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Carving out Guerrilla Glory[Thunderverse]

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1. GWS Red Phoenix Title Triple Threat: Robbie Martel vs. T-Bomb vs. Bear Rusev


2. Club Animals vs. Mountains of Muscle


3. GWS Top Militia Triple Threat: Furlong Brothers vs. 24/7 Express vs. Hell's Army


4. GWS People's Representative Last Man Standing: Paul Crowley vs. Richie Santana Jr.


Bonus Questions


1. Who will be debuting in this show?? Christian Prophet


2. Will anybody else join Hell's Army?? If yes, then who?? Christian Prophet


3. Who will get kicked out from Hell's Army(maybe more than one)?? Paul Crowley

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Held on Friday, Week 2, July 2014

Live from Phoenix High School Auditorium, Arizona , South-West

Attendance: 300



Pre Show



In an extremely poor match, T-Bomb defeated Angelo Santana and Aron Chains in a Three Way match in 10:19 when T-Bomb defeated Aron Chains by pinfall with a T-T-Tsunami.


Winner: T-Bomb


Grade: 36


Aron Chains was put in a triple threat match to test his skills. He disappointed big time and I think he has to be put in with better opponents so that he can learn something. Angelo as usual excelled in his selling abilities.





Main Show



Ernesto: Welcome everybody, we are back in Arizona, baby. And an explosive main event await us as with the result of the last month’s Anarchy in Steel going in Army’s favor, they are holding all the aces. Paul Crowley is once again the number one contender and he has chosen a Last Man Standing match. Will this be the night when Army holds the title and Richie is finally defeated?? Lot of questions here which will be solved by tonight.



Camilo: Yes bro and don’t forget they have also made their way into the tag title match. With the stipulations going their way from the last month but with 24/7 Express being the official #1 contenders, this has been turned into a triple threat match..



Ernesto: Yes, but once again we start the show with a Red Phoenix title defense, rather a triple threat title defense.



Camilo: My boy Robbie 3M has been entertaining us since the day he won the title. Tonight he defends once again in his specialty match.




Debbie Monroe: Hello and good evening to everyone. Please raise your hands once gain for the man who knows no limits, the man who sets the bar high every time he fights, every man’s inspiration, propagator of innovation, standard of multi-man matches, Robbie 3M.


Hype: 33



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Robbie Martel defeated T-Bomb and Bear Rusev in a Three Way match in 10:53 when Robbie Martel defeated T-Bomb by pinfall with a Top Rope Elbow.


Winner: Robbie Martel (makes defence no. 3 of GWS Red Phoenix title.)


Grade: 38


Robbie gets another strong defense under his belt. He is definitely carving out his own unique legacy. Bear once again dominated the match but could not finish the match. He head butted both the other competitors repeatedly and beating them from pillar to post. But having seen enough, Robbie and T-Bomb forged an unlikely alliance and hit some sweet double team moves. Anton tried to interfere but Debbie used her sex appeal to her advantage distracting Anton long enough to take him out of the equation. After disposing of Bear, Robbie and T-Bomb started exchanging strikes and having got the upper hand, Robbie delivered his Top Rope Elbow for the win.



Ernesto: A sweet win from Robbie. He continues his ascent towards greatness.


Camilo: Up next, a tag match between Club Animals and Mountains of Muscle. Anton has been in dire straits for some time now as none of his clients have managed to make any big impact so far.




In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Mountains of Muscle defeated Club Animals in 12:28 when Riley Johansen defeated Brandon Morgan by submission with a Ri-Rack.


Winner: Mountains of Muscle


Grade: 37


Mountains of Muscle start their run in the tag division. Tony Ramos was the man to watch as he manhandled both the Club Animals with overhead slams, spinebusters, delay suplexes and much more. Having taken care of both of them, Ramos went after Morozov when he tried to interfere and chased him around the ring. Riley took the opportunity and locked his Ri-Rack submission on Brandon Morgan.



Camilo: The division is looking more competitive than ever with Mountains of Muscle back in form. With other teams like 24/7 Express, Martel & Lisbon, Hell’s Army and our champs in the fray, this tag division can compete with the best of them.



Ernesto: And the next match will showcase them in it’s full glory but before that the champs have something to say.



Big Al: We have been champions for 6 months now and we have defended our titles day in and day out against some of the best teams that ply their trade here. Last month was a big defeat for us and we claim responsibility for our failure but don’t for one second think that we have become soft, that we can be easily handled. We have won against the best of them and we will continue to do so against the best of them and the bottomline is we will walk out of here tonight, still the champs.


Grade: 38




In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Furlong Brothers defeated Hell’s Army and The 24/7 Express in 13:25 when Big Harris defeated Rico Escobar by pinfall with a Final Scene.


Winner: The Furlong Brothers (make defence no. 6 of GWS Top Militia titles)


Grade: 41


Another good match. These three teams went all out in their match. Hell’s Army looked good out there. 24/7 Express also wrestled a decent match. Ricky Binks in particular cut a big impact taking out Hell’s Army alone with suicide dives. Zach Martin was underwhelming but he is slowly getting back to the groove, an example of that being his springboard legdrop on Harris outside the ring. With an all out brawl taking place between the 6, Hell’s Army suddenly got hold of Harris and with Rico holding him up, Ashmedai went for a clothesline but Harris ducked at the right moment and Rico bore the brunt of it. A big boot from Harris took Ashmedai out and Harris followed that up with a Final Scene on Rico for another successful defense.



Ernesto: Against all odds, the champs retain. This will hurt Ares. This was a huge opportunity for them to grab the bragging rights but they failed again. Oh and there it is, Ares is coming down. No idea what is he upto??




Ares: Tonight was an opportunity for us to bring some glory to our corner, decorate our office with some shiny wares and underline ourselves as the greatest threat to GWS but yet again we failed and quite frankly, I am sick and tired of this failures. We are Hell’s Army and we should act like one, but I don’t see the same fire in belly that I have in some of the other members and Ares doesn’t tolerate weaklings on his team. So, I am here to take the trash out and introduce all of you to our new members. So, without further ado, I introduce to you, a team who will bring the tag team glory back to us, who have been raising hell much before we came to this 2 bit promotion and who causes same disdain in the mind of the crowd here just like us, please welcome Mountains of Muscle.



With that, Riley and Tony Ramos came down to the ring to the collective gasps of people. They were shocked. The two group who they loved to hate have aligned now and the threat has become bigger than ever before.


Ares: and now, time to take out the trash. Rico, you have gotten a chance too many and you did not do anything about it.


And with orders from Ares in place, Ashmedai and Mountains of Muscle proceeded to rip apart Rico and was beating him to unconsciousness when suddenly there was a huge cheer from the crowd. Hell’s Army was busy with Rico so they did not see the person approaching them,



that person being Crazy Jack, armed with a Singapore cane, he rushed into the ring and canned the sh*t out of the Army with Riley, Ashmedai and Ramos being the victim. Ares retreated back with his whole group but you could see the anger in his eyes as his plan to mercilessly beat Rico has been foiled.


Stable Hype: 30 / Crazy Jack save: 36



Ernesto: Oh!! A bizarre turn of events out here. First Ares threw a bombshell as he unveiled Mountains of Muscle as the newest members of the Army and then kicked out Rico Escobar but he was saved from the beating as Crazy Jack, the former tag partner of Rico when they used to team as “Notoriety Inc.” debuted in GWS smashing a singapore cane on the members of Army and saving his partner.


Camilo: Yes, things are getting really interesting and another superstar has made his way into GWS, the cane wielding crazy star, Crazy Jack. We will see what this does to the dynamics of the team of Army, but up next, the main event, a last man standing match between Paul and Richie.



In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Paul Crowley defeated Richie Santana Jr in a Last Man Standing match in 16:33 when Richie Santana Jr could not beat a ten count.


Winner: Paul Crowley (wins the GWS People's Representative title)


Grade: 70


The 2nd best match of GWS after Richie and Pierre and the best match of these two, this match had it all. Both of them gave their all. Richie wanted to retain at every costs while Paul was determined to cash in on this opportunity. Chair shots were exchanged and many innovative moves seen. An example of that being Richie using the chair to execute a bunch of dropkicks and legdrops while Paul used it to leverage his Prince Lock into a more dangerous move.


The ending came when Richie tried his Flying Santana on Paul who was lying on a couple of chairs but Paul moved at the last moment and Richie came crashing down. What followed was complete annihilation as Paul bashed Richie repeatedly with chair sots before setting up a table and sending Richie through it. He locked his Prince Lock for an insane amount of time before referee was forced to separate the two. That was the end for Richie and his title reign has finally come to end.




The whole Army including Mountains of Muscle came to applaud Paul who had finally won a title for them. Ashmedai lifted Paul on his shoulders and it was evident that they were happy. But then Ares dropped another bomb when he showed thumbs down to Paul and Ashmedai powerbombed him down. There was a collective gasp among the crowd as the collective might of Hell’s Army proceeded to rip apart Paul. After leaving him half dead in the middle of the ring, Hell’s Army stood tall in the middle of the ring.


Grade: 30



Camilo: Oh holy son of a gun!!! Ares kicked two members of his group in a single night. Is Ares ego getting bigger?? Is there tension in his camp?? We will find out soon when we are back next month. Till then goodnight folks.










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So, the 2nd best match of GWS pushed our rating back in the low 50's.

Most of you got stumped with the tag title result, well, there is a plan as to why the title did not change hands, which will be slowly revealed.




The 3rd bonus question is worth 2 point.


Enforcer - 4/8

MJ Stark - 2/8

Tiberious - 4/8

MichiganHero - 5/8 (Well, though he got wrong that Paul and Rico will be together but he got both the names right so he gets 2 full points for the 3rd question

jhd1 - 4/8


So, MichiganHero wins again. Give me the name of a promotion buddy



The 1st page is updated with all the spotlight features, show indexes and current champions.


So, you can see which promotions have been featured in Spotlight.


Amongst the new promotions, only AAW have so far not been featured though they opened only in May 2014.


Also, to celebrate 100 posts i will post a half yearly report chronicling the important happenings in my save.

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Fantastic developments in this show, kanegan. In order...


Aron Chains stinking up the dark match isn't too much of a surprise. Together with his brother they might make good jobbers (a la Club Animals) for Hell's Army to squash though.


The commentary between Ernesto and Camilo is really starting to flow excellently. It's a great way to provide extra info, and you're putting over the big moments really well. The final line of the show from Camilo sums it up really, as in one sentence you've sold the whole angle.


Surprised by the tag match result, but the following segment ties it all together. Seeing Escobar kicked out was a surprise, but it was a very clever way to bring in Crazy Jack. Hopefully they'll provide a strong feud with Hell's Army for a few months.


Excellent main event (can you imagine what will happen when Pierre returns!?) and although I predicted the end angle, it was still written superbly.


Oh, and congrats on passing 100 posts :D

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Can you shine a spotlight on AWW please? They are my second favourite US promotion and I'd like to see how they are getting on.


Loving the twist with Hell's Army. Part of me wishes Crazy Jack debuted with a chainsaw though, blame NoNeck's fantastic portrayal of him in his PWI dynasty for that. :p

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Thanks jhd for your comments. Much appreciated.


Roger Michigan, AWW it is.


Any guesses on the inspiration behind the turn of Hell's Army on Paul Crowley?? It was one of my favorite angles during that time.

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Very Evolution-esque final segment. It worked well, especially combined with Ares earlier promo - he wants success and gold for Hell's Army, but it seems to come with the condition that he remains the top dog.


Good show and some good storyline developments.

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Ha ha, i made it pretty obvious isn't it??


Well, the whole Evolution thing right from their formation to their turning on Randy after he became the Heavyweight Champion was one of my favorite storylines in a long long time.



Well. i hope one day i can make Ares as layered as HHH.


Anyways the posts will follow soon starting with the regional battles.

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A fantastic main event meant we once again pushed HCG back to the last place:





Month: July 2014

Location: South West (USA)







Wrestle-X: Cretaceous Chaos


1. California Kid defeated Tommy Schultz - 50

2. Jarid Hart defeated Ebi Kadivar - 64

3. T-Bomb defeated Johnny Cross - 46

4. Joey Sleaze defeated Mike Suzuki - 35

5. American AllStar defeated Black Idol - 55

6. Scorpion defeated Confederate Superstar - 50

7. El Mariachi defeated Dirk Robertson - 58

8. El Hijo del Prodigio defeated Alejandro Lopez - 67

9. Cameron Cody defeated Derek Grace to retain the Wrestle-X World Title - 76


Show Rating: 69



The Club Presents: Fighting Zone 19


1. Markus Ca$h defeated Willard Feldman - 42

2. Murder One defeated Justice - 37

3. Ultra Lightning defeated Jon-O - 40

4. Christian defeated The Law - 38

5. Markus Franklin defeated Stevie Vortex and Exodus Cade - 60

6. Corbin Trent defeated Doble Cara - 58

7. Travis Stine defeated Silverback to retain The Club Championship title - 58

8. Chad Zuma and Dragon against Peter Iaukea and Iago de Brun ended in a no contest - 74


Show Rating: 66



HCG Prove Yourself 2


1. Fargo Korben defeated Joey Devastation - 33

2. Brian King defeated Jeff Starfield - 23

3. Big Harris, Little Italy and Lance Idol defeated Maori Warrior, Artemis Dream and Robbie Martel - 38

4. Big Al defeated Johnny Axe - 33

5. Iago de Brun defeated American Standard to retain the HCG Hollywood Title - 48


Show Rating: 56

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Mo Pryde





Promotion Details


Name: American Women's Wrestling


Founded: June 2004


Status: Active, Full-Time Schedule


Size: Small


Ranking: 19th


Location: Great Lakes (USA)


Style: Women's Wrestling


Prestige: 27


Momentum: 71


Founded by former WWWE talent Mo Pryde, AWW is one of the premier women’s wrestling promotions in North America. Based in Chicago, it has seen some of the best female athletes pass through it’s door but many say that the current roster is the strongest in the 7 year history of the promotion.


It’s easy to see why people say that as the roster is loaded with talent.




With wrestlers like Nina Plaziat, who is better known for her tag team Queens of Quebec with Chloe Bourel, they are one of the top teams in North America and won the AWW tag titles in 2011. Since then Chloe had left the promotion but Nina continues to rise to greater heights.


Women of Doom, consisting of WMD and Mio Nawabe, are another top team in AWW.




WMD is perhaps one of the most powerful female wrestlers in the world, and probably one of the most menacing.


Mio Nawabe was one of Japan’s best joshi workers in 2000, and she continues to perform at the highest order even to this day.





Erin Ortega, one of the young stars of America with a bright future. Towards the end of 2011, she was teamed up with Sara Faust to form Passion & Power but that was soon broken up when Sara Faust was injured. Fortunately, she started teaming with Athena to form the second iteration of Passion & Power and has since gone on to become highly successful, winning the tag titles twice.


But they have been put on the map by the feud between Jamilia Rose and Jess-Gilmour Hart, which has regularly pulled in B rated matches.




Jamilia Rose, is one of the top wrestlers in North America and probably the world. Signed by AWW at the age of 17, she learnt new skills at an alarming rate, and finally rose up to become the AWW champion, ending WMD’s 22 month reign. She held the title for 14 months before she lost the title to Jess Gilmour-Hart and again won back the title after Jess had held it for a year.




Jess Gilmour-Hart, wife of James Gilmour-Hart and blood sister of Scott and Nick. Being one of such an extensive wrestling wrestling family holds privileges but also expectations and she has totally fulfilled that, with two AWW Women’s title to her name. She is also the current holder of AJJ Japanese Women’s title.




Susie Van Zant rounds up the trio of main eventers in AWW. Often overlooked due to the other two, she is a talented and charismatic professional wrestler in her own right, and her country girl routine has earned her lots of fans, especially among the male audiences. She is also a former tag team champion.




Roll of Champions




AWW Women's Tag Team


Passion & Power II(Erin Ortega/Athena) - Current 2 Time Champion

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Wrestling Around The World(January - July 2014)


Top 5 Promotions in the World




Top 3 Promotions in USA




Top 3 Promotions in Japan




Top 3 Promotions in Mexico




Top 10 matches in 2014 so far


Juro Deguchi defeated Katsuhiko Ishii (UPJ Sweet Pain Tour, January 2014) – 98


Dagger Ito defeated Juro Deguchi (UPJ Sweet Pain Tour, January 2014) – 98


Katsuhiko Ishii defeated Kenta Sonoda (UPJ Electric Army Attack, June 2014) – 97


Kozue defeated Ryotaro Naruto (UPJ No Escape Tour, June 2014) – 96


Juro Deguchi and Kenta Sonoda defeated Koto Arato and Waotaka Eda (UPJ Formation of Titles, February 2014) – 96


Eli Morton defeated Kenta Sonoda (UPJ Procession of Champions, July 2014) – 95


Goto defeated Incognito (UPJ Sweet Pain Tour, February 2014) – 95


Katsuhiko Ishii defeated Juro Deguchi (UPJ Sweet Pain Tour, January 2014) - 95


BURNING Toyotomi defeated Talisman (DIASPORA Tough Love Tour, February 2014) – 95


Martin Van Holt defeated Sebastian Curtis (PWI Night of Intensity, March 2014) – 95



Promotions Closed




The Big Four of America were reduced to Big Three as Dragon Pro Wrestling went out of business in April 2014 blaming financial difficulties.


Jung Dragon was the last Golden DRAGON champ while Ryotaro Naruto and Kotei Yamato were the last Double DRAGON champs before the closure.



New Promotions




Name: All Action Wrestling

Founded: May 2014

Owner: De$hawn Bank$

Booker: Ace Lomax

Location: South East (USA)


(I have already profiled SUPER! who also opened in 2014, so I am not mentioning them)



Worker Retirements


Magnificient Mountie

Thunder Iesada

Mt. Helena

Bunrakuken Togo



Worker Deaths


Hoyt Raiden (parachute malfunction accident)@42 years

Turner Paige@ 68 years



Worker Relationships


Jamie Vann-Brad Novocaine(break up)

X-Ami Gunner(break up)

Sara Faust – Alex Marine(dating)



Top Titles in the world (100 prestige)


AWW - AWF - AJJ - CLLM - ILL - PWI - Wrestle-X



Dojo Graduates


Felipe Blanco (Apache Wrestling School)(Signed PPA with LLED)

Cody Plotcheck (AWF School of Wrestling)(Unemployed)

Jeffrey Fullington (AWF School of Wrestling)(PPA with AWF)

Lawrence Summers (AWF School of Wrestling)(Written with AWF)

Shwan Flores (AWF School of Wrestling)(PPA with AWF)

Clinton Collins (Chaos Wrestling Academy)(Unemployed)

Don Kingman (Chaos Wrestling Academy)(Unemployed)

Laurent Guest (Chaos Wrestling Academy)(Unemployed)

Vanessa Turner (Chaos Wrestling Academy)(Unemployed)

Cristina Garcia (CLLM Lucha Libre)(Unemployed)

Kyuichi Okimasa (Dungeon of Steel)(PPA with LETHAL)

Miguel Gil (Imperio Cruz Wrestling School)(PPA with ILL) (current Campeones de Parejas title holder with El Vikingo)

Buzzard (The Lab)(Unemployed)

Jamie Perry (The Lab) (Unemployed)

Takamuku Kentaro (UPJ Ozeki Dojo)(Unemployed)

Takuro Kusunoki (UPJ Ozeki Dojo)(Unemployed)

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Warfare Preview


http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RobbieMartel_zpsb2f768c4.jpghttp://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RayLisbon_zps24fdd239.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/Riptide_zpsbff4fc13.jpghttp://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/ErikWayne_zps5804cbdb.jpg


With Robbie more focused on his new persona, Ray hasn't seen much action in the last couple of months, neither has Riptide or Erik Wayne. So, we get an impromptu tag match between four of the upcoming talents in GWS.



http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RileyJohansen_zpsc8cf1bd8.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/CrazyJack_zps839fa9e1.jpg


Crazy Jack shocked everybody when he debuted in GWS last month, saving his former tag team partner Rico from a beating at the hands of Hell's Army. So, now he has to face Riley as part of his punishment.



http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/RichieSantanaJr_zpsc32b83a6.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/Ashmedai_alt3_T4_zpsd294211f.jpg


With Richie losing his title last month, he is angry and his focus has shifted on bringing down the Army. He faces Ashmedai this month. Will the Prince of Hell leave Richie in a world of pain??



http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/PaulCrowley_zps9413b688.jpg Vs. http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o566/kanegan/TEW/T-verse%20People/Ares_zps6d790042.jpg


The shining moment of Paul Crowley's career turned into a big WTF last month after having won the title from Richie, Ares and his Army turned on him and left him in a pool of his own blood. This time, he challenges the "God of Wrestling" Ares in a Falls Count Anywhere match.





Martel & Lisbon vs. Riptide & Erik Wayne


Riley Johansen vs. Crazy Jack


Ashmedai vs. Richie Santana Jr.


GWS People's Representative Title Falls Count Anywhere Match: Paul Crowley© vs. Ares




Which will be he best rated match of the night.??

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Martel & Lisbon vs. Riptide & Erik Wayne

Riptide and Wayne win to set up future shots at Martel's championship


Riley Johansen vs. Crazy Jack

No contest when both guy's partners get involved


Ashmedai vs. Richie Santana Jr.

Santana is still one of your top guys, and Ashmedai isn't quite on the level yet


GWS People's Representative Title Falls Count Anywhere Match: Paul Crowley© vs. Ares

It's a no DQ match, meaning that the rest of Hell's Army get involved and screw Crowley out of his title.




Which will be he best rated match of the night??

Ashmedai vs. Richie Santana Jr, because Santana is great.

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Martel & Lisbon vs. Riptide & Erik Wayne


Riley Johansen vs. Crazy Jack


Ashmedai vs. Richie Santana Jr.


GWS People's Representative Title Falls Count Anywhere Match: Paul Crowley© vs. Ares




Which will be he best rated match of the night.?? Crowley vs Ares

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Martel & Lisbon vs. Riptide & Erik Wayne


Riley Johansen vs. Crazy Jack


Ashmedai vs. Richie Santana Jr.


GWS People's Representative Title Falls Count Anywhere Match: Paul Crowley© vs. Ares

It's too soon for him to lose the title. Someone's going to turn on Ares and help Crowley keep the championship.




Which will be he best rated match of the night.?? Crowley vs Ares

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Martel & Lisbon vs. Riptide & Erik Wayne


Riley Johansen vs. Crazy Jack


Ashmedai vs. Richie Santana Jr.


GWS People's Representative Title Falls Count Anywhere Match: Paul Crowley© vs. Ares





Which will be he best rated match of the night.?? Ashmedai vs. Richie Santana Jr.

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Martel & Lisbon vs. Riptide & Erik Wayne

Riley Johansen vs. Crazy Jack


Ashmedai vs. Richie Santana Jr.


GWS People's Representative Title Falls Count Anywhere Match: Paul Crowley© vs. Ares





Which will be he best rated match of the night.?? Crowley/Ares

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Held on Friday, Week 2, August 2014

Live from San Diego High School Auditorium, California , South-West

Attendance: 300



Pre Show




In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Furlong Brothers defeated Angelo Santana and Riptide in 11:11 when Big Al defeated Riptide by pinfall with a Final Cut.


Winner: The Furlong Brothers (make defence no. 7 of Top Militia titles)

Defense: 47


A routine title defense for the champs and giving some training to the singles guys.



In an extremely poor match, The 24/7 Express defeated Club Animals and The Chain Gang in 11:54; the order of elimination was The Chain Gang first, and then Club Animals.


Winner: 24/7 Express


Grade: 29




Main Show


This time the show starts not at the ring but in the backstage where we see Crazy Jack and Rico Escobar talking.



Rico: Look Jack, I appreciate what you did last month. Saving me from those backstabbing bitches. I am grateful for that but I still have doubts man, still have doubts about you. You were the person who had left me hanging in the when you got a chance to join The Club. You never looked back to see what I was doing instead you just packed your nags and left!!, never even bothering to let me know. So, tell me Jack how do I believe you that you will not do the same thing now?? And why did you come here Jack, why??


Jack: Look man, I am not here to cause any trouble. I know relation between us in the past have not been hunky dory but I have come to amend that. Look, if I had not realized I would have never come back. I am sorry for what had been done in the past but I cannot change it. I can only repent for my mistakes and that’s why I have come here. Please believe me.


Rico does not look too happy or confident and when Jack extends his hand for a handshake, Rico does not oblige, instead he walks away.


Grade: 38




Ernesto: That’s an interesting start. It seems Rico and Jack are not on the same page



Camilo: We will see what happens when Jack takes on Riley Johansen later on. Up first, Robbie takes a break from his title defense and hooks up with his partner to take on two wrestlers who have not had much action.



Ernesto: Yes, and once again, the lovely Debbie Monroe gives us a lead in to the match.



Camilo: Stop drooling bro, people are watching.



Debbie Monroe: Hello once again and welcome to the den of Robbie 3M. Today your champ is taking a break from his title defenses and has hooked up with his partner for a tag match with two men who don’t have a clue as to what they do. So, please welcome Martel & Lisbon


Hype: 30




In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Martel & Lisbon defeated Riptide and Erik Wayne in 10:36 when Robbie Martel defeated Riptide by submission with a Rob - o - Roll.


Winner: Martel & Lisbon


Grade: 39


Another good win from Robbie. Erik looked good in the match. Ray Lisbon was quite underwhelming though as Erik dominated him from the start, striking deft blows and taking him down. After Lisbon riled Erik up with some choice words about his upbringing, Erik lost his mind and took out Ray with a swinging neckbreaker. He continued his assault on Ray outside the ring. Robbie saw the opportunity and ducked a clothesline attempt from Riptide and then brought him down with a high knee. He slapped his Rob- o – Roll on Riptide to take the match.




Ernesto: A pretty win for Martel. He has traversed quite a lot of path in the last few months and if he continues this, the day will not be far when we see him main eventing.


Camilo: Well, he has quite a few rungs to climb before that and I am still not 100% sure that he can continue his rise without any distractions coming in his way.


After that back and forth on Robbie, we get to see Riley with a mic.



Riley: Jack, they call you crazy but don’t take it as a compliment. You are crazy because you are reckless in your decisions, you don’t have a brain and you stink up the place wherever you go. You should have remained in that whoreshow ran by those filthy network executives. Instead, you chose to come here and interfere in our business. And for whom, for a person who was considered a piece of dirt for us so we kicked him out. Hell, even you backstabbed him when you ran away for glory leaving him stranded in the middle. But now, all of a sudden, you have come back to repent. That does not make you a saint, that makes you a worthless piece of brain-dead rodent who does not know how to prioritize issues. So, come and learn how to tackle life.


Taunt: 40



In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Riley Johansen defeated Crazy Jack in a Weapon On A Pole match in 12:02 by submission with a Ri-Rack after interference from Tony Ramos.


Winner: Riley Johansen


Grade: 29


Crazy Jack came to the ring with his trusted friend, the Singapore cane in his hand. The referee took that way from him. Jack shrugged him aside, instead smacking Riley right on the face with his iron like fist. Riley blanked out for a moment and Jack took advantage of it, drilling him continuously with punches. He was also the first man to bring the weapon down from the pole, a Singapore cane (what else??) and smashed it into the back of Riley, using it as a whip. Tony intervened and got a shot from the cane but this did not last long as the combined might of Mountains of Muscle overpowered Jack pretty easily. After 2 Mountain Bombs from Ramos, Riley went further and put Jack in his Ri-Rack submission move. He was completely out and so referee had no choice but to ring the bell.


Before the two could do any further damage to Jack, Rico came in running to big cheers and forced the duo to retreat. However, he did not helped Jack. He had a glance at him and went away.


Save: 20



Camilo: That was odd. Rico came down to save Jack from further assault but he did not gave any hand to him and instead just walked away.


Ernesto: Yes, Jack may have come back to repent but so far, Rico has not given him any breathing space. We don’t know how long will the situation stay like this but everything will become clear slowly but up next, “The Prince of Hell” Ashmedai goes up against “The Pride of Hawaii” Richie Santana Jr.


Camilo: Richie had been dying to get his hands on Army ever since he lost his title.




In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Richie Santana Jr defeated Ashmedai in 12:59 by pinfall with a Flying Santana.


Winner: Richie Santana Jr.


Grade: 53


A great match. Richie shows that he can have a good match with anybody. Ashmedai tried intimidation techniques but Richie would have none of it. Some high flying offence from Richie completely staggered Ashmedai but as Richie was going for his finisher, Flying Santana, Ashmedai caught him in mid air and powerbombed him down. He followed that up with a You and Your Sins but Richie kicked out at two. This angered Ashmedai and he delivered another powerbomb. After a flurry of short arm clotheslines, Ashmedai was ready to finish the match but as he raised Richie for another You and Your Sins, Richie suddenly sprung into action and with the crowd cheering for him, he countered it into a sick looking DDT. He followed that up with a Bulldog and then delivered his Flying Santana for the win. Richie had snatched a win from the jaw of defeat.


Ernesto: What a match!!Richie shows once again why is he considered the ace competitor of GWS. He fought a difficult match and came away with a victory.


Camilo: Right bro, Richie comes away with another hard fought victory. He may not be the champ anymore but he is still the same class fighter that he always was. And now, once again we have to listen to that tyrant, Ares spouting his rubbish.



Ares: Paulie, congrats on your championship win and sorry. Sorry, that you would not get a chance to enjoy your win because the title is coming back home tonight. It is coming back to it’s rightful owner. What did you think Paulie?? That you would just swoop in down here and shot your way to the top. Don’t forget, I was the one who brought you in here, I was the one who saved you from getting your ass handed out to you everyday in Japan and brought you here to fight alongside me, to teach you the virtues of Army and yet you tried to upstage me?? You tried to take my position. That’s all well and good, Paul but you seemed to forget one thing, you don’t take on a lion in his own den. And this is my den and I am the God here, and you are getting banished from my own kingdom.


Grade: 47



In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Paul Crowley drew with Ares when the bout descended into chaos.


Result: Draw


Grade: 54


Another great match and a great way to end the show. Ares channeled his anger the right way for once and came out with a plan, isolating the arms of Paul to negate his Prince Lock attempts and repeatedly slammed his arms on the turnbuckle. A spear through the barricades to Crowley gave Ares the upperhand early on in the match but his pinfall attempt went in vain as Paul kicked out in two. Paul turned the match around however with a suplex on the ramp. He draws a chair out from underneath the ring and used it profitably smashing Ares with chair shots all over the body. Soon, the bout turned into chaos when all the other members of Army and the tag champs and Richie intervened starting an all out war with each other. Meanwhile, Ares and Paul had fought all the way back to the entrance ramp and with chaos all around them, they got caught in the moment. Ares delivered an Ares-Plex on Paul from the ramp all the way down in the fan’s corner but as he was delivering, he lost his footing and went down himself as well. This brought the end of the match as both were almost dead.








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So, with the show firmly in books, let's take a look at the predictions:


Prediction Table


Tiberious4 – 1/5

Jhd1 – 3/5

Enforcer – 3/5

MJStark – 2/5

MichiganHero – 2/5


So, jhd1 and Enforcer wins this time around. Congrats to both of them. I am extending the contest this time to another show so that we can get a clear winner.


(Sorry, i messed up the predictions. Now it has been corrected. I forgot to factor in that the main event was a draw.)


Also, is anybody enjoying the Spotlight segments?? I am enjoying them but somehow i feel they are lacking something. If you want to see anything else in the Spotlight write-ups, let me know. Thanks in advance .


As this is only my 2nd diary (the first one was really a very insignificant one), so any feedback is always welcome.

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Month: August 2014

Location: South West (USA)







Wrestle-X: Love to Burn 2


1. Ebi Kadivar defeated T-Bomb - 52

2. Tommy Schultz defeated Mike Suzuki - 44

3. American AllStar defeated Black Idol - 55

4. Alejandro Lopez,Confederate Superstar and Dirk Robertson defeated Joey Sleaze, California Kid and Scorpion - 56

5. El Mariachi defeated Johnny Cross and Jarid Hart - 56

6. Cameron Cody defeated Derek Grace to retain the Wrestle-X World Title - 73


Show Rating: 68



The Club Presents: Fighting Zone 20


1. Travis Stine defeated Peter Iaukea Willard Feldman - 65

2. Dragon of Death defeated The Law - 52

3. Luchadors de Destruccion defeated Purity of Purpose - 48

4. Justice defeated Jon-O - 30

5. Chad Zuma defeated Markus Ca$h - 68

6. Brad Novocaine defeated Murder One - 46

7. The Crunchers defeated Double Life - 57

8. Corbin Trent defeated Marcus Franklin to retain The Club Championship - 59


Show Rating: 60



HCG Path to Greatness


1. Fargo Korben Little Italy defeated Joey Devastation - 36

2. Brian King Johnny Axe defeated Lance Idol - 22

3. Robbie Martel defeated Jeff Starfield - 33

4. Mike Santorelli defeated Maori Warrior - 54

5. Fargo Korben defeated Artemis Dream - 35

5. Iago de Brun defeated El Mariachi to retain the HCG Hollywood Title - 65


Show Rating: 57

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