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[HYPE]Risky Business (January 1985)

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I'm running a watcher test, and some highlights so far:


-Ricky Morton radio interview saying he hates working with workers bigger than him. Guess he doesn't want to get squashed by big guys.


-Eli the Eliminator is a Hot Property.


-JCP has decided to book the following feuds: Ron Garvin vs. Harley Race; Ric Flair vs. Superstar Billy Graham; and Dory Funk Jr. vs. Dusty Rhodes.


-Roddy Piper has already turned face in the WWF. Seems to happen in every test so far.


-Junji Hirata and King Kong Bundy are now teaming up in New Japan as Amazingly Awesome.


-Randy Savage signs with World Class.


I have an NWA show to work tomorrow afternoon a few hours away, but I'm free all day Sunday. I'll poke around then :)


Just checked my email and nothing there.


You sure? I thought I attached a zip file. :-/

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I just have no email from you. I checked my spam folder as well. Piper turning face repeatedly might indicate that the ratio of heels to faces is too high.


Weird, because I'm showing two sent messages to your e-mail addy, the one I sent data to last time.


As for heel/face ratio, I could turn one of the heel jobbers face and see what happens.

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Strange...very strange. I checked my recently deleted to see if I accidentally deleted it and no dice there either.


Don't know what to say. :( Hopefully the alternate e-mail works.


And not even a month in the game, and it looks like Hogan is already putting his buddies into the main event, lol. A Championship Wrestling TV taping is headlined by Hogan vs. Brutus Beefcake for the WWF Title, with Hogan retaining of course! Match rating: 82.

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Don't know what to say. :( Hopefully the alternate e-mail works.


And not even a month in the game, and it looks like Hogan is already putting his buddies into the main event, lol. A Championship Wrestling TV taping is headlined by Hogan vs. Brutus Beefcake for the WWF Title, with Hogan retaining of course! Match rating: 82.


Leslie wasn't a bad worker at least. He was just pushed beyond his means. I've had him my main event champ in a cult promotion in the 80s as The Butcher. Merely a transition champion mind you, but a champion regardless.

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Leslie wasn't a bad worker at least. He was just pushed beyond his means. I've had him my main event champ in a cult promotion in the 80s as The Butcher. Merely a transition champion mind you, but a champion regardless.


Yeah, I never thought he was as bad as most people make him out to be. Just that he was pushed further than he should've been at times, and that's what got him a bum rap among his critics. It was just funny seeing a show headlined by Hogan and friends already, lol.

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At least Hogan isn't main eventing shows with one of his other good friends Brian Knobbs :p


Or Hogan dropping the title to Knobbs! :eek: Nastymania running wild!


BTW, for those doing beta testing, I just noticed I need to lower some stats for George "The Animal" Steele and Junkyard Dog. I have done so, lowering their basics, psychology, brawling, hardcore and selling. Needless to say, it was their entertainment skills, and as Beejus said on IM, their gimmicks that carried them.

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I agree if Piper is switching over to Face you don't have good face/heel ratio in WWF but really who besides Hogan, JYD, Tito Santana, Andre, and Jimmy Snuka was the WWF main event faces? You had Piper, Orndorff, Orton, Valentine, Muraco, Big John Studd, and Ken Patera as heels that because I don't have the data but would be considered Main event heels.I am not tester so I don't know if that who main eventing for the WWF. I think that should be your main eventers.


NWA feuds are interesting Dory was still in JCP in 1985? Randy Savage vs Kerry Von Erich that be interesting feud. 1983 mod Randy often times get signed by World Class so really not a big shock to me. Savage had all the skills to be Superstar at this time. He just needed a bigger stage than Memphis to showcase his talents. I wonder why Crockett didn't try to go after him before he signed with WWF?

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I agree if Piper is switching over to Face you don't have good face/heel ratio in WWF but really who besides Hogan, JYD, Tito Santana, Andre, and Jimmy Snuka was the WWF main event faces? You had Piper, Orndorff, Orton, Valentine, Muraco, Big John Studd, and Ken Patera as heels that because I don't have the data but would be considered Main event heels.I am not tester so I don't know if that who main eventing for the WWF. I think that should be your main eventers.


NWA feuds are interesting Dory was still in JCP in 1985? Randy Savage vs Kerry Von Erich that be interesting feud. 1983 mod Randy often times get signed by World Class so really not a big shock to me. Savage had all the skills to be Superstar at this time. He just needed a bigger stage than Memphis to showcase his talents. I wonder why Crockett didn't try to go after him before he signed with WWF?


Savage worked Georgia quite a bit. My guess is Jim Barnett got him to go to the wwf.nhe was in Georgia in 1984 before it was sold.

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To follow up on this, dusty was the boomer and he was about dusty and dusty friends.


I agree with you on Dusty being about himself and his friends. I think it was 84 when the WWF and JCP tried to get Jimmy Garvin but instead he went to the AWA. Garvin said when he did come in finally it was lot of heat on him. Because he went to the AWA first. Alot of the big storylines Garvin was in got killed because of Dusty. Storyline with Wahoo was cut short. The storyline with Magnum was cut short because of the accident. Jimmy turn was mess up because Ronnie was really burned by Cornette. Plus their was no chemistry between Jimmy and Ronnie. Then Flair/ Garvin angle had to involve Dusty and his friends saving Garvin all the time. Sullivan/ Garvin angle was mess because it was getting heat and Dusty killed it because he didn't create it.

Dusty's ego wouldn't let him make anyone bigger than himself. I really think he would of turned Magnum and beat him for the title if he didn't have the car wreck. Barry Windham should of been World Champion in 1987. Supposedly Windham wanted year long reign but Dusty and Flair balked at the idea.

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Bill Dundee was the booker for mid south in 1985.


So Dundee should be set as Head Booker for Mid South instead of Ernie Ladd?


I agree with you on Dusty being about himself and his friends. I think it was 84 when the WWF and JCP tried to get Jimmy Garvin but instead he went to the AWA. Garvin said when he did come in finally it was lot of heat on him. Because he went to the AWA first. Alot of the big storylines Garvin was in got killed because of Dusty. Storyline with Wahoo was cut short. The storyline with Magnum was cut short because of the accident. Jimmy turn was mess up because Ronnie was really burned by Cornette. Plus their was no chemistry between Jimmy and Ronnie. Then Flair/ Garvin angle had to involve Dusty and his friends saving Garvin all the time. Sullivan/ Garvin angle was mess because it was getting heat and Dusty killed it because he didn't create it.

Dusty's ego wouldn't let him make anyone bigger than himself. I really think he would of turned Magnum and beat him for the title if he didn't have the car wreck. Barry Windham should of been World Champion in 1987. Supposedly Windham wanted year long reign but Dusty and Flair balked at the idea.


I've made Dusty a bit more selfish and a tad more ruthless based on all this, and having seen it play out when watching NWA shows on the WWE Network. I think I'm starting to get an idea why the Crockett territory was so obsessed with managers winning all the time, and heels ALWAYS getting the last word in a feud. Even if they lost the blow off match, they would do a pointless post match attack that the face never avenged. No wonder the WWF was kicking their ass! No offense, hardcore NWA fans.

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So Dundee should be set as Head Booker for Mid South instead of Ernie Ladd?




I've made Dusty a bit more selfish and a tad more ruthless based on all this, and having seen it play out when watching NWA shows on the WWE Network. I think I'm starting to get an idea why the Crockett territory was so obsessed with managers winning all the time, and heels ALWAYS getting the last word in a feud. Even if they lost the blow off match, they would do a pointless post match attack that the face never avenged. No wonder the WWF was kicking their ass! No offense, hardcore NWA fans.


.Yes, Dundee took over after watts asked jerry Jarrett for advice.


Dusty was definitely selfish. Look at all the big angles in every promotion he ever booked while he was active and you will find hm leeching off the heat somehow.

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The wwf was killing the nwa because they had the better booker in george Scott and they had the best business minds.


But, keep in mind that the wwf was not well winining in nwa territories. The nwa beat themselves. Every time the wwf tried to pierce an nwa area they failed. They failed in Georgia, they failed in the northwest, they failed in the Caroline's, etc.


The other companies. Just ran themselves out of business.

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So Dundee should be set as Head Booker for Mid South instead of Ernie Ladd?




I've made Dusty a bit more selfish and a tad more ruthless based on all this, and having seen it play out when watching NWA shows on the WWE Network. I think I'm starting to get an idea why the Crockett territory was so obsessed with managers winning all the time, and heels ALWAYS getting the last word in a feud. Even if they lost the blow off match, they would do a pointless post match attack that the face never avenged. No wonder the WWF was kicking their ass! No offense, hardcore NWA fans.


Thing is that is how wrestling had been booked except in the WWF. The face always chasing the heel champion. Heels take the loss but get heat back after the match. WWF was total different beast Face always was top guy. In JCP Johnny Valentine, Blackjack Mulligan, and Ric Flair was the top guys as the heel. Vince understood if he wanted to go national that he needed an top face ie Hulk Hogan who could connect with the fans. It was two different philosophies at work. If you look at the IC title Vince kept it on heels for the most part. Dusty was great idea guy and good booker but he needed someone like Vince to reign him in on his ideas. WWF never talked about JCP or other promotions. JCP took shots at the WWF all the time during this time. WCW gave WWF results away but talking crap about the WWF was long standing tradition at that time.

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