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NYCW: Everyone Needs a Nemesis (Cverse '97)

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NYCW: Everyone Needs a Nemesis by Peter King, John Campbell (Mar 31, 2013) - Kindle ebook


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I’ve known John ‘Nemesis’ Campbell for many years now. First time I met him was when he worked for SWF, shortly after the angle where he injured Sam Strong, in 1991. He was as friendly outside the ring as he was as intense inside it. We struck up a relationship, one that saw me get the big scoop for Total Extreme Wrestling Magazine (before the internet, ask your parents) when he was fired for THAT match. We became good friends away from the business; to the point where I was the only industry guy he spoke to after the end of DaVE.


That hiatus is what gave birth to these columns, and in turn, this e-book. A random, ‘status update’ interview ended with a huge bombshell – one that I had to explore. What if Nemesis had struck out on his own during the East Coast Wars? Would NYCW have won the war? We’ll never know…but I hope you enjoy reading our estimates as much as we enjoyed arguing about them!


Peter King

Baltimore, 2013





So…these old columns have been dug up, eh? I was surprised that anyone would give a s**t in 2013. But people do…I’ve been asked so many questions bout them over the years that I’m sick of answering them. Hopefully this e-book (still don’t sound right) will answer some of those questions.


I’ll answer one for you now though. Yes, Phil Vilbert is damn lucky I was on his side in 1997….


John ‘Nemesis’ Campbell

Los Angeles, 2013

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Author’s note


Obviously, this e-book is based on assumptions; that is the basis of all fantasy booking. Nevertheless there are some fairly big ones made here so I thought it best to outline them at the start.


1 – John and Phil Vilbert have fallen out and are on extremely bad terms. As a result John never works in DaVE.


2 – New York City Wrestling are on par with DaVE, Rapid Pro Wrestling, Xtreme Federation of Wrestling and Philly Pro Power Wrestling in terms of popularity in 1997. We'll touch on this during the columns...


Parts of this e-book are discusions between John and myself. For reading ease, my text is blue, John's text is red.

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Prologue (excerpt from interview of Wednesday Week 1 August 2007)


“Wow, so you were screaming at him in the street?”


“Yeah…little bastard had pissed me off. I could have killed him. If not for…”


“Go on.”


“Damnest thing…a taxi cab swerved onto the pavement, nearly killed me. Vibert, opportunistic little s**t he is, saw that as his chance to flee.”


“Why didn’t you chase him?”


“Stupid ass taxi blocked me in. By the time I’d got around it, Phil was halfway to Long Island.”


“I’m guessing you made up?”


“Of course. Phil could sell ice to Eskimos. Probably did too, knowing Phil.”


“How did he calm you down?"


“Usual. Just worked the Vibert magic. Wouldn’t be any trouble in the Middle East if they just sent Phil and some beer…..”


“So you’re saying that, if not for that taxi…things might have been drastically different?”


“Yeah…for a start DaVE would not have won the war."


“By that you mean you wouldn’t have worked there?”


No…I would have ran a company and destroyed DaVE and the rest.”


“Really? Was SWF not an option at this point?”


“God, no. You piss Richard Eisen off, that’s it. He may forget but he never forgives."


“You would have started your own company?”


“No...too difficult, especially when you're surrounded by four, five better known 'brands'. My hotel room that night, I had a plan. I had it all figured out….I was gonna buy NYCW off The Stomper and take over the East Coast…."


"NYCW??? Really? I can’t think of a company that would suit you less…even in 1997, NYCW was dated. How would you have made them relevant?"


“If you do it right, you can make any change. Evolution over revolution. I had a plan to change that situation…..”


“NYCW though…that’s a huge task…”


“It’s not. It just needs careful planning. Rule 1 of booking – if you explain things clearly, the fans will accept it.”


It’s NYCW though-“


“I know, you keep saying that….look, I wouldn’t have turned it into XFW overnight. Nor did I want too. Truth is, the hardcore style got old quick. The first time it’s shocking. After chair shot #143, it gets old.”


“So how would you have done it?”


“I would have evolved the product. New York fans, even those NYCW diehards, love a good fight. Men being men. NYCW had some hardcore in there, there was some brawling around ringside…the fans would have accepted more weapons and more blood over time.”


“What about the swearing, the girls, the death matches…I think NYCW’s fanbase would have had problems with that-“


“You’re not listening. That's not what I wanted. What I wanted was a more hardcore version of traditional wrestling. Over time, the (NYCW fans) would have been conditioned to accept it. Initially? Of course they wouldn't have accepted it. Six months of gradual teases? A feud that build to that one, violent match that meant something? They’d be into it….”


“Stomper would never had let you-“


“Stomper was a business man. Over time, he would have accepted the necessary changes...again it's evolution. I'm not changing his principles, just adding some of mine to his..."


Little did I know it, but this would be the beginning of a long term 'fantasy booking' column. I made the suggestion of writing this column to John in September. By October he had found his original notes and was sending drafts of his plans to me. I set Monday November Week 1 as our starting point...

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Interesting re-writing of history.


Fresh off of 'the match', Nemesis was the beacon of all things counter-culture. He truly was the "Falling Angel"; cast from the 'Supreme Heavens' due to a, perceived, heinous act.


Going to DaVE really fit the story well. That said, for him to completely step away from that fame & shack up with NYCW would have been a shock if there ever was one.


All in all, your vision for traditional hardcore is much like how I booked PSW with John Greed. Less about death-matches, grotesque violence/etc., and more about man's-man wrestling that happens to have blood & weapons to coincide with the anger in the kind of competitor that would wrestle there.


All in all, interesting take (as you would expect) but something that'll be an interesting read for sure.

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Interesting re-writing of history.


Fresh off of 'the match', Nemesis was the beacon of all things counter-culture. He truly was the "Falling Angel"; cast from the 'Supreme Heavens' due to a, perceived, heinous act.


Going to DaVE really fit the story well. That said, for him to completely step away from that fame & shack up with NYCW would have been a shock if there ever was one.


All in all, your vision for traditional hardcore is much like how I booked PSW with John Greed. Less about death-matches, grotesque violence/etc., and more about man's-man wrestling that happens to have blood & weapons to coincide with the anger in the kind of competitor that would wrestle there.


All in all, interesting take (as you would expect) but something that'll be an interesting read for sure.


Thanks for the feedback Eisen-verse. I haven't read John Greed's PSW but I got some long bus journeys ahead today so I'll have a read!


I agree with you on Nemesis, he's the user character to be in this mod - kicked out of SWF, on the verge of greatness with DaVE and still a great performer.


Thing is; I'm a NYCW guy. Never played as DaVE, probably never would. The thing I love about NYCW is that it needs a shot in the arm, there is scope to really change things up. What better shot in the arm than Nemesis using them as a vehicle in the East Coast war against his former friend?

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#1 Wednesday Week 1, November 2007 – Why NYCW?


“So John…we’ve had a lot of feedback from our readers on this. The most common question is simply why NYCW?”


“Lots of reasons. Firstly, name value. You may not like NYCW, but you’ve heard of them. They may have a reputation for being terrible, but if I could change that reputation, then people would have been impressed.”




“If I started a new company I’d have to build a reputation from nothing. It’s also new logos, new belts, finding a venue, hiring the crew…the list goes on. I wanted to capitalise on the momentum my firing from SWF had given me. I didn’t have time to build a company, I needed a company that was up and running.”


“Ok, so that’s name value and costs/time. Any other reasons?”


“Yeah – do you remember the roster NYCW had ‘round 97?”


No, erm…I imagine The Stomper was there and some other veterans. Sheik Musfata?”


“Yeah…but aside from the veterans like Stomper and the Sheik. you had some future stars. Rich Money, Jungle Lord, Jack Bruce, Squeeky McClean, Big Cat Brandon-“


“-You also have Land Mass and Everest if my memory serves me correctly.”


“Never said it was perfect.”


“Let me print off a list…”


(interview break)


"So here is the roster, you've organised it by roster place."


Roster - Faces in blue, Heels in red


Main Event

Land Mass

Corporal Doom Empire Champion

Sheik Mustafa


The Stomper


Upper Midcard

Ernest Mason

Rocco The Plumber

Rod Beams

Chris Storm




Coyote Dynamite Tag Team Champion

Big Cat Brandon

Rich Money

The Masked Mauler

Wiley Steinway Tag Team Champion


Low Midcard

John McClean

Jungle Jack

Barry Kingman United States Champion


Curtain Jerkers

Elmer Kelly

Jack Bruce



Edwin D. Bashford

Hollywood Hank


“You’re right, that’s a great roster…potential and name value.”


“Stomper would kill for that roster today.”


“I guess he would. So, in this scenario, we understand why John Campbell has bought NYCW-“


“Booker, Peter. Stomper still owns it initially.”


“How come?”


“He’s too protective. I’ve heard in the past that he would only entertain offers if it included a transition period, a trial if you want. He would want to make sure that no one would ruin his legacy.”


“Ok…well that takes me neatly to the question I was going to ask. Now you’re booking NYCW, what changes do you make to the product?"


“Only small changes to begin. Firstly, I’d shorten the matches, as the roster lacks either the experience or the stamina to go too long….lets say main events are about 20 minutes, mid card around 15 minutes and opening matches around 8. Then I’d add more…hardcore elements to the shows.”


“Can you elaborate?”


“More blood and weapons, more big bumps. For the moment that is all I’d add to the product. It’s already a slow, realistic style…I’d add a streetfighting element to that. Not a silly, ‘hit everyone with trash cans’ style of hardcore, but try and make it like a real fight on the street.”




“So it’s easier for the fans to suspend their disbelief and get behind the wrestlers. When you see a real fight break out, it’s hard to ignore. You want to watch ‘cos of the intensity and the feeling of violence up close. That’s what hardcore is to me. Realistic fighting as a simulated sport."


“Sure, I get that…what’s next?”


“Rush Hour 1997. The start of the Nemesis era…”


John left me with the card he would have ran at Rush Hour 97...next week he talks us through how he would have booked the card and why.


Rush Hour 97


NYCW Empire Title Corporal Doom © vs Sheik Mustafa


Ernest Mason vs Rich Money


Land Mass vs Chris Storm


The Stomper vs Morpheus


NYCW Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs The Working Men


Dark Match - Jungle Jack and Jack Bruce vs Barry Kingman and John McClean

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NYCW Empire Title Corporal Doom © vs Sheik Mustafa


Ernest Mason vs Rich Money


Land Mass vs Chris Storm


The Stomper vs Morpheus


NYCW Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs The Working Men


Dark Match - Jungle Jack and Jack Bruce vs Barry Kingman and John McClean

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#2 Wednesday Week 2 November 2007 – Rush Hour 97


“So, how does this work then? Is it like a story, do I just tell you what I’m going to do?”


“Not quite – I’ll assign grades based on what I rate the segments at.”


“Sounds like school…”


“Don’t worry, it’s subjective. No right or wrong answers. Think of me as the house, or the banker in Monopoly. I’m going to be regulating this, keep it realistic”


“Sure…well I got my notes here for Rush Hour, remember planning this show in my head at the time. This was my ‘revenge show’ after that argument with Phil. This was to be my response.”


“Cool..let’s get on with it.”


"Ok…well, it’s at Pennsylvania Park-“


“What? How are NYCW running Pennsylvania Park? Their crowds were often a few hundred people!”


“I know…I figured with me joining, interest would grow, especially when the journalists picked up on how I was meant to work DaVE and fell out with Phil.”


“I’m not convinced…that’s a huge jump.”


“Nah…If a smalltime company got a SWF guy and declared war on the promotions in the local ‘wrestling war’…there would be a definite increase.”


“I don’t disagree, but that big an increase?”




“….fine, but I’m not convinced.”





Rush Hour 97


http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/JungleJack_zpse4e8d2d4.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/JackBruce_zpsa8c6058a.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/BarryKingman_zps00518866.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/SqueekyMcClean_zps6b1122f9.jpg


Dark Match Jungle Jack and Jack Bruce vs Barry Kingman and John McClean

Billed as four talented ‘up and comers’, these men were looking to prove themselves to the NYCW fans, especially now the company was in the spotlight. The two Jacks try and turn this into a straight brawl, Kingman and Mclean try and pick their spots. Neither team is really gaining an advantage…until McClean pulls out a chain from his boot. Suckerpunching Bruce, McClean is able to take a tainted win over the charismatic rock star.


Winners - Kingman and McClean (D-)


Main Show




http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/WileySteinway_zps87e07d40.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/CoyoteDynamite_zps255b8fcc.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/RodBeams_zps2662a181.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/RoccothePlumber_zps77d98f62.jpg


NYCW Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs The Working Men

With the arrival of Nemesis to the promotion, the NYCW faithful were expecting wild brawling, violence and more intensity. This match was the surprising beginning of this. From the bell, both teams attack, with referee Chad Brent allowing a liberal amount of ringside brawling and weapons. Rod Beams in particular is punishing Wiley Steinway with anything he can get his hands on. However, this backfires on Beams – Steinway ducks a pipe shot at the last second. With Beams fumbling the pipe, Steinway snatches the weapon and begins to throttle Beams. With Rocco occupied with Coyote Dynamite on the floor, Beams is forced to tap out!


Winners - Wiley Coyote (E)


Marv Earnest is with Corporal Doom in the ring, with some questions regarding tonight’s main event


Marv Earnest:“Corporal Doom, any thoughts on your title defense tonight?”


Doom: (To Earnest)“A-tten-tion!!! Stand up straight cadet! (taking the microphone off a intimidated Earnest) Sheik Mustafa, you maggot, you make me sick! Always complaining about this great land! America has given you a living and a home, but yet you still complain! Well, if you mess with America you mess with me and all my troops in the crowd! (crowd roars) Tonight, Sheik Musfata, you will feel the power of Uncle Sam as I roll over you like a tank! (quickly turning back to Earnest) Earnest, you’re dismissed! (D)



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/TheStomper_zpsd119d4f7.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/AmericanBuffalo_zpsd5c4f0f0.jpg


The Stomper vs Morpheus

While the huge Morpheus would be an intimidating sight for most wrestlers, the experienced Stomper has seen it all and is unfazed. He goes for a hold straight away, working Morpheus’ arm and grounding the much bigger man, Eventually, Morpheus is able to throw Stomper through the ropes to the floor and take the fight outside.


Morpheus is intent on using the outside to his advantage, though Brent had been lenient in the tag title match he’s trying to keep order here. A bodyslam on the protective mats doesn’t concern Brent, but when Morpheus grabs a steel chair and begins to stalk the winded Stomper, the official begins to warn the monster. A chair shot to the back of Stomper’s head is enough for Brent to call for the bell.


Winner -The Stomper (E+)




As Brent helps Stomper up, Big Cat Brandon makes his way down the aisle! Stomper, realising what is coming, pushes Brent to safety and raises his hands to fight! Unfortunately, after the chairshot to the head a few moments earlier, Stomper’s reflexes aren’t there and Brandon clubs him to the floor. Throwing Stomper back into the ring Brandon releases a primal scream then hits Stomper with a Brandon Bomb Drop. He taunts the crowd…soaking in their boos and abuse, then measures Stomper for another Brandon Bomb Drop!


Lying motionless on the mat, Stomper groans. Big Cat Brandon stands over him, glaring into the crowd…daring them to boo him now… (D+)



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/ErnestMason_zps72f2fedc.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/RichMoney_zps9853df92.jpg


Ernest Mason vs Rich Money

Money simply does not respect the veteran Mason; refusing to take him seriously in the early going. Mason is infuriated by this show of disrespect... all part of Money’s gameplan. By angering Mason, Money causes him to lose his focus and the technical wrestler is unable to gain a foot hold in the match. Rich Money slowly toys with Mason, then arrogantly rolls up Ernest with the tights to add insult to injury.


Winner – Rich Money (E+)



Chris Storm is interviewed by Kenny O’Quinn at ringside


O’Quinn: “You’ve got yourself into a fine mess this time, Storm-“


Storm: (Snatching mic) “I’m in no mess Kenny – I’ve prepared extensively for this match. I know Land Mass’ strengths and weakness and have a plan to take the win today.”


O’Quinn: (sneering) “Enough of the ra-ra talk…this man is over 400lbs. You can’t plan for that size, that power.”


Storm: “No, but Land Mass can’t plan for my speed, my ability, my heart and my brains. Sure he’s big, but that’s only one factor. I’ve many factors that could make the difference.”


O’Quinn: “You may need to factor in a medic if you take on Land Mass.”


Storm shakes his head and enters the ring, leaving O’Quinn alone at ringside (D)



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/LandMass_zps9c6321b0.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/LobsterWarrior_alt_zps253d31d0.jpg


Land Mass vs Chris Storm


Land Mass’ main factor is certainly his size and that is the weapon he uses against Storm initially; pinning the smaller man into the ropes and striking at the smaller man. Storm escapes this and employs a ‘hit and run’ strategy, keeping away from Mass, then diving in with an assortment of kicks and chops.


Land Mass is clearly tiring , worn down by the strikes he begins to look unsteady on his feet. Storm sees the opening and catches the big man with a Crucifix Pin to take the win!


Winner - Chris Storm – (E+)



Marv Earnest has managed to trace Rich Money down backstage. Rich is counting his money in the dressing room and isn’t happy to see the inquisitive announcer


Earnest: “Rich Money, do you-“


Rich Money: (Laughing cruelly at Earnest) “Marv, Marv. You know you can’t afford to speak to me.”


Earnest: (angry) “This isn’t about by personal-“


Rich Money: “Sure it is. Your personal wealth is small, just like these idiot fans in here. That’s why you don’t understand me, little man – I’m a successful and wealthy man who can do anything he wants. Mason, you’re the perfect example of this. Where did respect get you? Pinned to the mat. Where did your years of experience get you? Same rung of the ladder as me. You resent me because I have all the ability and all the wealth, all the contacts to get to the top however and whenever I want."


Earnest: “You arrogant son of-“


Rich Money: “Now, now. If your wallet is not this big (makes ‘far apart’ gesture with hands) then you are not wealthy enough to talk to Rich Money.”


With that, Rich Money ignores Marv and goes back to counting his money. (D)





http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/CorporalDoom_zps4185bc28.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/SheikMustafa_zps6478d483.jpg


NYCW Empire Title Corporal Doom © vs Sheik Mustafa

The crowd throw garbage at the Sheik as he makes his way to the ring. Corporal Doom, meanwhile, is showered with adulation from the NYCW die hards. As Ref Brent holds the Empire Title above his head, the Sheik attacks Doom, aiming for the ribs of the surprised champion. Doom fights back with a clothesline and an elbow drop, but Sheik Mustafa controls the match with an abdominal stretch. Methodical offence from the Sheik as he works Doom’s back and ribs, looking for his patented Mustafa Victory hold (a modified camel clutch).


Too winded to stay on his feet, Doom drops to his knees, allowing the Sheik to sink Mustafa Victory in. At first, it looks like Doom is fading…until the crowd start chanting “U-S-A!” Fired up, Doom manages to stand up and throw the Sheik backwards! The crowd erupt as Doom flattens Mustafa with repeated clotheslines. With the crowd cheering him on, Doom is unstoppable – a whip into the ring post see a dazed Mustafa stagger back into the centre of the ring…straight into Corporal Punishment (Double handed throat thrust) 1 – 2 – 3!


Winner – Corporal Doom (D+)


As Corporal Doom salutes the crowd, Empire Title strapped around his waist, a hooded figure climbs over the guard rail and rolls into the ring...armed with a chair, he measures Doom! The Empire Champion doesn’t realise someone is behind him and takes a violent chair shot to the back! Sinking to his knees, Doom attempts to stand, but is smashed in the ribs with the chair. The NYCW faithful are shocked by this violence…previously they had been basking in a ‘feel-good’ factor after watching Doom defeat his no.1 enemy. Now they are watching him get taken apart by the hooded stranger. Laughing, the stranger only gives his identity away when he executes a perfect Nemesis Arrow (Straightjacket DDT), driving Doom’s head into the chair! ©


The impact of the Nemesis Arrow exposes Nemesis…his hood dropping back over his trademark flame red hair. Laughing heavily, he sits on the downed Corporal Doom. Face to face with the unconscious hero, Nemesis demands a mic from ringside…




Nemesis: “So, no warm welcome to New York City Wrestling? (laughs as crowd boos) Last year, I got kicked out of heaven. Like the devil himself, I challenged my master’s orders and was exiled, removed from His kingdom.


So (chuckles) what’s a devil to do? I decided to find my own kingdom, somewhere where my followers and I can rule…NYCW will become my realm of the dead, my pit of despair for all who dwell in it. After all, it’s better to reign in hell than serve in heaven…


Corporal Doom? You hold the Empire Title, the first step to my corruption of this flea pit. No one knew I would be here tonight. No one knew that my contract states I would face the winner of tonight’s main event next month. So, Doom, when you regain consciousness and you discover that the devil has been cast into your world? Hope. Pray. Because you now know what I am capable of.”


With that, Nemesis stands over the unconscious Corporal Doom and soaks up the boos. Throwing the mic aside, the sneering, self-proclaimed ‘devil’ mockingly taps the Empire Title around the helpless Doom’s waist and exits the ring as the fans boo him…a reaction that clearly doesn’t bother Nemesis…



Overall – D+

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#3 Wednesday Week 3 November 2007 - Rush Hour Aftermath...


“So what did you think of the grades?”


“Probably about right at this point. How you calculating these grades anyway?”


“Well, you see my laptop? I’ve graded all the wrestlers and companies on various factors, then the computer calculates how they would combine, giving an overall grade. Think of it as being like a game.”


“A fantasy booking game? Sounds boring…”


“It can be interesting, we use it a lot for columns based on dream matches, say Wild Man Sullivan vs Eddie Peak.”


“Peak woulda killed him, he’s a maniac. Don’t need a computer to tell you that.”


Well, the computer is a bit more in-depth than that. So you were happy with the grades?”


“Yeah, I reckon I would have given similar grades…it wasn’t a bad show, but I’ve got some work to do yet. Was gonna ask you about announcers, referees and agents."


“Oh, right?”


“Can I get rid of some? Saw some names on your list I’d want to release.”




“Well, I don’t need Brutus McBride managing Rich Money – Money can talk for himself. Haggans can go too, don’t need him working backstage when we got Ray Kingman. Also, I wanna fire O’Quinn, get Shane Sneer-“


“Well, sorry to enforce the rules but you can’t. Sneer is too pricy for Stomper…if you remember he’s still in charge. Also, Sneer works for XWF. NYCW had a non – aggression agreement in place-“


“End it. End all the pacts.”


“You sure?”


“Yeah…think our first show has announced our intentions – with me on board, everyone would know NYCW means business… “


“Ok, let me input that…well, I guess I can allow you to sign Sneer as you fired McBride, Haggans and I guess O’Quinn?”


“Yeah…Shane is a great commentator, wanted him in DaVE back in the day. I’m sure your little computer agrees?”


“It does – 77 mic skills, 72 charisma-.”


“-You’ve given this too much thought. Now for our second show-”


“Sorry to butt in John, just wanted to mention our prediction contest. We opened the cards up to predictions from TEWdotcom forum members. Midnightnick was the winner…and the only entrant.”


“Win’s a win Pete.”


“That’s true. What I was going to do was send the winner some merchandise – we get lots in the TEWdotcom office. So, Midnightnick wins this week’s prize…a SWF mug!”






“….just what he wanted, I’m sure….”


“It’s a nice mug….anyway, what did you have for next month?”


“Well…I was gonna call it Big Apple Bash…smaller show than Rush Hour, I’d go hour and a half. Here’s the card.”


“Excellent…well, in next week’s column you can tell us how Big Apple Bash goes down….”


Big Apple Bash


NYCW Empire Title Corporal Doom © vs Nemesis


The Stomper vs Sheik Mustafa


Chris Storm vs The Masked Mauler


Rich Money vs Jungle Jack


NYCW Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs Barry Kingman and John McClean


Dark Match - Jack Bruce vs Elmer Kelly


OOC - Predictions/feedback welcome. Thought it would be amiss if I didn't mention some of this dynasty's influences


No Neck - Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC


Eisen-verse - PSW: The Evolution of Greed


Two excellent dynasties - I recommend reading both, if you haven't already.

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Just stumbled across this and think its a very interesting idea. Hopefully its something you can keep up with.


Not much for commenting on diaries, or doing predictions as usually I find I get a spare few hours and then read up, then miss about 2 pages of updates, and catch up again. But as I'm here


Big Apple Bash


NYCW Empire Title Corporal Doom © vs Nemesis


The obvious temptation is to throw the belt on your biggest attraction, and that very well may happen. I just wonder if John doesnt want to make a statement though... Doom to win but only by DQ as Nemesis brings the pain.


The Stomper vs Sheik Mustafa


Keeping the boss happy

Chris Storm vs The Masked Mauler


I think a push is coming for Storm


Rich Money vs Jungle Jack


Same for Money


NYCW Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs Barry Kingman and John McClean


Gonna go with a draw of some sort - possibly building a feud


Dark Match - Jack Bruce vs Elmer Kelly


Keep up the good work!

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<p>Nice start, I'm enjoying it all so far. It's nice timing, as I downloaded the CV97 mod a couple weeks ago and have been playing around with it.</p><p> </p><p>

Big Apple Bash</p><p> </p><p>

NYCW Empire Title Corporal Doom © vs <strong>Nemesis</strong></p><p>

<em>Nemesis is your top guy. He's great on the mic, great in the ring, and he's a star. I don't see why he shouldn't get the title belt.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Stomper vs <strong>Sheik Mustafa</strong></p><p>

<em>I'm guessing we'll see interference from Big Cat Brandon.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Storm</strong> vs The Masked Mauler</p><p>

<em>Storm wins here; I could see him eventually feuding with Vengeance.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rich Money</strong> vs Jungle Jack</p><p>

<em>I can't bet against Money.</em></p><p> </p><p>

NYCW Tag Team Titles <strong>Wiley Coyote ©</strong> vs Barry Kingman and John McClean</p><p>

<em>If Barry Kingman becomes a double champion I riot.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Dark Match - <strong>Jack Bruce</strong> vs Elmer Kelly</p><p>

<em>One of these guys has a slightly brighter future.</em></p>

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#4 Wednesday Week 4 November 2007 - Big Apple Bash





NYCW Big Apple Bash


Pre Show


Jack Bruce swaggers out for his match. Taking a mic from the ring announcer, he jumps on to the ring apron for an impromptu speech


Bruce: “Screeaaammm for me New York!!! (crowd cheers) I can’t hear ya! (crowd roars louder) Oh, there they are!!! (Serious voice) So, you know what isn’t cool? Being on the pre show. I’m the rock n’ roll rebel, the all night delight, I should be the main attraction! Now, Nemesis thinks he can just show up, act like he owns this company? No….Way! I love this city and this company, got no problem kicking your ass!”


Anyway…time for the gig to begin! Are you ready to rock?(crowd roars) Can’t hear ya! (crowd roars more) Ohhhhhhh yeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!” ©



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/JackBruce_zpsa8c6058a.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/Everest_zps73e29711.jpg


Jack Bruce vs Elmer Kelly

Bruce is fired up here; Kelly doesn’t have time to catch his breath. Hard shots to the ribs double the big man up for the New York Minute (Fameouser) Ref Brent and Bruce both count the 1-2-3!


Winner – Jack Bruce (F)


Main Show





http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/WileySteinway_zps87e07d40.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/CoyoteDynamite_zps255b8fcc.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/BarryKingman_zps00518866.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/BarryKingman_zps00518866.jpg


NYCW Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs Barry Kingman and John McClean

Wiley Coyote are inspired by their brawl last month with The Working Men – no longer confined to the ring, they drag Kingman and McClean to ringside. The challengers try to turn this into a normal tag match but Wiley Coyote keep them brawling outside the ring. Eventually Kingman drags Steinway back into the ring – only for Steinway to wrap the tag rope around his neck! Kingman submits to avoid passing out!


Winner – Wiley Coyote (D-)



Marv Earnest is with NYCW Empire Wrestling Champion Corporal Doom


Earnest: “Last month, your thoughts on last month's attack by Nemesis?”


Doom: “Corporal Earnest, you’re dismissed. (Earnest walks away, looking confused) Nemesis! You think you can turn up in NYCW and just challenge me for my title? Your tactics last month were a disgrace to this great sport! You fired the opening strike last month – now me and my troops have declared war on you! Prepare to be destroyed, maggot!"(C-)



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/RichMoney_zps9853df92.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/JungleJack_zpse4e8d2d4.jpg


Rich Money vs Jungle Jack

It’s a struggle for Rich Money at first – Jungle Jack gives him no space to establish a strategy, forcing Money to the outside. Eventually Money re-enters the ring and proceeds to wear Jack down with methodical holds, sapping the will of Jack. The big man breaks free of an abdominal stretch and fires off some vicious offence…however the devious Money is able to duck a big clothesline and roll Jack up with feet on the ropes for three…


Winner – Rich Money (D-)


Rich Money bails from the ring quickly after his tainted win and heads to the dressing room…where he’s confronted by Chris Storm


Storm: “What the hell was that?”


Money: “What the hell was what?”


Storm: “Your cheating, Money, that’s what You did that last month to Mace too-“


Money: “-So?”


Storm: “You’re a disgrace Money-“


Money: (mock tears) “You’re right…let…me *sniff* blow my nose….(Money proceeds to pull out a dollar and blow his nose on it)


Storm: “Think you’re amusing, do you?”


Money: (sighs)”No, just handsome and rich.”


Storm: (grabbing Money) “I’m warning you Money-“


Money: (shoving Storm back) “Warning me of what?”


The Stomper storms into the locker room and separates Storm and Money


Stomper: “Knock it off! Wanna fight so bad? Do it next month at Gridlock.”


Both Storm and Money nod and square up to each other as Stomper tries to drag them apart. (D)



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/LobsterWarrior_alt_zps253d31d0.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/TheMaskedMauler_zpsf1f49b60.jpg


Chris Storm vs The Masked Mauler

Storm wastes no time getting started, hitting a charging shoulder tackle and a backbreaker on the masked man. Mauler drags Storm to the floor, trying to use whatever shortcuts he can but his failing stamina allows Storm back into the match. Fisherman’s Suplex from Storm before he traps the Mauler in a front facelock…Mauler taps before he fades out….


Winner – Chris Storm (E+)



Nemesis is in a backroom, deep in the bowels of the building. There is only one light on him, the rest of the room is cloaked in darkness.


Nemesis: “So, step two of my ascension is ready…a title match with Corporal Doom. Isn’t it ironic that we’re both named after our fates? In greek, ‘nemesis’ roughly means ‘to give what is due.’ That is what I’m here for; to give this cesspool the leader it truly deserves. And you? Surely you guessed it by now? You’re facing your own doom!!!


Once I beat you, once I break you, I will be in control of this hellhole. Soon my followers will crawl out of the woodwork, out of the tainted soil this company is built on and rise up with me to establish a stronghold on NYCW…and there will be nothing you can do about it!"


The light flickers as Nemesis laughs. Suddenly it’s gone, leaving us listening to Nemesis’ cackle amist the darkness…" ©



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/TheStomper_zpsd119d4f7.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/SheikMustafa_zps6478d483.jpg


The Stomper vs Sheik Mustafa

The two veterans have fought many times and know each other’s offence and tricks. A slow, methodical match is the result, both men looking to capitalise on any mistake that presents itself. It’s not a mistake that presents itself in the end – it’s an attack from Big Cat Brandon…


While Mustafa is complaining to Ref Brent about an imagined hair pull, Brandon shoves Stomper into the turnbuckle, leaving the NYCW owner is a heap centre ring. When the action resumes, Mustafa is nonplussed, but quickly hooks in Mustafa Victory..before realising that Stomper is out cold. Quickly flipping Stomper onto his back, Mustafa gets the three count….


Winner – Sheik Mustafa (D-)



As a confused Ref Brent holds up Sheik Mustafa’s hand after the bout, Big Cat Brandon sneaks back into the ring – looking to do more damage to The Stomper! As Stomper rises, Brandon charges and hits a Big Cat Pounce! Stomper falls back, his head hitting the canvas…Brandon isn’t done, Brandon Bomb Drop! (Sitout Powerbomb) With a roar, Brandon then hits a second Brandon Bomb Drop as NYCW personnel flood the ring, trying to stop the assault! (D+)





http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/CorporalDoom_zps4185bc28.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/Nemisis_zpsc6bc0ee1.jpg


NYCW Empire Title Corporal Doom © vs Nemesis

Nemesis in ring debut for NYCW means little to the crowd – he’s up against their hero, Corporal Doom and is almost booed out of the building. The fans haven’t forgotten the assault at Rush Hour…and nor has Corporal Doom! He swings away at Nemesis, the crowd cheering every strike! Nemesis escapes to the floor, but Doom follows, dragging Nemesis back into the ring and unloading! Atomic drop, followed by a big boot gets two, Nemesis counters a back drop with a kick to the head, but his charge is halted with Corporal Punishment!


Doom takes a second to catch his breath, then quickly dives on the challenger 1 – 2- no, 2 and ¾! The crowd are stunned – many had thought that might be an early win for the Corporal! Doom looks for a plan B – only to get caught with a Nemesis Back Elbow (leaping back elbow). As Ref Brent checks on Doom, Nemesis grabs a chair from ringside. Brent stops the chair shot, but gets caught accidently by a Doom clothesline! Doom goes to help the official to his feet… Nemesis retrieves the chair. Brent slumps to his knees, dazed…Nemesis cracks Doom with the chair and rolls him up! A groggy Brent counts 1…..2……3……


Winner – Nemesis (C+)


Overall – C-

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#5 Wednesday Week 1 December 2007 – BAB aftermath


“So…are you happy with how that turned out?”


“I guess…how come Chris Storm’s match only got E+?”


“Well the computer worked out that Mauler’s low stamina tanked the match-“


“-the match would only have been like 7, 8 mins? Fire him.”




“Yup, don’t want any weaklings on my roster. Fire Everest too, I got no further use for him.”


“Ok…I’ll make the amendments…so they’ve gone, are you firing anyone to replace them?”


“No one just yet…I got some good guys on the roster, don’t need any newcomers. When the time is right, I’ll bring in some new faces. Evolution remember?”


“Yes I do…so Gridlock next then-“






“I want to run another event before Gridlock...thing with DaVE is, we were too busy fighting over the Tri State. We should have spread out more. That way, we would have had a good platform after we won the war."


“So, you would run a show outside the Tri State?”


“Yes – I think Mid Atlantic would be a good place to do that. Once a month…damn does that mean I have to write out more shows?”


“No…just a breakdown is fine. Why the Mid Atlantic territory?”


“Well, we’re prominent on the east coast right? So we look at the east…Florida is far too hot…New England got SWF-“


“and New England Wrestling, SWF’s feeder league then.”


“Right. Makes sense to avoid New England then.”


"Ok…so next time you’re gonna talk us through the Mid Atlantic show. Cool-“


“-as I said, don’t expect a full write up – these shows are just to build towards the Tri State shows…they’re the big ones.”


“That’s fine…before I let you go, we just need to award the winner of our Big Apple Bash prediction contest-“


“-more crap from the office, Pete?”


“We’ve got some good stuff John…anyway, two participants last week…and Tiberious4 wins with a clean sweep-“


“-maybe he should do these columns.”


“You don’t get out of it that easily! Anyway Tiberious4 wins this retro Hollyweird Grappling Company ‘Surf’ Tee.






Next week, John will take us through NYCW’s first show outside the Tri-State…."

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Just stumbled across this and think its a very interesting idea. Hopefully its something you can keep up with.


Not much for commenting on diaries, or doing predictions as usually I find I get a spare few hours and then read up, then miss about 2 pages of updates, and catch up again. But as I'm here


Nice start, I'm enjoying it all so far. It's nice timing, as I downloaded the CV97 mod a couple weeks ago and have been playing around with it.


Thanks for the support guys - Tiberious4, I think the CV97 mod is superb, kudos to Derek B for making a mod that's up to the quality of the CV. You played it much?

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6# Wednesday Week 2 December 2007 - Invasion!


"So John, Invasion?"


"Yeah...it's basically just a monthly show to build up popularity outside of New York...boys never complain if they get some extra work either. Good practice run for our Tri State shows, make sure guys can work together, try some new things, you know?"


NYCW Invasion 1 - Mid Atlantic


Pre show battle royale (D-)


"Big Cat wins and dominates here. Want Jack Bruce and Jungle Jack in the last four. Try and showcase some of our future stars."


Corporal Doom promo on Nemesis (C-)


Ernest Mason over Morpheus (E-)


"Do a DQ finish, protect Morpheus...your computer says they ain't got chemistry? Wasn't expecting match of the year..."


Nemesis Promo on Corporal Doom (C+)


Stomper over Sheik Mustafa (D)


"Just a match with two main eventers. Stomper needs the win more because..."


Big Cat Brandon attacks Stomper (D+)


Nemesis over Chris Storm (C-)


"Long match, try and make the kid. I’d beat him clean here – he ain’t on my level yet and we can make him look strong in defeat, maybe two Nemesis Arrows? Computer calculates we don’t click? Damn…"


Doom attacks Nemesis ©


"Send the fans home happy"


Overall - D+


"That's a bit harsh...last two segments were good...I guess Sheik and Stomper brought down the grade."


"That show sets the scene for Gridlock then?"


"Yes - step 3 in our evolution, gets a little more violent from here on in..."




NYCW Empire Title Boot Camp Match Nemesis © vs Corporal Doom


Chris Storm vs Rich Money


Big Cat Brandon vs The Stomper


Sheik Mustafa vs Ernest Mason


Dark Match - Jack Bruce vs Barry Kingman

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#7 Wednesday Week 3 December 2007 - Gridlock




NYCW Gridlock


Pre Show


http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/JackBruce_zpsa8c6058a.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/BarryKingman_zps00518866.jpg


Jack Bruce vs Barry Kingman


Kingman tries to take this to the mat, but Bruce is a ball of energy who won’t be contained. Pinning Kingman back with big rights, Bruce signals for and delivers the New York Minute for the win.


Winner – Jack Bruce (F+)



Main Show


Corporal Doom is backstage with Marv Earnest


Earnest: “So Corporal, we saw the match last month-“


Doom: “Stand to attention Earnest! Nemesis! You cheated your way to the title last month. A scumbag like you deserves no mercy. Now, when I was a boy, maggotts like you were sent to Boot Camp. All their attitude problems, all their disrespect was beaten out of them! Tonight, I take you to Boot Camp…tonight I will make you respect me and the Empire Title! Earnest, you’re dismissed! “ ©



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/TheStomper_zpsd119d4f7.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/BigCatBrandon_zps7ad42e5b.jpg


The Stomper vs Big Cat Brandon

Despite having the desire to take the fight to Big Cat, Stomper stays calm…picking his spots against the bigger man, Stomper controls the bout until Big Cat runs him down with a clothesline. Brandon uses power moves to dominate but gets frustrated as Stomper resists defeat. Finally, Brandon snaps….and ushers Morpheus from the back? Ref Brent warns Morpheus, but the big man ignores him and plants Stomper with a big spinebuster! Big Cat Brandon is disqualified!


Winner – The Stomper (D-)


As Ref Brent blocks Morpheus from doing any further damage, Big Cat Brandon measures Stomper for a Big Cat Pounce! Brent tries to intervene but Morpheus holds him back…giving Brandon the chance to hit a Brandon Bomb Drop! (E+)



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/SheikMustafa_zps6478d483.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/ErnestMason_zps72f2fedc.jpg


Sheik Mustafa vs Ernest Mason

Mason isn’t able to keep up with the Sheik – while he’s a technically proficient competitor; he lacks The Sheik’s knowledge of the dark arts…Sheik ends the match with the Musfata Victory after an unsighted low blow….


Winner – Sheik Mustafa (E+)



Back in the darkened room, in the bowels of the basement, sits Nemesis on a dusty throne…


Nemesis: “Corporal…it’s just a match…just a fantasy. Maybe, in your idealised version of America, bad men can be rehabilitated in Boot Camp, they can change…In my America? No, Doom there is no rehabilitation, just darkness...


The aftermath of Boot Camp will be the end…no respect, no happy ending…just darkness. The darkness where angels fear to tread…” ©




http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/LobsterWarrior_alt_zps253d31d0.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/RichMoney_zps9853df92.jpg


Chris Storm vs Rich Money

Both men are polar opposites. Storm, the earnest, hard working brawler. Money, the arrogant, opportunistic ‘classic wrestler’. This clash in styles leads to a hard hitting match, Storm swinging and slugging at Money, who tries to slow down the match with any distraction he can use. Rod Beams is such a distraction. The veteran brawler attacks Storm on the floor as he stalks Money. Storm fights him off…but doesn’t see Rocco The Plumber sneak up behind. Plumber quickly strikes Storm with his wrench and shoves the him back into the ring…leaving Storm prone for Dollars From Heaven (Top Rope Splash), Brent counts 3…


Winner – Rich Money (D)



Before the main event can begin, Jack Bruce bounds onto the stage, mic in hand…


Bruce: “Hello New York!!! I can’t hear you! C’monnnn New York!!! Nemesis, I’m gonna make this short and sweet. You don’t come into my city and tear it down! Not without going through New York’s finest, Jack Bruce! You get through Doom tonight I want you next! (D-)





http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/Nemisis_zpsc6bc0ee1.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/CorporalDoom_zps4185bc28.jpg


Boot Camp Match NYCW Empire Title Nemesis © vs Corporal Doom

The aim of the Boot Camp match is to get the opponent to say ‘I quit’. Neither man has any intention of doing this – Doom’s pride and Nemesis’ lust for violence stop them from quitting. Doom controls to start, using his size to dominate Nemesis. Nemesis fights back with a flash Nemesis Arrow, slowing Doom down. Grabbing a chair, Nemesis beats down Doom…but Doom won’t quit. Piledriver draws the same conclusion. Nemesis realises that he needs to take this up a notch…grabbing a table from under the ring, Nemesis sets it up outside the ring. Setting Doom up for a powerbomb from the apron…Doom counters with a back drop! Nemesis crashes through the table on the floor! Brent checks, Nemesis is conscious and wants to fight on!


He’s hurt though, and Doom has him in hand - Corporal Punishment! Doom connected hard, but Nemesis still won’t quit! Doom with a piledriver! Nemesis still won’t give up! Doom steadies himself for another Corporal Punishment…but Big Cat Brandon runs down from the back? Doom greets Brandon with lefts and rights, staggering the intruder…and giving Nemesis the opportunity to clip Doom’s leg. Nemesis and Brandon then put the boots to Doom, then Brandon produces a coat hanger…Nemesis wraps the coat hanger around the neck of Doom and begins to pull…Doom tries to resist, but turning blue, he has no choice but to whisper ‘I quit’


Winner - Nemesis (B-)


As Brent shouts for medical assistance, Morpheus joins Nemesis and Brandon in ring. Nemesis stares at Morpheus…then raises his and Brandon’s hands! What can this mean? (D-)


Overall - C

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<p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>#8</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><em>Wednesday Week 4 December 2007 – contract negotiations/Invasion</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“So, were you happy with the grades for Gridlock?”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Hell yeah – that’s more like it! A good end to the first story arc anyway-“</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“-the Doom feud was just a first chapter?”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Yeah – we’ve got the title. Next we try and take the company.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“Cool. Now, the random generator has thrown up some interesting contract renewals.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Ok ,who we got?”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“Squeeky McClean.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Can we rehire him? Good worker.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“No – Stomper won’t let you pay him any more.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“That’s not fair! What is that even based on?.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“Stomper was notoriously frugal. Unless it was a major star, he wouldn’t rehire them for more money. Sorry...house rules.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Fine…let him go.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“He’s still got a month left?”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Nah…you’re either in or out. Shame, but there are guys better suited.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“Such as?”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Chris Caulfield. Would definitely hire him….unless the computer Stomper is too damn cheap?”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“No…I’ll let you hire him. I reckon Stomper would only let him join if you were gonna feature him as a star. He needs to be semi main event at least?”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“I can do that…can I have a minute to amend Invasion?”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“Sure.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><em>(break)</em></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“Talk us through Invasion for March, John…”</span></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35761" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>Invasion 2</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> - Mid Atlantic, March 1997</span><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Dark Match – Ernest Mason and Wiley Coyote vs Rich Money and The Working Men </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>(D-)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Just want these guys on the card, Money gets the win, don’t matter who he beats.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Stomper introduces Chris Caulfield </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>(E)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“As the terms of his signing, gotta be seen as a big deal.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Caulfield challenges Nemesis </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>(E-)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Make an impact straight off the bat.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Nemesis accepts </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>(D-)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Gives us a match at next month’s Invasion…your grades ain’t filling me with confidence…”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Big Cat Brandon and Morpheus vs Jack Bruce and Jungle Jack </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>(E)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Big over booked brawl…Big Cat to get the win over Jungle Jack…stupid name.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“According to the computer, the crowd would have disliked the over the top brawling in that one.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“I dislike that computer…now it's just nitpicking-”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">"Computers don't nitpick John..."</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Nemesis taunts Doom </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>(C+)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“We’ve had some good interactions in the past…might as well as keep it up, in case we need to ever run this feud again.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Barry Kingman vs Chris Storm </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>(D)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“I want to move the US Title to Storm, add a bit of spice to the feud with Money. Plus, ain't you got Kingman down as an opener?”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“Yes, his contract is up soon too.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Hmm….”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Rich Money taunts Storm </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>(E+)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">I want this feud to continue…it ain’t peaked yet.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Stomper hypes vs Nemesis </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>(C-)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“That’s a much better grade than I expected.”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Nemesis vs Stomper (C+)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> “</span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">I’m amazed by that grade…I thought this would be a piece of s**t. Draw here, not giving away a finish for a Main Event feud on Invasion…”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> Overall – </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong>C</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p></div></blockquote><p> <span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Damn I’m good-“</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#0000FF;">“Admit it, you lucked out on Stomper’s performance there?”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Completely. Sometimes, booking is about luck….”</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><em>Next week, we build to the next big show…NYCW Where Angels Fear To Tread….</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><em> </em></span></p>
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#9 Wednesday Week 1 January 2008 – build to Where Angels Fear To Tread


“This was to be the start of the next arc John?”


“Yeah – but it’s so much more than that…this is where the changes to NYCW become apparent. We’ve slowly been re-educating the NYCW faithful…your computer seems happy with the changes, judging by the grades-“


“-bar that tag match on Invasion last month, yes.”


“I’ll blame the chaotic brawling for that. That’s something learned though. Never hurts to make a mistake, long as you learn from it.”




“That’s it was…we dipped our toe in the water and we got burned.”


“Think you’ve messed your metaphors up there, John.”


“It was holy water Pete…NYCW is going to some dark, dark places, starting with Where Angels Fear To Tread…”


“Speaking of dark places, I noticed that Jack Bruce’s contract is up-“


“-what!!! When the f**k were you going to mention that!!!”


“Well, I only just noticed-“


“-that the biggest potential star in wrestling was leaving? And you’re a journalist? F**k!”


“Sorry John-“


“-it’s all part of the process I guess….fine, I’ll have to rewrite Bruce’s parts though…”


“Do you need more time, maybe a couple of weeks?”


“Nah, I’ll do it tonight”


“Ok, what are the matches for the show?”


“This…Hey, does this mean I get to hire more people? We’ve lost a few guys…”


“Yeah, you need at least 20 guys…Bruce going leaves…17, 18, 19…19. You need one more. Have a think for a week and we’ll do the hire after the card.”




Where Angels Fear To Tread


Empire Title Nemesis © vs The Stomper


Corporal Doom vs Sheik Mustafa


US Title Chris Storm © vs Rich Money


Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs Big Cat Brandon and Morpheus


Vacant Tri State Title Barry Kingman vs Jungle Jack

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Where Angels Fear To Tread


Empire Title Nemesis © vs The Stomper


Corporal Doom vs Sheik Mustafa


US Title Chris Storm © vs Rich Money


Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs Big Cat Brandon and Morpheus


Vacant Tri State Title Barry Kingman vs Jungle Jack

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Where Angels Fear To Tread


Empire Title Nemesis © vs The Stomper


Corporal Doom vs Sheik Mustafa


US Title Chris Storm © vs Rich Money


Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs Big Cat Brandon and Morpheus


Vacant Tri State Title Barry Kingman vs Jungle Jack

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Never spotted this diary, and just read through it all... very cool premise


I like the bickering with Nemesis and the fact that the booking decisions are being explained!




Where Angels Fear To Tread


Empire Title Nemesis © vs The Stomper

Owner or not, Nemesis the big dog now. He's not losing his title this soon, especially not to The Stomper


Corporal Doom vs Sheik Mustafa

Doom needs a win to get back on track


US Title Chris Storm © vs Rich Money

Storm isn't losing his title just yet


Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs Big Cat Brandon and Morpheus

Tough one, but I see Wiley Coyote winning it by DQ or something like that


Vacant Tri State Title Barry Kingman vs Jungle Jack

Kingman is leaving soon I guess, so Jack gets the belt

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#10 Wednesday Week 2 January 2008 - Where Angels Fear to Tread




Where Angels Fear To Tread


Dark Matches

(note - John added this section at the last minute, hence why they're not in the preview and there are no pictures)


Chris Caulfield vs Hollywood Hank


The slimy Hollywood Hank is out of his depth against the intense Caulfield; the Extremist never lets up, finishing with a Danger Drop (Reverse Snap DDT).


Winner – Chris Caulfield (E)



Ernest Mason vs Rocco The Plumber


Rocco dominates the smaller Mason with bullying tactics; clubbing blows and corner shots. However, he misses a charge and Mason is able to capitalise with a chop block. Mason follows with a Figure Four Leglock….Rocco taps!


Winner – Ernest Mason (E+)



Main Show


Nemesis, Morpheus and Big Cat Brandon stroll out from the back…their arrogance infuriates the NYCW crowd, who pelt them with garbage. Big Cat Brandon, not wearing his feline makeup, looks particularly focused. Flanked by the two monsters, Nemesis silences the crowd with a glare…


Nemesis: “Even a god needs allies. Even someone as violent and dangerous as I. These two men, like myself, are fallen angels. Two men who were pushed aside in NYCW for lesser mortals. Big Cat Brandon and Morpheus, two men who The Stomper tried to push aside to keep the ghosts of the past alive…two men who join me to destroy this museum and help create new legends!”


Big Cat Brandon snatches the mic from Nemesis…who simply laughs.


Big Cat Brandon: “Stomper!!! You tried to make me a side show, tried to make me into one of your relics…a simple character. Me, the most dangerous man in the east!!! From now I go by Brandon. No gimmicks. No characters. Just pain and suffering.”


Brandon throws the mic to Morpheus. Smirking, the monstrous Morpheus addresses the crowd.


Morpheus: “We are The Fallen. Like Lucifer reigns in Hell, we will reign in NYCW. Prepare for the end of days!”


With this, the three men exit the ring…united in their dark purpose (D)





http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/JungleJack_alt2_zps1afca68d.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/BarryKingman_zps00518866.jpg


NYCW Tri State Title Barry Kingman vs Jungle Jack


Jungle Jack’s entrance music plays…but there is no sign of Jack. Kingman grabs Ref Brent and demands that he awards him the belt….Brent argues with Kingman, then points at a mysterious figure heading down to the ring…


Clad in a black leather jacket and holding a bottle of whisky, Jungle Jack seems a changed man. Kingman flinches as he observes the menacing figure….then gets smashed with a huge lariat!!! The Jungle Jackhammer (Northern Lights Bomb) sends Kingman to the canvas…1,2.3!


Winner – Jungle Jack (E)



The Stomper is backstage with Marv Earnest


Earnest: “Boss, what’s on your mind?”


Stomper: “Just got some words for those Fallen scumbags.”


Earnest passes the mic to Stomper and motions for him to talk


Stomper: “This company isn’t about characters or religion…it’s about wrestling. Who’s the best. Who’s trained the hardest. Nemesis, you miss the big time. Don’t mean you can come into my house and take what you want! The crap you pulled with Corporal Doom last month was a disgrace…so, I want to show you what wrestling is all about. What being a real man is about…” (C-)





http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/WileySteinway_zps87e07d40.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/CoyoteDynamite_zps255b8fcc.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/BigCatBrandon_alt1_zps6027c305.jpghttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/AmericanBuffalo_zpsd5c4f0f0.jpg


NYCW Tag Team Titles Wiley Coyote © vs Brandon and Morpheus


The champions are tough, but Brandon and Morpheus are something else. While they have no tag team experience, their power and resilience more than compensates. Wiley and Coyote try to brawl with their large opponents but are cut down and punished. A brief comeback sees Steinway floor Morpheus with a flying clothesline…only for Brandon to drive him down with a Big Cat Pounce. Coyote Dynamite is disposed of by Morpheus, leaving Brandon to make the cover 1-2-3….


Winner – Big Cat Brandon and Morpheus (D-)



Chris Caulfield is with Marv Earnest…


Earnest: “Chris, you’ll be facing Nemesis at Invasion this month-“


Caulfield: “Damn straight.”


Earnest: “Can you be the one that stops him?”


Caulfield: “I believe I can Marv. Nemesis, you act like you invented hardcore. One match does not make you hardcore. I’ve been giving my all, bleeding and brawling for the past year now. See this scar? (directs Earnest to a scar on his forehead) Barbed wire baseball bat. This one? (points to scar on his top lip) Handcuffed to the ropes and hit with a chair. Do I complain when I’m not appreciated? Do I take out my feelings of rejection on others? NO! I WORK HARDER TO ACHIEIVE! (Earnest backs away)


They call me The Hardcore American. Because I’ll work the hardest. Because I’ll push myself to be a success. And because I’ll bleed to do it. So Nemesis, when we meet at Invasion, be prepared. Because if I have to die in that ring to beat you I’ll do it…it’s the Hardcore American way!” (D+)




http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/LobsterWarrior_alt_zps253d31d0.jpg VShttp://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/RichMoney_zps9853df92.jpg


NYCW US Title Chris Storm © vs Rich Money


Like the NYCW crowd, Chris Storm has started to tire of Money’s antics. Focused, yet fiery, Storm proceeds to beat Money down. Storm is in control, until Money surprises him with a desperation cross body. Seizing control, Money frantically tries to put Storm away before he can inflict any more pain on Money. A DDT gets two as does a neckbreaker. Panicking, Money goes up for Dollars From Heaven…but gets crotched!


Storm throws Money off the top and signals for the Fisherman’s Suplex! He gets the lift, but Money slips out and rolls Storm up, feet on the ropes! Brent doesn’t notice and starts counting 1 – 2 -3!!!


Winner – Rich Money (D)



Backstage we see Marv Earnest looking for Corporal Doom. Upon finding the former Empire Champion, Marv looks for an interview. Doom simply shakes his head and walks away (C-)


The camera man and Earnest follow Doom as he walks to the ring, trying to keep up with the agitated Corporal


Earnest: “Corporal…Corporal, any words for your troops before your match tonight?”


Doom: (grabbing Earnest by his sports jacket) “I got some words for them and you…leave me alone. Mustafa…welcome to your Doom”


With a snort, Doom pushes Marv away and storms through the curtain to ringside (D)



http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/CorporalDoom_zps4185bc28.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/SheikMustafa_zps6478d483.jpg


Corporal Doom vs Sheik Mustafa


If the preceeding interview didn’t answer questions on Doom’s mental condition, then his entrance does…ignoring his legion of fans in the crowd, Doom stalks Mustafa in the ring. The Sheik, normally the one who plays the mind games, has no idea how to deal with this change in his long time foe. As a result, Doom dominates. The Sheik’s usual shortcuts has no effect, as Doom simply shrugs off the low blows and eye gouges, relentlessly pounding the Iraqi native.


A dazed Sheik tries a final roll of the dice – powder to the eyes! Brent goes to disqualify Mustafa, but Doom shows no ill effects. Hurling Mustafa to the ropes, Doom greets him with a sick Corporal Punishment to the windpipe. Brent counts an academic three count…


Winner – Corporal Doom (D+)



In the bowels of the building, Nemesis sits on the sole chair in his dark room. Glaring straight into the camera, his hair like the fires of hell, the Empire Champion begins to speak


Nemesis: “Wrestling, Stomper? Trust you to get worked up over such a trivial detail. Being a man isn’t about wristlocks and headlocks, being a man are about fighting till your last breath. Winning by any means possible.


What happened to Doom last month, and what will happen to you tonight, is the revolution. No more can you hold people down because of lack of 'wrestling knowledge'…those who can fight and will take it to the limits will benefit in my Kingdom.


Ask Jack Bruce if they ever find him….” (C+)




http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/Nemisis_zpsc6bc0ee1.jpg VS http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t495/Occasional_Z/NYCW%20C97/TheStomper_zpsd119d4f7.jpg


NYCW Empire Title Nemesis vs The Stomper


The crowd are completely behind The Stomper here – he has been the backbone of NYCW for years and these fans consider him to be the face of wrestling in New York. In contrast, they see Nemesis as the big league star come to destroy their wrestling. Stomper confuses Nemesis with his methodical pacing – instead of the all-out fight he’s used to , Stomper patiently picks his punches and focuses on the left arm of Nemesis. Looking to neutralise Nemesis’ strikes and the Nemesis Arrow…


Eventually Nemesis counters this strategy…with simple violence. Trapping Stomper’s head in the ropes, Nemesis then unloads with a barrage of punches to the back of Stomper’s head. Dazed, Stomper is easy pickings for the Nemesis Arrow…Brent slowly counts three, waiting for a kick out that never comes….


Winner – Nemesis (C-)


Nemesis isn’t done. Throwing Brent to the floor, he backs The Stomper into a corner and raises his fists….


That’s when an entrance theme familiar to the New York fans kicks in….the crowd roar as Johnny Martin makes his way down to the ring! Nemesis, sensing the momentum turning against him, bails through the crowd. Meanwhile, Stomper, having grabbed a mic from ringside, addresses the crowd;


Stomper: “Nemesis (coughing) Did you not think I had a plan B? My body may not be what it was, but my mind is as sharp as ever. Next month, you will face Johnny Martin for the Empire Title!”


The crowd cheer the announcement, Nemesis, standing among the fans, is livid! (D)


Overall = C-

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