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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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Monday Nitro Preview



It is the final edition of Monday Nitro before the Mayhem pay per view and it promises to be one heck of a show. Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash will do battle for the World Heavyweight Championship at Mayhem, but this week on Nitro both men will be in action as the "Pick Your Poison" concept returns to World Championship Wrestling. Who will these two men chose as each other's opponents just six days before Mayhem?


Also on the show; Booker T defends the WCW United States Championship, Goldberg faces the Impact Players, and much, much more!


You do NOT want to miss WCW Monday Nitro!




Monday Nitro Card


Pick Your Poison Match

Shawn Michaels vs. ???


Pick Your Poison Match

Kevin Nash vs. ???


Two On One Handicap Match

The Impact Players vs. Goldberg


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías


Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. vs. The Jung Dragons


Aries vs. Billy Kidman



Bonus Points: Who will be Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash's opponents? (one point for each correct name)


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As always, a great show and I'm looking forward to Mayhem.


Monday Nitro Card


Pick Your Poison Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Sting

- Too early to give Scott Hall his title shot and Goldberg's already got a match. Sting's not on the card, so I choose him. HBK will cheat to win.


Pick Your Poison Match

Kevin Nash vs. Scott Hall

- What better way for HBK to get back at Hall and Nash than to pit them against one another? The match won't end with a clear winner...I think HBK and Kanyon will get involved.


Two On One Handicap Match

The Impact Players vs. Goldberg


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías

- Most likely by DQ or some other non-clean finish to set up a rematch at Mayhem.


Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. vs. The Jung Dragons


Aries vs. Billy Kidman

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Monday Nitro Card


Pick Your Poison Match

Shawn Michaels vs. DDP


Pick Your Poison Match

Kevin Nash vs. Jeff Jarrett


Two On One Handicap Match

The Impact Players vs. Goldberg


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías


Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. vs. The Jung Dragons


Aries vs. Billy Kidman



Bonus Points: Who will be Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash's opponents? (one point for each correct name)

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Pick Your Poison Match

Shawn Michaels vs. DDP


Pick Your Poison Match

Kevin Nash vs. Scott Hall


Two On One Handicap Match

The Impact Players vs. Goldberg


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías


Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. vs. The Jung Dragons


Aries vs. Billy Kidman



Bonus Points: Who will be Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash's opponents? (one point for each correct name)

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Pick Your Poison Match

Shawn Michaels vs. ???


Pick Your Poison Match

Kevin Nash vs. ???


Two On One Handicap Match

The Impact Players vs. Goldberg


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías

We want Jindrak! :p


Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. vs. The Jung Dragons

Interesting team, but the poor Dragons lol.


Aries vs. Billy Kidman


Bonus Points: Who will be Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash's opponents? (one point for each correct name) Scott Hall against Shawn, Scott Steiner against Nash

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I'm back on board for this one, you've done an amazing job.


Monday Nitro Card


Pick Your Poison Match

Shawn Michaels vs. ???


Pick Your Poison Match

Kevin Nash vs. ???


Two On One Handicap Match

The Impact Players vs. Goldberg


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías


Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. vs. The Jung Dragons


Aries vs. Billy Kidman


Bonus Points: Who will be Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash's opponents? (one point for each correct name) Scott Hall for Shawn Michaels, Diamond Dallas Page for Kevin Nash.

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Pick Your Poison Match

Shawn Michaels vs. DDP

Solely on the fact that DDP and Nash used to be tag team champs


Pick Your Poison Match

Kevin Nash vs. Scott Hall

Interference leads to both standing strong


Two On One Handicap Match

The Impact Players vs. Goldberg

Poor Lance Storm


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías



Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. vs. The Jung Dragons


Aries vs. Billy Kidman


DDP for HBK, Hall for Nash

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Pick Your Poison Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Scott Hall

Pick Your Poison Match

Kevin Nash vs. Jarrett


Two On One Handicap Match

The Impact Players vs. Goldberg


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías

Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. vs. The Jung Dragons


Aries vs. Billy Kidman



Bonus Points: Who will be Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash's opponents? (one point for each correct name)

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Monday Nitro Preshow Results


Shane Douglas and Mike Sanders defeated Air Paris and Matt Sydal (D+)

Rick Steiner defeated Marty Jannetty (D+)







Week 4, November, 2002

Live from OnCenter War Memorial in Syracuse, New York

Attendance: 8.000 (sellout)







As WCW Monday Nitro goes live we join Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Jerry "The King" Lawler at the announce table. Tony welcomes everyone to another blockbuster edition of Monday Nitro, and he introduces his broadcast partners, "The Professor" Mike Tenay and Jerry "The King" Lawler, before turning everyone's attention to the fact that the Mayhem pay per view is just six days away and tonight we will see both Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash compete in singles matches against opponents they have chosen for each other as both men look to gain the upper hand heading into Sunday's per per view event. Mike Tenay says that the issues between Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash have been brewing for months, but they have really come to a head over the past couple of weeks, and it will culminate when they face each other at Mayhem for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship this Sunday. Jerry Lawler says that Kevin Nash is nothing more than an ingrate. He says that Shawn Michaels came to WCW and made Kevin Nash relevant again by joining the nWo, and this is how Nash repays Michaels' kindness? Tony and Mike are both quick to point out that "Big Sexy" has never not been relevant, but Lawler refuses to hear it. Tony then sends us down to the ring for our opening match of the night.






The opening match of Nitro was a good one as Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. teamed up to take on the Jung Dragons in tag team action. O'Haire and Misterio were no doubt the more successful superstars, but the Jung Dragons were a far more experienced team and it allowed them to hold their own in this one, at least for a while. The Dragons got in enough offense to look decent in this one, but in the end they were no match for the team of O'Haire and Misterio, who seemed to have great chemestry as a team, and the match ended when Sean O'Haire hit the SeanTon Bomb on Kaz Hayashi for the strong win just six days before facing "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair at Mayhem.



Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. defeated the Jung Dragons at 6.45 by pinfall when O'Haire pinned Hayashi following a SeanTon Bomb (C+)






The match is over and Sean O'Haire and Rey Misterio Jr. are successful, but they get no chance whatsoever to enjoy their victory before the Full Blooded Italians hit the ring and goes on the attack. Guido Versace and Chuck Palumbo target Rey Misterio Jr., while The Mamalukes, Big Vito and Johnny The Bull, goes after Sean O'Haire. Antonina Versace cheers on from ringside, while Tony wonders why the FBI are targeting O'Haire as well as Misterio here. Guido Versace hits the Sicillian Slice on Rey Misterio, while Chuck Palumbo puts his former tag team partner, Sean O'Haire, in the torture rack. Then, with Rey Misteiro and Sean O'Haire both down on the mat...(D-)






"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair makes his way down to the ring with a smile on his face. Flair enters the ring and shakes hands with first Guido and then Antonina Versace, leading Tony to the inevitable conclusion that the reason the FBI targeted O'Haire as well as Misterio tonight was because of a deal struck with "The Nature Boy". Flair then turns his attention to O'Haire as he applies the Figure Four Leglock on him in the middle of the ring. O'Haire is obviously in a lot of pain and he has nowhere to go but, to his credit, he is not tapping out even as Flair applies more and more pressure, and the FBI gets a few kicks in as well for good measure. Finally Flair releases the Figure Four and stands tall in the ring as Tony and Mike both wonder if the damage has been done to O'Haire here just six days before facing Ric Flair at Mayhem. Jerry Lawler is, of course, applauding Flair's actions, saying that nobody knows how to win better than "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, and the master just taught the former student a lesson here tonight. (C-)






This Sunday at Mayhem, Billy Kidman faces Chavo Guerrero Jr. with the Cruiserweight Championship on the line, and tonight Kidman looked to build further momentum by picking up a win against Aries, who proved that he very well could have a bright future ahead of him here in WCW as he held his own against one of the top cruiserweights in the company. The match went back and forth pretty much throughout, and at one point even Torrie Wilson and Daffney got into it at ringside after an argument turned into a short-lived brawl between them. In the end, after a decent match, Kidman put Aries away with the Shooting Star Press as he looked more than ready to face Chavo this Sunday night for the title.



Billy Kidman defeated Aries at 6.25 by pinfall following a Shooting Star Press (D+)






As Billy Kidman celebrates his victory the Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., sneaks down to ringside. Chavo enters the ring quietly, looking to ambush Billy Kidman in true Chavo Guerrero fashion, but just as Chavo is about to attack, Kidman turns around and meets him with some right hand shots. Chavo misses a clothesline and turns around right into a BK Bomb from Kidman. Kidman then heads up top looking for the Shooting Star Press, but just before Kidman can leap off the top, Chavo manages to roll out of the ring, much to the crowd's disappointment. Chavo retreats back up the ramp while Kidman, standing on the second turnbuckle, holds up two fingers just a few inches apart, telling Chavo that he was THIS close to hitting the Shooting Star Press. Chavo seems rattled as he shakes his head repeatedly, while Mike Tenay wonders if the challenger has gotten into the Cruiserweight Champion's head here tonight. (C-)






We cut to the back where Joey Styles is standing by with the number one contenders to the WCW Tag Team Championships, Dustin Rhodes and BG James--Sons Of The South. Joey notes that Sons Of The South will face KroniK this Sunday night at Mayhem for the WCW Tag Team Titles, and he asks them about their thoughts on the match. BG James begins to answer the question but he only gets a few words out before...






The Tag Team Champions, KroniK, suddenly shows up and nails Rhodes and James in the back of their heads with the Tag Team Title belts. Adams and Clark adds a few more stomps for good measure, and Brian Adams then turns to Joey Styles and says that the only thoughts he should be interested in getting are the Tag Team Champions'...and they just showed everyone exactly what they think. The Tag Team Champions then walks off and Joey Styles calls for some help for Dustin Rhodes and BG James as we cut back to ringside where the WCW United States Championship is about to be defended. (D+)




WCW United States Championship








El Mesías has been dominant ever since his arrival in WCW and tonight the mysterious and monstrous Mesías got his first shot at gold, facing Booker T for the United States Championship, and much like Mark Jindrak did last week, El Mesías proved that he could hold his own against one of the very best in the business in Booker T. It was an even match that probably saw about a 55/45 split in offense in favor of the challenger, Mesías. Booker T fought valiantly, as always, but at times it seemed like El Mesías had an almost supernatural ability to endure punishment without slowing down. With The Minister cheering him on at ringside in his own unique and creepy way, El Mesías began to assert his dominance, but Booker T, with the heart of a champion, kept fighting back.






Suddenly Mark Jindrak made his way down to the ring as Tony took us back to last week when Jindrak faced Booker T for the US Title, only to have El Mesías show up and attack Booker, causing Jindrak to be disqualified. Jindrak hit the ring and, returning the favor from last week, attacked Booker T in plain sight of the referee, who had no choice by to call for the disqualification.



Booker T defeated El Mesías at 9.38 by disqualification when Mark Jindrak got involved. Booker T retains the WCW United States Championship (C+)






The match is over and just like Mesías did to Jindrak last week, Jindrak has caused Mesías his shot at the US Title here tonight. Jindrak and Mesías comes face to face in the ring and it looks like things are about to spiral out of control, but then...






"White Train" suddenly starts playing and the owner of WCW, Eric Bischoff, makes his way out from the back. Bischoff says that he's had enough of this mess. Two weeks in a row now we've had US Title matches end in controversy--and not the good kind of controversy. He says that if Jindrak and Mesías are so hell-bent on beating the hell out of each other then they can do it this Sunday night at Mayhem because he's booking a match right now; Booker T versus Mark Jindrak versus El Mesías at Mayhem for the WCW United States Championship! Both Jindrak and Mesías seems satisfied with this, and as Booker T slowly gets back to his feet, both men stare at the United States Champion, who now faces one heck of a challenge in six days at Mayhem. (C+)






We cut to the back where "The Man" Goldberg is walking. Tony just barely gets to mentioning that Goldberg will be in action later tonight before...






The Full Blooded Italians show up from out of nowhere and attacks Goldberg. The attack is swift and brutal and not even "The Man" can fight off a four on one attack, especially not one coming from behind. With Goldberg down, the FBI walks off as Tony poses the question on everyone's mind; what are the Full Blooded Italians up to? First Rey Misterio Jr. and Sean O'Haire, and now Goldberg? Tony wonders why they are doing this, and Mike Tenay concedes that he has no idea. Jerry Lawler says he has no idea either, but he's loving it! Tony and Mike both sound less than thrilled with their broadcast partner's views as we head back to ringside just in time for the Wolfpac howl. (D-)






The fans are on their feet and cheering as the number one contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash, makes his way toward the ring. Tony notes that Nash still doesn't know who he is facing tonight, as per the rules of the Pick Your Poison concept, but the same will be true for Shawn Michaels later tonight. Nash steps over the top rope and into the ring, and then he throws up the "Too Sweet" hand gesture to more cheers from the crowd for "Big Sexy". Nash then turns his attention to the entrance ramp, waiting to see who Shawn Michaels has picked as his opponent here tonight.






IT'S KANYON! Kanyon is Nash's opponent! As Kanyon makes his way toward the ring, Nash doesn't give much of a reaction--but that doesn't stop Jerry Lawler from claiming that Nash is probably shaking in his boots right about now as he realizes that he is about to step into the ring with Kanyon. Tony and Mike are quick to reply that you can say a lot of things about Kevin Nash, and not all of them good, but Kevin Nash has never backed down from anyone in his entire career, and he's not going to back down from Kanyon here tonight either. (B-)







This one started as soon as Kanyon entered the ring as he tried to catch Nash by surprise by not even waiting for the bell to sound before attacking. Nash was ready for the attack, however, and Kanyon charged right into a huge boot from Nash. Nash began to unload on Kanyon with some big time right handed punches, driving Kanyon into the corner where Nash continued his offense with a series of knees and elbows. Nash whipped Kanyon into the opposite corner and followed in with a clothesline and, as Kanyon staggered out of the corner again, Nash picked him up and drove him into the mat with a sidewalk slam. Nash then went for the Jackknife, looking to put Kanyon away early, but Kanyon managed to avoid disaster by hitting a series of quick punches on Nash before he could drive Kanyon into the mat. Kanyon then clipped Nash from behind with a chop block, and suddenly it was Kanyon who had the advantage. Kanyon continued to work on Nash's legs for the next several minutes, wearing the big man down. Feeling his moment was at hand, Kanyon went for the Kanyon Cutter....but Nash was able to block it and level Kanyon with a huge clothesline, buying himself some time. The referee began his count and both men got back to their feet at the count of seven. Kanyon charged, but Nash nailed him with a huge right hand. Nash began to unload on Kanyon again, before picking him up on his shoulder and driving him face first into the turnbuckle with a snake eyes. Nash hit another sidewalk slam and then he called for the Jackknife Powerbomb. Nash pulled Kanyon to his feet and set him up for the Jackknife, but then...






The World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, suddenly hit the ring and attacked Nash, leaving the referee with no choice but to call for the disqualification.



Kevin Nash defeated Kanyon at 11.05 by disqualification when Shawn Michaels got involved (B-)






The match may be over but Shawn Michaels and Kanyon continue their attack as Tony Schiavone notes that Shawn Michaels is obviously hell-bent on making sure that Nash is not at one hundred percent this Sunday night at Mayhem. The two on one beatdown doesn't go on for long, however, before...






Sting hurries down the entrance ramp and into the ring, coming to the aid of Kevin Nash. Nash is still down, however, so Sting is fighting both Michaels and Kanyon on his own--and doing a pretty damn good job of it. Still, the numbers game eventually catches up with the Stinger as Michaels and Kanyon begin to get the upper hand, but then...






It's Scott Hall!!! Scott Hall suddenly makes his way down to the ring and Tony and Mike both point out that we haven't heard anything from Scott Hall about the whole situation between Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash, so whose side is Hall actually on? Hall hits the ring and answers that question immediately...by nailing Kanyon with a big time right hand. Nash is back to his feet as well and he goes after Shawn Michaels, but the chaos is not over yet as...






"The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett hits the ring and goes after Scott Hall. As Kevin Nash, Sting, and Scott Hall brawl with Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett, Shawn Michaels manages to slip out of the ring and retreat back up the ramp. Kanyon and Jarrett are beaten out of the ring by Nash, Hall, and Sting, and the three of them stand tall in the ring as Nitro heads to commercials. (B)







Nitro returned from commercial just in time for more in-ring action as Goldberg faced off against the Impact Players in a two on one handicap match. Goldberg dominated early on, despite being attacked early in the night by the Full Blooded Italians, but the Impact Players managed to turn the tide in their favor by using the numbers game to their advantage, along with a bit of a distraction by Ted DiBiase at ringside. Storm and Awesome stayed on Goldberg, giving him absolutely no time whatsoever to recover, and yet Goldberg still managed to turn things in his favor again, hitting a Spear on Mike Awesome, and then a military press slam on Lance Storm. Goldberg signaled for the Jackhammer, but never got to deliver it as...






The Full Blooded Italians hit the ring and attacked Goldberg for the second time tonight, causing yet another match to end with a disqualification tonight.



Goldberg defeated The Impact Players at 7.50 by disqualification when the Full Blooded Italians got involved ©






Guido Versace, Chuck Palumbo, Big Vito, and Johnny The Bull continue the four on one attack on Goldberg, while Antonina Versace cheers them on at ringside. Goldberg keeps trying to fight back, but not even "The Man" can overcome a four on one disadvantage. Then, as the FBI are putting the boots to Goldberg...






Goldberg's opponent this Sunday night at Mayhem, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner, suddenly hits the ring as well. Steiner yells some insults at Goldberg, flips him off, and then locks him in the Steiner Recliner. Several officials quickly make their way down to the ring, but the Full Blooded Italians are preventing them from entering the ring, giving Steiner free reign to do as he pleases--which Tony and Mike both are quick to point out is a very, very bad situation. The boos are raining down on "Big Poppa Pump", but those boos finally turns into cheers when...






Booker T suddenly runs down the entrance ramp. He is met by Big Vito and Johnny The Bull, but Booker manages to fight his way past the Mamalukes and into the ring, where Steiner finally breaks the Steiner Recliner as he goes to meet Booker T. Steiner swings, but Booker ducks, turns, and nails Steiner with a sidekick to the jaw. Steiner goes down, and the officials can finally enter the ring to check on Goldberg but, as Mike Tenay points out, Goldberg was locked in the Steiner Recliner for a long time and there is no telling what kind of injuries he may have suffered here tonight at the hands of "Big Poppa Pump". (B-)



We head to the announce table where Tony, Mike, and Jerry talk about what just happened, and Tony and Mike both express concern for Goldberg and they wonder what kind of shape he will be in this Sunday night at Mayhem. As always, Jerry Lawler seems to have the exact opposite opinion of Tony and Mike as he thinks that what Scott Steiner did tonight was brilliant because he may very well just have put himself in the perfect position to end Goldberg's streak at Mayhem. Tony then informs us that it is almost main event time, but then he is cut off as the owner of WCW, Eric Bischoff, makes his way out onto the stage.







Bischoff says that, due to the events that transpired earlier tonight, he feels it necessary to ban everyone on the WCW roster from ringside during tonight's main event, ensuring that we are going to have a clear winner in the main event, and not another disqualification due to interference. Tony is quick to point out that Bischoff is only doing this to protect Shawn Michaels after Michaels got involved in Kevin Nash's match earlier tonight, but nonetheless everyone who are not competing in it are banned from ringside during the main event. (B-)






The World Heavyweight Champion makes his way down to the ring to nothing but boos from the crowd as Tony, Mike, and Jerry all wonder who Kevin Nash has picked to face Shawn Michaels in tonight's main event. Shawn poses in the ring to even more boos from the crowd, and then he turns his attention to the entrance ramp, waiting to find out who he is facing tonight. And when the music hits, the fans are on their feet...







IT'S DDP! Diamond Dallas Page is Shawn Michaels' opponent and the fans are absolutely loving it.






Diamond Dalls Page came out ready for a fight in this one, but Shawn Michaels soon began to frustate Page by stalling by any means necessary, and when the two finally locked up it was the World Champion who got the upper hand early on after a lengthy exchange of holds and counter holds. The technical wrestling didn't last long, however, as DDP turned this one into a fight by nailing Michaels with a big time right hand that rocked the jaw of the World Champion and turned the match in DDP's favor. Page controlled the next several minutes of the match, hitting a swinging neckbreaker, a jawbreaker, and a huge gutbuster, wearing Michaels down and getting a couple of near-falls in the process. The match turned back in Michaels' favor when DDP missed a slingshot crossbody and landed hard on the floor outside the ring. Michaels controlled the next few minutes of the match, but DDP fought back into it, and the match went back and forth right up until the finish. Michaels went to the top rope looking for the big elbow drop, but DDP managed to roll out of the way. Page then went for the Diamond Cutter, but Michaels was able to shove DDP off at the last second. DDP then turned around and walked right into a Sweet Chin Music from the World Champion, who made the cover and picked up the hard-fought victory in what was a very good match.



Shawn Michaels defeated Diamond Dallas Page at 15.54 by pinfall following a Sweet Chin Music (B)






The match is over and a tired looking Shawn Michaels is having his hand raised in victory, but Michaels' joy is short-lived as the Wolfpac music suddenly hits and...






Kevin Nash walks out from the back with a determined look on his face as Tony points out that Bischoff only banned everyone from ringside DURING the match and not after the match. Nash enters the ring and Michaels attempts to go on the attack, but Nash fights him off and plants a huge boot right in the World Champion's face. Nash then pulls Michaels to his feet and.....JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB!!!!! Nash just drilled the World Champion!!!! With Michaels down on the mat, Nash picks up the World Heavyweight Championship title belt, places his foot on Shawn Michaels' chest, and raises the belt high in the air as "Big Sexy" stands tall and Monday Nitro comes to an end with Tony posing the question; is this going to be the scene this Sunday night at Mayhem? (B-)




Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.85

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I like what you've done with Jindrak, Mesias and Booker, but I feel Jindrak needs a new pic to make him seem stronger/better/more of a believeable undefeated beast... I'm just not feeling that pic "/


As for Nash, awesome work at the end there! I could picture Diesel with his foot on HBK's chest! Excellently written :)

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WCW Mayhem 2002 Preview




WCW World Heavyweight Championship







Ever since Shawn Michaels shocked the world by joining WCW and aligning himself with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, the nWo had been running World Championship Wrestling with Michaels as the World Heavyweight Champion. But tension would eventually begin to build between Michaels and the Outsiders, as Nash and Hall felt that Michaels was putting his own success ahead of theirs and the groups. Things went from bad to worse when Michaels, while attempting to prove that he could indeed put the Outsiders' success first, accidentally ended up costing them their shot at the Tag Team Titles at Fall Brawl. Things finally broke down completely at Halloween Havoc when Shawn Michaels hit the Sweet Chin Music on Kevin Nash during the main event, and then pinned Nash to retain the title. Shawn Michaels may have retained the World Title at Halloween Havoc, but he did so at the expense of his long-standing friendship with Kevin Nash, who has been all over Michaels during this last month, including hitting the Jackknife Powerbomb on Michaels on two separate occasions. Will "Big Sexy" get the ultimate revenge on Michaels at Mayhem by defeating him for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship? Or will Shawn Michaels somehow find a way to turn back the challenge of his pissed off former best friend?




Last Man Standing Match





This one has been all about proving who the most dominant man in professional wrestling today really is. These two huge superstars did battle one month ago at Halloween Havoc in a brutal No Holds Barred match that saw Goldberg emerge victorious, but Scott Steiner made it clear the following night on Nitro that he wanted another shot at "The Man", which WCW owner Eric Bischoff naturally was more than willing to grant to "Big Poppa Pump". This time they are facing off in a Last Man Standing match, and Eric Bischoff has banned every single person on the WCW roster from interfering in the match under penalty of immediate termination of their WCW contract. The stage seems to be set for war between these two powerful superstars, but who will be standing tall when it's all said and done?




Grudge Match





One month ago at Halloween Havoc, Kanyon successfully defeated Diamond Dallas Page in one on one action. A great accomplishment to be sure, but also one that seemed to go to Kanyon's head. A few weeks later on Nitro, after defeating Marty Jannetty, Kanyon got on the mic and cockily issued an open challenge for anyone on the WCW roster to step up and face him at Mayhem. That challenge was answered by none other than Sting, who still hasn't forgotten that Kanyon cost him his shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Souled Out when Kanyon turned on Sting and Sting's Alliance and helped Shawn Michaels retain the title. Will Sting finally get payback on Kanyon for stabbing him in the back? Or will Kanyon pick up another huge pay per view win by defeating one of the greatest of all time?




Steel Cage Match





This long-standing feud goes all the way back to the Great American Bash when Ric Flair attacked Sean O'Haire following a match against Mike Sanders, after O'Haire had refused Flair's offer to take him under his wing, and the war has raged between them ever since with O'Haire chasing Flair relentlessly, and with Flair, for the most part, running away from O'Haire. Now, after months of battles back and forth, both men are looking to end this feud once and for all at Mayhem inside a Steel Cage. The only question that now remains is; after months and months of grueling battles...who will be standing tall when the smoke finally clears?




Grudge Match





One month ago at Halloween Havoc, Scott Hall announced to the world that he still had dreams of becoming a World Champion, and that he would be doing everything in his power to make that dream come true. It was a great and heartfelt moment, but unfortunately "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett saw things a little bit differently than most. Jarrett mocked and ridiculed Hall for his dream, outright stating that guys like Scott Hall could never be World Champion, unlike himself, because they always screwed things up. Jarrett would continue to mock Hall, and Hall would return the favor, setting up this grudge match for Mayhem. Will Scott Hall prove Jeff Jarrett, and maybe some of his other doubters, wrong? Or will Jeff Jarrett prove himself right and get the last laugh?




WCW United States Championship







There are few superstars who have been more dominating over the past months than Mark Jindrak and El Mesías, so when Mark Jindrak got rewarded with a shot at the WCW United States Championship, it didn't sit quite well with El Mesías, who got involved in the match after apparently feeling that he deserved a shot at least as much as Mark Jindrak did. Mesías got his shot the following week on Nitro, but this time it was Mark Jindrak who got involved in that match, leading Eric Bischoff to book a three way match at Mayhem for the US Title. Will Booker T somehow find a way to overcome the challenge of these two young, dominant, up-and-comers? Or will we be crowning a new United States Champion at Mayhem?




WCW Tag Team Championships







KroniK won the WCW Tag Team Championships one month ago at Halloween Havoc in a three way match that also included then champions Sons Of The South, and The Three. Dustin Rhodes and BG James lost their titles without even being involved in the finish, and both men have since declared their intention of reclaiming the titles as soon as possible. They get their opportunity to do exactly that at Mayhem, but will they? Or will KroniK be successful in their first official title defense?




WCW Cruiserweight Championship







Billy Kidman came up short at Hallowen Havoc after he, like so many before him, fell victim to Chavo Guerrero Jr.'s underhanded tactics. Kidman earned another shot at the Cruiserweight Championship when he won a six man Cruiserweight Scramble match on Nitro, setting up this match for Mayhem. Chavo Guerrero Jr. won the Cruiserweight Championship at the 2001 edition of the Mayhem pay per view, meaning that Guerrero will reach the one year mark of his reign. But will that reign continue past the one year mark? Or will Billy Kidman be the one to finally de-throne the long-reigning Cruiserweight Champion?




Grudge Match





If there is such a thing as hate at first sight, this would be it. Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Guido Versace in Guido's debut match in WCW, and ever since, Guido and the rest of the Full Blooded Italians have been targeting Rey Misterio, hell-bent on making him pay. Now, after months of vicious attacks on Misterio by the FBI, Guido Versace and Rey Misterio Jr. will go one on one again. Will Guido manage to "right the wrong" he feels he suffered during his debut match at the hands of Rey Misterio Jr.? Or will Rey prove once and for all that he is simply the better man, despite what Guido and the FBI might think?




WCW Mayhem 2002 - Official Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kevin Nash


Last Man Standing Match

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Sting vs. Kanyon


Steel Cage Match

Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías vs. Mark Jindrak


WCW Tag Team Championships

KroniK © vs. Sons Of The South


Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Hall


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.



Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match?


What will be the lowest rated match?


What match will open the show?


How many titles will change hands?

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I am so much looking forward to this show! You're building into Starrcade nicely in what should be your biggest show thus far! Keep up the great work!



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kevin Nash

- While I think it's time for the title to come off HBK, I don't think it should be Nash who gets it, especially not the PPV before your biggest one of the year. HBK finds a way to retain.


Last Man Standing Match

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner

- Nuff said.


Sting vs. Kanyon

- Hopefully he gets the title back sometime.


Steel Cage Match

Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair

- I know O'Haire will probably win, but Flair is still hidden heel gold.


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías vs. Mark Jindrak

- I feel like this is really Mesais vs Jindrak and then "oh, there's Booker." This is a great way to get the title off Book without him taking the pin. Mesias will be the transitional champion for Jindrak to get the belt. Poor Booker's been lost in the shuffle. Maybe some time off and returning in the Main Event will help.


WCW Tag Team Championships

KroniK © vs. Sons Of The South


Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Hall

- Hall's championship dreams begin here. We'll see if you can make it with him.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman

- I vote Chavo, forever champion! He holds the Cruiser title only until winning the World title, then has to battle with himself on which one to drop!


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.



Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match?

HBK vs Nash


What will be the lowest rated match?

Kronik vs SoS


What match will open the show?

Jarrett vs Hall


How many titles will change hands?


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WCW Mayhem 2002 - Official Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kevin Nash


Last Man Standing Match

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Sting vs. Kanyon

Not sure why, but I think Kanyon is going over again here!!!


Steel Cage Match

Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías vs. Mark Jindrak

Inclined to agree with Henderson on most of his points, but I'd have Mesias pin Booker and destroy him to keep Jindrak strong (and undefeated). Then Jindrak take the Belt from Mesias down the road... As for the 'Book Man', you could injure him here and have him return when someone needs a partner in a feud some time down the line... Instant Main Event status if he helps a big name!


WCW Tag Team Championships

KroniK © vs. Sons Of The South

Please!!! I hate Kronik!!!


Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Hall


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman

You've built Kidman up well, but Chavo's been Champ for a long time... Is Kidman good enough!?!? "/ this is more hope than anything as I'm a huge Kidman fan


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.



Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match? HBK vs Nash


What will be the lowest rated match? Kronik vs Sons of the South


What match will open the show? Cruiserweight Title Match


How many titles will change hands? 3

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WCW Mayhem 2002 - Official Card



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kevin Nash


Last Man Standing Match

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Sting vs. Kanyon


Steel Cage Match

Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair

fool me twice shame on you shame me three times shame on me


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías vs. Mark Jindrak

Jindrak going to win and fight off the monster


WCW Tag Team Championships

KroniK © vs. Sons Of The South


Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Hall


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman

Feels like billy going to win but VIVA LA RAZA


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.



Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match? Sting vs. Kanyon


What will be the lowest rated match? KroniK © vs. Sons Of The South


What match will open the show? Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman


How many titles will change hands? 1

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kevin Nash


Last Man Standing Match

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Sting vs. Kanyon


Steel Cage Match

Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías vs. Mark Jindrak


WCW Tag Team Championships

KroniK © vs. Sons Of The South


Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Hall


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.



Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match? Michaels vs Nash


What will be the lowest rated match? Kidman vs Guerrero Jr.


What match will open the show? Guido Versace vs Misterio Jr.


How many titles will change hands? 0

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kevin Nash

Hard-fought for sure, but Shawn finds a way to escape with his title.


Last Man Standing Match

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner

Do it, Scott!! :D


Sting vs. Kanyon

This is quite a tough one, but as much as it'd put Kanyon over I just can't see him winning over The Stinger.


Steel Cage Match

Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair

I'd have figured you to push this to Starrcade, but this should be a huge win for O'Haire.


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías vs. Mark Jindrak

Yes Jindrak!!


WCW Tag Team Championships

KroniK © vs. Sons Of The South


Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Hall

Hall picks up a big win to make his dream start to shape up.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman

Not sure who you could possibly have left for Starrcade, but I want to believe in Chavo holding it that long.


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Bonus Questions

What will be the highest rated match? Sting vs Kanyon

What will be the lowest rated match? Kronik vs SotS

What match will open the show? Cruiserweight title

How many titles will change hands? One, the US!

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kevin Nash

Last Man Standing Match

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner


Sting vs. Kanyon


Steel Cage Match

Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair

WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías vs. Mark Jindrak


WCW Tag Team Championships

KroniK © vs. Sons Of The South


Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Hall

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.



Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match?


What will be the lowest rated match?


What match will open the show?


How many titles will change hands?


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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kevin Nash

HBK seems like a lock for the belt and could deliver at Starcade. Not sure in Nash could.


Last Man Standing Match

Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner

Who's next


Sting vs. Kanyon

Stinger wins, keeping another shot at HBK open


Steel Cage Match

Sean O'Haire vs. Ric Flair

I've been pulling for O'Haire this whole feud. Hopefully, now he can finally go over


WCW United States Championship

Booker T © vs. El Mesías vs. Mark Jindrak

While this could be a good time to transition Booker from the belt, I think Booker retains by DQ. A No DQ match later sees Mesias get the belt


WCW Tag Team Championships


KroniK © vs. Sons Of The South

1: I dislike Kronik; 2: Who are they gonna face next? Crowbar/The Cat? No thanks. At least Sons of The South have the three to battle with


Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Hall

Torn on this one, but I guess we're pulling for The Bad Guy


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman

Never beat against Chavo


Guido Versace vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

Honestly, Rey should be more featured than this. But he wins via DQ


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match? Sting/Kanyon


What will be the lowest rated match? Guido/Rey


What match will open the show?Cruiserweight


How many titles will change hands? 1, Tag Team

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on Mayhem. I had a vacation this past week so I didn't really get any writing done, which has obviously made the wait for Mayhem longer than I'd hoped it would be. But the good news is that the writing is coming along quite well now and the full show should be posted within the next couple of days. :)
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WCW Mayhem 2002 Preshow Results


Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Matt Sydal (C-)

Mike Sanders and Shane Douglas defeated Norman Smiley and Air Paris (C-)

Diamond Dallas Page defeated John Cena (C+)






Week 4, November, 2002

Live from HSBC Arena in Buffalo, New York

Attendance: 18.690 (sellout)



The show kicks off with a video package that hypes up all of the major feuds heading into the Mayhem pay per view. It focuses on the heated rivalry between Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash, showing the footage of Michaels hitting the Sweet Chin Music on Nash at Halloween Havoc, and Nash hitting the Jackknife Powerbomb on Michaels the following night on Monday Nitro. We see footage of the confrontations between Michaels and Nash from the last couple of weeks, and this portion of the video ends with the scene from last week's Monday Nitro with Kevin Nash standing tall in the ring, one foot on Michaels' chest, and the World Heavyweight Championship in his hands. The video then switches focus to several other heated rivalries as we see footage of the battles we have seen over the past weeks and months between Goldberg and Scott Steiner, the long-standing issues between Ric Flair and Sean O'Haire, and the more recent issues between Sting and Kanyon after Kanyon turned his back on Sting's Alliance. The video then goes full circle as it comes to an end with another shot of Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash, along with a voiceover from Tony Schiavone saying that everything is going to be on the line at Mayhem. (B)







Following the intro video we head to the announce table where Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Jerry "The King" Lawler sits ready to call tonight's action. Tony officially welcomes everyone to WCW Mayhem, and he wastes no time in hyping up tonight's stacked card. Shawn Michaels versus Kevin Nash for the World Heavyweight Championship, Goldberg versus "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner in a Last Man Standing match, Sting versus Kanyon, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair versus Sean O'Haire inside a Steel Cage...and these are just a few of the huge matches that are set to take place tonight. Mike Tenay voices his agreement, saying that tonight's show is jam-packed with huge matches from top to bottom, and with Starrcade just one month away things are only going to get more and more exciting. Jerry Lawler agrees that tonight's show is going to be huge, but the one thing he is really looking forward to is seeing Shawn Michaels beating some respect and humility into Kevin Nash tonight. Tony then sends us down to the ring as it is time for our opening bout. (C+)




Steel Cage Match





Mayhem kicked off in a big way as "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair faced off against Sean O'Haire inside a Steel Cage, in a match that both men had agreed would settle the issues between them once and for all. Sean O'Haire came out pumped for this one and he took it to "The Nature Boy" in the early goings, as Tony noted that O'Haire probably had some big time frustrations that he needed to work out on Flair here tonight. O'Haire was quite literally beating Flair all around the ring and, as Mike Tenay pointed out, this time Ric Flair didn't have any place left to run to, after having spent the better part of the past four months running away from O'Haire. Having endured the early flurry from O'Haire, the veteran Flair managed to halt the barrage by shoving O'Haire head first into the Steel Cage when O'Haire attempted a running bulldog. O'Haire hit the side of the cage hard and was busted open from the impact, much to the delight of Jerry Lawler, who made no secret of the fact that he was pulling for "Naitch" in this one. Flair pressed O'Haire's faced into the side of the cage and slid it back and forth, attempting to open up the cut even more. Flair then grabbed O'Haire by the hair and ran across the ring, driving O'Haire face first into the opposite side of the cage. O'Haire collapsed in a heap, bleeding quite a bit now, and Flair was firmly in control. Flair then did what we have seen him do successfull so many times in the past; he began to focus on the legs of O'Haire. Jerry Lawler told Tony and Mike to pay attention because the master was about to take the student to school, and that was exactly what "The Nature Boy" did. Over the next several minutes, Flair methodically worked over the legs of O'Haire, wearing him down as well as laying the groundwork for the Figure Four to be even more effective. Feeling in complete control at this point, Flair pulled out the Nature Boy Strut, much to the displeasure of the fans, and he then grabbed the legs of O'Haire as Jerry Lawler stated that the end was at hand for O'Haire. Flair attempted to lock in the Figure Four, but O'Haire managed to kick Flair off. Flair went right after O'Haire again, looking to deliver an elbow drop, but O'Haire rolled out of the way. Flair, now visibly frustrated, got back to his feet again, but he walked right into a huge right hand from O'Haire, whose face was almost completely blood red by now, and who was only just barely managing to stand on his weakened leg. O'Haire hit another right hand on Flair--and another one. O'Haire then went for a clothesline, but Flair ducked it, only to be driven into the mat with a desperation powerslam from O'Haire. Both men got back to their feet but O'Haire was still struggling to stand as his leg could barely support his weight at this point. Flair charged at O'Haire, trying to catch him by surprise, but O'Haire got out of the way and Flair crashed into the side of the cage in what Mike Tenay said was a rare mistake from "The Nature Boy". O'Haire pumped himself up with the help of the cheering fans, and somehow he managed to ignore the pain in his leg as he allowed his rage to take over. He pulled Flair to his feet and hit a spinebuster, then quickly pulled Flair back to his feet again, whipped him into the ropes and hit a powerslam. Tony and Mike were both going nuts at this point, saying that this was Sean O'Haire's moment, and sure enough O'Haire was thinking the same thing as he began to climb the turnbuckle...but then his leg buckled under him as a collective sigh went through the sell-out crowd. Bloodied, battered and limping, Sean O'Haire desperately tried to get some feeling back in his leg, but Flair chopped him down from behind with a vicious chop block. Flair then dragged O'Haire to the center of the ring and....FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK!!!! The Figure Four was locked in and O'Haire, obviously in a tremendous amount of pain, and with blood covering his face, was still refusing to tap out. Flair kept applying more and more pressure, and he even grabbed the ropes for additional leverage, but somehow Sean O'Haire still was not tapping out, much to the surprise of all three announcers as even Jerry Lawler was impressed with O'Haire's resilience. Flair was relentless, however, and while O'Haire still wasn't tapping out, he was starting to fade. Finally, after the Figure Four had been locked in for what seemed like an eternity, Sean O'Haire passed out from a mix of blood loss and a brutal amount of pain, leaving the referee with no choice but to end the match as O'Haire was no longer able to defend himself.



Ric Flair defeated Sean O'Haire at 17.02 by referee stoppage after O'Haire passed out while locked in the Figure Four Leglock (B)






As soon as the referee calls for the bell, the Steel Cage is raised up and EMT's rush to the ring to check on Sean O'Haire. Ric Flair remains in the ring, visibly exhausted from what was a grueling battle against Sean O'Haire. The EMT's manage to get O'Haire conscious and back on his feet, though he is obviously a lot worse for wear. They attempt to get him out of the ring, but Flair steps in to stop them, drawing a ton of boos crowd the crowd as Tony adamantly says that enough's enough and the EMT's need to get O'Haire out of there. Flair locks eyes with O'Haire and a long moment of intense silence follows....and then Flair extends his hand to O'Haire! The announcers can't believe it, the crowd can't believe it, and Sean O'Haire can't believe it, but Ric Flair keeps insisting to shake hands with O'Haire. After everything these two men have done to each other over the past months, one can hardly blame O'Haire for being skeptical here, but eventually, and after careful consideration, O'Haire shakes Flair's hand as Tony Schiavone says that these two men may not like each other all that much, but Sean O'Haire obviously earned Ric Flair's respect here tonight at Mayhem. (B+)




WCW Tag Team Championship







Following a great opening match, Mayhem continued with the WCW Tag Team Championships on the line as KroniK faced off against Sons Of The South. The challengers started this one off with a great flurry as BG James took it to Brian Adams and Dustin Rhodes took it to Bryan Clark, and the flurry ended with Rhodes and James clotheslining Adams and Clark over the top rope. The challengers stood tall in the ring, while the champions regrouped on the floor. Brian Adams got back into the ring and looked to lock up with BG James, but James was nailed from behind by Bryan Clark, and that cheapshot allowed the champions to take control of the match. Adams and Clark showed their tag team experience here as they made frequent tags to keep each other fresh, while unleashing one power move after another on BG James. KroniK picked up a number of two counts during this portion of the match, but BG James kept kicking out, leading Mike Tenay to note that Sons Of The South have made no secret of the fact that they are determined to get the Tag Team Titles back, especially since they lost the titles at Halloween Havoc without even being involved in the decision. After several minutes of KroniK dominance, BG James finally began to mount a comeback as he unloaded with rights and lefts on Brian Adams. James hit three left handed jabs, and then unloaded with a huge right hand on Adams that finally took the big man off his feet as Tony noted that James brought some shake, rattle and roll to Mayhem. James then made the hot tag to Dustin Rhodes, who came in and immediately went to work as he hit a series of clotheslines on Adams. Bryan Clark entered the ring, but got clotheslined right back out of the ring by Rhodes. Rhodes then hit a running bulldog on Brian Adams and suddenly the champs were in big trouble. Rhodes signaled that the end was near, and the fans cheered the notion of crowning new Tag Team Champions tonight at Mayhem, but Rhodes was suddenly hit from behind by Bryan Clark, who had grabbed one of the Tag Team Title belts and he drove it into the back of Rhodes' head causing the disqualification, but the champions retain the titles.



Sons Of The South defeated KroniK at 13.28 by disqualification. KroniK retains the WCW Tag Team Championships (C+)






This one started off in what seems to be true F.B.I. fashion; with an ambush. Guido Versace ran down the entrance ramp and attacked Rey Misterio Jr. from behind during his entrance, and Guido made good use of the environment, throwing Rey into the guard rail and the steel stairs, and taking full advantage of the fact that he couldn't get disqualified since the match hadn't officially started yet. Guido finally rolled Rey into the ring and the bell sounded to get the match officially underway, but Guido was already looking to end it with a Sicilian Slice...but Misterio avoided the move, if only just barely. Rey bounced off the ropes, but Guido grabbed him and, for a moment, Guido looked like he was in control, but the unpredictable Misterio managed to turn whatever Guido was thinking into a headscissor takedown. Misterio kept the pace high, and that seemed to cause Guido no small amount of problems. Antonina Versace apparently felt the same at ringside as she turned back toward the entrance ramp and motioned for something...or rather, someone...






The remaining three members of the Full Blooded Italians made their way out from the back to boos from the crowd, and Tony noted that now Rey Misterio Jr. once again faced four on one odds--or five on one, counting Antonina. Realizing that the rest of the FBI were at ringside, Rey decided that he wasn't going to wait for them to make the first move as he climbed to the top rope, but instead of going after Guido, he turned and hit a top tope plancha, taking out Big Vito, Johnny The Bull, and Chuck Palumbo with one move. Rey got back in the ring, but Guido was there to greet him with a nasty kick to the head. Guido hit some punches and the whipped Rey against the ropes, but Rey reversed it. Rey then jumped over Guido and bounced off the ropes as well, but Chuck Palumbo grabbed hit leg to stop him. The crowd booed but, unfortunately for Palumbo and the rest of the FBI, the referee saw what Palumbo did and he ejected Palumbo, Vito, The Bull and Antonina from ringside. Guido was furious about this and argued with the referee, and when he finally turned around again....Springboard Hurricanrana!!!!! 1...2....3!!!!! Rey beat Guido again!



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Guido Versace at 11.44 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana (B-)




WCW Cruiserweight Championship







Chavo Guerrero Jr. started this one off by reminding Billy Kidman that tonight marked the one year mark of his reign as Cruiserweight Champion and, according to Chavo, he's only just getting warmed up. Mike Tenay wondered if Chavo's confidence here was real or if he was trying to hide some insecurities after what happened six days ago on Nitro, but Jerry Lawler quickly replied that when you've been champion for a year, you have nothing to be insecure about. Still, Chavo seemed reluctant to square off with Kidman here, taking his time and using every stall tactic in the book, and when Chavo finally did go on the offensive, it was when Kidman's back was turned. Chavo nailed Kidman from behind, but he took a little bit too long to pose afterwards and Kidman was right on top of him. Kidman held the advantage for most of this one as he seemingly had a response to every move the Cruiserweight Champion made, and Chavo soon found himself on the outside again, trying to regroup. Chavo tried to re-enter the ring, but after two failed attempts where Kidman got too close for comfort, Chavo finally shook his head, grabbed the Cruiserweight Championship, and made his way back up the ramp, having apparently had enough of this. Kidman wasn't about to let Chavo walk out, however, and he stopped the Cruiserweight Champion about halfway up the ramp and literally beat him back down the ramp and into the ring. Kidman hit a couple of standing dropkicks, an inverted suplex, and finally a BK Bomb. Then, with Chavo down in the middle of the ring and not moving, Kidman began to climb to the top turnbuckle as Tony Schiavone wondered if we were seconds away from crowning a new Cruiserweight Champion, while Jerry Lawler almost seemed to be in denial, refusing to even consider that possibility. The crowd was on their feet as Kidman reached the top rope, the entire sell-out crowd anxiously anticipating the Shooting Star Press...but then Kidman was suddenly pushed off the top rope by...






Chavo Guerrero Senior!! Mike Tenay quickly identified the man as Chavo Guerrero Jr.'s father, who may have just saved his son's Cruiserweight Championship title reign. Somehow the referee didn't actually see Chavo Senior pushing Kidman, but he was obviously confused. Torrie Wilson desperately tried to explain what happened, but Chavo Senior told her to keep her mouth shut. Torrie then slapped Chavo Senior, much to the enjoyment of the fans, but in all of the commotion the referee forgot to keep an eye on the match, which allowed Chavo Guerrero Jr. to hit a lowblow on Kidman, and he then hit the Gory Bomb, covered Kidman, and picked up the win to extend his reign as Cruiserweight Champion.



Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Billy Kidman at 10.40 by pinfall with a Gory Bomb after Chavo Guerrero Senior got involved. Chavo Guerrero Jr. retains the WCW Cruiserweight Championship ©






Having just stolen yet another victory, Chavo Guerrero Jr. quickly exits the ring and makes his way back up the ramp alongside his father, Chavo Senior, to avoid any potential backlash from Billy Kidman. As they reach the top of the entrance ramp, the Guerrero's stand side by side, proudly celebrating their actions here tonight....but then a steel chair suddenly flies in and hits Chavo Guerrero Jr. in the back. Chavo Guerrero Jr. goes down, and Chavo Senior turns around in confusion to see...






IT'S LA PARKA! The Chairman of WCW has returned and he just took out the Cruiserweight Champion with a steel chair! Chavo Guerrero Senior doesn't quite know what to do as LA Parka dances in his own strange and unique way, but Chavo Senior finally resolves to check on his son while Tony wonders what LA Parka's return to WCW will mean for the Cruiserweight division, and Mike Tenay adds that LA Parka obviously has his sights set on the Cruiserweight Champion. (D-)






Despite having spent the last month or so verbally running down Scott Hall and telling him, in no uncertain terms, that he wasn't fit to ever be a World Champion, "The Chosen One" seemed reluctant to actually step into the ring with Hall here as Jarrett used stall tactics right out of the gate, which clearly frustrated Hall, who was eager to finally get his hands on Jarrett. After taking his time on the outside, Jarrett finally instructed the referee to get Hall as far away from the ropes as possible, and then Jarrett finally entered the ring to get the match started. Hall charged at Jarrett, who attempted to leave the ring again only to be stopped just short as Hall grabbed him from behind, but a swift thumb to the eye from Jarrett to Hall turned the tables for "The Chosen One", who capitalized on his cheap trick to put himself firmly in control. Realizing that he couldn't match power with the bigger and stronger Hall, Jarrett put on a great display of old school technical wrestling to wear Hall down, along with various submission holds, and every time Hall attempted a comeback, Jarrett would cut him off--more than once with the help of Cheerleader Melissa at ringside. Jarrett's confidence grew the longer he was in control, and soon enough that confidence turned into arrogance and overconfidence as Jarrett began to openly mock and taunt both Hall and the sold-out crowd in attendance. This time, however, Jarrett took too much time posing for the unapproving crowd, and this allowed Hall to finally get some offense in as Jarrett turned around and walked right into a huge haymaker from Hall. The crowd came to life and rallied behind Hall, who continued to rock Jarrett with one big right hand after another. Hall whipped Jarrett against the ropes and Jarrett attempted a crossbody....but Hall caught him and turned it into a fallaway slam, which got him a two count. Both men were down on the mat for a five count before Hall made it back to his feet. Hall applied a wristlock, and followed up with several shoulder blocks before grabbing Jarrett by the throat and driving him into the mat with a huge chokeslam for another two count. Hall then got back to his feet and signaled that the end was near, which led Mike Tenay to the inevitable conclusion that Hall was thinking Outsider's Edge here. Hall got Jarrett into position, but Cheerleader Melissa had jumped onto the apron and grabbed the referee's attention, which allowed Jarrett to drop down and hit a lowblow on Hall. With Hall doubled over, Melissa jumped back down off the apron and the referee turned around right in time to see Jarrett hit the Stroke on Hall. Jarrett then covered Hall and...






...NOOOO!!!!!!! Scott Hall managed to kick out!!!


Jarrett couldn't believe it, and he immediately began arguing with the referee, insisting that it was a three count, but the referee maintained that it was only a two count. Cheerleader Melissa was back up on the apron to argue with the referee as well, but to no avail. Finally Jarrett pulled Hall back to his feet and set up for another Stroke...but Hall pushed Jarrett off and Jarrett went right into Melissa, knocking her off the apron and onto the floor. Then, as the referee briefly left the ring to check on Melissa, Hall dropped to his knees and used Jarrett's own tactics against him as he nailed him with a lowblow. Hall then grabbed Jarrett and finished him off with the Outsider's Edge for the three count and the big time win.



Scott Hall defeated Jeff Jarrett at 13.39 by pinfall with an Outsider's Edge (B-)




WCW United States Championship








Booker T was up against the odds in this one as he not only had to defend his United States Championship against two opponents, but it was against two men who has both seemed unstoppable in recent months in Mark Jindrak and El Mesías, but Booker, determined to be a fighting champion, showed no signs of hesitation as he stepped into the ring for this one. After a back and forth opening, the match turned into a contest in one-upmanship as Jindrak and Mesías, despite their obvious animosity towards each other, took turns delivering an impactful move to Booker T, trying to outdo each other. This went on for a while, but only until Mark Jindrak attempted to pin Booker, only to have Mesías break it up and then Jindrak and Mesías finally came face to face. They exchanged words and then the fight was on as Jindrak nailed Mesías with a huge right hand...and Mesías immediately returned the favor with a right of his own. These two seemingly unstoppable superstars kept going back and forth, with neither man gaining any kind of advantage, until Booker T suddenly came from out of nowhere and hit a spinning heel kick on Jindrak, and then a standing sidekick on Mesías. Booker hit a series of clotheslines on both men as the crowd cheered the US Champion on approvingly. Booker hit a spinebuster on Mesías, then a flapjack on Jindrak, and then pulled out a spin-a-roonie to get back to his feet. The crowd was now firmly behind the US Champion, who kicked Mesías in the gut to double him over and....AXE KICK!!!! Tony Schiavone excitedly claimed that this one was over but then, much to Tony's and everyone else's surprise....El Mesías was getting back to his feet. Booker couldn't believe his eyes, but Mesías was back to his feet and looking ready for a fight...but then Mark Jindrak grabbed Mesías from behind and locked in his deadly Kata ha Jime submission finisher, but Booker T broke it up. Booker then pulled Jindrak to his feet and hit the Bookend...but this time it was Mark Jindrak who shocked everyone in the building by slowly getting back to his feet even after taking one of Booker T's best moves as Tony wondered what, if anything, Booker T could do to actually beat these two men. Jindrak clotheslined Booker over the top rope and then Jindrak and Mesías went head to head again, with neither man backing down. El Mesías ended up on the apron where he attempted to suplex Jindrak over the ropes and onto the floor of the ring, but Jindrak was fighting with everything he had to keep that from happening. They teetered back and forth on the ropes with neither man able to get the other one over....and then Booker T suddenly ran up and clotheslined Jindrak into Mesías. Mesías was bumped off the apron and onto the floor, and Booker quickly rolled Jindrak up from behind, catching him by surprise just long enough for the three count and the successful title defense.



Booker T defeated Mark Jindrak and El Mesías at 15.18 by pinfall when Booker pinned Jindrak with a surprise rollup. Booker T retains the WCW United States Championship ©






Once the ring has cleared out, WCW owner Eric Bischoff's music hits and Bischoff makes his way out from the back, much to Tony and Mike's surprise as Bischoff wasn't scheduled to be out here tonight. Jerry Lawler reminds them that this is Bischoff's company and he can do whatever he wants, and he then encourages them both to stand up and applaud the WCW owner, which is exactly what "The King" is doing himself. Bischoff enters the ring with huge grin on his face, and the crowd showers the owner of WCW with boos. Bischoff just laughs it off and calls for a mic. Bischoff says that that kind of reception really warms his heart because it reminds him just how much these people really and truly love him, which, of course, only makes the fans boo him even louder. Bischoff continues his sarcasm by saying that as much as he would love to stand there and soak in the love a little while longer, he's out there for a reason, and that reason is that he's got an announcement to make right here tonight at WCW Mayhem. Bischoff says that four weeks from tonight WCW will once again be hosting the granddaddy of them all; Starrcade. And while he does have an announcement to make regarding Starrcade, everyone will just have to wait until tomorrow night because he'll be making that announcement live at the beginning of Monday Nitro. His announcement tonight is regarding next year because in 2003, WCW will be adding a thirteenth pay per view to its schedule, a pay per view that will be taking place two weeks after Starrcade. The pay per view will be taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada, and it will feature a total of eight matches; four title matches and four number one contender matches. But who will get these opportunities? What types of matches will they be? Well, in true Las Vegas fashion all of that is going to be left up to chance, because for night only...WCW is going Vegas rules, baby! ©



As Bischoff's music hits, Tony, Mike, and Jerry hype up Bischoff's announcement of adding a thirteenth pay per view to the schedule for 2003, and in Las Vegas, of all places. Tony wonders what exactly Bischoff meant by saying that the matches were going to be left up to chance, but Jerry Lawler quickly reassures him that, if Eric Bischoff came up with it, it's going to be great. Tony says that he's just been told that the new pay per view is officially named WCW: Vegas Rules, and it will be taking place in the second week of January, so now there is even more to look forward to in the new year. Mike Tenay finally chimes in and wonders what announcement Eric Bischoff is going to be making tomorrow night on Nitro regarding Starrcade, which of course leads Tony to encourage everyone to tune into WCW Monday Nitro tomorrow night on Bravo! to find that out for themselves.






Following Eric Bischoff's huge announcement, and his teaser for another big announcement tomorrow night on Nitro, we cut to a video that highlights the issues between "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner and "The Man" Goldberg, and their struggle to determine who the most dominant man in professional wrestling today really is. We see footage of their various confrontations, including Goldberg's win against Steiner at Halloween Havoc, as well as footage of Goldberg being locked in the Steiner Recliner from this past edition of Monday Nitro. The video comes to an end with a shot of Goldberg and Steiner standing face to face, nose to nose, and with neither man backing down so much as an inch. (B-)




Last Man Standing Match





As Goldberg and Scott Steiner stared each other down from opposite corners of the ring, Tony Schiavone reminded everyone that, as per the decision made by WCW owner Eric Bischoff, every single person on the WCW roster was banned from getting involved in this match under punishment of immediately termination of their WCW contract. The staredown soon turned out to be nothing more than the very brief calm before the storm as Steiner and Goldberg charged toward each other, and they clashed in the middle of the ring like two medieval armies on the battlefield. They went back and forth with big time, high impact punches, and neither man wasted any time here as they both swung for the head right from the get-go. Goldberg finally got the upper hand and drove Steiner into the corner, but Steiner, already taking advantage of the lack of rules in the match, grabbed his trusty lead pipe and drove it into the midsection of Goldberg, then brought it down across his back and suddenly "Big Poppa Pump" had the early advantage. Steiner didn't waste any time flexing here as he normally would, instead choosing to stay on Goldberg as Mike Tenay noted that Steiner seemed more focused and determined than ever before. Steiner got a few more shots in with the lead pipe and then hit a belly to belly suplex, before leaving the ring to, apparently, look for even more weapons. Steiner threw a couple of steel chairs into the ring, but he misjudged the situation when he began to look under the ring for a table, as Goldberg had gotten back to his feet and attacked Steiner from behind. Goldberg drove Steiner face first into the apron, then whipped him back first into the guard rail, before finally charging toward him and clotheslining both Steiner and himself over the guard rail as Mike Tenay noted that a Last Man Standing match can end literally anywhere as the ten count doesn't have to take place in the ring. Goldberg and Steiner fought their way through the crowd before eventually ending up somewhere in the back where the WCW camera men scrambled to follow them. Both men used anything they could get their hands on as a weapon, and the damage was taking its toll on both men. At one point Goldberg even picked Steiner up and put him through a concession table with a running powerslam, but impressively Steiner was able to make it back to his feet at the referee's count of six. Both men continued to fight their way through the backstage area until they eventually fought their way back out onto the entrance ramp, where Steiner planted Goldberg with a brutal DDT. The referee began his count, but Goldberg was up by the count of six. Steiner grabbed a steel chair and raised it high above his head, but before he could actually blast Goldberg with it, Goldberg exploded toward Steiner and delivered one of the most impactful Spears we have ever seen, and then both men were down as a result of this grueling and brutal match.


Goldberg slowly got back to his feet, pulled Steiner up by the head, and began to beat him down the entrance ramp toward the ring, as Tony speculated that maybe Goldberg wanted to beat Steiner in the ring to prove once and for all that he really is the most dominant man this business has ever seen. Goldberg rolled Steiner into the ring and then set up for another Spear. Steiner got to his feet and turned around, Goldberg charged, but Steiner managed to duck out of the way at the very last second and Goldberg hit the middle turnbuckle head first. Stunned by the impact, Goldberg staggered right into a shot with the lead pipe from Scott Steiner, this one delivered straight to Goldberg's forehead. Goldberg went down in a heap, blood now trickling from the cut, and Steiner instructed the referee to begin his count.










Somehow, someway, Goldberg slowly began to stir.






Goldberg struggled to get back to his feet.








HE DID IT! Using the ropes for support, Goldberg managed to pull himself back up to his feet just before the ten count. The crowd roared in approval, but Scott Steiner was absolutely livid as he grabbed the referee, who desperately tried to calm "Big Poppa Pump" down. Then, having apparently decided that the referee wasn't worth it, Steiner turned his focus back on Goldberg as he grabbed him and set him up for the Steiner Flatliner, but Goldberg pushed Steiner into the ropes and....ANOTHER SPEAR!!!! Goldberg got back to his feet and, blood still trickling down his face, he signaled for the end. Then he grabbed Steiner and set him up for the Jackhammer, but then Goldberg suddenly collapsed as he was hit by something behind....






The announcers were stunned as the thing that Goldberg was hit with from behind was a nightstick and the person who attacked him was...Ray Traylor?!? Traylor continued to lay into Goldberg with his nightstick, and Steiner got back to his feet and joined the attack by beating Goldberg with his lead pipe, and Tony and Mike both noted that not even Goldberg would be able to withstand this for very long. The brutal assault was finally halted when Steiner instructed the referee to begin his count, which he reluctantly did.










Somehow, someway, Goldberg was stirring, and Steiner threatened the referee to quicken his count.








Despite all of the punishment he had just taken, Goldberg was still trying to get back to his feet.








Tony, Mike, and Jerry all agreed that they had no idea how Goldberg was able to get back to his feet, but considering that no help would be coming thanks to the stipulation made by Eric Bischoff, it might have been wiser for Goldberg to stay down. But what's this?!?....Ray Traylor pulled out two pairs of leg cuffs and he tossed one pair to Steiner, keeping the other for himself, and...THEY'RE CUFFING GOLDBERG'S LEGS TO THE BOTTOM ROPE!!! With his legs now cuffed to the bottom rope, Goldberg was left completely helpless, in addition to being barely conscious at this point, and Scott Steiner instructed the referee to begin his count again.










Not like this, the Streak can't end like this, can it?








Goldberg, now fully realizing the situation, struggled with everything he had left, but there was no way he could possibly get to his feet like this.






...10!!!! THE STREAK IS OVER!!!!



Scott Steiner defeated Goldberg at 14.39 when Goldberg was unable to get back to his feet before the count of ten (B)



The sold-out crowd has nothing but boos for Scott Steiner and Ray Traylor, who just teamed up to rob Goldberg of his streak. Tony and Mike are both disgusted with how the streak came to an end as well, saying that Steiner may have officially beaten Goldberg tonight, but how could he possibly claim to be the most dominant man in professional wrestling after a display like that? Jerry Lawler thinks it's great, however, saying that Goldberg finally got what he had coming to him. Tony says he's not even going to dignify that with an answer, and then informs us that our next match is coming up momentarily and here's a look at how we got to this match.






Another video plays, this one telling the tale of the issues between Sting and Kanyon. We see footage from back when Kanyon was part of Sting's Alliance, fighting side by side with Sting, Goldberg, Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page agains the nWo. But then things took a turn for the worse when Kanyon turned on Sting's Alliance at Souled Out and helped Shawn Michaels defeat Sting and retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. We see footage of Kanyon defeating DDP at Halloween Havoc, and then we see shots of the confrontations that has taken place between Sting and Kanyon during these last few weeks. Will Sting finally get his redemption tonight at Mayhem? Or will the turncoat Kanyon stick it to Sting one more time? (B)






This match was the exact opposite of the previous war between Goldberg and Scott Steiner where weapons of all kinds were used, and Sting and Kanyon put on a match here that will most likely go down in history as one of the greatest matches of all time in WCW. Despite the heated issues between these men, both men seemed determined to out-wrestle each other in the early goings of this one, and the back and forth had the fans hooked right from the start. Still, it only took so long before Kanyon bent the rules by sticking his thumb into Sting's eye, and then taking advantage of the temporarily blinded Stinger by delivering a swinging neckbreaker to seize control of the match. As Kanyon locked Sting into a headlock to slowly wear him down, the announcers talked up Kanyon's impressive victory at Halloween Havoc against the great Diamond Dallas Page, with Tony saying that he might not like the guy, but Kanyon seems to have all the makings of a future WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Feeding off the crowd, Sting began to fight his way back up to his feet, and he elbowed his way out of the headlock and whipped Kanyon against the ropes. Kanyon ducked Sting's clothesline attempt and bounced off the ropes again, only to run straight into a standing dropkick. Sting hit a series of inverted atomic drops, then bounced off the ropes and drove Kanyon's face into the mat with a one handed bulldog. Sting howled at the crowd, who responded in kind, and Sting then hit some rights and lefts on Kanyon before taking him down with a vertical suplex. Sting then climbed to the top rope, waited for Kanyon to stand, and delivered a diving clothesline, which got him the first near-fall of the match. Sting pulled Kanyon to his feet, but Kanyon again raked the eyes of Sting, earning himself a warning from the referee but also an opportunity to catch his breath and get back into the match. Kanyon hit a russian legsweep and then a moonsault from the top rope, and this time it was Kanyon who got a near-fall.


Kanyon maintained control of the match for the next several minutes, wearing Sting down with a mix of impact moves and submission holds and, as Mike Tenay pointed out, Kanyon wasn't just focusing on one part of Sting's body, he was systematically wearing down every single limb. Kanyon got another near-fall after hitting a diving legdrop from the top rope, and then tried to make Sting tap out to an STF, but the Stinger refused to tap out. Getting frustrated now, Kanyon began to argue more and more with the referee, and this frustration soon caused him to take his eyes off Sting for too long, and the Stinger opened up on Kanyon with a series of knife edge chops, rights and lefts, and finally a big time clothesline that took Kanyon off his feet. Sting pounded his chest, howled at the fans, and then grabbed Kanyon by the legs and pulled him toward the center of the ring. Tony Schiavone declared that it was Scorpion Deathlock time, but Kanyon apparently realized this as well as he began to kick his legs frantically to keep Sting from locking it in. Kanyon got to his knees and then caught Sting by surprise with a sudden jawbreaker that caused some separation. Kanyon followed up with a double underhook suplex, and then covered Sting, putting his feet on the middle rope for added leverage, but still Sting managed to kick out. Kanyon told the fans "enough" as he pulled Sting to his feet and looked to score with the Kanyon Cutter...but Sting managed to elbow his way out of it. Sting hit some rights and lefts, and then both men bounced off the ropes and collided with a double clothesline and both men were down.



The referee began his ten count and both men were back to their feet by the count of seven. Sting and Kanyon's eyes met as both men stared at each other, both of them visibly tiring from this incredible matchup, but then Sting motion for Kanyon to bring the fight to him, which seemed to make Kanyon somewhat uneasy, but the fans loved it. Kanyon turned and attempted to leave the ring, but Sting stopped him--only for Kanyon to suddenly spin around and....KANYON CUTTER!!!!!








Sting just barely managed to shoot his shoulder off the canvas at the very last split second to avoid defeat. Kanyon pounded the mat in frustration, while the fans rallied behind Sting once more, chanting his name. Having taken note of the fans' chanting, Kanyon grabbed Sting by the legs and pulled him to the middle of the ring where he looked to deliver the ultimate insult by making Sting tap out to his own move as he attempted to lock in the Scorpion Deathlock--but Sting was fighting it and Kanyon couldn't get the move properly locked in. Now absolutely livid, Kanyon pulled Sting to his feet and literally slapped him while yelling that Sting "was nothing". Kanyon went for another slap...but Sting blocked it and hit a huge haymaker...and another one....and another one! Sting beat Kanyon back into the corner, then whipped him across the ring into the other corner and....STINGER SPLASH!....AND ANOTHER ONE....AND A THIRD ONE!!! Kanyon wobbled out of the corner and Sting grabbed him and....SCORPION DEATHDROP!!! With Kanyon down in the middle of the ring, Sting grabbed his legs and applied the SCORPION DEATHLOCK!!!


Kanyon was in obvious pain, but he refused to tap out.






Still in a tremendous amount of pain, Kanyon desperately tried to crawl his way to the ropes.






Kanyon got so close to the ropes that his fingertips were touching them, but then Sting dragged Kanyon back in the center of the ring. With the ropes now far, far away again, Kanyon finally had enough and tapped out, giving Sting the win in what was a tremendous match.



Sting defeated Kanyon at 18.27 by submission with the Scorpion Deathlock (A)



The match is over and Sting stands tall in the ring, having finally gotten his redemption against the man who stabbed him in the back at Souled Out. The announcers put over the efforts of both men, saying that both Sting and Kanyon obviously left it all in the ring tonight in what was truly a classic one on one matchup. Tony then informs us that coming up next the WCW World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line as the World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, defends the title against Kevin Nash, the man who was once Shawn Michaels' best friend, but who is now his hated enemy.






Tony's words leads us into a hype video for the upcoming World Heavyweight Championship title match. The video focuses on the long-standing friendship between Michaels and Nash and their time together in the nWo along with Scott Hall. But then comes the footage from Halloween Havoc, where Shawn Michaels hit the Sweet Chin Music on Nash and pinned him to retain the World Title in a four way matchup, which was the culmination of months of issues and heat between Michaels and Nash. We see footage of their battles over the last four weeks, and the video comes to an end with a shot from this past Monday Nitro when Kevin Nash posed in the ring with the World Title in his hands and Shawn Michaels unconscious at his feet. Will we be crowing a new WCW World Heavyweight Champion tonight at Mayhem? (B-)



'The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship!!!! Introducing first, the challenger; hailing from Detroit, Michigan..."BIG SEXY" KEVIN NASH!!!!!!!!!'



<iframe width="200" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xynCAraA-iY?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Kevin Nash makes his way out from the back and immediately makes it known that he wants the title, motining that the belt will soon be around his waist. Tony Schiavone brings up a list of Nash's many accomplishments in WCW, and he wonders if "Big Sexy" will be adding a sixth WCW World Heavyweight Championship to that list tonight. Nash enters the ring and throws up the Too Sweet hand signal, and then he turns his attention to the entrance ramp as motions for Michaels to come on down.



'And introducing next...he is the defending and reigning WCW World Heavyweight Champion....SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!!!'



<iframe width="200" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sZk__RS4nwg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




The reigning WCW World Heavyweight Champion comes out from the back to nothing but boos from the crowd. Tony points out that Michaels has held the World Heavyweight Championship for seven months, winning the title back at Spring Stampede by defeating Diamond Dallas Page in Michaels' first ever match in WCW. But will that reign come to an end tonight?




WCW World Heavyweight Championship







It was finally main event time and things got heated in a hurry as Shawn Michaels attempted to catch the challenger by surprise by attacking him before the bell had even sounded. Michaels got a couple of shots in, but a big time knee to the midsection from Nash put Michaels' brief momentum to a grinding halt. The bell sounded and Nash continued to lay into Michaels with some hard right handed shots that obviously rocked the champion, and Tony commented that you could almost see Nash putting all of his hatred for Shawn Michaels into each and every single punch. Nash slammed Michaels to the mat, then got into a mounted position and began pummeling Michaels with punches, and stopping only after the referee threatened to disqualify him. Nash picked Michaels up and threw him out of the ring, taking the fight to the outside. Nash hit some more punches on Michaels, then smashed his head against the apron of the ring, before picking a wobbly Michaels up and bodyslamming him on the floor. Tony noted that it had been all Nash thus far, and Mike Tenay added that the issues between these two men were obviously so very personal, especially for Nash, who was stabbed in the back by the man who was supposed to be one of his best friends. The fight went back into the ring where Nash continued to slowly and methodically wear Michaels down. More right handed shots, a snake eyes, and then a sidewalk slam earned Nash the first near-fall of the match, and when Michaels kicked out, Nash got into a mounted position again and started pummeling the World Champion again. Nash pulled Michaels back to his feet and whipped him into the ropes, but Michaels was finally able to mount some offense after ducking a big boot and then taking Nash down from behind with a chop block, prompting Mike Tenay to bring up the numerous leg injuries Nash has suffered during his career--which Shawn Michaels was no doubt well aware of.


Michaels dominated the next several minutes of the match, focuses a lot of his offense on Nash's legs, and making a point of giving the challenger absolutely no time to recover. Jerry Lawler noted that Shawn Michaels had been the World Champion for as long as he had for a reason, and that we were all seeing that reason right now in the focused and relentless way he was going about this match. The match spilled out of the ring again as Michaels whipped Nash into the guard rail, then climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit a diving double axehandle smash. The World Champion then got Nash back into the ring, climbed to the top turnbuckle again, and nailed the diving elbow drop. Michaels covered, but Nash kicked out after two. Michaels whipped Nash into the corner, then climbed to the second turnbuckle and began to unload on Nash with right handed punches...1...2...3...4...5...but the sixth never came as Nash reached up, grabbed Michaels by the throat, walked out of the corner, and drove him into the mat with a chokeslam. Both men were down and slow to get up, and when they finally did get back to their feet, they did so at roughly the same time. Michaels charged toward Nash, but ended up charging right into a Big Boot from the challenger. Nash pulled Michaels to his feet, then hit another snake eyes, followed by a sidewalk slam, and then "Big Sexy" called for the Jackknife Powerbomb. Nash grabbed Michaels, hoisted him up, but Michaels jammed a thumb into Nash's eye to save himself from the Jackknife. Michaels dropped down behind Nash and hit a standing dropkick, the impact of which sent Nash right into the referee, knocking him down.


Realizing that the referee was down, Michaels quickly left the ring and grabbed a steel chair at ringside, then re-entered the ring just as Nash was getting back to his feet. Michaels readied himself with the chair, waiting for Nash to turn around, and when he did, Michaels swung the chair and....BIG BOOT BY NASH!!! Michaels went down, and suddenly if was "Big Sexy" who stood with the chair in hand. Nash looked at the chair, then at Michaels who was slowly getting back to his feet, and then at the referee, who was still down. Then, as Michaels turned around, Nash nailed the World Champion with the steel chair and the impact of the shot echoed throughout the building. Nash threw the chair out of the ring and pulled Michaels to his feet just as the referee got back to his feet....




Nash covered....






....3!!!!!! NEW CHAMP!!!!!!





But what's this?!?!?






Eric Bischoff is out and he does not look like a happy man. Bischoff instructs the referee to NOT hand Kevin Nash the WCW World Heavyweight Championship because as of right now...he is reversing the referee's decision. He says that Kevin Nash is not the winner of the match because he used an illegal weapon and because of that, the winner of the match as a result of a disqualification...and STILL the WCW World Heavyweight Champion....SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!



Shawn Michaels defeated Kevin Nash at 15.43 by disqualification. Shawn Michaels retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (match) (B) (Post Match) B



And with that controversial decision, and with Tony Schiavone speculating that Eric Bischoff would never have been out to reverse any decision if Shawn Michaels had been the one to use the steel chair, which was exactly what Shawn Michaels had intended to do, WCW Mayhem comes to an end with a shot of Shawn Michaels being handed the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.



Final Show Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: 1.30 (new record)

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I'll echo Lloyd and say that Mayhem was a great show. I've dropped out of touch with this for a while but it was a great point to jump back in - your booking is as strong as ever so I'll do my best to keep up.


Out of interest- how does Sting/Kanyon rank among your best matches?

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