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WWE 2014: The Game Is Only The Beginning

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One of the biggest rumors going around the WWE locker room right now is that the WWE is looking to expand the Diva's division with this brand split. One of the rumored names possibly making a return to that Diva's division is none other than Lita. Lita retired from professional wrestling back in 2006 but is said to have kept in shape despite her absence. Her last real appearance with the WWE was at the Hall of Fame ceremony back in March where she was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.


Lita is not the only WWE Diva that is possibly going to make a return/debut for the WWE once the brand split begins. We are hearing rumors of other Divas that have already signed contracts and are waiting to make a debut. These include Japanese wrestler Aja Kong, who was in the WWE back in 1995/1996 and Katie Lea, also known as Winter when she was in TNA. She spent some time in the WWE from 2008-2010. Of course these are only rumors and have not been confirmed yet. But it does seem like the WWE is expanding the Diva's division and that cannot be a bad thing as long as they go for actual in-ring performers.

WWE – Diva's – Lita


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Prediction Listing


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. KENTA

Comments: Chavo is 40 or something, and KENTA is the bigger star relatively, so this is the preferred option.


WWE Diva's Title Match

Evening Gown Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee

Comments: I echo Pack.


Tamina vs. Natalya

Comments: Two Diva Matches are best for business.


Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn

Comments: Another loss for Sami :(


Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family vs. Stardust

Comments: To be honest, this isn't predictable at all. I love Cody, but he's going to fall to the numbers game.


Special Guest Referee: Mick Foley

Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: A great win for Dean here.


Triple H vs. The Rock

Comments: By DQ or something.


Fun Fan Signs: ''#ILikeSamiZayn!''

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Monday Week 4 August 2014

Location: CT Conv Center Exhibit Hall (New England)

Attendance: 9,570

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 5.75




[WWE Monday Night Raw kicks off from the Convention Center Exhibit Hall in Hartford, Connecticut! Michael Cole, John Layfield and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone to this very special edition of Raw! Tonight, a lot of matches have been signed that could very well be on the WWE Network events. That includes our main event contest, which will feature the WWE COO Triple H going one on one with The People's Champion The Rock! What a wild main event that should be! But that's not all we're going to have here tonight in Hartford. We are going to have Stardust facing off against Luke Harper and Erick Rowan of the Wyatt Family in a handicap match, Randy Orton versus Dean Ambrose in a match that has a special guest referee in Mick Foley and even the last second round match of the Cruiserweight title tournament. 'Flight of the Valkyries(V2)' by Jim Johnston begins to play and the focus turns to the top of the ramp.]




['YES!' chants break out through the crowd as we see the WWE return of Daniel Bryan alongside his wife Brie Bella! Bryan smiles a wide beard-covered smile as he leads the 'YES' chants all the way down to the ring. He holds the ropes open for his wife and the two of them step into the ring. The YES chants turn into a chant of 'Daniel Bryan' *Clap* *Clap* *ClapClapClap!* Daniel Bryan gets on the microphone and asks the WWE Universe: 'Did you miss me?' He says that he has missed the entire WWE Universe every single day that he has been out with injury. But he says that he has been working hard and rehabbing since the assault by Kane. He says that he has a great announcement to make for the WWE Universe: 'I'm baaaaack!' And he says that his number one focus right now will be getting back to what he was doing before he left with an injury. That is making The Authority's life a living hell! The crowd cheers loudly for that as Daniel Bryan turns his focus to his wife, thanking her for always being there and supporting him. They share a kiss in the ring before the scene is interrupted.]





[boos explode from the audience as Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come out from the back. Hunter applauds Daniel Bryan briefly and then says welcome back to the B+ player! He says he's actually happy that Daniel Bryan is back because this means that he can have someone injure him again and maybe put him out of action indefinitely this time. Stephanie takes the microphone from her husband and says that they need B+ players on their shows. After all, Kane has to have someone to injure and knock out, right? So, since Daniel Bryan has returned to the WWE, he might as well be put into action tonight, right? Stephanie says that tonight there is going to be a mixed tag team match. On one side, we will have Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella. On the other side, we will have Kane and Victoria! Daniel Bryan begins to respond to that when fire explodes from all four corners. Bryan looks around, standing in front of his wife but Kane does not appear. Triple H smiles to his wife and says that that match is what's best for business. Hunter shares a kiss with his wife and they walk to the back as Daniel Bryan escorts his wife to the back.]





Match #1


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Second Round

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. KENTA


[Our very first match tonight is the final second round match of the Cruiserweight title tournament. The match is definitely fast-paced with both of these men getting in their shots, though the match is less than six minutes long. KENTA scores a near-fall following a bridging tiger suplex on Guerrero. The match moves outside the ring where Guerrero manages to knock KENTA back-first into the apron and then whips him into the ring post. The action returns inside the ring where Guerrero catches KENTA with the Three Amigos three vertical suplexes. Guerrero looks around for a moment and then heads to the top turnbuckle. He leaps -- FROG SPLA -- NO! KENTA rolled out of the way! Guerrero hits the mat hard and KENTA gets to his feet. KENTA charges with the Busaiku Knee Kick but Guerrero ducks and Guerrero rolls up KENTA, hooking the tights: One, Two, Three! Chavo Guerrero advances!]


Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr. (Via Pinfall @ 5:51)

Match Rating: C-




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where the two Nature Boys, AJ Styles and Ric Flair, are shown drinking some water together. Flair says that this new brand split is Styles's chance to show the world why Ric Flair picked him as the new Nature Boy. Flair, also, says that this might be a time to pick out a brand new Four Horsemen. As the two are discussing this idea, Alberto Del Rio walks up and actually laughs at the thought of a new Four Horsemen. Del Rio says that it's old just like Ric Flair is. He says 'don't they know that it is Del Rio's destiny to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion?' But, of course, you already know that. Flair holds Styles back and says that if Del Rio wants to walk that aisle they can do so this Friday night on Smackdown. Del Rio laughs and agrees but Flair clarifies that it will be Alberto Del Rio versus AJ Styles. Flair wishes Del Rio good luck and a 'Whoooooo!' Flair and Styles walk off with Flair reminding Styles that to be the man you have to beat the man.]




[Following the confrontation backstage, AJ Lee and Paige are shown on split-screens walking toward the ring. They are both wearing their evening gowns and appear ready for their action tonight as they are set to do battle in a modified evening gown match tonight. That match is next!]


Match #2



WWE Diva's Title Match

Evening Gown Match

Paige defends vs. AJ Lee


[Michael Cole reminds everyone of the rules of this match. You can only be pinned or forced to submit after you have had your evening gown removed. Remember, this match is for Paige's WWE Diva's title. Early on in the contest, AJ tests the rules by locking Paige in the Black Widow! Paige taps out but since she hadn't had her evening gown removed, the tap out did not count. AJ released the hold and told the referee to raise her arm. The distraction allows Paige to get up and hit AJ with a Paige Turner! A fan raises a sign in the crowd that reads: 'Now THERE'S a Paige-Turner!' Paige quickly goes for the evening gown, beginning to rip it from AJ Lee's body. The men in the crowd are hooting and hollering as the evening gown is completely removed, leaving AJ Lee in light blue matching bra and panties! Paige makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! AJ is not done here! Paige picks up AJ and gives her multiple headbutts before whipping AJ into a corner. Paige follows her in but tastes the boot of AJ Lee! AJ grabs Paige from behind and rips off the evening gown of Paige! Now both of them can win this contest! Paige's bra and panties set are black, for those wondering. AJ brings Paige down with a neckbreaker and makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! AJ gets up and skips around the ring, waiting for Paige to get to her feet. AJ moves in and goes for the Black Widow but Paige turns things around -- RamPaige! Paige makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Paige (Via Pinfall @ 8:07)

Match Rating: D+




[Paige successfully defends her WWE Diva's title but her action is not finished. Victoria hits the ring and begins exchanging punches with the scantily clad Diva's Champion. Paige starts to get an advantage until Victoria goes to the eyes. Victoria picks up Paige -- Widow's Peak! Paige is laid out on the mat as Victoria grabs the WWE Diva's title. Victoria stands tall over top of Paige and this could be the scene at SummerSlam as Paige defends the belt against Victoria and Brie Bella in a triple threat match. The crowd boos Victoria as she turns back to focus on Paige. A disappointed AJ Lee slides out of the ring and skips to the back. Victoria lays the Diva's title belt across the waist of Paige and tells her to keep that warm for her. Victoria smiles and turns, walking off, heading to the back as Paige is still laid out in the ring.]




[We move from the ring to the backstage area where the screen is focused on The Rock! The fans cheer loudly in the background as The Rock says 'FINALLY The Rock has come BACK to Hartford, Connecticut!' The Rock says that tonight The Rock steps into the ring against a man The Rock knows very well in Triple H. Triple H thinks that he's playing a game here and that he is the King of the game. Well, The Rock says, Triple H, it doesn't matter what you think! What matters is tonight. Tonight, Triple H steps into the ring with the Brahma Bull. He steps into the ring with the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising People's Champion. Tonight The Rock's millions (and millions) of The Rock's fans will be chanting The Rock's name as The Rock takes The Rock's boot, turns it sideways and sticks it straight up Triple H's candy ass! But The Rock won't be done there. Oh no no no. The Rock says that The Rock has a big surprise coming tonight for Triple H. It's something that even The Authority won't see coming. And tonight The Rock is going to put Triple H down to Rock Bottom if you smelllllllalalalalow what The Rock is cooking!]


Match #3


Tamina vs. Natalya


[A second Diva's match here on Monday Night Raw as we see two second-generation Divas going one on one. As one might expect, this match is a definite brawl between these two women. Tamina gets the advantage early on and brings Natalya down with a snap suplex and then makes a cover, grabbing a two count. Tamina continues her advantage, beginning to get a little frustrated in this contest as Natalya refuses to lose. Tamina brings Natalya down to the mat with a Samoan Drop and then heads to the top turnbuckle. She looks down at Natalya and leaps -- Superfly Splash misses! Tamina crashes and burns on the mat! Natalya pops up and strikes Tamina with a Nattie-By-Nature. She pulls Tamina up and swings around behind her -- Bridging German Suplex gives her a two count! Natalya grabs the legs of Tamina -- Sharpshooter! Tamina struggles and fights in the hold but eventually is forced to tap out!]


Winner: Natalya (Via Submission @ 6:30)

Match Rating: D-




[As Natalya celebrates her victory, the Titan-Tron lights up with a darkened screen. A child's sing-song voice can be heard in the background as the camera seems to pan downward. Sitting in the darkness is the WWE return of none other than Kharma! Kharma has a Natalya action figure and she is stroking the hair of the action figure, humming to herself. Suddenly, the look on her face turns dark and she begins twisting the head of the Natalya action figure until the head twists off! She tosses away the body and looks down at the head, ripping the blonde hair off the head and laughing about it. She turns her eyes up toward the screen and it fades to black. Inside the ring, Natalya looks concerned at what she has just seen on the screen. She shakes her head and exits the ring, carefully walking to the back. Kharma is returning and it looks like she is coming for Natalya.]




[From there we move to the backstage area where The Other-Americans are shown in their locker room. This week they are once again playing a roleplaying card game as they are gathered around a table. Super Crazy is speaking in Spanish and they all seem to be just smiling and nodding to him, laughing wherever he laughs. The door to this locker room is opened, slamming against the wall, startling the players and sending drinks flying onto the table. Rollins walks over and gets face-to-face with Sami Zayn. Rollins says that Triple H might have shown Zayn some respect last Friday night but he says he has no respect for the Canadian American. Rollins says that tonight he is going to destroy Zayn in the ring so he better be ready for the match. Rollins looks like he might attack Zayn but Kozlov stands up and moves between the two men. Rollins thinks better of it and tells Zayn he will see him in the ring and walks off. Zayn thanks Kozlov but this match is next!]


Match #4


Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn


[What a match we have here tonight between two men who can be considered the future of the WWE. As one might expect, the match is very open between these two as they go back and forth with neither man wanting to make that one big mistake in this contest. Zayn grabs an early advantage and shows his ability when he hits Seth Rollins with a sunset flip powerbomb! He scores a two count but somehow Rollins gets a shoulder up! In the background, a fan raises a sign that reads: '#ILikeSamiZayn!' Zayn moves up to the top turnbuckle -- 450 SPLA -- NO! Rollins moved out of the way and Zayn crashed and burned. Rollins catches Zayn with a series of kicks before sending Zayn into a corner. He catches Zayn with a Tornado DDT for a two count only as Dean Ambrose's music begins to play. Instead of continuing on Zayn, Rollins moves to the ropes, daring Ambrose to come out. Ambrose walks out, smiling and shrugging. He gets halfway down the ramp before Zayn slips in behind Seth Rollins and rolls him up: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Sami Zayn (Via Pinfall @ 9:47)

Match Rating: C-




[The crowd goes absolutely wild! Sami Zayn has just pinned Seth Rollins! Rollins cannot believe it! Rollins brings Zayn down with a kick to the head and in comes Dean Ambrose! Ambrose leaps on Rollins with a Lou Thesz Press! He throws punches and Rollins fires punches back to Ambrose! The two men roll out of the ring and Rollins tries to take off but he is pursued by Ambrose! The cameras follow the two men in the backstage area. Sometimes they pause to fight when Ambrose catches up to Rollins. As soon as Rollins gains an advantage, he begins taking off again. Eventually, he exits through an emergency exit door to the outside. Ambrose pauses at the door, smiles and waves to Rollins before closing the door and walking away.]




[back in the ring, it's time for the Highlight Reel hosted by Chris Jericho. Jericho says that tonight he has a very special guest for his Highlight Reel. That special guest is his opponent at SummerSlam. That special guest is the WWE Intercontinental Champion. He invites to the ring Dolph Ziggler! The crowd cheers as 'The Show-Off' comes out to the ring. Jericho motions to Ziggler to sit down and then he begins asking Ziggler how it has been feeling to be on the receiving end of Codebreakers and LionSaults and Walls Of Jerichos. Jericho quickly says that he knows how it feels and he knows that right here on The Highlight Reel Dolph Ziggler wants to concede the Intercontinental title belt to the greatest showman on the planet Chris Jericho. Jericho says that he will gladly accept the belt. But Ziggler is not so willing to give the belt up. Instead, Ziggler says that when it comes to the WWE Chris Jericho is the past. Ziggler says that he is the present and the future. Ziggler says that Jericho is going to feel the Zig Zag at SummerSlam and that Ziggler is going to walk away with his Intercontinental title and another match for the Show-Off. Jericho says that he gave Ziggler a shot to give up easy. Jericho suddenly pounces on Ziggler, mounting and punching away at the Show-Off. Ziggler tries to fight back but Jericho grabs Ziggler by the hair and rams his head on the mat again and again. Jericho picks up Dolph Ziggler and throws him through the Jeritron 5000! The glass breaks and Ziggler is cut up by the glass! Ziggler's body is lifeless as Chris Jericho stands over him. The crowd boos this assault. Will Dolph Ziggler even make it six days to SummerSlam?]





Match #5


Kane and Victoria vs. Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella


[Mixed tag team action is next as Daniel Bryan teams with his wife Brie Bella against Kane and Victoria. The men will be in action against the men and the women against the women. It is Brie Bella that begins first with Victoria. The two women go back and forth in this contest with both scoring some near-falls. Victoria gains an advantage on Brie and brings her down to the mat with a Chokebomb that scores a two count on the Bella twin. Victoria goes for her standing moonsault but Brie rolls out of the way and Victoria only catches mat. Brie goes to the top turnbuckle and waits for Victoria to reach her feet -- missile dropkick! Brie begins crawling toward her corner as the crowd begins a 'YES' chant! Brie makes the tag and in comes both Daniel Bryan and Kane! Daniel Bryan catches Kane with kicks! Each kick is met with a 'YES' chant by the crowd! Bryan ducks a clothesline attempt by Kane and then gives more kicks to the demon! A kick to the head sends Kane out of the ring! Daniel Bryan gets the crowd pumped and then bounces off the ropes -- Air Goat! The suicide dive drives Kane back against the barricade! Daniel Bryan brings the action back inside the ring and waits in a corner for Kane to get to his feet. Daniel Bryan charges -- Knee Plus! Daniel Bryan makes the cover: One, Two, Three! 'YES' chants explode from the crowd as Daniel Bryan pins Kane!]


Winners: Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella (Via Pinfall @ 7:58)

Match Rating: B-




[From the ring, we move to a vignette that seems to take place inside a church. Standing at the pulpit is Bo Dallas. Bo says that all of the people are there because they have decided to join the group of the BoLievers. He says that with this faith you can climb mountains. You can swim long oceans. You can do anything that you want to do just as long as you BoLieve! One of the men sitting in the crowd is none other than Damien Sandow! Bo asks Sandow to come down and be baptized as a true BoLiever. Sandow stands up and walks to the front, seemingly in a trance. Bo meets Damien Sandow in a small tub and he asks Damien Sandow if he wants to become a true BoLiever. Sandow agrees and Bo baptizes him in the water. He tells Sandow welcome home, my son. Sandow hugs Bo Dallas and then says that he BOLIEVES! Bo Dallas flashes a smile as the vignette comes to a close.]




[From there, we move to a backstage interview area where Renee Young is with Mick Foley. Foley is dressed in a plaid referee's shirt and Renee Young asks Mick Foley about tonight and his being the special guest referee in the match between Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton. Foley says that he is honored to come in here and show that he can be impartial and thus deserves to be the Smackdown GM. But he says that he is proud to be a referee right here in Hartford, Connecticut! Young talks about Randy Orton giving Foley the RKO on Smackdown. She asks if that might make him bias against Orton. Foley says that Orton is not the first man to kick his ass and he certainly won't be the last. But he says that he will be impartial. However, if Randy Orton should wish to try him, then even The Authority won't stop him from sticking his fingers down Randy Orton's throat! But if everyone follows the rules then everyone will have a nice day.]


Match #6


The New Age Outlaws vs. World's Greatest Tag Team


[Tag team action is next as we see the return of the World's Greatest Tag Team as they take on the veteran tag team of the New Age Outlaws. Kurt Angle stands in the corner of his Team Angle as the match goes back and forth in this contest. Billy Gunn scores a near-fall on Charlie Haas after he strikes with the One And Only. Gunn tags out to the Road Dogg and Road Dogg goes right after Haas. Road Dogg hits Haas with a big boot to the skull. Road Dogg yells at the crowd, drawing in boos in response. Dogg goes for a Piledriver but Haas blocks the Piledriver and pulls out from between the legs of the Road Dogg. Haas hits with a Haastile Takeover and both men are left crawling for their corners. Tags are made to Billy Gunn and Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin ducks a clothesline and strikes Gunn with a superkick, knocking Gunn back into a corner. Benjamin runs in and brings Gunn over with a monkey flip! Charlie Haas does battle with Road Dogg as all four men are in the ring! Road Dogg is tossed out of the ring as The World's Greatest Tag Team hit Billy Gunn with the World's Greatest Finisher. The Double Power Bomb brings Gunn to the mat and Shelton Benjamin lifts Gunn -- Paydirt! Benjamin makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: World's Greatest Tag Team (Via Pinfall @ 5:47)

Match Rating: C-




[Kurt Angle enters the ring, celebrating with The World's Greatest Tag Team! He gets on the microphone and starts a USA chant and it explodes through the crowd here in Hartford. He says that last Friday night he said he would come out here and call out Rusev. Well, there's no better time than the present, so he says to Rusev to come out here and get him some of an Olympic Gold Medalist! Instead of Rusev, however, he gets Stephanie McMahon. Kurt tells Stephanie that she doesn't look like Rusev. He says that he knows he's had a good and bad past with Stephanie but he tells her not to step in the middle of things. He says he is giving her a warning. Stephanie McMahon says that NOBODY warns a McMahon about anything. She says that she spoke with Lana last Friday night and that Lana made a lot of sense to her. So, Stephanie says, Kurt Angle will not be facing Rusev tonight. As a matter of fact, Kurt Angle will NEVER get a shot at Rusev here in the WWE. She says that it will never happen. However, since Kurt is a wrestler here in the WWE, he should have a match and he will have one this Friday night on Smackdown. McMahon says that Kurt Angle will take on Lance Storm this Friday night. She tells Angle to get ready for that match and to put Rusev out of his head because Kurt Angle is coming to Monday Night Raw in the brand split. Angle cannot believe it! He is looking angry and he says that somehow, someway he will get his hands on Rusev. It's true, oh it's damn true!]




[We move from the ringside area to the backstage area where Triple H is in his office with Dave Bautista. Hunter tells Dave that it's good to have him back here in the WWE. He tells him that he knows that Bautista will do the right thing at SummerSlam as the special enforcer. That is, if Roman Reigns can even wrestle on that night. Oh and if Bautista makes it to SummerSlam. You see, Triple H says, he has booked Bautista into a match this week on Friday Night Smackdown. His opponent? The Celtic Warrior Sheamus! Hunter says he wishes Bautista luck this Friday night. Bautista grabs Hunter by the arm and asks him if he really wants to do this. Hunter pulls his arm back and says he does. Bautista just smiles and gives Hunter a thumbs down before walking out of the office.]


Match #7


Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family vs. Stardust


[Handicap action comes next as The Wyatt Family takes on Stardust. Last week on Monday Night Raw, The Wyatt Family put Goldust through a table off the stage. Stardust knows that the longer this match goes tonight the less chance he has to win so he begins the match going right after both Harper and Rowan. Stardust knocks Rowan to the outside of the ring and focuses in on Harper. Stardust hits an early Beautiful Disaster Kick for a two count. That pinfall is broken up by Rowan and Rowan throws Stardust into the turnbuckle and brings him down with a big boot! Rowan moves back to the apron and is quickly tagged in. He goes right after Stardust, bringing him down with a Chokeslam but Stardust kicks out at two! A fan raises a sign in the crowd that reads: 'Be Quiet Wyatt!' Rowan locks in a clawhold, forcing Stardust down to the mat but Stardust gets his legs locked in the bottom rope to force the break. The Wyatt Family use some quick tags at this point to keep the fresh man in the ring attacking Stardust both in and outside the ring. Luke Harper whips Stardust into a corner and charges in with a body avalanche but Stardust moves out of the way! Stardust catches Harper with a springboard bionic elbow! Stardust hisses at Harper and moves in to go for the Dark Matter but he is taken down with a clothesline by Braun Stowman! The referee calls for the bell immediately!]


Winner(s): Stardust (Via Disqualification @ 5:47)

Match Rating: C-




[Stardust picks up the win but he is looking far from a winner as The Wyatt Family gang up on him. Bray Wyatt catches Stardust with a running senton on the mat and then he grabs the turnbuckles and bends over backward, spider walking along the ground toward Stardust. Erick Rowan picks up Stardust and brings him down with a sideslam! Suddenly, the crowd erupts as out from the back come not only The Rock but Goldust! Both men hit the ring throwing punches to The Wyatt Family members! The Rock drops Luke Harper with a spit punch and looks right toward Bray Wyatt. Braun Stowman steps into The Rock's path but he is tackled out of the way by Goldust! The Rock and Bray Wyatt come face-to-face. Wyatt laughs and the lights go off inside the arena. When the lights return, the entire Wyatt Family are missing from the ring or ringside area. Bray Wyatt's laughter fills the arena for just a moment before silence.]







[With the ring cleared, the crowd jumps to their feet as the music plays for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion! John Cena walks out from the back and does his salute before coming down to the ring and stepping inside. Cena pauses as the 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chants begin and he laughs, saying that the crowd here in Hartford is so loud. It pumps him up! He says that in six days he is going to step inside the ring with a Conquerer. He says that he is going to step into the ring with the only man to ever defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania. He says that he is going to receive the beating of a lifetime. He says that he is expecting to receive a beating. He says that he expects to bleed. He says that he expects to suffer more pain and punishment than he's ever faced in his career. But when the smoke clears he also expects to leave the ring with the WWE World Heavyweight title. He says that some people are expecting Brock Lesnar to win but that's not going to happen. Because for Brock Lesnar to win it means that he has to lose and he is NOT going to lose to Brock Lesnar. He says that he is going to beat down the bully because that's what Brock Lesnar is. He's a bully that John Cena is going to stand up against. Cena gets interrupted by the music of his opponent at SummerSlam.]




[Brock Lesnar is led out to the ring by his manager Paul Heyman. They enter the ring and Lesnar comes face-to-face with John Cena. Heyman gets on the microphone as he motions to Lesnar and Lesnar smiles, taking a step back. Paul Heyman says 'Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the advocate for your next WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar.' He tells John Cena that bad things happen to good people when they step inside the ring with Brock Lesnar. Heyman reminds the fans that at WrestleMania Brock Lesnar became the one in twenty-one and one. He says that Brock Lesnar ended a streak that many people said would never be broken. He not only ended the streak, he conquered the Phenom. His client is a conquerer. His client is a Beast. His client is the future WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He tells John Cena that despite what he might say this WWE ring is Brock Lesnar's home. Cena is an uninvited guest that in six days is going to be forcibly removed by the man of the house. Cena replies that that is some interesting words. But it is the WWE Universe that owns this house. And he's always said that if you want some, come get some. Cena says that this Sunday he conquers the conquerer. He beats the Beast. He becomes the one that beats the one and next week on Monday Night Raw the Champ is here! Brock Lesnar throws a forearm shot to Cena, staggering him backward! Heyman quickly exits the ring as Lesnar lifts Cena onto his shoulders! Cena wiggles his way free and then lifts Lesnar on HIS shoulders -- Attitude Adjustment! Lesnar is planted! The Beast rolls out of the ring and is held back by Paul Heyman. Cena's music plays as he raises the WWE World Heavyweight title belt in the middle of the ring. Cena and Lesnar stare each other down as Heyman pulls Lesnar to the back.]




[The focus turns to the announcers as Michael Cole, John Layfield and Jerry Lawler hype SummerSlam which will be available on the WWE Network for only $9.99! There are eight matches signed right now to the lineup. In addition to that WWE World Heavyweight title match we just talked about, we are going to see the WWE World Tag Team titles on the line as The Steiner Brothers defend their belts against the former champions The Usos. A very special contest will take place as Triple H returns to the ring to take on Roman Reigns. Whoever wins, gets to decide the Smackdown General Manager. If Roman Reigns loses, he will not receive any more title shots for one year. The WWE Intercontinental title is up for grabs in a Finishers Only match where Dolph Ziggler defends against Chris Jericho. A handicap match will take place as the four members of The Wyatt Family take on The Rock, Goldust and Stardust! The finals of the WWE Crusierweight title tournament will take place. Paige defends her WWE Diva's title in a triple threat match against Victoria and Brie Bella! We also have a match that will see Sting wrestle in a WWE ring for the very first time as he takes on The Viper Randy Orton!]


Match #8


Special Guest Referee: Mick Foley

Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose


[The semi main event is a great one as special referee Mick Foley comes out to the ring first. He is followed by Orton and Ambrose and this match is definitely a brawl after Mick Foley's own heart. Special referee Mick Foley lets a lot of things go in this match as one might expect. But he lets those things go on both sides, showing that he is going to be an even referee, impartial even. Orton tries to go outside the ring to catch a breath but he is taken down when Ambrose dives through the ropes to get at him! Ambrose gets the crowd pumped and then lays Orton along the barricade. Ambrose goes to the apron, interrupting the count and then running along the apron -- elbow drop on Orton ala Mick Foley/Cactus Jack! Ambrose looks up to Foley and gives the 'bang, bang' symbol! A fan behind the fallen Orton, raises a sign that reads: 'Ambroxity.' The action returns inside the ring and Ambrose goes for a Double Arm DDT but Orton manages to wiggle free and catches Ambrose with an European Uppercut and then goes for the RKO but Ambrose shoves Orton off. Orton collides with referee Mick Foley! Both men go down and Ambrose drops to a knee. A sign in the background goes up that reads: 'Blandy Boreton needs to go to NXT!' From out of nowhere, Seth Rollins comes off the top turnbuckle with a Curb Stomp to Ambrose! Where in the world did he come from? A replay shows Seth Rollins coming in from the crowd! Randy Orton pulls himself up and looks over at the Lunatic Fringe. He pulls up Ambrose -- RKO! Ambrose is out! Orton pulls Mick Foley over and covers Ambrose: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 9:41)

Match Rating: B




[Randy Orton has the victory here tonight and Seth Rollins laughs at ringside about the fact that he cost Dean Ambrose the match. Orton pulls himself to his feet and poses before looking down at Mick Foley. Orton slowly smiles and pulls up Mick Foley -- RKO! Randy Orton lays out Mick Foley with the RKO! Orton pushes Foley into a corner and takes a few steps back. It looks like he is setting up Foley for the punt kick! He is measuring Foley and as he begins to charge he is stopped by the man who slides into the ring in his path: Sting! Sting comes face-to-face with Randy Orton. Sting ducks punches thrown by Orton and then kicks him in the gut. Sting grabs Orton by the head -- Scorpion Death Drop! Seth Rollins looks like he is trying to figure out a way into the ring but Sting points a black baseball bat to Rollins, keeping Rollins at bay. Sting grabs Dean Ambrose and helps him through the crowd, as well as Mick Foley.]





Match #9


Triple H vs. The Rock


[Our main event contest features two men who are no strangers to each other as Triple H goes one on one with The Great One. Some back and forth catch-as-catch-can wrestling begins the match, including Triple H bringing The Rock down with an armdrag. The Rock kips up from that and pulls Triple H into a Rock Bottom position but The Game elbows his way out of the hold. He kicks The Rock in the gut and pulls The Rock into Pedigree position! The Rock blocks the Pedigree and lifts Triple H over in a back body drop! The two men meet in the ring and The Rock throws some punches! The crowd is solidly behind The Rock as he strikes Triple H with a spit punch that sends The Game to the mat. Triple H backs up and uses the ropes to keep the Rock back as he pulls himself to his feet. The two men look across toward each other and then go at it once again. This time it's Triple H who begins some momentum striking The Rock with a knee lift and then bringing him to the mat with a body slam. Triple H moves in and locks in the Indian Deathlock! There's a move he's rarely used. The Rock struggles in the hold, trying to get to the ropes. Triple H is definitely wearing The Rock down in this hold. As The Rock is close to the ropes, the screen shows some snow.]





[When the screen returns, The Wyatt Family is shown walking toward the ring. When they get halfway down to the ring, they are assaulted by Goldust and Stardust! It's four on two but the Dust Brothers are actually holding their own! The fight ends up moving to the backstage area and the focus returns to the ring where The Rock has reached the ropes to get the rope break. Triple H continues the control until around the eleven minute mark. The momentum shifts when The Rock hip tosses Triple H out of an abdominal stretch. Both men are slow to get to their feet but both beat the ten count. A 'Rocky' chant explodes through the crowd as The Rock catches an incoming Triple H and tosses him overhead with a belly to belly suplex! The Rock pulls Hunter up and ducks a punch attempt by Triple H -- floatover DDT by The Rock! The Rock kips up and has the crowd going crazy! The Rock yanks up Triple H and sends him to the ropes -- Spinebuster! The Great One moves around and looks to the crowd. A sign goes up in the crowd reading: 'Rocky-Talky!' He removes the elbow pad and tosses it into the first row before bouncing off the ropes. He bounces off another set of ropes and stands over top of Triple H when the lights go off inside the arena. Cell phones light up the audience during this dark moment. When the lights return, The Rock is laid out on the mat with some blood on his forehead. Triple H is leaning against a corner, seemingly exhausted after this long match. He sees The Rock and shrugs, walking over to The Rock and picking him up. He sets him up in Pedigree position -- Pedigree! Triple H makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Triple H (Via Pinfall @ 17:29)

Match Rating: B+


[Triple H picks up this victory tonight over The Rock in what can only be described as controversial fashion. Triple H pulls himself up and gets his arm raised by Mike Chioda. Hunter looks down at the fallen The Rock and smiles, kicking The Rock over onto his back. He is given a microphone and he says that this victory is definitely what's best for business. He says that this same thing is going to happen at SummerSlam. Well, maybe it will, it depends on if Roman Reigns has it in him to step into the ring with The Game. Hunter says that is probably unlikely considering the beating that he put on Reigns on Smackdown. No one has seen Reigns since that attack, after all. Suddenly, Triple H is interrupted by 'The Truth Reigns' and The Game looks around, looking a little surprised.]




[From the audience, Roman Reigns walks down toward the ring! The Roman Empire is here in the building! The crowd goes absolutely wild as Reigns leaps the barricade and steps into the ring with Triple H. He gets right up in the face of Hunter and says that rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated. But now he knows exactly what he's going to be facing at SummerSlam. Reigns says that he is going to be good for their match at SummerSlam, you can believe that. But why wait? Reigns throws punches to Triple H! Triple H fires back! Reigns blocks a punch and sends Hunter down with a big right hand! He looks down at the fallen Triple H and punches the mat, releasing a war cry! Triple H is smart enough to know when to retreat and he does so by quickly rolling out of the ring! Off-microphone, Triple H says he will see Roman Reigns at SummerSlam. Reigns celebrates with the crowd inside the ring. But we've still got a little more time here on Raw. What's next?]




[When we return from commercial, the crowd is shocked as Sting makes his way through the audience and down to the ring. He leaps the barricade and is handed a microphone on his way into the ring. Sting has not uttered a word since his arrival here in the WWE. He stands in the middle of the ring as a 'Sting' chant grows within the audience. Sting raises the microphone to his mouth and says that this is one of the reasons why he has come back to professional wrestling. He says that the WWE Universe is absolutely insane and filled with bunches of little Stingers in the crowd tonight. That makes him go a little wild sometimes. He says that he loves seeing the fans with their faces painted. He loves seeing the look in the eyes of the little Stingers when he comes out to the ring. In six days, Sting has his very first match in a WWE ring against Randy Orton. In six days, Randy Orton, you will not have the protection of the Authority. In six days, it's going to be our time, Randy. It's going to be SHOWTIME! OWWWWWW! I cannot be here and let the Authority win. I cannot be here and let them take over this company. I know a little bit about people trying hostile takeovers, after all. That is why Sting has come to the WWE. I have come to fix a wrong here in this company. Randy Orton is first but eventually, I will be battling the head of the snake Triple H. Authority, I am going to prove why I am an Icon in professional wrestling. I am going to prove that good will always triumph over evil. Sting drops the microphone and the scorpion symbol shows up on the Titan-Tron and Sting releases another howl as Monday Night Raw comes to a close.]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winner this Raw is Kijar as he got a score of 4/7! Congratulations to Kijar! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the television show!


1. packerman120=7 Wins

2. Rayelek=6 Wins

3. Smasher1311=5 Wins

Beejus=5 Wins

5. The Lloyd=4 Wins

6. jhd1=3 Wins

7. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

Uncrewed=2 Wins

Kijar=2 Wins

12. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

#HEEL=1 Win

18. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

Scotland=0 Wins

MichiganHero=0 Wins

Rob5KC=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on theSyFy channel. This is our last stop on the road to SummerSlam and what a show we have set up for the WWE Universe. The show is scheduled to open with the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena. What will the World Champion have to say? Will Brock Lesnar show up?


-We have a lot of great matches signed for Smackdown and one of those matches include Dave Bautista returning to the Smackdown ring as he goes one on one with Sheamus. The Celtic Warrior has been on a little bit of a losing streak since losing his WWE United States title. Can he get back on track against a former WWE World Champion? Will Dave Bautista walk away with the victory?


-Another match that was signed this past Monday night on Raw features the new Nature Boy AJ Styles against the Mexican Aristocrat Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio made his return to the WWE after taking about a month off this past Monday. Can he win his first match back? Or will the new Nature Boy continue his winning ways since debuting as the protégé of Ric Flair?


-The Cruiserweight title tournament has two semifinal matchups with the winners headed to SummerSlam. Those two matches include The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels against the veteran Cruiserweight Jushin Thunder Liger. Will the masked man from Japan head toward SummerSlam or will the Fallen Angel walk away with the victory? On the other semifinal match, the veteran Chavo Guerrero Jr. is going to take on the man from Ghana West Africa Kofi Kingston. Who is going to head toward SummerSlam?


-Plus Triple H, The Usos, The Steiner Brothers, Miz TV and more will be here for the Smackdown show!


Prediction Listing

Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Kofi Kingston



Lance Storm vs. Kurt Angle



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Christopher Daniels vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Alberto Del Rio vs. AJ Styles



Sheamus vs. Dave Bautista



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Kofi Kingston



Lance Storm vs. Kurt Angle



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Christopher Daniels vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Alberto Del Rio vs. AJ Styles



Sheamus vs. Dave Bautista


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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Kofi Kingston



Lance Storm vs. Kurt Angle



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Christopher Daniels vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Alberto Del Rio vs. AJ Styles



Sheamus vs. Dave Bautista


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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Kofi Kingston



Lance Storm vs. Kurt Angle



Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Christopher Daniels vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Alberto Del Rio vs. AJ Styles



Sheamus vs. Dave Bautista



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Kofi Kingston



Lance Storm vs. Kurt Angle

Comments: Kurt has a story going on, while Storm just seems to be here on nostalgia purposes.


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Christopher Daniels vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Comments: Daniels will make a great heel contender for the CW title.


Alberto Del Rio vs. AJ Styles



Sheamus vs. Dave Bautista



Fun Fan Signs: Dave the Destroyer!


Comments On Previous Show: Kinda surprising how good the rating was for the main event there. I'd intended on posting predictions when I got home from work, but I missed it. Oh well, I'll get it here for now.

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Lance Storm vs. Kurt Angle

Comments: Kurt has a story going on, while Storm just seems to be here on nostalgia purposes.


Comments On Previous Show: Kinda surprising how good the rating was for the main event there. I'd intended on posting predictions when I got home from work, but I missed it. Oh well, I'll get it here for now.


First, a little background on my thoughts on the Lance Storm signing. I originally brought him in to be managed by Paul Heyman along with Brock Lesnar. Of course, he was the Pick Your Poison selection by Heyman and Lesnar against John Cena. The only problem is that he has horrible chemistry being managed by Paul Heyman. So right now he is focused a little on nostalgia value but he definitely will have some value with the brand split. He can do a lot of training people up, though, he is a freelancer so he won't sign a written contract with me.


As far as the predictions go, I definitely understand when people miss picks. I try to let a minimum of 3-4 days go by before I post the shows. Maybe a little longer on the pay-per-view days. Would always love to know your thoughts and everyone's thoughts on the last show, more specifically the ones dealing with Sting's first words in a WWE ring, the interview between Brock Lesnar/Paul Heyman and John Cena, Sami Zayn defeating Seth Rollins and the returns of Daniel Bryan, Kharma and Roman Reigns.

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TNA Impact Wrestling is taped tonight inside the Neal Blaisdell Concert Hall in Honolulu, Hawaii! The show begins with three Knockouts in a confrontation. They include Taryn Terrell, Velvet Sky and Gail Kim. They all want Knockouts title shots and cannot choose between the three of them what order they should be in. This leads to a fight between the three that has to be broken up by security. Our first match of the night features the Japanese great Sanada taking on Ethan Carter III. After some interference by Rockstar Spud, Carter rolls up the high flying Sanada and scores a victory. A second match is set up next as James Storm takes on a member of The Menagerie in Knux. The match is hard-hitting and ends with Storm hitting the Last Call Superkick


Another backstage segment is shown with Bully Ray and Willow, continuing their feud. The segment, luckily, does not turn violent. In the ring, we have an X-Division title match as Kenny King defends the belt against Manik. King definitely has the advantage for much of the match. King retains the title when he catches Manik with a Royal Flush for the three count. The sem-main event is a Knockouts title match as Angelina Love defends the belt against Madison Rayne. It is a good match between the two ladies that ends on a poor ending when Velvet Sky distracts Rayne, leading to the Botox Injection and the pinfall.


The main event for TNA Impact Wrestling is nothing to hold on to your hat about. The tough Brit Magnus takes on DJ Zema Ion. Again, this match is nothing to write home about. The fans in Hawaii see Magnus strike DJ Z with a Magnus Driver and score the pinfall victory to end the show. What a great night for TNA and for Impact Wrestling!

TNA – Impact – Magnus – DJ Zema Ion


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WWE NXT Wrestling comes to you live from the Rahway Recreaion Center in Rahway, New Jersey for this edition of WWE NXT. The show begins with a skit between Dusty Rhodes and Eva Marie. They both welcome the fans to tonight's show and says they have some great matches lined up. He sends them to those matches right now...


There are two Women's division matches on this card. The show opens up with Naomi losing to Sasha Banks. Banks brings Naomi into the mat with a move she calls Bankrupt and makes the cover, gaining a three count. The NXT Women's title is defended next as Charlotte defends her belt against Lei'D Tapa. Two wrestlers that have a family heritage in this business as Charlotte is the daughter of Ric Flair and Lei'D Tapa is the niece of The Barbarian! The size difference is evident in this match but Charlotte doesn't have any problem competing in the ring. She hits Tapa with the Natural Selection and scores a pinfall.


Our main event contest features two men who have been in NXT for awhile now as J Bronson takes on Solomone Crowe. Crowe locks Bronson into a Headlock Driver and then makes the cover: One, Two, Three!

WWE – Solomon Crowe – J Bronson


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Friday Week 4 August 2014 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: MI Van Andel Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 10,834

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 3.19




[We are less than one week away from WWE SummerSlam! Michael Cole and John Layfield welcome everyone to Friday Night Smackdown! What a card we have here tonight, including matches pitting Kurt Angle against Lance Storm, the semifinals of the Cruiserweight tournament and a match that Michael Cole says he is really looking forward to where Dave Bautista returns to a Smackdown ring to take on Sheamus. Both of these men are fan favorites but that won't matter when these two beasts step in the ring and face off with one another. Nearly 11,000 fans are on hand here in the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan to watch the final stop on the road to SummerSlam. 'My Time Is Now' begins to play and the attention turns to the top of the ramp.]




[At the top of the ramp is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena! Cena holds up the title belt, does a salute and then walks to the ring. He steps inside and is given a microphone, exclaiming to the fans in attendance that the champ is here! He gets a lot of both cheers and boos from this split crowd here in Grand Rapids. Cena says that it feels great to be here tonight and he has such nervous energy because he is going to be defending this title against Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. He says that what Lesnar felt last Monday on Monday Night Raw is just a small sampling of what is going to happen at SummerSlam. He says that he knows he is going to have to go through hell to keep this title. However, he promises that next week he is going to walk down that ramp the same way that he did tonight. He is going to step in this ring. He is going to raise the WWE World Heavyweight title belt and proclaim that the champ is here! But SummerSlam is a few days away. He says that he wants a match tonight! He is issuing an open challenge to any wrestler in the back who wants to take him on inside this ring. Instead of a wrestler coming out, the Titan-Tron lights up with a wrestler calling out John Cena.]




[This wrestler is none other than one-half of the WWE World Tag Team Champions Scott Steiner. Steiner calls up that Big Poppa Pump is your hook-up! Holla if you hear me! He turns his attention to John Cena and says that if Cena is looking to get a warm-up tonight then he has an idea for both of them. He talks about the fact that he has a partner here in World Wrestling Entertainment, his brother Rick Steiner. He says that he can find another partner and if John Cena can find two men that actually like him and are willing to team with him then they'll have an old-fashioned six man tag team match tonight. Cena tells him that you're on! Steiner laughs and says that tonight Cena finds out why all the freaks love to get a taste of Big Poppa Pump. Cena gives a strange look toward Scott Steiner. Steiner flexes and the Tron turns off, leaving Cena inside the ring. Cena shrugs and exits, high-fiving the front row as he heads toward the back. Six man tag team action tonight!]





Match #1


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Kofi Kingston


[The opening contest right here on WWE Smackdown is the first semifinal match of the Cruiserweight tournament. As one might expect, this is a high flying contest between the two wrestlers going back and forth. Guerrero scores an early near-fall when he brings down Kingston with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Guerrero plays to a booing crowd briefly before tossing Kingston out of the ring. Guerrero climbs the turnbuckle and shows some awesome agility when he hits Kingston with a missile dropkick outside the ring! Guerrero taunts Kingston before tossing him back in the ring and joining him inside. Guerrero goes for a Brainbuster but Kingston blocks. Kingston pulls free and brings Guerrero down with a leaping clothesline! Kingston leans back in a corner, catching his breath. Guerrero gets up and charges but Kingston catches him with a pendulum kick. Kingston begins some theatrics over the fallen body of Guerrero -- Boom Drop! Kingston gets the crowd pumped as he waits for Guerrero to get to his feet. Kingston moves in -- Trouble In Para -- Ducked! Guerrero goes for a clothesline -- ducked -- S.O.S.! Kingston hooks the leg: One, Two, Three! Kofi Kingston is in the finals!]


Winner: Kofi Kingston (Via Pinfall @ 7:15)

Match Rating: C-




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where Renee Young is attempting to get the first words from Christopher Daniels since his debut here in the WWE. The man known as the Fallen Angel states that he has come to World Wrestling Entertainment to bring all of the wrestlers here to heavenly justice. He says that he is the one man alone with a powerful sword here in the WWE. He says that his flaming sword will bring down any of the non-believers here beginning with the man known as Jushin Thunder Liger. Tonight The Fallen Angel takes flight and catches victory.]




[From the backstage area, we move to the ring for this edition of Miz-TV. The Miz says that Smackdown is lucky enough to play host to him here for the return of Miz-TV. He introduces the next person to be on Miz-TV, someone from his own heart Tyler Breeze! The crowd boos the former NXT superstar as Breeze walks down to the ring. He shakes hands with The Miz and even takes a selfie with The Miz before he gets settled and they begin their conversation. A lot of that conversation is the two of them praising each other. The Miz says that it feels good to finally have a talent here in World Wrestling Entertainment that can appreciate him. Tyler Breeze says that he has patterned his career after the best WWE World Heavyweight Champion of all-time, the most must-see wrestler in WWE history and that man is The Miz. The Miz wishes Tyler Breeze good luck in his career here in the WWE. He says that if Breeze needs anything, he need only look for the group of paparazzi and that is where he will find The Miz.]




[From Miz-TV, we move to the backstage area where The Steiner Brothers are approaching the big red demon Kane. Kane asks them what they want. Scott tells them that he knows they don't play well with others. He also knows that Kane usually doesn't play well with others. However, tonight is a different story. Imagine Kane teaming with The Steiner Brothers against John Cena and whatever two chumps Cena can find in the back. Scott asks Kane how it would look if he were to be the man to defeat the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Wouldn't that put him on the front line to face the champion? Kane says that he doesn't like the Steiner Brothers. He says he doesn't trust the Steiner Brothers. But tonight he will make an exception. He accepts the deal tonight and will team with The Steiner Brothers. Scott smiles and says that tonight all the freaks are on him! Holla if you hear me!]


Match #2


Lance Storm vs. Kurt Angle


[Our second match of the night is a very technical contest as Lance Storm steps in the ring with the Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle. The two men exchange quick holds early in the match with neither man gaining a distinct advantage. Angle goes for the Angle Slam early in the contest but Storm lands behind Angle and rolls him into a Boston Crab. Storm leans back on the Crab but Angle refuses to submit. Storm releases the hold when Angle gets to the ropes. He slips in behind Angle and grabs a reverse waist-lock but Angle reverses and brings Storm over in a German Suplex! He holds on and swings around, giving another German Suplex! He still holds on and Angle brings Storm to the mat with a third German Suplex! He releases at that point and gets to his feet. He yanks Storm up -- Angle Slam! Angle grabs the leg -- Ankle Lock! Within a few moments, Storm has no choice but to tap out!]


Winner: Kurt Angle (Via Submission @ 7:50)

Match Rating: C+


[The match is over and Kurt Angle celebrates his victory before being given a microphone. He gets on the microphone and says that when he came back to the WWE he watched the previous few Monday Night Raws, the previous few shows on the WWE Network for only $9.99. He said that he'd been watching this big guy named Rusev dominate wrestlers and disrespect the United States. That is one of the reasons that he returned to the WWE. He wanted to show this big Russian brute what it's like to step in the ring with an American Olympic Gold Medalist. But it seems like Stephanie McMahon wants to step in and keep the Russian undefeated. Well, Rusev, you're going to be there at SummerSlam this Sunday. I'm going to be there at SummerSlam this Sunday. Who knows what might happen. After all, at the end of the day, the United States defeats Russia. Oh it's true. It's damn true!]





Match #3


Cruiserweight Title Tournament - Semifinals

Christopher Daniels vs. Jushin Thunder Liger


[Our second semifinal match here in the Cruiserweight title tournament. The winner of this match faces Kofi Kingston at SummerSlam for the WWE Cruiserweight title. The match doesn't have a ton of heat from the fans but it doesn't disappoint in solid in-ring action. At the beginning, Daniels points to Liger and points to his back. From that point on, Liger seems like he might have a back injury. Both men seem to have opportunities to win this match. Liger scores a two count following a brainbuster. The crowd is shocked at the kick-out by Daniels. Liger picks up Daniels and gets him set up for the Liger Bomb but Liger cannot keep Daniels up. Daniels falls on top of Liger and then sets him up near the corner. Daniels moves in -- Best Moonsault Ever! Daniels hooks a leg: One, Two, Three! Christopher Daniels takes on Kofi Kingston at SummerSlam!]


Winner: Christopher Daniels (Via Pinfall @ 5:34)

Match Rating: C-




[We move from the ring to the backstage area where we enter the office of WWE COO Triple H. Triple H is not alone, though. Sheamus is there and neither of them seem to notice the camera in the background. Hunter tells Sheamus that it feels good to have him in the Authority. He tells Sheamus that he made the right choice. Sheamus tells him that 'fella, you just hold up your end of the bargain and I will hold up mine.' The two of them shake hands and then Triple H deposits a briefcase in front of Sheamus. He opens the briefcase, showing a large amount of money. Sheamus smiles wide and picks up a large chunk of money, flipping through it before setting it back in the briefcase. He closes the briefcase and tells Triple H that tonight he bought himself an Irish bastard, fella!]


Match #4


Alberto Del Rio vs. AJ Styles


[Our next contest in the ring features some great action between two top WWE wrestlers as Alberto Del Rio steps into the ring with AJ Styles. Early in the contest, Styles avoids a lock-up attempt and struts along the ring, releasing a 'Whooooooo!' He looks down to his mentor briefly before returning his attention to Del Rio. The match features both men using hard-hitting holds on the other. Styles catches Del Rio with a Stylin' DDT and scores a two count. He sends Del Rio into a corner and then charges in -- Del Rio moves and Styles spears the ring post. Del Rio pulls Styles back in the ring and goes to work on the arm and shoulder of Styles. Del Rio drops down with a double knee armbreaker, making a pinfall and scoring only a two count. Del Rio catches Styles with a few kicks, knocking Styles back into a corner. He picks up Styles and sets him on the top turnbuckle. Del Rio goes for a step-up Enzuigiri but Styles ducks! He grabs Del Rio and brings him down with a Tornado DDT! The crowd gets solidly behind Styles, trying to give him that second wind. Both men are slow to get to their feet -- Pele Kick by Styles! Styles begins clapping his hands, getting the crowd to clap along. He grabs Del Rio and hooks him, outstretching his arms on either side -- Styles Clash! Styles rolls up Del Rio: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: AJ Styles (Via Pinfall @ 8:05)

Match Rating: B-




[AJ Styles scores a big victory here tonight on WWE Smackdown! Ric Flair enters the ring and shakes hands with Styles, giving a strut alongside his protégé. Flair begins to leave the ring when Styles takes a shot from behind by Alberto Del Rio! The crowd boos as Del Rio throws Styles out of the ring and turns his attention to Ric Flair! Flair cries out 'noooooooo!' and begs off of Del Rio. The crowd begins rumbling as entering the ring behind Del Rio is the legendary Hall-of-Famer Arn Anderson! Flair points behind Del Rio and Del Rio turns -- Double A Spinebuster! Arn Anderson saves Ric Flair one more time! Arn Anderson and Ric Flair raise their arms to a lot of cheers from the audience. The old Horsemen theme begins to play as AJ Styles joins Flair and Anderson in the ring. The three men celebrate in the ring.]




[A pre-taped interview shows Roman Reigns working out in a fairly busy gym. The gym looks a little run-down but Reigns doesn't seem to care as he works reps up and down. He finally sets the barbell up and sits up, wiping sweat from his face. He looks into the camera and says that the time for talking is almost done. In three days at SummerSlam it's going to be Roman Reigns against Triple H. He talks about the fact that if he loses to The Cerebral Assassin then he is not going to get a title shot for a year at any title. He says that he doesn't have to worry about that. He says that he proved he is better than Hunter when he was part of the Shield. He says that he will prove he is still better than Triple H. He says at SummerSlam, Mick Foley becomes the new Smackdown General Manager. He says he is going to prove that he belongs here and you can believe that.]







[inside the ring, 'Retaliation' by CFO$ begins to play and the crowd here in Michigan goes wild as Dean Ambrose comes walking down to the ring. Ambrose looks underneath the ring and he pulls a ladder out, sliding it inside. He follows the ladder in the ring and sets it up as he is given a microphone. He climbs to the top of the ladder and says that this is the perfect metaphor for what is going to happen at SummerSlam. He says that he is going to climb the ladder and the Lunatic Fringe is going to become Mr. Money In The Bank. But it's not just about becoming Mr. Money In The Bank. It's also about his distaste and hatred for Seth Rollins. He talks about the fact that when he, Rollins and Reigns all came into the WWE as The Shield it was about honor and justice. The Shield were called the Hounds Of Justice for a reason. But that justice was removed when Seth Rollins sold out to the Authority. Now there is an injustice that must be destroyed. It will happen at SummerSlam when I climb this ladder and unhook the Money In The Bank briefcase. Seth, you were once my brother. Now, you're my enemy and before I take down that briefcase I am going to beat the hell out of you. The music kicks up again as Dean Ambrose looks toward the SummerSlam sign.]




[A 'YES' chant echoes through the crowd as we go backstage showing Daniel Bryan and his wife Brie Bella. The two of them are talking about Brie's match at SummerSlam where she will face Victoria and Paige for the WWE Diva's title. Daniel Bryan says that he will be at Brie's side at SummerSlam to make sure that there are no shenanigans by The Authority or anyone else. As they are talking, a sound of something moving behind Brie can be heard. Daniel's eyebrows furrow and he shoves his wife out of the way, stepping into the path of some electrical equipment! He gets knocked out by the equipment and Brie kneels over him, yelling for help!]


Match #5


Sheamus vs. Dave Bautista


[Our semi main event has a lot more riding on it than it did before the show came on the air. Apparently, Sheamus has sold out to The Authority and he gets a large 'You Sold Out' chant by this capacity crowd here in Michigan. At the beginning of the match, Bautista tries to tell Sheamus that he doesn't have to sell out to The Authority. Sheamus responds with a forearm shot to Bautista and it's a fight from there! The two men exchange hard blows early in the contest. Sheamus gets knocked from the ring early on and looks very frustrated in this form of attack. He manages to get Bautista out of the ring and slams Bautista against the ring apron. He uses the ring post to his advantage before returning the match inside the ring. Sheamus shows some strength as he hits Bautista with White Noise, gathering a two count. Sheamus whips Bautista into a corner and follows in but Bautista dodges and Sheamus hits the corner chest-first. Bautista brings Sheamus down with a big boot and then calls for the Bautista Bomb! His thumbs go up and then go down as a sign shows up in the background: 'Dave the Destroyer!' He tries to lift Sheamus up but Sheamus struggles, getting his feet down on the mat. Sheamus lifts Bautista over in a back body drop. He stands over in a corner, waiting for Bautista to get up. The Animal slowly makes his way to his feet -- Brogue Kick! Sheamus makes a cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Sheamus (Via Pinfall @ 7:36)

Match Rating: C+




[Sheamus gets the win here tonight but he's not finished with Dave Bautista. Sheamus picks up Bautista and drops him with an Irish Curse Backbreaker. The crowd boos but Sheamus gets applause from Triple H, as The Game walks out from the back. Sheamus sets Bautista in a corner and places a chair in front of his face. The Celtic Warrior takes a few steps back -- Brogue Kick! Bautista falls to the mat as Sheamus stands over him. Triple H enters the ring and shakes hands with Sheamus. He raises the arm of the newest Authority member as the attack comes to a close with Bautista down on the mat. Will Bautista be able to make it SummerSlam this Sunday?]




[From the ring, we move backstage where Mick Foley is shown walking down a corridor. He comes across the WWE Diva's Champion Paige! Foley says that Paige is just who he was looking for. He says that since they are right here in Grand Rapids, Michigan he has some advice for Paige for her match at SummerSlam. That advice is always to watch your back in a triple threat match. He tells her never to expect anyone to be her friend when they are in the ring. He says that he's been betrayed by many a friend and partner inside the ring. Paige thanks him for the advice and wishes him good luck in becoming the next General Manager of Smackdown. Paige tells Mick Foley to have a nice day! Foley raises a thumb and we cut to our main event!]


Match #6


Kane and The Steiner Brothers vs. John Cena and The Usos


[This main event contest was set up earlier tonight. John Cena has found tag team partners in the two men who will face off with The Steiner Brothers at SummerSlam, The Usos! This six man tag team action begins early on with a pier six brawl as all six men do battle. Cena and The Usos get the advantage and send Kane and The Steiner Brothers out of the ring. The Usos take turns hitting over the top rope planchas on The Steiner Brothers! John Cena even hits a suicide dive on Kane! The three men re-enter the ring, getting the crowd pumped! The action returns inside the ring where Team Cena maintains the advantage, getting a couple of near-falls early. Jey Uso scores with a Northern Lights Suplex on Rick Steiner. But Rick tags in his brother and Scott Steiner brings Jey down with a big clothesline. Scott drops a couple of elbow drops and then does ten push-ups right beside Jey Uso. How insulting! The Steiners and Kane use quick tags in and out to keep the fresh man in the ring and continue to work over Jey Uso. Kane catches Jey with a powerslam and scores a two count. He picks up Jey and whips him into a turnbuckle -- big boot! NO! Jey ducks under the boot and catches Kane with a superkick! Both men are down and making their way to their corners. Jey leaps over and tags in John Cena! Here comes Rick Steiner!]


[John Cena takes down Rick Steiner with clotheslines and he knocks Kane and Scott Steiner off the apron! Cena ducks a Steiner-Line attempt by Rick Steiner and brings him down with a spinebuster! Cena stands over Rick and looks to the crowd. He bounces off the ropes before doing the 'You Can't See Me!' gesture -- Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena makes a cover but it's broken up by Scott Steiner with a stomp. In come The Usos! It's a huge pier six brawl once again, just like we saw at the beginning of this match! All six men are doing battle in and out of the ring! The Usos strike Scott Steiner with a double superkick! Jimmy catches Kane with a float-over DDT! Cena picks up Rick Steiner -- Attitude Adjustment! The Usos go back on the apron and Cena tags in Jey Uso! Jey heads to the top turnbuckle -- Samoan Splash! Jey hooks the leg: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: John Cena and The Usos (Via Pinfall @ 15:25)

Match Rating: B-


[What a huge victory for the team of John Cena and The Usos! Jey Uso has pinned one-half of the WWE World Tag Team Champions! Cena is given the WWE World Heavyweight title belt. He raises it high in the air in the center of the ring. The Usos stand on either side of John Cena, celebrating with their ceremonial dancing. Cena even joins in on the ceremonial dancing, showing that he's been practicing his dance moves. We are almost finished here tonight but not quite! We'll see you following this break.]




[After the ring is cleared, 'Voices' by Rev Theory begins to play. The crowd rises in boos as Randy Orton walks out from the back and walks to the ring. He steps inside and is given a microphone. Boos fill the arena as Orton stands in the center of the ring. Orton says that in three days at SummerSlam, we are going to see a blast from the past. No, he's not talking about the debut of Sting in a WWE ring. No, he's not talking about the return of Brock Lesnar. Instead, he is talking about the return of the Legend Killer. Orton talks about memories of defeating men like Shawn Michaels. He talks about memories of spitting in Harley Race's face. He says that he is the man who beat Mick Foley in a match where barbed wire and thumbtacks were used. He says that he is still the future of the WWE. He says that at SummerSlam if Sting wants to come down to the ring and take him on then he's not hard not to find. He'll be the guy with the RKO for each and every legend in the building. As Orton finishes his speech, the camera shows Sting standing in the rafters with the black baseball bat in his right hand. He raises the bat and points it toward Randy Orton as Orton stays in the ring. The staredown is the last scene here on Smackdown as these two men prepare to go to war at SummerSlam!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


The winner this Smackdown is Kijar as he got a perfect score of 5/5! Congratulations to Kijar! A very special thank you to everyone who predicted on the television show!


1. packerman120=7 Wins

2. Rayelek=6 Wins

3. Smasher1311=5 Wins

Beejus=5 Wins

5. The Lloyd=4 Wins

6. jhd1=3 Wins

Kijar=3 Wins

8. codeydbw=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

Uncrewed=2 Wins

12. JShmoopy=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

#HEEL=1 Win

18. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

JudgeJuryExecutioner=0 Wins

Gandalf=0 Wins

smwilliams=0 Wins

Scotland=0 Wins

MichiganHero=0 Wins

Rob5KC=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached SummerSlam, the biggest show in the summer! SummerSlam will air live on the final Sunday in August on the WWE Network for only $9.99!


-The main event is a huge one that has been building for quite awhile. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena will step into the ring with his toughest challenge to date as he takes on The Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar! Brock Lesnar has promised to win the title, while Cena has promised that the champ will remain here! Only one can be right and you'll find out on the WWE Network for only $9.99!


-The WWE World Tag Team titles will be on the line as The Steiner Brothers defend them against the team that they defeated for the belts, The Usos! Which brother team will prevail? The Usos got some momentum on Smackdown when Jey Uso pinned Rick Steiner in six man tag team action. If that happens again at SummerSlam, the titles will change hands. Who will walk away victorious?


-A match that has been building for a very long time culminates in a match tonight as Triple H, the WWE COO, steps back into the ring to take on the former Shield Juggernaut Roman Reigns. The winner of this match will pick the Smackdown GM, which is either Mr. McMahon if Triple H wins or Mick Foley if Roman Reigns wins. An added stipulation states that if Roman Reigns loses, he will no longer receive any title matches for one year. A lot is at stake in this match! Will youth and strength win or cunning and experience? Find out on the WWE Network for only $9.99!


-The WWE Intercontinental title will be on the line in what has been called a Finishers Only match. This means that the match can only end after a finisher is done by either of the wrestlers involved. Last Monday night, Chris Jericho threw Dolph Ziggler through the Jeritron 5,000. Ziggler has been recovering ever since but he will be there at SummerSlam. Will he be recovered enough to beat the veteran Chris Jericho?


-A match that has been deemed the Legend Killer Versus The Legend is the first ever WWE match for the man known by one name: Sting. He will step into the ring with a weapon of the Authority and a man once known as The Legend Killer. This man is the Apex Predator Randy Orton! These two men have come face-to-face many times on Raw and Smackdown. But it will be the first ever WWE sanctioned match for Sting. Will Orton welcome him with a RKO or will Sting get the Drop on Randy Orton?


-Kicking off the show will be a match that may be the most violent that the WWE has ever seen. Two former brothers do battle inside the ring as Seth Rollins takes on Dean Ambrose. The fans voted and they decided that these two men will do battle in a Money In The Bank Ladder match. Seth Rollins' briefcase was taken by Mr. McMahon and it will be suspended above the ring. The only way to get it is to climb a ladder and retrieve the briefcase. But there is more than the Money In The Bank briefcase on the line. These two men absolutely hate each other. Expect the unexpected in this match!


-Plus Rusev defends the U.S. title, The WWE Diva's title is on the line in a triple threat match, The WWE Cruiserweight tournament finals and more will be here for SummerSlam on the WWE Network for only $9.99!


Prediction Listing

Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Legend Killer vs. Legend

Randy Orton vs. Sting



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria vs. Brie Bella



WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Tournament Finals

Christopher Daniels vs. Kofi Kingston



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Braun Stowman, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper) vs. The Rock, Goldust and Stardust



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Finishers Only Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Chris Jericho



Winner Chooses The Smackdown GM

If Roman Reigns Loses, He Loses All Title Shots For One Year

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. The Usos



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

John Cena defends vs. Brock Lesnar



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Prediction Listing

Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Legend Killer vs. Legend

Randy Orton vs. Sting



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria vs. Brie Bella



WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Tournament Finals

Christopher Daniels vs. Kofi Kingston



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Braun Stowman, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper) vs. The Rock, Goldust and Stardust



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Finishers Only Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Chris Jericho



Winner Chooses The Smackdown GM

If Roman Reigns Loses, He Loses All Title Shots For One Year

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. The Usos



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

John Cena defends vs. Brock Lesnar


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Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Legend Killer vs. Legend

Randy Orton vs. Sting



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria vs. Brie Bella



WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Tournament Finals

Christopher Daniels vs. Kofi Kingston



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Braun Stowman, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper) vs. The Rock, Goldust and Stardust

Comments: Draw


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Finishers Only Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Chris Jericho



Winner Chooses The Smackdown GM

If Roman Reigns Loses, He Loses All Title Shots For One Year

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. The Usos



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

John Cena defends vs. Brock Lesnar


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Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: A lunatic with a briefcase can only be a good thing, right?


Legend Killer vs. Legend

Randy Orton vs. Sting

Comments: I know it's Orton's "thing" to beat legends, but this is STING. And yes, the voice in my mind just read "this is STING" as Gary Michael Cappetta.


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria vs. Brie Bella

Comments: With Victoria's age, I can't see her winning it. Something tells me you won't tank your diva's title matches by having Brie in all of them; that means Paige must retain.


WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Tournament Finals

Christopher Daniels vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: Kofi does a job again.


Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Braun Stowman, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper) vs. The Rock, Goldust and Stardust

Comments: The Wyatts win so that Bray and Rock can have a singles blowoff later in the year.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Finishers Only Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Chris Jericho

Comments: Unless you just intend on Jericho breaking double digits with the IC title, Dolph is more "future" and thus should probably keep the belt.


Winner Chooses The Smackdown GM

If Roman Reigns Loses, He Loses All Title Shots For One Year

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: As anyone who reads my War of the Thrones can tell you, I like the story of someone trying to get a title shot after losing it for a year.


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. The Usos

Comments: The Steiners are a hit! Keep the belts on them!


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

John Cena defends vs. Brock Lesnar

Comments: The lunatic with a briefcase AND the Beast with the title? I like this story.


Fun Fan Signs:

I tried to follow the buzzards, but I took a wrong turn


Comments On Previous Show: Perfectly acceptable go-home Smackdown.

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Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Legend Killer vs. Legend

Randy Orton vs. Sting



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria vs. Brie Bella



WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Tournament Finals

Christopher Daniels vs. Kofi Kingston



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Braun Stowman, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper) vs. The Rock, Goldust and Stardust



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Finishers Only Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Chris Jericho



Winner Chooses The Smackdown GM

If Roman Reigns Loses, He Loses All Title Shots For One Year

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. The Usos



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

John Cena defends vs. Brock Lesnar


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Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Legend Killer vs. Legend

Randy Orton vs. Sting



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria vs. Brie Bella



WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Tournament Finals

Christopher Daniels vs. Kofi Kingston



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Braun Stowman, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper) vs. The Rock, Goldust and Stardust



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Finishers Only Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Chris Jericho



Winner Chooses The Smackdown GM

If Roman Reigns Loses, He Loses All Title Shots For One Year

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. The Usos



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

John Cena defends vs. Brock Lesnar



Fun Fan Signs: The Roman Empire CRUMBLES!


Paige makes me want to submit!


Stie-stie, GO BYE BYE!


The Fallen Angel finally reclaims his throne in the heavens.

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Prediction Listing

Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: This is how to rock.


Legend Killer vs. Legend

Randy Orton vs. Sting

Comments: If Sting is facing Taker at Mania, then he should get a nice win right here over Orts.


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria vs. Brie Bella

Comments: She is the better option, tbh.


WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Tournament Finals

Christopher Daniels vs. Kofi Kingston

Comments: This here is pretty hard to predict, it can go either way, but you can always give The Fallen Angel the gold later. You're keen on pushing Kofi, and he might start this new lineage in a nice way against the massive population of cruiserweight heels.


Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Braun Stowman, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper) vs. The Rock, Goldust and Stardust

Comments: What a blessing in disguise your idea was for Stowman. This should get each Wyatt Family member over huge.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Finishers Only Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Chris Jericho

Comments: It is the most logical choice.


Winner Chooses The Smackdown GM

If Roman Reigns Loses, He Loses All Title Shots For One Year

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns

Comments: I really don't know here either...don't be surprised if I edit my predictions.


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. The Usos

Comments: They have impressed me since Battleground, so I say keep the straps on them for a bit more.


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

John Cena defends vs. Brock Lesnar

Comments: 21 German Suplexes and a last one for the win should do it.



''Reign and Conquer!''

''I'm here for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match!''


Comments On Previous Show: A good go-home SmackDown, if you ask me. Sheamus' heel turn was well done.

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Prediction Listing

Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose



Legend Killer vs. Legend

Randy Orton vs. Sting



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Victoria vs. Brie Bella



WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Tournament Finals

Christopher Daniels vs. Kofi Kingston



Handicap Match

The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Braun Stowman, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper) vs. The Rock, Goldust and Stardust



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Finishers Only Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Chris Jericho



Winner Chooses The Smackdown GM

If Roman Reigns Loses, He Loses All Title Shots For One Year

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. The Usos



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

John Cena defends vs. Brock Lesnar



Fun Fan Signs: He's got the whooooole Rock... In his hands...

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