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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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Week 2, June, 2002

Live from Agganis Arena in Boston, Massachusetts

Attendance: 6.300 (sellout)









As Monday Nitro kicks off we immediately head to the announce table and our usual announce team of Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes. Tony welcomes everyone to another huge edition of WCW Monday Nitro and immediately talks about the huge return of Booker T last week, seemingly finally taking away the nWo's three on two advantage. Mike says that Booker T shocked the world last week and nobody had anticipated his return--especially not the nWo. Dusty adds that, with Booker T back and the nWo's man advantage gone, things could get very interesting, both tonight and in the immediate future. Tony then moves the show ahead by talking about the big match that is set to take place in a few moments as "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair faces off against the United States Champion, Kanyon, in a match where everything is on the line for Flair. If he wins, then the fans will have the option to vote for Flair to face Shawn Michaels at next week's "Fans' Choice" edition of WCW Monday Nitro AND Flair's protege, Sean O'Haire, will get a shot at the United States Championship at the upcoming Bash at the Beach pay per view against whoever the champion is at that point. But if Flair loses, not only will he not be available to be voted on for next week's show, but Sean O'Haire also loses his chance at the US Title.









The opening match of the night was a heck of a contest as one of the greatest of all time in "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair faced off against a man who many believe is a future World Heavyweight Champion in Kanyon and the fans very into this one right from the get-go. After some initial stalling tactics from Flair, the veteran took control of the match, focusing most of his offense on Kanyon's legs, no doubt softening him up for the Figure Four Leglock. The United States Champion is not an easy man to beat, however, and Kanyon proved that once again here as he made a spirited comeback and took control of the match, scoring several near-falls in the process. From there the match went back and forth with the fans enjoying every minute of the highly competitive matchup. In the end it was the veteran Flair who managed to scrape out a win after hitting a lowblow on Kanyon behind the referee's back and Flair then rolled Kanyon up for the three count, grabbing a handful of the US Champion's tights to ensure the win for the dirtiest player in the game.



Ric Flair defeated Kanyon at 12.34 by pinfall following a lowblow and a handful of tights (B)




The annnouncers put over the effort of both men, but they also agree that it is a "damn shame" that Kanyon lost the match the way he did with Flair cheating, though Mike Tenay notes that there is a reason Ric Flair is called the dirtiest player in the game and he showed everyone why here tonight. They also talk about the fact that Flair will now be one of the three men who the fans can vote for to face Shawn Michaels next week on Nitro with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line, and also that Sean O'Haire will now be getting a shot at the United States Championship at Bash at the Beach.








We cut to the parking lot area where Goldberg is seen arriving at the building. Goldberg tells the camera that he is sick of tired of Eric Bischoff's crap and tonight he is put an end to it, but as Goldberg approaches the entrance he is met by a large number of security guards who informs him that, once again, Eric Bischoff had banned him from the building tonight. Goldberg says that this is getting ridiculous, but the guards inform him that they are simply following the boss's orders. A visibly frustrated Goldberg shakes his head, saying that he will deal with Bischoff face to face next week on Nitro and nothing and no one is going to stand in his way (B+)









We cut back inside the building where Ted DiBiase is seen talking to all three members of the nWo. Shawn Michaels is telling DiBiase that the nWo is expecting to see great things from the Impact Players tonight in their match against Sting and Diamond Dallas Page and that it would be in their best interest not to disappoint them. Nash and Hall both say that they know first hand that DiBiase is a man who can get things done and they expect him to prove that again tonight. DiBiase says that the nWo has nothing to worry about; The Impact Players are the Tag Team Champions for a reason and that reason is that they know how to win. And while Sting and Diamond Dallas Page may be great singles wrestlers, they don't hold a candle to the Impact Players when it comes to tag team wrestling. DiBiase adds that Sting and DDP will be in for a rough night and all three members of the nWo seems pleased with that as they turn and walk away, but not before Scott Hall adds one final piece of advice for "Teddy"; don't mess this up, Chico! (B-)







In our second match night Billy Kidman faced off against Sean O'Haire in one on one action. With Ric Flair having secured a US Title shot for Sean O'Haire at Bash at the Beach earlier in the night, O'Haire came out looking to send a message in this one, but Billy Kidman had plenty to fight for in his own right and he didn't make it easy for O'Haire. With Torrie supporting him at ringside, Kidman put in a solid effort in this one, holding his own against a man who many view as one of the biggest young prospects in the business today. But things took a turn for the worse for Kidman when...






Shane Douglas made his way down to ringside. The mere presence of Shane Douglas at ringside was enough to put Kidman off his game and from there it was only a matter of time before O'Haire put a distracted Kidman away with a Widow Maker for the win.



Sean O'Haire defeated Billy Kidman at 6.39 by pinfall following a Widow Maker (C-)




Following the match Torrie Wilson enters the ring to check on Kidman while O'Haire celebrates his win, and at ringside Shane Douglas appears to be checking Torrie out as the announcers talk about the recent issues between Kidman and Douglas, with Torrie right smack in the middle of it all. We then head to the backstage area.








In the back, Sting, Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T are seen talking. Booker says that he's been sitting at home for the past two months just watching and waiting to come back here and join the fight against the nWo. He says that now that he is finally back things are gonna change around here and the nWo better start to realize that their time is up, now can you dig that? Sting and DDP both seem to "dig it" as the three of them seems to be firmly on the same page and the announcers wonder if perhaps this is the beginning of the end for the nWo? (B-)









We cut back to ringside where Mike Sanders and Stacy Keibler makes their way to the ring as Sanders' match is coming up next. But Sanders has something to say first as he grabs a mic. Sanders says that he is getting sick and tired of seeing all of the focus in the Natural Born Thrillers being put on Sean O'Haire. He says that O'Haire is hardly the only talented person in the Thrillers, nor is he the most talented. In fact, Sanders says that he is the best thing going right now and he is going to prove it in the ring tonight by defeating that has-been Davey Boy Smith. Sanders tells Davey Boy to come on down because he's got a point to prove and he is going to prove it at his expense (C-)







Davey Boy Smith made his return to WCW in this one after having been gone since taking a severe beating at the hands of "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner at Spring Stampede over a month ago, and "The British Bulldog" looked ready to go, taking charge of the match early on. Mike Sanders eventually took control of the match and spend almost as much time bad-mouthing Davey Boy as he did fighting him, telling him that he should just call it quits and that he should have done himself a favor and just stayed away after what Steiner did to him instead of coming back. The cocky approach by Sanders eventually ended up costing him as Davey Boy put together a series of power moves, ending the sequence, and the match, with a Running Powerslam for the comeback win.



Davey Boy Smith defeated Mike Sanders at 9.01 by pinfall following a Running Powerslam (C-)




As Davey Boy Smith celebrates his return win in the ring, the announcers talk about the fact that "The British Bulldog" obviously had more left in the tank than Mike Sanders thought he did. They put Davey Boy's win over, saying that he returned to the ring in style here tonight as we cut to the backstage area once again.








In the back, Jeff Jarrett and Cheerleader Melissa are with Eric Bischoff in Bischoff's office where Bischoff is talking to Jarrett about his match later tonight against Booker T. Bischoff says that he has all the faith in the world in Jarrett and he knows that Jarrett is going to make sure Booker T regrets coming back the way he did last week. Double J says that he won't let Bischoff down and Bischoff responds that that is exactly why Jeff is the "Chosen One". Suddenly the three of them are joined in Bischoff's office by....






Scott Steiner who--surprise, surprise--is still looking pissed off. Bischoff asks "Big Poppa Pump" what he wants, pointing out that he has already gotten his reward and all Steiner can do now is sit back and hope that the fans vote for him for the show next week. Steiner says that he is not the only one who should be hoping that the fans vote for him because he WILL get a World Title shot one way or another and he doesn't care what he has to do, or who he has to go through, to get it. Steiner then leaves the locker room again and with a shot of a very concerned looking Eric Bischoff, we cut back to ringside (C+)







The fourth match of the night was a terrific tag team match between the Tag Team Champions, The Impact Players, and the team of Sting and Diamond Dallas Page. The Impact Players wasted little time showing everyone exactly why they are the Tag Team Champions as they quickly took control of the match and maintained it for several minutes, utilizing quick tags to keep constant pressure on Diamond Dallas Page, who the Players effectively isolated in their own corner, keeping him far away from Sting. But DDP is a tough and resilient guy and the Impact Players were unable to put him away despite their best efforts, getting close a couple of times but not quite getting there. Page eventually made the tag to Sting who came in on fire and took control of the match, but the teamwork of the Tag Team Champions eventually saw them fight their way back into the match. In the end, following a great and highly competitive match, it was DDP and Sting who picked up the win when Diamond Dallas Page hit a Diamond Cutter on Lance Storm and scored the pinfall victory while Sting prevented Mike Awesome from making the save.



Diamond Dallas Page and Sting defeated the Impact Players at 12.40 by pinfall when Diamond Dallas Page pinned Lance Storm following a Diamond Cutter (B)




Diamond Dallas Page and Sting are celebrating their win, but the celebration is cut short when the nWo music suddenly hits and....







The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, makes his way out onto the stage. Michaels pretends to applaud DDP and Sting's win, though it is obvious that it is hardly genuine. Shawn says that last week's Monday Nitro is going to go down in history because what happened there will NEVER happen again. Nobody is ever going to get the better of the nWo like that ever again. Not Diamond Dallas Page. Not Sting. And not Booker T. Shawn says that he is going to be the WCW World Heavyweight Champion for a LONG time to come and there is nothing anybody can do to change that. He then says that it doesn't matter who the fans vote for to face him next week on Nitro because no matter who it is he is going to beat them. Not only that, he is going to humiliate them. He is going to prove that nobody in this company comes anywhere close to holding a candle to Shawn Michaels! So people might as well just give up now and save themselves the pain, the embarrassment and the humiliation because nobody is ever going to beat Shawn Michaels for the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Not now, not ever! (B+)







Back in the ring it was time for the main event of the night as Booker T made his return to the ring, taking on Jeff Jarrett in one on one action. Booker picked up right where he left off last week, immediately taking control of the match and putting Eric Bischoff's "Chosen One" on the defensive. Booker remained in control until a timely distraction by Cheerleader Melissa at ringside finally allowed Jarrett to catch his breath and get some offense in of his own. But to Jarrett's credits, despite a rough start to the match, once he got the advantage he kept it, staying on Booker and not giving him a moment's rest. Double J spent the next several minutes wearing Booker down, but Booker eventually made a huge comeback after just barely being able to counter the Stroke at the very last second. Booker strung together a series of offensive moves including several kicks, a belly to back suplex and a flying forearm smash. Booker then set up for the Axe Kick but then....






Scott Hall suddenly made his way down to the ring. The nWo member wasn't satisfied just watching the action, he jumped onto the apron and took a swing at Booker T, but Booker ducked and Hall connected with Jarrett instead! Booker then knocked Hall off the apron, turned around and hit a Bookend on Jarrett for the win.



Booker T defeated Jeff Jarrett at 15.21 by pinfall following a Bookend after botched interference from Scott Hall (C+)








And with that, Sting and Diamond Dallas Page joins Booker T in the ring before the nWo can launch another attack. And with the three of them standing tall in the ring, the announcers remind everyone that next week is the special "Fans' Choice" edition of Monday Nitro and they encourage everyone to tune in for what is going to be a historic night in the history of not only WCW, but in the entire world of professional wrestling!





Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.70

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The poll is officially closed. I want to thank everyone who took the time to vote. I wasn't sure how many were going to but with a total of 25 voters I am more than happy with that number.


I've been going back and forth about predictions for this show. Obviously it could get tricky with three possible choices for each match, so I have decided to leave it up you guys who are actually doing the predictions. Do you want to predict on this show as well?

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Week 3, June, 2002

Live from MassMutual Center in Springfield, Massachusetts

Attendance: 6.889 (sellout)









As the special "Fans' Choice" edition of Monday Nitro kicks off we do so with WCW owner Eric Bischoff already standing in the ring with a mic in his hand. Bischoff welcomes everyone to the first ever "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro, but he then says that before the action gets underway he has an announcement to make regarding the upcoming Bash At The Beach pay per view. More specifically, he is going to announce the main event of the pay per view. After drawing the suspense out for a moment, Bischoff announces that the main event of Bash At The Beach is going to be a six man tag team match as the nWo, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall will face off against Sting, Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T! The announcement receives a great reaction of the fans, who are excited to see those six men square off at Bash At The Beach. With that announcement taken care of, Bischoff says it is time to kick off the in-ring action--but what's this?!? (C+)






Goldberg's music suddenly hits and "The Man" makes his way out from the back and done to the ring to finally confront Eric Bischoff, who looks more than a little uncomfortable in the ring. Goldberg grabs a mic of his own, gets in the ring and says that it is finally time for Bischoff to stop running from him. He talks about everything Bischoff has put him through, all of the obstacles he has put in his way and all of the wrestlers he has thrown at him, but now it is finally time to settle things betwen them once and for all! The fans seem to like that idea, but before anything can come of it....








Eric Bischoff's "Chosen One", Jeff Jarrett, runs down the entrance ramp and joins them in the ring, placing himself right next to Bischoff as the announcers complain about Jeff Jarrett "sucking up" to the boss. With Jarrett by his side, Bischoff seems a bit more confident about the situation and he tells Goldberg to think carefully about his next move because he will not hesitate to suspend him without pay if he steps out of line. The suspense reaches an all new high as Goldberg looks back and forth between Bischoff and Jarrett, but then Jarrett suddenly attacks! Jarrett lands several punches before Goldberg recovers and starts fighting back and a wild brawl ensues between the two of them! Goldberg appears to get getting the upper hand, but then security floods the arena and pulls Goldberg and Jarrett apart. (B-)




Following that intense opening to Monday Nitro, we head to the announce table and Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes.








Tony, Mike and Dusty briefly talk about what just took place in the ring moments ago between Eric Bischoff, Goldberg and Jeff Jarrett, and they then move on to talk about the fact that our first match of the night is coming up as Chavo Guerrero Jr. is set to defend his Cruiserweight Championship, but against who? Will it be Billy Kidman, AJ Styles or Shane Helms? The suspense is drawn out for a few seconds and then the results appear on the screen;


Billy Kidman = 36%


AJ Styles = 52%


Shane Helms = 12%


The winner is AJ STYLES!!!!





WCW Cruiserweight Championship







This one started off at a high pace with both men trading moves back and forth while the announcers talked about the match these two men had three weeks ago at Slamboree where AJ Styles pushed Chavo to the limit and was unlucky not to win the title at that event. This match very much mirrored the match at Slamboree as AJ Styles again showed that he was able to hold his own against the long reigning Cruiserweight Champion. Both men scored several two counts, and AJ Styles was a split second away from becoming the Cruiserweight Champion when he surprised Chavo with a rollup, but the Champion just barely managed to kick out. In the end, AJ Styles would suffer the same fate he did at Slamboree as Chavo countered a Styles Clash into a rollup, grabbing the ropes for extra leverage to secure the win and another successful title defense.



Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated AJ Styles at 9.25 by pinfall following a rollup while using the ropes for extra leverage. Chavo Guerrero Jr. retains the WCW Cruiserweight Championship (C-)



As Chavo Guerrero Jr. leaves the ring with his title, having stolen yet another victory, we cut to the back where Mike Sanders and Stacy Keibler are in the middle of a conversation.








Sanders is complaining loudly about the lack of attention he is being forced to endure, echoing his thoughts from last week about how he is the best thing going in the Natural Born Thrillers. He proceeds to run down Sean O'Haire, saying that O'Haire doesn't even have half the talent he does, yet he is the one getting all of the opportunities while he is just push off to the side. He says that O'Haire doesn't deserve a shot at the US Title--he does! And that O'Haire is nothing but a selfish, spoiled punk who is getting way more than he deserves. Sanders then suddenly spots something off camera and immediately stops talking. The camera slowly turns to reveal that that something is, in fact, Sean O'Haire, who apparently heard every single word Mike Sanders just said. O'Haire doesn't say anything, he just stares daggers at Sanders, who squirms under O'Haire's menacing presence. O'Haire then turns and leaves and Sanders immediately turns to Stacy and complains about how she should have warned him that O'Haire was standing there as we cut back to Tony, Mike and Dusty (C+)




Tony informs everyone that the WCW Tag Team Championship title match is coming up next, but first it is time to reveal who will be challenging The Impact Players for the titles. Will it be Sons of the South? KroniK? Or The Nasty Boys? Once again a moment passes before the results appear on screen;


Sons Of The South = 60%


KroniK = 36%


The Nasty Boys = 4%







WCW Tag Team Championships








As Lance Storm and BG James started things off in the ring, the announcers talked about the lentghy history between these two teams as Sons Of The South has come close on several different occasions to defeating The Impact Players, but each time they came up just short of getting it done. Would tonight prove to be more of the same? The match was on par with the other matches these two teams have had in the past and both teams proved why they are considered by many to be the top two teams in WCW today. The match went back and forth for the entire duration of it, with neither team able to hold the advantage for more than a couple of minutes at the time. Ted DiBiase and Brian Lawler got into a heated argument at ringside when DiBiase attempted to grab the foot of Dustin Rhodes, and Lawler ended up running DiBiase off. The match came to an end after the referee lost control of the action and all four men were fighting it out. Mike Awesome clotheslined BG James over the top rope, but went the same way himself at the hands of Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes then turned around and narrowly dodged a Superkick from Lance Storm and hit a Lifting Inverted DDT on Storm for the win!



Sons Of The South defeated The Impact Players at 12.22 by pinfall when Rhodes pinned Storm following a Lifting Inverted DDT. Sons Of The South wins the WCW Tag Team Championships (C-)







Dustin Rhodes and BG James are celebrating their first WCW Tag Team Title win in the ring, but the celebration is cut short as they quickly realize that there are challengers everywhere.






The Impact Players are back to their feet, slowing wrapping their minds around the fact that they are no longer Tag Team Champions. KroniK and The Nasty Boys make their way down to ringside as well, staring down the new champions.






And finally The Three appears at the top of the entrance ramp, staring at the new champions as well as Mike Tenay remarks that Sons Of The South may be the new Tag Team Champions, but they also have a huge bullseye on their backs now because of it (D)








We cut to Eric Bischoff's office where the owner of WCW sits behind his desk, looking at the camera as he says that he has another announcement to make regarding Bash At The Beach. He says that he hates Goldberg and he disagrees with him about pretty much everything, but Goldberg is right about one thing; it is time to deal with that issue once and for all. Because of that, Bischoff announces another match for Bash At The Beach; Goldberg versus "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett....in a special referee match! And the special referee? Eric Bischoff himself, of course. Bischoff says that Goldberg has brought this upon himself and now "The Chosen One" is going to finish him off once and for all. Following Bash At The Beach, Goldberg will no longer be a problem! ©




We cut back to the announce table where Tony, Mike and Dusty discuss the announcement just made by Eric Bischoff moments ago. Tony wonders what makes Bischoff so certain that Jarrett can get the job done this time when he couldn't before, but Dusty quickly reminds him that the owner of WCW always has something up his sleeve and that will no doubt be the case at Bash At The Beach as well, unfortunately. Mike Tenay agrees, and Tony then says that it's time to find out who the fans voted for to face Kanyon for the WCW United States Champion. Disco Inferno? The new Tag Team Champion Dustin Rhodes? Or Scott Hall? As before, a moment passes and then the results pop up on the screen;



Disco Inferno = 28%


Dustin Rhodes = 28%


Scott Hall = 44%







WCW United States Championship







This was another match with a lot of recent history between the competitors and the announcers were quick to bring up the issues between Kanyon and the nWo, as well as the issues between Kanyon and The Outsiders, which date all the way back to when Scott Hall returned to WCW and Kevin Nash turned on his then tag team partner, Diamond Dallas Page, which led to a heated rivalry between The Outsiders and DDP and Kanyon. Kanyon was obviously fired up for this one and he really took it to Hall early on, taking full advantage of finally being able to put his hands on a member of the nWo, which Kanyon is only allowed to do in a match situation thanks toa stipulation made by Eric Bischoff. The veteran Hall eventually found his footing and the match became very even, though in truth it was more of a fight than a match. Both men gave it their all, but the match came to an end when the referee was "accidentally" bumped by Hall, which immediately led to something that surprised absolutely no one in the building....






"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash made his way through the crowd and entered the ring with both Hall and Kanyon down. Nash pulled Kanyon to his feet, hit the Jackknife Powerbomb and then dragged Hall over to Kanyon and placed him on top of him. Nash then left the ring just as the referee came to and saw Hall covering Kanyon.






"Not like this!" Tony Schiavone was heard saying.





Scott Hall defeated Kanyon at 14.11 by pinfall following a Jackknife Powerbomb by the interfering Kevin Nash. Scott Hall wins the WCW United States Championship (C+)






The match is over and Hall and Nash are celebrating in the ring, mocking and taunting Kanyon, who is still down and out following the Jackknife Powerbomb. Tony, Mike and Dusty all agree that the nWo's actions here tonight were and continue to be despicable.






Finally Sting, Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T all storm down to the ring, but Nash and Hall sees them coming and The Outsiders escape through the crowd before the trio can get their hands on them. Sting and Booker T stares after the Outsiders while Diamond Dallas Page checks on a very dejected looking Kanyon, who just lost the United States Championship because of the nWo's antics, and Kanyon is heard asking DDP "Where the hell were you"? To which DDP replies that security kept them from entering the building until just now--by orders of Eric Bischoff (B)




We head back to the announce table where Tony Schiavone sums up that we have had three title matches so far and two title changes. Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the Cruiserweight Championship, while Sons Of The South won the Tag Team Championships and Scott Hall won the United States Championship. Tony then says that it is time to reveal who the fans voted for to face Shawn Michaels for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in tonight's main event. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair? "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner? Or Rey Misterio Jr.? Following the traditional moment of suspense the results appear on screen;



Ric Flair = 32%


Scott Steiner= 20%


Rey Misterio Jr. = 48%






As Rey Misterio Jr. heads toward the entrance area, we cut to the back where there apparently is some kind of altercation going on....








As we cut backstage we do so to a scene of Ric Flair and Scott Steiner literally yelling and screaming at each other. They appear to be arguing about which of them were screwed over more in the voting as both men are utterly convinced that they deserved the World Title shot more than the other. The argument goes on for quite a while, and while it is difficult to make out what they are saying since both men are screaming at the same time, the only thing they appear to agree on is the fact that Rey Misterio Jr. did NOT deserve this shot more than they did! (B+)





WCW World Heavyweight Championship







As this one got underway Mike Tenay noted that this was Shawn Michaels' first ever match on Monday Nitro. He also noted that while Rey Misterio Jr. may be the underdog in this one, Rey does hold a singles victory against Shawn Michaels' nWo stable mate, Scott Hall, so underestimating Rey would be altogether unwise. Tony added that he was just told that Sting, Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T were apparently guarding the entrance area in the back to ensure a fair fight for Rey Misterio Jr. here tonight. This turned out to be the longest match of the night and both men got their share of offense in. If the champion took Rey Misterio Jr. lightly before the match started, he was quickly forced to realize that he was in for a battle as Rey caught Shawn off guard with a rollup for a near-fall just a few minutes into the match. After that wake up call, Shawn Michaels seemed to enter into "big match" mode and from that point on it was a good back and forth match between two competitors who were giving it their all. Shawn eventually slowed the tempo and took control of the match and spent the next several minutes wearing Rey down, but Rey kept kicking out after two. The match eventually spilled outside the ring where Shawn irish whipped Rey into the barricade, which earned him a warning from the referee, but Michaels didn't seem too bothered by it. The competitors returned to the ring and Rey Misterio Jr. began to make his comeback, fighting his way out of a Sleeperhold and managing to pick up the pace of the match again, which swung the momentum back in his favor. Rey strung an impressive series of moves together, but when he went for the Springboard Hurricanrana as the exclamation point, Michaels countered it into a powerbomb in an impressive move that spelled the beginning of the end for the challenger. Michaels then hit a top rope elbow drop and finished Misterio off with a Sweet Chin Music for a successful title defense despite a great effort by the challenger.



Shawn Michaels defeated Rey Misterio Jr. at 18.42 by pinfall following a Sweet Chin Music. Shawn Michaels retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (B-)



And with that, an exhausted Shawn Michaels is handed his World Heavyweight Championship title belt as the first ever "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro comes to an end!




Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.71

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The first ever "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro is in the books and with just one more edition of Monday Nitro left before the Bash At The Beach pay per view, several matches have officially been signed for the pay per view event by WCW owner Eric Bischoff. We have received official confirmation from Eric Bischoff that the following matches will take place at Bash At The Beach, though more are expected to be added in the coming week.




Bash At The Beach - The Card So Far



Six Man Tag Team Match

Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall vs. Sting, Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T


Special Guest Referee: Eric Bischoff

Goldberg vs. Jeff Jarrett


Triple Threat Match

Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Ric Flair vs. Scott Steiner


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Open Challenge Match

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. ???


Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders Elimination Match

The Impact Players vs. KroniK vs. The Nasty Boys


Six Man Tag Team Match

Sons Of The South and Brian Lawler vs. The Three

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Monday Nitro Card




Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon vs. The Outsiders


Booker T vs. Rick Steiner


Ernest Miller vs. Jeff Jarrett


KroniK vs. Shane Helms and Jamie Knoble


Billy Kidman and AJ Styles vs. Chuck Palumbo and Mark Jindrak

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Good fan's choice episode, and I say Ric got screwed!


Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon vs. The Outsiders

The Outsiders are on a roll, Hall holding the US title now is a great surprise.


Booker T vs. Rick Steiner


Ernest Miller vs. Jeff Jarrett


KroniK vs. Shane Helms and Jamie Knoble

Kronik are bound to be pretty pissed off.


Billy Kidman and AJ Styles vs. Chuck Palumbo and Mark Jindrak

Likely some Douglas interference.

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Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon vs. The Outsiders

Just don't see a resolution at this point to the storyline

Booker T vs. Rick Steiner

The "Dog-Faced Gremlin" will be.. perfect fodder for the Harlem Hangover

Ernest Miller vs. Jeff Jarrett

Double J gets a win over "The Cat"

KroniK vs. Shane Helms and Jamie Knoble

Sugar Shane gets a win over the Kronik losers

Billy Kidman and AJ Styles vs. Chuck Palumbo and Mark Jindrak

The Main Event gets a win in the opener

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