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USPW: Last Days of Strong (July - November 2013)

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– Roger Cage vs. Enygma - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final

Guide vs. Atom Smasher - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final

– Andre Jones vs. Chris Caulfield

The Towers of Power vs. Darryl Devine & Running Wolf

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Roger Cage vs. Enygma - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final

– Guide vs. Atom Smasher - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final

– Andre Jones vs. Chris Caulfield

The Towers of Power vs. Darryl Devine & Running Wolf

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Just caught up on this, great story!

I love USPW, and this seems to be booked like it's supposed to be :D


Really like the way you portrait Roger Cage, I'm starting to mark for him... although I'm looking forward to the day when Charlie Thatcher turns on him and kicks his a$$ :cool:



Roger Cage vs. Enygma - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final

Guide vs. Atom Smasher - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final

Andre Jones vs. Chris Caulfield

The Towers of Power vs. Darryl Devine & Running Wolf

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Roger Cage vs. Enygma - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final - The winning streak continues...

Guide vs. Atom Smasher - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final - RAAAAAAAADIOOOOOO-AAAAAAAACTIIIIIIVE!!!! Sorry...forgot Atomic's supposed to be more "normal" now that he's in the same promotion as The Force...

Andre Jones vs. Chris Caulfield - Caulfield makes up here for his loss against Cage.

The Towers of Power vs. Darryl Devine & Running Wolf - I like Devine, but not his chances if he's teaming up with Jobbing Wolf.

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Roger Cage vs. Enygma - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final

Guide vs. Atom Smasher - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final

– Andre Jones vs. Chris Caulfield

The Towers of Power vs. Darryl Devine & Running Wolf

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Roger Cage vs. Enygma - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final

I would normally go with Enygma on this one but since you have been pushing Roger Cage I think he will likely win this match.


Guide vs. Atom Smasher - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Semi-Final

Guide will win because he's newer in USPW so he should win to keep his momentum in USPW going.


– Andre Jones vs. Chris Caulfield

Not sure with this one but I will go with Caulfield


The Towers of Power vs. Darryl Devine & Running Wolf

The Towers Of Power will defeat Devine and Wolf being that Devine and Wolf aren't a team.

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American Wrestling #335, Week 4, August...



The show begins with a video package hyping tonight’s two semi final matches of the number one contendership tournament as Enygma faces Roger Cage and Atom Smasher takes on Guide. It also hypes an announcement from Sam Strong.


Sam Strong's music hits and he makes his way to the ring, milking the reaction, before addressing the audience.


First of all it's an absolute honour to bring USPW back to California. I have great memories in this state, and even in this beautiful arena. And of course in front of you great fans. I have a couple of things to say before we get on with what I know will be a great show. First off, tonight is the semi-finals of the Number 1 Contenders Tournament, the winner will face Nicky Champion at United States of Pain. So live tonight we witness Roger Cage vs. Enygma, and Guide vs. Atom Smasher. Sounds great, but that is not all because I have an announcement regarding the latest signing to the USPW roster. He's a man I know very well and a...


He is interrupted by Eric Tyler who did the same last week. He is followed by two young blonde guys, one is dressed is blue trunks and the other blue tights. They look very similar to each other.


So you've signed yet another outside with no respect for this business, no news there then. Typical as USPW loses you, it loses it's soul. Thank you for your service Mr. Strong but you must hand over the reigns.


I've got 3 months left and I know a bit more about this business that you do Eric... so, who are these two?


Boys, introduce yourselves.


I'm Gregory, Gregory Keith.


My name is Matthew Keith.


They are The New School. They have learnt from the best and will continue to serve the tradition of pro-wrestling. Strong you might as well retire tonight, it may be too later to restore your legacy, but to save face it's for the best. These fans don't not understand wrestling, but it seems our “greatest” legend is struggling to understand it too. The pressure is getting to you Sam. It's all good trying to be cool, hip and popular, but you sold this company down the river a long, long time ago and for that there will be consequences. USPW is the only place on this planet that stood
in the face of peoples desperate to kill professional wrestling and if I stand alone in this, I will never stop fighting to hang on to the last shred of dignity this business has left. You only have to look at these fans to see how low we have stooped Sam.


No, Eric what you're doing is holding on to your past glories. This business has move on you're right, but at the heart of it is USPW and USPW will forever represent American Wrestling. No matter how you spin it, as long as we have these great fans and my heart is still beating, this company will represent what you claim you long for. We will respect tradition and you only have to look at the guys in the back to see that that will not change. Which leads to me to believe you've got an agenda, but I've deal with bigger guys than you before. Gregory and Matthew Keith they're sons of a legend, and I know they have the potential, so I'll give them a shot – I just hope they're ready for who I'm about to send out.


Strong walks up the ramp and leaves. After a few seconds the music of their opponents plays.


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The team of Captain USA II and Freddie Datsun continued as Sam Strong's hand picked opponents for The New School of Tradition. The match consisted of a showcase of Gregory & Matthew's ability with them showing fluid wrestling and cohesive tag team unity. Their lack of experience and their opponent's down and dirty style led to Captain USA II & Datsun taking the advantage in the match. Despite coming close to winner, Eric Tyler had a trick up his sleeve. He gave Gregory Keith some salt and had Matthew distract the referee. Gregory threw the salt into the eyes of Captain USA II. Eric Tyler pulled Datsun off the apron as Gregory debuted his finisher, a Cobra Clutch Faceslam which picked up the victory.


The New School of Tradition



It doesn't get more old school than salt in the eyes!

I suppose, but Eric claims he's about respect and integrity, he's showed nothing of the sort tonight.


In the locker room Roger Cage is talking to Blonde Bombshell. Bombshell talks about how great Cage will look as World Champion. She asks Cage what the plan is for tonight. He tells her that is already being dealt with by Charlie Thatcher...


Charlie Thatcher is then seen in the back attempting to jump Enygma. Enygma quickly turns the tables and throws Thatcher into a wall. After a small scuffle Thatcher backs off.


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Chris Caulfield did his best to mask his injury but Jones still capitalised it, taking control of the match working over the National Champion's back throughout the early stages. Jones came close to victory a number of times, and even had it at one point – until the referee noticed his feet on the ropes. Another time, Caulfield got his foot on the rope at the last second. Caulfield struggled to gain footing in the match, and out of nowhere he hit a Danger Drop to get the victory, but was largely dominated by his opponent.


Chris Caulfield



Charlie Thatcher is then seen holding his face. He walks up to Roger Cage who asks him if he got the job done. Thatcher shakes his head and Cage sighs. He tells Thatcher that there's is no room for error when they're out there. He says the plan in the ring must work, no second chances. Thatcher nods.


The Towers of Power then cut a promo. They say that despite getting destroyed last week Devine and Running Wolf want to face them. The TOP say that's fine, and they'll be happy to crush them again.


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A match based on the attack last week, The Towers of Powers simply overpowered their opponents. With Darryl Devine being the one they isolated they destroyed him, and did the same when Running Wolf came in. The end of the match was when Rushmore pinned Devine with an Atomic Boot.


The Towers of Power



After the match The Towers isolate Darryl Devine and continue to beat him down.

James Justice & The Force then run down and after a short back and forth The Towers of Power bail and walk up the ramp, while Justice checks on Devine.


Eric Tyler is seen leaving a locker room when he bumps into Sam Strong.


Eric, I've been looking for you... how do you explain that out there?


What? My team winning? Me doing my job?


You know exactly what I'm talking about. You had no right getting involved in that match.


Strong, how long have you been in this business? You should be old enough, even if you aren't smart enough, to know that in this competition, winning always comes first. The New School is 1 and 0, Strong. This is just the beginning.


Tyler walks away going shoulder to shoulder with Sam Strong as he does. Strong then takes out a phone and begins punching away.


He can justify anything that way, he's a hypocrite.

Why? He's spot on, just like these guys in this tournament better do anything they can to win.


Roger Cage then comes out, cutting a promo on his way to the ring.


In 8 months with this company, I have changed the landscape – I've held every championship there is for me to hold... but one. Step by step, move by move I get closer and closer to it. I've changed USPW and I will seal my legacy as the greatest of all time when I face Nicky Champion at United States of Pain. Sure, I got shots when I was new here, but right now – I'm feeling better, stronger, more ready that ever. So Enygma it's time to roll over or get rolled over it's your choice. But when I'm in that ring, I'm coming straight for you...


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The first semi-final got under way and it wasn't long before Charlie Thatcher and Blonde Bombshell started to get involved. This meant the referees hand were full and allowed Roger Cage to pull on Enygma's mask and eyes. Cage had Enygma down but Enygma continued to fight back and eventually found him in a position where he had Cage in the Enygma Variation.


With Cage close to submitting, Blonde Bombshell got on the apron and distracted the referee, and Enygma in part. Thatcher then got up on the apron with his tag team championship. Cage rolled out of the Enygma Variation, which led to Enygma being hit by the Championship, knocking him out. Before he could fall to the ground Roger Cage grabbed him and hit him with the End Credit. Bombshell dropped down and the referee counted the three count.


Roger Cage



After the match Roger Cage grabbed all 3 of his championships (including Thatcher's tag team championship belt) and walked backwards up the ramp with a smirk on his face as Enygma regained consciousness in the ring.


Brock Cornish then interviews Peter Valentine in the back. Valentine is sat down, as is Brock Cornish. Valentine is not in wrestling gear but rather his dark red “Heart Breaker” t-shirt and a pair of jeans.


Last week Peter, you were defeated by Nicky Champion. Champion said that the rivalry was now put to bed and he would be moving on, how would you respond.


First of all, this will never be over. I've got nothing to lose and I will continue to be a thorn in the side of Alicia, Nicky, Sam and all of USPW. I do what I want, when I want and for Nicky to say it's over underestimates just what lengths I will go to. The truth is this Brock, I'm not looking to Nicky Champion anymore, he's right it's over... for now, because I've got bigger fish to fry, I've got ideas you would not believe and I'm ready to turn USPW on it's head. We're reaching the end of an era, but I'm not going anywhere because I'm outlasting the legacy of Sam Strong. I'm not going anywhere, not only because I'm in great shape and ready to go but because USPW can't afford to lose me... don't let Sam Strong's words fool you, this company needs “Legends of Wrestling”, USPW needs the “Heart Breaker”, because I am the U.S.P of USPW.


In his office Sam Strong is seeing making a call. When the call is answered he begins to talk.


Hey... yeah it's Sam – I'm really busy tonight, can you make it next week?... That's great, I'll see you at the start of the short... thanks, bye.


Strong then smiles as he puts the phone down.


Nicky Champion is watching the screen in the back. He is approached by Roger Cage who looks over his shoulder until Champion turns around.

Cage asks Champion who he'd rather see Cage beat next week. Champion says if you beat anyone fairly I'd be amazed so anyone. Cage tells Champion, no matter how he gets it done he'll take Champions gold. Cage forcefully slaps Champion on the back as he goes.


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The winner of the second semi final would join Roger Cage in the final next week. The match started as an even back and forth brawl and at one point they went to the outside and the referee reached a 6 count. Smasher then took the match back into the ring and as he took control of Guide. This clearly got to Guide who grew frustrated as Smasher held him in a number of holds. As Guide got a break he headed to the outside to take a breather.


The break had the opposite effect, when the referee began telling Guide to get back in the ring. This caused Guide's temper to flair up once again and he started arguing with the referee. Despite him getting into a favourable position he continued to argue with the referee. One such incident, while Guide had Atom Smasher in the corner proved costly. After exhausting the 5 count, the referee pulled Guide away, once again causing an arguable. As Guide turned around he was hit with a huge Lariat from Atom Smasher which led to the end of the match. Atom Smasher advances.


Atom Smasher



Atom Smasher wins, meaning he will face Roger Cage in the final of the World Championship Number 1 Contendership Tournament. Another pay-per-view quality match tonight.

Smasher has been unstoppable since he joined USPW... will Cage have something up his sleeve! Wait it looks like he might be forward planning...


As Atom Smasher stands in the ring Roger Cage slowly makes his way to the ring.

When in the ring he stands behind Smasher waiting for him to turn. When he does Cage goes to hit his End Credit move but Smasher elbows him in the head releasing it. Smasher pushes Cage into the ropes and goes for the huge Lariat but Cage escapes from the ring before he rebound. Cage shouts to Atom Smasher that he'll first destroy him and then take out Nicky Champion. As he walks up the ramp he says “this is too easy” until he is stopped he turns round and is face to face with Nicky Champion.

Cage brushes past Champion as they exchange looks and the show ends with a face off between Atom Smasher in the ring and Champion on the ramp.


The build to United States of Pain is building up, the tournament final is next week and we'll see Roger Cage and Atom Smasher fight for the shot at Champion!
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#336 Preview/Confirmed Matches


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This Wednesday, USPW returns for episode #336 of American Wrestling:


– Atom Smasher takes on Roger Cage in the
of the World Championship Number One Contendership tournament. Atom Smasher is still yet to be pinned or made to submit in his USPW career. Cage (and his entourage) will have to pull out all the stops to back up Cage's promise of becoming the next champion. The winner will face Nicky Champion at the United States of Pain! pay-per-view.


– After Eric Tyler caused a postponement to Sam Strong's latest announcement, Strong promises to make it at the top of the show.


– Wanting revenge for an attack two weeks a go, an injured Chris Caulfield has called out Roger Cage's bodyguard Charlie Thatcher. Tired of people calling him "all talk", Andre Jones has challenged Nicky Champion to a matc and coming out of a brawl last week The Towers of Powers' Mick Muscles goes one on one with James Justice.


– Following on from his statement that he was ready to "turn USPW on it's head", Valentine has been telling anyone who will listen that tonight he will go into greater detail on exactly what the self proclaimed "U.S.P of USPW" has in store as he promises to "outlast the legacy of Sam Strong".


All that and more, live only on Sports America!



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Confirmed matches for USPW American Wrestling...


The following matches have been confirmed for tonight's USPW American Wrestling:


– Roger Cage vs. Atom Smasher -
World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Final

– Andre Jones vs. Nicky Champion

– Mick Muscles vs. James Justice

– Charlie Thatcher vs. Chris Caulfield


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– Roger Cage vs. Atom Smasher - World Championship Number One Contendership Tournament - Final - Cage is the heel, hence the logical opponent for Champion, but I'm in the minority here with this "sleeper" pick. We could be seeing some sort of swerve.

– Andre Jones vs. Nicky Champion - Go back to playing volleyball, Andre.

– Mick Muscles vs. James Justice - Mick Muscles isn't as talentless as I once thought, but he still sucks. Justice wins easy.

– Charlie Thatcher vs. Chris Caulfield - And speaking of wrestlers who suck...Thatcher doesn't have a prayer against Caulfield.

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American Wrestling #336, Week 1, September...



American Wrestling


Good evening, and welcome to another episode of American Wrestling, the weekly home of pro-wrestling, live on Sports America!

And this is an extra special episode as Sam Strong introduces a new member of the roster and we see the tournament final as either Atom Smasher or Roger Cage advance to the face Nicky Champion in 11 days at United States of Pain!


Sam Strong's music then hits and he makes his way to ring the making sure he embraces as many fans as he can along the way.


Tonight my retirement tour continues, and we're in Virginia – I've heard people have travelled from all over the state and beyond tonight to be here, so thank you very much and for that we promise to reward you with a great show! The main event tonight is a number one contenders match as the two tournament finalists go head to head. Who do you guys want to see win? Atom Smasher... [he pauses for reaction] or Roger Cage... [again pausing]. Well before that I've got an announcement because I'm about to introduce you all to...


Peter Valentine's music hits, interrupting Strong mid sentence, he makes his way to the ring with a microphone of his own.


Nobody cares about your announcement Strong because I am the true “USP of USPW”. And your retirement tour, that's really cute but Sam everything seems to be running smooth along your last months and some would say you don't look ready to retire.


I feel great Peter, I'm leaving because USPW is in the best position it's ever been. I'm still loving every second.


Of course you are, because everybody is going easy on you, but Sam I'm sick and tired of you. You feel great now but in 3 months when you retire, you'll realise that you made the right decision because I'm here to make sure you leave a shell of yourself. You, Alicia, Nicky and every other one of your stooges have laughed at me, you've made me jump through every hurdle but Sam you know I am better and stronger than you. You're leaving because you can't keep up. You are a shell of anything you ever were, where as I am in peak physical condition and I'm feeling better than ever.


Well that's great Peter but I have...


No, you're not listening – Thanksgiving Thunder is suppose to be your happily ever after your final walk into the sunset, but when I'm finished with you Sam, the mind games I'll play, the torment I'm about to put your closest friends through, you will be crawling over the finish line. November can not come soon enough for you Sam because at the end of all this you will be begging me to put you out of your misery. Begging me to end your career because what I'll do won't just finish in the ring, it will scar you forever. I'm done being the thorn in the side, Sam – I'm ready to be the spear through the chest.


Sam looks taken a back.


You fans better stay silent while I say this because Sam you need to listen up... 50 years you've been bowed down to, 50 years people have laid down to wash your feet, you have been held as the heart and the soul of this business. Icon, legend, hero you've been called them all but there is only one person who deserves the accolades and that's me because I am a true “Legend of Wrestling”. I am the “Heart Breaker”. Sam it's going to be sad but you've driven me to this. Starting tonight and ending at Thanksgiving Thunder, we are witnessing the
”Last Days of Strong”.


Strong once again looks lost for words. He leaves the ring and walks to the top of the ramp.


You know what Peter, I think this man is going to have to introduce himself.


Police sirens hit and the following comes on the screen:



A man walks out dressed in full police uniform. To walks down to the ring, and it's clear some of the fans know who it is.


Allow me to introduce myself. [He tips his hat] Rick Law!


PV looks annoyed at Law overshadowing his “moment”.


I know exactly who you are. What do you want?


Peter I want do what you just did, I want to express my feelings. I want to speak from my heart. You see Peter I was about to come out here and express my feelings and explain why I'm back in USPW. You interrupted, so I'm going to tell you personally why I'm here.


Yeah, well I'm not interested.


I'm not forcing you to listen but you will hear me Valentine. Most of these people won't remember when I was last here. Most won't remember that I was one of the first stars of USPW, people know me for where I went after.


So what? You're a mercenary like the rest of us, is that how you're going to impress me?


No because all those years back I left this company for one reason to go and work for the company where Sam Strong worked. I loved USPW, I've always loved USPW but Sam Strong is the reason I ever got into this business in the first place and it was my pleasure to work with him for just a couple of years. Those days were the best of my career. Then a few months a go I hear Sam is retiring and I couldn't believe it. You see you Peter, you came into this business for the money. I'm here because I love everything about it, I was one of the fans like all these people and I'm living the dream. In this business, Sam Strong is all I've ever known.


Well, you'll fit in here will all the garbage you talk.


I heard Sam was retiring and then my contract came up and I got a call from a man who I've on record said numerous times is my hero. Sam Strong told me that he was interested in “bringing me home” and I snapped his arm off. Strong may be retiring in a few short months but this company lives and breathes his legacy. Sam Strong is the reason I ever got into this business and for all my life he's been the be all and end all of wrestling. Later this year he will retire, and for me to be here for the last few days will be a pleasure.


Oh Rick believe me they will be far from a pleasurable. Rick I'm going to destroyed this man, you will see behind the smoke screen of what your hero is really like. I will turn your hero into a wreck of a man and you will witness the truth behind these last days Rick, like I said - get ready for the
“Last Days of Strong”.


Valentine drops his microphone and leaves up the ramp. He leaves Rick Law in the ring.


A huge début... Rick Law...

But perhaps over shadowed by Valentine, I've never seen this man so hungry.

He sure is an angry man.

Damn right, and if he can channel that then we may be in for some dark times ahead!


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This match displayed much of the same as the début last week as far as The New School were concerned. They were quick and impressive and after the beating Devine & Wolf took last week they were not at 100%. These factors led to the victory for The New School of Tradition, with Matthew being the one displaying his finisher this week making Darryl Devine submit to an Elevated Cloverleaf.


The New School of Tradition



After the match the manger of Gregory and Matthew, Eric Tyler takes a microphone.


Day by day, week by week I feel better and better. But the job isn't done yet. Matthew and Gregory know this, and they will continue to fight to restore the tradition in pro-wrestling. The tradition that you pathetic fans are so quick to want to give up. Today a lesson has been learned, next week another class will be in session and we will never stop until USPW... makes the grade. It'll be a long journey, it will be a difficult task but we are in it for the long haul.


Eric then signals for his team to leave and follows them.


In the back Sam Strong is with Rick Law.


Well this is what you're getting into [they laugh], it's great to have you here.


I'm stood across from my hero, the pleasure is truly all mine Sam.


Roger Cage walks in and they both turn to him.


Hey Rick Law, right? You already know my name – I'm about to become the new World Champion, you ready for it Sam?


You're not there yet.


Sam this tournament was a formality, we both know that. When I take the championship I want gold confetti, none of this red, white and blue nonsense. Anyway, thanks... I'll leave you 2 to exchange compliments.


Cage leaves and Strong shakes his head at him.


Cutting quickly elsewhere Guide and Chris Caulfield are seen going back and forth brawling until they are separated Guide shouting “this is your fault”!


Emotions running high, as they will be in this match up next as James Justice faces Mick Muscles.


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This match was an out and out brawl with The Force and Danny Rushmore at ringside. Surprisingly the match remained a fair one on one throughout. Despite a solid display from Mick Muscles including a few dominant spells James Justice got the win with the Liberation Slam.


James Justice



After the match, Danny Rushmore jumps in the ring but is intercepted by Force who clotheslines him out of the ring before he can do anything. Force and Justice stand tall as a disgruntled Towers of Power leave up the ramp.


In the back Roger Cage tells Thatcher he will again miss his match. Cage tells Thatcher that Caulfield can be beat like he proved 2 weeks a go. Thatcher leaves without saying anything to Cage.


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This match was largely a case of Chris Caulfield outclassing Thatcher. Despite the size and condition advantage Thatcher had, Caulfield showed his heart and skill in the match allowing him to avoid an upset from Thatcher. Caulfield won the match when he hit the Danger Drop on Charlie Thatcher.


Chris Caulfield



After the match Guide makes his way to the ring. He goes face to face with Caulfield who had just been in a match.


Caulfield, I make no excuse. I have lost 2 of my 3 first matches and I cannot blame anybody but myself.


Chris holds his hand up to interrupt Guide and takes a microphone from ringside.


That's not how it sounded earlier when you jumped me.


Guide clearly didn't like Caulfield reply and began to look agitated.


Caulfield, do not speak while I'm speaking. [Guide now begins to move around the ring, quickly becoming irritated] I had you beat at the pay-per-view and I lost my temper. Since then referees have continued to assist the enemy. Caulfield I should have a World Championship match but for my own actions. Had you not have used the referee as a crutch I would be a World Championship contender. Caulfield there is no doubt about this.


Sounds like a lot of those excuses you claimed you don't use [Guide gets in Caulfield's face, looking ready to fight]. Calm down Guide, you do yourself no favours. But Guide, you being champion or not really has nothing to do with me. I'll tell you something though Guide, if it's title shot you want you know I'm standing right here.


I doubt your sincerity, Caulfield. You know the referee favours you. I see I am getting nowhere with you.


Guide turns to leave.


I'm not sure what you want from me Guide, but wait [he does, turning back around reluctantly]. What if I take the referee out of the equation [Guide looks unsure]. At United States of Pain, how about
bring the pain to that pay-per-view by having a match with no disqualifications, I'll show you how we really do it in USPW. We don't sneak attack or hit referees, we fight each other until...


Okay. Enough. I accept your challenge.


Guide holds his hand out to Caulfield and Caulfield accepts, as Caulfield goes to pull away Guide pulls him back in and hits him with the Guided Missile in the ring.


Target. Destroyed.


Guide then leaves up the ramp as Caulfield lays in pain in the ring.


Match made for the pay-per-view, I'm not so sure it's wise for Caulfield to make the match no disqualification, especially in his condition.

That's called heart.

Well it's certainly not brain.


Atom Smasher is then seen in the back getting ready for his match. He is lifting weights and looking focussed ahead of the match.


Conversely, Roger Cage is then seen walking in the backstage looking laid back. He walks into Nicky Champion who is in his locker room.

Hey Nicky, how's it going? [Nicky just stares] Okay... well I'm here for one reason and don't take this the wrong way because I know what that championship means to you but word of warning and I know you've considered it – don't try and cost me this match tonight.


Nicky just laughs.


Champion, this is serious, I at least want to know ahead of time if you'd stoop so low... I certainly wouldn't put it past you.


If I answer will you get out? [Cage nods] I don't care who I face. There's about as much chance of me helping Atom Smasher as there is of the guy getting a fair chance in this match, without your entourage getting involved... anyway I've got a match.


Cage looked confused. Nicky leaves the room with Cage still trying to work out what Champion meant.


Andre Jones makes his way to the ring first for his match against Nicky Champion. He says he is being called a complainer and jealous in the back but it couldn't be further from the truth. He says he is a dual-sport athlete and is a level above anyone in the back, including the World champion.


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Andre Jones' claims proved unfounded and despite his confidence he was no match for Nicky Champion. Champion looked calm and sharp throughout the match and got the victory in a straight forward win after hitting the Hawkeye Hammer to Jones.


Nicky Champion



In the back Commissioner Doom is approached Eric Tyler.


Commissioner, you are a guy I know I can believe in. One of the last remaining traditionalists left in this business. It's great to meet you. But I've got to ask, why on earth do you let Sam Strong tell you what to do? You're the Commissioner.


Believe me Eric, I have my say – in fact I've just made a match for the pay-per-view.


Yeah, one match – he doesn't give you any important tasks.


I'd say it's pretty important. You would too, in fact it involves your boys Matthew and Gregory.


You're a man of great vision Mr. Doom.


That's Commissioner to you, and by the way, they've got two really angry guys in Freddie Datsun and Captain USA II.


Perfect, Doom – good to know you're on board with...


Doom walks away as he is mid-sentence.


In the interview area Brock Cornish is with Roger Cage.


Roger Cage, you get a chance to book your place in the pay-per-view main event of United States of Pain. How do you plan to take out the dominant Atom Smasher?


Dominant, who has that guy beaten?


Peter Valentine, Tyson Baine, The Towers of Power, T-Rex, Jum...


Okay whatever, he's beaten a load of muscle heads, good for him. But he has so many weakness that I've spotted and I will break him down tonight with ease.


So you believe you'll be the first man to beat Atom Smasher?


Corny, you talk
too much
. When the “Big League Star” speaks you shut up. I know I'll beat Atom Smasher, simply because... you know what Brock I don't need to justify myself to you. Do us all a favour, shut your mouth, open your eyes and just watch!


Cage walks off, he is heard shouting “who hires these idiots!” as he leaves.


The pressure getting to Roger Cage, he faces an uphill task.

Not pressure, I feel his pain having to exchange inane discourse for extended periods.

Well he never seems to mind talking when the balls in his park, Emily.

I can't believe I'm having to say this - he
has a plan.


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The main event saw Atom Smasher ready to fight while Roger Cage seemed to be still working out and adapting his game plan. Cage stalled the match in the early goings but Smasher soon began to dictate it, taking his hard hitting style to Cage who was shaken early on. When he got the chance Cage took another break, allowing him to talk with his bodyguard Charlie Thatcher. Smasher, having quickly tired of waiting left the ring and went through Thatcher to get to him. This is turn actually allowed Cage to get some decent offence in himself.


As the match continued, the referee began to find the match difficult to control, with them going around ringside and both men exhausting the count outs. Using his discretion and understanding the importance of the match he was liberal but eventually this led to him being knocked down by Cage when getting in between the two. This was when Charlie Thatcher began to blatantly get involved in the match.

This brought out Enygma, who'd been cost his place last week by Cage's entourage and he started to try to get rid of Thatcher but instead ended up in a brawl with Cage who came from behind.


As the referee came round he saw two brawls in the ring, as Cage fought Enygma and Thatcher fought Atom Smasher. After hesitation the referee decided enough was enough, having no choice but to declare a double disqualification...





Cage and Thatcher then bailed out of the ring, knowing they had no reason to stay. Atom Smasher looked confused in the ring, as did Cage but he also had a look which suggested he was happy to have avoided defeat. He shook his head and shrugged to Thatcher but still had a grin on his face.


What does this mean for Nicky Champion?

I don't know but thankfully we've got another week to find out. An explosive American Wrestling... it promised to be unpredictable, but we've got even more questions going into next week!

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#337 Preview/Confirmed Matches...


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This Wednesday, USPW returns for the final episode #337 of American Wrestling before United States of Pain:


– After a controversial finish to last weeks Main Event between Atom Smasher and Roger Cage, Sam Strong has promised to clear up the issues this week!


– Following Rick Law's debut and confrontation with Peter Valentine he will once again appear as an official member of the USPW roster.


– Ahead of his match with Chris Caulfield at United States of Pain, Guide takes on Enygma and World Champion Nicky Champion takes on Charlie Thatcher.


All that and more, live only on Sports America!



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Confirmed matches for USPW American Wrestling...


The following matches have been confirmed for tonight's USPW American Wrestling:


– Charlie Thatcher vs. Nicky Champion

– Guide vs. Enygma

– Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

– Peter Valentine vs. Running Wolf

– Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson


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American Wrestling #337, Week 2, September...


American Wrestling


The show starts with a recap of Rick Law's début last week on American Wrestling, as he got into a altercation with Peter Valentine who had promised that “the last days of Strong” would see PV leave Strong a shell of himself. It then focusses on the final of the World Championship Number 1 Contendership Tournament which ended in a draw between Atom Smasher and Roger Cage.


The show opens with Sam Strong in the ring with a microphone.


It's great to be here in Louisiana, but I've got to get straight into business. Last week the referee ended Atom Smasher and Roger Cage's match as a draw. It was a judgement call that he made and I respect that, but it leaves us with a problem. So tonight, we're going to see a rematch of last weeks match...


Roger Cage's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. He stands directly in Strong's face.






I'm not doing that.


Well that's the match Roger, you don't have to do it but say goodbye to main eventing United States of Pain.


Not you don't understand Sam, I signed up for a tournament, last week I survived the final. I was not eliminated so, Sam I don't need to fight again. I've already proved that I deserve the shot at United States of Pain, so just tell Smasher to forget it.


So you deserve the shot over Atom Smasher? [Cage nods] And could I ask what this is based on?


Look at me, I'm Tag Team and Television Champion. What has Atom Smasher ever done? Nothing – I came in here and changed this business, that meat head is just another big guy who struck lucky like Nicky Champion did.


Well, surely you won't mind facing him tonight then?


Here's the thing Sam. I didn't want to disappoint anyone but I've actually been injured my knee... so I can't wrestle tonight, but the good news is this – I'll be cleared for Sunday for my Championship match!


You know what Cage. I don't care if you're injured or not – you will face Atom Smasher or you'll forfeit!


Cage laughs at this, Strong doesn't understand why.


No I won't, you can't do that, I've got a doctor's note.


He passes Strong the note.


Well I'm sorry but there is no way I'm giving you the shot over Atom Smasher, you need to face him because one of you will face Nicky Champion this Sunday.


With the mention of his name Nicky Champion comes out to the ring.


Roger, I don't believe for one second you are hurt, [Cage then tries to give Nicky the doctor's note, Nicky doesn't take it] nor do I believe you deserve this Championship after what you've done...


Cage holds his hand up to interrupt


Nicky, this is what it boils down to. You and Sam are afraid of me getting that Championship. But I'll tell you both something, if you have any respect for that Championship you'll give me a shot. If you don't, you may as well be throwing it into a trash can.


If you want the shot you'll have to beat Atom Smasher otherwise you can...


You know what Sam, if this guy can't wrestle tonight, but is ready for Sunday how about I give him a shot.




How about I give him a shot, and I give Atom Smasher a shot? They both survived the tournament and I'm more than happy to fight two men to keep my championship.


That is a great idea Nicky, Sam make the match – now!


On one condition, I get my hands on Charlie Thatcher tonight.


Cage responds immediately.


Yeah, yeah whatever – just match the match Sam.


Sam hesitates, he looks at Champion who nods.


Okay, this Sunday at United States of Pain – Roger Cage and Atom Smasher challenge Nicky Champion!


Cage applauds the announcement and leaves, putting on a fake limp for a few steps before walking normally up the ramp.


Wow! What a start to American Wrestling, this Sunday a 3 Way Match for the USPW World Championship.

Say what you want, Roger Cage has played a blinder tonight. Nicky Champion has also volunteered himself for action tonight too – does he want to keep that Championship?

He just isn't a coward like Cage.

How long will it be until you realise Cage isn't a coward, he just has a bit of activity going on upstairs. I'll tell you, it takes nerves of steel to want to get in the ring with Nicky Champion and Atom Smasher.


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A match Robinson requested as a warm up for Alicia Strong this Sunday. Robinson won the match, taking control throughout and looking sharp. She got the victory with a roll up on Bryden.


Raven Robinson



After the match, Alicia Strong came out with her Championship over her shoulder, she got in the ring and after a brief stare-down put her hand out to Robinson. They shook hands in the ring and Alicia left.


Total respect between Alicia and Robinson there.

I wouldn't be so sure, never trust a Strong.

Apart from the one who pays your wage.

Well, of course...


Cage is in the back, he tells Charlie Thatcher that with him being busy, having a big match this Sunday and his injury he unfortunately can't be out in the ring with Thatcher when he faces Nicky Champion. Thatcher says it's fine but tells Cage he can't be at ringside this Sunday. Thatcher walks off and Cage follows him apologising and saying he'll be there.


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After promising to bring down Sam Strong last week, Valentine looked vicious and showed greater focus in his victory against Running Wolf. Still resorting to cheating, he got the win with a Heart Breaker to his opponent.


Peter Valentine



After the match Valentine looked towards the ramp and continued to put his boots into Running Wolf. He can be heard shouting “Strong this will be you”! Valentine continues to beat-down Wolf when Rick Law runs down to the ring.

As he enters the ring, Peter Valentine bails up the ramp and Law takes a microphone.


Peter, this Sunday I'm ready for my first match back in USPW, Peter I'm calling you out!


Valentine stops walking and shouts “you got it, Law” towards him.


Natural Storm are stood in the back talking about the pay-per-view when The Titans come in from the side and beat them down.

With seemingly no justification The Titans continue to take people out and Natural Storm were their next victims.


In the back Freddie Datsun & Captain USA II are in the interview area.


We were cheated by Gregory and Matthew Keith, and guess what Eric Tyler, we want revenge. It's time we teach you a lesson.


I wear this mask to represent the USA, I wear it to represent the legacy of this business and I wear it because we truly represent tradition. You want to start a revolution then you need to face me and Datsun, because we represent tradition the real way.


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A brawl based match which went back and forth throughout. The Cold Warriors as usual spent perhaps too much time trying to get under the fans skin but they did find themselves in control. Despite this, Datsun eventually got to the corner and brought in Captain USA II who got the win pinning Petr Novak with a Belly to Belly Suplex.


Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun



Eric Tyler then comes out and directs his boys to attack Datsun & Captain USA II. The sneak attack leaves Datsun and USA II out in the ring and after laying the boots into them the boys are eventually ordered by Tyler to stop and they leave back up the ramp.


In the back Atom Smasher is asked about the match at the pay-per-view. He says he doesn't complain or get into the details, he just goes out and fights. He says he only care about destroying whatever is in his path. He says no matter who it is, this Sunday he will get on with the job at hand.


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The rivalry continued following Mick Muscles' loss to James Justice and the match went much the same, with The Force digging deep and his efforts paying off. Out-manoeuvring Rushmore, whose has the ability to overpower him, The Force fought hard and eventually got the victory in the match hitting Rushmore with the Full Force.


The Force



After the match, The Towers of Power take microphone while Justice & Force celebrate. They tell them that The Towers are a cohesive tag team unit. They say Justice & Force may have beaten them, but this Sunday they stand no chance in a tag match.


In the back Roger Cage is seen still following Charlie Thatcher.


Charlie, I was wrong I'm sorry, we need you out there on Sunday man, you're part of the team. Me, you, Bombshell we're all 1.


I don't care, Cage. I don't need to get a share your glory, I'm going to beat the Champion tonight myself...


Charlie is stopped in his tracks by Commissioner Doom.


Charlie just the guy I was looking for – at the pay-per-view you've got Enygma!


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Guide was clearly riled up from the very beginning of the match and from past experience this didn't bode well for him. Enygma did a great job of using Guide's frustrations against him and had control of the match. This incidentally only served to frustrate Guide more and he eventually had enough and went to the outside and hit Enygma with a chair. The referee called for the bell.


Enygma (DQ)



Enygma rolled out of the ring and Guide continued to smash the chair into the mat when Chris Caulfield came out with a trash can full of weapons.

Guide told him that
"a DQ won't matter this Sunday"
as Caulfield threw cookie trays, kendo sticks and chairs into the ring.


And remember those guys will face off for Chris Caulfield's USPW National Championship at this Sunday's United States of Pain.


Peter Valentine is seen in the back with USPW Women's Champion Alicia Strong. He is trying to chat her up, complimenting her ability. She tells him to back off and he flips on her, calling her a "tramp". He says she just as pathetic as Sam Strong and probably shares his obsession with Nicky Champion. Alicia slaps Valentine in the face and walks away.


In the back Brock Cornish talks with Rick Law about his match at the pay-per-view. Law tells him that since everyone in USPW hates Peter Valentine it'll be his pleasure to immerse himself backing into the company by facing him. Law says he can't wait to return to action this Sunday saying it's been far too long since he performed for these fans.


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Ahead of facing his boss this Sunday, Champion took on Charlie Thatcher who came out alone as a result of his falling out with Cage. Champion took control of the match and broke down Thatcher displaying his strength and agility in the process. While Thatcher had a brief solid spell, he couldn't maintain it and after a Full Nelson Slam, Thatcher got up to be met with a Hawkeye Hammer from Champion, which gained him the victory.


Nicky Champion



After the match, Roger Cage ran down to ringside and took Nicky Champion's Championship as he celebrated his win. Cage stood behind Champion but before he could turn around Atom Smasher ran down to the ring.

Just as Cage is about to hit Champion he is grabbed on the shoulder and taken out by Atom Smasher's signature Lariat. This causes Cage to drop the championship at he hits the ground. As Champion turns around he sees Atom Smasher pick up the championship in his hand. Champion stares at Smasher before grabbing the Championship from him as they square off to end the show. Cage is laid out in the corner.
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United States of Pain Preview...



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After Champion retain his World Title at Apple Pie & Wrestling it was announced that an eight man tournament would take place to find his next challenger. The final took place between Roger Cage (who'd eliminated Chris Caulfield and Enygma) and Atom Smasher (who advanced against Tyson Baine and Guide) but ended in a draw when the referee lost control of the match.


The rematch was set for the next week until Roger Cage pulled out a doctor's note – which conveniently cleared him for the pay-per-view – which said he couldn't compete. Strong was set to award the match to Atom Smasher when Cage drew into question the prestige of the championship should they gift Smasher the shot. With Strong's hands tied, Nicky Champion came up with a solution and suggested that he face both of them. A reluctant Sam Strong agree and a 3 way match was made.


Cage has faced off with Champion before, but this is Atom Smasher's first Championship match – Smasher is yet to be pinned or made to submit in his USPW career.



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Guide debuted last month and was disqualified in his USPW National Championship match against Chris Caulfield for pushing the referee. Guide went on to repeat this trait, often becoming frustrated in his match and was disqualified 2 more time in the month.


Claiming to have no excuses, he went on to blame Chris Caulfield for turning the referee's against him, to which Caulfield had an answer. He suggested that they take the referee out of the equation and make the match a No Holds Barred match!


Caulfield, who has struggled with back problem said he will bring the "Pain" to United States of Pain.



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Over the past few months Peter Valentine has been a constant thorn in the side of Sam Strong and Nicky Champion but over the last few weeks he has taken it to the next level. Claiming that we a witness the
“Last Days of Strong”
saying that Strong will be a shell of his former self when Valentine is done with him.


Valentine also continued his crusade during Rick Law's debut during which Law said the reason he has returned to USPW is to work with Strong and enjoy Sam's last days. Valentine told Law that the last days would be far pleasurable. Law later challenged Peter Valentine to a match, which to the surprise of some he immediately accepted.



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A feud that has bubbled throughout the year comes to a head as The Towers of Powers have promised to prove that, despite losing 2 singles matches, they are the better cohesive unit in USPW. While The Force for Justice had thwarted them a number of times, The Towers of Power do have a clear experience advantage as partners.



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During Enygma's match with Roger Cage, Charlie Thatcher helped Roger Cage to victory over Enygma after a failed attempt to attack him backstage. This led to Cage getting a Championship match, for which reason Enygma challenged Thatcher to the match.



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Eric Tyler arrived on the scene with a mission – to restore the tradition in USPW that he feels is being ripped away month by month. He enlisted the service of second generation superstars Matthew & Gregory Keith who debuted defeating Freddie Datsun & Captain USA II in controversial circumstances.


As Tyler tried to talk Commissioner Doom towards his philosophy, Doom revealed that at the pay-per-view The New School would face Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun. Datsun & Captain USA II told them that they represent tradition more that the hypocritical The New School of Tradition.



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Teaming against Cherry Bomb & Gorgon, Raven Robinson was the one to get the pinfall. She later requested a match against Strong for the Championship. A match built on the respect they have for one another, commentator Emily McQueen was quick to suggest that would be the case when the bell rang.



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– Nicky Champion © vs. Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage -
World Championship

– Chris Caulfield © vs. Guide -
No Holds Barred - National Championship

– Peter Valentine vs. Rick Law

– The Towers of Power vs. The Force for Justice

– Charlie Thatcher vs. Enygma

– Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun vs. The New School of Tradition

– Alicia Strong © vs. Raven Robinson -
Womens Championship



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Nicky Champion © vs. Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage - World Championship

– Chris Caulfield © vs. Guide - No Holds Barred - National Championship

– Peter Valentine vs. Rick Law

– The Towers of Power vs. The Force for Justice

– Charlie Thatcher vs. Enygma

– Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun vs. The New School of Tradition

Alicia Strong © vs. Raven Robinson - Womens Championship

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