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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How are Palumbo, Stamboki, Jindrak and O'Haire developing? For me, those guys were WCW's Class of 2000 (in comparison to the WWE's Class of 2002), and could have been a part of the upper-card for years in various characters.<p> </p><p> Also, anyone get seen out of the WWF that you might take a look at?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> O'Haire and Jindrak are making steady improvements. Palumbo and Stamboli a little less so, but they're coming along well enough that I'm not too worried about them.</p><p> </p><p> As for WWF guys...I'll say that I'm keeping my eyes open <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I can say that I recently tried to sign Raven as his contract was coming up. Unfortunately I ended up in a bidding war since the WWF wanted to keep him around, and I ended up losing it as they were offering more money than I was willing to spend on him. It's too bad because I had a pretty cool storyline all ready for him, had he come in.</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/WCWNitro4.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Week 1, November, 2002</strong></p><p><strong> Live from Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, New York</strong></p><p><strong> Attendance: 11.215 (sellout)</strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> This week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro kicks off immediately with the nWo music blasting throughout the arena as the reigning WCW World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out from the back to nothing but boos from the crowd.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Shawn%20Michaels%202.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> As Shawn Michaels heads toward the ring, Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and the brand new addition to the WCW announce team, Jerry "The King" Lawler, welcomes everyone to another edition of Monday Nitro. Tony briefly introduces Jerry Lawler as the newest member of the announce team, but then quickly transitions into talking about what took place at the very end of the main event of last night's Halloween Havoc pay per view when Shawn Michaels stabbed Kevin Nash in the back by hitting the Sweet Chin Music on Nash and pinning him to pick up the win and retain the World Heavyweight Championship. Tony and Mike both stress the fact that Michaels stabbed his best friend in the back, and they are both very interested to hear what Shawn Michaels has to say for himself tonight. Jerry Lawler, on the other hand, is quick to praise Shawn Michaels for doing what he had to do to retain the richest prize in the business today; the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Jerry says that Shawn Michaels is a winner, and winners do whatever it takes to win, as they should. Michaels enters the ring and poses with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship title belt, raising it high above his head to make sure that everybody knows that he's still the champion. He then calls for a mic and quickly gets one. Shawn says that the nWo went into Halloween Havoc with a single goal in mind; to make sure that the title stayed within the nWo, and last night they accomplished exactly that. The nWo still holds the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The nWo are still running and ruling WCW. And despite what some people might be hoping, the nWo is for life and their dominance of World Championship Wrestling is only going grow over these next two months, through 2003, and well into 2004. The nWo runs WCW and-- <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <iframe width="200" height="200" src="<a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xynCAraA-iY?rel=0" rel="external nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/embed/xynCAraA-iY?rel=0"</a> frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Kevin%20Nash%20Long.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The Wolfpac theme suddenly hit to cut off the World Champion, and Shawn Michaels looks like a man who doesn't quite know what to do with himself as "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash makes his way out from the back. Nash walks to the ring with a purpose as the announcers and every single fan in attendance in the sold-out Blue Cross Arena are hyped up in anticipation of this confrontation, with Tony Schiavone pointing out the significance of the fact that Nash did not walk out to the nWo music. Nash steps over the top rope and comes face to face with his (former?) best friend, staring him down for several moments before calling for a mic of his own. Nash says that he was was sitting in the back listening to what Shawn was saying, but he had to come out here and stop him right now because he couldn't possibly listen to any more of Shawn's bullshit. Nash says that he's been in this business for a while now, and he's mostly been in it for himself and for the money, but during his time in this business he's met a handful of people that he considers his friends. People he trusts. People he wouldn't screw over. Scott Hall is one of them, as well as a couple of guys who works for a certain other company. And, until last night, Shawn Michaels was one of them too. Nash says that Shawn may be trying to convince himself that he didn't stab him in the back last night, but that's exactly what he did. He knowingly and willingly stabbed him in the back. Nash says that he's not pretending to be a saint. He's not pretending that he hasn't stabbed people in the back before, because he was. But that handful of people he talked about before? He wouldn't screw any of them over. He wouldn't lie to their faces the way Shawn lied to his face. Shawn tries to explain himself but Nash cuts him off, saying that he doesn't give a damn what Shawn has to say because nothing he can say is gonna change what he did last night. So the deal is this; Shawn Michaels....versus Kevin Nash at Mayhem! The crowd seems to like that idea, but Michaels looks less than enthusiastic about it and, after considering it for a few moments, Michaels says that he's not gonna fight Kev at Mayhem. Shawn says that they're friends and that they should just put what happened last night behind them. Also, HE is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, not Kevin, so Nash doesn't get to just go around and make matches as he pleases. Nash pauses for a moment as he considers Shawn's reply, and then he says that he'll just have to see what he can do to change Shawn's mind.....BIG BOOT!!! Kevin Nash just nailed the World Champion with a HUGE boot to the face! But Nash is not done yet as he pulls Michaels to his feet and.....JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB!!!! Kevin Nash just laid out the World Champion!!!<strong>(B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The arena is still very much buzzing after what just took place in the ring as we cut to the back where...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Little%20Guido%202.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Chuck%20Palumbo%208.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BigVito.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JohnnyStamboli.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Victoria.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The Full Blooded Italians are all gathered. The Italians brag about The Mamalukes defeating The Nasty Boys last night at Halloween Havoc, with Antonina Versace saying that Big Vito and Johnny The Bull proved that they are the future of the tag team division in WCW. Guido Versace then says that Rey Misterio Jr. may have gotten lucky last night in his match against Chuck Palumbo, but his luck is about to run out and they are nowhere near done with him yet. Guido says that Rey better start taking swimming lessons because pretty soon he'll be sleeping with the fishes. <strong>(D)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ShaneHelms.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JamieNoble.jpg</span>vs.<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Shane_Douglas7.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/MikeSanders.jpg</span>w/<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/StacyKieblerHeel.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> The opening contest was a solid match featuring four men who have been struggling to make an impact in WCW as of late as Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders teamed up to face Shane Helms and Jamie Knoble. This was a very even, back and forth match that saw both teams working well together. Knoble and Helms looked to pick up the pace whenever possible, while Douglas and Sanders slowed the pace back down whenever they could. In the end it was Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders who picked up the win when Sanders hit the 3.0 (inverted headlock backbreaker) on Knoble and covered him for the three count and the hard-fought win.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas defeated Jamie Knoble and Shane Helms at 9.24 by pinfall when Sanders pinned Knoble following a 3.0 (C-)</strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BillyKidman2.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/TorrieWilson.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/EricBischoff3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> We cut to Eric Bischoff's office where the owner of WCW is joined by Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson. Kidman wants a rematch against Chavo Guerrero Jr. for the Cruiserweight Championship after what happened last night at Halloween Havoc. Bischoff jokes that that is a pretty common reaction from people after facing Chavo Guerrero, but the fact is that Kidman had his chance last night and he didn't get it done. However...Bischoff is willing to give Kidman a chance earn another shot at Chavo Guerrero because next week on Monday Nitro there is going to be a six way Cruiserweight Scramble match to determine who faces Chavo Guerrero Jr. at Mayhem, and he is willing to grant Kidman a spot in that match. Kidman accepts Bischoff's offer, and as he and Torrie leave Bischoff's office, we cut back to ringside for our second match of the night. <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BrianAdams2.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BryanClarke.jpg</span>vs.<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BrianKnobbs2.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JerrySaggs.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> The second match of the night saw the new WCW Tag Team Champions, KroniK, facing off against the veteran team of the Nasty Boys. This, much like the opening match, was a solid outing that saw the Nasty Boys putting up quite the fight against the Tag Team Champions. The match went back and forth throughout, and neither team was able to maintain an advantage for very long at the time. As the match went on, however, KroniK began to assert their dominance and, in the end, they put the Nasty Boys away after hitting their High Times double chokeslam finisher on Jerry Saggs for a strong win for the new Tag Team Champions.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>KroniK defeated The Nasty Boys at 9.52 by pinfall when Bryan Clark pinned Brian Knobbs following a High Times (C-)</strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/DustinRhodesIggy.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/RoadDogg.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The match is over but KroniK doesn't get much of a chance to celebrate their win as the former Tag Team Champions, Sons Of The South, make their way out onto the stage. BG James has a mic and he says that KroniK may have won last night at Halloween Havoc to become the WCW Tag Team Champions, but they didn't beat them, and they want a chance to win back what they never truly lost. Dustin Rhodes then takes the mic and informs KroniK that they have already talked to Eric Bischoff and the match is set; KroniK versus Sons Of The South for the WCW Tag Team Championships at Mayhem! The crowd cheers the announcement as Tony Schiavone notes that we have our first official match set for the Mayhem pay per view. Jerry Lawler doesn't exactly mince words here as he flat out calls Sons Of The South stupid for willingly wanting to step back into the ring with a dominant team like KroniK, saying that they were lucky to have escaped the match last night without suffering a serious injury, and that they might not be so lucky at Mayhem. <strong>©</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JoeyStyles2000.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ScottHall2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Joey Styles is backstage with Scott Hall, who made a huge announcement last night by stating that he is going after the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Joey wants to ask Hall about his announcement last night, as well as his thoughts on the situation between Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash, but before Hall can say much of anything...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JeffJarrett.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/CheerleaderMelissa.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Jeff Jarrett walks in, with his personal cheerleader, Melissa, in tow. Jarrett calls Hall's announcement last night a joke, and he thinks it is ridiculous that they're wasting any more airtime on it than they already have. Jarrett says that Hall is never going to be a World Champion because he doesn't have what it takes. Hall steps up to Jarrett and asks him if he wants to go, chico, but Jarrett says that, unlike Hall, he's got a main event match to get ready for. Jarrett and Melissa then walks off as we cut elsewhere. <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> And what we cut to is a graphic that pops up on screen to remind everyone of the huge main event that is still to come later tonight as Sting, Goldberg and Booker T faces off against Kanyon, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett. Tony, Mike and Jerry hype up the match, with Tony saying that these are six of the top guys in WCW who will square off in our feature bout, while Mike Tenay brings up the fact that Kanyon turned his back Sting's Alliance and you can bet that Sting, Goldberg and Booker T haven't forgotten that. Jerry Lawler says that turning his back on Sting's Alliance was the best thing Kanyon has ever done, and he'll prove that tonight when he leads his team to victory. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ScottSteiner.jpg</span>vs.<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BrianChristopher.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> "Big Poppa Pump" came out for this one in an even more foul mood than usual after losing to Goldberg last night at Halloween Havoc, and he seemed intent on taking his frustrations out on Brian Lawler. Steiner dominated the match right from the get go as he was literally tossing Lawler all over the ring--that is when he wasn't flexing or yelling insults to Brian's dad, Jerry Lawler, at the announce table. Brian Lawler did manage one flurry of offensive as he caught Steiner off guard when "FreakZilla" was busy posing for the crowd. Lawler put a nice little series of moves together, but Steiner caught him with a belly to belly suplex. Steiner hit the Steiner Flatliner, and then locked in the Steiner Recliner as Lawler quickly tapped out.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Scott Steiner defeated Brian Lawler at 4.37 by submission with a Steiner Recliner (B-) </strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ScottSteiner.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Following his dominant win, Scott Steiner calls for a mic and quickly gets one. Steiner says that Goldberg's win last night at Halloween Havoc was nothing but a fluke, and if Goldberg has any balls whatsoever, he'll accept his challenge for a rematch at Mayhem. Steiner says he doesn't care what kind of match it is, as long as he gets Goldberg one on one in the ring one more time. Steiner paces in the ring, waiting for Goldberg to show up and respond to his challenge, but instead of Goldberg he gets...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/EricBischoff3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> None other than the owner of WCW himself, Eric Bischoff. Bischoff heads down to the ring as Tony brings up the long-standing issues between Goldberg and the owner of WCW, saying that Bischoff has done everything he possibly could to make life miserable for Goldberg here in WCW. Once in the ring, Bischoff grabs a mic of his own and says that he absolutely agrees with Steiner that he should get another crack at Goldberg. Bischoff says that he has nothing but faith that "Big Poppa Pump" is going to get the job done at Mayhem, and that, at Mayhem, Goldberg's streak will finally come to an end and, as far as Bischoff is concerned, that end cannot come soon enough because he is sick and tired of hearing about Goldberg this and Goldberg that. Bischoff confirms that it will be Scott Steiner versus Goldberg at Mayhem in a rematch from Halloween Havoc, and--</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BillGoldberg2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Eric Bischoff is suddenly and abruptly cut off as Goldberg's music hits and "The Man" himself makes his way out from the back to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. Goldberg stands at the top of the entrance ramp, soaking in the cheers, while the expression on Eric Bischoff's face stiffens. Scott Steiner, on the other hand, looks like he is readying himself for another fight. Steiner and Goldberg's eyes lock in on each other and an intense staredown ensues as Tony Schiavone hypes up the fact that these two powerful superstars will go one on one, one more time at Mayhem, while Mike Tenay adds that he can't wait to see these two men square off again after the great match they had last night at Halloween Havoc. Jerry Lawler shares Eric Bischoff's confidence that Scott Steiner will be the one to finally end Goldberg's streak, and that he'll do it at Mayhem. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Shawn%20Michaels%202.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Kevin%20Nash%20Long.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> We cut to the back where a chaotic scene is unfolding as a small army of security guards are working hard to keep Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash separated. Michaels is absolutely livid about Nash's attack on him earlier tonight, yelling at Nash that he was the one who made his career in this business and now he'll be the one to take it all away again. Nash yells right back at Shawn that what he did to him earlier is nothing compared to what he's gonna do to him at Mayhem, if Shawn has the guts to step into the ring with him. Shawn says that Nash made the biggest mistake of his life tonight and that he'll live to regret it bitterly, and Nash replies that the biggest mistake of his life was trusting Shawn--a mistake he won't make again. Nash then tries one more time to fight and claw his way through the security guards to get at Shawn, but there are simply too many guards and even more are seen arriving on the scene to try to calm this explosive situation. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/DiamondDallasPage_1.jpg</span>vs.<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/LanceStorm2.jpg</span>w/<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/TedDiBiase.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> A lot of interested eyes were on this one as the great Diamond Dallas Page took on a man who many see as a potential future World Heavyweight Champion here in WCW, Lance Storm, who was looking to add a second win in as many nights after the Impact Players defeated "The Cat" and Crowbar last night at Halloween Havoc. Lance Storm did a lot to prove exactly why a lot of people think he has the potential to be a future World Champion as he more than held his own against DDP in this one. The match went back and forth throughout, with both men getting roughly the same amount of offense in, and both men scored a couple of near-falls on each other. In the end, Lance Storm came up just short despite a great showing as he fell victim to the Diamond Cutter after missing a superkick. DDP covered Storm and picked up the hard-fought win to bounce back after losing to Kanyon at Halloween Havoc.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Diamond Dallas Page defeated Lance Storm at 12.54 by pinfall following a Diamond Cutter ©</strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> As DDP celebrates by exiting the ring and going through the crowd, Tony Schiavone informs us that it is almost time for our main event here on Monday Nitro, and he then sends us to the back one more time where one of the two teams that will be competing momentarily in our main event are standing by.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ChrisKanyon4.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/RicFlair2.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JeffJarrett.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Kanyon speaks first and says that he proved he is the real deal last night at Halloween Havoc when he defeated--no trounced-- Diamond Dallas Page, and tonight he'll prove it once again when they are victorious in the ring. Ric Flair speaks next and--WOOO--says that after beating Sean O'Haire again last night at Halloween Havoc, "The Nature Boy" has his sights set on the World Heavyweight Championship and tonight, after he, Kanyon, and Jeff Jarrett defeats Sting, Goldberg, and Booker T, "The Nature Boy" will be in Eric Bischoff's office demanding a World Heavyweight Championship title shot. "Listen up, slapnuts!", Jeff Jarrett speaks last and says that he is "The Chosen One" and it's time for him to once again be the star of the show. Jarrett says that he has a special message for Scott Hall. He tells Hall to watch the main event, and him specifically, closely because maybe then he'll finally figure out why "The Chosen One" is in the main event, while Hall isn't even on the card. Kanyon, Flair, and Jarrett then head toward the entrance area as Tony Schiavone hypes up the fact that the main event is coming up next. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ChrisKanyon4.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/RicFlair2.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/JeffJarrett.jpg</span>w/<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/CheerleaderMelissa.jpg</span>vs.<span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Sting%20%2042.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BillGoldberg2.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/BookerT.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> This one was every bit the battle that one would expect a match between six of the top superstars in WCW to be. Sting started the match off for his team and he made no secret about the fact that he wanted Kanyon, the man who stabbed him and the rest of his alliance in the back. Kanyon didn't seem too interested in that, however, and Sting started off with Jeff Jarrett instead. The two exchanged holds and went back and forth until a shot to the back of the head by Ric Flair on Sting put Jarrett, Flair and Kanyon in control of the match. The trio worked Sting over for the next couple of minutes, but Sting managed to fight back and make his way to Booker T in the corner. Booker T hit the ring and cleaned house, taking out all three members of the opposing team. Booker stood tall in the ring with all the momentum in the world on his side, but then, suddenly...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/RickyBanderas2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> El Mesías appeared at the top of the ramp and his presence seemed to distract the United States Champion. Mesías just stood there, motionless, staring at Booker T, who seemed to be just as confused as everyone else in the building. The distraction allowed Kanyon to sneak up on Booker and hit the Kanyon Cutter. Kanyon covered and...1...2...NOO!!! Goldberg saved the match for his team and then all hell broke loose. All six men were in the ring and it wasn't long before the referee was taken out by an errant blow from Jeff Jarrett. The chaotic scene got even worse when El Mesías approached the ring, dragged Booker T out of the ring by the leg, and hit the Mesías Driver (sitout cruifix powerbomb) on the US Champion. That left Sting and Goldberg at a disadvantage, and things only got worse when...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/ScottSteiner.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Scott Steiner decided to get involved as well. "Big Poppa Pump" hit the ring and went straight for Goldberg, pushing Sting and Goldberg's odds of winning from bad to hopeless. It was a four on two attack in the ring until...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/Sean%20OHaire.jpg</span><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/DiamondDallasPage_1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Sean O'Haire and Diamond Dallas Page suddenly hit the ring to even up the odds. Sean O'Haire clotheslined Ric Flair over the top rope, while DDP did the same to Kanyon. Goldberg and Steiner brawled all the way up the ramp, leaving just Sting and Jeff Jarrett in the ring when the referee finally came to, just in time to see Sting grab Jarrett from behind and hit the Scorpion Deathdrop.</p><p> </p><p> 1...</p><p> </p><p> 2...</p><p> </p><p> ...3!!!!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sting, Goldberg and Booker T defeated Kanyon, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett at 15.12 by pinfall when Sting pinned Jarrett following a Scorpion Deathdrop after a ton of interference (B)</strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> "Seek And Destroy" hits as Sting is joined in the ring by Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O'Haire, and a still groggy Booker T, while Tony Schiavone notes that Goldberg and Scott Steiner are still going at it somewhere in the back. And with that this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro comes to an end.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Final Show Rating: B</strong></p><p><strong> TV Rating: 0.83</strong></p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t1/bigdaddycool2sweet/Euro%20Wrestling/WCW/WCWNitro4.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monday Nitro Preview</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

If there was any doubt left about the fate of the nWo following Halloween Havoc, that doubt was thoroughly removed last week on Nitro when Kevin Nash layed Shawn Michaels out with a Jackknife Powerbomb in the middle of the ring. Nash is determined to face his now former best friend in the ring, but can he get the World Champion to agree to a match? Last week on Nitro "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner issued a challenge to Goldberg for a rematch at Mayhem and WCW owner Eric Bischoff quickly agreed to sign off on the match. This week Goldberg faces Scott's brother, Rick Steiner, in one on one action but, given "Big Poppa Pump"'s current state of mind, it seems more than likely that Rick Steiner isn't the only Steiner that Goldberg will have to deal with on Nitro. And speaking of Scott Steiner, "FreakZilla" will be in tag team action in the main event as he teams with the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, to take on the United States Champion, Booker T, and Diamond Dallas Page.</p><p> </p><p>

All of this and much, much more on this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro. As always, you do NOT want to miss it!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monday Nitro Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page</p><p> </p><p>

Goldberg vs. Rick Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

Scott Hall vs. Hugh Morrus</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Cruiserweight Scramble Number One Contender's Match</em></p><p>

Aguila vs. Billy Kidman vs. Shane Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore</p><p> </p><p>

Marty Jannetty vs. Kanyon</p><p>


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<p><strong>Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Goldberg </strong>vs. Rick Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Scott Hall </strong>vs. Hugh Morrus</p><p> </p><p>

Cruiserweight Scramble Number One Contender's Match</p><p>

Aguila vs. Billy Kidman vs. <strong>Shane Helms </strong>vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore</p><p> </p><p>

Marty Jannetty vs. <strong>Kanyon</strong></p>

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Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner </strong>vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page</p><p>

<em>Either DDP eats the pin or Nash DQ</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Goldberg </strong>vs. Rick Steiner</p><p>

<em>GOLDBERGGGGGGGGGGg</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Scott Hall</strong> vs. Hugh Morrus</p><p>

<em>No thanks, Hugh.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Cruiserweight Scramble Number One Contender's Match</p><p>

Aguila vs. Billy Kidman vs. Shane Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. <strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Shannon Moore</p><p>

<em>Eventually, I have a feeling that Chavo will have to face everyone soon enough. But, AJ gets his time to shine.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Marty Jannetty vs. <strong>Kanyon</strong></p><p>

<em>No Brainer</em></p>

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<p><em>Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner</em> vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page</p><p>

<em>World champ > US champ.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Goldberg</em> vs. Rick Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Scott Hall</em> vs. Hugh Morrus</p><p>

<em>I was a little surprised to not see Hall make a run-in on that main event. I am guessing he and Nash are faces now?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Cruiserweight Scramble Number One Contender's Match</p><p>

Aguila vs. <em>Billy Kidman</em> vs. Shane Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore</p><p> </p><p>

Marty Jannetty vs. <em>Kanyon</em></p>

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Monday Nitro Card



Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page


Goldberg vs. Rick Steiner


Scott Hall vs. Hugh Morrus


Cruiserweight Scramble Number One Contender's Match

Aguila vs. Billy Kidman vs. Shane Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore

I see Billy just losing this and i mean just


Marty Jannetty vs. Kanyon

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Monday Nitro Card



Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page


Goldberg vs. Rick Steiner


Scott Hall vs. Hugh Morrus


Cruiserweight Scramble Number One Contender's Match

Aguila vs. Billy Kidman vs. Shane Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore


Marty Jannetty vs. Kanyon

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<p><strong>Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page</p><p>

- I feel you've hit a roadblock with Booker. The US title is not doing good things for him.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Goldberg</strong> vs. Rick Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Scott Hall</strong> vs. Hugh Morrus</p><p> </p><p>

Cruiserweight Scramble Number One Contender's Match</p><p>

Aguila vs. Billy Kidman vs. Shane Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. <strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Shannon Moore</p><p> </p><p>

Marty Jannetty vs. <strong>Kanyon</strong></p>

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<p>Mate, great show! Knocked it out of the park, as always!!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monday Nitro Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Goldberg</strong> vs. Rick Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Scott Hall </strong>vs. Hugh Morrus</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Cruiserweight Scramble Number One Contender's Match</em></p><p>

Aguila vs. <strong>Billy Kidman</strong> vs. Shane Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore</p><p> </p><p>

Marty Jannetty vs. <strong>Kanyon</strong></p>

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Scott Hall vs. Hugh Morrus

I was a little surprised to not see Hall make a run-in on that main event. I am guessing he and Nash are faces now?


Yup, Nash and Hall have both turned face, and successfull so. I'm thinking about adding notes of turns and stuff in the shows so it's easier for people to keep track of. And I actually did have Hall do a run-in on the main event when I was first booking it, but I ended up changing my mind.


Mate, great show! Knocked it out of the park, as always!!


Thanks, man. Glad you liked it. :)



Also, I've got Nitro fully written so this is the official 24 hour (or so) warning.

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No Mark Jindrak makes Lloyd something, something...


Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner vs. Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page


Goldberg vs. Rick Steiner


Scott Hall vs. Hugh Morrus


Cruiserweight Scramble Number One Contender's Match

Aguila vs. Billy Kidman vs. Shane Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore


Marty Jannetty vs. Kanyon

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Monday Nitro Preshow Results


The Impact Players, Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas defeated Norman Smiley, Air Paris, Matt Sydal and Jamie Knoble (D+)

Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Bam Bam Bigelow (C+)






Week 2, November, 2002

Live fra Rockford MetroCentre in Rockford, Illinios

Attendance: 10.000 (sellout)



As this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro goes live we immediately head to the announce table where Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Jerry "The King" Lawler are ready to call the action.






Tony welcomes everyone to the show and introduces his broadcast partners, Mike Tenay and Jerry Lawler--and Lawler is quick to correct Tony, saying that he may be the new guy around here but that doesn't mean that Tony can get away with disrespecting royalty as he is Jerry The King Lawler. We are just a few moments into the show and Tony already looks exasperated, but then a brand new music plays (although it does sound awfully familiar, doesn't it?) to defuse the argument.



<iframe width="200" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sZk__RS4nwg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




The World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, makes his way out from the back to this new piece of music, which leads Tony to conclude one more time that the nWo is truly, and once and for all, dead. Shawn makes his way straight to the ring with a no-nonsense kind of expression on his face, and as soon as he enters the ring he calls for, and receives, a mic. Shawn says that he is out here for one reason and that is to talk about what happened last week. He says that he and Kevin Nash had an agreement before Halloween Havoc that the only thing that mattered was that the World Heavyweight Championship remained within the nWo, but now Nash wants to forget all about that agreement just because he didn't walk out as champion. Shawn says that if it wasn't for him extending his hand to Nash all those years ago, Kevin Nash would never have gone beyond Oz and nobody would even know who he was today. Shawn says that it is clear to him what happened. Kevin Nash couldn't handle living in his shadow any longer and so he did something desperate and foolish. Michaels says that Kevin Nash is jealous of him and---(B+)






Michaels is cut off as the sound of a wolf's howl echoes throughout the arena and the Wolfpac theme starts playing to bring "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash out from the back. Nash marches down the entrance ramp and joins Michaels in the ring, and an intense staredown follows as Tony notes that this situation could explode out of hand at any moment if last week was any indication. Nash grabs a mic of his own and says that, for all he cares, Shawn can stand out here running his mouth for the rest of the night, as long as he'll step into the ring with him at Mayhem and back up his words. Despite not quite looking the part, Shawn says that he's glad Kevin decided to come out here because he needs to clear something up and he wants to do it to his face. Shawn asks if Nash remembers what things were like before he came to WCW? Because Shawn remembers quite clearly. He says that before he came to WCW, the nWo was irrelevant. Sure, Kevin and Scott wore the t-shirts and came out to the music, but the fact remains that the nWo wasn't even on the map until he joined them. They were a relic from the past, alive long past their time. Shawn says that not only did he make the nWo relevant again, but he made Kevin Nash relevant again. And if it wasn't for Shawn coming back, Kevin's time in the spotlight would have ended months ago. But thanks to his presence, Kevin Nash was allowed to linger in the spotlight a little while longer because he was standing side by side with the World Heavyweight Champion. Shawn says he did Nash a favor by making him seem relevant again, but Kev got greedy. He wanted more even though he already had so much more than he should have. Because the fact is that Kevin Nash's time has come and gone...and he's the only person who hasn't realized it yet. There is a long moment of silence as it appears that Nash is contemplating Shawn's words, but then Nash says that if that's the case, if everything Shawn just said is true, then he should prove it in the ring at Mayhem! (B+)






Nash and Michaels go face to face in the ring and it looks like things are about to get out of hand again, but then the music of WCW owner Eric Bischoff hits and Bischoff hurries down to the ring before things get physical. Bischoff says that the World Champion has a match later tonight and warns Nash that if he puts his hands on Shawn in any way, he can forget all about getting a match against Shawn. Bischoff says that he is willing to book a match between Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash at Mayhem for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship--that is, if Nash even makes it to Mayhem in one piece because Bischoff is going to put him through hell these next two weeks. Nash simply tells Bischoff to "do your worst", and then "Big Sexy" leaves the ring, leaving both Michaels and Bischoff looking confused in the right, while the announcers go nuts over the fact that we now have the main event of Mayhem set; Shawn Michaels versus Kevin Nash for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! (B+)






Before our opening match of the night the Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., makes his way down to ringside where he grabs a steel chair and takes a seat next to the ring. Tony and Mike both say the obvious; that Chavo is out here to scout the opposition in preparation for Mayhem. Jerry Lawler adds that of course Chavo is out here for that--you don't get to be the champion for as long as Chavo has without doing your homework. Tony then lays out the rules for the Cruiserweight Scramble; the match is ten minutes long and whoever has the most pinfalls and submissions by the end of the match is the new number one contender to the Cruiserweight Championship.




Cruiserweight Scramble -- The winner faces Chavo Guerrero Jr. at Mayhem





The action was all over the place early on with all six men in the ring at the same time, and Aguila was able to sneak out a quick pinfall on Shannon Moore in the confusion. Moore couldn't believe it, and quickly focused his rage on the man who had just pinned him. Moore hit a couple of nice moves on Aguila, but then turned around right into a series of kicks by Tajiri, who finished the flurry off with a vicious buzzsaw kick and pinned more to secure a pinfall for himself. Shane Helms and AJ Styles ended up taking each other out of the equation after taking a nasty tumble from the top rope and all the way down to the floor outside the ring, while Billy Kidman finished a strong series of offense off by hitting the Shooting Star Press on Tajiri for the three count. With two minutes left on the clock Kidman, Tajiri and Aguila each had one pin to their credit, while Styles and Helms were still just barely stirring outside the ring. Shannon Moore was back to his feet and he nailed Aguila from behind, then kicked him out of the ring. Moore then turned around and walked right into Tajiri for a second time, and Moore fell victim to a Green Mist from Tajiri. Now blinded, Moore took another brutal kick to the back of the head from Tajiri. Moore went down, but before Tajiri could attempt the pin, Kidman drove him into the mat with a BK Bomb. With twenty seconds left on the clock, Kidman headed up top and hit a Shooting Star Press on Shannon Moore, picking up the three count and a second pinfall just a few seconds before the clock ran out to earn himself another shot at the Cruiserweight Championship.



Billy Kidman won the Cruiserweight Scramble with two pinfalls to Aguila and Tajiri's one a piece. Billy Kidman earns a shot at the WCW Cruiserweight Championship (D+)


Billy Kidman wastes no time in turning his attention to the Cruiserweight Champion at ringside. Kidman motions that the belt will soon be around his waist, but Chavo shakes his head, saying that Kidman couldn't get the job done at Halloween Havoc, and he'll fail again at Mayhem. We then head backstage to Eric Bischoff's office.






In his office, the WCW owner is joined by every member of the Full Blooded Italians who, according to Guido, are there to make Bischoff an offer he can't refuse. Guido says that the Mamalukes, Big Vito and Johnny The Bull, have been wanting to get their hands on that piece of garbage known as Rey Misterio Jr., and the FBI wants that match to happen next week on Monday Nitro. Bischoff asks why he should care what they want, and Antonina says that the FBI understand how to do business, meaning that if Bischoff does them this favor, they'll owe him a favor in return, and the Full Blooded Italians always pays their debts. Bischoff considers the offer for a few seconds, and then he agrees to book the match--on the aforementioned condition that the FBI owes him a favor. Guido and Antonina both agree and Rey Misterio Jr. vs. The Mamalukes is officially set for next week's Monday Nitro. (D+)






This match was almost all Kanyon from start to finish as he dominated the veteran Marty Jannetty, and only Kanyon's own arrogance could stop him, which it did momentarily when he wasted too much time posing for the booing crowd which gave Jannetty an opening. Jannetty hit a couple of dropkicks, and then a spinning heel kick that kept Kanyon down for a bit. Sensing that this was his moment, Jannetty went for the Rocker Dropper, but Kanyon was too fresh and managed to avoid it. Now furious after Jannetty's flurry, a much more intense Kanyon quickly finished Jannetty off with a Kanyon Cutter for the dominant win.



Kanyon defeated Marty Jannetty at 6.54 by pinfall following a Kanyon Cutter (C+)






The match is over, but instead of leaving the ring, Kanyon calls for a mic. Kanyon says that he is the hottest thing going in WCW right now, which his dominant victory against Marty Has-been Jannetty just further proved. Kanyon says that he's so good, and so confident in himself, that he's issuing an open challenge to anyone and everyone in the back to step up to the plate and face him at Mayhem. A few moments pass and Kanyon asks if no one in the back has the guts to face him? Can it really be true that the entire WCW locker room is full of nothing but cowards? Doesn't anybody have the guts to step up and--










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The roof nearly comes off the building as Sting walks out from the back to a thunderous ovation from the sold-out crowd in attendance. As Sting makes his way down to the ring, Kanyon stands frozen inside the ring with a look on his face that closely resembles disbelief. Sting enters the ring and stands face to face with Kanyon before snatching the mic from his hand. "You didn't think I had forgotten about you, did you?" Sting asks a still motionless Kanyon. Sting says that he's wanted to get his hands on Kanyon ever since he stabbed him in the back, but out of respect for Diamond Dallas Page, he let DDP deal with Kanyon. But now that Kanyon is out here running his mouth and issuing an open challenge...well, maybe it's time for Kanyon to come face to face in the ring with the Stinger! Sting says that, just in case it wasn't clear already, he is accepting Kanyon's open challenge for Mayhem. And what that means for Kanyon is that, come Mayhem, it's...SHOWTIME! Sting then tosses the mic and goes to leave, but Kanyon attempts to ambush him as soon as he turns around. Sting was ready for it, however, and turns around again just in time to unload on Kanyon with rights and lefts. Sting then whips Kanyon into the corner and sets up for the Stinger Splash...but Kanyon drops down and rolls out of the ring, having apparently had more than enough of Sting here tonight. Sting stands tall in the ring and howls at the crowd, who respond in kind, while Kanyon is retreating back up the ramp as fast as he can, leading Mike Tenay to pose the question whether Kanyon has bitten off more than he can chew here tonight? (B)






We cut to the back where Joey Styles is standing by with Dustin Rhodes and BG James--Sons Of The South. Joey says he wants to talk to the Sons about the hard times they've been through lately. After chasing the Tag Team Championships for so long they finally won them, only to have the belts stolen from them by The Three during their match against The Outsiders, and then losing the titles again a month later without even being involved in the fall. Dustin Rhodes says that he's no stranger to hard times, and while this certainly wasn't how they were hoping their first reign as Tag Team Champions was going to go, it's the way it is and they're looking ahead to the future instead of dwelling on the past. BG James adds that they are as determined as ever to regain the Tag Team Championships, and while KroniK are a couple of bad dudes, they're gonna come to find out that the south breeds some pretty tough Sons of....as well, and they're not gonna back down until the Tag Team Titles are once again around their waists. Joey notes that Sons Of The South will get their opportunity against KroniK at Mayhem and wishes them the best of luck before sending us back to ringside where our next match is about to get underway. (D+)






This was never going to be a pretty match with these two big, powerful men going one on one and it was an all out brawl right from the start as Hall and Morrus exchanged blows in the middle of the ring. The crowd was behind Scott Hall in this one, apparently having taken a liking to Hall after his heartfelt declaration of his dream of becoming a World Champion at least once in his career. Hall got the upper hand early on, but then...






"The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett suddenly made his way down to the ring, which immediately got Hall's attention and served as a major distraction for Hall, who had to watch his back at all times while still trying to deal with the always dangerous Hugh Morrus. This made it a much more even match, and every time Hall had the upper hand, Hugh Morrus would blindside him whenever Hall was distracted by Jarrett at ringside. The longer the match went on, the more Jeff Jarrett ran his mouth at ringside about how Hall was so far away from being worthy of the World Heavyweight Championship, pointing to his wrist to indicate that, if Hall was truly worthy of the World Championship, the match would have been over by now. In the end, Scott Hall was able to get the job done after finally hitting the Outsiders' Edge on Morrus for the win, but Jeff Jarrett was anything but impressed by Hall's showing.



Scott Hall defeated Hugh Morrus at 11.20 by pinfall following an Outsiders' Edge (C+)



After just picked up the win, Scott Hall immediately turns his attention to Jeff Jarrett at ringside, who still seems less than impressed with Hall's performance here tonight. Tony and Mike both point out that Hugh Morrus is a tough and dangerous competitor, but Jerry Lawler agrees with Jeff Jarrett's point, saying that Shawn Michaels would have defeated Hugh Morrus in a heartbeat compared to what Scott Hall did. Jarrett continues to mouth off at ringside and Hall seems to be inviting Jarrett to step into the ring with him. Jarrett refuses though, saying that Hall isn't worthy of stepping into the ring with "The Chosen One". As Hall and Jarrett stares each other down, Monday Nitro cuts to a commercial break. ©






As Monday Nitro returns from commercial break we do so with one of the greatest of all time making his way toward the ring; "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Flair takes his time getting to the ring, stylin' and profilin' along the way, and when he finally enters the ring he signals for a mic. Flair says that he's out there to get something off his chest. He says that he has defeated Sean O'Haire TWICE in one on one pay per view matches, and yet O'Haire keeps getting involved in his business, just as he did last week during the main event of Nitro. Flair says that he wants to make this clear once and for all; he is done with Sean O'Haire. He says that O'Haire wanted to be the man so he stepped up and challenged the man...and he lost. Twice. And now "The Nature Boy" has nothing left to prove to Sean O'Haire. He has proven that he is better than Sean O'Haire, and he is now done with Sean O'Haire. Flair says that he has said it before and he'll say it again tonight; "The Nature Boy" is coming for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, and nothing and no one is going to stand in his way. Flair goes to continue, but suddenly...






Sean O'Haire's music hits and O'Haire makes his way out from the back, and the interruption makes Flair see red in the ring as he starts screaming into the mic, demanding to know what O'Haire is doing out here. O'Haire ignores Flair's rantings and just walks to the ring with a focused and determined look on his face, while Jerry Lawler berates O'Haire on commentary for interrupting and disrespecting the legendary Ric Flair like this. O'Haire steps right up to Flair and snatches the mic from his hands, an act that seems to stun Flair a bit. A man of few words, O'Haire simply says that the only way this thing between them ends...is in the ring one more time...at Mayhem. Having laid down the challenge, O'Haire throws the mic out of the ring, and then leaves the ring and walks back up the ramp as Ric Flair still looks a bit stunned in the ring. Jerry Lawler berates O'Haire again for disrespecting Ric Flair, but both Tony and Mike note that they are impressed with O'Haire's composure here, noting that he could just as easily have lost his temper and attacked Flair after Flair stole the win against O'Haire at Halloween Havoc, but he didn't, and that showed a lot of character. Tony then poses the question; will Ric Flair accept Sean O'Haire's challenge for a third and final match at Mayhem? (B-)






"The Dog Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner likely knew that he was up against the odds in this one, and so the veteran tried to get the upper hand on Goldberg by attacking "The Man" during his entrance as Steiner ran up and clobbered Goldberg from behind. Steiner drove Goldberg into the guard rail a couple of times and then finally sent Goldberg into the ring and the match officially got under way. Steiner continued to ride the momentum a bit longer, not allowing Goldberg a single moment to breathe, but when Steiner went for a headlock, Goldberg powered out of it and from there it was just a matter of time. Goldberg hit a few high impact moves, and then put Steiner away after running through him with a nasty looking Spear.



Goldberg defeated Rick Steiner at 7.30 by pinfall following a Spear ©






The match is over and, surprisingly, there was no sign of "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner. That doesn't last long, however, as Scott Steiner walks out onto the stage following the match, alongside Eric Bischoff. Goldberg looks like he's ready for another fight, and "Big Poppa Pump", despite having a match coming up in a few minutes, looks like he's more than ready to go as well. Eric Bischoff seems to be able to persuade Steiner otherwise, however, at least for the moment. Bischoff gets on the mic and says that Goldberg will get as much of Scott Steiner as he could possibly want at Mayhem, and a lot more, but not tonight. Bischoff says that he's out there to make the announcement that every single member of the WCW roster will be banned from ringside during Goldberg and Steiner's match at Mayhem, and if anybody on the WCW roster do get involved in the match...then they will be fired on the spot. This would seem, on the surface, to be a good announcement, but Goldberg looks suspicious in the ring, and Tony and Mike both agree that Eric Bischoff wouldn't make a stipulation like that unless he was up to something. The only question is; what is he up to? (B)






Back in the ring it was main event time and what a main event it was as the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, teamed up with "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner to take on the United States Champion, Booker T, and Diamond Dallas Page. The opening of this one was very back and forth and often with all four men in the ring. When things finally settled down it was Michaels and Steiner who gained the upper hand after successfully isolating DDP from Booker T for several minutes, and wearing him down. Michaels and Steiner worked surprisingly well together, at least compared to what one might expect, and they controlled the match for several minutes. On his third comeback attempt, however, DDP finally managed to create enough separation to make the tag to Booker T after hitting a desperation DDT on Scott Steiner. The United States Champion hit the ring and took the fight to both Steiner and Michaels, nailing Michaels with a spinning heel kick and then driving Steiner into the mat with a spinebuster. Booker then went to the top rope and hit a missile dropkick on Steiner, and everything looked to be going the United States Champion's way until the lights suddenly went out in the arena and when they came back on...






Booker T was down in the ring and seemingly unconscious, while El Mesías and The Minister stood at the top of the entrance ramp. The Minister was smiling wickedly, while El Mesías stared menacingly toward the ring. Both the referee and DDP seemed confused, but DDP then managed to drag Booker T's body close enough to make the tag. Page went right after Scott Steiner, but it was obvious that this was now and two on one handicap match and, despite a valiant effort by DDP, not even "The People's Champion" could successfully fight off the combired efforts of "Big Poppa Pump" and the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, and Steiner eventually put Page away with a Steiner Flatliner for the win.



Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner defeated Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page at 14.46 by pinfall when Steiner pinned DDP following a Steiner Flatliner (B)






The match is over and Shawn Michaels and Scott Steiner have picked up the win. Sting and Goldberg both hurry down to the ring to protect their friends, Booker T and DDP, from any potential further harm. Scott Steiner attacks Goldberg as soon as he enters the ring, and Sting and Shawn Michaels go head to head as well.






Kanyon suddenly hits the ring and nails Sting from behind, and Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner, and Kanyon are putting one hell of a beating on Sting and Goldberg. But then...






Kevin Nash suddenly hits the ring and...he's coming to the aid of Sting and Goldberg!!! The fans are on their feet cheering as "Big Sexy" plants a huge boot right in the middle of Kanyon's face. Kanyon quickly rolls out of the ring and Nash sets his sights on the World Heavyweight Champion, but Shawn Michaels, seeing Nash coming for him, quickly rolls out of the ring as well as he apparently doesn't want anything to do with Nash here tonight. Scott Steiner is left alone in the ring against three enemies, but rather than running away like Michaels and Kanyon, "FreakZilla" goes on the attack, but the trio of Goldberg, Sting, and Kevin Nash is too much for even "The Genetic Freak" and, after a bit of a scuffle, Goldberg clotheslines Steiner over the top rope.



With the ring cleared out, Kevin Nash points at Shawn Michaels, who now stands at the top of the entrance ramp, and, as Tony notes, it is obvious that "Big Sexy" wants a piece of his former best friend. After a long staredown, Nash turns around and...






This week's edition of Monday Nitro comes to an end with a shot of Kevin Nash, Sting, and Goldberg all standing together in the ring as Tony poses the question of who would have ever thought that you would ever see Kevin Nash coming to the aid of Sting and Goldberg?


And as both Sting and Goldberg exchange distrustful looks with Kevin Nash, Nitro slowly fades out. (B+)



Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 0.87 (new record)

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Awesome show, really enjoyed it. You've integrated Lawler in well with the product too. I really enjoyed the Chavo scouting. I can't believe it, but your work with him has made me to want to see him never lose the Cruiserweight title. Job very well done! Here's to hoping he retains against Kidman and ends up turning face because the fans love his antics so much!
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Monday Nitro Preview



The only thing that's for sure about WCW right now is that nothing is for sure anymore. Alliances have been broken, friends have become enemies, and this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro looks to be even bigger than the last one. This week's show is headlined by two huge events; the official contract signing between Goldberg and "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner for their rematch at Mayhem, and one heck of a main event tag team matchup as Kevin Nash and Sting teams up to face the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, and Kanyon. And with Mayhem just two weeks away now, who knows what else will happen on this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro?





Monday Nitro Card



Shawn Michaels and Kanyon vs. Kevin Nash and Sting


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Mark Jindrak


Jeff Jarrett vs. Brian Lawler


Two On One Handicap Match

The Mamalukes vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Non Title Match

KroniK vs. The Cat and Crowbar



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Shawn Michaels and Kanyon vs. Kevin Nash and Sting



WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Mark Jindrak

But El Mesias will prob make an appearance


Jeff Jarrett vs. Brian Lawler


Two On One Handicap Match

The Mamalukes vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Non Title Match

KroniK vs. The Cat and Crowbar

Double ugh

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Really loved this last Nitro from top to bottom. Next week, Shawn and Jarrett vs. Outsiders perhaps?! :D


Shawn Michaels and Kanyon vs. Kevin Nash and Sting

Faces pick up a big win here to put fear in the hearts of their heel foes!


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Mark Jindrak

I'm calling for the upset of a new champion here. You've been doing Jindrak very well, and if there were ever a time that he should have good steam behind him, this is it. Give him the belt and see what he can do!


Jeff Jarrett vs. Brian Lawler

This is probably the most Memphis match you could ever do without having Jerry in the ring himself. I look forward to tons of stalling.


Two On One Handicap Match

The Mamalukes vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

Rey has outright dominated this feud from a match standpoint. JTB and Vito could pick up a win here for the paison pair.


Non Title Match

KroniK vs. The Cat and Crowbar

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Shawn Michaels and Kanyon vs. Kevin Nash and Sting

- I believe Kanyon will take the fall in this, but probably not cleanly.


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. Mark Jindrak

- I'm gonna go with the upset here. The US title is not doing good things for Booker. It's time he gets back in the world title picture where he belongs. If anyone can bounce back from the loss, it'd be Booker


Jeff Jarrett vs. Brian Lawler


Two On One Handicap Match

The Mamalukes vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

- Trying to build them up and this would be one way to do it.


Non Title Match

KroniK vs. The Cat and Crowbar

- Usually I'd go the other way in Non-title, but I can't see Crowbar beating them.

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Monday Nitro Preshow Results


Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas defeated Matt Sydal and Air Paris (D+)

Lance Storm defeated Shane Helms ©

Diamond Dallas Page defeated John Cena (C+)







Week 3, November, 2002

Live from SIU Arena in Carbondale, Illinois

Attendance: 9.628 (sellout)






This week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro kicked off, for once, with in-ring action as the WCW Tag Team Champions, KroniK, faced off against The Cat and Crowbar in non title action. The Cat and Crowbar held their own in this one, prompting the announcers to discus what a win against the Tag Team Champions here would mean for the relatively new team of The Cat and Crowbar. Tony and Mike both agreed that a win would put The Cat and Crowbar right into the Tag Team Title picture, but Jerry Lawler refused to even consider that because, according to him, there was no chance of that happening.






Sons Of The South, Dustin Rhodes and BG James, suddenly made their way down to ringside and their presence distracted KroniK enough that The Cat was able to roll Brian Adams up from behind, and only a kickout at the very last second kept the champions from losing this one. In the end, however, the Tag Team Champions seized control of the match and picked up the win after hitting the High Times double chokeslam finisher on Crowbar in what was a solid and competitive opening match of Nitro.



KroniK defeated The Cat and Crowbar at 8.45 by pinfall when Bryan Clark pinned Crowbar following a High Times (C-)



Following the match there is a back and forth exchange between KroniK and Sons Of The South as the Tag Team Champions are obviously not happy about the number one contenders' actions here tonight. Rhodes and James make it perfectly clear that they are coming for the Tag Team Titles, and that leads Tony to remind everyone that these two teams will do battle for the WCW Tag Team Championships at the Mayhem pay per view. He then sends us to the back where Joey Styles is standing by.






Joey is with Billy Kidman, who won the Cruiserweight Scramble match last week on Nitro to earn another shot at Chavo Guerrero Jr. and the Cruiserweight Championship at Mayhem, along with Torrie Wilson. Joey asks Kidman about his win last week and the prospect of getting another shot at the Cruiserweight Championship, but before he can answer...






The WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., walks into the view. Chavo says that winning the Cruiserweight Scramble match last week was the worst thing Kidman could have done because it means that now he has to step into the ring Chavo Guerrero one more time. He says that Kidman had his shot and he blew it, and that he should have been smart enough to leave it at that. Kidman asks why he should be so afraid of Chavo when Chavo hasn't picked up even a single clean win during his reign as champion, but Chavo says that he is just a few weeks away from reaching the one year mark of his reign as the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, and that he will celebrate his one year anniversary at Mayhem by beating Kidman once again. Chavo then walks off and Kidman stares intently after him as the camera cuts away. (D+)






A video plays showing footage from earlier today when Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash arrived at the building--separately of course. As the footage rolls, Tony, Mike, and Jerry talk about the issues between these two men and how they exploded out of control at Halloween Havoc and the following edition of Monday Nitro. Tony then plugs the main event where Kevin Nash and Sting will team up to take on Shawn Michaels and Kanyon. That match is coming up later tonight on our broadcast, but now we head back down to ringside for our second match of the night. ©






Not only was this two on one, but The Mamalukes were allowed to both be in the ring at the same time without having to tag in and out, which made the odds even worse for Misterio who, after an early flurry of offense, began falling victim to the numbers game. Vito and Johnny The Bull dominated the majority of this one but, as Mike Tenay pointed out, they never tried to actually win the match--they were simply trying to inflict as much damage to Rey Misterio as possible. After taking a lot of punishment, Rey showed his resilience and his great heart as he began to fight back, using his superior speed and quickness to keep the Mamalukes on their heels. It looked as though Rey might actually be able to beat the odds here and pick up the win, but then...






Guido Versace and Chuck Palumbo hit the ring and went after Rey as well. The referee had no choice but to call for the disqualification but, as Tony noted, this match was never about winning for the Full Blooded Italians--it was about punishing Rey Misterio, and that was exactly was the FBI did here tonight.



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated the Mamalukes at 5.36 by disqualification when Guido Versace and Chuck Palumbo got involved (C-)






The beatdown of Rey Misterio Jr. continues as Guido, Palumbo, Vito and The Bull all get their shots in. Then, with Misteiro down in the ring, Antonina Versace calls for a mic and says that her brother, Guido Versace, will finally get the chance to set the record straight with Rey Misterio once and for all when he faces him one on one at Mayhem. She says that Rey ruined Guido's WCW debut and now, at Mayhem, Guido will ruin Rey Misterio's career. Guido then takes the mic and says that he came to WCW to dominate along with the rest of the FBI and that is exactly what they're gonna do. Because once he puts Misterio down at Mayhem, the FBI will set their sights on all of WCW, and they will not rest until each and every single WCW Championship belongs to the family. Guido then drops the mic and all five members of the Full Blooded Italians stand tall in the ring as their music plays and EMT's hit the ring to check on Rey Misterio as Nitro heads to a commercial break. (D)






As Monday Nitro returns from commercials we do so with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair making his way to the ring. Tony wonders if Flair is coming out here to give an answer to Sean O'Haire about the challenge O'Haire issued last week for a match between the two of them at Mayhem. Mike says that they are about to find out, but Jerry Lawler says that someone of Ric Flair's status shouldn't have to concern himself with the likes of Sean O'Haire. Flair is a multiple time WCW World Heavyweight Champion and one of the greatest of all time, and Jerry thinks that it is ridiculous that Sean O'Haire has the gall to even set foot in the same ring as Ric Flair, much less challenge him to a match. Flair grabs a mic and says that enough is enough. He says that Sean O'Haire has been pursuing him relentlessly for months now, and every time he beats him, every time he knocks him down, he just keeps coming back for more. Flair brings up O'Haire's challenge from last week and says that, while he has already beaten O'Haire twice, he is willing to accept his challenge as long as Sean O'Haire agrees that this is it, that this is the final match, and that he will accept his inevitable defeat when it comes calling.






Sean O'Haire's music hits and O'Haire walks out from the back to a solid reaction from the crowd. O'Haire marches down to the ring with no hesitation and stands face to face with "The Nature Boy". O'Haire grabs the mic out of Flair's hands and simply says two words; "You're on". The crowd pops and Tony and Mike are going crazy about the fact that Flair and O'Haire are going to go one on one, one final time two weeks from now at the Mayhem pay per view. But all of the excitement suddenly turns into boos when...






"White Train" suddenly hits and the owner of WCW, Eric Bischoff, makes his way out onto the stage as both Flair and O'Haire seem confused by the owner's appearance. Bischoff says that he doesn't necessarily have a problem with Flair and O'Haire going at it one more time, but since the fans have already seen them go one on one twice now...maybe it's time to add a little twist to this third and final match between them. Bischoff says that Ric Flair and Sean O'Haire will face each other one more time at Mayhem, but they are going to settle their differences once and for all this time because their match at Mayhem is going to be....a STEEL CAGE MATCH! The crowd cheers this announcement and Tony and Mike are both going crazy (again) at this surprisingly turn of events; Ric Flair will face Sean O'Haire at Mayhem in a Steel Cage match! (B-)






In the back, Joey Styles is standing by with the WCW United States Champion, Booker T. Joey asks Booker about his upcoming title defense against Mark Jindrak, who has been impressively dominant in recent months. Booker says that he's got a lot of respect for Mark Jindrak. He's seen Jindrak tearing it up, beating everyone he's stepped into the ring with and, as far as Booker is concerned, Jindrak has earned his shot at the United States Championship. But as much respect as Booker has for Jindrak, he's determined to remain the WCW United States Champion for a long time to come and that means beating Mark Jindrak in the ring tonight. Now can you dig that? Joey says he can dig it, and Booker then walks off as Tony Schiavone notes that the WCW United States Championship title match is coming up momentarily. ©




WCW United States Championship







It almost seemed like the fans couldn't quite believe their eyes, but after a back and forth opening to this one, Mark Jindrak began to dominate Booker T much the same way he has been dominating his previous opponents, but now he was doing it to one of the top superstars in the entire business of professional wrestling in Booker T. Jindrak picked up a couple of near-falls, but then Booker T began to fight his way back into the match. But just when it looked like Booker T was building momentum, Jindrak caught Booker in his Kata ha jime submission finisher. Mike Tenay was quick to point out that this was the same move that Jindrak had started using with great success in recent months, and it looked like Booker T was fading. In a last, desperate move, Booker T managed to get his foot under the bottom rope and the referee called for Jindrak to break the hold. Jindrak broke the hold but he was clearly frustrated, which caused him to waste too much time and that allowed Booker T to fight his way back into the match again. Booker rocked Jindrak with huge right hands, but then suddenly the lights went out and...






El Mesías was standing in the middle of the ring when the lights came back on. Mesías kicked Booker in the gut and hit the Mesías Driver on the United States Champion and this one was officially thrown out.



Booker T defeated Mark Jindrak at 10.52 by disqualification when El Mesías attacked Booker T. Booker T retains the WCW United States Champinship (B-)






The Minister joins El Mesías in the ring as both Booker T and Mark Jindrak are down. The Minister grabs a mic and says that nobody has been more dominant in WCW recently than El Mesías, and that Mesías should have gotten a United States Championship title shot before Mark Jindrak. He says that El Mesías will bring destruction down upon anyone who steps into the ring against him, and what El Mesías wants...is to face Booker T one on one for the WCW United States Championship next week on Monday Nitro! The Minister drops the mic and the ring is bathed in an eerie red light as El Mesía stands menacingly above his two latest victims as Tony Schiavone wonders if we are going to have a United States Championship title match next week on Nitro? ©






Tony, Mike and Jerry talk about the huge contract signing between Goldberg and Scott Steiner, which is still to come later tonight on Nitro. Tony notes that Goldberg defeated "Big Poppa Pump" at Halloween Havoc in a grueling and brutal battle, but Scott Steiner is determined to beat Goldberg at Mayhem to prove that he is the most dominant man in pro wrestling today. Mike Tenay says that if their match at Halloween Havoc is any indication, these two megastars are going to take each other to their limits at Mayhem. Jerry Lawler says that Scott Steiner is, without a doubt, the most dominating man in pro wrestling today, and "Big Poppa Pump" is going to prove that both tonight and at Mayhem. Tony notes that the contract signing is coming up a little bit later tonight, but coming up next; "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett will be in action in the ring. (B-)






But before the next match gets underway we cut to the back where Kevin Nash is seen getting ready for his match later tonight when the man who will be teaming with Nash later tonight, Sting, walks in. Sting says that the Wolfpac may be re-uniting for one night only tonight, but just because Nash has finally seen Shawn Michaels for what he really is, it doesn't mean that Sting now trusts him, because he doesn't. He hasn't forgotten about the countless battles they have had against each other over the past many months, and he knows Nash well enough to know not to trust him. Nash says that that's fine because he doesn't trust Sting either. And they don't have to trust each other. He says that tonight they have a common enemy, and he's willing to put their differences aside and work together, if Sting is willing to do the same. Nash then extends his hand to Sting and, after considering it for a moment, Sting shakes Nash's hand as Tony notes that it seems that Sting and Nash are on the same page here tonight. We then head back to ringside for our next match. (B-)






"The Chosen One" has never been short of confidence and that confidence cost him early on in this one as he seemed to be taking the challenge of Brian Lawler lightly, which resulted in Lawler out-wrestling Jarrett early on, causing Jarrett no shortage of frustration--a frustration that only grew when...






A laughing Scott Hall made his way down to ringside. Jarrett pointed at Hall and sent a few insults his way, but Lawler suddenly rolled Jarrett up from behind and only a last second kickout prevented Lawler from picking up the upset win. Jarrett then finally managed to take control of the match, yelling insults at Scott Hall and even taunting Brian's father, Jerry, as he did so. Hall didn't seem particular impressed with Jarrett at ringside, and his presence was a constant distraction for "The Chosen One". In the end, however, Jarrett managed to get the job done, hitting the Stroke on Lawler and pinning him to pick up the win, despite a strong effort from Brian Lawler.



Jeff Jarrett defeated Brian Lawler at 11.59 by pinfall following a Stroke ©



Jeff Jarrett has picked up the win here tonight, but he immediately turns his attention to Scott Hall, yelling further insults at him, but Hall just wiggles his fingers at Jarrett, pretending to be oh so scared of "The Chosen One" in classic Scott Hall fashion. Jarrett is furious, but Mike Tenay notes that turnabout is fair play, and Jarrett was the one who started this whole thing when he disrespected Scott Hall after Hall made his announcement at Halloween Havoc. Tony then sends us to our final commercial break, noting that the Goldberg/Scott Steiner contract signing is coming up next.






Back from commercial break and it is time for the contract signing between Goldberg and Scott Steiner for their rematch at Mayhe. WCW owner Eric Bischoff is already in the ring as "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner makes his entrance to applause from the owner and boos from everyone else. Those boos turns into near-deafening cheers as Goldberg's music hits and "The Man" makes his way toward the ring. Steiner looks like he's ready to fight Goldberg right here and right now, but Bischoff manages to restain Steiner by saying that they are out here to sign the contract and he wants to make sure they get that out of the way to ensure that this match will indeed go down at Mayhem. He reminds everyone that, as per his decision, every single person on the WCW roster will be banned from getting involved in this match, and if any member of the WCW roster does get involved, they will be fired immediately. Bischoff says that it is time to sign the contract, and then he hands the mic to Scott Steiner, who apparently wants to say something before he signs. Steiner says that he doesn't give a damn about paperwork--he just wants to punk Goldberg out like the bitch he is. But if signing this contract means that he gets Goldberg at Mayhem...then he'll sign it. And at Mayhem...he's not only gonna beat Goldberg and end his streak...he's gonna hurt Goldberg. Steiner then hands the mic back to Bischoff and signs the contract, while Goldberg looks like he's contemplating the Spear on Steiner, but Bischoff is quick to say that Goldberg better not be thinking what he thinks he's thinking, because he only thing he should be thinking about right now is signing the contract. Goldberg takes a step forward but instead of signing the contract, he grabs the mic and rips it out of Bischoff's hands. Goldberg says that he hasn't been pinned or made to submit in over a year, and everything Eric Bischoff has thown at him, he's run through--just like he'll run through Scott Steiner again at Mayhem. Goldberg then tosses the mic to the floor and signs the contract, making the match official for Mayhem. With the contract signed, Eric Bischoff picks up the mic and says that, by the way, Goldberg really should have read the fine print before signing because then he would know that their match at Mayhem is going to be...a Last Man Standing match! That is, if Goldberg even makes it to Mayhem because next week on Nitro...he'll be facing the Impact Players in a two on one handicap match! Goldberg has no time to absorb these two big announcements as Scott Steiner suddenly attacks and Steiner and Goldberg are brawling all over the ring, while Eric Bischoff is calling for security to come down, which they are quick to do. As a small army of security guards struggle to separate Steiner and Goldberg, Tony sums up the two huge announcements that Eric Bischoff just made; Goldberg and Scott Steiner will face each other in a Last Man Standing match at Mayhem, and Goldberg will be in action next week on Nitro against the Impact Players. Mike Tenay adds that he cannot wait for Mayhem, which is shaping up to be one heck of a pay per view. (B)



With the ring finally cleared out, it's time for our main event of the evening.







Kevin Nash made it perfectly clear that he wanted to start this one with the World Heavyweight Champion, but Michaels was only too happy to allow the turncoat, Kanyon, to start things off with "Big Sexy". Nash overpowered Kanyon and drove a few knees into the gut of Kanyon, and then shoved Kanyon back into his own corner, calling for Michaels to make the tag. Michaels didn't make the tag, but Nash's preoccupation with Michaels allowed Kanyon to hit a low dropkick to the knees of Nash. Kanyon continued to chop away at the legs of Nash until the big man was cut down to size. Kanyon then hit a DDT and went for the cover, but Nash powered out easily after one. Kanyon tried to stay on the offensive, but Nash overpowered him again and drove him back into the corner where Sting tagged in. Sting hit a series of clotheslines and then a one handed bulldog that finally kept Kanyon down. Sting tagged Nash back in, and Nash went to work on Kanyon in the corner with knees and elbows before whipping Kanyon into the ropes and hitting a bit boot. Nash pulled Kanyon back to his feet and whipped him into the ropes again, but just as he did, Shawn Michaels entered the ring, which immediately drew the referee's attention. With the referee distracted, Kanyon slid between Nash's legs and kicked him below the belt, and just like that Kanyon was in control. Kanyon tagged Michaels in and the World Heavyweight Champion was now suddenly eager to get into the ring with Nash, now that Nash was already down. Michaels and Kanyon dominated the next several minutes, with Kanyon doing the majority of the work while the World Champion rested on the apron. Things finally got out of hand when Michaels nailed Nash from behind when Nash was attempting a comeback, and suddenly all four men were in the ring. Sting unloaded on both Michaels and Kanyon, finishing his flurry by clotheslining Michaels, and himself, over the top rope. That just left Kanyon and Nash in the ring and Kanyon wasted no time going for the Kanyon Cutter....but Nash was able to shove Kanyon off and send him into the ropes. Kanyon bounced off the ropes and right into another big boot from Nash. Nash then quickly pulled Kanyon back to his feet and....JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB! 1...2...3!!!!



Kevin Nash and Sting defeated Shawn Michaels and Kanyon at 14.37 by pinfall when Nash pinned Kanyon following a Jackknife Powerbomb (B+)



With the match over, Sting joins Kevin Nash in the ring as the two former tag team champions stand tall, having just picked up a huge win just two weeks before the Mayhem pay per view. The World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, is already halfway up the ramp, clutching his World Title belt tightly against his chest as this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 0.84

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