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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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Awesome show! Loved Stiener: "B***h at the Bash!" is classic!!! :D hahaha!!! HBK vs Sting and then HBK vs Goldberg please!!! :D


I'd be interested to know if any other WWE stars have become available recently, and you've either missed out due to WWE's financial power, or decided not to sign them?

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Good show. I'm hoping that Sting isn't just a stepping stone for HBK. I know you've got the big match looming of HBK vs Goldberg, but I think you could get so much more out of a title feud with HBK and Sting.


I'm also hoping the NWO/Bischoff alliance isn't drug out too awful long. Overall good, but you had a great thing going a few months back taking Bischoff out for a little while, now it seems like you may be taking a couple steps back. Can't wait to see the direction you take.


In reply to the question of he's missed out on any WWE stars; I've played the same mod. I can assure you he's not missed out on any big names...However, the year 2003 was huge for me and I'd imagine the same will be true for him! It should start to get really interesting very soon!

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sting

It won't be clean, but Michaels will retain for the N-W-O

The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Kevin Nash

.. It's a really bad idea for Goldberg to lose here due to real life corollaries... I think HBK ends the streak

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Scott Steiner

DDP has more TV Time.. so I'm picking him to go over Steiner

WCW United States Championship

Scott Hall © vs. Booker T

The outsiders split... I think the US Title is about right for Razor, but maybe Booker could have bigger fish to fry

WCW Tag Team Championship

Sons Of The South © vs. The Impact Players

Lance got a TV Victory over a weaker member... it wouldn't surprise me if they split soon after.

Mike Sanders vs. Sean O'Haire

O'Haire takes the dub here..

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This week's edition of Monday Nitro will be coming to you live from the Carlson Center in Fairbanks, Alaska and it promises to be one heck of a show as the official contract signing between Shawn Michaels and Sting for their World Heavyweight Championship title match at The Great American Bash will take place. WCW fans everywhere are already excited at the prospect of this huge dream match finally taking place, but what will the two men involved have to say just two weeks before their first one on one meeting ever? Tune in to WCW Monday Nitro to find out!




Monday Nitro Card




Scott Steiner vs. Kanyon


Mike Awesome vs. Dustin Rhodes


Vampiro vs. Sean O'Haire


Rey Misterio Jr., Aguila and Shane Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri and the Jung Dragons

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Scott Steiner vs. Kanyon


Mike Awesome vs. Dustin Rhodes


Vampiro vs. Sean O'Haire


Rey Misterio Jr., Aguila and Shane Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri and the Jung Dragons

These guys could be a REALLY awesome little midcard heel stable if they get a chance to be.

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Awesome show! Loved Stiener: "B***h at the Bash!" is classic!!! :D hahaha!!! HBK vs Sting and then HBK vs Goldberg please!!! :D


I'd be interested to know if any other WWE stars have become available recently, and you've either missed out due to WWE's financial power, or decided not to sign them?


No major stars as of yet, no. I did try to sign X-Pac recently since he would be a perfect with the nWo but it didn't work out.


Good show. I'm hoping that Sting isn't just a stepping stone for HBK. I know you've got the big match looming of HBK vs Goldberg, but I think you could get so much more out of a title feud with HBK and Sting.


I'm also hoping the NWO/Bischoff alliance isn't drug out too awful long. Overall good, but you had a great thing going a few months back taking Bischoff out for a little while, now it seems like you may be taking a couple steps back. Can't wait to see the direction you take.


Don't want to give too much away obviously, but I can assure you that the HBK vs. Sting feud is going to get the attention it deserves. :)



These guys could be a REALLY awesome little midcard heel stable if they get a chance to be.[/i]


It's definitely not a bad idea. I may have to look into this in the near future.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Monday Nitro Preshow Results


Chuck Palumbo defeated Matt Sydal (D)

KroniK defeated Marty Jannetty and Norman Smiley (C-)

Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett defeated The Nasty Boys (C+)






Week 3, July, 2002

Live from Carlson Center in Fairbanks, Alaska

Attendance: 5.703 (sellout)








We kick this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro off at the announce table where Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes are ready to guide everyone through another exciting Monday night. Tony welcomes everyone to the show and then quickly transitions into talking about the huge event that is on everyone's minds tonight; the contract signing between Shawn Michaels and Sting. Mike Tenay says that this could quite possibly be the single biggest match in the history of WCW--and that is saying a lot, considering all of the huge matches that has taken place over the years. Dusty agrees that Shawn Michaels versus Sting could very well be one of--if not the--biggest match in the history of the company, and he can't wait to see what happens later tonight. Mike Tenay then poses the question that is likely also on everyone's minds; what about Goldberg? After what the nWo did to him at the end of last week's Nitro, Mike can't help but think that Goldberg will be out for blood tonight. Tony then briefly runs down the rest of the card, highlighting the Scott Steiner versus Kanyon match, saying that the issues between Steiner and DDP are certainly going to play into that one here tonight, as well as Dustin Rhodes' match against Mike Awesome as Tony notes that Lance Storm picked up a win against BG James last week and tonight the other members of each team will go one on one. He then sends us down to ringside for our opening bout.







The opening match of the night was a fast-paced six man tag as Rey Misterio Jr. teamed up with Shane Helms and Aguila to face off against Tajiri and the Jung Dragons. During the match Tony noted that their hand been rumors that either Shane Helms or Aguila could be next in line to challenge the Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., for the title at the Great American Bash and then, almost on cue....






The Cruiserweight Champion made his way down to ringside to scout the action. What Chavo saw probably didn't make him a very happy man as the team of Misterio, Helms and Aguila picked up the win when Rey Misterio Jr. hit the Springboard Hurricanrana on Kaz Hayashi for the win in a competitive opening match.



Rey Misterio Jr., Shane Helms and Aguila defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri and the Jung Dragons at 6.42 by pinfall when Misterio pinned Kaz following a Springboard Hurricanrana (D+)



As Misterio, Helms and Aguila celebrate in the ring, a visibly frustrated Chavo Guerrero Jr. makes his way back up the ramp, yelling that the title belongs to him and they will never get their hands on it! We then head to the back where....







Shane Douglas and Torrie Wilson are standing by a table and it seems that Shane Douglas is actually in the process of deciding what bikini Torrie is going to wear at the "Miss WCW bikini contest" at The Great American Bash as he holds them up in front of her to picture what she would look like in it. As Shane goes through the bikinis, Torrie reminds him that she is supposed to be his manager and not his slave, but Shane replies that this contest is wrestling related and since he holds her contract for the rest of the year, this is very much something she should be doing. Torrie tries to object again, but Shane tells her that his mind is made up and that's that. Shane then goes back to inspecting the bikinis on the table, while a miserable looking Torrrie can only shake her head as we cut elsewhere (C-)







A graphic pops up on screen hyping up tonight's in-ring main event as "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner will face off against Kanyon. Tony, Mike and Dusty all talk about the match, with Tony pointing out the fact that Steiner will face Diamond Dallas Page at the Great American Bash, and Kanyon is DDP's best friend. Mike says that Steiner will no doubt be looking to send a message to DDP tonight in this match, and Dusty adds that the reverse is probably true as well; that Kanyon is looking to put a dent in Steiner's confidence before he faces DDP at the Bash. We then head back to ringside for our second match of the night (B-)







Our second match of the night saw Sean O'Haire facing off against Vampiro in what was a solid matchup. Both men got a good amount of offense in, and Vampiro was aided by the presence of Aries and Daffney at ringside who did what they could to help Vampiro win this one. Still, despite their best efforts--not to mention Vampiro's as well--it was O'Haire who picked up the win, putting Vampiro down with a Widow Maker for the win.



Sean O'Haire defeated Vampiro at 9.54 by pinfall following a Widow Maker ©






The match is over, but just as last week there is no time for O'Haire to celebrate his win as....






Mike Sanders and Stacy Keibler makes their way out onto the entrance ramp. Sanders has a mic in his hand and he says that, while it may appear that Sean O'Haire's luck is never-ending, he can assure everyone that O'Haire's luck will indeed come to an end at the Great American Bash. He says that now that there is no one around to hold him down, no dead weight for him to carry, there is nothing standing in his way and he is going to shoot straight to the top of WCW. While Mike Sanders is talking, and Sean O'Haire's attention is focused on him, someone is seen slipping into the ring behind O'Haire....






It's Bam Bam Bigelow! Bam Bam attacks O'Haire from behind as Tony reminds everyone that Bam Bam Bigelow used to be Mike Sanders' bodyguard, but adds that we haven't seen Bam Bam for months. Bigelow's attack is swift and ruthless and he finishes it off by hitting his "Greetings From Asbury Park" finisher on O'Haire, who was taken completely by surprise. With O'Haire down and Bigelow standing menacingly above him, Mike Sanders climbs into the ring with a cocky smile on his face. Sanders looks down at O'Haire, then nods approvingly to Bigelow, and finally Sanders gets back on the mic and says that no matter what O'Haire does, the fact is that he is always going to be one step ahead of him. Sanders then drops the mic and poses proudly alongside Stacy Keibler and Bam Bam Bigelow as the crowd boos Sanders' cowardly actions here tonight (D+)







We cut to the back where Joey Styles is standing by with "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner. Joey asks Steiner about his match at the Great American Bash against Diamond Dallas Page and Steiner replies that DDP has to be the dumbest son of a bitch on the planet for choosing to go up against "The Genetic Freak". Steiner says that the Great American Bash is going be Diamond Dallas Page's own personal nightmare because no matter how hard he tries, he won't be able to escape the beating that "Freakzilla" is going to give him. Steiner says that DDP should be watching closely tonight because what he does to his buddy, Kanyon, tonight, is exactly what he is going to do to DDP at the Bash--only ten times worse! Steiner then walks off as Joey sends us back to ringside (C+)







Back in the ring it was time for our third match of the night as Mike Awesome faced off against Dustin Rhodes. BG James, Lance Storm and Ted DiBiase were all at ringside and Tony reminded us that Storm picked up a win against BG James last week on Nitro, securing some big time momentum for the Impact Players. Rhodes and Awesome put on a solid and very even match here as both men had their moments of dominance. As expected, things did eventually break down as BG James and Lance Storm ended up in each other's faces outside the ring and then....






Out came the Boogie Knights again. Disco Inferno and Alex Wright were once again out there to promote themselves and what they perceived as "the fans desire" to see them more frequently on WCW television. All of the chaos at ringside; BG James and Lance Storm going at it and the Boogie Knights self-promotion, allowed Dustin Rhodes to catch Mike Awesome by surprise with a quick rollup which was just exactly enough for the three count and the win!



Dustin Rhodes defeated Mike Awesome at 12.02 by pinfall with a surprise rollup (C-)



Amidst the chaos, Mike Tenay notes that Dustin Rhodes just evened the score at one to one in singles matches heading into the Great American Bash, and Dusty adds that this puts the advantage back with the champions, in his opinion, since they do have the championship advantage of having to be either pinned or made to submit in order to lose the Tag Team Titles at the Bash. We then head backstage where...







Sting and Goldberg are seen talking. Sting says that he knows that Goldberg would prefer to go at it alone and he respects that. But the fact is that guys like them have to stick together if they want to rid WCW of the nWo for good. Sting says that he has been battling the nWo for longer than he can even remember at this point, and he is not going to stop until the nWo is gone from WCW forever. He says that Eric Bischoff and the nWo almost killed the company once before when they almost ran it into the ground with their own selfishness, and he'll be damned if he is going to stand by and watch that happen all over again. Goldberg doesn't say anything but he is clearly paying attention to what Sting is saying, and Sting continues by saying that what happened to Goldberg last week is exactly the kind of thing that should never happen. The owner of the company should never play favorites, yet that is all Eric Bischoff and the nWo ever does. Sting then steps right up into Goldberg's face and says that he is going to need an answer from him; "are you with me?" Goldberg stares at Sting for a long, intense moment and then, finally, the answer comes; "I'm with you". Sting and Goldberg then shake hands as the announcers go crazy about the fact that the alliance between Goldberg and Sting, DDP, Booker T and Kanyon is official and how it might finally spell doom for the nWo (B-)








A graphic pops up on screen hyping tonight's huge contract signing between Shawn Michaels and Sting for their World Heavyweight Championship title match at the Great American Bash. Tony, Mike and Dusty once again hype the match up as possibly being the biggest match in the history of WCW and the biggest and greatest dream match of all time (B)







Back in the ring it was time for the in-ring main event of the evening as Scott Steiner faced off against Kanyon. This was a very good match where Kanyon once again proved that he can definitely hold his own against even the best the company has to offer as he put up one hell of a fight in this one. Most people probably had Steiner as the odds on favorite to win this one, but Kanyon was determined to beat the odds and he caused a lot of problems for "Big Poppa Pump" in this one. The finish to this one came when Kanyon went for the Kanyon Cutter, but Steiner was able to block it and reverse it into a Steiner Flatliner instead, which was enough to allow Steiner to pick up a hard-fought win.



Scott Steiner defeated Kanyon at 14.49 by pinfall following a Steiner Flatliner (B)






The match is over but Steiner does not appear to be done as a furious looking Steiner drags Kanyon to the center of the ring and flips him onto his stomach. Steiner then goes to lock in the Steiner Recliner to send a message to DDP via his best friend, but...






Diamond Dallas Page suddenly charges down to the ring to a huge pop from the crowd. DDP hits the ring and Steiner is there to meet him. Punches fly, but DDP ducks a wild right hand from Steiner and....DIAMOND CUTTER!!!! DDP absolutely nailed the Diamond Cutter and Steiner looks to be out as "Big Poppa Pump" just felt...the...BANG!!!!! DDP then helps Kanyon back to his feet as the announcers inform us that the Shawn Michaels/Sting contract signing is coming up next! (B-)







As Nitro returns from commercials we do so with WCW owner Eric Bischoff standing in the ring, which has been set up for the contract signing with a large wooden table in the middle of it. Bischoff gets on the mic and says that it is now time to dot the I's and cross the T's--so to speak--and make the biggest dream match in the history of professional wrestling a reality. Bischoff then requests that everybody gets to their feet and put their hands together for the reigning WCW World Heavyweight Champion; SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!






As the nWo theme blasts through the spears, the World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out from the back, carrying the World Title belt across his shoulder. Michaels is flanked by his fellow nWo members, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, and the announcers immediately complain about the Outsiders' presence since this match has nothing to do with them. Michaels, Hall and Nash make their way to the ring where all of them shake hands with Bischoff, which draws no shortage of boos from the sell-out crowd in attendance. Bischoff then asks for Sting to join them in the ring as well. A moment passes and then "Seek and Destroy" starts playing, bringing every single fan in attendance to their feet as they cheer the arrival of the man called Sting.






As Sting emerges from the back, wearing his familiar trenchcoat and carrying his trademark baseball bat, the cheers grow even louder. Sting starts to make his way to the ring but then stops and points back to the entrance ramp with his bat....






Goldberg, Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page all emerge from the back as well as Tony Schiavone notes that Shawn Michaels apparently isn't the only one who brought some backup with him tonight. Now flanked by Goldberg, Booker T and DDP, Sting makes his way toward the ring where Eric Bischoff and the nWo are looking less than thrilled with the sight that is approaching them, and Mike Tenay notes that the nWo now finds themselves in a situation where for once they are the ones who are outnumbered. Before entering the ring, Sting turns and says something to Goldberg that he camera's can't pick up, and Sting then enters the ring, followed closely by Goldberg, Booker and DDP.


Eric Bischoff says that before they sign the contract he will allow each man to speak his piece--starting, of course, with the World Champion. Bischoff hands the mic to Michaels, but before Michaels can grab it, Sting rips it out of Bischoff's hands. Sting says that he has experienced a lot of things in WCW, both good and bad, but the one thing he remembers above everything else is not his incredible matches against Ric Flair. It's not his World Title reigns. No, what he remembers more clearly than anything else is the day he was told that WCW might close its doors for good. He says that he did everything he could to stop it, but the greed of people like Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Eric Bischoff came THIS close to killing the company he loved more than anything else in this business. And now? Now it is happening all over again. Sting says that Eric Bischoff hasn't learned anything from nearly killing the company, and now Shawn Michaels is here to help his buddies bleed the company dry one more time. Sting says that Shawn Michaels only cares about himself. He doesn't care about the future of WCW--he only cares about how much money and fame he can squeeze out of the company, and he doesn't give a damn if he kills it in the process. But that's not going to happen. Sting says that he is not just going to stand by and watch while selfishness and greed tears this company apart again from the inside. He is going to stop the nWo from repeating history, and he is going to start by bringing the World Heavyweight Championship back to WCW at the Great Ameircan Bash!


The entire crowd erupts into a massive cheer in support of Sting's words, and Sting then throws the mic to Shawn Michaels, who takes a moment to gather his thoughts before he replies.


Shawn says that, while it was certainly a very nice and rousing speech, the fact remains that Sting is simply wasting his breath. He says that Sting is simply jealous of the nWo because they are the ones in the spotlight while Sting is forced to lurk in the shadows and Sting just can't take it. He says that Sting can talk about the past all he wants, but the fact also remains that if it wasn't for Eric Bischoff buying the company, there wouldn't be a WCW right now. So, maybe instead of blaming the guy, he should be praising him instead? Also, Sting thinks he is going to "save" WCW, but the best thing for the company is to have Shawn Michaels, the greatest wrestler in the history of the business, as its World Heavyweight Champion, is it not? So, while Sting may talk about "doing the right thing" and "saving the company", all it really boils down to is that Sting, just like everyone else, is jealous of Shawn Michaels! The crowd boos as Sting just stares at Shawn, and Shawn continues by saying that he is the best wrestler in the business today and that will still be true after the Great American Bash as well.


Eric Bischoff then steps in and says that it is now time for them to sign the contract and make the match official. As the champion, Shawn Michaels signs first and then the challenger, Sting, signs as well. Eric Bischoff then announces that the match is officially signed for the Great American Bash....and then all hell breaks loose! Goldberg charges across the ring and attacks Kevin Nash! Scott Hall quickly comes to his buddy's aid, but Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page are there as well to help Goldberg, leaving Shawn Michaels and Sting standing face to face. The staredown seems to go on forever, but then Michaels finally makes the first move by attempting to blast Sting with the World Title belt, but Sting avoids the shot. Sting then opens up on Michaels with some huge rights and lefts that are absolutely rocking the World Champion! Michaels fights back, but Sting then grabs Michaels and sets him up for the Scorpion Deathdrop!.....




Sting pops back to his feet just as Hall and Nash, who have been thrown out of the ring by Goldberg, DDP and Booker T, grabs Shawn's legs and pulls him out of the ring to safety. And with the nWo retreating up the ramp and Sting, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T standing tall in the ring, another exciting edition of WCW Monday Nitro comes to an end. (B+)




Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 0.72

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The nWo's grip on WCW seems to be slipping more and more with each passing week, and last week's Monday Nitro was no different as Sting and his allies stood tall at the end of the show. With just one more Nitro to go before the Great American Bash, WCW owner Eric Bischoff has booked every single man who will go up against members of the nWo at the Great American Bash in matches on this week's show, while neither Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash or Scott Hall will be in action. What will happen on this final show before the huge summer blockbuster event that is the Great American Bash? You'll have to tune into WCW Monday Nitro to find out!




Monday Nitro Card



Sting and Goldberg vs. Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair


Booker T vs. Vampiro


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Rick Steiner


Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Sons Of The South vs. The Boogie Knights

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Kinda glad to see the nWo finally getting some comeuppance as of late!


Sting and Goldberg vs. Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair


Booker T vs. Vampiro


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Rick Steiner


Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Sons Of The South vs. The Boogie Knights

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Sting and Goldberg vs. Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair


Booker T vs. Vampiro


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Rick Steiner


Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Although this could be a draw


Sons Of The South vs. The Boogie Knights

Also could be a draw... I just can't see Bam Bam or Boogie winning

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Great show and I'm definitely looking forward to the go-home Nitro and the GAB. You should really start to be breaking through about now and it should only keep getting better for you at this point!


Monday Nitro Card

Sting and Goldberg vs. Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair


Booker T vs. Vampiro


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Rick Steiner


Sean O'Haire vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


Sons Of The South vs. The Boogie Knights

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Week 4, July, 2002

Live from the Cumberland Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville, North Carolina

Attendance: 8.500 (sellout)











This week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro kicks off as we join our usual announce team of Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes at the announce table. Tony welcomes everyone to the show and immediately gets right to the main point; we are just six days away from the biggest blockbuster event of the summer, The Great American Bash, where Shawn Michaels and Sting will go one on one for the first time ever. Mike says that this is a dream match that the world probably thought it would never see, and yet in six short days that is exactly what you are going to see at the Great American Bash. Dusty adds that Shawn Michaels and the rest of the nWo will probably be out for revenge tonight after what happened at the end of last week's Nitro, especially given that Eric Bischoff has given all three members of the nWo a night off from in ring action while Sting, Goldberg and Booker T, the three nWo members opponents at the Bash, will all be in action here tonight. Tony then sends us down to the ring for the opening contest of the night.






The opening match saw the Tag Team Champions, Sons Of The South, taking on the Boogie Knights in a non-title match. Disco Inferno and Alex Wright have been openly campaigning for more tv time over the past weeks, using the fan vote from the "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro as their primary reason, claiming that the fans are demanding to see more of them. Tonight they had an excellent chance of getting themselves noticed as they faced off against the Tag Team Champions, Dustin Rhodes and BG James, and the Knights definitely looked to make the most of their opportunity. It was an even, back and forth match that ultimately saw the Tag Team Champions pick up the win when BG James nailed Disco Inferno with a Piledriver for the three count and the hard-fought win.



Sons of The South defeated The Boogie Knights at 10.46 by pinfall when BG James pinned Disco Inferno following a Piledriver (C-)






Following the match The Impact Players and Ted DiBiase makes their way out onto the stage, cutting Dustin Rhodes and BG James' celebration short. Ted DiBiase has a mic and he tells Sons Of The South to enjoy their current success for all it is worth because their fifteen minutes of fame are almost up, and this Sunday night at the Great American Bash their time will run out and the WCW Tag Team Championships will go back around the waists of the greatest tag team in the business today; The Impact Players! The two teams then proceed to stare each other down as the announcers talk about the fact that the long-standing rivalry between these two teams will finally come to an end this Sunday night at the Great American Bash. (D)







We cut to the back where "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett, along with Cheerleader Melissa, are all in Eric Bischoff's office. Bischoff is talking to Flair and Jarrett about tonight's main event and what he expects of them, saying that he expects them to be at their very best out there tonight and to inflict as much damage as they possibly can to Sting and Goldberg. Jarrett is quick to agree with the owner of WCW, saying that, as always, Bischoff can count on him. Flair does not share Jarrett's point of view, however, saying that "The Nature Boy" is not going to play second fiddle to anybody and that the nWo should learn to take care of their own business because he's not gonna do it for them. Bischoff replies that if Flair goes out there and impresses him tonight, then he might see fit to end Flair's one year ban from challenging for the World Title a bit early. This seems to get Flair's attention and Bischoff says that if Flair and Jarrett beats Sting and Goldberg tonight then Flair's one year ban will be lifted immediately following the match. Flair, Jarrett and Melissa all leave Bischoff's office, and the owner of the WCW smiles confidently as we cut back to ringside (B)







The second match of the night saw Sean O'Haire facing off against the recently returned Bam Bam Bigelow, who made his return last week by attacking O'Haire and re-allying himself with Mike Sanders, who accompanied Bigelow to the ring. Sanders proved a constant distraction for O'Haire at ringside, allowing Bigelow to take control of the match. Still, despite having to contend with both Bam Bam Bigelow and Mike Sanders, O'Haire managed to pick up the win, showing impressive strength as he managed to hit the Widow Maker on Bigelow for the win.



Sean O'Haire defeated Bam Bam Bigelow at 7.58 by pinfall following a Widow Maker ©






Following the match Mike Sanders attempts a sneak attack on Sean O'Haire, but O'Haire is ready for him and Sanders bails out of the ring again as soon as O'Haire turns to face him. With his bodyguard, Bam Bam Bigelow, laid out in the ring, Mike Sanders and Stacy Keibler retreat back up the ramp while an intense looking Sean O'Haire points at Sanders while simply saying two words; "six days". We then head to the back.






In the back, Sting and his allies, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Kanyon and Goldberg, are all gathered as Sting is in the process of delivering a message to them. Sting says that thanks to the actions of each and every single one of them, they have finally shaken the nWo. He says that, for the first time ever, the nWo has no advantage. They are outnumbered and they have no idea what to do. Sting says that now is the time for them to press the advantage, both tonight and Sunday night at the Great American Bash, because if they do then WCW could very well be an entirely different company by the end of Sunday night. All five men look around at each other and they all nod their agreement as the announcers talk about the fact that it does indeed appear that the nWo's days are numbered, but Dusty cautions that he wants to actually see it before he will believe it because in his experience, if something appears to be too good to be true, it usually is (B)






Elsewhere in the back, Shane Douglas and Torrie Wilson are seen walking down a hallway and, much as the past couple of weeks, Torrie looks none too happy as Douglas is practically dragging her along by her arm. They enter a locker room where, apparently, all of the contestants for the first ever official "Miss WCW bikini contest" are gathered.






Douglas proceeds to "scout the opposition", as he puts it, to which Torrie simply rolls her eyes. After inspecting the opposition, and getting no shortage of angry glares in the process, Douglas concludes that Torrie should have no problem taking home the "Miss WCW" title at the Bash. This comment draws the ire of every single woman in the locker room who isn't Torrie Wilson, and it is not long before the women begin to argue and then a huge catfight breaks out. First everyone is trying to get at Torrie, but things eventually just break down and everyone is fighting everyone--except for Shane Douglas, who stands off to the side and watches everything with a grin on his face as Tony comments that Douglas is "a despicable man" for what he is putting Torrie Wilson through (D)







This Sunday night at The Great American Bash, Diamond Dallas Page will face off against "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner, but tonight DDP went one on one with Scott Steiner's brother, Rick Steiner. It was a good match that had the fans firmly behind Diamond Dallas Page and DDP looked good in this one, even though Rick Steiner put up a fight. In the end, however, DDP was well on his way to picking up the win when...






Scott Steiner ran down to the ring and attacked DDP, forcing the referee to call for the disqualification.



Diamond Dallas Page defeated Rick Steiner at 8.19 by Disqualification when Scott Steiner got involved (B-)






The bell rings and DDP is the winner of the match, but the Steiner Brothers doesn't appear to be done as both Scott and Rick starts putting the boots to DDP. The crowd boos heavily, but those boos quickly turns into cheers when...






Kanyon is suddenly seen running down to the ring! Kanyon slides into the ring and comes to the aid of Diamond Dallas Page, helping DDP fight off the Steiner Brothers. The four men go at it for a while but then, one after the other, both Rick and Scott Steiner are dropped to the mat; Rick by a Kanyon Cutter and Scott by a Diamond Cutter! DDP and Kanyon then both throws up the Diamond Cutter sign and.....BANG!!!!!! Page and Kanyon stands tall and the crowd is absolutely loving it (B)



We then cut to the back.






In the back, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are all gathered in the nWo locker room. They all seem surprisingly relaxed, all things considered, and they are generally down-playing the entire issue they are faced with. Shawn says that he heard Sting's little speech earlier, and while it was certainly very positive and rousing, Sting is going to find that he is dead wrong. Nash agrees with Shawn, saying that Sting's side may have superior numbers, but the nWo has superior talent--not to mention the fact that they currently have TWO titles while Sting and company have none. Scott Hall says that the nWo is going to do the clean sweep at the Great American Bash; he'll beat Booker T, Big Kev will beat Goldberg and Shawn will beat Sting and then Sting and everyone else will all come crashing back down to reality (B)







Back in the ring it was time for Booker T to take on Vampiro. This was a solid match that saw Vampiro get in enough offense to look good even though the outcome of the match was never truly in doubt. The announcers spent a decent amount of time talking up the US Title match this Sunday night at The Bash where Booker T will challenge Scott Hall for the title, and speculating that Scott Hall must have been loving seeing Booker T in a competitive match here just six days before their pay per view bout. In the end, Booker T picked up the win when he hit a Bookend on Vampiro and picked up the one, two, three in what was a competitive match.



Booker T defeated Vampiro at 10.14 by pinfall following a Bookend (C+)



Following the match the announcers talk about their surprise at the fact that Scott Hall did not make an appearance at ringside during the match, and they speculate that maybe the nWo are a little bit more worried about their numbers disadvantage than they are letting on. Tony then informs us that we are about to take a look at the Great American Bash main event.






A video plays hyping up the first ever meeting between Shawn Michaels and Sting. The voiceover focuses heavily on the dream match aspect of this one as it is the first ever that these two legendary superstars will be stepping into the ring to face each other one on one, and they will do so with the biggest prize in the business on the line; the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! (B)






Back in the ring it was main event time and what a main event it was as Sting and Goldberg teamed up to take on the team of Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett. After a back and forth start to the match, it was an extremely focused "Nature Boy" who took control of things, using his usual cheap tactics to gain the upper hand on Sting. Flair and Jarrett worked well together and both men had every reason to give it their all here tonight; Flair to earn the right to once again challenge for the World Title, and Jarrett to further ingratiate himself with Eric Bischoff. But Sting is the number one contender for a reason and he eventually fought his way back into the match. Sting tagged Goldberg and Flair tagged Jarrett at the exact same time and the two squared off in the ring with Goldberg gaining the upper hand, maintaining control for the next few minutes before tagging Sting back in. Sting went to work on Jarrett but it wasn't long before Flair was in the ring as well, which promptly brought Goldberg into the ring as well and then all hell broke loose.






Things got even more out of control when the nWo finally made their way down to the ring and, as Tony noted, the surprise was not that the nWo got involved, but that it took this long before they got involved. Michaels, Hall and Nash all hit the ring and attacked Sting and Goldberg, causing the disqualification of Flair and Jarrett.



Sting and Goldberg defeated Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett at 15.02 by Disqualification when the nWo got involved (B)






The bell rings signalling the end of the match but the fighting has only just begun as Sting and Goldberg tries to fight off all three members of the nWo. With the man advantage it looks like the nWo is gaining the upper hand but then....






Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page makes their way down to the ring and joins the fight, once again turning the tables on the nWo as Tony notes that the only reason Kanyon isn't out here as well is due to the fact that Eric Bischoff officially banned Kanyon from engaging in any kind of physical fighting with any member of the nWo outside of a match situation.






Suddenly "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner joins the action and he goes right after his Great American Bash opponent, Diamond Dallas Page. Sting and Michaels are going at it, as are Goldberg and Nash and Hall and Booker T. The announcers note how we are getting a preview of the Great American Bash right here, right now and Tony then urges everone to tune in this Sunday for the Great American Bash to see how all of this plays out. And with that, and a shot of the wild brawl still going on in the ring, Monday Nitro comes to an end. (B)





Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 0.72

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The Great American Bash Preview



WCW World Heavyweight Championship







The words "dream match" have been throw around a lot in relation to this match and rightfully so. For the first time ever Shawn Michaels and Sting will go one on one in the ring and they will do so with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line. As if that was not enough, Sting has also been waging a war against the nWo, vowing to finally and once and for all put an end to the group that has dominated WCW for the majority of the past six years, and by the looks of it Sting and his allies seem to be winning. And if Sting manages to pick up the win here and become the World Heavyweight Champion, that would be a huge blow to the nWo, who has been on the receiving end of a lot of blows lately. On the other side is Shawn Michaels, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time--THE greatest wrestler of all time, according to himself--and a win for Michaels here would not only go a long way toward backing up those words, but it could also be a huge step back in the right direction for the nWo. Will Shawn Michaels be able to successfully defend his World Title against a man who is hellbent on putting an end to the reign of Shawn Michaels and the nWo? Or will Sting succeed at doing what he set out to do by defeating Shawn Michaels, reclaiming the World Heavyweight Championship and dealing a potentially lethal blow to the New World Order?


The Streak Is On The Line





This all got started by Eric Bischoff's seemingly endless hatred for Goldberg. Tired of watching Goldberg overcome everything he threw at him, Eric Bischoff went to the nWo and demanded that they take care of Goldberg as a way of paying Bischoff back for the "goodwill" he had shown them. The nWo reluctantly agreed and attempted to take Goldberg out, even going so far as to "brand" Goldberg by spray painting the nWo letters on his back. But Eric Bischoff's plan backfired. With Goldberg now at odds with the nWo, "The Man" had every reason in the world to align himself with Sting, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon and together they have been making life miserable for the nWo ever since. This match is no longer just about the nWo trying to take care of Goldberg for Eric Bischoff, nor is it just about Goldberg attempting to keep his streak alive; this match is now also the next battle in the ongoing war for WCW. Will "Big Sexy" make history repeat itself by once again being the man that puts an end to Goldberg's streak? Or will Goldberg power through Nash just as he has done to every single other obstacle Eric Bischoff has put in his way?


Grudge Match





This old rivalry got heated back up agan when "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner decided to take his frustrations out on Diamond Dallas Page during a brawl between DDP, Sting, Booker T and the nWo. Page promptly issued the challenge to Steiner the following week to step up and face him at the Great American Bash and Steiner was more than happy to accept. Scott Steiner believes he should still be in the World Title picture and a win against Diamond Dallas Page would certainly go a long way toward making that happen for "Big Poppa Pump". The same thing could be said about Diamond Dallas Page though. This may not be an official number one contender's match, but you'd have to think that whoever wins this match will be a huge step closer to once again challenging for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The only question is; will that person the "The Genetic Freak" Scott Steiner? Or Diamond Dallas Page?


WCW United States Championship







In many ways Booker T was the man who finally put an end to the nWo's numbers advantage when he made his return to WCW and promptly allied himself with Sting and Diamond Dallas Page. Booker has been heavily involved in the war ever since and at the Bash Booker T will have the opportunity to really stick it to the nWo if he can manage to defeat Scott Hall for the United States Championship. Scott Hall won the US Title at the "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro when he and Kevin Nash screwed Kanyon out of the title. Not only is Scott Hall determined to hang on to the US Title, but a win over Booker T would help the nWo to regain some much needed ground after these past couple of weeks. Will Scott Hall beat Booker T and retain the United States Championship? Or will Booker T beat Scott Hall and become a two time United States Champion?


WCW Tag Team Championships







These two teams have been going at it for months now, but Sons Of The South finally managed to win the Tag Team Titles at the "Fans' Choice" Monday Nitro after coming close on several occasions. The Impact Players wasted little time earning themselves another shot at the titles, defeating KroniK and The Nasty Boys at Bash At The Beach to earn a shot at the champions at the Great American Bash. Ted DiBiase claims that The Impact Players are the greatest tag team in the business today and that Sons of The South's "fifteen minutes of fame" will be up at the Bash. Will the Impact Players prove DiBiase right? Or will Sons Of The South retain their titles and prove that they are, in fact, the best tag team in wrestling today?


Grudge Match




This is one of the more personal matches on the card as the relationship between Mike Sanders and Sean O'Haire has deteriorated quickly. Mike Sanders blames Sean O'Haire for stealing all of the attention when they were both a part of the Natural Born Thrillers, even though Sanders was clearly the more talented of the two, in his own opinion. Sanders had been making these comments for a while, but he would eventually take things a step further when he ended up costing O'Haire his US Title number one contenders match against Kanyon at Bash At The Beach. Sanders has been running his mouth ever since, but has always opted to avoid a direct confrontation with O'Haire, sending Bam Bam Bigelow to do his dirty work instead. Sean O'Haire, on the other hand, has been wanting to get his hands on Sanders ever since Bash At The Beach and at The Great American Bash he will get to do exactly that. Will Sean O'Haire finally get some payback on Mike Sanders? Or will Sanders manage to back up his words and prove that he is not just all talk?


WCW Cruiserweight Championship







Rumors had been circling that Shane Helms and Aguila was two of the primary candidates to be next in line to challenge Chavo Guerrero Jr. for the Cruiserweight Championship and as it turned out that rumor was spot on. Eric Bischoff has officially announced that BOTH Shane Helms and Aguila will challenge for the Cruiserweight Championship at the Great American Bash, leaving the Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., with a considerable challenge on his hands. Chavo just barely escaped Bash At The Beach with when Aguila was counted out, and Shane Helms has been chomping at the bit to get back into the Cruiserweight Title picture. Going up against either one of these men would be tough enough, but both of them? The odds seem to be against the Champion, but if the past many months has taught us anything it is to never count Chavo Guerrero out because just when you think you've got him beat...he'll lie, cheat and steal his way to another victory.


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders 20 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal Match


Another late addition to the Great American Bash card, Eric Bischoff has announced that the winner of this twenty man battle royal will receive US Title shot at the next WCW pay per view, Souled Out.


Featuring (in no particular order); Bam Bam Bigelow, Chuck Palumbo, Davey Boy Smith, El Mesías, Ernest Miller, Hugh Morrus, Jeff Jarrett, Mark Jindrak, Marty Jannetty, Norman Smiley, Rey Misterio Jr., Rick Steiner, Crowbar, Shawn Stasiak, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Yun Yang, Kaz Hayashi, Vampiro, Aries, Kanyon


WCW Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders One Fall To A Finish Match





Originally supposed to just be KroniK versus The Nasty Boys, WCW owner Eric Bischoff has added The Boogie Knights to this match as Bischoff was seemingly impressed with the Knights' performance against Sons of The South this past week on Nitro and decided to reward their efforts by adding them to this match. Who will be next in line to challenge either Sons Of The South or The Impact Players for the Tag Team Titles?





Official WCW Great American Bash 2002 Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sting


The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Kevin Nash


Grudge Match

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Scott Steiner


WCW United States Championship

Scott Hall © vs. Booker T


WCW Tag Team Championship

Sons Of The South © vs. The Impact Players


Grudge Match

Mike Sanders vs. Sean O'Haire


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr.© vs. Shane Helms vs. Aguila


WCW US Title Nr.1 Contender 20 Man Battle Royal

Bam Bam Bigelow, Chuck Palumbo, Davey Boy Smith, El Mesías, Ernest Miller, Hugh Morrus, Jeff Jarrett, Mark Jindrak, Marty Jannetty, Norman Smiley, Rey Misterio Jr., Rick Steiner, Crowbar, Shawn Stasiak, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Yun Yang, Kaz Hayashi, Vampiro, Aries, Kanyon


WCW Tag Team Championship Nr.1 Contenders Match

The Nasty Boys vs. KroniK vs. The Boogie Knights



Bonus Questions:


Which match will open the show?


Which match will be the highest rated of the show?


Who will be the final four in the US Title Number One contender battle royal?


Who will be the final elimination in the battle royal?


Who will have the most eliminations in the battle royal?

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