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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels (c) vs. Sting vs. Kevin Nash vs. Booker T


Street Fight - The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon


Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. KroniK vs. The Three (John Cena and Samoa Joe)


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chuck Palumbo


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman

It's finally time!!! Or Chavo might retain with shenanigans and Kidman to win the rematch...


The Nasty Boys vs. The Mamalukes



The Impact Players vs. "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Crowbar

The Crowbar Cats have been built up well lately, but the Impact Players are one of your better teams... Hmmm...


Bonus Questions:


Who will take the fall in the World Title match? Kevin Nash


How many titles will change hands? Two


What will be the highest rated match? The Four Way for the World Title


What will be the lowest rated match? Nasty Boys vs The Mamalukes


What will Scott Hall's announcement be? One More Match before retirement?!

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sting vs. Kevin Nash vs. Booker T

I think the idea behind this booking is to avoid the Sting/Steiner situation a long time ago to keep the matchup fresh. HBK retains leading to another match with the stinger or Goldberg


Street Fight - The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner

Steiner snaps even more, pushing this face(?) turn even farther


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon

Through tainted means of course.

Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair

Big O'Haire guy


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. KroniK vs. The Three (John Cena and Samoa Joe)

I like the three, but I'm quite certain they aren't over enough. Save the change for later

Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chuck Palumbo

Feel kinda bad for Rey. He probably could have a better opponent than this


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman

Never bet against Chavo. Never.


The Nasty Boys vs. The Mamalukes

The Nasty Jobs


The Impact Players vs. "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Crowbar

Get the Cat and Crowbar out of here


Bonus Questions:


Who will take the fall in the World Title match? Kevin Nash


How many titles will change hands? 0


What will be the highest rated match? Fatal Four Way


What will be the lowest rated match? Nastys/Marmadukes


What will Scott Hall's announcement be? It's time to take a survey

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Halloween Havoc 2002 - Official Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sting vs. Kevin Nash vs. Booker T

- As much as I'd like to see Sting get the title, I envision HBK/Goldberg for Starrcade


Street Fight - The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon


Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championships

Sons Of The South © vs. KroniK vs. The Three (John Cena and Samoa Joe)


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chuck Palumbo


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman


The Nasty Boys vs. The Mamalukes


The Impact Players vs. "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Crowbar



Bonus Questions:


Who will take the fall in the World Title match?



How many titles will change hands?

- None


What will be the highest rated match?

- Despite Nash, the Main Event


What will be the lowest rated match?

- Nasty Boys vs Mamalukes


What will Scott Hall's announcement be?

He's retiring!

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Been following for about a year and a half and still loving this. Never really care to predict on diaries as I just enjoy the show, so to speak. Anyway, I've been wondering about a few people and I don't feel like digging through to find out what happened to them, but can you elaborate on them?




AJ Styles

Stacy K.

Mike Sanders

Angelina Love

Dusty Rhodes

Austin Aries




I'm sure you mentioned what happened to most of them, but I don't recall. Obviously, I'm not expecting you to give away secrets, but those names didn't have much impact on the show anyway. Looking forward to HH! Thanks buddy.


I can absolutely do that.


AJ Styles, Mike Sanders, Austin Aries, Stacy Keibler, Daffney and Angelina Love/Angel Williams are still around. AJ is one of those guys I always mean to push but it hasn't quite happened yet. One day, though. Sanders is in between stuff right now but I've got something in mind for him. Stacy is still Sanders' manager so you should see more of her as well pretty soon. Aries and Daffney were both allied with Vampiro and are in between stuff right now as well. Angel Williams might have something to do in the future, depending on a few things.


Dusty Rhodes is also still around, but currently on vacation.


Konnan and Vampiro were both sent down to the Powerplant a little while ago in an effort to improve the backstage environment (Vampiro is just a pain in general backstage, and Konnan was pissed), and because I didn't really have anything for them to do. Their contracts are up in a few weeks and will not be renewed.


Midajah was released a while ago.


Thanks for the interest and for following my diary! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Halloween Havoc Preshow Results



Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas defeated Matt Sydal and Air Paris (C-)

El Mesías defeated Marty Jannetty and Shawn Stasiak in a three way match (D+)

Mark Jindrak defeated Shane Helms (C-)

Halloween Havoc hype video (B-)






Week 4, October, 2002

Live from the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Attendance: 20.213 (sellout)






Following the always impressive display of fireworks that always kicks off WCW pay per views we cut to the announce table where Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay are eagerly waiting to call the action here at Halloween Havoc. Tony welcomes everyone to one of the biggest events of the year, Halloween Havoc, and he notes that the Izod Center here in East Rutherford, New Jersey, is completely sold out for this huge event. He then introduces "The Professor" Mike Tenay, who will be calling all the action with him here tonight. They do a quick rundown of the major matches that will take place tonight; the four way main event for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, Goldberg and Scott Steiner one on one for the first time since Starrcade, Kanyon against Diamond Dallas Page--and that is just to name a few of the big matches that will take place tonight at Halloween Havoc. Mike Tenay also brings up the fact that Scott Hall is scheduled to be here tonight to make some kind of announcement, and he and Tony speculate as to what that announcement might be. News regarding the state of the nWo? Retirement? Something else entirely? Tony Schiavone says that they are going to find out for sure later tonight, and then he sends us down to ringside for our opening bout.






The odds were stacked against Rey Misterio Jr. right from the start in this one as the Versace siblings, Guido and Antonina, both accompanied Chuck Palumbo to ringside, which caused all kinds of problems for Rey early on as he struggled to keep his focus on Palumbo while also having to keep a wary eye on Guido and Antonina at ringside. This allowed Chuck Palumbo to grab the advantage right out of the gate and he soon began to impose his will on the much smaller Misterio, using a mix of power moves and straight right hands to keep Misterio grounded, much to the delight of Guido and Antonina at ringside. Palumbo hit a huge tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and picked up the first near-fall of the match, but Rey managed to kick out after two. As Palumbo continued to dominate, Tony and Mike talked about how the Full Blooded Italians have used the numbers game to their advantage over the past weeks on Nitro, and they also noted that Palumbo had gained the upper hand in this match by using that same strategy. Palumbo whipped Rey into the corner and qucikly followed in after him with a huge clothesline, but not quickly enough as Rey just barely managed to get out of the way in time to avoid the potentially devastating contact. Palumbo hit the turnbuckle chest first and he was clearly winded as all of the air was just knocked out of him, but Rey was still down on the mat and unable to capitalize. Having caught his breath, Palumbo pulled Rey to his feet and looked to reassert his dominance, but Rey stunned Palumbo with a series of hard kicks to the back of Palumbo's left leg. Rey then bounced off the ropes but Palumbo caught up and looked to deliver another power move, but Misterio somehow managed to reverse it and drive Palumbo's head into the mat with a tornado DDT. Rey and Palumbo were both down in the ring as the frustration began to show on the faces of Guido and Antonina at ringside. Rey was first back to his feet and he climbed to the top turnbuckle looking to deliver some high risk offense, but Guido Versace grabbed hold of Misterio's leg while Antonina had the referee distracted. Misterio desperately kicked at Guido a couple of times, and with the third kick he finally sent Guido crashing to the floor, but by then Palumbo was back to his feet and he grabbed Misterio and lifted him up into a military press. Palumbo held Rey there for a while, and then he threw him up in the air and let him crash to the floor of the ring. Palumbo posed for the crowd, clearly pleased with himself, but what he didn't realize was that Rey had landed on his feet. Antonina tried to warn Palumbo and then, just as Palumbo finally turned around, Rey jumped off the middle rope and hit the Springboard Hurricanrana! Rey then crawled into the cover and, despite Antonina pleading for Palumbo to kick out, Misterio picked up the big win in the opening contest of Halloween Havoc.



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Chuck Palumbo at 11.37 by pinfall following a Springboard Hurricanrana ©






Ever since "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Crowbar teamed up, The Impact Players have shown nothing but contempt and disrespect for the new team and that trend continued tonight as Lance Storm got right into The Cat's face at the start of this one to tell him that his team with Crowbar was an embarrassment to tag team wrestling. The Cat responded to Storm's words with a big time right hand that rocked Storm, and the fight was on. The Cat made the most of the early momentum as he used a variety of martial arts kicks to maintain control, and then he tagged in Crowbar. The pace of the match picked up as the deranged Crowbar entered the ring. Crowbar hit a series of clotheslines that knocked Storm down each time, but each time Storm got right back up to his feet. Finally Crowbar hit a standing dropkick and this time Storm stayed down. Crowbar took the opportunity to pose for the fans, which was a mistake as it allowed Storm to make the tag to Mike Awesome. Awesome entered the ring and Crowbar immediately charged at him, completely unafraid, but Awesome was ready for Crowbar and hit a huge spinebuster which put the Impact Players in firm control the match. The Impact Players maintained control for the next several minutes, utilizing frequent tags to keep each other fresh while wearing down Crowbar at the same time. Mike Awesome then set up for the Awesome Bomb, but The Cat quickly made his way into the ring to prevent it. The Cat began exchanging blows with Mike Awesome and, somewhat surprisingly, The Cat got the better of the exchange as he stunned Awesome with a vicious kick to the back of the head. The Cat whipped Awesome into the ropes, where Lance Storm made the blind tag, and then, using Awesome's own momentum against him, The Cat launched Awesome over the top rope. The Cat followed Awesome out of the ring, completely oblivious to the fact that Lance Storm had tagged himself in. Storm then grabbed Crowbar, who was still down in the ring, and applied the Canadian Maple Leaf submission hold. Crowbar struggled against it, but Storm keep adding more and more pressure until finally Crowbar had no choice but to tap out.



The Impact Players defeated The Cat and Crowbar at 11.42 by submission when Storm forced Crowbar to tap out to the Canadian Maple Leaf (C-)



As the Impact Players celebrate in the ring, Tony and Mike put over the efforts of both teams, saying that the Impact Players showed why they are one of the best teams in WCW right now, but The Cat and Crowbar certainly also proved that they are by no means an "embarrassment" to tag team wrestling.







Tony and Mike then turned their attention to hyping up tonight's main event as a graphic pops up on screen hyping up the huge four way match for the World Heavyweight Championship as Shawn Michaels defends the title against Sting, Kevin Nash and Booker T. They also discuss the tension between Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash. Will Michaels and Nash work together tonight to ensure that the title stays within the nWo? Or will the main event truly be a four way match? Tony says that that match is our feature bout and it is coming up later tonight, but right now it's time to head back down to the ring as the WCW Tag Team Championships are on the line next. (B-)




WCW Tag Team Championships







BG James and Brian Adams started things off as Tony explained that this match was one fall to a finish and only two competitors were allowed to be in the ring at the same time, and that anyone can tag anyone. Mike Tenay added that strategy in this one was tricky as you obviously would be most rested if you were in the apron instead of in the ring, but you were also unable to win the match, and the titles, while you were on the apron instead of in the ring. With the details out of the way, BG James and Brian Adams faced off and James was clearly trying to avoid a lock-up as he realized he would not be able to match strength with Adams. It was a sound strategy that worked out well--that is, until Bryan Clark clobbered James in the back of the head when James made the mistake of getting too close to KroniK's corner. Adams then shoved James back into their corner and both members of KroniK began to unload on BG James in the corner. Adams tagged in Clark and they hit a double stalling vertical suplex, letting the blood rush to James' head before finally driving him into the mat. Bryan Clark then exchanged insults with John Cena and Samoa Joe, and when Clark got close enough, John Cena slapped Clark on the chest to tag himself in, prompting Tony to comment that that was the kind of disrespectful behavior they had come to expect from The Three. Bryan Clark reluctantly left the ring, and John Cena began to take it to BG James who, as Mike Tenay pointed out, had taken one heck of a beating in this match already. Cena then hit a backbreaker on James and covered him, but Bryan Clark was in to break up the pin with a hard kick to the back of Cena's head. This prompted Samoa Joe to charge across the ring and hit a spinning heel kick that took out both members of KroniK, and BG James was able to make it to Dustin Rhodes for the tag during the confusion. Rhodes opened up on Cena with rights and lefts, an inverted atomic drop, and then a flying clothesline that took Cena down. Rhodes covered, but Samoa Joe broke up the pin and from there all hell broke loose as all six men were now in the ring, and the third member of The Three, Ken Anderson, was looking to get involved at ringside as well. Anderson grabbed Dustin Rhodes' leg and pulled him out of the ring just as KroniK hit their High Times double chokeslam finisher on Samoa Joe, while John Cena hit a move that looked kind of like a standing fireman's carry on BG James on the other side of the ring, driving him into the mat with great force. Cena signalled for the end, but then he turned around and walked right into KroniK's waiting arms as they delivered a second High Times double chokeslam! Brian Adams then covered Cena and we have NEW WCW Tag Team Champions!



KroniK defeated The Three and Sons Of The South at 12.19 by pinfall when Adams pinned Cena following a High Times. KroniK wins the WCW Tag Team Championships (C-)



The match is over and KroniK are the new WCW Tag Team Champions. As the new champions celebrate in the ring, Tony and Mike puts over the effort of all three teams as all six men gave everything they had in their quest to either win or retain the Tag Team Titles. We then turn out attention to the next match as a video package plays to hype it up.






The video package shows highlights from the main event of Starrcade where Goldberg defeated Scott Steiner to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, and it then shifts its focus to the recent confrontations between these two powerful superstars. It shows footage of Scott Steiner proclaiming to be the most dominant man in the wrestling business today, and we hear "Big Poppa Pump" confidently state that he is going to beat Goldberg at Halloween Havoc and end his streak. We also see footage from this past Monday Nitro where a huge brawl erupted after Goldberg interrupted a Scott Steiner promo, and the video comes to an end with a soundbite from Tony Schiavone posing the question; who is the most dominant man in professional wrestling today? (B-)




Street Fight - The Streak Is On The Line





The crowd was heavily into this one right from the get go as Scott Steiner and Goldberg came face to face in the center of the ring, neither man backing down. They exchanged a few heated words, which the camera unfortunately was unable to pick up, and then Steiner shoved Goldberg. Goldberg took a step or two backwards, smirked, and then he shoved Steiner right back. This time it was Steiner who took a couple of steps backwards, but he then came charging right at Goldberg back and a slugfest erupted between these two powerful superstars. Both men were punching with closed fists and, while the referee did encourage both men to use open hands, there was really nothing he could do about it as there are no disqualifications in a Street Fight. The brawl soon spilled out of the ring where Goldberg got the upper hand by driving a knee into Steiner's midsection, and then driving him back-first into the guard rail. Goldberg then picked Steiner up and bodyslammed him on the thin mat outside the ring. Goldberg pulled Steiner to his feet, picked him up on his shoulder, and looked to launch him head-first into the ring post, but Steiner managed to slip out the back and shove Goldberg into the post instead. Goldberg, clearly stunned by the sudden impact, staggered around at ringside but he did not go down, so Steiner grabbed his head and drove it into the ring post a second time. This time Goldberg was busted open, but he still did not go down, so Steiner grabbed Goldberg and hit a belly to belly suplex outside the ring. Goldberg was down, at least for the moment, but Steiner did not waste any time as he grabbed a steel chair and slammed it across Goldberg's back repeatedly. Steiner then tossed the chair aside, pulled Goldberg to his feet, and launched him OVER the guard rail and into the crowd. Steiner followed Goldberg overt he guard rail as he looked to press his advantage further, but Goldberg grabbed a steel chair of his own and drove it into the midsection of Steiner. With Steiner doubled over, Goldberg placed the chair on the floor beneath them, then grabbed and DDT'd Steiner onto the chair! Both men were down out in the middle of the crowd as Tony and Mike talked about the physicality of the match, and how both men were determined to prove themselves the most dominant man in the business today--Big Poppa Pump especially so.


Both men were slow to get back to their feet and when they finally did, it was evident that Steiner was now busted open as well as both men were now wearing the crimson red on their faces. Both men began trading blows again as they fought their way through the amped up crowd. Goldberg got the upper hand this time as he beat Steiner all the way back through the crowd, and then he clotheslined him back over the guard rail. Goldberg hopped the guard rail as well, landed a few more blows to the head of Steiner, and then rolled him back into the ring and followed in after him. Back in the ring for the first time in several minutes, "Big Poppa Pump" caught Goldberg offguard with a stiff elbow to the side of Goldberg's head, and then hit a belly to belly suplex as both men were down again, this time in the ring. Once again there was nothing the referee could do except stand there and wait for both men to get back to their feet, as per the rules of the match. Goldberg slowly got back to his feet as Steiner crawled toward one of the ring corners. As Steiner got to the corner, Goldberg set up for the Spear and just waited for Steiner to get back to his feet, and the crowd was on their feet, ready to see the streak continue. Steiner got back to his feet and slowly began to turn around. Goldberg charged full speed ahead, looking for the Spear and....NOO!!! Scott Steiner had crawled to that exact ring corner for a reason; to pick up his trusty lead pipe, which he nailed Goldberg across the forehead with. Goldberg went down in a heap, seemingly unconscious, and Steiner, exhausted from the match, slowly made the cover....








Somehow, someway, Goldberg managed to kick out. Steiner was absolutely livid as he grabbed the referee and told him, in no uncertain terms, that that was a three count. The referee, to his credit, maintained that it was a two count despite the threats from Steiner and, while certainly admirable, the referee paid for it as Steiner decked him with a right hand shot. Goldberg's face was turning red now as the shot from the lead pipe busted him open even more, and Steiner dragged a bloodied Goldberg to the center of the ring where he applied the Steiner Recliner. Goldberg was obviously in a lot of pain, but even with no referee there to actually check for it, Goldberg refused to tap out, which really seemed to anger "FreakZilla" even further. Another referee hit the ring to take over the duties from the previous referee, but Steiner released the hold and instead went back to his lead pipe, looking to inflict even more damage as Mike Tenay noted that Scott Steiner looked like a man who was willing to do anything and everything to beat Goldberg here tonight. As Steiner grabbed the pipe, Goldberg slowly began to pull himself back to his feet using the ropes for help. Steiner charged at Goldberg, looking to deliver one final huge blow, but Goldberg sensed him coming and back body dropped Steiner over the top rope and Steiner crashed hard outside the ring. After taking a moment or two to recover, Goldberg rolled out of the ring and lined up for the Spear and......SPEAR!!!! Goldberg got all of that Spear on Steiner, who went back first into the guard rail from the impact of that HUGE Spear. The crowd was going absolutely crazy and Goldberg, whose face was now almost entirely red, slowly got back to his feet and signalled that the end was upon us. He then pulled a near-unconscious Scott Steiner back to his feet, dragged him over to the ring, and rolled him back inside. Goldberg entered the ring as well, but as he did so, Steiner was somehow trying to get back to his feet. Tony and Mike couldn't believe that Steiner was still moving after that Spear, but he wasn't just moving, he was actually getting back to his feet. Steiner slowly turned around and then, seeing Goldberg staring at him almost in disbelief, Steiner flipped Goldberg the bird and told him to bring it--which is exactly what Goldberg did as he hit a second Spear on Steiner! Goldberg then went for the cover and....






....3!!!--NOOOO! Steiner kicked out!


Tony and Mike couldn't believe it; Scott Steiner took TWO Spears, one of which speared him right into the guard rail, and somehow Steiner still managed to kick out. Mike Tenay noted that Scott Steiner truly was "The Genetic Freak" for being able to kick out after that. Even Goldberg seemed impressed with Steiner here, but he didn't waste any time as he pulled Steiner to his feet and hooked him for the Jackhammer and....YES! JACKHAMMER!!! Goldberg covered...








This one is finally over.



Goldberg defeated Scott Steiner at 14.32 by pinfall following a Jackhammer (B)



The match is over and Goldberg is victorious, but what an effort by both men here tonight. Tony and Mike put over both men, saying that this was one of the most physical, most brutal matches they have ever seen in WCW and this is one of those times where you can say, in all honesty, that both men left in all in--and around--the ring here tonight. Tony notes that Goldberg's streak continues, but he also notes that no one has come closer to beating the streak than "Big Poppa Pump" did tonight.






Once the ring has cleared out the nWo music starts playing and Scott Hall walks out from the back, making his first appearance in several weeks. Tony and Mike hype up the fact that we know Scott Hall is here to make some kind of announcement, but what is it? Scott Hall makes his way to the ring with his usual confident swagger, walking with his arms stretched out to the side, then throwing up the "Too Sweet" hand sign. Hall then enters the ring and, after doing his classic, trademark Scott Hall pose, he calls for a mic and signals for the music to be cut....."Hey Yo!" The crowd pops for Hall's signature saying. Hall says he knows that a lot of people are wondering what's going on with the nWo right now, and he knows a lot of people have been wondering where he's been these last weeks. He says that something happened a couple of weeks ago that made him realize that he had thinking to do. He says that a couple of weeks ago, when Shawn Michaels and Eric Bischoff were looking to smooth things over with him and Kev, they decided to offer Kev a spot in the main event of Halloween Havoc and a shot at the World Title. But what did Scott Hall get? Hall says that he's happy for Kev that he's getting a shot at the belt tonight, but the fact that the offer was made to Kev and not to him...well, that got him thinking. Hall says that he's not out there to blame anyone. He's not blaming Bischoff, or Shawn, or Kev. He's not blaming anyone. Hall says that he has accomplished a lot in his career. He's won a lot of titles, wrestled a lot of big matches, and made a lot of money--A LOT of money. But there's one thing that he's never done in his career, and that one thing is that he's never won a World Championship. Which brings him to his big announcement tonight. Hall says that he's not out here to announce his retirement. He's out here tonight to announce his intention of going after the WCW World Heavyweight Championship with everything he's got. Hall says that he wasn't sure if he still had it in him to go for the World Title, but when he and Sting tore the house down a few weeks ago on Nitro, he realized that he's still got it. Hall says that he's out here to put everyone in WCW on notice; whoever the World Champion is after tonigt, even if it's Shawn or Big Kev...he's coming them and the World Heavyweight Championship! And if anybody in the back's got a problem with that....don't sing it--BRING IT! With that Hall drops the mic and the nWo music starts playing again as Tony and Mike are both stunned at what they just heard; Scott Hall announced his intention of going after the World Title, even if the champion is one of his nWo allies. Tony calls it a HUGE announcement, and Mike Tenay wonders what Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash will think about Hall's announcement, and what problems it might potentially cause within the nWo. ©







This match may have been the last one to be added to the card for Halloween Havoc, but both teams came into this one ready for a fight after the Nasty Boys came to Rey Misterio Jr.'s aid last week on Nitro during yet another attack by the Full Blooded Italians. The Mamalukes also had some extra incentive in the fact that Chuck Palumbo lost to Rey Misterio Jr. earlier in the night, and Antonina Versace told both Vito and Johnny The Bull before the match to "go in there and take care of business". Even with Antonina's extra "peptalk" it was the Nasty Boys who took control early on as Knobbs and Saggs used their experience edge to gain the upper hand as they worked Big Vito over. It looked like the veteran Nasty Boys might make short work of the Mamalukes, but a momentary distraction by Antonina Versace as she grabbed the foot of Jerry Saggs was all the opening Vito needed to turn the tide of the match. As Vito took the fight to Saggs in the ring, Brian Knobbs went after Antonina outside the ring, only to be blindsided by Johnny The Bull who nailed Knobbs with a clothesline. From there it was all Mamalukes for the next several minutes as Vito and The Bull began to wear Jerry Saggs down, using frequent tags and keeping him far away from his corner, much to Antonina's approval at ringside. Vito whipped Saggs into the corner and tried for a running clothesline, only for Saggs to duck it and hit a desperation DDT and then both men were down. The referee started counting and both men got back to their feet at the count seven. Vito and Saggs started trading blows in the middle of the ring and Saggs suddenly dropped Vito with a huge right hand shot and he made the tag to Knobbs. Knobbs hit the ring, fresh and ready to go, but the referee stopped him, much to Knobbs' frustration--apparently the referee never saw the tag as he was distracted by Antonina Versace! Knobbs was forced back out onto the apron and Vito pounced on Saggs and then tagged in Johnny The Bull. Johnny The Bull pulled off an impressive feat of strength as he picked Saggs up and hit the Fuhgeddaboudit (Military Press Powerslam), while Vito ran around the ring and yanked Brian Knobbs off the apron, preventing him from making the save as Johnny The Bull covered Saggs and picked up the win.



The Mamalukes defeated the Nasty Boys at 10.43 by pinfall when Johnny The Bull pinned Jerry Saggs following a Fuhgeddaboudit (D+)



Antonina Versace joins Big Vito and Johnny The Bull in the ring as Tony Schiavones notes that, despite the controversy of the tag that the referee didn't see, this is a huge win for the Mamalukes, defeating a team like the Nasty Boys. Mike Tenay agrees, saying that whether you like them or not, the Mamalukes, and the Full Blooded Italians, are going to be a force to be reckoned with here in World Championship Wrestling.






We cut to the back where Scott Hall is walking, and Tony uses the opportunity to bring us back to the announcement Scott Hall made earlier tonight where he put everyone on notice that he's got his sights set on the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Mike Tenay adds that it was a huge and controversial announcement by Scott Hall, considering that there is a fifty percent chance that the World Champion after tonight is going to be one of his friends, Shawn Michaels or Kevin Nash. Tony has some thoughts on that as well, but then...






Scott Hall is suddenly stopped by "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett and Cheerleader Melissa. Jarrett says that he heard what Hall said out there earlier tonight, and while it was a nice enough speech, the fact remains that Scott is kidding himself. Jarrett says that there is a reason why people like Hall hasn't been a World Champion, just like there is a reason why people like himself, The Chosen One, is a former multiple time World Champion. Jarrett says that the reason why Scott Hall has never been a World Champion is because he is a screw-up. And it doesn't matter how badly he wants it, or how hard he tries, because at the end of the day he'll still be a screw-up and he'll do what screw-ups do better than anything else; screw up. Jarrett says that, as a former four time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, he is almost offended by the notion that someone like Scott Hall thinks he could ever hold the title, and the only reason he is not offended by it is because the notion is so ridiculous that it's laughable. It's pathetic. Jarrett and Melissa share a laugh as they walk off, leaving Scott Hall glaring angrily after "The Chosen One" as we head back to ringside where it's time for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship title match. (D)




WCW Cruiserweight Championship








As he has been known to do, Chavo Guerrero Jr. started the match off by giving Kidman the chance to simply lie down, get pinned, and save himself a lot of pain, embarrassment, and humiliation by getting the match over with quickly. Unsurprisingly Billy Kidman had no intention of doing that, and before Chavo could protest, or do anything else, Kidman surprised him with an inside cradle that came within a split second or two of putting an end to Chavo's reign as Cruiserweight Champion right then and there. Chavo quickly rolled out of the ring, clearly flustered by how close he came to losing the match before it barely even started. Chavo took his time outside the ring and didn't re-enter the ring until the referee reached a count of eight. Chavo and Kidman locked up in the middle of the ring and the Cruiserweight Champion looked to take control of the mat by mat wrestling Kidman, which was a wise strategy according to Mike Tenay, who noted that Kidman probably had the edge when it came to the high-flying stuff, but Chavo was the better mat wrestler. Chavo's attempts to slow the pace of the match did not work, however, as Kidman was able to reverse his way out of Chavo's holds and hit a perfectly executed standing dropkick that took the champion off his feet. The crowd rallied behind Kidman and the challenger pressed the advantage, hitting a series of standing dropkicks before planting Chavo with a tornado DDT. With Torrie cheering him on at ringside, Kidman hit an inverted suplex and then went up to the top rope and hit a diving crossbody, but Chavo managed to kick out after two. Chavo tried to leave the ring again to take a much needed breather, but Kidman stopped him--only to get caught off guard by a vicious elbow to the side of his head. Kidman stumbled backwards and Chavo charged and hit a headscissor takedown. Chavo then pulled Kidman to his feet again and hit a brainbuster, and he followed up with a cover but this time it was the challenger who kicked out after two as both champion and challenger had gotten a near-fall now. With both men down in the ring, Torrie tried to rally the crowd and get them behind Kidman, and the crowd responded nicely. Both men got back to their feet at roughly the same time, Chavo charged, and Kidman caught him off guard with a BK Bomb! 1...2...NO!!! Chavo managed to kick out, much to Kidman's frustration. Kidman then dragged Chavo toward the center of the ring, then climbed to the top rope and everyone in the building knew what was coming next. Kidman leaped and....NO! Chavo rolled out of the way and Kidman crashed and burned with his Shooting Star Press attempt. Chavo crawled into the cover as quickly as he could...1...2...NO!!! Kidman kicked out and Chavo couldn't believe it, shaking his head and pounding the mat in frustration. Chavo then headed to the top rope, looking for the Frog Splash and...YES! The Cruiserweight Champion connected with the Frog Splash! Cover...1...2...NOOO!!!! Kidman somehow kicked out again and Tony Schiavone noted that it seemed like Chavo was running out of ideas here. Chavo shook his head again, then left the ring and...Chavo grabbed the Cruiserweight Championship title belt and started making his way back up the entrance ramp--the champion was walking out on the match! Torrie Wilson grabbed Chavo's arm to try to keep him from leaving, and while she certainly couldn't force Chavo back into the ring, she did manage to slow him down enough so that Kidman could catch up to him. Kidman nailed several right hand punches, then rolled Chavo back into the ring. Kidman followed in after, but as he came through the ropes, Chavo rolled him up for the cover...1...2....3!!!! It looked like Chavo was holding the ropes, but the referee didn't see it!



Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Billy Kidman at 11.10 by pinfall with a rollup. Chavo Guerrero Jr. retains the WCW Cruiserweight Championship ©



Chavo Guerrero Jr. quickly leaves the ring as Kidman and Torrie both try to convince the referee that Chavo was holding the ropes, but the referee did not see it. As Chavo retreats back up the ramp with the Cruiserweight Championship, we cut to the back where Joey Styles is standing by with Diamond Dallas Page.






Joey quickly goes over the recent history between Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon, with Kanyon turning on Sting's Alliance and joining forces with Shawn Michaels. He also notes that DDP issued the challenge to Kanyon this past Monday on Nitro, and he then asks DDP his thoughts on facing his former best friend later tonight at Halloween Havoc. DDP says that he used to think that the sky was the limit for Kanyon; he was young, talented, and he had his head on straight. But what he has seen out of Kanyon lately...well, let's just say that it has disappointed him. He says that Kanyon has been acting like a punk lately, and tonight he is going to teach Kanyon a lesson in respect the old fashioned way. Joey then sends us back to ringside for our next match here at Halloween Havoc. ©







Sean O'Haire has been looking for a one on one rematch against "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair ever since their match at Souled Out, and after months of chasing "The Nature Boy", O'Haire finally got his rematch tonight at Halloween Havoc and he was looking to make the most of it right off the get go as he charged at Flair as soon as the bell sounded. O'Haire hit a series of punches and kicks, and all Flair could do was try to cover up as best he could. O'Haire then hit an impressive military press slam, and Flair bailed out of the ring while holding his lower back. O'Haire had no intention of allowing Flair any time to rest, however, and he immediately followed Flair out of the ring and pressed his advantage. O'Haire rolled Flair back into the ring, then hit a series of nasty looking knee strikes to Flair's head. O'Haire then whipped Flair into the ropes and hit a backbody drop as Mike Tenay noted that it had been all Sean O'Haire in the early parts of this one. O'Haire's control of the match continued as he kept hitting Flair with various martial arts kicks, mixed in with a couple of power moves like a powerslam, a sidewalk slam, and another military press slam. "The Nature Boy" finally managed to halt the onslaught by jamming a thumb into O'Haire's eye, which finally bought Flair some much needed time to recover. The wily veteran Flair then zeroed in on the legs of Sean O'Haire, and Mike Tenay noted that they were seeing the master go to work like he has done so many times in the past. Flair continued picking O'Haire apart and Tony Schiavone noted that this was where the experience factor came into play; Sean O'Haire may be younger and stronger, but Flair had so many more years worth on experience to draw upon. Flair was absolutely relentless here as he kept working on O'Haire's legs, and it got to the point where O'Haire could barely walk as his left leg could barely support his weight. Flair then signalled for the Figure Four Leglock, but when he tried to lock it in, O'Haire placed his boot on Flair's backside and shoved him off, sending Flair chest-first into the turnbuckle. That bought O'Haire some time, but his leg buckled under him when he tried to stand, and soon enough Flair was back to work on the leg again, having recovered from his encounter with the turnbuckle.



Flair dragged O'Haire to his feet and propped him up in one of the corners of the ring, and then he began to light O'Haire up with some thunderous chops that echoed throughout the building. Flair then grabbed a handful of O'Haire's hair and began driving it into the top turnbuckle...one...two...three...four...five...six...seven...eight...nine...ten times, and then he followed it up with a russian leg sweep. Flair covered, but O'Haire kicked out after two. Flair pulled O'Haire back to his feet and looked to deliver a vertical suplex...but O'Haire blocked it. Flair tried again, but O'Haire blocked it again, and this time he turned it into a snap suplex of his own, but O'Haire immediately grabbed his left leg afterwards, which was obviously still causing him a lot of pain. O'Haire pulled himself up with the help of the ring ropes, but Flair was up first and he tried to re-establish his advantage, but O'Haire was fighting him off literally on one leg as he used the ropes to steady himself. He nailed a series of right hands that obviously rocked Flair but, as Mike Tenay pointed out, what hope did O'Haire have of winning the match on one leg? O'Haire hobbled toward the center of the ring and then hit a sort of a modified version of the Enzuigiri that caught Flair perfectly in the back of his head. O'Haire slowly crawled into the cover, but it takes too much time and Flair is able to kick out. Both men were down and visibly exhausted from the match but, as Tony wondered, who had anything left in the tank? Sean O'Haire again used the ropes to help him get back to his feet, but Flair suddenly rolled him up from behind...1...2....NO! O'Haire just barely managed to kick out. O'Haire then caught Flair with a series of elbows, and then hit a huge clothesline that sent Flair over the top rope and onto the floor outside the ring. O'Haire then collapsed in the ring as his leg buckled under him again, and as the referee checked on O'Haire, "The Dirtiest Player In The Game" grabbed a steel chair from under the ring. Flair slid the chair into one corner of the ring, then moved around to the other corner where he removed the turnbuckle pad from the turnbuckle. Flair then grabbed the steel chair and, in plain sight of the referee, he moved toward O'Haire with the chair. The referee did his job and stepped in to take the chair from Flair, but as the referee was getting rid of the chair, Flair grabbed O'Haire and drove him face-first into the exposed turnbuckle, then rolled him up as the referee turned back around just in time to see the cover....1...2....3! "The Nature Boy" stole the win!



Ric Flair defeated Sean O'Haire at 15.01 by pinfall following a rollup after driving O'Haire face-first into an exposed turnbuckle (B)



As Ric Flair celebrates in the ring, Tony Schiavone notes that "The Dirtiest Player In The Game" has struck again here tonight at Halloween Havoc, and Tony and Mike both agree that it's a "damn shame" that O'Haire lost that way after putting in one hell of a performance, and after fighting through the pain the way he did. Tony also says that he doubts Sean O'Haire will consider his issues with Ric Flair to be a thing of the past after what went down here tonight--a notion that Mike Tenay very much agrees with.






Kanyon did his best to get under DDP's skin before the match had even started, but Page just stood in the corner, leaning against the ropes and seemingly not letting Kanyon's antics get to him. The bell sounded and both men locked up in the center of the ring, with DDP getting the upper hand and forcing Kanyon back into the ropes. The referee called for a clean break, but Kanyon slapped the taste right out of DDP's mouth--which DDP responded to by hitting a HUGE right hand that literally knocked Kanyon on his ass. Kanyon held his jaw, clearly taken somewhat aback, and DDP flashed a smile and then signalled for Kanyon bring the fight to him. They locked up again but this time Kanyon didn't allow himself to be backed up into the ropes as he drove a knee into the gut of DDP, then grabbed him by the hair and drove him back and neck first into the mat. The crowd booed the "Turncoat", but just like that Kanyon had control of the match, and he maintained control for the next several minutes, hitting a swinging neckbreaker, a trio of inverted atomic drops, and a DDT before locking DDP in a reverse chinlock to wear him down further. The sold out crowd in the Izod Center rallied behind Diamond Dallas Page, and the man who has been known to many as "The People's Champion" responded to the support of the fans by slowly getting back to his feet, despite Kanyon's best efforts to keep him down. DDP drove a couple of elbows into the midsection of Kanyon, finally creating some separation, and then Page delivered a discus clothesline that took Kanyon off his feet and bought DDP some much needed time to recover. DDP then hit a gutbuster, a jawbreaker, and a sitout powerbomb, and even though Kanyon kicked out after two it left DDP in firm control of the match. DDP then whipped Kanyon into the ropes and hit a tilt-a-whirl slam, which got him another two count. Page then pulled Kanyon to his feet, placed him on the top turnbuckle, and hit a HUGE superplex from the top rope. Both men were down for a bit, but DDP eventually covered Kanyon...1...2...NO! Page pulled Kanyon to his feet, but Kanyon suddenly caught DDP by surprise with a jawbreaker from out of nowhere. Page staggered backwards and Kanyon took him down with a neckbreaker, which got another two count. Tony noted that both men wanted to win this one badly; Kanyon to prove that he was indeed better than DDP, as he had been saying, and DDP to teach his former best friend a much needed lesson in respect. Kanyon whipped DDP into the corner, then climbed to the second turnbuckle, and began raining right hands on on DDP...one...two...three...four...five...si--DDP suddenly grabbed hold of Kanyon's legs, walked out of the corner, and yanked on Kanyon's legs so that Kanyon hit the turnbuckle face-first. Page then hit a belly to back suplex, but Kanyon again kicked out after two in this highly competitive matchup. The match "reset" as both men began exchanging punches in the middle of the ring until Page swung wildly--and missed--and Kanyon grabbed him and...Kanyon Cutter!!--NO! Page reversed it! Diamond Cutter!!--No! This time Kanyon reversed it and.....KANYON CUTTER!!!!! An exhausted Kanyon then draped an arm across the chest of DDP....









Kanyon defeated Diamond Dallas Page at 17.16 by pinfall following a Kanyon Cutter (B)



As Kanyon celebrates his huge win in the ring, Tony and Mike both acknowledge the performance by Kanyon here tonight, saying that they might not like him, they might not agree with him, but Kanyon just put all of WCW on notice that he is the real deal by defeating the great Diamond Dallas Page here tonight at Halloween Havoc. They then turn their attention to our upcoming main event as Shawn Michaels defends the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Sting, Kevin Nash, and Booker T. They then send us to a video of the events that led us to this match; Sting's team winning the WarGames match to earn Sting another shot at the World Title, Kevin Nash being added to the match by Eric Bischoff and the brewing tension between Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels, and finally Booker T being added to the match after he and Sting defeated Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash this past Monday night on Nitro. The video ends with a shot of the World Heavyweight Championship title belt, a photo of each of the four men competing in the match, and a voice over posing the question; who is going to walk out of Halloween Havoc with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship? (B)




WCW World Heavyweight Championship








As the bell sounded to get this one under way all four men were exchanging looks while Tony outlined the issue here; was Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash going to work together, making this more of a tornado tag team match? Or was it truly going to be the four way matchup it was supposed to be? The World Champion was mostly looking at his nWo ally, Kevin Nash, to get some kind of indication as to what was going through the mind of "Big Sexy", and Michaels finally offered his hand to Nash, but before Nash could do anything, Sting and Booker T both charged and this one finally got under way. Sting and Shawn Michaels went at it in one corner of the ring, while Booker T and Kevin Nash went at it in another corner. Then, almost at the exact same time, Booker T clotheslined Nash over the top rope just as Sting clotheslined Shawn Michaels over the top rope as well, and Sting and Booker T stood tall in the ring. Sting howled at the sold out crowd, who responded in kind, as well as with a lot of cheers. Sting then pointed to Michaels and Nash and held his arms out as if to say "What's it going to be?", and both nWo members looked pissed off at ringside. Michaels and Nash then held a quick strategy meeting at ringside, which ended with both men shaking hands as, apparently, they agreed to work together. Michaels and Nash re-entered the ring, but Sting and Booker T were right there to greet them, hitting several punches, a few kicks, and ultimately driving both nWo members out of the ring for a second time already. Michaels and Nash were both visibly frustrated at ringside but, as Mike Tenay correctly pointed out, only one man could walk out of here tonight as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, meaning that any kind of alliance, even between Sting and Booker T, would certainly be tested, to say the very least. As Michaels and Nash argued at ringside, Sting slingshot himself over the top rope and hit a crossbody on both men, taking both men out, much to the delight of the fans. Sting then rolled Kevin Nash back into the ring where Booker T was waiting, while Sting and Michaels fought at ringside. In the ring, Booker T hit a series of straight right hands on Nash, then followed it up with a spinning heel kick that finally took "Big Sexy" off his feet.


Meanwhile, outside the ring, Sting whipped Shawn Michaels back first into the guard rail, then drove the World Champion's head into the ring apron not once, not twice, but three times. Sting then pointed to the guard rail on the opposite side of the ring, but Michaels was able to reverse the irish whip and this time it was the Stinger who went back-first into the rail. Shawn then rolled back into the ring where he nailed Booker T from behind, and then Michaels and Nash both went to work on the reigning WCW United States Champion. Michaels hit a couple of right hands, then irish whipped Booker T right into a HUGE big boot from Kevin Nash as the nWo were in complete control. Nash hit an impactful sidewalk slam, and Michaels followed up with a diving elbow drop from the top rope. Michaels did a kip-up and started tuning up the band, but Sting was back in the ring and he nailed Michaels with a right hand. Sting began unloading on the World Champion with rights and lefts, but he was blindsided by Kevin Nash before he could really get going. Nash hit a snake eyes on Sting, and Michaels followed up with a flying forearm smash, and then both Sting and Booker T were down. Nash then dumped Booker T out of the ring as, apparently, the nWo wanted to focus their attention on Sting. Nash whipped Sting into the corner and Shawn Michaels, after first mocking Sting's signature howl, looked to add to the insult by hitting a Stinger Splash on the Stinger...but Sting moved and Michaels hit the turnbuckle hard. Sting hit a standing dropkick on Nash, a hip toss on Michaels, an inverted atomic drop on Nash, and then he began unloading on Michaels again with rights and lefts. Sting then whipped Michaels across the ring and right into Nash in the opposite corner, and Sting then charged across the ring and....STINGER SPLASH ON BOTH MICHAELS AND NASH!!! Michaels staggered out of the corner and right into a russian legsweep, but as Sting got back to his feet he was hit with big boot by Nash. Nash went for the cover, but Sting kicked out at two. Nash then pulled Sting back to his feet and positioned him in the corner where he proceeded to unload on Sting with a series of knees and elbows, making sure to properly measure the last big elbow before driving it into the side of Sting's head. For the moment "Big Sexy" looked to be in complete control but...


Booker T was back in and he spun Nash around and hit three huge right handed punches before hitting a spinning back kick. Booker then grabbed Nash's arm, twisted it, and then hit delivered a side kick that sent Nash to the mat. Booker then went up top looking for the Harlem Hangover, but Shawn Michaels was back to his feet and he climbed the turnbuckle and began exchanging punches with the United States Champion. Booker got the better of the exchange and he forced Michaels back down from the turnbuckle, but Michaels grabbed Booker's leg and yanked it, sending Booker crotch-first down onto the turnbuckle. Michaels then climbed the turnbuckle again and hit a HUGE superplex on Booker T, though in truth both men felt that one. Michaels covered Booker, but Sting was there to break up the pin. Sting hit an inverted atomic drop, a number of knife edge chops, and then a bulldog, before covering Michaels, but the World Champion kicked out after two. All four men were breathing heavily at this point as the toll of the match was starting to show. Shawn Michaels rolled out of the ring, probably out of instinct to get himself out of danger, as Mike Tenay speculated, and Sting followed after, leaving Booker T and Kevin Nash in the ring as Sting and Michaels fought at ringside. Sting and Michaels began fighting their way up the entrance ramp, with each man giving every bit as good as he got.


Meanwhile, back in the ring, Kevin Nash and Booker T were both back to their feet and they, too, began trading blows back and forth. Nash got the upper hand for a moment, but then Booker T ducked under a huge right hand by Nash, kicked Nash in the gut to double him over and....SCISSORS KICK!!! Booker nailed it and crawled into the cover...






....NOO!!!! Nash got the shoulder up.


Booker's eyes went wide as he realized he just came THIS close to being a dual champion, but it was not to be, at least not yet. As Booker T looked to press the advantage in the ring, a loud thud echoed throughout the building as Shawn Michaels just nailed Sting with a steel chair about halfway up the ramp, and Michaels then began putting the boots to Sting before making his way back toward the ring. Back in the ring, Kevin Nash nailed a low blow on Booker T and then followed it up with a sidewalk slam. Nash then pulled down the straps, signalling that the end was near, and then he pulled Booker T back to his feet and positioned him for the Jackknife--but Nash stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Shawn Michaels enter the ring again. Nash and Michaels stared at each other for a long moment as Tony and Mike both wondered; "what now?". Finally, after a long moment, Michaels took a step backwards and pointed to Nash, encouraging him to hit the Jackknife as the announcers wondered if Shawn Michaels was truly willing to let Kevin Nash win the World Heavyweight Championship here? Nash hesitated for a moment and then....




But then....




Kevin Nash went down in a heap and Shawn Michaels wasted no time whatsoever in covering Nash...









Shawn Michaels defeated Kevin Nash, Booker T, and Sting at 16.13 by pinfall when Michaels pinned Nash following a Sweet Chin Music. Shawn Michaels retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (B-)



Shawn Michaels has retained the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc, but at what cost?


And with that, and with Tony Schiavone urging everyone to tune into WCW Monday Nitro tomorrow night for all of the fallout of Halloween Havoc and what just happened moments ago in the main event, WCW Halloween Havoc comes to an end with a shot of Shawn Michaels being handed the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.




Final Show Rating: B-

PPV Buyrate: 1.13

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Halloween Havoc is finally up! It took a bit longer to write than I had hoped, but hopefully the quality of the show makes up for the wait.


As always feedback and comments are welcomed.


And prediction contest results, the Monday Nitro card, and one or two other updates will be up soon-ish, I hope.

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Good show, as always. Will be interesting to see how Hall goes now after his promise to go after the World Heavyweight Championship considering the fact that Nash will now be pissed off at Michaels and Sting will also be likely seeking another shot at the title one on one. Good times ahead.


Just out of curiosity, you're National now, aren't you??

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Okay it's time for this month's prediction contest results, but before I get to that I'm just gonna post the correct answers to the bonus questions;



Who will take the fall in the World Title match? Kevin Nash


How many titles will change hands? One (Tag Team Titles)


What will be the highest rated match? Surprisingly, Ric Flair vs. Sean O'Haire at 80. Kanyon vs. DDP was at 79, Goldberg and Steiner at 77, and the main event was, rather disappointingly, only the fourth highest rated match on the show at 74.


What will be the lowest rated match? The Mamalukes vs. The Nasty Boys at 49.


What will Scott Hall's announcement be? He's going after the World Heavyweight Championship.



And so the winners of this month's contest are;


Satyr24 and Crackerjack with 30 hits each.


Henderson finished second with 27 hits.


And The Lloyd came in third with 24 hits.


So congratulations to Satyr24 and Crackerjack, your prize will be in your inbox within the next few days.


And as always I want to thank everyone who predicted during this past month, as well as everyone who follows this diary. Your support is greatly appreciated. :)

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Good show, as always. Will be interesting to see how Hall goes now after his promise to go after the World Heavyweight Championship considering the fact that Nash will now be pissed off at Michaels and Sting will also be likely seeking another shot at the title one on one. Good times ahead.


Just out of curiosity, you're National now, aren't you??


Thanks, man! Glad you enjoyed it. Sadly I am still stuck at Cult for the moment, but I'm getting sooo close to National so hopefully it'll happen soon.

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WCW Overview - Post Halloween Havoc Edition



Company Size: Cult

Ranking: 2nd

Prestige: B+

Momentum: B


Franchise Players

1: Goldberg

2: Shawn Michaels

3: Sting

4: Booker T

5: Ric Flair


Next Big Things

1: John Cena


Hot Prospects

1: Samoa Joe

2: John Cena

3: Aguila

4: AJ Styles

5: Shane Helms


Talk The Talk

1: Ric Flair

2: Shawn Michaels

3: ??? (hasn't debuted yet)

4: Dusty Rhodes

5: Kevin Nash



1: Shawn Michaels

2: Rey Misterio Jr.

3: Booker T

4: Sting

5: Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Ring Generals

1: Shawn Michaels

2: Rey Misterio Jr.

3: Chavo Guerrero Jr.

4: Lance Storm

5: Ric Flair


Who's Hot

1: Sting

2: Scott Steiner

3: Kevin Nash

4: Goldberg

5: Shawn Michaels


Who's Not

1: Norman Smiley

2: Disco Inferno

3: Kaz Hayashi

4: Crowbar

5: Yun Yang


Time Decline

1: Kevin Nash

2: Scott Hall

3: Bam Bam Bigelow

4: Diamond Dallas Page

5: Bryan Clark



WCW has officially parted ways with the following wrestlers as of Halloween Havoc; "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith, Vampiro, Shawn Stasiak, Evan Karagias, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, and Konnan.

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I have a thought on who hasn't debuted yet. I am also calling 2003 as your year to go National. That's when I did, now I'm trying to cross that most difficult line of going International. It's so frustrating.


2003, as I've said all along, will be a pivotal year for you. There is one blockbuster signing you cannot miss out on and I get more and more excited waiting for it the closer it gets. You will shell out a ton of money, but I promise you, it'll be entirely worth it. That single handedly pushed me to National and the money rolled in. Think of it as what Hulk Hogan did signing for WCW.


As for Havoc, I was impressed with your matches. To get a B out of Steiner/Goldberg is a huge success. What surprised me the most was how much I enjoyed the Jeff Jarrett promo on Scott Hall. It was spot on and I totally read that in Jarrett's voice. The main event was what I expected. If Nash was out, you probably would've had an A rating. Unfortunately, that's what Nash does to your matches in this, plummets them down. It'll be interesting to see how it goes with Hall. He was with New Japan for the longest time in my game, so by the time I've got him now, he's too far past the point of trying to do anything with him. Same for Curt Hennig. He was with WWE far too long and now he just can't pull the grades.

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Monday Nitro Preview




It was the kick heard around the world. Shawn Michaels retained the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc, but he did so by hitting the Sweet Chin Music on his best friend and fellow nWo member, Kevin Nash, and pinning him to pick up the win. What will the World Heavyweight Champion have to say about his actions last night at Halloween Havoc? And what will Kevin Nash have to say about it? And did the entire world witness the end of the nWo at Halloween Havoc?





Monday Nitro Card



Sting, Booker T and Goldberg vs. Kanyon, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett


Lance Storm vs. Diamond Dallas Page


Scott Steiner vs. Brian Lawler


Non Title

KroniK vs. The Nasty Boys


Jamie Knoble and Shane Helms vs. Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas

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Really enjoyed Havoc, despite forgetting to predict on it. The nWo is looking pretty disintegrated right now, as Shawn's ego has torn apart the whole group. Can't wait to see how Hall and Nash react on Nitro!


Sting, Booker T and Goldberg vs. Kanyon, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett

None of the faces here are as disposable as the heels are.


Lance Storm vs. Diamond Dallas Page

DDP picks up a win after his big loss at the PPV.


Scott Steiner vs. Brian Lawler


Non Title

KroniK vs. The Nasty Boys

Non-title means it could go to the challengers, but I'm going with the incumbent. Surprised to see that Clark is on the time decline list, must have been a bad roll for him.


Jamie Knoble and Shane Helms vs. Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas

This seems like a very nice team of loudmouths. I like it. Sanders can learn a lot from Shane in the ring, and Shane can be relevant again.

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<p><em>Nice to see that WCW update, buddy. Was waiting til the end of the year, but I figure I'll ask now: how's the good 'ol WWF doing? Any wacky champions?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting, Booker T and Goldberg</strong> vs. Kanyon, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett</p><p>

<em>Too much star power here</em></p><p> </p><p>

Lance Storm vs.<strong> Diamond Dallas Page</strong></p><p>

<em>I'd like to see Lance pick up the win(feels like he's been stalling for a bit), but DDP needs to bounce back</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Brian Lawler</p><p>

<em>HEH</em></p><p> </p><p>

Non Title</p><p>

<strong>KroniK vs. The Nasty Boys</strong></p><p>

<em>Ugh, KnoniK. Ugh, Nasty Boys. The Three, Save Us!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jamie Knoble and Shane Helms vs. <strong>Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas</strong></p><p>

<em>Eh, why not!</em></p>

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<p><strong>Sting, Booker T and Goldberg</strong> vs. Kanyon, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett </p><p> </p><p>

Lance Storm vs. <strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Scott Steiner </strong>vs. Brian Lawler</p><p> </p><p>

Non Title</p><p>

<strong>KroniK</strong> vs. The Nasty Boys</p><p> </p><p>

Jamie Knoble and Shane Helms vs.<strong> Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas</strong></p><p><strong>


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Henderson" data-cite="Henderson" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have a thought on who hasn't debuted yet. I am also calling 2003 as your year to go National. That's when I did, now I'm trying to cross that most difficult line of going International. It's so frustrating.<p> </p><p> 2003, as I've said all along, will be a pivotal year for you. There is one blockbuster signing you cannot miss out on and I get more and more excited waiting for it the closer it gets. You will shell out a ton of money, but I promise you, it'll be entirely worth it. That single handedly pushed me to National and the money rolled in. Think of it as what Hulk Hogan did signing for WCW.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well you've just got me curious, so let me know what's up with that in a PM or something.</p>
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<p>You know, I made it to National pretty quickly in my version of this Mod and I've been trying to figure out why that was... and then it hit me.</p><p> </p><p>

I played with Shane McMahon as my owner and he brought Triple H and Steph over with him. Obviously Triple H lifted everybody around him and got me there in no time.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Nickman" data-cite="The Nickman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You know, I made it to National pretty quickly in my version of this Mod and I've been trying to figure out why that was... and then it hit me.<p> </p><p> I played with Shane McMahon as my owner and he brought Triple H and Steph over with him. Obviously Triple H lifted everybody around him and got me there in no time.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah that would do it</p>
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<p><strong>Sting, Booker T and Goldberg</strong> vs. Kanyon, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett</p><p> </p><p>

Lance Storm vs. <strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Brian Lawler</p><p> </p><p>

Non Title</p><p>

KroniK vs. <strong>The Nasty Boys</strong></p><p>

- While I'm inclined to go with Kronik, everyone else is choosing them. I can see another team costing them the match since it's non-title.</p><p> </p><p>

Jamie Knoble and Shane Helms vs. <strong>Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas</strong></p><p>

- You could potentially have something there with this team. It'd also give Douglas something to do, as he probably can't carry a singles match anymore.</p><p> </p><p>

At the risk of everyone having the same results, I figured I'd go against the grain. Probably why I never win the prediction contests anymore...</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Henderson" data-cite="Henderson" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> As for Havoc, I was impressed with your matches. To get a B out of Steiner/Goldberg is a huge success. What surprised me the most was how much I enjoyed the Jeff Jarrett promo on Scott Hall. It was spot on and I totally read that in Jarrett's voice. The main event was what I expected. If Nash was out, you probably would've had an A rating. Unfortunately, that's what Nash does to your matches in this, plummets them down. It'll be interesting to see how it goes with Hall. He was with New Japan for the longest time in my game, so by the time I've got him now, he's too far past the point of trying to do anything with him. Same for Curt Hennig. He was with WWE far too long and now he just can't pull the grades.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> I was definitely happy with the rating for Goldberg/Steiner. They did a C+ at Starrcade so I wasn't sure what to expect, which is also why they were positioned where they were at the card. Also, glad you enjoyed the Jarrett promo as I really liked that segment myself.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Beejus" data-cite="Beejus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Really enjoyed Havoc, despite forgetting to predict on it. The nWo is looking pretty disintegrated right now, as Shawn's ego has torn apart the whole group. Can't wait to see how Hall and Nash react on Nitro!<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, man! I won't spoil anything, but Nitro is shaping up to be one heck of a show.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Lloyd" data-cite="The Lloyd" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> <em>Where's Jindrak?!?!</em></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Stay tuned <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crackerjack" data-cite="crackerjack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Nice to see that WCW update, buddy. Was waiting til the end of the year, but I figure I'll ask now: how's the good 'ol WWF doing? Any wacky champions?</em><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Not really, no. Christian won the World Heavyweight Title which surprised me at this stage, but in a good way. The only other titles to change hands lately are the Tag Team Titles as the A.P.A. defeated Steven Richards and Perry Saturn, and the Intercontinental Title which Rikishi won from Farooq.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> As always, I thank you all for your feedback. It really is appreciated. Also, I've got Nitro just about done so I'm also making this the official 24 hour (or so) warning for the posting of the show. If anybody else wants to get their predictions in, that is roughly how long you've got to do it.</p>
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<p>How are Palumbo, Stamboki, Jindrak and O'Haire developing? For me, those guys were WCW's Class of 2000 (in comparison to the WWE's Class of 2002), and could have been a part of the upper-card for years in various characters.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, anyone get seen out of the WWF that you might take a look at?</p>

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