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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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Comments on Previous Show: Great job on Taboo, no shocks is the biggest surprise.


Comments on Previous Show: Loved the show man. Particularly the Title changes! Was surprised to see Shelty and RVD win the Tag Titles. Could lead to a good run as a team, culminating in a decent rivalry when one turns heel :D I think RAW is just pipping Smackdown as my favourite show because of the upper mid-card !!! :D


Comments on Previous Show: Very happy with how the show turned out, especially the new champions! Nitro, RVD & Shelton. Fantastic choice. :D


Thanks for the feedback guys, I really liked having the reader input. It was a fun little experiment for me and I don't think it could have gone much better.


What I'm about to say isn't 'announcement'-worthy, but it should be noted. Don't be surprised if I drop off the face of the earth for a little bit with writing here, nothing's the matter. For the entirety of the diary I've been about a month ahead in TEW, but I obviously had to wait to book Taboo Tuesday. I've booked through RAW of the 4th week of October, but I want to book at least through Survivor Series before I continue writing. I'm not going on hiatus or anything, so no worries there. :)

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Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Mark Henry



Hardcore Holly vs. Charlie Haas w/Lance Storm



WWE Television Championship

Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy ©



Shannon Moore and Too Cool vs. The Chosen Ones



Booker T vs. Rene Dupree



WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge



Comments on Previous Show: Really enjoyed Taboo Tuesday. I got a good laugh out of Jerry wishing the womens match was a pillow fight at the end. Made me imagine that this whole time he's not actually been a creep but had the foresight and realised that by being in pillow fights and beauty contest the divas are saved from the brutal dangerous matches.

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I enjoyed Taboo Tuesday. The development of Randy Orton is interesting--signs of face-ish behavior, but you've indicated he didn't turn face. There seems to be a rift developing between he and the rest of Evolution. I look forward to seeing what happens there, and also what you've got planned for HBK. A conclusion to his battle with Kane will come semi-soon I would think--but then there's Christian lurking in the shadows with the MITB. And of course, it's not too early to start looking ahead towards Wrestlemania and trying to decipher the direction you're headed. Exciting times in this diary.
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<p>Non-Title Match</p><p>

<strong>John Cena </strong>vs. Mark Henry</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Hardcore Holly vs. <strong>Charlie Haas w/Lance Storm</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Television Championship</p><p>

<strong>Bryan Lloyd </strong>vs. Matt Hardy ©</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Shannon Moore and Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Booker T vs. <strong>Rene Dupree</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Championship</p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero © </strong>vs. Edge</p><p>


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<p>Non-Title Match</p><p>

John Cena vs. <strong>Mark Henry</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Hardcore Holly vs. <strong>Charlie Haas w/Lance Storm</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

WWE Television Championship</p><p>

Bryan Lloyd vs. <strong>Matt Hardy ©</strong></p><p>

Comment: <em>Too soon?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Shannon Moore and Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Booker T vs. <strong>Rene Dupree</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

WWE Championship</p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero ©</strong> vs. Edge</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Comments on Previous Show:</p>

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Non-Title Match

John Cena vs. Mark Henry

Comment: Cena stays strong


Hardcore Holly vs. Charlie Haas w/Lance Storm

Comment: I could see Holly picking up the win here to build some momentum but I think Haas gets it in the end


WWE Television Championship

Bryan Lloyd vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Count-out or DQ victory here


Shannon Moore and Too Cool vs. The Chosen Ones

Comment: Too Cool doesn't win anymore


Booker T vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: I like how you've built this feud. Dupree scores the victory


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge

Comment: Should be a good one. Eddie retains, possibly with some shenanigans


Comments on Previous Show: Good stuff once again with Taboo Tuesday. Mostly surprised with the Lita/Victoria match (still waiting for Mickie turn!) and the Tag Title Match. Good job.

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<p>Non-Title Match</p><p>

<strong>John Cena</strong> vs. Mark Henry</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Hardcore Holly vs. Charlie Haas w/Lance Storm</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

WWE Television Championship</p><p>

<strong>Bryan Lloyd</strong> vs. Matt Hardy ©</p><p>

Comment: DQ via Reigns run-in</p><p> </p><p>

Shannon Moore and Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Booker T vs. <strong>Rene Dupree</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

WWE Championship</p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero</strong> © vs. Edge</p>

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WWE SmackDown: Week 3, October 2004


Any news here?


Funny you should ask :)



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 3, October 2004


The opening video, backed by "Rise Up" performed by Drowning Pool plays as Michael Cole and Tazz greet us from ringside. They inform the audience that the biggest prize in the WWE is up for grabs as
Eddie Guerrero
defends his WWE Championship against
in tonight's main event!


75 (B-)

: None.



The fans are greeted by SmackDown GM
Paul Heyman
, who makes his way out to the ring to kick off the show. He gets in the ring along with his 'Censor'
Luther Reigns
Brock Lesnar
. Not particularly happy with the events that went down last week, Heyman announces that despite Edge's victory last week, this war is not over. He questions Edge's morality, knowing that he won his title opportunity because of a fan in the crowd (Rhyno, whom he reminds us is not a SmackDown superstar) - he couldn't even do it himself! Paul declares that Rhyno is to be arrested on sight, and that the winner of tonight's title match, whether it's Edge or Eddie Guerrero, has solidified their death wish.


In addition, he ends the segment by announcing a Traditional Survivor Series Elimination match in 4 weeks at the pay-per-view! He tells Edge and Eddie Guerrero that they'll be teaming together, but they'll have to take on Brock Lesnar, Luther Reigns, and the rest of Heyman's team. Paul slyly insinuates that anyone who joins Guerrero and Edge puts themselves and their careers at risk. He drops the mic as he and his imposing duo walk to the back.


93 (A)

: Paul is one of the best in the business at getting the crowd riled up.




John Cena
Mark Henry w/Theodore Long


Despite no title on the line, Cena did not rest on his laurels. "The World's Strongest Man" was a formidable opponent who looked to wear down the United States Champion and earn himself a future title shot. Just when it looked like he was down and out, "The Doctor of Thuganomics" was able to lift the 500-pounder on his shoulders for the F-U in an amazing display of strength! Cena covered and won an impressive pinfall over Mark Henry!


71 (B-)

: Cena actually pulled a good match out of Henry. Nice.



Muhammad Hassan and Daivari
are in the ring after a series of commercials. Hassan wastes no time in mocking
Bryan Lloyd
about his loss last week, and explains that this is what happens when your average, everyday ignorant American is faced with an outside threat - they curl up in a ball and die.


Bryan Lloyd
himself interrupts Hassan's rant, pointing out that he's here in the building tonight, isn't he?! If Hassan thinks that Bryan Lloyd is going to curl up in a ball and die, then he's got another thing coming! Lloyd drops the mic and hits the ring, landing a couple of shots to Daivari before Hassan pulls his manager out of the ring and heads for higher ground!


58 (C-)

: Two new stars, hopefully beginning their flourish.




Hardcore Holly
Charlie Haas w/Lance Storm


The former WWE Tag Team Champions were still in a foul mood this week, and this one was more about a statement than a match. Holly went blow for blow with Haas, and when things looked to be souring, Lance Storm entered the ring and attacked Hardcore.


After the match, the Lords of the Ring put the boots to Hardcore Holly and, following a vicious beatdown, the frustrated former champions left the veteran face-down in the ring.


73 (B-) / 56 (C-)

: None.



After a commercial break, a quick video recaps
Matt Hardy's
Television Title win over
Stevie Richards
. Hardy defends his title against Bryan Lloyd next!




Bryan Lloyd
Matt Hardy ©


Bryan Lloyd looked to make the most of this championship opportunity as he stepped inside the ring with Matt Hardy. These two put on a solid technical match as Lloyd tried to overcome Hardy's questionable tactics. While Bryan gave the champion a nice run, a referee bump and a timely attack by Muhammad Hassan allowed Matt to retain the belt for another week!


64 © / 74 (B-)

: None.



In the office of Paul Heyman,
Brock Lesnar
has a request for his boss. He wants Heyman to offer a SmackDown contract to Rhyno rather than ban him from the building - Brock wants to legally get his hands on him! Heyman looks bewildered and tells Brock to let him do the thinking here. He belittles Lesnar's idea and dismisses it immediately.


86 (B+)

: Tension perhaps?



A video shows us the result of the match between
The Undertaker
Mark Jindrak
next week, especially focusing on the Undertaker.



Shannon Moore and Too Cool
The Chosen Ones


This one was over fast as The Chosen Ones showed seamless tagging ability and a Superkick from Burke to Moore ended it.


77 (B) / 56 (C-)

: None.



As we come back from a commercial break,
John “Bradshaw” Layfield
is in the ring along with his Cabinet. JBL says he’s had a week to stew on his loss to John Cena at No Mercy, and he’s done a lot of thinking. He says that he’s taken a look in the mirror and realized that there’s only one man at fault for him losing the United States Championship. And with that, he calls out
Ron Simmons
! His former APA partner gets berated in the ring by JBL, who owns his contract and is going to make his life a living hell.


John Cena’s
music hits and the US Champion comes out to the ring. He talks about how JBL has no one to blame but himself because he’s a slimy coward and he’s gonna get his ass run right off SmackDown by the real United States Champion John Cena! This initiates an attack by the entire Cabinet on Cena and Simmons, but
Paul London and Brian Kendrick
hit the ring to even the odds! Cena, Simmons, and Londrick eventually stand tall, sending the Cabinet packing!


66 (C+)

: None.



Next, a graphic lets us know that
Booker T
takes on
Rene Dupree
following this short commercial break.



Booker T
Rene Dupree


These two had been at odds since King of the Ring, finally getting an opportunity on SmackDown to meet inside the squared circle. “The French Phenom” looked to gain the upper hand at any turn, and used an eye poke to cue the rest of his offense. He showed an edge against Booker, looking impressive, but was unable to put Booker away. His frustration mounting, Dupree uncovered the top turnbuckle behind the referee’s back. As he looked to slingshot Booker into the steel, Rey Mysterio (the man who beat Dupree last week thanks to Booker) hit the ring to warn Charles Robinson, which prompted Dupree to aggressively move toward Mysterio. As they argued, Booker regained his wits and hit a side kick to the face and the Scissors Kick for the win!


After the match, Dupree regains his wits and calls for a microphone. He is furious and calls out Rey Mysterio. He says that SmackDown shouldn’t even allow these – how you say – pipsqueaks on the show, and that he’s gonna make it his job to take them all out. He challenges Mysterio and a team of his shortstack losers to a match at Survivor Series against his chosen royal subjects!


73 (B-) / 76 (B-) / 67 (C+)

: These guys had about as good a match as expected, Booker could use a win as much as Dupree, honestly.



Warmups in the back let us know – our main event WWE Championship match is up next!




Eddie Guerrero ©


Guerrero started off the match offering a handshake, which Edge reluctantly accepted, and the two circled each other. Neither man could gain a distinct advantage in the start as Guerrero used his ‘slipperiness’ to disallow Edge from getting a hold of him with his lanky arms and legs. Guerrero landed a couple of arm drags, which led into him getting knocked down with a clothesline. Edge hit a dropkick and made an early cover for a one count. After the challenger caught Guerrero in an arm wrench, the pace slowed a bit, but again picked up as Eddie hit a headscissors takedown on his opponent.


The back-and-forth pace continued until Guerrero had a front face lock on Edge, who used his strength to lift Eddie to the top turnbuckle, but Eddie turned it into a Tornado DDT! Edge barely threw a shoulder up, and Guerrero thought it was time to end it. He went up for the Frog Splash, but Edge barely moved out of the way. Eddie used the ropes to get up to his feet as Edge realized that the champion was vulnerable. He went for a Spear, but before he could strike, Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns hit the ring to attack both men! This match was ruled a draw!


With the bell ringing frantically, Lesnar and Reigns attacked the two fatigued combatants, with Paul Heyman jogging down the ramp. Neither Guerrero nor Edge would quit, however, but just as they had Reigns and Brock reeling for a second, Heyman motioned to the back for reinforcements. The former WWE Tag Team Champions, Lords of the Ring ran down the aisle to slide in and now make it a 4-on-2 assault! Incensed by Edge and Eddie’s fighting back, the four men made the assault that much worse, as they absolutely laid waste to their enemies. Heyman motions to Haas and Lance Storm as the newest members of his Survivor Series team as the four stand tall over Edge and Guerrero with the show coming to a close!


76 (B-) / 84 (B+) / 88 (B+)

: Great rating for face vs. face, could only imagine what it would’ve been if one could’ve worked as a heel.



85 (B+)

: Par for the course, a great title match saved an otherwise decent show.


Quick Results


Non-Title Match

John Cena
vs. Mark Henry w/Theodore Long


Hardcore Holly
vs. Charlie Haas w/Lance Storm; DQ


WWE Television Championship

Bryan Lloyd vs.
Matt Hardy ©


Six-Man Tag Match

Too Cool and Shannon Moore vs.
The Chosen Ones


Booker T
vs. Rene Dupree


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero ©


The current Survivor Series card is as follows:


WWE Survivor Series 2004 Card

Sunday, Week 2, November

(card subject to change)


Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Team Eddie (Eddie Guerrero, Edge, TBD) vs. Team Heyman (Brock Lesnar, Luther Reigns, Lords of the Ring)


Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Team Cruiserweight (Rey Mysterio, TBD) vs. Team Dupree (Rene Dupree, TBD)


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

thebest2427 - 45

Kijar – 42

Beejus - 38

SpecialDelivery - 36

Bad News Fryer - 36

jscotty - 35

michgcs – 32

The Lloyd - 32

Midnightnick - 24

Smasher1311 - 19

TheBigBad1013 - 17

The Final Countdown – 11

Russelrules44 - 14

crackerjack - 10

Manipulation - 7

Blodxye - 6


christmas_ape - 3 (welcome back!)

BHK6 - 2 (welcome!)


….RKO has come
to 2004! Seriously, real life got in the way, sorry guys. Whatever time I’d had to devote to this had been sucked up by work and school and a 3-player 2015 game I’ve been running with guys from the forums, but I’m hopefully going to be back at this a lot more soon, because I’ll be damned if my plans I’ve had from the beginning don’t come to fruition. Hopefully you guys liked the show, and I’ll have the RAW preview up soon!


EDIT: Also, my apologies to those writers whose diaries I haven't been able to keep up with, I swear I'm going to catch up to where you all are

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WWE RAW Preview: Week 4, October 2004



Monday, Week 4, October 2004


With Taboo Tuesday in the rear view mirror, RAW rolls along with a champion versus champion main event! Our World Heavyweight Champion, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, goes one-on-one with the newly crowned Intercontinental Champion "Hollywood Hotshot" Johnny Nitro! With one piece of gold in his possession, can Nitro earn a World Title shot with a victory?


Chris Benoit is in action against Damien Warlock and The Dudley Boyz face off against Christian and Tyson Rude as well! Some reactions about the events that transpired at Taboo Tuesday you may want to keep an eye out for: Triple H, Randy Orton, and Batista!


Don't miss all the action; tune in to Spike TV at 9pm EST/6pm PST!


Confirmed Match Preview


Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal



The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade



The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck!

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Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal



The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade



The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


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Confirmed Match Preview


Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal



The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade



The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus

Comment: I'd be down if the Christian Coalition got a push


Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: Much as I want Nitro to win here... he's just not ready yet.


Comments on Previous Show: Welcome back!

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Confirmed Match Preview


Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal



The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade



The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Comments on Previous Show: NO WAY!!! HE'S BACK!!! :D Shame Lloyd couldn't beat Matt Hardy, but good for him to be getting Title matches this early in his career :) please keep doing this diary!! :D

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Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal



The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade



The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


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Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal

Comment: As much as I like Warlock, Benoit is winning this one


The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade

Comment: I believe Jeff has to be more popular then Cade


The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus

Comment: I like Christian too much


Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


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Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal



The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade



The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Comments on Previous Show: Good to have you back man!

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Gotta keep my lead up!


Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal



The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade



The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina

Comment: Should be a good one though. I'll predict the Superkick from Hell.


Comments: Welcome back!!

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Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal



The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade



The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


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Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal



The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade



The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


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Chris Benoit vs. Damien Warlock w/William Regal



The Golden Globes vs. Johnny Stamboli and Sean O'Haire



Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Rude



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade



The Dudley Boyz vs. Christian and Tyson Rude w/Trish Stratus



Non-Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina



Cool to see this active again :)

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