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[HYPE]Risky Business (January 1985)

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I'm almost done with the Yet to Debut male active wrestlers. What's taking so long is that I'm going through each and every one. Good thing because there have been several Yet to Debut workers who had low physical stats (thus leading to them wanting lighter work schedules), workers who had lifestyle habits ticked that shouldn't have been ticked at all, gimmick performance stats that haven't been touched since we found out they don't improve over time, etc. After I get through this batch of Yet to Debut active male wrestlers, I'll go ahead and import titles (because I pretty much have all the workers I want in the mod), then get to going through Yet to Debut workers again.


I wasn't expecting such an elaborate update, but holy moly thanks! Also, you might be my new favorite modder just because of the gimmick performance checks :p

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I wasn't expecting such an elaborate update, but holy moly thanks! Also, you might be my new favorite modder just because of the gimmick performance checks :p


While I've tried to be careful with the main stats (entertainment skills, in-ring, those stats), I've raised the gimmick performance stats a bit on the high side based on the kind of gimmicks workers have worked, or what kind it looks like they could pull off. For example, Honky Tonk Man not only has high performance stats for Cocky and Weasel gimmicks, but also Comedy gimmicks because what's not funny about an Elvis impersonator who acts as if he's never heard of Elvis? :D And since he started working the Stardust gimmick (and since it seems to have been successful so far), I raised Cody Rhodes' Weird gimmick performance.


EDIT: Also, I've found some sick promo photos on imageevent.com of modern day workers, so expect some fresh new cuts of the Wyatt Family, John Cena, Kofi Kingston, 3MB, Eva Marie, AJ Lee, Big E, etc.

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Just a small update, but I was reading over Derek B's Mod Making Guide today, and have been making some adjustments to the Safety stat for Yet to Debut workers because I forgot that he mentioned that particular stat can really be set anywhere, save for obvious cases such as Great Khali, Mabel (RIP) and Mark Henry being set to have low safety stats, and guys such as Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, the Rock and Hulk Hogan having higher safety stats. I did mass edit them, and I'm looking over most of them and making any adjustments necessary.
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Hope everyone had a safe Labor Day weekend! Anywho, I've gone through all the male Yet to Debut Active Wrestlers. I'll get to the rest of the Yet to Debut workers soon enough. I find doing this work in sections is helping me not get burned out. Anywho, I'm doing titles right now, again, in sections. So right now I'm working on the WWF's titles. Then I'll be working on the rest, one company at a time. I'll probably just import the titles from Main Event so that I can just mass delete future title reigns rather than importing from War to Settle the Score and having to look up who won which title when from 1983 through January 1985. This should make the work on titles go by much quicker (especially after having to do title lineage work for the hot potato territory that was Memphis back when I worked on Main Event!). I probably won't post another update for about a week. So if I don't post anything here by next Monday, then you can feel free to send out the search parties. :p
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Hope everyone had a safe Labor Day weekend! Anywho, I've gone through all the male Yet to Debut Active Wrestlers. I'll get to the rest of the Yet to Debut workers soon enough. I find doing this work in sections is helping me not get burned out. Anywho, I'm doing titles right now, again, in sections. So right now I'm working on the WWF's titles. Then I'll be working on the rest, one company at a time. I'll probably just import the titles from Main Event so that I can just mass delete future title reigns rather than importing from War to Settle the Score and having to look up who won which title when from 1983 through January 1985. This should make the work on titles go by much quicker (especially after having to do title lineage work for the hot potato territory that was Memphis back when I worked on Main Event!). I probably won't post another update for about a week. So if I don't post anything here by next Monday, then you can feel free to send out the search parties. :p


Feel free to use any title histories from Ruthless Aggression. I know what you mean about hot potato feds. World Wrestling Council is no fun to do!

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Feel free to use any title histories from Ruthless Aggression. I know what you mean about hot potato feds. World Wrestling Council is no fun to do!


And that's just all the times Carlos Colon wins their World Title! >.< And thank you for the invite! I may not have to, but if I do, glad to know I can use them. ^_^

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Ray González and Carlito held the Universal quite a lot as well.


From what I've seen of results from WWC, is it just about a guarantee that you'll win a title at some point? :eek:


Also, more motivation for me to get this mod finished are my booking plans for the WWF, namely Nikita Koloff if I can sign him. Basically, the monster push WWE is giving Brock Lesnar right now, I'm thinking of doing with Nikita. Have it start with him beating the seemingly unbeatable Andre the Giant. Then have him be the one to end Hogan's title reign.

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Just wanted to give a heads up that while I still have data to work on, I'm getting close to getting the picture pack organized the way I want it. What I may do is release the picture pack in its own thread. The reason for this is that I want this pic pack to be what's used across the board for any and all mods that I use, and I want it to be freeware for any and all modders who want to go Organic. This way, all me and other modders have to do is assign the pics we want to assign depending on the time period, and then all players need for mods that use this pic pack is just this pic pack without having to clog up their PCs with a bunch of pic packs. Basically, make it to where it easily plugs and plays no matter what mod you use that uses this pic pack. Note there may be new pics added in the future as DLC.


EDIT: Will explain in my next post.

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I want to apologize if I turned anyone off by my request about what to do if people want to use my upcoming pic pack as freeware. If I re-read it and thought I came off the wrong way, I can only imagine how others took it! :p


Anyway, and I'll reiterate this when I release the pic pack, if you want to use it as freeware for whatever mods you make, go ahead and have at it. If I request anything, it's that if you make just a few changes here and there (renaming a file, replacing a pic, what have you), or you make a ton of changes, just make a note of it. I was simply trying to figure out the best solution to make this upcoming pic pack an easy plug-and-play pack for any mod that uses it. And I'll gladly accept any new cuts people make. I may rename the files depending on if there's a naming conflict, but I'll make use of them. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have been loving the updates but I'm wondering if this project is still active?


Ignore me I just realised why I have been having so many troubles with my internet (like youtube giving me errors). I have had my laptop set to 2003 for 2 weeks without realising... Well ... time to set all my preferences back to google from Bing.


Oh and sorry for the double post

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Quick question, will Curt Hennig have Mr Perfect as a alter-ego or would we need to make it ourselves


He'll have Mr. Perfect as an alter ego. I'm trying to get most everyone's well known alter egos into the game, so if there any missing, it's most likely either an oversight, or one they didn't use for very long that had zero impact. And Jaysin, check your PM box here in a moment. :D

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I thought going ahead and releasing the pic pack this week, and it could be this weekend after I found a number of great pictures to make some cuts. Still a bit of a ways off on the data, but I can feel the finish line getting closer and closer. Went back to looking over the workers and making any changes as needed, as well as importing some Yet to Debut workers who have made a name for themselves in WWE, TNA and ROH along the way. Still can't give an ETA for the data itself, but I'm hoping before the end of October for sure! :D
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I thought going ahead and releasing the pic pack this week, and it could be this weekend after I found a number of great pictures to make some cuts. Still a bit of a ways off on the data, but I can feel the finish line getting closer and closer. Went back to looking over the workers and making any changes as needed, as well as importing some Yet to Debut workers who have made a name for themselves in WWE, TNA and ROH along the way. Still can't give an ETA for the data itself, but I'm hoping before the end of October for sure! :D


So close, yet so very far away 3

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