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WWE SmackDown: Week 2, December 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 2, December 2004


The opening video, backed by "Rise Up" performed by Drowning Pool plays as Michael Cole and Tazz greet us from ringside. We have just two hours of SmackDown until Armageddon this Sunday, and Cole hypes the biggest matches on the card – the Hell in a Cell match, The Undertaker facing off with Luther Reigns, and the Triple Threat Match for the United States Championship! But even before then – we’ve got a Television Title defense; and that takes place right now!


77 (B)

: None.





Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon
Matt Hardy ©


Despite having only been a tag team competitor to this point, Carlito looked to capture his first singles championship in WWE. He pulled out some springboard moves and used his athletic ability to keep Hardy on the ropes; however, the resourceful champion was able to pick up the win after raking his eyes and hitting the Twist of Fate.


61 ©

: None.



In the back,
Kurt Angle
is with Amy Weber, who interviews him about the Hell in a Cell taking place this Sunday at Armageddon. Angle talks about his previous experience in this type of match, being the only winner of a six-man Hell in a Cell match in the
of WWE. He says he’s one of only two guys in the match who have even
inside the cell before, and that’s why—


All of a sudden, he’s cut off by the cheeky grin of
John “Bradshaw” Layfield
, a gesture that goes unappreciated by Angle. Bradshaw extends his hand to his partner for later on tonight, but makes a snide comment about how America wants John “Bradshaw” Layfield as its WWE Champion, not Kurt Angle. While he calls himself the Olympic Hero, JBL reminds him that he…is a Wrestling God.


Kurt laughs and says that a few months ago he was a beer swilling, ass-kicking redneck and now he’s a Wall Street banker, so Bradshaw shouldn’t be talking about what people call themselves. Kurt says he
an Olympic Hero because he represented the United States and won a gold medal. And tonight he’s a tag team partner with JBL, but in three days, he’s gonna kick JBL’s ass, and that’s


78 (B)

: None.



At ringside, Michael Cole sends us back to footage from earlier tonight, where
met up with the WWE Tag Team Champions,
Mysterio and Kidman
. They exchanged some friendly banter, showing some respect heading into their Tag Title match at Armageddon, but London and Kendrick, in their own unorthodox way, sent some clear backhanded compliments toward the champions – while there may be some respect there, the Tag Titles are the only things that matter this Sunday!


63 ©

: None.




Shannon Moore
Luther Reigns


This one wasn’t fun to watch If you’re a Shannon Moore fan. The underdog didn’t really stand a chance here as the hungry, driven Reigns flattened him with the Reign of Terror. He’s ready for “The Phenom” this Sunday.


45 (D)

: None.



From the announce table, Cole and Tazz let us know about a new match added to Armageddon over the past week – the
Lords of the Ring
will take on the team of
Big Show and Rhyno
! Right now, we’re going to hear from the latter team backstage with Amy Weber.


Rhyno grunts and pounds his fist as “The World’s Largest Athlete” does most of the talking. Big Show says that when Haas and Storm chose to align themselves with Paul Heyman, they made their own beds. Show and Rhyno have both been under the influence of the GM, but they both learned that there’s no bigger slimeball in this company than Paul Heyman. This Sunday, Big Show and Rhyno are going to steamroll through the Lords of the Ring and continue to make Paul Heyman’s life a living hell.


64 ©

: None.



Brock Lesnar
is warming up when he’s approached by
”The French Phenom” Rene Dupree.
Dupree comments on their shared kingship, but notes that no one has made the crown and scepter look as good as he has. Brock says he should watch himself, because no one’s ever done
with the kingship than Brock Lesnar. He reminds us how he became the WWE Champion just a month after being crowned back in 2002, and then calls Dupree’s reign a joke. Brock says Dupree has no chance at Armageddon because after tonight, he’s gonna focus on taking everyone out inside Hell in a Cell this Sunday. Tension is clear as Dupree pompously laughs off Lesnar’s comments, walking away.


74 (B-)

: None.




Triple Threat Tag Team Match

John Cena and Bryan Lloyd
Booker T and Rey Mysterio
Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak


The three men with the most to gain here were the three men involved in the United States Title match this Sunday, and each man grabbed a partner. The team of Booker T and Mysterio showed nice teamwork, having teamed together on occasion back in WCW. The man who would end up making the statement here was “Big Poppa Pump” who caught Rey Mysterio with a low blow behind the referee’s back; the Steiner Recliner and a submission victory was all but academic from here.


76 (B-)

: None.



Next up was a video hype segment with various clips of the members of the six-man Hell in a Cell talking about why they’ll be the one to walk out with the WWE Championship.
Brock Lesnar
talks about being the biggest, baddest wrestler in the world and saying that this wouldn’t even be in the top five accomplishments of his career.
Kurt Angle
hypes his experience in the match type as he spoke about earlier, thinking he knows the ins and outs of the multi-man Cell match.
says he’s the hungriest he’s ever been, and he’s an animal who’s backed into a corner, so he’s going to lash out this Sunday.
Rene Dupree
speaks about how no one has ever seen a superstar like him before and that he needs to add more gold to his royal collection.
thinks that SmackDown needs a champion who truly represents the American people and says that he will be that man come Sunday. And finally, the WWE Champion
Eddie Guerrero
thinks he’s got the advantage because no one has won bigger matches than he has this year, and “Latino Heat” isn’t giving up the title unless it’s pried from his lifeless fingers!


83 (B+)

: None.



In the back,
Muhammad Hassan
is walking toward the ring area as he passes by
Bryan Lloyd
. The two share a tense staredown, but do not get into it physically. Hassan says that he hopes Bryan knows that he thinks highly of the United States of America and he loves the country for providing him opportunities. Lloyd says he doesn’t care what Hassan thinks about the USA, he just hates everything that he stands for as a person. Bryan tells him to stop blaming his life’s struggles on everyone else, when he can just look in the mirror and change. Maybe people aren’t judging him based on his Arab background, maybe people are judging him because he’s an asshole! Lloyd walks away, leaving Hassan to stew in his comment as he goes to the ring for his match.



Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie
Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


The former Television Champion locked horns with the never-before-pinned Muhammad Hassan in this one, and it was a solid matchup to say the least. Richards looked to put Hassan away with the Stevie Kick, but it was ducked and Hassan caught him with the Reverse STO and locked in the Camel Clutch to quell his final rally.


67 (C+) / 68 (C+)

: Sick burn, Lloyd!



In the back,
Hardcore Holly
is walking…when he kicks down the door of
Matt Hardy
! Hardy is inside and startled as Hardcore shoves him to the ground, telling him to give him a TV Title rematch at Armageddon. Hardy says no and he’s slapped in the face by Holly! He still says no, so Holly tosses the title across the room and starts beating on the covered-up “Sensei of Mattitude!” Hardy finally acquiesces; he’ll defend the TV Title this Sunday against Hardcore Holly in a rematch from a couple of weeks ago.


68 (C+)

: Bullying ain’t right kids…unless it’s for a title shot.



In the locker room of
The Cabinet
, Orlando Jordan is pleading with JBL to help him out there against The Undertaker. Jordan says he and the Chosen Ones are always there for Bradshaw when he needs them, but JBL says that he
the Chosen Ones to have his back. He has bigger things to worry about than Orlando Jordan’s problems. He sends Jordan on his way – his match is next!



The Undertaker
Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


Despite looking completely overmatched on paper, Orlando Jordan actually put up a decent fight, using the ropes and his partners on the outside to prolong the match before he could make his move. A true move never came, however, as he was planted with a Chokeslam and the Tombstone Piledriver for the win.


As ‘Taker ‘celebrates’ to his funeral march, he’s interrupted by
Paul Heyman
Luther Reigns
, who are clapping and smirking. Heyman has a microphone, and he says that the Undertaker just couldn’t help himself. He had to come and try to ruin what Paul has built on the most successful brand in WWE, but this Sunday, the final bell tolls for The Undertaker and the rest of the enemies of Paul Heyman.


83 (B+) / 72 (B-) / 86 (B+)

: The chemistry here left some to be desired, Jordan and ‘Taker don’t click well.



Next, Cole and Tazz send us to a video hyping SmackDown’s next new superstar. The scene is set: Belfast, Northern Ireland. The man is a familiar brawler from those who were fans of WCW. For those who haven’t, he spoke about his family’s history of being street fighters and settling disputes the only way they know how. He smiles to the camera, revealing a missing tooth. He says his name is Finlay, and he loves to fight. People call him a fighting Irish bastard…but not to his face. Very soon, he’ll be brawling with everyone on the SmackDown roster. Tazz hypes him up as one of the toughest guys he’s ever met, and Cole is excited for his SmackDown debut, coming soon!


Before our final commercial break, Cole and Tazz send it to the back, where
Eddie Guerrero
are walking to the ring together. Will they be able to coexist? Find out in their 4-on-2 Handicap match next!


68 (C+) / 77 (B)

: Finlay’s pretty old, but here’s to hoping he’s got some tread left on the tires.




4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero
Brock Lesnar, JBL, Kurt Angle, and Rene Dupree


The rules were predictably only loosely followed in this one. Despite the repeated warnings by the referee, there were just too many men for him to keep track of. When Angle was in the ring, JBL or Dupree would be choking Edge in the corner. When Dupree was in the ring, the referee’s back would be turned as he allowed for Lesnar and the rest of the team to put the boots to Guerrero. However, they just couldn’t put Edge or Guerrero away. But this one was never about winning or losing. As Eddie and Edge got some momentum back with quick tags and a small rally, the entire opposing team ran in the ring and started to attack the two men! The bell rang, and edge and Guerrero were technically the winners by DQ!


The post-match beatdown continued with Paul Heyman coming out to the top of the ramp smiling. Each man hit their finisher on both Edge and Guerrero, laying the champion and his partner out. All of a sudden, this developed into a skirmish between the other four men, each looking to soften all of their opponents up for Sunday night! All four of them got their licks in, but Brock Lesnar was the one who stood tall at the end, hitting an F-5 on all of the other competitors in the match! He stands in the middle of the ring raising Eddie Guerrero’s WWE Championship and all eyes are on “The Next Big Thing” while Cole and Tazz remind us to tune in this Sunday for Armageddon!


87 (B+) / 96 (A*)

: Awesome ending. The heat for this feud is sizzling going into the pay-per-view, which is great.



87 (B+)

: A very nice effort this week, with a lot of guys giving great efforts across a variety of different segments. This was a strong way to lead into the pay-per-view.


Quick Results


WWE Television Championship

Carlito Colon w/Eddie Colon vs.
Matt Hardy ©


Shannon Moore vs.
Luther Reigns


Triple Threat Tag Team Match

John Cena and Bryan Lloyd vs. Booker T and Rey Mysterio vs.
Scott Steiner and Mark Jindrak


Stevie Richards w/Dawn Marie vs.
Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


The Undertaker
vs. Orlando Jordan w/The Chosen Ones


4-on-2 Handicap Match

Edge and Eddie Guerrero
vs. Brock Lesnar, JBL, Kurt Angle, and Rene Dupree; DQ


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

crackerjack - 17

Smasher1311 - 17

packerman120 - 15

Kijar - 15

Bad News Fryer - 15

Midnightnick - 15

Happy0wns - 15

thebest2427 - 15

michgcs - 15

Beejus - 14

jscotty - 14

The Lloyd - 13

BHK6 - 12

Hitman74 - 10

TheBigBad1013 - 9


Armageddon preview next!

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WWE Armageddon Preview: Sunday, Week 2, December 2004



WWE Armageddon

Sunday, Week 2, December 2004

Gwinnett Center; Duluth, GA


It's Armageddon, broadcast live from Duluth, Georgia this Sunday sponsored by WWE SmackDown! Coming up on the final pay-per-view of the year will be these star-studded matchups:




Hardcore Holly
Matt Hardy ©


How We Got Here:
In their match a few weeks ago on SmackDown, Matt Hardy retained his title by walking out on Hardcore Holly, who has since relentlessly chased him down in order to get another crack at the gold. Holly was finally able to do so, extorting "The Sensei of Mattitude" into putting his title on the line this Sunday!







Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson


How We Got Here:
Londrick have been on a hot streak as of late, with the two high-fliers picking up nice wins over quite a few teams in the SmackDown tag division. They put out a challenge to Kidman and Mysterio, who, after a title defense over the Lords of the Ring, quickly accepted. There is respect between these two teams, but all four competitors know that respect will not win you the WWE Tag Team Titles. Which team of daredevils will come out on top?





Bryan Lloyd
Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


How We Got Here:
Both of these men have exploded onto the SmackDown scene in 2004, and they each look to put a big red bow on their rookie year as we move into 2005. While Hassan has never been pinned or made to submit, Lloyd has been thrust into competition with the best of the best, picking up major experience in the process against men like Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, and others. Not to mention the fact that these two superstars just plain don't like each other, especially after Hassan cost Bryan his match in the main event of Survivor Series last month. Which phenom will prove dominance over the other here?





Big Show and Rhyno
Lords of the Ring


How We Got Here:
It's a matchup of current and former Paul Heyman employees in this one. Big Show and Rhyno both saw ugly splits with SmackDown's General Manager, while Heyman has recently aligned himself with the former WWE Tag Team Champions. After their Survivor Series encounter, Haas and Storm cost both Rhyno and Big Show spots in our Hell in a Cell main event tonight, but they seem to have angered the bigger superstars. Will Rhyno and Big Show gain a measure of revenge, or will the rarely defeated technicians stomp out two of Heyman's most menacing enemies?






John Cena ©
Booker T
Scott Steiner

Triple Threat Match


How We Got Here:
John Cena has stated that he'll take on anyone and everyone to defend his United States Title, and that's not a new revelation. After regaining his belt from JBL at No Mercy, he sought a new challenger - and Scott Steiner stepped up to the plate. Scott stated that he wants the title that he 'made famous' back in WCW, and he imposed his will on both John Cena and his in-ring opponent Booker T over the course of a couple of weeks. Booker took offense, wanting Steiner at the pay-per-view, but Heyman said he had to beat him in a match on SmackDown to get into the US Title match. That's exactly what Booker did, and now it's a Triple Threat for the gold! Which of these three men will emerge victorious from this hotly contested matchup?





The Undertaker
Luther Reigns


How We Got Here:
This was another case of Heyman's employees costing someone a spot in the main event. The Undertaker has vowed to make Reigns pay for his transgression in aiding Rene Dupree against "The Phenom," but Luther hasn't backed down. He opened up about his history, saying that he's fought off much tougher men in prison than a zombie with makeup; will that allow him to claim a man who has been nearly untouchable throughout his illustrious WWE career? Or will "The Deadman" force yet another imposing individual to rest in peace?






Eddie Guerrero ©
Brock Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Rene Dupree

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match


How We Got Here:
This is arguably the biggest title match to ever take place on the SmackDown brand, and it's gotten even bigger since three nights ago. Over the weekend, Paul Heyman decided that this was no longer a simple six-man, one-fall Hell in a Cell matchup - it's going to be an
match, with the winner having to outlast the other five men in a true test of who is the best wrestler on the roster. With five other men gunning for his championship at the same time inside the most brutal structure in WWE history, can Eddie Guerrero make yet another improbable title defense; or will the odds finally catch up with him and someone else walks out with the top prize on the blue brand?




Quick Match Preview


WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©



WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick



Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring



United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree



Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night?


What will be the lowest rated match of the night?


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be?


What will be the first televised match on the main card?


How many titles will change hands?


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who?


Will any match end in DQ or count-out?


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match?


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.*


20 points up for grabs here! Good luck!


* - For example, if you pick Eddie Guerrero to be eliminated second, but get the rest of the order wrong, you'll get a point for Guerrero being out second. Meaning that one has a possibility of five bonus points if you guess the exact order correctly.

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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Matt Fact: Matt can't tell the difference between Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly


WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick

Comment: Kidman is one of my all time favourites!


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: In my opinion, it's going to be a babyface kind of night, and while Bryan Lloyd has a bright future (and a great name), there needs to be some heel wins, and this is one of them. Hassan is destined for the top too... and would benefit greatly from a win here


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: a great team always beats great individuals.. famous last words...


United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: I just think he's better as the US Champ than the other two. Booker is awesome though!


Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: You can grunt all you like Reigns, you have no chance!


WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Elimination?! Nice!! I'd say this could go one of 5 ways, and they're so evenly matched, I'm going to sit on the fence so hard I get splinters in my ass and say: "Champ retains!"


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Hell in a Cell...


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Maybe Taker vs Reigns? Which would annoy you greatly!


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? Rhyn-Show vs Lords of the Ring?


What will be the first televised match on the main card? US Title Match


How many titles will change hands? ONE


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? Eh... Always a hard question... saying NO because I need the points!


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? Again, a hard one... Saying NO! again


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? If anyone...?! Could be Rey, but I want them to win... so Paul London!


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.* Jeez... Okay... No idea... So we'll go 1. Dupree, 2. JBL, 3. Edge, 4. Angle, 5. Lesnar, Winner: Eddie!

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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: You mean Mattitude Version 1.1 (he's been upgraded)


WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick

Comment: 50/50


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: He's sneaks a win


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: Time to start fazing out the older talent


United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: LolCenaWins


Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Easiest Prediction of the Night - and there is still a slight chance I'm wrong via Interference of some sought


WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: This is just mean, I wasn't sure who was going to win in the first place, and then you add in the stip on guessing order of elimination - Well built match though, not sure if Eddie, Edge or Lesnar will win


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Six-Man Elimination Hell-In-A-Cell


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Holly versus Hardy?


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? Holly versus Hardy


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Londrick versus Kidman and Mysterio


How many titles will change hands? 0


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? No


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? No


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? Paul London


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.*

1st Elimination: Rene Dupree

2nd Elimination: JBL

3rd Elimination: Kurt Angle

4th Elimination: Edge

5th and Final Elimination: Brock Lesnar

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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Matt Fact: Matt's girlfriend likes it hardcore.


WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick

Comment: I feel the loss would hurt Kidsterio more than it would help Londrick.


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Going with a no contest here. Neither of these two should be losing a match at this point, if you want them to really be over in the near future.


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: Looks like a bad night to be a Heyman guy.


United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: While I could see this being a good chance for Cena to drop the belt without losing, I think Cena will RISE ABOVE HATE and keep it for at least another month.


Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Again, not a good night for Heyman's guys.


WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: After a night of no titles changing hands, we get a new World champ tonight, as Edge achieves his dreams.


Bonus Questions

What will be the highest rated match of the night? World title match

What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Taker vs Reigns

One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? TV title match

What will be the first televised match on the main card? Tag titles

How many titles will change hands? Only one

Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? Edge makes the turn, but no debuts. I think you'll build Finlay up a few more weeks before he emerges.

Will any match end in DQ or count-out? Hassan vs Bryan

Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? London

Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.* Dupree, Angle, JBL, Lesnar, Eddie.

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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©



WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick



Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring



United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree



What will be the highest rated match of the night?

WWE Title match

What will be the lowest rated match of the night?

Hardcore vs Hardy

One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be?

Hardcore vs Hardy

What will be the first televised match on the main card?

Tag Titles

How many titles will change hands?


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who?


Will any match end in DQ or count-out?

Lloyd vs Hassan

Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match?


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.*

Dupree, JBL, Lesnar, Angle, Edge

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Quick Match Preview


WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©



WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick



Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring



United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? WWE Title Match


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Undertaker/Luther Reigns


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? Hardcore Holly/Matt Hardy


What will be the first televised match on the main card? US Title Match


How many titles will change hands? 0


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? No


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? No


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? London


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction. JBL, Dupree, Angle, Edge, Lesnar

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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Hardy's had his fun, and I think Holly winning the belt will freshen up the title. But I also think that this will be the pre-show match, so I'd save the TV Title change for TV.


WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick

Comment: Not yet for Londrick.


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: The Battle of Smackdown's youngest prospects. But, Hassan winning would mean more here


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: In an sorta-upset?


United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: This would be a good time for Cena to lose if he had to, but would Booker or Steiner really do another more for the belt? Smelling Cena to retain then feud with Dupree(?)


Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: I think Taker will Reign this one in


WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Look, Christian is cashing in. The whole build on Raw has been HBK vs Christian, but Christian could just cash in again if he lost his shot. But, why not cash in here? Let all of those smackdown guys destroy each other, in which Edge is the only survivor, and then cash in. Why not go after both titles? If this happens, Christian would be the smartest heel in the world. Guys, I've thought about this one, so it has to happen(I think).


What will be the highest rated match of the night?Heck in a Seck


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Taker/Reigns


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? I'll say Holly/Hardy


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Triple Threat US Title


How many titles will change hands? 2


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? Nope


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? Don't think so


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? I'll say Paul London


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.*

Jeez. I'll say: Dupree, JBL, Angle, Eddie, Lesnar

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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Well, this is the classic storyline. Someone wants title shot, doesn't get it, then attacks champion to get shot. If Hardy wins, it should elevate him more than it would help Holly.


WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick

Comment: Do I think Londrick will win down the line? Yes, yes I do. I think this one will end with SOME sort of action to tease Londrick as the next top heel tag team.


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Hassan is undefeated.. and usually when someone is going to lose, they are going to lose to a big name. Hassan should win since Lloyd isn't big enough to end the streak.


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: They should probably win since they're still hot on the pursuit of the Corporate Friendly Paulrus.


United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena (c) vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Initially, I was going to go with Steiner, but then I thought that if Cena's dropping the strap, it's probably going to be to JBL.


Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Winning here would be huge for Luther, but I doubt Taker would lose to him.


WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: This is extremely ballsy of a pick for me, but I can see Edge starting a new era of SD! going into '05.

Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Hell in a Cell


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? TV Title


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? Show/Rhyno vs. LOTR


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Misterio/Kidman vs. Londrick


How many titles will change hands? 1


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? No..


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? Yes..


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? Paul London


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.* 1. JBL 2. Dupree 3. Angle 4. Brock 5. Eddie WINNER: Edge

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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©



WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick



Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring



United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night?- Main Event WWE Championship Match


What will be the lowest rated match of the night?- Hardcore Holly vs Hardy


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be?- Holly vs Hardy


What will be the first televised match on the main card?- Hassan vs Llyod


How many titles will change hands?- 1


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who?- No


Will any match end in DQ or count-out?- 1, Hassan vs Llyod


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match?- Paul London


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.*- 1st: Rene Dupree, 2nd: JBL, 3rd: Kurt Angle, 4th: Eddie Guerrero, 5th: Brock Lesnar

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Quick Match Preview


WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©



WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick



Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring



United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Cena-Booker-Steiner


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Holly-Hardy


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? Show/Rhyno v LotR


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Holly-Hardy


How many titles will change hands? 0


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? Don't think so


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? Umm... nope


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? London


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.*




3. Edge

4. Dupree

5. Lesnar

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Quick Match Preview


WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©



WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick



Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring



United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree




Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Six man elimination


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Holly/hardy


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be?Lloyd/Davari


What will be the first televised match on the main card? US championship


How many titles will change hands? 1


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? no


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? no


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? london


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.*

1. Dupree

2. Jbl

3. Edge

4. Angle

5. Eddie G.

20 points up for grabs here! Good luck!

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I lol'd at the comment about Shannon Moore fans because it's pretty much just me. :p


WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©



WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick

Comment: Great match-up, don't mind either way. :D


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Toss up.


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: Size. Plus, Gore.


United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: This Armageddon Hell in a Cell is up in the air because I also think either Edge or Lesnar could get the win.


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night?

Six Man HiaC


What will be the lowest rated match of the night?

Lloyd vs. Hassan


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be?

Show/Rhyno vs. LotR


What will be the first televised match on the main card?

Filthy Animals vs. Londrick


How many titles will change hands?



Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who?



Will any match end in DQ or count-out?

Yes, tag titles end in count-out


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match?

No one


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.*

Dupree out first, then JBL, then Angle, then Lesnar, then Edge

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Quick Match Preview


WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: And so the TV Title is not a TV Title anymore...anyways, routine defense by Matty.


WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick

Comment: I think that a rematch will occur at the Rumble with Londrick winning.


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Death.


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: The Lords are a great team, but they aren't enough for the wrath of THE PIG (SLOW) AND THE RHINO!


United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Even though the stipulation has me thinking that Cena will lose without being pinned here, I'll go with my gut.


Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Good night, Reigns.


WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: I do think that Edge will get the belt, but only as a heel and on the new year.


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Hell in a Cell.


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Danielson vs. Hassan.


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? TV Title Match.


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Tag Title Match.


How many titles will change hands? None.


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? Yes, Mordecai and maybe James Mitchell.


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? No.


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? Kendrick.


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.* JBL, Dupree, Angle, Lesnar and Edge.

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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: This is a way to push matt right? RIGHT?!?!?!


WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick

Comment: Time for Londrick to reign supreme right? RIGHT!?!@!@?%!^#


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: none


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: pushingggg


United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: pushinggggg


Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Could see reigns winning by like, DQ or something though


WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Yeah I'm running the firm belief its JBL's Time to Shine.


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? - 6 Way Hell in a Cell


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? - Holly vs Hardy


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? - Holly & Hardy


What will be the first televised match on the main card? - Big Show & Rhyno vs Lords of the Ring


How many titles will change hands? - 2


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? - None! But I'm also bad at predicting these things


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? - Yup, Reigns vs Undertaker


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? - Kidman


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.* - Rene Dupree-Edge-Kurt Angle-Brock Lesnar-Eddie


kinda pumped for the show! Can't wait

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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©



WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick



Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Scott Steiner: Ok, If I can be serious for a moment, Muhammad Hassan is a f**ing asshole. He wants to come trash America, that's a joke. You claim you're being held down by 9/11. Shut the hell up, you'll get your revenge 7 years later. For once in my life, I actually give a crap about a match. Bryan Lloyd, please get his f**king head kicked in.


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring



United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns

Comment: Scott Steiner: *laughing* (Does anyone think Luther Reigns can possibly beat the Undertaker?) HELL NO!


WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Main Event


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? TV Title Match


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? Lloyd and Hassan.


What will be the first televised match on the main card? TV Title Match


How many titles will change hands? Two


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? Edge turns heel.


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? Not one.


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? Paul London.


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match. One point per correct prediction.* 1. Rene, 2. Angle, 3. Lesnar, 4. JBL, 5. Eddie. 6. Edge.

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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©



WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick



Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari



Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring



United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree


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WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly vs. Matt Hardy ©

Comment: Hardcore got the win in the last one Hardy gets a pin this time.


WWE Tag Team Championship

Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson vs. Londrick



Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs. Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari

Comment: Hopefully he hands Hassan his first loss.


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring

Comment: The two monsters get their revenge.


United States Championship

Triple Threat Match

John Cena © vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner



Grudge Match

The Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns



WWE Championship

Six-Man Elimination Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Against all odds Guerrero retains the belt.


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night? Hell in a Cell


What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Holly/Hardy


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be? Big Show/Rhyno vs Lords of the Ring


What will be the first televised match on the main card? Kidman/Mysterio vs Londrick will make for an high-flying entertaining way to kick it off.


How many titles will change hands? 0


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who? Yes, Edge after being the last one eliminated.


Will any match end in DQ or count-out? Yes


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match? Kendrick


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match: JBL, Dupree, Angle, Lesnar, Edge

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Sorry, this isn't the PPV! However, I do bring good news: I absolutely blew through writing this show, and it's just about ready to post. I just want to give one quick warning before I post it, as some of my regular PPV predictors haven't posted yet. Plus, I've been pretty slow with shows lately, so it isn't really fair of me to post this so quickly.


I will post sometime tomorrow. :)

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WWE Armageddon: Sunday, Week 2 December 2004



WWE Armageddon

Sunday, Week 2, December 2004

Gwinnett Center; Duluth, GA


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

"The End Is Here"


Fireworks explode as the final WWE pay-per-view of the year is set to kick off! A wide shot of the crowd’s enthusiasm and excitement for the event gives way to a ringside angle, where Michael Cole and Tazz await the start of the event.


Michael Cole:
Hello everyone, you are looking at the jam-packed Gwinnett Center in Duluth, Georgia – welcome to Armageddon! I’m Michael Cole, and this is Tazz; partner are you ready for this?

Am I ready? I’m ready! Hot-Lanta is ready! And “the end” just might be here for “Latino Heat” if he ain’t ready!

Michael Cole:
What a spectacle this is going to be! We’ve already seen one title match in our pre-show, where
Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman
successfully defeated
in an excellent match, and we’re going to kick the show off with another tag team bout!


The theme for
hits as the former WWE Tag Team Champions hit the ring – our opening match is ready to start!


76 (B-)





Big Show and Rhyno
Lords of the Ring


Throughout this match, Charlie Haas and Lance Storm seemed to have a distinct strategy and that was to capitalize on any emotion shown by the excitable Rhyno and driven Big Show. In the early going, the matchup was extremely closely contested, but the constant insistence on attacking the legs of “The World’s Largest Athlete” paid off for the former champions. Lacking the ability to lift Big Show for more devastating attacks on the legs, Haas and Storm resorted to simpler tactics – bending, twisting, stomping, dropping knees. They used any way possible to ground the giant, and quick tags exemplified the chemistry between the two technicians. Storm dropped outside the ring with Haas holding Big Show down, as he slammed Show’s right, tree trunk-like leg into the post. Things looked grim at this point, with Rhyno able to do nothing but plead with the referee and look on.


A few minutes of isolation ensued, and with Haas losing ground to Big Show in a headlock toward Rhyno…Haas dropped it and knocked “The Man Beast” off the apron! However, this allowed Big Show to regroup for just a moment as he caught Charlie with a backdrop. This got the crowd back into it as Show limped to the other side of the ring and knocked Storm off the apron. Charlie ran into a kick to the gut and a Suplex – this bought time for a hot tag to Rhyno! Haas ran at him – a duck by Rhyno – big shoulder block off the ropes! Haas scrambles to his feet – belly-to-belly Suplex! Now moving slower, Haas tries to regroup, but gets planted with a spinebuster by Rhyno! He lets out a primal roar as Storm rolls in the ring – Big Show sacrifices himself with a flying shoulderblock! He and Storm roll out of the ring, brawling, just as Haas gets to his feet –
Gore! Gore! Gore!
Rhyno makes the cover -
1, 2, 3!


Big Show and Rhyno (via Gore to Haas)

62 ©




Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to take you backstage right now because Josh Mathews is standing by with one of the three men who will do battle for the United States Championship here tonight.


After the big win by Rhyno and Big Show, Cole and Tazz send it to Josh Mathews in the back, and he’s standing by with the five-time WCW Champion,
Booker T
, in advance of his United States Title opportunity here tonight. Josh asks his thoughts on the Triple Threat contest.



"Look man, I got a little confession to make. I ain’t really been myself since I came to SmackDown, not until the past couple weeks. I don’t know what it’s been, but I know that I ain’t been feelin’ like the five-time WCW Champion. The passion was gone, the drive that won me all those titles. That night that Scott Steiner took me out, as I was sittin’ at home, I figured out that I knew what I was missin’ – check it out; Bookah T on SmackDown didn’t have that killah instinct, and Scott Steiner woke up those memories from back in Houston when every time I got knocked down, I had to get back up and fight even hardah to survive. That’s what I gotta do here, man. Check it out, it’s been a long time since y’all saw a good ol’ Spinaroonie, but tonight after I become US Champion, I’m gonna dance alllll over both of those suckas! Now can you dig that?!"


Booker is quite animated as he walks off. Mathews sends it back over to the announce table for our next match.


Bookah’s ready, Cole, and that’s a sight fuh sore eyes! I miss when the Bookah man was at the top of his game, and that’s exactly where he’s gonna need to be later on tonight!


80 (B)






Hardcore Holly
Matt Hardy ©


Matt begrudgingly gave up his Television Title to the referee, and this one started. Hardy looked very serious heading into this one, looking to avenge the serious embarrassment he received at the hands of Holly last Thursday. He started off by returning the favor, slapping Holly across the face! This led to a laugh and a taunt, and Holly cracked him with a slap of his own, gaining control. Holly looked charged up early on, landing some stiff chops, elbows, and knees to “The Sensei of Mattitude.” Holly finished his opening flurry with a picture-perfect dropkick. A two count ensued, and Holly went right back on the attack.


A minute or so later, Hardy fought back and went for a quick Twist of Fate. Holly pushed him off and went for a back body drop, but Hardy came back and landed a hard kick to the chest to stun his opponent. The two traded the momentum back and forth until Hardy caught a clothesline attempt and landed the Side Effect! Holly barely kicked out, and his chances looked dimmer after a diving legdrop from the champion. Another two count, and Matt started arguing and shoved the referee. With Charles Robinson threatening to disqualify him, Hardy moved to the outside of the ring. He grabbed the Television Title from ringside and brought it into the ring as a groggy Holly made his way to his feet. He lined him up for what would be a title-saving belt shot, but Holly ducks! He ducks a rebound shot too – and he grabs the champion’s legs! He lifts him up – Alabama Slam! Holly falls into the cover – 1, 2, 3; new champion!


Tony Chimel:
Here is your winner, and the
…WWE Television Champion…Hardcore Holly!


playing, he’s handed the Television Title with Matt Hardy holding the back of his head on the ground. Holly holds up the title, his first major singles championship in his decade-long tenure, and the fans applaud the defeat of the cowardly former champion.


Hardcore Holly (via Alabama Slam)

67 (C+, match) / 68 (C+, celebration)




Next, we head to the back with Amy Weber. She calls
Rene Dupree
onscreen, and “The French Phenom” grins arrogantly as he dishes on his feelings heading into tonight’s main event.



"When I come here to WWE at the age of 19 years old, I knew that Rene Dupree would become the best superstar in the history of WWE. Everyone compares “The French Phenom” to Brock Lesnar, they say I am the next big thing. I am already SmackDown’s King of the Ring, younger than Brock ever was. And tonight, “Your Majesty” himself beats Brock’s record of youngest WWE Champion in history.
Liberte. Egalite. Rene Dupree.


King Dupree’s quite confident going into this matchup tonight, but he’s got five other guys to contend with!

You don’t win a title unless you’re confident, Cole, and as much as I hate to say it about the cowardly Frenchman – Dupree’s got the God-given talent to win it all tonight no mattuh how young he is!


87 (B+)




Next, we’re treated to a video of recent events taking place between
Bryan Lloyd
Muhammad Hassan
. Brawls, ambushes, and verbal barbs give way to our next matchup!
hits, and Lloyd makes his way out for this heated grudge match against



Bryan Lloyd
Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


It was clear from the start here that Lloyd was the superior wrestler. The opening tie-up resulted in an arm drag, and each ensuing counter by Lloyd angered Hassan, opening him up for further targeting. Bryan possessed more technical ability than his stature or his demeanor might insist, and Hassan found out the hard way. Every time they locked up, Lloyd would gain the upper hand, but Muhammad used an eye rake to start in. In contrast to Lloyd’s style, Hassan showed limited variation – if a kick or punch could get the job done, he did it. Hassan hit a vertical suplex and then a body slam, but that only got a one count. Hassan stood up and taunted the crowd as he jumped back on Lloyd with punches. Lloyd would slither around and lock in a cross armbar, having Hassan writhe in pain!


Hassan tried not to give up, and received some assistance from Daivari, who pulled the hair of Lloyd from the outside. The referee didn’t see it, and it allowed Hassan to stand up and turn the hold into a nice half-Boston Crab. Lloyd grabbed the ropes, and as Hassan approached again, he threw a kick but was caught with a Dragon Screw! He got back up to his feet and got a European uppercut for his efforts. Hassan got dropkicked and rolled out of the ropes to the outside. He and Daivari regrouped, and Lloyd tried to take advantage; he hit the opposite ropes to come through with a suicide dive, but Hassan moved out of the way and sent Bryan crashing into the barricade!


Muhammad immediately moved into the ring and looked for a count-out win. Lloyd, however, gingerly rolled in and the count of 8; Hassan immediately pounced for a cover attempt, but that only got a two. Beginning to get frustrated, Hassan started with chokes. He looked for another vertical suplex, but Lloyd swung around and looked for a Crucifix pin which Hassan narrowly escaped! He rolled to his knees and got caught with a vicious kick to the face by Lloyd, followed by a Northern Lights Suplex! Lloyd couldn’t maintain the bridge, instead floating over to Hassan’s half-guard. Hassan’s only reaction was to choke, and this allowed him to roll Bryan over onto his back. The referee counted to four before pushing through to shove Hassan off of his opponent. Muhammad received a sharp reprimand in the corner as Lloyd used the ropes to recuperate; all of a sudden, he was cracked in the face by Daivari with some sort of object! Lloyd was absolutely out cold as Hassan picked up the pieces; he locked in the Camel Clutch and Lloyd was already unresponsive. After about 15 seconds, the referee had no choice but to stop the match as Bryan Lloyd was unconscious!


With the bell ringing and his music blaring, Hassan has a crazed look in his eye. Even though he’s technically won the match, Hassan wants to deliver some more punishment to the fan favorite. Lloyd’s lower back and neck are undergoing severe stress thanks to the torque by Hassan, and there was no other choice for WWE officials than to run down to the ring and break up the assault! Hassan slams Lloyd’s face into the ground to add insult to injury as he and Daivari are ushered to the back by security. Medics tend to Lloyd we head back to ringside.


Man, that was a brutal assault by Muhammad Hassan, I just hope Bryan Lloyd’s okay. Nobody deserves a beatin’ like that, Cole.

Especially after he shouldn’t have even won the match! Hassan won because Daivari knocked Bryan Lloyd out cold, and the coward attacked while Lloyd couldn’t defend himself! He should be ashamed to call himself an American, he’s just a coward!


Muhammad Hassan (via stoppage)

68 (C+, video) / 73 (B-, match) / 55 (C-, attack)




Next, Amy Weber is standing in the back with
Paul Heyman and Luther Reigns
. She asks him about his thoughts on the Lords of the Ring loss earlier tonight. Heyman gives her a look of bewilderment as he starts in.



"Excuse me, there must be something seriously wrong with your brain if you think that I care about Big Show and Rhyno’s “revenge.” The fact of the matter is, at the end of the day, they’re still owned by Paul Heyman’s SmackDown. Does that answer your question, Ms. Weber?"


Amy timidly nods as Heyman continues.


"Good. Now, let us forget the past and move on to the future. In just a short while, “The Deadman” finally experiences dead silence. When he steps inside the ring, his ‘yard,’ with my Censor, The Undertaker is going to find out the hard way that he just should’ve stayed at home in Death Valley. When he returned to SmackDown and picked a fight with Paul Heyman, he dug his own grave; and on SmackDown, Paul Heyman is the judge and the jury, and Luther Reigns is the executioner. Rest peacefully, “Deadman.”"


Heyman and Reigns both chuckle and walk off the screen here.


This is bad news for ‘Takuh, Luthuh Reigns ain’t someone you wanna be messin’ with…and neitha is Paul Heyman!

“The Phenom” has pulled tricks out of his sleeve before, Tazz, and something tells me that tonight is not “the end” for The Undertaker. But up next is our highly-anticipated United States Title match, where “The Doctor of Thuganomics” John Cena will go up against “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner and the five-time WCW Champion, Booker T!

76 (B-)






Triple Threat Match

John Cena ©
Booker T
Scott Steiner


To start, the three men vying for John Cena’s brand new spinner championship belt spent their time feeling out the Triple Threat dynamic. As Cena placed his steel chain around the ring post, Steiner was the first to strike. Steiner went after the champion as Booker joined the fray. An early fracas ironed itself out with Cena clotheslining Steiner to the floor. He extended his hand to Booker, and the two slapped right hands and locked up. A headlock ensued and it was immediately broken up by Steiner, who tackled both men to the ground. Booker escaped this time, and allowed Steiner to put a little bit of a hurt on the champion, timing his stomps and continuing his attack from an upright base. Steiner got up and caught a side kick to the face, and Cena broke up the pin attempt. It was a basically even early part of the matchup, with no man getting a clear leg up on the other. An early F-U attempt was thwarted by Steiner, who came in from behind with a chop block.


The fight spilled to the outside with all three men involved, but Steiner tossed Cena over the announce table into the barricade to take him out for the time being. He went to work on Booker on the outside, brawling around the ring. Scott was well aware of the implied no-disqualification rule, getting a chokehold in on Booker and bringing out a chair. He starts to go to work on the lower back of Booker, and as he rears back for a big shot, the chair is grabbed by Cena! Cena fights him off, the chair is lost in the process, and more brawling ensues. Cena brings the fight up to the ramp and Booker gives chase. He limps up and follows the two, attacking them and hitting a vertical suplex to Cena on the ramp! The champion writhed in pain while Booker set his sights on Steiner. They got into a bit of a scrum before Booker hit a side kick, causing Steiner to teeter at the edge of the ramp. Close to falling, Booker looked to give the finishing blow, but “Big Poppa Pump” hit a back body drop to send Booker T flying through a set of tables on the floor area!


With one man incapacitated, Steiner set his sights on the United States Champion. He beat Cena back down the ramp, taunting him in the process. With Cena on one knee, Scott looked to pick him up and drag him into the ring, but John caught him on his shoulders – F-U on the ramp! The crowd went crazy as Cena got a much needed breather, though he was unable to capitalize. After an initial pause, Cena stood up, played to the crowd, and pumped up his sneakers! He rolled Steiner in the ring and only got a two count after the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Scott rolled right back out, near where the chair had fallen. Cena was on his way through the ropes to get him, but “Big Poppa Pump” blasted him in the face with the steel chair! Scott rolled back into the ring – cover! Hooked the leg!





























Cena instinctively launched his shoulder off the mat and Scott began to throw a tantrum. He picked up the chair again and went into the corner, banging it on the ground and yelling at Cena to get up. Cena, on jelly-legs, turned around and ducked the chair. He pounced over to the corner, removed his chain, and bashed the chain into a second attempted chair shot, sending it back into the face of Steiner! Scott fell backwards, but was still stirring. He got up to his feet as Cena beckoned him to come closer – hoists him up – F-U! Cena makes the cover:


























John Cena is still the United States Champion!


Cena did it! Cena won it, and he retained his title against the odds!

This was a helluva match, Cole, and don’t forget about Bookuh! If not fuh the height of that ramp out there, the whole match coulda changed!

We’ll never know for sure Tazz, but what I do know is that right now, Josh Mathews is standing by backstage with the WWE Champion, Eddie Guerrero. Josh?


John Cena (via F-U to Steiner)

82 (B)




Josh Mathews introduces his guest,
Eddie Guerrero
, who is looking especially focused and serious here tonight. He wants to know if Eddie has a specific strategy going into this Elimination Hell in a Cell match here tonight.



"Strategy? What kind of strategy could I possibly have,
? I ain’t the biggest, I ain’t the strongest, I ain’t the youngest, but I got one thing that nobody else in the match does,
, and that’s the WWE Championship. That means that I’ve been here before.
Tengo mi corazon
. I have my heart. My heart is the WWE Championship. Over the past 9 months,
, this belt has become a part of me, man. Eddie Guerrero without this belt is not Eddie Guerrero anymore. And that’s why tonight, “Latino Heat” is gonna scratch, and bite, and claw just like I have my whole life. I’m gonna go out there, I’m gonna beat Edge, Brock Lesnar, I’m gonna beat Rene Dupree, and JBL, and Kurt Angle… because I
to. I can’t lose this title, holmes. I…I just don’t know what I’d do without it. I don’t."


Eddie leaves Josh standing there as he walks off, intensely focused on retaining his championship here tonight.


Passionate words here by the WWE Champion, and you’ve really gotta wonder what’s going to happen if, in fact, Eddie loses the title here tonight, Tazz.

And there’s a good chance it happens too, Cole, he’s in there with the five best dudes SmackDown’s got to offer! And it’s inside the Hell in a Cell!

We’ll get to that, partner, but first – these two big men are set to clash here tonight, let’s take a look.


88 (B+)




A video airs, showing the heated rivalry between
Luther Reigns
The Undertaker
, stemming back at Survivor Series. Reigns cost ‘Taker a WWE Title shot here tonight, and “The Deadman” is out for revenge. The video concludes with The Undertaker’s cryptic quote: “Armageddon is where your world ends.”


The two men make their entrances, with Reigns looking unfazed by the smoke and lights of “The Phenom,” and we’re ready to kick off this match.



The Undertaker
Luther Reigns


A cold staredown began this one as Reigns was goaded into making the first move. He went for a strike, and immediately it was ducked and the agile “Phenom” landed a series of boxing-like strikes, including throat thrusts in the corner. He added some knee lifts to the midsection and a Snake Eyes to Reigns. Reigns was able to wriggle out of the corner and fight his way back into it as he ducked a clothesline from ‘Taker. He sent him in the ropes and went for a back body drop – Running DDT from “The Deadman!” A two count ensued, and The Undertaker continued an attack. He went up to the top rope for Old School, but was unable to walk out as Reigns broke it off and was able to fight him in the corner to hit a Superplex! Both men were down until a count of six, when Reigns made it to his feet.


Reigns pounced on his opponent for a bit here, making sure that “The Phenom” didn’t make it back to his feet without an immense struggle. He displayed his great strength, hitting a delayed vertical suplex to the 300+ pound Undertaker. He got a two count, so he lifted the big man up for a backbreaker hold, really wrenching on his opponent. ‘Taker fought out with some right hands and got back to his feet, only to have a clothesline ducked and he got planted with a Full Nelson Slam! Another two count, and this one started to frustrate Reigns. He called for the end and went for a Reign of Terror, but The Undertaker spun out, grabbed his throat, and landed a thunderous Chokeslam! He made the cover, but Reigns was able to get his shoulder up
before the three count.


Reigns rolled out of the ring to regroup, and he turned around into a tope from ‘Taker, who launched himself to the floor! The big men fought along the outside as Reigns was sent into the stairs and rolled back into the ring. He fought off the Undertaker’s advances, including a leaping flying clothesline. Reigns whipped The Undertaker into the ropes and went for a big boot, but ‘Taker ducked, stopped on a dime, landed a kick to the gut, and hoisted his opponent up for The Last Ride! He rolled his eyes back into his head and showed the crowd a throat slitting motion – they knew what time it was. He grabbed Luther by the throat and lifted him up – Tombstone Piledriver! He crosses the arms, rolls his eyes back again, and contorts his tongue for the camera – “The Phenom” is victorious!


What a tough test for The Undertaker against Luther Reigns, and he passed with flying colors here tonight.

Yeah, I dunno how much the Unduhtakuh likes colors, but he sure looked like a badass in this one. Luthuh Reigns is a tough dude, Cole, and "The Deadman" made it look pretty easy.


The Undertaker (via Tombstone Piledriver)

78 (B, video) / 68 (C+, match)




Next up, Amy Weber has her final guest of the night, and it’s
“Your Olympic Hero” Kurt Angle
. Amy says that his match is next, and that he’s the only man who’s been in this type of match before. What are his final thoughts heading into it?



"I meant what I said when I talked about my experience in this match. Nobody else has any idea what to expect when there’s five guys gunning for you and you have that steel structure all around you. I’m the most experienced and I’m by far the smartest man in the match. These weeks of talk have meant nothing because all six guys in that match are coming to fight tonight – it just happens that there’s no one better than Kurt Angle inside those ropes, cell or not. So I’m gonna go out there and I’m grabbing every ankle I see and I’m twisting it until it rips off. And I’ll be leaving these dirty, disgusting rednecks in Duluth, Georgia the new WWE Champion. Oh, it’s true. It’s


The time for talk is over now, and the end is near. But first, let’s take a look about how this whole buildup to this championship match has unfolded.


87 (B+)




Our final video of the night airs, and it features parts of many different moments throughout the year on SmackDown; Eddie Guerrero’s title win at Wrestlemania, Edge’s long rivalry with Brock Lesnar, Rene Dupree’s King of the Ring victory, and various clips of the competitors’ biggest triumphs of the year. It chronicles the Survivor Series match where Edge and Eddie Guerrero overcame Team Heyman and won it for their side. We see Heyman’s Hell in a Cell announcement and clips of each of the qualifying matches. It ends with the assault on Guerrero and Edge that took place this past Thursday, as well as the brawl that followed, with Brock Lesnar coming out on top holding the WWE Championship.


The cell is slowly lowered, the six men make their entrances, and it’s time for the match itself!




Elimination Six-Man Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero ©
Brock Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Rene Dupree


Meeting Guerrero at the door is JBL, and these two start a brawl which incites all of the six men to start throwing punches. Immediately, bodies are thrown into the cell as four of the six men fight along the outside of the ring. Eddie and Bradshaw fight along the outside, with Eddie scraping JBL’s face along the cell with the crowd going wild for the chaos. Cole and Tazz remind us that all pinfalls or submissions must take place inside the ring, but that all of the other rules are thrown out the window here. Dupree hammers away on Edge while Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar go to-toe. Eddie tosses JBL inside the door and walks in himself; this prompts the referee to chain the door shut and we are ready to go!


Lesnar and Dupree are the first two in the ring, and they go at one another. Dupree taunts Lesnar, who catches him with a big clothesline. Along the outside, Bradshaw is laying into Edge with hard punches, before he goes underneath the ring to find a steel chair. He looks to decapitate Edge, but the Canadian ducks and JBL finds nothing but steel ring post! The vibration shocks his hands and he turns around into a big clothesline from Kurt Angle! Angle and Edge jockey for position along the outside, with Angle having his head slammed into the ring post. Dupree actually gets some offense in on Brock, but is unable to do much in terms of damage to the much bigger man. All six men get involved with one another simultaneously and the early going consists of absolute chaos.


Dupree is slingshotted into the cage and is the first one to be busted open. Angle rolls him in the ring and makes the cover, but to no avail. Eddie pulls out a table from underneath the ring and the crowd explodes, but before he can set it up he’s attacked from behind by Brock Lesnar. Brock slams his head into the table and looks for a body slam as Edge finishes the set-up. Inside the ring, JBL catches Dupree with a Last Call, but the 20-year-old kicks out! On the outside, Guerrero fights Brock off and shoves him into Angle, sending him into the cell! There’s so little space here for these six men, and the match is nothing but an absolute brawl with a plethora of temporary partnerships. Eddie is sent by Dupree into a clothesline from Lesnar. Edge hits a snap suplex to Angle in the ring as JBL drops an elbow; then Bradshaw and Edge get into it. It’s a total melee until our first elimination. Eddie Guerrero ducks a huge Clothesline From Hell, and JBL runs right into Brock Lesnar, who lifts him up for the F-5! Brock makes the cover and JBL has been eliminated.


After Bradshaw leaves the cage, at least one man has the ability to take a breather at any given time. There was a mental tug-of-war for all of the competitors; they want to avoid the ring so as not to get pinned, but they have to deal some damage in the ring in order to eliminate other competitors. Guerrero gets a nice flurry going, as the champion lands some shots to Angle, Lesnar, and Dupree, dropkicking Rene through the ropes to the floor. At one point, Guerrero finds himself on the outside of the ring. Angle and Dupree flank him while Brock stands inside the ring. Instead of taking them on, Eddie turns and climbs up the inside of the cell! He gets up to the roof and pulls himself out backwards as if he was using monkey bars, climbing along the underside of the roof! Brock tries to grab his legs, but Eddie tucks and drops, hitting a headscissors on “The Next Big Thing!” He is unable to make the cover, however, and still has to deal with Angle and Dupree. When he least expects it, he turns around into an Impaler DDT by Edge! Edge makes the cover, but Eddie kicks out at the last second!


Angle gets in the ring to go to work on Edge, but Eddie joins the fray. Lesnar pulls Edge out of the ring and they fight along the outside, with Edge digging deep to stay alive here. Dazing Brock, he runs to the other side of the ringside area and then back,
Spearing him right through the locked door!!


As soon as the door comes open, the remaining men spill out of the cage and begin to brawl up the ramp and around the ring! Kurt Angle scrapes Eddie’s face around the outside of the cell until it is ripped open with blood, dropping Guerrero to the floor. Edge makes it back to his feet as he and Angle go toe-to-toe up the ramp. Out of nowhere, Angle hits the Angle Slam on the steel! Angle locks in the Ankle Lock on the ramp, but Edge cannot submit there! He refused to tap out regardless, and Brock Lesnar came over with a huge elbow to Angle. He rolls Angle back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Angle kicks out. Meanwhile, Brock’s back is significantly cut up from the fall through the cell door, but it doesn’t seem to affect him that much. Lesnar pulls the lifeless Angle to his feet, but Kurt was playing possum! Kurt rolls him up!
1! 2! NO!!
Brock is still alive!


Angle’s in shock; he catches his breath and questions the referee. Kurt gets up and turns around – kick to the gut by Guerrero! Vertical suplex! And a second! And the Three Amigos! Eddie’s feeling it now, he gives a shimmy for the crowd as he climbs up to the top rope! He hits the Frog Splash to Angle! The referee makes the count –
1, 2, 3!
Angle is eliminated from the match!


Lesnar tries to pick up Eddie and go for the F-5 as he looks to finish the champion! However, Guerrero turns it into a Tornado DDT! He makes the cover –





































Brock somehow gets his shoulder up and rolls out of the ring. Guerrero hits a suicide dive and sends Lesnar into the cage! They fight along to the outside, and now Edge has re-entered the fray. He helps Eddie beat Brock along the cage, but Brock starts batting them away like flies. In order to escape, the dazed Lesnar decides to start climbing the side of the cell near the announce tables! Eddie gives chase to his left, and Edge starts to climb it behind him. Eddie lands some punches to the side of his head as Brock swings wildly. Edge grabs the leg of “The Next Big Thing” and does his best to pull him down! Edge is successful, but Brock jumps down from the moderate height he’s at and lands on his feet. He fights Edge a bit but gets caught with a boot by Guerrero, allowing Edge to roll him onto the announce table! He beckons to Eddie – the champion stares into the crowd as Brock lies prone on the table! The crowd is going ballistic as Eddie looks and shrugs his shoulders – he pushes off the cell and flies backwards, turning in mid-air and hitting a quasi-Frog Splash through the table! He and Lesnar lay in a heap as the crowd is going wild and Cole and Tazz are forced to evacuate!


With his opponents’ bodies beaten and destroyed, Edge does the only thing his fatigued body will let him do – he grabs Eddie Guerrero by the leg and tries to drag him in the ring! He’s smaller than Lesnar, so the load is lighter for Edge. After a painstakingly and dramatically slow path to the ring, Edge rolls the decimated champion in for the cover –






















































Edge is in complete and utter shock and begins to visibly pull out some chunks of his hair as he rolls outside the ring. He goes underneath and grabs a steel chair. Eddie gets up and dropkicks it into his face to buy himself some time. He rolls outside the ring and grabs another table, setting it up vertically in the corner. Edge attacks as he’s setting it up and the two brawl. All of a sudden, Eddie drops to his knees and lands a swinging low blow! These men will do anything to stay alive here, and Eddie looks to take advantage. He goes to the top rope, but Edge meets him up there and fights him. Eddie ends up with the advantage and he flips over Edge, hitting a devastating sunset flip Powerbomb! He falls into a weak cover –






























Eddie looks to the sky, bleeding profusely, and he starts to visibly cry before gathering himself. He climbs back up to the top rope and Edge has not moved. He gazes upward once more and calls for the Frog Splash. He leaps –


And is caught on the shoulders of a charging Brock Lesnar! A struggle ensues; Eddie flails his legs and tries to break free, but the stronger Brock sets his feet and launches the champion up into the air, hitting an F-5 onto the chair Edge had brought into the ring a few moments ago! Eddie’s head bounces off the steel and he’s out cold. Brock makes the cover!






































The now-former WWE Champion, Eddie Guerrero, is unconscious and is eliminated from the Hell in a Cell match! Edge has rolled outside the ring at this point, and Lesnar looks to finish him off. Edge puts up a weak fight on the outside, but Brock kicks him in the gut and lifts him up for a Powerbomb…..right through the first table that was set up outside the ring at the beginning of the match! Edge was crumpled in a heap and Lesnar stalks him….until he stops. He turns to his left and crouches slowly…before he grabs the apron and pulls it up, revealing the legs of the bloodied Rene Dupree! “The French Phenom” had been hiding underneath the ring, and he’s pulled out by Brock Lesnar! Lesnar picks him up to his feet, when he’s cracked in the skull with Dupree’s golden scepter! Dupree rolls him into the ring and goes for the cover, but Lesnar
kicks out
! Rene can’t believe it, but he picks up Lesnar and hits a Double Arm DDT! Lesnar kicks out again, so Dupree tries to finish it again with a scepter shot. Lesnar ducks – and you guessed it – F-5! Dupree tries to roll out of the ring, but Lesnar grabs him and picks him up for another F-5! Dupree is flat on his back in the middle of the ring, Brock covers –
1, 2, 3!


We’re now down to two men and Lesnar catches his breath, starting to laugh. He sees Edge struggling to move on the outside and Lesnar realizes that this match – not to mention the WWE Championship – is his for the taking. He goes outside and grabs Edge by the hair, rolling him inside the ring. Brock picks up his lifeless corpse for yet another F-5, but Edge snaps back into awareness, elbowing his way out of the hold and off of Brock’s shoulders. He kicks him in the gut – Edgecution! Brock makes his way back to his feet and his caught out of nowhere with a thunderous Spear and the crowd explodes! Edge hooks the leg –










































Lesnar did get his shoulder up, and after all this damage both men are still alive! Edge can’t believe it, and it’s now evident that he’s started to bleed at some point, presumably when he was put through the table. His face is slowly leaking with blood from the top of his head, and he’s seemingly going insane. Edge lines up in the corner for a Spear, but Lesnar sidesteps him and sends him toward the table set up in the corner. They run at each other again, and Edge ducks a clothesline. He stops quickly, turns around and runs back at Lesnar, who’s now in front of the table. Edge makes a leap of faith –
Both Edge and Lesnar are absolutely decimated in the ring, and Edge simply lays on top of Lesnar, whose body more resembles a corpse than organic matter at this point…Charles Robinson with the count….the crowd chants along….







































Edge has done it!


Oh my God, Cole! I can’t believe Edge just pinned Brock Lesnuh!

Edge is the champion! Edge is the WWE Champion, my god! Somehow, some way, Edge has overcome every possible obstacle to become WWE Champion! It took Edge almost 7 long years in this company, and he’s come close so many times, but now there is only one thing we can call him, and that is the WWE Champion!


hits and the crowd absolutely comes unglued for the first ever WWE Championship victory by Edge! He can barely move as he rolls over to accept the championship from Robinson. Edge sits on the ground and starts to weep while embracing the championship, blood covering himself and the belt itself.


Tony Chimel:
Here is your winner; and the


Out of nowhere, Edge feels a forearm to the back of the head by Brock Lesnar! The music cuts off and a beatdown ensues.


What? No!! Brock's gotta stop this!

You wanna go tell him that, Cole? Brock’s a frustrated beast, and I don’t think there’s anyone that’s gonna stop him from takin’ out all his anger on our new WWE Champion, unfortunately.

Get some officials out here! Get anyone out here! This is despicable! And Paul Heyman doesn’t even give a damn because he’s got the fix in for a champion that isn’t his hand-picked stooge!

Hey, Cole, relax here, don’t say stuff like that. That's our General Managuh! Believe it or not I actually like havin’ you as my broadcast partner, so—

No, Tazz, this is not what I got into this business for. This is a mugging of a man who just won a grueling match fair and square!


Lesnar’s vicious beatdown begins with the aforementioned forearm, continues with a number of strikes and suplexes, and ends with a massive F-5 onto the championship! Brock stares down at his handiwork before slowly walking out of the ring to a blinding chorus of boos from the crowd. Edge is left a bloody heap in the middle of the ring as Armageddon comes to a close..


























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No……no…….no way!

WHAT?! This can’t be who I think it is….He’s not….


Sure enough, RAW’s
appears at the top of the ramp and the crowd is completely stunned! “Mr. Money in the Bank” has his all-important briefcase in hand as he quickly jogs down the entrance ramp to the ring, right past a baffled Brock Lesnar!


He can’t do this! Edge has just been through the most hellacious match in the history of SmackDown! This isn’t fair! That’s his own
!! He’s got a World Heavyweight Title match tomorrow night on RAW! He’s a RAW guy!

Money in the Bank means anytime, anywhere, Cole, doesn’t it?! I think he
do this! This is unbelievable!


Charles Robinson is still in the ring as Edge is staring at the lights, completely bloodied and out cold. Charles doesn’t know what to do as Christian shoves the briefcase into his chest. The cell hasn’t even been lifted yet – shards of wooden table are scattered inside and outside the ring, and the announce table is in shambles, but none of that matters. Christian is cashing in his Money in the Bank contract right now!! Robinson, under increased pressure from “Captain Charisma,” goes outside the cell and hands the briefcase to the timekeeper as precious moments keep ticking away. Christian is becoming increasingly impatient as Tony Chimel makes the announcement…


Tony Chimel:
Ladies and gentlemen, there is an announcement to make. The Money in the Bank contract has been cashed in, and that means that I must introduce the challenger for the following contest, scheduled for one fall. From Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 212 pounds…he is Mr. Money in the Bank…


Christian wants the match to start, but Robinson says that Edge has to be in his corner for the match to start. Christian looks around, and then he picks up the carcass of Edge, propping him up in the corner. Christian heads to the other side…Charles Robinson raises the WWE Championship high to signify a title bout…and the bell rings!




Money in the Bank Contract Cash-In

Edge ©


Christian runs to the other side of the ring and throws Edge to the ground. He makes the cover –































Christian is in disbelief! The crowd is riotous now, Edge is still alive! He begins to stir as Christian puts the boots to his brother, the WWE Champion. Edge gains momentum as Christian picks him up. Punch to the gut! Another! Then a punch to the head by Edge, whose eyes are now exploding out of his head! Christian looks some combination of shocked, angry, and scared as Edge unleashes a flurry on his former tag team partner! It ends with an Edgecution, but a completely fresh Christian is able to kick out! Edge crawls to his feet and walks over to the corner. His face is now a complete ‘crimson mask,’ as Jim Ross would say, and on almost complete adrenaline he beckons for Christian to get up to his feet. The groggy challenger stands up and turns around, but drops and sends Edge flying into the ring post, shoulder-first! Capitalizing, Christian pulls him out by the trunks…hooks the arms from behind…twists….Unprettier! Unprettier! Unprettier! Christian covers…




































hits over the PA system and we’ve crowned another new WWE Champion here tonight!


This is a travesty! A RAW superstar holds SmackDown’s WWE Title and it’s all thanks to Brock Lesnar!

Love it or hate it, you gotta hand it to Christian, Cole! This was brilliant! Aftuh Hell in a Cell, SmackDown’s new champ…is Christian?!


“Captain Charisma” is handed the WWE title and he clutches it tightly to his chest! He raises it high and celebrates, but the fans are booing him out of the building! The snake Christian holds the belt high, gloating and pointing to his “Peeps” as his music blares throughout the arena. The final shot of Armageddon is RAW’s Christian holding the WWE Championship high above the crimson corpse of his own brother!


This is the most unbelievable thing I’ve eva seen, Cole!

Tazz…I have nothing to say. I don’t even know what to say about this. Edge gave it his all, Edge won the most brutal match we’ve ever seen here on SmackDown, Edge was the WWE Champion….and his own
stole it from under his nose! Unfortunately, folks, we’re running out of time. I’m Michael Cole, and for my broadcast partner Tazz,
tune in this Thursday night so we can figure out what we just witnessed! Good night!


Winner (1):
Edge (via Spear to Lesnar through table)

Winner (2):
Christian (via Unprettier)

75 (B-, hype) / 83 (B+, HIAC) / 86 (B+, cash-in) / 86 (B+, match) / 100 (A*, celebration)




Overall Show Rating:
87 (B+)


WWE Armageddon 2004 Quick Results


WWE Tag Team Championship


Kidman and Mysterio © w/Torrie Wilson
vs. Londrick


Grudge Match

Big Show and Rhyno
vs. Lords of the Ring


WWE Television Championship

Hardcore Holly
vs. Matt Hardy ©


Grudge Match

Bryan Lloyd vs.
Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari


WWE United States Championship

John Cena ©
vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner


Grudge Match

The Undertaker
vs. Luther Reigns


WWE Championship

Elimination Six-Man Hell in a Cell Match

Eddie Guerrero © vs.
vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree


WWE Championship

Money in the Bank Cash-In

Edge © vs.


Bonus Questions


What will be the highest rated match of the night?
Edge vs. Christian, but I gave points for Hell in a Cell.


What will be the lowest rated match of the night?
Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring. For those wondering, the Tag Title match pulled a 76 (B-) on the pre-show.


One of these matches will be relegated to the pre-show. Which will it be?
Kidman and Mysterio vs. Londrick


What will be the first televised match on the main card?
Big Show and Rhyno vs. Lords of the Ring


How many titles will change hands?
2, the TV Title, and the WWE Title (twice) so I'll only accept 3 if you had predicted Christian's cash-in.


Will there be any turns or debuts? If so, who?
I gave a point each to the two people (thebest2427 and crackerjack) who predicted a Money in the Bank cash-in, because it's technically a "debut" for Christian on SmackDown and I feel they deserve something for calling the cash-in.


Will any match end in DQ or count-out?


Who, if anyone, takes the fall in the Tag Title match?


Name the order of elimination in the WWE Title match:
JBL, Angle, Guerrero, Dupree, Lesnar.


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

crackerjack - 28 (11/20)

Smasher1311 - 26 (9/20)

michgcs - 24 (9/20)

thebest2427 - 23 (8/20)

packerman120 - 22 (7/20)

Bad News Fryer - 22 (7/20)

jscotty - 22 (8/20)

Beejus - 21 (7/20)

The Lloyd - 21 (8/20)

Midnightnick - 20 (5/7)

Happy0wns - 20 (5/20)

Kijar - 19 (4/20)

BHK6 - 19 (7/20)

Hitman74 - 16 (6/20)

Russelrules44 - 11 (11/20)

TheBigBad1013 - 9

daulten6 - 8 (8/20)

Uncrewed - 7 (7/20)


Wow. This is a prime example of me just starting to write and then just seeing what comes out at the end. I hope that if you actually somehow got through all/most of it without skipping, that you actually liked it! :) Thanks to all 17 of you for getting in your predictions!


If you feel I miscalculated your score, please go back and double check for me. I definitely could have messed it up somehow, even though I've checked a couple of times.


RAW preview will be up sometime relatively soon. Tomorrow maybe. I still have to book the show.

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Now seemed like the best time to post my first comment...




I've been catching up on this over sometime and I have enjoyed all of the work you have put into this one.


With that said, what a he11 of a show Armageddon was. You managed to make the 1st ever (lol) MITB cash-in even more unpredictable than real-life having the holder jump ship to the other show's championship. Then the fact it's Christian beating his brother made it a fine choice. Looking forward to that feud and what you have in store for the dynasty moving forward.


Great work man, almost to a full year of shows as well. Congrats!

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