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[C-Verse 97] [HGC/DaVE] Everybody Knows

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“Yeah,” Tayler Morton admits, “I was the guy who originally pitched Acid to Vibert, and yeah, I meant it for me. I mean, obviously.


“When I heard he'd given it to someone else, though, I had difficulty caring too hard about it. Just been signed to HollyWeird... I was meant to be one of their new masked guys originally, I think, but then someone who'd been their first choice relented. Me being already under contract, they went a different way.


“So that sounded like a real good thing. Course, I get there, and while I'm planning stuff out with Hype for my first match, he goes all quiet and says there's something I need to know.


“And he tells me that Strong and Nemesis have it out for each other, and Dread and Chord are both using that to get power of their own, and that if you're not in one of the top programs, you're working your ass off and praying for a push.


“So that was kind of a wakeup call, but it was a wakeup call I was just too dumb to listen to.”


“Whole bunch of new guys coming in,” the Hype says. “I knew by now that getting a solid push any time soon just wasn't happening; I wasn't Sam Strong but less good, and I wasn't completely the opposite of Sam Strong and someone he couldn't imagine as a draw, and I wasn't a heel. But we had the masked guys coming in, we had Tayler, we had the Hustlers, and nobody was all that short what was going to happen to people.


“I started pushing to work with Frankie. A title program at least gets PPV time, even if it was going to be losing a lot.


“I wanted to prove that people would pay in the hopes I'd win. If I could do that, I could get my heat back in a couple months, just by jumping to the Eisens. In the meantime, I was going to make a lot of money, so... that was what I figured was happening.” He shrugs. “I was pretty content with that.


“What was coming, I just didn't... I don't think any of us realised what was going to happen.”


“There was an hour's yelling behind closed doors before the show started,” Walker recalls. “An hour. I timed it.


“Because I didn't know the finish I was working toward until it finished. Because it involved everyone else in my match. I was sat there outside because, hey, like hell am I putting myself in the firing line of something like that, right?” He grins. “Anyway, it ran an hour. Nobody was happy about it.


“Originally it was scheduled that Sam would put Dread on his ass and I'd pin him off a splash. That was Sam 'protecting Dread.'” He does the air quote.


“What was worst about sitting outside waiting was I could see Patriot sitting there bull****ing with Mike Kinsey. And you could see it on his face; he was worried about this. He was thinking he should never have jumped ship. He was worried...


“That was the show where, afterward, people actually phoned Stallings. With a list of complaints.”

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I was suspecting you were going to address that, although I thought that with Acid being a negative influence he would've shredded Norita and Vibert for stealing his gimmick, but then saying something like "Well, it worked out for me in the end because like everyone caught underfoot by Nemesis/Strong, I somehow won like five titles I wouldn't have won in the actual CVerse!" (Which, BTW, I love. Some of the better moments in the shoots have come from stuff like that with Westybrook and Rich Money because its so wonderfully comic book like and out of left field.)


Most diary writers with the same story would've rushed the confrontational angle and now either Strong or Nemesis would be canned, but you've done a good job staying the course. The list of complaints sounds ominous, but I get the feeling neither man gets turfed until well into 98. I'm thinking now is the tipping point though, and Strong's about to taste the golden carrot at the end of the shovel.


Honestly though? Looking forward more to DAVE than HGC at this point, and its not even the Smacker: DAVE evolving into what modern wrestling should've been in 97 is gonna be VERY interesting.

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OK, guys. Here's why the Steam Summer Sale was badly timed.


After the PPV, which is two shows away, Act One of the diary is done. Act Two starts six months afterward.


In the meantime, expect storyline summaries like the epilogue for A Quiet Retirement, and expect backstage summaries covering large chunks.


And then Act Two shall begin.


You may now criticise at will.

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OK, guys. Here's why the Steam Summer Sale was badly timed.


After the PPV, which is two shows away, Act One of the diary is done. Act Two starts six months afterward.


In the meantime, expect storyline summaries like the epilogue for A Quiet Retirement, and expect backstage summaries covering large chunks.


And then Act Two shall begin.


You may now criticise at will.



I'm assuming that's Six Months IN GAME, yes?


Why the time jump?

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OK, guys. Here's why the Steam Summer Sale was badly timed.


After the PPV, which is two shows away, Act One of the diary is done. Act Two starts six months afterward.


In the meantime, expect storyline summaries like the epilogue for A Quiet Retirement, and expect backstage summaries covering large chunks.


And then Act Two shall begin.


You may now criticise at will.


What is there to criticize? You still write a diary thats anywhere from the best to third best piece of writing on this site depending on the day.


Looking forward to some straight shooting and a straight right from Victoria on Mr Peter Valentine

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I'm assuming that's Six Months IN GAME, yes?


Why the time jump?


Six months in game, yeah. It'll probably result in a week or two of no content, then anywhere between a week and two weeks of timeslip text, then back to normal.


The time jump is for a number of reasons, many of which will probably get clearer while/once it's happened.

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We're almost at the end of the month, and we all know what that means. But first - once again, we had Too Much for Tuesday, so here's what's going on this Thursday.


Tag team action begins, as boy band Sweet Sensations are faced with their toughest audience to date, the vicious Nation of Filth. Can they overcome the odds in front of their loyal, vocal fans?


One on one action ahead of this Sunday, and Black Cobra takes on Charlie Thatcher. Cobra will be in the ring with Thatcher's employer, Peter Valentine, on Sunday, with the careers of both men on the line - is Thatcher going to dent Cobra's momentum heading into that battle?


More tag competition to follow; ahead of their title shot, the Tag Team Specialists face the eager challengers Young Blood, who will be looking to make a claim to the tag titles themselves.


A four-way match is scheduled to follow, Elimination style. Jason Jackson welcomes the Insane Heat, Tayler Morton, and Thomas Morgan into the ring - and all four men have a lot to prove.


And it looks like the main event will involve the Next Generation and Savage Fury, two strong teams who haven't yet been in championship consideration, both looking to prove they deserve it.



The Nation of Filth (Grunt & Stink) vs. Sweet Sensations (Davey J and Jackie P)


Black Cobra vs. Charlie Thatcher w/ Peter Valentine


The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood)



The Insane Heat vs. Jason Jackson vs. Tayler Morton vs. Thomas Morgan


The Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Mr Lucha vs. ????

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The Nation of Filth (Grunt & Stink) vs. Sweet Sensations (Davey J and Jackie P)


Black Cobra vs. Charlie Thatcher w/ Peter Valentine


The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood)



The Insane Heat vs. Jason Jackson vs. Tayler Morton vs. Thomas Morgan


The Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Mr Lucha vs. ????

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The Nation of Filth (Grunt & Stink) vs. Sweet Sensations (Davey J and Jackie P)


Black Cobra vs. Charlie Thatcher w/ Peter Valentine


The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood)



The Insane Heat vs. Jason Jackson vs. Tayler Morton vs. Thomas Morgan


The Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Mr Lucha vs. ????

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The Nation of Filth (Grunt & Stink) vs. Sweet Sensations (Davey J and Jackie P)


Black Cobra vs. Charlie Thatcher w/ Peter Valentine


The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood)



The Insane Heat vs. Jason Jackson vs. Tayler Morton vs. Thomas Morgan


The Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Mr Lucha vs. ????

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The Nation of Filth (Grunt & Stink) vs. Sweet Sensations (Davey J and Jackie P)


Black Cobra vs. Charlie Thatcher w/ Peter Valentine


The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood)


The Insane Heat vs. Jason Jackson vs. Tayler Morton vs. Thomas Morgan


The Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)


Mr Lucha vs. ????

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So... Nemesis has the book for this show?



The Nation of Filth (Grunt & Stink) vs. Sweet Sensations (Davey J and Jackie P)

- Sweet Sensations... jobbing their way up and down the card. Davey J and Jackie P should sell ads on the soles of their boots.


Black Cobra vs. Charlie Thatcher w/ Peter Valentine

- Dent his momentum? Maybe. But still gonna lose. Dent his mask with a chair? Most likely.


The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood)

- One of these teams has a title shot upcoming, the other are really n' truly brothers with the last name Blood! Really!



The Insane Heat vs. Jason Jackson vs. Tayler Morton vs. Thomas Morgan

- This comes down to Jackson and Morgan for me, just for fun and giggles, I'm going to give the Man who Can't be Trademarked!


The Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)

- Better name, better talents and more upside. I like Savage Fury, but they seem similar to NoF to me. There are difference, but, big, rough, tough brawlers.


Mr Lucha vs. ????

- I rarely bet against ???? but have to here, since Mr. Lucha happens to be building towards a world title match. (I think).

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The Nation of Filth (Grunt & Stink) vs. Sweet Sensations (Davey J and Jackie P)

I really can´t remember if Sweet Sensations have even won a match yet. Nation certainly had though so I go with them.


Black Cobra vs. Charlie Thatcher w/ Peter Valentine

I could see this one going either way but on talent point-of-view, there´s no question which one should win and since it´s close enough, I´m actually going to pick the more talented guy this time.


The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood)

Another win for Tag Specialists.



The Insane Heat vs. Jason Jackson vs. Tayler Morton vs. Thomas Morgan

Morgan just had a nice promo and since none of the other´s haven´t done much lately that´s enough to tip the scales on his favor.


The Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior)

Have been doing more lately.


Mr Lucha vs. ????

Always hard to predict these ones but I go with known guy over mystery man this time around.

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The girls come out in G.I. Jane themed costumes, cashing in on the big movie of the moment.




“The Runway Train”




“The Heart of Stone”






Backstage go the cameras. Aaron Mustafa, Ramon Paez, and Tom Gilmore have been watching the dance on a monitor; Mustafa turns away, nodding, and walks straight into Frankie Future.


Instantly the Hustlers start forward, backing Mustafa off.


Mustafa stares at them a long moment.


“That's how it is round here,” he says. “I got ya.” He nods, and moves by. “Won't forget this, boys.”


Not a bad match, not a good one; the Sensations' offence didn't really get any traction, and the fans weren't interested in the one-sided match it turned into.


Jackie P falls to the Dust Buster after around six minutes.

The Nation of Filth defeated Sweet Sensations

Rating: D


A long battle, here; Thatcher dominates early on, but Cobra shows real resilience, coming back for more. The Licenced Cougar Hunter doesn't go for pinfalls early on, either; when Cobra rallies by ducking a big boot then dropkicking the knee out, he shifts tack slightly, but never again lands the Crusher Legdrop for which he's famed.


The Black Cobra keeps on fighting back, and ultimately rallies enough to dominate as Thatcher starts to tire. The Alabaster Agony is locked in, and Thatcher taps swiftly.

Black Cobra defeated Charlie Thatcher

Rating: C


This is as good a match as the previous one; Young Blood continue to show just how far they've come, bringing the offence and fighting back well from under the Specialists' control. There's a very real feeling throughout that they might get the win here – indeed, Paul gets his Backflip Face Crusher on Robert Oxford, only for Joel to break up the pin.


“You know,” Jason Azaria says, “I actually want to see Young Blood take on teams like the Powers of Hell and the Vesseys after their showing here.”


Joel controls for long enough for Oxford to rally, however, and Richard Blood is taken out of the ring by Oxford, allowing Joel to connect with the One Shot Drop and pin Paul.

The Tag Team Specialists defeated Young Blood

Rating: C


Texas Tattoo begins to play, and emerging from the entryway, back after all this time, is Cowboy Ricky Dale – and Louise Robinson. The two stop atop the ramp, though, rather than heading to the ring. Skulking behind them, somehow contriving to be in the shadow despite being in a brightly-lit entryway, is the man who's been teaching the Cowboy.


Ricky Dale has a microphone. As Louise shoots a worried look at his trainer, he begins to speak.


“Hey, Sean. Azrael. Both of you – my brother and the monster in his skin.


“This time I'm ready.


“Sunday. You and me.


“We finish this, and we finish this on Sunday.” He drops the mic and the trio head backstage again.


Backstage go the cameras, and Peter Valentine is skulking in the interview area. He eyes the camera and chuckles sourly.


“You enjoy that win, Black Cobra,” he says. “Enjoy the last win the Black Cobra will ever have in HollyWeird.


“You enjoy it as much as a man can who's just taken the kinda beating you just took.


“And you rest up.” Another laugh. “I'm sure... hee... I'm sure you'll be healed for our match... Hah.”


He stalks out of shot and the camera cuts away.


The four wrestlers park themselves in the corners of the ring, none of them willing, before the bell rings, to come forth and expose their back to anybody.


When the bell rings, Morton positively flies across the room, catching Jackson unawares with a flying dropkick. Morgan takes a step toward him, then pivots, catching the Heat before he can spring his ambush. He ducks a swing and delivers a double overarm chop to the shoulder, then goes to work.


Meanwhile, Morton and Jackson are doing battle. Jackson has things mostly in control, but after dominating for a while, Mortaon breaks free of an ambar with a backflip that's also a rising kick, sending Jackson out of the ring.


Moments later, Morgan dodges another lariat attempt from the Heat, catching his arm and fluidly moving to the ground, locking in an armbar. Rather than intervene, Tayler heads to the top rope. Morgan keeps wrenching until the Heat taps out – and then, as Tayler soars off the turnbuckle, Morgan shifts position – AND BRINGS UP HIS KNEES! Morton is winded! Running knee strike by Morgan! Russian leg sweep! Canadian Crab!


Eliminations 1 & 2: The Insane Heat then Tayler Morton in quick succession


Morgan, winded, takes a moment to celebrate, praying to the crowd, and Jason Jackson dives back into the ring behind him. Bridged German Suplex! One, two, three!

Jason Jackson defeated the Insane Heat, Tayler Morton and Thomas Morgan

Rating: D+


Not the kind of match that should ever be advertised as a main event. Nonetheless, the four men involved are all clearly giving it their all, with the Next Generation having more all. Hill, in particular, shines, adopting a spear – roll through and up – twisting spinebuster technique on both of Savage Fury in turn, one we've seen once before but which appears to be becoming a speciality.


That – and Holmes' picture-perfect Cyclone Shock Kick to Java after elbowing free of a German suplex attempt – carry the day, as Holmes pins Java while Tribal Warrior is still clutching at the base of his spine.

The Next Generation defeated Savage Fury

Rating: D+



Such was advertised as the main event – although there's still a good twenty minutes left.


Someone jumps the crowd barrier. Their high-collared jacked and baseball cap hide their identity at first. The ring announcer takes a straight right and goes down; the man catches the microphone as it drops and rolls into the ring.


Masked Patriot sweeps his ball cap off.


“Come on!” he yells. “F**k the cops, let's do this like God intended. Someone with balls get outta here and fight me.”


The rentacops are on their way – and then Cancion del Mariachi begins to play, and they hesitate.


Mr Lucha answers the call, marching confidently past the cops.


He climbs into the ring and snatches the microphone from Patriot. Patriot, seeing someone not immediately attack him, shrugs, steps back, and pulls off his jacket, revealing blue jeans and a blue SWF shirt. Meanwhile, Lucha takes a step back of his own.


“I see no honour in you, esse. But I see a great fighter nonetheless, and that is why I came here.


“And I do not take kindly to someone attacking a place like this. Men come here. Men fight here. You, however, are nothing but a puta. Your cause is wrong. Your methods low.


“But you wish to fight... so, my friend, we fight.” He tosses the microphone out of the ring, nods to the timekeeper, and hits a dropkick.


The two masked men put on a doozy of a performance, as much fight as wrestling match, and Mr Lucha shows the HollyWeird fans his fighting spirit outside his lucha libre heritage by hammering Patriot with rights and lefts.


It's anyone's guess who could win this one, it really is. And it's an amazing battle – and then someone else rolls into the ring. They grab Lucha by the shoulder, spinning him around. Eugene Williams calls the DQ-

Mr Lucha won by disqualification

Rating: B


The newcomer's identity is hidden by high-collar jacket and wool cap. He punches Lucha in the head, and Lucha goes down, then pops back up. The newcomer hits Lucha with a discus punch, and Lucha goes back down.


“Wait-” Azaria begins. Lucha gets back up again, and the newcomer, having gone backward to the ropes, comes off fast with a running lariat. Down goes Lucha!


“That can't be-” Rhodes chimes in.


A silvery ponytail has blown free of the collar.


“It is!” Azaria exclaims, and the crowd, recognising this sequence, is realising too. Lucha pops up again – sidewalk slam, and the baseball cap flies off. Patriot drags Lucha up-




The rentacops rush the ring as the show goes off the air – and as, mysteriously, Sid the Kid's music, Rocks by Primal Scream, thunders over the arena speakers, revealing that someone in the production department was able to play the tape.


Show Rating: B-

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“As far as anyone can make out, the original idea Sam had was that he'd be the insider,” Todd Cusson says, stubbing out another Marlboro. He stares into the sun for a few moments. “Makes no sense, but there's nothing special about that in professional wrestling, you know? We could probably explain any of the bits we'd actually have to.


“But then Sid's contract came up, and Dusty brokered the deal. And, you know, Sid the Kid was the best wrestler who was never a top champion at that point. He just made perfect sense to be a new arrival, and that meant Sam made less sense as the insider.


“Which ended up just another reason for Sam to hate Dusty. But for me, for the rest of the wrestlers, having Sid in there was great.


“It wasn't like he was going to overcrowd the roster. The roster was overcrowded anyhow.”


“At the time, personally, one of my favourite things about any given show?” Brent Hill recalls. “Joel Bryant wrestling was fascinating. You could practically see him improve with each match, I mean, and if you're working alongside Bob Oxford the whole time it's no real surprise if your fundamentals just get better, but everything he did was getting crisper and crisper, too, he kept adding new stuff into his arsenal – me and Sherlock were trying to get a few signature spots over, but Joel was just trying thing after thing out in this chase to be better. Not much of the moveset he started the year with looked the same as anything he was doing by August.


“I was beginning to think he could be a world champion, watching how fast he was coming along.


“We had Bob Oxford, we had Rip Chord, we had Larry Vessey, and we had Mr Lucha. Folks like Dread and Sam – it was great to have them around, but you couldn't develop your own skillsets from them. Dread and Sam could be Dread and Sam better than anyone else ever could, but you couldn't take from them. Rip, Bob, Larry, Lucha, and Sid once he got his feet on the ground – you work with one of those guys, you're gonna be a better wrestler by the end of the match, believe me. You can't help it.”

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It's about to get Hotter Than Hell!


And let us tell you, this one is going to be big. We kick off with the defence of the HGC Hardcore Championship, as Frankie Future has asked to defend it in a Hardcore Battle Royal! This contest will also feature the in-ring debuts of Ernie Turner, Roger Cage, and Aaron Mustafa, among others.


Finally, after months of distractions, Electrico will compete one-on-one with the HGC Cruiserweight Champion, Rocky Constantino. Who'll win out? Can the Players' Club hang on to their title?


Azrael and Cowboy Ricky Dale will be in action after that. After all this time, the battle looks set to be as intense as it gets...


The HGC International Championship is on the line next. Champion Monty Walker takes on both Paul Steadyfast and Troy Tornado, seeking to finally turn aside the Untouchables challenge.


Even more's at stake in the next contest, when Black Cobra and Peter Valentine do battle with the loser forced to leave HollyWeird behind entirely...


Following Sid Streets' joining with the other outsiders, Sam Strong has denounced Dusty Streets as the HollyWeird traitor and challenged him to a match. We'll have that during the show, and likely a lot more from our outsiders, as well as banished heroes Liberty and Whistler, seen both on TV and during web exclusives here and here still fighting for the HollyWeird cause...


The next match is the Beach Blast contest. Ashley Amazon and Victoria will do battle in a specially-constructed area, with the loser being the woman dunked fully in the pool.


Just before the main event, the HGC Tag Team Championships will be defended as the Vessey Brothers do battle with the Tag Team Specialists. There's a lot of gold on the line to be claimed here...


And in the main event, World Heavyweight Champion Charlie Homicide doesn't just face Shane Sneer's choice of Mr Lucha but, at his insistence, the Shadow of Fear into the bargain as Dread makes his presence felt.


Prediction Key

HGC Hardcore Championship - HARDCORE BATTLE ROYAL

Frankie Future ©, Aaron Mustafa, Babylon, Ernie Turner, Genghis Rahn, Grinder, Jason Jackson, Mario Heroic, Roger Cage, The Hype (w/ Lady Melissa)


Rip Chord vs. Thomas Morgan


HGC Cruiserweight Championship

Rocky Constantino © vs. Electrico


Azrael vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale w/ Louise Robinson


HGC International Championship

Monty Walker © vs. Paul Steadyfast vs. Troy Tornado



Black Cobra vs. Peter Valentine w/ Charlie Thatcher


Dusty Streets vs. Sam Strong



Ashley Amazon w/ Dream Girl vs. Victoria


HGC Tag Team Championships

The Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) © vs. The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) ©


HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Charlie Homicide © w/ Karen Killer vs. Dread vs. Mr Lucha

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HGC Hardcore Championship - HARDCORE BATTLE ROYAL

Frankie Future ©, Aaron Mustafa, Babylon, Ernie Turner, Genghis Rahn, Grinder, Jason Jackson, Mario Heroic, Roger Cage, The Hype (w/ Lady Melissa)


Rip Chord vs. Thomas Morgan


HGC Cruiserweight Championship

Rocky Constantino © vs. Electrico


Azrael vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale w/ Louise Robinson


HGC International Championship

Monty Walker © vs. Paul Steadyfast vs. Troy Tornado



Black Cobra vs. Peter Valentine w/ Charlie Thatcher


Dusty Streets vs. Sam Strong



Ashley Amazon w/ Dream Girl vs. Victoria


HGC Tag Team Championships

The Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) © vs. The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) ©


HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Charlie Homicide © w/ Karen Killer vs. Dread vs. Mr Lucha

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HGC Hardcore Championship - HARDCORE BATTLE ROYAL

Frankie Future ©, Aaron Mustafa, Babylon, Ernie Turner, Genghis Rahn, Grinder, Jason Jackson, Mario Heroic, Roger Cage, The Hype (w/ Lady Melissa)


Rip Chord vs. Thomas Morgan


HGC Cruiserweight Championship

Rocky Constantino © vs. Electrico


Azrael vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale w/ Louise Robinson


HGC International Championship

Monty Walker © vs. Paul Steadyfast vs. Troy Tornado



Black Cobra vs. Peter Valentine w/ Charlie Thatcher


Dusty Streets vs. Sam Strong



Ashley Amazon w/ Dream Girl vs. Victoria


HGC Tag Team Championships

The Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) © vs. The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford)


HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Charlie Homicide © w/ Karen Killer vs. Dread vs. Mr Lucha

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Prediction Key

HGC Hardcore Championship - HARDCORE BATTLE ROYAL

Frankie Future ©, Aaron Mustafa, Babylon, Ernie Turner, Genghis Rahn, Grinder, Jason Jackson, Mario Heroic, Roger Cage, The Hype (w/ Lady Melissa)

- This could be lots of fun, and very time appropriate. I think Mustafa has the best story going into it, and it makes sense for him to win it here and continue his interactions with those East Coast Hustlers.


Rip Chord vs. Thomas Morgan

- This is PPV. You may be on the big roster Tommy-boy, you may even be gaining some traction. But tonight you get to learn from the man with more move innovations than you have years on this Earth!

And how did this match not make the preview? I'm stoked for it!


HGC Cruiserweight Championship

Rocky Constantino © vs. Electrico

- Constantino finally gets his comeuppance!


Azrael vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale w/ Louise Robinson

- I think the Spooky Monster needs to be solidified as a bad-ass a bit more despite the Cowboy's extensive training.


HGC International Championship

Monty Walker © vs. Paul Steadyfast vs. Troy Tornado

- I am too much of a mark to vote against The Python. If I did, it would be for Tornado as Paul Steadyfast has always had a terrible name and look and seems to have negative amounts of charisma.



Black Cobra vs. Peter Valentine w/ Charlie Thatcher

- Too many snakes in HGC. (That works on multiple levels. ;) ) But I love Valentine's retrospectives and want them to continue, plus he's nailing one (or some) of the divas. I don't want to live in a world without Peter in HGC! Plus, Black Cobra can return unmasked. The only acceptable way for Valentine to lose is to return in a mask!


Dusty Streets vs. Sam Strong

- Via outside overbooked shenanigans as all sorts of 'invaders' interfere as Strong doles out another of his notorious 'rubs.'



Ashley Amazon w/ Dream Girl vs. Victoria

- Otherwise the Valentine/Black Cobra might get 'Stone'y.


HGC Tag Team Championships

The Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) © vs. The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) ©

- Two championship teams? Interesting. As good as TTS have been, I don't see the Vesseys dropping the belts quite yet.


HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Charlie Homicide © w/ Karen Killer vs. Dread vs. Mr Lucha

- I actually find Mr. Lucha the least compelling guy in this match, but I just have a hunch that Lucha takes it all. Even though I don't want him to, some of the previous interviews suggests he gets some major accolades in HGC, no accolade is bigger than the world title.

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HGC Hardcore Championship - HARDCORE BATTLE ROYAL

Frankie Future ©, Aaron Mustafa, Babylon, Ernie Turner, Genghis Rahn, Grinder, Jason Jackson, Mario Heroic, Roger Cage, The Hype (w/ Lady Melissa)


Rip Chord vs. Thomas Morgan


HGC Cruiserweight Championship

Rocky Constantino © vs. Electrico


Azrael vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale w/ Louise Robinson


HGC International Championship

Monty Walker © vs. Paul Steadyfast vs. Troy Tornado



Black Cobra vs. Peter Valentine w/ Charlie Thatcher


Dusty Streets vs. Sam Strong



Ashley Amazon w/ Dream Girl vs. Victoria


HGC Tag Team Championships

The Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) © vs. The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford)


HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Charlie Homicide © w/ Karen Killer vs. Dread vs. Mr Lucha

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  • 2 weeks later...

HGC Hardcore Championship - HARDCORE BATTLE ROYAL

Frankie Future ©, Aaron Mustafa, Babylon, Ernie Turner, Genghis Rahn, Grinder, Jason Jackson, Mario Heroic, Roger Cage, The Hype (w/ Lady Melissa)


One of these things is not the same as all the others...


Rip Chord vs. Thomas Morgan


Much as Morgan could be a big thing, I don't think he's ready to beat THE Rip Chord


HGC Cruiserweight Championship

Rocky Constantino © vs. Electrico


Rocky needs a bit more time with the belt to raise both his and the belt's prestige.


Azrael vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale w/ Louise Robinson


Louise turns on the naive Ricky Dale to help Azrael win it, though in fairness it shouldn't really be necessary, it just addds to the storyline.


HGC International Championship

Monty Walker © vs. Paul Steadyfast vs. Troy Tornado


Steadyfast has been chasing the title and waiting for Monty to drop it to him, so it doesn't make a lot of sense for Troy to take it here, and I think this has legs yet.



Black Cobra vs. Peter Valentine w/ Charlie Thatcher


You aren't getting rid of Peter Valentine that easily. Thatcher for whatever interference is needed to keep the Cobra down for a three.


Dusty Streets vs. Sam Strong


Interference from Sid Streets has to be the only way Strong goes down here, and it gives him a rationale for the ongoing feud.



Ashley Amazon w/ Dream Girl vs. Victoria


Because one of these girls is ostensibly boning the booker, and one of them isn't.


HGC Tag Team Championships

The Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) © vs. The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford)


Maybe just a tad too soon for the TTS to take this from the Vesseys, but could come down to some sort of schmozzle and a no contest to set up a re-match...


HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Charlie Homicide © w/ Karen Killer vs. Dread vs. Mr Lucha


Because I love the concept of Charlie Homicide as champion. Because Dread and Lucha aren't Strong or Chord. Because Dread and Lucha have their own problems with one another than can be settled without the title at stake...

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Frankie Future ©, Aaron Mustafa, Babylon, Ernie Turner, Genghis Rahn, Grinder, Jason Jackson, Mario Heroic, Roger Cage, The Hype (w/ Lady Melissa)


Rip Chord vs. Thomas Morgan

Rip Chord is still Rip Chord


Rocky Constantino © vs. Electrico


Azrael vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale w/ Louise Robinson

Heel wins now, face wins later


Monty Walker © vs. Paul Steadyfast vs. Troy Tornado

Monty freed up for bigger things?


Black Cobra vs. Peter Valentine w/ Charlie Thatcher

I've never more wanted to be wrong...


Dusty Streets vs. Sam Strong

Sam Strong is still Sam Strong


Ashley Amazon w/ Dream Girl vs. Victoria


The Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) © vs. The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) ©


Charlie Homicide © w/ Karen Killer vs. Dread vs. Mr Lucha

Why have a 3-way if not to transition the belt from heel to heel? Also, I think Strong vs Dread is seen as the money feud for the near future (at least by the current singles booker).

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HGC Hardcore Championship - HARDCORE BATTLE ROYAL

Frankie Future ©, Aaron Mustafa, Babylon, Ernie Turner, Genghis Rahn, Grinder, Jason Jackson, Mario Heroic, Roger Cage, The Hype (w/ Lady Melissa)

I could see about half of these guys winning this particular belt but when I doubt, I go with current champ and that´s the case here.


Rip Chord vs. Thomas Morgan

Morgan might be bit more than what he is in "normal" universe but he´s still not going to beat Rip.


HGC Cruiserweight Championship

Rocky Constantino © vs. Electrico

Oh why not, I actually go with the title change on this one as I believe that Electrico is slighly higher on ladders.


Azrael vs. Cowboy Ricky Dale w/ Louise Robinson

Ricky will get his win eventually but I believe that it will be the at the last match of this feud and I doubt it´s this one so Azrael takes the win but this time it´s more of an even fight.


HGC International Championship

Monty Walker © vs. Paul Steadyfast vs. Troy Tornado

I could see any of the three guys winning here depending how well Tornado and Steadyfast are able to play together but I go with Steadyfast just because I would love to see how he would do as a champ.



Black Cobra vs. Peter Valentine w/ Charlie Thatcher

I would really want to go the other way around but backstage politics will likely play a part here.


Dusty Streets vs. Sam Strong

Sam won´t job to Streets, right?



Ashley Amazon w/ Dream Girl vs. Victoria

Goes to coin flip category but I pick Victoria since I had Valentine going over Cobra and I figure that this could lead to some interesting shoot interview.


HGC Tag Team Championships

The Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) © vs. The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) ©

Specialists do have a shot here but I´d still go with Vessey´s right now.


HGC World Heavyweight Championship

Charlie Homicide © w/ Karen Killer vs. Dread vs. Mr Lucha

When I doubt I go with champ.

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