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WWE 2014: The Game Is Only The Beginning

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


1. codeydbw=1 Win

The Lloyd=1 Win

JShmoopy=1 Win

BWA95=1 Win

Russelrules44=1 Win

Rayelek=1 Win

packerman120=1 Win

8. RKOwnage=0 Wins

Beejus=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on theSyFy channel. This week we come to you from the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. What a show that we have planned for you this week as we head on our way toward WWE BattleGround!


-Last Monday night saw Dean Ambrose assault Seth Rollins, keeping him from cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase. This week, Triple H has decided to try to keep Ambrose busy by putting him in a match with Alberto Del Rio. The man known as Mexico's Greatest Export is vowing to get off his recent losing streak by defeating the former Shield member.


-After a win in a tag team match last Monday, Tamina has challenged the WWE Diva's Champion Paige to meet her in a match this week on Smackdown. Paige has accepted the challenge and will defend her title against the second generation wrestler. Which lady will walk away with the title belt?


-Bray Wyatt has told us here that he will have an announcement coming up on Smackdown this week following the Wyatt Family losing on Monday Night Raw. What will this announcement be? Make sure you tune in on Smackdown to find out.


Prediction Listing


Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro



The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina



Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Prediction Listing


Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro



The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina

Comments: Interesting...


Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs: What the hell is a Lunatic Fringe?


Comments On Previous Show: Love the layout man, very easy on the eyes!! Content wise I liked the Ambrose run-in on Rollins' attack on RVD. He's not only going to stop him cashing in his MITB Briefcase, but it seems he's going to stop Rollins from being naughty altogether :D Good stuff

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Thank you everyone for the predictions so far. They are definitely so very much appreciated. On to a few comments...


Great show! Can't believe I forgot to add my predictions in though - I'll try and get in early for the next one! :D


That can sometimes happen, my friend, especially on the very first show. But I'm glad you enjoyed the show. :)


That sting sign right before the end makes me think he's debuting soon :D


Perhaps and perhaps not. You know what they say, right? The only thing for sure about Sting is that's nothing for sure. But I must admit that he's a really nice guy in person.


Angel, great job so far...just please don't bury Sandow!


Thanks a lot, critical-23. As far as Sandow goes? He is definitely not going to be buried. But at the same time, he is on the verge of a character change.


Clean sweep baby :D


Great show.


Clean sweeps are always fun. Though hopefully I don't make the diary too predictable in the future.


Comments On Previous Show: Love the layout man, very easy on the eyes!! Content wise I liked the Ambrose run-in on Rollins' attack on RVD. He's not only going to stop him cashing in his MITB Briefcase, but it seems he's going to stop Rollins from being naughty altogether :D Good stuff


Thank you for the compliments! Glad you are enjoying the layout. I find that it doesn't take up too much time and it gives just enough detail to make everyone happy. And Ambrose is not too happy with Seth, who recently left the Shield. But who knows what could be in store for those too. :)

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I can't really provide comments as I'm not really a follower of the current programming. Still, I've kept up enough that these aren't entirely guesses! :D


Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro



The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina



Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose


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Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro

Comments: The King Reigns Supreme


The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods

Comments: The Towering Wyatts conquering Truth and Consequences


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina

Comments: The Anti Diva defeats The Samoan Family Princess


Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: The Lunatic Fringe conquers The Aristocrat


Fun Fan Signs: Cesaro spins me right round like a record Baby

The Lunatic Fringe is out there

What in the World will Damien Sandow be this week

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World Wrestling Entertainment



Prediction Listing


Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro

Comments: Jobdow doesn't win.


The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods

Comments: Lol R-Truth and Woods aren't even...hahahahaha


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina

Comments: Paige is British, I feel a need to root for her.


Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Hmm....I'm thinking either Del Rio wins through nefarious means, or a clean win for Ambrose...damn, this is hard. Nothing interesting happens on SD, right? xD


Fun Fan Signs: Much nefarious


Comments On Previous Show: Good show, liked Deanbrose ruining Rollins. Fun times.

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Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro



The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods

Comments: Though I am a big Truth & Consequences fan


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina



Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Help keep him relevant

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Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro


The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods

Comments: Will Truth finally spin himself dizzy?


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina


Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: I don't see Seth Rollins anywhere here, so I see him making his presence felt to screw Ambrose. Del Rio is a good worker, with the right booking I feel that he could be more effective than he is IRL. I hope you can book him better than the WWE writers.


Comments On Previous Show: IIRC, this show was very similar to the post-MITB show, but that's not necessarily a bad thing (I really enjoyed that show). It will be interesting to see how you change direction.

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Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro

Comments: Are you planning on making Sandow the new voice of the voiceless?


The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods



WWE Diva's Title Match

B] Paige defends[/b] vs. Tamina



Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose



Fun Fan Signs: We Want Little Jimmy!

Steve Austin + Tommy Dreamer = Dean Ambrose!

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Thank you for the Smackdown predictions so far, everyone. I am really enjoying reading all the active participation from the readers. I welcome any thoughts from my readers, even those done by the one star bandits. Speaking of comments, here's some replies...


I can't really provide comments as I'm not really a follower of the current programming. Still, I've kept up enough that these aren't entirely guesses! :D


I can understand not being a huge fan of the current PG era of WWE programming. Though maybe my diary might help you get back into it. ;)


Fun Fan Signs: Cesaro spins me right round like a record Baby

The Lunatic Fringe is out there

What in the World will Damien Sandow be this week


Love the signs! Thank you so much!


Comments On Previous Show: Good show, liked Deanbrose ruining Rollins. Fun times.


Glad you enjoyed the show, codeydbw! Dean and Seth are definitely on a collision course toward WWE BattleGround.


Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: I don't see Seth Rollins anywhere here, so I see him making his presence felt to screw Ambrose. Del Rio is a good worker, with the right booking I feel that he could be more effective than he is IRL. I hope you can book him better than the WWE writers.


Comments On Previous Show: IIRC, this show was very similar to the post-MITB show, but that's not necessarily a bad thing (I really enjoyed that show). It will be interesting to see how you change direction.


There's definitely some guys that I plan to push better than the WWE really does. Alberto Del Rio is a favorite of mine from my past Bragging Rights diary in 2011. AdR can definitely be more effective than he is in real life. Though sometimes someone has to be broken down to be built back up.


This show is definitely similar to the real-life WWE show at this time. I am trying to make a slow transition to my own direction. However, I can definitely say that the next Raw will be a major move from where the WWE is at right now because of my new signings. I hope I can build BattleGround to be a definite pay-per-view that my readers are looking forward to.


Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro

Comments: Are you planning on making Sandow the new voice of the voiceless?


Fun Fan Signs: We Want Little Jimmy!

Steve Austin + Tommy Dreamer = Dean Ambrose!


Damien Sandow is one of those like Alberto Del Rio that can definitely be pushed higher than where he is at right now. At the moment, I see Sandow as like a Genius character from back in the day. He acts smarter than everyone and dresses in robes and such.


Like the signs. Seems like Little Jimmy was so long ago. But such a great (invisible) character. I also like that thought of who Dean Ambrose is. I can definitely see the comparisons. But will his career be more Steve Austin or Tommy Dreamer? One can only wait and see.

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I helped you by giving this thread a 5-star rating, angel. Always glad to see a project by you, and I will be reading.


Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro

Comments: Poor Sandow.


The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods

Comments: Argh, get Woods out of this.


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina

Comments: Too early.


Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Pillman 2.0. needs to be built up.

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TNA Impact Wrestling came to us on tape delay from The MassMutual Center in Springfield Massachusetts. The show began with a violent brawl that included Bobby Roode, M.V.P. and Magnus. The three men brawled around the ringside area and to the backstage area where road agents and officials stepped in to break things up. Then things turned to the ring where Samoa Joe defeated Sanada in a non title match. The end came when Joe hit Sanada with a Muscle Buster, scoring the pinfall victory. Following the match, we headed backstage to see an argument between Velvet Sky and Christy Hemme as Christy told Sky that she would not be allowed at ringside during the Knockout's title match between Angelina Love and Gail Kim.


Another non title match came next when the TNA World Tag Team Champions The Wolves defeated the makeshift team of Tigre Uno and Garrett Bischoff. The Wolves continue to impress and won following a double stomp to Bischoff. Backstage, Madison Rayne and Taryn Terrell were talking about which one of them should be the next contender to the TNA Knockout's title. They never did come to an agreement.


Speaking of the Knockout's title, Angelina Love defends the title successfully in a clean match against Gail Kim. The match was back and forth and ended with Love hitting Kim with the Botox Injection. Backstage, Kurt Angle spoke with Willow and Bully Ray to determine who would face Bobby Lashley tonight in a non title match. After a long discussion, Angle chose Willow. In the semi main event match, Bobby Roode takes on Mr. Anderson. There is frequent interference by M.V.P. during this match on Bobby Roode. Anderson goes for a Mic. Check but Roode reverses it and hits a Roode Bomb on Mr. Anderson. He goes for a cover but M.V.P. comes in and attacks him, causing a DQ.


Then we go to our main event match as Willow takes on the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley in a non title match. The match starts with Lashley showing his power dominance over Willow. He lifts Willow up and drops him with a military press slam. The match moves outside the ring and a big spot during this match is Willow going for the Swanton Bomb while Lashley is on the steel steps. Lashley moves out of the way and Willow crash-lands on the steps. Soon the action moves back in the ring where Lashley goes for the spear but Willow avoids it, sending Lashley crashing into the turnbuckle. Willow rolls up Lashley and scores a quick three count! A big win for Willow over the TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

TNA – Impact – Willow


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Angel tackles the WWE? Hmmmm.... I love it! :) I hope this project gives you the 'bite' that you're looking for. Best of luck with this!


Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro

Comments: Damien Sandow is one of those guys who has a lot of talent but, at this point, Cesaro is closer to the top. Knowing this, unless you're looking to start a storyline between the two, I see Cesaro coming away with the convincing win.


The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods

Comments: Easy one here. The Wyatt Family goes over; most likely with a "Sister Abigail" being the final blow.


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina

Comments: Meh. I chose Paige only because the women's division bores me; sadly. I hope you can find a way to give them some more legitimacy. At this point, they remind me too much like a reality-TV concept within a wrestling program (which isn't really the kind of shows that I watch).


Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: This will be via DQ. I see Seth Rollins getting involved and, in doing so, pushing their storyline down the road further.

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Damien Sandow vs. Cesaro

Comments: Cesaro takes down another win.


The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods

Comments: Simplest pick of the night.


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina

Comments: Tamina is somebody's daughter, right?


Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: Dean is higher on the pecking order.


Fun Fan Signs:



Comments On Previous Show: Good show to get some things started.

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The first Smackdown show is coming soon, everyone. So this is a last call for predictions. Not to mention, moving on to some comments...


I helped you by giving this thread a 5-star rating, angel. Always glad to see a project by you, and I will be reading.


Hey Smasher1311. Great to see you here and thanks for the 5-star. Hope that this diary lives up to the billing. Always great to have you reading.


Angel tackles the WWE? Hmmmm.... I love it! :) I hope this project gives you the 'bite' that you're looking for. Best of luck with this!


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina

Comments: Meh. I chose Paige only because the women's division bores me; sadly. I hope you can find a way to give them some more legitimacy. At this point, they remind me too much like a reality-TV concept within a wrestling program (which isn't really the kind of shows that I watch).


Hey E-V. Awesome to see you here as it always is, my friend. I hope this project gives me the edge as well and so far it is definitely doing that. As far as the women's division goes, I at least have some experience running a legitimate women's division with USPW. Thank you for the wish of luck, my friend.


WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina

Comments: Tamina is somebody's daughter, right?


Comments On Previous Show: Good show to get some things started.


Hey Beejus. Glad to see you here, my friend. Tamina is the daughter of Jimmy Snuka. Glad you enjoyed my first show. Hopefully, the rest of the diary lives up to that.


Loving this dynasty so far Angel! The TNA Impact recap was great, which I loved since it adds great detail to the world. The show writeup for RAW was also amazing! Keep up the good work, and here's to a long dynasty to come!


Thank you for the compliments, packerman120! The TNA Impact recap was meant to do exactly that. Looking to open up the world as a whole. So if there's any other promotions that people want to know what is happening with, feel free to let me know. Hope the rest of the diary lives up to the compliments for the first show.

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Friday Week 1 July 2014 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: NJ Prudential Center (Tri State)

Attendance: 10,539

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 3.17




[The Prudential Center is going wild as fireworks explode inside the arena. The fans are on their feet, standing and waving signs and trying to get on the camera. Michael Cole and John Layfield welcome everyone to WWE Smackdown in what should be an eventful night in professional wrestling. The two men talk about being just a few weeks away from WWE BattleGround where we will see the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena defend the title belt against Randy Orton, Kane and Roman Reigns. They talk about there being a small percentage chance that Cena will walk out of the pay-per-view with the title belt around his waist. But Cole says not to even think about not believing in John Cena. The leader of the Cenation has fought against the odds over and over again and come out on top. As the announcers continue to talk, 'Voices' by Rev Theory begins to play.]






[That song can only mean one thing and that is the arrival of the man who considers himself to be the face of the WWE: Randy Orton. Orton slithers into the ring under the bottom rope and the WWE's apex predator is given a microphone. He starts things off by saying how unfair it is that he does not get a one on one match with John Cena at BattleGround for the title. After all, he is the face of the WWE. He is the one that all these wrestlers should be coming to for tips and how to make it in this business. He says that there is a reason they call him the apex predator. He continues by saying that at BattleGround it doesn't matter who he has to go through. Let it be John Cena. Let it be Roman Reigns. Let it even be Kane himself. It doesn't matter who he has to hit the RKO on to become the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He talks about this business being in his blood. His father and his grandfather were professional wrestlers. With that said, he is going to walk out of BattleGround as the new WWE World Heavyweight --]






[Randy Orton's words are interrupted by a true fan favorite in Mr. Friday Night Rob Van Dam. RVD walks out from the back, pausing about midway down to do the double thumb point. Then he continues his path that takes him into the ring, staring into the eyes of Orton. RVD says that he knows and understands that Orton is looking to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion at BattleGround and that's cool. He gets that everybody wants to hold that title. But there's one title that Randy Orton will never ever get to hold. That is the title of 'The Whole Damn Show.' RVD says that he proves week in and week out that he is the best in this business inside the ring. Orton interrupts him, showing a video clip of RVD being pinned last Monday night by Seth Rollins. Orton smiles when the clip is over and asks RVD if that is what being the whole damn show is all about? Losing? If so, then Van Dam is right. He will never get that title. RVD responds with a kick to the head of Orton! RVD stands over Orton -- Standing Moonsault -- Orton puts his knees up and RVD strikes the knees instead. Orton slithers onto his chest in the ring and waits for RVD to stand. The Viper is coiled to strike, says Michael Cole.]






[Out comes the WWE CEO Triple H! Hunter tells both men to move to separate corners. He says that if they don't then the one who doesn't move will be fired from this company. His words ring within the ears of both competitors and they back off from one another slowly. Hunter says that if the two of them want to compete tonight then that's great. He says that tonight it will be Rob Van Dam in one corner and Randy Orton in another corner in our main event. He wishes them both good luck but says that if either of them touch each other before the match, there will be some serious repercussions. He says that tonight this match is best for business. But who knows what might happen later on tonight. Triple H smiles and walks back to the back and slowly so does RVD and Randy Orton.]





Match #1


Cesaro vs. Damien Sandow


[The Prudential Center is going wild as our next match gets underway between Cesaro and Damien Sandow. Early in the match, a sign in the crowd reads: 'What in the World will Damien Sandow be this week?' Of course the answer is Damien Sandow. The match is definitely more even than some fans would have thought as Sandow gets in some very distinct blows on Cesaro. Sandow even scores a two count on Cesaro following the Cubito Aequet. Sandow continues on the assault with a Russian legsweep that, again, draws a two count from the referee. A frustrated Sandow heads to the top turnbuckle to strike Cesaro. Sandow leaps and Cesaro connects with a Eurpean Uppercut! Cesaro slips behind Sandow and brings him over with a bridging German Suplex that draws in a two count. Cesaro adjusts his neck and then moves in on Sandow, grabbing his legs and lifting him up in a Giant Swing! A sign in the crowd reads: 'Cesaro spins me right round like a record Baby!' The crowd counts along with the rotations and he gets to fifteen before releasing and stumbling around dizzy for a moment. Cesaro then swoops in and lifts Sandow -- Neutralizer! He makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Cesaro (Via Pinfall @ 8:02)

Match Rating: C+


[A big win for Cesaro this week against Damien Sandow. Paul Heyman looks proudly up at his client Cesaro before entering the ring with a microphone in hand. First, he reminds everyone that his name is Paul Heyman and he is the one behind the one in twenty-one and one. He briefly congratulates Cesaro and then focuses his attention on the fact that his client the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar is returning to the WWE rings this Monday night for WWE Monday Night Raw. He says, though, that even he doesn't know what Brock Lesnar is going to do on Raw. When you're Brock Lesnar, after all, you don't have to answer to anybody, even your own manager. He continues to talk up Lesnar. However, behind him, Cesaro is getting a bored look on his face. He seems to be getting upset that this interview is not about him. As Heyman continues, Cesaro turns and exits the ring, walking toward the back. Heyman tells Cesaro to come back but the Swiss Superman doesn't even slow in his footsteps. Heyman drops the microphone and exits the ring, following Cesaro to the back.]




[We go to a backstage interview area where Renee Young is standing by with Roman Reigns. Young asks Reigns about the spear he did to John Cena last Monday night. Reigns says that Cena was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Reigns says that the spear was not intentionally meant for John Cena but Cena does have something he wants. Cena has something that belongs to Roman Reigns. That something is the WWE World Heavyweight title belt. Reigns says that at BattleGround he is going to go through three other men to prove that he deserves that title. He says that it doesn't matter to him who he pins because he is going to be the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion and there is nothing that anyone, even John Cena, can do to stop him. Believe that!]


Match #2


The Wyatt Family vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods


[Our next match features two definite fan favorites as R-Truth raps on his way to the ring and two men that the fans despise in the Wyatt Family. Bray Wyatt sits on a rocking chair, rocking back and forth during the match as the Wyatts take the battle right to R-Truth and Xavier Woods. A sign goes up early in the match reading: 'We Want Little Jimmy!' During the match, which lasts less than six minutes, R-Truth gets knocked off the apron and The Wyatt Family focus their double-teams on Xavier Woods. They put Woods in a corner and go back and forth with kicks and punches and forearm shots to Woods. Rowan catches Woods with a gutwrench suplex, literally throwing the smaller man across the ring. Harper waits until Woods gets to his feet and then catches Woods with a discus clothesline. Rowan hits Woods with a chokeslam and then Wyatt tells them to end the match so Rowan places his foot on Woods's chest: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Wyatt Family (Via Pinfall @ 5:50)

Match Rating: D+




[The Wyatt Family picks up the victory this evening as their eerie music begins to play in the background. A smiling Bray Wyatt steps from his rocking chair and walks down to the ring, climbing inside. R-Truth pulls Xavier Woods out of the ring but Luke Harper grabs R-Truth and yanks him back in, bringing him down with a discus clothesline. Wyatt grabs R-Truth -- Sister Abigail's Kiss! Wyatt is then given a microphone and says that throughout his journey here in the WWE he has seen so many men considered heroes in the World Wrestling Entertainment. He says that he has faced some of these heroes and others have faded from existence for fear that they might have to suffer the pain of facing off against the Wyatt Family. He says that this Monday night on WWE Monday Night Raw they choose their next opponent, the next high ranked superstar that will fall at the hands of The Wyatt Family. Follow the buzzards.]







[With the ring cleared, 'The Time Is Now' begins to play over the speakers drawing in a mixture of boos and cheers from the crowd. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena walks out, gives a salute and walks toward the ring. He looks a little worse for wear after taking the Roman Reigns Spear last Monday night. But he steps in the ring and says The Champ Is Here! He says that it feels good to be back on Smackdown this week, though he is a little hurt after the Spear last Monday night. But he says that now he knows how it feels and he can be ready for the pain. He says that not many people are giving him a chance at BattleGround, not even JBL on commentary. But he says that he thrives on doing things that people think he cannot do. He says that people thought he couldn't be a wrestler. He says that people thought he couldn't be a champion. He says that people thought that he couldn't win the title again and again and again. He says that he is the man that proves people wrong and he will do so again at BattleGround. 'The Second Coming' interrupts the John Cena speech.]




['Mr. Money In The Bank' Seth Rollins comes out along with Triple H at his side. Rollins says that he knows that John Cena has the possibility of coming out of the fatal fourway at BattleGround with the WWE World title still intact. He can understand the positive energy that Cena always gives himself. But there's something that Cena has forgotten. That something is that Seth Rollins still has the Money In The Bank briefcase. That means that John Cena might not even go into BattleGround as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. It also means that Cena just might not leave BattleGround with the belt even if he wins the fatal fourway. Rollins says that he knows that Cena is tough but he believes himself to be that much tougher, that much more determined. Cena says that if he wants to prove it then step into the ring against him. Triple H smiles, saying that is exactly what he had in mind...for Monday Night Raw. This Monday night in a non title match John Cena versus Seth Rollins. Yeah, that's best for business. The staredown ensues before Rollins and Triple H exit. Cena plays up to the crowd before leaving the ring as well.]





Match #3



WWE Diva's Title Match

Paige defends vs. Tamina


[Our next match is a rather short match for the WWE Divas title. The larger second generation superstar Tamina looks to get her hands on the WWE Diva's title as she faces off with the champion Paige. Tamina catches Paige with a headbutt early on in the match. She uses her size to definite advantage, even striking Paige with a Samoan drop that scores a two count on the Diva's Champion. Tamina brings down Paige with a snap suplex and then heads to the top turnbuckle. Tamina leaps with the Superfly Splash but there's nobody home as Paige moves out of the way. Paige strikes Tamina with several knee-lifts and then a short-arm clothesline. She is definitely showing why she is the WWE Divas Champion. She takes down Tamina with a fisherman's suplex, drawing a two count. Paige stomps on the prone form of Tamina. She has the crowd on her side as she sets up Tamina and drops her with the RamPaige! Paige makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Paige (Via Pinfall @ 6:10)

Match Rating: E+




[This was a successful Diva's title defense by Paige but instead of her music playing, 'Let's Light It Up' begins to play and Smackdown sees the return of the former WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee! AJ comes skipping down to the ring and skips around the ring in circles as Paige smiles at the return. AJ climbs the stairs and enters the ring, coming face-to-face with Paige. AJ turns her head and smiles for a moment, offering a handshake that Paige readily accepts. A hug comes next in the middle of the ring! What sportsmanship by the two women. AJ raises the arm of Paige as she was victorious tonight and then she yanks Paige down by the hair! AJ begins screaming at Paige about holding 'her' Divas title. AJ grabs Paige and hooks her in the Black Widow as Michael Cole derides this action from the commentary booth. AJ stretches out Paige for a couple of minutes before releasing the hold and shoving Paige down to the mat. AJ looks down at the Divas title all serious and then smiles before she exits the ring, skipping to the back. In the ring, Paige grabs her title, exiting the ring and heading to the back, shaking her head and holding her back.]




[A hype video begins to play focusing in on the history of the WWE Intercontinental title. It was first held by Pat Patterson in 1979. There has been one woman, Chyna, to hold the title belt. It was unified with the WCW United States title and the WWE European title belts. Men that have held the belt include a 'who's who' of World Wrestling Entertainment. Men like Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior, The Honky Tonk Man, Roddy Piper, Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, The Rock and many more have held the IC title belt. At BattleGround there will be a new Intercontinental Champion decided by a battle royal. Such wrestlers as Rey Mysterio, The Miz, Sheamus, Bo Dallas, Alberto Del Rio and Rob Van Dam will be fighting for the opportunity to hold this prestigious belt. Who can win the battle royal? Tune in to BattleGround to find out.]




[As we prepare for the semi main event this evening, 'The Second Coming' begins to play and the crowd boos as Seth Rollins walks out with the Money In The Bank briefcase in his right hand. Michael Cole explains to the fans at home that Seth Rollins will be providing color commentary for the next match as his BattleGround opponent Dean Ambrose is in action. John Layfield welcomes Rollins to the commentary booth, shaking his hand and pulling up a chair for him. Rollins thanks Layfield and says that it feels good to be here with such a decorated wrestler as Layfield. Rollins says that he hopes to live up to the legacy of wrestlers such as JBL, who holds records for Smackdown. JBL thanks Rollins and the match participants begin coming out for the next match.]


Match #4


Alberto Del Rio vs. Dean Ambrose


[The semi main event is one that received good action and average heat from the fans all over the arena. During Ambrose's entrance, a sign goes up in the crowd reading: 'Steve Austin + Tommy Dreamer = Dean Ambrose!' The match begins with Del Rio throwing some punches to Ambrose, showing off an almost Boxing level skill in those punches by Del Rio. Ambrose tries to move in close but catches a kick to the face for his troubles and a clothesline that sends him down to the mat. Del Rio sets his sights early and often on the arm of Ambrose, using a double knee armbreaker and then an armbar in the center of the ring. Mexico's Finest Export, as JBL says, hits Ambrose with a fireman's carry into a double knee gutbuster, getting a two count when he goes for the cover. The momentum changes around six minutes into the match when Del Rio goes for his Cross Armbreaker but Ambrose manages to reverse things and drop Del Rio with a DDT!]


[Del Rio quickly rolls out of the ring to catch his breath but the man known as The Lunatic Fringe catches Del Rio with a suicide dive through the ropes that sends Del Rio up against the announce table. A sign in the crowd behind the announcers reads: 'The Lunatic Fringe is out there!' Sitting right beside that fan is another fan with a sign reading: 'What the hell is a Lunatic Fringe?' Ambrose jaws with Rollins a moment, the distraction allowing some recovery time for Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio strikes Ambrose from behind and brings the action back into the ring. Inside the ring, Del Rio catches Ambrose with a backstabber and makes a cover, scoring a two count. When both men go down following a double clothesline, Rollins sees an opportunity and leaves the announce booth. He throws a chair in the ring to distract the referee and then climbs on the apron with his Money In The Bank briefcase. Del Rio and Ambrose get to their feet and Del Rio grabs Ambrose from behind, holding him for Rollins. Rollins swings the briefcase -- Ambrose ducks! Del Rio is cold-cocked by the briefcase! Rollins has a wide-eyed look right before he gets punched off the apron by Ambrose. A sign goes up in the crowd reading: 'Much nefarious!' Ambrose quickly turns to Del Rio and drops him with the Headlock Driver. He makes the cover: One, Two, Three! A sign goes up in the crowd reading: 'Ambrose-ia!']


Winner: Dean Ambrose (Via Pinfall @ 14:49)

Match Rating: C


[Dean Ambrose picks up the win in this match over Alberto Del Rio but Seth Rollins is not finished! Rollins enters the ring and begins exchanging punches with Ambrose! Ambrose pulls Rollins down in a double leg takedown and mounts Rollins, throwing more and more punches. Del Rio is slowly recovering in the background and he comes over, yanking Ambrose back by the hair. Ambrose turns his attention to Del Rio for just a moment before Rollins hits a low blow. The crowd boos as Rollins picks up the briefcase and slams it against the head of Ambrose like he tried to do earlier tonight. Rollins smiles and sets down the briefcase, putting Ambrose's head on top of it. Rollins climbs the turnbuckle -- Curb Stomp! The Curb Stomp on the briefcase has Ambrose's body literally shaking with pain. Seth Rollins grabs the briefcase again and holds it up, showing dents in the briefcase that are about the size of Dean Ambrose's head. Rollins exits the ring and heads for the back with Alberto Del Rio. A sign goes up in the crowd reading: 'DEAN!']


Coming Next!



Match #5


Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam


[Two veterans of in-ring action look to square off in our main event as Randy Orton goes one on one with Rob Van Dam. The crowd is solidly in the corner of Van Dam as the crowd chants his name as the ring announcer is announcing him and he is doing the double thumb point. This is a match that features great action and a good, solid crowd. The beginning of the match is mostly quick mat wrestling between the two men, showing that they can both go in that department in the ring. After a stalemate, the 'This Is Awesome' chants begin in the crowd. Orton turns a lock-up attempt into a knee to the midsection and pushes Van Dam back into a corner. The Viper Irish whips Van Dam across and follows him in with a corner clothesline. A swinging neckbreaker scores a two count and Orton poses for a booing crowd. Orton goes back to work on Van Dam, sending him to the ropes and landing a Lou Thesz Press. He mounts Van Dam and throws punches to the skull. Orton sends Van Dam outside the ring and poses inside the ring.]


[it is outside the ring that the momentum shifts in the favor of Van Dam. Orton tries to whip him into the barricade but Van Dam jumps up, landing on the barricade. Van Dam runs along the barricade and then leaps with a sunset flip style move, bringing Orton's head down on the mats outside the ring. Van Dam picks up Orton and lays him on the apron. Van Dam climbs on the apron and runs toward Orton -- guillotine legdrop! Van Dam stands outside the ring and does the thumb point before re-entering the ring. Van Dam picks up Orton and whips him into a turnbuckle, following him in and climbing up but Orton grabs Van Dam and turns, setting Van Dam on the top turnbuckle. He throws a couple of punches but gets kicked in the head by Van Dam! Orton staggers backward and Van Dam leaps with a kick to the head. Van Dam looks down at Orton and bounces off the ropes -- Rolling Thunder! Van Dam makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Both men get to their feet and Van Dam goes for a spinning wheel kick but Orton ducks! Van Dam pops up and charges Orton -- Scoop Powerslam! Orton grabs Van Dam and brings him over to the ropes -- rope hung DDT! Orton begins punching the mat, looking toward RVD -- RKO! Orton makes a cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 19:52)

Match Rating: B




[Randy Orton picks up a big win against a veteran in Rob Van Dam. Orton poses in the middle of the ring, celebrating his victory. Then he turns and -- SPEAR! Roman Reigns has snuck inside the ring and he catches Randy Orton with a Spear! Reigns leans back and growls before he punches the mat, waiting for Orton to pull himself up -- Superman Punch! Orton is down and he is out! Roman Reigns stands tall at the end of this night. There is the possibility that this could happen at BattleGround. If it does, then we will see a brand new WWE World Heavyweight Champion in Roman Reigns! 'The Truth Reigns' begins to play as Roman Reigns climbs the turnbuckle, posing for the crowd here at the Prudential Center. Michael Cole and John Layfield thank everyone for watching and we'll see you this Monday night for Monday Night Raw where John Cena will take on Seth Rollins in a non title match.]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of October in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of October is declared the winner.


1. codeydbw=2 Wins

The Lloyd=2 Wins

BWA95=2 Wins

Rayelek=2 Wins

packerman120=2 Wins

6. JShmoopy=1 Win

Russelrules44=1 Win

Beejus=1 Win

vince123=1 Win

TheBooker=1 Win

Smasher1311=1 Win

Eisen-verse=1 Win

13. RKOwnage=0 Wins

daulten6=0 Wins

Simbionis=0 Wins


thebest2427=0 Wins

wolfman84=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

jhd1=0 Wins

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Hey Beejus. Glad to see you here, my friend. Tamina is the daughter of Jimmy Snuka. Glad you enjoyed my first show. Hopefully, the rest of the diary lives up to that.


Guess I should've been more clear, I was just making a Maggle Cole joke, since Tamina being a Snuka is her only selling point.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-This week we are coming to you live from the Patriot Center on the campus of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia to bring you Monday Night Raw! Triple H has stated that tonight is going to be one of the most loaded Raw shows since the Attitude Era. He has stated that he has signed several wrestlers who will be making their returns or debuts right here on Raw. So make sure you get tuned in to this week's show.


-The main event has already been signed and was announced on Smackdown this past Friday. That match will pit WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena against Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins. This will be a non title match but Rollins has the ability to make it a title match with that Money In The Bank briefcase. Could we see a title switch hands tonight? Triple H has also stated on WWE.com that he has a special stipulation to add to this match tonight on Raw.


-In other action, we are going to see the Swiss Superman Cesaro take on The Viper Randy Orton in what should be an excellent technical match. Cesaro walked out on Paul Heyman on Smackdown. Will Heyman continue to be in the corner of Cesaro or will Cesaro be going on his own against one of The Authority's faces of the WWE?


-Speaking of Paul Heyman, last week he announced that the man who ended the Undertaker's WrestleMania streak will be making his return this week on Monday Night Raw. The man known as The Beast Incarnate will be in the building but what will Brock Lesnar have to say? Who will he be going after in this return to the WWE?


-We already know that one man in particular will be making his debut on Monday Night Raw from NXT. That man is the Savior of Misbehavior Corey Graves. He steps into the ring against one of the top masked men in the WWE: Sin Cara. Both of these men are great wrestlers. Who will walk out with his hand raised in the air?


-The Usos have been a dominant tag team here in the WWE as they finished their feud with The Wyatt Family last week. This week they defend their tag team titles against the team of Ryback and Curtis Axel, RybAxel. Can RybAxel win the belts or will The Usos continue their dominance of the tag team division?


-Plus a Divas match, Rob Van Dam takes on Alberto Del Rio, Kane takes on Kofi Kingston, Lana and Rusev make an appearance and the show kicks off with the return of a wrestler home. Make sure you tune in to Monday Night Raw! This show will be absolutely loaded!


Prediction Listing


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Usos defend vs. RybAxel



Alberto Del Rio vs. Rob Van Dam



Kane vs. Kofi Kingston



Corey Graves vs. Sin Cara



Randy Orton vs. Cesaro



Non Title Match

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena



Fun Fan Signs:


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