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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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<p>Round 1; King of the Ring</p><p>

Billy Gunn vs. <em>Johnny Nitro</em> w/Melina</p><p>

Comment: <em>We aren't Billy Gunning this KotR.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Golden Globes</em> vs. The Aristocracy</p><p>

Comment: <em>A good little match that should help develop Damian's skills a bit.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Round 1; King of the Ring</p><p>

<em>Chris Jericho</em> vs. A-Train</p><p>

Comment: <em>IC champ AND King? Yeah, babay!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mickie James w/Lita vs. <em>Victoria</em></p><p>

Comment: <em>Victoria going over here will make her an even better heel to face off with Lita.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Tajiri vs. <em>Triple H</em> w/Ric Flair</p><p>

<em>wtf?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Shelton Benjamin</em> vs. Kane</p><p>

<em>Win over Kane can shoot Shelton into the upper echelon.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Comments on Previous Show:</p><p>

<em>Highly enjoyable Bash, my man. Probably the most amazing thing about it was..... Storm and Haas retaining! Woo!</em></p>

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  • Replies 1.7k
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Billy Gunn vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



The Golden Globes vs. The Aristocracy



Round 1; King of the Ring

Chris Jericho vs. A-Train



Mickie James w/Lita vs. Victoria



Tajiri vs. Triple H w/Ric Flair


Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane


Comments on Previous Show:

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<p>Round 1; King of the Ring</p><p>

Billy Gunn vs. <strong>Johnny Nitro w/Melina</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Golden Globes</strong> vs. The Aristocracy</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Round 1; King of the Ring</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. A-Train</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Mickie James w/Lita vs. <strong>Victoria</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Tajiri vs. <strong>Triple H w/Ric Flair</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong> vs. Kane</p>

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<p>Confirmed Match Preview</p><p>

Round 1; King of the Ring</p><p>

Billy Gunn vs. <strong>Johnny Nitro w/Melina</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

The Golden Globes vs. <strong>The Aristocracy</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Round 1; King of the Ring</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. A-Train</p><p>

Comment: <em>lol</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mickie James w/Lita</strong> vs. Victoria</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Tajiri vs. <strong>Triple H w/Ric Flair</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Shelton Benjamin vs. <strong>Kane</strong></p>

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<p>Confirmed Match Preview</p><p>

Round 1; King of the Ring</p><p>

Billy Gunn vs. <strong>Johnny Nitro w/Melina</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

The Golden Globes vs. <strong>The Aristocracy</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Round 1; King of the Ring</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho </strong>vs. A-Train</p><p>



Mickie James w/Lita</strong> vs. Victoria</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Tajiri vs. <strong>Triple H w/Ric Flair</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Shelton Benjamin vs. <strong>Kane</strong></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Lloyd" data-cite="The Lloyd" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36517" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Comments on Previous Show: <em>Great show man </em><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><em> Can't believe i called Orton as the RAW guy to come to the Bash, but glad 'Taker accepted his challenge for Summerslam. Gutted that Ron Simmons didn't turn on Rey and Kidman to become the manager of the Chosen Ones... just seemed to fit in my head... </em><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Interested to see where you go with Sable... if she'll grow some sort of mole on her face, only for the Boogeyman to come bite it off!!!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> And then Eddie did it!!!! </em><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><em> Amazing!!!! I was rooting for him all the way!!!! Should set up a nice Eddie vs Brock feud now...</em></p><p><em> </em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Honestly, when you predicted Simmons being their manager, I was like "damn, that's what I should have done" but I have other plans for him as of now.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I think Sable's career is a little bit better than Jillian's not sure if we're gonna see that. Thanks for the kind words!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Midnightnick" data-cite="Midnightnick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36517" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't follow real world diaries ever. I try, but I never can get into them.<p> </p><p> But I'm deep into this. Keep on rocking in the free world man.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm honored <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> glad to have converted you to the dark side and I hope you like what's to come.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Beejus" data-cite="Beejus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36517" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Comments on Previous Show:<p> <em>Highly enjoyable Bash, my man. Probably the most amazing thing about it was..... Storm and Haas retaining! Woo!</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I really, really toyed back and forth with both teams, but eventually settled on them because I can always hand it to Londrick later on if that's what I feel, but I really like Haas and Storm as a team. There should be more to come from them.</p><p> </p><p> Thanks for the comments guys, RAW should be up within the next couple days.</p>
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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 3, July 2004



Monday, Week 3, July 2004


RAW kicks off with a highlight video and we’re welcomed to the show by Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler. They hype the main event pitting Shelton Benjamin against Kane, as well as commenting on Shawn Michaels’ #1 contender victory last week. Will he be taking on Triple H or Shelton Benjamin for the belt at SummerSlam?


83 (B+)

: None.



To kick off the show, "Break The Walls Down" hits and the commentators note that they won't be waiting long to hear
Chris Jericho's
chosen SummerSlam match! Y2J gets in the ring, where his Highlight Reel set has been erected, and he has a microphone in hand.



"Hello and welcome to
And more importantly, welcome to the greatest syndicated talk show in WWE history,
Last week, I came in second in the Beat the Clock Challenge, and while it sucks that the SummerSlam main event will
feature Y2J, I've come up with an idea that has the potential to be one of the greatest spectacles in SummerSlam history. It involves Y...2...J, another five of the highest caliber superstars in the WWE, and, most importantly.......a


The crowd cheers and then Jericho elaborates a bit more.


"What will be hanging high above the ring, if not the World Heavyweight Championship or my Intercontinental Title, you faithful Jerichoholics might ask? My answer is this: a leather briefcase. Inside this briefcase will be a piece of paper. And on that piece of paper will be written terms of a contract -- the man who retrieves the briefcase will hold a contract for a World Title match at any time over the next
. So that means that Y2J can become the World Champion at any time I want and that I am going to win this match at SummerSlam in order to do just that."


The audience seems to like the concept of this match -- they're cheering wildly now.


"So what's the name of this match? With a stroke of genius, Y2J has come up with the perfect name to call it. The winner of this match will carry around this briefcase in their back pocket at all times...now why don't we just call that...Money...in the Bank!"


92 (A)

: None.




Round 1, King of the Ring

Billy Gunn
Johnny Nitro w/Melina


Our first King of the Ring matchup of the night saw “The Hollywood Heartthrob” Johnny Nitro take on his former foe Billy Gunn. This match showed just how much Nitro has improved over the last few months, as he made Gunn show his age in the ring. In a mildly competitive match, Nitro picked up the win with a swinging neckbreaker.


69 (C+)

: 7:52. Nitro looked a little off his game in the win.



In the office of
Eric Bischoff
, an unexpected guest in the form of
Jeff Hardy
finds his way through the door. Bischoff asks him what he’s got on his mind, and Jeff mentions the “Money in the Bank” match Chris Jericho described earlier. Jeff says it’s a win-win if Bischoff puts him in the match, because nobody is gonna excite the crowd more than Jeff Hardy. Bischoff smirks and tells him that he likes that idea, but Jeff’s gotta earn his way in. And if he wants to be a part of this “Money in the Bank” ladder match, Jeff is going to have double duty next week. Since he’s still involved in the King of the Ring Tournament, he’s going to have his KotR match as well as his Money in the Bank qualifier! Bischoff suggests that Hardy rest up for his matches next week, because he has very important business to take care of elsewhere.


74 (B-)

: None.




The Golden Globes
The Aristocracy


The two teams locked horns after last week when Venis and Goldust interrupted a tirade against the fans. Regal and Warlock worked over Val for the majority of this match, but Venis was able to make the hot tag to Goldust. “The Bizarre One” had a bit of steam going, when Warlock hit a low blow behind the referee’s back and rolled him up for the win!


61 ©

: 7:33.



The camera goes backstage where
Eric Bischoff
happens to come across both
Shawn Michaels
Rob Van Dam
, who are together talking about last week. Eric says that it’s good the two of them are together – because they’ll be together again at King of the Ring. In a six-man tag match, the team of Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and “The Big Red Machine” Kane will take on Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, and – due to Chris Benoit’s concussion suffered last week – a partner of their choice! If they can’t find someone to team with them, then it’ll be a 3-on-2 Handicap match!


86 (B+)

: None.




Round 1; King of the Ring/Money in the Bank Qualifier

Chris Jericho


Looking for the right to move on in the King of the Ring tournament and earn a spot in the “Money in the Bank” Ladder Match, both Jericho and A-Train stepped up their game in this one. This was a very impressively-wrestled match which got the crowd involved and pulling for Y2J, but Jericho predictably came out victorious after a Lionsault to the bigger A-Train.


81 (B)

: 11:54.



In the back,
The Dudley Boyz
are walking down the hallway with their titles. Out of nowhere,
Robert Conway and Sylvain Grenier
attack them from behind! The champions are floored as La Resistance tosses them around the backstage area. The Dudleyz try valiantly to fight back, but the pre-emptive strike proves too much to overcome. La Resistance stands over the champions on this night!


62 ©

: None.



In the back, Todd Grisham is with
Christian and Trish Stratus
. He asks Christian his thoughts on the “Money in the Bank” match, and both Trish and Christian seem excited at the prospect. Trish says that Christian’s track record speaks for itself, and that her man is going to be the one to climb the ladder and take the contract. Christian piggybacks off of this, calling himself the greatest ladder match participant in history. He references the classic TLC matches and says that he stole the show every single time. He says he's going to be the man who gets the title shot and that RAW is going to turn into the Peep Show once he becomes the World Heavyweight Champion!


80 (B)

: None.




Mickie James w/Lita


The #1 contender to the Women's Championship showed her powerful and athletic side in this match against Lita's biggest fan. Mickie gave it all her heart and try as she might, Victoria was just too much. The refocused former Women's Champion ended this one with the Widow's Peak after launching her off of an attempted Tornado DDT.


60 ©

I just found out recently that the Mickie/Trish angle was actually written for Mickie and Lita, so that's pretty cool.



After the match,
rocks the Women's Champion
with a Superkick as she gets up on the apron! Victoria turns her sights to
Mickie James
, tossing her around the ring before hitting another Widow's Peak! Victoria stands tall over Lita and Mickie, raising her arms with a twisted smile on her face.


50 (D+)

: 6:30.



In the back,
Randy Orton and Ric Flair
are with Jonathan Coachman, who wants their opinion on the recently announced King of the Ring match as well as Orton's challenge to The Undertaker last night at the Great American Bash!


Flair starts, saying that Van Dam and Michaels are in for the beating of a lifetime at the hands of "The Nature Boy," "The Legend Killer," and "The Big Red Machine" in two weeks. They'd better find somebody quick, because there ain't no way that they can withstand Evolution and Kane. Orton continues off of this, saying that he's glad Kane was chosen by Eric Bischoff to be their partner, because not only will he destroy Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam, but he'll be the perfect guy to ask about The Undertaker going into SummerSlam. Nobody knows the Deadman better than his own flesh and blood, and Randy Orton is going to make his mark at SummerSlam by picking the brain of Kane.


80 (B)

: None.




Non-Title Match

Triple H


This contest saw Tajiri give it his all. He was even able to get the crowd going by locking in the Tarantula on the World Heavyweight Champion, but once "The Game" ducked a telegraphed Buzzsaw Kick, he was able to land a foot to the gut and a Pedigree for the win.


79 (B)

: 7:41.



Triple H
grabs a microphone after the match and begins to aim his promo toward Shelton Benjamin. HHH announces that Eric Bischoff has made Shelton's match against Kane into a King of the Ring match, so if Shelton moves on, he has a chance to have three matches at the King of the Ring special on NBC! He tells Benjamin that he's in the middle of a fluky run right now, and that all comes to an end tonight when he steps in the ring with "The Big Red Machine," Kane. Hunter says that nobody in the history of his business is a more sustainable and dominant champion than Triple H, and that by the time it's all said and done, and by the time the dust clears...every person has fallen to "The Game" -- and the King of the Ring is no different.


93 (A)

: None.



Following his successful matchup earlier tonight, we go to Jonathan Coachman who talks to
Johnny Nitro and Melina
about their future on RAW. They respond to him by saying that the King of the Ring is just a stepping stone to future greatness. The paparazzi are going to just
the priceless gold that's going to be laying across the beautiful scalp of Johnny Nitro in just thirteen days. Nitro adds that once he's the King of the Ring, he also wants to stake his claim at Money in the Bank. Melina says he's already worth more than money can buy because of his rockstar good looks and his Hollywood lifestyle, but once Johnny Nitro has that "Money in the Bank" briefcase, he's going to add
even more
gold to his collection!


52 (D+)

: None.




Round 1; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin


The crowd really got behind Shelton in this one, but this was a bit of a disappointing match. Both guys looked a little bit sloppy, and as Shelton was trying to muster one final comeback against the far stronger Kane, he was blasted with the World Heavyweight Title by Triple H! The referee stopped this one with a disqualification as Triple H ended the show by planting Shelton with a Pedigree onto the title belt! It was clear that this was all a set-up, and that Kane had no interest in the KotR as Triple H destroyed Shelton after the match!


76 (B-)

: 12:15.



83 (B+)

: None.


Quick Results


Round One; King of the Ring

Billy Gunn vs.
Johnny Nitro w/Melina


The Golden Globes vs.
The Aristocracy


Round One; King of the Ring

This doubled as a Money in the Bank Qualifier

Chris Jericho
vs. A-Train


Mickie James w/Lita vs.


Non-Title Match

Tajiri vs.
Triple H


Round One; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin
vs. Kane; DQ


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Beejus - 32


The Lloyd - 28

SpecialDelivery - 27

Kijar - 25

michgcs - 19

Smasher1311 - 17

thebest2427 - 5

Captain2 - 4 (welcome back!)

Midnightnick - 2 (welcome!)


Lloyd catapults himself up the rankings with a perfect score, but Beejus extends his lead! We've got four more shows before the contest is over, so there's plenty of time for some movement. Also, I realized I'm an idiot and put Orton on the bracket instead of Kane, so that explains the confusion in the Shelton/Kane match.


Speaking of which, the updated King of the Ring bracket can be found HERE.


The current King of the Ring card up to this point is as follows:


WWE King of the Ring 2004 Preview(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H ©


King of the Ring Final

??? vs. ???


King of the Ring Semi-Final

??? vs. ???


King of the Ring Semi-Final

??? vs. ???


Six-Man Tag Match

Will turn to a 3v2 Handicap if no partner is found

Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, and ??? vs. Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and Kane

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SmackDown Preview: Week 3, July 2004



WWE SmackDown!Thursday, Week 3, July 2004


Two more King of the Ring matches will take place this week, but the real spotlight will be on the main event. This past Monday on RAW, Chris Jericho announced an innovative new match -- a six-man ladder match for a briefcase that holds a contract where the holder can cash in a title shot at any time over the next year! SmackDown's first qualifying match for this "Money in the Bank" match will feature two of its top stars -- "The Doctor of Thuganomics" John Cena will go one-on-one with Kurt Angle!


What fallout will take place from the Great American Bash pay-per-view? Paul Heyman has told WWE.com that he will make an announcement tonight and that it has to do with both the King of the Ring and SummerSlam! Also, there will be Television gold on the line, and Muhammad Hassan will make his SmackDown debut after a big win at the Bash! Finally, John "Bradshaw" Layfield will have an "inauguration" ceremony for his United States Title victory!


Find out what happens at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific this Thursday night on UPN!


Confirmed Match Preview

WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Chuck Palumbo



Round One; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly vs. Rene Dupree



Funaki vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari



Round One; King of the Ring

Edge vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle



Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck! This is a loaded episode.

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Confirmed Match Preview

WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Chuck Palumbo



Round One; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly vs. Rene Dupree



Funaki vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari



Round One; King of the Ring

Edge vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle


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WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Chuck Palumbo



Round One; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly vs. Rene Dupree



Funaki vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari



Round One; King of the Ring

Edge vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle


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WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Chuck Palumbo

Comment: :D


Round One; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Just don't see Holly being much more than a JTTS now.


Funaki vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari

Comment: Hassan keeps his streak running.


Round One; King of the Ring

Edge vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long

Comment: Despite how bad it will make Edge look to drop this so close to dropping to Brock, I think Henry going into the KotR is just a good move. It gives you a big roadblock for whoever faces him later. That's why I chose Holly over Dupree, because then Henry can roll over Bob in the next round and be SD's one real threat in the tournament.


Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle

Comment: Angle kinda makes a better fit at this point of these two's careers.


Comments on Previous Show:

KotR is shaping up nicely for you, and Jericho announcing MitB will be a good addition as well.

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Confirmed Match Preview

WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Chuck Palumbo



Round One; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: toss-up but this could be a nice moment for Rene Dupree


Funaki vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari

Comment: LOL SD!'s Numbah One Announcer's got no chance


Round One; King of the Ring

Edge vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long

Comment: hopefully Edge doesn't injure himself Spear-ing Henry like he did with Brodus :(


Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle

Comment: should be a good match


Comments on Previous Show: should've known that Shelton would be getting the win... couldn't pass up picking the demon Kane, though. :rolleyes:

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WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Chuck Palumbo



Round One; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly vs. Rene Dupree



Funaki vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari



Round One; King of the Ring

Edge vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle


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Confirmed Match Preview

WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Chuck Palumbo

Comment: Richards push... "/ not sure how I feel about this "/


Round One; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Tough one to call


Funaki vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari

Comment: Easiest of the night. But see why you're doing it :)


Round One; King of the Ring

Edge vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long

Comment: Edge! Go on!


Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle

Comment: Urrr... Draw?


Comments on Previous Show: GREAT edition of RAW :D Well done Jericho, good invention. With your track record of debuting new things and new people, I felt sure he was going to name MITB something else (and better)... still a good promo! :) King of the Ring brackets look excellent; I think Shelton versus Nitro will be tough to call :)

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Comments on Previous Show:

KotR is shaping up nicely for you, and Jericho announcing MitB will be a good addition as well.


I figured SummerSlam is the one "big" PPV that lacks it own sort of gimmick, with the Rumble and SvS having their matches and 'Mania being 'Mania. SummerSlam could use the prestige of such an important match more than anything else...plus, I couldn't wait til WM for one of my favorite matches :D


Comments on Previous Show: should've known that Shelton would be getting the win... couldn't pass up picking the demon Kane, though. :rolleyes:


"The Demon" Kane is always a good choice to make. "The Demon Kane" enjoys doing the bidding of Triple H. "The Demon Kane" is an unstoppable force. "The Demon Kane" loves losing by DQ.


I can see Trips interfering in all of Shelton's KOTR matches to make sure he has 3 matches at the event.


Plus I get MITB early!! You know you want Jeff Hardy to win RKO. :)


I can tell you concretely and honestly that I've had a MitB winner and their cash-in planned since I started this diary. Maybe it's Jeff, maybe it isn't -- but he's gotta get through his two matches next week first (KotR and MitB) :)


Comments on Previous Show: GREAT edition of RAW :D Well done Jericho, good invention. With your track record of debuting new things and new people, I felt sure he was going to name MITB something else (and better)... still a good promo! :) King of the Ring brackets look excellent; I think Shelton versus Nitro will be tough to call :)


Glad you like the MitB announcement, I figured it's got a cool enough name to keep the same and not cause confusion with non-regular readers. Also glad to see that there's some air of unpredictability regarding the King of the Ring as well!


I'm done with SmackDown, but I want to give the regular predictors (SpecialDelivery) a chance to see it and predict, as he's right near the top of the standings at the moment. It'll be up later tonight or tomorrow!

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Confirmed Match Preview

WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Chuck Palumbo



Round One; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly vs. Rene Dupree



Funaki vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari



Round One; King of the Ring

Edge vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long



Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

John Cena vs Kurt Angle


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Confirmed Match Preview

WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie © vs. Chuck Palumbo

Comment: Stevie Richards push FTW!


Round One; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Gotta go with Dupree due to the age factor


Funaki vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari

Comment: Who cares about Funaki?


Round One; King of the Ring

Edge vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long

Comment: Edge just has more star quality.


Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier

John Cena vs. Kurt Angle

Comment: As much as I love Angle, Cena makes more sense.


Haven't been able to read this for a while, so hopefully I don't COMPLETELY fail

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WWE SmackDown: Week 3, July 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 3, July 2004


The opening video plays featuring the WWE Superstars that will be on the show tonight as
Michael Cole
welcome the television audience to tonight's presentation of WWE SmackDown!


Cole and Tazz send it over to a quick video showing the announcement of the "Money in the Bank" Ladder Match by Chris Jericho on RAW, as well as his advancement into the unprecedented event to occur at SummerSlam. They then hype the qualifying matchup in tonight's main event, where
Kurt Angle
will go one-on-one with
John Cena


87 (B)/74 (B-)

: None.





Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie
Chuck Palumbo


Despite a size disadvantage against the brawler Chuck Palumbo, Stevie looked to further his career renaissance that has come in tandem with his more extreme attitude as of late. When the referee was knocked out by Palumbo accidentally, something ticked off in the head of Richards and he was able to hit a running chair shot to the head of Palumbo to gain the victory and the title defense!


62 ©

: 8:02. These guys had pretty good chemistry for what the match was.



In the back,
Paul Heyman
receives a knock on the door, and it's a SmackDown official who lets him know that a man not on the roster has requested his audience. Heyman lets the man in, and it's
Bryan Lloyd
! Lloyd comes in requesting a chance to prove himself and earn a contract here tonight, and Heyman is open to the idea. He says he's been pretty impressive in his two exploits against Kurt Angle, and that if he can defeat Orlando Jordan tonight, then Bryan Lloyd can be the newest member of the SmackDown roster!


70 (C+)

: None.



Elsewhere in the back, the man who defeated Bryan Lloyd at the Great American Bash,
Kurt Angle
stands with Josh Matthews, who asks him about this Money in the Bank concept and his match tonight. Angle says he doesn't care if he has to climb a ladder, he doesn't care if he has to beat five other guys, he's going to do whatever it takes to regain the WWE Championship for a fifth time. Tonight, John Cena stands in his way, and he's gonna snap his ankle to make sure that he gets that chance. That's true, it's damn true.


80 (B)

: He actually didn't do that well in this segment.




Round One; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly
Rene Dupree


"The French Phenom" took on a tough test in the grizzled veteran Hardcore Holly. Dupree felt some of the hardest shots he's taken in his career before, but was able to claim the victory after a sneaky low blow and a small package! Dupree moves on!


63 ©

: 8:04.



Michael Cole and Tazz then hype a segment here tonight where
Paul Heyman
has an announcement to make that will have huge ramifications for both the King of the Ring special in nine days and for SummerSlam next month!


Booker T
Matt Hardy
argue about what happened at the Great American Bash. Hardy says that nine times out of ten, he beats Booker because he's
than the five-time WCW Champion, but Booker laughs him off and tells him he got clowned at the Bash. Booker leaves Hardy standing there.


75 (B-)/76 (B-)

: None.



Next up is the "inauguration" of
John "Bradshaw" Layfield
as the United States Champion! His music hits as a long white limo with a giant pair of longhorns adorning the hood approaches the side of the ramp from the backstage area. The driver gets out and opens the back door, revealing both Bradshaw and his new associate
to the crowd! The two of them walk down to the ring to boos and JBL gets a microphone.


JBL talks about how last Sunday at the Great American Bash, the fans saw the crowning of a Great American Champion. A man who symbolizes everything the United States stands for: freedom, power, and opportunity. Bradshaw introduces his "First Lady," Sable, who he obnoxiously claps for as she takes the microphone. Sable berates the fans for cheering for a thug champion like John Cena when the real pride of the United States had been standing in front of them the whole time. She says that Cena is a boy and Bradshaw is a real man, and now, a real man is your United States Champion!


JBL continues on, thanking his First Lady, but he's interrupted by the former champion
John Cena
! With an angry look on his face, Cena walks straight down to the ring and stands in front of JBL. When Bradshaw asks him what he wants, Cena wordlessly rears back and whacks him in the face with a hook! He lands a couple of more shots as Sable scurries out of the ring, quickly followed by Bradshaw before Cena can do much more damage! The champion backpedals up the ramp, smirking with the US Title as Cena stands in the ring with the crowd chanting his name!


87 (B+)

: None.




If Lloyd wins, he gets a contract

Bryan Lloyd
Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


The potential new superstar Lloyd took it to Jordan early on, really showing the hunger and the fire to gain a WWE contract. With the pesky Jordan and Porter on the outside wreaking havoc, Billy Kidman and Ron Simmons hit the ringside area and started to brawl with them! This left just Jordan and Lloyd in the ring, and as Jordan went for the Blackout, Lloyd was able to muster a reversal into an
! Jordan had no choice but to tap out, his eyes bulging out of his head as his right arm continuously slammed down on the mat! Bryan Lloyd has won a SmackDown contract!


49 (D)

: 6:52.



In the back,
Big Show
looks angry following his loss at the Great American Bash. He has a message for SmackDown, saying that yes, he lost his match against Eddie Guerrero, but he isn't done yet. He's going to unleash a path of terror on the roster to get that title opportunity once again.


76 (B-)

: His improv was bad.



Entering into a quick commercial break, there's a graphic featuring
Muhammad Hassan
-- he's in action next!



Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari


Looking just as focused and dominant as he did against "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, Hassan (with Daivari barking in Persian from ringside) finished this one off very quickly with a Reverse STO and the Camel Clutch, toying with Funaki throughout the process.


58 (C-)/36 (D-)

: 6:01.



has his head heavily taped after the beating suffered at the hands of Brock Lesnar at the Bash. Josh Matthews asks him if he's going to be ready to take on Mark Henry in his King of the Ring match tonight. Edge answers by saying he went through hell last night against Brock, but it's time to turn the page and look forward. He's got some aches and pains, but he's in one piece, and that one piece is going to split Mark Henry into two massive pieces when he Spears him in half to come closer to his
King of the Ring!


87 (B+)

: None.




Round One; King of the Ring

Mark Henry w/Theodore Long


This was a high-profile King of the Ring opening round matchup, with two men who tasted defeat at the Great American Bash colliding. Edge, despite being 6'5 and weighing 240 pounds, was dwarfed by the 400-pound "World's Strongest Man." With Edge being grounded and subdued most of the match, he was able to muster some comebacks here and there. The match ended when Edge speared Mark Henry through the barricade near the timekeeper's area! Edge got back in the ring, while the "World's Strongest Man" was counted out! Edge moves on to the second round!


64 ©

: 10:26.



In the back,
Hardcore Holly
looks dejected after his loss.
Mark Jindrak
walks up to him, smirking, and makes fun of him for another disappointment. Holly couldn't win the title earlier this year, and now he couldn't even get out of the first round of the King of the Ring? Jindrak offers him some advice, and that's to hang his boots up, because he's
"The Reflection of Perfection"
, and if Holly can't do what he's been able to do in the past, how is he possibly going to be on Jindrak's level? Holly tells Jindrak that he doesn't like to talk -- and the two start brawling, with Hardcore getting the upper-hand on the younger Jindrak! Officials separate the two as we go to a commercial break!


67 (C+)

: None.



A quick video plays, recapping
Randy Orton's
challenge, and its subsequent acceptance by
The Undertaker
this past Sunday at the Bash!


85 (B+)

: None.




Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

John Cena
Kurt Angle


This was a fantastic main event which saw two great competitors go at it. Cena and Angle reversed each other at every turn, with both men attempting unsuccessfully to use their finished multiple times. The crowd ebbed and flowed with the match, buzzing the entire time. Cena found himself lifting Angle on his shoulders for the F-U when John "Bradshaw" Layfield hit the ring and distracted him. He tossed Angle to the ground and landed a shot to JBL's head! Thanks to the distraction, "The Olympic Hero" was able to roll up the former US Champion and grab the tights for a cheap victory! After such a great matchup, Angle cheated to win and he'll be involved in the Money in the Bank match at SummerSlam!


92 (A)

: 12:39. Great main event.



The final segment of the show is the announcement by GM
Paul Heyman
. Heyman is standing in the ring as we come back from a commercial, and invites the WWE Champion
Eddie Guerrero
down to meet him in the ring. Guerrero obliges, bringing his title with him. Eddie says he knows that he's going to get attacked by Big Show or Reigns, so just get on with it,



"You don't think I'm that
, do you, Mr. Guerrero? I'm not out here to have my WWE Champion beaten down, I'm here to make an
regarding both the King of the Ring and SummerSlam. I can assure you that you will not be attacked in this ring here tonight.


So, as for my announcement, in ten days at the King of the Ring special on NBC, Paul Heyman's SmackDown does not yet have a major match scheduled. I, being the creative genius that I am, have decided to out-do RAW by having not just two, but
of my brand's top superstars in one tag team match together. You, Mr. Guerrero, will be teaming with Edge--"


The crowd cheers, liking the combination (and also the possibility of seeing Edge compete multiple times on that night).


"And you two will take on the team of the Big Show...(
the crowd boos
)...and the man whom you will defend your WWE Championship against at SummerSlam...the man who never received his title shot rematch earlier this year...the man who
your tag team partner this past Sunday at the Great American Bash and your next WWE Champion...




"Here Comes the Pain" hits as
Brock Lesnar
makes his way out to the ring, looking intense as he smirks in at Guerrero. He gets into the ring and engages in a staredown with Eddie, who simply raises his WWE Title in the air as the show comes to a close!


100 (A*)

: None.



89 (A)

: This show increased our popularity in 23 regions.


Quick Results


WWE Television Championship

Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie ©
vs. Chuck Palumbo


Round 1; King of the Ring

Hardcore Holly vs.
Rene Dupree


Bryan Lloyd
vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


Funaki vs.
Muhammad Hassan w/Khosrow Daivari


Round 1; King of the Ring

vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long; count-out


Money in the Bank Qualifier

John Cena vs.
Kurt Angle


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Beejus - 35

The Lloyd - 32


Kijar - 28

SpecialDelivery - 27

michgcs - 22

Smasher1311 - 21

thebest2427 - 5

Midnightnick - 5

Captain2 - 4

daulten6 - 4 (welcome back!)

packerman120 - 4 (welcome back!)

Russelrules44 - 3 (welcome back!)


Here's the updated bracket for the King of the Ring Tournament: http://i.imgur.com/BOgPQja.jpg


WWE King of the Ring 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 4, July

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Shelton Benjamin vs. Triple H ©


Eddie Guerrero and Edge vs. Brock Lesnar and Big Show


King of the Ring Final



King of the Ring Semi-Final



King of the Ring Semi-Final



Six-Man Tag Match

Will turn to a 3v2 Handicap if no partner is found

Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, and ??? vs. Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and Kane


WWE SummerSlam 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 3, August

(card subject to change)


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels vs. winner of Shelton/HHH ©


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Brock Lesnar


Legend vs. Legend Killer

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton


Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs. TBD vs. TBD vs. Kurt Angle vs. TBD vs. TBD

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WWE B-Shows; Week 3, July 2004



WWE Velocity
Saturday, Week 3, July 2004


1. A video kicks off this edition of Velocity, showing
Paul Heyman's
announcement that
Eddie Guerrero
would take on
Brock Lesnar
at SummerSlam, as well as the tag team King of the Ring main event! Then, a graphic shows the King of the Ring participants as the commentators hype the special!

: 91 (A)/75 (B-)


2. In the opening matchup, SmackDown's newest member
Bryan Lloyd
picked up a win over
Frankie Kazarian
using the same finishing submission maneuver he used on Orlando Jordan on SmackDown!

: 38 (D-)


3. A video package highlights the inauguration of
as United States Champion, with
John Cena
interrupting his soapbox with some punches to the face!

: 71 (B-)


Jimmy Yang
came out to the ring dressed as a game show host, welcoming everyone to this week's edition of "Yang Time!" He then defeated
in a match where the two had great chemistry!

: 57 (C-)


5. After the match,
and his cousin
Jamie Noble
put the boots to
Jimmy Yang
! Yang's former partner,
, comes to the top of the ramp, but decides to leave Yang to fend for himself. The beatdown continues until Noble and Nunzio are satisfied.

: 39 (D-)


6. In tag team action, the team of
Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi
The Basham Brothers
when Rikishi planted Danny with a Samoan Drop.

: 58 (C-)


7. A video shows the King of the Ring matchup from this past Thursday and the heartbreaking defeat of
Hardcore Holly
Rene Dupree
via questionable tactics.

: 69 (C+)


8. The main event of the night saw
Hardcore Holly
pick up a win to hopefully reverse his fortunes; he defeated
Chuck Palumbo
with the Alabama Slam.

: 57 (C-)



68 (C+)

Before the show, Ron Simmons antagonized Mark Copani (Muhammad Hassan) into a near-brawl. After a slap on the wrist for the veteran, he promised to watch his behavior more closely.



WWE Sunday Night Heat
Sunday, Week 3, July 2004


1. Garrison Cade starts off in the ring and announces that since his career hasn't worked out as successfully as he'd hoped, he's going back to his roots. He introduces the man to his left,
Trevor Murdoch
, who is a cousin of his from Texas and is his new tag team partner. Also, he denounces his corporate-given name and refers to himself by his real name --
Lance Cade

: 47 (D)


2. To kick off the show,
Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch
Nova and Spike Dudley
with a combined Lariat/Chop Block on Spike.

: 49 (D+)


3. A hype package plays for the six-man tag match at King of the Ring!

: 77 (B)


Billy Gunn
was set for action against
, but
The Aristocracy
beat down Gunn shortly after the bell rang!

: 58 (C-)


5. In an unexpected turn of events,
Regal and Warlock
, fending them off from the assault! He lifts up
and shakes his hand!

: 58 (C-)


6. The second to last match of the night saw
The Golden Globes
Johnny Stamboli and Rico
by way of a Curtain Call/Money Shot combo on Rico!

: 62 ©


7. Another video package airs, this one posing the question of who will take on
Shawn Michaels
at SummerSlam! Will it be
Shelton Benjamin
or will it be
"The Game"

: 83 (B+)


8. In the main event,
Johnny Nitro
was able to put away
The Hurricane
with a corkscrew neckbreaker to finish off Sunday Night Heat.

: 64 ©



69 (C+)



RAW preview next!

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WWE RAW Preview: Week 4, July 2004



Monday, Week 4, July 2004


On the final episode of RAW before the King of the Ring special, the members of the Six-Man Tag match will be in action, all in singles matches against one another! It has been announced that Chris Jericho will join Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam at the event, and he will take on Ric Flair here tonight! Meanwhile, RVD will take on "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton, and Shawn Michaels will go face-to-face with his rival Kane in the main event!


Additionally, the King of the Ring Tournament continues with Shelton Benjamin facing off with Johnny Nitro and William Regal standing as Jeff Hardy's first of two challenges of the night; the other will be a Money in the Bank Ladder Match qualifier against Christian as ordered by General Manager Eric Bischoff last week!


Don't miss all the action; tune in to Spike TV at 9pm EST/6pm PST!


Confirmed Match Preview

Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair



Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian w/Trish Stratus



Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels vs. Kane


Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck! Last RAW of the month! Also, there's a reason Jeff faces Regal and not Jericho like he should on the bracket, just so you guys know.

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Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair



Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal



Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian w/Trish Stratus



Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels vs. Kane


Comments on Previous Show:

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Confirmed Match Preview

Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: Benjamin is going to get screwed out of the crown and the gold.


Non-Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair

Comment: Keep his momentum going.


Quarterfinal; King of the Ring

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal

Comment: I picked Nitro to advance to the Semi-Finals, so i'm picking Jeff to pass and so we have a face vs. heel match.


Money in the Bank Qualifier

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian w/Trish Stratus

Comment: After the match with Regal, Jeff won't have much gas in the tank.


Rob Van Dam vs. Randy Orton

Comment: RVD has gone a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way down.


Shawn Michaels vs. Kane

Comment: By DQ.


Comments on Previous Show: Great show, buddy. Lloyd winning the contract was awesome, but I didn't see Angle's win coming, no way. I was totally confident that John Cena would be the first Mr. Money in the Bank, haha. I can't wait for the next PPVs, I simply can't. Great stuff.

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