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WWE 2004: The Hangover

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So is the Slammys going to be like an actual event in game or is it just something you're doing for fun? :) I'm curious. (Regardless I love end of the year like stuff.)


Just for fun, not happening in the game :)


I missed my deadline and it's been a busy weekend. With MITB and Game of Thrones tonight I'll probably not get it done today either. But it'll be up eventually :p


Also, super shoutout to everyone who voted me for both Mod DOTM and Monthly Spotlight. It's a crazy honor to have won both, especially after all this time running this diary. You guys are great.

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WWE Slammy Awards 2004; Week 4, December



2004 WWE Slammy Awards


We kick off the show by getting a quick look around the banquet hall, where all of the WWE Superstars and executives are seated in preparation for this historic event. We're welcomed to the show by the commentary team of Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Michael Cole:
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Michael Cole with Jerry “The King” Lawler and we’d like to welcome you to the first edition of the Slammy Awards in seven years! It’s been a long time since we’ve celebrated the best of the best, but it’s time to get right to business!

Jerry "The King" Lawler:
Seven years! We haven't had the Slammies since the last time Mick Foley took a shower! I’m ready, Michael! Let’s send it to Coach! This is gonna be great!


The voice of
Jonathan Coachman
takes over as he introduces himself.


Jonathan Coachman:
Hello everyone, I’m your host “The Coach” Jonathan Coachman, and welcome to the 2004 Slammy Awards! We’re gonna jump right in here and I’d like to introduce the man who will present the first award. The man who will introduce the winner for Newcomer of the Year, SmackDown’s General Manager Paul Heyman!


Heyman struts up to the podium with a smug look on his face, accepting the envelope.



"The Newcomer of the Year award is awarded to the man who has shown the best ability to prosper in the squared circle in his first year in the WWE. It is a Superstar who has shown promise and potential above anyone else in this company. Paul Heyman’s SmackDown is a well-oiled machine with the greatest talent scouts and contract negotiation skills in the business. Therefore, I already know a SmackDown superstar is going to win this award, but I’ll humor you with the nominees…"


Bryan Lloyd highlights: won the Angle Invitational with Kurt’s gold medals as a prize; won as a part of Team Dead Heat at Survivor Series; pinfall victory over Luther Reigns

Johnny Nitro highlights: victory over Rob Van Dam, defeated Chris Jericho in a Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title at Taboo Tuesday, part of Evolution’s winning Survivor Series team

Muhammad Hassan highlights: undefeated in singles competition; defeated Sgt. Slaughter at No Mercy; defeated Bryan Lloyd at Armageddon

Tyson Rude highlights: defeated Jeff Hardy; tag victories over Rob Van Dam, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, and The Dudley Boyz; took Shawn Michaels to the limit in singles competition twice


"And the award goes to...."


The smile is wiped off of Heyman's face as he reads.


"...Johnny Nitro!?!"


Nitro’s screeching entrance music blares throughout the room as, in a flashy white suit, the Intercontinental Champion walks up to the podium alongside Melina, accepting the award from the shocked Heyman as his music subsides.



"I stand here before you as the Newcomer of the Year here as 2004 comes to a close, and even though Paul Heyman seemed to have been surprised, Melina and I are not. I’ve been destined for greatness since the day I was born. I was walking at four months, I could say the alphabet backwards by the time I was 3 years old. I’ve rocked the box office and now I’ve dominated my first year in the WWE on my way to the Intercontinental Title. I think it’s safe to say that it’s only a matter of time before Johnny Nitro adds even more gold to his collection because in 2005, I’m going to become the World Heavyweight Champion!"


His music hits again as the camera pans to the slow-clapping, smirking face of “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels, the current World Heayvweight Champion.


Michael Cole:
“The Heartbreak Kid” doesn’t seem too enthused by those comments, now does he, King?

Jerry "The King" Lawler:
Oh please, Shawn Michaels wouldn’t know a star if one crashed down into his backyard in San Antonio; Johnny Nitro is the real deal, Michael!




Jonathan Coachman:
Up next is going to be an award for the man who causes the most pain with just one single move. Presenting the award for the Most Devastating Finisher is going to be none other than Mick Foley!


The sounds of a car crash blare over the speakers as "The Hardcore Legend" Mick Foley makes his way up to the stage wearing a tuxedo t-shirt underneath his trademark flannel vest.



"I’m a man who has been on the receiving end of
a lot
of moves from other Superstars. I’ve been hit with a lot of things – Chokeslams, Pedigrees, Powerbombs – you name it, “Mrs. Foley’s Baby Boy” has felt it. In the WWE, there are a lot of Superstars who can end a match with one move, and here are your nominees for the Most Devastating Finisher in the world:"


Paul London:

Luther Reigns:

Johnny Nitro:

The Undertaker:


"And the award goes to…one I’ve felt many, many times: The Undertaker’s Tombstone Piledriver!"


Incensed, Luther Reigns makes his way up to the podium. He threatens to show Foley exactly what the Reign of Terror feels like, but the lights go out! The Superstars in the crowd begin to cheer as he’s here; the lights come on and The Undertaker stands face to face with Luther Reigns! His gaze does not abate for about 20 seconds as Reigns finally smirks at him and backs down. The Undertaker slowly walks up to the podium, grabs the Slammy Award, raises it in the air while his eyes roll into the back of his head, and he walks off without a word!


Jerry "The King" Lawler:
There were no words necessary right there, Michael. It's been almost 15 years, but The Undertaker is still a spectacle in the WWE!

Michael Cole:
Luther Reigns is a sore loser, but even he knows that he can't stand up to The Undertaker on his own!




Jonathan Coachman:
Over the course of the year, WWE Superstars take part in countless matches; some long, some short, but there are only a few who can be nominated for Match of the Year. Who better to introduce the nominees than someone who's been a part of so many of these candidates throughout the years - "The Nature Boy," Ric Flair!


Flair's music hits as "The Nature Boy" walks out to the podium with a WOO! for the television audience. The camera pans to Batista and Randy Orton, who are conspicuous in their lack of applause.



"Match of the Year is an honor bestowed upon those who go out there and put everything on the line just to prove that each man is better than the other wrestler. “The Nature Boy” has been involved in so many of these wars with legends like Dusty Rhodes, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, and so many others that it’s tough to even remember them all, but this year’s nominees can give those classics a run for their money! It takes a hell of an effort from more than just one Superstar to make a Match of the Year candidate, and with the quality of wrestler we have in this business, we could have chosen way more than just six nominees. And the nominees are…"


Brock Lesnar © vs. Hardcore Holly for the WWE Championship (Royal Rumble)

Chris Benoit © vs. Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Championship (WrestleMania XX))

Triple H © vs. Shelton Benjamin for the World Heavyweight Championship (King of the Ring)

Triple H © vs. Shawn Michaels in a Hell in a Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship (SummerSlam)

Shawn Michaels © vs. Kane for the World Heavyweight Championship (Survivor Series)

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge vs. Brock Lesnar vs. JBL vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rene Dupree in a Hell in a Cell Match for the WWE Championship (Armageddon)


"2004’s Match of the Year is …. The Armageddon Hell in a Cell! WOO!"


“Metalingus” hits as the winner of that match, Edge, makes his way up to the podium to accept the award. The entire time he walks, Christian stands up from his seat in the crowd, clapping loudly and whistling sarcastically.



"Well it’s uh, a little bittersweet standing up here to accept this award because yeah it was a hell of a match and yeah, my bloodied, beaten, battered body came out with the WWE Championship, and while it’s an honor to stand here as the winner of the 2004 Match of the Year which was the first time I had ever won the WWE title, I can’t help but feel empty because my own
stuck the dagger in my heart. Christian, you turncoat son of a bitch, that title will be mine one way or another; and if you thought that I raised hell at Armageddon, just wait until you see what happens when I get my hands around your neck, because it’s gonna be ugly."


Edge takes his award offstage as he stares bullets through Christian the entire time. Christian whispers inaudible things to Trish Stratus and Tyson Rude, who laugh at what “Captain Charisma” has to say.


Michael Cole:
Look at the look in Edge's eyes; he wants to tear Christian apart right here, right now!

Jerry "The King" Lawler:
I totally agree with you and I don't blame him; I've been in this business for a lot of years, Michael, and I've
seen a stab in the back like what Christian did to Edge.




Jonathan Coachman:
I'd like to introduce the men who will introduce the next award, for Tag Team of the Year: Jeff and Matt Hardy!


The collective Hardy Boyz' music plays and the two brothers make their way to the podium.



"Throughout the course of WWE history, there’s been countless amazing tag teams who have pushed the envelope and Jeff and I are privileged to have been in the ring with quite a few of them, whether on the winning end or the losing end."



"Yeah, speaking of which, I heard Edge and Christian were supposed to present this award but uh, something must have fell through."



"Too soon Jeff, too soon! On that note, while it’s common for tag teams to break up, we like to enjoy them while they’re together, because it’s always a great ride. The nominees for Tag Team of the Year are…"


The Dudley Boyz: World Tag Team Champions for five months; defeated Vitamin C at WrestleMania XX; defeated Christian and Kane at Taboo Tuesday

Kidman and Mysterio: ended the tag team undefeated streak of Lords of the Ring; current WWE Tag Team Champions

La Resistance: defeated The Dudley Boyz for the World Tag Team Championship on RAW; retained the titles in a Tables match against the Dudleyz at Unforgiven

Lords of the Ring: WWE Tag Team Champions for six months; undefeated in televised tag team competition for six months



"And the award goes to……Lords of the Ring!"


Charlie Haas and Lance Storm make their way up, accompanied by SmackDown GM Paul Heyman, who takes the podium.



"What you see before you is an unstoppable team of two of the greatest mat technicians we’ve seen in this business. Lance Storm is a no-nonsense grappler who will twist and break your ligaments and bones with his bare hands. Charlie Haas is a world-class wrestler and a man who twice won the Big East Championship in amateur wrestling. These two are going to be a force in the tag team division for years to come and I cannot be prouder, as their General Manager, to present these two with this award. Thank you."


Heyman walks back to his seat alongside the winners of the award, the stoic technicians Haas and Storm.


Jerry "The King" Lawler:
RAW got screwed here, Michael, and you know it! The Dudley Boyz beat the Lords of the Ring at SummerSlam's pre-show! Isn't that enough?

Michael Cole:
Like 'em or not, Lance Storm and Charlie Haas held the tag division hostage on SmackDown for over six months
gotta be enough!




Jonathan Coachman:
Every year, Superstars in the WWE finally break through from average to above average to greatness. Here to present the award for Breakout Star of the Year is a man who rose through those ranks himself once, "The Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle!


Kurt Angle's music plays and he walks up to the microphone in a suit, ready to present the award.



"The Breakout Star of the Year is reserved for the man who shot his career from good to great over the course of the past year. As a man who has broken out and reached the pinnacle in both Olympic Greco-Roman
professional wrestling, I am proud to present this award, it’s true. Your nominees for Breakout Star of the Year are…"


Christian: World Tag Team Champion with Chris Jericho; won the first ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match at SummerSlam; pinned World Champion Shawn Michaels and became WWE Champion on SmackDown in the same week

Eddie Guerrero: won first WWE Championship at WrestleMania XX by defeating Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit; beat Brock Lesnar on multiple occasions; held the WWE Championship for nine months

Edge: returned from near career-ending neck surgery; won his first WWE Championship after defeating five other men in a Hell in a Cell match

Randy Orton: defeated The Rock and Sock Connection at WrestleMania XX; defeated Mick Foley in a Hardcore Match at Backlash; defeated The Undertaker at SummerSlam; won a World Title #1 Contender’s Battle Royal in December


"The award for Breakout Star of the Year goes to …. my good friend, Christian!"


“Captain Charisma” makes his way up to the podium, holding the WWE Championship over his shoulder. The crowd pans to Superstars like Guerrero, Edge, Jericho, and Orton, none too enthused while Trish is hooting and hollering, and Tyson Rude is giving a standing ovation as well. Angle embraces Christian before handing over the Slammy Award statue.



"Thank you, thank you. It feels great standing up here accepting this award because finally the world knows just how great “Captain Charisma” really is. I have
going for me. I have the hottest girlfriend in the world, I’m the best looking and most sought after guy in this company, and most importantly – I’m the WWE Champion! And I did it
all by myself
! I’m the smartest wrestler here because I made
by cashing in the Money in the Bank contract and
of you saw it coming! Everything I touch turns to gold; I make any moment an instant classic. In 2004 I broke out, but in 2005 there will
no Breakout Star of the Year candidate because it is going to be the Christian Era here in the WWE!"


"Just Close Your Eyes" hits again as the man from Toronto, Canada makes his way back to his seat.


Jerry "The King" Lawler:
He might be a slimy piece of garbage since he left RAW, Michael, but he's right; he
an instant classic!

Michael Cole:
Of course he is; that's why he came to SmackDown, King! He wanted to win the most prestigious title in the business!




Jonathan Coachman:
Next up to present an award is a man who personified the Upset of the Year award when he shockingly and memorably defeated Razor Ramon all the way back in 1995! Give it up for a man who's been an underdog his whole career, X-Pac!


For the first time in over two years, X-Pac has made an appearance on WWE TV! He steps up to the podium to present the award.



"Underdogs are the reason why a lot of us watch sports, and the WWE is no different. You always want to see the little guy topple the big monster, and that’s why it’s my privilege to present the Upset of the Year award. These are the guys who dug down deep and kicked some ass when nobody thought they could. Here are the nominees…."


Rob Van Dam wins the Royal Rumble (Royal Rumble, January)

Shelton Benjamin defeats Triple H in a non-title match (RAW, June)

Stevie Richards beats Chavo Guerrero for the WWE Television Title (SmackDown, July)

Bryan Lloyd wins Kurt Angle’s gold medals in the Angle Invitational (SmackDown, July)


"The winner of Upset of the Year is….Bryan Lloyd, for winning Kurt Angle’s gold medals!"


Lloyd comes out to his colleagues' applause and gives a little speech.



"Six months ago, I was sitting at home in Washington cheering on and rooting against some of the very same faces that I’m looking at here tonight as I accept this award. It’s truly one of the best moments of my life to be standing here accepting this award in front of you all, and even though I came up short at Armageddon, I plan to be right back at this podium at the 2005 Slammys – except I’ll be accepting the Superstar of the Year award! Thank you all very much, and I’d just like to dedicate this to my family back in Aberdeen, and to everyone out there who doesn’t think that their dreams can come true. Just look at where I’ve come from to what I’m doing now – you can achieve your dreams if you try as hard as you possibly can! Thank you."


Bryan sits down as Superstars such as Rey Mysterio and Shawn Michaels congratulate him.


Michael Cole:
How can anyone not like this kid, King? He's classy, talented,

Jerry "The King" Lawler:
Yeah; that and a dollar will get him a cheeseburger at McDonalds - let me know when he starts winning titles!




Jonathan Coachman:
Our next award will be presented by "Good Ol' JR" Jim Ross!


The Oklahoma Sooners' fight song blares through the hall as RAW's Jim Ross walks up to the podium to present the next award.



"The thing I love most about the WWE is that there’s a variety of different superstars with so many different talents and that every single year, we see them flourish and really prove that they’ve arrived. It’s my privilege to sit at the commentary desk and witness the rise of a new power in this business because you really get to see that one moment where that superstar has proven that they belong in the main event in this company. Here are your nominees for the “I’m Here” Moment of the Year award…"


Eddie Guerrero defeats Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle to win the WWE Championship (WrestleMania XX)

Randy Orton defeats Mick Foley in a Hardcore Match (Backlash)

Rene Dupree defeats Jeff Hardy to win King of the Ring (King of the Ring)

Edge defeats five other competitors to win the WWE Championship inside Hell in a Cell (Armageddon)


"And the winner is…Edge!"


Before Edge can even walk up to accept the award, Muhammad Hassan and Daivari interrupt. They walk up to the podium and Daivari snatches the award from JR. Hassan bullies him out of the way as Edge slowly ascends the stairs.



"Edge – Edge… I would stand back if I were you. This award is
, and do you know why? It’s because all of these people refuse to admit that I have arrived. These people know that I am the fastest rising star on SmackDown, yet they choose to treat me as a second class citizen and vote against me for Newcomer of the Year. And they
held me out
of this category. Well guess what –"


Edge cuts him off, having grabbed a microphone of his own.



"Did you ever think, Hassan, that people don’t like you – not because you’re Arab-American – but because you’re a pompous jackass? Give me that Slammy before I embarrass you in front of everybody, you punk."


Hassan and Daivari refuse to give back the award, and Edge begins to remove his shirt and tie to get a fight going. Security quickly gets in between them as Daivari escapes with the statue! Edge and Hassan are separated by the security before any major violence breaks out, and Hassan snickers as he walks back to his seat.


Michael Cole:
Daivari escaped with the award! Hassan's gotta get kicked out, they just stole Edge's award!

Jerry "The King" Lawler:
He couldn't hold onto the WWE Title and now he can't hold onto his Slammies...maybe this guy just isn't cut out for the WWE! Hahaha!




Jonathan Coachman:
This year we've seen many faces from the past return and light up the crowd, but there can be only one winner for the Comeback of the Year award. Here to introduce the nominees is "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels!


"Sexy Boy" plays as the World Heavyweight Champion (flamboyantly, as always) walks up to the microphone.



"Some people say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. While that
be true, you’ve gotta be a hell of a Superstar to blow the roof off a building and create a special moment when you actually make your comeback. Only one man can be 2004’s “Showstopper” upon their return to the WWE. Your nominees for Comeback of the Year are…"


The Rock: Returned to take on Randy Orton and Batista at WrestleMania XX alongside Mick Foley; Returned to join Ric Flair’s team for Survivor Series against Team Evolution

Mick Foley: Returned to take on Evolution at WrestleMania XX alongside The Rock

The Undertaker: Returned at WrestleMania XX to take on his brother Kane

Rhyno: Returned after being fired by Paul Heyman to join Eddie Guerrero in his fight against Heyman


"The winner of the Comeback of the Year award is….The Rock!"


“The Great One” rises from his chair and walks up to the podium.



"Finally….The Rock has come
…to the Slammy Awards! It’s been seven long years since The Rock won the award for New Sensation back in 1997, and you bet your ass The Rock lived up to that award. I dedicated that award to my father, “Soulman” Rocky Johnson, and that means I’m going to dedicate
award to the biggest jabroni-beatin’, ass-kickin’ dude The Rock has ever met in his life – my grandfather, “High Chief” Peter Maivia! It feels great to be back in front of the millions and millions of The Rock’s fans, and “The Great One” is here to say that this is only the beginning! If ya smelllll…what
The Rock


Michael Cole:
"The Great One" is back here in the WWE, and even though he's on RAW, without The Rock there would be no SmackDown!

Jerry "The King" Lawler:
You've got that right, Michael, and he truly is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment!




Jonathan Coachman:
Next I'd like to introduce a man who has taken on a variety of roles. He's won the King of the Ring; he's been a multiple-time Royal Rumble winner; he's main evented WrestleMania; and most recently he served as the self-proclaimed Sheriff of Monday Night RAW! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the presenter of the Shock of the Year Award, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin!


“Glass Shatters” hits and Austin comes up to the podium to a loud ovation. An “Austin” chant persists throughout most of his speech, even from his colleagues!



"In the WWE every sumbitch that steps into that ring wants to shock the world and have every single ass out of their seat every single night. Some Superstars are just better at it than others – here are the nominees for Shock of the Year:"


Rob Van Dam wins the Royal Rumble (Royal Rumble, January)

Sable helps JBL win the US Title (Great American Bash, July)

The Rock returns for Survivor Series (RAW, November)

Christian cashes in Money in the Bank on Edge to win WWE Title (Armageddon, December)

Randy Orton and Batista revealed as the McMahons’ attackers (RAW, December)


"The winner is… Christian!"


Christian steps up to the podium again, and he’s got even more to say.



"That’s right, I did it again! Not only am I the greatest and most charismatic WWE Champion this company has ever seen, but thanks to all my Peeps, I’ve got two Slammys to go along with it, just like my brother Edge! Wait Edge, where’s your other Slammy? Oh – it’s right there with your WWE Championship….gone! Hahahaha!"


Christian laughs as Edge is livid; the camera pans over to a grinning Muhammad Hassan, with Daivari’s empty seat still next to him.


Michael Cole:
That's just a cheap shot, Daivari stole Edge's Slammy and now Christian's gotta rub it in his face?

Jerry "The King" Lawler:
Oh I thought he was your
, Michael? Now you've got some bad things to say about him? Gimme a break.




Jonathan Coachman:
A lot of the focus is on the men here tonight, but let's not forget about the lovely Divas that put on a show for us each and every week as well! Ladies and gentlemen, here are the presenters for the Diva of the Year award: Mae Young and the Fabulous Moolah!


Mae and Moolah smile as they make their way out for their first appearance in quite a while.



"A true diva is someone who carries themselves with class and beauty, but also knows how to have a good time out in that ring!"



"And she can totally kick some butt if you get her angry too! The nominees for Diva of the Year are…"


Lita: current WWE Women’s Champion for 8 months; defeated the likes of Victoria, Melina, Gail Kim, Jazz, and more to retain her title; defeated Victoria in the first ever Last Woman Standing match at Taboo Tuesday

Mickie James: holds pinfall victories over Molly Holly, Gail Kim, and Victoria in her rookie year

Trish Stratus: was not pinned for over six months; current #1 contender for WWE Women’s Championship

Victoria: has pinned both Lita and Mickie James; participated in the first ever Last Woman Standing match at Taboo Tuesday



"And the award goes to……


The Women’s Champion is cheered as she walks up to the podium, none louder than her friend Mickie James. Matt Hardy is also shown in the crowd giving a great ovation to his longtime girlfriend.



"I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me get here; my family, my friends, Matt, everybody. It’s an overwhelming award to receive because sometimes you think people don’t realize how much you work your ass off every single night, but now I’m here accepting an award honoring just that. It’s been a whirlwind of a year, but I’m looking forward to have an even better 2005, because I’m gonna make
I stay Women’s Champion for all my fans out there, woo!"


"Lovepassionfuryenergy" hits and the Women's Champion takes her title and her Slammy back to her seat while Trish Stratus does not look enthused at the ovation Lita gets.


Jerry "The King" Lawler:
Ohh, poor Trish! She really deserved this one. I'll console you, Trish! Come over here!

Michael Cole:
Yeah, King, I'm sure she'd rather be with you than next to the WWE Champion.




Jonathan Coachman:
Ladies and gentlemen, our final award of the night could only be presented by a man who personifies the WWE. A man who had he not existed, the WWE would not be where it is today. Our final award is Superstar of the Year, and here to present it is... "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan!


"Real American" hits as none other than Hulk Hogan walks out to the podium for the Superstar of the Year award presentation!



“Our final award for the night goes to a man who truly symbolized WWE over the last year, brother. It’s a man who lives, eats, and breathes the vitamins and the prayers and bleeds WWE at his very core, dude. The Superstar of the Year award can only go to somebody who ignites the fans and gets them blowing the roof off the place every single night, brother. Here are the nominees for Superstar of the Year.”


Eddie Guerrero highlights: defeated Chavo Guerrero at Royal Rumble; winning the WWE Championship at WrestleMania XX; defending against Kurt Angle, defending against Brock Lesnar on multiple occasions; being victorious in a Traditional Survivor Series match against Team Heyman

Edge highlights: returning from near-career-ending neck surgery; overcoming previous losses to pin Brock Lesnar on SmackDown; being victorious in a Traditional Survivor Series match against Team Heyman; defeating five other men in a Hell in a Cell match at Armageddon to win the WWE Championship

Shawn Michaels highlights: multiple wars with Triple H; winning the World Heavyweight Championship in a Hell in a Cell match at SummerSlam; retaining his title in a 60-minute Iron Man Match at Unforgiven; defeating Kane at Survivor Series to retain the World Heavyweight Title; hard-fought title defense against Ric Flair on RAW in August

Triple H highlights: defeating Rob Van Dam at WrestleMania to retain the World Heavyweight Championship; defeated Shawn Michaels twice on pay-per-view to retain the championship; was part of the winning Survivor Series team as part of Evolution; multiple wars with Shawn Michaels


“And the winner of the Superstar of the Year award is……
”Latino Heat” Eddie Guerrero
, brother!”


Guerrero walks up to a resounding ovation from his colleagues as he accepts the Slammy for Superstar of the Year.



“Wow, man. To think where I was a year ago until now, man…it’s overwhelming,
. I’m standing here as a man who, not too long ago was sitting in a gutter popping pills and drinking every single night,
. To think that I can come from that low point, become WWE Champion at WrestleMania, and win the Superstar of the Year award for the year 2004… if you told me this would happen I’d say you’re loco. Lying, cheating, and stealing has gotten me pretty far in my life, but Eddie Guerrero is a prime example of how you can work your way past any hardship if you just dig deep and try harder. Winning this award is an honor, but it’s only the beginning,
. In two weeks at the Royal Rumble, I’m gonna kick off a brand new year by taking back my WWE Championship,
Viva la raza


"I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal" hits as Guerrero holds up the Slammy Award. His friends such as Rey Mysterio, Psychosis, Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko, and Chris Benoit, among many others, walk up to the stage with him to celebrate alongside Hulk Hogan.


Jerry "The King" Lawler:
He might be on SmackDown, but Eddie totally deserves this one, Michael.

Michael Cole:
You're absolutely right. Nobody has overcome the adversity that Eddie Guerrero has gotten past, and to witness him become WWE Champion this year has been an honor and a privilege. Congratulations to Eddie, congratulations to all of our award winners, and for Jerry "The King" Lawler, we wish you a good night!


In-game End of Year Awards next! Thank you for everyone who voted, I hope that you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it


By the way, the Fans' Choice Award wasn't a real award but it was just for my personal knowledge to see who you guys want more out of. The top 5 vote-getters were Bryan Lloyd, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Tyson Rude, and Mark Jindrak, for those interested.

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Monthly Recap: December 2004


WWE Monthly Recap: December 2004


World Wrestling Entertainment

Size: International

Prestige: 89

Momentum: 87

Finances: $39,707,459 ($3,013,981)



RAW (Prestige)

World Heavyweight: Shawn Michaels (97; A*)

Intercontinental: Johnny Nitro (70; C+)

World Tag Team: Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin (58; C-)

Women's: Lita (30; E+)



WWE: Christian (87, B+)

United States: John Cena (69; C+)

WWE Tag Team: Kidman and Mysterio (60; C)

Television: Hardcore Holly (47; D)


Pay-Per-View: WWE Armageddon

Main Event/Match of the Night: Christian defeated Edge to win the WWE Championship (86; B+)

Event Grade: 87 (B+)

Match of the Month: Christian and Tyson Rude defeated Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho (RAW, Week 2)



Signings/Re-Signings: Devon Storm*, Eddie Colon, John Hennigan, Melina Perez, Mike Knox*

Departures: Sid Vicious


* denotes developmental


TV Ratings/PPV Buy Rate Breakdown

Week 1

'A' Shows: 7.70 | 9.46

'B' Shows: 0.04 | 0.57

Week 2

'A' Shows: 7.76 | 9.63

'B' Shows: 0.04 | 0.61

Week 3

'A' Shows: 7.71 | 9.53

'B' Shows: 0.04 | 0.58

Week 4

'A' Shows: 7.69 | 9.62

'B' Shows: 0.04 | 0.59


PPV Buy Rate: 6.29


Current Roster (as of December 1, 2004)








Main Event


Bubba Ray Dudley

Chris Benoit

Chris Jericho

D-Von Dudley

Johnny Nitro


Randy Orton

Rob Van Dam

Shawn Michaels

The Rock

Triple H

Big Show

Booker T

Brock Lesnar


Eddie Guerrero


John “Bradshaw” Layfield

John Cena

Kurt Angle

Scott Steiner

The Undertaker


Upper Midcard

Robert Conway

Shelton Benjamin

Sylvain Grenier

Tyson Rude

William Regal

Charlie Haas

Hardcore Holly

Luther Reigns

Mark Henry

Mark Jindrak

Matt Hardy

Muhammad Hassan

Orlando Jordan

Rene Dupree

Rey Mysterio


Stevie Richards




Billy Gunn

Damien Warlock


The Hurricane

Jeff Hardy

Johnny Stamboli

Lance Cade



Sean O’Haire



Val Venis

Billy Kidman

Brian Kendrick

Bryan Lloyd

Carlito Colon

Chavo Guerrero

Chuck Palumbo

Danny Basham

Doug Basham

Elijah Burke

Lance Storm

Montel Porter

Paul London


Ron Simmons

Super Crazy

Ultimo Dragon


Lower Midcard

Chris Masters

Gene Snitsky

Johnny Curtis


Spike Dudley

Trevor Murdoch

Eddie Colon

Jamie Noble

Jimmy Yang



Scotty 2 Hotty

Shannon Moore



Jon Heidenreich

Brent Albright

Frankie Kazarian


Mordecai – yet to debut


Shannon Moore


Enhancement Talent

Jimmy Snuka Jr



Women's Division

Gail Kim





Mickie James

Miss Jackie

Molly Holly


Stacy Keibler

Trish Stratus


Dawn Marie


Torrie Wilson



Ric Flair

Khosrow Daivari

Paul Bearer

Theodore Long


Tag Teams

The Aristocracy (William Regal and Damien Warlock)

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

The Dudley Boyz

The Golden Globes (Val Venis and Goldust)

The Hurricane and Rosey

La Resistance (Robert Conway and Sylvain Grenier)

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin

Test and Billy Gunn

The Widow Makers (Sean O’Haire and Johnny Stamboli)

The Basham Brothers (Danny and Doug Basham)

Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio

The Colons (Carlito and Eddie Colon)

Jamie Noble and Nunzio

Jimmy Yang and Ultimo Dragon

Lords of the Ring (Charlie Haas and Lance Storm)

Los Locodores (Psychosis and Super Crazy)

Londrick (Paul London and Brian Kendrick)

Nova and Kazarian

Too Cool (Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi)


Injured/On Hiatus



2004: Year in Review next!

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Year in Review: 2004


2004: A Year in Review


Top 10 Companies

  1. World Wrestling Entertainment

  • Owner: Vince McMahon, Booker: Shane McMahon

  • Size: International

  • Prestige: 89, Momentum: 87

  • Top Stars: Triple H, The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Shawn Michaels (World Heavyweight Champion), The Undertaker

  • Event of the Year: WWE SummerSlam (August); 93 (A)

  • Main Event: Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H in a Hell in a Cell match for the World Heavyweight Championship; 98 (A*)


Pro Wrestling NOAH

  • Owner: Mitsuharu Misawa, Booker: Masahiro Chono

  • Size: Cult

  • Prestige: 75, Momentum: 87

  • Top Stars: Masahiro Chono, Kenta Kobashi (GHC Heavyweight Champion), Yuji Nagata (GHC Tag Team Champion), Mitsuharu Misawa, Hiroyoshi Tenzan

  • Event of the Year: NOAH Decimation Tour (Mon) (December); 92 (A)

  • Main Event: Hiroyoshi Tenzan def. Masahiro Chono; 99 (A*)


New Japan Pro Wrestling

  • Owner: Antonio Inoki, Booker: Jushin “Thunder” Liger

  • Size: Cult

  • Prestige: 76, Momentum: 72

  • Top Stars: Masahiro Chono, Jushin Liger (IWGP Heavyweight Champion), Yuji Nagata, Bill Goldberg, Genichiro Tenryu

  • Event of the Year: NJPW Time Crisis Tour (Sat); July; 90 (A)

  • Main Event: Toshiaki Kawada def. Hiroyoshi Tenzan; 98 (A*)


All-Japan Pro Wrestling

  • Owner/Booker: Keiji Mutoh

  • Size: Cult

  • Prestige: 70, Momentum: 70

  • Top Stars: Keiji Mutoh (AJPW Unified World Tag Team Champion), Toshiaki Kawada (AJPW Triple Crown Champion), Satoshi Kojima, TAKA Michinoku, Taiyo Kea (Real World Tag League Champion)

  • Event of the Year: AJPW Raw Power Tour (Thu); January; 78 (B)

  • Main Event: Toshiaki Kawada def. Keiji Mutoh to retain the AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Title; 82 (B)


NWA: Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

  • Owner: Dixie Carter, Booker: Jeff Jarrett

  • Size: Cult

  • Prestige: 80, Momentum: 74

  • Top Stars: Sting, Jeff Jarrett, Simon Diamond (NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion), Raven, Jerry Lynn

  • Event of the Year: NWA:TNA Absolute Power; February; 80 (B)

  • Main Event: Jeff Jarrett def. D’Lo Brown, Konnan, and Raven to retain the NWA World’s Heavyweight Title; 88 (B+)


Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre

  • Owner/Booker: Paco Alonso

  • Size: Cult

  • Prestige: 57, Momentum: 69

  • Top Stars: Cibernetico, L.A. Park, Vampiro, Dr. Wagner Jr. (CMLL World Trios Champion), Negro Casas

  • Event of the Year: CMLL Super Viernes (December 2004); 75 (B-)

  • Main Event: Shocker and L.A. Park def. Los Guerreros del Infierno; 77 (B)


Asistencia Asesoria y Administracion

  • Owner/Booker: Antonio Pena

  • Size: Cult

  • Prestige: 61, Momentum: 66

  • Top Stars: Juventud Guerrera, Octagon (IWC World Heavyweight Champion), La Parka (Mexican National Tag Team Champion), Dos Caras, Hector Garza

  • Event of the Year: AAA Lucha Libre TV (November 2004); 70 (C+)

  • Main Event: Octagon, Lizmark, and Dos Caras def. Pirata Morgan, Hector Garza, and Juventud Guerrera; 74 (B-)


Pro Wrestling Zero-One

  • Owner: Shinya Hashimoto, Booker: Shinjiro Otani

  • Size: Cult

  • Prestige: 63, Momentum: 78

  • Top Stars: Shinya Hashimoto, Masato Tanaka and Shinjiro Otani (NWA Intercontinental Tag Team Champions), Takao Omoro, Tomohiro Ishii (ZERO-ONE Tag Team Champion)

  • Event of the Year: ZERO-ONE Battle Lines (October); 77 (B)

  • Main Event: Shinya Hashimoto and Shinjiro Otani def. Low-Ki and Takao Omori; 78 (B)


Major League Wrestling

  • Owner: Court Bauer, Booker: Joey Styles

  • Size: Regional

  • Prestige: 50, Momentum: 78

  • Top Stars: Simon Diamond (MLW Global Tag Team Crown), Jerry Lynn (MLW World Heavyweight Champion), Syxx-Pac, Perry Saturn, Sonjay Dutt

  • Event of the Year: MLW Hybrid Hell; June; 78 (B)

  • Main Event: Raven def. Simon Diamond for the MLW World Heavyweight Title; 80 (B)


Ring of Honor

  • Owner: Rob Feinstein, Booker: Gabe Sapolsky

  • Size: Regional

  • Prestige: 49, Momentum: 74

  • Top Stars: Jerry Lynn, Sonjay Dutt, AJ Styles, CM Punk, Samoa Joe (ROH World Heavyweight Champion)

  • Event of the Year: ROH Death Before Dishonor: Night 2 (July); 79 (B)

  • Main Event: Samoa Joe def. Raven to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Title; 85 (B+)


Yearly Awards


  • Wrestler of the Year
    : Masahiro Chono

  • Tag Team of the Year
    : The Dudley Boyz

  • Young Wrestler of the Year
    : Shinsuke Nakamura

  • Veteran Wrestler of the Year
    : Tatsumi Fujinami

  • Female Wrestler of the Year
    : Lita

  • Company of the Year
    : World Wrestling Entertainment

  • Match of the Year
    : Nagata and Tenzan defeated Misawa and Kobashi at NOAH Decimation Tour; Rating: 99 (A*)

  • Card of the Year
    : WWE SummerSlam (August; Rating: 93 (A))

  • Manager of the Year
    : Goldylocks

  • Announcer of the Year
    : Joey Styles

  • Color Commentator of the Year
    : Dean Ayass


Power 50


  1. Masahiro Chono

  2. Mitsuharu Misawa

  3. Kenta Kobashi

  4. Jun Akiyama

  5. Yuji Nagata

  6. Shawn Michaels

  7. Hiroyoshi Tenzan

  8. Hiroshi Tanahashi

  9. Jushin "Thunder" Liger

  10. Chris Benoit

  11. Makoto Hashi

  12. Shinsuke Nakamura

  13. Christian

  14. Minoru Suzuki

  15. Tatsumi Fujinami

  16. Randy Orton

  17. Chris Jericho

  18. Bill Goldberg

  19. Batista

  20. Daisuke Ikeda

  21. Kurt Angle

  22. Eddie Guerrero

  23. Brock Lesnar

  24. Edge

  25. Kane

  26. Genichiro Tenryu

  27. Minoru Tanaka

  28. Scott Norton

  29. Yoshihiro Takayama

  30. Rene Dupree

  31. Takeshi Morishima

  32. KENTA

  33. Bubba Ray Dudley

  34. Koji Kanemoto

  35. El Samurai

  36. D-Von Dudley

  37. Tyson Rude

  38. Gedo

  39. Jeff Jarrett

  40. Kensuke Sasaki

  41. Kazuyuki Fujita

  42. The Undertaker

  43. John Cena

  44. JBL

  45. Doug Williams

  46. Robert Conway

  47. Yoshinari Ogawa

  48. Takao Omori

  49. Jado

  50. Jerry Lynn



Notables in Top 200


51. Shelton Benjamin

52. Toshiaki Kawada

55. Johnny Nitro

56. Sting

57. Raven

58. 2 Cold Scorpio

61. Big Show

62. Booker T

63. Low Ki

64. Christopher Daniels

66. Samoa Joe

67. Luther Reigns

70. Juventud Guerrera

73. Scott Steiner

74. Keiji Mutoh

76. AJ Styles

79. William Regal

82. Sylvain Grenier

85. Rob Van Dam

86. Jeff Hardy

89. Rey Mysterio

93. Charlie Haas

94. Bryan Lloyd

98. Sean Waltman

101. Matt Hardy

103. Vampiro

106. Steve Corino

109. CM Punk

119. Chavo Guerrero

121. A-Train

122. Goldust

125. Lance Storm

127. Ron Killings

142. Stevie Richards

146. Tajiri

147. Billy Kidman

162. Hardcore Holly

164. Lita

165. Danny Basham

169. Nunzio

170. Ultimo Dragon

178. Doug Basham

181. BG James

186. Trish Stratus

188. Lance Cade

190. Konnan

195. Val Venis

198. Chris Sabin


WWE "Creative Meeting"

  • Franchise Players
    : Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Triple H, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero

  • Next Big Things
    : Jimmy Yang, Shannon Moore, Nidia, Bryan Lloyd, Brian Kendrick

  • Hot Prospects
    : Jimmy Yang, Shannon Moore, Chris Masters, Bryan Lloyd, Brent Albright

  • Show Stoppers
    : Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Christian, Eddie Guerrero, Randy Orton

  • Ring Generals
    : Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Bryan Lloyd

  • Who's Hot
    : Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, The Rock

  • Hidden Gems
    : Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Chris Hero, Takako Inoue, Persephone


If there's anything else you'd like to know about the game world, let me know! I should have the preview up later on tonight or tomorrow, but I have to book RAW first!

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WWE RAW Preview: Week 1, January 2005



Monday, Week 1, January 2005

Providence Civic Center; Providence, RI


2005 is here, and it's here with a bang! This star-studded edition of Monday Night RAW will light things up just thirteen days before the Royal Rumble! In our main event, two men with bad blood over the past few weeks will clash as "The Big Red Machine" Kane goes one-on-one with The Rock! Who will gain some steam over their rival heading into their opportunity to headline WrestleMania?


Last week in the #1 Contender's Battle Royal, Batista distracted Chris Jericho long enough for Randy Orton to capitalize and win the match in its waning moments. Y2J seeks revenge this week as he goes one-on-one with "The Animal"! In addition, both the Intercontinental and the World Tag Team Titles are on the line, as Johnny Nitro defends against "The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Benoit and The Aristocracy gets a crack at Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin!


That's without mentioning the
contract signing for Shawn Michaels' title defense against Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble!


Don't miss all the action; tune in to Spike TV at 9pm EST/6pm PST!


Confirmed Match Preview


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch



World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy



Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



Chris Jericho vs. Batista



The Rock vs. Kane



Comments on Previous Show/Slammy Awards/End of Year Recap:


Good luck!

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch



World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy



Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



Chris Jericho vs. Batista



The Rock vs. Kane



I'm just thinking that Mordecai will never debut :(

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch



World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy



Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



Chris Jericho vs. Batista



The Rock vs. Kane


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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch



World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy



Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



Chris Jericho vs. Batista



The Rock vs. Kane


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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch



World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy



Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



Chris Jericho vs. Batista



The Rock vs. Kane



Comments on Previous Show/Slammy Awards/End of Year Recap:

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina

Comment: Nitro just won a Slammy, so that makes me think he goes over here. Either that, or Benoit wins by DQ, but strap stays on Nitro for sure.


Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch

Comment: As much as I try, I just can't take Cade and Murdoch seriously, so I think Hardy wins here.


World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy

Comment: It's a new year, so let's get the belts onto a named team, eh? That and I like Regal a lot, eh!


Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Comment: Mickie is just the better diva, plain and simple.


Chris Jericho vs. Batista

Comment: Jericho can't be a total jobber, so he'll win by DQ after Orton RKO's him. Hey, maybe once Orton beats HBK (most likely) he can face Jericho!


The Rock vs. Kane

Comment: He's The Rock, he doesn't lose to Kane gosh.


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Raw Predictions


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina

Comment: Big fan of Nitro, Big fan of Benoit. Is there an option where they both win?


Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch

Comment: Hardy is still fresh and due a push


World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy

Comment: I like RVD and Shelton, plus a bit too early for Warlock to get some gold


Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Comment: Mickie is in a storyline, Gail isn't


Chris Jericho vs. Batista

Comment: Jericho could use a win, plus you have plenty o opportunity to put over Batista later.


The Rock vs. Kane

Comment: Rocky doesn't lose on Raw

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina

Comment: I don't see Nitro losing the belt for a long while.


Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch



World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy



Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



Chris Jericho vs. Batista



The Rock vs. Kane

Comment: Surely the egotistical one wouldn't lose on TV twice, right?

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina

Comment: Nitro feuding with Benoit shows how far he's gotten, eh?

Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch

Comment: Like Cade & Murdoch. After the slammy's I'm thinking we may see the Hardy's reunite soon


World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy

Comment: I think RVD and Shelton keep it until they blow up


Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Comment: Mickie's been up to stuff


Chris Jericho vs. Batista

Comment: Batista could use the win since the Evolution divide

The Rock vs. Kane

Comment: The Rock could lose on TV. But not to Kane


Comments on Previous Show/Slammy Awards/End of Year Recap: ... Simon Diamond?

Sounds like TNA.... has a problem!

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina

Comment: It's gonna be by DQ or Count out though


Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch

Comment: He's been willing to Job but I think this might be pushing it for Hardy :3


World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy

Comment: I think these 2 make great champions ratings wise.. and I don't think you're willing to give up on them JUST yet... (Although Aristocracy wouldn't make bad champs)


Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Comment: keep a steady push on james :3


Chris Jericho vs. Batista

Comment: I'm certain Jericho will be willing to lose to Batista but I'm gonna actually just plain old root for Jericho here instead.


The Rock vs. Kane

Comment: I think rock is willing to lose to kane..

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch



World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy



Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



Chris Jericho vs. Batista



The Rock vs. Kane



Comments on Previous Show/Slammy Awards/End of Year Recap: Do you have a developmental system? If so who are champs etc.?

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch



World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy



Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



Chris Jericho vs. Batista



The Rock vs. Kane

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina

Comment: By DQ or Count-Out. Nitro will back out leading to a nice feud.


Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch

Comment: Would be shocked.


World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy

Comment: Like both teams but like RVD and Shelton to retain


Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Comment: N/A


Chris Jericho vs. Batista

Comment: Probably with some help from "The Animal"


The Rock vs. Kane

Comment: "The Great One" has gotta win this one for sure...


Comments on Previous Show/Slammy Awards/End of Year Recap: I don't think Lance Storm and Charlie Haas would ever win a Slammy in real-life :)

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina



Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch



World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy



Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



Chris Jericho vs. Batista



The Rock vs. Kane


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I hope we see more of Jeff Hardy in 2005. It is going to be an amazing year for sure.


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina

Comment: Benoit is a great challenger for JoMo, but he won't win the gold so early.


Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch

Comment: Jeff :3


World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy

Comment: 2005 starts with a bang and a huge title win by The Aristocrats.


Mickie James vs. Gail Kim

Comment: The turn is coming.


Chris Jericho vs. Batista

Comment: While I feel that we WILL see more of Jericho this year, Batista is hot on momentum, so let's keep it like that.


The Rock vs. Kane

Comment: Kane got the win last week, so logic says Rocky wins right here to send the fans home happy.


Comments on Previous Show/Slammy Awards/End of Year Recap:

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WWE Intercontinental Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny Nitro © w/Melina

Comment: Somehow


Jeff Hardy vs. Lance Cade w/Trevor Murdoch



World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin © vs. The Aristocracy

Comment: Yeh let's have a Title change!


Mickie James vs. Gail Kim



Chris Jericho vs. Batista



The Rock vs. Kane



Comments on Previous Show/Slammy Awards/End of Year Recap:

KENTA was pretty high on the list wasn't he? Has he been that good for that long then? Loved the award ceremony man. Good way to start a couple of new feuds to begin 2005 with. '04 has been a great year, this is a great diary... Can't wait for '05 and beyond!!

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Comments on Previous Show/Slammy Awards/End of Year Recap: I don't think Lance Storm and Charlie Haas would ever win a Slammy in real-life :)


Thankfully "People Power " can let some quality mat technicians get the spotlight!


I'm just thinking that Mordecai will never debut :(


Patience. Everything is set, and I have a plan. He's coming.


Comments on Previous Show/Slammy Awards/End of Year Recap:

KENTA was pretty high on the list wasn't he? Has he been that good for that long then? Loved the award ceremony man. Good way to start a couple of new feuds to begin 2005 with. '04 has been a great year, this is a great diary... Can't wait for '05 and beyond!!


Working with Chono, Tenzan, Akiyama, Kobashi, etc definitely improved his stock over an entire year. I might be in the market for another new Japanese superstar if Kenzo Suzuki doesn't pan out ;)


Thank you for the praise, I was excited to get to this point and now I'm even more excited to run through to a WrestleMania where I really have a grasp on the game. It should be a fun ride.


Any chance we can see who you have in development?


Surely. Here's my roster, some filled due to prediction prize.


Altar Boy Luke

Beth Phoenix

Bill DeMott (trainer)

Blaster Lashley

Bobbi Billard

Chris Cage

Christopher Nowinski (trainer)

Christy Hemme

Cliff Compton

Devon Storm

Jerrelle Clark

Kenzo Suzuki

Lance Hoyt

Matt Morgan

Michael Hayes (trainer)

Mike Knox

Nattie Neidhart

Nikita Fink

Tank Toland

The Big Boss Man

Travis Bane


OVW Champions:

OVW Heavyweight - Joey Matthews (previous: Sean O'Haire, Nick Dinsmore, Mark Magnus/Muhammad Hassan)

OVW Southern Tag Team - Chris Cage and Tank Toland (previous: Aaron Stevens/Damien Warlock and Nova, Da Beast/Shad Gaspard and Mark Bell, Seven/Mordecai and Carlito Colon)

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