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HGC: The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird (Cverse '97)

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Steve Flash vs. Rip Chord

- Steve Flash-in-the-Pan is not on the level of Chord... or Morgan... for that matter.


Brent Hill vs. Sam Strong

- Gods I hate Sam Strong, but he is a draw and a pull, and never puts anyone over, ever.


Braun & Ota vs. Black Murder

- Just suit the Stampede better, plus, they can be bought off!


Bryan Vessey vs. Paul Steadyfast

- I hate Steadyfast. There is no logic here, I just do.


La Revolution X vs. The Greatness

- LRX might be good, but they are not Greatness.

* - Paid for by Monsieur E. Chandler.


Tommy Cornell vs. Lee Wright

- I want Lee Wright to have a different adjective every week. Extreme. Dangerous. Happy. The gimmick writes itself.

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Tuesday, Week 2, May 1998

Clover Fields (Mid South) - 15,000 people (Sold Out!)






The show starts with Rip Chord and the Entourage down in the ring.


"Anyone can have three good seconds," Chord says. "What separates a true champion from someone who gets lucky is their history with the belt. In the history of the World Heavyweight Championship in this company, Rip Chord made seventeen successful defences of the belt. He dominated the main event of every pay-per-view. He made the World Heavyweight Title a prize worth chasing.


"Monty Walker?


"Monty Walker was a kid who had three good seconds. He may go on to be a great champion. To defend that belt against all comers and prove he's got what it takes to be the man, time and again, night after night.


"'Cause that what it means to be champion. It's not a good night. It's week after week, month after month, of facing the best there is. It's holding off that moment where you make a mistake for three seconds...three short, insignificant seconds...and someone comes along to take advantage of it.


"Unfortunately for Walker, this isn't his time. 'Cause, come Total Mayhem, the World Heavyweight Championship returns to ithe waist of this company's most proven wrestler.


"The Great One, Rip Chord, the one true World Heavyweight Champion, and--"




The Beastie Boys' Sabotage hits and Steve Flash leads a small entourage of his own down to the ring. The four men square off against Chord's Entourage and Alex Braun calls for a microphone.


"Chord, you may not notice this, but you're not wearing a title around your waist anymore," Braun says. "And that means it's open season on your ass. Y'see, Rip, a lot of us have been looking forward to testing our skills against The Great One and seeing just how good we are, but a champion has the right to refuse any challenge.


"You ducked plenty of challenges that way, when you held gold around your waist. but there's no gold on your hips anymore. Right now, you're just another wrestler, and my buddy Steve Flash reckons he's got what it takes to pin you."


Chord glares at the four men arrayed against him, and for a moment it looks as though he's going to order the Entourage to attack.


Instead, a slow smile appears.


"Alright," he says, "let's see what your friend has got."


Rating: D+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TommyCornell.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LeeWright.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuzueKatayama.jpg


Tommy Cornell vs. Lee Wright w/Suzue Katayama


Cornell and Wright lock up and engage in a prolonged technical exchange, working their way through hold and counter-hold, treating each exchange as an opportunity to one-up their opponent. Lee Wright breaks first, unleashing a savage chop across Cornell's chest. Cornell responds in kind, unleashing a double-handed chop to Wright's flank.


Things escalate to the point of clothes fists and roundhouse kicks. Cornell comes out the worst of the exchange of strikes, favouring his right arm. Wright works it for the remainder of the match, eventually locking in an arm bar to pick up the submission.


Lee Wright defeated Tommy Cornell in 9:35 by submission.

Rating: C+






Lee Wright climbs to his feet, one gloved fist raised in victory. It doesn't matter to the crowd: they immediately launch into a regular chant, "You Tapped Out!", as Sam Strong leads the rest of the Strong Style Army down to the ring.




"All of you can shut your mouths," Sam Strong says. "I'm not here to rehash history - I'm here to talk about the future, brother, and what I've got to say is big.


"Six months ago, Sam Strong and Liberty were part of the biggest match in the history of this sport. We went out there, we tore down the house, and I got screwed out of everything I had coming to me. I lost a title shot. I lost the winner's share of the purse. I lost the right to put Liberty behind me, where he belongs, because Frankie Future tricked me into a stipulation that meant I couldn't share a ring with Liberty for a period of six months.


"Well, those six months are over, brother, and like they say...payback's a bitch.


"Liberty, next week, you need to find yourself some allies, 'cause me and Team Strength Rush will be waiting for you in the main event. It's going to get rough, brother. It's going to get painful. And since I've already had a word in Frankie Future's ear and let Ray Diaz get...persuasive...we're going to be going at it no holds barred, just like we did the night you screwed me six months ago.


"Your six months of peace and quiet are over, brother. Now you're Sam Strong's personal project...and I'm going to make you wish you were never born."

Rating: B




We go to the interview stage, where Silver Shark and High Voltage taped a pre-match interview:




"We are Shark and Voltage, La Revolution X," Silver Shark says. "The top tag-team in Hollyweird Grappling. Tonight, we're going to put the bite on The Greatness, and shock the world when we hit the unstoppable Wave Motion Tsunami."


Rating: D-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SilverShark.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HighVoltage_zps6ff49459.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CraigPrince_zpsb179a511.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper.jpg


La Revolution X vs. The Greatness w/Grace Harper


High Voltage kicks things off for his team, coming out of the gates fast and reckless. Quick kicks and quick tags give La Revolution X an early edge, the unpredictable masked men coming at The Greatness from all angles.


Eddie Chandler cuts of their momentum with a thumb to the eye on Voltage, slinging the masked man into the Greatness corner. The Greatness lock Voltage down until the hot tag, then Chandler low-blows Silver Shark to make the cover. When Voltage makes the save, but he doesn't last long after that. Craig Prince hits the ring: Palm strike! German Suplex! KATAHAJIME!


The Greatness defeated La Revolution X in 5:52 by submission.

Rating: C-






Eddie Chandler collects a microphone as the rest of the Global Elite join The Greatness in the ring.


"Six in a row, Future," Chandler says. "How many wins must The Greatness achieve before you give us our World Tag-Team Championship match? How many men must Craig Prince submit? We are the future of your tag-team division...and we are too Fabulous to be stopped."


He hands the microphone over to Eric Tyler, who pauses a moment to smirk at the camera. "In the old days, it used to be easy," he says. "When you didn't like a man, you stepped into the ring and fought him. If you wanted to know who was better, you stepped into the ring and fought him. You did it one on one, and you accepted the results.


"Duane Stone doesn't want to go one-on-one with me. For months now, he's held the power - he can name the time and he can name the place - and we end up facing each other in tag-team matches and six-man bouts, anything but one-on-one."


"We are the Elite," Grace Harper says. "The best in the world, gathered in one place. The best tag-team, the best singles wrestlers, and...on the rare instances Frankie Future has deigned to let me wrestle, we've proven that the Elite is home to the best women's wrestler in the world as well.


"The tag-team champions like to talk about the importance of being Stone trained. Duane and Victoria walk around backstage like it gives them special rights. But from what I can see, Stone is just another word for being second best, and--"




The Stones walk out onto the stage, along with the World Tag-Team Champions. Victoria Stone steps out front, microphone in hand.


"We've just been backstage, talking to Frankie Future," she says, "and it seems he's got some news. Come June, Hollyweird TV will be moving to a national network, and that network doesn't have any prohibitions against women wrestling.


"What that means, Grace, is that you and have a date in three weeks time. Future's already made a mixed tag for our first show on Arcadia...and we'll finally see who the best women's wrestler in the world might be."


"As for you and me, Eric," Duane says, "I'm not ducking anything. You and I are going to meet at Total Mayhem in two weeks in a Submissions Match, and I fully intend to make you tap out to the Alabaster Agony."


"As for your title shot , Eddie," Thomas Morgan says, "Me and Bryan Holmes have--"




Get On Up starts to play and GM Frankie Future makes his way onto the stage. "Whoa," he says, "Hold up, there, Thomas. I respect you desire to fight, champ, but I've got once last test for The Greatness before they get their shot.


"Next week, we're going to be having a four-way fray to determine the number one contender's for the tag-team belts, with the winner's getting a shot at Total Mayhem. If the Greatness want a title shot, they step into the ring and earth it...one way or another."


"Works for me," Morgan says, glancing at his partner. Bryan Holmes nods, tapping his palm against the title belt.


Rating: C-






The new Masked Rebel is on the interview stage along with Action Jackson. Jackson grins for the camera. "This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops," he says, "and Sam Strong laying down a challenge to Liberty earlier tonight, I'm here with a man whose got plenty to say on the subject - Masked Rebel II.


"Rebel, what are your feelings on this match? Could we see you teaming up with Liberty next week?"


Rebel's smile is just visible beneath his mask. "Y'know, I like the American Outlaw," he says. "He's a kid with a lot of potential and, hell, I like his attitude. Anyone willing to stand up to the man and raise his middle finger is exactly the Masked Rebel's kind of guy.


"So yeah, if he wants me, I'm happy to step up, AJ, 'cause Strong may think he's done with me, but I'm nowhere near done with him."


Rating: B-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


Bryan Vessey w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Paul Steadyfast w/Wanda Fish


Bryan Vessey takes control of the match with aggressive, focused wrestling. He goes after Paul Steadyfast's right arm, working it with holds and strikes. Steadyfast responds with a singular, focused gameplan: slow Vessey down, grind away at his cardio.


Again and again, the young leader of the Untouchables slaps on a headlock, forcing Vessey to carry his weight. Again and again, Vessey fights his way free, eventually doing so with a series of big suplexes that rattle Steadyfast badly.


A rattled Paul Steadyfast has no defence against Vessey's superior grappling game and soon finds himself caught in a key lock. Vessey torques the hold, living up to his promise to break the offending limb, but Steadyfast isn't willing to tap. He fights, crawling for the ropes, even though it's obvious he isn't going to reach them.




Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant see where things are going and climb into the ring. Oxford hits a lethal kneedrop on Vessey, drawing the DQ, and Joel Bryant hauls Bryan away from the Untouchable's leader.


Bryan Vessey defeated Paul Steadyfast in 14:40 when Paul Steadyfast was disqualified.

Rating: C






The two-on-one beat down of Vessey continues, Oxford and Bryant buying time for Paul Steadyfast to recover. The leader of the Untouchables recovers and gets to his feet, favouring the right arm that was trapped in the key lock. He observes his partners stomping the hell out of Vessey, a slow grin forming on his face.




There's a roar as Chris Storm comes charging down the ramp, heading in to make the save for his partner.




It dies just as quickly when Richie Pangrazzio JR emerges from the crowd, steel chair in hand, and smashes it into Storm's face as he runs. Storm goes down hard, bloodied. Pangrazzio looks to the ring, meeting Paul Steadyfast's gaze. Paul isn't happy, but Pangrazzio doesn't look like he gives a damn. He retreats up the ramp, chair still in hand, smirk in place.


Steadfast looks to his manager, Wanda Fish, obviously curious as to her involvement in this particular set-up.


Rating: D






"Weapons, bloodshed, no holds barred," Dick the Devastator smiles like he's remembering something particularly enjoyable. "I made my career in these kinds of matches, earned my reputation as the most feared man in wrestling.


"The Nation of Filth have earned the first spot in the tag-team stampede. There are three more teams to be added. Three teams willing to embrace the pain. Three teams willing to risk their careers stepping into the ring with Grunt and Stink with garbage cans in hand.


"And as those three teams step into the ring at Total Mayhem....as they look across the ring and see these two animals standing there with weapons in hand...as they feel the warm piss of terror crawling down their legs...that's when they've realised they've made a mistake.


"They've stepped into the ring with a monster that thrives on pain and suffering, and there's nothing in that prize purse that makes enduring that worthwhile..."


Rating: D






http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlexBraun.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ElijahBlack.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MurderousMikey.jpg


Braun & Ota vs. Black Murder


Braun and Ota dominate using speed and stiff strikes, until Big Mike Murder lays out Alex Braun with a lethal big-boot. Black Murder haul Braun into the wrong part of town and dominate him with clubbing blows and big slams, right up until Brain fights his way free with guts, determination, and some really nasty nerve strikes.


He makes the tag and Ota explodes into the ring, unleashing a series of kicks against Elijah Black. Mule kick! Roundhouse! Rana takedown! Elijah Black kicks free, cuts Ota off with a low blow, starts working the smaller man over.




There's a metallic thump at ringside as Ed Monton makes his appearance, hauling Big Mike Murder off the apron and nailing him with a hard right forearm. Elijah Black goes to check on his friend and Ota gets the tag, joining Braun in a double-enziguri that puts Black out for the count.


Braun & Ota defeated Black Murder in 9:52 by pinfall.

Rating: D+




"We received this footage from a fan earlier today," Jason Azaria. "We apologise for the production quality, but we believed its contents needed to be shared..."




There's shaky, unsteady footage of two young girls, maybe seven and eight years old. "Hey, girls, look over there," a woman's voice says, just behind the camera, and there's a blur of movement before it settles on Mr Lucha climbing out of a cab and walking towards the doors of Clover Field. "Come on," the woman's voice says. "Lets go get an autograph."


There's a few shaky seconds of footage as the young, blonde girls bashfully ask the International Champion for said autograph, and Lucha is happy to comply.




Until he's jumped by Barstow Enterprises, getting clubbed from behind by Nathan Coleman and his cowbell, a precursor to the four-on-one assault. The two young girls scream and the footage blurs a couple of time as the camera-woman tries to back away from the fight.




But she keeps taping long enough to capture footage of the six-nine form of Tyson Baine tearing into the fray, clearing house and forcing Barstow Enterprises to scatter, saving Lucha from the worst of the beating.


"As a result of this incident," Azaria says, "Barstow Enterprises were banned from backstage for the rest of the evening, despite requests from both Lucha and Baine to wrestle them..."


Rating: D






Backstage, and Liberty is talking with Joey and Teddy Flame, discussing something in low tones. Teddy notices the camera first, alerting the others to its presence, and Liberty immediately breaks out into a wide grin. "Hey," he says, "Camera-man, get over here."


The camera comes in closer.


"Six man tag," Liberty says. "Seems Strong and Frankie Future want me to drag some other people into this little grudge Sam's built up inside his head. Doesn't really seem fair to me, but I'm not the man in charge...and, luckily, there's plenty of people willing to step up and have a piece of Strong and his crew."


"Do you remember us, Sam?" Teddy Flame says. "Just a month ago, you and your flunkies were trying to pretend me and Joey were nothing, an inconvenience to be beat-down and ignored. That doesn't fly with us, man. We're the Blazing-****ing-Flames. Everything you are to singles wrestlers, we are to tag-team divisions."


"Eight time World Tag-Team Champions," Joey says. "Sixty years of experience between us. If there's something worth doing in tag-team wrestling, me and my brother have done it. You want six-man action, Strong? We say bring it on."


Rating: C+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuzueKatayama.jpg


Brent Hill vs. Sam Strong w/Suzue Katayama


Brent Hill spends the early part of the match shooting in for take-downs, trying to even out the size advantage by getting Strong onto the mat. Sam Strong fends him off, using every wrestling trick in the book in addition to an MMA-influenced sprawl that Nero cites as "Team Strength Rush's influence."


Strong starts rocking Brent with punches and clubbing blows, throwing his weight around. Brent bounces off the ropes several time, ducking and weaving, finally shooting in and getting Strong onto the canvas with a double-leg take-down. The King of the Hill starts working for the leg submission, right up until Strong kicks free.


It's an angry, no-bullshit Strong who goes after his opponent from that point, no longer willing to play around. He hammers Hill with forearms, fires him into the ropes to set up for the leaping side-slam. More forearms! Reverse atomic drop! Strong charges in for the Strong Arm Tactic, but Hill counters with the drop toe hold, immediately scrambling for the heel hook.


Strong kicks free a second time, buying himself some space. Hill backs off, gets to his feet. STRONG ARM TACTIC OUT OF NOWHERE! The King of the Hill goes down, completely KO'd, and Sam Strong makes a mocking cover that belies the effort he expended winning the match.


Sam Strong defeated Brent Hill in 14:31 by pinfall.

Rating: B-






"This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops, and with me at this time is the Dark Master, Ethan Kane, whose got a few words for Tommy Cornell. Ethan, what's on your mind?"


Ethan Kane takes a long breath through his nose, holding back his irritation.


"Tommy Cornell," he snarls, "you poked your nose into business that wasn't yours and you've cost me, personally, professionally. I suffered your interference. I gave you an opportunity to walk away. You chose not to do that, and so you must be punished.


"At Total Mayhem, you and I will meet in the ring and your punishment begins."


Rating: C-






Walk This Way hits and the crowd erupts for Monty Walker, roaring their support as the new World Heavyweight Champion makes his way down to the ring. Walker is dressed down, as usual: an old Ramone's t-shirt, a flannel jacket, torn jeans, but he carries himself with the cocky assurance of a man who knows he's a superstar.


He hits the centre of the ring and stands there a few moments, arms spread, feeding on the crowd. Then he unhooks the belt from around his waist and holds the World Heavyweight Championship high.


"Eight days I've been wearing this now," he says, "and I still can't quite believe that it's mine. I never set out to win this belt. Hell, I didn't even set out to get to the main event. I started here as a young, cocky kid. All I wanted was a chance to get laid and have fun.


"Then Dread happened, and Rip Chord happened, and I had to grow up fast. I studied tapes. I went to war. I became the World Heavyweight Champion. I might still feel like the cocky kid who debuted a year and a half ago, but this belt says I'm more than that. It says I'm one of the best in the world. It says those wins over Dread, over Chord, they aren't flukes.


"This belt tells the world that Monty Walker is legit, and it makes me a target. Rip Chord wants this belt back. Liberty wants another chance to hold it. Dread--"




Iron Man cuts off Monty Walker's monologue and Dread makes his way down to the ring. The big human Juggernaut rolls into the ring. Dread grins, looming over the Champion, arms folded.


"Go on," the Human Juggernaut says. "I have to admit, I'm curious."


Walker meets Dread's stare, title belt still held high. "Dread wants a piece of me without this belt," he says, "but I'm betting he'd consider taking it from me icing on the cake - one more thing he can hold over my head and use to disrespect me."


Dread smirks.


"I should thank you," Walker says. "It's because of you I'm holding this belt. Because of you I had to grow up and learn how to take care of business. You're the man who taught me what my limits where and how to go beyond them...the man who stripped away all the petty fears that used to keep me down and taught me to be the very best I could be.


"Rip Chord likes to talk about the challenges of being hunted when you're a champion, how it changes the game. But I knew that feeling long before I won this title. You made sure of that...you and Emma.


"I'm not afraid of Rip Chord. He wants to step up and try to take this from me, I'm happy to oblige him. We'll meet up in the middle of that ring and I'll lay everything I have on the line to prove I am what this title says I am - the best wrestler in the goddamn world, bar none.


"And then, well, I've got some news for you, Dread...you and everyone else that wants to take a shot at me.


"I don't plan on hiding.


"If I beat Rip Chord at Total Mayhem, Dread, I'll be waiting for you in the ring the very next night. I will have this title shined up and waiting, ready to lay it all on the line, 'cause I don't intend on calling myself the best in the world unless I've got the stones to prove it, anywhere, any time.


"And when you step into the ring with me...when we dance for this title and I beat you, one-two-three...it won't be written off as luck.


"If I can't beat you, I should relinquish the title. Go talk to Future - he's got my requirements and he'll make you a match, just like any other challenger. Once I'm done with Chord - if I'm still champion - you and I will dance again, Dread.


"And this time, when I beat you, I don't want it to be written off as luck. I don't want to hear about the way I had three good seconds and that's all it takes to win a match.


"When I beat you, Dread, I want you to be man enough to shake my goddamn hand and admit that I was good enough to stop the Human Juggernaut."


For a few tense moments, the two men stand toe-to-toe, neither willing to back down. Then Dread smiles, offering Walker a slight nod, before backing away and leaving the Champion in the ring, defiantly holding the title high.


Rating: A




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SteveFlash_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Steve Flash vs. Rip Chord w/Charlie Thatcher


Steve Flash is an athlete’s athlete: fast, skilled, and energetic. He’s got rock-solid fundamentals and that level of control is present in everything he does, from the speed with which he can grab a wrist and transition into an arm-bar, controlling his opponent’s movement, through to the height and pinpoint control of his dropkicks. Flash is so good that he doesn’t need to get fancy in the ring; he just pushes the pace, relies on his training, and lets his opponent make mistakes.


It earns him some grudging respect from Chord, who knows a thing or two about letting an opponent defeat himself. The former champion gives Flash his head, whittling away at the athlete’s athlete with a series of stiff chops and elbows. He may not have the younger man’s speed when they trade holds, but Chord is more than willing to cheat and the holds he locks in really look as though they hurt.


All in all, Chord’s too smart to try and match Flash’s pace, too wily to let the majority of the dropkicks land; he gives ground, stalls again and again, trying to break Flash’s rhythm. The result is two workers at the top of their game, just looking for something to give, and in the end it’s Flash who does so.


It’s Nero who sees it and points it out to the viewers – Flash goes for the Flash-Bang, finds the move is blocked, and he over-extends on the punch that follows by maybe an inch. It puts the younger man off-balance for a fraction of a second, but that’s all Chord needs. He seizes the arm, whips Flash into position for the Rip Chord DDT, and secures the three-count while using the ropes for leverage.


“Chord isn’t making a mistake with this one,” Nero says as the show goes off the air. “With the rematch against Monty Walker looming, he wants Flash beaten and he wants him beaten good.”


Rip Chord defeated Steve Flash in 15:22 by pinfall.

Rating: B




Overall: B

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"The deal we signed with Arcadia was an aggressive piece of negotiation - an example of what Stallings team could do when they really set their mind to it." Joel Bryant opens a fresh beer, taking an opportunity to stretch his right arm afterwards. "National coverage in Prime Time, so we could go up against Supreme in every market; they paid a bigger chunk of the production costs and gave us a sizable chunk of the add buys.


"They agreed to a lot because they wanted us; they could see we were in a space to really compete with the Eisens and they were willing to help us do that anyway they could. Wrestling, from their perspective, was bankable ratings on a national level, particularly with the industry on an upturn.


"Nero figured we'd test them on that and pitched what we really needed to compete - a second show we could use to develop talent, get them the exposure and the ring-time they needed to start building the generation that would follow Strong and Chord.


"Turns out, Arcadia really, really wanted us."






"Me and Ota, Ed, and Stevie," Alex Braun says, "we'd become a stable by accident, you know? The four of us rode together and hung out together backstage, and slowly that transitioned into the way we appeared on screen. Nero called us the Gang of Four. It took a while for that to filter through, on-screen, but its where the name came from.


"We started getting more screen time through late April and early May. Nothing major - no big angles - but we were there, filling spots in the Stampede that needed filling, going up against Rip Chord when he needed a good fifteen minutes.


"It didn't feel like the start of something, but...well, you get a sense, yeah? When you've been in the industry long enough? When Nero pulled everyone together and told us we'd be debuting a second show in June, the four of us just sat at the rear of the meeting, nodding, 'cause all of a sudden moving us front and centre made all kinds of sense."






"The debut of Adrenaline meant a lot of things," Jason Azaria says. "It meant more talent had the opportunity to have a cup of coffee and get on television. It meant we had more time to say 'tomorrow night's the pay-per-view' every four weeks. It meant we could develop talent, away from the glare of prime time. And it also allowed us to talk about what would happen on Tuesday night on Hollyweird TV.


"From a strategic point of view, it was incredibly useful.


"But it's a lot of work to double the amount of TV you produce every week, and Nero was always looking to scale back his involvement, not do more..."

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The TCW Wrestling Archive Presents


- Episode 71 Preview -


Tommy Cornell is a promising young talent that's been looking for opportunities in HGC, regardless of the cost. That's why he's signed up to face the Human Juggernaut, Dread, in our opening match - how well will the young rookie fare against the beast?


A tag-team competitor makes his singles match debut, with High Voltage of La Revolution X squaring off against Troy Tornado of Barstow Enterprises.


Three tag-teams square off in a three-way dance in the match that follows, with the winners stepping up to face The Ontario Kings for the titles at Total Mayhem. The competitors fighting for this prestigious spot: The Greatness, Black Murder, and the duo of Flash & Monton.


Some high-speed wrestling follows when the submissions specialist of the All-Star Team, Chris Storm, is pitted against the hard kicking, high-flying Awesome Thunder.


Another spot in the Tag-Team Stampede is up for grabs in our semi-main event, and The Dallas Wrecking Crew are one of the few teams who competed in last year's stampede to put their name forward for another shot. In order to get there, they've got to get past the power of Vengeance and Cowboy Ricky Dale when the Wrecking Crew takes on Hard Justice.


Finally, in our main event, it's a six-man street fight that pits Sam Strong and Team Strength Rush up against a team of men led by the American Outlaw, Liberty. Both The Blazing Flames and The Masked Rebel have put their names forward to join forces with Liberty, but we're not yet sure who will be in the main event - can Liberty's rag-tag team stand up to Strong's unified force?


Matches Featured on this Streaming Video include:


Liberty, ?????, & ?????? vs. Team Strong Style

Hard Justice vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

Chris Storm vs. Awesome Thunder

Flash & Monton vs. Black Murder vs. The Greatness

High Voltage vs. Troy Tornado

Tommy Cornell vs. Dread

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Liberty, ?????, & ?????? vs. Team Strong Style

- Sam Strong does not lay down for questionable marks.


Hard Justice vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

- Draw. I just do not like either team that much.


Chris Storm vs. Awesome Thunder

- Thunder better than Storm. Okay, likely not, but it is what I want to have happen.


Flash & Monton vs. Black Murder vs. The Greatness

- Only one of these is Great!*

* This message paid for by Edwardo Chandler.


High Voltage vs. Troy Tornado

- Back to the tag teamery, flippy floppy masky boy!


Tommy Cornell vs. Dread

- Welcome to the main event Tommy. Now Dread makes you dead!

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“A rising star.”


Footage of Liberty charging across the ring, delivering a flying forearm to his opponent.


“A veteran of the squared circle.”


Sam Strong drops an opponent with the Strong Arm Tactic, taking a moment to pause and roar.”


“A grudge that’s been nursed for six long months.”


Footage from the first street fight between the pair, with both men bloodied and exhausted, staring at one another defiantly as they refuse to go down.


“Tonight it isn’t a match…it’s a six man war…and two men will be leading their teams into battle. Who will stand beside America’s Outlaw as he step into the ring with Strong and his allies? Who will be victorious in this battle between the fallen hero…and the man who stepped up to replace him? Find out in our main event, here on HOLLYWEIRD TV…”


More Human Than the Human fires up as we launch into the credit sequence for Hollyweird TV…


Rating: B






Tuesday, Week 3, May 1998

Iowa State Fayre (Mid-West) - 15,000 people (Sold Out!)






The silver screen comes to life, showing a pre-taped promo by Tommy Cornell as the Englishman makes his way down to the ring. "Dread, gov, I know what I'm in for tonight," Cornell says. "I know how hard you hit, and I know how carefully you prepare for a fight.


"Tonight I knuckle up and go toe-to-toe with an unstoppable monster...and when I win, I'll take that momentum into my match with you, Ethan Kane, when we meet up at Total Mayhem."


Rating: C+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TommyCornell.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg


Tommy Cornell vs. Dread w/Emma Chase


Cornell looks to be outclassed here, but the youngster doesn't back down. He takes the fight to Dread, dancing around the bigger man, planting punches to Dread's exposed flanks to wear the juggernaut down. Dread responds in kind, no stranger to trading strikes, which is when Cornell goes for his first take-down of the match, catching Dread by surprise and getting the big man onto the mat.


"Well, that was a mistake," Nero says on commentary.


"How is it a mistake?" Kyle Rhodes demands as Cornell applies a hammerlock to his downed opponent. "He's got his opponent on the mat. He's got control of the match."


"Yeah," Nero says, "but now he's pissed Dread off."


And indeed, it seems the Englishman has irritated the hell out of the Human Juggernaut, who fights his way back to a vertical base and starts battering Cornell with stiff clubbing forearms. Cornell gets thrown into the turnbuckles and crushed beneath the full weight of a charging Dread. Senton! Jumping Splash! Slingshot to the Corner! Cornell sags against the ropes, chest heaving. RUNNING DROPKICK FROM DREAD!


The awe-inspiring sight of the big man crashing into Cornell like a bullet is impressive enough, but Cornell earns a huge pop when he kicks out of the cover. Dread seizes Cornell's legs and applies a deep, painful Boston Crab, but Cornell crawls to the ropes and breaks the hold.


Dread shakes his head at his opponents resilience, taking a moment to distract the referee. Emma Chase immediately sizes on the distraction, clubbing Cornell in the side of the head with one of her high-heeled shoes, but all that does is irritate Cornell who rolls out of the ring and starts stalking Chase. Emma gives ground, uncertain of what to do...




...and then Ethan Kane hits Cornell from behind, clubbing him in the spine with a double axe-handle. Kane grabs Cornell by the hair and drags him to the ramp, spiking Cornell into the steel with a DDT.


Cornell gets knocked out by the impact and Kane immediately retreats to the backstage area, leaving Dread to stalk back-and-forth in the ring while the referee makes a ten-count and awards the count-out victory.


Dread defeated Tommy Cornell in 10:23 when Tommy Cornell was counted out.

Rating: B






Dread grabs one of the camera-man at ringside and stares down the lens, his battered visage close enough to block out everything else.


"Walker," he says, "you're a smart man. You know I'm coming for you. You know I'll beat you down. Talk about respect all you want - we both know who the better man is going to be."


Rating: B-






Professor Nero leaves the announce desk and climbs into the ring, microphone in hand. "Ladies and gentlemen," he says, "my guests at this time...The Strong Style Army!."




Sam Strong leads the Strong Style Army down to the ring, all six men dressed to compete. They climb into the ring with Nero. "Gentlemen," the Professor says, "you've challenged Liberty to a six-man streetfight in our main event, and as yet there's been no official word on who will be accompanying the American Outlaw to the ring. Who are you expecting to see opposite you tonight?"


Sam Strong grins and folds his arms. "Professor Nero, brother, so long as I get my hands on Liberty, I don't care who he's got in his corner. Tonight, we're not going out there for a wrestling match - the Strong Style Army is here for a fight, and when it comes to fighting, we're the best there is.


"Who can Liberty get that will match the raw power and Mauy Thai training of The Monster, Raymond Diaz? This kid can shatter concrete with the raw power of his kicks, he can break ribs with his knees, and for all he's been schooled by some veterans of the squared circle, brother, he's at his best when we take off the leash and let him brutalise an opponent.


"Who can Liberty get that knows as many ways to stretch a man as Lee Wright--"


Strong is immediately interrupted by the crowd launching into a "You Tapped Out" chant, which causes Lee Wright to lose his temper in the middle of the ring.


"Lee Wright learned submission in Aikido dojos around the world," Strong says, choosing to shout over the crowd's chant, "but he learned to fight on the streets of Brooklyn, New York, and he's only gotten better since joining forces with me.


"As for me, brother, well...I know what Liberty's capable of. I saw the potential in him from the very start Hollyweird and I took him under my wing. I learned what he was capable of, helped him test his limits...and yeah, brother, he beat me once.


"But once is all you get when you go to war with Sam Strong.


"It doesn't matter who he gets in his corner tonight, whether it's the man of mystery, Masked Rebel II, or the Blazing Flames, or anyone else in this locker room.


"Tonight, in the main event, you're going to see a fight...and it's a fight Liberty cannot win."


Rating: B-





The Silver Screen comes to life, showing a replay of Barstow Enterprise's assault on Mr Lucha from last week, complete with Tyson Baine coming to make the save. A great deal of focus is given to the impact of Troy Tornado's Starmaker, the ease with which Nathan Coleman wields a cowbell, and the terrifying choke slam of Tyson Baine.


Rating: B-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HighVoltage_zps6ff49459.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TroyTornado.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpg


High Voltage vs. Troy Tornado w/Cheatin' Mike Barstow


Fast and reckless offense from High Voltage to kick this one off, built around the masked man's talent for using the ropes to come at his opponent from all directions. Tornado is no stranger to speed, though, and he has Barstow at ringside. Cheatin' Mike surreptitiously trips Voltage as the youngster goes to the ropes, setting the masked man up for a devastating Star Maker off the top rope from Tornado.


Troy Tornado defeated High Voltage in 5:52 by pinfall.

Rating: D+



The silver screen comes to life, the first image depicting Eric Tyler locking in the Tradition Lift on an unsuspecting victim.



"We assembled the best wrestlers in the world," Tyler says in voice-over.



The second clip features Grace Harper hitting her Fisherman's Suplex on all manner of male and female opponents.


"The best of the best," Harper adds, "regardless of gender."



Jack Dundee hammers opponents with a series of backbreakers.


"It doesn't matter how you face us," Dundee's voice-over says. "Alone..."


The Greatness throw their opponents around with suplexes.



"In tag-teams," Eddie Chandler's voice-over adds. "Or standing together, Elite..."


The final shot of the sequence features all five members of the Elite lined up in the ring.


"We are the best in the world," Eric Tyler says, "and we will rise to the top."


Rating: D+






"Richie Pangrazzio." Jason Azaria says. "An All-Star. A Future Legend. One of the best technical wrestlers to lace up a pair of boots. A man who has come to Hollyweird with the expressed purpose of destroying his own father, pitting himself against all three members of the All-Star Team.


"I recently got an opportunity to spend some time with Pangrazzio Junior and delve a little further into his motivations for coming to Hollyweird Grappling..."




Richie Pangrazzio stands at home base in the middle of an empty stadium, a machine pitching balls in his direction. He hits them, one by one, sending the baseball flying into the stands, an athlete perfectly at home and in control.


"I was seven years old when I first picked up a baseball bat," Pangrazzio says. "It was the most natural thing I ever did. I could hit. I could throw. I had a knack for stealing bases. I was always an active kid, but suddenly I had focus.


"At the end of the first game, I was batting against Jimmy Phee. He pitched and I hit the ball, watched it go flying. I scored the winning home run and people...people treated me differently.


"They treated me like I mattered.


"They've done studies on sports, figured out the kids who are best at little league were born on the early months of the year. They're the kids who develop early; they get stronger early; they develop better hand-eye coordination. And 'cause of that, they get more time on the field. Their natural advantage is enhanced by more practice, more focused training.


"I wasn't one of those kids. My birthday was November 5th.


"When I say I found the thing I was meant to do, I mean that literally. I'd found the thing I was meant to do - the thing I could do better than anyone else in my class - and people celebrated that. They made it seem important.


"I liked that feeling. I remember thinking it would be nice to feel like that for the rest of my life. To be feted. Celebrated. Treated like you matter. So I got into sports. Baseball. Wrestling. Football. Track. I earned trophies in all of them, but baseball remained my first love.


"I went to college on a double scholarship: wrestling and baseball. I lead both teams. I was a star.


"Then college was over and the major league scouts came looking for me. They told me I was good. They told me I could be great one day. They made me an offer in the fifth round of the draft. They said I showed promise. That I had all the tools, but I needed some seasoning.


"And there was my father, saying, kid, you're a natural. Come wrestle and you'll be wearing gold. Come wrestle and you'll be the best of the best.


"And I liked being the best. He knew that about me. Knew it better than I did, when I was just twenty. My father has always known how to motivate athletes. He understands their psychology; it's what makes him the Coach.


"That's how I became a pro-wrestler. That's how I gave up my dream."


He hits one final ball. Rests a moment, leaning on the bat.


"At first, it felt right. I went out into the ring. I beat people. I heard people cheering my name. My father trained me well, brought in the War Eagles to back me up, started positioning me for a run at a title. I felt that rush. I was positioned to be great.


"And it never happened.


"The War Eagles captured tag-team gold. I guess you could say they wanted it more. They were wrestlers, in their hearts. Good kids who got into wrestling 'cause they loved the sport. Me, I never had that hunger. I was a good talent who didn't have the desire to be great. I didn't have it in me to dig deep and do something special, regardless of what the Coach said.


"I just didn't realise it until I had my own kids. Until I watched my little boy pick up a baseball bat for the first time. Until we started playing catch in the backyard. By then it was too late to go back and play baseball, no matter how good I may be. By then, all I could do was guide my own kids...and come back here looking for payback against the man who took my dream away."


The camera pulls back, revealing Jason Azaria standing by, listening to Pangrazzio's tirade. "But don't you think," he says, "it's a little unfair to throw all the blame for this on your father? You were an adult when you made that call. Shouldn't you shoulder some of the responsibility?"


"Responsibility?" Pangrazzio Junior steps off the plate, heading for Azaria. "You want to talk about responsibility? What about the Coach's responsibility to me? He was my father, Azaria. My goddamn father. A father is supposed to guide his children. A father is supposed to help them become what they're meant to be.


"Well, I never had a father. I had the Coach, and the Coach never takes off his goddamn whistle. He never stops thinking about how he can win matches, regardless of what it takes to get there. And people in Wrestling - people like you, Azaria - they protect him from all that 'cause they love what he's done for the sport.


"They love the fact that he cares more for this sport than he does his own family."


Pangrazzio Junior throws the bat and walks away, leaving Jason Azaria standing in mute surprise.


Rating: C+




"We cross now to Richie Pangrazzio's father, Coach Pangrazzio, to get his response to these statements from..."




Azaria's statement filters off as he realises that Coach isn't on the interview stage, but Bryan Vessey is. The intense young man glares at the camera.


"The Coach isn't here, Azaria," Bryan Vessey says, "and if you want my comments on Pangrazzio's Juniors interview, it comes down to one simple statement: you get in my way, junior, and I'll put you down. I don't care who your daddy is.


"Right now, however, I ain't focused on Richie Pangrazzio. My business is with the Untouchables and the man who put the order to break my brother's arm. Paul Steadyfast, your little friends, The Tag-Team Specialists, saved your ass when we were in the ring last week. That's just fine with me: if I have to break both of them to get to you, expect them to get delivered back to you in itty, bitty peices."


Rating: C




We go to the silver screen, where Black Murder have pre-taped an interview ahead of the three-way fray.




"In case you didn't know," Black barks, "I am the Soul Man, Elijah Black, the G all men have come to fear and the stud all the ladies love to hear. The brother at my back is Big Mike Murder, three hundreds pounds of bad intentions for hire, and you better believe he's the real ****in' deal.


"We're in Hollyweird Grappling 'cause we're all about the green, and it don't get much greener than when you're World Tag-Team Champions. So line 'em up, boys, 'cause the two-man drive-by is ready to knock 'em down and put Black Murder in the ring for the titles."


Rating: D




The footage cuts to Steve Flash and Ed Monton, both dressed in their ring gear and ready to compete.




"Steve Flash and myself aren't the kind of guys who talk a big game," Monton says. "We prefer to do our talking out there, in the ring.


"Tonight we're scheduled to have a conversation with two other teams about whose going to get a shot at the tag-team champions. Rest assured, when all is done, it'll be Steve Flash and Ed Monton."


Rating: E+




Another cut, and this time it's Eddie Chandler and Craig Prince who are standing by on the Interview Stage, both men dressed in custom Adidas tracksuits covered in blue sequins.




"The Greatness have been undefeated since Craig Prince debuted. We'll still be undefeated when this three way dance is over," Chandler says. "And come Total Mayhem, we'll defeat the Ontario Kings and become the undefeated World Tag-Team Champions who bring the gold into the Global Elite where it belongs."


Rating: D+






http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EdMonton.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SteveFlash_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ElijahBlack.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MurderousMikey.jpg vs.

http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CraigPrince_zpsb179a511.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper.jpg



Flash & Monton vs. Black Murder vs. The Greatness w/Grace Harper


Chandler slips out of the ring as Monton and Black tear into another, building on the grudge that's formed between the two men over recent weeks. Monton unleashes his heavy hands, taking the fight to Black with strikes and forearm shivs. Black responds by fighting dirty: thumbs to the eyes; pulling on Monton's hair; taking short-cuts every chance he gets.


The tags start coming and the action intensifies. Steve Flash brings the fluid, fast-paced technical wrestling. Big Mike hits the ring like a wrecking ball, laying out everyone with his Yakuza kick and devastating side-slam. The Greatness lurk on the outside, picking their moments, content to the the other teams wear themselves out. It's only when one side looks to get an advantage that Eddie Chandler comes in to break things up.


Steve Flash finally traps Chandler in the ring, forcing him to wrestle, but that simply gives Big Mike Murder the chance to go on a tear. The big man hits the ring. Yakuza Kick to Flash! Yakuza Kick to Chandler! Ed Monton hits the ring, but there's a Yakuza kick for him as well. The big man roars. Flexes. Prepares to unleash further carnage.


Then Craig Prince is in the ring: Palm strike! German Suplex! KATAHAJIME! Big Mike has no choice but to tap out as he runs short of oxygen.


The Greatness defeated Flash & Monton and Black Murder in 14:48 by submission.

Rating: C+






We come back from a commercial break and Action Jackson has surprised everyone by standing down in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand.


"Ladies and Gentlemen," he says, "my guest at this time, the American Outlaw...Liberty."




Cannonball hits and Liberty makes his way down to the ring, high-fiving the fans along the main ramp. He rolls into the ring alongside Action Jackson and accepts a second microphone.


"Alright, Iowa," he shouts, "how you all doing?"


The crowd respond to the charismatic babyface with a roar of approval, and Action Jackson is forced to take a few moments while they quiet down.


"Well, Liberty, it seems you're in a good mood tonight," he says, "which makes me think you've got a surprise up your sleeve when it comes to facing Team Strong Style in that six-man street-fight later this evening. Is there any chance you can tell us who you've recruited to be on your team?"


"Jackson, man, you don't know how right you are," Liberty says. "I had a lot of volunteers to join me in tonight's match - seems there's a whole lot of people eager to get their hands on Sam Strong. People like the Blazing Flames, who feel like they've been disrespected. People like the Crippler, Ray Kingman, who offered to come out of retirement to help me against, and I'm quoting here, 'that young punk Strong and little friends.'


"People like the new Masked Rebel, who may well be one of the few people I've ever seen able to match Sam Strong's prodigious strength.


"And there were more than a few fans, man, who want a piece of the Living Legend. It seems there's no shortage of folks eager to kick Strong's ass.


"And while I respect all those offers, there's only space for two men to walk into the ring beside me, and I know exactly what I'm up against. Sam Strong likes to talk about his history in business; he likes to say he turned his back on the people 'cause he could feel the clock ticking and his old injuries ache every morning when he gets out of bed.


"But take one look at Sam Strong's biceps when he puts on the gun show and you know how strong the Living Legend is, and it's coupled with decades of experience where he very rarely lost a match. The Sam Strong we knew and loved defied the odds, time and again. He's still doing that, today, but he's a hell of a lot meaner about it. He'll take the short-cuts he never used to take. He'll hurt you, if he has to, in order to get the win.


"Add to that Team Strength Rush - more experience, more power. They've got some pretty flawless technique from the submission specialist Lee Wright, and Ray Diaz may be the one man in the locker room benching more than Strong. That kid's knees can shatter concrete, and they made their name as one of the toughest tag-teams Japan has ever seen.


"So that's what I'm up against: experience, skill, and power.


"And I'm picking my allies based on their ability to counter that. Men who have decades of experience as singles and tag-team wrestlers; men who are among the most skilled grapplers of their age; men who can use speed to wear down the powerful, and have proven, time and again, that they've got what it takes to rise to the top.


"Tonight, in our six-man Street Fight, I'm going to war with the Blazing Flames, and we're going to kick Sam Strong's ass."


Rating: B+




The feed cuts to the Silver Screen, where Coach Pangrazzio is standing by to give a statement.




"OKAY, PUNKS, LISTEN UP!" Coach Pangrazzio shouts. "You've been chasing me all night, asking for a response to Richie's interview, and I've been telling you the same thing - I have no comment at this time.


"What's going on with Richie, that's family business. What's going on here tonight, that's a matter for the Coach of the All Star Team, and I don't let family business get in the way of my team. Chris Storm has a match tonight - we're focused on that. Bryan Vessey wants a match against all three members of the Untouchables - we're focused on that too.


"Richie...well, he's right about one thing. When I'm thinking like the Coach, he isn't my son, and as soon as I step into this arena, I am the Coach and I am all business. If he wants to make this a family thing, we can sort it out away from the arena.


"If he wants to make it all about what happened in the ring, years ago, then we'll treat him like any other opponent. That means we'll make him tap or we'll pin his shoulders to the mat, one, two, three, before heading on to chase the titles that are so rightfully ours."


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisStorm.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/YosukeNarita_alt.jpg


Chris Storm w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Awesome Thunder


Storm dominates the opening minutes with aggressive strikes and grappling. He softens Thunder up and starts unleashing a chain of suplexes, battering the ninja from pillar to post. Thunder responds with stiff roundhouse kicks, chasing his opponent around the ring.


The Untouchables start heading for the ring, but they're cut off when Bryan Vessey makes an appearance with a steel chair. The distraction of the brawl brewing at ringside does it's job, however: Awesome Thunder gets distracted by the trouble brewing while he's on the top rope, and Chris Storm leaps up to meet the masked man and hit a belly-to-belly superplex.


Chris Storm defeated Awesome Thunder in 9:58 by pinfall.

Rating: C+






The Untouchables swarm the ring, taking the fight to Storm. There's a kick to the stomach from Wanda Fish, a running knee lift from Oxford to take Storm to the mat. Paul Steadyfast starts stomping a mud-hole in the young wrestler...




...and Coach starts calling for help, drawing Bryan Vessey from the backstage. The wrestling machine charges to the ring, slides under the bottom rope, then grabs Joel Bryant for a suplex.


IT'S BLOCKED! Bryant spreads his weight, dropping his centre of gravity, and quickly reverses the suplex attempt. Bryan Vessey is spiked into the canvas and it doesn't take long before he too is the recipient of a beat-down at the Untouchable's hands.


Rating: D-






Sweet Child of Mine starts playing and Rip Chord makes his way down to the ring, accompanied by Charlie Thatcher and the Dallas Wrecking Crew. The four men file into the ring, taking up positions on each of the turnbuckles, roaring insults back at the crowed, before Chord finally collects a microphone and addresses the audience.


"Take a look at the talent assembled in this ring," Chord says, "because this is the present and the future of pro-wrestling, gathered together in one spot. In just a few minutes, the Dallas Wrecking Crew are going to earn this spot in the Tag-Team Stampede taking place at Total Mayhem. Then, in two weeks time, they're going to crush four other teams and walk out as the Stampede winners, thousands of dollars richer and positioned for a shot at the World Tag-Team Champions.


"And me...later that same night, I step into the ring with Monty Walker. I face the kid who had three good seconds and teach him why that was a one-off moment. I show him what it truly means to be a champion when we square off for the World Heavyweight Title...and I beat him to reclaim the belt that's rightfully mine.


"And that isn't a threat or a boast, my friends...that right there is a promise. Because I am Rip Chord, the Great One, the leader of the greatest faction in Hollyweird Grappling, and I am the new Golden Age of Wrestling incarnate.


"Make no mistake, the age of the Entourage is at hand, my friends, and by the end of nineteen ninety eight, we're going to be holding all the gold this company has."


Rating: B







Cowboy Ricky Dale and Vengeance are standing by on the interview stage.


"We've fought the Wrecking Crew before," Ricky Dale says. "Got nothing but respect for what they do in the ring, even if I don't think much of the men doing the wrestling. But they're standing between us and a spot in the Tag-Team Stampede...and unless I miss my guess, that's the best spot to be if ya want a piece of the Demons."

Rating: D+






http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Vengeance.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Hard Justice vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew w/Charlie Thatcher


Rip Chord sits in on commentary for this one, putting over the Dallas Wrecking Crew every chance he gets. Unfortunately for him, Ricky Dale and Vengeance look to plough through their opponents, hammering them with clotheslines and powerful bodyslams.


It takes time for the Wrecking Crew to prepare a counter for that, but eventually a drop-toe hold from Sanders puts Vengeance on the mat, leaving him open to Sanders submission game and the Punisher's aggressive knee strikes and clubbing blows.


The Wrecking Crew dominate until Rick Sanders tries to apply the Figure Four, only for Vengeance to kick free and make the tag to Ricky Dale. The Cowboy tears into the match with abandon: A Leaping Lariat for Sanders! Southern Justice for Punisher! The Texas Hold-'em bounces Sanders off the turnbuckles, and Vengeance cuts off the Punisher with a clothesline when he tries to make the save. Ricky Dale covers. 1... 2... 3!


Hard Justice defeated The Dallas Wrecking Crew in 14:55 by pinfall.

Rating: C+






Suzue Katayama stands outside a door marked "The Blazing Flames." After a few seconds it opens, and Team Strength Rush emerge. Wright and Diaz are both dressed to compete, and they nod to Katayama before heading towards the curtain.


The camera pushes through the door, revealing Teddy and Joey Flame bloodied and beat down inside their locker room, obviously in no condition to compete.


"It looks like Liberty's first choice for allies are no longer an option," Nero says.


Rating: D-







http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LeeWright.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RaymondDiaz.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuzueKatayama.jpg

Liberty, The Masked Rebel II, & Monty Walker vs. Sam Strong, Lee Wright, & Raymond Diaz w/Suzue Katayama


Liberty is the first man out for the faces, rapidly joined by The Masked Rebel who steps in for the Blazing Flames. For a moment Strong gloats, taunting the American Outlaw for being unable to find a third partner on short notice. Then Walk This Way hits and Monty Walker makes his way down to the ring, leading the charge against the Strong Style Army as the opening bell rings.


The lack of disqualifications means that all six men are in the ring at once, brawling and exchanging holds, generally looking for any edge they can find to get the upper hand. The results is a fevered, if chaotic, bout, with the fans constantly on edge as the crowd favourites are double-teamed by the Strength Rush or over-powered by Sam Strong.


Liberty and Walker are the primary targets for the beatings the Army is handing out, which means the raw power of Masked Rebel II is frequently on display as he makes saves and evens the odds, at one point lifting Ray Diaz overhead in an particularly impressive press slam.


Lee Wright seizes on the opportunity to get some payback on Rebel, tangling the masked man in the ropes and applying a tarantula. Rebel gets caught for several long seconds, refusing to submit, before Walker flies across the ring and knocks Wright free with a perfectly aimed dropkick.


The final minutes of the match see Liberty and Walker start acting in tandem. A double dropkick takes out Diaz. Another takes out Wright. Liberty hits a flying forearm on Strong, setting the legend up for the Last Waltz...




...but Charlie Thatcher slides into the ring, grabs Walker in a half-nelson, and launches the Champion halfway across the ring with a brutal suplex.


With Walker down and Liberty already focused on shepherding the pinfall, trying to prevent Wright and Diaz from entering the ring, Sam Strong is quick to take advantage. A Strong Arm Tactic lays out Masked Rebel and Liberty realises what's happening a split-second too late to break things up.


The Strong Style Army pick up the victory.


Strong Style Army (Sam Strong, Lee Wright and Raymond Diaz) defeated Liberty, Masked Rebel II, & Monty Walker in 14:57 by pinfall.

Rating: B




Overall: B

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You left out Cheatin' Mike Barstow's crew (who talk about being the future, but they're pretty bad at it). Plus the All-Star Team and the House of Stone trainees, who run a similar kind of spiel on the face side of things.


You're running a little ahead of me on this one - I'll be touching on it in the next round of shoot interviews.

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"Nero came to me, just prior to the show, and asked me to put the Entourage front and centre. That was new, you know? He'd been content to let them shadow me, prior to that. Getting folks used to their presence."


Rip Chord is seated on the porch of his Texas ranch, a couple of horses visible in the field behind his house, and the veteran heel is visibly relaxed as he pours a glass of iced tea from a pitcher. He looks toward the horizon a moment, ordering his thoughts.


"That was the effect of Adrenaline on the horizon. We had sixty or seventy talents on the roster, more down in development, and you simply don't have the time to feature that many names on a two hour program unless you're willing to do...well, a lot of things that don't make much sense, and don't make for particularly good wrestling.


"An hour of TV is good for getting over maybe two or three angles, and you can sustain interest in a handful of others if you're doing good recaps. Two hours of TV doesn't double that the way you'd think, 'cause you've gotta build interest for the second hour all the way through the first.


"But an extra two hours of TV, on top of what you've already got? That opened up opportunities for the undercard that Nero was more than happy to exploit. So I get the order: push the Wrecking Crew to the front. Strong gets the order: push the Strength Rush into the forefront. Get everyone in position so we can take advantage of this."






"There's a difference between a Stable and a Faction," Paul Steadyfast says. "Wrestling history is full of stables - guys who are crewed together under a faction, designed to give them instant credibility when someone new comes into the territory. The manager is the brand, you know? The guys who work for him are interchangeable.


"That wasn't what me and the Specialists were doing, when we started out at Hollyweird. We wanted the Untouchables to be a unit - everyone equal, helping one another. I'd do the talking, 'cause that's what I did best. The Specialists were the in-ring talent, but there wasn't any question about me being charge or Wanda being in charge.


"So things kicked off with us and the All-Star Team. Then the Elite showed up, and that was okay, 'cause they were playing things a little differently to us. They were all about unity; we were all about trying to stay together despite internal strife. When it came time to reinvigorate the Untouchables, we could do it on the back of their success.


"Then Chord got his crew of heaters, but that didn't seem to matter much. They weren't there for angles - they were garnishing for his matches and underneath guys for the tag-teams that needed a win. Strong gets the Strength Rush, but they're doing much the same.


"All that changed once Nero started looking towards the second TV show. Chord comes out and starts talking up his crew, positioning them as future stars. He'd done it before, but it never meant much. They were always the future, not the talent of the present. They were the guys who got enough exposure to put over the tag-teams needing a boost, getting them ready for a shot at the belts or a feud with the Demon.


"Then Strong has his crew in the main event, going over three of the biggest faces in the company. Suddenly they weren't the flunkies who ran in to interfere with the veteran's matches anymore - they were the guys who were being positioned for angles of their own. They were being positioned for angles of their own once the new show kicked off. They were elevated into a position of being equal, even if they weren't yet main event players.


"So suddenly the Untouchables are the forth-tier faction - the guys who don't have a major name to get them a spot in the main event. That's the kind of thing that gave me nightmares, as a wrestler, so I started trying to figure out a way to differentiate us..."






"I was pissed, to be honest." Eric Tyler sits back with a glass of bourbon, eyeing the camera warily. "Nero wanted us to stick with the we are the future of this business shtick, but it wasn't necessary anymore. We'd formed to get ourselves notice and take our rightful spot in the company. Now we'd worked main events. We'd earned gold. We'd gotten Grace Harper a wrestling contract.


"Basically, in my head, we were done once the angle with the Stones was over. The Global Elite had served it's purpose and I was already looking ahead, figuring out how to build the stable I really wanted to debut out of the talent we had available..."

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The TCW Wrestling Archive Presents


- Episode 72 Preview -


They'll be fighting for the tag-team titles at Total Mayhem, but this Tuesday Bryan Holmes and Eddie Chandler will be squaring off in one-on-one competition.


Last week Troy Tornado used his deadly Star Maker flying elbow to defeat the masked High Voltage. This week he steps into the ring with Voltage's tag-team partner, the masked maniac Silver Shark.


The final berth in the Tag-Team Stampede is up for grabs in our next match and fans of tag-team wrestling won't want to miss this one: the veteran Blazing Flames will be squaring off against the veteran Demons of Rage as two of Hollyweird's premier tag-teams clash. Only one team can advance to Total Mayhem and take part in the Stamped - who will earn the final spot?


Recent issues between The All-Star Team and the Untouchables have seen Chris Storm fire off a challenge, and it's been answered by tag-team specialist Joel Bryant. They'll meet in singles competition - but will they be able to keep their respective allies from ringside?


Some very talented wrestlers find themselves pulling double-duty in our next bout, when the issues between the Stone Dojo graduates and the allied member of the Global Elite turn into a furious eight-man war. It's Duane Stone, Brent Hill, and the Ontario Kings taking on Eric Tyler, Jack Dundee, and the Greatness.


Finally, in our main event, the demon seed Tyson Baine will square off against a man who'll do anything to win when he meets Mike Barstow in the ring a second time.


Matches Featured on this Streaming Video include:


Tyson Baine vs. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Duane Stone, Brent Hill, & The Ontario Kings vs. Eric Tyler, Jack Dundee, & The Greatness

Chris Storm vs. Joel Bryant

The Blazing Flames vs. The Demons of Rage

Silver Shark vs. Troy Tornado

Bryan Holmes vs. Eddie Chandler

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Tyson Baine vs. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

- Cheatin' for Winnin' here, as people will pay money to watch Barstow finally get his comeuppance.


Duane Stone, Brent Hill, & The Ontario Kings vs. Eric Tyler, Jack Dundee, & The Greatness

- Double DQ as this breaks down into a schmooz and the ref has no choice to throw things out.


Chris Storm vs. Joel Bryant

- Singles Star Storm over a Tag Team Specialist.


The Blazing Flames vs. The Demons of Rage

- Demons are suited for the Stampede, the Flames light seems to be dimming in HGC.


Silver Shark vs. Troy Tornado

- Masks sales will skyrocket! Sharks patrol these waters, sharks patrol these waters, don't let your fingers dangle in the water.


Bryan Holmes vs. Eddie Chandler

- Chandler too, cheats to win! But he does win.*

* This endorsement paid for by the Greatness of Global Elite.

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  • 2 weeks later...



"He came into this company as a demon unleashed. Dangerous. Deadly. Violent beyond belief. A warrior who learned to fight on the streets. A warrior fueled by rage."


Footage plays beneath the voice-over, featuring shots of Tyson Baine assaulting Nathan Coleman, Troy Tornado, and Stuart Ferdinand.



"But a rapid rise to prominence made him an easy target and a new challenge emerged to try and take the demon's spot. A man defined by viciousness, callousness, and an ability to break the rules. A man who wears the name Cheatin' with pride, willing to do anything to win."


Footage of Cheatin' Mike Barstow hitting low blows, eye rakes, and other illicit moves.


"Can the monster destroy the challenger? Or will the experience of Mike Barstow prove too much? We find out tonight in our main event..."


Rating: D






Tuesday, Week 4, May 1998

The Dust Bowl (South East) - 14,906 people




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg


Bryan Holmes vs. Eddie Chandler


Holmes lays into Eddie Chandler with a series of stiff kicks, battering the Fabulous One's legs and disrupting his vertical base. Eddie Chandler responds with a thumb to the eye, but Holmes has that scouted, forcing the Fabulous One to actually engage in a series of technical exchanges.


Chandler responds with uncharacteristic aggression, dropping Holmes with a lethal backbreaker straight out of Jack Dundee's playbook, then grinding Holmes into the mat with surprising technical acumen. Holmes fights his way to his feet, but Chandler gets into position for a series of Northern Lights Suplexes that ends with a bridge.


Holmes kicks out just after the two-count, but he's noticeably rattled as the match continues. He's fighting on instinct, but Holmes instinct have been honed by the House of Stone dojo, and that's enough to keep him in the match. He hits a series of rolling suplexes of his own, battering Chandler into the canvas, and it's only Chandler's ring awareness that allows him to slide under the bottom rope before Holmes can apply a submission.


Holmes gets to his feet, crouching and waiting for Chandler to get back into the ring, but his focus proves to be a mistake.




Craig Prince leaps the guard rail and slides into the ring. German Suplex! BLATANT KATAHAJIME! Sam Sparrow immediately calls for the DQ.


Bryan Holmes defeated Eddie Chandler in 9:54 when Eddie Chandler was disqualified.

Rating: C+






Craig Prince continues to choke out Bryan Holmes after the bell rings, the tag-team champion's face turning a dangerous shade of purple.




Thomas Morgan sprints into the ring, immediately nailing Craig Prince with dropkick that breaks the submission hold.




Eric Tyler hits the ring, attacking Morgan from behind. He locks in the Tradition Lift and jerks Morgan into the air.




Dane Stone comes in to make the save, catching Tyler with a spear.




Jack Dundee evens the odds with a axe-handle from behind, firing Stone into the ropes before hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.




Brent Hill makes his appearance, catching Dundee with a flying clothesline before rebounding off the ropes and dropkicking Eddie Chandler off the ring-apron as the fabulous one tries to climb into the ring.


The Elite decide discretion is the better part of valor, all four of them retreating up the ramp, but as they lock eyes with the four men in the ring, there's no doubt that this issue is nowhere near over.


Rating: C-






Troy Tornado is in the crippler position, warming up for his match. He picks up a kendo stick, takes a few experimental swings.




"Feeling confident, esse?" Mr Lucha steps out of the shadows, a grim expression on his face. "I don't blame you.: you have a legend at your back. You have two dangerous men at your side. You have the raw talent. You have the desire.


"Let us see just how good you are, esse. Come to Total Mayhem. Leave your legend backstage. Leave your two dangerous men. Meet me in the ring, one-on-one. Come fight me as men fight. I will put my International Championship on the line and we will see exactly how good you can be."


Tornado smirks. "Lucha, you give me a shot at that title," he says, "and it won't be your title anymore."


Rating: D+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SilverShark.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TroyTornado.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpg


Silver Shark vs. Troy Tornado w/Cheatin' Mike Barstow


Silver Shark takes an early advantage, courtesy of some crisp high-flying offense. Unfortunately for him, Mike Barstow is lurking at ringside, waiting for his moment. When it comes, he trips Shark as the masked man is hitting the ropes, and Troy Tornado flies off the top turnbuckle to connect with the Star Maker flying forearm.


Troy Tornado defeated Silver Shark in 5:56 by pinfall.

Rating: D






We go backstage, where Eddie Chandler is pacing back and forth, ranting at his tag-team partner. "What the hell were you thinking, Prince? That was my match. I had things under control. Another minute or two, and I would have had Bryan Holmes in the Fabulous Stretch--"


"Another minute, and Holmes would have snapped you in half," Dundee says. "You should be thanking him for saving your ass."


"You got something you're trying to say, Jack?" Eddie Chandler steps up, getting toe to toe with the unshaven Aussie.


"I'm saying you couldn't get it done against Holmes."


"HEY!" Eric Tyler steps between the two, pushing them back. "We're here to fight the best in the world, people, not each other. We came here looking for competition. We came here to take our place among the best. Well, now the best is out there. Canadian made, Stone trained.


"Well, I say those four are good, but the four of us are better and it's time we prove it. I say the four of us - Tyler, Dundee, Chandler, and Prince - I say we go out there and show Duane Stone and his posse exactly what the Global Elite can do."


Rating: C-






The Stampede Qualifier is coming up next and Hard Justice have found their way to a TV set-up backstage in order to watch the coming match. Vengeance is glaring at the screen, impassive as ever, while Cowboy Ricky Dale starts talking through tactics in a low voice.




Grunt and Stink charge into shot, wielding a pair of garbage bin lids, and they use them to assault Hard Justice. The first show drops Ricky Dale. The second shot bends a lid across Vengeance's skull, but the big man staggers a little, then responds with a big right hand that sends Grunt sprawling against the wall.


All four men start brawling, searching for weapons as they go.


Rating: D






http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoeyFlame.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TeddyFlame.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonSpite.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


The Blazing Flames vs. The Demons of Rage w/Karen Killer


The Demons jump Joey Flame before the opening bell, trying to lay him out early with a series of clubbing blows. The Flames have too much experience for that to work - it's less than a minute before Joey has slipped three, tagging his brother in.


Teddy runs riot with a series of corkscrew elbows and precision dropkicks, right up until Demon Anger cuts him off with a big boot. The Demons drag Teddy back to their corner, controlling him with big slams and quick tags, catching Teddy every time he makes a break for it.


Spite goes to lift Teddy for a powerslam and the veteran Flame uses the momentum to flip over the top of the Demon, immediately springing for the corner and tagging in his brother. Joey Flame is on fire as he tears across the ring, taking Anger off the ring apron with a flying forearm before peppering Spite with kicks and chops. It doesn't take long for him to wear Spite down.


Anger climbs into the ring and breaks up the Joey's cover. Anger and Spite join forces to elevate Joey with a double backdrop, and Teddy Flame re-enters the ring to try and break things up. The Demons start clearing house: A Double Demon Down for Teddy. A Double Demon Down for Joey. They leave no question about the winner as they make the final cover.


The Demons Of Rage defeated The Blazing Flames in 15:21 by pinfall.

Rating: C+






"We're just five days away from Rip Chord's contractually obligated rematch with World Heavyweight Champion Monty Walker," Jason Azaria says, "and both wrestlers have elected to spend this last week at their respective training-camps, preparing for the world title main event at Total Mayhem."




The video segues to Monty Walker's training regime, which focuses heavily on cardio, stretching, and sparring sessions against big men at the CZCW training school where Alex Braun taught Walker his craft.




Rip Chord, in contrast, trains in a state-of-the-art facility on his rahnch, sparring against various members of his Entourage and watching hour upon hour of tapes in order to familiarize himself with the lightweight style. The veteran's regime borrows heavily from boxing, with a strong focus on footwork and rendering instincts


Rating: B






The video package ends and the camera is backstage, capturing a moment between Dread and the commissioner, Frankie Future. The Juggernaut has cornered Future as the Commissioner walks backstage, blocking his path and looming over him.


"We're agreed then," Dread says. "Regardless of the result at Total Mayhem - I am the next name on Monty Walker's dance card."


Future nods. "I can live with that."


"Yes, you can." Dread grins widely. "A wise decision on your part."


He backs off a little, giving Future some breathing space.


"You should be pleased, Future. I have decided it's time to put Walker behind me and go after what truly matters in this company. Whether I beat him for that title, or destroy him and go hunting for Rip Chord, you should acknowledge the inevitability of what's coming.


"I will be World Heavyweight Champion."


Frankie Future permits himself a small smile. "Dread," he says. "Big man - that's the kind of statement that brings joy to a commissioner's heart."


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisStorm.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


Chris Storm w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Joel Bryant w/Wanda Fish


Storm's aggressive striking game makes him an early threat, putting him position to lay Bryant out with a big belly-to-belly suplex. Bryant kicks out at two and blocks Storm's attempts to lock in the Kimura lock, forcing the match back to a vertical base. From there, Bryant takes control, wrestling a clinical, high-technical match. He thumbs Storm in the eye to create an opening, follows it up with the One Stop Drop to pick up the win.


Joel Bryant defeated Chris Storm in 10:15 by pinfall.

Rating: C






Sam Strong comes down to the ring, leading the Strong Style Army. The crowd immediately launches into a "you tapped out" chant at Lee Wright, who immediately has his ears covered by Diaz.


Strong collects a microphone and settles in the middle of the ring, ignoring the chants.


"Six months ago, I lost a match against the American Outlaw," Strong says. "It was a match that had serious consequences for me. It kept me from stepping into the ring with Liberty, which kept me from going after the title he was chasing. It meant annoyances like Dusty Streets and this new Masked Rebel seemed to think it was open season on the Icon.


"And it meant six months of waiting until I could get my revenge.


"Well, last week, I started the process of paying Liberty back for that match. I told him to find any two men who'd team with him and he did exactly that - first the Flames, who were rendered...incapable of competing.


"Then out came the Masked Rebel and the Champion, Monty Walker.


"That meant Liberty had the man who is recognised as the best of the best in our industry, and he still couldn't get it done. The Strong Style Army still stood out here, hands raised in victory.


"But that doesn't mean this is over, brother. It doesn't mean--"




Strong is cut off by the opening chords of Killing in the Name, and Masked Rebel II makes his way down to the ring. "Well, well," he says, "look whose feeling proud of themselves."


"Winner's are allowed to feel proud," Strong says. "It's one of the inevitable side-effects."


Rebel grins. "Yeah, you won last week, brother. You won and you beat me to do it. I'm not here to deny that. I don't want to take that way from you. But like you say, brother, that doesn't mean this is over. Where I come from, a man settles things one-on-one, and I'm going to keep coming at you."




Cannonball starts playing and the Dust Bowl crowd erupts, welcoming the American Outlaw as he makes his way down to the ring. He doesn't even hesitate - getting straight in Sam Strong's face.


"Rebel said it fancy," Liberty says. "I'm going to say it simple: you want a rematch of out street fight, Strong? I'm happy to oblige."


"Is that so, brother?" Strong says. "Seems to me, I'm the man with an army at his back, brother. You want a war with me? Fire the first shot, brother, and we can get this done."




"Hold it, hold it, hold it." Frankie Future comes out onto the main stage, holding up one hand. "If either one of you Neanderthals thinks about throwing a punch right now, I'll suspend you before it lands.


"In case you boys have forgotten, this is a wrestling company. I'm the one with the authority to make matches 'round here and nothing goes down in that ring unless I say so. There's a reason I kept the two of you apart, boys, and part of it is simple: the next time you fight, it's happening on pay-per-view.


"So it's time for all of you to take a few steps backward and put some space between you all, 'cause there's not a lot of space on Sunday night's card, and only one of y'all bothered to do things the way they're meant to be done.


"Ray Diaz?"


The monster of the Strong Style Army looks up, grinning like a shark.


"You petitioned my office for a match against the Rebel? Congratulations, man, it's happening at Total Mayhem. Everyone else? Remember we've got procedures around these parts, and you put your requests in to my office before you start throwing punches."


Rating: B






We cut backstage, to the House of Stone locker room. Bryan Holmes is warming up, doing a series of push-ups. Tomas Morgan and Brent Hill are stretching, while Duane Stone is pacing back and forth.


"Alright," Stone says, "we all know what we're getting into tonight. We all know what to look out for. Eric Tyler likes to say that he's assembled the best wrestlers in the world, but I look around this room, and I see three of the best wrestlers to ever graduate the House of Stone. I see Brent Hill - a man who can hold his own against any wrestler in the world. He may not have been trained by my family, but he's one of the few men who can claim to be a Stone's equal.


"Eric Tyler and his Global Elite made this match to prove a point. I say we go out there and prove one of our own. The House of Stone sets out to train the best in the world - now we get a chance to go out there and prove it."


Rating: C




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Duane Stone, Brent Hill, & The Ontario Kings vs. Eric Tyler, Jack Dundee, & The Greatness


The Ontario Kings kick things off, isolating Jack Dundee with a series of fast-moving double-teams. Duane Stone joins in, fitting in with the team like a natural third man, but Brent Hill isn't quite in synch with the Stone-trained trio. Dundee head-butted the King of the Hill, followed it up with a knee to the groin, then tags in Eric Tyler to drag Hill into the wrong part of time.


The Global Elite beat the hell out of Hill, preventing him from making come-backs or going for a tag. Eric works the younger man over with a series of nerve strikes. Craig Price softens him up with a chain of suplexes. Eddie Chandler mocks Hill with slaps and taunts, drawing both Stone and the Kings into the ring so the Elite can triple and quadruple-team hill while Sam Sparrow deals with the incursion.


Chandler attempts a Suplex and Hill surprises everyone by landing on his feet, immediately diving across the ring to get the hot tag. Bryan Holmes hits the ring, annihilating Eddie Chandler with stiff kicks. Dundee tags in and receives some kicks of his own. Craig Prince tags in. Palm Strik-- No! Holmes grabs the arm, holds it. CYCLONE SHOCK KICK!


The Global Elite swarm the ring to break up the three count. Holmes' allies swarm the ring to even up the numbers. There's chaos. Double teams. The fight spills out of the ring and Thomas Morgan earns a huge pop when he launches himself over the top rope, hitting a corkscrew plancha that knocks everyone down.


Brent Hill and Eric Tyler are the first wrestlers to find their way back to the ring and Sam Sparrow lets them go at it, exchanging chops and strikes until Eric Tyler gets Hill from behind, hits a German suplex, then locks in the Tradition Lift to secure the submission victory.


Global Elite (Eric Tyler, Jack Dundee, Craig Prince and Eddie Chandler) defeated The Ontario Kings and Brent Hill & Duane Stone in 15:21 by submission.

Rating: B






We cut to the interview stage, where Ethan Kane is standing by. The Father of Darkness strokes his goatee, glaring at the camera. "Cornell," he rumbles. "I know you're here tonight, Cornell. I know you've been--"




The Dark Father is cut off by a chair shot to the face, dropping him instantly. Tommy Cornell steps into shot, a quiet smirk on his face.


"Ethan, Gov, it's time to shut your mouth, eh," Cornell says. "I'll see you on Sunday night. Get ready to get your ass kicked."


Rating: D+






Coach Pangrazzio walks down the aisle, accompanied by Chris Storm and Bryan Vessey. He collects a microphone, surveys the crowd with a serious look.


"In five days, Chris Storm steps into the ring with my son," he says. "The match is signed. The training has started. I'm going to be there at ringside, just like a Coach should be.


"I know how talented my son is inside the ring. I've always known how good he is. There was a time when he was almost as good as he thought he should be, and he could have been a damned sight better if he'd listened to me in his prime.


"Chris Storm has been prepared for that - the wrestler my son is, the wrestler he could have been, the wrestler he was when he started the career. He's coming into this match with one thing on his mind: locking Richie in the Kimura and making him submit."


Rating: C+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpg


Tyson Baine vs. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


Mike Barstow paces, obviously nervous, doing his best to keep the referee from checking him from weapons. It doesn't work, and Eugene Williams finds both brass knuckles and steel chain hidden in Barstow's boots and trunks.


When the bell rings, Barstow's nerves seem justifies - a crazed Tyson Baine comes flying across the ring and bulldozes Barsow into the corner, unleashing a series of elbows and clotheslines. Barstow is rocked time and again, right up until Baine grabs him around the throat with both hands and uses that to throw him across the ring.


Barstow's right eye is already swelling at this point, puffing up after the damage he's sustained. He low-blows Baine out of desperation more than anything else, buying himself enough time to rally and get back to his feet.


What follows from there is a thirteen-minute masterpiece of testicular-based offense, with Barstow realising that the only chance he has to hold his own against an irate Baine is fighting dirtier than Cheatin' Mike Barstow has ever fought before. There are low blows. There are knees. There are sneaky mule kicks as he protests his innocence to the referee.


It slows Baine down, but it doesn't stop him - the Demon Seed keeps coming, keeps mauling his opponent, keeps inflicting damage.


Eventually Barstow produces a weapon - a steel chain hidden underneath a turnbuckle long before the match began - and goes to use it against his opponent. Baine avoids the strike, but Eugene William's isn't so lucky. The referee goes down and Barstow signals the backstage.




It's not a huge surprise when Barstow's clients swarm the ring. Troy Tornado comes off the top rope and Baine punches him out of the air. Coleman and Ferdinand sweep in low, taking Baine down, assaulting Baine with Coleman's cowbell.




Cheatin' Mike Barstow watches on, chain in hand, waiting for his moment. Mr Lucha runs to the ring, surprising Barstow with a series of chops from behind. Barstow swings, Lucha ducks. MASTER DROP! Barstow is down!


Meanwhile, Baine fights his way free of Coleman and Ferdinand. He crawls over, makes the cover, and Lucha shakes Eugene Williams back to consciousness. 1... 2... 3!


Tyson Baine defeated Cheatin' Mike Barstow in 14:40 by pinfall.

Rating: C+



Overall: B-

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"I was meant to be on that show," Walker says, "but...well, lets say the cracks were already starting to form." He lowers his head, wiping his hands on a dishrag, unwilling to look at the camera. "I was twenty-six years old. I was World Heavyweight Champion. I was top of the card. I was doing promo seven days a week - more than usual, that week, 'cause we were gearing up for Total Mayhem and the launch on Arcadia.


"I wasn't built for that. I didn't know how to handle it. And things boiled over."






"We make a big deal about respect in wrestling," Joey Flame says. "It matters, 'cause what we do out there, it's built on trust. If you don't trust the other guy to take care of you in a match, the match can't happen. It's just the way things go.


"Me and Teddy had fifty years of experience between us. Nine titles. We'd earned that respect."






"Joey Flame is one of the true nice guys of the business," Dundee says. "Maybe that wasn't the case in the eighties, when he was using, but after he'd cleaned up his act and focused on being a veteran...yeah, he was laid back. Humble. Utterly unlike the stories you hear about the Flames, you know?


"Monty Walker hits backstage that week and he's already in a mood, running his mouth around pretty much everyone. Just...cuts promos on some of the older boys, telling them why they're not going to be around in a couple of months. Tells them the business has passed 'em by, 'cause that's what he's been spinning for the radio and TV for the last seven days. Say what you will about Walker - he always knew how to get heat. Didn't really matter if it was with the crowd or the boys.


"So he goads Joey into taking a swing and the two of 'em start fighting, right up until a bunch of boys get between 'em and force Monty to back off.


"Mycroft was all kinds of pissed after that. He pulled Monty's section, put the fear of god into him. Made him aware of his place in the company...then booked that eight-man tag just to make it really, really clear that there was plenty of young talent coming up behind Walker who could hold their own just as well as the champion."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents



Total Mayhem arrives, bringing with it the annual tag-team stampede in addition to your usual host of outstanding HGC action. We kick the night off with a grudge match that's been building up over recent weeks, pitting Chris Stone of the All-Star Team against the Coach's son, Richie Pangrazzio Jr.


Next up, it'll be the British journeyman Tommy Cornell taking on the Dark Father, Ethan Kane, in singles competition. Kane has been tormenting Cornell ever since the break-up of the Army of Darkness - does the English technician have what it takes to make him pullback


The International Championship is on the line next, with champion Mr Lucha preparing to take on Troy Tornado of Barstow Enterprises. Be prepared for some exciting airborne action as two ot the greatest highflyers in HGC square off.


The Tag-Team Stampede comes up next: four teams armed with weapons, fighting to the last man standing, with five hundred thousand dollars up for grabs. The Demons of Rage are the hot favourites after a strong showing in last year's Stampede, but they'll be facing some strong opposition from The Nation of Filth, Hard Justice, and the duo of Alex Bruan & Fumihiro Ota.


Fans of technical wrestling shouldn't miss this next bout: Duane Stone, the master of the Alabaster Agony, will be squaring off against Eric Tyler, the master of the tradition lift, in a submissions only match. Duane Stone has been on the receiving end of several beatings by Eric Tyler, but he holds a victory over the leader of the Global Elite from the last time they met in single's competition.


After that comes a match between two of HGC's powerhouses. Masked Rebel II steps into the ring to pit his strength against the hard-hitting Raymond Diaz of The Strong Style Army.


The Tag-Team Championships are contested up next - the reigning champions, The Ontario Kings, face off against The Greatness. Chandler and Prince have been on a tear in tag-team competition thus far, establishing themselves as one of the strongest new teams in Hollyweird, but can they stand up to the champions?


Finally, the main event: Monty Walker defends the World Heavyweight Championship against the man whose defined the belt over the last two years - The Great One, Rip Chord. Can Walker be the man who finally, definitively dethrones Rip Chord, or will he fall at the first defence and give Chord his third Championship reign?


Matches Featured on this Streaming Video include:


Monty Walker vs. Rip Chord - World Heavyweight Championship

The Ontario Kings vs. The Greatness - World Tag-Team Championship

Masked Rebel II vs. Raymond Diaz

Duane Stone vs. Eric Tyler - Submission Match

Braun & Ota vs. The Demons of Rage vs. Hard Justice vs. The Nation of Filth - Tag-Team Stampede

Mr Lucha vs. Troy Tornado - International Championship

Tommy Cornell vs. Ethan Kane

Chris Storm vs. Richie Pangrazzio Jr.

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Monty Walker vs. Rip Chord - World Heavyweight Championship

The Ontario Kings vs. The Greatness - World Tag-Team Championship

Masked Rebel II vs. Raymond Diaz

Duane Stone vs. Eric Tyler - Submission Match

Braun & Ota vs. The Demons of Rage vs. Hard Justice vs. The Nation of Filth - Tag-Team Stampede

Mr Lucha vs. Troy Tornado - International Championship

Tommy Cornell vs. Ethan Kane

Chris Storm vs. Richie Pangrazzio Jr.

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Monty Walker vs. Rip Chord - World Heavyweight Championship

The Ontario Kings vs. The Greatness - World Tag-Team Championship

Masked Rebel II vs. Raymond Diaz

Duane Stone vs. Eric Tyler - Submission Match

Braun & Ota vs. The Demons of Rage vs. Hard Justice vs. The Nation of Filth - Tag-Team Stampede

Mr Lucha vs. Troy Tornado - International Championship

Tommy Cornell vs. Ethan Kane

Chris Storm vs. Richie Pangrazzio Jr.

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Monty Walker vs. Rip Chord - World Heavyweight Championship

- The Cautionary Tale of Walker is one of the best things about this dynasty. I want to see him fight his challengers... in ring and backstage. I have a feeling is will be similar to the Myth of Ikarus. Fly higher Monty.


The Ontario Kings vs. The Greatness - World Tag-Team Championship'

- Much as I love The Greatness, I doubt they get the belts this quick. One more for the Dojo of Stone.


Masked Rebel II vs. Raymond Diaz

- I think this storyline has to end with Rebel/Strong. Diaz loses... but leaves Rebel lying.


Duane Stone vs. Eric Tyler - Submission Match

- I nearly confused this with PS' dynasty and wanted to know where Valentine happened to be. The Greatness losing means the Traditionalist picks up the win to keep Global Elite strong.


Braun & Ota vs. The Demons of Rage vs. Hard Justice vs. The Nation of Filth - Tag-Team Stampede

- Seems like a feel good win for the faces. Pop the crowd big.


Mr Lucha vs. Troy Tornado - International Championship

- Cheatin' to Win! Lucha moves up, Tornado gets established in the mid-card.


Tommy Cornell vs. Ethan Kane

- I dunno. This seems a good spot to end in a violent bloody Double DQ to built up to a re-match with some violent stipulation.


Chris Storm vs. Richie Pangrazzio Jr

- This ends Sr. and a Vessey against Jr doesn't it?

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