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TNA 2013 - Back to the Future

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Impact #4


Another sellout crowd of 5,662 at the JQH in Springfield MO


As the show opens, we see Aces and Eights gathered together and Paul Ellering layng out the new game plan. "Things change as of today gentlemen!! Let's go out and show TNA what a War Games looks like even without a cage! That is if they can find 4 men to face us (72)


The Aces (Anderson, Garrett, Wes, Knox) vs team TNA (King, Lethal, York, and Dutt)

Sgt Slaughter came out and walked around the ring taking notes as he scouted the match. Anderson carried the Aces team to victory, Mic Check on Lethal. (Knox, Garrett, and King all improves some skills)

Match rating: 67


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Magnus_zpse079dc1d.jpghttp://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_SamoaJoe_zps7ea477ea.jpg --- http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_MattMorgan_zps46c962ba.jpghttp://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_JoeyRyan_zpsaa764f2e.jpg


During an altercation back stage, Samoa Joe and Maguns set up singles matches with Ryan and Morgan. "Prove something to us instead of always begging for title matches (68)

Magnus vs Matt Morgan

good action and average heat - Mag Daddy Driver helps Magnus get the win over Morgan (how do I get better than average heat?? Had hoped the prematch angle would help)

Match Rating: 72


Samoa Joe vs Joey Ryan

Joey Ryan takes the fight to Samoa Joe early, but then So Cal Val got involved after some crude comments from Ryan directed toward her - that allows Joe to sneak in behind and lock on the Kokina Clutch for the win

Match Rating: 73


Joey Ryan was quite distraught after the loss - "I've tried everything I can think of to get Chavo's attention….a chance to face him and earn another shot at the tag titles. I'm at my last straw. Chavo, what's it going to take for you to fight me one more time at Against All Odds?"


Chavo comes out and offers a idea to Joey. "I'll give you one more opportunity under one condition. Sure, if you can beat me then you and Matt Morgan get a tag title match. HOWEVER, If I win, then YOU have to shave your head!!!"

Joey is beside himself in anquish over this stipulation. Matt encourages him to go for it. Joey finally calms down and accepts the match. Hair vs title shot (63)



Mr Pec-tacular Jessie comes out next. Jessie flexes his muscles for the crowd. He says that RVD and him could be good buddies back at the beach, but tonight I just have to beat him. I will become the new X-Divsion champion and then all the girls on the beach will be mine. Well, all the ones that count are already.



"By Popular Demand" Jessie vs Rob Van Dam

Jessie shows off his power in this match as he press slams RVD a couple times and then flexes his muscles each time. Van Dam gets a little frustrated and grabs a chair but Earl Hebner warns him not to ust it. RVD tosses it to Jessie who obliges and catches it - only to catch Rob jump kicking it into his face. After that, RVD outquicks the rookie and wins with 5star Frog Splash

Match Rating: 72!!!!


Hulk Hogan calls out the GUTCHECK judges to announce their decision regarding Paul Burchill


Al Snow, Mr Olympia, and Taz come out to greet Paul and announce their decision.

Al tells Paul that he has great reservations about bringing him in. "You have been wrestling for 15 years professionally and when you made the big time, you were a Johnny Depp knock-off Pirate. You last held titles 6 years ago in OVW where we develop our talent now so I'm not sure what you bring to the table.


Mr Olympia speaks next: "I'm trying to look past the pirate days. In Nevermore land, you climbed the mountain and overcame the odds to become ECW champion. With proper guidance, I could see you once again becoming a champion. You have all the physical tools, the question will be if you can put it all together here. http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Paul_Burchill_zps33cbeeca.jpg?t=1366693197


Taz has the final say, but of course before he votes, Paul gets a chance to KICK OUT with a promo. Paul fires up and tells them why he belongs "It angers me that people remember me as a goofy pirate. Al, you anger me for even bringing that up and reminding me. I am so much more. I am a direct descendent of William the Conqueror and I will conquer TNA. I will make everyone here bow before my greatness and I will humble them if they don't fall to their knees when I command."

Taz is excited after hearing this and says he could envision Paul becoming the next member of Aces and Eights. He thinks he has a jacket that would fit him in the back, but for now, he has changed his mind and wants to welcome Paul to the TNA roster with a resounding YES vote.


gutcheck angle rating: 70


Terrell-ODB vs Madison Rayne and Gail Kim

for the vacant Knockout tag title. Madison & Gail have good chemistry and that helps propel them to victory as Kim delivers a Flying dragon on ODB (rating 55)


VIDEO showing the attack on Kurt Angle last week by a mystery assailant and Wes Brisco/Garrett Bischoff laughing about it. (66)


Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels vs Jay Briscoe

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Chris_Daniels3_zpsf2917a51.jpg vs http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Jay_Briscoe2_zps94ce0ccd.jpg?t=1366694144

Daniels wants a match tonight to hone his skills for the upcoming World title match at Against All Odds. He was more than surprised when one half of the reigning Ring of Honor tag champs came walking thru the curtains!! Briscoe said he and his brother want to prove they are the best in the world and what better way to do that than to come into TNA and beat the #1 contender. These two had great chemistry which helped the match. Daniels is prime for his world title shot and looks more comfortable in a singles match against one half of the ROH tag champs. Angels Wings to give CD the win. Great action in the match, but again only average heat.

Match Rating: 85


Daniels is fired up and proclaims his prophesy is coming true at Against All Odds. He will have to go thru 2 men, Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy, but it would not matter if he had to face 100 (rating = 88)


TV MAIN EVENT -- TAG TITLE: Chavo & Hernandez vs Aries & Roode

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_ChavoGuerrero_zpsd9e2395b.jpghttp://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_hernandez_zps4465bf4b.jpg vs http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_AustinAries_zpsbbbf2f11.jpghttp://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_BobbyRoode_zps528b3f15.jpg

\great action, and not sure how to get past the average heat. A little miscommunication at the end spelled the difference, Joey Ryan distracts Chavo allowing Roode to deliver a PAY OFF and score the win!! New champs!!

Match Rating: 82



after the match, Ric Flair is once again spotted wondering the hallways trying to find the Horsemen. He heard something about Double A winning the tag titles but was curious why he was teaming with Ravishing Rick Rude instead of Tully Blanchard. He told the Jeremy Borash (who again he called Bob Caudle) to get out of his way so he could get to the ring and congratualte them. Jeremy looked puzzled at the comments by Flair as the show goes off the air


Final Show rating = 84

Spike TV rating = 5.85 (slight improvement)

we got fantastic reviews on the internet, while they liked the vast majority of Xplosion


Xplosion got an 82 rating headlined by Aries-Roode winning over Christian York & Jay Lethal (88 rating -- amazed that it did that much better than their win over the tag champs who actually had tag team experience and good chemistry). In other matches, Joey Ryan defeats Sonjay Dutt (57) and Mr Anderson beats Mark Brisco (77). Mr Anderson wants to parlay that win into a title match against Jeff Hardy next week on Impact.

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http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_18064_1143199395027_1678765533_281177_1656233_n_zps58b73484.jpg?t=1366836060 Backstage with Jerry


Al Snow and the Creative Team join Jerry in the less than plush office in the back to discuss their progress and make sure things are on track:


They get a report on the other key promotions across the US (that report will be published soon - if there any favorite promotions you want to see highlighted, let me know)


They are happy to note the TV ratings continue to slowly rise, but have not returned the to the peak of the 2nd show yet. Everyone seems pleased with the Ric Flair angle and excited about where it will lead. We need to start looking for our next Gut Check contestent....I think a different approach might be to bring in a couple tag teams instead of only doing singles?? We can open up the polls on here to let the fans vote on some teams they'd like to see get a shot. Speaking of teams, we need to step up the negotiations with Young Bucks.


The Gut Check talk let to Paul Burchill being a key topic of conversation as different storylines were mapped out for him. One thing Jerry wanted to make perfectly clear is that "we are not going to bring these guys in for Gut Check then ship them off to be forgotten. Some maybe green and need development, but we need to have a plan in mind for each guy we sign". The particular plan that Jerry mentioned for Burchill peaked the interest of the team "That's going to create some controversy for sure and maybe some bad press" Jerry laughed about any press is good press.


Looking ahead to the next PPV, Against All Odds:

the triangle match on top is solid - Hardy defends vs Bully Ray vs Christopher Daniels.

We also have the War Games match planned - so we need to help Kurt Angle find some partners for the match. Then RVD vs Zema Ion is a match that can go either way depending on if both guys bring their A game. We need to find a solid team to face the tag champs and set that match up this week. WE need to flesh out the undercard for the show ASAP- any questions:


DLo Brown asked about the Joey Ryan-Chavo match for the PPV> Joey has to shave his head if he loses, but was promised a title match if he wins....Chavo doesn't have the title any more so what gives? Jerry says that question will be answered this week on Impact. Here's a rundown for the next tv:


Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson -- TNA World Title

Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe and Magnus

Devon vs Joseph Parks - TV title

Jay Lethal & Kenny King vs The Robbies

Battle Royal


optional bonus picks

1) who besides the WWE and Ring of Honor should be included in the monthly report

2) an Indy tag team that you would like to see in the GUT CHECK challenge

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Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson -- TNA World Title

Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe and Magnus

Devon vs Joseph Parks - TV title

Jay Lethal & Kenny King vs The Robbies

Battle Royal... umm... Kazarian?!


optional bonus picks

1) who besides the WWE and Ring of Honor should be included in the monthly report - OVW? still your feeder company?

2) an Indy tag team that you would like to see in the GUT CHECK challenge

Has to be The Briscoes doesn't it??


I love how interactive your diary is man :)

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Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson -- TNA World Title


Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe and Magnus


I have just never taken to Matt Morgan, I think Joey Ryan is great but I just like Joe and Magnus better.


Devon vs Joseph Parks - TV title


Jay Lethal & Kenny King vs The Robbies


Rob Terry should never be allowed to win a match...ever!:D


Battle Royal: I have no clue how about Bruiser Brody...um...James Storm.


optional bonus picks

1) who besides the WWE and Ring of Honor should be included in the monthly report Dragon Gate USA (If they are in the mod.)


2) an Indy tag team that you would like to see in the GUT CHECK challenge


I really cannot think of any.

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Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson -- TNA World Title


Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe and Magnus


Devon vs Joseph Parks - TV title Time limit draw


Jay Lethal & Kenny King vs The Robbies


Battle Royal... umm... Paul Burchill


optional bonus picks

1) who besides the WWE and Ring of Honor should be included in the monthly report.

Any company that is cult or higher should be included plus OVW since it is your feeder promotion.


2) an Indy tag team that you would like to see in the GUT CHECK challenge

The Briscoes would be a good choice.

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Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson -- TNA World Title

Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe and Magnus

Devon vs Joseph Parks - TV title

Jay Lethal & Kenny King vs The Robbies

Battle Royal - Duane Gill


optional bonus picks

1) who besides the WWE and Ring of Honor should be included in the monthly report


2) an Indy tag team that you would like to see in the GUT CHECK challenge

Hugh Jars & Ivor Biggun

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Pro Wrestling Illustrated - January Special Report - a look at promotions around the US


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Chikara2_zps35247742.jpg?t=1367081695 Chikara (#15)

Released 11 people. Notables include El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr. Meanwhile they sign Kriss Kloss, Jake Roberts, and Perry Saturn

PPV – The Thirteenth Hat – overall rating 61. 0.00 ppv rating

Eddie Kingston defeats Tim Donst and Chuck Taylor to retain Grand Championship (60)

Icarus defeats Colt Cabana (71)

Young Bucks retain tag titles over Spectral Envoy (60)


Chikara Grand Champion (70) Eddie Kingston - 1 defense

Chikara Young Lions Cup (25) Mark Angelosetti - 1 defense

Chikara Campeon de Pareas (41) Young Bucks - 1 defense



http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_CZW_zps58daadc0.jpg?t=1367081696 CZW (#8)

PPV– High Stakes had a 54 rating and .05 PPV

Masada retains CZW title over Rich Swann (55)

Sami Calihan over Jake Crist (62)


CZW World Champ (70) Madada - 2 defense

CZW Wired TV (20) AR Fox - new champ

CZW World Jr (21) AR Fox - 1 defense

CZW World Tag team (40) Danny Havoc & Devon Moore (1 defense)


http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_DGUSA-EVOLVE_zps80a4e6ff.jpg?t=1367081697 DRAGONGATE #6


75 rating for FEARLESS and .02 PPV rating

Main Event: Nick Jackson, Sami Calihan, and Chuck Taylor defeat Matt Jackson, Samuray Del Sol, and Colt Cabana (80 rating). Johnny Gargano retains Open the Freedom Gate title over CIMA (66). BxB Hulk over Dragon Kid (71)


Open the Freedomgate (71) Johnny Gargano - 1 defense

Open the United Gate (40) AR Fox & CIMA (no defenses to date)



Extreme Rising signs Johnny Zandig as head booker and adds Jesse Ventura as announcer (ranked #9)

Got .02 PPV with 66 rating headlined by: Stevie Richards over Blue Meanie for ER World title (71). Other high profile matches include Balls Mahony over Raven (62), CW Anderson & Jerry Lynn defeat Little Guido & Marmaluke (58), Axl Rotten over New Jack (38), and Sabu beats Sandman in the opener (58)



ER World title (81): Stevie Richards (1 defense)



JUGGALO Championship Wrestling (JCW) #12

The Tempest drew .01 on PPV, with a 69 overall rating

John Hennigan wins the JCW title from 2 Tuff Tony (71). Scott Steiner defeats U-Gene (65). Best match of the night goes to Colt Cabana over Chris Masters (81). Breyer Wellington & Necro Butcher win the JCW tag titles from Mosh and Zach Gowen (40). Also saw Rock & Roll Express return to action and beat Shockwave the Robot and Kongo Kong (only 24 rating). Vader defeats Bobby Lashley in the opener (53).


JCW Heavyweight (71) John Hennigan (new champ)

JCW tag team (40) Necro Butcher & Breyer Wellington (won vacant title)



NXT (#10)

The WWE development league (and former Florida Championship Wrestling) had a supershow in the SE with a 56 rating. Alex Riley retains the NXT world title over Sakamoto (65). Fandango & Sasha Banks defeat Camacho & English (46 rating for main event). Richie Steamboat beats Sean Waltman (57 – and earns a call-up to the big leagues)


World title (82) Alex Riley (4 defenses)

tag titles are vacant




OVW supershow – Surviving the Steel (58 rating)


King MO, Chris Harris, and Doug Williams defeat Jay Bradley, Anarquia , and Johnny Spade in main event (63). The Gut Checkers (Sam Shaw and Alex Silva) defeat the Elite to retain OVW tag titles and send me an email saying they were ready to join the TNA main roster.


Several guys in OVW say there are ready to be called up, but I wanted to wait until they helped Danny Davis with their big end of the month show. Anyone with good ideas for King Mo, drop me a line


Rob Terry is the OVW champ (70 rated) with 1 defense

Cliff Compton is the TV champ (40) with 4 defenses

Gut Checkers (Silva-Shaw) are the tag champs (40) with 1 defense

OVW is ranked #11



http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_PWG_zpsed7479c8.jpg?t=1367081702 PWG (#13)

KurtRussellReunion was the big show for PWG and impresses with a 71 rating!

Main event saw Eddie Edwards and Kevin Steen defeat Adam Cole & Davey Richards (71)

Sami Calihan, Amazing Red, and Chuck Taylor over Roderick Strong, Richochet, and Michael Elgin (67)

Gen Me (Bucks) retain the PWG titles over Super Smash Brothers (66)


PWG World title (70) Adam Cole (no defenses)

PWG World tag (40) Gen Me are 3 time champs. 1 current defense




went crazy early signing Homicide, Bob Backlund, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, Lo Ko, Alex Shelley, and Johnny Kashmere to written contracts. At the end of the month, they released announcer Kevin Kelley and Brutal Bob.


They had a stellar All-Star PPV drawing .11 PPV and 78/100 rating

Headlined by Kevin Steen retaining world title over Rhino (81) and Shelton Benjamin over Jay Lethal (81). Adam Cole retained the TV title over Roderick Strong (77) and Briscoes retain ROH World tag over Jimmy Rave and Mike Mondo (72). Also on undercard, American Wolves defeat SCUM (81), Grizzley Redwood over Johnny Kashmere (56)


ROH World (86) Kevin Steen - 2 defenses

ROH TV (41) Adam Cole - 1 defense

ROH World Tag (57) The Briscoes are 8 time champs. 2 defenses



WWE drew 11.91 for Royal Rumble which graded out to 85 overall

Rock retains WWE title over the Miz (82) and Dolph Ziggler wins the Rumble event (84). Wade Barrett retains I/C title over Santino (82). Angles with Shawn Michaels-Undertaker and Rock-Randy Orton were off the charts (100 ratings)


They had 3 tv shows with 90+ ratings including a 99 rated Main Event . The Royal Rumble was their 8th best show of the month,. Best matches came from that epic Main Event show – Randy Orton defeats Cena, Lesner, and Rock (99) and Daniel Bryan defeats Sheamus (99).

Best match on Raw – Kane defeats Dolph Ziggler (93),

Best Smackdown: Kane & Bryan over Big Show and Orton (92).

They had 5 shows with over 10,000 attendance led by 20,500 for a Main Event tv taping. Royal Rumble was their 3rd best attendance for the month.

Top listed storylines = Orton vs Ryback, Miz vs Cena, Rock v Dolph Ziggler, Kane and Wade Barrett vs Big Show and Rey Mysterio, and Cody Rhodes vs Alberto Del Rio


WWE title (92): The Rock (8 time champ) - 3 defenses

WWE World (88): Alberto Del Rio - 2 defenses

I/C (70): Wade Barrett - 1 defense

US (62): Antonio Cesaro - 2 defenses

Tag Team (70): Daniel Bryan & Kane - 1 defense



By contrast, TNA drew 14,000 for Genesis, our only 10K+ crowd. We scored 84 vs 85 for Royal Rumble so we are pleased with that – especially since it was put together “last minute” with only 2 weeks to plan it. Hoping Against All Odds does much better. Our momentum has edged up to 19 (not sure why we started so low, but makes a nice extra challenge).


TNA Champ (87) - Jeff Hardy (2 defenses)

X-Division Champ (70) - Rob Van Dam (3 defenses)

TNA TV title (60) Devon - 1 defense

Tag champs (69) - Austin Aries & Robert Roode

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Lloyd" data-cite="The Lloyd" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35769" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> I love how interactive your diary is man <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> thanks. I truly like some of the angle ideas that people have sent me. Some are off the wall, but then again those could end up being the most fun and make the midcard more interesting. The Gut Check tag team suggestions gave me an idea too that I hope to explore.</p><p> </p><p> In addition to the promotions, if there are certain wrestlers anyone wants to keep tabs on along the way let me know.</p><p> </p><p> I'll have the results from the next tv show posted soon (just keep having problems with this website being slow/locking up)</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_banner_TNA_zps518351be.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Welcome to TNA Impact from a sold out RIMAC center in San Diego (5,000)</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35769" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Dark matches:<p> Flying Dragon submission win for Gail Kim over Terrell (54)</p><p> RVD gets the 4th defense of X title over Sonjay Dutt with five star frog splash (66)</p><p> Following that, Frankie Kazarian delivered a wonderful promo challenging RVD to put the X title on the line against the greatest X champion the sport has ever seen. (92)</p><p> show rating = 67</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_AustinAries_zpsbbbf2f11.jpg</span><span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_BobbyRoode_zps528b3f15.jpg</span></p><p> Austin Aries and Bobby Roode brag about being new champs and wonder if there is any team in the world who would dare challenge them. Mark & Jay Briscoe walk out - "we have a little experience at winning tag team titles. We'd love the chance to take yours! (72)</p><p> <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Mark_Briscoe_zpsb79f773c.jpg</span><span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Jay_Briscoe2_zps94ce0ccd.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>BATTLE ROYAL</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Shawn Divari is the first man out as he returns to TNA> He said he has brought a new stable of wrestlers to the area: The Shiek and The Cartel (Assad and Hussien) -- the fans did not seem to excited about it.</p><p> the final four came down to James Storm, Sting, Kurt Angle, and Director of Chaos. D.o.C had the most eliminations during the match as he was a wrecking machine. When the Aces & 8's star was left facing 3 of TNA's finest, he did not back down. He was able to clothesline Angle over the top rope (with an assist from Wes and Garrett on the outside). Then Sting and Storm was able to double team DOC in the corner and get him over the top rope, but Doc held on to Storm's arm and Sting helped push his ally out at the same time. Sting is the winner of the battle royal (76)</p><p> Davari, Burchill, Briscoes, and The Sheik all gain some skill improvements.</p><p> <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Sgt_Slaughter_zpsaef2adff.jpg</span></p><p> Sgt Slaughter was seen at ringside taking notes - this seems to be cause for great distracton for Shawn Divari who pointed and yelled at Sarge, leading to his elimination.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35769" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Paul_Ellering_zps0961be99.jpg</span><p> Aces and 8's gather to taunt Kurt Angle about the War Games Match at Against All Odds. "the boss is coming and he wants your head on a silver platter. Funny thing Kurt, as we just saw in the battle royal, you have no friends here. No one in TNA will join your team to oppose us at War Games (80) </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35769" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_KennyKing_zps1d8b5c2d.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_RobbieE_zpsf8a65dc6.jpg</span><span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_RobbieT_zpsb0f35052.jpg</span><p> <strong>Jay Lethal and Kenny King vs The Robbies</strong></p><p> solid action with zero heat. Robbie E pins King with the Shore Thing (63)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_HulkHogan_zps88260bc5.jpg</span><span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Ric_Flair4_zps5f1c3b47.jpg</span></p><p> Ric Flair burst into Hulk Hogan's office:</p><p> Where are they? I heard Tully and Arn won the tag team titles last week, but I still can't find them!!!</p><p> Hogan shakes his head, "Ric, I don't have time for this right now. This Aces and Eights thing is about all I focus on right now Brutha"</p><p> <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_KurtAngle_zpsd5517f15.jpg</span></p><p> Right on cue, Kurt Angle comes in ---he is taking the Aces warning and taunt seriously and has been scouingr the dressing room looking for a partner. Just look at this -- video footage of earlier when He approached Bully Ray who says he can't help him "I have a world title match that night Kurt, I'm sorry" HULK> it seems everyone has a match already.....what are we going to do?</p><p> </p><p> Flair volunteers that he never has to worry about two pair....not when he has 4 KINGS (holds up the 4 fingers) woooooo!!!! That reminds me gentlemen, I need to go find JJ and gas up the lear jet. We're heading to Vegas tonight where we are going to party all night long!!!! WOOOO!!!</p><p> </p><p> angle rating = 93</p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35769" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_JosephParks_zps876fdab5.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Devon_zps13f5ce62.jpg</span><p> Joseph Parks (w/ Bully Ray) vs Devon (w/ Ellering) for TV TITLE</p><p> Parks provided some good action in the match and carried the fight to Devon early. But Aces and 8's helped out, reverse DDT gives Deon tv title defense #2 (74)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35769" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_KurtAngle_zpsd5517f15.jpg</span><span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Sting_zps593f3b32.jpg</span><p> Angle continues to search for a partner. He finds Sting and begs him for help. Sting says he has to think about it…pauses, and says of course he looks forward to shutting these Aces up once and for all </p><p> but now the trick is we still have to find two more men....men that we can trust. Angle gets the aha look, and says he just thought of someone, let's go call them. (87)</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_SamoaJoe_zps7ea477ea.jpg</span><span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Magnus_zpse079dc1d.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_MattMorgan_zps46c962ba.jpg</span><span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_JoeyRyan_zpsaa764f2e.jpg</span></p><p> Samoa Joe & Magnus vs Matt Morgan & Joey Ryan</p><p> </p><p> good action, average heat. These guys bumped all over the ring and the crowd enjoyed it. Joey gets the upset pin on Magnus with a double underhook facebuster! seems fair after the good guys had dominated the singles matches. (81)</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35769" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>But now Joey Ryan has a complaint to make. "You see, I put my hair on the line at Against All Odds in exchange for a chance to earn another shot at the tag team titles. Matt and I just proved how good a team we are since we beat a pair of former champions. However, it seems that last week Chavo and his partner lost the titles. Therefore, I want to cancel this match at Against All Odds"<p> Dixie Carter comes out with Hulk Hogan and they discuss the situation. "Joey, we are in agreement that the match must go on. You signed the contract that put your hair on the line in the match" Joey goes nuts saying that its not fair.....what is Chavo putting on the line then?" Dixie and Hulk confer -- your match at Against All Odds....Joey Ryan vs Chavo Guerrero will be HAIR vs HAIR!!!! (82)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>TV MAIN EVENT -- TNA WORLD TITLE MATCH</p><p> <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_MrAnderson_zps87e37900.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Jeff_Hardy12_zps6f6521ac.jpg</span></p><p> Mister Anderson vs Jeff Hardy</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> great action and great heat. Jeff Hardy delivers a Swanton Bomb at 20:24 to score the win (#3)</p><p> Match Rating: 85</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35769" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>After the match, Christopher Daniels gets in Jeff Hardy's face telling him he will need to do a lot better if he expects to beat him at Against All Odds. "it is written, it is said...I am the next champion". Hardy waves him off that he's all talk. "I didn't see you wrestling tonight. I put my title on the line each and every week against top contenders. You're no better than they are, but your fate will be the same. Sealed by the Swanton Bomb" This brings Bully Ray into the mix as he stakes his claim to being the next TNA World champion. The 3 men are nose to nose and Hogan comes out to keep them separate. "Next week Bully and Daniels will each have to face a challenger of Hardy's choosing. Then just a few days later at Against All Odds, we will see which of you men defy the odds and emerges as the TNA World champion!<p> (92 rating)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35769" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The final show rating was 85. Spike TV was up slightly at 5.87<p> Next week, we will have a #1 contender match to see who will face The World Tag champs, currently Aries and Roode for the titles on the PPV. Daniels and Bully Ray both in action. The TV Main Event will be a Tag Team match pitting TNA World Champs Aries and Roode against ROH Tag Champs The Briscoes in a non-title match!!! and of course much more.</p></div></blockquote>
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TNA returns to their roots and the Southeast for the final Impact TV show before Against All Odds. A sellout crowd of 12,100 pack the arena to catch a glimpse of their favorite stars:


Preshow - RVD pins a returning Gunner with his five star frog splash. (76)


Video opening showing the Aces and Eights stable setting up for War Games and Kurt Angle's quest to find some partners to join him in the double cage.



http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_SamoaJoe_zps7ea477ea.jpghttp://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Magnus_zpse079dc1d.jpg vs http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_ChavoGuerrero_zpsd9e2395b.jpghttp://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_hernandez_zps4465bf4b.jpg

#1 contender for tag title: Samoa Joe & Magnus vs Chavo & Hernandez

battle of former champs ends when Magnus delivers Mag Daddy Driver on Chavo. Match rating = 70



http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_RobbieE_zpsf8a65dc6.jpg vs http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Bubba_Ray_zpsec8036df.jpg

Robbie E taunts Bully Ray "Jeff Hardy called me and asked if I could beat you Bro. I told him not a problem, I'll dump him off the Jersey Shore pier when I'm done.



Robbie E vs Bully Ray (81)

Rule #1, don't make Bully Ray mad right before a fight. Rule #2 - Bully Bomb for the easy win



Jessie is posing in front of a mirror and admiring his reflection when Cowboy James Storm walks by with a beer. Jessie calls out to him that "you can't drink beer and have a body like this". Storm replies, that he'd "rather drink beer and beat up a body like that"



Jessie G vs James Storm (75)

Last Call in 9:53 gives Storm an easy win, and plenty of time to enjoy another beer


confrontation between Joseph Parks and Fallen Angel. Daniels wants Parks to guarantee in a contract that he wins at against all odds because the Prophesy must be true. Parks says that's not how it works at all. Winners are decided in a court room or the middle of the ring.....not in contracts or dreams




http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_KurtAngle_zpsd5517f15.jpg vs http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/Adam_Windsor_zps8057c1fe.jpg?t=1367248248

Kurt Angle vs Adam Windsor


Mike Tenay lets us know that Adam was trained by the great former NWA champion Dory Funk Jr. He later won the Southern HW title from his mentor in a brutal match. The Royal Stud as is known could a force to be reckoned with here in TNA. He puts up a decent showing before going down to the Ankle Lock. (70)


After the match, Aces & Eights surround the ring. Devon, Anderson, Wes Brisco, Garrett Bischoff, Mike Knox, and DOC make it 6 on 1. "This is how it will be at Against All Odds!!! You'll be by yourself. No one likes or trusts you, so no one will join with your team!!"


The lights flicker and before Aces can make their attack, Sting and a pair of other guys wearing hoods run down with ball bats and clear the ring. Angle smiles and tells the Aces that he found his partners. They pull down the hoods to reveal Kurt's original allies Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas!!! Angle may have just evened the odds!



http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Chris_Daniels12_zpsf7ccec36.jpg vs http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_JosephParks_zps876fdab5.jpg

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels vs Joseph Parks (83)

Not happy with his legal advice earlier, Daniels calls Parks to the ring. He wants to embarrass Bully Ray's partner in a match tonight. Angels Wings for the win.


Daniels has this to say afterward: "it was that easy against Parks, and it will be even easier against you Bully Ray"




Video hype for RVD vs Zema Ion for the X title and the hair vs hair match between Joey Ryan and Chavo Guerrerro takes us up to the TV Main Event:


TNA tag champs vs ROH tag champs

Austin Aries & Bobby Roode vs Jay & Mark Briscoe (84)

wild action that the crowd slowly warmed up to. End comes when Jay Briscoe accidently knocks down Earl Hebner. They set the champs up for a double team move and the count made by a replacement ref, but Earl waves it off and DQ's the Briscoes for striking an official.


Aries and Roode attack the Briscoes after the match in an attempt to injure them. The save is quickly made by Samoa Joe and Magnus and the TNA tag champs beat a hasty retreat. There will be no place for the champs to hide Sunday night as they will have to face the former champs Samoa Joe & Magnus in the middle of the ring at Against All Odds!


Final Show rating = 84

Spike TV rating = 5.96 which is a new record for us


on Xplosion tv:

Mr Anderson over Kenny Omega (70)

Crime and Punishment over the Robbies (74)

Paul Burchill used C4 to beat Christian York (63)

Aries-Roode defeat Kenny King & Sonjay Dutt (80)


Aries and Roode say they ran into some pretend tagteam champions a week ago. They think they can intimidate us? LOL - Mark & Jay Briscoe, any time, any place. We accept the challenge and will be our honor to beat you up (100 rated promo!)


82 rated show

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http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Chris_Daniels7_zpsa1a402af.jpg -----------http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b544/vols21/th_Bubba_Ray_zpsec8036df.jpg



Triangle Match for TNA World title: Jeff Hardy defends vs Christopher Daniels vs Bully Ray

3 of the greatest wrestlers in TNA collide. Which man will overcome all the odds and emerge as the TNA World Champion? Jeff Hardy has the odds stacked against him as both challengers have contrasting styles making it harder for him to prepare. Can he overcome these odds or will we have a new champion? Perhaps Fallen Angel Christophe Daniels who proclaimed his prophesy of winning the world title this year? or maybe Bully Ray who has captured numerous tag titles throughout his career and is looking for this singles title to cement his legacy in the sport?




Two rings surrounded by a wall of steel. The match starts with one man from each team, then they alternate sending in new men every two minutes. Once every member of both teams is in the ring, the Match Beyond begins and can only end when one team surrenders or submits.


Angle has brought in the Worlds Greatest Tagteam and allied with the Icon Sting. Will it be enough to overcome the odds? Aces and Eights vow a surprise. We know Mr Anderson and Devon will anchor the team. Which other members will join them? And will their BOSS make his in ring debut as hinted? Aces have vowed we will not see Kurt Angle again after this match -- will this be the Olympic champion's final match? will we see walk away or be carried out? Or Will Angle beat the odds and beat back the Aces?


World tag team title match

Bobby Roode and Austin Aries defends vs Samoa Joe & Magnus

Samoa Joe and Magnus won a match to earn the #1 contender position. Aries and Roode seem to be distracted by other teams nipping at their heels. Could they be looking past the former TNA champions? Joe and Magnus are too dangerous of a team to ever overlook. Aries and Roode claim they are the greatest team in the world, and great teams don't make mistakes like that.



Chavo Guerrero vs Joey Ryan


It comes down to this: hair vs hair. The winner has bragging rights and the loser will live in shame. All Ryan wanted was a shot at the tag titles, but now pride is on the line and one man will be bald at the end of the night.


X-Divsion Title Match

Rob Van Dam defends vs Zema Ion (w/ Madison Rayne)

These two men have been on a collission path since the start. It is finally showdown time. Zema Ion has climbed the ladder and now sits perched to regain the X-Division title he lost to RVD. Van Dam has never been one to back down from a fight and will be ready for the Filipino Super Model. Will Ion's new valet prove to be the difference maker or will she be a distraction?


other matches include

Hernandez vs Matt Morgan

Two big men whose tag team partners have gotten them caught up in their feud. Matt is on quite a roll and wants to make some noise in the title picture. Hernandez is trying to recover from losing the TNA tag titles


Briscoes vs Robbies

these teams comprised of up and comers. Many industry experts are high on Robbie E as well as Mark Briscoe. The Robbies have racked up a couple wins recently and we ALL know the history of the Briscoes in other promotions. Now it remains to be seen if they are able to bring that same success to the big stage here in TNA


Kaz vs Jay Lethal -- Paul Burchill vs Kenny King -- Joseph Parks vs Garrett Bischoff

Velvet Sky defends Knockouts Title vs Mickie James

and more......


TAZ boasts that it will be a big night for Aces and Eights. "We have a few surprises in store that will shock the world. You won't be expecting this Kurt Angle - you think you evened the odds but trust me my man, the odds are still stacked squarely against you and all of TNA> By the end of the night, Aces and Eights just might be walking out with all the gold!!"




Quick Picks

Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels vs Bully Ray

War Games: Team Angle vs Aces & Eights

Roode-Aries vs Samoa Joe & Magnus

Hair Match: Chavo vs Joey Ryan

RVD vs Zema Ion

Matt Morgan vs Hernandez

Briscoes vs Robbies

Paul Burchill vs Kenny King

Frank Kazarian vs Jay Lethal

Joeseph Parks vs Garrett Bishoff

Velvet Sky vs Mickie James


edited for The Lloyd:

Match of the Night? ____________

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Looks a great show to me my man... can't see a fault in it :) I'm glad you didn't ask which match would be match of the night... because three or four could well be :)


Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels vs Bully Ray I want it to be Daniels...

War Games: Team Angle vs Aces & Eights Can't see them losing, despite the awesomeness of their opponents...

Roode-Aries vs Samoa Joe & Magnus Love both teams, but Aries and Roode are incredible right now...

Hair Match: Chavo vs Joey Ryan Chavo's losing his hair anyway, it'd be funnier to see Ryan bald...

RVD vs Zema Ion

Matt Morgan vs Hernandez future title contender wins against the older guy

Briscoes vs Robbies

Paul Burchill vs Kenny King

Frank Kazarian vs Jay Lethal

Joeseph Parks vs Garrett Bishoff

Velvet Sky vs Mickie James


edited for The Lloyd:

Match of the Night? ____________ I mean... I said I was GLAD you didn't ask this... okay... so... I think... Match of the night will beeeee... okay, personal preferance here Joe/Magnus vs Roode/Aries... I think "/

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Quick Picks


Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels vs Bully Ray - I would like to think that Daniels could hold the Championship hold and be very succesful.


War Games: Team Angle vs Aces & Eights - If they want to be the dominate stable Aces & Eights needs a victory here.


Roode-Aries vs Samoa Joe & Magnus


Hair Match: Chavo vs Joey Ryan - Bald Chavo


RVD vs Zema Ion


Matt Morgan vs Hernandez


Briscoes vs Robbies - Love the Briscoes. Could be a great addition to the tag team ranks.


Paul Burchill vs Kenny King - Burchill needs this victory.


Frank Kazarian vs Jay Lethal


Joeseph Parks vs Garrett Bishoff


Velvet Sky vs Mickie James


edited for The Lloyd:

Match of the Night? ____________

Thanks Lloyd for pointing out that the match of the night was missing :D


I'm going to go with Roode-Aries vs Samoa Joe & Magnus but I think Wargames will be close.

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Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels vs Bully Ray

War Games: Team Angle vs Aces & Eights

Roode-Aries vs Samoa Joe & Magnus

Hair Match: Chavo vs Joey Ryan

RVD vs Zema Ion

Matt Morgan vs Hernandez

Briscoes vs Robbies

Paul Burchill vs Kenny King

Frank Kazarian vs Jay Lethal

Joeseph Parks vs Garrett Bishoff

Velvet Sky vs Mickie James


edited for The Lloyd:

Match of the Night? World title match

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Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels vs Bully Ray

War Games: Team Angle vs Aces & Eights

Roode-Aries vs Samoa Joe & Magnus

Hair Match: Chavo vs Joey Ryan

RVD vs Zema Ion

Matt Morgan vs Hernandez

Briscoes vs Robbies

Paul Burchill vs Kenny King

Frank Kazarian vs Jay Lethal

Joeseph Parks vs Garrett Bishoff

Velvet Sky vs Mickie James


edited for The Lloyd:

Match of the Night? Parks v Bischoff... just kidding. Hardy v Daniels v Ray

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Quick Picks

Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels vs Bully Ray

War Games: Team Angle vs Aces & Eights

Roode-Aries vs Samoa Joe & Magnus

Hair Match: Chavo vs Joey Ryan

RVD vs Zema Ion

Matt Morgan vs Hernandez

Briscoes vs Robbies

Paul Burchill vs Kenny King

Frank Kazarian vs Jay Lethal

Joeseph Parks vs Garrett Bishoff

Velvet Sky vs Mickie James


edited for The Lloyd:

Match of the Night? ____________ Team Angle vs Aces & Eights

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Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels vs Bully Ray


I would love to see Daniels win here but I just do not see him winning a world title. Then again I never thought Bubba Ray would either and he has, so what do I know.


War Games: Team Angle vs Aces & Eights


Roode-Aries vs Samoa Joe & Magnus


I will take the team with two former World Champions on it over the team that just has one former World Champion.:D


Hair Match: Chavo vs Joey Ryan


The heel always or almost always loses this sort of match.


RVD vs Zema Ion


Matt Morgan vs Hernandez


Briscoes vs Robbies


It kills me to go against the crowd and pick Rob Terry to win a match but I just think that they have more popularity than dem Boys.


Paul Burchill vs Kenny King


Frank Kazarian vs Jay Lethal


Joeseph Parks vs Garrett Bishoff


Velvet Sky vs Mickie James



Match of the Night? The main event.

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