the feud thus far, as Syxx entered WCW with a huge chip on his shoulder, saying he is the reason the Cruiserweight division is popular in America as opposed to simply being a foreign concept in Mexico and Japan. Rey took exception to Syxx’s talking-down of he and his companions, and thus we have this match. The crowd are still a little bit on a high following Dustin’s victory over Owen, and the excitement continues as these two put on a very high flying, fast paced matchup that keeps them on their toes with every near-fall. Mysterio ducks under a spinning kick from Syxx, taking him down with a rollup, but Syxx is able to grab the bottom rope and cause a break. Rey springboards off the ropes then, and he is looking for a frankensteiner, but Syxx blocks it – but while turning it into a powerbomb, Syxx appears to get his elbow between Rey’s legs and hits him with what looked like a low blow that goes undetected by Randy Anderson! Syxx stacks the hurting Mysterio’s legs over his shoulders after that, and gains a very undeserved three count! Syxx is out of the ring just as fast as the action was inside it, and the crowd are booing loudly as Mysterio gets up holding his groin, pleading his case to “Pee Wee” but with the official not having seen it, he can’t do anything about it.

Winner in 8:20: Syxx

Rating: B-



Legend’s Reunion Match

Chief Wahoo McDaniel vs. The Masked Superstar

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Tommy Young

This match was kept short and sweet, so that the nostalgia in this match doesn’t get a little too long in the tooth. “The Chief” goes on the warpath to draw a big reaction from the crowd, though it doesn’t get as big a reaction as one would think. Superstar is able to withstand the tomahawk chops and manages to use clubbing blows to Wahoo and sets him up for the cobra clutch, which draws a submission victory.

Winner in 6:54: The Masked Superstar

Rating: C-



We’re backstage with “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, who appears to be following a scent… and the scent leads him to a very large locker room, decked out with couches, tables, and bottles in buckets of ice, and that brings the eleven time former World champion to a frenzy, saying this must be a mistake – THIS should be the Horsemen’s locker room! He changes his tune to smooth, however, when he sees a perky, young Japanese girl wearing a pink kimono enter the room. Flair starts turning on his “Nature Boy” charm on the girl, turning to the bottle on the table to pour some… “Wait, what’s this? What’s this say?” and another voice speaks up to translate what the bottle reads…






The camera turns to show Hall of Fame inductee Antonio Inoki standing in the doorway, now face to face with Ric Flair! Inoki questions as to why Flair is in his locker room, which takes Ric by surprise as he says this can’t be Inoki’s locker room – this kind of room should be reserved for actual stars! The Japanese legend bristles at that comment, and the two go nose to nose before Flair smiles, patting Inoki on the shoulder and pushing the bottle of sake into Antonio’s chest. He turns to the girl, telling her to find him later if she wants “the best experience America can give, Space Mountain” before leaving the room. Inoki stares after Flair, as we head out to the arena.

Rating: C+



#1 Contender for the World Television Championship

“The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. “Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero w/Bobby Heenan

Time Limit: 15:00

Referee: Nick Patrick

Tony tells us that the shortened time limit is because of the bout relating to the WCW World TV title. Following the loss in the opening bout, Bobby Heenan seems far more on task for this match, doing all he can to keep Eddy’s mind focused on the match at hand instead of on the signs around ringside such as “Latino Heat burns The Loose Cannon” and “I’m the founder of Smashin’ Pillman’s Fan Club”, but Pillman himself draws attention to the one saying “Brian Pillman for President!”. Tony talks about how Guerrero and Pillman are two of the fastest paced stars in WCW, and he expects this match to wow and excite the fans much like Syxx and Mysterio did earlier. That prediction doesn’t quite come true, but the action is indeed fast and heavy, as the two frequently stalemate with one another due to their similar styles which they learned all around the world. Jesse talks about how both of these men would love to get the shot against “Das Wunderpunk” to try and gain the TV title – Pillman likely wanting to regain the title so he can keep digging at management, but the Horsemen always wanting to hold more gold. “Latino Heat” has trouble keeping up with Pillman for a short portion of this match however, as Brian completely abandons the high flying that Flyin’ Brian was known for and begins using a crazed flurry of offence that defines “The Loose Cannon”. Guerrero is quick as a whip though, and he ducks away from a flying bodypress and down goes Nick Patrick with it! But surprisingly, it isn’t “The Brain” who interjects himself, but it’s Eric Bischoff! Bischoff, visibly still upset about Brian even being given this match, picks a chance and connects with a martial arts kick to the head of Pillman! Jesse says that Eric has been a martial arts whiz kid for years, and that kick may have knocked a few more of Brian’s screws loose! While Pillman is distracted and dazed, Bobby urges Eddy to get on him, and Eddy nails Pillman with a lifting brainbuster, before going up and hitting the Frog Splash! The crowd boo, as Eddy cradles Brian’s legs up as Bischoff wakes up the official, and with three slaps of the mat, Brian has been screwed over by his own actions! But Ventura, despite being upset at what just went down, says that he cannot wait to see Guerrero get his title match against Alex Wright now.

Winner in 9:48: Eddy Guerrero

Rating: C+



We head backstage to see a talk going on between Terry Funk and Cactus Jack, former US Tag Team champions. Jack seems to be excited that Funk could come down to ringside to watch him get revenge on Scott Hall for Terry, and then the two could go for the Tag belts again. Funk switches gears on Jack though, and he says that he has some news for Cactus that he won’t like. Terry says that as a WCW Hall of Famer as of tonight, he is not going to wrestle for any championships again, he says that he isn’t retired but he isn’t going to be teaming with Cactus anymore because he feels he is holding Jack down from his true potential. He tells Cactus that he needs to live his own life and have his own career, not worry about fighting for Terry. Jack seems very disappointed, but he accepts this, shaking hands and sharing a hug with his mentor.



But a commotion draws attention away, as Larry Zbyszko comes into the frame to ruin the moment! He says that he’s really ticked off now, because of all the people being inducted into the Hall of Fame, they should have replaced Terry because he hasn’t accomplished anything compared to “The Living Legend” Larry Zbyszko! Larry says that he’s been overlooked by WCW, and it will not stand to justice! Cactus looks ready to interject, but Terry stops him, saying that he can handle this. He says that if Larry has a problem, then maybe he should take up that problem in the ring! Larry says that Funk can’t face his Shooters without a partner, and Cactus already has a match that he should be worrying about, but Terry says that Zbyszko shouldn’t worry about that – just worry about getting his boys ready to go in the ring tonight!

Rating: B-

Notes: Jack enjoyed the freedom to portray his emotion in this one, and Funk improvised well, looking like a great mentor. But Larry did very poor.




WCW World Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon w/Sonny Onoo vs. “The Rocker” Marty Jannetty

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Randy “Pee Wee” Anderson

So yeah, this match happened. It was not a poor match by any stretch of the imagination, but it just doesn’t seem to have much merit either. Marty has his rallies that keep the crowd enthused, but they are sitting on their hands for most of this, saving themselves for bigger matches. One seemingly bored fan holds up his “All Hail King Smash!” sign. Jannetty gets caught with a boot to the face while going for a flying fist drop, and Ultimo pulls him into an arm hooking Dragon Suplex to score the pinfall and retain his championship.

Winner in 7:52 and still Cruiserweight champion: Ultimo Dragon

Rating: C-



Tony says that there is a commotion going on in the back, and we head into the locker room area to find Scott Hall and “Macho Man” Randy Savage arguing with one another! Savage is asking Hall why he left him high and dry on Saturday Night, but Hall just shrugs, saying he doesn’t work for the KoW, he works for money, mang, and he doesn’t work for bounced checks! Savage is livid, looking ready to fight about it, when…



Amidst the oncoming chaos, Ted DiBiase and Richard Stevenson come between the men. DiBiase breaks them up, and says that there’s no money in the two of them fighting now, so instead he’s going to do them both one better; if they stay away from one another through next Saturday Night, then the two will be one-on-one in the ring for the first episode of Monday Nitro! Both men seem agreeable to that, and Ted tells them go to keep getting ready for their matches later.

Rating: B-

Notes: Hall really enjoyed the freedom of improvising with Savage, but DiBiase did not do well.



The Funk Brothers vs. The Shooters w/Larry Zbyszko

Time Limit: 20:00

Referee: Tommy Young

Again, this one was kept fairly short for the sake of the old guys… I mean, “legends”. The crowd aren’t all that into this one, but it gives them a nice breather as the Funks get a last ride in the sun, angering Larry Zbyszko on the outside by using their wily veteran ways to defeat the youngsters, Funk pinning Malenko following a piledriver.

Winners in 7:47: The Funk Brothers

Rating: C



Gordon Solie has a microphone and he heads into the front row to find one-half of the World Tag Team champions, Steve Austin, in the crowd! Austin is sitting there having a “beverage” as Solie says, and Austin says that he’s just here to enjoy the show, see Gordon get inducted into the Hall of Fame, have a few beers, and see Roddy Piper get his mouth closed by the Road Warriors. Austin adds that if Hawk, Animal, or Luger don’t shut Piper’s yapping, then he’ll be back in the ring on Saturday Night to do it himself! A sign next to Austin says “I’m dressing up as Arachnaman this Halloween!” as Austin goes back to his business and Solie throws it back to Tony and Jesse.

Rating: B-

Notes: Austin improvised well, but the time off did not help Gordon as he didn’t do well.



“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair & “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson w/Bobby Heenan vs. The Steiner Brothers

Time Limit: 45:00

Referee: Charles Robinson

Scott and Ric open this match, and the crowd buzz for this one. Flair ducks out of a handshake, strutting around cockily to get under the skin of the younger Steiner. As they lock up, Scott is able to gain a clear advantage using his sheer strength advantage, applying a top wristlock. Flair’s technical acumen serves him well in escaping the hold, turning it into a headlock, but Steiner quickly shoves Flair off into the ropes, before catching Flair with a back elbow that puts him on the mat! Ric backs off into the corner, as Scott screams to him to come on! Ric locks back up with Scott, but this time Flair is able to maneuver Scotty into the ropes. Charles Robinson enforces a break, but Flair doesn’t let it go cleanly, chopping the big chest of Steiner twice. Flair sends Steiner into the opposite ropes, ducking down to the mat briefly as Scott jumps over him, but Steiner comes back with a Steinerline that nearly takes Flair out of his wrestling boots! Flair rolls over to the Horsemen corner to kneel next to Arn Anderson and take a breather, as the crowd starts coming alive for the Steiner Brothers! As Flair, Anderson, and Heenan converse, the crowd irritate Bobby by chanting “Weasel” at him, spurred on by Rick and Scott in their corner. It bothers the trio to the point that Flair charges in, and Scott grabs him, turning Ric over into a belly-to-belly suplex! Arn Anderson rushes into the ring, but so does Rick, and Arn takes a belly-to-belly suplex as well from older brother! Both of the Horsemen get to their feet, and dual clotheslines over the top rope leave only the Steiner Brothers in the ring!


After the Horsemen contingent regroup on the outside, Anderson enters the ring, the calculating “Enforcer” looking to fare better than his hotter tempered partner. Arn gains a brief advantage over Scott, but Steiner is able to turn it around again, and this time he holds Arn’s arm to tag out to brother Rick, allowing a quick double team that strikes Anderson in the ribs. With Rick in the ring now, this match becomes hard-hitting strikes, as “The Gremlin” powers Anderson around, before tagging back out to Scott for some more punishment. Tony talks about how Scott is the brains of the team, which Jesse says isn’t a compliment when the other member is Rick Steiner. The brothers do a great job of putting Anderson on the defense, and Arn manages to duck away from a suplex, but gets a little too close to the Steiner corner and takes a right hand from Rick from the apron – and he spins right back into the same suplex that he’d tried so hard to avoid! Anderson rolls out of the ring and joins up with Ric Flair again for more strategy, but Rick comes over and grabs them from between the top and middle ropes, slamming their heads together with a double noggin knocker!


Rick remains in the ring when this time Ric Flair re-enters, but Flair uses a knee kick to put Steiner on a slight limp, before taking him over with a single leg takedown. Flair then begins to take the punishment to Rick, assaulting his left knee with a balanced attack of elbow drops and knee locks. Flair holds the leg out straight while tagging out, and Anderson leaps off the middle rope to drive a sharp elbow into the thigh. Jesse talks about how brilliant this strategy is; they’re working over the leg instead of the head, because they can’t hurt Rick’s head. “The Enforcer” stays right on task, also keeping the attack focused on the leg of the elder Steiner Brother, applying a standing ankle twist that has “The Dog Faced Gremlin” howling in pain. Rick gets to the ropes, causing a break, but Arn doesn’t just break the hold, instead he tags Flair back into the ring, who kicks at the knee again before placing it on the bottom rope. Flair jumps up, bringing his full weight down upon the knee. Flair tags back out again, and Anderson shoves Rick into the ropes, but on the return he catches Arn with a desperate Steinerline!


Anderson and Steiner are both down on the mat, heading for their respective corners. Anderson is slightly closer, and he gets the tag, and Rick gets cut off by a stomp from Flair. Ric brings Rick back into the center of the ring, and hits an elbow to keep him down. “The Nature Boy” backs up into the corner, before measuring Steiner up and delivering a sharp knee drop to Rick’s forehead. Flair goes for a cover, but only gets a two count, as Jesse comments that Ric likely didn’t expect that to get the victory, but it forced Rick to expand energy to kick out. Scott keeps trying to get the crowd into the match, to spur on his brother, but he’s a long way from making the tag. But the energy does seem infectious, as Rick begins to stir up from the mat. Flair gets a few punches in the midsection from Steiner, but when Rick hits the ropes, Anderson catches him with a knee to the back to put him right down again! The Horsemen tag off again, and Anderson locks in an abdominal stretch. You all know where this is going; Charles Robinson is constantly out of position as Arn uses the ropes, Ric Flair, and even Bobby Heenan to give him extra leverage and really sink the hold in deeply. But in due time, “The Enforcer” gets caught, and when Charles kicks Arn and Flair’s hands apart, Rick is able to turn it into a great hip toss to put Anderson on the mat away from his corner!


This is the best chance there’s been for Rick to head toward his brother, and Anderson tries to stop him but takes a kick to the face for his troubles – and Rick makes the tag! Scott comes in a house of fire, hitting bodyslams, punches, and clotheslines on both Flair and Anderson! Flair gets up on the top rope to try and get an advantage, but Scott grabs him, throwing him to the mat! Steiner then takes Arn over with a double underhook suplex before yelling out to the crowd, garnering a huge cheer! He goes for a pin, but Heenan has the referee’s attention… not for long though, as Rick shoves Heenan off the apron to the floor! Ventura talks about how no one touches “The Brain” and gets away with it! But in the commotion, Flair hits Scott with a low blow! Arn sets Scott up for the DDT, but both Arn and Ric are taken down by Steinerlines from Rick! Flair drops down to ringside, shaking the cobwebs out – and he gets slapped down to the floor!


It’s Inoki!! Antonio Inoki just unleashed his trademark slap to Ric Flair, and Flair is down on the floor! In the ring, Rick catches a kick from Arn, spins him around, and lifts him up onto his shoulders – for Scott to come off the ropes with a bulldog! Scott makes the pin! 1! 2! 3!! Flair and Heenan are a split second too late in hitting the ring, and this grueling match is over! The Steiner Brothers celebrate in the ring, also showing proper respect by bowing to Antonio Inoki from the ring. The Horsemen leave the ring, their egos bruised, but none of the men’s wills broken. Tony says that the look in their eyes, they will definitely be back to fight on another day very soon.

Winners in 22:22: The Steiner Brothers

Rating: B



Hollywood Hogan, Randy Savage, and Roddy Piper are joined by beauty and the beast, The Queen and The Giant, and they all have something to say about the main event tonight. Savage talks about how excited he is about tonight, saying that Luger and the Warriors might be from Chicago but they don’t know a thing about being from “the Danger Zone, yeah” and he says he’s freaking out to get in the ring, he’s ready to go after all three of them! Piper calmly talks about being a united front tonight, as nobody beheads these Kings – adding that it’s about time WCW finds out that paying the Piper is a check they’ll bounce. Hollywood ends the segment, saying that the time has come for the KoW to put these three dogs down, calling the Road Warriors “beefed up chunkheads” and Luger “a never-was Hogan wannabe” and says that compared to three made men like himself, Macho, and “The Hot Rod” this can only go one way – and when the might of the Kings of Wrestling come crashing down, the beating will be too civilized!

Rating: B-

Notes: Hogan improvised very well here, and Savage was superb in looking crazy enough to actually take on the Chicagoans three on one.


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“Mean” Gene Okerlund is out to talk, and he is here to hype up the debut in two short weeks of WCW Monday Nitro on TNT, the first ever fully live wrestling show. Gene says that any wrestling fan who wants to see the best action in the world needs to be watching, and… and what’s this?



Gene is joined by “Lionheart” Chris Jericho, who also hypes up a soon-to-come event, but rather than talking about Nitro, he talks about next Saturday when he steps into the ring again! Gene Okerlund says that he hasn’t heard of any match contracts coming Chris Jericho’s way, but Jericho says that it’s only a matter of time before he gets put on the match sheet because he’s the hero of the people and the man who will show up for all of his “Jerichoholics” and bring the best to the ring for them, no matter what, unlike some other supposed heroes around here in WCW. Gene says that he knows Jericho is obviously talking about Sting still, and points out that he shouldn’t be poking Sting like he has, especially when Sting has been so emotionally charged as of late. Jericho laughs this off, again saying that if fans want to see their true hero, they need to tune into WCW Saturday Night, and look for where “Lionheart” Chris Jericho is at on the show. Jericho leaves the scene after a quick pose, and Okerlund merely shakes his head at the youngster, saying that one day, Jericho’s mouth may get him in a lot of trouble with someone he isn’t prepared for.

Rating: B

Notes: Gene and Jericho both worked the crowd very well, they are really hating this kid!



The Stud Stable are seen walking out of the building, all smiles after their beat down earlier on Main Event. Amidst a horde of security, Diamond Dallas Page rushes into the frame, and he says he’s not there to fight, he has a challenge. He says that he will take on all of the Stud Stable, one-on-one, and if any of them defeat him, pin him one-two-three, he’ll leave WCW – but if he defeats all of them by Fall Brawl, he gets a US title match! Colonel Parker is in a great mood, and with both Terry Gordy and Waylon Mercy standing behind him, he accepts, saying that getting rid of Page will be “easier than frying up some pudding pie” for the Stud Stable.

Rating: C

Notes: DDP improvised well here.



“Hired Hand” Scott Hall vs. Cactus Jack

Time Limit: 45:00

Referee: Mark Curtis

On the way down to the ring, Hall sideways points toward a fan’s sign that questions “Does Cactus know how to handle a Hired Gun” but Jack wastes no time in rushing the ring to start this match before the bell even sounds! Scott is a great brawler in his own right however, and he battles back against the fighting of Cactus, as Tony calls Hall a “born street fighter” and Jesse says Jack is “too dumb to mat wrestle”. This one doesn’t stay in the ring long with those credentials, as Jack clotheslines Hall over the top and out to the floor they both go, where more wild punches are traded. This one nearly goes to Hall far sooner than we would have liked via countout, as he back body drops Jack over the guardrail and slides back into the ring, letting Mark Curtis count – but Jack makes it back into the ring by 8. Hall takes over the match from there, wearing Cactus down with a combination of hard strikes, vicious slams, wear-down holds, and cocky, swaggering bravado. Hall gives it his all, but it seems no matter what he does, Cactus refuses to go down for the three count; Hall has hit a discus clothesline, his Payout fall-away slam, and even catches Jack with a version of a chokeslam, but nothing can hold him down! Hall finally decides this is done, and he sets Jack on the top rope to go for the elevated belly-to-back suplex. A sign in the crowd asks “CAN Cactus FUNK?” as Scott sets him up – but Jack reverses, bringing his full weight down onto Hall’s frame! Hall kicks out, but it gives Jack a renewed second or third wind, as he sends Hall into the turnbuckles. Jack follows up with a series of punches that slump Hall in the corner, before backing off and rushing in with a knee to the face of the man for hire! Jack pulls Hall out into the center of the ring, and he gives a “Bang Bang!” to the crowd, before hopping to the second rope. Cactus flies off with a big elbow – but Hall moves! Cactus crashes down to the mat! Both men fight the standing count from Mark Curtis, and Scott reaches his feet a split second before Jack does, giving him a chance to put Cactus’s head between his legs and signal for the Financial Edge! Hall reaches down, but Jack reverses – he trips Hall and flips him into the turnbuckle pad with a slingshot! Hall is dazed, and he walks right into a Double Arm DDT! Cactus makes the cover – 1! 2! 3! The crowd go berserk for Cactus, who celebrates this huge win in the name of his mentor Terry Funk!

Winner in 17:20: Cactus Jack

Rating: B+



1994 inducted Hall of Famer “Handsome” Harley Race comes out to the stage, and he talks about the honor that he is allowed to bestow upon a new elite selection of legends tonight. He brings out Dory and Terry Funk, and they each talk briefly about how honored they are to be here, and how great a career it has been for the two of them, both former NWA World champions. They then bring out Magnum TA, who talks about how despite his active career being cut short, he thanks World Championship Wrestling for letting him come back and extend his legacy, especially by allowing him to join the elite in the WCW Hall of Fame! He says that even though he never made it beyond the US Heavyweight title, he intends to one day manage a World Heavyweight champion! Terry goes back to the podium as Harley heads backstage, giving the spotlight to the new Hall of Famers, and Funk introduces them all one at a time: his brother, Dory Funk Jr.; Memphis legend Bill Dundee; the best old style commentator in wrestling, Gordon Solie; the high chief, Wahoo McDaniel; the mysterious Masked Superstar; the head of New-Japan Pro Wrestling, Antonio Inoki; the man who’s career ended too soon, Magnum TA; and in his own words, one of the best in the world, himself, Terry Funk! The eight men stand on the stage and take in the polite applause of the audience.

Rating: B-, C

Notes: The moment seemed to get to Terry Funk in both cases, as he didn’t improvise very well, but Magnum had a few members of the crowd sniffling during his speech, working them very well with his raw show of emotion.



Out to the ring comes Johnny B. Badd and the Badd Girl. Badd has a microphone, and he talks about how all night long, no one has heard from Sting about coming out here and accepting his challenge. Johnny starts talking about how Sting is very clearly a coward, and he offers that WCW strike his loss to Sting last month from the record because if Sting cannot come out here and give him a rematch, then Sting is telling everyone that he doesn’t feel he can stand in the ring against the greatness of Johnny B. Badd! The crowd boo, but Johnny is undeterred, saying that Rick Rude has been right all along, that this is not the Sting we all thought he was, that he’s just a coward hiding from his own face painted shadow in some dark corner somewhere! Badd says that he figured something like this would happen, and so he prepared his own Sting to fight! Out of the back comes a few different men dressed like Sting, and Badd walks up to them, knocking out the first one with one hard punch! As the guy falls clear to the outside of the ring, Badd says that counts as one – and then he takes down another one with another Tutti Fruitti Punch! He counts that as two, but when he turns around, the first man is back up again.


Or is he?!




The Tutti Fruitti Punch is blocked, and the REAL Sting clobbers Badd with the black baseball bat! The fans go crazy as Sting has knocked out Johnny B. Badd, and as the Badd Girl lays over her man to try and wake him up with light taps on his cheek, Sting stands over both of them… looking solemnly down at his handiwork. The crowd’s buzz dissipates as they realize what is happening, as Sting doesn’t move a muscle. He reaches up and runs his fingers through his hair, before leaving Badd behind, leaving the ring and walking backstage without a word.

Rating: B




Gary Michael Cappetta joins us in the ring, and it is now time for our six-man tag team main event!


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Out of the back come the Kings of Wrestling, Hogan and Savage posing and taunting the crowd. Piper is the epitome of silent confidence, as he ignores the audience as he walks down the aisle with a cocky smile across his face. Savage rips apart a sign that says “The Total Package and Warriors don’t bow to Kings” as Hogan plays air guitar on the World’s championship title. Tony wonders how long it’ll take before we may see the other members of the KoW involved in this match, but Jesse points out that of anyone, he hopes that The Giant doesn’t end up turning the tide of this match as he did last month.


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With a huge roar of the crowd comes “The Total Package” and the Road Warriors! As a sign is seen saying “The Road Warriors fear no one!” the three Chicago natives cause the ring to clear of the Kings of Wrestling! Savage is ready to rush back into the ring, but Hogan and Piper both him him back until the bell sounds.

Rating: C+



The Kings of Wrestling w/The Queen & Jimmy Hart vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger & The Road Warriors

Time Limit: 60:00

Referee: Tommy Young

With this many big, strong-willed men in one ring at one time, do you really think this would start with a simple lockup? “Macho Man” charges his foes immediately, and that opens up a big six man donnybrook that spirals out of control almost instantly! Fists are flying all around as Tommy Young actually has to call for assistance from the back in order to get the match separated so that the bell can ring and the match can start properly! It begins with Piper in the ring against Animal, and if that sounds like a mismatch, then you’re absolutely correct, as Animal shoves the veteran away with ease. Roddy’s experience and technique edge shows a little, as he outmaneuvers Animal into a headlock, but Animal simply shoves Piper into the ropes, Piper barely grabbing the ropes before he would’ve rebounded and gotten his head taken off by a clothesline! “Hot Rod” points at his head to show his smarts, and after another lockup he goes to the legs, trying for a drop toe hold – but Animal stays on his feet, pulls his legs free, and drops an elbow on Piper! Roddy is shoved back into the Chicago corner, and then all three men take their turns tagging in and out on him, everybody getting a turn at coming in to knock him silly! Roddy manages to slip in a quick kick to escape, but he ducks out of the ring on the wrong side – he gets hefted into a gorilla press by Animal and thrown back into the ring through the middle and top ropes! Piper finally manages to scamper away after catching Hawk with a poke to the eye, and he slips away to tag out to Savage. Savage is ready to go, coming in throwing fake jabs to try and psyche out his larger opponent. The two lock up, and Savage uses his higher mobility to get Hawk shifted into the ropes, and Savage slips a rapid punch to the large chest of Hawk. Another lockup and the same happens again, only this time Savage simply grabs the face of Hawk and shoves him! This time Hawk charges, but Savage ducks out of the ring, forcing Tommy Young to have to get in between them and doing a great job at annoying the Road Warrior! This stall tactic plays right into the KoW’s hands, especially when Hogan and Luger tag into the bout, and Hollywood doesn’t get anywhere near “The Total Package” for what feels like an eternity – but is only about a minute and a half.


The high stakes emotion of the match shifts the tide to the Kings, as Hogan lures Luger further and further away from his partners until the World champion is able to distract Tommy, and Savage grabs Luger and drop from the apron, bringing Lex’s throat down across the top rope! It becomes three-on-one at this point, as Hogan, Piper, and Savage work like the masters of the craft that they are in holding Luger as far away as the squared circle will allow them from the Road Warriors. Jimmy Hart gets in on the action as well, choking Luger with Piper’s discarded KoW shirt! The match becomes slow, as it is all about Lex Luger trying to fight back, trying to mount some offense at any possible position. Savage keeps the attack on the neck and throat, and at one point on the outside of the ring he even is able to get a chair and smack Luger on the top of the head with it!


Luger finally gets some separation after Savage comes off the top with a double axe handle and Lex is able to punch him in the stomach! Luger is able to make the tag off to Hawk, who comes in throwing bodies left and right, but while Savage is up in a gorilla press, the wily Hogan takes out Hawk’s left knee! The KoW then take turns on Hawk, until they get caught up on double teaming and Hawk clotheslines down both Hogan and Savage! Piper pulls down Luger to keep him from getting the tag, but Hawk is able to tag in the Animal! Animal rushes the ring, slamming and punching through all three members of the KoW, even adding a punch to Hart on the apron before he could throw his megaphone to anyone! Savage tries to come off the turnbuckles, but Animal catches him with a ring-shaking powerslam! Hogan breaks up the pin, but Hawk grabs him, and he starts setting up Hollywood to be lifted into a gorilla press – but Piper breaks that up, and the World champion heads out of the ring! He starts motioning to the back, and amidst the chaos, out jogs The Giant! The Giant enters the ring while Macho holds Tommy Young’s attention, and Giant is given the megaphone!


But Hawk ducks!


Hawk dodges the blow, and it catches Piper!


The Road Warriors work together and double clothesline The Giant out of the ring, and then they throw Savage on top of him! The crowd are going ballistic as Animal points at Lex Luger – he tags him in, and Hawk actually goes out of the ring to get a sign that says “Rack Em Lex!” Luger comes in as Hawk and Animal watch the corners to keep the KoW at bay, as Luger hits Piper with a big powerslam! He gets up and makes the motion for it… and then lifts him into the Human Torture Rack! Jimmy Hart and The Queen are both trying to get Hollywood’s attention to get him to go save Roddy! But Piper is in the hold too long, and he is forced to submit! Hogan is seen shaking his head, as he coldly tells The Queen to go get his title for him.

Winners in 16:03: Lex Luger and The Road Warriors

Rating: B


Hollywood Hogan is nearly at the top of the stage already, as Lex Luger drops Roddy Piper back to Savage. As Megadeth is heard playing over the arena, Luger points to Hogan and makes a motion around his waist that he is still coming for the World’s championship! A sign in the front row is seen that says “Overthrow the Kings” Hogan can be heard saying “no way, no way” as he hides behind the massive frame of The Giant! Tony says to join us on WCW Saturday Night, and the next time WCW are on pay-per-view will be September the 16th for Fall Brawl!

Rating: B


Gimmick and Turn Notes

There were new gimmicks assigned to guys like Wahoo, Dundee, and Solie, but they don’t really matter since they only had one-shot contracts. But Terry Funk changed to a Legend gimmick, which rated 96.




So there is Slamboree, and the show ended up seeming more unpredictable than I guess any of us had expected! TFC ends up with the highest score in the prediction contest, and I will be PM'ing him a prize in the near future! Congratulations to him, and thank you to everyone who are reading! Be sure to go vote for me in the Mod of the Month poll if you haven't voted already :D


The Final Countdown: 8

TheBooker: 6

SkipMartin: 6

Warhawk8492: 6

TeflonBilly: 5

TheBigBad1013: 4

Smasher1311: 4

The Lloyd: 4

Russelrules44: 3

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WCW Hotline: August 1995, Week 3



WCW Hotline

3rd Week of August 1995

Option 1: Fall Brawl Control Center!

Option 2: WCW Hall of Famers news!

Option 3: Backstage at Slamboree!

Option 4: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: “The Professor’s” lesson of the week!

Option 7: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 8: Monday Night Waste!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Fall Brawl Control Center!

Last year, WCW Fall Brawl featured the match that became the best match of the year in PWI Magazine! This year, you won’t want to miss the show to see if we do it again!


Option 2: WCW contract news!

After being inducted into the WCW Hall of Fame, Dory Funk Jr. and Masked Superstar are now officially retired from the sport of professional wrestling. Wahoo McDaniel and Bill Dundee were also talking about retirement, which we’ve been told is part of why WCW decided to induct the four. Gordon Solie has left the wrestling business completely now, ready to live the rest of his life out of the spotlight, and so he, Wahoo, Dundee, and Masked Superstar have left WCW. Johnny B. Badd and the Badd Girl have signed contract extensions, but both The Gambler and Jumpin’ Joey Maggs have been allowed to look for greener pastures. As of yet, there is no bad blood between the partings, and the two could be brought back in the future. Finally, Gene Okerlund will continue interviewing your favorite stars for a few more years, as he signs onto a brand new contract.


Option 3: Backstage at Slamboree!

Slamboree was said to be a big success, and after the match Harley Race gave a speech to the wrestlers. He specifically called upon Dustin Rhodes with compliments on a good performance, while Owen Hart and Cactus Jack were praised for great performances. Dustin and Owen seemed pleased with this, while Jack was very happy.


Option 4: WCW Saturday Night preview!

There will be repercussions from Slamboree to be sure! Check out Slamboree to see what all the athletes thought about the event, and to see where we go from here! Also, with the debut of Monday Nitro only two weeks away, expect that to be a focal point as well. Our main event comes down from Commissioner Bockwinkel, as he has set up a triangle tag team match for the World Tag Team championships! It will be first come, first serve as far as who the two other teams, so be ready for some surprising entrants! Also, Diamond Dallas Page takes on the Stud Stable’s Tracy Smothers, The Texas Blackjacks in action, and Stars ‘n Stripes go against 2 Cold Scorpio and a partner of his choice! We will see you at 2:00 PM ET on BBC or at 6:05 PM ET on The Superstation!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

WCW Saturday Night on BBC went up to a great 8.5 rating, while holding steady at 6.4 on TBS. It raised to a 0.8 on DSF, and a 0.2 on TV Hokkaido. The pre-show Main Event went up to a 0.6. Monday Night Raw stayed in the gutter with a 5.1.


Option 6: “The Professor” Mike Tenay’s history lesson of the week!

I was so excited to see the WCW Hall of Fame ceremony at Slamboree, but I was even more excited by the news that, after his retirement from in-ring competition, Dory Funk Jr. is going to stick around WCW to help out backstage! I can’t wait to pick the brain of a former World champion like him!


Option 7: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

Despite the big push he received earlier in the year, the tension between Vince McMahon and Jeff Jarrett has caused Jarrett to leave the WWF. Shawn Michaels is also up for a contract renewal, but when spoken with by WCW, he said that he is unwilling to leave the WWF.


Option 8: Eric Bischoff presents Monday Night Waste!

The Samoan-Japanese will have to wash his big diaper a few times to get all the paint off of it, as he sat on the face painted nutcase in the main event. What will the WWF do without Double J now? A great match was put on in his place, as Vinnie Vegas and his loyal little buddy win in a jobber squash over a Hardy kid and some other guy. Great job, guys! Way to make us work for it once Nitro airs on TNT in two weeks!


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Be the first of your friends to have a WCW Monday Nitro t-shirt! Show your support for the new standard in wrestling entertainment by ordering now, and get 10% off!




Thanks for all the Slamboree love everyone, and I agree with TFC - as I told Warhawk (I think) I think to see it in person, the Inoki/Flair stuff would've been comedic gold. I hope it played as well to you all as it did in my mind (animated Flair standing next to stoic Inoki). To answer another question I had seen asked elsewhere, I do indeed have Nitro on TNT, at prime time. Only two more weeks!


This weekend I head to Baltimore for Otakon, so while the hotel will have wifi and I'll have my laptop along with me to check in on things, I won't be posting the next Saturday Night until probably next Wednesday; til we get home and I get relaxed back into routine. Last year, I cosplayed as Lupin the Third; this year, Space Dandy! :D


While I'm away, anyone who isn't already reading it should check out WWF/E 2002: Brand Warfare by Smasher. He has a few shows up, and they're very well written, including a two hour promo starring both everyone's favorite Hollywood Icon AND the Sexiest Beast! And I think on his next show he might be bringing in ZEUS! IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU HAVE A Z ON YOUR HEAD!

All joking aside, go read it; read it again, if you already have. It's good read, guys, I wouldn't shill it if it wasn't!

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I'm half-glad you've gone away for a few days as it's allowed me to catch up properly.. and Slamboree was another great show (there's been a lot around this forum in recent weeks).


the Legends bits throughout the night were well written and didnt feel like they took anything away from the rest of the show.


I can't wait to see what you'll give us with Nitro.. and this Jericho kid looks great; he's been booked perfectly so far..


it's great to see the KoW on the losing side but does this mean descension among the ranks? will this lead to Hogan finally lose the strap? Will it be Luger? how long will Savage and Piper continue to play number 2 to Hogan?


I can't wait for the coming weeks and months; bring on Nitro and Fall Brawl!

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WCW Television: August 1995, Week 3


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“This week on WCW Saturday Night!

The World Tag Team championships are defended against two mystery teams! The Texas Blackjacks will square off with The Oddballs! Who will team with 2 Cold Scorpio to face Stars ‘n Stripes?! Will it be a beautiful night for “Beautiful” Bobby as he faces the Roundtable’s evil Earl Clayton? The newest Stud goes one-on-one with Diamond Dallas Page! All tonight on WCW Saturday Night!”


3rd Week of August 1995

Held at: CenturyTel Center in Bossier City, Louisiana (South East)

Attendance: 14,000 (sell out!)

Show Runtime: Two Hours

Rating: B- – This show increased our popularity in 10 regions, lost popularity in 11 region.


Following the cybernetic opening, we enter the CenturyTel Center to see Hollywood Hogan, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, and The Queen standing in the ring looking upset. Hogan says that just like when he used to fight Hogan instead of team with him, at Slamboree, Roddy dropped the ball and couldn’t get the job done. Savage seems a bit taken back by Hogan’s words, but Hollywood says that he will continue to give Piper a chance to prove himself worthy of being one of the elite Kings of Wrestling. Randy gets the microphone and says that even in loss, the KoW are still at the top of the heap because they still have the World’s title in their camp. He talks about how that’s the only thing that matters to anyone in WCW, and Hogan holds the title up to show it off. Savage goes on to add that despite his getting the win at Slamboree, Lex Luger will NOT be getting a title match at Fall Brawl. The fans boo that, which brings a smile to the KoW faces, until…


The Road Warriors march out of the back! Hawk and Animal have microphones of their own, and Hawk says that the two were just listening backstage, when they heard that their Chicago buddy Lex Luger wouldn’t be getting a title match at Fall Brawl – “Wwweeeeeeell! That just means the World title slot is wide open!” Animal makes a challenge, saying that in all the years that the two have been a team, there’s always been a super team that everyone’s said the Road Warriors couldn’t defeat; and they are standing in the ring right now! Hawk goads Hogan into accepting a match next week on WCW Saturday Night, where if one of the Road Warriors pins he or Macho, then they get to fight him for the World Heavyweight championship at Fall Brawl!

Notes: Hogan improvised very well here, none of the others were allowed to do so.

Rating: B


Colonel Robert Parker has a lot of faith in his new Stud, Tracy Smothers, but despite Smothers’s new attitude during this match, he finds himself as easy pickings for someone as driven as Diamond Dallas Page. The Diamond Cutter is shown as coming out of nowhere as Page dodges a thrust kick to grab Tracy and drill him, en route to the victory.

Match Time: 6:55

Rating: C


In our next contest, Earl William Clayton looks to stop the winning ways of “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton. The two put on a match that sees most of the crowd on their hands, but Eaton is able to pick up yet another victory using his Alabama Jam.

Match Time: 7:21

Rating: D+


Black and white footage with the logo “X-X-X Files” on the bottom corner of the screen shows The Queen arriving at the building earlier tonight… not with Hollywood Hogan, but instead alongside Randy Savage! She also seems to be carrying a flower very close to herself. Tony and Jesse wonder what that is all about.

Rating: C


Flash Flanagan, Sgt. Buddy Parker, and “Playmaker” Paul Roma don’t sound like a very threatening team, do they? Well as it turns out, they aren’t, as they get their hind ends handed to them by the KoW approved team of California Kip, Smash, and Bubba Rogers, who steamroll their opponents in no time flat, Kip getting the pin over Flanagan via his Silicon Valley Slam.

Match Time: 6:54

Rating: D+


“Mean” Gene Okerlund is in the aisle, and he brings in his guest 2 Cold Scorpio, right ahead of tonight’s tag team attraction featuring Scorpio and a mystery partner taking on the Stars ‘n Stripes. Gene questions why Scorpio would keep his partner a secret, which he says is because Marcus kept a big secret from him when they were teaming – the fact that he was always looking for another partner like this big dummy Patriot! Scorpio says he has gone out and found a partner for tonight to put Patriot to shame, and he brings in… “Lionheart” Chris Jericho! Jericho says that it’s time for every Jerichoholic’s favorite time of Saturday evening, when they get to see their real hero go into the ring and conquer another poor schlub! Gene doubts that Jericho will find the Stars ‘n Stripes as much of a pushover, but Jericho says that everyone is a pushover compared to himself, and alongside his partner tonight, there’s no way that all the Jerichoholics won’t be screaming his name in victory! The duo head to the ring, as Gene says that if anyone screams Jericho’s name tonight, it’ll probably be telling him to leave.

Notes: Gene was masterful in his improvising, that old pro. Jericho improvised well too, but Scorpio dragged this down by not doing well.

Rating: C


This was a very good match given it involved The Patriot, as 2 Cold Scorpio and Chris Jericho took on the Stars ‘n Stripes. Marcus and Patriot have tag team experience behind them, but Scorpio and Jericho are not above bending the rules a little bit for an advantage. It comes down to a misstep, as Patriot misses a charge in the corner when Jericho slips out of his path, taking him down with a rollup before putting on an elevated version of a boston crab. Tony says that this maneuver may be a jab at Sting’s Scorpion Deathlock, but it doesn’t take long for Patriot to submit.

Match Time: 8:15

Rating: C+


“Mean” Gene catches up to Hollywood Hogan and The Giant backstage. Hogan seems upset about what transpired earlier tonight, saying that if Hawk and Animal want to go to war with the Kings, then they better be ready to get beheaded! Hollywood says that it's time for his Giant to go squash some meatball in the ring, and out to the arena they go. Gene says that it seems as though Hollywood is hiding a few tinges of fear behind this show of bravado, but only time will tell.

Notes: Hogan and Gene are masterful improvising off one another, their many years of doing so evident.

Rating: B


Shane Sewell is back in WCW following a little while away (he was last seen during the Canadian tour) but he isn’t here for long tonight as The Giant seems to merely step over the top rope, grab him around the throat, and drill him with a chokeslam for the victory.

Match Time: 0:48

Rating: E-


What seems like the show going to a commercial break is really us going to a comic book style grainy effect, as Arkane and Rio the Renegade are running down a hall. We just barely see that they are chasing after The Flying Spyder! The Spyder is jumping back and forth along the walls, staying one step ahead of them at every turn, and they seem to lose him in a large room. But The Flying Spyder man didn’t go anywhere, as he swoops in and throws webbing at the two, which (with the magic of television) puts the duo in a giant net! The Spyder is heard swinging off in the distance, leaving the Dungeon of Doom members all tied up on the floor!

Rating: E


We come back with more “X-X-X Files” footage, seeming to be from even earlier in the evening than before. This time, we see The Queen at her hotel, and as she waits for her car to arrive, she’s hanging out with… Ichii Yazaki? He hands her something, and it’s the flower that she was carrying earlier. Tony says that this is just getting more bizarre as we go along.

Rating: E+


In our next contest, The Oddballs of Sgt. Craig Pittman and Disco Inferno are in action, but they’re more used to arguing of course. Disco just wants to dance, while the all-business Pittman is trying to get him to stop. Once they have their opponents in the ring however, The Texas Blackjacks of “Blackjack” Barry Windham and “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes, their focus turns to the match at hand, and they give a decent challenge for the big, blond Texans. But Disco’s tomfoolery spells their downfall again, as he is busy dancing for the audience and misses a chance to tag in, leading to Pittman being dismantled and blasted with a Windham lariat for the pinfall.

Match Time: 9:49

Rating: C+


Windham doesn’t even notice what happens on the outside, though; as Ric Flair and Arn Anderson sneaked out to ringside and have been beating down Dustin Rhodes two-on-one! But surprisingly, out of the back sprints Ricky Steamboat! With Steamboat on the chase and Windham finding out what was going on following the win, the Horsemen take off through the crowd rather than stay to fight.

Rating: B


“Mean” Gene is at the interview area again, this time talking to Johnny B. Badd and his Badd Girl. Badd has a lot to say about Sting, claiming that Sting’s cowardice showed at Slamboree when he beat Badd with a baseball bat from behind. Johnny says that he will give Sting one more chance to show that he’s a man instead of a coward – but not here tonight, or even next week, because he knows how Sting hides. Instead, in two weeks when WCW Saturday Night is held at The Omni in Atlanta, he’s going to challenge Sting to a match, and if he doesn’t accept, then it proves everything that Johnny and Rick Rude have been saying about him!

Rating: C+


We run a quick promo montage next, basically just getting people on the show. Ron Simmons is there to say that he’s back and ready to fight anyone in his way, Vader and JPL cut promos talking about one another, Bobby Eaton talks about his current winning ways while Lord Regal and Finlay say that the Roundtable will put a stop to that soon, and Cactus Jack talks about how thrilled he was to defeat Scott Hall, and how he wants to move forward in his career in a big way.

Rating: C


Gary Michael Cappetta takes to the ring, and he does his ring introductions for the next match. First he brings out the World Tag Team champions, Steve Austin and

. The first surprise team isn’t a very big surprise, as out marches Harlem Heat! An audible chant is calling for the Steiner Brothers to come out, but the crowd turns to boos when out comes Meng and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff, the Wonderful Destruction Crew!

Rating: C+


This is an elimination match, and all three teams seem very interested in making sure they are the last team standing. This is a very great brawl, all six men very adept at throwing strikes. Stevie Ray ends up getting the Heat sent out of the match by missing a tag that brings in the monstrous Meng, and he locks in the Tongan Deathgrip to put Ray down. It comes down to the Crew and the champions, and the clinic that is put on unfortunately does not go to a clean finish. Out of the back comes Randy Savage, who distracts both Tommy Young and Brian Pillman, while Roddy Piper comes out of the crowd and smashes Austin with one of the title belts! He pulls “Mr. Wonderful” on top before leaving the ring, and the titles are gift wrapped back to the Kings of Wrestling!

Match Time: 16:42

Rating: B


Backstage, we see the Steiner Brothers arriving to the arena, very late… Scott asks Mike Tenay if the tag title match signup is still open, but “The Professor” answers that the match just concluded. Scott throws his bag across the room, saying that they were going to get into it but their tires had been slashed at the hotel! Rick and Scott lay down a warning: they are coming for the World Tag Team champions!

Notes: Scott really enjoyed improvising, but Tenay didn’t do well.

Rating: C+


“The Total Package” Lex Luger comes down to the ring, and he is here to talk about WCW Monday Nitro. Luger says that Nitro will be the place to watch the best wrestling on television, truly where the big boys play! He talks about it being held in a former great wrestling capital of Minnesota, at the Williams Arena in Minneapolis. He says that this is WCW, and this is not only tradition, but moving forward, as we go head-to-head and live for the first time in wrestling history – it’s time for war!


Luger’s call to war is interrupted by Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and Bobby Heenan though; Flair saying that if anyone is giving the call for this war, it’s not someone who could never finish a war like Luger, it’s Ric Flair! It’s the Four Horsemen! Flair puts a finger in Luger’s chiseled chest, saying that it’s the Horsemen who have been in the driver’s seat of this battle since the 80s, leading the charge against “the north” for the good name of WCW and keeping this whole place afloat so they could fight! Anderson chimes in that of all four men in the ring, they’ve all tasted the grass on both sides of the fence, but only one of them couldn’t make it in both places. Heenan calls Luger a “million dollar body with a five cent mind” and says that if he has no right to be out here singing the praises of WCW, because he’s never beaten Hogan, and more importantly he’s never beaten Ric Flair either! Luger brings us back around, and he says that from what’s he’s heard, the initial episode of Nitro doesn’t have a main event scheduled yet; so how about they get a little bit more tradition involved with the new show, as Flair and Anderson team up to take on Luger and his best friend in the world, Sting! “The Brain” laughs, saying that Luger is a never-was and Sting is a has-been already, compared to the elite of the Horsemen – the challenge is accepted! WCW Saturday Nght goes off the air with Luger, Flair, and Anderson taunting in the ring, as the crowd are going crazy for the match that was just made!

Notes: Luger enjoyed improvising, and Flair worked the crowd really well. Arn was terrible here, but Bobby really helped both men.

Rating: B


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WCW Main Event

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Eric Bischoff, and Mike Tenay

Rating: D


“The Rocker” Marty Jannetty and Hysteria d. Dean Malenko and Psychosis, Jannetty pinning Dean after a fistdrop. (C-)

Gene Okerlund talks to Dr. Karnage and Biohazard, and he talks about how he will not be embarrassed by The Flying Spyder like this anymore! (D)

“Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright d. Lance Storm, following a botched interference from Dean Malenko. ©

Storm and Malenko have a big argument after the match, which manager Larry Zbyszko has to get between so the two can cool down. (E+)

“Guardian Angel” Bubba Rogers d. “Playmaker” Paul Roma. ©

Rogers stays in the ring and talks to Gary Michael Cappetta, bringing out Devon King. He says that he is still training King, and by the time he’s finished with him, Devon will be one of the top tier in the Kings of Wrestling! (D)

Syxx and Nuevo Gringos Locos d. Juventud Guerrera, Rey Mysterio Jr., and Ichii Yazaki (with The Queen watching on commentary) when Syxx puts his feet on the ropes while rolling up Guerrera. ©


Gimmick and Turn Notes

Lord Steven Regal has changed to a Royalty (Weasel) gimmick, which rated 96.



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WCW Hotline: August 1995, Week 4



WCW Hotline

4th Week of August 1995

Option 1: Fall Brawl Control Center!

Option 2: An interview you don’t want to miss!

Option 3: WCW TV news!

Option 4: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: “The Professor’s” lesson of the week!

Option 7: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 8: Monday Night Waste!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Fall Brawl Control Center!

The main event will be decided next week, as one of the Road Warriors could very well win a match for the World’s Heavyweight championship! Stay tuned to WCW Saturday Night for more information!


Option 2: An interview you won’t want to miss!

“Macho Man” Randy Savage was on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno this week, and he did an incredible job of talking about WCW and wrestling in general. Check your local listings for when this airs in your area!


Option 3: WCW TV news!

As of the beginning of September, WCW Saturday Night will no longer be airing on BBC or TV Hokkaido. Saturday Night will also be undergoing a change, as color commentary will begin to be handled by WCW Hall of Famer Terry Funk! Terry will be sitting in on this next episode of Saturday Night in order to get the feel for commentary again. WCW Main Event will stay at its same time slot on TBS, and don’t forget the debut of WCW Monday Nitro on September 4th at 7 PM ET on TNT in America and TSN in Canada!


Option 4: WCW Saturday Night preview!

WCW Saturday Night is heading to the Sears Center in Hoffman Estates, Illinois! And what a homecoming it could be for the Road Warriors, as they take on two legends in Hollywood Hogan and “Macho Man” Randy Savage! Can one of the face-painted duo win a World title match at Fall Brawl? Also, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat steps back into the ring to face off with the Kings of Wrestling’s Smash! Diamond Dallas Page takes on Brad Armstrong of the Stud Stable, and the Rock ‘n Roll Express go against the new Horsemen team of Owen Hart and Eddy Guerrero! If that wasn’t all, there will be a Cruiserweight title match between Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio Jr.! We will see you at 6:05 PM ET on The Superstation!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

WCW Saturday Night on BBC went down to a 8.2 rating, while TBS held a 6.2. DSF stayed at a 0.8, and TV Hokkaido stayed at 0.2. WCW Main Event’s rating was a generous 0.5. Meanwhile, Raw dropped to a paltry 5.0 on USA. Just wait until next week when they drop even further!


Option 6: “The Professor” Mike Tenay’s history lesson of the week!

WCW Fall Brawl is typically one of the biggest shows of the autumn, and has been that way since 1993. The first Fall Brawl was highlighted by a great WarGames match featuring a huge SHOCK getting the victory. Last year, Ric Flair gave it his all but just barely gave in to Hollywood Hogan. What will be the highlight of this year’s edition of WCW Fall Brawl?


Option 7: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

The WWF contract of “Sweet” Stan Lane seems to be coming to an end. Might he end up as a new host in WCW? Or perhaps even show up to help out an old friend?


Option 8: Eric Bischoff presents Monday Night Waste!

This week’s Raw taping begs the question of why are there still two Undertakers around the WWF? And not only that, but why is the wrong one defeating their Burger King World champion?! And that wasn’t even the main event; that was a match between the fat Samoan sitting on Michael Wallstreet! I guess trading in the notebook for a tie and briefcase wasn’t the best idea, was it Mike? The WWF better raise their game fast next week, because if they don’t, Nitro is going to destroy them!


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Is your head going to get cold when the fall weather hits? Order the WCW Monday Nitro baseball cap to really heat things up! 10% off if you order within the next month!
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WCW Television: August 1995, Week 4


<iframe width="320" height="240" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/62ZdaPycJP8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

“This week on WCW Saturday Night!

The powers of the Kings of Wrestling will be put to the ultimate test against the Road Warriors in their Illinois homecoming! “The Dragon” soars into action against the brutal Smash! Cruiserweight title action will see Ultimo Dragon combat the high-flying Rey Mysterio Jr.! The Rock ‘n Roll Express face old rivals in new Horsemen Owen Hart and Eddy Guerrero! Can Diamond Dallas Page keep up his Stud streak when he takes on Brad Armstrong? Harlem Heat and The Giant are also in action! All tonight on WCW Saturday Night!”


4th Week of August 1995

Held at: Sears Centre in Hoffman Estates, Illinois (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 11,000 (sell out!)

Show Runtime: Two Hours

Rating: B+ – This show increased our popularity in 15 regions.


The show opens to see that Hollywood Hogan, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, and The Queen are backstage, along with The Giant towering behind them all. Hogan and Savage take turns talking about how tonight, the duo show off their legendary status – no, their icon status, when they take the “hometown boys” Hawk and Animal and send them “down the pecking order, brother!” The mood changes quickly when Hollywood then turns to Savage and accuses him, asking him as to why The Queen was arriving with him last week. Randy says it was nothing, “just a mix-up brother,” but Hogan doesn’t seem too pleased, as Savage turns his attention to Scott Hall next week on Monday Nitro. Savage says that if the “Hired Hand” wants to “step into the danger zone with the Macho Man, yeah I’ve made more savvy men go back home with cement feet!” Hogan says that also tonight, the “only undefeated Giant in wrestling” will add another notch to his massive belt, and Hogan says to Giant that he should “make it look good out there” and the quartet laugh about that until we fade out.

Notes: Hogan and Savage both improvised well off one another.

Rating: B


“Mean” Gene Okerlund is backstage at the interview podium alongside four highly esteemed guests, as he brings in “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes, “Blackjack” Barry Windham, and “The Dragon” Ricky Steamboat, all of them backed by WCW Hall of Famer “The Boss” Magnum TA! Gene says that he’s heard news of a big challenge that the men have laid out a big challenge. Dustin talks first, saying that is right, with Fall Brawl right around the corner, they have a great big challenge; Barry chimes in, saying that the only thing unfortunate is that since they just had WarGames at Great American Bash, they were unable to get another WarGames match this soon after that. Dustin says that’s right, they tried to get a WarGames match, but the WCW officials wouldn’t allow that, so instead, they have challenged the Four Horsemen to an eight-man tag team match for the Tacoma Dome at Fall Brawl! Gene says whoa now, these are only three men, who would be the fourth partner? Steamboat says that they already have their partner all lined up, a WCW Hall of Famer! Gene asks if Magnum is actually thinking about climbing into the ring, but “The Boss” smiles, saying no; he understands the confusion, but as much as he’d like to get his hands on Ric Flair one more time, he knows he would just hold his team down. No, instead, they’ve made a big collect call clear around the world to Japan – and their fourth partner will be none other than Antonio Inoki!

Notes: Magnum’s presence really seemed to help this segment a lot.

Rating: B-


We finally head into the arena, as The Rock ‘n Roll Express are making their entrance to the ring to take on Owen Hart and “Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero of the Four Horsemen. Tony Schiavone welcomes Terry Funk to the commentary booth alongside Jesse Ventura, and the new commentary format presides over a very solid matchup. In the end, youth wins out over experience, as Eddy comes off the top with a Frog Splash, crashing down on Robert Gibson to score the three count.

Match Time: 11:51

Rating: B-


Owen, Eddy, and manager Bobby Heenan meet at the top of the aisle with “Nature Boy” Ric Flair and Arn Anderson. Bobby talks first, saying that all these “humanoids” in the arena need to shut up and listen when the Four Horsemen talk! Arn Anderson gets the microphone, and he says that it appears a few boys have a problem with the Four Horsemen, and it appears that a few boys have a death wish! Owen and Eddy both take their turns, but they are obviously tired from their match against Ricky and Robert, as they don’t really say anything of note. Ric Flair closes the segment, screaming “Inoki? Inoki?! INOKI!” He says that if Dustin and Barry and Ricky think that the Four Horsemen are going to be afraid of some worthless Hall of Fame slot like Antonio Inoki, then they have another thought coming! Flair says that all of the Horsemen have respect for what Inoki has done in Japanese wrestling, but says that nothing he faced in the years Inoki was a full-time wrestler had anything like the Four Horsemen! “The Nature Boy” lets out a long “Woooooo!” before saying that the eight-man challenge is accepted!

Notes: Well, Owen, Eddy, and Arn all struggled with improvising. But Bobby helped everyone a lot, and Flair did superb at working the crowd into a frenzy.

Rating: B-


We head backstage to see Ted DiBiase and Nick Bockwinkel talking about the debut of Nitro this Monday. Their talk is interrupted, however, as Rick and Scott Steiner enter the room. The brothers are upset about what happened last week, as they missed their chance at getting into the World Tag Team title match due to car troubles. Nick says that it looks as though they’re out of luck, but Ted is on their side, saying that the Steiners are one of the top teams in WCW, and he will do what he can to get them a shot. Another voice comes on the scene though, as The Wonderful Destruction Crew enter the scene! Paul Orndorff does all the talking, saying that the Steiners have no rights to a title shot, because they haven’t earned it. Scott points out that they beat the Horsemen, but Paul says that Flair and Anderson aren’t in Tag title contention, so that doesn’t matter! Meng punctuates it with a scream, but a “shut up, sucka!” chimes in by the Harlem Heat! The room is getting crowded now, as the Heat say that if they had a standard match with Austin and Pillman, they’d have taken the belts for themselves! They point out that they’re two time World Tag champs, so they should get a shot, too! Ted finally gets everyone to calm down, and says that if his fellow power in Nick can agree with this, that next week on Saturday Night, there will be a match between the Steiners and Harlem Heat, and the winning team will be the number one contenders for Fall Brawl! Everyone seems in agreement of that (Meng screams again) as we head out to the ring.

Rating: B


What should have been a good, fast-paced Cruiserweight title match, never really got started as Rey Mysterio Jr. was attacked on his way to the ring by Syxx! Syxx throws Rey into the ring where Ultimo Dragon was waiting, and following some communication with Sonny Onoo, Ultimo and Syxx start assaulting Mysterio. This could have gone on all night, but out of the back rushes Juventud Guerrera, and he helps Mysterio come back to his feet and chase off both Syxx and the champion – Syxx having escaped the ring almost immediately when the tide seemed to turn, prompting Terry Funk to label him “a yella’ bellied coward!”

Rating: D-


With orders from Hogan to “let this look good”, The Giant allowed The Cuban Assassin to get in a few punches. When not one single blow does a bit of damage, and Giant clasps him around the throat and drills Assassin with a chokeslam to get the pin by placing one foot on his fallen foe’s chest. Around the ring, Hogan can be heard calling his charge “undefeated” again.

Match Time: 1:59

Rating: E-


“Mean” Gene Okerlund hosts a WCW Event Center report, as he says that there are a few more matches signed for Fall Brawl! He announces JPL taking on Vader, and we get some words from both men. Vader oddly seems to not regard Sonny Onoo’s presence whatsoever as he talks about destroying JPL, as JPL is simply focused on taking “that Big Fat Tater” and peeling him down onto the mat with the Pedigree. Gene also says that Roddy Piper will go one-on-one with Steve Austin, leading to words from them; Piper saying that yeah, he cost Austin the Tag titles last week, but that was just to wake him up. He says that Austin has a big mouth, and only one mouth around here gets to have free reign. Austin retorts by drinking a beer, then saying that he’s glad Piper cost them the titles, because he was getting tired of having to carry the title belt instead of more beer anyways. But that doesn’t mean he won’t stomp a mudhole in the old bastard and walk it dry at Fall Brawl, and that’s the bottom line. Gene also mentions that Johnny B. Badd has challenged Sting to face him in two weeks in The Omni in Atlanta, Georgia. We go to footage of Badd training by punching a heavy bag, knocking it around the room especially when he throws his big left hook. The footage we get of Sting reveals nothing, however, as all it shows is Sting staring deeply into the blackness of his baseball bat… Gene is ready to shill the WCW Hotline, but the feed cuts to grainy footage. On the screen comes “The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman, who laughs hysterically. In between laughs, he keeps shouting “This Monday! This Monday!” His demeanor turns deathly serious then, as he snaps a pencil in half; and he says quietly that “This Monday, I break the hand that holds the pencil that keeps writing people out.”

Notes: A lot of good improvised promos here. Pillman and Piper really enjoyed the freedom to make their own dialogue, and Austin worked the camera very well, looking great. Finally, Vader and Gene really showed they can hold their own very well, also.

Rating: B-


Harlem Heat hit the ring to show their skills before next week’s big tag team match, as they take on a team who have been on a bad run lately, The Shooters. Dean and Lance don’t fare much better here, as the hot Heat are on top of them from the opening bell. A bit of miscommunication leads to a brief argument, and that leaves Malenko the unfortunate recipient of the Towering Inferno, leading to the successful pin.

Match Time: 10:17

Rating: C+


Surprisingly, out to the ring comes “Macho Man” Randy Savage. Savage says that he has something on his mind, especially as he’s been watching the show backstage. He says that Terry Funk on commentary gives him a big idea, and he says it’s born of his own insanity, his own “slice of hell in the danger zone”. He says that with Funk not an active wrestler anymore, that means his protégé, Cactus Jack, is now without a mentor – and on behalf of the Kings of Wrestling, Savage wants to extend his hand, and offer to be “Jack’s new voice in his ear, yeah!” The crowd boo him loudly, and this doesn’t go long until Cactus Jack emerges from backstage. Savage reiterates his offer, and says that this is “one crazy man to another”… but Jack’s eyes show that he’s taken offense to that, and he smashes Savage with a right hand! The two start brawling around the ring, and the crowd goes nuts for these two going at it! Eventually security finally come out and get the two apart, as Terry cheers Jack on from commentary.

Notes: Savage really enjoyed having the freedom to improvise this segment.

Rating: B+


“Mean” Gene is out after a commercial break, and he interviews The Road Warriors and “The Total Package” Lex Luger. Luger does most of the talking, as he says that Hawk and Animal are as ready as they’ve ever been for this night, and it does not matter to them as to which one gets the pin tonight. Gene questions as to why Lex is here tonight, Luger saying that for one, why wouldn’t he be when they’re in his home state of Illinois; and two, he’s here to make sure the Kings of Wrestling don’t try and cheat his friends out of the match tonight!

Notes: Luger improvised well here, the crowd eating this up, but Gene struggled a little for a change.

Notes: B-


In the next match in his series, Diamond Dallas Page found some stiff competition in Brad Armstrong, but when Brad tries for a springboard he finds himself being drilled with the Diamond Cutter for the loss! Funk talks about how the Diamond Cutter truly seems able to come out of nowhere.

Match Time: 6:54

Rating: C


“Mean” Gene is at the interview area alongside Scott Hall, who cuts Gene off from calling him the “Hired Hand” and says that even though he is still all about the money, it seems as though he’s not very accepted anywhere as of late. He says that it wasn’t his fault that the KoW’s last check bounced, and as soon as they bounced, so did he; “But if ‘Mach’ wants to take it personal, then bring it on, chico – I’ll be right where I always am, on the outside.” Okerlund coins that Hall is definitely an “outsider” in the views of both WCW and the KoW, and it may be interesting to see where he goes from here. Hall simply snickers, saying “You better believe it, cueball.” He walks away leaving Gene scoffing so much he can barely get out the shill for the WCW Hotline to listen into the new Nitro preview option.

Notes: Both men did a masterful job with this interview.

Rating: B


Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat makes his big return to the ring after some time away, taking on the KoW’s face painted enforcer, Smash. In a really good match between two great veterans, “The Dragon” soars into the victory with a big flying crossbody.

Match Time: 12:15

Rating: B-


Before our main event, we visit in with Tony Schiavone, Jesse Ventura, and Terry Funk, who says he’s been having a great time here tonight, adding that he can’t wait to be calling Saturday Night on a regular basis. The three talk about the World title storyline, with Hollywood Hogan possibly facing one of the Road Warriors at Fall Brawl, especially with Lex Luger standing guard against the KoW tonight.

Rating: C


The main event of the evening is a match that will be memorable for a long time, as Hollywood Hogan and “Macho Man” Randy Savage take on the Road Warriors. Just to add one more legendary name to the fray, “Total Package” Lex Luger is outside the ring, making sure that nobody sticks their nose into the match. With the odds even, despite Hawk being taken apart in the KoW corner for a good portion of the match, the only factor that plays into the match is the in-fighting that we saw earlier, as Hollywood doesn’t seem completely focused on teaming with his partner here, and because of that, Savage is eventually fed to the wolves on his own, as Hogan gets pulled away by arguing with Lex Luger and Savage gets drilled with the Doomsday Device, leading to Hawk getting the pinfall!

Notes: There always seems to be a lack of selling involved with three of the guys here…

Match Time: 16:23

Rating: B+


When the bell sounds, Luger enters the ring and raises the hands of the Road Warriors, and the trio have an intense staredown with Hollywood and Macho Man as commentary go into super hype mode for TNT at 7pm on Monday for the inaugural Monday Nitro!

Rating: B-


<iframe width="220" height="124" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/AahYei4Zuw0?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

WCW Main Event

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Eric Bischoff, and Mike Tenay

Rating: C


Tracy Smothers pins Scott Armstrong following a Jaw Jacker. (E+)

“Beautiful” Bobby Eaton pins Baron Leonard Tomas in no time with the Alabama Jam. ©

The match over, the rest of the Roundtable sneak in and attack Eaton, leaving him on the mat! (E)

Recap Video: the drama between Hollywood Hogan, Randy Savage, and The Queen spills over into their main event matchup against the Road Warriors, which sees Lex Luger make an appearance. (B-)

Steve Armstrong pins The Cuban Assassin with a missile dropkick. (E)

The Armstrong Brothers retain their US Tag Team titles by defeating Flash Flanagan and Shane Sewell, Brad making Shane submit to the figure four. (D+)

Rick Martel comes out to talk to Gary Cappetta, promoting himself. (D-)

Terry Gordy pins Marty Jannetty to retain his US title, needing interference from Colonel Parker to put “The Rocker” down. ©

Mike Tenay catches up with Gordy, who says that DDP still has to get past Waylon Mercy before he gets to face him at Fall Brawl… which means he still has time to turn back before Gordy finishes him for good! (C-)


Gimmick and Turn Notes




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In the World: August 1995 / Official WCW Roster


Company Name: World Championship Wrestling (WCW)

Owner: Ted Turner

Booker: Eric Bischoff/Harley Race

Size: International

Prestige: 100

Momentum: 83

Ranking: 1st

TV Shows: WCW Monday Nitro; WCW Saturday Night; WCW Main Event

PPV Coverage: USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Europe



WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Hollywood Hogan (held since July Week 3, 1994)

WCW United States Heavyweight Champion: Terry Gordy (held since April Week 3, 1995)

WCW World Television Champion: Alex Wright (held since April Week 3, 1995)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Ultimo Dragon (held since July Week 3 1995)

WCW World Tag Team Champions: The Wonderful Destruction Crew (held since August Week 3, 1995)

WCW US Tag Team Champions: The Armstrong Brothers (held since July Week 3, 1995)

The Battlebowl Ring: Ricky Steamboat (held again next March)


Event: WCW Slamboree 1995

Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: 4.63

Main Event: Lex Luger and the Road Warriors d. Kings of Wrestling (70)

Match of the Night: Cactus Jack d. Scott Hall (89)


Workers Signed: Antonio Inoki (loan); Bill Dundee; Gordon Solie; Wahoo McDaniel.

Workers Re-signed: Steve Armstrong; Johnny B. Badd; Badd Girl; Gene Okerlund.

Workers Leaving: The Jeep; Joey Maggs; Bill Dundee; Gordon Solie; Wahoo McDaniel; The Gambler; Demolition Ax/Masked Superstar.


Company Name: World Wrestling Federation (WWF)

Owner: Vince McMahon

Booker: Vince McMahon

Size: National

Prestige: 90

Momentum: 78

Ranking: 2nd

TV Shows: WWF Monday Night Raw

PPV Coverage: USA



WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Jerry Lawler (held since July Week 3, 1995)

WWF Intercontinental Champion: Bret Hart (held since August Week 4, 1995)

WWF European Champion: Virgil (held since June Week 2, 1995)

WWF World Tag Team Champions: The Barbarian & Nikolai Volkoff (held since December Week 3, 1994)

WWF Women’s Champion: Alundra Blayze (held since June Week 1, 1994)

WWF Royal Rumble: Diesel (competed again in January)

WWF King of the Ring: Yokozuna (competed again in June)


Event: WWF Summerslam, held Sunday Week 4

Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: 1.99

Main Event: Yokozuna, Jerry Lawler, and The Undertaker d. Warrior, IRS, and Bam Bam Bigelow (78)

Match of the Night: Bret Hart d. Diesel for the WWF Intercontinental Championship (82)


Workers Hired: None.

Workers Re-signed: Tony Garea.

Workers Leaving: Jeff Jarrett.


Company Name: New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW)

Owner: Seiji Sakaguchi

Booker: Antonio Inoki

Size: National

Prestige: 90

Momentum: 81

Ranking: 3rd

TV Shows: NJPW World Pro Wrestling

PPV Coverage: Japan



IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Akira Taue (held since April Week 4, 1995)

IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship: The Great Sasuke (held since June Week 2, 1995)

IWGP World Tag Team Championship: Satoshi Kojima & Manabu Nakanishi (held since June Week 3, 1995)

G1 Climax: Mitsuharu Misawa (held again in August)

Best of the Super Juniors: Jushin Thunder Liger (held again in June)

Super Grade Tag League: Masahiro Chono & Shinya Hashimoto (held again in October)

Young Lion Cup: Akira Nogami (held again next March)


Event: NJPW Eternal Battle, held Sunday Week 1

Rating: B+

PPV Buyrate: 1.71

Main Event: Mitsuharu Misawa d. Riki Choshu for the G1 Climax (87)

Match of the Night: Tie - Mitsuharu Misawa d. Shinya Hashimoto, Mitsuharu Misawa d. Keiji Mutoh (94)


Worker Signings: Satoru Sayama (Tiger Mask); Ric Flair (loan).

Worker Extensions: Hiroshi Hase.

Workers Left: Ric Flair.


Company Name: All Japan Pro-Wrestling (AJPW)

Owner: Giant Baba

Booker: Giant Baba

Size: National

Prestige: 88

Momentum: 80

Ranking: 4th

TV Shows: All Japan Pro Wrestling 30

PPV Coverage: Japan



AJPW Triple Crown Champion: Bam Bam Bigelow (held since July Week 2, 1995)

AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Champion: Mighty Inoue (held since June Week 2, 1995)

AJPW Unified World Tag Team Champions: Stan Hansen & Kenta Kobashi (held since January Week 3, 1995)

AJPW All Asia Tag Team Champions: Mighty Inoue & Tamon Honda (held since April Week 1, 1995)

Champion Carnival: Kenta Kobashi (held in April)

Real World Tag League: Kenta Kobashi & Stan Hansen (held again in December)


Event: AJPW were inactive in August.


Workers Hired: Pirata Morgan; Villano IV; Steve Williams; Shoichi Funaki.

Workers Re-signed: Toshiaki Kawada.

Workers Leaving: Atlantis; Bam Bam Bigelow.


Company Name: Smokey Mountain Wrestling (SMW)

Owner: Jim Cornette

Booker: Jim Cornette

Size: Regional

Prestige: 45

Momentum: 73

Ranking: 3rd in USA; 10th in World

TV Shows: SMW TV

PPV Coverage: None



SMW Heavyweight Champion: Brian Blair (held since August Week 2, 1994)

SMW Beat the Champ Television Champion: Pitbull #2 (held since July Week 2, 1995)

SMW Tag Team Champions: Steven Dunn & Tom Zenk (held since August Week 3, 1994)


Event: SMW Fire on the Mountain 1995; held Sunday, Week 2

Rating: B-

Main Event and Match of the Night: Brian Blair defeated Bobby Fulton to retain the SMW Heavyweight Championship (76)


Workers Hired: None.

Workers Re-signed: None.

Workers Leaving: None.


Company Name: Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW)

Owner: Tod Gordon

Booker: Paul Heyman

Size: Regional

Prestige: 43

Momentum: 59

Ranking: 5th in USA; 16th in World

TV Shows: ECW Hardcore TV

PPV Coverage: None



ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Mikey Whipwreck (held since July Week 3, 1995)

ECW World Television Champion: Johnny Grunge (held since May Week 1, 1995)

ECW World Tag Team Champions: Mikey Whipwreck & Pitbull #1 (held since February Week 4, 1995)


Event: ECW Hardcore Heaven 1995; held Wednesday, Week 2

Rating: C

Main Event and Match of the Night: Pitbull #2 and Sabu d. Tommy Dreamer and Rocco Rock (72)


Workers Hired: None.

Workers Re-signed: Joey Styles; Pitbull #2.

Workers Leaving: None.


Company News

Rise/Fall: Southern States Wrestling and Tennessee Mountain Wrestling rose to small size; West Four Wrestling Alliance both rose to regional then fell back to small size.

New Companies: None.


New Workers in August:

Mohammed Yone; Kenny Kaos; Robbie Rage; Damien Steele; Shirley Doe; John Cone; Clarence Mason; Cory Peck (announcer).


Worker Retirements: Bushwhacker Butch; Baron von Raschke; Demolition Ax; Dory Funk Jr.; Jimmy Snuka; Jose Lothario; Tinieblas; Jose Gonzalez; Bill Dundee; Wahoo McDaniel. (none left the business, just retirement)


Worker Deaths: None.




Official List of World Championship Wrestling Superstars

As of September 1st, 1995

Note: ** denotes wrestler being overpushed to this level.


Main Eventers

“The Enforcer” Arn Anderson

Booker T

Cactus Jack

“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Hollywood Hogan – WCW World Heavyweight Champion, manages The Giant

“The Total Package” Lex Luger

“Macho Man” Randy Savage

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair

“The Dog-Faced Gremlin” Rick Steiner

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat

Road Warrior Animal

Road Warrior Hawk

“Hot Rod” Roddy Piper

“The Outsider” Scott Hall

Steve Austin

Stevie Ray


“The Monster” Vader


Upper Midcarders

“Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright – WCW World Television Champion

“Blackjack” Barry Windham

“The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman

California Kip

Diamond Dallas Page

Johnny B. Badd


Lord Steven Regal

Meng – WCW World Tag Team Champion

Owen Hart

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff – WCW World Tag Team Champion

Rick Martel

Ron Simmons

Scott Steiner

Terry Gordy – WCW United States Heavyweight Champion

Waylon Mercy



2 Cold Scorpio

BG Armstrong – WCW US Tag Team Champion

“Beautiful” Bobby Eaton

Brad Armstrong – WCW US Tag Team Champion

“Guardian Angel” Bubba Rogers

Cousin Marky

Dean Malenko

Devon King

Disco Inferno

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero

Ichii Yazaki

“Gigolo” Jimmy Del Ray

Lance Storm

Marcus Bagwell

“The Rocker” Marty Jannetty

Rey Mysterio Jr.

Richard Stevenson – manages Ted DiBiase

Ricky Morton

Robert Gibson



Terry Funk

The Giant**

The Patriot

“Doctor of Desire” Tom Prichard

Ultimo Dragon – WCW World Cruiserweight Champion


Lower Midcarders

Art Barr


Chavo Guerrero Jr.

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho

Cousin Denny

Earl William Clayton**




“Youth Warrior” Juventud Guerrera

“Playmaker” Paul Roma


Rio the Renegade

Sgt. Craig Pittman

Steve Armstrong

Terry Taylor

The Flying Spyder**

Tracy Smothers


Occasional Wrestlers

Antonio Inoki


Larry Zbyszko – manages The Shooters


Openers/Enhancement Talent

Alex Porteau

Flash Flanagan

Scott Armstrong

Sgt. Buddy Parker

Shane Sewell

The Cuban Assassin



Badd Girl - manages Johnny B. Badd

Baron Leonard Tomas – manages Ruthless Roundtable

Belle Libritis – manages Stars ‘n Stripes

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan – manages The Four Horsemen

Col. Robert Parker – manages The Stud Stable

Dr. Karnage – manages Biohazard, Rio the Renegade

Hillbilly Jim – manages The Hillbilly Cousins

Jimmy Hart – manages Bubba Rogers, California Kip, Devon King, Meng, Paul Orndorff, Smash

“The Boss” Magnum T.A. – manages Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham, Ricky Steamboat

Nurse Ana R. Key – manages Dr. Karnage, Arkane

Rick Rude

Sonny Onoo – manages Hakushi, Ultimo Dragon, Vader

The Queen – manages Hollywood Hogan

Theodore R. Long – manages The Heavenly Bodies


Authority Figures

Nick Bockwinkel – manages Roddy Piper

Ted DiBiase


Announcers/Color Commentators/Interviewers

Eric Bischoff

Gary Michael Cappetta

“Mean” Gene Okerlund

Jesse “The Body” Ventura

“The Professor” Mike Tenay

Tony Schiavone



Charles Robinson

Mark Curtis

Nick Patrick

Randy “Pee Wee” Anderson

Tommy Young



Kim Doll

Ted Turner


Road Agents

Bruce Hart

Dory Funk Jr.

Dusty Rhodes

Harley Race

Jody Hamilton

Pat Patterson



The Dungeon of Doom

Arkane, Biohazard, Dr. Karnage, Nurse Ana R. Key, Rio the Renegade


The Four Horsemen

Arn Anderson, Bobby Heenan, Eddy Guerrero, Owen Hart, Ric Flair


The Kings of Wrestling

Bubba Rogers, California Kip, Devon King, Dusty Rhodes, Hollywood Hogan, Jimmy Hart, Meng, Nick Bockwinkel, Paul Orndorff, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Smash, The Giant, The Queen


The Ruthless Roundtable

Baron Leonard Tomas, Earl William Clayton, Finlay, Lord Steven Regal


The Stud Stable

BG Armstrong, Brad Armstrong, Col. Robert Parker, Terry Gordy, Tracy Smothers, Waylon Mercy

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WCW Hotline: September 1995, Week 1



WCW Hotline

1st Week of September 1995

Option 1: Fall Brawl Control Center!

Option 2: Horsemen invade New Japan!

Option 3: WCW birthdays!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: “The Professor’s” lesson of the week!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Fall Brawl Control Center!

Three huge matches were announced this past week! The World’s Heavyweight championship will be on the line, as Hollywood Hogan defends against Road Warrior Hawk! Another being an eight-man tag team matchup as Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham, and Ricky Steamboat team up with WCW Hall of Famer Antonio Inoki to take on the Four Horsemen! The other can’t-miss match is “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper taking on Steve Austin!


Option 2: Horsemen invade New Japan!

Four Horsemen Country may be specifically listed as a United States area, but two of the quartet have been visiting NJPW to irritate New-Japan booker Antonio Inoki in a cross-promotional feud! Ric Flair and Owen Hart have been making appearances, but will that lead to Inoki learning more about two of his Fall Brawl opponents?


Option 3: WCW birthdays!

We would like to wish the following happy birthdays this month: Theodore R. Long is 48; Ricky Morton is 39; Road Warrior Hawk turns 38; Arn Anderson turns 37; Tracy Smothers, 33; and both Earl William Clayton and Shane Sewell are 23.


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

It’s the hottest hour in television! Our main event will see a match about revenge, as “Macho Man” Randy Savage takes on the newly dubbed “Outsider” Scott Hall! Also, the Four Horsemen will be in action, as Ric Flair and Arn Anderson take on Sting and Lex Luger in tag team action – also, Eddy Guerrero is cashing in his World Television championship shot against “Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright! It will be the best spent hour watching wrestling on a Monday night that you’ve had in years, and it’s taking place at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

Saturday Night on TBS had a 6.3 rating on TBS, and a 0.7 on DSF. Main Event had a 0.5 on TBS. Let’s just say that Raw on USA netted a 5.0 rating. So let’s just see how that goes for them next week!


Option 6: “The Professor” Mike Tenay’s hi-tory ---son of --- w--k!

I think I ----k for e------ne when I say that WCW are making history this week, as Monday Nitro debuts on TNT! I may *click* THE FACE OF WRESTLING IS ABOUT TO CHANGE









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WCW Monday Nitro - September 4th, 1995


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WCW Monday Nitro

September 4th, 1995

Held at: Williams Arena in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Mid West)

Attendance: 12,405

Show Runtime: One Hour

Rating: B+ – This show increased our popularity in 5 regions.



The show begins with WCW announcer Eric Bischoff in the interview area! He starts to welcome everyone to the first episode of WCW Monday Nitro, and he even goes on to talk about how laughable it is that there’s even another wrestling show on tonight. He says that if you want a good laugh, tune in at about 8:45, to see Bret Hart sprain his ankle chasing after Shawn Michaels in a stupid skit that has nothing to do with the two of them wrestling! Bischoff also says that fans need to stay tuned, because even if he isn’t in a match tonight, World champion Hollywood Hogan will be here later tonight to spread his gospel of the Kings of Wrestling! He says that despite what happened on the WCW Hotline this past week, which he apologizes for, there will be no interruptions on this night, and the fans can all enjoy a great show!


But no sooner does Eric say that there will be no interruptions does he get interrupted by a man sliding into the ring behind him…




It’s Brian Pillman! “The Loose Cannon” is standing behind Bischoff, and when Eric hears the cheers of the crowd he thinks it’s for him – but he turns around right into a kick to the stomach and the jumping tornado DDT! Pillman starts yelling at the downed Bischoff, saying that “You can’t keep holding people down, boss man!” Brian gets the microphone and says that there’s another big revelation to be known tonight, and he grabs Eric by his collar. He rips apart Bischoff’s button-down shirt, and underneath – is a KoW shirt! Brian says that “this piece of filth” has been playing both sides, making sure things go Hogan’s way the whole time! Brian says that “it’s time to break the hand that holds us down” and he leaves the ring to get a chair. He doesn’t hit Eric with it – instead, he places it around Eric’s arm, before going up to the middle rope and stomping on the chair! The pain wakes Eric up, and he screams, holding his arm! Brian runs out of the ring as security flood the area, and trainers come out to try and remove Eric from the ring, as we go to our opening video for Monday Nitro!

Notes: Eric really enjoys the freedom of improvising, which he did in the opening promo.

Rating: D+ (Eric promo), D+ (attack)




WCW World Television Championship

“Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright vs. “Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero w/Bobby Heenan

Time Limit: 15:00

Referee: Mark Curtis

After the opening video, Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” welcome us to Monday Nitro from the commentary booth, saying that Eric was supposed to be with them on commentary but he has been taken away in an ambulance following that attack – but what was with his shirt under his suit? Jesse says that he always thought Eric was “a little squirrel” and says that he believes Pillman in saying that Eric has been helping the KoW all along. In other news, however, Alex and Eddy have a great match, as the two gel very well against one another (good chemistry equals win!) in the opening match of WCW Monday Nitro. The Minneapolis crowd are all about this, even taking some time to bother “The Brain” outside with chants of “Weasel” toward him. Wright nearly has this match won, going up top for his missile dropkick, but Bobby Heenan jumps up on the apron. When Mark Curtis turns his attention to Bobby, Guerrero looks like he should be doing something underhanded here, but he backs away from the corner…



… as The Giant steps into the ring and grabs Wright by the throat! With a loud slam, Wright is brought down to the mat with a thunderous chokeslam! Giant steps back over the top rope and leaves the area, as a stunned Heenan climbs down from the apron and Eddy gets cocky. He gets Curtis’s attention, and places one finger on Alex’s chest, and gets the pinfall – not only winning the World’s Television title, but also officially ending Wright’s undefeated streak!

Winner in 7:28 and NEW World TV champion: Eddy Guerrero

Rating: B



We head backstage, where strangely, we find Ted DiBiase… but he’s lying in front of his desk! Richard Stevenson is trying to bring him to while yelling for a medical team. What happened here?!

Rating: B-



With no answers on that forthcoming, we head to new WCW Hall of Famer and color commentator Terry Funk, who is backstage alongside the Four Horsemen. And it is party time! As the first member of the new incarnation of the Horsemen to bring gold to the group, Eddy Guerrero is being heralded as victorious, even when Funk mentions The Giant. Ric Flair does all the talking as Bobby, Arn, and Owen are congratulating Eddy, saying that The Giant was just a formality – they had no connection with that, and it wouldn’t have mattered, because “Latino Heat” would have won the match anyways; because he’s a Horseman, and that means he’s the elite, the best, and no little dancing boy would ever be able to defeat a Horseman! Flair also talks about Dustin Rhodes and the eight man tag team match at Fall Brawl, saying that Dustin can bring Windham, he can bring Steamboat, he can bring Inoki, he can bring his daddy, he can bring his mommy, he can bring his uncles, cousins, friends, siblings, and it won’t matter, because four stand as one, and no way do they defeat that! Flair adds some words for Lex Luger and Sting, saying that he and Arn have faced those two so many times that they know them as well as they do themselves – but wherever Sting’s head is lately, it will spell victory for the Four Horsemen – “WOOOOOOOOOOO!”

Rating: C



The Heavenly Bodies w/Theodore R. Long vs. Harlem Heat

Time Limit: 20:00

Referee: Nick Patrick

Harlem Heat are in the second ever match on Monday Nitro, this one seeming to just be a warm-up for the brothers en route to their match against Rick and Scott Steiner on WCW Saturday Night. This one is a very good match in its own right, though, especially all the good teamwork going on. Long on the outside does his part in helping the Bodies to cheat their way into a few very close near falls, but this one is never in much doubt, and the Towering Inferno on Del Ray gives Booker T the pin and a lot of momentum on their way to the Steiners on Saturday!

Winners in 10:30: Harlem Heat

Rating: B



We head backstage briefly, as we join “The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman – who apparently did not get thrown out of the building for his attack on Eric Bischoff as of yet – as he enters a room. The door closes, and there’s one word on the door. No, not janitor; the door says STING. What could this mean?

Rating: B



Elsewhere backstage, something else has happened – Nick Bockwinkel is down as well, only it looks as though he’s been slammed into a wall! He’s being helped by trainers, the same way that DiBiase was earlier in the night. Tony asks the question, who is behind these attacks on the powers in WCW?

Rating: B



“The Total Package” Lex Luger vs. “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair & “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson w/Bobby Heenan

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Tommy Young

Why yes, there is a picture missing there… because when his music plays, there’s no Sting! “For Whom the Bell Tolls” starts and restarts three different times, but Sting is a no show! Tony wonders what happened, if Sting is attacked somewhere backstage as well after the way things have been going tonight – especially with Brian Pillman having gone into his dressing room earlier. After a few moments of waiting, the Horsemen attack anyways, and the bell sounds to start this apparently now handicap match! Lex puts up a game fight, hammering both Flair and Anderson with clotheslines and body slams, but he keeps an eye out on the backstage watching for Sting, and that costs him his advantage when Flair takes out his knee with a clip. From there, the Horsemen go to town, working Luger over as only the elder Horsemen can. Lex is able to move when Anderson goes for a second rope splash though, and when Flair enters the ring Luger blasts him with a ring shaking powerslam! Arn comes into the fray, but with the crowd behind him, he cannot be stopped! Luger sends Anderson into the ropes and follows him with a clothesline, before sending Flair into the turnbuckles so hard he flips over the top rope! Ric charges to the other side, but Luger is there to meet him, and he throws him off the top! Flair flops to the outside of the ring, which gets Bobby Heenan up on the apron for the second time tonight. This time, however, he has stuck his nose in everyone’s business once too often, and Luger decks him too! Tommy Young turns his attention to getting Heenan out of the ring, while “The Total Package” signals for the Torture Rack! He points at Anderson, but Arn is able to hit a low blow and drill Luger with a DDT! Arn can’t capitalize right off, but the crowd GO CRAZY!!!





















IT’S STING!!! He charges out of the back and slides into the ring, and as Anderson climbs to his feet, he smashes him with the baseball bat! Sting steps out of the ring and drops the bat as Tommy Young comes back around, just in time to see Luger make a legal tag! Sting enters the ring and locks Anderson into the Scorpion Deathlock! The crowd are going nuts for “The Stinger” as Anderson can’t take any more and submits the match! Tony gets sucked into the crowd’s reaction, but as Sting grabs his bat and leaves the ring, Jesse asks the million dollar question: “Where was Sting during the rest of the match?!”

Winners in 12:26: Lex Luger and Sting

Rating: B+



Just as Tony is about to send it to our main event, the “Pomp and Circumstance” is playing but there’s no Macho. Jesse says this is strange, it’s the same thing that happened with Sting, but a quick glance backstage shows that it isn’t the same – because Savage is lying face down on the floor, with pieces of black wood seen all around his head! Ventura wonders if perhaps that’s some remains of Sting’s baseball bat, but Tony can’t agree with that. We head out to the broadcast booth, where Tony and Jesse are speechless, not sure what is going on because next was supposed to be the Savage vs. Hall matchup. But their questions of what to fill this time with are answered as “Voodoo Chile” interrupts them…

Rating: B-




“The Total Package” is still in the ring, as Flair, Heenan, and Anderson have all headed backstage in frustration while Sting has left without a word and barely even a glance at his “friend” Luger. Hogan gets in Luger’s face and says that as happy as he is for Lex that his buddy Sting made it to the ring for him, he made a huge mistake by sticking his nose in the Kings business by laying out Randy backstage before coming out! Lex gets a microphone and says that first off, he wants to thank Sting for making it to the match, even though he didn’t get there at the beginning of it, because it makes him feel like maybe Sting is still the man he loves like a brother. Luger says that he and the Road Warriors, whoever is able to take the World title, will be happy to give Sting a title match that he’s been denied so long now. This gives Hollywood a reason to cut him off, saying that he will not be losing the title to any of the above brother, and especially not Luger because he’s already sent him to the back of the pack, jack! Luger says that instead of argue that all night, he’s going to stick up for Sting, by saying that there would be no reason for Sting to attack Savage backstage, because he would do his business in the ring! Hollywood says that there’s proof of it, because of all the black wood that broke off of Sting’s baseball bat!




Another voice rings out, as a sweaty, tired Ric Flair re-enters the ring to add that if Luger needs proof of what happened, what about Sting coming out here and hitting his best friend, Arn Anderson, with that very same bat? “The Nature Boy” says that the last thing he wants to do is agree with “this piece of crap” Hogan, but he says that the evidence adds up; Sting must have attacked Randy Savage, and maybe even Nick Bockwinkel and Ted DiBiase as well!




Out comes the “Hot Rod” and he has some fingers to point as well; he says that he has two men who could possibly have orchestrated such a thing; and one of them is Ric Flair and his Horsemen, who have had it out for the Kings of Wrestling for as long as they have been in WCW, and are now trying to take them out because it’s the only way they’ll be the number one in WCW again! Piper says that now, if it’s not the Horsemen, then he has only one other person in mind for who could have put this hit out… “and it’s YOU, Hogan!” Roddy says that Hollywood has been biting off a lot more than he can chew as of late as the KoW is concerned, saying that whether Hogan wants to admit it or not, he is only one of the men leading the group, and with Dusty out and now Nick laid up, it means Piper is the only leader keeping Hogan from being in complete control of the group. “Hot Rod” says that he’ll be watching out for The Giant, just as he has been all along, and maybe just like Savage forgot to do in his fury to face Hall tonight. Hogan and Flair both decry their innocence, as Luger adds that maybe Piper did it all tonight so that HE can take control of the KoW! All four men are just about to get at one another’s throats, when…


The lights in the arena black out…



































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With a loud bang, the lights come back on, and whereas the four men in the ring are still there, they are surrounded in every corner, and Roddy Piper is down on the mat… with a guitar collar around his neck.




As Piper drops to the mat, the four men attack! Taken completely by surprise, Hogan, Flair, and Luger can’t fight off this challenge, and each get sent to the floor violently. Vader rings Hogan’s ears, before Pillman hits a high dropkick to send the World champion to the outside and out of there, as Luger gets hit by Scott Hall’s finishing Edge, and a big Vaderbomb makes a splat on the mat out of Ric Flair! The four kick the fallen people out of the ring, and Brian grabs a microphone.


“I told you! I told you all! I told you that the face of wrestling would change! We have broken the hands that write people out, I did it at the start of the night! Each of us had a target, each of us took out the people who try to do things around here. Each of us performed perfectly!”


Jeff Jarrett takes the microphone, adding that “We have all been held down by someone, whether it be here or elsewhere! But you can’t hold your talent down for long, or else this is what happens! An uprising! Vince McMahon thought he could piss me off and send me on my way, but no more! No more will that happen, no more can you try to destroy a man’s life, I don’t care if it’s Vince or Eric! I am one of the finest athletes in the world, and I am taking control of my own life and my own career!”


“Hey yo,” says Scott Hall with a laugh. “You know, mang, I was the one who called up ‘Double J’ here, and I said, I said yo, Jeff, come on down south, because it don’t look good, but we got a plan, chico. The plan is exactly this; we are gonna take everyone in our way down, and the streets, the streets are gonna run red with the blood of kings.” He laughs, holding the microphone for Vader, who grunts out “WHO’S THE MAN?! WE’RE the men! WE are the men! All this time, where’s Vader’s title match been?! Where has Vader been in WCW? WCW even moved my match off of Fall Brawl; because everyone is AFRAID of Vader! They all know that if they get in the ring with Vader, they DIE! Nobody wants to face Vader? Then Vader is going to destroy ALL of YOOOOOOOUUUUU!”


“The Loose Cannon” takes over again, and he says that he started the call a year ago. “I told everyone a year ago, that at the end of this war, Brian Pillman would be the man standing at the end! WCW couldn’t stop the war with the Kings of Wrestling, because it is too afraid to do it! WCW are too afraid to take the measures that will send Hogan and Savage and crew back up north with their tails between their legs! Well if they’re too afraid to dirty their hands, then we will do it – but we will punish everyone who has stood in our way along the way, whether they’re KoW, whether they’re with WCW, whether they’re with the Horsemen, whether they are in the WWF – we don’t care! We will stand for all those who aren’t allowed to stand up on their own! We will not be silenced, because if they try, we’ll knock them down and do what we want anyways! No one can hold us down again! We are the nomads who will stand tall when all others are on their backs! We are the new world order who will be taking over wrestling – and we start TONIGHT. So everyone in the back, and everyone sitting at home! So you need to fear the siren; because once you hear it, you may be the next one that we break!”


Laughing, Brian spikes the microphone down to the mat, and the four men hold their arms up in the ring, as security come out to remove them. The show goes off the air with Tony Schiavone saying that after tonight, history has been made right here tonight in World Championship Wrestling!

Notes: A lot of things here, likely because this was three segments worth. Luger didn’t improvise well, probably tired after his match. Piper improvised well though, and later on so did Vader. Scott Hall struggled a little, but Pillman worked the crowd very well, using the freedom of no script to his advantage, and Jarrett really enjoyed having that same freedom.

Rating: B+ (confrontation), C+ (attack), B (promo)


Gimmick and Turn Notes

Paul Orndorff was in the pre-show, and changed to an Old School Heel (Cocky) gimmick, which rated 98.

Sting has changed to a Mysterious (Weird) gimmick, rated 91.

Jeff Jarrett has debuted with an Old School Heel (Cocky) gimmick, rated 92.

Eric Bischoff turned heel, which went pretty well.

Brian Pillman turned heel, which was a complete success.



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