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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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Week 4, May, 2002

Live from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado

Attendance: 18.007 (sellout)









As WCW Slamboree 2002 kicks off we join our announce team for the evening consisting of Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes. Tony, Mike and Dusty talks about everything that will be going on tonight, but they focus most of their attention on tonight's two clashes between WCW and the nWo as Sting faces off against "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page challenges the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, for the title. They trio is not quite done talking, but Tony suddeny informs us that we have to head to the backstage area where the first match is apparently already under way.





No Disqualification Match





This one was already well under way as we joined these two men in the back as Hugh Morrus was quite literally throwing "The Cat" into anything and everything that he possibly could. "The Cat" went back first into the wall, a garbage can and he even went back first onto a table with various sorts of foods and drinks as the announcers commented that Hugh Morrus was certainly making the most of the "No Disqualification" stipulation. Morrus kept the pressure on "The Cat", but Miller was able to buy himself some time by narrowly avoiding a chairshot and then driving Morrus head first onto the floor with a DDT. The two continued fighting their way through the backstage area, the momentum swinging back and forth as both men used whatever they could get their hands on while the announcers talked about how intense, personal and brutal this rivalry had become over the past several weeks. The match eventually ended up in the ring after Morrus and Miller had fought their way through the crowd. Morrus was firmly in control at that point, but as Morrus pulled Miller to his feet to inflict more damage rather than going for the pin, Mike Tenay noted that neither man had gone for a pin attempt yet, showing just how much these two men have really come to despise each other. The finish to this contest of brutality came when "The Cat" was able to drive a steel chair directly into the skull of Hugh Morrus. With Morrus on dream streak, "The Cat" hit the Feliner (jumping corkscrew roundhouse kick) and scored the pinfall on the very first pin attempt of this brutal outing.



Ernest Miller defeated Hugh Morrus at 11.51 by pinfall following a Feliner (D+)



As "The Cat" celebrates his huge win to open Slamboree, we cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where the owner of WCW has a rather...unusual looking guest.






As we join them Eric Bischoff is saying that tonight is the time for "James" to make good on his promise and Bischoff's visitor, James, assures the WCW owner that he will indeed be able to do exactly that. The camera then zooms out a bit further to reveal a third presence in Bischoff's office....






El Mesías! James looks at Mesías and smiles before he turns back to Bischoff and adds that, after tonight, Goldberg will no longer be a problem for the WCW owner. This brings a smile to Eric Bischoff's face and as we head back to ringside the announcers talk about the fact that we now finally know exactly why El Mesías decided to target Goldberg; it was yet another ploy by the WCW owner who is still refusing to let go of his grudge against Goldberg. Tony reminds everyone that Goldberg will go one on one with El Mesías later tonight, and we the head to the ring where the second match of the night is about to get under way.©







The WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., makes his way down to ringside as the announcers briefly talk about the open challenge that Chavo issued to "anyone in the world" to face him here tonight and we are about to find out who was the first to step up and accept the challenge. Chavo raises the Cruiserweight Championship high in the air before assuring some fans at ringside that "the title isn't going anywhere tonight". The Champion then turns his attention to the entrance ramp as he awaits his challenger....




<iframe width="150" height="150" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/nS4kt4lZREM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




It is a new music but a familiar face as not "Air Styles" but AJ Styles is announced as Chavo Guerrero Jr.'s challenger here tonight. AJ heads down to the ring looking pumped and ready to go as Tony, Mike and Dusty talk about what a huge opportunity this is for the young AJ Styles, praising his courage for being willing to step up and accept Chavo's challenge.





WCW Cruiserweight Championship







Chavo Guerrero Jr. wasted little time showing one of the reasons why he has been Cruiserweight Champion for as long as he has, as AJ Styles hit the ring with so much fire and energy, but Chavo quickly left the ring rather than engaging the fired up challenger. Chavo lurked about at ringside for a while, allowing the referee's count to reach eight before reluctantly entering the ring to break the count, only to slide right back out again as the announcers reminded everyone that if Chavo gets counted out he may lose the match but he will still retain the title. AJ Styles was not about to let that happen, though, as he jumped out of the ring as well and gave chase to the Cruiserweight Champion, who eventually caught AJ off guard by attacking him just as he entering the ring under the bottom rope. Even with all of Chavo's stall tactics, the fire of AJ Styles kept burning brightly and it wasn't long before he was taking it to the champion, who was reeling from the versatile offense of the challenger. Still, in the end and despite an excellent showing from AJ Styles, Chavo managed to retain his title when AJ went for the Styles Clash, only for Chavo to roll through, roll up Styles and grab a handful of tights to ensure the three count.



Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated AJ Styles at 8.26 by pinfall with a rollup and a handful of tights. Chavo Guerrero Jr. retains the WCW Cruiserweight Championship (C-)



As Chavo leaves the ring with the Cruiserweight Championship, it is a disappointed and frustrated AJ Styles who is trying to explain to the referee that Chavo cheated while the announcers all agree that Chavo dodged a major bullet here tonight by escaping with a win against a very game challenger in AJ Styles.







We join "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Sean O'Haire in the back, and as Sean O'Haire stands in silence while looking menacing, Flair cuts a promo about how Sean O'Haire is going to win the WCW United States Championship here tonight at Slamboree. He says that tonight is Sean O'Haire's night. O'Haire has been listening as "The Nature Boy" has been teaching him and tonight it is all going to pay off when Sean O'Haire defeats Kanyon and Rey Misterio Jr. and becomes the NEW WCW United States Champion and there is nothing anybody can do about it because THAT is how good O'Haire is! WOOOOO!!!!! (B-)







Much like Hugh Morrus and "The Cat" earlier, this one was also a match of a very personal nature as Shane Douglas faced off against Billy Kidman. Torrie Wilson was by Kidman's side at ringside and it did not take long for Shane Douglas to attempt to make contact with Torrie, but Torrie wanted nothing to do with "The Franchise". The match was very much a contrast in styles with Kidman's speed and high-flying abilities clashing with Douglas' more ground based approach. Kidman got the better of the exchange early on, capitalizing on the fact that Douglas at times seemed more interested in impressing Torrie than actually wrestling the match, while Kidman used his speed and quickness to cause no shortage of problems for Douglas. Kidman put an impressive series of moves together, hitting a Rydeen Bomb as the intended exclamation point, but Douglas kicked out after two. Douglas fought his way back into the match and took control, to the point where Torrie was up on the apron in an attempt to distract Douglas, or maybe just to check on Kidman. Either way, unaware of Torrie's presence, Kidman reversed an irish whip and accidentally sent Douglas running into Torrie who, in turn, tumbled to the floor outside the ring. Concerned about Torrie's well-being, Kidman took his eye off Douglas just long enough for Douglas to capitalize, clubbing Kidman in the back of the head and following up with a Piledriver for the three count and the win as Douglas finally put an end to his lengthy losing streak.



Shane Douglas defeated Billy Kidman at 10.03 by pinfall following a Piledriver (D-)



Following the match Shane Douglas goes to Torrie's side and attempts to help her back to her feet, but she doesn't want any help from him. In spite of this, Douglas is heard saying that Torrie helped him because deep down she knows she wants to be at his side, but Torrie ignores Douglas and instead goes to Kidman's aid in the ring as we cut backstage.








In the back, Diamond Dallas Page and Sting are seen talking to each other about their matches tonight. DDP says that tonight is all about sending a message to the nWo that the days where they could just do whatever they wanted are gone, and Page adds that he is going to send that message loud and clear by defeating Shawn Michaels and taking the World Heavyweight Championship out of the nWo's clutches. Sting agrees and says that the nWo are not going to run this place as long as they are around because they are not going to let them. They are going to challenge them every step of the way until this version of the nWo is put in the ground as well, once and for all. DDP and Sting shakes hands as the announcers talk about the fact that, despite the fact that they are always outnumbered after the nWo took Kanyon out of the equation, DDP and Sting are the only hope WCW has of ever being free of the nWo's clutches and they make no attempt to hide the fact that they are very much in DDP and Sting's corner here tonight. (B-)





WCW Tag Team Championships







Sons of the South were hoping that the third time would be the charm as they challenged Lance Storm and Mike Awesome, The Impact Players, for the WCW Tag Team Championships. In their past two matches Sons of the South has come so very close to winning the titles, but every time the Impact Players would manage to come out on top in the end. This was a solid match between arguably the two best tag teams in all of WCW and the match went back and forth throughout. The Impact Players did manage to isolate Dustin Rhodes for several minutes, wearing him down with frequent tags and impactful double teams maneuvers, but a hot tag to BG James turned the tide of the match back in the Sons favor. BG James dominated for the next several minutes, scoring a couple of two counts on Mike Awesome, but never the three count. Following a tag to Lance Storm, Storm applied the Canadian Maple Leaf submission hold to BG James, but Rhodes was back in to break up the hold before James tapped out. All in all it was an exciting and competitive back and forth match, which was probably why nobody was happy with what happened next and even fewer were surprised....






John Cena, Samoa Joe and Ken Anderson--The Three--made their way down to ringside, circling the ring like a pack of hyenas stalking their prey. The announcers talked about how "The Three" had been attacking Sons of the South for the past couple of weeks, and now they are apparently going to do it again here tonight at Slamboree. Then the attack came, not on Dustin Rhodes in the ring, but on BG James on the apron while Ted DiBiase, sensing opportunity, had the referee distracted on the other side of the ring. Seeing the attack, Rhodes tried to come to his partners aid but a Lance Storm superkick stopped him dead in his tracks. Storm then tagged Mike Awesome in, who hit the Awesome Bomb and pinned Rhodes for the win.



The Impact Players defeated Sons of the South at 11.48 by pinfall when Mike Awesome pinned BG James following an Awesome Bomb after The Three got involved. The Impact Players retains the WCW Tag Team Championships (C-)






The match is over and The Impact Players leaves the ring with their titles, celebrating another successful title defense. The Three are not done, however, as they roll BG James into the ring and then enters the ring themselves, standing over both James and Rhodes who are both down in the ring as the announcers have very little good to say about The Three and their actions here tonight. The Three pulls Rhodes and James to their feet looking to do some more damage, but Rhodes and James starts swinging as soon as they get to their feet and a massive brawl breaks out. Then, suddenly a sixth enters the ring...







It's Brian Lawler! Lawler hits the ring and immediately joins BG James and Dustin Rhodes in fighting off The Three, who seems more than a little surprised to suddenly no longer having a one man advantage! With Brian Lawler's help, BG James and Dustin Rhodes drives The Three from the ring and Sons of the South stands tall in the ring alongside Brian Lawler who just made one heck of a WCW debut!







While everything gets sorted out in the ring a short video plays hyping up one of the huge matches still to come later tonight at Slamboree as Sting goes one on one with the nWo's "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash! That match is coming up later tonight! (B)





The Streak Is On The Line





These two men went through one heck of a war at Spring Stampede and this one started off much the same way that match did--with El Mesías once again dominating Goldberg. No one in the arena could quite believe that they were watching what was largely a replay of their match at Spring Stampede with Mesías being in control more often than not, much to James Mitchell's delight at ringside. There was, however, a reason why Goldberg is undefeated since WCW returned from hiatus a year ago, and he proved it by taking everything that Mesías threw at him, only to keep fighting. The match never quite hit the heights of their encounter at Spring Stampede, but it was still a solid outing by both men, who traded powermoves for pretty much the entire duration of this one. The finish came when Goldberg hit the Spear on Mesías, then jumped back to his feet signalling for the Jackhammer....only to turn around to see Mesías slowly getting back to his feet!!! Goldberg charged and hit a second Spear on Mesías, this time covering him rather than trying to add the Jackhammer...one...two...NO!!!!!! EL MESÍAS KICKED OUT!!!! The entire arena was in disbelief and Goldberg's frustration seemed to be mounting, but he gathered himself and set up for a third Spear. The Spear connected and this time Mesías wasn't getting back up--not until Goldberg pulled him to his feet and hit the Jackhammer, which was finally enough to put the impressive El Mesías away.



Goldberg defeated El Mesías at 11.11 by pinfall following multiple Spears and a Jackhammer ©



The announcers put over the effort of both men here tonight; Goldberg for remaining undefeated and beating a seemingly almost unstoppable El Mesías, and El Mesías for once again taking it to Goldberg in a way that nobody has ever done before. But what is next for "The Man"? And what will El Mesías and James Mitchell's next move be?








Back in Eric Bischoff's office the owner of WCW has once again received a visitor, this time in the form of "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner, who is still looking for Bischoff to deliver on his promise of a reward for Steiner helping to deal with Goldberg, Sting and Diamond Dallas Page. Bischoff once again reassures Steiner that his reward is coming, he just needs to show a little patience and a little understanding. Steiner wants his reward NOW, though, and leaves the office in anger--but not before telling Bischoff that he better deliver on his promise because his time is running out, and if "Freakzilla" doesn't get what's coming to him, he'll start taking it out on Bischoff's "little favorites". Steiner slams the door shut behind him, and the camera zooms in on a concerned looking Eric Bischoff before we head back to ringside (B)





WCW United States Championship







These three men faced each other one month ago at Spring Stampede, along with Vampiro, but tonight it was a three way match as Vampiro had been eliminated from the equation, so to speak. All three men are seen as future main event players in WCW and all three men were out to prove exactly why in this one. Sean O'Haire took control early on, receiving almost constant advice and support from "The Nature Boy" at ringside. O'Haire threw Kanyon out of the ring and focused his attention on the smaller Rey Misterio Jr., but much like a lot of Rey's opponents, O'Haire would also come to learn that what Rey Misterio Jr. may lack in size, he more than makes up for in speed, quickness and heart and Rey was able to turn the tables on O'Haire. Kanyon re-entered the ring and the two teamed up to take O'Haire out of the equation for the time being, and then Rey and Kanyon went back and forth in the ring in a thrilling exchange of holds and counter holds while Flair attended to O'Haire at ringside. Kanyon and Misterio each scored a near-fall on each other, but then O'Haire re-entered the ring and for the first time in several minutes all three men were in the ring for an extended period of time, the momentum swinging back and forth between all three men. Kanyon was eventually sent out of the ring again, leaving Rey and O'Haire alone in the ring. After trading blows for a bit, Rey managed to hit his Springboard Hurricanrana on O'Haire, but in a tough break for Rey, O'Haire's feet were close enough to the ropes that Flair was able to reach in and place O'Haire foot on the ropes, forcing the referee to stop the count. Kanyon rolled back into the ring and Rey swicthed his attention to the champion instead, only to walk right into a Kanyon Cutter from out of nowhere, taking Rey completely by surprise, as well as Ric Flair who wasn't able to do anything before the referee reached the count of three as Kanyon retained the US Title in a highly competitive match.



Kanyon defeated Rey Misterio Jr. and Sean O'Haire at 13.30 by pinfall when Kanyon pinned Misterio following a Kanyon Cutter. Kanyon retains the WCW United States Championship ©



Kanyon is handed the WCW United States Championship title belt following the match and he raises it high in the air as the announcers notes that Kanyon again managed to beat the odds and retain his title against multiple challengers here tonight, but they also put over the effort of both Rey Misterio Jr. and Sean O'Haire, who both brought their A-game here tonight at Slamboree. But who will be next in line to challenge Kanyon for the US Title?









As the ring clears out another short video plays, this one hyping up the main event that is still to come later tonight as Shawn Michaels defends the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against the number one contender, Diamond Dallas Page! Will Michaels and the nWo's run of dominance continue tonight at Slamboree? Or will Diamond Dallas Page thwart the nWo's plans by recapturing the prized World Heavyweight Championship? (B)








The co-main event of Slamboree was the hotly anticipated matchup between Sting and "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash in a match that had been building ever since Sting stripped Nash of his World Title shot during Sting's month as owner of WCW. Nash was accompanied to the ring by fellow nWo member Scott Hall, and Tony, Mike and Dusty were all less than thrilled by Hall's presence at ringside, though they were hardly surprised by it. This was a slow paced match but the crowd was into it right from the get-go, firmly showing their support for Sting as he finally got to go one on one with Kevin Nash. After a back and forth opening, Nash took control of the match with a little help from Scott Hall on the outside, and Nash maintained the advantage for the next several minutes hitting several of his trademark moves such as snake eyes, a big boot and a sidewalk slam to keep Sting down. Sting tried to make several comebacks but every time he built a little momentum, Scott Hall would find a way to help Nash turn the tide of the match back in his favor, much to the frustration of both announcers and fans as Tony Schiavone again talked about the numbers game of the nWo. Sting never stopped trying though and when Nash went for the Jackknife Powerbomb, Sting was able to block the move. Nash tried to get Sting up again, but Sting blocked it again and fought his way out of it, driving Nash into the corner with a series of punches that had "Big Sexy" reeling. Sting then irish whipped Nash across the ring and hit not one, not two, but three Stinger splashes in the corner! The crowd was firmly behind Sting as he dragged Nash to the center of the ring and.....SCORPION DEATHDROP!!!


Nash looked to be down and out but Sting didn't go for the cover, choosing instead to get back to his feet and look out at the fans, who roared in approval. Sting then grabbed Nash's legs and the fans immediately responded with another roaring cheer as they knew exactly what was coming next.....SCORPION DEATHLOCK!!! Sting had the hold locked in and had Nash in perfect position in the center of the ring where not even "Big Sexy" could reach the ropes. It seemed certain that Nash was going to have to tap out, giving Sting a huge win against the nWo at Slamboree, but then....






Scott Hall suddenly attacked Sting, forcing him to break the hold, but also forcing the referee to call for the bell and the disqualification of Kevin Nash.



Sting defeated Kevin Nash at 12.28 by Disqualificaton when Scott Hall got involved (B)






Hall continues his assault on Sting after the match as the announcers are once again outraged at the nWo's actions, saying that Sting had Nash beat and was going to get a huge redemptive win by making Nash tap out, but Scott Hall robbed him of that. Hall keeps putting the boots to Sting and eventually Kevin Nash makes it back to his feet, although he is limping from the after effects of the Scorpion Deathlock. Nash joins in on the assault on Sting and a "DDP" chant breaks out among the fans, but Dusty speculates that that may be exactly what the nWo wants; for DDP to come out here and get involved so they can soften him up before the main event. Nash leaves the ring to grab a steel chair while Scott Hall pulls Sting back to his feet and The Outsiders clearly have some bad intentions here....





<iframe width="150" height="150" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/6YsUEFf521I?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






IT'S DDP!!! Page quickly makes his way down to the ring, once again proving that the alliance between him and Sting is as strong as ever with Page coming out here to help Sting even though his World Title match against Shawn Michaels is coming up next. Hall turns around to meet Page but the number one contender gets the better of the exchange. Nash is up on the apron but Sting charges and knocks him back down, just as DDP throws Scott Hall over the top rope on the other side of the ring. The Outsiders reconvene on the outside, but instead of attacking again they decide to retreat back up the ramp, apparently choosing to fight another day. (B-)










With Diamond Dallas Page already in the ring, we go backstage where the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, is standing by with a message for his challenger. Shawn says that he has already proven that he is the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be--the obvious insult fully intended--by coming back after years of injury and winning the World Title in his very first match. That being said, there are still things he can do to add to his already incredibly impressive career, such as becoming the longest reigning World Heavyweight Champion in the history of WCW, and that is exactly what he is going to do. So tonight, he is going to, once again, prove that he is the very best by defeating Diamond Dallas Page and crushing any pathetic dream that DDP may have of regaining the title. Shawn even adds a "BANG!" at the end, blatantly ripping off his challenger before heading toward the ring as Tony informs everyone that the main event of Slamboree, Shawn Michaels versus Diamond Dallas Page for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, is coming up next! (C+)





<iframe width="150" height="150" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/i1A6dkR0szc?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






The World Heavyweight Champion makes his way down to the ring, looking as confident as ever as he locks eyes with Diamond Dallas Page, who is still waiting in the ring. Shawn takes his time though, making his challenger wait for him as he struts down the aisle, stopping several times to pose along the way. Shawn then finally enters the ring as Mike Tenay is heard saying that the future of WCW could very well be on the line in this match.





WCW World Heavyweight Championship








The war between Diamond Dallas Page and Sting and the nWo continued in this one and the challenger, DDP, wasted no time going after Shawn Michaels, landing several right handed punches right off the bat. DDP went for the big discus punch, but Michaels was able to duck under it and he, in turn, slapped DDP right across the fans, draing "Ohh's" from the crowd. DDP, clearly infuriated, charged at Michaels again, but Michaels quickly exited the ring. DDP gave chase, but Michaels continued literally running away from his challenger which Tony, Mike and Dusty all agreed was not appropriate behavior for a World Champion. But Shawn was, of course, using DDP's anger against him, allowing Page to chase him until Michaels got an opening to attack Page instead, which he did by sliding into the ring and attacking Page as soon as he followed. Michaels stayed on Page, not allowing him a moment to rest, which the announcers reluctantly complimented Michaels on, saying that Michaels was obviously aware of DDP's resilience. Michaels maintained control for the next several minutes, picking up a couple of two counts in the process.


DDP was able to fight his way back into the match when Michaels took a little bit too much time climbing to the top rope. The champion was looking to deliver a elbow from the top, but to his surprise he was met on the top rope by DDP, who threw Michaels off the top rope and back-first onto the floor of the ring in a momentum changing move that put Page firmly in control of the match. Page hit an inverted atomic drop, a jawbreaker and a discus clothesline, but Michaels kicked out after two. Page stayed on the offensive, hitting a gutwrench gutbuster and a russian legsweep, but Michaels again kicked out after two. Page then hit a belly to belly suplex and threw up the Diamond Cutter sign, signalling that the end was near for Shawn Michaels' reign as World Champion when...






Kevin Nash was seen making his way down the entrance ramp, but not for long as....






Sting wasn't far behind and he and Nash began brawling up and down the entrance ramp as several referees came out from the back to try to seperate the two. Meanwhile, back in the ring, DDP went to pick up Michaels after the brief distraction but Michaels was ready for him, jumping to his feet and attempting to hit the Sweet Chin Music, but DDP managed to duck it and the two squared off in the middle of the ring, trading punches. Page got the better of the exchange and again went for the discus punch, but Michaels was again able to duck it....SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!!--NOO!! DDP was able to duck it again!...DIAMOND CUTTER!!!! Page hit the Diamond Cutter on Shawn Michaels...






....NO!!!! Michaels was able to get his feet under the bottom rope at the very last second. Page was shaking his head, having clearly thought that he was about to regain the World Championship. Page got back to his feet and threw up the Diamond Cutter sign once more, drawing a great cheer from the crowd. Page waited for Michaels to get up, but then....






SCOTT HALL!!! Hall made his way through the crowd, jumped the barricade and then jumped up on the apron of the ring, yelling at DDP to turn around. Page turned around and charged at Hall as soon as he saw him, but Hall jumped down from the apron before DDP could get to him and proceeded to taunt DDP from outside the ring. Meanwhile, as Hall had DDP distracted, Shawn Michaels slowly got back to his feet and as DDP turned around....SWEET CHIN---NOOO!!! Page ducked it for a third time! Page charged at Michaels looking to score with a clothesline, but this time Michaels ducked and "accidentally" bumped into the referee and, with the referee momentarily distracted, Scott Hall jumped up on the apron and punched DDP in the back of his head. Then, as Scott Hall appeared to be taking something off his hand and hiding it in one of his pockets, Shawn Michaels nailed the Sweet Chin Music on Diamond Dallas Page and collapsed into the cover....










Shawn Michaels defeated Diamond Dallas Page at 19.07 by pinfall with a Sweet Chin Music following interference from Scott Hall. Shawn Michaels retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (B)



And as a visibly exhausted Shawn Michaels is handed the WCW World Heavyweight Championship title belt, WCW Slamboree 2002 comes to an end!





Final Show Rating: B

PPV Buyrate : 1.20

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Slamboree is finally up. Quite a bit later than originally planned obviously, but I'm glad to finally have the show up for you guys to read and (hopefully :)) enjoy.


As always comments and feedback is welcomed and appreciated and the card for Monday Nitro should be up either later today or tomorrow.

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A few things;


- The Chavo storyline is really entertaining to me. I'm glad he retained the title and adding in AJ Styles was good. I'm curious about using DDP's music though - perhaps a mentorship began between the two of them?


- Really shocked about Kanyon retaining the title. I figured this was the chance for O'Haire to get built up. You could be waiting for the bigger show to do it though, possibly the Great American Bash. I was also surprised by their match rating, I figured that would be better.


- I'm pretty "meh" about Douglas/Kidman/Torrie


- Hopefully Goldberg can move away from El Mesais and start helping out DDP and Sting.


- What in God's name happened with HBK's promo? A C+?


- I figured HBK would retain and typical WCW with the numerous interferences in the two main matches. Hopefully this leads to a good feud between HBK and Sting. You could drag it out all the way until Halloween Havoc.


Overall, a good show. Looking forward to where you go next.



I now see that AJ Styles video is there. Not sure why my browser first put DDP's video there. Although that would be a pretty interesting storyline.

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Monday Nitro Card



Scott Hall vs. Sting


Champion vs. Champion Showcase

Kanyon vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Boogie Knights vs. The Nasty Boys


El Mesías vs. Air Paris



Also on the show; A special "huge announcement" from WCW owner, Eric Bischoff

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Monday Nitro Card


Scott Hall vs. Sting

- Probably not a clean win.


Champion vs. Champion Showcase

Kanyon vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

- I'll go with Kanyon, but I'd love to see Chavo steal another win.


Boogie Knights vs. The Nasty Boys

- Better workers, more entertaining...And Disco Inferno for WCW World Champion!!


El Mesías vs. Air Paris

- Squash

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A great job on Slamboree, it seems like all the right people went over.... well except for The Cat, but hey, one out of all those isn't too bad! I'm kinda glad to see that you're sticking with Kanyon, a long run as US champ should have him ready to go after the World title by the time he drops it.


Scott Hall vs. Sting

Sting should be on his way to face Michaels in a huge dream match.


Champion vs. Champion Showcase

Kanyon vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Higher champ should probably pick up the win.


Boogie Knights vs. The Nasty Boys

This makes me sad.


El Mesías vs. Air Paris

Without Styles, Paris is somewhat dead in the water.

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<p>Finally got around to doing the prediction contest results and they are as follows;</p><p> </p><p>

The winner of this month's contest is <strong>Mackem with 27 hits</strong>! </p><p> </p><p>

Crackerjack and The Lloyd tied for second place with 24 hits.</p><p> </p><p>

Beejus took third place with 23 hits.</p><p> </p><p>

And Henderson finished fourth with 18 hits.</p><p> </p><p>

RKOwnage, Greggyb, The Nickman and warhawk8492 all predicted during the month as well, putting the total number of people who predicted this month at 9, which is definitely a new record for this diary. So thanks to everyone who predicted!</p><p> </p><p>

And congratulations to Mackem for being this month's winner. Your prize will be in your inbox soon.</p>

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<p>Scott Hall vs. <strong>Sting</strong></p><p>

<em>Sting's probably the next man up against HBK</em></p><p> </p><p>

Champion vs. Champion Showcase</p><p>

Kanyon vs. <strong>Chavo Guerrero Jr.</strong></p><p>

<em>I'd imagine Chavo sneaks away with one after interference goes against Kanyon</em></p><p> </p><p>

Boogie Knights vs. <strong>The Nasty Boys</strong></p><p><strong>


<em>Hate the Nastys, but build them up a little just to job</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Mesías</strong> vs. Air Paris</p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/WCWNitro4.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Week 1, June, 2002</strong></p><p><strong> Live from Colorado State Fair Center in Pueblo, Colorado</strong></p><p><strong> Attendance: 8.225 (sellout)</strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The show kicks off with a video package showing the highlights of last night's Slamboree pay per view, focusing primarily on Goldberg managing to overcome the seemingly nearly unstoppable El Mesías, Scott Hall interfering in Sting's match against Kevin Nash and the following beatdown and the rescue by Diamond Dallas Page, and finally, of course, the main event where Shawn Michaels retained the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Diamond Dallas Page after Scott Hall got involved in that match as well, punching DDP in the back of the head with what appeared to be a pair of brass knuckles. The video comes to an end with a shot of Shawn Michaels being handed the World Title belt as the nWo's reign of dominance continued. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Once inside the arena we do not go to our announce team of Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes as we normally would, but instead we head straight to the ring as the owner of WCW, Eric Bischoff, is making his way to the ring to the sound of his "White Train" theme music.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/EricBischoff3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Bischoff seems to be a little bit in between tonight as far as his mood is concerned, not quite happy but not quite angry either. Bischoff enters the ring and grabs a mic and says that as much as he wanted to come out here and congratulate Shawn Michaels on an impressive title defense last night at Slamboree, there are two other concerns he has to deal with first. The first is an announcement he has to make, though he doesn't seem to be entirely too happy about having to make it. He says that two weeks from now we are going to have a very special edition of Monday Nitro--a "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro. Now, what that means is that there is going to be four matches on the show; A World Heavyweight Championship title match, a US Title match, a Cruiserweight Championship title match and a Tag Team Championship title match. Every single title in WCW will be defended and for the first time ever...the fans will be allowed to vote on who they want to receive these title shots! The entire building erupts with cheers, but Bischoff clearly isn't thrilled about putting such power into the hands of the fans, but then why is he doing it, as Tony Schiavone quite rightly points out. Bischoff says that this will be a night where literally anything can happen--well, almost anything because there is one single person on the entire WCW roster who will NOT be eligible to be voted on for this show, and that person is.....Goldberg! The crowd boos this announcement, but the boos suddenly turns to cheers as.....</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BillGoldberg2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Goldberg's music hits and "The Man" himself walks out onto the stage to a huge reaction from the crowd. Goldberg starts to approach the ring but he doesn't get very far before a slew of security guards run down and position themselves between Goldberg and the ring, the wall of humanity between himself and Goldberg bringing a smirk to Bischoff's face. Bischoff then tells security to escort Goldberg out of the building, saying that Goldberg may have escaped his fate last night at Slamboree, but he is not done with him by a long shot. As security escorts Goldberg toward the back, Goldberg can be heard yelling to Bischoff that he is next as the announcers wonder if the issue between Bischoff and Goldberg will ever be settled as Bischoff just seems to keep putting new obstacles in front of Goldberg. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/AirParis.jpg</span>vs.<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/RickyBanderas2.jpg</span>w/<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JamesMitchell3.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> The opening contest of Nitro was a short one as El Mesías faced off against Air Paris in a match that El Mesías dominated from start to finish. While Mesías dominated in the ring, The Minister, El Mesías' new manager, was busy telling the ringside camera, and the fans, that they were looking at the future of WCW in the ring right now. Mesías eventually put Air Paris away with a Mesías Driver for the dominant win in a very short match.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>El Mesías defeated Air Paris at 2.58 by pinfall with a Mesías Driver (E)</strong> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/DustinRhodesIggy.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/RoadDogg.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BrianChristopher.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Following El Mesías' impressive win we cut to the back where Dustin Rhodes and BG James are joined by the man who came to their aid last night at Slamboree, Brian Lawler. Lawler says that he feels they have a lot in common and that is why he felt it was his duty to help them last night when The Three attacked. Dustin and BG start to thank Lawler for his help, but in walks...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JohnCenaAAF5.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/SamoaJoe.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/KenAnderson.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The Three! And the mood in the room changes immediately. All three members of The Three glare at Dustin, BG and Brian Lawler, and John Cena says that he heard what Lawler was saying and he was right, they do have a lot in common--they are all trying to live off of the glory of their families rather than their own ability, which Cena says is down to the simple fact that they just don't have the ability themselves. That insult was all the reason Dustin Rhodes, BG James and Brian Lawler needed to attack and a wild brawl breaks out between all six men until security finally arrives on the scene to break them up, but the issues between these men are apparently just getting started. <strong>(D-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BillyKidman2.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/TorrieWilson.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Elsewhere in the back, Billy Kidman is sitting with his head hung low, looking down after losing to Shane Douglas last night at Slamboree. Torrie Wilson is there with him trying to cheer him up, but it doesn't seem to be working.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Shane_Douglas7.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Shane Douglas then walks in, which certainly doesn't help Kidman's mood at all. Douglas calls Torrie his "lucky charm", saying that she brings him good luck just by being near him, even when she's with someone else. Imagine how much the two of them could accomplish together! Torrie does not seem to find that idea very appealing at all, but Douglas insists that it is only a matter of time before Torrie wises up and decides that she wants to be with a real man. That thinly veiled insult brings Kidman to his feet and he gets right in Douglas' face, but Torrie puts herself in between Kidman and Douglas, telling Kidman to just ignore him. Douglas then walks away laughing as we head back to ringside for our second match of the night <strong>(D-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BrianKnobbs2.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JerrySaggs.jpg</span>vs.<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/DiscoInferno.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/AlexWright2.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> The Nasty Boys faced off against the Boogie Knights next in a solid and competitive back and forth match. The announcers spent the early parts of this one talking about how, now that Sons of the South lost their Tag Team Title match at Slamboree, a lot of people are talking about how the Nasty Boys might be next in line for a shot at the Impact Players and the Tag Team Titles so it wasn't a huge surprise when...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/LanceStorm2.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/MikeAwesome3.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/TedDiBiase.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The champions made their way down to ringside to scout the match, although it was perhaps a bit surprising that they never actually got involved in the match. Disco Inferno and Alex Wright did their best to derail the Nasty Boys title match hopes, and perhaps grabbing one for themselves in the process, but in the end it was the veterans who picked up the win as Jerry Saggs pinned Disco Inferno following a double DDT.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Nasty Boys defeated Boogie Knights at 8.15 by pinfall when Jerry Saggs pinned Disco Inferno following a double DDT (C-)</strong> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> The match is over and there is a brief staredown between the Impact Players and the Nasty Boys, with the Nasty's inviting the Players into the ring, but Ted DiBiase leads his Tag Team Champions back up the entrance ramp, telling them that "they're not worth it". We then head backstage to Eric Bischoff's office.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/EricBischoff3.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/RicFlair2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> In his office, the owner of WCW is joined by none other than "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Flair says that he originally wanted to talk to Bischoff about Sean O'Haire getting a one on one match against Kanyon for the United States Championship at Bash at the Beach, but after hearing Bischoff's announcement about a special "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro, he would much rather talk to him about that. Flair says that he wants to be added as one of the choices for the fans to vote on for the World Title, but Bischoff quickly reminds Flair that he is banned from getting a World Title shot until Greed, as per the Big Risk/Big Reward ladder match out come. Flair says that this is a special occasion and that, for one night only, his ban should be lifted. Bischoff considers Flair's words for a moment and then says that he is prepared to offer Flair a deal. Next week on Monday Nitro, Ric Flair goes one on one with Kanyon in a non-title match and if Flair wins, not only does Sean O'Haire get his US Title shot, but Bischoff will agree to lift the ban on Flair for one night only--IF the fans actually vote for him. But if Kanyon wins, Flair's ban does not get lifted and instead Sean O'Haire will also be banned from getting any title shots until Greed of next year. Flair agrees to the deal immediately, seemingly not even considering Sean O'Haire, and Flair and Bischoff shakes hands as the camera cuts away <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JoeyStyles2000.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/DiamondDallasPage.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Elsewhere in the back, Joey Styles has caught up with Diamond Dallas Page. Joey asks DDP about last night's Slamboree and his match against Shawn Michaels and DDP says that he wasn't surprised to see Scott Hall get involved in the match--this is the nWo, after all. Page admits that, yeah, the nWo may have gotten the better of him last night and he may be down right now, but he's not out. He knew what he was getting into when he got into this war with the nWo and he is in it for the long haul. As long as the nWo is around, DDP will be there to fight them! <strong>©</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Champion vs. Champion Showcase Match</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ChrisKanyon4.jpg</span>vs.<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Back in the ring it was time for the Champion vs. Champion Showcase match between the United States Champion Kanyon, and the Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero Jr., and the match did not disappoint as both men brought their A-game to the ring, determined to prove that they were the superior champion. Both men have had a great deal of success since WCW's return and the match showed why as it went back and forth throughout. Staying true to what has brought him most, if not all, of his success, Chavo Guerrero Jr. came close on more than one occasion to steal a win by bending and breaking the rules, but in the end it was the US Champion, Kanyon, who picked up the win as he was able to counter a Gory Bomb attempt from Chavo into a Kanyon Cutter for the win in a very good and highly competitive match.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Kanyon defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. at 12.07 by pinfall following a Kanyon Cutter (B-)</strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> As the United States Champion, Kanyon, celebrates his hard-earned victory in the Champion vs. Champion Showcase match, we once again cut to Eric Bischoff's office where the owner has received another visitor.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/EricBischoff3.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ScottSteiner.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The visitor is "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner and he is, once again, ranting and raving about Bischoff delivering on his promise and giving him his reward. Bischoff says that he is happy to say that Steiner is going to get his reward soon--two weeks from tonight, in fact, as Bischoff informs Steiner that he is going to add him to the list of people the fans can vote for in the World Title match on the "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro. Steiner doesn't appear to be too happy about it, though, saying that his reward shouldn't be left up to a bunch of stupid morons. Bischoff says that this is the best he can do and tht Steiner needs to either take it or leave it. Steiner says that he'll get his World Title match whether the fans vote for him or not, and he then leaves the office, slamming the door loudly as Eric Bischoff looks like he is realizing that the Scott Steiner problem is not exactly solved yet <strong>(B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Sting3.jpg</span>vs.<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ScottHall2.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> Back in the ring it was time for the main event of the evening as Sting faced off against the nWo's Scott Hall. The issues between these two men were obvious even before Slamboree, but after Hall's actions last night things were more heated than ever before, and it showed. This was a very intense main event as both men looked like they were putting everything they had into every single punch they threw or move they executed. It was also a very even match, with Sting controlling the early parts of the match, but Scott Hall would use his usual cheap tricks and cheating tactics to fight his way back into it. The fans were into this one throughout the match, firmly supporting Sting and booing Scott Hall every time pulled Sting's hair, stuck a thumb into his eye or otherwise broke the rules. The finish of the match came when Scott Hall reached into his trunks and pulled out the same pair of brass knuckles he used on DDP at Slamboree. Hall swung at Sting--but Sting blocked it! Sting then kicked Hall in the gut and hooked him for the Scorpion Deathdrop....</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/KevinNash2002.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ShawnMichaels.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> And that is when the rest of the nWo, Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash, hit the ring and attacked Sting, forcing the referee to call for the disqualification.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sting defeated Scott Hall at 13.32 by disqualification when Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash got involved in the match (B)</strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Sting3.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ShawnMichaels.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/KevinNash2002.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ScottHall2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The bell rings repeatedly as the match is over but the nWo ignores it as they are clearly not done with Sting yet as they continue their three on one beatdown.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/DiamondDallasPage.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Three on one becomes three on two as Diamond Dallas Page hits the ring to help his friend Sting, like the two of them have done so many times in recent months. But, as we have also seen many times in recent months, the numbers game is once again catching up to Sting and DDP as the nWo takes control of things in the ring. The fans are booing and the announcers are making no attempts to hide the fact that they are sick and tired of watching the nWo play the numbers game week after week--and get away with it. And with a shot of the nWo once again taking it to Sting and Diamond Dallas Page, another edition of Monday Nitro come to an--wait a minute, what's this?!?!?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <iframe width="150" height="150" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Z4ckmZjzboY?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BookerT.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> IT'S BOOKER T!!!!!!!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The crowd is going absolutely crazy as Booker T runs down to the ring, making his return to WCW after being gone for two months after having the misfortune of pulling down a two month suspension in the Big Risk/Big Reward ladder match at Greed. Booker hits the ring and Scott Hall immediately attacks, but Booker takes him down with a standing sidekick! Kevin Nash then turns his attention to Booker, but Booker kicks him in the gut and....AXE KICK!!! Shawn Michaels and Booker T then goes toe to toe and the fans are absolutely loving it, but Scott Hall joins in and makes it two on one--but only for a monent as Sting and DDP join the fight again and the three of them force the nWo from the ring!</p><p> </p><p> And with a shot of Booker T, Sting and Diamond Dallas Page standing tall in the ring, and with the sound of Tony Schiavone saying that Booker T has returned to even the odds in the battle against the nWo, Monday Nitro comes to an end! <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Final Show Rating: B</strong></p><p><strong> TV Rating: 0.70</strong></p>
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<p>Monday Nitro is up! </p><p> </p><p>

Also I would like to mention that with the posting of the Slamboree pay per view I have officially made it through my first full year in charge of WCW in the game. Pretty cool milestone to reach and I am just getting started! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

The next card will be posted soon.</p>

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Wow, congrats on getting through a full year. This is my favorite diary (along with Beejus' Glass Shatters, which never seems to progress), so keep up the writing.


Loving it!


Sorry about that, I've been REALLY wanting to get back to Glass Shatters. But I've prioritized Halloween Havoc for War of the Thrones. As soon as Havoc is done, then I will be doing more for the WWF, I promise!

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Haha all good, mate. I've never really gotten into War of Thrones as I'm new to the whole dynasty scene, but I understand that's your big one.


I'm just a massive WWF mark from that timeframe and three out of four active diaries are WCW ones!!


Plus you got me hooked with Undertaker winning the Rumble. Can't wait to see where that goes!!

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I actually forgot all about Booker T, which is sad. But I was pleasantly surprised when he returned to even the odds with the NWO. I had been waiting and waiting for someone to finally help Sting and DDP and Booker is a good choice. I wish you would incorporate Sting and DDP maybe getting on the rest of the locker room for not helping with the NWO or implying subtle hints or something, but that's just me. I have no issue with the direction you're going or how your writing stuff. I really enjoy it.


A possible confrontation between Steiner and HBK is also interesting. Your continued storyline with Bischoff and Goldberg is a great way to keep Goldberg involved yet keep him out of the title picture. He's one of those guys that is difficult to book realistically, especially with him losing. Also in my experience, he doesn't carry the World title well in the game either for some reason.


By my estimates, you have less than a year before a big name in WWE is up for contract negotiations. He was absolutely crucial in getting me past Cult and skyrocketing my company popularity. It was pretty much identical to what Hulk Hogan did for WCW in 1994. I can't wait to see what happens.

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Monday Nitro is up!


Also I would like to mention that with the posting of the Slamboree pay per view I have officially made it through my first full year in charge of WCW in the game. Pretty cool milestone to reach and I am just getting started! :)


The next card will be posted soon.


Well done on the one year buddy :D Fantastic milestone :D Just hope you start to get the readership your writing and ideas deserve!! Looking forward to the next card... I think if I was a fan watching your WCW I'd be wanting to see The Three in action!! So your job is to make sure it doesn't happen... :p

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I think it speaks highly of your writing that you are so good at it that you can take somebody out like Booker T (was this from the risk&reward from Greed?) and people forget about him because they are so immersed in the story.


It makes me wonder who else I am forgetting about (maybe Jarrett, Konnan and a few others).

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Monday Nitro Card





Billy Kidman vs. Sean O'Haire


Mike Sanders vs. Davey Boy Smith


Kanyon vs. Ric Flair


Non Title

Sting and Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Impact Players


Booker T vs. Jeff Jarrett

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Billy Kidman vs. Sean O'Haire


Mike Sanders vs. Davey Boy Smith


Kanyon vs. Ric Flair

Go Natich!


Non Title

Sting and Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Impact Players

Sting and Page are just at a higher level.


Booker T vs. Jeff Jarrett

Booker just made a HUGE return, so keep him strong with a win.

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Billy Kidman vs. Sean O'Haire


Mike Sanders vs. Davey Boy Smith


Kanyon vs. Ric Flair


Non Title

Sting and Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Impact Players

- I like the IP's, but Sting & DDP are too high up. It's a good loss for the champs.


Booker T vs. Jeff Jarrett

- Booker just returned, so he needs to win. Although it would be typical WCW to have him lose the match.

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Monday Nitro Card


Sean O'Haire


Davey Boy Smith


Ric Flair - really wanted to go with Kanyon


Non Title

Sting and Diamond Dallas Page - really wanted to go with The Impact Players


Booker T

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