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Carving out Guerrilla Glory[Thunderverse]

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Excellent look at SPLASH! Kanegan :D


GWS Red Phoenix Title Triple Threat Ladder Match: Robbie Martel vs. Bear Rusev vs. Brandon Morgan

I don't like the idea of Bear Rusev climbing a ladder! First defence, and the victory by Martel was made to look like a big deal.

24/7 Express vs. Hell's Army

Binks on his own, I probably would have gone for, but Martin hasn't seen that sort of push.

Erik Wayne vs. Riley Johansen

Former champ, plus the revenge angle.

Big Harris vs. Paul Crowley

Crowley has been in excellent form, particular in his match with Santana Jr.

Big Al vs. Ares

Big Al's a tag guy, and Ares is the leader of the stable.

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Held on Friday, Week 2, June 2014

Live from Lonesome Cowboy Casino, Nevada ,South-West

Attendance: 300 (Sold Out)



Pre Show



In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Ray Lisbon and Riptide defeated Angelo Santana and Joey Devastation and T-Bomb and Tony Ramos in 11:26; the order of elimination was Angelo Santana and Joey Devastation first, and then T-Bomb and Tony Ramos.


Winner: Ray Lisbon & Riptide


Grade: 33


A training match for all the people not on the main show. Ray Lisbon and Riptide looked good in the match and Tony Ramos as usual was a beast eliminating both Angelo and Devastation with his fearsome Mountain Bomb before being double teamed by the winners.



Main Show


The show starts once again with the Rosario brothers doing their hard sell of the event.



Ernesto: Folks, we are coming from the land of fantasies, Las Vegas, Nevada in this awesome venue where the crowd is sold out. It is so amazing, we have sold out each and every venue that we have performed from and it is this love that brings us back over and over.



Camilo: That’s right bro and tonight we have some very contrasting match-ups for you. Our tag champs have challenged two of the finest of Hell’s Army and in the mix is a tag match between the remaining Army members and 24/7 Express.



Ernesto: also, we finally get the blow-off match which had been in the making for months now as Erik Wayne takes on Riley Johansen



Camilo: But first, we will be getting some words from our newly crowned Red Phoenix Champ, Robbie Martel.




Robbie: Hello Las Vegas!!How are you doing tonight?? It’s your Red Phoenix champ Robbie in the house. Now, I have been a tag champ before with my Mexican homie Ray and I have been the Red Phoenix champ as well but tonight I come in front of you as the 1st ever 2 time Red Phoenix Champ here is GWS and I thought, we need something extra, something remarkable to mark this reign of mine. So, tonight I proclaim my destiny, I go unconventional , I become Robbie 3M, or Robbie “Multi Man” Martel, why because from now one no mano-o-mano title matches for me, I defend my title in only multi-man matches, 3 way, 4 way, ladder match, tables match, whatever floats my boat for the night and tonight for my 1st defence, I proclaim a 3 way ladder match. So, anybody at the back want a crack at my belt, come running along.


Promo: 20


Well, this marked a subtle change of character for Robbie as he is the champ now and he is going to do something different about it. Though, I forgot he sucks pretty hard at cutting promos so I will have to find a manager for him pretty soon.


GWS Red Phoenix Title Ladder Match: Robbie 3M vs. Brandon Morgan vs. Bear Rusev


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Robbie Martel defeated Brandon Morgan and Bear Rusev in a Ladder match in 11:10 when Robbie Martel retrieved the item.


Winner: Robbie Martel (makes defence number 1 of Red Phoenix title).


Grade: 40


Brandon Morgan and Bear Rusev came out to try their luck at the belt. While Morgan was no match for the champ, Bear proved more than a handful. Attacking both the other competitors with some high impact slams, chops and clotheslines, Bear was clearly the man to watch but the stipulation proved to be a big difference in the end because he struggled to quickly climb the ladder which gave enough time for Robbie to make a comeback.


He dropkicked Brandon right onto a smaller ladder kept on rest on one of the turnbuckles and Brandon was completely out of the match.


He then springboarded from the top rope and dropkicked the base of the ladder which contained Rusev. This forced the ladder to fall down and while Bear escaped somehow, he was rammed with the same ladder repeatedly by Robbie which took him out of the ring. Being the only man left, he climbed up and easily retained his title.



Ernesto: Robbie retains. First the victory last month and now the proclamation that he will defend his title in only multi-man matches even changing his name to Multi-Man Martel.


Camilo: Yes, we are in for some exciting times ahead and Robbie has guaranteed that each of his title matches will be a treat to watch. Let’s hope he keeps hold of the title for a long time so that we get entertained for a long time.


Ernesto: Next up, Hell’s Army takes on 24/7 Express in a tag match which will go a long way in determining the next contenders for the straps. Ashmedai and Rico have not won anything worthwhile so far but they took the tag champs to the limit in their title bout last month and they will fancy their chances once again if they come face to face with the Furlong Brothers.


Camilo: Well, that’s true but bear in mind that even 24/7 Express has not tagged in for a long time. Their last competitive match together was all the way back in January and since then Ricky has enjoyed success in singles while Zach has struggled to make it to the main show. We will see whether this dynamic changes anything between these two.




In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The 24/7 Express defeated Ashmedai and Rico Escobar in 12:06 when Ricky Binks defeated Ashmedai by pinfall with a Sydney Splash.


Winner: 24/7 Express


Grade: 43


The fact that 24/7 Express has not tagged for almost 5 months created problems for them as their timing was all over the place and the Army took advantage of it, getting hold of the weaker link in Zach and beating him to unconsciousness.


But backed by the crowd, Zach ducked a clothesline attempt by Ashmedai before diving in for a hot tag to Ricky. Ricky came in and immediately made impact.


A springboard spear on Rico prevented him from entering the match illegally and then just unloaded on Ashmedai with punches and kicks. With referee catching one of the kicks of Ricky, Rico takes the opportunity and tries to hit a chair shot but Ricky ducks and he hits his own partner indeed. A hurricanrana on the chair takes out Rico and a win follows when Ricky delivers his Sydney Splash(Frog Splash) on Ashmedai.


Having lost the match, Ashmedai and Rico were arguing and saw Ricky celebrating with the fans. Angered at his demeanor, both of them attacked 24/7 Express laying them out in the centre of the ring.



Post Match Attack: 21


Camilo: Ricky dragged his team to a win here as Zach looked helpless in this bout but as what had happened in the past, Hell’s Army could not digest a defeat and attacked the winners mercilessly.



Ernesto: Well, we have seen them do the same time and again and frankly, I am just waiting for somebody to show them the door and shut them up completely. But up next, a blow off match to the feud that had been going on since the start of the year. Ever since Erik became the Red Phoenix champ, Riley and his men interfered in every match, assaulted him throughout and were even responsible in making him lose the title. Erik will no doubt be gunning for the revenge but can this hamper his concentration??




In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Erik Wayne defeated Riley Johansen in 11:07 by pinfall with a Reality Hits You Hard.


Winner: Erik Wayne


Grade: 26


Ouch!! A really bad match. Well, it’s relieving to know that atleast they had their blow-off match and the feud is finished and I am glad that I did not hold off the feud for long as it could be worse later. A terrible terrible match, nothing to write about. Erik Wayne hits a DDT before finishing with the Reality Hits You Hard maneuver.



After his win, we see Erik standing in the middle of the ring with a mic.


Erik: Now that I got that out of my way and finally defeated this punk, I have got something to say. I have been a champ for a long time and would have been if not for these bunch of punks meddling in my affairs. But, that doesn’t matter anymore, I loved my title but I am destined for bigger things and I have these people to thank for as they showed me the way. I could have been happy holding the Red Phoenix title without any real ambition but they changed me, they changed m mindset, they changed my body language and now I am back, better than ever and going to the top. I don’t care if it is Ares, any of his dogs or it is Riley wanting to come back or even if it is a fight with Richie Santana Jr., I will not stop as I am gunning straight for the top.


Grade: 42




In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Paul Crowley defeated Big Harris in 12:27 by submission with a Prince's Lock.


Winner: Paul Crowley


Grade: 46


Paul Crowley has become the real crown jewel of Hell’s Army and the way he wrestles his matches, it becomes really evident that he is a superstar in the making. This match also featured what has come to be known as Prince Style, with fast attacks in the start of the match involving lot of impact moves and then searching for an opportunity to get his opponent down to the ground before finishing him off with his dangerous submission move. Paul did just that and played with Harris before submitting him with Prince Lock(Ankle Lock).



Camilo: Paul gets another impressive win. He is fast becoming the talk of the town. We already had Ares before but Paul joining them had made the group more devastating.


Ernesto: And now the main event, the other half of the tag champs takes on the leader of the Army, Ares.



In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ares defeated Big Al in 11:40 by pinfall with an Ares-plex.


Winner: Ares


Grade: 39


Taking motivation from his team mate Paul, Ares was on offensive for most of the match never really allowing Al to breathe. Except for a couple of chops from Al, he did not get any kind of hits and Ares finished the match easily.





After the match ended, we saw Paul and the Hell’s Army tag team joining Ares for an intended beatdown of Al but before they can execute it, Richie Santana Jr. & Big Harris came running to the ring armed with chairs and smashed Rico and Ashmedai’s brain out. Richie also cracked the chair in the back of Ares and forced the entire group to retreat.


Richie: You have been meddling in the affairs of GWS long enough and walking around as if you own this place. This has to stop, Ares. You don’t run this promotion Ares, and you need to understand that soon. Enough is enough, in 2 weeks, this ends. I am challenging your entire group to an Anarchy in Steel match at our next big event, Revolucion in 14 days. If we win, you will not get any title shots for the next 12 months and if you win, I will defend my title against the person with the winning pinfall in a match of his own choice. You have no alternative there Ares, GWS has sanctioned it and it will happen. See you in 2 weeks, Ares.


Attack & Save: 38 / Challenge: 44



Ernesto: What an announcement!! An Anarchy in Steel match for the 1st time in GWS and it takes place in 14 days. What a way to end this night. That’s all we have time folks, see you in our next event.






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Our weakest show in 2014. The matches tanked big time especially Erik vs. Riley as i had hoped for a big blow-off match but it was a lost cause. Hoping for our next big event to do well, especially the main event of Anarchy in Steel match.



Tiberious - 4/5

MichiganHero - 4/5

Enforcer - 3/5

jhd1 - 4/5


Since this is a two show month, the winner will be determined after combining the results from these as well as the next show.

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So, at the end of last Warfare, Richie announced an Anarchy in Steel match.

We have been flooded with mails from our fans asking us what is Anarchy in Steel about??


So, we are here to put rest to all the confusion and shed light on the match itself.


Anarchy in Steel Match



A ring enclosed in a steel cell with weapons available in abundance inside the cell to bash each other to death. It is as simple as that.


2 teams of four fight it out with the team winning the toss enjoying the man advantage.


The match cannot end until all the men are inside the cell. It is an elimination style finish. Eliminations can occur via pinfall , submission or sending opponent through the table.



Let's hope now our fans can rest in peace after knowing the structure of the match. The card preview will be up next.

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Revolucion Preview





http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RobbieMartel_zpsb2f768c4.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/AngeloSantana_zps34b4a66b.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/JoeyDevastation_zps015d3d16.jpg


After having fought for so long together in dark matches, both Joey and Angelo start their career getting a shot at the Red Phoenix but it will be a big mountain to climb for both.



http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/BearRusev_zps6c8d1458.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RayLisbon_zps24fdd239.jpg


After having failed to win the Red Phoenix title, Bear has challenged Robbie's partner, Ray Lisbon to a match. Will we see Ray destroyed in the ring??



http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/Ares_zps6d790042.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/Template_MMID_zps8ec1a465.jpg


The 4th member of Team GWS who is still unknown at this point has challenged Ares to a match before they face off in Anarchy in Steel and whoever wins this, his team gets a man advantage.




http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RileyJohansen_zpsc8cf1bd8.jpghttp://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/TonyRamos_zpse2915d24.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RickyBinks_zpsd2b6667f.jpghttp://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/ZachMartin_zps0103c541.jpg


After an impressive victory in the last show, 24/7 Express faces the dangerous Mountains of Muscle. Can they eke out two wins in a row.







The big one. With so many things at stake here. We also don't know who is the fourth member of Team GWS





GWS Red Phoenix Title: Robbie Martel vs. Joey Devastation vs. Angelo Santana


Bear Rusev vs. Ray Lisbon


Ares vs. ??? (Winner gives his team the man advantage in Anarchy in Steel match)


Mountains of Muscle(Riley Johansen/Tony Ramos) vs. 24/7 Express(Ricky Binks/Zach Martin)


Anarchy in Steel Match: Hell's Army(Ares/Paul Crowley/Ashmedai/Rico Escobar) vs. Team GWS(Richie Santana Jr./Big Al/Big Harris/???)


Bonus Questions


1. Who will be the 4th member of Team GWS??


2. Who will get the winning pinfall of the Anarchy in Steel match.


3. Who will be the final survivors of the match??

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GWS Red Phoenix Title: Robbie Martel vs. Joey Devastation vs. Angelo Santana


Bear Rusev vs. Ray Lisbon


Ares vs. ??? (Winner gives his team the man advantage in Anarchy in Steel match)


Mountains of Muscle(Riley Johansen/Tony Ramos) vs. 24/7 Express(Ricky Binks/Zach Martin)


Anarchy in Steel Match: Hell's Army(Ares/Paul Crowley/Ashmedai/Rico Escobar) vs. Team GWS(Richie Santana Jr./Big Al/Big Harris/???)


Bonus Questions


1. Who will be the 4th member of Team GWS?? Erik Wayne


2. Who will get the winning pinfall of the Anarchy in Steel match. Ares


3. Who will be the final survivors of the match?? Ares & Richie Santana Jr.

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<p>QUICK PICKS LIST</p><p> </p><p>

GWS Red Phoenix Title: <strong>Robbie Martel</strong> vs. Joey Devastation vs. Angelo Santana</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">I don't think Martel will drop it so soon, especially since neither of his opponent's are really ready for a title run.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bear Rusev </strong>vs. Ray Lisbon</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">Big Bad Monsters need to win most of the time if they're supposed to be taken seriously.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ares</strong> vs. ??? (Winner gives his team the man advantage in Anarchy in Steel match)</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">I don't like breaking the mystery man rule, but there is a reason all the wargames matches had the heels with the man advantage. I suppose TNA had a few where that wasn't the case, but I try not to remember those.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Mountains of Muscle(Riley Johansen/Tony Ramos) vs. <strong>24/7 Express(Ricky Binks/Zach Martin)</strong></p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">I'll take the faces to win here after some miscommunication between Johansen and Ramos.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Anarchy in Steel Match: <strong>Hell's Army(Ares/Paul Crowley/Ashmedai/Rico Escobar)</strong> vs. Team GWS(Richie Santana Jr./Big Al/Big Harris/???)</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">The way the stipulations are set up I just can't see the heels losing here. </span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Questions</p><p> </p><p>

1. Who will be the 4th member of Team GWS??</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">I'll have to copy MichiganHero here and go for </span></em><em><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>Erik Wayne</strong></span></em><em><span style="font-size:8px;">; though it would be pretty awesome if this was Pierre Lejosne's return.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

2. Who will get the winning pinfall of the Anarchy in Steel match?</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">I'll take </span></em><em><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>Ares</strong></span></em><em><span style="font-size:8px;">. Ashmedai and Rico aren't really the top guys there, and Crowley has already had several matches with Santana.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

3. Who will be the final survivors of the match??</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>Ares and Paul Crowley</strong></span></em></p>

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<p>Meant to comment on this yesterday, but that was another solid show kanegan! I like the added thoughts after matches too - just the right length, without becoming overwhelmingly long or too short.</p><p> </p><p>

Anarchy in Steel is a fantastic name for the match, by the way. A match to add to the mod itself, perhaps?</p><p> </p><p>

GWS Red Phoenix Title: <strong>Robbie Martel</strong> vs. Joey Devastation vs. Angelo Santana</p><p> </p><p>

Bear Rusev vs. <strong>Ray Lisbon</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ares</strong> vs. ??? (Winner gives his team the man advantage in Anarchy in Steel match)</p><p> </p><p>

Mountains of Muscle(Riley Johansen/Tony Ramos) vs. <strong>24/7 Express(Ricky Binks/Zach Martin)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Anarchy in Steel Match: Hell's Army(Ares/Paul Crowley/Ashmedai/Rico Escobar) vs. <strong>Team GWS(Richie Santana Jr./Big Al/Big Harris/???)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Questions</p><p> </p><p>

1. Who will be the 4th member of Team GWS??</p><p>

<strong>Erik Wayne</strong></p><p>

2. Who will get the winning pinfall of the Anarchy in Steel match.</p><p>

<strong>Richie Santana Jr</strong></p><p>

3. Who will be the final survivors of the match??</p><p>

<strong>Ares and Richie Santana Jr</strong></p>

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Thanks jhd1.


Yes, will be great to add the match to the mod perhaps as a special of GWS considering that they don't have anything to claim as their own.:D



Bumping this to get any more possible predictions.


Show will be up tommorrow

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<p>GWS Red Phoenix Title: <strong>Robbie Martel </strong>vs. Joey Devastation vs. Angelo Santana</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bear Rusev</strong> vs. Ray Lisbon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ares</strong> vs. ??? (Winner gives his team the man advantage in Anarchy in Steel match)</p><p> </p><p>

Mountains of Muscle(Riley Johansen/Tony Ramos) vs. <strong>24/7 Express(Ricky Binks/Zach Martin)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Anarchy in Steel Match: <strong>Hell's Army(Ares/Paul Crowley/Ashmedai/Rico Escobar)</strong> vs. Team GWS(Richie Santana Jr./Big Al/Big Harris/???)</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Questions</p><p> </p><p>

1. Who will be the 4th member of Team GWS?? <strong>Erik Wayne</strong></p><p> </p><p>

2. Who will get the winning pinfall of the Anarchy in Steel match. <strong>Ares</strong></p><p> </p><p>

3. Who will be the final survivors of the match?? <strong>Ares & Paul Crowley</strong></p>

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Held on Friday, Week 4, June 2014

Live from The Grove, Nevada ,South-West

Attendance: 492



Pre Show


In an extremely poor match, Club Animals defeated The Chain Gang in 10:25 when Brandon Morgan defeated Aron Chains by pinfall with a M-Factor 3000.


Winner: Club Animals


Grade: 26


This match saw a debut of a new tag team. Though they are just a couple of spot monkeys they were brought into GWS to see if they can improve otherwise they can always become a jobber to our other teams. Currently they have been given a gimmick of comedy joker tag team.




Main Show



Ernesto: Welcome everybody to perhaps the most important event in the history of GWS. That’s right folks, we are talking about tonight, about Revolucion, about our main event, Anarchy in Steel.



Camilo: Oh yes!! Tonight is all about retribution which will have repercussions for days to come. Can Team GWS rise and slay the demons that have caused havoc.



Ernesto: Yes, the most important match in the careers of eight people and we still do not know who is the eighth person.



Camilo: The rumor mills have been running all week long as to who will be the 4th member of Team GWS?? We will find out later tonight.


Announcer Hype: 39



As we transition from the announce desk to the ring, we see a beautiful lady standing there with a mic wearing a hot dress which is sure to raise the mercury in the building.




Debbie Monroe: Hi everyone, my name is Debbie Monroe and I am the newest member of GWS. I am here on behalf of my client because he needs a proper introduction. So, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your unconventional, sensational, exciting, delighting, smart, suave, Red Phoenix Champ, Robbie “3M” Martel and he is once again giving the opportunity to two people to take a shot at his title.


Hype: 38


Giving Robbie a manager here who can handle the mic much better. Also, getting a girl in the roster means you can also take advantage of her sex appeal to get the crowd going.




In an extremely poor match, Robbie 3M defeated Joey Devastation and Angelo Santana in a Three Way match in 12:51 when Robbie Martel defeated Joey Devastation by submission with a Rob – o – Roll (Rolling Armbar).


Winner: Robbie 3M (makes defence no. 2 of GWS Red Phoenix title)


Grade: 35


Another easy match for the champ. This was the 1st time Angelo and Joey had wrestled in the main show. Angelo as usual impressed with his selling ability. Before the show, Joey started his 6th fight in the last 6 months and frankly I have had enough. So, he was buried in this match and after the show, he was fired. There was a big improvement in my backstage as after firing Joey, it improved all the way from 73% to 83%.



Ernesto: Another dominating performance by Robbie. He is becoming the new flavor of GWS here after his declaration of defending the title in only multi-man matches. But will he still be dominating when he faces much stronger opponents??.


Camilo: Some food for thought there bro, next up the Bear takes on Robbie’s tag partner Ray Lisbon.


We see Anton Morozov walking out of the ring.



Anton: I have something to say to all you worthless cretins. I have been forced to stand out here and talk to you Dolboebs (Russian for f*ckheads) because I have got a new client. I have not been too happy with my clients who have not been upto the mark, but I am a patient man and I will continue to condition them mentally to become big players in these promotion.


Crowd does not give a damn about Anton’s ramblings and boo him to death.


Anton: Poshyol ty’(Russian for F**k you). You will listen to me after I finish my words. I have got another client who will bring me the riches. So, without further delay, I bring to you my new client, Bear Rusev.


Hype: 28



Just giving some more air time to Anton as being a manager of Club Animals, he has not got enough time to make an impact. Hoping to do so with Bear.



In an extremely poor match, Bear Rusev defeated Ray Lisbon in 11:21 by submission with a Bear Trap.


Winner: Bear Rusev


Grade: 31


Not a great match. It was painful to watch Ray trying to carry Bear to a serviceable match but he sold the Bear Trap (Bear Hug) well to show off the menace of Bear.



Camilo: Bear destroys Ray Lisbon. Well, as if Tony Ramos was not enough, now GWS locker room have to contend with another monster in Bear. Though, he has been with us for some time now, its only recently that he has started to show a mean streak and people will be praying that they don’t fall in the line of Bear.



Ernesto: Next, we get to know who is the fourth member of GWS as he has challenged the leader of Hell’s Army, Ares to a match to determine who gets the man advantage.





Ares: Now, now. Everybody, please settle down. No need for commotion here. It’s me, the God of Wrestling, Ares at your service tonight though I would like nothing more than rub my behind in all of your faces as you disgust me too much


Crowd let their displeasure known by abusing the hell out of him


Ares: (smirking)Well, well. How nice of you to shower me with compliments.(Laughs loudly) Thank you. So, moving on to other matters, what did I came to say?? Oh Yes!! The mysterious 4th member of Team GWS. Wow, all of you are making it such a big deal as if Guy Lothario or Terry Thunder has come out of their retirement and arrived in GWS to take me out. (Laughing loudly again) Give me a break guys. I don’t care whoever is it who has pledged their allegiance to you Richie but they will never measure up to the most menacing group in GWS history. So, whoever it is, come down and let me kick your arse all the way back to Hell!!


Grade: 40



In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Erik Wayne defeated Ares in 12:32 by pinfall with a Reality Hits You Hard.


Winner: Erik Wayne




Erik Wayne came out to a decent pop. Though more or less everybody had already thought about the possibility, still people were hoping for some major surprise. Sorry folks, maybe next time. Erik showed his new attitude as he had proclaimed it in a promo 2 weeks ago by taking the fight to Ares. Ares countered with sideslams, suplexes and DDT’s but everytime Erik went down, he came up stronger. In the end, Ares went for his Ares-plex but Erik reversed it into a suplex of his own and then followed up with Reality Hits You Hard(Stunner) for the win.



Ernesto: It’s Eric Wayne. He is the new card of the GWS deck and he defeats Ares. That’s good news for GWS as they will now enjoy the man advantage and at every point they will have an extra man in the ring.


Camilo: And with the recent change in attitude, Erik has become much more confident of his abilities as he showed in the match. I can’t wait for the main event.



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The 24/7 Express defeated Mountains of Muscle in 13:49 when Ricky Binks defeated Tony Ramos by pinfall with a Sydney Splash.


Winner: 24/7 Express


Grade: 38


Re-positioning 24/7 Express as a force in our tag division as they didn’t have much to do for some time now and we are running out of ideas for a Ricky Binks solo run so putting them back in the tag title picture is the best thing to do for now.

Ricky Binks once again dragged his team to a win over Mountains of Muscle and proved themselves as the next definite contenders for the straps.


Ernesto: 24/7 Express wins again. They have put themselves back as a viable threat to the tag champs and to the tag division as a whole.


Camilo: Yes, they are surely getting a shot at the title but up next, the match we have all been waiting for ever since Richie announced it 14 days ago, we are abuzz with anticipation. Who will be the winner?? Who will stand tall at the end of the night?? Who will preserve his dignity and make his group the victor?? Who will rise up to the challenge??






Anarchy in Steel: Hell’s Army(Ares/Paul Crowley/Ashmedai/Rico Escobar) vs. Team GWS(Richie Santana Jr./ Erik Wayne/Big Al/Big Harris)


Match Highlights:

-Rico Escobar and Big Al started the match exchanging punches and stiff strikes. Rico got hold of a chair and smashed it on the head of Al before grounding and pounding him down the ground.


-Due to the man advantage, Harris entered the match and joined his brother. The match switched gears as Rico could not keep up against the tag champs. A double clothesline followed after which Furlong Brothers DDT’d him on a chair.


-Things changed again when Ashmedai entered the fray as he was like a house on fire powerslamming the champs. He lays out Al with a You and Your Sins(ChokeSlam) through a table and we get our 1st elimination of the match.(Big Al eliminated)


- Erik Wayne entered next and riding on a high wave of momentum, pummeled Ashmedai and Rico out of the ring. He brought out a garbage can lid from under the ring and smashed it in the face of both of his opponents. Harris also slowly came back to his senses and joined hands with Erik. The next elimination went to Erik as he hit Reality Hits You Hard on Rico eliminating him from the match.(Rico Escobar eliminated)


- Erik hit a second Reality Hits You Hard, this time on Ashmedai. But before he could go for the pin, the buzzer sounded and “The Revolution” Paul Crowley entered the ring and saved Ashmedai from getting eliminated. He turned the tables again when he put Harris in Prince Lock. Erik tried to put a stop on that but Paul ducked the clothesline having already seen Erik running in and throwed him out with a T-Bone suplex. He went back to Harris and soon enough earned the elimination.(Big Harris eliminated)


- The tables had turned now and Erik was alone against two people but this scenario didn’t persist for long as the final member and the team captain, Richie Santana Jr. entered the ring and evened up the equation. A springboard dropkick with a chair floored Ashmedai . Paul Crowley tried to intervene but had to face the brunt of a chair shot by Richie. A Flying Santana followed on Ashmedai and he was out of the match. (Ashmedai eliminated)


- That left Erik, Richie and Paul in the ring with Ares still to come. He entered soon enough and once again the equation got evened. Safety gloves came off and pier six brawl ensued between the four. Chairs, Garbage cans, lids and many other form of weapons came out and all the four started bashing each other with them. Ares dominated the proceedings flooring both Erik and Richie pretty badly. He set up two tables on two corners of the ring and then Ares-plexed both Erik and Richie consecutively from the top rope through the tables. He covered Erik first and got the pinfall.(Erik Wayne eliminated)


-And just as he was about to pin Richie, Paul took the advantage and pinned Richie to win the match and take the winning pinfall thus, earning himself a title shot.(Richie Santana Jr. eliminated)


Winner: Hell's Army(Paul Crowley via pinfall on Richie Santana Jr.)


Grade: 45



Ares was not too happy at all seeing Paul get the pinfall. In fact, he was livid and was swearing under his breath but Paul did not notice any of that. He was busy celebrating and taunting the crowd. Finally, Ares bucked up and managed a forced smile on his face joining Paul in taunting the crowd but it was evident that the ending of the match had driven a rift between the two.


Grade: 47




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Had hoped for a better rated show and a better rated main event but did not quite achieve it. Anyway i had a lot of fun writing the main event and i hope all of you enjoy it.


Show Predictions

MichiganHero – 5/8

Tiberious4 – 6/8

jhd1 – 3/8

Enforcer – 6/8


Overall Predictions for June

MichiganHero – 9/13

Tiberious4 – 10/13

jhd1 – 7/13

Enforcer – 9/13



So, Tiberious wins the predictions this time. You need to give me a name of a promotion for the Spotlight feature either here or via PM. AWF, LLED & SPLASH have been spotlighted so far. Apart from the default promotions, new promotions opening which have not been featured so far are SUPER and AAW.

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2 poor shows in a row pegged us back to the last position. I was hoping for much more from the Anarchy in Steel match but alas, nothing i got:





Month: June 2014

Location: South West (USA)







Wrestle-X: The Terror Rising


1. Cameron Cody defeated Tommy Schultz - 68

2. Confederate SuperStar defeated Joey Sleaze - 43

3. Alejandro Lopez defeated Ebi Kadivar - 57

4. T-Bomb against Mike Suzuki ended in a no contest - 36

5. Derek Grace defeated Johnny Cross - 64

6. California Kid defeated Black Idol - 46

7. Dirk Robertson and American AllStar defeated El Mariachi and Scorpion - 60

8. El Hijo del Prodigio defeated Jarid Hart to retain Wrestle-X World Title - 76


Show Rating: 68



The Club Presents: Fighting Zone 18


1. Ultra Lightning defeated Markus Ca$h - 48

2. Exodus Cade defeated The Law - 40

3. Murder One defeated Willard Feldman and Jon-O - 46

4. Project FIGHT(Brad Novocaine/Corbin Trent) defeated Double Life(Christian/Stevie Vortex) to retain The Club Tag Team titles - 56

5. Travis Stine against Peter Iaukea ended in a no contest - 62

6. Chad Zuma, Dragon and Iago de Brun defeated Silverback, Doble Cara and Markus Franklin - 71


Show Rating: 65



HCG Dirty Livin' 2014


Maori Warrior and Artemis Dream defeated Jeff Starfield and Lance Idol - 29

Little Italy defeated Johnny Axe - 34

Fargo Korben defeated American Standard - 38

Iago de Brun defeated Mike Santorelli to win the HCG Hollywood Title - 65


Show Rating: 56

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So, this time Tiberious gives us an opportunity to focus on another of unique promotions in Japan.







Inejiro Katsu





Promotion Details


Name: Super Juniors of Japan


Founded: January 2014


Status: Active, Currently On Tour


Size: Small


Ranking: 17th


Location: Kanto (Japan)


Style: Comedy Junior Style


Prestige: 22


Momentum: 46


SUPER are another one of the unique promotions coming out from Japan. A cross between POW and DIASPORA, they focus heavily on smaller, junior style wrestlers but gives them unique, almost comedic characters and put them on over the top storylines.




From the start itself, they have been putting all the work behind one man, Blood Spider Jr. The son of the most feared and respected Super Juniors of all time and the original heel of Junior wrestling, Blood Spider. While it will take time for him to reach the heights of his father, he has started showing the same talent both in his promo work and his wrestling abilities.


SUPER and he himself will hope for a long run at the top which will establish both him and the promotion as a force to reckon with.


SUPER also focuses a lot on tag team wrestling with the division choc – a-bloc with distinct teams with interesting teams.



Moon Star


Moon Silver - Golden Star


Moon Star, the team of twin brothers Moon Silver and Golden Star, who proclaim that they have based their gimmick on a famous 1960’s Japanese cartoon, though nobody knows which one. They have good tag experience but their in-ring skills needs to be better if they are to become top team in the promotion, though their gimmicks are loved by the young fans of the promotion.



Team Red Blood



Otojiro Hagiwara is an afroed middleweight with above average skills. He has come close to signing a contract with UPJ and DIASPORA a number of times but somebody or the other pips him to one. Though, he is determined more than ever to win a contract with one of the big promotion.


On the other hand, his partner Jiro Tsunoda is an out and out Silva Dolla wannabe, having based his entire character on his idol and has even managed to incorporate Dolla‘s mannerisms.



Team XXX



“Orange Ball” MITSUI is the in-ring character of Taki Mitsui. Even though his flamed hair sets him apart, his in ring skills are fairly bland and lot of work is needed if he is to amount to something.


RYU Takarabe is one of the most interesting characters in the current Japanese indy scene. Takarabe’s mask is made of unforgiving, interlocking scales which may be uncomfortable to wear but looks superb. Taking his dragon theme to his fullest, he regularly breathes fire before his matches and in one of the indy shows, he even appeared to fly to the ring. With decent skills to support his character, he looks set to be a big player in the promotion and that has been proven as he is also the SUPER TV champ.



The Futurists



Wild Nanami is another exciting prospect in the world of super junior wrestling. His gimmick of a wild man with savage like antics and a wrestling style of relentless brawling combined with cruiserweight action makes him a treat to watch and his team with Blood Spider Jr. means that they are the top heels of the company.



One Percenters



Shinobi Honda is a relatively unknown quantity, as nobody is sure where he has come from. He plays a typical Japanese ninja using smokebombs, nunchaku and even sword to chase his opponents.


YAMI , the “Darkness Rising” demon who is also tipped to be a big thing in the future. His character of a dark demon has made quite an impact and now these two unique characters have been awarded for their work as they have won the tag team championships.


Other talented characters like



Rising Sun, who plays the typical patriot gimmick but plays it well


MachZ, who claims to be faster than the speed of sound


Thunder Magnum, who takes his inspiration from the legendary Terry Thunder


has made sure that SUPER will be in discussions for some time to come.




Roll of Champions




SUPER! National Tag Team


One Percenters





RYU Takarabe

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So, after the epic Anarchy in Steel (OOC: which i hope all of you enjoyed)

match, we will be dealing with the aftermath as Warfare is back. So, browse along for the preview:



http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RobbieMartel_zpsb2f768c4.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/T-Bomb_zps85857db0.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/BearRusev_zps6c8d1458.jpg


T-Bomb continues his ascent towards stardom with another triple threat title match. After destroying Ray Lisbon, Bear has once again made his way in this match. Will he make it the 2nd time??



http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RileyJohansen_zpsc8cf1bd8.jpghttp://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/TonyRamos_zpse2915d24.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/BrandonMorgan_zpsc0b1707e.jpghttp://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/JamesOShea_zps8a9ad0cf.jpg


Mountains of Muscle are back in the game and this time they are looking for a victory against Club Animals



http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/BigAl_zps4133fa86.jpghttp://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/HarrisFurlong_zps2624450c.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RickyBinks_zpsd2b6667f.jpghttp://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/ZachMartin_zps0103c541.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/Ashmedai_alt3_T4_zpsd294211f.jpghttp://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RicoEscobar_zps9fd54ba7.jpg


On the back of two consecutive victories, 24/7 Express has definitely earned their title shot but Hell's Army won the Anarchy in Steel match last month and as per the stipulations, they have also won a title shot. So, the solution?? A triple threat title match. Who will stand on top at the end??



http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/PaulCrowley_zps9413b688.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RichieSantanaJr_zpsc32b83a6.jpg


With the win last month, Paul Crowley is once again standing in the line of Richie and with the choice in his favor, he has selected a Last Man Standing match. Will it be 3rd time lucky for Paul??





1. GWS Red Phoenix Title Triple Threat: Robbie Martel vs. T-Bomb vs. Bear Rusev


2. Club Animals vs. Mountains of Muscle


3. GWS Top Militia Triple Threat: Furlong Brothers vs. 24/7 Express vs. Hell's Army


4. GWS People's Representative Last Man Standing: Paul Crowley vs. Richie Santana Jr.


Bonus Questions


1. Who will be debuting in this show??

2. Will anybody else join Hell's Army?? If yes, then who??

3. Who will get kicked out from Hell's Army(maybe more than one)??

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Another good show, kanegan, even if the grades didn't quite live up to expectations. I like the use of the managers, and the writeup on SUPER was interesting (albeit with some odd AI pairings!).


1. GWS Red Phoenix Title Triple Threat: Robbie Martel vs. T-Bomb vs. Bear Rusev

Part of me wants Bear Rusev to win, but I don't think he actually will. T-Bomb to take the fall.

2. Club Animals vs. Mountains of Muscle

MoM are on something of a comeback (even though they lost last time around), and the Animals are really just jobbers.

3. GWS Top Militia Triple Threat: Furlong Brothers vs. 24/7 Express vs. Hell's Army

I think there will definitely be a title change in this match, the question is which team wins it. I still think you have plans for Binks in a singles capacity, so I'm going for the Army. I'm hoping for a Binks heel turn!

4. GWS People's Representative Last Man Standing: Paul Crowley vs. Richie Santana Jr.

He probably deserves it after recent performances and, as mentioned below, Crowley winning could set up some interesting feuds.

Bonus Questions

1. Who will be debuting in this show?? Could probably do with a few more hints, as it is a bit vague, but I'm going for Lenny Rhodes

2. Will anybody else join Hell's Army?? If yes, then who?? No

3. Who will get kicked out from Hell's Army(maybe more than one)?? While I'm really tempted to say Ares, I say Paul Crowley to set up a face turn after the match and a feud with Ares.

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1. GWS Red Phoenix Title Triple Threat: Robbie Martel vs. T-Bomb vs. Bear Rusev



2. Club Animals vs. Mountains of Muscle

OMG Club Animals thinking they can win? LOL


3. GWS Top Militia Triple Threat: Furlong Brothers vs. 24/7 Express vs. Hell's Army

Totally tubular and radical maaaaaaaaaaaaaan.


4. GWS People's Representative Last Man Standing: Paul Crowley vs. Richie Santana Jr.

For Queen and Country and the perks that come from being champion and because I hate Richie Santana Jr.


Bonus Questions


1. Who will be debuting in this show?? Cameron Cody because he is god in bearded cruiserweight form.

2. Will anybody else join Hell's Army?? If yes, then who?? Nope

3. Who will get kicked out from Hell's Army(maybe more than one)?? Yup. Paul Crowley takes Rico Escobar with him and feuds with Ares and Ashmedai.

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1. GWS Red Phoenix Title Triple Threat: Robbie Martel vs. T-Bomb vs. Bear Rusev


2. Club Animals vs. Mountains of Muscle


3. GWS Top Militia Triple Threat: Furlong Brothers vs. 24/7 Express vs. Hell's Army


4. GWS People's Representative Last Man Standing: Paul Crowley vs. Richie Santana Jr.


Bonus Questions


1. Who will be debuting in this show?? I'll take a random guess and say Valhella

2. Will anybody else join Hell's Army?? If yes, then who?? Valhella joins Hells army

3. Who will get kicked out from Hell's Army(maybe more than one)?? Ares turns on Paul Crowley and kicks him out.

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1. GWS Red Phoenix Title Triple Threat: Robbie Martel vs. T-Bomb vs. Bear Rusev


2. Club Animals vs. Mountains of Muscle


3. GWS Top Militia Triple Threat: Furlong Brothers vs. 24/7 Express vs. Hell's Army


4. GWS People's Representative Last Man Standing: Paul Crowley vs. Richie Santana Jr.

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