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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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Rob Van Dam w/Shelton Benjamin vs. William Regal w/Damien Warlock



Lita and Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus and Melina



Maven vs. Chris Masters

Comment: The Masterlock beats the Maven whatever his finisher is


Six-Man Tag Match

The Rock and The Dudley Boyz vs. Kane and The Widow Makers

Comment: Rock wrestling!


15-Man Over-the-Top-Rope Battle Royal

Winner is #1 Contender for WHC

A-Train, Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Goldust, The Hurricane, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Randy Orton, Robert Conway, Rosey, Sylvain Grenier, Tajiri, Tyson Rude, Val Venis

Comment: Tough one


Comments on Previous Raw: AWESOME ORTON

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WWE Monday Night RAW: Week 4, December 2004



Monday, Week 4, December 2004


Our broadcast opens with the usual fireworks and an introduction by "Good Ol' JR" Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler! After a short introduction, we're getting right into the show, as
hits! The commentary team reminds us just what these two men did last week as
Randy Orton and Batista
make their way out to the ring. With boos raining down upon them, the duo gets inside of the ring and Randy grabs a microphone.


He says that this past week, he's gotten a whole lot of messages - e-mails, phone calls, etc - asking
, Randy,
did you and Batista do what you did to Triple H? How could you do that, he was your friend, your mentor, you guys
together, saw each other each and every day...well he's got news for every one of you. Randy says that Triple H was never a mentor, he was a means to an end. Triple H was the hand that opened the door, and he and "Big Dave" smashed right through it. That drive, that
, that was always what drove Randy and Batista to respect Triple H, but now, “The Cerebral Assassin” is just a shell of his former self. And there’s a reason for that, and that reason is his ties to his family. One would think that the son-in-law of the most ruthless man alive would have learned a thing or two, but Orton claims that Triple H has been blinded by his wife for too long.


When he lost his title against Shawn Michaels, Batista adds, Triple H became a different person. He started to care too much about his marriage and his backstage life, and he lost what was important. And that’s what made him expendable. Randy Orton cites Survivor Series, when he let Stephanie accompany Evolution to ringside and they would have lost if not for “The Legend Killer” picking up the pieces. He talks about how he walked out of his match against Billy Gunn when the real “Game” would have sent a message to Stephanie’s attacker by leaving Billy Gunn dead and buried in the middle of this ring. Orton and Batista talk about how Evolution is the survival of the fittest, and Triple H was just lagging behind the pack because he’d gone soft. They then go on to talk about themselves, and how nature selects its standouts based on opportunity and ruthlessness in survival. He says that he and Batista are just that, while Triple H and Ric Flair are just dust in the wind. And when the smoke clears, Randy and Batista, “The Emergent”, walked out unscathed. And their future…is now.


100 (A*)

: It's true, these guys are bona fide stars now.



There’s a commercial break, and
The Aristocracy
make their way out to the ring for William Regal’s singles action. A box appears on the screen where Regal and Warlock are shown making pre-recorded comments earlier in the night. Warlock says that they were able to get a one-up on the Tag Champs by outsmarting them – why would they attack when Damien had already beaten Shelton earlier on? Because they knew that’s when RVD and Benjamin would least expect it! Regal says that the tainted titles will be brought to a truly civilized and worthy duo once The Aristocracy rids them of the belts.



Rob Van Dam w/Shelton Benjamin
William Regal w/Damien Warlock


This one was a clinic between two incredibly talented superstars. In contrast to what they stated in the interview, Regal was unable to outsmart RVD here, as a distraction on the outside by Benjamin led to a roll-up pinfall victory for Rob Van Dam! The Aristocracy were livid, but RVD got the win back for his team!


83 (B+) / 85 (B+)

: The residuals from the opening segment are evident here, but these guys can all hold their own.



In the back, Todd Grisham is with
The Hurricane
. Hurricane tells all of his Hurri-fans not to fear, because “The Green Guardian” is back after a week’s absence, and tonight, he’s going to toss Johnny Nitro over the top rope and go on to face Shawn Michaels at the Royal Rumble for the World Heavyweight Title!


75 (B-)

: None.



In the back,
is stretching against fitness equipment when
Mickie James
comes up to her. They talk about last week and how Trish made Mickie disqualify her, and Lita says that she made the right call, but she wants to fight Trish again to prove she can beat her. Mickie thinks that would be a good move too, and then there’s some awkwardness. Mickie apologizes for their ‘interaction’ last week before the match, but Lita says she understands…it was the heat of the moment. Mickie’s face turns from timid to a beaming smile as she hugs Lita for understanding before skipping off for their match.



Lita and Mickie James
Trish Stratus and Melina


Both sides were evenly matched here, and Melina surprisingly held her own as well. She and Trish had a clearly defined strategy and that was to isolate Mickie. A hot tag to Lita late in the match led to a flurry on her end, taking out both Trish and Melina. In the end, Mickie was hurt on the outside as the numbers game eventually caught up to the Women’s Champion! With the referee distracted by Melina, the illegal woman Trish nailed Lita with the Chick Kick and Melina covered for the win!


56 (C-) / 72 (B-)

: With match quality like this despite the relatively low overness of Melina/Mickie, these four just might be the future of the division.



In the back, interim General Manager
Mick Foley
is sitting at his desk, laughing loudly and in an exaggerated manner as he reads his most recently published children’s book,
Tales from Wrescal Lane
. In walks
Jonathan Coachman
, who is his personal assistant as named by Mr. McMahon, and Foley greets him. “The Coach” asks if he’s going to do anything as GM, or if he’s just going to sit here and read kid’s books all night while his show goes off and chaos ensues. Triple H isn’t here tonight because Mick did nothing last week, there’s been two matches with inadequate refereeing, Kane hasn’t even been seen yet – these are all problems! Foley says that hey, as GM, he’s the one that makes the calls, and maybe things need to get a little
around here! Mick says he’s known for being chaotic and thinking outside the box a bit, so his next order as GM is going to be to set up a match for the Royal Rumble! There’s four guys that just want to beat the hell out of each other, so Mick is gonna let it happen. At the Rumble, The Dudley Boyz are gonna take on The Widow Makers in a No-DQ Tornado Tag Team match! He can’t wait to see them beat the hell out of each other!


74 (B-)

: None.



As we come back to ringside, “
is on his way out to the ring in street clothes. He grabs a mic and starts to talk about the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. He says that ever since he sat out last year’s WrestleMania, he’s been itching to get back in and prove exactly why he’s the Showstopper, the Icon, the Main Event, etc. But first, he’s got to get through the Royal Rumble. He runs down the guys in the Battle Royal tonight like Randy Orton, Johnny Nitro, Chris Jericho, Batista, and Chris Benoit. He says that each of these guys is a completely different animal and they aren’t to be taken lightly. He says they’re all probably future World Heavyweight Champions, but they have something else in common too – they’ve all been stopped by Sweet Chin Music and they’ve all failed to beat “The Heartbreak Kid” in the past! So at the Royal Rumble, he welcomes any doubters because it doesn’t matter if it’s a friend like Benoit or a bona fide snake like Batista or Orton… you shouldn’t hunt what you can’t kill, and that means that Shawn’s gonna keep coming back for more and you bet your ass that “The Heartbreak Kid” will be going to WrestleMania with this title around his waist!


85 (B+)

: Who’s it gonna be?




Chris Masters


Despite being the veteran in this one, Maven was clearly the underdog. He was looking to make a splash on RAW early on, and that was evident as he garnered quite a bit of momentum after the bell rang. However, a bounce off the ropes turned into a Polish Hammer to the face, and it was basically academic that the Masterlock would end this one in favor of “The Masterpiece.”


35 (E+)

: None.



In the back, Grisham is standing by with
Tyson Rude
Trish Stratus
. Trish puts Lita on notice; she wants another shot at that Women’s Title because Mickie James shouldn’t have even been involved last week. As she rants,
Johnny Nitro
enter the frame. Melina lets Trish know that she might not have the experience that she and Lita do, but she was the one who
the Women’s Champion in the middle of the ring! Trish says she should just go back to the basement of the Playboy Mansion where she came from! Melina just laughs it off as Grisham notes that both Nitro and Rude will be in our main event later on tonight. When asked if they have any words for one another, Nitro tells Rude to stay out of his way, while Rude just laughs it off, calls Nitro a joke, and walks away with Trish.


Back at ringside, we have a quick round-up of some of the Superstars who will be involved in the over-the-top-rope Royal Rumble in just a few weeks! The Superstars who have been named for the match thus far on RAW’s side include
The Rock
Rob Van Dam
Shelton Benjamin
William Regal
Damien Warlock
”The Masterpiece” Chris Masters
, and
Jeff Hardy
! They quickly discuss who they think will win out of the guys already announced; Ross likes The Rock or Rob Van Dam while Lawler can’t pick against Kane! They agree on one thing – it had better be a RAW guy!


67 (C+) / 80 (B)

: None.




Six-Man Tag Match

The Rock and The Dudley Boyz
Kane and The Widow Makers


This six-man tag match began with an assault on the entrance ramp; Kane and the Widow Makers ambushed The Rock from behind, prompting The Dudleyz to come out right after them! They made the save and the match began, but not before The Rock was launched into the steel steps on the outside. The match did happen, but The Rock was clearly hobbled throughout. Kane, O’Haire, and Stamboli clearly figured this out, and so they attacked him for a great deal of the match. When he got a hot tag to D-Von, Bubba Ray got involved as well and clotheslined both O’Haire and Stamboli over the top rope, along with himself! However, this left D-Von as easy pickings for a Chokeslam and Kane made the cover for a victory!


79 (B)

: Rocky was nice about this one.



At ringside once again, JR and “The King” have an announcement. It is that for the first time in seven years, WWE is bringing back a tradition. A tradition which recognizes the best, the worst, and the craziest moments that have taken place on WWE television over the last year. This Saturday night, on USA Network, is the return of the Slammy Awards! Let your voices be heard on WWE.com as
get to vote on all of the awards! Find out the results this Saturday!


87 (B+)

: (The voting will be at the end of the post!)



Next up, we have a short juxtaposed video segment from a few guys talking about why they’ll be the one to take on “The Heartbreak Kid” in three weeks at the Royal Rumble for the World Heavyweight Title. We start with
Johnny Nitro
, who says that the only thing that would look prettier around his waist than the Intercontinental Title would be the World Heavyweight Title.
Chris Benoit
is up next, and he talks about tasting World Heavyweight gold earlier this year on SmackDown, and he doesn’t care if it’s his good friend Michaels, nothing is gonna stop him from making everybody tap on his way to the championship.
Tyson Rude
reiterates his comments from last week, and sends a warning to everyone in the match; keep your head on a swivel before he knocks it into the third row. Finally
”Y2J” Chris Jericho
says that he is going to end the reign of H…B…K and usher in the era of Y…2…J!


We’ll find out who goes to the Rumble next!


75 (B-)

: None.



15-Man Over-the-Top-Rope Battle Royal

Winner is #1 Contender

A-Train, Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Goldust, The Hurricane, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro, Randy Orton, Robert Conway, Rosey, Sylvain Grenier, Tajiri, Tyson Rude, Val Venis


All fifteen men looked for the opportunity of a lifetime here, but some of them were eliminated in short order. A notable elimination was Johnny Nitro tossing Rosey, but getting dumped over by The Hurricane! Moments later, “The Hollywood Hot Shot” slid under the ropes and sent the superhero flying over the top rope as well. With just five men remaining, a successful isolation between Orton and Batista allowed both Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit to throw “The Animal” over the top to the floor! The fourth man, Tyson Rude, showed quite the gutsy performance here, doing quite a number on Randy Orton and Benoit. Jericho caught him with an Enzuigiri, before getting into it with Benoit. While they got caught up with one another, “The Problem Solver” dumped Benoit over the top rope to the floor! He and Randy then attacked Jericho, who, with a springboard dropkick, started to regain momentum. Surviving the swarm, Jericho ducked and pulled down the top rope as Rude looked for the Northern Lariat, sending him over and to the floor! A quick fracas ensued between Jericho and Orton jockeying for the title match, but Batista ended up distracting Jericho to the point where he got caught with the RKO, and Orton’s victory was academic.


As Orton is announced the winner,
Shawn Michaels
comes out to interrupt his celebration! Orton and Batista are in the ring as the World Heavyweight Champion grabs a microphone. Orton threatens him off-microphone and motions for the belt, while Michaels congratulates him. HBK says that there were 15 guys in that ring, and he’s glad it was Randy Orton that won. He’s glad because he doesn’t condone what he did to Triple H and so he’s going to have no problem kicking Orton’s head clean off at the Rumble! The crowd explodes as Michaels goes to leave after a short staredown. Orton turns him around and looks for the RKO, but Michaels blocks it and sends him into Batista, knocking “The Animal” down! Orton turns around – Sweet Chin Music! “The Heartbreak Kid” stands tall over the #1 contender with the crowd going wild as RAW goes off the air!


79 (B) / 85 (B+)

: Weak-ish main event, but that was to be expected.



86 (B+)

: By the books, this was a mediocre show for what we’ve been putting out as of late, but it pushed forward with a couple of important storylines while building for the Rumble. Plus, the Slammys are soon!


Quick Results


Rob Van Dam w/Shelton Benjamin
vs. William Regal w/Damien Warlock


Lita and Mickie James vs.
Trish Stratus and Melina


Maven vs.
Chris Masters


Six-Man Tag Match

The Rock and The Dudley Boyz vs.
Kane and The Widow Makers


15-Man #1 Contender’s Battle Royal

A-Train, Batista, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Goldust, The Hurricane, Jeff Hardy, Johnny Nitro,
Randy Orton
, Robert Conway, Rosey, Sylvain Grenier, Tajiri, Tyson Rude, Val Venis



The current Royal Rumble card is as follows:


WWE Royal Rumble 2005 Card

Sunday, Week 2, January

(card subject to change)


30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, William Regal,
Booker T, Muhammad Hassan


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton


No DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Smasher1311 - 38

crackerjack – 37

thebest2427 - 34

michgcs - 33

packerman120 – 33

jscotty – 32

Beejus - 31

The Lloyd – 30

Bad News Fryer - 29

Midnightnick - 29

BHK6 - 29

Happy0wns - 27

Kijar - 27

Hitman74 - 16

Uncrewed – 16

Russelrules44 - 14

TheBigBad1013 - 12

The_CoC - 10

Ben_Ditch05 – 10

Johnny_Boombatz – 10

Frootloop - 9

daulten6 – 8

lukess11 - 6

w4lru5 - 3


Big clutch performance by Smasher, with one of only two 4-point performances on this show (Beejus was the other), to take the outright lead heading into the final show of the year!


To clarify, there will be the Slammy Awards and then I’ll release the in-game awards as well. I’m through to 2005 booking-wise, but haven’t started on RAW yet in case there’s something I need for my end-of-year post. I took a few days off from writing and thinking about the game, and I immediately came back and thought of a few more storylines. I’m very excited heading into the Rumble/Mania this time, because I think I have a firm grasp of the whole universe and where I want to go with it. Hope you guys enjoy it! SmackDown preview is next, but first, here are the polls for the Slammy Awards! I had to use two because I'm not paying for more than 10 questions in a survey :D


Slammy Awards Poll 1

Slammy Awards Poll 2


Get your votes in!

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WWE SmackDown: Week 4, December 2004



WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 4, December 2004


As WWE closes another prestigious year, we come to you live with SmackDown's Tribute to the Troops! As we pay our respects to the men and women who support our country, we look to put on the best show possible. Our main event will feature "Captain Charisma" Christian and Kurt Angle against Eddie Guerrero and a partner of his choice! Will the #1 contender be able to get a leg up on the opportunist Christian in front of the United States military?


In other action, The Undertaker teams with "The Man Beast" Rhyno to take on Luther Reigns and Brock Lesnar! Which team will win this hard-hitting affair? In addition, "The Doctor of Thuganomics" John Cena defends his United States Championship against "King" Rene Dupree! Changing pace, Edge has promised a huge announcement; what could it be?


Find out what happens at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific this Thursday night on UPN!


Confirmed Match Preview


The Undertaker and Rhyno vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns



Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy



Too Cool vs. The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan



WWE United States Championship

John Cena © vs. Rene Dupree



Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. Christian and Kurt Angle



Comments on Previous Show:


Good luck!

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The Undertaker and Rhyno vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns



Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy



Too Cool vs. The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan



WWE United States Championship

John Cena © vs. Rene Dupree



Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. Christian and Kurt Angle


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The Undertaker and Rhyno vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns



Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy



Too Cool vs. The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan



WWE United States Championship

John Cena © vs. Rene Dupree



Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. Christian and Kurt Angle


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The Undertaker and Rhyno vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns

Comment: Just gonna call draw


Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy



Too Cool vs. The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan



WWE United States Championship

John Cena © vs. Rene Dupree



Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. Christian and Kurt Angle

Comment:Usually when there's a mystery partner ill go with that side.

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The Undertaker and Rhyno vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns



Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy



Too Cool vs. The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan



WWE United States Championship

John Cena © vs. Rene Dupree



Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. Christian and Kurt Angle


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<p>Confirmed Match Preview</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker and Rhyno</strong> vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Ron Simmons vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

<strong>John Cena ©</strong> vs. Rene Dupree</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. <strong>Christian and Kurt Angle</strong></p><p>


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<p>The Undertaker and Rhyno vs. <strong>Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Ron Simmons vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

<strong>John Cena ©</strong> vs. Rene Dupree</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero and ???</strong> vs. Christian and Kurt Angle</p><p>

Comment: <em>Could it be Edge?!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Just voted on the slammys too! Awesome idea!!!</em></p>

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<p><strong>The Undertaker and Rhyno</strong> vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Ron Simmons vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

<strong>John Cena © </strong>vs. Rene Dupree</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero and ???</strong> vs. Christian and Kurt Angle</p><p>


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The Undertaker and Rhyno vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns



Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy



Too Cool vs. The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan



WWE United States Championship

John Cena © vs. Rene Dupree



Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. Christian and Kurt Angle


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<p><strong>The Undertaker and Rhyno</strong> vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</p><p>

Comment: By DQ or no-contest. Lesnar and Reigns to post-match beatdown. Also just noticed Lesnar and [Luther] <strong>Reigns</strong> tag-team...kinda ironic given real-life lol.</p><p> </p><p>

Ron Simmons vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

<strong>John Cena ©</strong> vs. Rene Dupree</p><p>

Comment: You <em>can't</em> possibly have a Frenchman win the US Title at TttT...haha</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero and ???</strong> vs. Christian and Kurt Angle</p><p>

Comment: I'm guessing Edge so yeah they would win</p><p> </p><p>

Comments on Previous Show: Opening promo was spot on. Could totally picture that with the same dialogue in real-life. Orton winning was expected but it's the right choice. Love the Slammys idea too and I already sent my ballot in.</p>

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<p>SmackDown predictions</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker and Rhyno </strong>vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</p><p>

Comment: Brock is Brock, but Luther is still a weak link, Rhyno gores Reigns out of his shoes.</p><p> </p><p>

Ron Simmons vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong> Comment: While Ron isn't necessarily a jobber, Matt doesn't lose to him on Smackdown</p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong> Comment: Jobber Tag Team vs The Chosen Ones w/ Orlando Jordan</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

<strong> John Cena ©</strong> vs. Rene Dupree</p><p>

Comment: He's not exactly Super Cena yet, but he doesn't lose a title on TV</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero and ??? </strong>vs. Christian and Kurt Angle</p><p>

Comment: Edge comes out as the mystery partner and gets a win over the Champ</p><p> </p><p>

Comments on Previous Show: Great show, somewhat predicable main event but not everything has to be unpredictable. The move makes the most sense. Although an alternate, and maybe less predictable Batista turns on Orton then and there and eliminates him. But of course your way is still fantastic and the way I would go.</p>

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Confirmed Match Preview


The Undertaker and Rhyno vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns

Comment: This gives Taker his heat back from last week's loss to Reigns.


Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy

Comment: Simmons is too old to be given a major push. Matt needs this one.


Too Cool vs. The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan

Comment: I've called that they are next in line for the title shot, so another huge win here works.


WWE United States Championship

John Cena © vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: I'm guessing a DQ will have Cena retain here...but Dupree is certainly winning this belt in 2005.


Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. Christian and Kurt Angle

Comment: Kurt takes the fall to protect Captain Charisma, and Edge is certainly the surprise partner.


Comments on Previous Show: Holy shit, you actually had The Rock lose on TV! :D

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<p><strong>The Undertaker and Rhyno</strong> vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Ron Simmons vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

<strong>John Cena ©</strong> vs. Rene Dupree</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero and ???</strong> vs. Christian and Kurt Angle</p><p>


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<p><strong>The Undertaker and Rhyno </strong>vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</p><p>

Comment: <em>At an American show, score one for the American Bad Ass</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ron Simmons vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

Comment: <em>Matt is more relevant than Ronnie</em></p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p>

Comment: <em>The Title push continues</em></p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

John Cena © vs. <strong>Rene Dupree</strong></p><p>

Comment: <em>Not sure if this will actually happen, but I certainly wouldn't mind it. Also, being different to try to catch Smasher</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero and ???</strong> vs. Christian and Kurt Angle</p><p>

Comment: <em>Edge Probs?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Orton makes sense for the title shot, and HBK/Orton should be good. Already getting a feel for who I think is winning, or at least being a major player in the rumble</em></p>

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<p>Confirmed Match Preview</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker and Rhyno</strong> vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Ron Simmons vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

<strong>John Cena ©</strong> vs. Rene Dupree</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. <strong>Christian and Kurt Angle</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Comments on Previous Show:</p>

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The Undertaker and Rhyno vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns

Comment: This win should put Luther over a good deal, as Brock can pull him to a win.


Ron Simmons vs. Matt Hardy

Comment: Matt Fact: Matt doesn't drink or swear, and especially not for comedic value.


Too Cool vs. The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan

Comment: It feels like a long time since we last saw Too Cool on SD, actually.


WWE United States Championship

John Cena © vs. Rene Dupree

Comment: Rene takes it to the next level, so that John can move up.


Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. Christian and Kurt Angle

Comment: Tough not to back the question.


Comments on Previous Show: I'm smelling a possible DX reunion in the future, even if only for one night...

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<p><strong>The Undertaker and Rhyno</strong> vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Ron Simmons vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

John Cena © vs. <strong>Rene Dupree</strong></p><p>

Comment: So Cena can finally get his major push.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero and ???</strong> vs. Christian and Kurt Angle</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Comments on Previous Show:</p>

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<p><strong>The Undertaker and Rhyno</strong> vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Ron Simmons vs.<strong> Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

<strong>John Cena ©</strong> vs. Rene Dupree</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero and ??? </strong>vs. Christian and Kurt Angle</p><p>


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<p><strong>The Undertaker and Rhyno</strong> vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ron Simmons</strong> vs. Matt Hardy</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Too Cool vs. <strong>The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship</p><p>

<strong>John Cena ©</strong> vs. Rene Dupree</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Guerrero and ??? vs. <strong>Christian and Kurt Angle</strong></p><p>


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WWE SmackDown!
Thursday, Week 4, December 2004


We're welcomed to this year's edition of Tribute to the Troops by Michael Cole and Tazz, who both thank the United States military for their unwavering resolve and noble quest to keep safe the United States citizens. They're thanked repeatedly, before RAW's
Lillian Garcia
comes out to sing the national anthem for the soldiers in Tikrit, Iraq! We're ready for the show!


58 (C-)

: None.



The first man out to the ring here tonight is
Kurt Angle
, who receives a mixture of cheers and boos from the military men in attendance. Angle slaps some hands on his way down to the ring, before getting into it and grabbing a microphone. Kurt talks about the sacrifices made by American heroes and says that everyone should look up to those who represent their great country and preserve their freedom. As he's being cheered heavily, he turns; Angle says he isn't talking about the US military, he's talking about himself, "Your Olympic Hero!" He talks about how it's a travesty that he was robbed of the chance to represent the United States as their champion last week, and he's come all the way out here to this desert wasteland to redeem himself. As he's talking, he's cut off by
Eddie Guerrero


The lying, cheating, stealing former WWE Champion comes out to the ring and the crowd cheers the interruption. He grabs a microphone as well and talks about how he's personally offended by the way Angle was talking about the troops. Guerrero says that it's because of them that Eddie Guerrero received the opportunity to do what he loves in the United States,
, and without them, he would never have achieved the heights of fame and the ability to comfortably provide for his
. The troops are behind Guerrero as Angle begins to talk about how Eddie isn't even from the United States while Kurt has made the nation proud in the Olympics on an international stage, and if it were up to him, Eddie would get booted right back where he came from! Guerrero threatens for him to try to do it himself, and gets in Angle's face.


The two have a staredown and then a scrum begins, with neither man getting an upper hand. With chaos ensuing, Guerrero is able to clothesline Angle over the top rope! Angle starts to walk to the back as Eddie beckons for round 2! The focus is on Angle's retreat as Eddie turns right around into a belt shot to the skull by
! Angle smirks and keeps walking backstage as "Captain Charisma" stands tall, holding his WWE Championship high in the air over "Latino Heat!"


79 (B)

: None.




The Undertaker and Rhyno
Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns


A powerful pair of tag teams opened up our tribute show as the troops were easily in the corner of 'Taker and Rhyno. This was a hard-hitting affair, with none of the four men particularly liking their opponents much. The finish came when Reigns was taken out and Lesnar wanted no part of a 2-on-1 match, walking out so Luther could get Gored and Tombstoned for the win!


82 (B)

: This was a really nice opener with the four brawling styles of these guys.



After a commercial break, "
" hits and the crowd goes wild for the arrival of
for the first time since Armageddon. Michael Cole awaits him in the ring for an interview, where he asks Edge to describe what was going through his head a couple of Sundays ago after Hell in a Cell. Edge goes on to talk about how at the time, he actually felt nothing because he didn't even know what happened until he woke up in the hospital later on that night. He says that winning the Hell in a Cell match was the greatest moment of his career, a career filled with moments that he's extremely proud of. Edge says that no one knows how much the WWE Championship means to him, because he's spent over 12 years scratching and clawing his way to that moment. He says that back a few years ago, he and Christian would be on the road talking about how they'd rule the WWE together, and here he was thinking that it would actually happen. He was rooting for Christian over on RAW to become World Heavyweight Champion and for himself to be WWE Champion and that would have 'reeked of awesomeness,' wouldn't it?


But no -- Christian always was a step ahead. He knew he couldn't beat Edge in a fair fight, so he had to camp out and wait for the end of the Hell in a Cell war that his own brother went through. Once Edge realized what had happened, he watched the tape over and over again and he wasn't even allowed in the same arena as his brother last Thursday for fear of violence. Edge says that SmackDown's
General Manager Paul Heyman let him know that Eddie gets the title shot because a rematch clause is in his contract, and Edge doesn't because he was never officially recognized on paper during his reign as WWE Champion. Edge says that that's all well and good because it just gives him extra motivation to tear apart every single guy that stands in his way, RAW or SmackDown, of getting back at either Christian or Guerrero at the Grandest Stage of Them All! Edge announces himself as one of the thirty entrants in the 2005 Royal Rumble match! The crowd goes wild at this announcement, and Edge guarantees that at WrestleMania, there will be a shining moment for all of those with the benefit of flash photography!


90 (A)

: Edge has shown a great improvement over the last few months.



We flash to the back, where
is speaking with
Kurt Angle
. The two are on the same page, saying that Eddie's just mad that his time has passed. Christian says Angle's got that right, and that's why the two of them are going to are going to make the American military proud here tonight. Proud of true heroes for them to look up to. They're going to take on Eddie Guerrero tonight, along with any loser who'd even bother joining as his tag team partner. They shake hands as the crowd audibly boos the two of them.


77 (B)

: None.




Ron Simmons
Matt Hardy


These two have had countless matchups with partners in their corners, but this one was a one-on-one affair. Simmons laid a nice beatdown on "The Sensei of Mattitude," but the former Television Champion ended up with an impressive victory, catching Simmons with a Side Effect and the Twist of Fate.


After the match,
Michael Cole
take a moment to remind us that in two nights on the USA Network, we'll see the presentation of the 2004 Slammy Awards! They talk about some great moments from previous Slammys, such as Jim Duggan brawling with Harley Race throughout the show, Owen Hart accepting an award that wasn't his, and, of course, the infamous Mr. McMahon dance number. It's in two nights, don't miss it!


64 © / 79 (B)

: None.



Out next is
Too Cool
for tag team action! The dancing superstars attempt to get the crowd going and while the military doesn't seem to be as invested in their two-step as the typical audience filled with more children, they get a decent amount of clapping and beatboxing going on from the crowd. That is, until they're swarmed from behind by their opponents,
The Chosen Ones
! The referee stops the assault, but not before a decent amount of damage is done. He separates the teams and has the bell rung, the match is still on.



Too Cool
The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan


While Scotty and Rikishi put in a valiant effort, Porter and Burke had too much athleticism and drive to not pick up the win in this one. Montel hit the Fadeaway, his Dragon Suplex, on Scotty 2 Hotty to pick up a big win here.


57 (C-) / 62 ©

: None.



After a commercial break, "
" hits and
John "Bradshaw" Layfield
makes his entrance, eschewing his normal suit for a set of army fatigues! He grabs a microphone and talks about how he's proud to stand here in front of the American military and appreciates everything that they do for the United States of America. However, he then admits he's ready to get the hell out of this place after his 'tour of duty' and go back home to New York! A man of his wealth and stature shouldn't be out here on the front lines, he should be at home at five star restaurants. He says another couple of questionably patriotic statements, and he's cut off by
Booker T
! Booker gets in the ring and trashes Bradshaw for disrespecting the troops, and he says he speaks for the military with what he's about to do...and he pops JBL with the microphone! The crowd loves what's going on, as Booker (wearing red, white, and blue gloves) hits a couple of punches and then a clothesline to JBL, sending him over the top rope to the floor! Booker hits a Spinaroonie in the middle of the ring with the US military cheering wilidly.


82 (B)

: None.



In the back,
Rey Mysterio
Billy Kidman
are hanging out with
Torrie Wilson
. After a couple of seconds,
Eddie Guerrero
enters the frame, to the crowd's delight. Eddie gives handshakes to his two friends and greets Torrie as he states why he's there. He makes sure he's not stepping on any toes of the WWE Tag Team Champions, but he wants his
Rey to be his tag team partner tonight, because there's nobody he trusts more. Kidman completely understands, Rey shakes Eddie's hand and hugs him, and our tag team match is set for later tonight!


84 (B+)

: None.





John Cena ©
Rene Dupree


The crowd was unanimously in favor of the United States Champion in this one. "The French Phenom" played this to his advantage with an early advantage, using his French Tickler dance to incite the soldiers around the ring. With the referee down, Dupree looked to use his scepter to become US Champion, but Cena ducked it, hoisted him up for the F-U, and slammed him to the ground as the referee came to his senses to count the three! Cena retained in a hotly contested match!


With "The Doctor of Thuganomics" celebrating, "
" hits and cheers turn to boos for the potential arrival of Muhammad Hassan! However, Hassan does not emerge;
Khosrow Daivari
enters on his own. Cena keeps his head on a swivel, assuming that Hassan will be attacking, but it does not happen. Daivari enters the ring in a suit and begins to speak...in English. He explains to John Cena that he need not worry, thanks to these military soldiers, Muhammad Hassan did not make the trip to the arena tonight. He felt prejudiced against and unsafe in this environment despite being an American citizen who appreciates his freedom as much as anyone else. Daivari notes that he does have a message, however. He says that last week's assault is only the beginning. Hassan's message is that if America will not appreciate him as one of their own, he will make them by becoming the champion of the United States! Cena grabs a microphone and tells Hassan if he wants some, come get some! Anytime he wants a fight, he can bet ya boy John Cena is gonna be there to throw down. Cena says he'll see Hassan in the Rumble and he's gonna beat his ass...but since he ain't here tonight, he's gonna have to send a little message of his own - and Cena picks up Daivari for the F-U! The troops go crazy as Daivari rolls out under the ring with Cena's music blaring!


87 (B+) / 73 (B-)

: None.



Another "My name is
and I love to fight" video airs. Standing in front of various Irish landmarks in Belfast, Finlay once again speaks about the types of brawls he's been in, his family's history of toughness, and how he wants to step in the ring with the best of the best to see if they can handle a
fighting Irishman.


Cole and Tazz put him over one more time, and Finlay will be making his debut on SmackDown very soon!


77 (B)

: None.




Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio
Christian and Kurt Angle


As expected in a match with four quality superstars, this one was a really impressive back-and-forth contest. Christian and Angle looked to isolate the smaller Mysterio and keep the former WWE Champion out of the action if at all possible, while taking cheap shots at him from the inside of the ring. Guerrero eventually got involved, taking the fight to both Angle and Christian, buying Rey some time. Mysterio got back to his feet and hit a flipping senton to Angle on the outside! Eddie and Christian went at it a bit, but not enough to get a handle on who had the true upper hand before Christian slid outside of the ring. The fight spilled outside and Eddie rolled "Captain Charisma" back in, but he got a tag to Kurt before Eddie could pounce. The finish came when Eddie dropkicked Angle into the ropes, tagged Rey in for the 6-1-9, and then came back in for the Frog Splash! Eddie and Rey were victorious in our main event!


88 (B+)

: A really awesome match to follow up the previous one. The crowd was heavily into both teams.



After the final match of the evening, Michael Cole and Tazz expressed their appreciation for the United States military and a video aired, showing superstars from
John Cena
Eddie Guerrero
, as well as
Brock Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Booker T
, and many more interacting with the troops on their trip. Military men expressed their gratitude and their fanhood of WWE as this montage ended our 2004 Tribute to the Troops broadcast.


88 (B+)

: Dem feelz.



87 (B+)

: Our second annual Tribute show ran much like the first, and some of the guys seemed to be happy to perform in front of the military. We're definitely ready to get back to the states for the new year, though.


Quick Results


The Undertaker and Rhyno
vs. Brock Lesnar and Luther Reigns


Ron Simmons vs.
Matt Hardy


Too Cool vs.
The Chosen Ones w/Orlando Jordan


WWE United States Championship

John Cena ©
vs. Rene Dupree


Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio
vs. Christian and Kurt Angle


The current Royal Rumble card is as follows:


WWE Royal Rumble 2005 Card

Sunday, Week 2, January

(card subject to change)


30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Chris Masters, Damien Warlock, Jeff Hardy, Kane, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Shelton Benjamin, William Regal,
Booker T, Edge, John Cena, Muhammad Hassan


WWE Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian ©


World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Randy Orton


No DQ Tornado Tag Match

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Widow Makers


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Smasher1311 - 43

crackerjack – 41

packerman120 – 38

thebest2427 - 37

michgcs - 37

jscotty – 37

Beejus - 34

The Lloyd – 34

Midnightnick - 32

BHK6 - 32

Kijar - 32

Happy0wns - 30

Bad News Fryer - 29

Uncrewed - 20

Russelrules44 - 18

TheBigBad1013 - 17

Hitman74 - 16

Ben_Ditch05 - 15

Johnny_Boombatz - 15

The_CoC - 14

Frootloop - 9

lukess11 - 9

daulten6 – 8

Davo34 - 4 (welcome!)

w4lru5 - 3


This was my most predictable show in a while, as a handful of you guys got a perfect score. Congrats to Smasher for holding off the competition with one of said perfect scores, and winning the December prediction contest! I'll shoot a prize your way very soon.


TEW note: There was no option for the Middle East in-game obviously, so I just ran this show in the states, since it was obviously in front of Americans. This show was more for immersion purposes.


Next up is gonna be the Slammy Awards, so
forget to
in both polls if you haven't already! Great turnout thus far. I'm gonna give it a couple more days before I post, and then the year-end stuff will come right after

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