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[THUNDERVERSE] Bucky Starling's American Sports Entertainment

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Diary Setup


Figured I'd get this out of the way before I go on my merry story building way. This is a diary using the Thunderverse data which can be found here.


I had the itch to write a dynasty a while back but university work got in the way. Now it's out of the way I feel like I'm ready to get back on the dynasty horse and hopefully I can create something similar to my last serious attempt which can be found here


Unlike Gureisu, I'm tackling a different beast in televised sports entertainment (well televised until I likely get booted off for crap ratings. ¬_¬)


Before I start, I'd like to basically just give a shout out to some folks on the forum who supported me last time and/or are just great folks.


First off, I'd like to thank the entire Thunderverse team, that being jhd1 [he's kind of my boss in the team], MJStark, TheEnforcer, james0, sebsplex, 20LEgend & RareKuma. Without them (and myself but I do like 1% of the work in the mod. :p) the mod just wouldn't exist so hats off to them. Not only that but they are also all great fellas who I've bounced ideas off of before.


Secondly, I'd like to thank any readers of my last dynasty who kept me going when I felt like not writing. So hat's off to the likely lads that are Astil, Bigpapa42, Huntman, Tiberious4, foolinc, kanegan, Zergon, Midnightnick, Voletzwagon, Kitarzu, smurphy1014, Pteroid, TheEffect, Psycho Sam & mitsukaikira


Finally, I'd like to thank you. Yes you, person behind the monitor. You've chosen to read this and I hope that you'll come back and read when I actually have content instead of a rambling introduction post!

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"I'm Going Into Business For Myself"


After years of debating, I've finally decided to go for it. As of January the First 2014, Bucky Starling will be the owner and head booker of American Sports Entertainment. After years of trying to help AWF as they head to their assured meltdown (it's slowly happening people!), it's down to myself to bring the wholesome values of WWWE back to the masses. I've already got talent from all across the globe e-mailing me, phoning me & chatterboxing me, determined to get in on the hottest new thing in American professional wrestling!




And thanks to the Real Life Network, American Sports Entertainment will go live with a live television show on a Wednesday night at 11c/10e!


I'm excited and so should you be!


- Bucky Starling, Owner of American Sports Entertainment and the Saviour of Sports Entertainment!

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American Sports Entertainment Roster









Billy Starr - Brandon Starr - Curtis Windham - Cutthroat Cullen

Des Miller - Duke Dynamite - Elix Storm - Emilio Montejo

Erik Wayne - Joshua Lancaster - Lil' Swag - Mike Frobel

Manu Samoa - Marcus Franklin - Sixteen Volts









Aleksander Mikhailov - Alexi Petrov - Alvaro Buey III - Andrei Nikolaev

Danny Sirus - Devon Homicide - Eric Lothario - Love Freedom

Lynn Jameson - Mark King - Matt Gibson - Mike Gibson

Randy Loveman - Squash - Thomas Beaumont






Announce Team of Russell Eaton & Howard Delaney




Backstage Interviewer - Daphne Scott




Referees Chris Aberdeen & Zach Vincent




Legendary Spokesman for the ASE Board of Directors - Richie Santana




Manager to Marcus Franklin - The Coach

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Call of The World

Cutthroat Cullen & Joshua Lancaster




Electric Swag

Lil' Swag & Sixteen Volts




Soviet Rage

Aleksander Mikhailov & Andrei Nikolaev




The Gibson Brothers

Matt Gibson & Mike Gibson




The Starr Brothers

Billy Starr & Brandon Starr




The Wild Things

Danny Sirus & Randy Loveman






The Soviet Bloc

Aleksander Mikhailov, Alexi Petrov & Andrei Nikolaev

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ASE Showcase #1




The debut viewing of ASE Showcase is this Wednesday and it is not a show to miss. "The Pride of Mexico" Emilio Montejo goes face to face with the man only known as Squash, a letter dropped off to ASE Headquarters told us Squash will be accompanied to ringside but by whom is unknown.


Three top teams drawn out of a pot face off for the ASE Tag Team titles. The funloving adventurers Cutthroat Cullen and Joshua Lancaster have to contend with both the arrogance that is Danny Sirus and Randy Loveman and the untamed fury of Soviet Rage if they wish to become the first ever Tag Team champions.


And in our main event, "The Natural" Marcus Franklin, a 5 time Indiana State Division 1 wrestling champion - a feat that is still unmatched to this day -, goes toe to toe with the brute thug strength that is Devon Homicide in a qualifier match for the ASE World Heavyweight Championship match at ASE Wrathchild on Sunday, Week 4 January (OOC: If I knew what date that would be, it'd put it in). Homicide has been building quite the reputation down in Puerto Rico and is said to be relishing the chance to hurt Marcus Franklin.




Prediction Card


Emilio Montejo vs Squash



Call of the World vs Soviet Rage vs The Wild Things for the ASE Tag Team titles



Devon Homicide vs Marcus Franklin



Fan Signs

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First of all anything related to the ThunderVerse its a "must read" for me, so thank you for starting a new diary. I've been reading a lot of your last one, as I found it really interesting the way you book things there (I'm a huge fan of POW, so it served as an inspiration for my own game). And now, doing something different as sports entertainment is just the perfect twist.


I love to see some WCCW guys like the Gibson, The Wild Things and well, David Cullen "The Pirate". I'm very interested in how are you going to book him as a face given the fact that he's a "grumpy pirate".


Prediction Card


Emilio Montejo vs Squash

Comment: Squash's condition is so poor that I can't even imagine him walking towards the ring :D


Call of the World vs Soviet Rage vs The Wild Things for the ASE Tag Team titles

Comment: Well, The Wild Things are just one of my favorites tag teams of the entire universe, so they must win :p


Devon Homicide vs Marcus Franklin

Comment: Marcus is another fan favorite for me, he's probably THE pro-wrestler in the entire ThunderVerse, so he has the credentials to be your next champion.

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Emilio Montejo vs Squash

Comment: In a short match, as the name suggests.


Call of the World vs Soviet Rage vs The Wild Things for the ASE Tag Team titles

Comment: You say 'adventurer', I say 'push the heck outta him.' Even if he only knows 5 moves.


Devon Homicide vs Marcus Franklin

Comment: Submission win to start a big push.


Looking forward to this - I'm just about to start my first ever Thunderverse game myself!

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Cool to see this going and see Bucky Starling getting some love, but if you contribute something like 1% to this mod then I must be around the 0.07% mark!


Emilio Montejo vs Squash

Comment: Too difficult to resist.


Call of the World vs Soviet Rage vs The Wild Things for the ASE Tag Team titles

Comment: Black heel Russian hats represent! :p


Devon Homicide vs Marcus Franklin

Comment: The Coach proves the difference-maker?


Fan Signs: Can you put this sign on a C-Verse background?

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Will be following this one, though my knowledge on Thunderverse is pretty limited so I will likely suck at predicting the outcome´s.


Emilio Montejo vs Squash

Comment: No idea on either of the guys, but Squash sounds (and looks) like possible monster heel so guess I go with him.


Call of the World vs Soviet Rage vs The Wild Things for the ASE Tag Team titles

Comment: Pretty much random pick on this one


Devon Homicide vs Marcus Franklin

Comment: Devon would be my early favorite on this roster so I pick him. That said, looking what others have picked I´m likely wrong here.

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