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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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The card for Monday Nitro is coming up next but first I wanted to get this month's prediction contest results out there. Eight different people predicted during the course of the past month, and I want to thank all eight of you for your support. It is, as always, greatly appreciated.


Now then, the winner of this month's contest is....


Beejus with 19 hits


The runner up is Henderson with 18 hits


And third place goes to Mackem with 15 hits.

All three also predicted on all four possible shows, so while Beejus is this month's winner and he gets the main prize, I will also be sending out bonus prizes to both Henderson and Mackem. You can all expect to find your prizes in your inbox at some point during the next couple of days.


So, congratulations to Beejus for picking up the win! And thanks again to everybody who predicts on and/or follows my diary. I'm having a blast with it, but it wouldnt be nearly as much fun if it wasn't for you guys! So thanks to all of you!

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Less than 24 hours after Bash At The Beach, WCW Monday Nitro will be coming to you live from the Whittemore Center Arena, and considering everything that went down at Bash At The Beach, Nitro is going to be must-see tv. How will the nWo react to losing the six man tag team match to Sting, Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page at Bash At The Beach? And what does the loss mean in relation to who will be next in line to challenge Shawn Michaels for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship? Following what was a very controversial match against Jeff Jarrett, Goldberg ended up Spearing the owner of WCW following the match. What will Eric Bischoff have to say about Goldberg's actions?


Also on the show; Scott Hall puts his United States Championship on the line against Kanyon, and Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash teams up to take on Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page in the main event.


Don't forget to tune in and watch all the fallout of Bash At The Beach as we march on toward The Great American Bash!




Monday Nitro Card


Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page


WCW United States Championship

Scott Hall © vs. Kanyon


The Nasty Boys vs. The Impact Players


Marty Jannetty vs. Shane Douglas


AJ Styles and Aguila vs. Vampiro and Aries

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Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page


WCW United States Championship

Scott Hall © vs. Kanyon


The Nasty Boys vs. The Impact Players


Marty Jannetty vs. Shane Douglas


AJ Styles and Aguila vs. Vampiro and Aries

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Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page


WCW United States Championship

Scott Hall © vs. Kanyon


The Nasty Boys vs. The Impact Players


Marty Jannetty vs. Shane Douglas


AJ Styles and Aguila vs. Vampiro and Aries

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Damn, lost out to Beejus again!!!!! I will one day get you.


Monday Nitro Card


Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page

- I think NWO Nitro resumes tonight.


WCW United States Championship

Scott Hall © vs. Kanyon


The Nasty Boys vs. The Impact Players


Marty Jannetty vs. Shane Douglas


AJ Styles and Aguila vs. Vampiro and Aries

- I think this duo has more mileage in them.

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WCW Monday Nitro Preshow Results


El Mesías and KroniK defeated Norman Smiley, Matt Sydal and Air Paris (D+)

Jeff Jarrett defeated Davey Boy Smith ©

Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Shannon Moore (C+)








Week 1, July, 2002

Live from the Whittemore Center Arena in Durham, New Hampshire

Attendace: 6.501 (sellout)








As Monday Nitro goes live and on the air, we do so not in the ring, nor by joining our announce team at the announce table. No, Monday Nitro instead kicks off in the building's parking lot where a small army of security guards is once again keeping Goldberg from entering the building. And behind the wall of security?






WCW owner, Eric Bischoff, who is in a wheelchair and is being pushed around by Cheerleader Melissa. Bischoff is yelling at Goldberg, asking him if he really thought he could assault not just a WCW referee, but the very owner of WCW, last night at Bash At The Beach and just get away with it? Bischoff says that he is well within his right to fire Goldberg right now and he wouldn't even have to pay him a dime. He says that a few days ago, it would have seemed like a perfect deal to finally be rid of Goldberg and NOT have to pay him. But now? After what he did last night? Now it is no longer enough just to get rid of Goldberg--he wants Goldberg to suffer like Bischoff himself suffered last night at the hands of Goldberg! Bischoff says that WCW is his company. He is the boss around here and there is no way in hell Goldberg is getting away with what he did. He then instructs the security guards to not allow Goldberg to enter the building tonight under any circumstances, and Cheerleader Melissa then wheels Bischoff back inside the building as we cut to ringside for our opening match (B)






The opening match of the night saw Shane Douglas taking on the veteran Marty Jannetty. Jannetty has not had much success so far in WCW and tonight was no different as Shane Douglas controlled the majority of the match before putting Jannetty away with the Pittsburgh Plunge for the win while Torrie Wilson looked on from ringside with absolutely no enthusiasm.



Shane Douglas defeated Marty Jannetty at 7.41 by pinfall following a Pittsburgh Plunge ©







Following the match we cut to the back where "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair is with Mike Sanders and Stacy Keibler. Flair is demanding to know what Sanders was thinking last night when he attacked Sean O'Haire. Sanders explains that he was thinking about what was best for him because everybody else only seemed to be thinking about what was best for Sean O'Haire. Flairs says that Sanders needs to find O'Haire and apologize to him right now because what Sanders did last night could mean the death of the Thrillers. But says he's not gonna apologize to anybody. As far as he is concerned, the Natural Born Thrillers were only holding him back. He doesn't need them, and he doesn't need Flair to tell him what to do! Sanders and Stacy then walks off, leaving a frustrated Ric Flair behind as the camera cuts elsewhere (C+)







More specifically, we cut to the nWo's locker room where Eric Bischoff, who is still getting pushed around in a wheelchair by Cheerleader Melissa, is with Michaels, Nash and Hall. Bischoff says that he's had enough of Goldberg and since he has tried pretty much everything else already, he now wants the nWo to finally take care of this problem once and for all. Michaels, Nash and Hall looks around at each other, and Michaels then explains that, while they empathize with Bischoff's situation, they have problems of their own to deal with. Bischoff is not about to accept no for an answer, however, and he reminds them that he has done certain favors for them in the past. He has allowed them a certain amount of leeway, and now it is time for them to return the favor. Scott Hall asks if Bischoff is threatening them, and Bischoff replies that this is his company. He is the boss, and he can make life very difficult for them, if he chooses to do so. Nash says that definitely sounds like a threat, but an angry Bischoff says that he is simply expecting them to show him the same respect and consideration he has shown them in the past. Finally the nWo reluctantly agrees to help Bischoff out, and Bischoff instructs them to pull no punches whatsoever--he wants them to HURT Goldberg, to make him suffer! Melissa then wheels Bischoff out of the locker room again, and Michaels, Nash and Hall huddles up for an nWo tactical meeting as we head back to the ring (B)







The second match of the night saw WCW newcomer Aguila team up with AJ Styles to take on Vampiro and Aries in tag team action. It was a fast-paced match that saw Vampiro and Aries gain the early advantage as Vampiro blindsided Styles before the match had started. Styles and Aguila would fight their way back into it, however, and in the end it was Aguila who picked up the win for his team, hitting a Tornado DDT on Vampiro for the win in a competitive match.



Aguila and AJ Styles defeated Vampiro and Aries at 7.44 by pinfall when Aguila pinned Vampiro following a Tornado DDT (D)






In the back, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair is with Sean O'Haire. O'Haire is furious after what happened last night at Bash At The Beach and Flair is trying to calm him down, saying that Sanders made a mistake but that they can all still get past it. O'Haire says he doesn't want anything to do with Mike Sanders and Flair says that's fine, O'Haire doesn't need Sanders anyway. O'Haire agrees. He doesn't need anyone--including Flair! Flair tries to argue that point, but O'Haire walks off before he can get to it and the announcers wonder if this is the end of the Natural Born Thrillers? (B-)







Elsewhere in the back, the man called Sting is standing by. Sting says that last night at Bash At The Beach he, Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T did exactly what they set out to do; the defeated the nWo in the middle of the ring. Sting says that, while they may have won the battle last night, he knows that the war will rage on. He then talks about Shawn Michaels, saying that he has been hearing Shawn talking a lot about how he is the best wrestler alive. Well, if Shawn is truly so great, if Shawn is truly the very best their is in this business, then how about putting the World Heavyweight Championship on the line against the Stinger at The Great American Bash? It is time for Shawn Michaels to either shut up...or put his money where his mouth is! (B)



As Tony, Mike and Dusty talk about Sting officially challenging Shawn Michaels to a match at The Great American Bash, we cut back to ringside where the third match of the night is about to get under way when suddenly...







The music of the WCW Tag Team Champions, Sons Of The South, hits and Dustin Rhodes and BG James make their way out from the back. The champions heads to the announce table where they are apparently joining Tony, Mike and Dusty for the upcoming match.







Last night at Bash At The Beach, The Impact Players earned themselves a shot at the WCW Tag Team Championships and tonight they faced off against one of the two teams they defeated; The Nasty Boys. It was a very solid tag team match where both teams had their moments of dominance, while Dustin Rhodes and BG James complimented both teams for their efforts, showing respect to both teams despite their issues with the Impact Players especially. In the end, the Impact Players picked up the victory when Mike Awesome hit a devastating Awesome Bomb on Jerry Saggs for the win as the Impact Players looked strong here, picking up some big time momentum as they head for their Tag Team Championship rematch against Sons of the South.



The Impact Players defeated the Nasty Boys at 8.43 by pinfall when Mike Awesome pinned Jerry Saggs following an Awesome Bomb (C-)



Before leaving the announce table again, Rhodes and James again put over the effort of both teams, saying that they have a lot of respect for both teams in terms of what they can do in the ring. Then, as they leave the announce table, Ted DiBiase is motioning to Sons of the South that the Tag Team Titles will be coming back to the Impact Players soon. But then.....







The Boogie Knights music suddenly hits and Disco Inferno and Alex Wright makes their way out onto the stage. Disco has a microphone and he says that a great injustice is taking place. He says that at the "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro, 28% of everyone who voted, voted for him to get a United States Championship title shot. 28%! That's almost a third of everyone who voted! Disco says that the Boogie Knights should have had the opportunity to compete in the Tag Team Title number one contenders match last night at Bash At The Beach because the fans demand it! The fans want to see them, and the Boogie Knights are not going to rest until the fans get what they want! And what the fans want...is the Boogie Knights! (D-)



We then cut back to the parking lot area where....







"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner is seen as he is apparently just now arriving at the building. With a lead pipe in his hand, Steiner says something about "making an impact again tonight" as he heads for the entrance and the announcers wonder just what exactly Scott Steiner is talking about? (B-)




WCW United States Championship







Back in the ring it was time for the United States Championship title match as Scott Hall put the title on the line against Kanyon, who earned the title shot last night by defeating Sean O'Haire at Bash At The Beach. This was also a rematch from the "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro where Scott Hall won the title from Kanyon with some timely help from his nWo buddy, Kevin Nash. Kanyon seemed hell-bent on winning the title back tonight, however, and he came out swinging in this one, and this was often more of a fight than a match, given the personal issues between these two men. The match went back and forth throughout, with both men picking up some two counts along the way, but never really coming close to the three. But then, to the surprise of absolutely no one....






Kevin Nash was suddenly seen making his way down to ringside to a chorus of boos from the crowd. "Big Sexy" lumbered around at ringside for a few minutes before finally seeing his opportunity to get involved as Scott Hall distracted the referee. Nash got up on the apron and was about to enter the ring, but Kanyon was ready for him, turning and knocking Nash off the apron before he could enter the ring. Unfortunately that left Kanyon with his back turned to Scott Hall, who immediately took advantage with a stiff clothesline to the back of Kanyon's head. Hall then followed up with the Outsiders' Edge and picked up the win as the nWo just stole another one from Kanyon!



Scott Hall defeated Kanyon at 12.46 by pinfall with an Outsiders' Edge following interference by Kevin Nash ©






Following Scott Hall's successful title defense, a brief video plays to remind everyone of the huge main event that is still to come tonight as Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash faces off against Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T! That match is coming up next! (B-)







Fresh off a huge win last night at Bash At The Beach, Booker T and DDP looked to keep the momentum going tonight by picking up back to back wins against the nWo, but Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash weren't going to make it easy for them, attacking them just as the entered the ring. Nash and Michaels turned that early advantage into control of the match, isolating and wearing down Diamond Dallas Page while keeping him far away from Booker T. Michaels and Nash executed their strategy to perfection, until DDP managed to avoid a Kevin Nash clothesline and thus began DDP's comeback. Page finally made it to Booker T, who entered the ring and took it to both Nash and Shawn Michaels, who entered the ring illegally. From that point on chaos reigned supreme and then, again to the surprise of absolutely no one...






Scott Hall made his way down to the ring and, with the referee distacted by Kevin Nash and Booker T outside the ring, Scott Hall was able to enter the ring and go right after DDP...but DDP fought him off, blocking Hall's punch and delivering one of his own instead. And again! AND AGAIN! Finally DDP clotheslined Hall over the top rope, only to turn around and walk right into a Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michaels just as the referee re-entered the ring. Michaels then covered DDP and the nWo just stole another one!



Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T at 13.46 when Michaels pinned DDP following a Sweet Chin Music after interference by Scott Hall (B-)






The match may be over, but the fighting isn't! Booker T is back in the ring and he is brawling with all three members of the nWo, trying to protect Diamond Dallas Page from taking further damage here. He does not have to fight alone for long, however, as....






Sting quickly makes his way down to the ring, helping to even the odds somewhat. It is still three on two, but not for long as DDP gets back to his feet and makes it three on three. The scene is complete and utter chaos already, and then...






"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner suddenly makes his way to the ring with the lead pipe still in his hand. Steiner enters the ring and he after briefly going after Sting and then Booker T, Steiner seems to focus his attention on Diamond Dallas Page, blasting DDP with the lead pipe as the announcers speculate as to why Scott Steiner seems to be helping the nWo, although Michaels, Nash and Hall all seem to be staying clear of Steiner, as if they don't trust him. But with Steiner attacking DDP, Sting and Booker T are faced with three on two odds and the nWo quickly gains the upper hand. Nash grabs Booker T and sets him up for the Jackknife Powerbomb while Hall readies Sting for the Outsiders' Edge......but then.....












<iframe width="200" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wXOp9fzYEtc?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Goldberg's music suddenly starts playing, the arena erupts with cheers and Michaels, Nash, Hall and Steiner all stop what they are doing in the ring and turn their attention to the entrance ramp....but nothing happens. The music keeps playing, and all three members of the nWo seems confused about what's going on, while Steiner just seems pissed off (as usual) as a loud "Goldberg" chant is echoing throughout the building.


But wait, what's this?!?!?!?...










Having made his way through the crowd, "The Man" jumps the barricade and enters the ring unseen as the crowd is going absolutely crazy! Perhaps feeling a presence behind him, Scott Hall slowly turns around and....




The sound of the powerful Spear quickly draws the attention of everyone else in the ring.....




Scott Steiner then charges at Goldberg with the lead pipe. He swings...and misses!




And that just leaves Goldberg and Shawn Michaels standing in the ring, bodies literally scattered all around them. They stare at each other for a moment and then.....


SPEAR AGAIN!!!!! Goldberg damn near cut the World Heavyweight Champion in half with that Spear!!!!


The nWo is laid out. Scott Steiner is laid out. Sting, Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T are all still down.


And only Goldberg is left standing.


And with a shot of that impressive scene, Monday Nitro comes to an end!





Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.73

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100% baby, Wooooooo!!


Great first show back from the PPV, bud. Set the scene nicely for an intriguing World Heavyweight title picture. Who will it be at the next PPV?? Will it be HBK vs Sting, will it be HBK vs Goldberg, will it be all three??


Can't wait to find out! Keep up the good work

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Last week on Monday Nitro, WCW owner Eric Bischoff recruited the nWo to help him take care of the "Goldberg problem" once and for all, but it was Goldberg who struck first as he hit the ring following the main event and took out every single member of the nWo, along with "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner. This week Goldberg pays the price for his actions as Eric Bischoff has booked him in a handicap match against two thirds of the nWo, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Will Goldberg manage to overcome the odds? Or will the nWo be the solution to the "Goldberg problem" Eric Bischoff has been looking for?


Also on the show; Following Sting's challenge last week, Eric Bischoff addresses the WCW World Heavyweight Championship title picture, and the first matches will officially be announced for WCW's summer blockbuster event; The Great American Bash.


All of this and much, much more on this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro!




Monday Nitro Card



Two On One Handicap Match

Goldberg vs. The Outsiders


Sean O'Haire vs. Rick Steiner


BG James vs. Lance Storm


Chavo Guerrero Jr. and KroniK vs. Aguila, Shane Helms and Jamie Knoble


El Mesías vs. Norman Smiley

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Yes, yes, yes!!! Finally my cries for Goldberg to help Booker/Sting/DDP have come through! Not only do you find a way to make it believable, I can picture everything you're putting down in my mind as happening on TV. I can't wait for you to rise past Cult and start getting some damn good ratings, because you're deserving of it.


The frustrating thing of this mod, and probably game, is that it's relatively easy to put on a much more worthwhile product with WCW over the WWF at the time, but you're hugely held back from capitalizing on it. My big break came in 2003, so you're getting there.


I think for the Great American Bash, being one of your biggest PPV's of the year, HBK vs Sting would be the way to go. I'd love to see Sting get the title again, but if he doesn't, you'd still be able to build HBK vs Goldberg for the Bash at the Beach, which would also be a huge match. I'm also probably overly excited for what you did with the Boogie Knights. Glad to see they look to be getting a solid spot as they're actually a pretty solid tag team. Excellent show, as usual.


Monday Nitro Card



Two On One Handicap Match

Goldberg vs. The Outsiders

- I think Goldberg finds a way to get through this one to maintain his momentum, albeit, probably by a DQ win.


Sean O'Haire vs. Rick Steiner


BG James vs. Lance Storm

- In the build for the tag team match


Chavo Guerrero Jr. and KroniK vs. Aguila, Shane Helms and Jamie Knoble

- I do like the latter team, but Kronik in a handicap match against those three should still win.


El Mesías vs. Norman Smiley

- Mesias trying to bounce back??

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WCW Monday Nitro Preshow Results


Boogie Knights defeated Matt Sydal and Air Paris (D-)

Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Hugh Morrus (C+)

Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair defeated Ernest Miller and Brian Lawler (C+)







Week 2, July, 2002

Live from the Curtis Menard Sports Center in Wasilla, Alaska

Attendance: 5.000 (sellout)




"Self High Five" plays to open up this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro and Diamond Dallas Page makes his way out from the back to a huge reaction from the crowd.






DDP enters the ring the ring, grabs a mic and waits for the crowd to die down before speaking. DDP talks about what happened last week on Nitro when Scott Steiner came down to the ring and attacked him during their fight against the nWo. He says that if Scott Steiner wanted a fight, all he had to do was ask because DDP would be more than happy to lay another beating on the so called "Genetic Freak". He says that Scott Steiner may think that he's tough, he may think he's bad, but in the end all Steiner proved last week was that he was simply too much of a coward to fight him face to face.






Being called a coward apparently did not sit very well with "Big Poppa Pump" as Steiner's music suddenly hits to bring out "Freakzilla" himself to heavy boos from the crowd. Steiner has a mic of his own and he says that he is already sick and tired of listening to DDP run his mouth. Steiner says that he deserves to be the World Champion right now, and until he gets what he deserves he will do whatever he wants and there is nothing anybody can do about it. DDP replies that he and Steiner pretty much never sees eye to eye, but they do agree on one thing; they both think it's high time that Steiner gets what he deserves--they just don't agree on WHAT he deserves. DDP then proceeds to lay down the challenge; Diamond Dallas Page vs. Scott Steiner at The Great American Bash! That is, if Steiner actually has the guts to face him when his back isn't turned. Steiner accepts the challenge in a heartbeat, in Steiner's own usual colorful language, by saying that he's going to make DDP his b*tch at The Bash! (B)



Following that huge announcement to open Monday Nitro, we head over to the announce team and Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes.






Tony officially welcomes everyone to the show and then talks about the huge match that was just set for the Great American Bash as Diamond Dallas Page will face off against Scott Steiner and, as Tony adds, "there is no love lost between Steiner and Page whatsoever". Mike and Dusty both weigh in on it as well, and both of the agrees that it will no doubt be one heck of a battle between those two. Tony then gives a quick rundown of everything that is in store on Nitro tonight; the huge main event as Goldberg faces off against Kevin Nash and Scott Hall in a handicap match, and Eric Bischoff making an official announcement about who will challenge Shawn Michaels at the Bash for the World Heavyweight Championship, being the two primary focus points. Mike Tenay says that if there was any justice in WCW, Goldberg would be getting the title shot since he has not lost a match in over a year, while Dusty says that Sting also has a legitimate claim, pointing out that Sting pinned Scott Hall in the six man tag main event at Bash At The Beach to give his team the win against the nWo. Tony says that we're going to find out who it is going to be tonight, and then we head down to the ring for the opening match of the night.






The opening match saw the Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., team up with KroniK to take on Aguila and the on-again, off-again, though mostly off-again, team of Shane Helms and Jamie Knoble in six man tag team action. The story in this one was that Aguila, Shane Helms and Jamie Knoble all wanted a piece of the Cruiserweight Champion, who has screwed all of them over at one point or another, but Chavo spent most of this match on the apron, allowing KroniK to do the majority of the work. It was an even, back and forth affair that eventually saw KroniK hit their "High Times" double chokeslam finisher on Jamie Knoble, at which point Chavo Guerrero tagged into the match for the very first time and quickly covered Knoble to pick up the win for his team, even though Adams and Clark did not particularly like Chavo's antics.



Chavo Guerrero Jr. and KroniK defeated Jamie Knoble, Shane Helms and Aguila at 9.22 by pinfall when Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Jamie Knoble following a High Times by KroniK ©



Following the match, Chavo manages to convince KroniK to celebrate the win even though they weren't happy with Chavo's behavior, reminding them that they won the match and that is all that matters in the end.






In the back, Shane Douglas and Torrie Wilson are seen walking as Douglas is talking about his win against Marty Jannetty last week, saying that he is riding a winning streak now and it is all because Torrie is back where she belongs. Torrie doesn't look too interested in what Douglas is saying, though, and Douglas' attention is soon drawn to a poster that is hanging on the wall. The poster is both an announcement and an advertisement of the first ever official "Miss WCW Bikini Contest" which, according to the note, is set to take place at the Great American Bash. Douglas studies the note for a bit and then informs Torrie that she is definitely entering the contest, saying that it is only fitting that the "Franchise" has the official "Miss WCW" on his arm. Torrie doesn't seem particularly interested in entering, but Douglas reminds her that he holds her contract for the rest of the year, so what she wants really doesn't matter. A smiling Shane Douglas then walks off, and a depressed looking Torrie Wilson follows him as we cut back to ringside (D)






Going one on one with El Mesías was not a good way for Norman Smiley to spend a Monday night here as Mesías absolutely dominated this one, toying with Smiley until finally putting him down with the Mesías Driver for the dominant win.



El Mesías defeated Norman Smiley at 4.56 by pinfall following a Mesías Driver (D-)






Following the match we head to the back where Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Steiner has apparently decided to get a little jump start on the Great American Bash as they are beating the heck out of each other backstage. Both men are raining punches down on each other, and both men are giving every bit as good as they are getting. Security finally arrives on the scene and forces the two men apart, but even as they do so Scott Steiner is heard screaming to DDP that he is a dead man at The Bash, while DDP calmly replies that "we'll see about that, monkey!" (B-)



We then head back to ringside where "White Train" starts playing, announcing the arrival of WCW's owner, Eric Bischoff.






Bischoff makes his way down to the ring with a very serious expression on his face. Bischoff gets on the mic and says that he's out there to address the on-going situation surrounding the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and the question of who is going to face Shawn Michaels at The Great American Bash. Bischoff says that he does have an announcement to make, but before he does so, it is only fitting that the World Champion joins him in the ring since the announcement very much has to do with him. He then invites Shawn Michaels to join him in the ring and after a few moments the nWo theme starts playing, bringing out the World Champion himself.






Shawn makes his way down the entrance ramp and joins Bischoff in the ring, even shaking hands with the man which draws a ton of boos from the crowd. Bischoff then says that, as everyone knows, Sting issued a challenge to Shawn Michaels last week on Nitro. He says that he has spent this past week thinking about that challenge, and now he has finally reached a decision. Bischoff says that as much as Sting may want a World Title shot, the fact is that World Title shots are earned, not demanded, and as such Bischoff has no choice but to---






Eric Bischoff doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence as "Seek and Destroy" blasts through the speakers, bringing out Sting to a huge ovation from the crowd. Sting makes his way down to the ring as both Eric Bischoff and Shawn Michaels looks on in the ring, neither man looking particular happy with the arrival of the Stinger. Sting grabs a mic of his own and says that Bischoff doesn't even need to finish his sentence because he already knows what he was going to say. He was going to turn the match down, right? Bischoff starts explaining that Sting hasn't earned a World Title shot, but Sting turns away from Bischoff and focuses instead of Shawn Michaels. Sting says that it's funny because he has heard so many stories about Shawn Michaels over the years. He has heard all about how great Shawn Michaels is--especially from Shawn himself. But the one thing that all those stories failed to mention was that Shawn Michaels is a coward. Sting says that Eric Bischoff is out here talking about people earning World Title shots, yet a man like Goldberg, who hasn't lost a single match in over a year, still can't get one and nobody can say that Goldberg hasn't earned one. Sting talks about him, Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T defeating the nWo--including Shawn Michaels-- at Bash At The Beach, yet none of them has earned a World Title shot yet? Sting says that Eric Bischoff is running this company the same way he always has; by his own bias. And Shawn Michaels, the World Heavyweight Champion, is hiding behind that like the coward he is. An irate Shawn Michaels gets in Sting's face as the anticipation in the building rises as these two megastars comes face to face. Finally, after a long staredown, Shawn Michaels raises the mic back up to his face and says--pun intended--that's he's got exactly two words for Sting......"You're on!"


The entire building, and the announcers, all go absolutely crazy as the announcement is made official; it's going to be Shawn Michaels versus Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at The Great American Bash!!!!!! (B)






Our third match of the night saw Sean O'Haire face off against the veteran Rick Steiner in one on one action. It was a solid match that saw Rick Steiner get enough offense in to look decent, but the end result was never truly in doubt in this one as Sean O'Haire eventually hit the SeanTon Bomb on Steiner for the win.



Sean O'Haire defeated Rick Steiner at 8.27 by pinfall following a SeanTon Bomb ©






Following the match Sean O'Haire celebrates his victory in the ring, but the victory celebration is short-lived as Mike Sanders and Stacy Keibler appears at the top of the ramp. Sanders mockingly applauds O'Haire, but then quickly shifts gears as he says that Sean O'Haire is nothing but a thief who stole everything that should have been his. Sanders says that he was the most talented, the most charismatic, and the best looking member of the Natural Born Thrillers, yet Sean O'Haire was the one getting all of the attention. Sanders says that he has already proved that he is the better man. While O'Haire was hanging out with "Old man Flair", Sanders was with the hottest woman in the world. And after O'Haire lost to Kanyon at Bash At The Beach, Sanders left O'Haire lying flat on his back. He says that he has proven that he is superior to O'Haire in every way imaginable, and as the final straw, the final piece of evidence, he is going to beat Sean O'Haire one on one at The Great American Bash. O'Haire doesn't have a mic, but it is obvious that he is inviting Sanders to come down to the ring right now instead of waiting for the Bash, but Sanders says that he WILL prove his superiority again, but he will do so on HIS terms and at one of the biggest stages of them all; the summer blockbuster event, The Great American Bash! (C+)






With yet another match officially added to The Great American Bash, we head to the back where Booker T is standing by as the announcers talk about the fact that they have just been told that Eric Bischoff has officially added a United States Championship title match to the card at the Great American Bash and--






Before they can even finish the announcement, Booker T is ambushed by The Outsiders, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Nash and Hall lays a swift but brutal and vicious beatdown on Booker T, pounding him down onto the ground and then proceeding to kick the man while he's down. With Booker T down on the ground, Nash picks Booker's head up and holds it there as Hall gets right into Booker's face. "You wanna fight the nWo, Booker? You want a war? You picked the wrong side, chico". With his message delivered, Scott Hall lands one more huge blow to Booker T's head and Nash's then drops Booker back onto the floor. The Outsiders then walks off laughing as the Tony Schiavone finishes the announcement is was in the process of making before the nWo ambush; Eric Bischoff has added a United States Championship title match to the card at the Great American Bash as Scott Hall is set to defend the US Title against...you guessed it, Booker T. (B-)



As Tony, Mike and Dusty talks about the ambush they just witnessed on Booker T, they all complain about the fact that the nWo was obviously told before everyone else to allow the Outsiders to get the jump on Booker T, all thanks to our "unbiased" leader, Eric Bischoff. Speaking of the Outsiders, Tony transitions into a little bit of main event hype as...






A graphic pops up on the screen to remind everyone of what is still to come tonight; The Outsiders versus Goldberg in a two on one handicap match, once again thanks to the very same "unbiased" leader, Eric Bischoff. Speaking of Goldberg, Tony says that he has been told that Goldberg has actually been confined to his locker room tonight and that a small army of security guards are guarding the locker room to ensure that Goldberg doesn't go anyway before the main event. Tony, Mike and Dusty all agree that Eric Bischoff is going way too far with the way he is running the company right now, but as Dusty points out; it's Bischoff's company so he can do whatever he wants, even if it's not right or fair. (B)







This was the continuation of what has become quite the long-running feud between The Impact Players and Sons Of The South over the WCW Tag Team Championships as BG James faced off against Lance Storm. These teams will face off again at The Great American Bash and it was obvious right from the start that both men were looking to pick up some serious momentum here by grabbing a win just a few weeks before the big event. It was back and forth affair where both men got plenty of offense in, but with Ted DiBiase, Mike Awesome and Dustin Rhodes all at ringside it seemed almost inevitable that things would eventually break down. And it certainly did not get any better when....






The Boogie Knights, Disco Inferno and Alex Wright, decided to come down to ringside as well. The Boogie Knights seemed to be there to further the cause they started last week as they walked around the ring telling the fans to make their voices heard because they CLEARLY wanted to see more of the Boogie Knights. Meanwhile, with both Mike Awesome and Dustin Rhodes distracted by the Boogie Knights' presence at ringside, Ted DiBiase used the opportunity to jump up on the apron and distract BG James just long enough for Lance Storm to nail him with a superkick! Storm then pinned James and picked up the win, securing some big time momentum for the challengers for the Tag Team Titles!



Lance Storm defeated BG James at 11.20 by pinfall with a superkick after Ted DiBiase distracted James ©



The match is over and the Impact Players make their way back up the ramp, celebrating Lance Storm's victory by posing at the top of the entrance ramp. Meanwhile, Dustin Rhodes checks on his fallen tag team partner while the Boogie Knights continues their attempts to rouse the fans as the announcers remind everyone that the WCW Tag Team Championships will be on the line at The Great American Bash as the Impact Players challenges Sons Of The South.







Backstage in Eric Bischoff's office, the owner of WCW is with Sting, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T and Kanyon, as well as a small army of security guards. Bischoff informs the four of them that, in the interest of fairness regarding the main event, he has decided that they are all going to be escorted out of the building as of right now, and they will not be allowed back inside tonight. The news obviously does not sit well with any of them, but it is Sting who steps forward and confronts Bischoff. Sting says that is not concerned about fairness, he just wants to make sure the nWo has free reign in the main event so they can do to Goldberg what they did to Booker T earlier tonight. Booker T, DDP and Kanyon all voice their agreement, but Bischoff tells them that the decision has already been made and he has no intention of changing it. He then instructs the guards to escort the four men from the building, and as Sting, DDP, Booker T and Kanyon are all escorted out of Bischoff's office, a cocky smile appears on the owner of WCW's face as we cut back to ringside (B-)







As this one got underway the announcers talked about the fact that Eric Bischoff has literally made sure that all of the nWo's enemies have been escorted out of the building, leaving Goldberg entirely alone. Tony, Mike and Dusty all voice their unhappiness with Bischoff's behavior but, again, it is his company so he can do whatever he wants. As for the match, Goldberg didn't waste any time going on the attack here and he looked good early on, but it didn't take long for the two on one advantage to come into play--especially since Eric Bischoff had apparently decided that both of the Outsiders were allowed in the ring at the same time, no tagging necessary. Goldberg put up one hell of a fight, though, but every time he began to build some momentum it would be cut short thanks to the man advantage for the nWo. Still, despite their best efforts, The Outsiders were unable to dominate Goldberg entirely as "The Man" kept coming right back at them, with the full support of the fans behind him. During the match Mike Tenay noted that Nash and Hall did not even seem to be going for any pins, and Tony speculated that they weren't in there to win a match so much as they were there to punish Goldberg. This would prove to be true as Kevin Nash eventually decided to bring a steel chair into the mix and he blasted Goldberg with it right in front of the referee, making zero attempt to hide it, and the referee called for the bell to disqualify the nWo.



Goldberg defeated The Outsiders at 12.55 by disqualification when Kevin Nash nailed Goldberg with a steel chair (B)






The match is over and Goldberg will go down in history as the winner of the match, but the nWo is far from finished. Scott Hall pulls Goldberg back to his feet and Nash raises the steel chair again.....but Goldberg manages to kick Nash in the gut! Hall tries to control Goldberg, but Goldberg powers out and starts laying into Hall--but a clubbering blow from behind by Kevin Nash takes Goldberg down again.






Nash and Hall both put the boots to Goldberg as Shawn Michaels makes his way down to the ring as well carrying a couple of bottles of spray paint in his hands. As Michaels enters the ring, Scott Hall pulls Goldberg to his feet and this time Kevin Nash successfully blasts Goldberg with the steel chair again, and this time Goldberg seems to be out. All three members of the nWo then rolls Goldberg onto his stomach and Shawn Michaels hands the spray paint bottles to Kevin Nash, who proceeds to "brand" Goldberg's back....






And with that, Nash drops the spray paint bottles and the nWo stands tall above Goldberg in the ring as Monday Nitro comes to an end!




Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.74 (new record)

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Several matches were officially announced for The Great American Bash this past week on Monday Nitro. More matches are expected to be added during the next two weeks, but here is a look at the card as it stands so far;




The Great American Bash 2002 - The Card So Far

(No predictions yet, card not yet finalized)



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sting


The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Kevin Nash


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Scott Steiner


WCW United States Championship

Scott Hall © vs. Booker T


WCW Tag Team Championship

Sons Of The South © vs. The Impact Players


Mike Sanders vs. Sean O'Haire




Also featuring the first ever official "Miss WCW Bikini Contest"

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