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TNA 2013 - Back to the Future

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There are several WWE promotions but didn't see much from TNA, so I thought I'd give them some love and attention.


the premise is giving them an old school booker and trying to get back to the basics. Build your feuds over time (not 2 weeks), growing the midcard roster and giving them a purpose (easier said than done sometime), and not trying to be WWE-light. With that said, I have fleshed out a road map to their big supercard in October - Bound For Glory. Expect plenty of bumps along the way and hope to get plenty of advice from the brain trust out there - especially on ways to make the undercard meaningful.


I'll post a short back story next to show how it all started on that fateful New Year's Day, 1-1-13

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http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQu-iBLDAzIOVmiki_7ETlIIv8uV6P4ifTPrq1f6-edlMnYVufqqA:starsmedia.ign.com/stars/image/object/029/029607/dixie-carter_tna_photoboxart_160w.jpg meets with http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSh7KdioRAHc6ty1qhFaQ2xD7yfaX8hX77ISgk06OzoXoV0v0Ge6Q:www.enfinity1productions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Hulk-Hogan-TNA-Wrestling-WallpapersWWE.com_.jpg


Debris littered the office following a New Year’s Day meeting between TNA owner Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, and the TNA creative team. It started innocently enough as Dixie brought an old friend in to meet them. “Does everyone know Jerry?” Hogan’s eyes lit up and shook Jerry’s hand – I remember back in the day Brother down in Alabama when I was running wild as Sterling Golden. You were a big deal down there then. You always had good ideas and advice for me and I appreciate it”


Dixie smiles thinking her plan was working. “Glad you say that Hulk. One of the reasons I asked him here today was to see if he could give us some new ideas and advice.” Hogan shakes his head “no disrespect intended but this isn’t Southeastern Rassling anymore, we are TNA and the 2nd largest promotion in the country, pretty much the world. What ideas could you possibly have”


Dixie tries to calm the mood by saying how pleased she is with the growth and recent profits. However, our momentum is in the tank (8!!) and we can’t rest on some of the popular promotions overtaking us if we rest on our laurels….groups like Ring of Honor, Dragon Gate, even PWG is growing out west.” Jerry steps in and says he has no intention of stepping on any toes here, it’s just a friendly visit. As such, maybe for old times sakes share some ideas you have coming up for the Genesis PPV – it’s a couple weeks away right?”


Lots of stammering and stuttering until Al Snow blurts out that they really don’t have anything concrete “just yet” I’m sure we’ll have something big with Aces and Eights – you know they are the big heel stable that is trying to take over…..maybe have one of them against Hardy for the title. And of course there’s the young lions turning on their mentor as Garrett and Wes are getting the best of Kurt Angle right now.” Jerry shakes his head – “two weeks away and you are still fleshing together what the matches will be? While we are on the subject, I heard a rumor that you were planning to insert Bully Ray Dudley in as the leader of this Aces and Eights stable? Are you kidding me??!!! If that’s the best you have, it’s no wonder the fans are turning off your programming in droves and attendance is dwindling a little”


Hogan chimes in that he tried to call Knobbs and Saggs to get one of them to come in and lead Aces, but they were enjoying retirement right now. And then there’s Brother Brutus, but haven’t been able to get him on the phone”.

Jerry stares down Hogan “listen man, those are some tired ideas right there. No one that you mentioned would fire up the fan base and get people to tune in. They’d see the reveal and you would hear a collective groan. Dixie, you asked for my help well here’s my advice. On this paper is 6 names. Call them and if you can manage to sign just one of them, then you’ll have your big splash for the leader of Aces and Eights. If not, then go with Bubba if you have to and try to make it work. The other thing you need to do is start building for next year. You need more youth in here working solid stories on the undercard. You can’t just bring in guys to job out to guys on top who are on their last legs. Now that doesn’t mean you have relative rookies pinning Olympic gold medal winners either. An idea just hit me, add these 2 names to the list, they would be perfect to add some spice into that feud. I’m sure I’ll think of a few more things, I’m just getting started."


Hogan looks at the list and blows up “I despise half the men on here. You can’t bring them in here” As Dixie explains that we need to try Hulk. "What can it hurt” With that, Hogan starts rearranging furniture in a tantrum, knocking over her desk and kicks some chairs as he storms out of the room. The rest of the Creative Team stared in disbelief not sure what to expect next.

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nice to see some early readers. TFC, I'm not opposed to Bully Ray as their leader, but it took a lot of air time trying to connect the dots and explain the turn. Seems like I'm always disappointed when a big build mystery is revealed (going back as far as The Black Scorpion). Hopefully, my choice will not be a let down.


Before going forward, let's listen to the goals that Dixie gave me:


Dixie flashes a nervous smile “Hogan will get over this. He’s just overreacting, but once things starts happening and he sees the positive results, he will be on board.” Then she turns to me and says that she likes the initial plan and wants to know when I can start full time. “You think you can run this like an old school NWA territory, then I’m giving you the big stage to prove it” Here are my ground rules though:

I’m in this to make a profit, so I want you to grow our balance 50% - to $15 million in 2 years.


There are 3 guys we have given certain promises and commitments to. You have some free reign, but along the way I want you to protect these 3 men and help their careers. Devon, Magnus, and Hernandez


Lastly, even though I am still committed to the X-Division, I don’t want you to sign any Spot Monkeys or Japanese Juniors. I just don’t like watching their style, but I don’t think that will hamper any plans you have for making the X-Division successful.



I'll spend the next few days looking over the roster. I'll post some of my notes on the roster overview. Meanwhile, Al Snow and the team will start to work on our first PPV and the 2 TV shows leading up to it. Let them wrap up what they are working on for continuity sakes before starting down a new path.

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http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/KurtAngle_zpsd5517f15.jpg Kurt Angle: #1 Franchise, Showstopper, Ring General. #2 talker behind Hogan. #3 in the Power 500. Has held every major championship in wrestling. All good things, except at 44, he is slowing down and has been more injury prone.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/JeffHardy_zps06b5c1f6.jpg Jeff Hardy - current TNA Champ. #3 Franchise, Show Stopper. #19 in Power 500. Reformed drug user hampers his performance


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Bubba_Ray_zpsec8036df.jpg Bully Ray Dudley: #4 Franchise and good talker (5) Ranked #57 in the world. Currently helping TNA against the Aces and Eights stable. At 41, he is also past his prime and on the downhill slide.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_RobVanDam_zpsa05ccb76.jpg Rob Van Dam: Current TNA X-Division champ. #5 Franchise and Show Stopper. #2 on time decline (only behind Sting). Ranked #18 in the world, but he can't carry a match like he used to. We could use a couple up and comers for RVD to pass the torch to.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_JamesStorm_zpsc30e4f0e.jpg James Storm: Has been with TNA since the beginning. 7 time NWA tag team champion with Chris Harris as America's Most Wanted. 4-time TNA tag champ with Bobby Roode as Beer Money. Won tag team of the year 3 times and currently ranked #25. Only 33 years old, so he has a chance to replace the aging main eventers.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_JosephParks_zps876fdab5.jpg Joseph Parks: "brother" of Abyss. Great hardcore brawler and shows some mic skills. Lawyer gimmick


Mid and lower card


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/ChavoGuerrero_zpsd9e2395b.jpg Chavo Guerrerro. #40 in the Power 500. 1/2 TNA Tag champs w/ Hernandez. #7 in Ring General, #9 Show Stopper; however, also #4 in time decline. May have some useful ring time left for us.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_hernandez_zps4465bf4b.jpg Hernandez -- other half of TNA Tag champs. #218 in power poll. Our mission is to get his momentum above 77


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_SamoaJoe_zps7ea477ea.jpg Samoa Joe -- #23 in power poll - hard to believe he grades as a midcarder. Has won all 4 major championships in TNA>


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Magnus_zpse079dc1d.jpg?t=1364999999 Magnus - ranked #110. aka Sir Brutus Magnus. 2 time TNA tag champ and currently involved in angle against Aces and Eights. Owner goal of getting momentum above 83. Magnus is listed as the #3 young prospect on our roster.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_SonjayDutt_zps5b93b9ac.jpg Sonjay Dutt -- another guy who has been with TNA since early on. #75 in power poll. Shows 2 CZW Jr titles, but nothing in TNA. Underappreciated performer on the lower midcard.


Christian York and Kenny King round out the face roster. 35 and 31, both have good skills which can help them break into the mid card and maybe beyond.


Also on the roster but out of action right now: AJ Styles, Chris Sabin, Jesse Sorensen, and Eric Young.

Oh and don't forget the Icons, Hulk Hogan and Sting.

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/HulkHogan_zps88260bc5.jpg?t=1364917720 and http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Sting_zps593f3b32.jpg?t=1365004042

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Aces and Eights

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_DOC_zps105028cd.jpg?t=1365006408 Director of Chaos (DOC for short), ranked 327. One of the big 3


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_MrAnderson_zps87e37900.jpg?t=1365005757 Mister Anderson - ranked #69. He has seemed lost in the stable storyline to date. Will have to decide how to better utilize him?


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Devon_zps13f5ce62.jpg?t=1365005591 Brother Devon was the early leader of the faction. We now know that someone else is actually the president and power behind the group (we just don't know who yet). Known for the multitude of tag titles he's held with Brother Bubba, he is the Current TNA TV champion


other members of Aces and Eights:

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/GarrettBischoff_zps62311435.jpg Garrett Bischoff, son of AWA announcer and WCW GM Eric. Current feud with his mentor Kurt Angle

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/WesBrisco2_zps5b17e613.jpg Wes Brisco -- son of Florida champ Jerry Brisco (and nephew of former NWA world champ Jack Brisco). Also feuding with mentor Kurt Angle

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Mike_Knox_zps4562c477.jpg?t=1365005703 Mike Knox - has a good look about him, but more of a project.


Taz is their spokesman on the annouce team


Main Eventers and Upper Mid Card Heels

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_BobbyRoode_zps528b3f15.jpg?t=1365005882 Bobby Roode - #2 Franchise wrestler and top heel. #5 Ring general, #7 Show Stopper. Former World champ and tag champ. He is someone we can build around for the future.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_AustinAries_zpsbbbf2f11.jpg?t=1365006018 Austin Aries is ranked #8 in the world. He took the TNA world by storm when he came over from Ring of Honor. Captured the X-division title and parlayed that into the TNA World title. #2 show stopper, #4 Ring General. Like to see him develop into anothe Franchise player.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_ChristopherDaniels_zps16a442e8.jpg?t=1365005807 The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels -- #2 Ring General, #3 Show Stopper. Ranked #7 in the world. He needs to move into the main event scene and also become a Franchise player. He's 41 but hasn't seemed to effect him much yet. In the early days of TNA, he was part of Triple X with Elix Skipper and Low Ki. Currently teaming with Frank Kazarian.


MID CARD and below


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_FrankieKazarian_zpsf13d9f42.jpg?t=1365006101 Frank Kazarian (KAZ). Ranked #35. Held the X title 4 times (just behind AJ Styles and Jay Lethal who each had 6). Former tag champ with Daniels. Also 2-time PWG world champ.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_JoeyRyan_zpsaa764f2e.jpg?t=1364953553 - Joey Ryan. The former PWG champ is ranked #104. Joey is an interesting character and I'd like to see him involved in some good mid-card stories, stirring the pot -- possibly moving up the roster even.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_ZemaIon2_zpsa83ba0ac.jpg?t=1365005968 Zema Ion - ranked #158 in the world, and the 4th best hot prospect in TNA. Zema oozes charisma and talent. Competed in indy promotions all over the country, dazzling crowds wherever goes. If he catches on with the TNA fans, the Filipino super model could go far.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/MattMorgan_zps46c962ba.jpg?t=1364922111 Matt Morgan- ranked #126. The Blueprint is mired in the midcard much like Samoa Joe but seems destined for bigger things. Ideas appreciated for ways to get this big involved in good stories, feuds, angles.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_RobbieE_zpsf8a65dc6.jpg?t=1365005499 Robbie E is atop the list for top prospects in TNA. Currently ranked #227, the Jersy bro hopes to use his charisma to climb the ranks.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_RobbieT_zpsb0f35052.jpg Robbie T -- the bigger Rob is the current OVW champ. He's our #5 prospect and needs to continue to improve.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Jessie_zpsc9eee8fd.jpg?t=1365005667 Jessie from Big Brother 10. The Huntington Beach bodybuilder will provide some fun times while he pays his dues. Simply enhancement talent at this stage of the game.


Jeff Jarrett is currently on vacation in Mexico (working for AAA)


Talent wise, we hold 4 top 10 spots in the Power 500, so we need to continue to groom wrestlers for the future if we are going to maintain our position much less over take the WWE (which is not in our current mindset)

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Good to see another diary from you.


With this roster it is hard to understand how TNA is not a bigger promotion then it really is. The backstage fighting with Hulk Hogan should be fun, as I could see him really hurting the promotion with his thinking.


Really looking forward to reading this.

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Glad to see you are working with Greg Gagne again...um...oh wait that's not Greg it's Garrett Bischoff.:D


Seriously though I am looking forward to this.


haha. Garrett doesn't look much like an insurance salesman, or I'd hire Greg to come in and teach him the "Good Hands" Sleeper. Lucky for me, Eric B is off on sabbatical somewhere so he hasn't been in the office every day demanding a push for his kid.


With this roster it is hard to understand how TNA is not a bigger promotion then it really is. The backstage fighting with Hulk Hogan should be fun, as I could see him really hurting the promotion with his thinking

that's so true. there is some decent talent, but not as well known and not much heat on them. As I bring in indy guys, I'm going to try to go back old school and provide some videos of them at their best (back in the day, when new stars were coming to a territory they would hype them up for a few weeks with video highlight packages so fans would know who they were when they arrived. Keeping a secret until the big splash debut does no good unless they were famous in the WWE or something. Likewise, not a big fan of changing everyone's name when they come in


You called it right on Hogan's backstage presence. Luckily he is the only negative influence right now. Al Snow and Sting have taken the change to heart and are real leaders in the locker room.


Speaking of Al, he is working on the format for the first tv show and PPV. I told him where I want to go for Against All Odds in February so he can connect the dots between current plots and where we are heading. As soon as they are ready, I'll post here for review

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TNA didn't give me any love in my last save. :(


Should enjoy your diary though Olympia...


You are Mr TNA around on this forum with your long-running diaries!! I hope to do half as good and last half as long.


with that said, here are the matches for the debut TV shows which along with the angles will help set up the first PPV in only 2 weeks. I'll post those matches after the 2nd tv match and allow time for anyone wanting to make predictions.



ODB vs Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne

Zema Ion vs Kenny King

Robbie T vs Christian York

Mr Anderson vs Magnus



Taryen Terrell vs Brooke Tessmacher

Mr Anderson vs Kenny King

James Storm vs Jessie

Tag title match: Chavo-Hernandez defend vs Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan

Grudge Match: Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco

Knock Outs Match: Mickie James vs Gail Kim

TNA title: Jeff Hardy defends vs Mike Knox

tv main event: Crime & Punishment (Bully Ray & Joseph Parks) v Christopher Daniels and Frank Kazarian


out of both shows who will have the best match?

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ODB vs Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne

Zema Ion vs Kenny King

Robbie T vs Christian York

Mr Anderson vs Magun (magnus??)



Taryen Terrell vs Brooke Tessmacher

Mr Anderson vs Kenny King

James Storm vs Jessie

Tag title match: Chavo-Hernandez defend vs Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan

Grudge Match: Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco

Knock Outs Match: Mickie James vs Gail Kim

TNA title: Jeff Hardy defends vs Mike Knox

tv main event: Crime & Punishment (Bully Ray & Joseph Parks) v Christopher Daniels and Frank Kazarian


out of both shows who will have the best match? Ray/Parks vs Daniels/Kaz

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ODB vs Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne

Zema Ion vs Kenny King

Robbie T vs Christian York

Mr Anderson vs Magun



Taryen Terrell vs Brooke Tessmacher

Mr Anderson vs Kenny King

James Storm vs Jessie

Tag title match: Chavo-Hernandez defend vs Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan

Grudge Match: Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco

Knock Outs Match: Mickie James vs Gail Kim

TNA title: Jeff Hardy defends vs Mike Knox

tv main event: Crime & Punishment (Bully Ray & Joseph Parks) v Christopher Daniels and Frank Kazarian


out of both shows who will have the best match? Crime & Punishment vs Daniels/Kaz

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ODB vs Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne

Zema Ion vs Kenny King

Robbie T vs Christian York

Mr Anderson vs Magun



Taryen Terrell vs Brooke Tessmacher

Mr Anderson vs Kenny King

James Storm vs Jessie

Tag title match: Chavo-Hernandez defend vs Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan

Grudge Match: Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco

Knock Outs Match: Mickie James vs Gail Kim

TNA title: Jeff Hardy defends vs Mike Knox

tv main event: Crime & Punishment (Bully Ray & Joseph Parks) v Christopher Daniels and Frank Kazarian


out of both shows who will have the best match?

Crime & Punishment v Daniels and Kazarian

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ODB vs Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne

Zema Ion vs Kenny King

Robbie T vs Christian York

Mr Anderson vs Magun



Taryen Terrell vs Brooke Tessmacher

Mr Anderson vs Kenny King

James Storm vs Jessie

Tag title match: Chavo-Hernandez defend vs Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan

Grudge Match: Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco

Knock Outs Match: Mickie James vs Gail Kim

TNA title: Jeff Hardy defends vs Mike Knox

tv main event: Crime & Punishment (Bully Ray & Joseph Parks) v Christopher Daniels and Frank Kazarian


out of both shows who will have the best match? Kurt could have a good match with a broom, so I'll go Angle-Brisco

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Trying to read more Real World dynasties, this wins my attention...Picking my faves to start with;



ODB vs Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne

Zema Ion vs Kenny King

Robbie T vs Christian York

Mr Anderson vs Magnus



Taryen Terrell vs Brooke Tessmacher - Draw as i don't want to pick either...

Mr Anderson vs Kenny King

James Storm vs Jessie

Tag title match: Chavo-Hernandez defend vs Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan

Grudge Match: Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco

Knock Outs Match: Mickie James vs Gail Kim

TNA title: Jeff Hardy defends vs Mike Knox

tv main event: Crime & Punishment (Bully Ray & Joseph Parks) v Christopher Daniels and Frank Kazarian


out of both shows who will have the best match? Crime & Punishment (Bully Ray & Joseph Parks) v Christopher Daniels and Frank Kazarian

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Welcome to the first Impact of the new year and the new era. For the first show, we have returned to our roots so to speak and are coming to you LIVE from the Nashville Municipal Auditorium in front of a sold out crowd of 9,700!!!



The pre show saw Taryen Terrell vs Brooke Tessmacher -- It was an awful match devoid of any heat. However, Terrell is improving and gets the win with a diving bodyblock.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_AustinAries_zpsbbbf2f11.jpg -- http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_BobbyRoode_zps528b3f15.jpg

show opening features a video of Austin Aries and Bobby Roode showing some past matches against each other and now they are joining forces to return honor and respect to the world tag titles -- they are hot on the trail of the tag team champs Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (75)


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_HulkHogan_zps88260bc5.jpg Hulk Hogan calls out Mr Anderson http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_MrAnderson_zps87e37900.jpg

Hulk reads him the riot act for getting all his wins recently thanks to Aces and Eights interference. "Tonight brother, I've booked you a match against up and comer Kenny King. I'll be at ringside to ensure that no one intereferes. You better do this one on your own!!"" Anderson scoffs saying he doesnt ever need anyone's help (84)





The match was too long as Mr Anderson took it upon himself to inflict more punishment on King. Everytime it looked like he had him beat, he would pick Kenny up at the 2 count and mock what spunk the kid had to kick out. Finally after being admonished by both Hogan and the ref, Mr Anderson delivers the Mic Check and wins the match. 17:11

During the match, there was a cutout of an argument going on backstage:


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_RobVanDam_zpsa05ccb76.jpg RVD holding his X-Division title and watching the match intently, studying Kenny King in case they would ever meet in the ring. He wonders aloud if anyone will ever be able to take the belt away from him.

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/SamoaJoe_zps7ea477ea.jpg?t=1365189739 Samoa Joe interrupts the champ saying that he would like a shot some day soon. Then out walks former champ Zema Ion http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_ZemaIon2_zpsa83ba0ac.jpg "well well well, I didn't realize our TV Show was being held at the Old Folks Home. Samoa Joe, you need to go back and do whatever it is you do best and leave the championships to professionals like me. As for you, Van Dam -- you know you got lucky the first time. "I had the guts to defend my title against you, but so far you have not have shown the same intestinal fortitude dude. You have not given me the courtesty of rematch so I can regain my belt. Are you and the rest of the X-Divsion just afraid of me because I am the sexiest man alive, I am the Filipano Super Model and I will be the next champ when I get a shot. We may both be from Islands Joe, but you know I can beat you because the Philipines is much bigger than Samoa"

RVD and Samoa Joe exchange bewildered looks just as Sonjay Dutt joins the scene. "Gentlemen, I've never been fortunate enough to hold that title but my time is coming. If I have to go through Ion and Joe both to get to you Van Dam, then that's what I'll do." http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/SonjayDutt_zps5b93b9ac.jpg?t=1365189890

Dutt then challenges Zema Ion to face him at Geneis "You say you like to fly - well see how well you do in a LADDER MATCH" Zema Ion freaks out at the prospects of such a dangerous match while RVD and Samoa Joe both smile their approval.


James Storm vs Jessie

Unlike earlier, this match was deemed to be too short, but it was a basic TV squash match. Eye of the Storm puts away the rookie.


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_ChristopherDaniels_zps16a442e8.jpg and http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_FrankieKazarian_zpsf13d9f42.jpg Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian grace us with a heartfelt promo:

Christopher Daniels and Kaz were asked what the new year held in store for them. The Fallen Angel started "I have seen the prophesy and this is the year of the Fallen Angel. This is the year that I finally win the elusive TNA World Title. I will move heaven and earth if necessary but Jeff Hardy's past will catch up to him and I will rule the universe."

Kaz was almost in awe of what he just heard and stammered a bit as he followed up "Look at the record books. The only man to have held the X-Division title more times than me is AJ Styles and who knows where he is. I saw all those buffoons earlier trying to get in line for MY title. I'm putting Rob Van Dam and the X-Division on notice. I want what's mine. I am Mr X-Division and I will prove that in the ring. (87)



TNA WORLD TAG TITLE MATCH --- exciting tag team match. Chavo and Hernandez look good as a team despite some declining physical ability. Ryan mocked the Mexicans repeatedly to really fire them up. Big pop when the 2 big men Morgan and Hernandez finally squared off face to face in the ring and began delivering the big blows. Hernandez press slams Joey to score the victory at 11:47


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_KurtAngle_zpsd5517f15.jpg Kurt Angle comes out to talk about being betrayed. "I took those 2 snot nosed punks under my wings and tried to show them the ropes. What thanks do I get? Stabbed in the back and they run off and join that thug gang Aces & Eights. Well boys, if the All-American lifestyle isn't for you that's fine. If you don't want my help, fine. If you don't think an Olympic Champion can help you in this business, fine. If you don't think a former TNA World champion can teach you how to become a winner, fine. Go ride your bikes and drink it up. I'll still be in this business long after you're gone. I will get my payback - who wants to be first?" (80)

Kurt Angle vs Wes Brisco -- Angle had warmed the crowd up and we got average reaction for this good match. Angle dissected Wes Brisco for the first 5 minutes. Then Garrett Bischoff jumped in to attack him - that gave Brisco an opening to get in some offense. Angle makes his comeback - Garrett tries one more time to interfere but this time Kurt catches him and runs the 2 rookies' heads together sending Garret flopping to the floor. Angle Slam and Kurt is your winner. 12:57


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_JeffHardy_zps06b5c1f6.jpg vs http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Mike_Knox_zps4562c477.jpg

Jeff Hardy vs Mike Knox

TNA world title match: Hardy was on fire in this one. Director of Chaos tried to get involved in the match, but Hogan and Sting were able to prevent the interference. Swanton Bomb gives Hardy his first title defense of the new era. Hardy tells DOC if he wants in the ring so bad, why don't he step in for the world title at Genesis? The Director is encouraged by his gang mates and quickly accepts his chance to win the world championship


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Bubba_Ray_zpsec8036df.jpg Bully Ray is upset that Christopher Daniels thinks he should be in line for a world title match and not him. In fact, why do idiots like this Director of Chaos get world title shots and not me? Daniels you and Kaz run around here thinking you are big stuff and a great tag team. I've got a friend here who is truly big stuff. He's a man I turned to in light of recent events so he can help set things right. Why don't you two guys come down here and face me and my partner, my legal eagle, Joeseph Parks. See if you have what it takes to beat Crime and Punishment (80)



Crime and Punishment (Bully Ray & Joseph Parks) vs Christopher Daniels & Kaz

Good crowd saw great action. Kaz and Daniels are an experienced team with great chemistry. On the flip side, Bully Ray and Joseph Parks were fired up and ready for the match. It seemed maybe Chris and Frankie had their eyes on the bigger prize - the single titles they were talking about earlier - and not prepared for this match at all. Bully Bomb pins Kaz at 14:53 - just inside the 15 minute tv time limit - in what some would call an upset. The shortness of time seemed to hurt the match as they were forced to hurry some spots.



http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_HulkHogan_zps88260bc5.jpgHogan liked what he saw in the match and thinks any of these men might be a good world champion.. I hear Daniels complaining they didn't have time to prepare for the match, here's what I'm gonna do brothers. Next week, let's have ourselves a little rematch. You put on a good match tonight, so let's see what you can do if you have a week to prepare for each other!!



Quick Show Recap

Terrell over Tessmacher (34)

Anderson over King (63)

Storm over Jessie (58)

Gail Kim defeats Mickie James (57)

Chavo-Hernandez over Ryan-Morgan (71)

Angle over Brisco (76)

Hardy over Knox (71)

Crime and Punishment beats Daniels-Kaz (79) -- best match on Impact, but NOT the match of the night as we also has the Xplosion tv taping


Kaz-Daniels pull off the best promo segment: The prophesy of title gold in their future (87). Hogan's opening piece with Mr Anderson pulls in a 84. Angle delivers an 80 talking about Brisco & Garrett. (as does the formation of Crime & Punishment). These definitely help our overall score:


Overall Impact show rating = 78, so we gain popularity everywhere but the SE


Xplosion taping --

]ODB vs Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne -- Gail Kim wins in 78 rated match!

Zema Ion defeats Kenny King (58 rating) -- solid action but the fans sat on their hands. Ion pins King with his feet on the ropes


Christian York interupts a Robbie E saying that he and Robbie T have the best bodies in wrestling since the Freedom Fighters (a young Sting and Ultimate Warrior) showed up in Memphis. "But we actually know how to wrestle too!" Christian York interrupts their pose down and a match ensues

Robbie T uses the Full Nelson Slam to win - good action, no heat. (60)


Mr Anderson vs Magnus -- MATCH OF THE NIGHT! I didn't see that one coming either. (82 rating)

Great action that woke up the crowd! (good crowd). Mike Knox interfered to help Mr Anderson get the win. The pair of Aces and 8's thugs continue the beat down after the match was over --

Samoa Joe charges the ring to save his former partner from the 2 on 1 attack! (Mr Anderson came out looking very good while Knox did not look good at all) (74 for attack and save)

Overall rating for Xplosion was 74


Thunderwill and The Lloyd led the way with 10/12 correct picks, so they each get a bonus point on the PPV contest (that will keep things interesting since it won't exclude a newcomer from being left out then). Surprising no one picked Anderson-Magnus as the match of the night. :rolleyes: If not for me booking the Tag team main event as a TV tag thus forcing a 15 minute time limit, I'm sure it would have blown the others out of the water. We'll find out for sure next week when the rematch will have a 20 minute time limit. Show served a purpose of kick-starting our PPV which is a week away. Geneis has a goal of helping lay the foundation things to come. Format is a work in progress so tips and advice on it or our TNA product in general are always appreciated.

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Sorry I did not get a chance to make picks for your first show. It was great as always and I like your format.


no worries. I doubt I'll do a lot of weekly picks, but good to see who everyone is liking early on. Giving the winner 1 bonus pt for the bigger MOnthly PPV contest makes it not as bad to miss one or two along the way/


Also welcome to Jingo! Honored to have you following along


line-up for IMPACT #2 --


Xplosion - Joey Ryan vs Chavo Guerrero. Austin Aries vs Kenny King


Mike Knox vs Magnus

Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim -- #1 contender for Knock Out Title match

Daniels-Kaz vs Crime & Punishment (Bully-Parks)

RVD vs Robbie E vs Kenny King -- X Division title match

Samoa Joe vs Devon for the TNA TV Title

tag team main event: Sting and Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson & DOC.


This should help set up the remainder of GENESIS (more importantly get the ball rolling toward Against All Odds and Victory Road over the next couple months). I'll post the complete PPV card shortly after Impact and allow a bit longer in case anyone wants to make predictions / share ideas

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Xplosion - Joey Ryan vs Chavo Guerrero. Austin Aries vs Kenny King


Mike Knox vs Magnus

Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim -- #1 contender for Knock Out Title match

Daniels-Kaz vs Crime & Punishment (Bully-Parks)

RVD vs Robbie E vs Kenny King -- X Division title match

Samoa Joe vs Devon for the TNA TV Title

tag team main event: Sting and Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson & DOC.

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Xplosion -

Joey Ryan vs Chavo Guerrero.

Austin Aries vs Kenny King



Mike Knox vs Magnus

Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim -- #1 contender for Knock Out Title match

Daniels-Kaz vs Crime & Punishment (Bully-Parks)

RVD vs Robbie E vs Kenny King -- X Division title match

Samoa Joe vs Devon for the TNA TV Title

tag team main event: Sting and Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson & DOC.

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Xplosion -

Joey Ryan vs Chavo Guerrero

Austin Aries vs Kenny King




Mike Knox vs Magnus - I just like Knox better.


Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim -- #1 contender for Knock Out Title match - Gail Kim could be the champion and be very good.


Daniels-Kaz vs Crime & Punishment (Bully-Parks) - Tough one for me but Daniels and Kaz should be motivated for this match plus I think cheating will be involved as well.


RVD vs Robbie E vs Kenny King -- X Division title match - Not time for a title change with the PPV so close.


Samoa Joe vs Devon for the TNA TV Title - I think Joe has bigger things going on in his future.


tag team main event: Sting and Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson & DOC. - I want to say Sting and Jeff Hardy but I have a feeling interference will set a disqualification. Hulk Hogan could turn on Sting and Jeff Hardy here but it might be to earlier for something like that.

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