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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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Awesome Nitro and I agree with the paths you could take; If you stick with HBK as champion until Starrcade.


Monday Nitro Card


Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett vs. Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page

- Typical WCW fashion with a DQ win in the main event.


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Kanyon

- Kanyon's going to need some wins to prepare him for PPV matches. Rey is a good sacrificial lamb.


Lance Storm vs. Crowbar

- Maybe 2003 will be the year of the Storm?


Shannon Moore vs. Billy Kidman

- Kidman will go on a win streak from here to Havoc.


KroniK vs. Air Paris and Matt Sydal


Shawn Stasiak vs. AJ Styles

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<p>Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett vs. <strong>Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Rey Misterio Jr.</strong> vs. Kanyon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lance Storm</strong> vs. Crowbar</p><p> </p><p>

Shannon Moore vs. <strong>Billy Kidman</strong></p><p> </p><p>

KroniK vs. <strong>Air Paris and Matt Sydal</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Stasiak vs. <strong>AJ Styles</strong></p>

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Been having issues with my internet connection and I've been without internet at home these past days, which is why Nitro hasn't been posted yet. The show will be posted as soon as I get my net up and running again.


Ours has been awful for months mate. So we upgraded to fibre optic the other day. Best decision ever!!

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Monday Nitro Preshow Results


Mark Jindrak defeated Marty Jannetty (D-)

Hugh Morrus defeated Norman Smiley (C-)






Week 3, October, 2002

Live from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut

Attendance: 9.518 (sellout)







As Monday Nitro goes live we immediately join our announce team of Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay at the announce table. Tony welcomes everyone to another action-packed edition of WCW Monday Nitro and, after introducing "The Professor" Mike Tenay at his side, Tony immediately turns his attention of the huge World Heavyweight Championship title match contract signing that will be taking place later tonight. They talk about Eric Bischoff officially adding Kevin Nash to the match last week on Nitro and they again pose the question of whether Nash and Shawn Michaels are back on the same page or not as we head toward Halloween Havoc. Tony starts to run down the rest of the card for tonight, but he is interrupted as the music of the reigning WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., suddenly starts playing.






Chavo makes his way out from the back and heads toward the announce table where he joins Tony and Mike on commentary for the opening contest of this week's Monday Nitro.






As this one got underway with Kidman and Moore exchanging holds in the ring, Tony and Mike asked Chavo about his thoughts on facing Kidman at Halloween Havoc for the Cruiserweight Championship. Chavo did not want to talk about Kidman, however, and instead he talked about his lengthy reign as Cruiserweight Champion, pointing out that it was at last year's Mayhem pay per view that he won the title and saying that he was only about six weeks away from having been champion for a full year. Meanwhile the action was fast and furious in the ring as Kidman and Moore went back and forth while Chavo cheered Moore on and urged him to do as much damage to Kidman as possible. Tony asked if Chavo was worried about facing Kidman since he wanted Moore to do as much damage as possible, but Chavo denied that, saying that you don't get to be champion for as long as he has without being smart. In the end, after a highly competitive matchup, it was Billy Kidman who picked up yet another win as he hit a picture perfect Shooting Star Press and covered Moore for the strong win just two weeks before getting his shot at Chavo Guerrero Jr. and the Cruiserweight Championship at Halloween Havoc.



Billy Kidman defeated Shannon Moore at 6.30 by pinfall following a Shooting Star Press (C-)



Following the match Chavo Guerrero Jr. puts down his headset and leaves the announce table as Billy Kidman celebrates his win in the ring along with Torrie Wilson. Chavo shakes his head at Kidman and yells that "this is MY title!" before disappearing into the back and the camera cuts away.






Joey Styles is backstage with the Full Blooded Italians and he again asks them about Rey Misterio Jr. and the comments they made about him last week. Antonina Versace says that their attacks on Rey won't end until they feel that Rey has adequately paid for what he did to them. Joey asks what exactly it is that the F.B.I. wants from Rey? What would it take for them to finally feel that Rey has "adequately paid"? Guido Versace says that it's real simple; what they want is for Rey Misterio Jr. to be carried out on a stretcher at Halloween Havoc and the man who will make sure that that happens...is the "Heavy Hitter" Chuck Palumbo. Antonina says that, in case there was any doubt, Rey should consider this an official challenge for Halloween Havoc...and it's a challenge he cannot refuse. The Italians then walk off and Joey sends us back to Tony and Mike at the announce table. (D+)






Back at the announce table a graphic pops up on screen and Tony and Mike talk about the upcoming main event tag team match as Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page takes on Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair. They talk about Kanyon showing up last week and screwing DDP over during the Steel Cage match against Scott Steiner, and also about the staredown that took place at the end of Nitro last week between Scott Steiner and Goldberg, who seems to be on a collision course. Mike Tenay notes how dangerous it is for DDP and Goldberg to have their minds preoccupied with Steiner and Kanyon when they are facing two formidable superstars like Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett here tonight. Tony says that that match is still to come later tonight so don't go anywhere, and then he sends us back down to the ring for our second match of the night. (B-)






This was a decent match between two men who haven't been seen much as of late on Nitro. Shawn Stasiak got the better of AJ Styles early on, using his size and strength advantage to control the early parts of this one, but the speed and quickness of AJ Styles would soon prove to be a problem for Stasiak. Slowly but surely the tide of the match turned and AJ Styles took over, hitting a flurry of moves before climbing to the top rope and hitting a 450 Splash, which was good for the three count and the win.



AJ Styles defeated Shawn Stasiak at 6.46 by pinfall following a 450 Splash (D+)






Following the match we cut to the back where an angry looking Sean O'Haire is seen walking through the backstage area seemingly looking for someone. He yells out one name over and over again, leaving little doubt as to who he is looking for; "Flair". Tony and Mike talk about the issues between O'Haire and Flair and how O'Haire has been trying to get his hands on Flair for more than a month now--but their comments are suddenly and violently interrupted as Ric Flair shows up out of nowhere and drives a steel chair into the back of O'Haire. O'Haire goes down and Flair drives the chair into O'Haire's back one more time before tossing it onto the floor. Flair then tells O'Haire that he doesn't belong in the same ring as "The Nature Boy" and if he knows what's good for him he'll stay away because if he doesn't...then O'Haire is going to find himself in a world of hurt! Flair then walks off and the camera zooms in on Sean O'Haire, who is slowly beginning to stir, and then we cut back to ringside. (B-)






These two teams will go one on one at Halloween Havoc in a match that will be all about respect--or lack thereof--but tonight it was Crowbar and Lance Storm one on one in what was a decent match. It was also very much a match of contrasting styles as the wild and unpredictable style of Crowbar clashed against the technically sound and well-schooled approach of Lance Storm, and it seemed more than once that Storm had a hard time dealing with the crazy ways of Crowbar. The match went back and forth throughout but, considering everyone who was at ringside, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before this one broke down into chaos...and that is exactly what happened. After Ted DiBiase grabbed the leg of Crowbar when he got near the ropes, "The Cat" went to confront DiBiase and he ended up brawling with Mike Awesome all around the ring. The fighting outside the ring proved to be a distraction for Crowbar, who seemed to be coming to "The Cat"'s aid once again, but he took his eyes off Lance Storm who grabbed Crowbar from behind and hit a german suplex. Storm then applied the Canadian Maple Leaf and Crowbar had no choice but to tap out.



Lance Storm defeated Crowbar at 8.03 by submission with the Canadian Maple Leaf (C-)



Following Lance Storm's win we cut back to the announce table where Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay are still seated.






Another graphic then pops up on screen, this time hyping up the World Heavyweight Championship contract signing that is coming up later tonight. Tony and Mike talk about the long-standing issues between Shawn Michaels and Sting, as well as the issues that have been going on within the nWo as of late. Tony wonders if the nWo have been playing everyone all along and maybe Sting will be walking into a handicap match at Halloween Havoc, and Mike Tenay says that we may very well get some answers to those questions later tonight on Monday Nitro. Tony also notes that later tonight, but before the actual contract signing, they will be bringing everyone pre-taped interviews with Shawn Michaels, Sting and Kevin Nash, with all three men giving their thoughts on the World Title match at Halloween Havoc, and he says that it will certainly be interesting to hear what all three men have to say. That is coming up later tonight, as well as the contract signing, so there is plenty of reasons to stay right where you are; at WCW Monday Nitro! (B-)







KroniK's music then starts playing and Brian Adams and Bryan Clark make their way down to the ring as Tony notes that KroniK are in action next. Adams and Clark enters the ring but then Adams calls for a mic and, after a moment, he gets one. Adams says that they're usually a couple of guys who prefer to let their actions speak louder than their words, but there is one thing they have to say; if Sons Of The South and The Three think they are having a Tag Team title match at Halloween Havoc without them...then they better think again. Adams says that if The Three are getting a title shot at Halloween Havoc, then they should be getting one as well. Adams then tells both Sons Of The South and The Three to pay attention to what happens next because they're about to get a glimpse of their own futures right in the middle of this ring. Adams then drops the mic and calls for their opponents to "get their asses to the ring". (C-)






This one wasn't pretty for Matt Sydal and Air Paris as KroniK dominated from start to finish, using brute force to impose their will and to back up their statement before the match with one heck of a dominant performance. Adams and Clark put the exclamation mark on their statement win here by hitting their High Times double chokeslam finisher on both Paris and Sydal before Clark finally covered Paris and picked up the one, two, three.



KroniK defeated Air Paris and Matt Sydal at 3.30 by pinfall when Clark covered Paris following a High Times double chokeslam (D-)






KroniK have won their match is impressive fashion but there is no time to celebrate as The Three hits the ring as soon as the bell rings. John Cena, Samoa Joe and Ken Anderson immediately goes on the offensive and a chaotic brawl ensues as Adams and Clark, despite being outnumbered, are holding their own for the time being.






Suddenly the WCW Tag Team Champions, Sons Of The South, hit the ring to join the battle. Dustin Rhodes and BG James are not coming to KroniK's aid, however, so much as they are looking to get their hands on both The Three and KroniK after what happened at Fall Brawl. Dustin Rhodes hits a bulldog on Bryan Clark just as Brian Adams grabs BG James and hits a full nelson slam. John Cena, Samoa Joe and Ken Anderson then pounce on Rhodes and Adams and beats them down until only The Three are left standing in the ring with bodies all around them. Cena, Joe and Anderson then raise each other's hands as The Three stands tall at the end of the chaos and Tony and Mike wonder if we are going to be crowning new Tag Team Champions at Halloween Havoc? (D+)






We head to the announce table where a graphic again pops up to remind everyone of the huge tag team main event that is still to come; Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page will take on Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett later tonight in the in-ring main event of WCW Monday Nitro! Tony and Mike briefly talk about the match again, hyping up this battle of superstars and saying that this would be a pay per view match pretty much anywhere in the world but you're getting it right here on Monday Nitro! (B-)






We head backstage to WCW owner Eric Bischoff's office where Bischoff is joined by "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner. Steiner is livid about what happened last week, saying that he doesn't need a punk ass kid like Kanyon to help him win. Steiner is also pissed off about Goldberg coming out to confront him last week, saying that he is the most dominant man in this business today and he wants to prove that at Halloween Havoc by being the one to end Goldberg's undefeated streak and prove that, compared to "FreakZilla", Goldberg is nothing but a punk ass bitch. Bischoff says he likes that idea--he likes it a lot, as a matter of fact. But a match between Scott Steiner and Goldberg should not just be any old wrestling match...no, a match between them should be a no holds barred, anything goes....Street Fight! Steiner says that, at Halloween Havoc, he's going to finally shut Goldberg's mouth once and for all by beating him into a bloody pulp...and then Bischoff better put him at the front of the line of challengers for the World Heavyweight Championship. Steiner then turns and leaves the office and that final comment by Steiner seems to have wiped the smile off Eric Bischoff's face as there is now a look of concern on the face of the WCW owner as he realizes that Scott Steiner is seemingly never going to forget about that World Title shot. (B-)






Back in the ring the turncoat Kanyon faced off against Rey Misterio Jr., who returned to action after missing last week's show due to injury. This was a solid back and forth match between two men who, according to Mike Tenay, could very well be the future of WCW. Kanyon seemed very focused on the fans in this one, stopping several times during the match to tell everyone that he's the real deal and Tony and Mike wondered who Kanyon was trying to convince; the fans or himself? Kanyon's absentmindedness got him in trouble several times as Rey was always quick to take advantage whenever Kanyon was foolish enough to give him a moment to breathe and recover. Rey scored several near-falls, using his speed and quickness to catch Kanyon off-guard with various rollups. Then, having built up a lot of momentum, Rey bounced off the ropes but ended up charging right into a huge boot from Kanyon. Kanyon then signaled to the crowd that it was over and went for the Kanyon Cutter...but Rey was able to shove his way out of it. Rey then picked up the pace of the match again, hitting a trio of armdrags, a couple of dropkicks and finally a headscissor takedown, but then...






Guido Versace suddenly hopped onto the ring apron and tried to enter the ring. The referee was quick to do his job and stop him, however, but with the referee's back turned...






Johnny The Bull slid into the ring, unseen by both the referee and Rey Misterio Jr. The Bull proceeded to deliver a vicious running boot to the back of Misterio's head and then, as quickly as he had shown up, The Bull left the ring again and Guido Versace jumped down from the ring apron as well. Kanyon saw everything that just happened but he had no problem whatsoever with picking Rey up and hitting the Kanyon Cutter to pick up the win after the F.B.I. got involved.



Kanyon defeated Rey Misterio Jr. at 12.11 by pinfall following a Kanyon Cutter after the F.B.I. got involved ©



Following the match we cut to the previously advertised pre-taped interviews feature the three men who will do battle at Halloween Havoc for the WCW World Heavyweight Champion.






First up is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion himself, Shawn Michaels. Shawn says that he came back to this business, and to WCW, to prove one thing and one thing only and that is that he is the greatest wrestler in the history of this business. He says that he won the World Heavyweight Championship in his very first match ever in WCW and he's held the title ever since. He says that Sting has tried twice already to take the title from him, and he has failed both times--miserably. The third time is not going to be the charm for the Stinger. As for Kevin Nash, Shawn says that he and Kevin have been friends for years and years and this certainly isn't the first time they have had a disagreement. He says that, when push comes to shove, he and Kevin are buddies and they'll always have each other's backs. That's the way it has always been and that's the way it always will be--including at Halloween Havoc.






Sting is up next and he says that, while he may not have been fighting Shawn Michaels for years and years, it sure feels like it because whether it is Shawn Michaels, Hollywood Hogan or someone else entirely the issue has always been the same; it is guys who are driven so completely by ego that they don't care how they win as long as they do win. He says that Shawn Michaels is so obsessed with being the greatest wrestler ever that he has taken every shortcut in the book since coming to WCW in an effort to maintain that illusion. But here's the thing; as long as Shawn Michaels is afraid to stand on his own, without the Outsiders or Eric Bischoff to help him, then he will never be seen as the greatest because all anyone sees when they look at Shawn Michaels right now...is a coward. Sting says that he's had his ups and downs with Kevin Nash, they have been both allies and enemies, though most enemies. But there is one thing he has learned after dealing with Nash over the years and that is that you can never trust Kevin Nash. Sting says that he doesn't know what's going on with the nWo--and he doesn't care. Whether Shawn and Nash are allies or not at Halloween Havoc, Sting says he'll still have two other people to beat if he wants to be the champion and that's exactly what he's going to do!






Kevin Nash is up next and Nash says that he is sick and tired of the drama. He is sick and tired of being treated like an expendable soldier by a man who is supposed to be one of his best friends. He says that he doesn't really know where he and Shawn stand right now, but there is one thing he does know; he's coming to Halloween Havoc with every intention of walking out as the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Nash says that he and Shawn have had their differences in the past but, in the end, they've always gotten back on the same page and they've always seen eye to eye. Nash says that the number of real friends he's made in this business can be counted on one hand and Shawn Michaels is one of them. As for Sting, Nash says that he knows that Sting is gonna come out swinging at Havoc. He knows that Sting will never stop fighting for what he believes is right, but the problem with Sting is that he is so concerned about what the fans think of him that it sometimes clouds his judgment. Nash says that he has nothing but respect for Sting, but he's on the wrong side of this war. Nash says that at Halloween Havoc...the World Heavyweight Championship is staying within the nWo, and as for who the champion will be? Well...time will tell. (B)






Jeff Jarrett and Diamond Dallas Page started things off in this one as Tony and Mike talked about DDP losing that huge steel cage main event match last week against Scott Steiner after Kanyon involved himself in the match and they talk about how Page and Kanyon used to be best friends until Kanyon turned on DDP and the rest of Sting's Alliance. In the ring, Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair gained the upper hand as they managed to isolated DDP in their corner and they effectively began to wear Diamond Dallas Page down. Page is a fighter, however, as everyone knows, and he never stopped coming at Flair and Jarrett but every time it looked like DDP was getting the upper hand, Flair and Jarrett managed to find a way to swing the momentum of the match back in their favor. Page finally made the hot tag to Goldberg after fighting his way out of a Stroke attempt by Jeff Jarrett, and Goldberg hit the ring strong and began clearing house. Flair and Jarrett were both in the ring at the same time but even that didn't stop Goldberg's momentum. What the referee did not see due to the chaos in the ring, however, was that...






Kanyon made his way down to the ring and attacked DDP on the floor. Kanyon the dragged DDP back up the ramp and into the backstage area, effectively making the main event a two on one handicap match. The referee seemed confused by DDP's sudden disappearance, but there was nothing he could do as he did not see Kanyon. Flair and Jarrett then took advantage of their superior numbers as they began to work on the legs of Goldberg. The match did not remain two on one for too long, however, as...






Sean O'Haire suddenly hit the ring and, before he could even lay a single hand on anyone, Ric Flair bailed out of the ring and retreated back up the ramp with O'Haire in hot pursuit of the man who attacked him with a steel chair earlier tonight. This just left Jeff Jarrett and Goldberg in the ring as the main event was not effectively a one on one affair. Jeff Jarrett tried to maintain the advantage by continuing to work on Goldberg's legs, but Goldberg eventually powered his way back to his feet and from there it was all downhill for Jarrett. Goldberg hit a powerslam, a pumphandle slam and a military press slam, and then he lined up and hit the Spear on Jarrett! Goldberg signaled for the end and then he pulled Jarrett back to his feet and....JACKHAMMER! One, two, three!



Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page defeated Jeff Jarrett and Ric Flair at 14.53 by pinfall when Goldberg pinned Jarrett following a Jackhammer (B)






The match is over and Goldberg stands tall in the ring as he is still undefeated since WCW's return more than a year ago. Tony and Mike puts over Goldberg's incredible streak and wonders who, if anyone, will ever be able to defeat this man. And then, almost as if on cue...






The music of "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner starts playing and "FreaZilla" himself walks out onto the stage with a mic in his hand. Steiner says that, in case the fans are too stupid to understand it the first time around, Eric Bischoff has officially signed a match between himself and Goldberg at Halloween Havoc. He says that "The Genetic Freak" is the most dominant man in the business today and he's gonna prove that at Halloween Havoc by making Goldberg his bitch on live pay per view. Steiner says that Goldberg can kiss his streak goodbye at Halloween Havoc and if he or the fans don't like that...then they can kiss his ass! Steiner then drops the mic and starts flexing and posing at the top of the ramp as Tony Schiavone notes that this will be the first time these two men will go one on one since the main event of Starrcade last year, and Mike Tenay adds that Eric Bischoff booked this match to be a Street Fight which means that these two men very well could tear the entire building apart at Halloween Havoc. (B-)



Following Scott Steiner's promo Monday Nitro cuts to its final commercial break and when we return...






WCW owner Eric Bischoff is standing in the ring with a mic in his hand. Bischoff says that it is now time for the World Heavyweight Championship contract signing for the main event of Halloween Havoc and he then asks the WCW World Heavyweight Champion to come down and join him in the ring. A moment passes and then the nWo music hits and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out from the back.






Shawn Michaels enters the ring and shakes hands with Eric Bischoff, drawing nothing but boos from the crowd. Bischoff just laughs it off and then he asks Sting to come down and join them in the ring. Another moment passes and then "Seek and Destroy" starts playing, bringing the fans to their feet in anticipation of the arrival of the man called Sting.






Sting enters the ring and just stares at Michaels and Bischoff while Tony notes that Sting earned his World Title opportunity at Halloween Havoc by defeating Team Bischoff and winning the WarGames match at Fall Brawl. Bischoff then asks the third man who will be involved in the World Title match at Halloween Havoc, Kevin Nash, to come down to the ring. The nWo music starts playing again and...






"Big Sexy" makes his way down to the ring, but just as last week Nash chooses to stand alone rather than stand with Shawn Michaels. Bischoff gets on the mic and says that he wants to get straight to business and have them sign the contract so that this thing can be made official. Bischoff grabs the contract and a pen, but then Sting grabs a mic of his own as, apparently, he has something to say. "Not so fast, Eric". Sting says that he knows for a fact that someone in the back has something to say to Bischoff about this match before they sign the contract. Bischoff looks confused and asks Sting what the hell he is talking about, and Sting points back up the entrance ramp and....



"Don't hate the playa...hate the game!"






Booker T's music hits and Booker makes his way out from the back to a huge pop from the crowd. Booker makes a beeline for the ring as Tony and Mike talk about how Shawn Michaels screwed Booker T over at Fall Brawl in the World Heavyweight Championship title match. Booker enters the ring and Sting hands him the mic as Bischoff stares at Booker with a "what the hell are you doing here?" kind of expression on his face. Booker says that if anybody deserves to be in this match at Halloween Havoc it's him after what Shawn Michaels did to him at Fall Brawl, so why the hell has Bischoff added Kevin Nash to this match and not him? Booker says that Sting earned his shot at Fall Brawl, but Nash has done nothing to earn his shot. Booker says that he wants another shot at the gold and he wants it at Halloween Havoc! The crowd cheers as they clearly love the idea of Booker T being added to the match, but Eric Bischoff is shaking his head. Bischoff says that people don't always get what they want in WCW--they get what he, Eric Bischoff, thinks they deserve. And as far as Bischoff is concerned, Booker had his shot at Fall Brawl and he blew it. Sting then grabs the mic and says he has an idea; next week on Monday Nitro it's Sting and Booker T versus Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash and if Sting and Booker wins...then Booker T is added to the main event of Halloween Havoc! Bischoff asks why he should agree to something like that and Sting says that he SHOULD agree to it because it's the right thing to do...but since he knows Eric Bischoff doesn't care about that he should do it because of the reaction from the fans (big pop). He should do it because this would be good busines and this would be good for WCW, which is exactly what Eric Bischoff claims he cares so much about. Bischoff finally says that, okay, he'll book that match IF the majority of those already involved in the match votes for it to happen right now. Sting immediately votes yes to another cheer from the crowd. Shawn Michaels just as quickly votes no, drawing heavy boos. The deciding vote comes down to Kevin Nash, who grabs the mic and says that he doesn't care how many guys are involved as long as he gets his shot. Bischoff says that Nash has to either vote yes or no, and Nash then first looks into the eyes of Shawn Michaels and then Booker T......."Yes". Shawn Michaels is absolutely livid but the crowd loves it as we now know that the main event of next week's Monday Nitro will be Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash versus Sting and Booker T with a spot in the main event of Halloween Havoc on the line for Booker if he and Sting can win the match. A visibly unhappy Eric Bischoff then announces that, due to these unexpected events, the contract for the World Heavyweight Championship title match at Halloween Havoc will not be signed tonight after all. Sting and Booker T leaves the ring and Bischoff drops the mic as he and Michaels try to get some answers out of Kevin Nash, but Nash just ignores them and leaves the ring as well.


And with Shawn Michaels and Eric Bischoff standing in the ring looking confused, and with Tony and Mike wondering what could possibly have motivated Kevin Nash to vote the way he did and what it will mean for the future of the nWo, another edition of WCW Monday Nitro comes to an end. (B+)



Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 0.85

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Monday Nitro Preview




It is the final episode of Monday Nitro before Halloween Havoc and things have never been more uncertain in regards to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship after the controversial situation at the end of last week's show where Kevin Nash voted to allow Booker T into the World Title match at Halloween Havoc against Shawn Michaels' wishes. This week on Nitro we will see a preview of the main event of Halloween Havoc as the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, teams up with Kevin Nash to take on Sting and Booker T in a huge tag team match. Will the two nWo members be able to use this match to get back on the same page before Halloween Havoc? Or will Sting and Booker T pick up the win and some big time momentum heading into the huge pay per view event?


Also on the show; Diamond Dallas Page faces "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, a three way match featuring a member of each of the three teams who will battle for the WCW Tag Team Championships at Halloween Havoc, and much, much more!


As always, you do NOT want to miss out on WCW Monday Nitro!




Monday Nitro Card



Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash vs. Sting and Booker T


Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page


Ken Anderson vs. Brian Adams vs. Dustin Rhodes


Hugh Morrus vs. Sean O'Haire


Shawn Stasiak vs. Jamie Knoble

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Monday Nitro Card


Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash vs. Sting and Booker T

- I just don't see the US champ in the World title match for a second PPV in a row. Interference will cause the loss and subsequently setting up a US title match for Havoc.


Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page

- I would think you'll try and get Flair some momentum


Ken Anderson vs. Brian Adams vs. Dustin Rhodes


Hugh Morrus vs. Sean O'Haire


Shawn Stasiak vs. Jamie Knoble

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Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash vs. Sting and Booker T

Booker doesn't have any other matches going on right now, so why not?


Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page

O'Haire costs Flair the win.


Ken Anderson vs. Brian Adams vs. Dustin Rhodes

A big win for Kronik in this three-way feud.


Hugh Morrus vs. Sean O'Haire


Shawn Stasiak vs. Jamie Knoble

After he lost to AJ last week, I figure Stasiak is going nowhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Monday Nitro Preshow Results


Ernest Miller and Crowbar defeated Brian Kendrick and Frankie Kazarian (D)

Impact Players cut a promo on Miller and Crowbar and Halloween Havoc (D+)

Jeff Jarrett defeated Brian Lawler ©







Week 4, October, 2002

Live from Sun National Bank Arena in Trenton, New Jersey

Attendance: 8.100 (sellout)






As Monday Nitro goes live we join our announce team of Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay at the announce table. Tony welcomes everyone to the show and says that we are just six days away from one of the biggest events of the year; Halloween Havoc. And that is pretty much all Tony gets to say before "Self High Five" starts blasting through the speakers and...






Diamond Dallas Page makes his way out from the back to a great ovation from the sell-out crowd in attendance. Tony notes that DDP has a match later tonight against "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, but why is DDP coming out here to open the show? Mike Tenay says that Page looks like a man with something on his mind here tonight, and Tony brings up the events that took place during the main event of last week's Monday Nitro when Kanyon involved himself in the match by attacking DDP. Once in the ring, DDP throws up the Diamond Cutter sign and many of the fans respond in kind. Page then signals for a mic and quickly gets one. Page says that he is out there to talk about one man; Kanyon. He says that it's no secret that they were once friends, and that he once called Kanyon his best friend, but now? Now he sees the way Kanyon has been acting lately and he is both disappointed and embarrassed by it. Page says that Kanyon was all too willing to take advantage of the attack on Rey Misterio Jr. during their match last week, taking the win any way he could get it. And then, as if Page wasn't already pissed off enough, Kanyon decided to make matters worse by involving himself in the main event. He says that he doesn't know what motivated Kanyon to turn on him and the rest of Sting's Alliance in favor of being Shawn Michaels' glorified lackey, but as of last week he officially doesn't give a damn! He says that he thought he and Kanyon settled their issues at WarGames, but after what went down last week they obviously didn't. And with Halloween Havoc just around the corner...






DDP is suddenly interrupted as Kanyon's music hits and Kanyon himself walks out from the back and stands at the top of the entrance ramp with a mic in his hand. Kanyon tells DDP to hold that thought, and then he asks him if he has ever heard the phrase "biting off more than you can chew"? Because that was exactly what DDP was just about to do, so Kanyon decided to come out here and give Page a chance to reconsider before he got himself into the kind of trouble he can't get out of. Kanyon says that DDP really doesn't want to face him at Halloween Havoc because the only thing that will come of that is the utter humiliation of DDP at the hands of Kanyon. Kanyon says that, for DDP's own sake, he should forget all about Halloween Havoc and save himself the embarrassment. Page stares at Kanyon for a few moments and then asks him if he's finally done running his mouth? Because he's got a challenge to make. Page says he wants Kanyon in the ring this Sunday night at Halloween Havoc--so how about it? Kanyon hesitates for a moment and then...."Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." DDP versus Kanyon is officially on for Halloween Havoc and both Tony and Mike stress how huge of a match this is, especially given the history between these two men. (B-)






Following that huge announcement to open this week's Monday Nitro, we cut to a graphic that hypes up tonight's main event as Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash teams up to face Sting and Booker T and, if Sting and Booker T wins, then Booker T will be added to the main event of Halloween Havoc. Tony and Mike hype up the match, talking about the issues that have been going on for a while now within the nWo, and about how Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels seemed to be anything but on the same page at the end of last week's show. That match will be coming up later tonight in our main event. (B-)






Our first match of the night saw Jamie Knoble go one on one with Shawn Stasiak. Stasiak dominated this one early on, using his size and strength advantage to make things difficult for Knoble who, as Mike Tenay pointed out, could really use a win here to kickstart his WCW career--though that could be said about Stasiak as well. Stasiak's dominance seemed to make him overconfident, however, as he soon spent more time posing and taunting the fans, and Knoble, than he did actually wrestling. This allowed Knoble to bounce back, and once Knoble picked up the pace it was the beginning of the end for Shawn Stasiak, who eventually fell victim to a diving leg drop from the top rope, which was good for the three count and a rare victory for Knoble.



Jamie Knoble defeated Shawn Stasiak at 8.30 by pinfall following a diving leg drop (D-)






Following the match we cut to the back where Rey Misterio Jr. is seen walking when suddenly...






The Full Blooded Italians show up from out of nowhere and carries out another hit on Misterio. Guido, Big Vito, Johnny The Bull, and Chuck Palumbo all gang up on Rey while Antonina shouts instructions, but just when it looks like it's yet another successful ambush by the Italians...






Rey Misteiro Jr. gets some unexpected help in the form of the Nasty Boys. Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs charge into the fray and, along with Rey, they succeed in driving the Full Blooded Italians off after a bit of a scuffle. Rey thanks the Nasty Boys for the help as Tony and Mike both agree that the Nasty Boys did the right thing here tonight, and that it looks like Rey might finally have a couple of allies in his fight against the Italians (D-)






We then cut to elsewhere in the back where "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair is standing by. Flair looks at the camera and says that as far as he is concerned his quest for the WCW World Heayweight Championship starts tonight. Flair says that nobody has been more successful in this business than he has, and it's time for "The Nature Boy" to once again prove that he is still the man. Flair says that tonight Diamond Dallas Page finds out what it's like to be schooled by "The Nature Boy" and there is nothing DDP can do about it! And as for that punk, Sean O'Haire...Flair says that he warned O'Haire last week to stay away from him, but the message obviously did not get through that thick skull of his because O'Haire decided to involve himself in Flair's match. Flair says that if Sean O'Haire is so determined to face him....then he'll get exactly what he wants! But be careful what you wish for, Sean O'Haire, because you just got it! But this Sunday night at Halloween Havoc, Sean O'Haire is going to find out that he doesn't want any part of "The Nature Boy", but it will be too late to do anything about it! WOOOOO!!!!!! (B)






The second match of the night was a preview of the Tag Team Title match that will take place Sunday night at Halloween Havoc as one member of each team faced off in a three way matchup. John Cena, Samoa Joe, Bryan Clark and BG James were all at ringside for this one, leading both Tony and Mike to the conclusion that this one would inevitably spiral out of control at some point. It did not take long for them to be proven right as BG James confronted Samoa Joe and John Cena about stealing their tag team titles, which led to some back and forth shouting. In the ring, Ken Anderson, Brian Adams and Dustin Rhodes competed in a very even match where all three men had their moments of dominance. Things eventually fell completely apart when John Cena and Samoa Joe attacked BG James outside the ring, and while that was going on, Bryan Clark entered the ring and both members of KroniK began to dominate in the ring as Mike Tenay pointed out that there are no disqualifications in three way matches. Cena and Joe eventually entered the ring as well and they began to brawl with KroniK. Ken Anderson went to join them, but he was suddenly rolled up from behind by Dustin Rhodes, who picked up the win.



Dustin Rhodes defeated Ken Anderson and Brian Adams at 9.42 by pinfall following a quick rollup on Anderson after the match broke down (D)



The match is over and Dustin Rhodes and BG James makes their way back up the ramp as the fighting stops in the ring as both The Three and KroniK realize what just happened. Tony then hypes up the Tag Team Title match this Sunday night at Halloween Havoc where these three teams will go at it for the titles, and Mike Tenay notes that Sons Of The South has the momentum on their side going into the match after Dustin Rhodes' win here tonight.






We cut to the back where the WCW Cruiserweigt Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., is seen entering Billy Kidman's locker room. The number one contender for the Cruiserweight Championship is not there, however, but someone else is...






That someone else is Torrie Wilson, and she doesn't look anywhere near as happy to see the Cruiserweight Champion as he looks to see her. Torrie asks Chavo what he is doing there and Chavo says that he just wanted to give Torrie a chance to be find out what it's like to be in the presence of a real man instead of that loser boyfriend of hers. Torrie just rolls her eyes as she is obviously not impressed, and Chavo says that maybe she'll change her mind once he wipes the floor with her boyfriend at Halloween Havoc.






Billy Kidman then walks in and tells Chavo to get away from Torrie or he won't wait until Sunday night to take care of business. An intense moment follows as it looks like we might have a fight on our hands, but Chavo then says that he's a Guerrero and Guerrero's take care of their business in the ring, not in a locker room brawl. Kidman then reminds Chavo to make sure to shine up that Cruiserweight Title before Sunday because he wants it to look as good as possible when he brings it home with him after Halloween Havoc. Chavo says that Kidman is delusional. He says that he is just one month away from having been champion for a full year and he's not gonna let Kidman, or anyone else, get in the way of that. Chavo then walks off as we cut to elsewhere in the back. (D)






Joey Styles is standing by with Sting and Booker T, who will compete later tonight in the main event against Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash. Joey notes the implications of tonight's main event where Booker T will be added to the main event of Halloween Havoc if Sting and Booker wins, and he asks Sting if it wouldn't be smarter for him to lose this match and give himself a better chance of walking out with the World Title at Halloween Havoc as it would then be a three way match instead of a four way. Sting says that Booker T deserves to be in the main event of Halloween Havoc as much as he does and tonight they are going to fight with everything they have to make that happen. He says that he and Booker have been fighting the nWo for months now, along with DDP and Goldberg, but that entire fight would have been for nothing if he turned around stabbed Booker in the back. Sting says that he doesn't just talk the talk about a level playing field and a fair WCW, he walks the walk as well. Joey then asks Booker T about his thoughts and Booker says that Sting is right on the money about everything. He says that they're fighting against everything that the nWo and Eric Bischoff stands for, and nothing in the world is gonna make them become like them--not even the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Booker says that tonight it's two on two and this Sunday night it will either be a four way match or two on two again, depending on the nWo. But this is for damn sure; they are gonna take care of business tonight against Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash, and then either Sting or Booker T will walk out of Halloween Havoc as the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Now can you dig that? (B-)







Following that interview we cut back to the announce table where Tony Schiavone says that they have just been told that Scott Hall will be at Halloween Havoc this Sunday night and, apparently, Hall will be making some kind of announcement. Mike Tenay notes that Scott Hall has been missing in action these past couple of weeks, and given everything that has been going on with the nWo as of late his absence seems strange. Tony and Mike both wonder just what Scott Hall will have to say this Sunday night at Halloween Havoc, and Tony then sends us back down to the ring for our next match. (D+)






This one was much more of a fight than a wrestling match as both men looked to overpower each other throughout the match. Tony and Mike talked about Sean O'Haire's issues with Ric Flair and about their match at Halloween Havoc, noting that O'Haire has been wanting to get a one on one rematch with Flair for weeks and now he's finally got it. Meanwhile in the ring, Sean O'Haire began a comeback after Hugh Morrus had been in control for a few minutes, and once O'Haire got going there was nothing Hugh Morrus could do to stop him. O'Haire hit a huge spinebuster and then he went to the top rope for a SeanTon Bomb, which was good for the three count and the strong win just six days before his match against "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair at Halloween Havoc.



Sean O'Haire defeated Hugh Morrus at 9.54 by pinfall following a SeanTon Bomb (C+)








Once the ring has cleared out following the previous match, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner's music hits and "FreakZilla" makes his way down to the ring. Steiner gets on the mic and says that in just six days he's gonna make history by putting an end to Goldberg's streak and proving, once and for all, that "The Genetic Freak" is the most dominant man in the wrestling business today. Steiner says that he is sick and tired of hearing about Goldberg's undefeated streak, and he is sick and tired of listening to the fans as they cheer for Goldberg. The fans start up a "Goldberg" chant, which only infuriates the always-slightly-pissed-off Steiner even more. Steiner tells the fans to shut up but, of course, that just makes the "Goldberg" chant grow even louder. Steiner finally loses it and says that he's got news for all of those "dumb jackasses" who are chanting Goldberg's name; at Halloween Havoc "The Genetic Freak" is gonna make Goldberg his bitch!






Suddenly the building erupts with cheers as Goldberg charges down the entrance ramp and Tony notes that it seems like Goldberg has heard all he cares to hear from Scott Steiner. Steiner readies himself in the ring and he meets Goldberg in the middle of the ring where both men start to exchange blows as the fans damn near blow the roof off the building! Neither man is getting the upper hand, but then Goldberg tackles Steiner to the ground, but even that doesn't stop either man from continuing to pummel each other. Finally a ton of security officers emerge from the backstage area and they start to fill up the ring, where Goldberg and Steiner are still going at it. The first security officer who tries to intervene gets nothing but a vicious looking elbow to the jaw by Steiner for his efforts, but eventually there is enough security in the ring to keep these two huge superstars separated, if only barely. Both Goldberg and Steiner are still trying to get at each other, however, even through the wall of security that stands between them.






Finally the WCW owner, Eric Bischoff, emerges from the back and he tries to get Steiner to calm down, saying that he has more than proven his point and that he can take care of the rest this Sunday night at Halloween Havoc. Steiner still looks like he wants to go, but he does eventually leave the ring alongside Eric Bischoff and, as this volatile situation is slowly resolved, Tony reminds everyone that Goldberg and Scott Steiner will go one on one this Sunday night at Halloween Havoc in a Street Fight, and there they will finally be allowed to go at it uninterrupted. (B)







From one potentially volatile situation to another, we cut to the back where Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash are in the middle of a conversation. Shawn says that he knows the two of them haven't always seen eye to eye lately, but the most important thing is that the World Heavyweight Championship stays within the nWo. Shawn says that as long as one of them walks out of Halloween Havoc with the gold, he'll be happy. Nash doesn't seem to buy that, but Shawn says that they have been friends for so long now and, yeah, they have their arguments sometimes, but when push comes to shove they always have each other's backs and the same thing will be true at Halloween Havoc. Shawn then extends his hand to Nash and, after a moment, Nash shakes his friend's hand as it appears that the two of them are back on the same page just in the nick of time. (B)






Back in the ring it was time for the first of two pay per view main event worthy matchups as Diamond Dallas Page faced off against "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. The match started off slow as DDP and Flair exchanged holds in the middle of the ring, which gave Tony and Mike plenty of time to talk about the fact that both men would be competing this Sunday night at Halloween Havoc--DDP against Kanyon, and Flair against Sean O'Haire. Mike Tenay also noted that a win here, and then a win at Halloween Havoc on Sunday, would do a lot for either man in terms of working themselves back into the World Title picture. After a back and forth opening, Ric Flair took control of the match after sticking his thumb into DDP's eye and then nailing a lowblow behind the referee's back. Flair dominated the next couple of minutes as he slowly but surely focused the majority of his offense on the legs of DDP, no doubt setting him up for the Figure Four later on. Flair then made the mistake of heading to the top rope which, as we all know, never ends well for "The Nature Boy", and this time was no different as DDP grabbed Flair and sent him crashing to the mat. DDP then began to unload on Flair with rights and lefts before hitting an inverted atomic drop, a russian legsweep, and then a huge discus clothesline to put himself firmly in control. Page covered, but Flair kicked out after two. DDP dominated the next few minutes of the match until Flair, in a move of desperation, grabbed the referee and pushed him into DDP. Then, with the ref down, Flair nailed another lowblow and then both men were down.






And that's when Kanyon made his way down to the ring to a ton of boos from the crowd. Kanyon grabbed DDP and looked to hit the Kanyon Cutter...but DDP pushed his way out of it! Kanyon then turned around and launched himself at DDP, but Page ducked and Kanyon nailed Flair instead! DDP grabbed Kanyon and threw him out of the ring just as the referee came to again, and then DDP turned around and hit a Diamond Cutter on Flair for the three count and the win.



Diamond Dallas Page defeated Ric Flair at 12.49 by pinfall following a Diamond Cutter after Kanyon got involved and accidentally hit Flair (B)






Tony and Mike both give DDP a ton of credit for turning the tables on Kanyon and Ric Flair here tonight, but it doesn't take long before Kanyon hits the ring again and attacks DDP from behind. DDP tries to fight him off, but when Ric Flair gets back to his feet and joins Kanyon in the attack, looking to get some payback on DDP after losing the match, the odds are too much even for DDP. Kanyon and Flair beats DDP down, but then...






Sean O'Haire suddenly hits the ring and evens the odds for DDP, and together the two of them manages to drive Flair and Kanyon from the ring. DDP and Sean O'Haire then stands tall in the ring as Ric Flair and Kanyon retreats back up the ramp, and Tony Schiavone uses the opportunity to once again hype up Halloween Havoc where DDP will face Kanyon, and Ric Flair faces Sean O'Haire. (B-)






As we wait for the ring to clear out before our main event, a graphic pops up on screen hyping the upcoming main event tag team match and Tony and Mike talk about the match, pointing out that if Sting and Booker T wins tonight then Booker T will be added to the main event of Halloween Havoc, but if Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash wins the match then the Halloween Havoc main event will remain a three way match. Tony then says that it's just about main event time, and then he sends us back down to the ring. (B-)






Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, the World Champion decided to start this one for his team and he started against Booker T. Michaels and Booker went back and forth early on as Shawn Michaels seemed almost obsessed with one-upping Booker here, and every time Shawn got the better of Booker he was quick to point out to Booker, and everyone else in the building, just how much better than Booker T he really was. Michaels then slapped Booker T, and then he quickly tagged out to Kevin Nash before a furious Booker could get his hands on the World Champion. Nash slowly stepped over the top rope and locked up with Booker in the middle of the ring, using his size and strength to force Booker back into the corner. The referee called for a clean break, but Nash repeatedly drove a knee into the midsection of Booker and followed up with a couple of elbows as well. Nash then dragged Booker out of the corner and nailed him with a straight right hand that knocked Booker down. Nash then dragged Booker to their corne and tagged in Michaels, and for the next several minutes it was all nWo in this one as Michaels and Nash utilized frequent tags to wear Booker down. Sting was chomping at the bit to get involved, but Michaels and Nash kept Booker T far away from Sting. The turning point came when Michaels went up top for the diving elbow drop, but Booker T moved out of the way and Michaels crashed and burned. Booker finally made it to Sting, who made the hot tag. Sting was all over the World Champion with rights and lefts, and when Nash tried to get involved, Sting had a few for him as well. Then, with Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash standing in opposite corners, Sting charged at Nash and hit a Stinger Splash, and then he turned around and hit a Stinger Splash on Shawn Michaels in the opposite corner as well. Sting then turned and went for another Stinger Splash on Kevin Nash, but Nash grabbed Sting and hit a HUGE sidewalk slam. Nash got back to his feet and set Sting up for the Jackknife Powerbomb, but Booker T came from out of nowhere and huge a standing sidekick on Nash. Nash staggered backwards and Booker T charged at him and clotheslined both Nash and himself over the top rope. With Nash and Booker on the outside it was down to Sting and the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, in the ring, where Michaels was tuning up the band for some Sweet Chin Music. Sting slowly got back to his feet and....SWEET CHIN MU---NO!!! Sting ducked, grabbed Michaels from behind and....SCORPION DEATHDROP!!! Sting hit the move perfectly and he went for the cover...1...2...3!!!!!! Sting just pinned the World Champion!!!



Sting and Booker T defeated Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash at 14.12 when Sting pinned Michaels following a Scorpion Deathdrop. Booker T is officially added to the main event at Halloween Havoc (B-)



Booker T joins Sting in the ring and the two of them stand tall as Tony notes that the main event this Sunday night at Halloween Havoc will be Shawn Michaels versus Sting versus Kevin Nash versus Booker T in a four way matchup for the World Heavyweight Championship. And with Sting and Booker T standing tall in the ring, Shawn Michaels still down after the Scorpion Deathdrop, and Kevin Nash staring daggers at Sting and Booker from outside the ring, Monday Nitro comes to an end as Tony poses the question that is on everyone's mind; what is going to happen this Sunday night at Halloween Havoc?



Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.83

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Halloween Havoc 2002 Preview




WCW World Heavyweight Championship







Whether this will actually be a four way match or more of a tag team match remains to be seen, but when four of the top superstars in WCW compete for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, you know you're going to be in for one hell of a fight. Sting earned his opportunity at the World Title by leading his team to victory at WarGames, while Kevin Nash was added to the match by Eric Bischoff in an attempt to stack the deck against Sting, as well as to get Nash back on the same page as Shawn Michaels. Booker was added to the match after he and Sting defeated Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash in a tag team match this past week on Monday Nitro to secure the spot for Booker, and here we are. But there are a lot of questions that will need to be answered at Halloween Havoc; are Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash truly back on the same page? Will they be working together to keep the title within the nWo? Or will both men be in it for themselves? And, in the end, who will walk out of Halloween Havoc as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion?




Street Fight - The Streak Is On The Line





The last time these two men faced off one on one was at Starrcade when Goldberg defeated Scott Steiner for the World Heavyweight Championship back in December, but now Scott Steiner is determined to prove that he is the most dominant man in the business today and he wants to do it by beating Goldberg and ending his streak at Halloween Havoc. Steiner has shown nothing but complete and utter lack of respect for Goldberg, and with Eric Bischoff firmly in the corner of "Big Poppa Pump", will this challenge finally be too much for even Goldberg to overcome? Or will "The Man" once again be successful? Who is the most dominant man in wrestling today?




Grudge Match





Former best friends and former tag team champions, Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon have been at odds ever since Kanyon turned his back on Sting's Alliance and helped Shawn Michaels defeat Sting to retain the World Heavyweight Championship at Souled Out. DDP has stated that he is both disappointed and embarrassed by Kanyon's actions, while Kanyon claims that Sting's Alliance was only holding him back and that now is his time to shine. Will DDP defeat Kanyon at Halloween Havoc and maybe beat some respect into him as well? Or will Kanyon back up his words by defeating his former best friend in the middle of the ring at one of the biggest pay per views of the year?




Grudge Match





Ever since Ric Flair stole a win against Sean O'Haire at Souled Out, O'Haire has been hellbent on getting a one on one rematch against "The Nature Boy", and after weeks and months of chasing Flair around, and Flair doing his very best to avoid O'Haire at all costs, O'Haire has finally gotten his wish at Halloween Havoc. The only question is; now that O'Haire has finally gotten what he wanted, will he finally be able to make Flair pay for what happened at Souled Out? Or will "The Dirtiest Player In The Game" get the better of Sean O'Haire one more time?




WCW Tag Team Championships







This all began when the tag team champions, Sons Of The South, had a very bad night one month ago at Fall Brawl. First they lost by disqualification to The Outsiders, then they were attacked and beaten down by KroniK following the match, while The Three showed up at ringside and stole the tag team titles. The Three used their possession of the tag team titles to goad Sons Of The South into giving them a shot at the titles, and KroniK forced their way into the match after an impressive showing two weeks ago on Monday Nitro. Dustin Rhodes then defeated Ken Anderson and Brian Adams this past week on Nitro in a three way match to secure some momentum for the tag team champions, even as they head into Halloween Havoc without the titles around their waists. Will the champions retain at Halloween Havoc? Will the veteran team of KroniK re-capture the tag team titles? Or will The Three put themselves firmly on the map in WCW by bringing home the gold?




Grudge Match





Rey Misterio Jr. put himself firmly on the bad side of the brother/sister duo of Guido and Antonina Versace when Misterio defeated Guido in his debut match in WCW. Ever since then the Full Blooded Italians have targeted Rey Misterio Jr., attacking him week after week, and Antonina Versace even went so far as to say that the attacks on Rey would only stop when he was carried out on a stretcher at Halloween Havoc. Will Chuck Palumbo deliver on Antonina and Guido's promise and put Rey on the shelf at Halloween Havoc? Or will Rey Misterio Jr. continue to frustrate the Full Blooded Italians by picking up the win?




WCW Cruiserweight Championship







Chavo Guerrero Jr.'s impressive reign as Cruiserweight Champion has lasted for 11 months now, and Chavo is determined to get to the full year mark. But nobody has been on a bigger roll lately than the challenger, Billy Kidman. After defeating Shane Douglas at Fall Brawl, Kidman went on a winning streak in the entire month of October--a streak that was highlighted by Kidman defeating Shane Helms and Yoshihiro Tajiri in a three way match to earn this opportunity at the Cruiserweight Championship. Will Billy Kidman continue his roll and be the one who finally puts an end to Chavo Guerrero's reign as Cruiserweight Champion? Or will Chavo once again find a way to win, by any means necessary?




Grudge Match





For weeks Big Vito and Johnny The Bull took part in the attacks on Rey Misterio Jr., but this past week on Nitro the attack was foiled by the Nasty Boys, who made their return to WCW by coming to the aid of Rey Misterio Jr. Now the Mamalukes are looking to make the Nasty Boys pay for getting involved in their business last week, but will they? Or will the veteran Nasty Boys further add to the Full Blooded Italians' frustrations?




Grudge Match





A simple act of kindness led to the creation of the oddcouple tag team of "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Crowbar, but the team quickly earned the ire of the Impact Players, who saw the team of "The Cat" and Crowbar as an embarrassment to tag team wrestling. Will the former tag team champions, the Impact Players, stand tall at Halloween Havoc? Or will "The Cat" and Crowbar prove the Impact Players wrong?




Halloween Havoc 2002 - Official Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sting vs. Kevin Nash vs. Booker T


Street Fight - The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon


Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. KroniK vs. The Three (John Cena and Samoa Joe)


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chuck Palumbo


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman


The Nasty Boys vs. The Mamalukes


The Impact Players vs. "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Crowbar



Bonus Questions:


Who will take the fall in the World Title match?


How many titles will change hands?


What will be the highest rated match?


What will be the lowest rated match?


What will Scott Hall's announcement be?

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Halloween Havoc 2002 - Official Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sting vs. Kevin Nash vs. Booker T

I think Michaels will hold it, only for Sting to take it off him in the future in a one on one match


Street Fight - The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon


Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. KroniK vs. The Three (John Cena and Samoa Joe)

The Three are up and coming, but not ready to hold the title yet, I don't think. KroniK just suck.


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chuck Palumbo


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman


The Nasty Boys vs. The Mamalukes

Speaking of just plain sucking... this match


The Impact Players vs. "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Crowbar



Bonus Questions:


Who will take the fall in the World Title match? Kevin Nash


How many titles will change hands? None


What will be the highest rated match? World Heavyweight Championship


What will be the lowest rated match? The Nasty Boys match (shudders)


What will Scott Hall's announcement be? He's decided that he wants to dance for a living.

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Halloween Havoc 2002 - Official Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sting vs. Kevin Nash vs. Booker T


Street Fight - The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon


Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. KroniK vs. The Three (John Cena and Samoa Joe)


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chuck Palumbo


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman


The Nasty Boys vs. The Mamalukes


The Impact Players vs. "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Crowbar


Bonus Questions:


Who will take the fall in the World Title match? Kevin Nash


How many titles will change hands? 0


What will be the highest rated match? Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


What will be the lowest rated match? The Nasty Boys vs. The Mamalukes


What will Scott Hall's announcement be? nWo News

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Halloween Havoc 2002 - Official Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sting vs. Kevin Nash vs. Booker T


Street Fight - The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon


Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. KroniK vs. The Three (John Cena and Samoa Joe)


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chuck Palumbo


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman


The Nasty Boys vs. The Mamalukes


The Impact Players vs. "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Crowbar



Bonus Questions:


Who will take the fall in the World Title match? Booker T


How many titles will change hands? 1


What will be the highest rated match? Main Event Fatal 4 Way


What will be the lowest rated match? Impact Players vs Ernest Miller & Crowbar


What will Scott Hall's announcement be? I have no idea lol

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Been following for about a year and a half and still loving this. Never really care to predict on diaries as I just enjoy the show, so to speak. Anyway, I've been wondering about a few people and I don't feel like digging through to find out what happened to them, but can you elaborate on them?




AJ Styles

Stacy K.

Mike Sanders

Angelina Love

Dusty Rhodes

Austin Aries




I'm sure you mentioned what happened to most of them, but I don't recall. Obviously, I'm not expecting you to give away secrets, but those names didn't have much impact on the show anyway. Looking forward to HH! Thanks buddy.

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