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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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Fall Brawl was really good. I would have put Sting down to administer the fall, but I had forgotten that his title shot was a foregone conclusion; I thought that whoever scored the fall on his team would get the shot. I can picture two distinct paths that you can go for Starrcade, and that is a good thing.


I will say that I hope Kidman doesn't just end up falling back down the ladder. Winning the feud with Douglas (as lackluster as it may have seemed) should put him in line to do something better than just slumming around the Tag or Cruiser divisions. I do wonder where Shane can go after this loss, though; he is really looking out of sorts.


Sting vs. Scott Hall

Sting picks up a good momentum boosting victory here over Hall... whether it be by defeating Scott, or by count out as Hall doesn't bother softening Sting up here.


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

Wasting no time on the title shot! I would go for Rey to pick up the title, if not for Kanyon's interference in the title match at Fall Brawl. But Booker vs Kanyon seems like it's going to be the next thing, so Book retains.


Mike Sanders vs. Sean O'Haire

O'Haire grabs a victory and pushes closer toward a rematch with Flair.


Billy Kidman vs. Shawn Stasiak

Can't see Stasiak proving to be much of a difference maker.


Marty Jannetty vs. Mark Jindrak

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Thanks for commenting and I enjoyed your reply! Looks like I need to get back in better shape of match predicting!

Monday Nitro Card


Sting vs. Scott Hall

- Sting wins and this is a match I'm looking forward to. I'm not expecting a clean loss, but Scott Hall is definitely the guy who could lose clean to Sting and it not hurt him.


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

- I agree that Booker/Kanyon for the title seems to be the path. Rey will put up a good fight, but I think Kanyon will get in the middle of it. Possibly set up a match between them at Havoc while that would allow Booker to defend against another person. I see their feud going until Starrcade.


Mike Sanders vs. Sean O'Haire


Billy Kidman vs. Shawn Stasiak


Marty Jannetty vs. Mark Jindrak

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Sting vs. Scott Hall


WCW United States Championship

Booker T (c) vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Mike Sanders vs. Sean O'Haire

O'Haire is just better in my opinion!


Billy Kidman vs. Shawn Stasiak


Marty Jannetty vs. Mark Jindrak


Sorry buddy, been away with work. Plus, there's SO many diaries on the boards right now!!! Loved Fall Brawl, and agree with Henderson about Chavo! A new debuting Cruiserweight beating him would give them instant credibility!! :D I disagree with him about Kidman though. Always been a huge Kidman fan, and if you choose to put some faith in him, I think he can be big for you! A win over Douglas and then Stasiak is a good start! I'd like to see you push his Shooting Star Press, and then maybe enter a feud with Mark Jindrak, who's Tazmission is awesome!! :D

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Sorry buddy, been away with work. Plus, there's SO many diaries on the boards right now!!! Loved Fall Brawl, and agree with Henderson about Chavo! A new debuting Cruiserweight beating him would give them instant credibility!! :D I disagree with him about Kidman though. Always been a huge Kidman fan, and if you choose to put some faith in him, I think he can be big for you! A win over Douglas and then Stasiak is a good start! I'd like to see you push his Shooting Star Press, and then maybe enter a feud with Mark Jindrak, who's Tazmission is awesome!! :D


It's not a Tazmission it's a Kata ha jime or a Jinmission :)

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Week 1, October, 2002

Live from Reno Events Center in Reno, Nevada

Attendance: 10.000 (sellout)



This week's edition of Monday Nitro kicks off with the sound of the nWo music playing throughout the arena as the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, makes his way toward the ring alongside the man who helped him retain his title last night, Kanyon.






As Michaels and Kanyon make their way to the ring, Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay welcomes everyone to another edition of WCW Monday Nitro. They briefly talk about the events of last night's Fall Brawl; The Three stealing the Tag Team Titles, Rey Misterio Jr. earning a shot at the US Title, Chavo Guerrero Jr. retained the Cruiserweight Championship and Team Sting winning the huge WarGames match. Mike Tenay notes that Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are not out here with Shawn and they talk about Shawn Michaels accidentally superkicking Kevin Nash last night at Fall Brawl during The Outsiders match against Sons Of The South for the Tag Team Titles, and they wonder just what is going on inside the nWo right now.


In the ring, Shawn Michaels grabs a mic and says that last night at Fall Brawl he did exactly what he said he was going to do; he defeated Booker T and walked out the same way he walked in, as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He says that everybody was putting their hopes in Booker T but, just as he told all of them, Booker T wasn't even in his league. And now everybody will be putting their hopes in Sting at Halloween Havoc, but Shawn says that he's already beaten Sting twice and the third time is damn sure NOT going to be the charm for Sting. (B-)


Shawn is then suddenly interrupted as the nWo music starts blasting through the speakers again and....






The Outsiders make their way out from the back to a mixed reaction from the crowd; some are booing, but some are cheering in anticipation of this confrontation after what went down last night at Fall Brawl. Nash and Hall are all business as they make their way down to the ring where Shawn Michaels doesn't quite seem to know how to react. Once in the ring, Kevin Nash grabs a mic of his own and says that Shawn said he was too busy last night to answer their questions but tonight he's got nothing but time to how about it, Shawn? Shawn says that he had a World Title match to get ready for last night, but he is more than happy to answer their questions now. Shawn says that what happened last night was a freak accident. He says that he remembered Kevin and Scott saying that he hadn't been there for them the way they were there for him, so he decided to do something about it. He came down to the ring to help them win the Tag Team Titles, but unfortunately his timing left a little to be desired. Nash says that they didn't ask for his help last night, but he and Scott are willing to put this whole thing behind them as soon as Shawn apologizes. Shawn says that what happened last night was an accident, but he is not going to apologize. He says that he had a World Title match later on against Booker T and he still took the time to come down to the ring to help them, so maybe they should be a little more appreciative of his intentions instead of being out here pointing fingers. Nash and Hall talk amongst themselves for a bit, then Nash looks at Shawn and tells him that putting himself ahead of everyone else in the nWo....that was strike one. Kicking him in the face last night....that was strike two. And if strike three comes along....then you know what happens! Nash then drops the mic and as the Outsiders make their way back up the ramp, a concerned looking Shawn Michaels stares after them as Tony and Mike notes that Shawn Michaels is far from on the same page as Kevin Nash and Scott Hall right now. ©






We cut backstage where the disturbed Crowbar is walking around a corner where he accidentally bumps right into...






The Impact Players! Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Ted DiBiase all look to be in a foul mood after Storm came up short against Rey Misterio Jr. last night at Fall Brawl and they seem to be just looking for a fight. DiBiase makes a comment about how Crowbar always seems to be getting in their way lately. Him and "The Cat" got in their way last week on Nitro, and now here Crowbar is again. Crowbar comments that they are just as much in his way as he is in theirs, which is all the excuse the Impact Players needs to attack. Storm and Awesome starts beating down Crowbar, but then...






"The Cat" Ernest Miller comes to Crowbar's rescue and pulls him away from the Impact Players. Ted DiBiase then says that "The Cat" and Crowbar needs to watch themselves because they are THIS close to putting them on ice. (D+)






Fresh off his huge win against Shane Douglas last night at Fall Brawl, Billy Kidman looked to build on that win by adding another one tonight on Nitro against Shawn Stasiak. With Torrie Wilson back by his side, Kidman looked better than ever and Tony and Mike both commented that Kidman's sights have to be set on the Cruiserweight Championship and Chavo Guerrero Jr. This wasn't a walkover for Kidman as Shawn Stasiak got a good amount of offense in, but in the end it was Kidman who picked up the win after hitting the Shooting Star Press and pinning Stasiak, continuing his recent stretch of success.



Billy Kidman defeated Shawn Stasiak at 9.12 by pinfall following a Shooting Star Press (C-)






In the back Rey Misterio Jr. is seen warming up for his big title match later tonight against Booker T. Tony and Mike talk about how Rey beat Lance Storm last night at Fall Brawl to earn this shot at the US Title, and they talk about how this match is Rey's opportunity to take that step up to the next level if he can defeat Booker T and become the new United States Champion.






Rey is then suddenly attacked by the Full Blooded Italians! Guido Versace, Big Vito, Johnny The Bull and Chuck Palumbo all beat down Rey while Antonina Versace is shouting out instructions. After Rey is beaten down, Chuck Palumbo grabs Rey and brutally tosses him back and neck first into the wall--and then again into the opposite wall. Rey is down and hurt and, after taking a moment to enjoy their handiwork, the Full Blooded Italians walks off after having successfully carried out their "hit". The camera then focuses in on Rey as Tony and Mike wonder what this means for the US Title match that is scheduled for later tonight? (D-)






We cut to Eric Bischoff's office where the owner of WCW is joined by the WCW Tag Team Champions Sons Of The South--Dustin Rhodes and BG James, who are coming off a terrible night last night at Fall Brawl after losing to the Outsiders, getting beaten down by KroniK after the match and having their titles stolen from them. Sons Of The South are looking for some answers after what happened last night when The Three stole the Tag Team Titles, and Bischoff assures them that he has no intention of letting The Three get away with stealing the titles. Bischoff says that he doesn't even know if they are here tonight, but he's going to make damn sure The Three are on Nitro next week and then this whole thing is going to be sorted out. Dustin Rhodes and BG James leaves Bischoff's office and walk down the hallway, but as they turn the corner...






They nearly trip over the unconscious bodies of KroniK, Brian Adams and Bryan Clark, who have obviously been attacked by...someone, indicating that The Three might just be in the building after all, or at least have been. Rhodes and James doesn't exactly feel any sympathy for the men who attacked them last night, but Sons Of The South vows to get their titles back from The Three next week on Nitro! (C-)






It has been a while since the veteran Marty Jannetty has picked up a win and after being dominated by El Mesías last night at Fall Brawl, Jannetty's chances weren't much better tonight against Mark Jindrak who, himself, have been dominant in the ring lately. Still, to his credit, Marty Jannetty came out ready to fight and got some offense in early on, but it wasn't long before Jindrak took control of the match, dominated and then put Jannetty away with the Mark Of Excellence.



Mark Jindrak defeated Marty Jannetty at 6.18 by pinfall following a Mark Of Excellence (D)






We cut backstage where Rey Misterio Jr. is getting some treatment in the trainer's room when the WCW United States Champion, and Rey Misterio's opponent later tonight, Booker T, walks into the room. Booker says he heard about what happened to Rey and offers to postpone their match until next week, if Bischoff agrees to it. Rey says he appreciates the offer but he doesn't want to let the fans down by postponing the match. Booker asks if Rey's sure, and Rey says that he'll be ready to go tonight. Both men then wish each other good luck and it appears that the United States Championship title match will take place tonight as planned after all. (B-)






Sean O'Haire picked up one of the biggest wins of his career last night at Fall Brawl when he, along with the rest of Team Sting, won the WarGames match and tonight he was looking to pick up another win against his long-time rival, Mike Sanders. As the match went back and forth early on, Tony and Mike talked about the potential of both men, quite frankly, but also about how Sean O'Haire seemed to be right on the cusp of becoming a big time player in WCW, especially after last night. They also talked about O'Haire's ongoing issues with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, saying that O'Haire got a measure of revenge on Flair last night at Fall Brawl, but that O'Haire won't be happy until he beats Flair one on one in the ring. Mike Sanders put up a decent fight in this one, but in the end it was Sean O'Haire who picked up the win after hitting the SeanTon Bomb and pinning Sanders.



Sean O'Haire defeated Mike Sanders at 8.10 by pinfall following a SeanTon Bomb (C-)






Following Sean O'Haire's win we cut to the back where Joey Styles has caught up with the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels. Joey wants to ask Shawn about his confrontation earlier tonight with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, but Shawn says that he doesn't have time to waste on foolish questions--he's got more important things to do than to answer Joey's inane questions. Shawn then walks off, leaving Tony and Mike to conclude that the World Champion is obviously more affected and worried about the situation than he wants to let on. (B-)






We cut back to Eric Bischoff's office where Bischoff has gathered the four members of his losing WarGames team from last night's Fall Brawl. Bischoff says that last night was supposed to be about sending a clear message to the members of Team Sting that they were fighting a losing battle for a lost cause. It was supposed to be about showing them what happens when you try to mess with the boss. But instead Team Sting won and now Sting has a World Title match coming up at Halloween Havoc. Bischoff says that he expected them to get the job done...and they failed. There is a lot of frustration on the faces in the room but Kanyon, Flair and Jarrett are all choosing not to put that frustration into words. Scott Steiner, on the other hand, has no problem verbalizing his frustrations, saying that he sure as hell didn't fail last night and the only reason they didn't win WarGames was because the rest of the team were too weak to get the job done. This comments sends tempers flaring as Kanyon, Flair and Jarrett all protest Steiner's version of events, leading to all four men arguing loudly. Bischoff finally manages to calm everyone down enough for him to tell them to leave his office because he's got a lot of thinking to do. Apparently whatever unity existed within Team Bischoff ended as soon as WarGames did. (B-)




WCW United States Championship







The announcers put over the courage of Rey Misterio Jr., who obviously was not at one hundred percent for this one after getting attacked by the Full Blooded Italians earlier in the show. And as if not being one hundred percent wasn't bad enough, Rey was going up against one of the very best in the United States Champion, Booker T. This was a good match that saw Rey Misterio Jr. fight bravely against the odds, trying to win his first ever US Title, against Booker T who, despite obviously having a lot of respect for Rey Misterio Jr., had no intention of losing his title here tonight. The match went back and forth throughout as Rey continued to show his amazing heart and will to win as he kept fighting back, despite obviously being in a lot of pain. Rey almost won the match, and the title, when he caught Booker with a surprise rollup, but that was as close as Rey would get tonight. As great of a fight as Rey put up here, nobody defeats Booker T if they are less than one hundred percent as Booker hit the Bookend on Rey for the win as he retained the US Title in a good match against a very game Rey Misterio Jr., leading both Tony and Mike to hope that these two men could face each other again in the future when Rey is at one hundred percent.



Booker T defeated Rey Misterio Jr. at 13.13 by pinfall following a Bookend. Booker T retains the WCW United States Championship (B-)



Following the match, in a great show of respect, Booker T helps Rey Misterio Jr. back to his feet and shakes his hand as the crowd applauds both men. We then cut to the back where....






Shawn Michaels is with Eric Bischoff. Bischoff says that he has been looking everywhere for Shawn and that he has come up with the perfect solution to all of their problems--both with Sting and with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Bischoff says that he did promise Sting a shot at the World Title at Halloween Havoc if his team won WarGames, but he never said anything about it being a one on one match. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are pissed off right now, but Bischoff says he knows both men well enough to know, and Shawn will no doubt agree with this, that they're two guys who are motivated by money. So, what Bischoff proposes is this; at Halloween Havoc, for the World Heavyweight Championship, Shawn Michaels versus Sting....versus Kevin Nash! Not only will this help Nash and Hall get past what happened at Fall Brawl, but it will also ensure that the World Title stays right where it is; with the n....W....o! Michaels and Bischoff both smile as it appears they did, indeed, just find the solution to all of their problems. (B+)



We cut back to ringside where Tony informs us that it is almost time for our main event of the evening...but Tony is then suddenly interrupted as Goldberg's music plays and....






Goldberg, Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page, the three members of Sting's Alliance who are not competing in the main event, make their way down to the ring where they take up a position in front of the entrance ramp as Tony and Mike speculates that they are there to, once again, ensure a level playing field, unlike what we unfortunately saw last night at Fall Brawl when Kanyon helped Shawn Michaels retain the World Championship against Booker T. (B-)






Scott Hall was forced to come down to the ring alone for this one as the trio of Goldberg, Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page effectively prevented Kevin Nash from accompanying him. Scott Hall kicked things off like he normally does--by throwing his toothpick in Sting's face. As always Hall was highly amused by his own antics, but then a huge right hand from Sting kicked this match into high gear right from the get-go. Sting and Hall trading blows for a bit until Sting got the upper hand by stringing several punches together. It looked like Sting had the upper hand but a thumb to the eye by Hall allowed the nWo member to seize control of the match. Hall hit a discus clothesline, a belly to back suplex and a fallaway slam to maintain control, and then he locked Sting in the abdominal stretch. After keeping Sting in the hold for a while, Hall released the hold and whipped Sting against the ropes looking to hit a back body drop, but Sting was able to stop and drive Hall's face into the mat with a bulldog. Sting hit a pair of inverted atomic drops and then whipped Hall into the corner where Sting climbed to the second turnbuckle and began raining punches down on Hall as the crowd counted along...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10! Sting then placed Hall on the top turnbuckle and hit a HUGE superplex and then, for the moment, both men were down in the middle of the ring. The referee began his count and both men made it back to their feet at a count of seven, and then they began exchanging blows again in the middle of the ring. They went back and forth until Hall suddenly drove a knee into the midsection of Sting, then set him up for the Outsiders' Edge. Hall attempted to deliver his finisher but Sting was able to block it and then back body drop Hall to get out of the predicament. Sting then began to unload on Hall with rights and lefts and then a standing dropkick took Hall off his feet. Sting climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit a diving splash and then he "WOOO'ED" at the crowd, who responded with cheers. Sting pulled Hall to his feet, whipped him into the corner and hit one...two...three Stinger Splashes! Hall staggered out of the corner and right into a Scorpion Deathdrop! Sting then locked Hall in the Scorpion Deathlock and, after fighting it for a while, Hall had no choice but to tap out.



Sting defeated Scott Hall at 14.49 by submission with the Scorpion Deathlock (B+)



Following what was one heck of a main event, which both Tony and Mike agrees was one of the best matches they have seen in WCW since the return, Sting stands tall in the middle of the ring, having picked up a second huge win in as many nights. As Sting celebrates his win, Tony Schiavone signs off as another edition of WCW Monday Nitro comes to an end.




Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 0.82 (new record)

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Fall Brawl was really good. I would have put Sting down to administer the fall, but I had forgotten that his title shot was a foregone conclusion; I thought that whoever scored the fall on his team would get the shot. I can picture two distinct paths that you can go for Starrcade, and that is a good thing.


I will say that I hope Kidman doesn't just end up falling back down the ladder. Winning the feud with Douglas (as lackluster as it may have seemed) should put him in line to do something better than just slumming around the Tag or Cruiser divisions. I do wonder where Shane can go after this loss, though; he is really looking out of sorts.


Thanks for the comments, man. Glad you enjoyed Fall Brawl. As for Kidman and Douglas...there are definitely plans in place for Kidman, I can say that much. As for Douglas...it is kinda tough. I've never been a huge fan of him, yet he is good enough in the ring that he can put on some good, solid matches and he's not a bad worker overall. I definitely haven't given up on him and hopefully I'll be able to find something for him to do.



Sorry buddy, been away with work. Plus, there's SO many diaries on the boards right now!!! Loved Fall Brawl, and agree with Henderson about Chavo! A new debuting Cruiserweight beating him would give them instant credibility!! :D I disagree with him about Kidman though. Always been a huge Kidman fan, and if you choose to put some faith in him, I think he can be big for you! A win over Douglas and then Stasiak is a good start! I'd like to see you push his Shooting Star Press, and then maybe enter a feud with Mark Jindrak, who's Tazmission is awesome!! :D


No worries, man, I have yet to comment on your latest PPV and it was great so I know how tough it can be sometimes. And thanks for the comments, glad you liked the show. Like I stated above there are plans in place for Kidman so hopefully you'll like them :)


It's not a Tazmission it's a Kata ha jime or a Jinmission :)


Considering that I have yet to come up with a real name for it (other than "Mark Jindrak's Tazzmission-like submission finisher") it might just end up being a Jinmission, who knows? :)

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Monday Nitro Preview



This week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro is headlined by two huge events; the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, will have a face to face confrontation with the number one contender, Sting, just a few short weeks before they are scheduled to face off for the World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc, and in this week's main event "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner goes one on one with Diamond Dallas Page in a steel cage match which will, perhaps, finally put an end to the long-running rivalry between these two men.


Also on the show; Booker T defends his WCW United States Championship, a new number one contender to the WCW Cruiserweight Championship will be crowned and much, much more...


As always, you do NOT want to miss WCW Monday Nitro!




Monday Nitro Card



Steel Cage Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Lance Storm


Marty Jannetty vs. Guido Versace


Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender's Match

Shane Helms vs. Billy Kidman vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


The Jung Dragons vs. Ernest Miller and Crowbar


Mark Jindrak vs. Norman Smiley



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Steel Cage Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Scotts going to prove he wasnt the weak link


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Lance Storm


Marty Jannetty vs. Guido Versace


Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender's Match

Shane Helms vs. Billy Kidman vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


The Jung Dragons vs. Ernest Miller and Crowbar


Mark Jindrak vs. Norman Smiley

I like Kata ha jime its what Joey Styles used

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Steel Cage Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Lance Storm


Marty Jannetty vs. Guido Versace


Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender's Match

Shane Helms vs. Billy Kidman vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


The Jung Dragons vs. Ernest Miller and Crowbar


Mark Jindrak vs. Norman Smiley

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Steel Cage Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Lance Storm


Marty Jannetty vs. Guido Versace


Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender's Match

Shane Helms vs. Billy Kidman vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


The Jung Dragons vs. Ernest Miller and Crowbar


Mark Jindrak vs. Norman Smiley

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Steel Cage Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Lance Storm


Marty Jannetty vs. Guido Versace


Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender's Match

Shane Helms vs. Billy Kidman vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


The Jung Dragons vs. Ernest Miller and Crowbar


Mark Jindrak vs. Norman Smiley

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ahhhh, it's good to be back. So many terrific diaries to catch up on, this being one of them!!



Monday Nitro Card



Steel Cage Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Lance Storm


Marty Jannetty vs. Guido Versace


Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender's Match

Shane Helms vs. Billy Kidman vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


The Jung Dragons vs. Ernest Miller and Crowbar


Mark Jindrak vs. Norman Smiley

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Monday Nitro Card


Steel Cage Match

Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page

- I'd like to choose Steiner, but it seems like you have a lot more going for DDP at the moment


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Lance Storm

- It's been awhile since you had a title change hands, much less on Nitro. I'll go for the shock win. Storm is an awesome champion too. Booker belongs in the main event.


Marty Jannetty vs. Guido Versace


Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender's Match

Shane Helms vs. Billy Kidman vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


The Jung Dragons vs. Ernest Miller and Crowbar

- Miller seems to be getting a bit of a push, which is awesome. Don't count out the Dragons though, they're a solid team to have.


Mark Jindrak vs. Norman Smiley

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I really like where this whole thing with Steiner is going. He's like a rabid dog who wants the ball he was promised to be thrown for him. Also, good call on the triple threat. That definitely adds some good intrigue to the match, and it will once and for all show exactly where the Outsiders stand.


Scott Steiner

Booker T

Guido Versace

Billy Kidman

Cat and Crowbar

Mark Jindrak

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Monday Nitro Preshow Results


Mike Sanders defeated Brian Kendrick (D-)

Jeff Jarrett and KroniK defeated Matt Sydal, Air Paris and Jamie Knoble (C-)






Week 2, October, 2002

Live from the Arena at Harbor Yard in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Attendance: 10.000 (sellout)






The show kicks off at the announce table where Tony Schiavone and "The Professor" Mike Tenay welcomes everyone to the show. They run down tonight's card but they focus primarily on two things; the face to face confrontation between the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, and the number one contender, Sting, as well as the huge main event we have scheduled for tonight as "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner goes one on one with Diamond Dallas Page inside a steel cage. Mike Tenay brings up the long-standing issues between Steiner and Page, which goes back several years, and he concludes that a steel cage match is always going to be brutal but when you put two guys in there who absolutely hate each other then you know it is going to be a must-see match. Tony brings us back to the face to face confrontation between Shawn Michaels and Sting and he brings up the fact that Sting defeated Scott Hall in the main event of last week's Nitro in what was one heck of a match, but his point is that Shawn Michaels was nowhere to be seen and he wonders just what the current state of the nWo really is. Are they on the same page? Or is the group falling apart? Mike Tenay speculates that maybe we will get the answer to that question later tonight, and then Tony sends us down to the ring for our opening bout. (C+)




WCW Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender's Match





This match had barely even gotten started when...






The reigning WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., decided to come down to ringside for a closer look at the three men who were competing for a shot at his championship. Chavo's presence at ringside seemed to put everyone on guard and Tony and Mike wondered if perhaps Chavo had a favorite in terms of who he would rather face. If he did, however, he never showed it as he never got involved in the match but just observed it at ringside. The match itself was all out cruiserweight action from start to finish with all three men getting their moments to shine, and with each man picking up at least one near-fall. In the end it was Billy Kidman who continued to build on his recent momentum by hitting the Shooting Star Press on Shane Helms and picking up the win, with Yoshihiro Tajiri breaking up the pin a split second too late.



Billy Kidman defeated Shane Helms and Yoshihiro Tajiri at 6.58 by pinfall when Kidman pinned Helms following a Shooting Star Press. Billy Kidman earns a shot at the WCW Cruiserweight Championship (C-)


As Billy Kidman stands victorious in the ring the camera zooms in on the Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., who stares at Kidman with a concerned look on his face as Tony Schiavone notes that Billy Kidman will now get a shot at Chavo Guerrero Jr. and the Cruiserweight Championship at Halloween Havoc. We then head to the back where...






WCW interviewer Joey Styles is standing by with all of the members of The Full Blooded Italians. Joey asks the Italians about their recent attacks on Rey Misterio Jr., even going so far as to attack Rey prior to his United States Championship title match last week against Booker T. Joey also notes that Rey won't be on the show tonight due to the injuries he sustained last week. Antonina Versace says that Rey Misterio Jr. ruined her brother's in-ring debut and they're not gonna let him forget about it (or fuggetaboutit) any time soon. Guido Versace then says that what Rey did was that he messed with the Family--and NOBODY messes with the Family! The Italians then walk off as we cut back to the ring. (D+)






This match was more of what we have been seeing out of Mark Jindrak lately; complete and total dominance from start to finish and poor Norman Smiley didn't even get a chance to break out the Big Wiggle. Jindrak made short work of Smiley and finished him off with his Tazzmission-like submission finisher as Tony and Mike both noted that, given Jindrak's recent streak of impressive showings, it is probably only a matter of time before he starts seeing some big time opportunities coming his way.



Mark Jindrak defeated Norman Smiley at 3.08 by submission (D-)



Following Jindrak's win we head to commercials and when Nitro returns...







We do so with the WCW Tag Team Champions, Sons Of The South, making their way to the ring. Tony notes that Dustin Rhodes and BG James are still without their Tag Team Titles, which The Three stole from them at Fall Brawl. Once in the ring, BG James grabs a mic and he says that they're out there for one reason and one reason only; to call out The Three because they have something that belongs to them. James says that he wants all three of those clows to come out here and face them RIGHT NOW! The crowd cheers and a few moments later...






The Three--John Cena, Samoa Joe and Ken Anderson--all make their way out from the back and they stand at the top of the entrance ramp, with Samoa Joe carrying both of the Tag Team Titles, one on each shoulder. After staring down the champions for a moment, John Cena grabs a mic and says that they came to WCW to make a name for themselves in this business. They came here to prove that they are the future of this business. But after months of waiting for their opportunity, they decided that they were through waiting. They decided that instead of waiting around for what might never come, they were just gonna step up and take it--which is exactly what they did at Fall Brawl. Cena says that, yeah, right now they are in possession of the WCW Tag Team Titles and if Rhodes and James want the titles back...then they're gonna have to STEP UP and TAKE THEM! Cena then issues the challenge; Sons Of The South versus two members of The Three at Halloween Havoc for the WCW Tag Team Titles!


Dustin Rhodes and BG James briefly talk things over in the ring and then BG James gets on the mic and says that they have every intention of being fighting champions and, unlike The Three, they actually earned those titles. But if The Three want a shot at their titles, if they want an opportunity to actually prove themselves in the ring, then they are more than happy to give them an opportunity--and one hell of an ass-kicking--at Halloween Havoc! James then tells The Three to return the titles, but Cena says that they're gonna hang on to the titles until Halloween Havoc, just to make sure that Sons Of The South doesn't get cold feet and have a change of heart. The Three then disappears into the back, still in possession of the WCW Tag Team Titles, and the camera focuses on Rhodes and James in the ring as Tony and Mike hype up the fact that Sons Of The South will face two members of The Three at Halloween Havoc with the WCW Tag Team Titles on the line! (D+)







With two title matches having been added to the card for Halloween Havoc, a graphic then pops up on the screen to remind everyone of the huge main event that is still to come later tonight; Scott Steiner versus Diamond Dallas Page in a steel cage match! Tony and Mike briefly hype up the match, talking about the animosity between DDP and Steiner and about how this match could potentially be the end to this long-standing feud. (B-)






The third match of the night saw the odd couple tag team of Crowbar and "The Cat" Ernest Miller facing off against the Jung Dragons. The announcers talked about how this pairing of "The Cat" and Crowbar came to be, with "The Cat" offering a bit of encouragement to Crowbar and the way that Crowbar seemed to have taken a strong interest in "The Cat" ever since, even trying to help "The Cat" in his matches. They also talked about Crowbar and The Cat's recent issues with the Impact Players. The match itself wasn't all that great. Both teams got a good amount of offense in, but in the end this was another losing effort for the Jung Dragons who, in spite of their obvious talent, have yet to find their footing in WCW. The finish saw "The Cat" hit the Feliner on Kaz Hayashi to pick up the win.



"The Cat" Ernest Miller and Crowbar defeated the Jung Dragons at 7.06 by pinfall when The Cat pinned Kaz Hayashi following a Feliner (D-)






The match is over and The Cat and Crowbar celebrates their victory in the ring, but the celebration is cut short when Mike Awesome and Ted DiBiase makes their way out onto the stage. Tony notes that Lance Storm isn't there, which is probably because he is busy preparing for the United States Championship title match against Booker T later tonight. Ted DiBiase grabs a mic and says that as far as he's concerned, "The Cat" and Crowbar are a disgrace to tag team wrestling and an embarrassment to the tag team division in WCW. DiBiase says that when he looks in the ring right now he sees nothing but a big joke. He says that the Impact Players are the greatest tag team in this business today and "The Cat" and Crowbar are going to get a chance to find out first hand why that is...because the Impact Players wants "The Cat" and Crowbar at Halloween Havoc! DiBiase says that, at Halloween Havoc, the Impact Players are going to teach them a lesson in both tag team wrestling and in respect. And once they get through with "The Cat" and Crowbar...their joke of a tag team will be as dead as their careers! (D+)






With another match officially set for Halloween Havoc, a graphic pops up on screen hyping up the face to face confrontation between Shawn Michaels and Sting that is still to come later tonight. Tony and Mike talk about how Sting is getting another shot at the World Title after winning WarGames, and they talk about how Shawn Michaels has found a way to screw Sting over in their first two matches. Will Sting finally get his retribution at Halloween Havoc? Either way, these two men will come face to face later tonight and both Tony and Mike say they can't wait to see exactly what is going to go down later tonight when these two huge stars come face to face again. (B-)






Guido Versace came down to the ring with his sister, Antonina, by his side and Guido seemed determined to erase his failure against Rey Misterio Jr. a couple of weeks ago by picking up a win here against Marty Jannetty. This was a decent match that saw Guido display quite the mean streak as he took the fight to the veteran Jannetty. Jannetty did get some offense in, but in the end it was Guido who picked up a strong win as he hit the Sicilian Slice and got the one, two, three for his first official win in WCW.



Guido Versace defeated Marty Jannetty at 6.48 by pinfall following a Sicilian Slice (D)






Once the ring has cleared out "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair makes his way down to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Flair enters the ring and calls for a mic, then says that he is out there to put everyone on the roster on notice; now that Eric Bischoff has officially lifted his ban on challenging for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, you better believe that "The Nature Boy" will be on the hunt for another shot at the title. Flair says that he started in this business to prove that he was the best and for the past many years he has been doing exactly that. He says that being the World Heavyweight Champion comes as naturally to him as breathing, and it has been way too long since the last time "The Nature Boy" had the gold wrapped around his waist. Flair says that he doesn't care who he has to go through, he doesn't care how many people he has to beat--he will not rest and he will not stop until "The Nature Boy" is once again the WCW World Heavyweight Champion!






Suddenly Sean O'Haire's music hits and O'Haire runs down the entrance ramp toward the ring. O'Haire hits the ring looking for a fight, but Flair quickly bails out of the ring and retreats back up the ramp, once again avoiding a face to face confrontation with Sean O'Haire. O'Haire looks pissed as Tony Schiavone notes that, once again, Ric Flair has chosen to flee rather than to fight Sean O'Haire and one can't help but wonder if, indeed, Ric Flair is afraid to step into the ring with Sean O'Haire again. Mike Tenay notes that O'Haire did get some measure of revenge on Flair at Fall Brawl in the WarGames match, but this obviously isn't going to be over for Sean O'Haire until he gets Flair in the one on one again. With Sean O'Haire staring after Ric Flair, who has escaped into the backstage area, Tony wonders how long Flair will be able to duck O'Haire challenge. (B-)



Up next; Booker T defends the WCW United States Championship against Lance Storm!




WCW United States Championship







Lance Storm lost a HIGHLY competitive match to Rey Misterio Jr. at Fall Brawl, but with Rey having gotten his shot at the US Title last week, Storm gets a shot this week and he looked to make the most of it. Storm got off to a good start by not brawling with Booker T and instead using his technical ability cease control fo the match early on. With Ted DiBiase shouting encouragement at ringside, Storm maintained control for several minutes, focusing most of his offense on Booker T's legs, softening them up for his Canadian Maple Leaf submission finisher. The turning point in the match came when Storm went up top for a missile dropkick, but missed as Booker T was able to move out of the way. Booker then fought his way back into the match with various punches, kicks and finally a huge spinebuster, which kept Storm down for a two count. Booker hit a spinning wheel kick, a vertical suplex and a sideslam as he controlled the match for the next several minutes. Storm managed to fight his way back into the match and the next couple of minutes went back and forth. The finish to this one came when Booker T was able to block a german suplex attempt by Storm. Booker nailed Storm with an elbow and then went for a huge kick...but missed as Storm ducked! Storm went for a kick of his own...but missed as this time Booker T was able to avoid it. Storm then turned around and walked right into a Bookend as Booker T picked up the win and successfully retained his title in a solid, competitive match.



Booker T defeated Lance Storm at 13.05 by pinfall following a Bookend. Booker T retains the WCW United States Championship (C+)



Booker T celebrates his successful US Title defense in the ring, but then, suddenly...






El Mesías' music starts playing and Mesías is suddenly seen standing at the top of the entrance ramp. A confused looking Booker T stares at the mysterious El Mesías, who slowly raises an arm and points to Booker T, then, just as slowly, he does the throat slash motion, leading Tony and Mike to the inevitable conclusion that El Mesías has set his sights on Booker T and the WCW United States Championship. With a close-up shot of the creepy and scary looking El Mesías, Monday Nitro cuts to commercials.







As Nitro returns from commercials we do so with WCW owner Eric Bischoff already standing in the ring. Bischoff gets on the mic and says that, without further ado, he would like to invite the WCW World Heavyweigh Champion, Shawn Michaels, to join him in the ring. A few moments pass and then the nWo music starts blasting throughout the arena...






Shawn Michaels makes his way down to the ring but he does not walk alone. It is not, however, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall who are by his side, but rather it's the so called turncoat, Kanyon. As Michaels and Kanyon makes their way to the ring, Tony notes that we haven't seen or heard anything from either Nash or Hall tonight and the fact that they're not out here with Shawn Michaels probably says a lot about where that relationship is at right now. Shawn and Kanyon joins Eric Bischoff in the ring and Bischoff then asks the number one contender, Sting, to join them as well. After a few moments "Seek and Destroy"s starts playing, bringing the entire building to their feet.






Sting does not walk alone either, however, as none other than "The Man" himself, Goldberg, comes down to the ring alongside the Stinger. Sting and Goldberg enters the ring and, after a staredown between them and Michaels and Kanyon, Eric Bischoff steps in and reminds tells everyone that he does not want this to get out of hand. Bischoff says that, as a result of the WarGames match, Sting does indeed have a World Title shot coming up at Halloween Havoc. Bischoff is about to continue but Shawn Michaels cuts him off by grabbing the mic. Shawn looks right at Sting and says that, while Sting may have won WarGames, they both know that he doesn't have what it takes to beat "The Greatest Wrestler In The History Of The Business", Shawn Michaels. Shawn says that Sting has tried twice already, and failed miserably both times. What makes him think that this time is going to be any different? Sting gets a mic of his own and he says that while he did fail to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, he did not fail to win the title because Shawn Michaels was a better wrestler. Shawn Michaels did not beat Sting one one one and he certainly did not beat him fairly. And if Shawn truly was the greatest wrestler of all time...he wouldn't have to rely on others to help him win his matches--he would be able to do it on his own. Sting says that at Halloween Havoc it is going to be SHOWTIME once again and this time...this time Shawn Michaels won't escape with the title. Third time's the charm, Sting says, and it is long overdue that they crown have a NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion.


Eric Bischoff then steps in again and says that he did indeed guarantee Sting a World Title shot at Halloween Havoc if his team won WarGames, which they did...but he did NOT say anything about it being a one on one match. Bischoff then says that he would like to introduce the third man who will do battle for the World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc.....






The nWo music starts playing again and out walks "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash as apparently Eric Bischoff and Shawn Michaels has put their plan from last week into motion. The crowd boos as, once again, the nWo are stacking the deck in their favor by adding Nash to the match and basically making it a two on one handicap match--or, as Mike Tenay wonders, are they? Are Nash and Michaels back on the same page? Kevin Nash enters the already rather crowded ring where Eric Bischoff is all smiles as he is clapping for the big man. Nash surveys the ring for a moment, taking a moment to look each man in the eye, and then he calls for a mic of his own. Notably Nash chooses to stand alone rather then stand next to Shawn Michaels and Kanyon. Nash looks like he is about to speak, but then, somewhat surprisingly, "Big Sexy" drops the mic again, evidently choosing to keep his thoughts to himself. Eric Bischoff then gets back on the mic and says that the contract signing for the World Title match at Halloween Havoc will take place next week live on Monday Nitro! And with that, and with Shawn Michaels, Kanyon and Eric Bischoff on one side of the ring, Sting and Goldberg on the other and Kevin Nash square in the middle of all of it, just what the heck is going to happen at Halloween Havoc?!? (B)



Once the ring has cleared out the steel cage is slowly lowered down to surround the ring as Tony and Mike inform us that the main event steel cage match between Scott Steiner and Diamond Dallas Page is coming up next!




Steel Cage Match





This was a hard hitting matchup right from the get-go as both men were eager to get the fight started. The opening moments was utter chaos as both men brawled all around the ring, throwing punches left and right, but then "Big Poppa Pump" secured the advantage as he grabbed DDP and drove him face-first into the side of the steel cage. He proceeded to do this on all four sides of the cage and then he hit a belly to belly suplex on a wobbly looking DDP. Steiner didn't go for the pin attempt, however, but instead dropped down next to DDP and started doing push-ups, much to the displeasure of the crowd. Steiner then pulled DDP to his feet and began slapping him around, showing no respect whatsoever for the former multiple time WCW World Heavyweight Champion. This would prove to be a mistake, however, as the repeated slaps did nothing but anger Diamond Dallas Page, who began to fight back. Page hit a series of punches and then it was Steiner's turn to go face-first into the steel cage. Steiner stumbled backwards right into a russian legsweep and then Page went for the cover, but Steiner kicked out. DDP hit a jawbreaker, an inverted atomic drop and a vertical suplex to maintain control and then he climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit a flying clothesline off the top rope. Page then went for the cover but Steiner kicked out again. Page began climbing the turnbucke again but this time, instead of stopping at the top turnbuckle, Page tried to make his way all the way up to the top of the cage as Mike Tenay noted that the match could be won by escaping the cage, but Steiner was back to his feet and he climbed the turnbuckle and began clobbering Page from behind. Steiner then grabbed Page and hit a belly to back suplex off the middle turnbuckle. Steiner then managed to drape an arm across DDP's chest but Page kicked out after two. Both men were slow to get up as the grueling match was obviously taking its toll on both competitors. Steiner was the first man back to his feet and he grabbed Page and pulled him to his feet and.....DIAMOND CUTTER!!!! DDP pulled out a Diamond Cutter from out of nowhere! Page did not go for the pin, however, but instead he slowly began to climb the cage again, looking to win the match by escaping the cage. Page was almost at the top of the cage but then...






Kanyon suddenly made his way down to ringside and he began to climb the cage from outside the ring. As Steiner stirred below, Page finally got to the top of the cage...only to find himself face to face with the man who was once his best friend, Kanyon. Kanyon nailed Page with a couple of right hand shots and then a headbutt that almost saw DDP crash to the floor of the ring but he just barely managed to hold on. Unfortunately for Page, "Big Poppa Pump" had climbed up behind him and he grabbed Page and threw him to the floor of the ring where he landed hard. Steiner then proceeded to climb over the top of the cage and down on the other side to pick up the win, albeit a controversial one.



Scott Steiner defeated Diamond Dallas Page at 15.26 by escaping the cage (B-)






The match is over and Scott Steiner celebrates his win, seemingly not too bothered by the way the win came about, while Kanyon remains at ringside as well to survey his handiwork and taunt his former best friend, the man he just screwed over. Steiner looks into the camera and says that he's the most dominant man in this business and nobody in the world can hang with "The Genetic Freak". And that's when....






IT'S GOLDBERG!!!! "The Man" makes his way toward the ring and Kanyon immediately makes his escape through the crowd, clearly wanting nothing to do with Goldberg. Scott Steiner, however, holds his position and doesn't even so much as flinch as Goldberg marches right up to him and gets in his face. And with that shot of this incredibly intense staredown between these two hugely dominant men, another edition of WCW Monday Nitro comes to an end! (B-)



Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.78

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Monday Nitro Preview



Last week on Monday Nitro Kevin Nash was officially added to the World Heavyweight Championship title match at Halloween Havoc, making it a three way match featuring the World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels, Sting and Kevin Nash. This week on Nitro the contract signing for that match will be taking place, but what will happen? Are Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash back on the same page? Is Sting walking into a handicap match situation at Halloween Havoc? In addition to the World Title contract signing, this week's in-ring main event of Monday Nitro is a huge tag team match as Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page teams up to take on "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett. With Halloween Havoc just two weeks away you can be sure both teams will be looking to pick up a big win here, but which side will get it done? And, considering the end of last week's Monday Nitro, will either Scott Steiner or Kanyon have any kind of impact on the outcome on the match?


As always you do NOT want to miss out on this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro!




Monday Nitro Card



Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett vs. Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Kanyon


Lance Storm vs. Crowbar


Shannon Moore vs. Billy Kidman


KroniK vs. Air Paris and Matt Sydal


Shawn Stasiak vs. AJ Styles



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A really good Nitro man, I look forward to seeing what you do with Scotty in the future. So I said that there are a few paths I could see you take for Starrcade, and here's what I think your money matches are:

1. Shawn vs. Goldberg. Goldberg hasn't had a title match in a LONG time, and him winning out over the nWo will be a great ending to the year.

2. Shawn vs. Kevin Nash (possibly also vs. Scott Hall). This one feels like you've been foreshadowing it for awhile now, the split of the Outsiders and Michaels. Starrcade could be the place to settle the run of the nWo.

3. Shawn vs. Scott Steiner. Steiner wants that title shot; does he want it bad enough to turn face? I think so.


I could also see you finding some other route to take; but these are the three that I think you are heading toward. Anyways, on to predictions!


Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett vs. Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Kanyon


Lance Storm vs. Crowbar


Shannon Moore vs. Billy Kidman


KroniK vs. Air Paris and Matt Sydal


Shawn Stasiak vs. AJ Styles

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A really good Nitro man, I look forward to seeing what you do with Scotty in the future. So I said that there are a few paths I could see you take for Starrcade, and here's what I think your money matches are:

1. Shawn vs. Goldberg. Goldberg hasn't had a title match in a LONG time, and him winning out over the nWo will be a great ending to the year.

2. Shawn vs. Kevin Nash (possibly also vs. Scott Hall). This one feels like you've been foreshadowing it for awhile now, the split of the Outsiders and Michaels. Starrcade could be the place to settle the run of the nWo.

3. Shawn vs. Scott Steiner. Steiner wants that title shot; does he want it bad enough to turn face? I think so.


I could also see you finding some other route to take; but these are the three that I think you are heading toward. Anyways, on to predictions


To me, Goldberg/Shawn has to happen. It's a fresh matchup(Nash/Shawn is not), and Goldberg has been kept strong throughout all of Shawn's reign as WHC. Goldberg for the win!


Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett vs. Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page

Give DDP some revenge, but I assume this will come by DQ


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Kanyon

Tough one, but Rey never seems to get a full on push in this diary


Lance Storm vs. Crowbar

Get Crowbar and The Cat out of here.


Shannon Moore vs. Billy Kidman

He is not a Moore-on, but somebody better tell Kijar that Shannon Moore is on the show.


KroniK vs. Air Paris and Matt Sydal

No love for Kronik either


Shawn Stasiak vs. AJ Styles

Assuming that he starts a push towards beating Chavo at Starcade

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To me, Goldberg/Shawn has to happen. It's a fresh matchup(Nash/Shawn is not), and Goldberg has been kept strong throughout all of Shawn's reign as WHC. Goldberg for the win!


Well, Shawn vs Nash would also show whether or not Eric Bischoff can really stay away from playing politics with WCW... you know the Clique would want to run the biggest show of the year if they could, but will Eric let them? ;)

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Monday Nitro Card



Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett vs. Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Kanyon


Lance Storm vs. Crowbar


Shannon Moore vs. Billy Kidman


KroniK vs. Air Paris and Matt Sydal


Shawn Stasiak vs. AJ Styles

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