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HGC: The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird (Cverse '97)

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Mark Smart stands outside Stallings Arena in California, neatly dressed in a dark suit and a t-shirt emblazoned with the old Hollyweird logo.


"In 1997 an upstart company funded by a teenage millionaire emerged as the first real challenger to the Supreme Wrestling Federation's dominance of the American industry. With a host of house-hold names on its roster, state of the art production, and the kind of bankroll most start-up businesses can only dream of, it seemed inconceivable that Hollyweird Grappling could fail.


"Yet the first year of Hollyweird was marked with turmoil: Creative differences emerged between the head booker and the company's teenage owner; talent grew restless as the promotions rise proved less than meteoric; television deals which originally favored the fledgling promotion were renegotiated, forcing the company to rely heavily on its cash reserves in order to stay afloat.


"The company fans had hoped would grow to rival Richard Eisen's juggernaut seemed to have stalled, alternately a pale reflection of Supreme's narrative approach to sports entertainment or a promotion harking back to the more traditional promotions Eisen had already driven out of business in the early eighties. While the competition in the East Coast Wars drove the companies involved to new creative heights, it seemed there was no chance of such competition occurring on the national level.


"Inside the locker room, things weren't much better. Rumors that the company was hemorrhaging money turned out to be more than rumors, and an increasingly unhappy locker room became increasingly stratified as the veteran stars of yesterday allowed only a handful of new workers into the main event. Many younger workers started resenting booker Rip Chord, just as they'd resented his predecessor Sam Strong, both of whom remained at the top of the card.


"On December 2nd, 1997, Hollyweird Grappling Company celebrated one year of being on the air. While the mood was celebratory on-air, backstage the mood was anything but - HGC owner JK Stallings was in attendance that night, meeting with Rip Chord, and together they made a series of decisions that rocked HGC to its core.


"These days the period between 1998 and the turn of the millennium are acknowledged as part of Hollyweird's creative peak, a boom period that would plant the seeds for the company that eventually became Total Championship Wrestling.


"For years fans have wondered why things took off and when they finally went wrong, setting off the chain of events that led to the death of JK Stallings' company and the growth of Tommy Cornell's.


"Today, we take another trip down memory lane and revisit Hollyweird boom period with the men and women who were there, telling the story week-by-week through the memories of those involved. Once again, Fans who want to relive the action alongside the memories can find many of these episodes in the online TCW Legacy archive, and we encourage you to seek the episodes out to get the full experience as we follow HGC through its hottest period.


“Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Hollyweird...”




The theme music starts, intercut with sound-bytes from several of the interviewees featured on the disk.




"...this wasn't wrestling the way I'd learned it, but maybe that didn't matter..."






"...there were no limits anymore, so long as you got over..."






"...I didn't want to succeed in wrestling, I wanted to change it. I wanted it to evolve..."






"...you can't stay the same, but it took me a long time to figure that out..."






"...they wanted something edgier, something that would get people talking..."






"...they told us to go out there and put on a show..."






"...we wanted to take on Eisen and beat him in every way possible..."






"...if you fell, in that locker room, every in line behind you would climb over your body and leave you in the dust..."






"...the Hollyweird Era had to happen. Some of the boys didn't like it, some of them are glad it's gone, but we all knew it was necessary if the company was going to survive..."




OoC Notes: This is part two of the Rise and Fall of Hollyweird diary I started back in TEW2010, although it's been converted to TEW2013 by the somewhat imperfect process of re-playing all the events in Part One using the new version C-Verse 1997 mod. We're picking up just before the first anniversary of Hollyweird TV on December 1st, 1997...
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Rip Chord sits on the front porch of his Texas ranch, grinning a little as he pours from a drink from a pitcher of iced tea. At sixty-three the veteran is looking his age, going a little grey around the edges, but he offers the camera the same easy smile that's become a feature in his interviews since stepping away from MAW a few years back.


"You can't book with a committee," Chord says. "I know Eisen likes to have one, 'cause it diffuses the blame a little, but the truth is someone has to be in charge. Everything needs to fall on that guy's shoulders, but he's also gotta be able to make decisions without someone else questioning them. If he does the job, you keep him in place. If he fails, you fire him and bring in someone who'll do what you need.


"But you need that one guy, 'cause if he doesn't have control, then everything falls apart. He takes care of who fights who, he decides how much they get paid, and he's the guy where the buck stops, no matter what, 'cause he's asking people to go out there and beat the hell out of one-another in the name of a story.


"A lot of those people have strong personalities. A lot of them will argue with you, trying to find a way to ensure they get as much out of their match. They want to be up there in the spotlight. Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile, you know?


"So you need someone in charge. You need a booker, or a manager, or a producer - the name doesn't really matter.


"And there's no-one doing that job - no-one at all - that looks forward to hearing the phrase I want to get more involved from the guy who runs the company."






JK Stallings sits with his back to the window of his penthouse, the scenic vista of San Francisco visible just over his shoulder. He offers the camera an self-assured grin - a far cry from the footage of the geeky teen billionaire who set out to change the face of wrestling.


"I had a vision," he says. "When I set out to create Hollyweird, I had a very specific vision. I thought Richard Eisen produces a fantastic product, but it wasn't a wrestling product that produced something every wrestling fan wanted to see. I was a young wrestling fan - one with a hell of a lot of money - and it meant I had access to a range of things: lucha tapes, stuff from Japan, a lot of stuff from the Stones and the DeColts.


"More than that, I was still a kid. A pretty nerdy kid, sure, but I knew people my age, and I knew they weren't watching Supreme TV. They still shot the show the same way they did back in the eighties. They still relied heavily on the clean-cut babyfaces and the goofy gimmicks. Pirates and giants and clowns, you know? Kids stuff, mostly, although you could see moments where they'd bring out guys like Sam Keith and Sean McFly and let them cut loose.


"I knew what I wanted, but I wasn't good at explaining it, not back then. It caused a lot of problems with Sam, back when he did his run as booker. It caused problems with Rip, too, after he took over.


"And I'm not saying this was a good choice, but I knew I wanted something and it wasn't appearing on television. I knew I'd invested a lot of cash in this company and it wasn't earning anything back. But I had this vision, and I'd graduated High School, so I had the free time to tour with the company for a while, see how things were happening up close.


"And like I said, I was young. Just turned seventeen, still figuring the world out, and I'd always been better with computers than people. There's so many things I'd do differently if I was doing it today..."






Aussie Jack Dundee is sprawled across the couch, nursing a bottle of cola as he scratches at the tattoo of the Southern Cross on his shoulder. "Rip took me and Joel aside a few days before the first anniversary show, said he wanted to give us a heads up ahead of the other talent. He told us he was going to be stepping down from the booking position at the end of the year, right after Psycho Circus, and they'd be letting the locker room know at the next show.


"It shouldn't have been a surprise. I know it took his toll on Rip - he was booker, he was champ, he was the guy people expected to carry the company. Much as he relied on the committee - Joel and Nero were doing a lot of the endings, I was spending a lot of time talking to the tech guys running the truck - it all ended up on his shoulders.


"We knew it was going to be rough. Guys didn't like Rip much, but they had to respect him. He'd done everything there was to do in wrestling. He'd conquered his demons. He performed at a level guys his age usually didn't.


"Whoever was going to follow him was going to have a tough job, particularly with the boss choosing to travel with the company full-time."

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"Stallings asked me to take the book." Professor Nero is one of wrestling's consummate heels; at the age of 63 he still carries himself like some kind of evil mastermind, his position on the interview couch all about leaning forward to rest his weight on the gleaming, silver-tipped cane that ended so may of his matches. "He wanted someone with experience, someone who knew the industry, and the kid respected what we'd done in Texas. Hell, he was a fan - the first time we met, after I signed the contract, he brought in a tape of my first Title match and asked me to sign it.


"I had reservations. I'd avoided signing with the company full-time 'cause I didn't want to work the road schedule - when you're pushing fifty, spending fifty weeks of the year on the road isn't an insignificant consideration - but two things changed my mind.


"First, Stallings offered a lot of money." Nero pauses, cackling to himself. "Hell, my first three months in the job put all three of my kids through college.


"Second, we worked out a deal that limited my travel. I'd still do the main shows - television, pay-per-view, what-have-you, but we agreed that the booking team would take over the house shows.


"Stallings went for that. I think, deep down, he really wanted the job to go to Bryant or Dundee. They were young, they were hungry, and they were smart. Both of them understood the audience we were chasing far better than Rip or I did, but wrestling is wrestling and wrestlers...


"...well, wrestlers like Sam Strong were already bristling at those two being so heavily involved in the booking. Those two got a lot of heat just for being interested in how things worked."






Joel Bryant sits in New York hotel room, dressed down in jeans and a faded t-shirt, feet propped up on the coffee table. He opens a beer and sips, frowning a little. "I hadn't ever heard that," he said. "Probably for the best - I would have been pissed if I'd heard about it back then. These days, well, your perspective of the old-timers changes a little when you've been working twenty years."


He offers the camera a rare grin, showing the kind of good humor that's at odds with the serious reputation of the Tag-Team Specialists.


"Truth is, Mike Nero is one of the smartest mother-****ers to ever go near a wrestling ring. Me and Jack had our moments, but we needed someone like Mike go guide us a little, to provide a framework and reign us in. Rip never really liked the idea of working with a committee - he did it, and he worked well enough, but it's not really his thing. Rip's an introvert, though no-one believes it. The Rip Chord you see in the ring - even the one you see backstage - it's a character he puts on and leaves behind when he goes home.


"Me and Mike and Jack, though, we worked as a unit. Nero had the smarts and the experience and he scared the living shit out of people. Even Sam Strong wasn't going to mess with Mike, not when Nero had that cane nearby, and he wasn't an in-ring competitor anymore so there wouldn't be any jealousy there.


"I got a degree in film and media before I started wrestling, and a lot of that came in handy when we started dealing with the production boys. I could talk their talk, knew how to coax what we wanted out of these kids Stallings hired to do our videos and music and shit.


"And Aussie Jack, he was a charming bastard, and he lived for pop culture. He keeps it real quiet, but a few years back we did a trip to Comic-Con in San Deigo and he was happy as a pig in shit. He was twenty one, he spoke the same language Stallings did, and he spoke the same language the fans did, and the best part about Mike Nero is he's smart enough to recognise that."






"When they made the announcement, Nero and Rip gathered together the whole locker room and told them what was going down. We were a few hours out from the first anniversary show, and it'd been set up to become a big deal - new set, new theme music, a whole lot of advertising going into it. Rip said his piece - he's be in charge until the end of the year, but from '98 onwards it was Nero's show - then handed it over to Mike.


"And Nero...hell, brother, Nero just went out there and cut a promo about how great we were. He talked about some of the concerns he had about the company, about how he'd start arguing to bring people on full-time if possible, to make sure everyone had a chance to make their living out of wrestling. He talked about his faith in the team and the talent. He addressed the rumours about losing money and said they were no big deal.


"And then he said something I'd heard coming out of Phil Vibert's mouth for years prior to this, and I never actually realised where he'd learned it 'til that point.


"Nero basically said he was pushing fifty. He said the style of wrestling he learned isn't the style of wrestling we were selling. The fundamentals, well, they were the same, but he wanted us to figure out how we were going to get over. He wanted everyone to find that little bit of themselves in their character. If we could do that, he'd give us the platform to get that part of ourselves over with the fans."






"The smartest thing Nero did was identify the aspects of our approach that were working already," Dundee says. "Sam Strong came out and became the most bitter, arrogant veteran alive who didn't want to work unless the money was right, and the man no-one thought could work heel suddenly became the most over man in the company again.


"BLZ Bubb dropped the demonic gimick and embraced the fact that Tyson Baine is a big, unflappable bad-ass who likes to throw fists, and suddenly he's getting over like no-ones business.


"Monty Walker embraced the fact that he was kid who'd do anything to make it, no matter what, and suddenly he's ended up in the main event.


"Wrestling is an industry that attracts strong personalities. Nero just let them loose."

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- Episode 49 Preview -


Coming up on our latest HGC Archive Instalment, filmed live at Wisconsin Gardens:


The All-Star team are contractually forbidden from chasing the Global Elite's tag-team titles, but there's nothing to stop members of the All-Stars from getting some payback in singles matches. We kick off out first anniversary match with a grudge match between two of HGCs rising stars when the All Star Team's Chris Storm takes on the Fabulous One, Eddie Chandler, of the Elite.


That's followed by a tag-team match featuring the man who opened our very first broadcast - Cowboy Ricky Dale and his partner, Dark EAGLE, have been named the number one contender's to the World Heavyweight Tag-Team Championship come Psycho Circus, but the duo have never been one to do things the easy way. They've put out an open challenge with their title-shot as the prize, and the challenge has been answered by the team of Nate Coleman and Stuart Ferdinand.


Brent Hill is proving to be one of the underrated stars of HGCs first years, with an impressive string of victories over many grapplers on the roster. He takes on the veteran Romeo Heartthrob, a man known for his ability to rattle almost any opponent with mind-games.


Masked indie sensation Eclipse returns to main-show competition as well, taking on Troy Tornado of the newly formed Barstow Enterprises. Many wrestlers overlooked Tornado in the last twelve months, writing him off as the junior member of Fumihiro Ota's Shadow Clan stable, but a victory over his former mentor and the presence of Mike Barstow in his corner makes Tornado one to watch in the coming year.


Dread may be on a collision course with the man without fear, Monty Walker, at Psycho Circus, but he'll have to get past the seemingly indestructible Freddie Datsun first. There's no doubt that Dread is the favourite in this match - the human juggernaut has been seemingly unstoppable for the last year and Datsun is fresh off the eight-man streetfight at last Sunday's PPV - but fans have learned to never discount the resilience of Datsun when everything's on the line.


Finally, in our main event, two of the best tag-teams in America today will meet when The Vessey Brothers prepare to fight The Tag-Team Specialists, Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford, of the Untouchables. The Vesseys have been marked men for much of 1997, both when they had the tag-team titles and after they lost them via dubious shenanigans, and they remain the scalp that every tag-team in HGC wants to claim.


Matches featured in this streaming video include:


The Vessey Brothers vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

Freddie Datsun vs. Dread

Eclipse vs. Troy Tornado

Brent Hill vs. Romeo Heartthrob

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Coleman & Ferdinand

Chris Storm vs. Eddie Chandler

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Great to see this in the 2013 section, looking forward to year two!


The Vessey Brothers vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

Freddie Datsun vs. Dread

Eclipse vs. Troy Tornado

Brent Hill vs. Romeo Heartthrob

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Coleman & Ferdinand

Chris Storm vs. Eddie Chandler

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Tuesday, Week 1, December 1997

Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes) - 10,000 people (Sold Out!)






Black-and-white footage shows the Untouchable's walking into the Wisconsin Gardens earlier in the day, bags slung over their shoulder. Wanda Fish addresses the camera as they walk. "Right now the Vessey Brothers are sitting in their locker room, confident that they're the best tag-team in the world. They believe they're unstoppable, that no team can match them in the ring. They are the self-proclaimed best in the world...and that makes them the kind of target the Specialists excel against."


She reaches the door and steps in, holding it open for Bryant and Oxford. Paul Steadyfast brings up the rear, pausing just long enough to deliver his own message to the camera. "It's time the locker room remembered why they feared the Untouchables when this company started twelve months ago," he says. "We don't care if you're the Vessey's, the world champ, the tag-team champions, or the guys who consider themselves lucky to get on TV at all. When there's an Untouchable in the ring, you either back down or we'll take you down. Even if we can't beat you, we're sure as hell going to hurt you, and that's a damn promise..."


With that the video clip ends, and the distorted guitar of Hollyweird TV's new theme-song,

, begins...


Rating: D+







The opening pyro clears and Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus starts up as Eddie Chandler emerges, flanked by Backbreakers Inc and Grace Harper. The Fabulous One poses for a moment before heading to the ring.


"It is December of 1997 and tonight we celebrate the first year of Hollyweird TV being on the air," Jason Azaria says on commentary. "And we start that celebration off with a clash between two young wrestlers who have been at each other's throats for weeks."


A recap video shows highlights of Chandler's last match with Storm, complete with the cheap finishes and taunts that accompanied thee Fabulous One's victory. When it ends the Global Elite are standing in the center of the ring, posing for the cameras with the tag-team titles that the All-Star Team can no longer compete for prominently displayed.


They stay that way until Reveille's What You Got belts out over the arena and a very fired up Chris Storm is led down the ramp by Coach Dick Pangrazzio, bumping fists with the Vessey Brothers as he goes.


Rating: C-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisStorm.jpgw/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


Chris Storm w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Eddie Chandler w/Grace Harper


Storm keeps pressing the attack here, marking Chandler and hammering him with strikes, kicks, and suplexes. Even Chandler's attempts to retreat to ringside aren't really an escape, since Storm follows him with a baseball slide dropkick that sends the Fabulous One into the guard rail.


Still, as Nero points on commentary, just because Eddie Chandler frequently chooses not to fight, it doesn't mean he can't. A countered DDT turns the tables in Chandler's favour and Chandler reminds the fans of his pedigree as a serious grappler, schooled by the DeColts and honed by the hardcore environment of the East Coast War.


The final minutes of the match are an absolute war - both men have caught the other in their submissions without being able to finish the match, so they've resorted to throwing haymakers in an effort to knock one-another out.


In the end, it's a complete stranger who manages the KO, when a familiar figure comes out of the crowd and hammers Storm in the head with a chair.

<richie pangrazio="" jr="">


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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""></richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr="">

"Oh my god," Azaria says, "That's Pangrazzio Jr. That's the coach's son...what's he doing getting involved in this?"



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""> Chris Storm defeated Eddie Chandler in 9:48 when Eddie Chandler was disqualified.</richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr=""> Rating: C-</richie>

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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr="">

Richie Pangrazzio stands over his victim, chair still clenched in his fist.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""> <global elite="">


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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite="">

Eddie Chandler takes a step forward, obviously displeased with the interference, but Pangrazzio's cold stare is enough to send the Fabulous One retreating back to the safety of the Backbreakers at ringside.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""> <coach>


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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>

Then Pangrazzio's stare sweeps around to meet the Coach's gaze. Father and Son glare at one another, saying nothing, for nearly a minute before Richie discards the chair, flashes his dad a thumbs up, and retreats back into the crowd.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: C+</coach></global></richie></richie>

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"We've had an explosive beginning to our show tonight," Azaria says, "but it's only going to get wilder as the night goes on. We've got the other members of the All-Star Team in our main event when the Vessey Brothers take on the Tag-Team Specialists."


"You have to wonder," Rhodes says, "whether Pangrazzio will make his presence felt a second time?"



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"Pangrazzio Junior isn't dumb," Rhodes says. "He knows he only gets one surprise attack, and this time the All-Star Team will be on guard. He came in tonight to make a statement, and I think it's been made...now we just need to figure out what it was."



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"The statement is that Pangrazzio Senior is smarter than I gave him credit for," Nero sneers. "Chandler had that match won until the Coach's seed interfered. They're obviously in it together."


"That may well be, Professor," Azaria says. "We've also got a special appearance by our new World Heavyweight Champion, the American Outlaw, Liberty, coming up later tonight."


"And thank god we start our second year with a champion we can be proud of," Rhodes adds.


"I was proud of Rip," Nero says.


"You would be," Rhodes responds.


"We've got tag-team action coming up after the break," Azaria says, cutting off the bickering. "It'll be Martial Law in action against The Shooters, and it seems our General Manager wants to say a few words before the match. Stay tuned, folks, we'll be right back."



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: B-</coach></global></richie></richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach></coach></global></richie></richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach></coach></global></richie></richie>



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach></coach></global></richie></richie><richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>A grinning Frankie Future is down in the ring, microphone in hand, Martial Law standing beside him. "I don't want to interrupt things here," Future says, "but occasionally my job means I gotta come out here and make announcements, whether we like it or not.


"Tonight, that announcement is pretty simple: there's a tag-team title shot coming up at Psycho Circus and right now the Martial Law are the number one contenders. Anyone wondering why should check out the replay of A Little South of Sanity and see the performance these two put on.


"Thing is, these two are crazy. Every champion out there knows what it's like to walk around with a target on their back. Seems Ricky Dale and Eagle want a little practice before they win the belts, so they've asked me to add a stipulation to their contract - you come out here and beat 'em, you get their shot."



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Big Red Rocket of Love by Reverend Horton Heat precedes the appearance of Nate Coleman and Stuart Ferdinand.


"It looks like there's a couple of folks who want that shot at the tag-team champions," Azaria says.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: C</coach></global></richie></richie>

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http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/NathanColeman.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/StuartFerdinand.jpg</coach></global></richie></richie>

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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>


<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>Martial Law vs. Ferdinand & Coleman</coach></global></richie></richie>

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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>The odd-man out in this one is Stuart Ferdinand, a man whose done so many tours with Burning Hammer that his stiff offense and submissions are unlike anything the vast majority of casual fans have seen. He's at his best when in the ring with EAGLE, a man Jason Azaria correctly identifies as an occasional ally of Ferdinand when they wrestled overseas, but also a man Ferdinand warred with in Japan without ever truly beating.


The two men work hard to be in the ring together, taking any opportunity to tag in when the other is there. This leaves Coleman and Ricky Dale to engage in a little mini-feud of their own, and the two big Hoss's go to town, matching one another for sheer hard-hitting power and recklessness. Ricky Dale comes up the better of these exchanges - he catches Coleman with a Belly-to-Belly just moments after a blind tag, letting Eagle come off the top rope with the Eagle Shock to pick up the win.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Martial Law defeated Coleman & Ferdinand in 6:30 by pinfall.</coach></global></richie></richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: C</coach></global></richie></richie>

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The camera goes backstage, where Action Jackson is standing by with Cheatin' Mike Barstow and Troy Tornado. "It seems Barstow Enterprises has its first client," Jackson says. "Congratulations, Troy, on your victory Sunday night...if you're willing to take what happened as something to be proud of. "


Tornado glares, fists bunched, but it's Barstow who steps towards the camera. "We're going to pretend you didn't say that, AJ," he snarls, "'cause you've been around this business long enough to know that wins are the only thing that matters, even if you never had the stomach to embrace the Barstow Way. Troy Tornado has that strength. He has the drive.


"It's the same drive that made him agree to serve a man like Fumihiro Ota, just so he could get a spot in this company. The same drive that meant he learned what he could from his Shadow Clan compatriots, biding his time while he figured out the next step. The same drive, Action Jackson, that meant he knew a good deal when he saw it.


"Pride? Pride's an illusion, AJ. The only thing that matters is profit and titles. Sunday night was our first statement of intent. Come Psycho Circus, we intend to make a second."


Barstow takes a step towards the camera, leaning forward. "We haven't forgotten you, Captain. You wasted your time talking the wrong man out of joining me, and now you're going to pay for that, one way or another.


"That, my friend, is the Barstow Guarantee."



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: D+</coach></global></richie></richie>

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The show comes back from the break to a black-and-white video showcasing the long history between Dread and Monty Walker. It focuses on Emma Chase's betrayal of Walker, the big moments from the two teams various clashes, the arrival of Calvin Walker in the ring, Dread promising that Walker will be broken, and Monty's increasingly violent attacks at ringside.


Walker: I saw the woman I adore being choked by a monster. I saw the woman who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself paying for my own weaknesses.


Dread: Kid, that fear was your strength. That fear was you knowing your limitations. That fear was the only thing between you and six months in traction. You came out and you fought a good fight, but that fear was the thing that said no more, lay down, stop letting the bad man hurt you.


Walker: You want to get rid of me Dread, let me tell you a little secret: you're going to have to kill me.


Dread: The name of the game is domination.


Walker: When you're done healing, we're going to fight one more time.


It finishes with white text on a black screen.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> PSYCHO CIRCUS</coach></global></richie></richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> DECEMBER 28 </coach></global></richie></richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> A WAR WILL END </coach></global></richie></richie>

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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>Rating: B</coach></global></richie></richie>

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The camera cuts to the interview stage, where Kit Hatoyama and Dark Angel are standing by. The duo are mirror images of one-another - Angel in a dark leather coat, Hatoayama in white - but they both have kendo sticks in hand.


"Sunday night," Hatoyama says, "the Dark Angel - the kurayami no tenshi - led the Blazing Flames against Ethan Kane and the Demons of Rage. He proved that the spirit of the samurai knows no weakness.


"This is not enough.


"Ethan Kane, we challenge you to a battle of honour at Psycho Circus, warrior against warrior."



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: D-</coach></global></richie></richie>

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http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Java.jpg</coach></global></richie></richie>

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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>Brent Hill vs. Romeo Heartthrob w/Java</coach></global></richie></richie>

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Rhodes breaks out the phrase "old school versus new school" during this match, and it's a pretty accurate summation of the action. Both men are skilled technical grapplers, but Brent Hill's utterly focused approach to the match is at odds with Heartthrob's repeated stalls and mind-games. Hill resists getting riled up for much of the match, but ultimately Heartthrob's gets beneath his skin and Brent finds himself caught in the Cupid's Kiss after over-extending himself.



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That's when the opening chords of Killing in the Name echo through the Arena and Masked Rebel II makes his appearance. Rebel's obviously injured - his right arm is in cast and there are bandages over his shoulder - but it doesn't stop in making his way down to the ring and climbing onto the ring apron.


Referee Eugene Williams looks Rebel in the eye, nods, then steps aside the masked man. Rebel grins and blasts Heartthrob in the skull with his cast.


It's the most blatant outside attack a wrestling match has ever seen, but it doesn't draw the DQ. Instead Eugene Williams waits for Brent Hill to recover, hit the King of the Hill on the woozy Heartthrob, then counts off the three to award Hill the victory.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Brent Hill defeated Romeo Heartthrob in 14:52 by pinfall.</coach></global></richie></richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: B-</coach></global></richie></richie>

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Rebel is back in the ring immediately after the bell is rung, laying in wait as Heartthrob climbs back to his feet.


The moment his target is upright, Rebel charges in with a high knee that knocks Heartthrob back to the canvas. He then calls for the microphone.


"Payback's a bitch, son," Rebel yells. "An' it's nothin' compared to what I'm going to do when the doctor's clear me to wrestle again."


The masked man plays to the fans as he retreats up the ramp, his music playing as he leaves.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: C</coach></global></richie></richie>

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"We go know to footage from the HGC Proving Ground," Jason Azaria says, "where El Bandido debuted his new tag-team partner, Mayan Idol, made their debut against Emma Chase's Misfits. We've got some exclusive footage of their match."



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The video fires up, showcasing the work of the two Mexican warriors as they roll through their opponents, laying Walker and Sidle out with a series of big power moves, culminating in the Hijack Suplex on Calvin Walker.


"They call themselves Team Chaos Theory," Rhodes notes, "and I think we can all agree that they're a team to watch."


<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: E-</coach></global></richie></richie>

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We go backstage, where Monty Walker is waiting, staring at the camera with an eerie calm. "I don't sleep much anymore," he says. "Haven't really felt the need, ever since they announced Psycho Circus. I just lie there in bed, thinking about being in the ring with the Human Juggernaut.


"And I'm not thinking about it 'cause I'm afraid. I'm not staying awake 'cause there's terror in my heart.


"Dread, I'm not sleeping 'cause I'm too busy thinking about the ways I'm going to take you apart. For a year now, you've been saying you're going to be the man who breaks me, but I'm still standing. For a year you've been the man that everyone fears...but I don't fear you,big man.


"You're bigger than me. You're stronger than me. You've been in this industry longer.


"But you're not unbeatable, Dread. You're not unbreakable.


"So come Psycho Circus, win, lose, or draw, I'm going to break you, Dread. If we're going to do this, I want to do it right. No disqualifications. No count-outs. We're going to fight until there's a winner."



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: C-</coach></global></richie></richie>

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http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Eclipse.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TroyTornado.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpg</coach></global></richie></richie>

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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Eclipse vs. Troy Tornado w/Mike Barstow</coach></global></richie></richie>

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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>Fast. Athletic. Agile. The commentary team steers away from words like cruiserweight, but they're definitely pushing the merits of the style. Eclipse, in particular, serves as something as a standard bearer: five-four, a hundred and fifty pounds, yet he's built a wrestling style that borrows from the best of Japan and Mexico in terms of presenting a realistic threat.


Tornado isn't quite as fast, but his style is built around hard-hitting impact and he's got Cheatin' Mike Barstow in his corner, running interference. A sly shot to the kidneys from Barstow slows Eclipse down, and the Star Maker from the top rope finishes things.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Troy Tornado defeated Eclipse in 9:43 by pinfall.</coach></global></richie></richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: D+</coach></global></richie></richie>

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Mike Barstow climbs into the ring and raises Troy Tornado's hand.



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The crowd pops as Captain USA hits the ring, grabbing Barstow from behind and dropping him with a Hail to the Chief.


Troy Tornado responds instantly, darting forward and firing off a thrust kick, but USA is already on the retreat and out of range. The Captain sees Tornado off-balance, then comes in with a discus clothesline that takes Tornado down as well.


"You want me, Barstow? You got me, brother," the Captain bellows.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: D-</coach></global></richie></richie>

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The silver screen fires up, showing footage from Sunday's pay-per-view. There's a close-up for Wanda Fish nailing Miss Mexico with a mule kick, followed by a quick cut of Miss Mexico hitting an arm-drag and transitioning into an arm-bar. Jason Azaria's commentary from the match kicks in: "these women are really going at it," he says. "We knew they could fight, but tonight they've gone out there and waged war like warriors."

Another series of cuts: Wanda Fish hitting a clothesline on Mexico in the corner. Miss Mexico coming off the top rope in a flying cross-body.


"There can be no doubt these women understand what it means to step into the ring," Nero adds.


More cuts: Wanda's Dish of the Day. Miss Mexico's Leaping Cutter.


"Frankie Future wants this issue done," Jason Azaria says, "but I don't think anyone truly believes either of these women is going to lay down and accept the other has won..."



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>Rating: C</coach></global></richie></richie>

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Where the Streets Have No Name starts to play and the crowd gives Dusty Streets a heroes welcome, their cheers drowning out the veteran's first attempt to speak. Dusty grins, waiting the crowd out, leaning against the turnbuckles while the roar dies down.


"So tonight's something of a party around these parts," Streets says. "One year ago Hollyweird Grappling Company showed up on your TV screens for the first time, so I guess you could say it's our birthday party. They gave me this time to come out here and say thank--you. Thank you for watching, thank-you for cheering us on, thank you for being part of the Hollyweird family.


This earns another cheer from the crowd, and again Dusty is forced to wait it out.


"Now that's over with," he says, "I want to move on to more pressing matters - me and Sam Strong.


"Ain't no secret I want to meet him in the ring. Ain't no secret that a lot of you want to see that match. The only man who ain't keen on the idea is Sam Strong himself, and I can't rightly figure out why that might be. I never would have credited the man with being scared of an opponent, but then, the man who walks around calling himself a Legend these days ain't exactly the son-of-a-bitch I've known and hated for the last twenty years.


"I don't think it's the money either, no matter how much he says it. Right now there ain't two bigger names in this business than Streets and Strong, and I got it on good authority that Frankie Future is willing to authorize a hell of a purse if the two of us fight.


"Way I figure, that must mean it's me. It's my fault he ain't said yes yet, 'cause I ain't convinced him he should. I tried being nice about it, I tried asking and challenging and doing things right.


"Now, way I figure it, it's time to try something else.


"Sam Strong, you're going to give me a match, brother, 'cause right up 'til you do, I plan on making your life a living hell. No matter where you go, or what you do, Dusty Streets is going to be waiting for you, and he ain't going to be happy.


"Think about that Sam, and do the right the thing.


"Psycho Circus is coming up. Lets give these fans a match they all want to see."



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The camera cuts backstage, where Sam Strong and his allies are standing by.


"Psycho Circus." Strong shakes his head. "Dusty, you're just like these fans, brother - you still just don't get it. You want to believe Sam Strong is afraid because you can't accept the reality that Sam Strong isn't a man who does what the fans want anymore. Sam Strong isn't a man who lets himself be defined by the expectation of people who aren't fit to lace up his boots, brother.


"I wrestle matches when there's money to made, and right now Dusty Streets isn't worth it. You've spent years getting buy on his the name you father built, a name your older brother maintained. What's Dusty Streets ever done on his own? What's he ever show the fans that make them think he's someone worthy of fear?


"You wants to show me something? You want to make my life hell? Brother, bring it on. I'd welcome the challenge, and so will my boys here.


"Maybe, if you get it right, you'll show me something to make kicking your ass worth my valuable time."



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: B</coach></global></richie></richie>

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A beatific, wild-eyed Ethan Kane sits a darkened room, the army of Darkness kneeling around him. "You lie to children. You tell them there are no such thing as monsters, that the world is a safe place for their innocence. When they come to you, hurt and frightened, you soothe their pains and tell them there is nothing out there they need to fear. There are no monsters hiding beneath the bed, no dangers in the shadows of their closets.


"You lie to your children.


"My mother lied to me once. I came to her, crying, and said, 'momma, I think I'm evil,' and she told me that no-one was truly evil. That even the vilest of human beings can be saved if they but repent.


"She was a wise woman, my mother. I think she knew what would happen if she told me the truth.


"I am an evil man.


"There's no place for me, no forgiveness so great it will absolve me of my sins.


"You lie to your children.


"Monsters exist.


"And once you've met a monster, there is always something to fear."



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: C+</coach></global></richie></richie>

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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>

http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg</coach></global></richie></richie>

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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Freddie Datsun vs. Dread w/Emma Chase</coach></global></richie></richie>

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The dynamic for this one is simple: Dread is unstoppable; Freddie Datsun is indestructible. The result is brutal, almost a fifteen minute recap of the year-long war Dread has waged against Monty Walker thus far.


The result is a match of slow attrition, Dread wearing Freddie Datsun down with big moves and painful holds, the blue-collar warrior coming back with just enough hope-spots to keep himself in the game from the fans point-of-view.



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Jack Marlowe makes an appearance about thirteen minutes in, although he doesn't seem pleased to be there. He stands in Datsun's corner, arms crossed, face grim, providing just enough of a distraction for Dread to get the upper hand and put Datsun away with the gutwrench suplex/Dreadsault combo.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Dread defeated Freddie Datsun in 15:22 by pinfall.</coach></global></richie></richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: B-</coach></global></richie></richie>

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The camera focuses on Jack Marlow after the match. The big man is visibly unimpressed, shaking his head as Freddie Datsun clambers out of the ring.


"What the hell?" Marlowe demands. "What the hell was that?"


Datsun, from the looks of things, is a long way from coherent. He reaches for his tag-team partner, looking for a steady shoulder to lean on, but Marlowe shrugs him off and walks away.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: E</coach></global></richie></richie>

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The Silver Screen fires up and a video package runs, this time highlighting the history of backstage attacks between Tyson Baine and Charlie Thatcher. The Demon Seed and the Enforcer have been at each other's throats for a month, and the commentary team highlights that it may well be Baine eliminating Thatcher prior to Rip Chord's match on Sunday evening that led to Liberty claiming the World Heavyweight Championship.

"Of course, as a result of those actions, Tyson Baine has been barred from the building tonight," Azaria says. "And Charlie Thatcher was only just cleared to be here after our medics feared he suffered a concussion at the Demon Seed's hands."


<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: B-</coach></global></richie></richie>

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The camera cuts to the backstage area, where Tommy Cornell is standing by. "Don't let the accent fool you," Cornell says. "I might come from the land of pints and Trainspotting, but that's never been my thing, aye? Growing up, what I lived and breathed was wrestling. What I waned, more than anything, was to step into the ring with the best there is and prove I could be better.


"My name is Tommy Cornell, and I'm here to be the best in the world. Right now, the man I want in that ring is Sam Strong, an' he's talking bullocks about me not being big enough to wrestle.


"And that's all right, mate. I've heard that before.


"If I've gotta be the big man in order to get what I want, then Sam Strong better get himself ready, 'cause I'm going to start putting on a show."



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: B-</coach></global></richie></richie>

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http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisStorm.jpg


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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Pangrazzio & Chris Storm vs.

The Tag-Team Specialists w/Paul Steadyfast & Wanda Fish</coach></global></richie></richie>

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It's a hell of a tag-team bout, the kind that showcases exactly what a good tag-team division should be all about: teamwork, technical excellence, precise double-teams, and a mental game of chess as both teams try to the lure each-other into the ring or get the referee off-side.


The Specialists come into this match with a kind of focus that's been missing for the last year, and for nearly fifteen minutes they wrestle comparatively clean, avoiding any of the cheap tactics that have marked their first year in HGC. Unfortunately old habits die hard, and as Vesseys continue to kick out everything the Specialist's hit them with, Robert Oxford signals Wanda Fish and the loaded knee-pad is brought out.


Referee Sam Sparrow is in perfect position for that one, though - he spots the knee pad being handed off and immediately confiscates it, giving Oxford a warning. Meanwhile, the Vessey's are capitalising on the distraction, double-teaming Joel Bryant and nearly putting him down, forcing Paul Steadyfast to make the save when he hooks Bryant's foot over the ropes.


The desperate Specialists can't quite come back from that. The Vesseys have momentum and that makes them nearly unstoppable, no matter what Bryant and Oxford try. Bryan Vessey hits Oxford with the Vessey Driver, putting him down...


...and gets hit in the back of the skull with the ring bell by Paul Steadyfast before he can make the cover. Bryan Vessey goes down, bleeding from the back of his head, and Sam Sparrow immediately throws the bout out.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> The Vessey Brothers defeated The Tag Team Specialists in 15:20 when Robert Oxford was disqualified.</coach></global></richie></richie>

<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: B</coach></global></richie></richie>

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The match is over, but Bryan Vessey is on the mat and shows no signs of getting up. Coach and Storm both move to save their team-mate, but Steadyfast unleashes bell shots for all, which leaves the Untouchables free to run roughshod over his older brother. Steadyfast makes an attack with the ring bell, but when Sam Sparrow moves to disarm the Untouchable's leader, it proves to be something of a feint.



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Larry Vessey does his belt to hold off Oxford and Roberts - the elder Vessey's heavy hands go a long way, in that respect, but Wanda Fish nails him with a Dish of the Day and that's the beginning of the end. Vessey stumbles, Bryant nails him with a One Shot Drop, and Robert Oxford finishes him with a running knee lift using the loaded kneepad.


Security and a handful of referees swarm the ring, breaking up the beat-down, and a quick video recap runs through the aftermath of the match while the ring is cleared and order gets restored.



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: C</coach></global></richie></richie>

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The opening bass line for Cannonball pays and the Wisconsin Garden's crowd comes unglued, celebrating as a grinning Liberty makes his way down to the ring with the World Heavyweight Championship belt firmly around his waist. He collects a microphone before climbing into the ring.


"So," Liberty says, "how was your weekend?"


His grin widens at the fans response. "Yeah, mine was pretty good too. Seems I may have become World Heavyweight Champion and beat the hell out of a man who's a legend in this business. It wasn't easy - I came out of it hurting like I've never hurt before - but, man, I gotta tell you, it's totally worth it. This belt?"


He unhooks the belt and lifts it high.


"Wearing this belt is pretty damn sweet, you know?"



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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach>The fans response is interrupted by the opening guitar riff of Sweet Child of Mine, bringing out Rip Chord and his entourage. The former champion doesn't look happy. He's still dressed to the nines in his suit, but bruises and a limp tell of the war he went through on Sunday night trying to retain his title.


"That thing you're holding," Chord says, "that's my belt, brother."


If Liberty is phased by seeing four men on the stage, it doesn't show. "In case you didn't notice," he says, "I kinda beat you for it."


"Yes, you did." Chord pauses a moment, composing himself. "I'm not taking that away from you, kid. You had a good night Sunday, a real good night, and for those three seconds you were the better man. You won that belt. Congratulations.


"Now you have to keep it.


"You see, Liberty, I've got a right to rematch for that title, and I'm cashing it in at Psycho Circus. You may have had one good night, but there's a difference between wining a championship and keeping it. Winning a championship is three good seconds, being a champion requires a man at the top of his game, a man who truly is the greatest wrestler of all time, the beginning of a new Golden Age of wrestling.


"Enjoy your belt, Liberty, enjoy it while you can.


"In four weeks time, the World Heavyweight Championship is coming home."



<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Rating: A*</coach></global></richie></richie>

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<richie pangrazio="" jr=""><richie pangrazzio="" jr=""><global elite=""><coach> Overall: B</coach></global></richie></richie>

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"We had one of the best production teams money could buy," Bryant says, "and we had them working round the clock in the lead-up to the anniversary show. Once Stallings decided things needed to change, it all happened fast: new theme-song, new opening video, new set, new show format.


"Mike and Rip talked through some of the changes Nero wanted to make as well, factoring those into the show. We'd spent a year giving a lot of time to the main event and now we spread the time out a little more, giving some of the other matches more time. It wasn't always a huge difference - two minutes here, an extra three there, but our strength lay in the ring. We had some of the best workers on the planet in our undercard and Nero recognised that.


"We also started cutting back on the time devoted to angles in the show. Not the number - I think, on average, we were running more vignettes and video recaps under Nero's approach - but things that got two or four minutes were down to one-minute blocks.


"It wasn't a move that made him popular, but it worked."






"Vignettes have always been a part of wrestling," Nero says, "and talent have always agitated for more time on-camera. They complain when you take it away, but when you get right down to it, the time doesn't really matter. What are you going to do in three or four minutes that you can't get done in one? Establish your character, get your point across, get the hell out. Done right, you can get five or six guys over in those three minutes instead of one.


"Repeat the process week after week, and you can get over an entire roster.


"There's always a place for longer promos, particularly with the boys he can talk, but cutting everything else down to quick vignettes mean those stand out even more."






"Nero built to the main event." Jason Azaria opens a bottle of water and sips it, learning forward as he replaces the cap. "Everyone does, in wrestling, but Rip let a lot of that fall to the commentary team. We'd talk up the final moments throughout the show, dropping hints, but Nero really pushed for every episode to have it's own storyline. He wanted every show to have a book-end.


"These days we tend to kick every episode off with a match - wrestling is who we are at TCW, after all, and it's what separates us from Surpreme and USP-dub. Joel likes to make that explicit by having a barnburner--" Azaria pauses, grinning at his use of the borrowed catch-phrase "--in those opening minutes. Nothing wrong with that, but it means we set the agenda for the main event in the booth, rather than letting the talent do it.


"But I can't deny Nero's approach made it easier, especially in those early years when he worked the third seat. Me, Kyle, and Mike had real chemistry, and we made a phenomenal team."

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- Episode 50 Preview -


Sam Strong may be rejecting challenges, but it seems the Living Legend has no issues making them: Brent Hill will be taking on Lee Wright of Team Strength Rush in this week's opening competition, answering a challenge made by Strong during the week. There's no doubt that Strong is looking to position his allies further up the card with a victory over the in-form Hill, but the King of the Hill has proven to be one of Hollyweird's most dangerous competitors.


The team of Coleman and Ferdinand came up short against Martial Law in last week's show; this week they'll be looking to get back into winning form when they face The Ontario Kings, Thomas Morgan and Bryan Holmes, in tag-team competition.


Two of Hollywierd's young guns will meet for the first time when Eddie Chandler steps into the ring with Monty Walker. Will the Last Waltz put down the junior member of the Global Elite, or can Chandler pull out a victory against the man crazy enough to go toe-to-toe with Dread?


Fans of high-flying action won't want to miss what follows when one of the world's best super-juniors, Awesome Thunder, takes on a Canadian rookie who shows an extraordinary understanding of the Japanese cruiserweight style in Tom Gilmore.


Martial Law continue their run towards a tag-team title shot at Psycho Circus, putting their shot up for grabs against the Wood Brothers. There will be plenty of hard-hitting action in this one, and both teams are riding a wave of momentum since our last pay-per-view.


Finally, in our main event, Sam Strong makes his first singles appearance on Hollyweird TV since January when he wrestles a rising fan-favourite - the new Masked Rebel. We're not sure why or how Strong has agreed to this match, let alone on free TV, but you can bet it's sticking in the craw of Dusty Streets after months of futile challenges against the Living Legend...


Matches featured in this streaming video include:


Masked Rebel vs. Sam Strong

Martial Law vs. The Wood Brothers

Tom Gilmore vs. Awesome Thunder

Monty Walker vs. Eddie Chandler

The Ontario Kings vs. Coleman & Ferdinand

Brent Hill vs. Lee Wright

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<p>Masked Rebel vs. <strong>Sam Strong</strong></p><p>

<strong>Martial Law </strong>vs. The Wood Brothers</p><p>

Tom Gilmore vs. <strong>Awesome Thunder</strong></p><p>

<strong>Monty Walker </strong>vs. Eddie Chandler</p><p>

<strong>The Ontario Kings</strong> vs. Coleman & Ferdinand</p><p>

Brent Hill vs. <strong>Lee Wright</strong></p>

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<p>Masked Rebel vs. <strong>Sam Strong</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Martial Law vs. <strong>The Wood Brothers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tom Gilmore</strong> vs. Awesome Thunder</p><p> </p><p>

Monty Walker vs. <strong>Eddie Chandler</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Ontario Kings</strong> vs. Coleman & Ferdinand</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brent Hill </strong>vs. Lee Wright</p>

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Tuesday, Week 2, December 1997

The Range of San Antonio (Mid-South) - 10,000 people (Sold Out!)






The show opens with black-and-white video footage of the Strong Style Army standing outside, backs to aging brick wall that makes up the outer fench of The Ranch of San Antonio. All of them wear leather jackets and grim expressions, but only Sam Strong addresses the camera. "Everyone in the locker room wants a piece of Sam Strong," he says. "Same as it's ever been, brother, 'cept now I don't have to play nice about it. I go out there and fight on my terms and my terms alone.


"Tonight, you people get lucky. I just told Frankie Future he can book me in a match against anyone on the roster.


"As long as that person ain't you, Dusty Streets. 'Cause, brother, you can kiss my ass."


More Human Than the Human takes us into the opening credits...


Rating: B-





The show officially opens with Romeo Heartthrob alone in the ring, microphone in hand. "Last week," he says, "I got screwed."


He points to the silver screen, which immediately comes alive with a recap of the final moments from Hill vs. Heartthrob last year. Masked Rebel II hits the ring, blatantly assaulting Romeo Heartthrob right in front of the referee, and Eugene Williams doesn't call for the DQ.


"This wasn't a street fight," Heartthrob says. "With a face this pretty, that isn't my bag, but somehow the referee decided to let the mast blatant, heinous in-ring assault I've ever seen slip by without calling for the bell.


"So I want Frankie Future to come out here and give me an explanation. I want to know why this happens, and I want to know--"




Rage Against the Machine's Killing in the Name cuts him off, and Masked Rebel burst through the ramp with his fist raised in the air. He's still wearing a cast, but it's out of the sling this week and Rebel is dressed in his wrestling tights for a change. He rolls down to the ring, grinning all the while, and collects a microphone on his way.


"You want to know what's going on, Heartthrob?" Rebel's smile gets a little wider. "Smart guy like you, Heartthrob, I would have thought you'd figure it out by now, 'cause the answer is real simple.


"You're a pretty-boy, Romeo, and you ain't that discriminate 'bout the company you keep."


"Shut your mouth," Heartthrob yells. "My standards are--"


Rebel slaps him. Hard.


"Interrupt me again, pretty boy, and it'll be the last time anyone can stick you with that nick name," he says. "Now as--"


This time it's Rebel's turn to be interrupted, but Heartthrob skips the slap and moves directly onto throwing punches, and it isn't long before the pair of them are brawling.




"Hey, hey, hey!" Frankie Future walks out onto the stage, Miss Farrah at his side. "If the two of you really want to fight, you can do it now and wear a steep fine, or you can break this up and fight at Psycho Circus. I don't much care which you choose, but I'm thinking you're both better off with the latter."


The warning seems to do the trick. Rebel and Heartthrob separate, although Heartthrob takes the precaution of getting the hell out of the ring.


"Good choice," Future says. "Now, if you're quite done, I've got a couple of announcements. One: Eugene Williams and I have talked about last week's match, and he's paying a sizable fine for his decisions to rule against the calling for the DQ. I know why it happened, I don't blame him for it, but rules are rules around this place, and I have to trust my referees not to let anything personal slip into their business."


"Personal?" Heartthrob has a microphone again, and he sounds indignant. "How in hell have I managed to offend--"


"Two," Future says, cutting Heartthrob off. "Eugene Williams is married and he loves his wife an awful lot. Turns out she went out on the road with us a few months back, and she fell prey to the charms of a man who should have know better. Maybe, if you want a fair bout at Psycho Circus, Romeo, you can refrain from sleeping with spouses of any other officials in the coming weeks.


"Three, it seems I've got a rare opportunity in our main event tonight, and someone on our roster is getting a chance to wrestle Sam Strong one-on-one. I'd like to name Dusty as the man who'd step into the ring, but it seems he's the one man Strong isn't willing to face.


"So I asked a couple of fans I ran into earlier this evening, asking who they'd like to see in the ring, and one guys name came up again and again.


"Rebel, you've got a hell of an opportunity coming up in our main event, so I suggest you leave Heartthrob alone and go prepare.


"And Romeo, I suggest you go find a place to cool off and think about this, 'cause for all Eugene's getting punished for his call, I think we can all agree you damn well had it coming."


Rating: C



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LeeWright.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuzueKatayama.jpg


Brent Hill vs. Lee Wright w/Suzue Katayama

Brent Hill's spent the better part of a year establishing himself as one of Hollyweird's finest in-ring competitors, adapting to any style and finding a way to come out the winner. Lee Wright hasn't had quite the same profile, but the twenty-veteran is big and hard-hitting and shows every sign of hitting his stride as a performer. He takes the fight to Hill using stiff chops, aikido throws, and some devastating suplexes.


Hill adapts - it's what he does - but it takes noticeably longer than either the fans or the announce team are expecting given Wright's status as a relative unknown. He takes Wright to the mat with a series of dropkicks and keeps the match on the mat, eliminating the bigger man's power advantage.


Even so, Hill's attempt to lock in his deadly Heel Hook isn't enough to finish things; Wright counters the submission and kicks free, hitting the ropes to built up momentum for a lariat, and it's only Hill's quick thinking that allows him to duck and roll-up his opponent for three-count.


Brent Hill defeated Lee Wright in 9:42 by pinfall.

Rating: B-





Hill doesn't get a chance to celebrate: Suzue Katayama hits the ring and starts throwing big punches. Hill covers up, backing away rather than fighting back...




...and it puts him right in the path of a big, bone-crunching roundhouse kick from Raymond Diaz.


It's testament to Hill's instincts as a wrestler that he's rolling for the ropes the moment he hits the camera, doing it all on instinct. He can barely walk, staggering towards the guard rail, and Sam Sparrow puts his body on the line by getting between Team Strength Rush and their target until the rest of the HGC referees can get down to the ring.




Fortunately, the Rush aren't making an issue of things. Lee Wright joins his companions, smirking as the referees usher Hill backstage.


Rating: E+





We go to a recap video showcasing the highlights of the Four-Team Street Fight at A Little South of Sanity, focusing on the brutal action that took place whenever the Black Rebel Fight Club and The Wood Brother's met. It starts with Fight Club eliminating Stink using the Double-team Brainbuster, complete with Kyle Rhodes' excited call that "nothing is going to stop these two men. They're made of steel. They come back from everything. With two teams down, you'd have to consider them the favourites."


And then the destruction of Freddie Datsun by the Wood Brothers that followed, leaving him bloodied and unable to help when Billy Wood elevates Marlowe into the assisted powerbomb the Wood Brothers use as their finisher, giving them the win.


Rating: E



"I get hired to solve problems."




Charlie Thatcher sits backstage, leaning forward, the top buttons of his shirt open as he stares down the camera.


"I'm not a wrestler, I'm an insurance policy. That's how I make my living. You hire Charlie Thatcher and you get a job done. No troubles. No interference. It's a promise I take pride in.


"For two weeks I've been out of action, all on account of Tyson Baine. The Doctors say I've got a concussion. They tell me I can't get out there and do my job until I heal.


"Well, I'm going to heal. That's just good for business.


"And when I'm done, Baine, you and me, we're going to have a conversation, boy, and you ain't going to like it."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/NathanColeman.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/StuartFerdinand.jpg


The Ontario Kings vs. Coleman & Ferdinand

Two very different types of teams in this one. The Kings are all about speed and technical precision, looking to outwrestle their opponents. Coleman and Ferdinand focus their efforts on hitting their opponents hard enough to make sure they don't get up.


Once again, it's the heavily Japanese style of Stuart Ferdinand that stands out during the match, particularly when he corners Thomas Morgan and unleashes a series of deadly chops that leaves the younger man's chest raw.


Morgan eventually makes the hot tag, though, and Bryan Holmes proves to be more than up to the task of matching Ferdinand on the mat. He drives a series of elbows into Ferdinand's legs before applying the Stone Ankle Stretch to secure the submission, giving Jason Azaria just enough time to identify the finishing move as the work of Dan Stone Junior before the match ends.


The Ontario Kings defeated Coleman & Ferdinand in 6:29 by submission.

Rating: D+





Thomas Morgan joins his partner in the ring, microphone in hand. "We are the Ontario Kings," he says. "Canadian Made and House of Stone trained. Back home, wrestlers operate from a place of respect. If you beat a man in the ring, everyone knows you've done it 'cause you were the better man on the night, eh? Seems it doesn't work like that here in Hollyweird. The competition's toughter, don't get me wrong, but that just means there's more people taking short-cuts.


"That's why we've put out a call for someone to watch our backs.


"And just a few hours ago, one of our friends answered.


"The next time we challenge for the World Tag-Team Titles, the Global Elite are going to learn exactly what graduating from the House of Stone really means."


Rating: D-





The camera cuts to the backstage area, where Wanda Fish and Paul Steadyfast are standing outside a locker room door. "Make sure you get this," Fish says, addressing the camera-man, "we aren't doing it for our health."




And with that, the door opens, revealing Spanish Superfly and Miss Mexico stretching and preparing for a match. They're immediately jumped by Fish and Steadyfast, who catch them by surprise and beat them down. Miss Mexico falls prey to the Dish of the Day, while Steadyfast grabs Superfly and slams him into the bench.


He pauses in front of the camera instead of following Fish out of the room. "This company's forgotten what Untouchable means," he says. "We've decided it's time to remind them."


Rating: E





We cut back to the ring, and Coach Pangrazzio is already standing by, the rest of the All-Star Team around him. Coach has a microphone and the attention of the crowd. "HEY!" he bellows, "LISTEN UP!"


The fans respond with a roar that suggests they're not all that interested in doing that, but Coach waits them out. "There's a lot going on with the All-Star Team of late," he says, "and maybe that makes it hard for us to begin. Do we come out here and talk about The Tag-Team Specialists? Chris Storm and his victory over Eddie Chandler? Both these things happened, but they're not wins we're proud of. When we go out there, we want to prove we're the best wrestlers in the world, and we don't want to leave any questions.


"Which brings me to my son, Richie.


"I've heard all the whispers backstage. I've heard all the people saying I orchestrated last week's attack, because I knew Chris Storm didn't have what it took to defeat Eddie Chandler. I've heard, well, I've heard all sorts of things.


"And not a damn thing I've heard has been true.


"I don't know how or why Richie has made his way here to Hollyweird. Last I heard he'd quit the wrestling industry, gone home to take care of his twins, and I didn't begrudge him that. My son put in his time, he showed the world he was one of the best wrestlers going, and he walked away on his own terms when he was done. If he's here--"




Coach gets cut off by Alice in Chain's Grind and, slowly, Richie Pangrazzio Junior makes his way out onto the stage.


"If I'm here...dad," he says, "I'm here because you forced me to be, so how 'bout you stop lying to these people and start telling them the truth. You cannot have an All-Star Team without a Franchise Player, and no matter how good those men you've got standing beside you, in your heart you know you haven't trained anyone as good as me.


"Tell the people how you came to my house and begged me to come back to wrestling and serve as the quarterback of your team. Tell your boys how you were afraid they wouldn't be able to carry the ball and score like the All-Stars should.


"Tell them what you used to tell me and Diesel and Warren back in the day. Tell them how you wanted victory by any means necessary.


"I'm here, Coach, 'cause bringing me in was the only way you could get the job done, and you damn-well know it."


Richie Pangrazzio drops his mic and turns on his heel, abandoning the stage, but his words have stung. The Coach glares at the empty space, as if trying to formulate as response, and Chris Storm has already stepped forward to ask questions of his mentor. Bryan Vessey, on the other hand, has taken a step closer to his brother, exchanging a long look with Larry.


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


Monty Walker vs. Eddie Chandler w/Grace Harper

The commentary team spends some time discussing the fact that Eddie Chandler bears many similarities to the Monty Walker who wrestled for HGC just a year ago: young, talented, cocky as hell. Chandler may fight a little dirtier, and his in-style is definitely different, but the attitude's match.


The Monty Walker who walks into this match is nothing like that, though. He's confident, certainly, but that confidence is backed up by a recklessness and drive to win that's almost unsettling. It's obvious that he's got Chandler scouted, taking a page from Dread's playbook, picking many of the Fabulous One's signature spots.


The match ends when Chandler goes for the Fabulous Stretch and Walker cuts him off with a quick elbow shot, putting his opponent onto the mat just long enough to hit a picture-perfect Flying Elbow Drop from the top rope.


Monty Walker defeated Eddie Chandler in 15:16 by pinfall.

Rating: C





Mike Barstow and Troy Tornado appear on the Silver Screen, the two men relaxing in - after a scantily clad woman walks past an delivers a drink - a booth in a strip club. Tornado is grinning, distracted by what's going on off-camera. Barstow, for his part, looks as calm and collected as ever, checking the time on a fob-watch.


"All work and no play makes Troy a dull boy," he said, "so I've elected to show my client some of the privileges of being part of Barstow Enterprises. We don't care about pride, we don't care about class, we care about getting wins and earning titles, 'cause that's what lets us live the high life."


He holds up a roll of bills and a woman walks into shot, collects the cash, and drags Tornado away by the front of his shirt.


"The kid spent a year living on rice and discipline," Barstow says, "so he deserves a little fun, but come Psycho Circus, you're going to see why Troy Tornado is going to the top. Captain USA, I hope you're ready, 'cause you're just two weeks away from the beating of your life."


Rating: D





"Earlier tonight the Ranch of San Antonio played host to Hollyweird Proving Ground," Azaria says, "and we've got highlights from the International Championship bout between Mr Lucha, Tommy Cornell, and Paul Steadyfast...."




The Silver Screen fires up, showing several key moments from the match: Cornell hitting the Guilt Trip, but having the pinfall broken up; Steadyfast trapping Cornell's arm around the ring post and hammering it; Lucha taking advantage of the injured arm to lift Cornell into position for the Master Drop.




And the moment when Pablo Rodriguez hits the ring and nearly decapitates Mr Lucha with the Final Judgement. The Champ gets out of the ring, trusting his veteran instincts, and eventually comes back to defeat Cornell at the fifteen minute mark.


Rating: D





Backstage, where Wanda Fish and Paul Steadyfast have been cornered by Miss Farrah, who holds her clip-board defensively, halfway through delivering an ultimatum.


"...requested another match," Farrah says, "which the Commissioner isn't sure he'll be able to grant, what with the company's rules against female competitors. If Miss Fish gets involved in another incident--"


"You'll what?" Paul Steadyfast folds his arm, looking down on Future's secretary. "Revoke Wanda's manager's license? Fine us? Ban us from the shows? Seems to me, way our run went towards the end of last year, that wouldn't exactly hurt us any."


"Things ran as you requested them too last year," Farrah says. "I keep scrupulous records of all correspondence between managers and Mister Future."


"That was then." Wanda Fish rolls her eyes. "Mister Steadyfast has decided to change our priorities."


"Mister Steadyfast is standing right here," Paul says, "and he's far from satisfied by your current services. Get us what we want, Fish, or get the hell out." He turns and walks off, leaving the women alone.


Miss Farrah signs and raises a pen to her clip-board. "Well?"


"We want a six-man at Psycho Circus," Fish says. "Untouchables versus the All-Star Team. Get us that, and we'll leave Superfly and his bitch alone."


Farrah nods. "You sure you can reign them in?"


Fish hesitates, throwing a nervous look off-camera. "Yes."


Rating: D+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AngryGilmore.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/YosukeNarita_alt.jpg


Tom Gilmore vs. Awesome Thunder

This one's a Super Junior showcase and the commentary team spend plenty of time treating it as such, discussing the differences between the Japanese cruiserweight tradition and kind of American lightweights who have previously appeared on TV.


And once again, no-one actively says cruiserweight during the commentary, but there's a very definite undertone that Azaria and the crew are pushing the fact that something different, something special happens when these types of competitors meet.


The high-spots may be comparatively restrained, but that doesn't mean they're lacking - Thunder ends the match with a Thunder Shock swanton and picks up the victory.


Awesome Thunder defeated Tom Gilmore in 10:21 by pinfall.

Rating: C





Action Jackson grins for the camera as we cut to the interview stage. "This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops," he says, "and today I've got two men who have a reputation for being tough. Freddie, Jack, you've petitioned Commissioner Future for a rematch with the Wood Brothers this week - care to tell us what you're hoping to achieve?"


"What we're hoping for," Datsun says, "is a chance to rectify a mistake and prove the Black Rebel Fight Club is the toughest team going. That said, Action Jackson, this isn't something we want to talk about - we prefer to let our actions say anything that needs saying.


"After all, the first rule of Fight Club is don't talk about Fight Club."


Datsun looks to his partner, waiting for him to respond with the second half of their catch-phrase.


Instead, Jack Marlowe shakes his head and walks off-camera, leaving Freddie Hanging.


"So," Action Jackson says, "is everything okay there?"


Freddie Datsun doesn't offer an answer - he's too busy heading after his partner, trying to figure out what's going on.


Rating: D-






Dark Angel, Hatayama and the Flames are walking backstage, sports bags slung over their shoulders. Jason Azaria is in the process of recapping their match earlier in the evening when the Army of Darkness come crashing into them.


Things quickly devolve into a brawl, and the tide turns fast when it's revealed that Angel and Hatayama both travel with kendo sticks in their gear. They unleash them against the Demons, cracking bamboo over the head of the big men, then throw a spare to Teddy Flame who narrowly misses when he swings for Ethan Kane's stomach.


The Army of Darkness back off, leaving Angel to pose with his sword at the ready, eyes following the retreating wrestlers. Kit Hatoyama stands next to him, shaking her head. "I will make another request," she says. "With luck, we may still finish this with respect an honor."


Rating: D+





Martial Law head down to the ring, ready for their match. Ricky Dale collects a microphone as he goes.


"Me and Eagle ain't exactly a conventional team," he says, grinning. "He ain't exactly the hombre I expected to be ridin' with, but after a year going into battle with the masked man beside me, I feel pretty confident in sayin' I'm glad he's got my back, and I'm happy to call him a part of my posse.


"Turns out the things that make us different ain't quite so great as the things that unite us. F'r instance, me and Eagle have a fondness for kickin' ass. We don't believe in lettin' bad things happen to good people.


"And we never asked for nothin' if there's a chance to earn it.


"We're goin' into Psycho Circus with a shot at the Backbreaker's titles, but it ain't something we want unless we know we damn-well deserve it.


"So if there's anyone back there who wants to try and take it from us, get your asses out here and get ready to fight."


Rating: C-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg


Martial Law vs. The Wood Brothers

This match is a solid back-and-forth battle, with the Wood Brothers size and experience pitched against the discordant switch in styles every time Martial Law make a tag.


Ricky Dale and EAGLE have a busy night, repeatedly making saves throughout the bout, but the crowd roars every time they make a come-back and that support elevates the Law's game. The biggest roar of the match is reserved for an exchange between Billy Wood and Dark EAGLE, when the masked man gets Wood in the corner and starts unleashing a rapid flurry of kicks.


It's a short moment of dominance for the Martial Law team, but a decisive one. The damage done to Wood's flank proves important when Ricky Dale fires him into the ropes and plants him with the Southern Justice as he rebounds.


Martial Law defeated The Wood Brothers in 15:30 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





The Silver Screen fires up, showing Eric Tyler and Jack Dundee on the interview stage, the tag-team titles around their waist. "Credit where it's due," Tyler says, "it takes a lot of guts to go out there, week after week, and put up your shot at two of the sweetest prizes in wrestling today as the prize in your match. Not entirely sure it's smart, but it definitely takes guts."


"Problem is, mate," Dundee adds, "it takes more than guts to be a champion, especially when the belts are around the waists of the Global Elite. We don't care whether it's Martial Law or whichever team gets it together and beats them for the shot, we're going into the New Year World Tag-Team Champions and there's no-one, and I mean no-one, who can take these titles away from us."


Rating: C




Cannonball plays and the crowd comes unglued, roaring in approval as the World Heavyweight Champion makes his way down to the centre of the ring. Liberty plays to the fans for a few moments before calling for a microphone.


"I been champion for two weeks now," he says. "You'd think it'd get old, but you know what? It doesn't. This thing--" he pats the belt around his waist "--it may look a leather strap with a big, gold buckle, but it's so much more than that.


"And the thing is, the longer I wear this, the more I understand Rip Chord and all the things he did to keep it. I ain't sayin' he was right, but this thing, it's pretty damn sweet, you know? People treat you different, you get invites to all the cool parties, and there aren't many places you can't go when you set your mind to it.


"I know Chord's coming for this belt, and now that I know what being Champion is like, I know exactly how far he'll go to get this back. I--"




Liberty's promo is cut off by Sweet Child of Mine, and Rip Chord emerges with the Entourage in his wake. The four men walk down to the ring, surrounding Liberty, and Chord collects a microphone of his own.


"Two weeks," Chord says. "Two weeks you walk around with a belt, and you think you know what I'm capable of?"


He shakes his head, smirking. "Kid, I defended that title for eleven straight months. I fought harder to keep it around my waist than I did any other belt in my career. And, just to remind you, kid, I know a few things about championships. I've held belts in every company I ever worked for. I'm a twelve-time champion. I'm getting better every time I walk out into this ring. I'm not slowing down with age, I'm turning into the best damn version of myself.


"I'm the Great One, the new Golden Age of Wrestling.


"And all you are, Liberty, is a kid who had three good seconds on the right night.


"So tell me again how you know what I'll do to get that title back, kid. Tell us all how you understand exactly how far I'll go."


Rip lowers his microphone and waits, impassively, but the rest of the Entourage starts to crowd the World Champion a little. Good as Liberty may be, he's out-numbered and alone, and even his legendary cool gets a little ruffled by the potential for violence.


"We could beat you down right now," Chord says. "I give the word and you'd be broken long before Psycho Circus.


"But that'd defeat the purpose, kid. That's not going to deliver my belt back to me.


"Don't get me wrong, kid, I'm going to punish you, but that's not going to happen 'til after I've reclaimed what's mine. The moment you lose that championship, the real pain is going to begin."


Chord clicks his fingers and the Entourage backs off, following him out of the ring. Liberty holds the ring a little longer, staring down the former Champion as Chord backs away.


Rating: A




The Silver Screen fires up, showing a black-and-white promo video showcasing highlights from the year of assaults and show-downs between Dread and Monty Walker. This time around we focus on Walker's reign of terror over the last couple of months, growing increasingly intense as Dread brings in allies like Dylan Sidle and Calvin Walker.


It ends with footage from A Little South of Sanity, where Dread punches a steel chair into Walker's face, followed by white text appearing as the screen darkens.






Rating: B-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MaskedRebel.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpg


Masked Rebel vs. Sam Strong

This was never going to be a technical masterclass, but both men are big, charismatic brawlers who do a great job with the moderately limited arsenal they have. They lock up and the fans go crazy, particularly when their initial exchange sees Rebel get into position for a belly-to-back suplex and Sam Strong finds himself desperately elbowing free.


A familiar refrain from Killing in the Name echoes across the Ranch as the two men circle, but it's quickly cut short when Strong charges in and nails Rebel with a knee to the gut, following it up with a elbow shot to the back of the neck. It's a move that secures Strong the advantage for the next few minutes, although it's punctuated by the commentary team drawing parallels to Peter Valentine's reckless attacks prior to being forced out of the company by Dusty Streets six months earlier.


Rebel scores a lucky right hand shot that stuns Strong and lets him begin a come-back, building up momentum as he hits the ropes and starts nailing his opponent with a series of running shoulder blocks. He builds up to a scoop slam, flips Strong the bird, then hits the second rope for a leg drop that gets a two count.


Rebel tries to feed Strong into the corner, but Strong reverses and nails the masked man with a big right-hand chop. Strong heads to the far corner, warming his arm up for the Strong Arm Tactic...




...and finds himself laid out when Dusty Streets hits the apron and nails Strong with a chair.


Sam Strong defeated Masked Rebel II in 14:50 when Masked Rebel II was disqualified.

Rating: B






The match might be over, but Dusty is a long way from done. He climbs into the ring, chair still in hand, and finishes the job he started, nailing Strong across the head.




Team Strength Rush come charging down the ramp, ready to help, but it Dusty is ready for that. There's a chair-shot for Diaz when he tries to get into the ring, another one for Wright a few seconds later. The fans go crazy as Streets celebrates, holding the chair high.


Strong starts to rise, pushing himself onto his knees, and there's a streak of blood running down his forehead.


Strong sets aside the chair and calls for the mic, kneeling down so he can look Strong in the eye.


"We don't have to go down this road, Sam," Dusty says. "All you've gotta do is give me a match."


Strong's response isn't audible, but there's no mistaking its intent. He pretty much tells Dusty to go **** himself, and Dusty responds by reaching for the chair once more.


It's only the timely intervention of several HGC officials, along with the Ranch of San Antonio's security staff, that saves Strong from further punishment.


Rating: B+




Overall: B

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Troy Tornado doesn't sit on the couch - he sprawls across it. The TCW stalwart is dressed down for the interview, every inch the low-key rock-and-roll star in blue jeans and a denim jacket. "The strip club was Nero's idea," he says. "Turns out he'd always wanted to do something like that, back in the Texas days, but there wasn't any way to put it on television without getting the show kicked off the air. I think he and Barstow wanted to test how far they could go, now that the culture had changed."


He cocks his head for a moment, scratching at the three-day growth he's sporting. "The thing about Barstow, though, he really went all-out for that sort of thing. There wasn't a lot of Barstow Enterprises that was a gimmick, you know? He really did take over a lot of the management of my career, dealing with the travel and the hotel bookings. He really did roll into strip clubs with a money clip and start throwing cash at the girls. He really did take me under his wing, start showing me the ropes.


"There's a handful of guys in this business who really took care of their money, but the best were Mike Barstow and Larry Wood. You'd put 'em both in a room and within a couple of minutes they'd be talking about wall street and the latest trends on the exchange. Only difference is Mike had a lot of cash and liked throwing it around.


"Larry, he never met a cheap hotel room he'd turn down."







Charlie Thatcher's heavy presence weighs down the Big Red Coach. The big man offers the camera a rare grin. "Barstow and Tornado were a damn terrible pairing," he says. "It's one of the reasons Barstow ended up on commentary during Troy's matches, rather than sitting at ringside. He was better at talking the kid up.


"The thing you gotta understand about Mike Barstow is that he's the kind of guy who likes to stir the pot. I know they spun Troy some story about wanting to push boundaries an' all, but when they did that bit at the strip club, it was really about ribbing the kid. It'd just come out that Troy had got something going with Maria - you'd know her as Miss Mexico - and the old-timers weren't too happy 'bout it, what with 'em being on opposite sides of things. One of the wrestling sites got a shot of the two of them together, reported them as an item, and the next thing you know..."







Miss Mexico sits backstage at a QaW show, sipping a bright blue sports drink in the aftermath of her match. She looks like she's had a rough night against Pamela Rojo just a few hours earlier - there's a bruise forming on her cheek - but she's all smiles as she listens to the question.


"Troy Tornado?" She shakes her head, shrugging a little. "He was young, he was cute, he was fun. It wasn't ever a serious thing, 'cause he wasn't even twenty-one - we'd known each other in CZCW, I'd helped train him up once he started appearing on shows. We both knew the score, you know? Then, somewhere along the line...


"It wasn't like we were the only people who hooked up that first year. We were just the only people who got serious about it, and the first who got caught.


"Things like that are going to happen, when two people date in the same locker room.


"It wasn't the strip club stuff bothered me. Back then, Troy wasn't much of a hellion, you know? He was just this kid trying to work stuff out, and Mike Barstow wasn't exactly the best influence on him."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alas, no show predictions with this post (sorry). My day-job has waged war on my weekends for the last few weeks, plus I picked up a bunch of after-hours work that eats into the time I usually spend writing updates, so my posting schedule is going to be a slightly haphazard for the next couple of months.


I am hoping to have the details of the next show up prior to the weekend, though, assuming nothing goes wrong...

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The TCW Wrestling Archive Presents


- Episode 51 Preview -


We kick off tonight's show with a match between Tommy Cornell and the Canadian Wild Man, Larry Wood. Cornell's made his reputation based on taking opponents to the mat, while Wood's style is raw power and aggression. It should make for an interesting fight.


Martial Law will be in action next, putting up their shot at the tag-team titles at Psycho Circus on the line. This week the Mexican Nightmares, Rafael Ruiz and Don Juan Escalera, will be stepping up to try and claim the shot at the belts.


It's usually a bad idea to make Ethan Kane angry, and following the backstage assault by the Flames and Dark Angel, the leader of the Army of Darkness is furious. He's demanded one of his attackers meet him the ring, and Teddy Flame has stepped up to meet the sadistic madman.


Our next match is a showcase for two of Mexico's finest, with Spanish Superfly taking on Pablo Rodriguez. The high-flying Priest of Pain has made no secret of the fact that he wants another shot at Mr Lucha's title, but Superfly is determined to put a halt to Rodriguez's ambitions.


Dusty Streets has been targeting Sam Strong for the last few weeks, but Strong is a man with dangerous friends. Team Strength Rush will be in the ring with Dusty Streets, whose called in Liberty to serve as his partner.


Two weeks ago Richie Pangrazzio made his debut by costing Eddie Chandler a match. In our main event, Eddie Chandler looks to return that favour when Richie Pangrazzio makes his in-ring debut. There are still plenty of doubts about where Pangrazzio's loyalties lie backstage, but if there's one thing everyone knows about the Pangrazzio family, it's that they're always looking to pick up the win when they step into the ring.


Matches featured in this streaming video include:


Richie Pangrazzio vs. Eddie Chandler

Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Team Strength Rush

Spanish Superfly vs. Pablo Rodriguez

Teddy Flame vs. Ethan Kane

Martial Law vs. The Mexican Nightmares

Tommy Cornell vs. Larry Wood

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