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Quantum Pro: The Future of Wrestling [Lotharioverse/Thunderverse]

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Universal Title Match-

KISS vs Kris Phoenix

Not yet -think Martin McClane will be involved somehow


Six Man Tag

The Guardians (Mehmet Aksu, Candace Horn, and Hiro Suzuki) vs The TrillTech Security Detail (Corporal Punishment, General Mayhem, and ???)

Mystery man rule


Street Fight

Joey Devastation vs Neurosis


Single Match

Anónimo vs Tundra


Trial by Fire

Lenny Rhodes vs One Mean Trucker


Bonus Question: What wrestler will be debuting as the newest member of the TrillTech security detail?

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Universal Title Match-

KISS vs Kris Phoenix


Six Man Tag

The Guardians (Mehmet Aksu, Candace Horn, and Hiro Suzuki) vs The TrillTech Security Detail (Corporal Punishment, General Mayhem, and ???)


Street Fight

Joey Devastation vs Neurosis


Single Match

Anónimo vs Tundra


Trial by Fire

Lenny Rhodes vs One Mean Trucker


Bonus Question: What wrestler will be debuting as the newest member of the TrillTech security detail? Crzy Will

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Universal Title Match-

KISS vs Kris Phoenix


Six Man Tag

The Guardians (Mehmet Aksu, Candace Horn, and Hiro Suzuki) vs The TrillTech Security Detail (Corporal Punishment, General Mayhem, and ???)


Street Fight

Joey Devastation vs Neurosis


Single Match

Anónimo vs Tundra


Trial by Fire

Lenny Rhodes vs One Mean Trucker


Bonus Question: What wrestler will be debuting as the newest member of the TrillTech security detail? Definitely Crzy Will

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Great start Tiberious4. Now I don´t know much about Lothario/Thunderverse but I give s try on predictions anyway though I´m going to skip those bonus questions as I don´t have the mod downloaded.


Universal Title Match-

KISS vs Kris Phoenix

KISS just won the title so I figure it´s little bit too early for him to drop it.


Six Man Tag

The Guardians (Mehmet Aksu, Candace Horn, and Hiro Suzuki) vs The TrillTech Security Detail (Corporal Punishment, General Mayhem, and ???)

Mystery man rule kicks in.


Street Fight

Joey Devastation vs Neurosis

No idea about how capable Neurosis is but since Devastation seems to have score to settle with Big E, I figure that Neurosis is here to just delay their encounter for a little while.


Single Match

Anónimo vs Tundra

Anónimo had an impressive debut and since I know pretty much nothing about Tundra (other than the fact that he has a cool alt) I have Anónimo going over here too.


Trial by Fire

Lenny Rhodes vs One Mean Trucker

One of these two made an impressive first impression to me and it wasn´t Lenny. :p

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AWESOME! Someone finally did a LotharioVerse diary! :D :D :D Thanks for the kind words Tiberious4 ;)





Universal Title Match-

KISS vs Kris Phoenix


Six Man Tag

The Guardians (Mehmet Aksu, Candace Horn, and Hiro Suzuki) vs The TrillTech Security Detail (Corporal Punishment, General Mayhem, and ???)


Street Fight

Joey Devastation vs Neurosis


Single Match

Anónimo vs Tundra


Trial by Fire

Lenny Rhodes vs One Mean Trucker


Bonus Question: What wrestler will be debuting as the newest member of the TrillTech security detail? Major Damage

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Q-Pro Galactic Tour: Week 2


February 13th, 2012, held in California's Bodydrop Gymnasium. 1000 in Attendance








The show opens with a brief recap of last weeks show, mainly focusing on the upcoming title match between Kris Phoenix and KISS.


Kitty Reardon

Hello and welcome to Quantum Pro Wrestling! We have a great show lined up tonight, with a huge main event featuring Universal Champion Kiss defending his title against Kris Phoenix.


Seth Koch

Finally after months of struggling to overcome the odds Kris Phoenix will finally get his chance to regain his title. Finally the belt will go back where it belongs, TrillTech.


Kitty Reardon

You seem to be forgetting one thing, KISS is the reigning champion and he's going to give it his all to hold onto his title.


Seth Koch

KISS may be good, great even, but Kris Phoenix is the pinnacle of perfection; how can he lose?


Kitty Reardon

Whatever you say Seth. Anyway, our first match of the evening will see the return of Anónimo who had an impressive debut last week.


Seth Koch

There's no denying that Anónimo was impressive last week, but remember that Biohazard had no idea who he'd be facing. Tundra is thinking man's wrestler, you can bet he's studied Anónimo and will be ready for him.


Kitty Reardon

Ready or not, the match is up next. Let's get to the action!








Anónimo vs Tundra


The beginning of the match looked like a repeat of last week as Anónimo overwhelmed Tundra early on with his high speed offense. However, Tundra turned things around when he got his knees up after Anónimo telegraphed a splash. Capitalizing on his opponent's mistake, Tundra went right after his opponent; grounding the high flyer with holds and simple, but effective, strikes.


Tundra controlled much of the match, cutting off Anónimo each time the high flyer began to make a come back. However in an excellent display of chain wrestling Anónimo managed to get to his feet and reverse an armlock before flooring Tundra with a dropkick. Seizing his opportunity, Anónimo went to the top rope; presumably looking for the Anti-Gravity Matrix, but suddenly Tundra rose from the map and froze Anónimo with his icy glare! Seeing his opponent stuck on the top rope, Tundra moved to the corner and threw his smaller opponent off the turnbuckle into the middle of the ring.


However, Tundra made a mistake when he took his eyes off Anónimo as the masked man's amazing agility allowed him to twist in midair and land on his feet! Tundra tried to halt Anónimo's momentum with a charging elbow, but the masked man ducked under and in one fluid motion managed to cradle Tundra to the mat for a three count.


Anónimo defeats Tundra via Pinfall - (D-)


Kitty Reardon

What a move! Anónimo scores another impressive victory here in Q-Pro!


Seth Koch

That man can't be human, no man can move that quickly! He's got to be cheating, no wonder he's hiding his identity under a mask!


Kitty Reardon

If that's cheating then what do you call Tundra's stare?


Seth Koch

It's not the same at all, Tundra freezes people fair and square! Anónimo is a freak, how is anyone supposed to beat a guy as fast as him?







The camera goes backstage, where Ion and Rhodes have are once again in the midst of a conversation.



Look, I know you're mad, but look at it this way, the transmitter disappeared backstage so it's gotta be someone in Q-Pro who took it; we just need to ask around.


Lenny Rhodes

And how exactly do we do that, I mean we don't even know where to start.



Let me worry about that, you should be focusing on your match.


Lenny Rhodes

Yeah about the match, who did you say I was wrestling?



Don't worry about that, I'm sure you'll do great out there. I mean you've fought Cybernetic Carbanoids in the Andora System; how tough could a wrestler from the cyber age be?


Lenny Rhodes

Right, I can do this, you'll be out there at ringside right?


Rhodes waited for a response, but turned to see that Ion had disappeared. Rhodes looked annoyed for a moment before heading for his match.








Lenny Rhodes vs One Mean Trucker


Lenny Rhodes was out first, and looked psyched up for the match; however, the confidence quickly faded when One Mean Trucker's music played and the behemoth made his way down to the ring. Rhodes tried to go on the offensive as soon as the match started, but his offense had little effect on the big man who took control of the match in short order.


The match was a slow and plodding affair, as one would expect from One Mean Trucker. He was in control for virtually the entire match, with Rhodes making a comeback at the end, only for One Mean Trucker to catch him in midair and plant Rhodes with a powerbomb before covering him for the win.


One Mean Trucker defeats Lenny Rhodes via Pinfall - (E+)


Kitty Reardon

Rhodes gave it a good effort, but One Mean Trucker has looked unstoppable as of late.


Seth Koch

You can say that again. They're going to need a cleanup crew to get what's left of Rhodes off the mat after that power bomb.







Candace Horn

Master, are you sure you want to go through with this?


Master Suzuki

Candace, I know you worry about me, but I have made my decision. My body may be fading, but the warrior spirit still flows through my veins.


Candace Horn

I know that master, but if you're right about Master Shigemasa than the Black Serpents will be coming for you next.


Master Suzuki

Then let them come. A warrior does not run; no matter the odds.


Candance Horn looked like she wanted to say something, but stopped herself; understanding that her Master had made his decision.


Mehmet Aksu

You are not alone Master. Bones may break and flesh may peel, but as long as blood flows through our veins we shall stand with you.


This time it was Suzuki's turn to hesitate, regarding his students with a mix of concern and pride, before simply bowing his head in respect.








Joey Devastation vs Neurosis


To say there was nothing fancy about this match would be an understatement, as the match spilled to ringside almost immediately. It didn't take long for weaponry to be involved as both men beat each other senseless with whatever they could find at ringside. The match was fast and furious, with the end coming after Neurosis grabbed a garbage can only to get speared by Devastation and then planted with a Devastator onto the garbage can to put him away for a three count and then some.


Joey Devastation defeats Neurosis via Pinfall - (E)








Joey Devastation doesn't have much of a chance to celebrate as Big E makes his way down the entranceway from ringside. Devastation stares down his nemesis and practically begs him to step in the ring, despite having just been through a brutal match.


Big E looks like he's about to get into the ring, but suddenly The Anomaly runs in from the crowd and jumps Devastation from behind. He tries to fight back, but Big E gets in the ring and it's a two on one beating as the TrillTech Hitmen deliver a beating to Devastation.


It seems that the beating isn't enough for the duo, as Big E gives a signal to The Anomaly who rolls out of the ring and pulls out a table from beneath the ring; before setting it up at ringside. Big E pulls the battered and bruised Devastation to his feet and lifts him high into the air, soaking in the moment, before tossing him over the top rope. The announcers and crowd gasp as Joey Devastation's body flies through the air and comes crashing down through the table at ringside.


There's a moment of silence as even Seth Koch looks horrified by what has just happened. Big E looks down at Joey Devastation's limp body without any remorse as medical staff and backstage officials run down to ringside to check on Joey Devastation. This continues for the next few minutes as the announcers sell just how serious this is. Finally Devastation is taken away from ringside on a stretcher as Big E just stands in the center of the ring, admiring his work.








The Camera cuts backstage where The Brigadier stands by with The TrillTech Security Detail: Corporal Punishment, General Mayhem, and a previously unseen wrestler in camouflage face paint.


The Brigadier

Look here maggots, the TrillTech Security Detail is the most dominant team in Q-Pro, and with our newest recruit we'll be unstoppable! You have General Mayhem, you Have Corporal Punishment, now meet Private Lee Crzy. Look at this fine specimen of a soldier! He's strong, he's fast, and he's utterly fearless! He's Private Lee Crzy! Get used to the name, because the new and improved TrillTech Security Detail will crush the resistance scum!


The trio shout in unison before marching out of camera shot.











The Guardians vs The TrillTech Security Detail


This was the in ring debut for three of the participants in the match, so things began slowly with each team trying to feel each other out. Corporal Punishment was far too cocky when Candace Horn got tagged in, and ended up taken down to the ground and put in a number of painful holds. The match might ended right there, but the referee was distracted long enough for the Brigadier to pull Corporal Punishment's floor to the rope to break it and let him tag out.


As the match continued the martial arts prowess of the guardians let them get the edge in the one on one matches, but the heels had tag team experience on their side and managed to take control of the match through frequent tags and double teams to isolate their opponents.


The finish of the match came after Candace Horn got the hot tag to Hiro Suzuki, and the master unloaded on all three heels with a variety of throws, kicks, and painful chops. The crowd was going wild, but suddenly the lights went dark and a figure appeared on the entry ramp.


Suzuki stared down the masked man on the entry ramp. However, this distraction proved fatal as Private Lee Crzy blindsided him and dropped him with the Crzy Driver for the pin.


Corporal Punishment, General Mayhem, and Private Lee Crzy defeat Mehmet Aksu, Candace Horn, and Hiro Suzuki via pinfall - (D)








The man on the entryway made no move, but brought a microphone to his mouth.



Suzuki, the time has come. Give us back what you have stolen, and your punishment will be swift. If you refuse, then you condemn not only yourself, but your friends as well. You have one week to put things in order, the Black Serpents are watching.


The masked man didn't wait for a response; simply walking back through the entryway as Suzuki struggled to his feet in the ring.










Universal Title Match

KISS vs Kris Phoenix


Kris Phoenix looks like a man on a mission as he walks down to the ring, ignoring the jeers of the fans; focused only on winning his title. KISS is his polar opposite, soaking in the cheers from the crowd as he makes his way to ringside. As the match begins the determination and focus of Kris Phoenix gives him the early advantage as he out wrestles KISS at every turn; seemingly trying to prove to everyone in the arena that he is indeed the perfect wrestler. His approach is clinical, eschewing his regular high flying style for a more grounded technical style; wearing down KISS.


Things aren't looking good for the Champion as Phoenix has complete control over the match, but no matter how much punishment he takes he always seems to find a way to fight through the pain and keep going. The crowd is firmly behind the champion throughout the match, the tension increasing the longer Kris Phoenix is in control.


Finally KISS starts to make a comeback when he powers out of an octopus stretch and begins unloading with a combination of punches. The crowd goes wild for the champion as he unloads on phoenix, sending the challenger reeling. KISS floors Phoenix with a series of clothesline, and signals to the crowd that the end is near. KISS hooks Phoenix up for the Hotter than Hell, but as he raises Phoenix into the air his opponent counters by kneeing KISS in the head. As the champion is staggered Phoenix leaps into the air and delivers a picture perfect Enzigiri to the side of KISS's head. The champion falls like a rock and Phoenix dives on for the cover: One, Two, Thre- Kickout!


Phoenix looks shocked at the kickout, but wastes little time getting back on the offensive. He delivers a frenzy of kicks to the prone KISS, having dropped his cool calculating style in favor of a vicious frenzied style. Try as he might Phoenix can't keep the champion down for a three count, and finally he goes up top in an attempt to finish the champion off. Phoenix leaps through the air with a From the Ashes, but KISS roles out of the way leaving the challenger to crash and burn on the mat!


KISS staggers to his feet, and with all his strength manages to drag Kris Phoenix to his feet. With one mighty lift he picks up the challenger before nailing him with the Hotter than Hell! The crowd goes wild as the referee makes the three count and raises KISS's arm in victory.


KISS defeats Kris Phoenix via Pinfall - (C-)








After the match ends KISS celebrates his first title defense as the fans continue their ovation. Even Seth Koch has to grudgingly admit that KISS put on a hell of a performance. However, it seems there's one man who's in less than a celebratory mood, as Martin McClane heads down to the ring.


Martin McClane:

KISS, that was one hell of a performance out there. You have the heart of a champion, and no one can deny that. Let's hear it for KISS!


The crowd obliged McClane with cheers, but KISS just stared McClaine down, making no response.


Martin McClane:

The thing is KISS, no matter how many times you defend the belt, what people remember most is the moment you won it. Don't you agree?



Why don't you get to the point, I'm getting pretty sick of the passive aggressive bullshit you've been spewing ever since you lost the title. If you have something to say, then say it.


There was a mixed reaction from the crowd, but in the end most of the crowd cheered KISS on as he stared down McClaine. The challenger paced back and forth, the champions words having obviously taken effect on him. Before any response could be given it was Shay Kinsella, the resistance leader, who made his way down to the ring.


Shay Kinsella

I know you two have issues, but this isn't the way to work things out. Now, Martin, I know you're upset, but this infighting has to stop. When you had the title I supported you, we need to do the same thing for KISS.


Martin McClane:

Support, is that what you call it. What did your "support" really do for me? In the end I end it wasn't TrillTech that took my title, it was my friend, a man I trusted to have my back.



If you want a shot at my title that's fine, all you needed to do was ask. However, I'm sick and tired of hearing you bitch about how the title was stolen from you. If you're really an action hero why don't you stop talking and do something?!


It looked like things were going to get physical, but suddenly a Horn Sounded signalling the entrance of One Mean Trucker. While he usually let his action do the talking, this time the big man had a microphone in his hand.


One Mean Trucker

Ain't no one getting a shot at the title before me. No one.


One Mean Trucker dropped the microphone after his line, letting his size and menace convey a message far better than just talking would. Yet another man came down the entry ramp, but this time it was the Commissioner Yosef Broder.


Yosef Broder

Gentlemen, must I remind you that here in Q-Pro matches are not simply handed out. Each of you has a case for a title shot, but there will be no title match next week. Instead there will be a triple threat for the number one contendership between Martin McClane, Shay Kinsella, and One Man Trucker.


All four of the men in the ring regard each other warily as the show goes off the air with the announcers hyping next week's main event.




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KISS vs Kris Phoenix

The Guardians (Mehmet Aksu, Candace Horn, and Hiro Suzuki) vs The TrillTech Security Detail (Corporal Punishment, General Mayhem, and Private Lee Crzy)

Joey Devastation vs Neurosis

Lenny Rhodes vs One Mean Trucker

Anónimo vs Tundra


Bonus Question: What wrestler will be debuting as the newest member of the TrillTech security detail? Crzy Will (as Private Lee Crzy)




MichiganHero: 5/5 +1 Bonus

Midnightnick: 4/5

Occasional Z: 4/5

TheEnforcer: 4/5 +1 Bonus

Kanegan: 5/5 +1 Bonus

Zergon: 5/5

MJStark: 4/5


Tour Wins:


MichiganHero: 2

Kanegan: 1



Congratulations to MichiganHero and Kanegan for getting all the predictions and the bonus question. Was a fairly predictable card this show, but that's the way things are sometimes.



Bonus Question: What wrestler will be debuting as the newest member of the TrillTech security detail? Major Damage


Major Damage was actually the guy I was initially looking at for the role, as his name was a fit already, but he can't play a heel so I decided to go for Crzy Will instead.


Bonus Question: What wrestler will be debuting as the newest member of the TrillTech security detail? General E. Crzy (Crzy Will)


That's a good name, but we already have one general and Crzy has to work his way up from the bottom. :p

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That's a good name, but we already have one general and Crzy has to work his way up from the bottom. :p


Nice alt for Crzy. I was the one who originally suggested General E. Crzy but Private Lee Crzy is a good fit.


And I know all about predictable tour shows, I had the same kind of deal with Wrestlesaurus X way back. :p

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Q-Pro Galactic Tour Week 3


Quantom Pro Wrestling is returning to once again deliver a show filled to the brim with action, drama, and excitement. The Main event of the show will see Martin McClaine, Shay Kinsella, and One Mean Trucker battle for a shot at KISS's Universal Title.


Anónimo has been on a tear since his debut, scoring wins over two of TrillTech's finest agents. However, the masked man of mystery has his biggest challenge yet as he is facing off against"The Perfect Specimen" Kris Phoenix. Can Kris Phoenix rebound from his loss to KISS or will Anónimo continue his undefeated streak?


The TrillTech Security Detail have claimed to be the most dominant team in Q-Pro, and tonight will be their chance to prove it as the take on the reigning champions, Close Encounters in a non title match. Can Close Encounters continue their miraculous streak, or will the TrillTech Security Detail emerge victorious.


Ezekiel Trillion has made a special match for Jeff Starfield that will see him taking on The Freakish Mistakes in a handicap match. The self professed sci-fi geek will need a miracle to survive, let alone win the match, but anything can happen in Quantum Pro.


Wolfe will be putting his Internet title on the line in a match against the man he beat for the title, Black Idol. Can the hypnotic former champion regain his belt, or will the animalistic ferocity of Wolfe win the day?


Number One Contender Match

Martin McClane vs One Mean Trucker vs Shay Kinsella


Singles Match

Anónimo vs Kris Phoenix


Non-Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem


Handicap Match

Jeff Starfield vs Carbon and Crymydyne


Internet Title Match

Wolfe vs Black Idol

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Number One Contender Match

Martin McClane vs One Mean Trucker vs Shay Kinsella

Infighting between McClane and Kinsella allows OMT to get the title shot.


Singles Match

Anónimo vs Kris Phoenix

Anonimo is good but he isn't Kris Pheonix good.


Tag Team Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem



Handicap Match

Jeff Starfield vs Carbon and Crymydyne

If only Jeff would get himself a partner then he could fend off two giants. ;)


Internet Title Match

Wolfe vs Black Idol

Claws > Hypnosis

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Number One Contender Match

Martin McClane vs One Mean Trucker vs Shay Kinsella

Trucker seems to be the only heel here so he would make most sense but the problem is that I´m not convinced yet that he is on the same level than Kinsella and McClane (I will be if he wins here though :p) so I go with Kinsella simply because that would surely not go well for McClane and thus furthering the breakdown of the Resistance that seems pretty inevitable at this point.


Singles Match

Anónimo vs Kris Phoenix

Anónimo has been impressive so far but Phoenix is one of your top heels and I figure he´s too much for Anónimo at least for now.


Tag Team Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem

Ok, I´m just playing favorites here but I like TrillTech Security Detail and don´t really care about Close Encounters


Handicap Match

Jeff Starfield vs Carbon and Crymydyne

Starfield doesn´t seem to be a big star and thus I doubt he would go over two monster heels.


Internet Title Match

Wolfe vs Black Idol

I like Idol better but I doubt he´s going to get the title back.

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Number One Contender Match

Martin McClane vs One Mean Trucker vs Shay Kinsella


Singles Match

Anónimo vs Kris Phoenix


Non-Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem


Handicap Match

Jeff Starfield vs Carbon and Crymydyne


Internet Title Match

Wolfe vs Black Idol

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Number One Contender Match

Martin McClane vs One Mean Trucker vs Shay Kinsella


Singles Match

Anónimo vs Kris Phoenix


Non-Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem


Handicap Match

Jeff Starfield vs Carbon and Crymydyne


Internet Title Match

Wolfe vs Black Idol

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Number One Contender Match

Martin McClane vs One Mean Trucker vs Shay Kinsella

OMT steamrolls the other two


Singles Match

Anónimo vs Kris Phoenix

Phoenix the man!!Enough said


Non-Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem

No messing around with TrillTech Security


Handicap Match

Jeff Starfield vs Carbon and Crymydyne

Starfield is no match for these two


Internet Title Match

Wolfe vs Black Idol

Can't see Wolfe losing the title so soon

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Number One Contender Match

Martin McClane vs One Mean Trucker vs Shay Kinsella


Singles Match

Anónimo vs Kris Phoenix


Non-Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem


Handicap Match

Jeff Starfield vs Carbon and Crymydyne


Internet Title Match

Wolfe vs Black Idol but no title change

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Number One Contender Match

Martin McClane vs One Mean Trucker vs Shay Kinsella


Singles Match

Anónimo vs Kris Phoenix


Non-Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem

Non title match usually means the champs are losing


Handicap Match

Jeff Starfield vs Carbon and Crymydyne


Internet Title Match

Wolfe vs Black Idol

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Q-Pro Galactic Tour: Week 3


February 13th, 2012, held in The Grove, Nevada. 1000 in Attendance








The show opens with a brief recap of last weeks show, mainly focusing on the upcoming three way number one contenders match between Shay Kinsella, Martin McClane, and One Mean Trucker.


Kitty Reardon

Hello and welcome to Quantum Pro Wrestling! We have another great show lined up for tonight. Last week we saw KISS successfully defend his title against Kris Phoenix, but he'll need to get ready because no matter who wins tonight he's going to have a tough match ahead of him.


Seth Koch

I'll admit, KISS did score a big win last week, even if it was a fluke, but tonight TrillTech is going to dominate.


Kitty Reardon

Really? Last time I checked Kris Phoenix lost last week and won't be a part of the number one contenders match.


Seth Koch

A minor setback, but tonight's main event just proves how selfish the Resistance is. When Kris Phoenix was champion no one in TrillTech would even think of challenging him for his title.


Kitty Reardon

Thats because the Resistance is about a group of individuals allied in their cause, not an egomaniac and his hired goons.


Seth Koch

You can spin it however you want, but we've all seen the cracks forming in the Resistance.


Kitty Reardon

Perhaps, but we're kicking this show off with an Internet Championship match between reigning champion Wolfe and former champion Black Idol.










Internet Championship Match

Wolfe vs Black Idol


The classic match-up of speed versus power was on full display here, as Black Idol used his agility to keep one step ahead of the vicious striking style of Wolfe. The game of cat and mouse continued for the early portion of the match, but eventually Wolfe caught Black Idol coming off the ropes with a forearm. The champion wasted no time in capitalizing on his opportunity, as he grounded the high flyer and slowed down the pace of the match with some painful submission holds.


Wolfe controlled most of the match, but eventually Black Idol started to make a comeback with the crowd behind him. Wolfe tried to cut him off with a clothesline, but Black Idol ducked it and nailed him on the rebound with a dropkick. Black Idol and Wolfe both got to their feet, but as soon as Wolfe turned to face his opponent the lights began strobing as Black Idol began hypnotizing his opponent!


The normally vicious Wolfe seemed completely entranced by the spell of Black Idol, and when the lights stopped strobing he just stood perfectly still; allowing Black Idol to nail a flying cross-body. With his opponent down on the mat, Black Idol began climbing to the top rope to finish the match. Unfortunately Idol did not see Biohazard emerging from the back, and was caught off guard with the acid mist. This would normally be a DQ, but the referee looked on with a blank expression. Evidently Black Idol's hypnotism had not just effected his opponent.


Black Idol's mask prevented the Acid Mist from being fully effective, but the distraction was enough for Wolfe to regain his composure and cut Black Idol off on the top rope. The normally grounded champion took a chance and climbed up to the top rope to deliver a devastating superplex. Sensing blood, Wolfe jumped on Black Idol and locked in the Wolf Claw. Black Idol struggled for a few moments, but had no choice but to tap out and give Wolfe the victory.


Wolfe defeats Black Idol via Submission - (E-)








The referee signals for the bell at the end of the match, but Wolfe refuses to release Black Idol from his grasp. The referee tries to get him to break the hold, but Biohazard pushes the referee aside; relishing the opportunity to see his rival in pain.


The lights flashed for a moment, followed by the emergence of Anónimo from the back. The masked man dived into the ring where Biohazard was waiting for him. Ducking a clothesline, Anónimo bounced off the rope and nailed Biohazard with a high speed dropkick that sent him rolling out of the ring. Wolfe released his grip on Black Idol and rushed Anónimo, trying to take him by surprise; but Anónimo saw it coming, and ducked the charging Wolfe to send him flying over the rope to the floor.


Wolfe looked furious and teased getting back into the ring, but instead regrouped with Biohazard before grabbing his title and heading to the back.








The camera cuts backstage to where Ion and Lenny Rhodes are standing outside a door in a hallway.


Lenny Rhodes

Have I told you this is a bad idea, because this is a bad idea.



You worry too much, besides I'm the one taking the risk; all you have to do is make sure no one comes in while I'm looking for the right security tape.


Lenny Rhodes

And what exactly am I supposed to do if someone comes, knock on the door?



Don't be stupid bro, if you do that they'll know somethings up. Use a code word if someone's coming, something like, "It sure is hot in here," just stall them and make sure you say it loud enough for me to hear.


Lenny Rhodes

It sure is hot in here? What kind of a code is that-


Rhodes was interrupted by the door closing, and could only mutter to himself as his partner went in without waiting for him to finish. His complaints are interrupted however, when "Cyber Punk" Joanna Bourgeois comes walking down the corridor. Rhodes looks alarmed, but tries to play it cool.


Lenny Rhodes

It sure is hot in here.


Joanna Bourgeois

Your right about that cutie. Say, I haven't seen you around before, you new here?


Lenny Rhodes

Err..,Yeah, just joined up.


Joanna Bourgeois

Newbie huh, just how I like them. What are you doing back here anyway, you lost?


Lenny Rhodes

Uhh...Yeah I must have gotten lost. Anyway, It sure is hot in here!


Joanna Bourgeois

Come with me newbie, I know just how to cool you down.


Joanna Bourgeois grabbed Rhodes's hand, and practically dragged him away out of site of the camera.












Handicap Match

Jeff Starfield vs Carbon and Crymydyne


Starfield brought a replica lightsaber to the ring, in hopes of evening the odds, but a barrage of blows failed to cause even the slightest damage to Carbon. The giant cut off Starfield with a big boot to the face, and probably could have ended it there, but instead decided to toy with Starfield. For the next four minutes Carbon and Crymydyne destroyed Starfield; hitting him with just about every move in their arsenals before Crymydyne finally pinned him after the Pick Your Poison.


Carbon and Crymydyne defeat Jeff Starfield via Pinfall - (E)








A camera cuts backstage to the hallway outside of Ezekiel Trillion's office Kris Phoenix walks into shot, opens the door, and walks in without knocking.


Kris Phoenix

Trillion, what did you call me here for?



Mister Phoenix, it is a honor to finally meet you.


Pheonix paused and scowled as he realized the man speaking to him was not Ezekiel Trillion.


Kris Phoenix

And just who are you supposed to be?


Iago de Brun

Ah I have you at a disadvantage, my apologies Mister Phoenix. My name is Iago de Brun, and I have come here to assist you in bringing this dreadful rebellion to an end.


Kris Phoenix

I'm the perfect wrestler, what makes you think I need your help. I never asked you-


Ezekiel Trillion

I am the one who asked him to come here. Mister de Brun has a keen mind, and an impressive resume, I think he could be of great assistance to TrillTech.


Kris Phoenix looked less than pleased at the arrangement, but kept silent.


Iago de Brun

Please Mister Phoenix, I know that a man of your stature needs no guidance to achieve victory. However, even a man as great as yourself needs proper support to achieve his potential.


Kris Phoenix

Fine. You can do whatever it is you do, just stay out of my way.


The camera cuts away as Kris Phoenix exits the office.








The TrillTech Security Deal come down to the ring, lead by The Brigadier with a microphone.


The Brigadier

Attention maggots! You see before you not only the greatest team ever assembelled in Quantum Pro, but the greatest three soldiers the world has ever seen! Tonight, they will prove it by defeating the tag team champions. Close Encounters, you are nothing more than flukes, and tonight we'll show you what real champions look like!


The Brigadier and Private Lee Crzy exit the ring, as Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem wait for their match to begin.











Non-Title Match

Close Encounters vs The TrillTech Security Detail


The heels wasted no time here; jumping the champs as soon as they got into the ring. However, thing turned around for the oddball pairing when they broke out some innovative office, namely The Visitor using his nerve hold to incapacitate General Mayhem and manipulate his nervous system to make him put his own partner in a sleeper hold. This could well have been the end of the match if Private Lee Crzy hadn't broken up the hold while the referee was distracted by The Brigadier.


The match continued in much the same pattern with the heels taking control, and using outside interference to cut off Close Encounters every time they got on office. The finish came when Private Lee Crzy took out The Visitor on the outside; allowing Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem to hit Earl Ray Travis with a double team suplex and pin him for the less than clean win.


Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem defeat Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor via Pinfall - (E+)








The camera goes backstage to the Resistance locker room. Martin McClane walks across the room, and the camera pans to see him approaching Shay Kinsella.


Martin McClane:

Shay, we need to talk.


Shay Kinsella

Martin, I understand you're upset, but remember we're on the same team. I want to take down TrillTech as much as you do.


Martin McClane:

No, that's not what I mean. I respect you, but I want a shot at the title and when the bell rings tonight you're an opponent; not a friend. We clear?


Shay Kinsella

Right, I'm not going to hold any punches just because you're my friend.


Martin McClane:

Good, I'll see you out there.








Master Suzuki walks down to the ring alone; with Mehmet Aksu and Candace Horne conspicuous in their absence. The veteran wrestler circles the ring, grabbing a microphone before entering the ring.


Master Suzuki

Black Serpents, you said you'd be watching; well I'm right here, why don't you stop hiding and show yourselves.


There was a pause, and it seemed that no one would answer his call, but eventually a man emerged from the back; the same masked man that interrupted Suzuki's match last week.



Twelve years we have waited Suzuki. It is time you return what is rightfully ours.


Master Suzuki

Rightfully yours? By right it should have never existed, you do not even begin to understand the power it contains. You are a fool if you think I'd help you bring about our destruction.



Enough of your superstitions you stupid old man. Give me the key!


Master Suzuki said nothing in response, but instead put the microphone down and signaled Graves to get in the ring. The masked man took a few steps forward, but stopped half way down the entry way.



If you wish to die than so be it old man. Next week you shall be the first to feel the might of the Black Serpents. The only thing waiting for you is death.


Suzuki watched on stony faced as Graves made his exit. He stood in the ring a few moments longer before exiting as the announcers speculated on what might happen next week.







Singles Match

Anónimo vs Kris Phoenix


Anónimo and Kris Phoenix seemed determined to steal the show, as the two lightning fast cruiserweights each tried to out do each other. This proved frustrating for Phoenix, for as great of an all round athlete he was he seemed to be one step behind the masked man at all times. He tried to get a breather on the outside, but Anónimo took him out with a plancha on the outside.


Anónimo tried to get his opponent back into the ring, but the delay allowed Phoenix to recover and knock Anónimo off the apron. On the outside Phoenix showed off a more vicious style, as he rammed the masked man into the corner before rolling him back into the ring. This proved to be a turning point in the match, as Phoenix grounded his opponent; focusing on his legs to keep the high flyer grounded.


Midway through the match Iago de Brun emerged from the back; still wearing his suit. Heading over to the commentators booth, he took a seat beside Seth Kotch and Kitty Reardon and joined them on commentary.


Kris Phoenix looked less than happy at Iago's arrival. The momentary distraction allowed Anónimo to reverse Pheonix's leg lock into a small package that almost got him the surprise win. Phoenix was able to kick out, but the match seemed to have shifted in his opponents favor. Phoenix tried to wrestle his opponent to the mat, but Anónimo surprised him with some technical skills of his own as he reversed every hold that Phoenix tried to put on him; beating him at his own game.


Anónimo continued to run wild with his high flying offence before dropping Pheonix to the mat with a enzuigiri kick to the back of his head. Seizing his opportunity Anonimo climbed to the top rope, but took a little longer than usual, selling the damage done to his knees earlier in the match. Anónimo leapt from the top rope with the Anti-Gravity Matrix, but ended up crashing right into his opponent's knees. Phoenix pounced on Anónimo, rolling him up in a pinning position and grabbing the rope to ensure he would keep him down for the three count.


Kris Phoenix defeats Anónimo via pinfall - (C-)








The camera cuts backstage, to where Lenny Rhodes is sitting alone at a table staring off into space. Ion walks into view, and heads over to Rhodes's table.



Man, this place is so backwards. Can you believe they still record stuff on discs? Not that it matters, the security footage from two weeks ago wasn't even there. Man this sucks.


Lenny Rhodes gave no reaction at first, but after a few moments he reached down into his pocket and pulled out a disc labeled "2/6/12 Security Footage" and placed it on the table.



You've got it, Awesome! How did you find it?


Lenny Rhodes turned to look at Ion, but quickly turned his gaze down to the table and said nothing.



Whatever man, now that we have this we can figure out who took the transmitter...Umm...I didn't really pay attention in historical culture, how do we...uh...use it?


Lenny Rhodes doesn't have an answer for Ion, and the camera cuts away as the duo consider their quandary.








The camera goes over to a pre-taped interview taken before the show as Kitty Reardon interviews the universal champion, KISS


Kitty Reardon

KISS, thank you for taking the time to sit down and talk to me, and all the viewers out there.



No problem, I learned a long time ago that I wouldn't be anything without the fans.


Kitty Reardon

Next week you'll be facing the winner of tonight's main event; Shay Kinsella, Martin McClane, or One Mean Trucker. Do you have any comments about the match?



All three of them are tough opponents, but no matter who wins I'll be ready.


The interview ends rather abruptly and cuts back to the ring.








Number One Contenders Match

Shay Kinsella vs Martin McClane vs One Mean Trucker


One Mean Trucker's size and strength let him dominate both of his opponents early in the match, but McClane and Kinsella would team up to bring the big man down and send him out of the ring with a double team clothesline over the top rope. The alliance didn't last long however, as the two immediately went after each other once their common enemy was out of the ring.


The match continued in a similar fashion, with their generally being two men in the ring fighting with one on the outside. The crowd was into it, but the match was slow at times; especially when Shay Kinsella wasn't in the ring.


At approximately the twelve minute mark One Mean Trucker was in control. Stacking up his opponents in the corner he charged at them, but Kinsella managed to dive out of the way and leave McClane to take the full force the impact. The big man tried to cut Kinsella off with a clothesline, but the Resistance leader ducked it and he ended up hitting the referee instead! Kinsella followed it up with a neckbreaker, but with the referee lieing in a heap there was no use in going for a cover.






The crowd began booing as out from the back ran the TrillTech Hit Men, Big E and The Anomaly. Shay Kinsella met them in the ring and traded blows, but the two on one attack was too much and Kinsella was soon overwhelmed and sent to the outside. The duo continued their beatdown, throwing Kinsella into the guard rail repeatedly. Kinsella was down and out, but Big E wasn't done, as he yelled at the announcers to get out of the way before grabbing Kinsella. He looked ready to hit Kinsella with the same move he used to take out Joey Devastation last week, but the crowd cheered as KISS ran out from the back to make the save! Big E and The Anomaly retreated from the Universal Champion and made their escape as he checked on Shay Kinsella at ringside.


In the ring One Mean Trucker and McClane were struggling back to their feet, oblivious to what had just happened on the outside. The two began exchanging blows with One Mean Trucker getting the better of it. Trucker lifted McClane up for the power bomb, but McClane reversed it into a Double Action DDT! He covered the big man and had him down for at least a five count, but with the referee down there was no one to count the pin.


McClane got to his feet and went over to try to revive the ref, but stopped when he saw KISS with Kinsella at ringside. Enraged, McClane jumped out of the ring and got in KISS's face, accusing him of interfering in the match. KISS tried to explain what happened, but McClane was having none of it and he shoved the champion out of his way. KISS looked pissed off, but made no retaliation; only staring McClane down.


Noticing that the referee was beginning to regain his senses, McClane climbed back into the ring and struggled to lift One Mean Trucker to his feet for another DDT. However, the big man had been given enough time to recover, and he hit McClane with a low blow that sent the action hero to the ground! One Mean Trucker jumped on McClane and pinned him, as the referee had conveniently recovered enough to count the pin.


One Mean Trucker defeats Shay Kinsella and Martin McClane via Pinfall - (D+)









After the match One Mean Trucker simply raises his fist in the air before pointing to KISS on the outside and grins. KISS meanwhile helps Shay Kinsella get to his feet, but when he tries to help up Martin McClane the action hero shoves him away from him. McClane looks furiously at KISS and Shay Kinsella, and turns to walk to the back without saying a word.


The show ends with the announcers hyping the main event of KISS vs One Mean Trucker next week, as well as the growing rifts within the Resistance.





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Sorry for taking so long to get the show up. I might end up switching to a shorter match writeup style in the future; at the rate I'm going it's going to take me a long time to get through tours.



Martin McClane vs One Mean Trucker vs Shay Kinsella

Anónimo vs Kris Phoenix

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem

Jeff Starfield vs Carbon and Crymydyne

Wolfe vs Black Idol



MichiganHero: 4/5

Zergon: 4/5

TheEnforcer: 3/5

Midnightnick: 3/5

kanegan: 5/5

MJStark: 4/5

Occasional Z: 3/5


Tour Wins:

MichiganHero: 2

Kanegan: 2

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Q-Pro Galactic Tour Week 4


Quantom Pro Wrestling is ending February with a bang, as we bring you a card packed full of action and excitement. The main event of the night will see Universal Champion KISS go one on one with One Mean Trucker. Can the Heavy Metal Megastar survive the wrath of the giant, or will a new champion be crowned?


That won't be the only title on the line as the TrillTech Security Squad have earned a shot at the tag team titles after their win over the champions last week. Close Encounters have been the ultimate underdogs, but this may be there greatest challenge yet. Can the champions retain their titles?


This week will also see the man known only as Graves make his in ring debut. For weeks he and the Black Cobras have been stalking Hiro Suzuki, and now they will finally meet in a one on one match.


Last week's main event saw Martin McClane and Resistance leader Shay Kinsella on opposite sides, but tonight they'll have to team up as they take on the TrillTech Hit Men. The interference from Big E and The Anomaly helped One Mean Trucker get his title shot, but the two Resistance members have been far from on the same page. Can the duo work together to defeat their common foe, or will dissension among the ranks allow the TrillTech duo to score a huge win?


In other singles action we will see Black Idol taking on the man that interfered in his Internet Title match, Biohazard. There's only one way to find out who will win this battle of acid mist versus hypnotic gaze, and that's to tune in next week as these two do battle.




Universal Title Match

KISS vs One Mean Trucker


Singles Match

Master Suzuki vs Graves


Tag Team Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem


Singles Match

Black Idol vs Biohazard


Tag Team Match

Shay Kinsella and Martin McClane vs Big E and the Anomaly



Bonus Question:

What Letter Grade will the match between KISS and One Mean Trucker receive?




Note: I'm going to be changing my show writeup style in order to make it less time consuming for me. I hope this doesn't annoy anyone, but it should let me update this much more regularly.

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Universal Title Match

KISS vs One Mean Trucker


Singles Match

Mehmet Aksu vs Graves


Tag Team Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem


Singles Match

Black Idol vs Biohazard


Tag Team Match

Shay Kinsella and Martin McClane vs Big E and the Anomaly



Bonus Question:

What Letter Grade will the match between KISS and One Mean Trucker receive? C-

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Universal Title Match

KISS vs One Mean Trucker

It´s little bit early for a title change and it seems like there are better options as champs than Trucker.


Singles Match

Master Suzuki vs Graves

Mehmet, Suzuki, doesn´t matter I still go with debut win for Graves.


Tag Team Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem

Ok, so this is more about personal preference but I do believe that Punisment and Mayhem are the better team too.


Singles Match

Black Idol vs Biohazard

Little bit of a coin flip again so I just go with personal preference.


Tag Team Match

Shay Kinsella and Martin McClane vs Big E and the Anomaly

Even though they won´t be able to co-exist all that well, I think that Kinsella nad McClane are simply too big names to lose here.


Bonus Question:

What Letter Grade will the match between KISS and One Mean Trucker receive?

I figure it would be worse than last show´s main event so I say D

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Universal Title Match

KISS vs One Mean Trucker

I think KISS will hold on the title for a little while



Singles Match

Mike Suzuki vs. Graves

In that case, i go for a draw.


Tag Team Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem

I think they will be better to hold the title and let the faces chase it.


Singles Match

Black Idol vs Biohazard



Tag Team Match

Shay Kinsella and Martin McClane vs Big E and the Anomaly

Bigger names at the moment.



Bonus Question:

What Letter Grade will the match between KISS and One Mean Trucker receive? D+

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Universal Title Match

KISS vs One Mean Trucker (DRAW)


Singles Match

Master Suzuki vs Graves


Tag Team Title Match

Earl Ray Travis and The Visitor vs Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem


Singles Match

Black Idol vs Biohazard


Tag Team Match

Shay Kinsella and Martin McClane vs Big E and the Anomaly



Bonus Question:

What Letter Grade will the match between KISS and One Mean Trucker receive? D+

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