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USPW: Last Days of Strong (July - November 2013)

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Nicky Champion © vs. Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage - World Championship


Chris Caulfield © vs. Guide - No Holds Barred - National Championship


Peter Valentine vs. Rick Law

Valentine will win but I have a feeling it the finish wont be clean in order to protect Rick Law who recently made his USPW debut.


– The Towers of Power vs. The Force for Justice


– Charlie Thatcher vs. Enygma


Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun vs. The New School of Tradition


– Alicia Strong © vs. Raven Robinson - Womens Championship

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– Nicky Champion © vs. Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage - World Championship

It's a great match this as I could see either man pick up the win.

– Chris Caulfield © vs. Guide - No Holds Barred - National Championship

– Peter Valentine vs. Rick Law- maybe by dq

– The Towers of Power vs. The Force for Justice

– Charlie Thatcher vs. Enygma

– Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun vs. The New School of Tradition

– Alicia Strong © vs. Raven Robinson - Womens Championship

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Nicky Champion © vs. Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage - World Championship

– Chris Caulfield © vs. Guide - No Holds Barred - National Championship

– Peter Valentine vs. Rick Law

The Towers of Power vs. The Force for Justice

– Charlie Thatcher vs. Enygma

– Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun vs. The New School of Tradition

Alicia Strong © vs. Raven Robinson - Womens Championship

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Nicky Champion © vs. Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage - World Championship - Champion retains but the feud continues burning...

Chris Caulfield © vs. Guide - No Holds Barred - National Championship - Perfect setting for Caulfield to retain the title.

– Peter Valentine vs. Rick Law - I prefer Rick Law as a corrupt cop, but I'd love to see him bring Peter Valentine to justice.

– The Towers of Power vs. The Force for Justice - BELIEVE IN THE SH...I mean, THE FOOOOOOOOORCEEEEEEEE!!!!

– Charlie Thatcher vs. Enygma - Does Enygma beat Thatcher? Is the Pope Catholic? Do bears crap in the woods?

– Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun vs. The New School of Tradition - Keep the newcomers strong...

Alicia Strong © vs. Raven Robinson - Womens Championship - HHHHHHletmetellyousomething, brother, my daughter, brother, will STILL be Women's Champion!

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Nicky Champion © vs. Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage - World Championship

– Chris Caulfield © vs. Guide - No Holds Barred - National Championship

Peter Valentine vs. Rick Law

– The Towers of Power vs. The Force for Justice

– Charlie Thatcher vs. Enygma

– Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun vs. The New School of Tradition

Alicia Strong © vs. Raven Robinson - Womens Championship

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Nicky Champion © vs. Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage - World Championship

– Chris Caulfield © vs. Guide - No Holds Barred - National Championship

– Peter Valentine vs. Rick Law

– The Towers of Power vs. The Force for Justice

– Charlie Thatcher vs. Enygma

– Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun vs. The New School of Tradition

Alicia Strong © vs. Raven Robinson - Womens Championship

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– Nicky Champion © vs. Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage - World Championship

– Chris Caulfield © vs. Guide - No Holds Barred - National Championship

– Peter Valentine vs. Rick Law

– The Towers of Power vs. The Force for Justice

– Charlie Thatcher vs. Enygma

– Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun vs. The New School of Tradition

– Alicia Strong © vs. Raven Robinson - Womens Championship

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USPW United States of Pain!


United States of Pain



The show begins with a hype video for the pay-per-view, a deep voiced voice-over speaks over clips of the last month. The video is uncharacteristically dark and gritty for USPW.




A clip of Sam Strong embracing the fans is shown.


“Pain can inspire men to great things. Pain is the force that will drive people to superhuman feats.”


A clip of Nicky Champion power-slamming Bruce The Giant two months a go is show. Followed by a bleeding Atom Smasher with his hand held in the air.

“Pain can expose the worst of the human condition, and can drive men to unthinkable acts.”


The clip then shows Peter Valentine backing Strong into a corner. It cuts together various sound bites...


Sam – I am sick and tired of you... I'm here to make sure you leave a shell of yourself... Thanksgiving Thunder is supposed to be your happily ever after... November can not come soon enough for you Sam... you will be begging me to put you out of your misery...


“Pain is the biggest test a man will ever experience.”


There is once again sound bites from Valentine, cut together as one.


Sam – I'm ready to be the spear through the chest... we are witnessing – the
”Last Days of Strong”...
, get ready for the
“Last Days of Strong”.


There are then see clips of Atom Smasher and Nicky Champion making comebacks in their matches.


“Pain is only temporary. Pain is weakness leaving the body.”


Nicky Champion and Atom Smasher are then seen in a faded split screen, with blood on their faces, but having their hands raised.


“Pain is inevitable... suffering, optional. Pain has the power to inspire the worst and the greatest of human achievement.”


The voice of Roger Cage is then heard over images of his and Nicky Champion's previous encounters.


Sam knows it, you know it – I will make history, I will be the next superstar of professional wrestling – you are looking at your next World Champion.


“The ability to embrace pain will decide the fate of every man and woman who steps in between the red, white and blue ropes... welcome to The United States... of Pain!”


There is then a pan of the crowd before the commentators introduce the show.


We are here in the historic Kettley Arena, which means one thing: the pay-per-view is here and we have a huge night of action ahead of us!

The big night feel is radiating throughout the arena – and I can see why – tonight we will see Rick Law's return, a No Disqualifications match for the USPW National Championship, and a a huge three way for the World Championship!

And of course, up next championship action as Alicia Strong defends her championship against Raven Robinson.


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The opening match and it remained a clean, competitive match throughout. The ending however, saw a slight controversy as Alicia Strong rolled up Raven Robinson for a two count. After kicking out, Raven told the referee that Alicia had pulled her tights. As she turned, Alicia Strong hit Raven with a Running Enziguri to her for the victory.


Alicia Strong



Alicia steals a victory!

Slow down Emily, we don't know that.


A replay is shown a number of times. It doesn't not appear to show anything cheating from Strong.

I'm still not sure, inconclusive.

Oh come on, she won it fair and square.


After that, Peter Valentine is seen in the back – he is in Sam Strong's office alone. Strong then walks into the room.

Sam are you ready?


For what Peter.


Don't play dumb, are you ready for me to open everybody in this arena's eyes.


What in your match later? Good luck with that.


Luck isn't even part of the equation. Sam, the point is this – tonight is only another small step. When Thanksgiving Thunder comes around, I will put the final nail in coffin of your career. I'll even dig the hole myself.


Valentine then leaves the office slamming the door on his way out.


Elsewhere, Eric Tyler stands with Matthew and Gregory Keith – The New School of Tradition.

Tonight live on pay-per-view Tradition is revived... tonight I, along with the two men I have entrusted to spread my message, prove that Tradition is the way of this business. I have moulded these two young minds to respect the history, the legacy of professional wrestling in the face of every other influence telling them otherwise. We are not here to be a popular, we are here to teach the people a lesson. You may not like your teacher, but I promise you will look back and respect everything I did for you. [He turns to Matthew & Gregory] You ready to go boys?


They nod and leave, Tyler leaves behind them.


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A very similar match to their first match with The New School illustrating their quick technical wrestling and fluid cohesiveness as a tag team. Coming thick and fast, the quick tags of The New School of Tradition once again allowed them to take control in the match, while Captain USA II on the apron could only stand and watch.


When Captain USA II eventually got in he took the match to them but quickly found himself in a similar position when Eric Tyler got involved. Tyler's involvement in the match continued until the referee ejected him. Matthew was heard calling up the ramp to Eric asking “what do we do?”, this distraction led to Captain USA II hitting him with a big Belly to Belly Suplex for the pinfall.


Captain USA II & Freddie Datsun



The “lesson” not going entirely for Eric Tyler in that match.

He 'failed' the second part of interference, not getting caught. A master of that is Brock Cornish's guest as this time, Roger Cage.


In the back Roger Cage is stood alone with Brock Cornish.

Thank you Emily, I'm stood here, as you said, with Roger Cage. Cage, recent weeks have seen tension in your camp, what do...


Sorry, what exactly is this based on? Some rumours you heard? Listen


I actually saw them with my own eyes, Roger.


No, you didn't.


Okay... then could I ask you why you stand here alone, when we are so used...


Are you stupid? Charlie has a match tonight and I'm giving him the night off to focus on that – nothing is going on, I'm just allowing Charlie to destroy Enygma, before I destroy Nicky Champion and Atom Smasher and take the USPW World Championship... I get it though Brock, controversy sells so of course you'll try and unsettle Camp Cage before the biggest match of the year... but Brock, there is nothing you, Atom Smasher, Sam Strong, these fans or Nicky Champion can do about this main event. I am in control and I am the next World Champion...


Cage then leaves as Brock sign off.


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With no feeling out process, Enygma took the match straight to Thatcher. While Thatcher might not have been the only one responsible for Enygma's elimination from the tournament, it certainly look as though it was, as Enygma took the fight to him. Thatcher got a few shots in, but the adrenaline was pumping for Enygma and he fought through to eventually beat “The Insurance Policy” with the Enygma Variation submission.





In the back Brock Cornish stands with Peter Valentine.

Don't speak to me Brock. Your job is to hold that microphone... Rick Law your time for talking is over, you have the right to remain silent - your time to put your words into actions starts as soon as the bell rings. I've been called a coward, I've been told I'm afraid. You don't know me, nobody knows Peter Valentine. I am The Legend of Wrestling, I am the Heart Breaker and I put the U.S.P in USPW. I fear nobody because I don't need to. The truth is, my biggest threat is an old man, who by his own admission can not keep up with me. I will say it until my premonition is true, I will bring down Rick Law, I will crush Nicky Champion – they can try whatever they want to try because we are witnessing!
The Last Days of Strong!


Valentine is clearly riled up from his promo and leaves the interview area.


And now we'll take a look at the next match, Rick Law vs. Peter Valentine, and see how we got to this point.


A quick video recap shows Peter Valentine's “Last Days of Strong” promo from two weeks a go, before Rick Law's début and confrontations with Peter Valentine. It ends with the challenge laid out by Valentine.

Back to the interview area, as Rick Law stands with Brock Cornish. Law is jumping up and down on the spot.

I can feel it, but Rick Law just how excited are you for your match tonight?


It's been either 9 or 10 years since I stood here Brock and as you can see I am absolutely ready to face Peter Valentine. The god's honest truth Brock is that it's been
long, far too long but now I'm back and how better to re-immerse myself into the heart of the USPW faithful that to take down “USPW's Most Wanted”. He says he isn't afraid, if I was in his boots I would be terrified, because there is no way that Valentine comes out of this the man he went into it. I'm here in USPW, but I'm not here for the pay-check like Valentine is, I'm here to fight – and if Valentine does as he says, and stands across from me he will not escape the Long Arm of The Law.


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In a rare phenomenon, Peter Valentine stayed true to his word and didn't try to avoid Law, instead taking the match to Law initially. As Law got more and more used to his surroundings he began to comeback and the match was very even for large parts. Towards the end, Rick Law began to take control after Peter Valentine's uncharacteristic performance perhaps worked against him as Law began to force error from him. Law seemed to have the match won when Peter Valentine returned to form, hitting him with a low blow and taking control. It was only after a couple minutes of Valentine pressure that Law got back to his feet and eventually took the match back to Peter Valentine, winning with the Squad Car Slam to Valentine.


Rick Law



As Law celebrated in the ring, he is attacked from behind by Peter Valentine, who has taken Law's nightstick from ringside. Valentine begins to lay into Law hitting him again and again with the nightstick.


Somebody needs to do something!


Valentine then takes Rick Law's handcuffs from ringside and cuffs Law to the bottom rope. With no protection Law is hit over and over again until he is bust open by Valentine. At this point security run down to ringside but Valentine continues to assault, taking out security until more come down. In the time it takes for sufficient security to detain him he has left Rick Law a bloody, unconscious mess – there is blood running down his chest and his entire face is red. Valentine is shouting abuse at Rick Law as he is carried away. Rick Law is dealt with by EMTs.


I have never seen anything like that!

I'm worried for Law right now, I hope he's okay.

I suppose we'll have to... switch gears with the... next match up... The Towers of Power face The Force for Justice...


In the back James Justice & The Force are getting ready to come out when they are approached by Natural Storm.

They talk for a short time before coming out to the ring.


Natural Storm stand in the ring and call out The Titans for their attack on them this week on American Wrestling. T-Rex & Tyson Baine come out.


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Natural Storm were clearly still feeling the effect of the match, and stood very little chance in the match. The Titans got the win after hitting their finishers at the same time and pinning the Natural Storm.


The Titans



In the back Brock Cornish is ready to interview The Force for Justice when Peter Valentine pushes in and takes the microphone. Even with the microphone he is still shouting.

Is that real enough for you, Brock? Is it! Am I a coward? Am I? Law am I still your most wanted? Strong, Champion? Are you watching? Is this real enough to you yet Sam? Do I look afraid? Sam this is just the beginning! The beginning of the end Sam! This is all going to be over soon, and you will look like that man! No amount of security will stop me! No body will stop me! I am going to destroy everything you love Sam! I'm going to bring your life crashing down!


That man is sick to the bone!

He is a man on a mission I have never seen him like this.


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In the early stages The Towers of Power promise seemed quite likely as they took control of the match. The Force was the one down and even when Justice got in the story followed the same thread – The Towers overpowering their opponents. There was little way back for The Force for Justice and aside from an attempted come back, it was an impressive performance from The Towers of Power, who came out on top after a Bulldozer Powerbomb from Muscles.


The Towers of Power



A hype video then plays for Guide vs. Chris Caulfield – it shows some of Chris Caulfield's hardcore antics in his USPW past as well as showing the vicious side of Guide since he joined the company. The video ends with the image of Caulfield throwing weapons into the ring as Guide stood ready to fight.

Following the video Chris Caulfield is stood with a trash can full of weapons alongside Brock Cornish in the back.

Chris, you gave Guide this match as a way to stop him complaining, do you feel you may have played right into his hands?


Brock, the day a hardcore match works in somebody else's favour will be the day I hang up my boots. Win or lose, I haven't played into anybodies hands, Brock. Anything goes, no crying, no complaining after this match, the man who has his hand raised takes this National Championship. It doesn't get simpler than that.


Guide has himself said that the referees are using his reputation as justification for giving him a hard time, would you agree or disagree with this?


You know, Brock, I honestly don't know. If I was a referee, who has been attacked by a wrestler I know, I'd be cautious of whoever did it. But this match is designed so that isn't even an issue. With that I think it's time I took my weapons to the ring. Thanks Brock.


Thank you, Chris – back to ringside.


Well done, Brock. I can't wait for this one.

If you know the history of these two guys then you know this is about to get violent.


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A well hyped match which delivered on the brutality it promised (perhaps too much for certain sections of the audience). Almost entirely based around weapons the match went back and forth with chairs, kendo sticks, cookie trays and a crutch as well as many other weapons being used. The first clear opening was Chris Caulfield with his trusted chair. He took out the back of Guide similar to how Guide had injured his back and used to chair to slam Guide down into the mat.


Guide got back into the match, but was clearly injured from the shots. This gave Chris Caulfield a chance to bring in a table, like Guide did following their match last month. The table was not brought into play for sometime and as the match went on it end up in the corner. Caulfield eventually tried to use the chair, backing into it and setting up a Danger Drop, Guide spun it around and pushed Caulfield away.


Guide moved the table and hit a clothesline to Caulfield before setting up the table in the middle of the ring. He went to hit the Guided Missile but Caulfield slipped down the back and pushed Guide into the corner. Caulfield ran at Guide but missed and hit the corner himself. Caulfield then kicked Guide away and went to the second rope. Guide followed him up and traded blows with Caulfield. CC went for a front Suplex, but Guide blocked it, eventually hitting a modified version of his Northern Lights Bomb finisher The Guided Missile from the second rope and through the table, a nasty landing. Guide laid a hand over Caulfield for the 3 count.



NEW National Champion!


After the match the ring is cleared and Guide holds his championship above his head in celebration – marching up the ramp with it in his hand.


In the back Brock Cornish is stood with Atom Smasher

I'm here with one of the challengers for Nicky Champion's World Championship, Atom Smasher. You've had very little to say in the build up this match, what is your mindset going into your first USPW World Championship match.


Roger Cage. Sam Strong. Nicky Champion. They've all done enough talking. They've all gassed themselves up yet I've remind quiet. I have nothing to say, everybody knows my actions will speak louder than words.


You have yet to be beaten in USPW Atom Smasher, does this add to your confidence going into the biggest match you have ever faced?


Statistics change match to match. The history books will read win or loss. I intend to become the USPW World Champion by the end of the night. That is all I have to say.


There is then a hype video for Thanksgiving Thunder – it says that This Wednesday on American Wrestling the venue for Thanksgiving Thunder will be announced.


Sam Strong is in the back talking to Nicky Champion about Thanksgiving Thunder. As Champion leaves Sam tells Champion that the odds are against him and wishes him luck. Alicia Strong is in the room and also wishes him luck.


There is then a recap video of the tournament showing Atom Smasher and Roger Cage progress to the final. It then recaps the final which ended in a draw as well as the segment that led to the 3 way being made.

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The match began with Roger Cage trying to pit the other two against each other, he even went to the point of getting on the apron. This proved the point he got fully involved as both Atom Smasher and Nicky Champion threw him back into the ring together. As Cage got up he went back and forth between Champion and Atom Smasher taking shots at him and hitting power moves on him. This continued until he was hit with a head-butt from Atom Smasher and rolled out of the ring.


Atom Smasher and Nicky Champion went face to face in an intense stare down before Atom Smasher hit Champion and they started a fist fight. With no sign of either backing down, they continued to brawl until Cage rolled back in and tried to steal the match with a quick roll up on Champion. Smasher broke the pin and threw Cage out of the ring, taking control of Champion soon after.


After a few minutes of Atom Smasher on top of Champion, Nicky started to fight back and in the process hit Atom Smasher with a Hawkeye Hammer. Roger Cage broke up the pin at 2 and threw Champion out of the ring. He pinned Smasher but Smasher kicked out at 2 due to the delay. Cage then kept on top of Atom Smasher until Champion came back and Cage hit him with a dropkick while he was on the apron. As he turned Smasher swung at him for his huge Lariat but Cage ducked and bounced into the ropes. Cage stopped at the ropes and invited Smasher onto him. He did and Cage pulled the rope down dropping Smasher to the outside.


As the only man left in the ring, Cage began to taunt, signalling that the World Championship would be his.


His fun ended as Nicky Champion came back in the ring and immediately ran at the gloating Roger Cage to hit the Hawkeye Hammer. Cage dropped out the way and Champion hit Atom Smasher who was also getting back onto the ring apron after being dumped out earlier. Smasher fell from the apron and took a nasty fall into the guard rail. As Champion turned around Roger set him up for the End Credit, but Champion elbowed him and pushed him away. Cage came back with a Clothesline but Nicky ducked, hitting him with a Hawkeye Hammer falling as he hit it onto Cage for the pinfall victory.


Nicky Champion



After the match Nicky Champion is clearly tired, but gets up to have his hand raised by the referee. Champion celebrates, slapping hands with the fans around ringside.
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Good show man, can't wait to see where it goes from here!


Question for you, is/was USPW still National during the whole entire run of your dynasty? Or did you at some point fall to cult because that's my biggest gripe with USPW this year is that although they are National it's almost impossible to avoid falling to Cult which is why I have stayed away from them for the most part since TEW 2013 came out.

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Good show man, can't wait to see where it goes from here!


Question for you, is/was USPW still National during the whole entire run of your dynasty? Or did you at some point fall to cult because that's my biggest gripe with USPW this year is that although they are National it's almost impossible to avoid falling to Cult which is why I have stayed away from them for the most part since TEW 2013 came out.


I followed the usual track of falling at the end of January/start of February. My shows don't usually rate too well (C+/B-) so I don't see me going back to national soon. I'm happy with being cult and in this savegame more than ever I'm not too bothered by ratings since I'm sort of role playing it as if I'm booking what Sam Strong (or rather the USPW booking commitee that in my head is Shane Sneer, Doom, Strong, Valentine, Captain USA, Jillefski and Redwood) would book rather than trying to make it a better product if you get what I mean.


Which is why I've passed up opportunities I've had to sign some bigish names who I don't feel quite fit the mold I have for USPW.


The only issue I have with going to cult is not having as much profit to then spend by overpaying ageing workers :p

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#338 Preview/Confirmed Matches


I think Nicky Champion is looking a LOT like Sam Strong in that last segment with Alicia.


:D Fixed it


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This Wednesday, USPW returns for episode #338 of American Wrestling:


– Sam Strong's official announcement regarding the venue of Thanksgiving Thunder in November!


– Coming out of the huge pay-per-view, Peter Valentine comments on his brutal beat down of Rick Law that has sent the USPW new comer to hospital. Danny Jillefski described the attack as "the most brutal thing [he] had ever seen".


– After losing his National Championship in a hard fought No Holds Barred Match, Chris Caulfield takes his rematch against Guide. The Television Championship is also on the line as Roger Cage faces Captain USA II.


All that plus the Pay-Per-View fall out, live only on Sports America!



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Confirmed matches for USPW American Wrestling...


The following matches have been confirmed for tonight's USPW American Wrestling:


– Guide © vs. Chris Caulfield
- USPW National Championship Match

– Roger Cage © vs. Captain USA II
- USPW Television Championship Match

– Andre Jones vs. Atom Smasher

– Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

– Charlie Thatcher vs. The Force

– Tiffany Jade vs. Alicia Strong


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Loving this diary! I have been playing around with my own USPW game and this diary has inspired me to take a stab at writing my first diary, just hope I don't suck at it :)


– Guide © vs. Chris Caulfield - USPW National Championship Match

– Roger Cage © vs. Captain USA II - USPW Television Championship Match

– Andre Jones vs. Atom Smasher

– Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

– Charlie Thatcher vs. The Force

– Tiffany Jade vs. Alicia Strong

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Loving this diary! I have been playing around with my own USPW game and this diary has inspired me to take a stab at writing my first diary, just hope I don't suck at it :)


Thanks, that's great to hear :) I'll look out for when you start yours! :D

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Guide © vs. Chris Caulfield - USPW National Championship Match

Roger Cage © vs. Captain USA II - USPW Television Championship Match

– Andre Jones vs. Atom Smasher

– Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

– Charlie Thatcher vs. The Force

– Tiffany Jade vs. Alicia Strong

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– Guide © vs. Chris Caulfield - USPW National Championship Match

– Roger Cage © vs. Captain USA II - USPW Television Championship Match

– Andre Jones vs. Atom Smasher

– Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

– Charlie Thatcher vs. The Force

– Tiffany Jade vs. Alicia Strong

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I followed the usual track of falling at the end of January/start of February. My shows don't usually rate too well (C+/B-) so I don't see me going back to national soon. I'm happy with being cult and in this savegame more than ever I'm not too bothered by ratings since I'm sort of role playing it as if I'm booking what Sam Strong (or rather the USPW booking commitee that in my head is Shane Sneer, Doom, Strong, Valentine, Captain USA, Jillefski and Redwood) would book rather than trying to make it a better product if you get what I mean.


Which is why I've passed up opportunities I've had to sign some bigish names who I don't feel quite fit the mold I have for USPW.


The only issue I have with going to cult is not having as much profit to then spend by overpaying ageing workers :p


Alright just thought I would ask. That's the biggest gripe I have with USPW this year yeah they are a national company to start but usually on the first day of February they fall to cult and I stop playing as them. Maybe I will just have to start a new save with them and after falling to cult stick with it for once. Anyways onto my predictions for the next show!


Guide © vs. Chris Caulfield - USPW National Championship Match

Caufield will likely lose this match and go onto bigger and better things after that.


Roger Cage © vs. Captain USA II - USPW Television Championship Match


– Andre Jones vs. Atom Smasher

Keep Smasher looking good for the future if that is what you are going for.


– Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

Giant Redwood is terrible.


– Charlie Thatcher vs. The Force

– Tiffany Jade vs. Alicia Strong

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Alright just thought I would ask. That's the biggest gripe I have with USPW this year yeah they are a national company to start but usually on the first day of February they fall to cult and I stop playing as them. Maybe I will just have to start a new save with them and after falling to cult stick with it for once.


I think you should, I just look at it that USPW are/have always been a cult promotion so the first month is just a bonus. That said I did hope SWF or TCW would have a disastrous January so I could come at least second in the national battle. :)


Also now it's the DOTM poll is over I'd like to say thank you to the people who nominated me and to anyone who voted. In the C-Verse DOTM I was :eek: to come second. Really was unexpected as I wasn't even sure if I would get any votes (and I'm not just saying that). So...




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Guide © vs. Chris Caulfield - USPW National Championship Match

Roger Cage © vs. Captain USA II - USPW Television Championship Match

– Andre Jones vs. Atom Smasher

– Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

– Charlie Thatcher vs. The Force

– Tiffany Jade vs. Alicia Strong


Seems like a pretty straightforward card, so I'm sure you'll have a surprise or two up your sleeve ;)

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Guide © vs. Chris Caulfield - USPW National Championship Match

Roger Cage © vs. Captain USA II - USPW Television Championship Match

– Andre Jones vs. Atom Smasher

– Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

– Charlie Thatcher vs. The Force

– Tiffany Jade vs. Alicia Strong

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American Wrestling #338, Week 3, September...



American Wrestling


The show begins with Peter Valentine stood in the ring. He is in a deep red t-shirt and black jeans. He has a microphone.


Is this real enough yet?! Do any of you believe me yet?! Because this is real – it could not be any more real! Law may have won the match but I left him a bloody mess and that's why he isn't here tonight? Here, take a look.


He points to the screen above the entrance ramp.


On the screen is a series of pictures including Rick Law handcuffed to the ropes and one in black and white showing him bleeding. The final picture shows Rick Law being carried out, he is a bloody mess, unable to stand.


I did that to USPW's latest golden boy. This is a message, we are here to witness to the
“Last Days of Strong”
, I will scream this until I am heard! These are the
“Last Days of Strong”
. Nicky Champion, Alicia Strong, Rick Law, Sam Strong all of you will fall. Sam you have had it easy but sooner or later you will be crawling past the finish line. You will be begging for me to end your career. Thanksgiving Thunder can not come soon enough for you Strong, because all of this - everything - will fall... to me!


Sam Strong's music hits and he makes his way to the ring.



I don't advise you get in this ring with me, Sam.


Sam Strong gets into the ring with Valentine anyway.


I'm fine. In fact Valentine, I want to speak to you one on one. No matter what happens in here I don't want anybody to come out, because Valentine I need to speak to you man to man.


Hold up Sam, in just over 2 months, you retire. You're done, but I'm going to be here until there is nothing left for me to do. Sam they will carry you out. I'll go out on top Strong, you will go out as a shell of the hero and icon we all once knew.


Peter, your words mean nothing to me – your words are just that, but tonight I want to talk to you about what you did Sunday. You've shown the images, and Peter if this was an hour earlier I'd be out here suspending you but I've finally spoken to Rick Law. I've finally had a word with the man you took out and suspending you is no longer an option. So Peter, I'm here to simply tell you that your actions will not go unpunished. You stole the World Championship, you've verbally assaulted my daughter and you attacked Rick Law just because he beat you
. You're right Peter you are a problem, you have made a splash, you've been noticed. As Rick Law said though, you've put yourself out there and you're now “USPW's Most Wanted”. So the game is up, this can't go on, Peter – you need to stop.


Peter looks at him and laughs.


I need to stop? And... umm...
is going to make me? None of your wrestlers will want to come near me, there is nobody to stop me... unless...
? How about it
Sam Strong
? You're supposed to be the greatest of all time. You never give up, you never backed down from a fight, so what do you say, Sammy?


Valentine you know I've not wrestled in almost 10 years. I hung up my boots, Peter.


Peter Valentine then turns to the audience.


Do you hear this people? Even Sam Strong himself fears Peter Valentine. [He then turns to Strong, intimidating him and backing him into the corner] How are 'your people' supposed to believe in your company, when you don't even believe in yourself? Strong this is where it begins, the empire loses the faith of it's people and then it crumbles to nothing. Without these fans your company is nothing. Sam this is your endgame, unless... you want to fight me.


You know I can't Peter! I'm 66 years old and my time is up. Just know this Peter, when Rick Law is back, he's back to get his hands on you.


Sam Strong then leaves the ring.


I'll be right here, Sam, right here.


Peter Valentine continuing his verbal assaults on everything that Sam Strong stands for.

Too right, Danny. And as the weeks go on, he's becoming more and more convincing – I fear for Sam Strong.


In the back Chris Caulfield in in the back. He says that in tonight's main event he is taking his USPW National Championship rematch!


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Roger Cage defended his Television Champion against a man who he has had a lot of trouble with in recent months. The man he took the tag team championships from was now challenging him, and took the match to Cage. Cage eventually got the victory after hitting Captain USA II with his finishing move the End Credit.


Roger Cage



After the match, Roger Cage took a microphone from ringside and brought Blonde Bombshell into the ring with him. He laid a few boots into Captain USA II and rolled him out of the ring with his foot.


I am sick and tired of this! How are these idiots in the back going follow me? I am the best wrestler in this company and
respects me. I'm
etter than opening the match, I am
etter than beating that buffoon. I should main event every pay-per-view, just like I did the last. I should be the next. Screw that. the current World Champion. Charlie Thatcher might not want to do his job, but Blonde Bombshell and I are going straight to the top and nobody will stop me!


He threw the microphone on the ground and walked up the ramp with Bombshell.


Roger Cage making a statement.

A statement that says he is bitter about his loss last Sunday – typical Cage.


In the back Nicky Champion is in Sam Strong's office. He is clearly annoyed.


When I get my hands on Peter Valentine, I'm going to rip his face off!


Nicky, calm down you've been through all of this with Peter – Rick's got this, I know it.


Okay Sam, but this can't go on.


You know what, Nicky – you've got a match later. See if you can get that aggression out of you.


Just send him out.


Champion leaves the room and Strong picks up the phone...


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A non-title match for the champion, who came out of this match with an easy victory over Tiffany Jade beating her with a running Enziguri.


Alicia Strong



After the break, Alicia Strong is getting to the back when Raven Robinson approaches her. Robinson accused Strong of cheating at the pay-per-view. Strong says that she has no idea what she's talking about, but tells Robinson that if it's another match she wants, she only has to say when.


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The match started with Charlie Thatcher taking control, using a number of power moves on The Force, who was still hurt from his match this past Sunday. The Force came back and did enough to get the win in the end, hitting Thatcher with the Full Force. The match was also used by the commentators to further the separation between Roger Cage and Charlie Thatcher.


The Force



There is then a hype video saying that later tonight, Sam Strong will announce the venue for USPW Thanksgiving Thunder in November.


In the back, a hurt Thatcher is walking when he bumps into Blonde Bombshell.


Hey, Charlie – Roger won't admit it, but... [she sighs] we need you back.


I don't want to come back. This isn't about him. I get paid to do a job – and if I'm only needed when it suits Cage then I'm not sitting waiting for him in the mean time. If he wants me, I'm easy to find.


Fine, Thatcher – just remember this is the best job you'll ever get.


Bombshell leaves and Thatcher is left to think.


On his way to his match Andre Jones tells Atom Smasher that he will smash his dreams into pieces. He says Smasher came close to victory at USPW United States of Pain and Jones will prove that he is the next step up!


<div style=" border: 1px solid black";"><div style=" border: 2px solid red";"><div style=" border: 2px solid white";"><div style=" border: 2px solid blue";">


Andre Jones did not back up his claims and was thrown around the ring by Atom Smasher throughout the match. Smasher showed much more focus and controlled the match. Decisively getting the victory with his huge Lariat finishing move, he left Andre Jones laying in the ring.


Atom Smasher



After the match, Atom Smasher takes a microphone when The Titans come out.

He drops the microphone and gets ready for the fight. He attempts to fight them off but is overpowered by both of them. He is eventually hit with a double Chokeslam in the middle of the ring.


Roger Cage and Blonde Bombshell are talking in the back.


Roger, just ask him back – it's silly.


No he's silly – I'm the next World Champion, he could've had it all. There's no way I'm grovelling to him.


BB: Have you though about putting your ego to one side for once Roger?


RC: That's when I lose my edge, baby. You don't get.. you just don't get it do you? So instead love it or leave it... lets go.


Cage leaves but Bombshell stays stood in position, shocked at what he just said.


More trouble for Cage – perhaps all his chickens coming home to roost at once.

You're with him or against him, simple as that – he won't miss them, but they'll miss him. Someone who is in trouble is Giant Redwood – he faces a frustrated Nicky Champion next.


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Nicky was frustrated but it didn't let down his performance. In fact he channelled his energy, as all champions should, and came out better for it. Despite the big man's heavy blow, he was not quick enough for Champion and despite lasting longer than may have been expected (5 minutes, Redwood was exhausted), Champion got the win with the Hawkeye Hammer.


Nicky Champion



In the back, Atom Smasher is seen being attended to by medical personnel. He is clearly resisting the treatment and eventually pushes the doctor out of the way and leaves.


Brock Cornish is then stood ready to interview Guide.

Guide, last Sunday you won a No Disqualifications match against Chris Caulfield to win the National Championship. Defending it 3 days later, do you feel 100%?


I will not disclose my condition, sir. I will not show weakness, sir. I will only say that however bad I may feel, Chris feels twice as bad, sir.


And under regular rules, are you confident of the victory.


A single victory is not important, sir. Only to retain my territory as, champion of this Nation sir! I will walk out tonight, still National Champion.


Guide then marches off screen.


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It soon became apparent Chris's back/neck injuries were persisting and Guide took advantage of it. Throughout the match, Chris fought and fought to find a way back into the match and back into contention for the championship he lost. Guide was relentless and stamped out any comeback that Caulfield made in impressive fashion. The closest Caulfield came was a quick attempted Danger Drop, which Guide span round into a Northern Lights Suplex. A few minutes later it was the Northern Lights Bomb, as Guide hit the Guided Missile to retain the Championship.





After the final break Sam Strong is stood in the ring with a microphone.


Lets start this the proper way, it's great to be here... in Connecticut! This may be the last time I see some of you live so I'd like to thank you for your support and tell you that I have a huge announcement. That announcement is that in just over 2 months time, my retirement event Thanksgiving Thunder will take place at... the Manhattan National Centre! To go further into it, I grew up a stones throw away from that building and it will be a great honour to end my career in front of a record attendance for USPW! So lets make sure we do this! I'd like to thank you all for being here tonight, and I hope you can make it to...


The music of Roger Cage interrupts Cage and he comes to the ring alone.


Sam, I want my World Championship match. I want you to make that match right now.


Cage, this isn't the time or the place to discuss busi...


Cop out. Cop out. Make the match now!


Strong doesn't like how Cage is speaking to him and steps into his face


Who do you think you are to come and make demands to me? You've been in this business a fraction of what I have but week in, week out you moan and you complain – everybody in this building myself included is sick and tired off it.


Way to ruin your feel good announcement, the pressure getting to you Sam, you...


Just shut up! Between you and Peter Valentine I've had it up to here [he puts his hand at head height]. You want a shot a Nicky Champion, you'll get a shot because the one thing I want to see more than anything is you getting your head knock off your shoulders by Atom Smasher. So now you're fit, you can't worm your way out of it, next week we get a rematch of the number one contendership tournament final as our main event! And the only way you'll ever get a shot at Nicky Champion is if you find a way to beat Atom Smasher next week! Now get out of my ring!


Cage has a grin on his face and puts his hands up as a sign of peace while backing out of the ring. Strong paces around in the ring, clearly wound up by the night's events...


Huge news! We finally get that match Cage backed out of...

Remember, he did have a medical note... no forget all that – what a main event! Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage and the winner will become the sole number one contender!

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#339 Preview/Confirmed Matches


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This Wednesday, USPW returns for episode #339 of American Wrestling:


– A World Championship Number One Contendership match as Roger Cage and Atom Smasher face off for a chance to face Nicky Champion at Born In The USA! Sam Strong has promised to have something up his sleeve to ensure a decisive winner!


– Andre Jones has called out Enygma and Freddie Datsun will face "USPW's Most Wanted" Peter Valentine.


– Eric Tyler promises another class will be in session as Gregory Keith becomes the first member of The New School to have a single match since joining USPW.


All that plus the Pay-Per-View fall out, live only on Sports America!



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Confirmed matches for USPW American Wrestling...


The following matches have been confirmed for tonight's USPW American Wrestling:


– Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage
- "Special Stipulation" Number One Contendership Match [World Championship]

– Andre Jones vs. Enygma

– Freddie Datsun vs. Peter Valentine

– Darryl Devine vs. Gregory Keith

– D.C Rayne vs. Mick Muscles


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– Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage - "Special Stipulation" Number One Contendership Match [World Championship]

– Andre Jones vs. Enygma

– Freddie Datsun vs. Peter Valentine

– Darryl Devine vs. Gregory Keith

– D.C Rayne vs. Mick Muscles


Bad Guy Party Tonight

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– Atom Smasher vs. Roger Cage - "Special Stipulation" Number One Contendership Match [World Championship]

– Andre Jones vs. Enygma

– Freddie Datsun vs. Peter Valentine

– Darryl Devine vs. Gregory Keith

– D.C Rayne vs. Mick Muscles


Heels night out!

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