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Pokemoy XY Thread


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  • 2 weeks later...
So I was on Facebook and saw something about Monochrome Pokemon. Kinda like shinies. They're rarer apparently.


Would anyone like to confirm or deny this? :o


Looks like it is a texture glitch. Someone online posted a picture of a Litleo that suffers the same fate. I expect now that the games work off of SD cards that a patch or two will fix this.




^The picture of Litleo I mentioned^

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Looks like it is a texture glitch. Someone online posted a picture of a Litleo that suffers the same fate. I expect now that the games work off of SD cards that a patch or two will fix this.




^The picture of Litleo I mentioned^


That's not monochrome... That is a glitch. Hold on, I'll post a link to what I am talking about.


Edit: http://www.gamnesia.com/news/rumor-rare-monochrome-pokemon-in-x-and-y#ad-image-0

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That's not monochrome... That is a glitch. Hold on, I'll post a link to what I am talking about.


Yeah I know. I've seen monochrome pokemon myself (I should of made that clearer) but it does appear to be a texture glitch. I could be wrong and Game Freak could have done this on purpose but it seems kinda useless IMO. Shinys already exist so why try and have a 1% of SUPEROMGGREYPOKEMON?

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Yeah I know. I've seen monochrome pokemon myself (I should of made that clearer) but it does appear to be a texture glitch. I could be wrong and Game Freak could have done this on purpose but it seems kinda useless IMO. Shinys already exist so why try and have a 1% of SUPEROMGGREYPOKEMON?


Maybe just to add something new to the game.


But it probably is just a texture glitch. I haven't see it yet though.

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