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HGC: The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird (Cverse '97)

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Tuesday, Week 3, December 1997

The Theatre of Dreams (North West) - 10,000 people (Sold Out!)






The Global Elite are in the back of a limousine, heading towards the arena. Tyler and Dundee are locked in conversation, tag-team titles prominently displayed on their lap, while a sultry Grace Harper leans against Eddie Chandler's shoulder as he stares at the camera.


"Richie Pangrazzio Jr," Chandler says. "Once upon a time he was the great hope of the All-Star Team, a superior athlete with all the talent in the world to make it to the top. A great wrestler that everyone thought would reach the top.


"It never happened. Pangrazzio Junior choked in every big match he ever had, always the bridesmaid and never the bride.


"I know what it means to be a champion. You don't find your way into the Global Elite unless you can say that. And tonight Richie Pangrazzio learns why you don't interfere in the business of those who are truly destined for greatness. He's going to learn the difference between being a man with potential and a man touched by destiny."


With that, More Human Than The Human fires up and the HGC credits begin...


Rating: C-






The credits end and Dusty Streets is in the ring, the crowd roaring as the veteran waits with a grim smile on his face.


"So here's the thing," Dusty says, "I'm not a subtle man. Never really saw much call for it, not in this industry. I want a match, I challenge the man I want to fight, and I trust him to be man enough to meet me in the ring. If he says no, well, we take things to another level.


"Last week Sam Strong learned what that means. It means I get in your face. It means I make your life hell. And it means I take a goddamn chair and I break it in two on your skull.


"Now I got another chair here tonight. I could wandering backstage, hunting Sam and his friends down, but I figure I'll give Sam Strong one more chance to man up and do the right thing. Sam, you and me, brother. Give me the match, Strong. You and me, right here, toni--"




Voodoo Child hits and Strong emerges onto the stage, the Strong Style Army at his back. There's a bandage on Strong's skull and a microphone in his hand.


"I keep telling you, brother, I don't give a damn what you want," Strong says. "I've got six stitches in my head right now, and they're your goddamn handiwork, so I especially don't give a damn what you want tonight.


"But you do have a match tonight, brother.


"You see, it wasn't just me you hit with a chair last week, brother, and for all that I can't be bothered claiming your scalp, your name is still valuable enough that my friends here wouldn't mind taking you down. So I suggest you go find yourself a partner, brother, and get yourself ready for a match.


"'Cause tonight your facing Team Strength Rush, Dusty, and I gotta tell you, they're pretty pissed off brother. You may think you know what you've done, getting in their face, but you've got no idea. These boys, they've fought some of the best in the world, and they hit harder than anyone you've ever faced."


Rating: B




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TommyCornell.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg


Tommy Cornell vs. Larry Wood w/Billy Wood


Tommy Cornell knows how to brawl. It gets overlooked a lot, even in light of the events that saw him forced out of Supreme, but he meets Larry Wood in the middle of the ring and the two men unleash hell on one another.


It's not quite as hellacious as the Cornell/Nemesis brawl, but it comes pretty close. The action goes in and out of the ring several times, Wood absolutely brutalises his opponent, and Cornell fights his way back from the brink several times.




And then, about nine minutes in, Freddie Datsun makes his appearance. The flannel-clad wrestler doesn't interfere - doesn't do anything but walk out onto the stage and watch Larry Wood fight - but it's distraction enough. Cornell throws Wood onto the mat and applies the Guilt Trip, choking out Wood to secure the submission victory.


Tommy Cornell defeated Larry Wood in 9:41 by submission.

Rating: C-






We cut to the interview stage, where Rip Chord and the entourage.


"I am Rip Chord, former World Heavyweight Champion," Chord says. "Those are eight words I never wanted to say, but I've been without a title for three weeks now, and I've heard them repeated over and over.


"Liberty is a hell of wrestler. He's not me - not The Great One - but he's a man with passion and a willingness to keep fighting, and sometimes that's all it takes to have the one good night you need to topple a better wrestler.


"But I am sick of hearing those words. Former World Heavyweight Champion. I'm sick of the looks and the quiet whispers. At Psycho Circus, I will become champion again. I will reclaim my rightful place at the top and continue my path of domination.


"Because I am Rip Chord, the Great One, the new Golden Age of wrestling.


"And I will not be stopped."


Rating: B




The Silver Screen fires up, recapping the end of last week's match between Brent Hill and Lee Wright. "Last week we saw Brent Hill take defeat Lee Wright in one-on-one competition," Jason Azaria says, "but it seems Wright's allies weren't happy about that result."



The footage starts with Hill securing win with a roll-up, then focuses on the three-on-one beat-down when Katayama and Diaz jump him. The big knock-out kick by Diaz gets replayed several times, highlighting its impact.


"We believe this kick is responsible for putting Hill on the injured list," Azaria says, "with doctors saying it'll be at least another week before Hill is cleared to compete."


Rating: D






Martial Law hit the ring, drawing cheers from the fans who know what's coming. Cowboy Ricky Dale calls for a microphone.


"Alright," he says, "you all know the deal. Me and EAGLE have got a title shot coming, but we ain't intendin' to walk in to that arena unless we've proved that we're the best damn men for the job. If any team back there has the stones to take us down, they can have our damn title shot.


"Well boys, you done heard the challenge. If anyone plans on stepping up--"




Ricky Dale's promo is cut off by the opening beats of Control Machete's Comprendes Mendes, and The Mexican Nightmares make their way to the ring.


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpgvs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DonJuan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RafaelRuiz.jpg


Martial Law vs. The Mexican Nightmares


The Nightmares haven't been on television much of late, but they're rapidly settling into a solid routine thanks to numerous matches on the Proving Ground pre-show. Ruiz, in particular, gets a real chance to shine here - his vicious, technical style is all about taking opponents to the mat and making them hurt.


Don Juan doesn't shine as brightly as his partner, but his short exchange with Dark EAGLE is an impressive high-flying exchange that's prematurely ended by when Phoenix II charges down to the ring and leaps onto the ring apron.


He doesn't advance beyond that, or make any attempt to interfere, but the distraction is enough: Dark EAGLE sweeps Escalera's legs out from under him and rolls him up for the victory.


Martial Law defeated The Mexican Nightmares in 5:49 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





Martial Law barely get a chance to celebrate their victory before the Black Rebel Fight Club make their way out onto the stage. "So we hear you're putting up a title shot to anyone who'll wrestle you," Datsun shouts, microphone in hand. "Me and Jack, we're out here to put it to you straight - we want you in the ring next week, and we will be going into Psycho Circus in your place. In case you haven't noticed, we're the toughest damn team in this company. You'll have to damn near kill us--"


Datsun is cut off by Marlow, who grabs the mic and glares at his partner, obviously irritated. "We don't need to talk," he says. "We just need an answer. Do we have a match next week?"


Ricky Dale has collected a microphone while the challenge was being made. "Partner," he says, "it would be our very great pleasure."


Rating: D-





"There is no wrestler on the roster who has made a bigger impact in our first year than Tyson Baine," Azaria says, and a recap video starts that traces the Demon Seed's history with the promotion. It starts with his role as Karen Killer's hired monster, his separation and feud with Ethan Kane, and finally his issues with Charlie Thatcher. It also focuses heavily on the big monster's high-impact signature moves: the big boot, the flying clothesline from the top rope, and the devastating Hades Bomb.


Rating: B






The Silver Screen comes to life, showing the Untouchable's gathered on the interview stage. Paul Steadyfast addresses the camera. "Tonight the locker room can relax," he says. "We aren't here to cause trouble, and we're not looking to make a statement. We have what we want - a match against the All-Star Team at Psycho Circus - and because of that, tonight, no-one needs to be reminded what Untouchable really means."


He goes to leave the stage, but hesitates when Wanda Fish steps up. "I've set aside some personal goals for the good of my clients," she says, "but make no mistake, I'm not a woman who gives up or a woman who forgets. When we're done with the All-Star Team, we'll turn our attention to other targets.


"And when that happens, mark my words, there are some old friends who are going too learn why they shouldn't mess with us."


Steadyfast looks particularly unhappy with that last bit, and he starts bickering with Fish as they walk off-camera.


Rating: D+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TeddyFlame.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoeyFlame.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EthanKane.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Teddy Flame w/Joey Flame vs. Ethan Kane w/Karen Killer


There's nothing pretty about this match. Ethan Kane aggressively chases down his opponent, hammering Teddy around the ring and bloodying him early in the match. Flame holds on, but the hope spots are few and far between, which quickly leaves the crowd feeling listless and eager for things to be over.


About ten minutes into the match Teddy hits a running bulldog, starting one of the famed Flame come-backs, but the damage to the match is already done. Despite some solid in-ring work from both men, the match is met with a lackluster response when Ethan Kane puts Teddy away with a piledriver.


Ethan Kane defeated Teddy Flame in 15:25 by pinfall.

Rating: D+






"This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops, and with me tonight are two men who are preparing to face a very pissed-off Team Strength Rush. I'm guessing this isn't the response you were looking for tonight, right Dusty?"


Dusty smirks. "It ain't like this is a surprise, Action Jackson," he says. "Sam Strong's got some back-up, and that means anyone going after the man has gotta expect to face 'em somewhere along the line. I've studied their work and I know why he picked 'em, but that doesn't mean I'm going to back down.


"I told Strong I was here to make his life hell, and if that means going through his back-up, that's what's going to happen. I may not have a team in my corner, but I do have a partner to watch my back..."


Liberty steps into shot, bumping fists with Dusty.


"Wow," Jackson says, "tonight's tag-team match just got bigger. Liberty, champ, I have to know, are you sure tonight's match is a great idea? The Strength Rush are a dangerous team, and you do have a title--"


"Hold it right there," Liberty says. "That's a really good question, AJ, and I've got a real easy answer. It probably isn't wise, but then, Rip Chord did all the smart things as champion, and it didn't stop him from losing this here belt. The way I figure it, I got where I am by doing the things that feel right, and when a friend needs my help, I'm going to step up and help him. I'd rather be champion on my terms, you know?"


Rating: B






We go to a recap video showcasing last week's showdown between Romeo Heartthrob, Masked Rebel II, and General Manager Frankie Future. We get a repeat of Heartthrob's demand for an explanation, as well as Frankie Future defending the referee's actions based on Heatthrob out-of-ring behavior.


Rating: C






We cut to the interview stage, just beside the entryway leading down to the ring, where Mr Lucha is standing by with Spanish Superfly and Miss Mexico. Superfly is bouncing on the soles of his feet, obviously eager to get down to the match, while Lucha quietly offers advice.


Jason Azaria informs the audience that Superfly versus Pablo Rodriguez is next...


Rating: D




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SpanishSuperfly.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MissMexico.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PabloRodriguez.jpg


Spanish Superfly w/Miss Mexico vs. Pablo Rodriguez


The crowd buys into this contest early, largely because both Superfly and Rodriguez take the opportunity to crank things up a gear and really put on a show. The opening minutes are a blur of arm-drags, head-scissors, and monkey-flips with neither man spending a significant amount of time on the mat.


And for the third week in a row, the match commentary talks about the size of the competitors: the speed, the athleticism, the explosive element of their wrestling game. Azaria dubs Superfly one of the best pure athletes on the roster - a claim supported by the sheer height he gets o a vertical leap when delivering a dropkick to the face - and Nero offers shrewd insight into the tactical decisions being made regarding when to go high-risk and when to keep it on the mat.


Superfly looks better here than he has at any other point in his HGC tenure, although it still isn't quite enough. He falls prey to the Sinner's Salvation shy of the ten minute mark, giving Rodriguez the win.


Pablo Rodriguez defeated Spanish Superfly in 9:33 by pinfall.

Rating: C






"Earlier tonight the Theatre of Dreams played host to Hollyweird Proving Ground," Azaria says, "and we saw Team Chaos Theory taking on one of their toughest challenges yet in the form of The Demons of Rage. We've got some exclusive footage of their match..."




The Silver Screen comes to life, showcasing highlights from the pre-show bout. A good deal of this focuses on the raw power of the masked Mexican team, particularly the heavyweight Mayan Idol and his lethal Aztec Lariat.


They don't pick up the victory - Idol gets Anger down, but Spite makes the save and it isn't long before the Demons nail the masked man with the Double Demon Down - but their strong showing is enough for Kyle Rhodes to dub them "a team to watch."

Rating: D+






Pour Some Sugar On Me heralds the arrival of a solo Mike Barstow, who makes his way down to the ring with a casual sneer for the fans who boo him. Barstow remains the best-dressed person on the show - expensive three-piece suits, a fob watch, and leather shoes polished to a gleam.


"In case you haven't noticed," Barstow says, "I am a man of impeccable taste. I came to prominence in this business when a man had pride in his appearance, and when you started earning money, you made damn sure you looked the part.


"I've earned a lot of money in wrestling. I've earned a lot more outside the ring too, using the cash my talent earned me to create an empire named Barstow Enterprises. I'm not a wrestler, I'm a business, and I got where I am by investing in the future and making every gamble pay-off.


"Troy Tornado is the future I'm investing in now. Young, talented, eager. A future world champion in the making, particularly with power of Barstow Enterprises behind him. I've given him a taste of what that future could be like, shown him the heights he could reach. I've shown him--"




The crowd cheers as Captain USA's music hits, serving as a precursor for the masked man coming out onto the stage.


"Lets cut the crap," The Captain says. "Barstow, I know you're a snake. I know you're a man who plans five steps ahead and finds a way to make everything pay off to your advantage. We've fought each other time and again in the past, and while I'm not proud of it, I was pretty damn happy the day I learned you were quitting as an in-ring competitor.


"Now me, I'm a straight-forward kind of guy. I don't enjoy playing games. Maybe that makes me easy to predict, but right now I don't really give a damn. You're corruptin' that boy, turning him into the mirror image of you, and that ain't something I'm going to stand for. I don't want to wait 'til Psycho Circus, Barstow. Get Tornado out here and I'll beat some sense into him tonight."


Barstow checks his fob watch, shaking his head. "Always eager, Captain," he says. "It's one of your failings. However, since you're out here, I see no problem with skipping ahead. You're right, Captain, you are straight-forward. It's one of the reasons I picked you as our whipping boy when we needed a well-known target.


"And as for your match, Captain..."




Troy Tornado flies across the stage, hammering the Captain with a flying elbow shot. Captain USA goes down hard and Tornado presses the advantage, assaulting the masked patriot while he's down.


"I think, Captain," Barstow says, "you should be careful what you wish for, yes?"


Rating: C





"We are two weeks away from an epic clash," Jason Azaria says. "Monty Walker and Dread have both back at their respective home towns, training for their clash at Psycho Circus. We have this exclusive at both men's preparation."




A video runs, showcasing the preferred training regime of both men. Monty Walker is spending much of his time in a California Dojo, running through strength and speed training with his mentor, Alex Braun. A great deal of focus is given to Walker honing the precision of his superkick, splitting wooden boards that Braun holds at the ready.



Dread is more direct. The big man delivers suplexes to punching bags, firing them across the ring, he throws flurries of punches that seem to disappear into a blur of action, and he concocts careful plans with his manager Emma Chase based on the hours of footage he's watching.


The footage ends with a familiar screen shot::




Rating: B-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LeeWright.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RaymondDiaz.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuzueKatayama.jpg


Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Team Strength Rush w/Suzue Katayama


A solid match, all things considered, with the Strength Rush really stepping up and showcasing why they've been hand-picked to be Sam Strong's running buddies. Diaz, in particular, wades into this match with the intention of showcasing how dangerous he can be, with a particularly nasty sequence revolving around the big kickboxer trapping Dusty Streets in a corner and hammering him with knee strikes.


Some fast tags by the Strength Rush keep things in their favour for much of the bout, with the fans absolutely aching for Liberty to hit the ring by the time the hot tag is made.




But the surprise of the match really proves to be Brent Hill, who comes through the crowd and leaps the guard rail, hauling Diaz off the ring apron and suplexing the big man into the mats at ringside. Sam Sparrow misses the interference amid the confusion, allowing Dusty Streets to hit the Dust Off on Wright to secure the victory.


Liberty & Dusty defeated Team Strength Rush in 14:50 by pinfall.

Rating: B-






Liberty and Dusty celebrate for a moment, but it only takes a handful of seconds for The Dallas Wrecking Crew to charge down to the ring and blindside Liberty. The two-on-one assault happens fast enough that it takes Dusty a few seconds to realise what's happening...




...and the moment he moves to intercept, he gets jumped by Team Strength Rush, who see no problem in taking advantage of the situation.


One on half of the ring, Liberty gets laid out by the Wrecking Crew at the same time as Dusty Streets is laid low by a big roundhouse kick from Raymond Diaz.


Rating: C-






The camera cuts backstage, where Action Jackson is standing by next to a locker-room doorway. "This is Action Jackson backstage," he says, "getting you the scoops, and I hear that the Ontario King's have a new ally here tonight, although they're yet to reveal his identity to the locker room. All three of them are in this locker room, and I'm going to attempt to get a peak."




Jackson knocks on the door, and it's opened by Bryan Holmes. "No press."






Thomas Morgan steps out as well. Jackson takes an opportunity to peek into the room, and what he sees there makes his eyes go wide. "Wow," he says, "that's--"


"Not something the rest of the world needs to know right now," Thomas Morgan says. "You'll have to forgive us, Jackson, if we'd like to keep this a little surprise for the Backbreakers. I'm sure you'll agree it'd be worth the wait."


Jackson offers a mute nod, and the Ontario Kings close the door.


Rating: D






Romeo Heartthrob is walking backstage, dressed in his street gear. He's carrying his gear in a sports bag slung over one shoulder, and he seems to be leafing through a little black book as he goes.




He rounds a corner and comes face-to-face with Masked Rebel II, who looks down at the book in Heartthrob's hand and grins. "Limiting yourself to women you've already slept with, huh? Probably a good call."


Heartthrob snaps the book shut. "You're in my way."


"Yeah," Rebel says. "I guess I am. You should probably get used to that, Romeo, 'cause I've decided to make you a project. You like to mess with people, so I'm going to mess with you. And, in case you haven't noticed, I'm pretty damn good at it."


Heartthrob drops his gear and squares off against Rebel. "You better be," Heartthrob says. "Frankie Future may think I deserved what happened to me, but that doesn't mean he's willing to leave money on the table. You and I have a match at Psycho Circus, and this time no referee is going to overlook your indiscretions. You really think you can take me in a fair fight, Rebel?"


Heartthrob and Rebel stare at one another. Finally, Heartthrob grins, and he collects his bags. "Something to think about, isn't it? I'll see you 'round, Rebel."


Rating: C-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RichiePangrazzioJr_zps4c054f98.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


Richie Pangrazzio vs. Eddie Chandler w/Grace Harper


This starts off slow, hold and counter-hold, testing defenses and figuring out the weak points in one-another's games. It's possible Pangrazzio has slowed down a few steps in his eight-year absence from wrestling, but you'd couldn't really tell based on the skill with which he matches his opponent. He outwrestles Chandler, rolls him up about four minutes into the bout.


Chandler grabs for the rope, breaking the count, and he takes his time getting back to his feet. Pangrazzio gestures, asking Chandler to bring it on, and Chandler responds with a smirk and a blatant thumb to the eye, a move that earns him a warning from the referee and an aggravated glare from his opponent.


The match falls into a familiar patter from there; the pair wrestle a classic technical match, with Pangrazzio remaining just a half-step ahead of his opponent and Chandler taking short-cuts to make up for that. As it becomes apparent the mat work isn't getting things done, a frustrated Chandler starts throwing strikes, and Pangrazzio starts matching him.


It culminates in a furious exchange of near falls, but ultimately Pangrazzio secures the final three-count after hitting a All-Star Drop (Samoan Drop).


Richie Pangrazzio Jr. defeated Eddie Chandler in 15:17 by pinfall.

Rating: C






Pangrazzio makes his way up the ramp, but pauses when he comes face-to-face with his father. Pangrazzio Senior meets his son's stare, neither man seemingly willing to back down...




...and Eddie Chandler sees that as the opportunity to get some payback. He crashes into Richie Pangrazzio from behind, hammering the veteran with a series of clubbing blows. The Backbreakers immediately come out to join the fight, although Jack Dundee takes a moment to put down Coach as he rushes towards the melee.




And putting down Coach proves to be the mistake, 'cause it brings out the All-Star Team to make the save, and the show officially ends with a massive brawl.


Rating: C-




Overall: C+

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"The Pangrazzio thing..."


Eddie Chandler hesitates, pondering the question.


"Alright," he says, "I wasn't the biggest fan of it. Nothing against Richie Pangrazzio - he went out there and put his heart into things - but he'd been out of the industry for the better part of seven years and the fans who remembered him..."


Once again Chandler hesitates, but this time he grins.


"Well, the fans who remembered him were hardcore fans. They kinda crapped on him, 'cause he'd left the industry behind and told the world he was burned out and didn't love wrestling anymore. The vast majority of fans thought he'd come back just for the money, and they probably weren't all that wrong.


"I've never been a man who begrudges other their success - at least, not backstage - but there's a part of me that wondered whether HGC threw money at things just 'cause they could. I mean, I'm not saying Richie Pangrazzio wasn't a valuable part of the show, but I'd sit backstage and listen to the crowd, and there really wasn't that big a difference between the response he was getting and the response we were getting as the Global Elite.


"Difference is, you could pay all four of us, me, Eric, Grace, and Aussie Jack, and with the difference between our combined paycheck and Richies, you could have gone out and acquired a whole 'nother stable.


"So Richie came back and got paid a whole lot of money, and it was pretty much a known thing that that's the only reason he was there. It's hard to get heat when you wrestle a guy the fans hate that much. Really, really hard.


"I still don't know if that was intentional - if he and his dad came up with it in order to really cement him as a heel. If they did, it would have been smart. It would have been smarter, thought, if they'd waited until he was actually wrestling the good guys instead of, well, me.






Brent Hill offers the camera a shy smile, still not 100% comfortable speaking even after years of practice. "Nero didn't want people working on pay-per-appearance," he says. "First thing that happened after he got the book, he started calling people in to renegotiate their contracts. For some guys that was a blessing. For some, it required a hell of a lot of thought.


"Me, I was probably on the verge of making more money working on PPA. I mean, they liked what I was doing, I couldn't complain about the push, but I was bringing in about five grand a month without a merchandise deal. That was more or less equivalent to what I'd bring home from DAVE and the Coastal Zone at the time, which meant I was earning less when you factored in the tours of Japan.


"But sometimes it isn't about the money. I'd lay odds, if I hadn't signed that contract, that I wouldn't be wrestling today. The Coastal Zone is a company that earns you a fanatical fan base, but they're demanding and it's hell on the body to meet those standards. You go out there and you deliver 120%, and there's only so long you can do that without your body giving out.


"I hear rumours, sometimes, about the Zone getting a TV deal. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, but I'd be interested to see what happens to the style. To go out and wrestling like that, week after week...well, I can see people burning out or I can see the style getting toned down."






Larry Wood leans back on the coach, arms spread wide. "Me and Billy were one of the handful who refused the written deal," he said. "Billy was already tired of Hollyweird - he hated being on the road - and we were the reigning champs at North of the Border and we thought we owed the Stones a little bit of loyalty.


"To his credit, Nero said straight-out it would mean the end of our push. He didn't want to be moving anyone towards the top of the card if he couldn't be sure they'd stick around long enough for things to pay off.


"And, you know, we were cool with that. Wrestling's a business, you make smart business decisions. Unfortunately there's always the guys who don't understand that, but I decided a long time ago that it'd never apply to me."

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  • 2 weeks later...

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The TCW Wrestling Archive Presents</strong></p><p><strong>


- Episode 52 Preview -</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

We open with two of the finest Canadian tag-teams of the modern era clashing in the ring, with <strong>The Ontario Kings</strong> facing off against the current North of the Border Tag-Team Champions, <strong>Larry and Billy Wood</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

Newcomer <strong>Dario Shelton</strong> will make his debut in our second match. A strapping young Texan whose been making waves in California Pro with his hard-hitting style, Dario will square off against <strong>Chris Storm</strong> of the All-Star Team.</p><p> </p><p>

It's an international class of styles in the Three Way Fray that follows, with the English submissions specialist <strong>Tommy Cornell</strong> stepping into the ring with the masked ninja, <strong>Awesome Thunder</strong>, and the priest of pain, <strong>Pablo Rodriguez</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Martial Law</strong> continue to put their title shot on the line, but this week they already know whose coming out to challenge the <strong>Black Rebel Fight Club</strong> are looking for the win that will get them back on track as a tag-team, and it seems they think a world tag-team title shot is motivation enough to resolve their differences.</p><p> </p><p>

Another new debut this week, with former RPW champion <strong>Steve Flash</strong> squaring off against <strong>The Punisher</strong>. Wrestling fans will know Flash as one of the hottest properties on the independent scene, one half of RPW's magic trio that also included Brent Hill, but that also makes him an opponent that the Punisher would dearly love to hold a victory over.</p><p> </p><p>

The Global Elite are out to dominate HGC, and they haven't taken kindly to <strong>Richie Pangrazzio's</strong> interference in their affairs. With Eddie Chandler falling short in his bout on our last show, <strong>Eric Tyler</strong> has stepped up to challenge Pangrazzio Junior to a singles match and put him in his place. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Matches featured in this streaming video include:</em></p><p> </p><p>

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs. Eric Tyler</p><p>

Steve Flash vs. The Punisher</p><p>

Martial Law vs. Black Rebel Fight Club</p><p>

Tommy Cornell vs. Awesome Thunder vs. Pablo Rodriguez</p><p>

Chris Storm vs. Dario Shelton</p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. The Wood Brothers</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs. <strong>Eric Tyler</strong></p><p>

Steve Flash vs. <strong>The Punisher</strong></p><p>

<strong>Martial Law </strong>vs. Black Rebel Fight Club</p><p>

Tommy Cornell vs. Awesome Thunder vs. <strong>Pablo Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

<strong>Chris Storm </strong>vs. Dario Shelton</p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. <strong>The Wood Brothers</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Richie Pangrazzio Jr.</strong> vs. Eric Tyler</p><p>

Steve Flash vs. <strong>The Punisher</strong></p><p>

<strong>Martial Law</strong> vs. Black Rebel Fight Club</p><p>

<strong>Tommy Cornell</strong> vs. Awesome Thunder vs. Pablo Rodriguez</p><p>

<strong>Chris Storm</strong> vs. Dario Shelton</p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. The Wood Brothers</p>

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Once again, the pre-show sting starts with a shot from the back of the Global Elite limousine. This time, however, the camera focuses on Eric Tyler, who is steadily ignoring Eddie Chandler and Grace Harper draped over one-another and Jack Dundee polishing his Tag-team Championship belt.


"Six days until Psycho Circus," Tyler says. "Six days until I defend my tag-team championship. I don't need to be stepping into the ring tonight. I didn't have to agree to the match.


"But the Global Elite's purpose is rising to the top. We see a spot we want, we eliminate the people who get in our way.


"And now there's someone out there trying to do the same to us. Pangrazzio Junior getting involved in our business, costing us matches, beating us even. Under different circumstances, I could respect that. I could even invite him into the fold.


"Instead, I'm going to have to beat the hell out of him. 'Cause no-one takes down one of the Elite without paying a heavy, heavy price."


Rating: C






Tuesday, Week 4, December 1997

Minnesota Coliseum (Mid-West) - 10,000 people (Sold Out!)









The show opens with the Army of Darkness in the ring, Ethan Kane walking back and forth in his long coat, Karen Killer standing by with a silver chalice. The Demons are just waiting, arms folded, two big men with bad intentions on their mind.


"In the beginning, there was darkness," Kane says, "and mankind lived in that darkness, blind and unseeing, unable to know what dangers existed in the depths we could not penetrate. Then mankind discovered light, and looked into the abyss...


"And what they found there were monsters.


"Years from now, people will still be speaking the name Ethan Kane. They will be talking about the things my Army of Darkness did to those who would not believe. They will quail upon remembering the things we did to those who stood against us.


"I am the monster who should not have been exposed to the light, a creature whose sole purpose is bringing pain and anguish to the undeserving. I am--"




Kane's promo is interrupted by the opening beat of Get On Up, and General Manager Frankie Future emerges with Miss Farrah as his side.


"Well, aren't you a living nightmare," Frankie Future says. "I'll give it to you, Ethan, when you and yours come out here, you make for a scary pack of people. The Demons...well, the Demons destroy people. You're not much better. Thing is, you're also a huge pain in my butt, and there are days when I regret accepting Karen's application to let you come and wrestle here.


"But that's neither here or there, tonight, monster. Like it or not, you're here, and that makes you my problem. Mine, and, near as I can tell, a certain British chap you've pissed off who seems to think beating you is a matter of honor.


"Ask me, Ethan, you and Dark Angel are just as crazy as each other. An' if that's all there was to it, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


"Thing is, you're also damn good wrestlers, the pair of you, and for all the bullshit you speak between matches, I'm a big fan of what you do in the ring.


"So, giving that Psycho Circus is almost upon it, I'm going to do a little something I've been meaning to do for a while - booking both my favourite psychos into a one-on-one match, just to see what happens.


"And in case that's not clear enough, Ethan, let me say it real simple: you've got a match Sunday night. Against the Dark Angel. And I don't give a damn whether you like it, so long as you show up Sunday ready to fight. Do we have an understanding, monster?"


Ethan Kane actually smiles at that. "As you wish."


Rating: C+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg


The Ontario Kings vs. The Wood Brothers


The Kings are accompanied to the ring by a man swathed in a hoodie and a flannel jacket, the hood pulled low to conceal his features. The commentary alternates between discussing the mystery man's identity and talking about the Wood Brothers current reign as North of the Border Tag-Team Champions, with Jason Azaria talking fans through the wars the brothers have had against the Stone Family up in Canada.


The mystery man doesn't get involved in the match at all, beyond offering some advice to his friends, but that proves to be enough. The Kings are wrestling at the top of their game, out-wrestling the Woods at every step. Billy Wood tries to get into the robed man's face, but when the adviser climbs the steps and gets in Wood's face, Billy quickly backs off.


"Who the hell is that?" Nero wants to know. "Billy Wood has an extra foot and a hundred pounds on the King's adviser, but whoever it is, Billy doesn't want anything to do with him."


Worse yet, it proves to be the mistake that costs the Woods the match - Thomas Morgan catches Billy with a leg lariat as the wild-man is backing away, then hits the Trademark Finish to secure the pinfall.

The Ontario Kings defeated The Wood Brothers in 9:41 by Pinfall.

Rating: D+






The Silver Screen goes live, and Action Jackson is standing by with the veteran, Dusty Streets. There's an intense look on Dusty's face - one that's been more and more often of late - and he stands with arms folded.


"This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops," AJ says, "and I'm here with a man on the warpath at the moment, the second-generation superstar, Dusty Streets. Dusty, a big victory against the Strength Rush last week, and--"


"Victory?" Dusty shakes his head. "Say what you will about Sam Strong, the man knows how to choose his friends. He did it years ago, when friendship saw him get opportunities the rest of us had to earn, and he's doing it right now. Lee Wright, the man can fight, brother, and Raymond Diaz has the kind of kick that could shatter concrete. I'm damn lucky to be standing here right now, after what they pulled last week. Me and Liberty have the win in the ledger, but they were standing tall at the end of our match.


"And Sam Strong got what he wanted. I'm not cleared to wrestle right now - the doctors say I sustained a concussion when Diaz hit me - and that means Psycho Circus comes and goes without Sam Strong in the ring.


"So you tell me, Action Jackson, what exactly have I won?"


Jackson, for once, doesn't have an answer to that.


"Yeah, that's what I thought," Dusty says. The veteran turns and walks off, his expression never changing.


Rating: B






"Earlier tonight, on the Hollyweird Proving Ground, we saw an old rivalry rekindled when Spanish Superfly and Team Chaos Theory stepped into the ring with the Untouchables," Jason Azaria says. We take you now to some exclusive footage from that match:"





The Silver Screen fires up, showing clips of the six-man battle that occurred in the pre-show. A great deal of the action is focused on the clashes between Paul Steadyfast and Spanish Superfly - and between Wanda Fish and Miss Mexico at ringside. Jason Azaria calls back to their battle in the first mixed tag match ever held in HGC, which was supposed to end the issue between the two women, but there appears to be no sign of that.


Which isn't to say that the tag-teams involved get short shrift. There a handful of shots of Mayan Idol and El Bandido doing their thing, and the ending revolves around the Specialists usual skullduggery. A distraction by Bryant, Fish slips Oxford the loaded knee pad, and Oxford drops Idol with the loaded running knee lift.


Rating: E+






The All-Star Team are backstage, standing by at the interview stage. The Vessey Brother's are dressed in sweats, but Chris Storm is warmed up and bouncing on the balls of his feet, ready to head out for his match.


"These men, these athletes," Coach says, "they're three of the best in the world. Larry Vessey is a man who has reached all the heights this industry offers. A tag-team champion in Japan and Texas. A world champion up in Canada. Bryan Vessey, well, he's earned his first championship here, among the finest wrestlers in the world. Chris Storm, well, he's in his rookie season at the pro level, but the kids raw talent is terrifying.


"They are an All-Star Team, the best of the best. That's what makes them targets. It's what bring out young, hungry teams like the Untouchables, searching for scalps.


"But the thing you don't understand, the thing you rarely get to see, is exactly how good these three men are as a unit. Sunday night, you will. The All-Star Team goes out there and they'll give it there all."


Reveille's What You Got hits and Chris Storm pops in a mouth guard, bumping fists with the Vesseys before he heads down to the ring.


Rating: B-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisStorm.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarioShelton_zps9e660471.jpg


Chris Storm w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Dario Shelton


Dario Shelton is a rugged journeyman wrestler, fond of slamming his opponents into submission, but he finds himself outclassed by the scientific approach of Chris Storm. The junior member of the All-Star Team spends five minutes working the leg, then applies the ankle lock to secure the submission.


Chris Storm defeated Dario Shelton in 5:49 by submission.

Rating: D-






Storm rolls onto his knees, calling for a microphone. Coach raises an eyebrow, obviously surprised by this turn of events, but he doesn't stop the backstage crew from providing for his client.


"I'm a team player when I have to be," Storm says. "Psycho Circus is one of those times - the Vessey's need a third man to partner with, and when the best tag-team in the world wants you to fight with 'em, you go the hell out there and fight with 'em, don't ya? That's just common sense.


"But after Psycho Circus, I've got some unfinished business with a guy named Eddie Chandler.


"Eddie, we're going to fight again. I don't care if it's in the ring, on pay-per-view, or even out in the parking lot. We're going to fight and you're going to learn exactly why Chris Storm is destined to be the MVP of the All-Star Team in nineteen-ninety eight."


Rating: C-






We interrupt the live feed with a pre-packaged video, the result of the HGC production team putting together a promotional recap of The Strong Style Army's rise to prominence in HGC.


It's primarily a montage of stiff, high-impact moves, with the Strong Army Tactic getting pride of place. Dangerous as Strong's iconic strike to the temple may be, the real grist of this is focusing on the kind of impact Team Strength Rush is capable of: Raymond Diaz's big knees and kicks; Lee Wright's jiu-jitsu influenced takedowns, designed to get people onto the mat with the bare minimum of fuss; the inevitable result of Diaz getting someone in the corner, setting up the clinch and the big Mauy Thai knees to the ribs; Wright locking in the arm-trap sleeper, setting up for the devastating leg-sweep known as the Wright Stuff.


The Rush may not have the best win-loss record in the tag-team division, but when you take their moves in isolation its hard to deny their reputation as dangerous, hard-hitting men.


Rating: D






Liberty emerges to the opening riffs of Cannonball, drawing a roar of approval from the crowd. The Champion makes his way down to the ring, collects a microphone, and grins at the fans. That's all it takes to set off another round of manic cheering, so he waits quietly for the fans to calm down.


"Hey," he says, "how y'all doing?"


Another round of cheering. Liberty plays to fans a little, still smiling.


"All right, all right," he says, "get it all out of your system. I've got a few things I want to say tonight, man, and they'll get all kinds of mad at me if it takes too long. Not that I really give a damn and all, but I figure y'all came out here tonight 'cause you wanted to see some wrestling, and I'm not booked to wrestle again until Psycho Circ--"




Liberty is cut off by the arrival of Rip Chord and his Entourage, who charge towards the ring as a unit. Charlie Thatcher makes it there first, but he's met with a dropkick from Liberty as he climbs the ropes. The big man crashes back into the ringside area, but it's not enough - Sanders and the Punisher are in the ring in an instant, grabbing Liberty and holding him still, and Chord immediately starts laying into the champion. There's a series of hard chops - the kind that turn Liberty's chest a beetroot red - and Chord signals for the DDT--




Only to find that a young wrestler has charged down to the ring and grabbed the veteran from behind, grabbing Chord in a bear hug and dropping him across the top rope in a lightning-fast hot shot.


"Who the hell is that?" Kyle Rhodes shouts. "Who the hell is it?"


The Wrecking Crew seem to know the answer to the question, gauging by the measured way they approach the newcomer after letting go of Liberty. The fans aren't entirely sure either, but at this point they're willing to cheer anyone who's standing up to Rip Chord, especially when Chord waves off his Entourage and crawls over to Liberty's forgotten microphone.


"No," he says, voice raw. He coughs a few times, rubbing at his throat, and Rick Sanders helps him get back on his feet. "Not like this."


The newcomer stares at the former champion. Chord stares back.


"You got a name, son?"


"Flash," the newcomer says. "Steve Flash."


"Well, Steve Flash," Rip says, "I don't know why you thought you'd stick your nose into my business, brother, but I got some news for you - it wasn't a good idea. You place yourself between me and my championship, it's my job to make you pay for that.


"Since your new around here, and I already got a match in a few days, I'm not going to do it myself, but you need to be punished, brother, and it just so happens I've got a friend who excels in punishment."


The Punisher grins, and the camera comes in for a close-up on his face to highlight the horrific facial scar.


"Go back and get yourself ready for a match, Steve Flash," Chord says. "I don't know whether you came out here to make a name, or whether you're really just that dam stupid, but I think it's time you learned exactly how things work here in Hollyweird."


Steve Flash, to his credit, makes no sign of backing down or leaving. He continues to wait until Chord abandons the ring, then helps the fallen Liberty get back on his feet.


Rating: A




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TommyCornell.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/YosukeNarita_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PabloRodriguez.jpg


Tommy Cornell vs. Awesome Thunder vs. Pablo Rodriguez


Once again there's a great deal of emphasis being placed on the fast-paced, highly technical offense favoured by the three lightweight competitors in the ring. This time, however, the extended match time really gives Azaria and Rhodes the opportunity to really unpack the differences in the wrestling styles on display, citing the three men in the ring as three great examples of the English, Japanese Junior, and lucha wrestling styles.


Rodriguez is easily the most hated man in this match, while Cornell has a groundswell of fan support that gets a strong reaction every time he hits a move. By the ten minute mark both of them seem to have forgotten Awesome Thunder, who takes a clothesline over the top rope and takes the time to rest.


Rodriguez and Cornell spend four minutes warring with one another, unable to get the vital pinfall, but after Cornell finally hits the Guilt Trip, Awesome Thunder slides back into the ring and takes the English grappler out with a heel kick. He promptly covers Rodriguez and picks up the three count.


Awesome Thunder defeated Tommy Cornell and Pablo Rodriguez in 14:36 by pinfall.

Rating: C-






Awesome Thunder kneels in the centre of the ring, taking a moment to give silent thanks for his victory. He's only just starting to rise when Frankie Future comes out onto the stage, Mr Lucha at his side.


"Alright," Future says, "I'm going to make this quick. I've got an International Champion beside me who doesn't have a match at Psycho Circus; I've got a sneaky son-of-a-bitch in the ring whose proven he can beat two of the world's best in a three-way fray.


"I'm sure all of you can put two and two together, right? Psycho Circus, Lucha, Awesome Thunder. Gentlemen, make me proud."


Awesome Thunder's face isn't visible beneath his mask, but his eyes are smiling. The ninja rises and offers a bow of respect, which Lucha returns after a moment of hesitation.


Rating: C-






The Silver Screen comes to life; Brent Hill is seated at home, in his living room, a three-year old girl seated on his lap. Jason Azaria quickly informs the viewer that the girl is Hill's daughter, Olivia.


"I've been home a week now," Brent Hill says. "Spending time with my daughter, answering phone calls from my parents, re-watching footage from the last few shows. Me versus Lee Wright. Me getting my head kicked in. Me, lying on the mat, unable to get up 'cause Raymond Diaz is handing out concussions like they're candy.


"We live with the threat of injury in this business. You get hurt, you recover, you come back for more.


"Well, I've been hurt. I'm recovering. Soon, I'll be back in action. I'm not coming after Diaz 'cause I want to return the favour, because that's not what I do.


"What I do is beat people, one, two, three. Beat them and move on, 'cause that's what wrestlers do."


Rating: D-






Martial Law come down the ramp and roll into the ring, Ricky Dale securing the microphone as he goes. "Alright, everybody, you know the drill," Ricky Dale says. "Tonight, me and Eagle, we got a hell of a fight. Marlowe and Datsun are two tough SOBs and a damn fine tag-team...


"But I like to believe that we're better.


"Better than the Fight Club, and damn-sure better than Backbreakers Inc. Which is why we keep coming out here, putting our title shot up for grabs, 'cause if we're wrong, well, we're wrong, and it's time to go learn a few new tricks while the better men go for the gold."


Rating: C-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg


Martial Law vs. Black Rebel Fight Club


Dark EAGLE and Marlowe kick this one off, quite literally in EAGLE's case. He snaps a series of kicks into his opponent, dancing in and out of range, and it lasts right up until Marlowe connects with an explosive lariat. The silent powerhouse of the Black Rebel Fight Club nods once, pleased with his handiwork, then drops to make a cover.


EAGLE kicks out and gets the tag, bringing Ricky Dale into the ring, and from there the match really gets underway. Ricky Dale isn't the refined striker his partner is, but he's a big man who knows how to throw his opponents around, and he comes close to matching Marlowe's strength.


The double-teams start soon after that, and it's telling that the Fight Club continue to hold their own against the in-form Martial Law.


And yet, there's something wrong. It starts simply - Datsun is a little relaxed when going for the tag, getting caught by Ricky Dale and dragged across the ring; Marlowe finds his way into the ring, but their attempt to hit a double-team DDT on EAGLE fails when the small fires an elbow into Datsun's solar plexus; Datsun goes for a tag, only to discover that Marlowe isn't putting quite the same extension into his reach as he did in their previous matches.


Whatever it is, the lack of unity costs them. Ricky Dale hits the Southern Justice on Datsun, allowing him to pick up the victory.


Martial Law defeated Black Rebel Fight Club in 9:32 by pinfall.

Rating: C






The camera cuts to Jack Marlowe, who is obviously unimpressed by the loss. He climbs into the ring, hauls Datsun back to his feet, and the two start exchanging words. The camera can't get close enough to hear the words, but the argument quickly grows heated.


Rating: D+






"Earlier tonight, on HGC Proving Ground, the Blazing Flames were victorious in their match against the Mexican Nightmares," Jason Azaria says, "but their victory celebrations were short-lived..."





The Silver Screen comes to life, showing off the footage of an assault by the Army of Darkness, which is immediately followed by Dark Angel charging into the ring with a kendo stick to make the save.


"It's this incident that led to Frankie Future making the match between Kane and Angel at Psycho Circus," Azaria says, "and he's stated that any interference by the Blazing Flames or the Demons of Rage will be severely dealt with."

Rating: D+





I'm Too Sexy hits and Romeo Heartthrob makes his way down to the ring, a strutting peacock of a man in an expensive suit and a fur coat, all swagger and bluster. He collects the microphone, sneers at the crowd, and turns towards the stage.


"Listen up, Slackers," he says. "I want you all to shut your mouths and pay attention, 'cause I got something the ladies like to look at and the men need to hear.


"Four weeks ago, at our first anniversary show, I was screwed by the actions of Masked Rebel II and the ineffectual adjudication of one of Hollyweird's referees. I've since been told that this is my own fault, that I accidentally slept with Eugene William's wife, and this somehow excuses his failure to do his job.


"I see two problems with that excuse.


"One, if a man isn't capable of satisfying his wife...if she comes tot he Heartthrob for a little sweet relief...then I don't see why I should pay the price for his failure. Eugene Williams either needs to man up or give up, 'cause as delectable as I am, I ain't never slept with a woman who didn't want to sleep with me.


"Two, this is a professional business. If the referee can't be counted on to do his job, then a wrestler is under no obligation to follow the rules. I've consulted with my lawyers, and they feel that I have a suitable case to make against Hollyweird Management for their reckless endangerment of my person.


"I have no intention of standing for that. And I have no intention of suing them, not if they give me what I want.


"And what I want is the new Masked Rebel. I want him in the ring at Psycho Circus, I want him ready to rumble, and I damn sure want to make sure that Eugene Williams isn't anywhere near my match. I want--"




Killing in the Name starts, and the crowd immediately responds. Masked Rebel comes out onto the main stage, playing to the fans, then takes his time rolling down to the ring.


"Wow," Rebel says. "Lawyers. Only thing my pappy hated worse 'an me is lawyers, and it's about the only damn thing he and I actually agreed on.


"So, I'll tell ya what, how 'bout we save you and this company some money and get right to the chase. I ain't running from you, Romeo. Never have been, never will. You want me at Psycho Circus, well, you got me at Psycho Circus. All you had to do was ask.


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SteveFlash_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg


Steve Flash vs. The Punisher


Once again Jason Azaria's talent for recapping a wrestler's history comes into play, underpinning Steve Flash's early offense with a string of important details about the newcomers career: SoCal Champion in CZCW; three time RPW champion - a distinction shared with Brent Hill and few others; two time North of the Border champion, where he partnered with one of the best wrestlers in the world in Jeremy Stone. The message is clear - Steve Flash is a guy who can wrestle.


Which makes this all the more disappointing. The Punisher isn't an athlete in Flash's territory, but the big man knows his role in the ring and generally plays to his strengths as a big, ugly-lookin' cuss who learned to fight on the streets. It's not a natural fit with Flash, and the lack of chemistry just gets worse as the match goes on.




The highlight of the match is Flash's prescience regarding Rick Sander's interference. Punisher's partner comes charging down the ramp to interfere, but Flash's response is to take down his opponent with a low drop kick, feign ignorance as Sander's climbs into the ring, then luring Sanders into a Flash Bang as Sander's attempts to interfere.


Punisher comes back with some big power offense, but it isn't long before he too gets taken down by a Flash Bang to end the match.

Steve Flash defeated The Punisher in 14:52 by pinfall.

Rating: D+






Rick Sanders and The Punisher both start stalking Flash in the aftermath of the match, with Flash giving ground in an effort to escape.




His chances of escape seems to drop when Charlie Thatcher makes his appearance, the big man charging down the ramp with a pair of brass knuckles on his first.




Thatcher is followed by Tyson Baine, who doesn't really run so much as lope down to the ring, catching Thatcher from behind with a clubbing blow. Sanders and Punisher go to help their cohort, but Baine takes the both down with a double clothesline.


Steve Flash seizes the moment, catching Charlie Thatcher with a dropkick to the skull as the big man moves to rise, and he quickly retreats up the ramp with a smiling Tyson Baine following behind him.


Rating: C-






The feed cuts to a pre-recorded video, this team featuring Monty Walker. Walker closes his eyes, face tilting forward, then he looks up and fixes the camera with a determined stare.


"Dread," he says. "The Human Juggernaut. The man that everyone in this company fears...except me.


"This wasn't the year I expected to have here. I came in to make a little money, to meet some girls, to have a good time. Started out just like that. I won some matches. I made my mark. I had a hot woman at my side, one that seemed to be into me, and I figured life was good.


"Only that hot woman was Emma Chase, and Emma Chase sent me chasing after Dread. She got me beaten up, she got some old friends to come in and back Dread up, and she brought my brother in to be part of Dread's army.


"And me, I came through it. I got injured. I came back. I got broken, and I mended. I learned to be something more than a fun-loving kid whose only here to get laid and make money. I learned to be a wrestler, a warrior, a man without fear.


"But I hadn't figured out how to be the man who defeats Dread.


"And I need to be that man. I've given up a lot this year, set aside so many things in the name of becoming the best wrestler I can be. I need to know that I'm good enough to take Dread in a fair fight, to prove what my mentor always told me was true: it ain't the size of dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.


"Well, I got plenty of fight in me. More than I've ever had before.


"And I will see Dread beaten this Sunday. No disqualifications. No count-outs. No mistakes.


"At Psycho Circus, we're going to get a little crazy, and these days a little crazy is my hometown."




The camera fades to black. When it comes into focus again, it's Dread seated in the interview chair. Unlike Walker, the Juggernaut has no problem glaring at the camera.


"Hubris," he says, "it's a terrible thing. A weakness every man is capable of, no matter his size or his skill. I've spent my career fighting against hubris, ensuring that I took every opponent seriously, regardless of who he was. I study for every match, I scout every opponent. Before I step into the ring, I know how to defeat my opponent in dozens of ways...hundreds...and none of them have a damn thing to do with my size.


"That's what makes me Dread. That's what makes me dominant.


"I've seen what Monty Walker can do. I've been in the ring with him, scouted hours of tapes, examined every aspect of his history. He's young and he's talented and he's determined to achieve big things. I set out to break him and he refused to be broken.


"I respect him for that.


"But it's not going to help.


"I'm not an ordinary man. I train to become a living a weapon. I make myself an unstoppable juggernaut. I exist to dominate, to defeat, to break.


"Monty Walker has come a long way, but at Psycho Circus his journey ends. No Disqualifications? No count-outs? You have no idea what I'm capable of when those restrictions are removed."


Rating: B-






Richie Panngrazzio walks into the Crippler position, ready for his match, and finds himself face-to-face with his father.


"I called your house," Coach says.


Richie starts stretching, working his shoulders and knees. "A-huh."


"Your wife said you didn't want to talk to me."


"She's a smart woman," Richie says. "Pays closer attention than you do, I guess."


Coach frowns. "Why the hell are you here, Rich? I called you when this started, I asked you--"




Coach stops mid-sentence.


"I've got a match," Richie says. "I think we can both agree that's where my focus should be, right?"


Rating: B-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RichiePangrazzioJr_zps4c054f98.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs. Eric Tyler w/Jack Dundee & Grace Harper


Pangrazzio gets the advantage early, forcing Tyler to exit the ring and take a short break consulting with his fellow Elite members. Pangrazzio shows no sign of being bothered by this, crouching in the middle of the ring and waiting for his opponent to return.


Tyler climbs back into the ring and the two men begin exchanging holds - and Nero is quick to point out why this is a bad idea. Eric Tyler is like a master chess player, always thinking three or four holds again, doing nothing unless he thinks it'll eke out a little extra advantage and position his opponent for something lethal. In this instance, he works his way towards a hammerlock suplex that allows Tyler to focus a lot of attention on the shoulder.


Pangrazzio takes plenty of punishment, but he rallies and starts firing back with a series of big punches. He forces Tyler against the ropes, takes him over with a bit clothesline, then sets up for an old favourite among his signature moves - the patented Pangrazzio baseball slide.




Hitting ringside proves to be a mistake, though. Dundee and Harper are right there, preparing to interfere, and when Eugene Williams takes a few moments to try and warn off the rest of the Global Elite, it provides an opening for Eddie Chandler to jump Pangrazzio and send him shoulder-first into the ring posts.


Pangrazzio gets rolled back into the ring, and from there it's all over. Eric Tyler latches onto the veteran and applies the Tradition Lift, putting pressure on both injured shoulders and quickly drawing the submission win.


Eric Tyler defeated Richie Pangrazzio Jr. in 14:41 by submission.

Rating: B-




Overall: B-

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Preston Holt is filmed on the deck of his California horn, the blue ocean behind him as he pours iced tea from a pitcher. The legend of California wrestling is still dressed in a suit, despite the obvious heat.


"Fans tend to remember 1997 as the Golden Age of RPW," he says. "And I know they say that about all the East Coast companies back then, but really there were only two for whom it was true. Barber's crew had just been gutted by HGC and the Eisens; they were rebuilding and that takes team, even with names like Chris Storm and John McClean in the undercard.


"Xtreme, well, they were the niche of a niche. I won't pretend to comment on whether they were in a golden age or not, but their main event always had a lot of churn. Injuries are a given with their style. You could probably measure the golden ages in a matter of weeks.


"But DAVE, yeah, Phil had things going on. Fans still talk about the wars between guys like Vengeance, Tyler, and Johnny Martin, and by the time Tyler and Vengeance were gone they'd replaced 'em with Nemesis and JD Morgan, then with Caulfield when Morgan finally left. Every single one of those men are names, you know? They're the guys fans talk about as iconically DAVE, and they had the talent to go on and become icons elsewhere.


"And when you look at our main event in RPW that year, we had the three men our fans called the trinity: Steve Flash, Brent Hill, Alex Braun. Three extraordinary talents who represented everything our company was about, with guys like Silver Shark and Dylan Sidle waiting in the wings.


"I sometime think that, had Hollyweird not been there, the East Coast Wars would have been fought out between me and Phil. We had the talent, we had the momentum, and we were the ones building stars fast enough to stay competitive.


"But with Hollyweird there, raiding talent, it made it easier for Barber and Big Dunc' Kendall to stay in the game. The big boys weren't after their talent, after all. By 1998 the only member of the trinity working for RPW was Braun, and I think HGC would have brought him on full-time if he'd been willing. Phil won 'cause he inspired loyalty in a way I didn't. Nemesis wasn't interested in leaving DAVE behind. Johnny Martin and Chris Caulfield decided that DAVE was where they'd like to spend their careers.


"I'm not saying this was a bad thing, what HGC did. If I'd been in Nero's position, I would have grabbed all those guys too. They were phenomenal talents, they did things guys like Chord and Strong couldn't do. You could build a national promotion on their backs and that's exactly what HGC needed to do."






"Rip Chord made several attempts to hire me, eh." Steve Flash smiles nervously, no more comfortable in front of the camera than he is speaking in the ring. "I kept saying nay, 'cause I was happy where I was. I could wrestle the way I wanted too in RPW; I could be a big deal with the Stones, 'cause they had a lot of respect for what I do.


"Hollyweird...well, I worked with the DeColts. My job was to go out there and give the DeColts boys a good match, pick up some wins against the boys who needed some training. They want you to be able to talk, put more importance on that than what happened in the ring, and that wasn't ever really my thing, eh?


"So I said no. And I kept saying no, even after they hired Brent and worked with him, giving him the time to figure out how to talk. Eric Tyler kept talking 'em up when we ran into each other, reinforcing what Rip was saying about them working with me to play to my strengths.


"But the truth is, for every guy like Brent Hill they hired and started moving up the card, there were guys like Ed Monton who were hired and given this half-hearted push before disappearing into the ether.


"And I didn't want that. I could make good money doing what I was already doing.


"It wasn't until I learned that Rip was trying to get in me 'cause he, specifically, wanted to work with me that I finally broke down and signed.


"There's only a handful of legends I hadn't worked with by that point in my career, and Rip was always someone I really wanted to fight."






"I was glad Steve came in," Brent Hill says. "The atmosphere backstage was...well, it wasn't good. All that uncertainty that'd come through when they announced Rip was standing down had started to manifest in some strong personalities voicing their concerns. Much as everyone respected Nero, he was also the guy who'd helped book Texas into bankruptcy. There was confidence, but not confidence, you know?


"There were days when I was just miserable after we finished a run of house shows. I mean, they teamed me with Ricky and EAGLE, which should have been a blast. Those guys were great backstage, but to travel with? Let me tell you, it wasn't fun. EAGLE's a nice guy, but he liked to talk shit about other people. Had real strong opinions about the rest of the tag-team scene, about being left out of the cruiserweight tournament they were building towards, about playing second-fiddle to Ricky in their team.


"And Ricky, well, everyone likes Ricky, but the man liked to raise some hell back when he was in his twenties. He grew up around bars, so the man knew how to drink and he knew how to party, and neither of those things were really my bag.


"So when Steve came in, I was real happy. I offered to travel with him, right off the bat, 'cause I knew we got along and I really wanted that buffer..."

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Monty Walker leans against the counter of a Seattle cafe, arms folded. He's older and a little more weathered than he appears in the clips from '97, but the smirk is still there as he addresses the camera. "We raised a lot of hell back in the nineties," he says. "No reason not to, given the situation. We were young, we were making money, we were on the road ten days out of every fourteen. I'd done my time sleeping in a car, you know? I was ready to cut loose, live the high life.


"You'd think, with guys like Chord backstage, we'd think twice about those kinds of things, but no-one's that smart when their in their early twenties. I wasn't that smart, and I was twenty-six.


"Mistakes were made. I made plenty of 'em."


He takes a deep breath, shaking off the memories. The camera catches sight of the crucifix the red-head has tattooed at the base of his neck.


"I got out before it was too late. Chord suggested it, but it was Alex who told me to walk away. It's one of the reasons I packed up my career early, bought my way into this place.


"If I'd stuck to wrestling, well, I don't think I'd have made it 'til thirty."






"You'd be surprised how much the booker's mindset affects a damn locker-room."


Alex Braun is seated on the big red interview couch, leaning forward to rest an elbow on his knee, beer bottle dangling from his other hand. He watches the camera with the characteristic intensity that's governed his entire career, from New Jersey Devil to Ice Man.


"I came out of the Coastal Zone, which has always been a little different to other companies. No Faces. No heels. That changes thing. Usually the faces are the guys earning the cash, 'cause their selling the merch. Coastal Zone never had that, Gil thought it was out-of-date. We sold ourselves on the action, and the action sold the t-shirts.


"That's not a big thing, but it matters. I hear Phil got round the problem in DaVE by making guys split the merch proceeds. If the heel made you look like a million in your match, you thanked him with a cut of whatever you sold in the aftermath.


"Rip Chord made people look like a million bucks in the ring. Even in his bad days, when he wasn't all that sober, he made people look good. When he asked you to work together to get a company over, you listened 'cause that was his strength.


"Mike Nero's a great wrestler, but he's never had Rip's talent for making his opponents. No shame in that - few people do.


"Nero's strength lay in working an angle. His psychology, his talent for really getting to the heart of an issue and making it personal for the audience. It took him to the top of the cards in Texas, made him hotter than guys like Strong with the local crowd.


"Thing is, Nero's talent meant he need to take an interest in you before you could benefit. You needed to be on his radar."


Braun nods once, takes a swig of his beer.


"That's the way Nero likes it too. He wants people competing, wants to make sure everyone's trying to earn that top spot."


Braun nods, lifts his beer, but pauses when he thinks of one last thing to add: "Ain't no surprise he ended up working for Eisen these days, really. Surprised it took this long."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents



What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, so we can think of no destination more fitting for Psycho Circus than the sold-out Nevada State Armoury with 30,000 screaming fans.


Tonight promises to get crazy in all sorts of ways, and no more so than in our opening match. The incredible Awesome Thunder outsmarted two other top-level talents in order to secure this match, challenging the high-flying Mr Lucha for the International Championship. Both men are capable of some incredible high-flying moves, so make sure you're in your seat early.


It takes a lot to make Captain USA angry, but it seems Cheatin' Mike Barstow has succeeded in riling the masked man up. It's led to a rematch between the Captain and Troy Tornado, giving Barstow's client one more chance to pick up the career-making victory over the masked veteran.


Two factions clash in the match that follows, with Coach Pangrazzio's All-Star Team taking on the three members of The Untouchables. Both teams are looking to build up some momentum heading into the new year, with the Untouchables promising to run roughshod over HGC after taking down the famed Vessey Brothers and Chris Storm. It may be a tough ask to bring down the best Tag-Team in the world, however, especially with the experience of Coach Pangrazzio in their corner.


Dark Angel styles himself as a modern Samurai, fighting for honour and respect. Ethan Kane regards himself as a living monster, leading his Army of Darkness against HGC in an effort to so fear and discord everywhere he goes. After months of clashes in and out of the ring, the two men are destined to wrestle one final time...and Frankie Future has said that there will be an end to this feud tonight.


The problems between Romeo Heartthrob and Masked Rebel II don't run anywhere near as deep as the other matches on our card, but it's no less heated for all that. Rebel has earned a massive amount of crowd support with his rough-and-ready in-ring style, but the veteran Heartthrob has proven capable of getting into the head of nearly any opponent.


Martial Law may be an unorthodox tag-team, but they put this title shot up for grabs four times in the road to Psycho Circus and came away victorious every time. They're coming into this title shot with a huge amount of momentum, but Backbreakers Inc are two stellar wrestlers who have defeated all challengers thus far.


Finally, our main event. Liberty steps up to defend his World Heavyweight Championship for the first time, taking on an opponent who knows everything there is to know about winning and defending titles, Rip Chord. Liberty has been newly energised ever since he won the belt, throwing himself into fights and backing up his friends time and again. Chord remains, as ever, a man determined to achieve a singular goal, preparing for this bout with a singular focus. One of these men will be walking out the champion, but you'd be hard pressed to suggest there's a favourite going in.


Matches featured in this streaming video include:


Liberty vs. Rip Chord (World Heavyweight Championship)

Monty Walker vs. Dread (No Disqualifications)

Martial Law vs. Backbreakers Inc (World Heavyweight Tag-Team Championship)

Masked Rebel II vs. Romeo Heartthrob

Dark Angel vs. Ethan Kane

The All-Star Team vs. The Untouchables

Captain USA vs. Troy Tornado

Mr Lucha vs. Awesome Thunder (International Championship)

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Liberty vs. Rip Chord (World Heavyweight Championship)

Monty Walker vs. Dread (No Disqualifications)

Martial Law vs. Backbreakers Inc (World Heavyweight Tag-Team Championship)

Masked Rebel II vs. Romeo Heartthrob

Dark Angel vs. Ethan Kane

The All-Star Team vs. The Untouchables

Captain USA vs. Troy Tornado

Mr Lucha vs. Awesome Thunder (International Championship)

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Liberty vs. Rip Chord (World Heavyweight Championship)

Liberty just won the belt and I can't see his reign being cut short.


Monty Walker vs. Dread (No Disqualifications)

I think Dread is the next logical challenger to Liberty so he picks up the 'W' here.


Martial Law vs. Backbreakers Inc (World Heavyweight Tag-Team Championship)

Cowboy + Eagle = Cowboy Eagle! No, wait. Despite the Backbreakers being a good choice to hold the belts, I feel like you got something with RDJ and Eagle.


Masked Rebel II vs. Romeo Heartthrob

Heartthrob wins via duplicitous behavior.


Dark Angel vs. Ethan Kane

Angel has to be better than Kane at this point and I think his character can go further.


The All-Star Team vs. The Untouchables

Just a stronger team from top to bottom.


Captain USA vs. Troy Tornado

One guy is on the downside of his career, one has the talent to be a future star.

Mr Lucha vs. Awesome Thunder (International Championship)

No title changes? I don't like it, but can't pick against Lucha.

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Liberty vs. Rip Chord (World Heavyweight Championship)

Monty Walker vs. Dread (No Disqualifications)

Martial Law vs. Backbreakers Inc (World Heavyweight Tag-Team Championship)

Masked Rebel II vs. Romeo Heartthrob

Dark Angel vs. Ethan Kane

The All-Star Team vs. The Untouchables

Captain USA vs. Troy Tornado

Mr Lucha vs. Awesome Thunder (International Championship)

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HGC Psycho Circus 1997


Sunday, Week 4, December 1997

Nevada State Armory (South West) - 30,000 people (Sold Out!)






The opening video for Psycho Circus retraces the year in HGC, starting with Rip Chord's victory in the very first match of Hollyweird TV and progression through tonight.


The bulk of the focus goes to: Chord himself - his championship match, his formation of the Entourage; Liberty and his victories over Sam Strong in the street fight and Rip Chord for the World Title; Strong's injury at the hands of Tyson Baine, and his eventual return to the ring; the war between Dread and Monty Walker, and the tag-team turmoil surrounding The Vessey Brothers and their attempts to prove they're the best tag-team in the world.


Rating: B




HGC Intercontinental Championship


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/YosukeNarita_alt.jpg


Mr Lucha vs. Awesome Thunder


The two just get one another in a way few wrestlers do, which proves to be an enormous advantage in a high-flying match such as this where confidence in your opponent allows for some truly phenomenal work.


There's an opening lock-up which quickly transitions into a sequence go-behinds that ends with Thunder hitting an arm-drag, neatly transitioning into an arm-bar once Lucha is on the mat. Lucha finds his way back to his feet and starts flipping forwards and back, searching for a way to break the hold, finally hitting an arm-drag of his own.


Thunder wastes no time getting back to his feet, dropping into a defensive stance. There's a face-off and the two men circle one another, Lucha nodding with respect.


There's another lock-up, another series of counters, this time broken up by Thunder complaining that Lucha is pulling at his mask. Eugene Williams delivers a warning - one that Lucha is affronted to receive - and from there business starts to pick up.


There's a sequence where both men go searching for the monkey flip, never letting go until Lucha finally succeeds, and from there it's time for Thunder to light the champion up with a series of stiff kicks. Lucha responds by firing his opponent into the ropes and hitting a big dropkick, transitioning into a standing senton once Thunder is on the mat. Thunder breaks the three-count and scrambles outside, taking a breather.


Big mistake. Lucha comes soaring over the top rope, hitting a big plancha dive, and for the next minute the action revolves around both men breaking the ten-count and hitting moves off the ring apron.


Things return to the ring before too long and Thunder regains the advantage, taking Lucha down with a stiff clothesline and proceeding to pepper the champion with kicks while he's on the mat. This time it's Lucha's turn to retreat, which proves just as problematic - Thunder is no stranger to big moves, springboarding off the top rope to take out Lucha with a moonsault to the floor.


The pace takes it toll on both men, and by the time the match is nine minutes in there's less wrestling and more high-risk offense. Thunder connects with a rolling heel kick, but isn't able to convert it into the three count. Lucha responds with a trio of suplexes, softening up his opponent for the Master Drop that eventually secures victory and allows him to retain the International Championship


Mr Lucha defeated Awesome Thunder in 11:45 by pinfall.

Mr Lucha makes defence number 8 of his HGC International title.

Rating: B






The camera cuts backstage, where HGC's erstwhile interviewer is standing by along with his guest. "This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops," Jackson says, "and I'm standing by with a young wrestler preparing for the biggest fight of his career tonight. Monty Walker, you're going up against Dread in a no disqualification match. I've gotta ask you, brother, how are you planning on handling the juggernaut?"


Walker offers the camera the faint smile, showing a momentary hint of the cocky young kid who debuted a year earlier. "Honestly," he says, "I plan on beating him until he can't stand up anymore, and then I plan on covering him for the three."


"Okay, that's sort and sweet," Jackson says. "I was kinda looking for some details, though."


Walker tips his head to one side. "Do you think Dread would give you details, if you were interviewing him?"


"No," Jackson says, "but perhaps that's why I'm not talking to him right now."


Walker nods once, his smile growing a little wider. "Fair point," he says, "but you'll understand if I'm not in a hurry to explain what's going to happen out there. I've been in the ring with the human juggernaut a couple of times now, and every time I've had my butt whipped. On the god days I came out of the match hurting, on the bad days I went on the injured list.


"We all know Dread is dangerous. We all know that he plans every match, figures out ways to beat you before you ever step into the ring.


"Well, I know that better than anyone now. Better than he does, maybe, and in the last few months I've proven he isn't indestructible. The human Juggernaut can still be slowed down by a chair to the face. He can still be stopped if you kick him hard enough to knock him out.


"Dread thinks the rules were there to hold him back, that I've done something dangerous in letting him loose without restraints.


"Seems he never considered that perhaps the same is true for me."


Action Jackson looks doubtful. "You really think that?"


"No," Walker says, "but it'd be nice if it was true. Dread considers everything."


With that he shrugs and walks offstage, leaving Action Jackson to signal that it's time to cut the live feed.


Rating: C+






Pour Some Sugar on Me hits and Cheatin' Mike Barstow heads to the ring, leading his client Troy Tornado down for his match. Tornado lopes along behind his manager, glaring at the crowd, a scruffy cruiserweight next to the well-dressed veteran, but there's an intensity to Tornado's glare that wasn't there when he wrestled as Ronin.


Barstow collects the microphone as they hit the ring, and the response from the crowd is practically Pavlovian.


"Please," Barstow says, "like I've ever given a damn what any of you think. They gave me the name Cheater and I wore it with pride, 'cause I came down here and I won matches, time and again. I won and I took home the winner's purse, and your opinions didn't mean a good god-damn.


"When I came to this company I went looking for a man who'd understand that. An under-appreciated diamond in the rough who could be molded into a future champion. A wrestler good enough to rise through the ranks and add further millions to my bank accounts.


"Tonight you see the beginning of that path. Troy Tornado is out here, waiting to claim victory over a respected veteran. A man who knows the wrestling game inside and out, which is probably why he hates my guts so much, 'cause he knows Cheatin' Mike Barstow took a path he couldn't bring himself to take.


"And when we're done. When we've collected the winner's purse and moved on with our evening. When I've treated Troy Tornado to the kind of celebration a man of his talent deserves....well, we'll be moving on and looking for new challenges."


Tornado thumps a fist into one palm, glaring at the camera. "Hollyweird should consider itself warned."


Rating: D+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CaptainUSA.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TroyTornado.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpg


Captain USA vs. Troy Tornado


If the opening match is a showcase of how good chemistry can help things, this proves to be just the opposite. Captain USA and Tornado prove to be a hesitant in-ring combination, coming at the match from very different angles that don't quite mesh.


The results aren't pretty. USA's name value isn't quite good enough to overcome a poor performance, while Tornado's best offense pales in comparison to the match that preceded this. The fans mostly take this as a chance to dash to the concession stands, picking up drinks and food to last them for the rest of the show.


There is one moment of real heat, however, when Mike Barstow makes his play. The be-suited veteran plays it cool for much of the match, but he produces his trusty lead pipe, and on his signal Tornado distracts the referee and allows Barstow to interfere. Captain USA goes down after taking a pipe shot to the back, and Tornado is quick to hit the top rope and set up the Star Maker for the win.


Troy Tornado defeated Captain USA in 8:28 by pinfall.

Rating: D-






"This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops, and I'm here with the man that everyone wants to hear from, the World Heavyweight Champion, Liberty. Champ, how you feeling tonight?"


Liberty offers the camera a broad smile, pushing his glasses back as he considers the question. "AJ, I'm feeling good," he says. "In fact, man, I feel really damn good, all things considered. Rip Chord and his Entourage tried to take me out, but I'm not letting that bother me."


Jackson's eyebrows rise. "You're not?"


"Hell no." Liberty takes off his glasses, showing off the glistening black eye he got when the Entourage attacked on Hollyweird TV. "You may be looking at a man who got his ass kicked five days ago, but Chord wasn't trying to hurt me. Hurt me and I get an excuse for cancelling tonight's match, and then he doesn't get what he really wants - a chance to regain the World Heavyweight Championship. And I know there's no way he's going to give that shot up. I know he ain't going to wait.


"Which means I gotta ask myself why his boys jumped me.


"And I think I got an answer, man. In fact, I think it's kind of obvious. Rip Chord is playing mind-games, yeah? He's trying to get into my head and mess up my chi.


"And if he's doing that, man, he knows he can't beat me clean. He knows how good I am, and he's afraid of--"




That's as far as Liberty gets before The Punisher flies into shot, nailing the champion with a running forearm. Rick Sanders and Charlie Thatcher come charging in as well, joining the Punisher in a three-man beatdown.




And then Tyson Baine is there. The Demon Seed lumbers in, grabs both members of the Wrecking Crew, and whips them into the interview set. Thatcher spins on his heel, ready to attack...but Liberty proves to still have some fight in him, launching a sweeping kick at the Insurance Policy's leg. It doesn't trip the big man, but it does slow him down, and that's all Tyson Baine needs.


Thatcher gets lifted in the double-handed choke, the beginning of the Hades Bomb, but he swings hard and connects with Baine's eyebrow, busting the Demon Seed open. Baine drops his target and Thatcher scrambles away, collecting the Wrecking Crew as he goes.


Tyson Baine stands in place, blinking, wiping blood out of his eyes. Liberty gets back to his feet, glancing at Action Jackson cowering at the edge of the camera shot.


"Okay," Liberty says, shrugging off the attack and picking up his title belt. "So maybe Chord's a little interested in hurting me, if he thinks it'll help him win..."


Rating: B-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisStorm.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


The All-Star Team w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. The Untouchables w/Wanda Fish


The All-Star Team are the brawlers in this match, hitting hard and taking names, and its a tactics that pays dividends in the opening moments. What it overlooks is the old-school approach to grappling favoured by the Untouchables, which may not be hard-hitting but quickly proves to be dangerous once it's coupled with enough bodies heading in-and-out of the ring to disguise the vicious eye rakes, low blows, and attempts to choke Chris Storm with the tag ropes.


Paul Steadyfast is the stand-out for the Untouchables, largely courtesy of the headlock he applies to Larry Vessey about three minutes that's cinched tight and held with a manic intensity. Vessey's attempts to free himself do plenty of damage, but Steadyfast isn't letting go - it's not until Bryan Vessey comes into the ring and damn near knocks Steadyfast out with a yakuza kick that Larry is free and able to tag in Storm.


Coach is quick to assess the situation and start barking orders, quickly turning things around for his team. Chris Storm starts throwing Untouchables around with suplexes, using quick tags to bring in the Vesseys to start dismantling their opponents. They focus their efforts on Robert Oxford, ever wary of the lethal running knee lift he employs, and it isn't long before Bryan Vessey hits the Vessey Driver.




Bryan Vessey drops to his knees, preparing to make a cover, and Richie Pangrazzio slides into the ring behind him. The Coach's son has a stainless steel baseball bat in hand and he's not afraid to use it - he catches Bryan Vessey with a kidney shot using the weapon, then sweeps the younger Vessey brother's legs out from under him. Sam Sparrow has no choice but to call for the DQ at that point, even as Pangrazzio Junior stands over his fallen victim, offering an evil grin.

The All-Star Team (Chris Storm, Larry Vessey and Bryan Vessey) defeated The Untouchables (Paul Steadyfast, Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford) in 11:55 when Robert Oxford was disqualified.

Rating: C






Chris Storm leaps into the ring to make the save, but he's quickly caught by a bat to the stomach and a strike to the back of the head. Larry Vessey fends no better, although he succeeds in catching Richie with a couple of strikes before Pangrazzio Jr takes him down.




Then the camera cuts to the Coach, who has realised that something is very, very wrong. He climbs up on the ring ropes...




...and promptly gets pulled back into the ringside area by Paul Steadyfast.




Coach is pushing sixty and he's never been a big man, but he fights hard as Steadyfast locks in a sleeper hold and cinches it in tight. Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford fall in beside their partner, holding Coach down and forcing him to look at the ring.


Richie Pangrazzio crouches down, surrounded by the unconscious form of three members of the All-Star Team, and calls for a microphone. "Hey dad," he says, "you and I need to talk."


Coach struggles, trying to get into the ring, but the Untouchables have him locked down tight. Richie Pangrazzio just stares, giving his father the kind of look that can be used as a lethal weapon.


"I'd say there's nothing personal about this, but that'd be a lie," Richie says. "You and me, dad, what I'm doing here? It's as personal as it gets.


Pangrazzio Junior thumps his bat against the canvas, adopting a batter's stance and signalling to the Untouchables. Steadyfast lets go of his sleeper and the Untouchable's feed Coach into the ring. Pangrazzio Junior swings...


...and stops short of hitting his father, the bat hovering just inches away from the Coach's face. The old man is braced for impact, eyes closed, and Richie just starts laughing.


"I came back to wrestling to hurt you, old man. You know why it's happening, even if the sheep watching from the bleachers don't.


"And you this isn't going to end quickly, dad. I owe you for twenty-two years, 'cause that's how long it's been since you and I sat down at the kitchen table and you talked me out of following my dreams and going after yours.


"Twenty-two years, dad. Twenty-two. And it wasn't until I saw my own son playing little league that I began to understand what I gave up for you."


With that, Pangrazzio Junior drops the baseball bat and hits his father with an All-Star Drop.


His job done, Richie rolls into ringside and retreats up the ramp with the Untouchables. "You're going to pay back every single one of those years, old man. That's the only reason I got back into the game."

Rating: D+






A small knot of HGC's luchador contingent is clustered around a monitor backstage, watching the events paying out in the ring. Mr Lucha stands in the foreground, International Championship around his waist, but there's no mistaking the intensity with which Superfly and Miss Mexico are watching the screen.


"Steadyfast has new backup," Superfly says.


Mr Lucha shrugs. "No proof of that, esse. Could be temporary allies."


"No," Superfly says. "It's Steadyfast's approach. Him and Wanda Fis--"




He stops speaking as Pablo Rodriguez and the Mexican Nightmare's step into shot. Tension crackles in the air as the two sides stare each other down.


"I came to congratulate you on retaining your title," Rodriguez says. "Although I plan on relieving you of it very, very soon."


"Confident talk, esse," Lucha says. "Especially for a man who didn't make it onto the show."


Rodriguez tenses, then relaxes, refusing to be baited. "I allowed myself to be distracted," he says. "It won't happen again. My gift is a holy thing, Lucha. My ability to inflict pain granted by divine providence. You are merely a fallen idol who exists to be torn down.


"And we are more than content to be the men who finally do that."


Rating: C+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkAngel.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KitHatoyama.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EthanKane.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Dark Angel w/Kit Hatoyama vs. Ethan Kane w/Karen Killer


Dark Angel strides down to the ring in a long coat, kendo stick in hand. He crouches in the corner, holding the weapon before him, awaiting his opponent.


Ethan Kane just seems amused by the smaller man's determination, grinning as he waltzes towards the ring with a replacement walking stick in hand. He hands his own weapon over to Killer before climbing into the ring, smirking as the referee pats him down.


The bell sounds and Angel comes charging in, starting the match with a low drop kick that neatly drops the gothic monster. It's a strong start and the British cruiserweight keeps the pressure on, forcing Kane to wrestle at his speed, and the crowd responds as his momentum builds.


There's never a moment when Angel is still...until the big boot from Kane takes Angel down. From there Kane sets out to brutalise his opponent, hammering him with punches while he's on the mat, making a series of covers where he grinds the elbow into Angel's face.


It isn't enough. Dark Angel is a man possessed in this one, unwilling to stay down, and once against Jason Azaria is given plenty of opportunity to talk about Angel's history in one of Britain's most notorious hardcore federations.




The match is six minutes in before the Demons of Rage start heading towards the ring, bad intentions on their mind. Kit Hatoyama goes to intercept, kendo stick in hand, and falls victim to the Double Demon Down.




The delay does its job, though. The Blazing Flames are there to cut off the Demon's approach, brawling with them in the ringside area while the match continues un-interrupted. Angel nails Kane in the stomach with a back kick, locks in the double-underhook, and hits the Descent Into Hell to secure victory.


Dark Angel defeated Ethan Kane in 12:16 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





The Silver Screen comes to life, but there isn't much to see. The footage is grainy, black-and-white, the kind of murky quality you'd associate with old horror films. It shows a tall, grim figure standing amid an ruined church while a storm rages outside.


"Locked away. Burned. Left for dead."


There's a quick flash of a close-up, showing raw and damaged skin behind a metal mask.


"In defeat I placed my brother on a path of redemption. In sacrificing my body, I saved another's soul.


Another quick cut, this time showing the figure standing with arms spread wide at the empty window, illuminated by a flash of light. The familiar steel mask is unmistakable.



"This time I do not come to save, but to damn a sinner to the depths of hell."


Rating: C






Rip Chord is in the interview area backstage, the Entourage crowded around him. Thatcher and The Wrecking Crew are looking a little worse for ware after their encounter with Tyson Baine, but Chord still offers the camera a confident smirk.


"Tonight I go out there and rectify an anomaly," Chord says. "One month ago, Liberty proved he had what it took to hang with the Great One. He pinned my shoulders to the mat, one-two-three, and he walked out with the World Heavyweight Champion.


"I respect him for that. Of all the men I've fought here in HGC, Liberty's the one whose proven the most...difficult. He's strong, he's fast, he fights with a lot of heart. If his head was screwed on a little tighter, he'd be the kind of man who could hold that championship...my championship...for years after I retire.


"But he isn't, and he won't, because tonight the new Golden Age of Wrestling is given a chance to begin anew.


"I don't intent to waste that chance, and I will not walk away empty handed."


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MaskedRebel.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg


Masked Rebel II vs. Romeo Heartthrob


The dynamic for this one is pure, 100% southern wrestling, with the never-say-die brawler going up against the cheating, despicable heel with solid technical skills. The focus is entirely on Rebel coming at Heartthrob and Heartthrob getting the hell out of the way, taking a powder to the ringside area time and again.


This only serves to irritate the hell out of Rebel. He yells at Heartthrob, demanding Heartthrob get back into the ring. When Heartthrob refuses, Rebel goes out after him, the match spilling into ringside.


And it seems that's Heartthrob's plan. He slings Rebel into the guard rails, brawls with him into the crowd, then breaks off and charges for the ring to try for the count-out win. He comes dangerously close too, but at the last minute Rebel grabs Heartthrob's leg and holds on for grim life, holding him in place while the ten-count is reached.


Masked Rebel II drew with Romeo Heartthrob in 11:56 following a double count out.

Rating: C






Backstage, Dread's locker room, the Juggernaut seated with a towel draped over his head, focused on the camera.


"Monty Walker is a tough son-of-a-bitch," Dread says. "It's been a year since we first met in the ring - a year since he got in my face and stayed there, looking for a fight. There aren't many people who can occupy my attention for that log. Aren't many people dumb enough to keep coming back for more.


"Tonight, it ends.


"I swore I'd break you, Walker. Tonight, we've got no limits. There's no referee to pull you out of the corner when I trap you there and smash my fist into your face. No way to escape the match by running into the crowd.


"I should thank you, Walker. Most men aren't stupid enough to give me this kind of opportunity."


Rating: B






Where The Streets have No Name hits and the Nevada crowd roars, welcoming Dusty Streets to the arena as he makes his way down to the ring. Streets is dressed to fight: tights and boots, a "Streets Ahead" t-shirt pulled on over the top, his hair damp. He grabs a microphone and rolls into the ring.


"Well," he says, "a fella named Einstein once said the definition of madness was doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result. Guest that makes a crazy mother-****er, 'cause I'm out here to call out Sam Strong one more time, but if ever there's a time to get crazy, I'm guessing it's Psycho Circus.


"So Sam, I know you're back there, and I know you got your tights on you 'cause veterans like you and me, we don't go anywhere without our ring gear in case it comes in handy. I've proven I'm going to come after you. I've proven I can hurt you, beat you down, and generally make myself a nuisance. I've done all kinds of damage to you and yours, and I'm giving you this one opportunity to get this done.


"You and me, tonight, one on one. All you gotta do is come out and say yes, brother, and all this will go away."




Voodoo Child starts up and everyone in the Nevada Armory knows exactly what that means: Strong walks out, wearing an expensive suit, the rest of the Strong Style Army hot on his heels. The living legend heads all the way down to the ring, confident in the four-on-one odds. They surround Dusty Streets, who doesn't seem all that phased by the odds.


Sam Strong smirks. "You know, brother, I get it. I know how it digs at ya, coming out here, night after night. Hearing the people tell ya that you're the big man, that they want to see ya fight. I know how that feels better than anyone in this locker room.


"And I know how it gets to ya, when the man you want to fight keeps saying no. 'Specially when the crowd keeps wanting it, keeps egging ya on.


"But I'm not--"




No-one looks happy when Breakin' the Law interrupts things, brining out Tommy Cornell. The straight-edge Englishman makes his way down to the ring, staring at Strong the entire way.


He climbs into the ring and Lee Wright blocks his path. Cornell and Wright lock eyes for a moment...


...then Cornell boots Wright in the stomach and hits the Rough Ride, all in a single smooth motion that catches everyone off-guard.


The ring explodes. Sam Strong gets pasted with a big right hand from Dusty Streets, then returns the favour with a fist of his own. Raymond Diaz comes tearing across the ring and starts firing big kicks at Cornell, who covers and gives ground, looking for a chance to counter-attack.




And amid the chaos Brent Hill appears, grabbing Diaz from behind and suplexing the big man into the canvas. Diaz lands with a crash, a big man whose never learned the art of falling easy. By that point Suzue Katayama is in on the action, the big woman proving an expert striker as she wades into the melee.


There's a minute of trading blows before the heels slide out of the ring, retreating up the ramp. Strong grabs a microphone along the way.


"Hey Streets?" Strong shouts. "Streets, listen up, 'cause I'm going to give you this one warning - everything you keep saying about making my life hell? Well that's going to go both ways, brother, and we're officially adding your little friends Hill and Cornell into the mix.


"From this point on, brother, the Strong Style Army is going to war."


Rating: C




HGC World Tag-Team Championship


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg


Martial Law vs. Backbreakers Inc w/Grace Harper & Eddie Chandler


The strength of Martial Law has always been their unorthodox combination, but Jason Azaria is quick to point out that the Global Elite is comprised of wrestlers who have traveled the globe and know how to adapt.


The result is a hard-fought match that switches styles several times, with Eric Tyler, in particular, proving adept at adjusting his approach regardless of who is in the ring. He brawls with Ricky Dale, cuts Dark EAGLE's legs out from under him, and routinely returns to damaging the shoulders and back in preparation for his preferred end-game.


Dark EAGLE comes close to getting the upset, hitting the Eagle Shock on Dundee and making the cover, but Tyler is there to break things up and he takes full advantage of the chaos that's unleashed when Ricky Dale enters the ring to object to Tyler's interference. An exposed turnbuckle is combined with a whip to the corner in order to damage Ricky Dale's arm, which proves to be the deciding factor once Eugene Willliams loses track of the legal men and Eric Tyler locks in the Tradition Lift.

Backbreakers Inc defeated Martial Law in 20:30 by submission.

Backbreakers Inc make defence number 7 of their HGC World Tag Team titles.

Rating: B






Eric Tyler isn't a man who's shy about proclaiming success. He grabs a microphone and his title belt, raises the latter high. "When the Global Elite claim to be the best wrestlers in the world," he shouts, "we back it up in the ring. Me and Dundee have beaten Martial Law. We've beaten the Vesseys and the Blazing Flames. We've beaten everyone they've sent up against us and we're going to keep on beating 'em."




"If only you were beating them clean."


The Ontario Kings are out on the stage, along with their mysterious back-up. It's the latter who has the microphone, speaking from within the depths of his hoodie, pointing at the duo in the ring.


I mean, nice match and all, Eric, it's good to see you two aren't devoid of talent, but all those wins your boasting about, none of them were clean, exactly. Picking up wins on the cheap wouldn't earn you shit back home, of course; where I come from, where these boys trained, wrestling is all about respect. You cheat to pick up the win, you don't get invited back.


"But talk is cheap," the hooded man says, "so I'm going to make this brief. I stand alongside one of the finest young tag-teams that have ever emerged from the House of Stone. You're the champions who screwed them the last time you fought in the ring. To say they want a rematch goes without saying, but I'm here to make sure the match they get is a fair one.


"I've talked to Commissioner Future and we came to an agreement - he gives the Kings that rematch at Malice in Wonderland, I sign a contract with HGC and wrestle here full-time for a stretch. Way I figure, that's win-win. My boys get what they want, I get a chance to put you two in your place."


Dundee nudges Tyler, smirking from within the depths of his beard. He claims the microphone. "That would mean more, mate, if we had some idea of who you were beneath that hood. Me and Eric know a thing or two 'bout getting inside people's heads. We know what we're meant to think, given where the King's trained.


"But I'm not buying it. Neither of us are buying it. If one of the great-and-mighty Stones had really left the family enclave and made their way into the United States, the dirt sheets would've been all--"




Duane Stones flips back his hood, grinning at the men in the ring. "You were saying?"


Dundee's mouth opens and closes, saying nothing. The Australian sells the shock, but Eric Tyler's lips curl into an evil smile. He doesn't have the microphone, but the camera picks up his nod approval and whispered "about damn time."


"Malice in Wonderland," Stone says. "We'll see you then, boys."


He leads the Ontario Kings off-stage, leaving the Backbreakers to finish a significantly more muted celebration.

Rating: C




The Silver Screen comes to life, playing a recap video of the feud between Monty Walker and Dread. There's a heavy focus on the brutality of their matches and the backstage assaults, the out of control behaviour between the two, and the threats that have been made on either side.


It ends with the commentary team announcing that the No Disqualification bout is coming up next.


Rating: B







http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg


Monty Walker vs. Dread w/Emma Chase


Walker's win-loss record against dread is zero and four, but it's been at least six months since they clashed in one-on-one competition and the last time they met in-ring it was Walker who picked up the victory in a tag-team bout. The result is a crowd that's unsure who the favourite may be, especially when Walker opens the match with a series of punches and kicks that force Dread to give ground.


It's a tactic Walker has employed before, but this time it's coupled with a lot more scouting. Dread goes to cut his opponent off with a clothesline and Walker ducks it; when Dread snaps forward, looking for the belly-to-belly, Walker is already ducking sideways and unleashing three kicks to the knee. Dread, not used to being thwarted, snarls and takes a rare powder to ringside, snatching up a chair.


Walker seizes the opportunity, launching a perfect dropkick between the ropes to smash the chair into Dread's face. "By god," Jason Azaria shouts. "I think he just broke the Junggernaut's nose."


The sheer level of blood streaming out of Dread's proboscis seems to support this thesis. The Human Juggernaut reaches up, touches it, frowns at his blood-covered hand as though it belongs to someone else.


It's when he realises that it's actually him bleeding that all hell breaks lose. He charges Walker, no-selling everything as he starts to pound the hell out of his opponent. This builds to a series of big slams, throwing Walker into the mat again and again in an effort to break him, and Walker continues to kick out and keep coming back.


Dread asserts his dominance, but the broken nose starts taking its toll. Professor Nero spends minutes talking about the way it changes things - affecting breathing, making it hard to see, serving as a target for future offense. Dread beats ten kinds of hell through Walker, but all of these factors make it hard for him to get the elusive pinfall.


Finally Dread goes for the Dread-Bomb...and Walker counters it, grabbing the Juggernaut by the ears and using them as leverage to wrench himself free. A knee connects with Dread's face during the struggle, and Walker lands awkwardly as he drops back to the canvas, but it's here that he succeeds in kicking Dread's legs out from under him and getting a close two-count.


It's a big moment and the crowd roar's for it, but it also costs Walker big. He's limping as he rises to continue the assault, the commentary team speculating that his bad landing tweaked his right knee, and the injury could well threaten the most lethal weapon in Walker's arsenal - the Last Waltz superkick.


Its a grinning Dread who realises this and takes Walker down with a chop block, adding further injury when he grabs the injured leg and applies a half-crab. Walker crawls for the ropes, uses them as leverage to break free, but he can barely stand.


Dread, seeing his opponent on one leg, just grins and goes to get the chair, fully planning to take advantage of the No DQ qualifications. Walker watches on helplessly, clinging to the ropes. Dread climbs back into the ring...


...and promptly eats a Last Waltz from Monty Walker, who throws everything he can into the kick despite the pain it causes him.


Both men go down, Walker screaming and clutching at his leg, and it costs him another three-count when he finally gets over to make the cover. Waker's response is to crawl over and fire a series of punches at Dread's head and shoulders, frustration writ across his fingers. Dread punches back, and punching is very much the big man's game. Walker's head snaps backwards, obviously rattled.


Dread climbs to his feet, fires Walker into the ropes.




The commentary team isn't sure how Walker managed that, and neither are the fans, but it doesn't seem to matter. Walker's down. Dread's down. The referee begins the ten count. One...two...three...








Monty Walker doesn't get up, but he shows signs of life, clawing his way towards the ropes. His leg is hanging limp behind him.






Walker is at the ropes, pulling himself upright. He can't move his dead leg to get it underneath him, but he's got the ropes in a death grip.




Walker is up. On the ropes, but up. Dread stirs, staggering to his feet...


...and he eats a third, desperate Last Waltz.


The move just about cripples Walker, leaving him weeping on the mat, and it takes a torturous series of moments for him to crawl over and make the cover. The referee starts the count.








Dread kicks out - a move that's more instinct than conscious choice - but it happens a fraction of a second too late. Monty Walker has defeated the Human Juggernaut.


Monty Walker defeated Dread in 25:06 by pinfall.

Rating: B






Walker hangs onto the ropes, not really hearing the roar of the crowd as he looks at the prone form of Dread, only just beginning to stir.




The camera angle changes and we see Emma Chase in the ring, kneeling over Dread and checking he's okay. Walker realises she's there about the same time she sees him. Their eyes lock, staring one another down, and Emma's expression is unreadable.


Walker limps closer and Emma gives ground, not wanting to be anywhere near the young man she once dated. For a moment Walker looks like he's going to continue the attack on Dread, but he ultimately reaches down and helps the big man get back to his feet.


They stare at each other, two men at the tail end of a year-long war. Monty Walker, the man without fear, does the unthinkable when he offers Dread his hand in a gesture of respect.


And Dread, considering the offered hand, reaches out...


...and uses the opportunity to pull Walker in and nail him with a short-arm clothesline.


The crowd turns on the Human Juggernaut immediately, but Dread doesn't seem to care. He walks out of the ring, leaving Walker prone and unconscious in the middle of the canvas, and Emma Chase falls into step beside him as Dread leaves.


Rating: B-




Another hype video, this time retracing the events of the past month. It starts with Liberty's victory in the last world Title match, holding the belt high, before continuing into a series of clips taken from the Entourage's assault on the new Champion and Rip Chord's promises to win.


Liberty's line from earlier this evening - "Rip Chord's afraid of me" - gets replayed again and again, especially as the footage shows Liberty rising from each assault, ready to keep fighting.


Rating: B




HGC World Heavyweight Championship

http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Liberty vs. Rip Chord w/Charlie Thatcher


This one starts out strong, the crowd firmly behind the champion as Liberty takes the fight to Chord and shows why, exactly, he's the man who finally toppled Chord's eleven month reign at the top. Liberty moves fast, hits hard, a man in constant motion. It's all Chord can do as the bigger, stronger champion hits him with drop kicks, running bulldogs, and big haymakers.


But the Champion is also a showman, for all that's he's a great in-ring competitor, and his initial momentum is stalled when he takes a moment - just a moment - to flash the crowd a familiar peace sign and Rip Chord seizes the opportunity. Chord is on the canvas, but he rolls and lands a desperate elbow shot to Liberty's kidneys, doubling the champion over and buying some time.


From there Chord does what Chord does best -- takes the match to the mat, out-wrestling his opponent, and cheating like hell every time it looks like Liberty might be making a come-back. This starts nearly ten straight minutes of Chord dominating the match, but there's no-one in the company who plays babyface in peril better than Liberty. He knows exactly when to build in a moment of hope, keeping himself a viable threat, while simultaneously taking the kind of beating that makes you certain he can never come back.


It turns on the back of an Irish whip. Liberty gets slung at the ropes, rebounds with a flying forearm, feeds off the crowd as he hits the ropes a second time and lands a leg-drop on the challenger. Chord responds with some big rights hand and the final minutes of the match starts building to an out-and-out brawl. They build to some big moves, near-falls, and chaotic action.


And then Liberty goes for a clotheline, misses Rip Chord, and collects Sam Sparrow instead.


With the official out, Charlie Thatcher has free reign to get involved. He slings Liberty into the corner, crushes him with a big clothelines, then fixes the brass knuckle onto his fist and knocks the champion out.


The crowd is livid, particularly once Rip Chord struts over and makes a lazy cover, trusting Charlie Thatcher to bring the referee back to consciousness. It's a groggy Sam Sparrow who makes the three-count, but it's made and Rip Chord regains the World Heavyweight Championship in HGC's final show of the year.


Rip Chord defeated Liberty in 25:25 by pinfall.

Rip Chord wins the HGC World Heavyweight title.

Rating: B




Overall: B

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Show Notes


- Guess who forgot about Chord's creative control clause on an Icon contract? Liberty went into this match the more over of the pair, but there wasn't any way Chord was to take the pinfall. Fortunately, there's a *reason* HGC doesn't do a lot of ref bumps...


- Vengeance is back... I went back and forth on this, since he'd been hired away by Supreme in the 2010 version of the game; this time around, however, they kinda...ignored him. For months at a time. So I hired him on again.


- The recap-of-the-year opening video for Psycho Circus is blatantly lifted from PhantomStranger's TCW diary (Sorry, 'Stranger, it was too good an idea not to liberate and reuse).


-Troy Tornado is having a run of bad luck in regards to chemistry at this point. Ironically, half the reason he parted ways with the Shadow Clan is 'cause his chemistry with Ota kinda sucked back in 2010.


- Finally hit a year of HGC. This was my original goal, back when I started this in 2011, and as my flatmate is fond of reminding me, it's only taken me two and a half years to get here.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Sam Sparrow sits on the big, red couch. The veteran referee keeps glancing at the camera, obviously unused to being the subject of a shoot. "HGC didn't do ref bumps," he says. "In the beginning, we were saving them all for the angle between Strong and Dread, figuring we'd need a bunch of ways to keep Dread from picking up the pinfall.


"After that, when Rip was in charge, he blatantly told people not to do them. He didn't want to cheapen anyone while we were building the company's image as the wrestling show, so there weren't any easy outs for heels who wanted a lazy night. I remember a lot of people - Valentine, in particular - weren't real happy 'bout that.


"So when Liberty took my head off in the middle of the match, when the fans saw how Chord lured him into it, they responded in a big way. They knew James was getting screwed and they really weren't happy about it."







"The way I heard it," Liberty says, "Mike Nero wasn't sure I had the chops yet. He worried that I'd tarnish the belt."


The veteran is seated backstage at a USPW event, towel over his shoulders, and the trade-mark grin is gone as he recalls his first run as champion.


"I thought it was bullshit then, I think it's bullshit now, but that's how it rolls sometimes, you know? The man in charge says drop the belt, and you drop the belt 'cause it's the way the business runs. It's not like going into business for yourself is an option, not given how much they were paying me to show up and do what I loved."







"I thought it was a mistake and I told Nero as much," Chord says. "I knew where he was coming from - we both came through the territories and we learned the same lessons. One of those, a big one, is that your champion is out there representing the sport. He needs to look like a champion, act like a champion, and wrestle like a champion, twenty-four seven.


"Liberty, well, he showed up for everything dressed in threadbare jeans and a fringe jacket. He shaved once or twice a week. He didn't look like a champion in Nero's eyes. He carried himself like a guy making hundreds of thousands of dollars and couldn't be bothered shopping anywhere but goodwill.


"What Mike missed - and I'll admit it's a rarity, 'cause Mike didn't miss much - was that Liberty and our fans were two of a feather. There were rocks stars and movie stars who still dressed like hobos.


"So Nero asked me to take back the belt, and against my better judgement, that's what I did. We tried to keep the heat off Liberty as much as we could, so we could do another go-around once Nero came to his senses."

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The TCW Wrestling Archive Presents</strong></p><p><strong>


- Episode 53 Preview -</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

HAPPY NEW YEAR!</p><p> </p><p>

Hollyweird Grappling is kicking of 1998 with a series of big matches, starting with a six-man tag that will feature one of the hottest signings we've made all year - <strong>Duane Stone</strong> will lead <strong>The Ontario Kings</strong> into action in our opening bout, taking on the team of <strong>Dario Shelton, Stuart Ferdinand, and Nathan Coleman</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

That's followed by a bout that kicks off a little tournament that Frankie Future is dubbing "King of the Cruiserweights." Showcasing the high-flying action and athleticism of some of the smaller wrestlers on the roster, the first round will feature a match between <strong>Dark Angel</strong> and the returning Japanese sensation, <strong>Super Joshuya</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Richie Pangrazzio Jr</strong> made waves at Psycho Circus, turning on his father and aligning himself with the Untouchables. While all three members of the All-Star Team have petitioned HGC for a match against the Coach's son, they first man to get his request in was <strong>Freddie Datsun</strong>. Why does the Fight Club wrestler want a match against Pangrazzio Junior? He hasn't yet said, but we're eager to find out.</p><p> </p><p>

Another first-round match in the King of the Cruiserweights tournament comes up next, pitting two men who have made their name in the California scene. <strong>Eclipse </strong>may well be the smallest man in the tournament, but he's got speed and years of experience on his side. <strong>Troy Tornado</strong> may not be quite as polished as his opponent, but the young high-flyer has been on a roll since joining forces with Cheatin' Mike Barstow.</p><p> </p><p>

Nothing sees to be going right for the <strong>Wood Brothers</strong> lately; they've spent December unable to pick up a victory, despite being fresh off a win in the hardcore four-way at A Little South of Sanity. They've made a challenge to the team that holds itself as the standard to beat when it comes to tag-teams - the veteran <strong>Blazing Flames</strong> - in an attempt to break out of their slump. </p><p> </p><p>

Another man whose feeling the sting of defeat is the Human Juggernaut. Dread tasted a rare defeat at the hands of Monty Walker at Psycho Circus, suffering a broken nose during the bout. While a sane man would take time off to heal and recover from the gruelling match, <strong>Dread </strong>has accepted the challenge of <strong>Alex Braun </strong>to wrestle in our main event. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Matches featured in this streaming video include:</em></p><p> </p><p>

Alex Braun vs. Dread</p><p>

The Blazing Flames vs. The Wood Brothers</p><p>

Eclipse vs. Troy Tornado</p><p>

Freddie Datsun vs. Richie Pangrazzio Jr</p><p>

Dark Angel vs. Super Joshuya</p><p>

Duane Stone & The Ontario Kings vs. Nate Coleman, Stuart Ferdinand, & Dario Shelton</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Alex Braun vs. <strong>Dread</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Blazing Flames</strong> vs. The Wood Brothers</p><p>

Eclipse vs. <strong>Troy Tornado</strong></p><p>

Freddie Datsun vs<strong>. Richie Pangrazzio Jr</strong></p><p>

<strong>Dark Angel</strong> vs. Super Joshuya</p><p>

<strong>Duane Stone & The Ontario Kings </strong>vs. Nate Coleman, Stuart Ferdinand, & Dario Shelton</p>

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<p>Alex Braun vs. <strong>Dread</strong></p><p>

The Blazing Flames vs. <strong>The Wood Brothers</strong></p><p>

Eclipse vs. <strong>Troy Tornado</strong></p><p>

Freddie Datsun vs. <strong>Richie Pangrazzio Jr</strong></p><p>

Dark Angel vs. <strong>Super Joshuya</strong></p><p>

<strong>Duane Stone & The Ontario Kings</strong> vs. Nate Coleman, Stuart Ferdinand, & Dario Shelton</p>

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<p>Alex Braun vs. <strong>Dread</strong></p><p>

The Blazing Flames vs. <strong>The Wood Brothers</strong></p><p>

Eclipse vs. <strong>Troy Tornado</strong></p><p>

Freddie Datsun vs. <strong>Richie Pangrazzio Jr</strong></p><p>

<strong>Dark Angel</strong> vs. Super Joshuya</p><p>

<strong>Duane Stone & The Ontario Kings</strong> vs. Nate Coleman, Stuart Ferdinand, & Dario Shelton</p>

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<p>Alex Braun vs. <strong>Dread</strong></p><p>

The Blazing Flames vs. <strong>The Wood Brothers</strong></p><p>

Eclipse vs. <strong>Troy Tornado</strong></p><p>

Freddie Datsun <strong>vs.</strong> Richie Pangrazzio Jr</p><p>

<strong>Dark Angel </strong>vs. Super Joshuya</p><p>

<strong>Duane Stone & The Ontario Kings</strong> vs. Nate Coleman, Stuart Ferdinand, & Dario Shelton</p>

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Alex Braun is standing outside, back to an empty parking lot. "Sunday night," he says. "Sunday night I watched a kid I trained go out there and wrestle the match of his life."




The shot dissolves into a fragment from Walker's bout with Dread, a series where he nailed the big man with a series of hard right hands.


"For a year Walker's been dreaming of this. For a year he's been searching for a way to defeat the man no-one expected him to beat."


Another clip, this time featuring the chair shot that busted Dread's face open.


"No-one expects the little guy to win a no-holds barred fight against a monster like Dread. They always talk about heart, about spirit, never a wrestler's fighting skill."


Another clip, featuring the flying leg lariat that took Dread down and set up the pinfall


"Monty Walker went out there and proved everyone wrong. He outwrestled Dread in a no holds barred match. He beat the Juggernaut down and secured the one-two-three. And then..."


Walker offers Dread a handshake, which the Juggernaut pretends to accept...only to take Walker's head off with a clotheline.


"Should have been the biggest night of Monty Walker's night," Braun says. "The match that made his goddamn career. Instead he's eating dinner through a straw...and all because Dread doesn't like the fact he lost.


"Monty's not in a state to get himself some payback. Me, I'm here, and I'm looking for a fight."


Rating: C+





Tuesday, Week 1, January 1998

Utah Park Reservation (South-West) - 13,798 people




Cannonball hits the loudspeaker, but this time it's accompanied by the roar of an engine. Liberty comes roaring out on the back of a Harley, heading to ringside and coming to a halt with a squeal of breaks. He dismounts, high-fives a nearby fan, and climbs into the ring.


"Hey," he says, "you'll have to forgive the hardware. After what went down Sunday night, I felt the need to ride, you know? Just get out there and feel the wind in my hair. It took the edge off what happened, made it easier to process. Didn't really want to stop until I got here and said my piece.


"Now that I'm here, well, I don't want to complain none. I fought to keep my title, I lost the match. I didn't lose 'cause I wasn't the better wrestler - I still got Charlie Thatcher's knuckle marks on my jaw as proof of that - but that doesn't mean a thing. I'm not focusing on the past, I'm focusing on the future.


"I want that World Title back. I want Rip Chord in a rematch."




Get On Up hits and the fans are witness to the fast-moving footwork of Frankie Future and the lovely Miss Farrah. They cheer, loudly; in his short tenure with the company, Future has earned himself a great deal of fan support.


"Liberty, man, it's good to see you out here," Future says. "I love nothing more than seeing a man who picks up himself up after a defeat and comes looking for another fight.


"But you and Rip Chord is not that fight, man. Not yet."


Liberty goes to object, but Future holds up a hand to silence him. "Hear me out," he says, "'cause I don't meant to imply you're a hell of a wrestler; you're a former World Champion, man, and one of the few men in this company who holds victories over Chord.


"But you've also had more shots at the Great One than anyone in this company, and I can't spend another year watching you and Chord fight over the title. The two of you, well, I'm honestly sure whose better, but I think it's only fair that we give someone else a shot.


"So here's what I'm going to do, man; I'm going to bring back the four-way dance in the main event of Malice in Wonderland, and I'm going to make you one of the men who'll be part of the fight. You and Chord and two other wrestlers I'll announce in coming weeks.


"If you win the match against those odds, you'll truly deserve to be champion. If you don't, your run at the belt is put on hold for a stretch; it's do or die, man, 'cause if you or Chord aren't winner at the end of the night, I'm moving you to the back of the line."


Rating: B-







Team Stone vs. Dario Shelton, Nate Coleman, & Stuart Ferdinand

American fans don't yet know what to make of Duane Stone, but he gives them plenty of ideas here: the young Canadian is everywhere in this match, making saves and reaching for the hot tag, a blur of movement and technical expertise.


If the Kings are proud examples of the House of Stone style, Duane provides the real thing - a little faster, a little crisper, a little more dangerous - and his presence spurs the Ontario Kings to wrestle a little harder themselves.


It ends when Stone applies the Alabaster Agony - a version of the surfboard where Stone traps Dario Shelton's legs - and the rookie member of the heel team has little choice but to submit.


Team Stone defeated Dario Shelton and Coleman & Ferdinand in 9:41 by submission.

Rating: C-





The Global Elite are shown backstage, clustered together in the interview stage. "As fabulous as I am," Eddie Chandler says, "it's a little hard to get things done when a man sticks his nose in where it isn't wanted. I set out to eliminate the annoyance that is Chris Storm. Chris Storm survived that because Richie Pangrazzio Junior had a score to settle with his father.


"That means I've got two scores to settle. Two men to teach a fundamental lesson: you do not mess with the fabulous one, not unless you want to be stretched like you've never been stretched before."


Jack Dundee holds up his tag-team title belt. "When you talk about the Global Elite, you're talking about the best wrestlers in the world," he says. "We know, because that's how we learned our craft. We travelled. We wrestled. We learned what greatness means, mate. We hold these belts because we're the team that every other team wants to become. When guys like the Ontario Kings put together their game plan, we're the blue-print that they're trying to follow.


"We are the best and we've got the belts to prove it. I don't say it 'cause I want to brag; I say it 'cause it's true. There's no place for modesty when you've achieved a place of greatness."


Eric Tyler smirks at his partner's bravado. "We base our credibility on one thing," he says. "What we say is going to happen, happens. We don't make promises and we don't make threats, not unless we know that we're going to make good.


"So here's my promise to the Ontario Kings: you brought in a Stone, and I thank you for that. They're a great wrestling family, some of the best in the world, and I've always wondered how I'd fare against their best. Now I'll get a chance to find out. In fact, I've already seen Future and put in my request.


"But it's not going to help you, boys. At Malice in Wonderland, you'll discover that Backbreakers Inc are still the best in the world."


Grace Harper has spent the promo coiled against Eddie Chandler, but in the final moments she frees herself and steps towards the camera, staring down the barrel with a steely focus.


"My only regret," she purrs, "is that they brought in the wrong Stone. I spent my entire career hoping to get my hands on Victoria, just to find out if she really is as good as they say.


"Duane, I recommend you convince your sister to follow in your footsteps.


"Trust me when I tell you, you're going to need her back-up."


Rating: D+






We cut to a pre-packaged video tracing the tail end of the All-Star Team/Untouchable's clash at Psycho Circus. Some slick editing throws particular attention on the impact of Richie Pangrazzio's assault, taking out all three members of the All-Star Team before taunting his father: "This isn't going to end quickly, dad. I owe you for twenty-two years, 'cause that's how long it's been since you and I sat down at the kitchen table and you talked me out of following my dreams"


Rating: C





The camera cuts to the main stage, where Frankie Future is standing by.


"I'm going to fire some names at you," Future says. "Awesome Thunder. Dark Angel. Pablo Rodriguez. Duane Stone. I'm barely even dipping into the pool of talent we've got here in Hollyweird Grappling, and I've already named four of the best damn cruiserweight talents the world has ever seen.


"They wrestle a different style to what American's are used to seeing - faster, more aggressive, more focused on the quick win - and you only need to look at the success of men like Angel, Monty Walker, and Mister Lucha to see that sometimes a highly-skilled smaller man can take down an opponent twice his size, especially if he's motivated.


"We've also seen - quite often, in recent weeks - just what happens when you pit these smaller athletes against men their own size, and I think we an all agree that the effect has been phenomenal. That's why I've set up the inaugural King of the Cruiserweight tournament here in HGC, pitting some of the best of today's lightweight talent against the bright up-and-comers we've seen coming through.


"Eight men are going to compete for the right to call themselves one of the best wrestlers in the world at a hundred and thirty pounds or less, and we'll be kicking that off right now with two names that deserve to be included among the best of the best."


Rating: C





http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkAngel.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KitHatoyama.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuperJoshuya.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CarlBatch.jpg


Dark Angel w/Kit Hatoyama vs. Super Joshuya w/Karl Batch

This match is all about the return of Super Joshuya, a wrestler who'd returned to his native Japan after a short-lived run in Hollyweird's opening match. All the credit for Joshuya's return is laid at the feet of the fast-talking manager who escorts the masked cruiserweight down to the ring - a fast-talking hustler Jason Azaria identifies as "Sweet" Karl Batch.


The result is one of those glorious messes that wrestling occasionally gives us - an Englishman who pretends to be a Japanese samurai, being managed by one of the world's best young Joshi talents, fighting a masked Japanese luchador, being managed by a black American street hustler.


Everything is done at a breakneck pace and it doesn't take long for both sides to hit big moves. Joshuya goes high-risk first, hitting a springboard crossbody to secure a two-count, but Dark Angel proves to be the more resilient of the pair, claiming the pinfall with the Descent Into Hell.


Dark Angel defeated Super Joshuya in 6:17 by pinfall.

Rating: C





"Earlier tonight, on the HGC Proving Ground," Jason Azaria says, "We saw a confrontation between two behemoths that's been building over the past several months. Tyson Baine had just defeated newcomer Dario Shelton when he was subjected to a challenge by Rip Chord's Insurance Policy, Charlie Thatcher. We take you now to footage of their confrontation..."




The Silver Screen comes to life, showing Charlie Thatcher mid-promo from his position on the stage. "...this thing between you and me, it just started out as business," he says. "I get paid to a job, I do the damn job. You make my job harder, I get in your face and I break your damn nose. Well, this isn't business anymore, Baine. Last week you tried to choke the life out of me, and I made you bleed for that.


"Well, I'm done with making you bleed, Baine. Now I want to beat your ass out in the middle of the ring."


The footage cuts to footage of Baine staring at his opponent for a few seconds, eye still puffy and black from the assault it sustained at Thatcher's hands just a few days earlier. Then, terrifyingly, the Demon Seed smiles.


"When I was brought into Hollyweird Grappling, I was a sick man," Baine says. "Sick in the head, sick in the head, driven psychotic by a witch who set out to infect my soul with evil. I'm not that many anymore. I don't stand alongside Karen Killer and the demons who joined her army of darkness.


"But I am still the Demon Seed, Charlie Thatcher, and I will gladly make you pay for spilling my blood."

Rating: B-







Dusty Streets, backstage, is standing outside the door to Frankie Future's office. He's just about to knock when Sam Strong and the Strong Style Army charge in. Raymond Diaz bodychecks Streets, smashing the veteran into the wall, and Lee Wright immediately apples a forearm against the throat, holding Streets in place.


"Crawling to Frankie Future so ya can beg for a match against me?" Sam Strong shakes his head. "I would have thought you knew better than that, brother. My contract means I wrestle who I want, when I want, and there's ****-all Future can do to change that. The man isn't even game to open the door and reprimand me for beating you down right on his doorstep.


"Think about that, Streets. Think real hard before you continue down this road you're heading down."




There's a shot from off-camera, a number of hurried footsteps as Cornell and Brent Hill come running in to make the save.


Strong signals the Strength Rush and they immediately back off, looking for all the world like they aren't looking for any trouble...for now.


Rating: C-





Richie Pangrazzio Jr. is out in the ring, the Untouchable's gathered at his back.


"Well the news is out," Pangrazzio says, "and we can finally quash all the rumours. Richie Pangrazzio is back in wrestling, and he isn't part of the All-Star Team. In fact, I'm back in wrestling for one, singular purpose - to tear down everything my father created - which is why I've joined forces with the men standing beside me.


"Dad, I know you're back there, trying to figure out how all this happened. I know you'll be scouting this match, because you can't really help yourself. And what I want you to do, while you're sitting there observing, is remember two important things.


"One: I'm still the best damn wrestler the world has ever seen, just like you always wanted me to be.


"Two - and this is the big one dad - payback's going to be a bitch. I'm not here to beat you. I could do that without stepping back into the ring. I'm here to break you, old man.


"I'm here to build a team that eliminates the All-Stars from the wrestling world forever."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RichiePangrazzioJr_zps4c054f98.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


Freddie Datsun w/Jack Marlowe vs. Richie Pangrazzio Jr. w/Wanda Fish

HGC fans are used to seeing Datsun as a brawler, so it's always a pleasant surprise when he meets an opponent like Richie Pangrazzio and proves to be technician's equal on the mat. Azaria is there to remind everyone that Datsun was a high-school grappling stand-out, with the first ten minutes of the match focusing exclusively on the mat-work.


The problem? Richie Pangrazzio is better. Twenty-two years of pro-wrestling have honed an already brilliant amateur athlete into a serious threat, especially when it's coupled with two decades of cheap shots and tactical nous. Worse, he's out here with something to prove, stopping several times to rattle off threats to his father during the match.


Datsun finds himself falling back on his more familiar power moves, hoping to rattle his opponent. It works when he nails a Patriot Press. Datsun makes the cover...




...and discovers that Sam Sparrow is over at the ropes, trying to warn off Joel Bryant whose charged down and feigned potential interference. Datsun breaks the cover, calling for the referee's attention.


And that break in concentration costs him the match. A groggy Pangrazzio grabs Datsun from behind and hits the All-Star Drop. When Datsun kicks out, Pangrazzio smoothly transitions into an STF and cinches it tight.


The hold stretches on for several seconds before Freddie Datsun taps, and the camera angle catches sight of Jack Marlowe's stormy features as his partner concedes the submission.


Richie Pangrazzio Jr. defeated Freddie Datsun in 15:17 by submission.

Rating: C-






All three members of the All-Star Team storm the ring, looking for some payback on Pangrazzio Junior. The Untouchables respond in kind, and the brawl is on, both sides laying it in with everything they've got.


The four-on-three odds quickly go the Untouchable's way, especially when Wanda Fish feeds Pangrazzio Junior his baseball bat. First Larry Vessey, then Storm, then Bryan Vessey are forced out of the ring, left to glare as Pangrazzio takes to the turnbuckles with the bat held high.


Rating: C-





We go backstage, where Mr Lucha is watching the events in the ring on a monitor, shaking his head in disappointment when he sees the All-Star Team routed.




He turns, and finds himself face-to-chest with Ethan Kane. The big man is clad in a leather jacket and Sisters of Mercy t-shirt, and his face breaks into an evil grin as he stares down at the International Champion.


"I find myself languishing in this company," Kane says. "My desires thwarted, my message diminished, my minions no longer feared as they should be feared. For a man of my skill, my power, my evil...this is unacceptable.


"This company ignores what it cannot control, fears what will not obey. I will rectify this by taking one of their symbols, their precious belts, and ensuring they have no choice but to listen when I speak."




The fans erupt as the new Masked Rebel appears behind Ethan Kane's shoulder.


"Hello asshole," Rebel says.


Kane starts, quickly recovers, raising himself to full height in order to loom over the masked man Masked Rebel doesn't seem phased by that.


"So I understand where you're going, asshole," Rebel says. "Sometimes when you're out there, in the middle of the ring, and you hear the bell chime three times while it's your shoulders against the mat, it puts things into focus for ya. It tells ya'll about what you really want and why.


"I understand this, asshole, because I'm in the same place. I fought Romeo Heartthrob. I couldn't get it done. And while a part of me wants to go after that son-of-a-bitch, another part of me sat there in the locker room after Psycho Circus and figured out what I really want.


"And I came here, looking for Lucha, for exactly the same reason you did. Only difference is, I don't dress up the fact that I'm an asshole with pretty speeches about fear and minions and symbols. I come straight out and say it - I want a match for the damn belt, and I want it 'cause I think I'm good enough to--"




"Win?" The camera pans sideways, picking up the smirk of Romeo Heartthrob as he approaches the small group that's formed around Lucha. "That's the problem, isn't it, Rebel. You didn't win at Psycho Circus, and even if I can't claim victory either, the difference between us is simple: I'm the one who was smart enough to take my request to the man in-charge. While you and Mister Kane are here threatening the champion, I've secured an opportunity to earn a shot in a match next week.


"If you need that dumbed down for you, let me make it perfectly clear: you snooze, you loose."


Heartthrob smirks, turning towards Lucha. "See you at Malice, kid. Shine the belt up pretty for me."


Heartthrob struts off, leaving Revel looking contemplative and Ethan Kane snarling in frustration. Mr Lucha, for his part, just watches evens unfolding with the passive calm of a confident champion.


Rating: C+





The Silver Screen comes alive, where Action Jackson is standing by with Cheatin' Mike Barstow and Troy Tornado. "This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops," Jackson says, "and I'm here with Cheatin' Mike Barstow and his client, Troy Tornado, as they prepare for Troy's first round match in the King of the Cruiserweight's tournament."


Troy Tornado snorts, which brings forth a grim smile from Barstow.


"Wow," Jackson says. "You have a problem with the tournament?"


"We don't have a problem with anything that comes with prize-money attached," Barstow says, "especially if we can leverage it into future opportunities, but I think we should all be honest, Troy Tornado's victory in this arena is virtually guaranteed. For all Frankie Future's claims that size doesn't matter, how many of these man hold victories over veteran heavyweights like Captain USA? Tornado has proved his talent as a wrestler, and--"


"Dark Angel," Jackson says.


Barstow scowls at the introduction. "What?"


"Dark Angel defeated Ethan Kane," Jackson says. "He's a big guy, a veteran, just as tough as the Captain. Coe to think of it, Awesome Thunder's gone toe-to-toe with some big veterans and held his own, even if he didn't win?"


Troy Tornado snarls. Cheatin' Mike Barstow liberates Jackson's microphone and pushes the interviewer off camera. "As I was saying, the result of this tournament should be considered pre-ordained," he repeats. "There is no-one in this tournament who can match Troy Tornado's raw talent, nor anyone whose received the kind of guidance on offer in Barstow Enterprises.


"We take it as the opportunity it truly represents - a showcase of Tornado's abilities and a singularly worthwhile winner's purse."


Rating: D+





http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Eclipse.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TroyTornado.jpg


Eclipse vs. Troy Tornado

Troy Tornado comes into this one riding a wave of momentum, but Eclipse makes the youngster fight for every moment of offense. The masked man gives up plenty of size and weight to his opponents, but he makes up for it with an impressive all-round game: he can strike hard, courtesy of a black belt in Tae Kwon Do; he can go on the mat; he flies like a hummingbird.


Tornado isn't quite up to his opponent's level, but after being tutored by Cheatin' Mike Barstow for a few weeks, that doesn't much matter. He distracts the referee, quickly kicks Eclipse in the crotch, then takes to the top rope. From there the Star Maker is academic and Tornado picks up the victory.


Troy Tornado defeated Eclipse in 9:41 by pinfall.

Rating: D





Back to the interview stage for the second time, and this time Action Jackson is standing by with Monty Walker. The young wrestlers has definitely seen better days - he's on crutches, his right knee swathed in bandages, his face covered in adhesive bandages courtesy of his rugged match against Dread just forty-eight hours earlier.


"Well it seems Troy Tornado may be walking the talk," Jackson begins, "but for now, I'm here with a man who did the unthinkable back at Psycho Circus.


"Monty Walker, you pinned the human juggernaut, Dread, in one of the most grueling matches we've ever seen here in HGC. From the looks of it, you've paid a heavy price for that victory. Tell me, brother, was it worth it?"


"You're right, AJ, it wasn't easy. In fact, I kinda hurt like hell right now. " Walker lowers his head, hair falling across his face, but after a deep breath he looks straight at the camera with a familiar intensity. "But worth it? Hell yeah, man, it was totally worth it. I went out there and wrestled the unstoppable monster and I stopped him. I beat him down, pinned him one-two-three, and for a few fleeting moments I knew what it meant to be great.


"Never mind what it'd cost me, 'cause there's no such thing as greatness without some kind of sacrifice. Never mind that I'm going to be on crutches for a week, waiting for my knee to heal. It's all worthwhile because I get to say three little words that very few people can say with anything approaching honesty: I. Beat. Dread.


"If it wasn't for the fact he kicked my ass straight afterwards, it would have been one of the greatest moments in my life."


Jackson quickly leaps in. "You're referring, of course, to the clothesline that left you bloodied in the aftermath of the match?"


"Damn straight," Walker says. "Until Sunday night, I would have told you that beating Dread is all I needed to be happy, but it turns out that's kind of hollow when you're disrespected in your moment of triumph.


"I know my friend and mentor, Alex Braun, is stepping into the ring with Dread tonight. He's out there, looking for payback on my behalf, and he's doing it against my wishes. I don't want my friends to get hurt by this war. Alex Braun is his own man and he can make his own choices, but it's time for him to step aside and let me deal with this problem my way.


"'Cause Dread and I aren't done, we're just heading into a new chapter. If 1997 was the year I chased that elusive victory, 1998 is the year where I fight for something even harder to get. I want Dread's respect. I want him to stand in the middle of the ring and shake my hand. I want him to acknowledge I'm his equal as a wrestler and a man.


"I'm not pretending this is going to be easy. I'm hurting right now, worse than I think I've ever hurt before, but I've proved I can do the impossible once, and I'm inclined to do it again.


Rating: C+





"For those who missed Psycho Circus," Jason Azaria says, "we've got some exclusive footage of the debut of the Ontario Kings new ally...and one of the most exciting signings in Hollyweird's short history.






The Silver Screen comes to life, showing the aftermath of the Backbreakers title defense. The Kings come out, making their intent to challenge for the titles clear, and their hooded ally explains the terms of his signing with HGC - if the Ontario Kings get a title shot at Malice in Wonderland, HGC gets one of the Gold boys of the famed Stone wrestling family, Duane Stone.


Rating: D+





The Blazing Flames are out in the ring, microphones in hand. Their presence is still enough to get the fans cheering, courtesy of years as one of the world's best tag-teams, despite their less than stellar run of late.


"You know what?" Teddy Flame says. "We didn't end '97 with the kind of fire you guys are used to when you see the Blazing Flames out in the ring."


"And we know that's our fault," Joey says. "You start tangling with the Army of Darkness and things tends to get a little...difficult."


"But it's a new year," Teddy shouts, "and if there's one thing you can count on, it's this. We're the Blazing ****in' Flames, man."


"Eight time tag-team champions," Joey screams. "One of the best tag-teams in the world today, the original innovators of double-team wrestling.


"And our opponents tonight - and everyone backstage - know one thing to be true," Teddy says. "If you want to be taken seriously as a tag-team in this company, you go through the Blazing Flames. If you want a shot at the belts, you go through the Blazing Flames. If you want to even talk about great tag-teams in this company…"


"You come and you fight the two of us."


Rating: C-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoeyFlame.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TeddyFlame.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg


The Blazing Flames vs. The Wood Brothers

This is one of those matches that looks great on paper, but the run both teams have had of late robs it of any real impact. There's some impeccable tag-team work happening in the ring, but the fans are treating it with polite interest rather than rabid intensity.


The Wood Brothers are the aggressors here, but the Flames are at their best when they're up against steep odds and they make an inspired come-back about thirteen minutes into the match. It ends with Teddy Flame hitting Billy Wood with the Flame On, picking up the pinfall.


The Blazing Flames defeated The Wood Brothers in 14:32 by pinfall.

Rating: C-





The Blazing Flames come together in the center of the ring, trading high-fives as they celebrate their victory.


Larry Wood immediately loses it. He grabs the lump of two-by-four his brother habitually carries around, swinging for the fences as he charges the flames. Joey sees the attack coming and gets out of the way, but Teddy catches a blow across the top of his head...


...and the two-by-four seems to explode into a shower of splinters due to the force of the attack.


Teddy goes down like a dead weight and Larry Wood unleashes a vicious howl. Joey hesitates for a just a moment before coming to his brother's aid, which simply means he's cut off by a big boot by Billy Wood that lays him out.


The two Wood Brothers strand triumphant in the middle of the ring, frothing at the mouth as they roar at the crowd. A crowd of referees hit the crowd, hustling the Woods away from their victims, as the show goes to a commercial break.


Rating: D





We come back from the break, and the World Heavyweight Champion is in the ring, title around his waist and Posse gathered around him. Rip Chord waits for the fans to get a whole lot of booing out of their system, smirking as he stands by with the microphone.


"As you can see," Chord says, "a great flaw in the universe has now been rectified, and the Great One is, once again, the World Heavyweight Champion. I went out there and wrestled the match of my life in order to prove that I exactly what I say I am - the new Golden Age of Professional Wrestling incarnate.


"Now maybe none of you like the way I earned this belt, but that's because you don't understand how this business works. A champion is a man who earns victory by any means necessary, deploying all the resources he has available in order to stay on top of the game. I'm a man blessed with resources: the rip-chord DDT; the unbreakable Cloverleaf; a lethal array of throws and holds...and friends, comrades in arms, who are there to watch my back.


"Now I know Liberty is back there, complaining about the way he lost--"




Chord's promo is cut off when Liberty makes a break through the crowd, vaulting the guard rail and scrambling into the ring. He starts laying into Chord before the entourage is even sure what's happening, drawing blood with the first punch.


Charlie Thatcher responds first, darting forward with frightening speed for a man his size, and he's greeted with a roundhouse that knocks him on his ass. "Liberty's wearing brass knuckles!" Kyle Rhodes shouts. "He's giving Thatcher a taste of his own medicine!"


Another series of punches take out the Wrecking Crew, but Chord is already on the retreat, backing up the ramp as he wipes blood from his face. Liberty immediately snatches up the dropped microphone, crouching low as he stares at the retreating champion.


"He Rip," Liberty says, "I don't know if you noticed this, but I don't tend to complain, man. When things don't go my way, I take care of things my own way.


"Now I've got another shot coming my way. Not the way I wanted it, but that just means there's more chances to whip your ass come Malice. Me and you, Rip, and whoever else finds their way into the Four Way Dance, we're going to put on a show.


"And just so you know, Mister Great-One-Golden-Age-Best-There-Ever-Is, I plan on beating you and everyone else in that ring with me, and walking out with the title you flat-out stole from me last Sunday."


Liberty drops the mic and pumps his fist in the air, showing off the brass knuckles dotted with Chord's blood, and Chord puts as much distance as he can between himself and the fired-up former champion.


Rating: B





A pre-recorded hype video appears on the screen, showing footage of Vengeance crouched amid the ruins of a church. There's a storm raging outside, and occasionally the silver mark is thrown into stark relief by a flash of lightning.


"Buried alive," Vengeance rasps. "Set alight. Cast out and forbidden from helping my brother. I sacrificed everything to save the soul of another, and my reward was nothing but the pain of recovery.


"But scars heal. Agony can be endured and subsumed. In time, all that remains is the burning need for Vengeance.


"This time I do not come to save the worthy, but to damn all sinners to the depths of hell."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlexBraun.jpgvs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg


Alex Braun vs. Dread w/Emma Chase

For all that he trained Monty Walker, Braun is a very different man in the ring: unflappable, focused, lacking the nervous energy that characterises Walker's in-ring personal. The fans are reminded of this the moment Dread emerges, broken nose hidden behind a full-face protective mask, and Braun meets the big man's stare-down with calm indifference.


The bell rings and Braun explodes, charging in with a series of kicks to the knee, ducking and weaving to avoid Dread's counter-strikes. It's a similar tactic to the one used by Walker in his matches, but Bruan's approach shows less flash and more function, targeting joints and nerve clusters for maximum efficiency.


Dread, being Dread, is prepared for that. He endures the punishment, looks for his spot, cuts Braun's momentum off with a big knee strike before hauling him into the corner. From there Dread is free to unleash his favourite form of offense, pasting his opponent with strikes and elbows until the five-count is reached.


Braun rallies several times, but Dread is...well, Dread's not taking his loss at Psycho Circus at all well, and he's treating Braun as a surrogate for the man who defeated him. He doesn't so much defeat Braun and dismantle the veteran, and the impressive thing is simply how long Braun weathers the storm and keeps fighting.


The match ends just shy of fifteen minutes, when the Juggernaut finally catches Braun with a Dread Bomb.


Dread defeated Alex Braun in 14:41 by pinfall.

Rating: B-




Overall: B-

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"January '98," Dundee says. "I'm, what, two months off turning twenty-four? It sounds young, but I started young. I had eight years of wrestling under my belt: Australia; the UK; a few tours of Japan. Found my way up to Canada for a stretch, had a cup of coffee with the Stones before Supreme brought me in as a manager. There were exactly four Aussie wrestlers who made it onto television at that point, mate, and I was one of them.


"And its the year where I started...well, not hating wrestling, 'cause I've never hated it...but it's the year I started getting frustrated with the way things were.


"I'd been with Hollyweird since the beginning, watched three separate bookers run through the place. Learned a little from Strong, learned a little from Rip, was on the verge of learning a hell of a lot from Mike Nero and what he'd done in the past. No disrespect to any of 'em, but they didn't get anyone under the age of thirty-five.


"When I heard Nero's reasoning for putting the belt back on Rip, I just about pissed myself laughing. Rip Chord was ****ing forty-eight years old. Still had it in the ring, still wrestled a hell of a match, but he'd been named the Veteran Wrestler of the Year back in '96 for a reason, and if you want a champion who looks like a champion, having the guy pushing fifty at the top of your card didn't exactly send a message I understood.


"Don't get me wrong, Rip knows how to be a champion. He presents like one 'cause he's held that role for most of his damn life, takes the responsibility as seriously as anyone you an think of, 'cause he knows how damn important the job is to everyone else.


"But I sat there in the meeting, all amused by what I heard. And it wasn't 'til a week later, when I saw the way things were going, that I started to get pissed-off."






"So the hand-over happens and the mood backstage is...unpleasant." Joel Bryant's grin is small, controlled expression. You'd barely notice it if it wasn't for the way his moustache shifts. "Nero's an unknown quantity on the booking front, you know? The guy who made Texas big by pushing boundaries, a guy who can turn things around, but a man who hasn't made anyone promises. No-one's push is safe anymore. He showed folks that with the title match, taking away the belt a lot of people thought Liberty had earned.


"And Aussie Jack, he came into that show pissed off, which isn't really like him. We met with Nero, ran through the card, set up the plans for the house shows he wasn't going to be attending. An' afterward Jack grabs me and we have this talk, all quiet-like. He says it's time him and me stop being the quiet guys on the booking committee, time we started looking out for the company our own way and start trusting our guts.


"Basically came out and said, what we just did to Liberty ain't right, brother, and you and me are the only ones in a position to change that. Nero's got the experience, but he's out of touch. He doesn't get why fans are cheering Liberty. He doesn't get why Monty Walker is getting over like there's a rocket strapped to his ass. Nero can't fix this. He's not the guy on the ground or the guy who gets the crowd. We're the guys here twenty-four-seven, and the only guys who can fix it is us.


"It's the first time I've seen Aussie Jack that pissed, outside the ring, and I figured it was all kinds of trouble coming down the line.


"So a little later, I had a quiet talk with Mike, let him know what was up. And Nero just grinned his sneaky-bastard grin and said he'd been waiting a damn month for Jack to blow up like that.






Mike Nero stares at the camera, grinning his evil, sneaky-bastard grin.


"The problem with Hollyweird is the problem every big company has after a while," he says. "It was too easy for people to become complacent.


"Hollyweird had money. It had big-name stars with guaranteed contracts, the ability demand changes to the results of their match. Rip Chord's contract said he'd be a featured performer; top of the card, an icon, able to change any match he didn't feel portrayed him in the best light. Sam Strong had the same, and he wasn't afraid to tell me that.


"Rip's time with the book focused on the company becoming a team, chasing the prize of beating Supreme in the ratings, elevating the company into being the best in the world. It's a tactic that works brilliantly in a company like MAW, 'cause you're dealing with young kids who are hungry and eager to go forth.


"I didn't want that in Hollyweird. I wanted people out there, every night, trying to change the face of wrestling, 'cause they needed to get themselves over first and foremost. I wanted them on top of their games, not content to collect the paycheck and waiting for Rip and Strong to retire.


"I didn't want the mood to be we'll all get there eventually. I wanted people to know that if you fell, in that locker room, everyone in line behind you would climb over your body and leave you in the dust. I wanted them making everything they could from their minutes on TV, 'cause if your minutes didn't work, you got less of them in the weeks to come.


"I wanted them pissed off and ready to fight, 'cause fighting Supreme wasn't motivating the vast majority of the wrestlers. It was Rip's goal, 'cause he had something to prove, but the majority of the locker room still figured they'd end up with the Eisen's eventually. Some of them, like Strong, didn't even bother hiding that that was the long-term plan."

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